. 1 - - .. . T HE 8K K TIKB ; rRorEsSrojj'AttXROCie E NUO ORH CUM K IVsVriTCTlONS II. F I, E M M l A oTIMOBB LOO . p WW 4 The Celobted r MIS i "Jtt--.' r"H(ter. wife - vr v. - eobatUat far neap Air all Bonn BM pqiCB,eatoept wanning; clothe oi ch,h li .m Vial. v (V J It V U U I u for Window la better than whiting or water. No aaovio curtain awl cer- pate... . 8 4 A ...- 0 L elaaa paint ud wood, lilKtUu ttrehoaee, better tfca auap. Mo Mop ping. Sera laborT loo can't afford toJwwlUKwtm ,-, s.aTf oZ Tu for Beoaring KbIt u bettor ud Kimmu llum iiaui Bnukr Will ' out cratch. JL l' O ' 1 0 ia better Uuo KMkp and annd, tor sol ailing" Tinware. Brighten without eeretching. ' ttj) WW tha work of SICUJiITT AOAiJfSl FIRk I .? 1 tw TILE OAKOUNA HOME HSfSUBilTCE COMPANY. RALEIGH, N. C. JOB OFFICE 1 HERN riK.riL INUIXiMPAMT.' nada frea the formula of PROS'. WILLIAM IJtLbUMle ttMMMd with he hOT PATENTED TRADE aUKK. W ttUAKANTgaltdlatiaet froatall other. IPrifaN IipwllHl IliStleliJor tie COTTON CUOP, BY Till "SOUTHERN FERTILIZING COM PANI." RICHMOND, VA tjr "BeehftfieHeeof flmt niirat hare the gHUJiriU FOOD SUITED TO ITS PECULIAR NATURE in order to prod nee the LARGEST AND MOST REMUNERATIY RKSULTs. THEHIUHEar TEBT1MOMAL8 waived from ererf direction from mwir of the Leivctt FARMEr&-trom OPINIONS OF.TUE PKKeS anil NEWSPAPER COKKESTON DENTS, and iTHER DlHlNTf,lii.r)i Hii'AiHili4,thpe)rb the UAILI rnaay, raiaua to g jyientuii m U n MirougBva urn wmm ' L I o ranoree ttaint trosa marble manteU. table, and .taioary, from hard itQuifa d walla, and from chin and orce- ' .ii mt wm .... " ThlOopnr eonUn t (U write foUole Vfalr mica, on all daate 6f amMH prop. tit;. f ku loeaea are preeaptljradjuated and I n WC aaaaBr wl J WtuMaiil C, B. Root, Vice Preeldoat Sutum (Kill, Secretaryw fuiAASi Uowru, Snijorrlaur. June tt tt. A1X KINDS Off 8' -A" reamna petaad Maluaaoa rata other oi fabt iw, roew ,cr- Iron in the Blood "ere as nm oaxt atrttnio llmt wlll do o man? klndi of workand do i It ma well m tmp ro. rr Ik a new and wonderfully eflective roL'ettoejp, hariDg u aqBalin I an aitloJo forth batVre!le the foundation" of all dirt, opena ; IbopoKa and Rv a healthv ac- tlonand brilliant tint to the akin. BABTD HANfe in . t HAND a r o z I o cleanaea and boauUSee. the aUjt. ihi wa or ith aaad and tare. I THIS CEIEBE1TEB ' C OTPOrn 'F ERTiLIZER ( M naa won eacn a maraea Ma exienalTe rernia- tion throughout the cotton growing region of North Caroline and Virginia; and tea beat to extenaiTei; aed and ilraoat anWeraarltpriilwd uim wirnoera n WK1.L, KNOWN TO BE- SJUilittni ritul AT OUR HANDS. It MeriUSpeak for Itself.; Br the Ihandaome yield It produoea, and Die large MIT PH5 CITS realised from lb . 7 Ask year neighbor who hare tried it what they tniaa oiu. .iirAiA tjti ritoj- without a riv-3 is the world for i enrfng er preveoUnif ronghaeee I suayfum Uter aandaor S A iu0, L 1 0 remowta aar. jjHca, tron or Ink ataUu andi raa fa worker lanaehiaw ohopi, M.aoa, Ae , la Invaluable, far making the akin whit and aoft, and riving to Ma I a Brawny voaowM Known. "I I Jl " I! ill I I i 111 HAKB y .., Q . r ft cost 10 to 15 tenta par cake, and j iTWdy ahould hara It. , Is t win iia ia. UON'T FA1LT0 TKY TUJUE WOODS. BoT-jtor-nmr taerjciiaot . hahu . or will procure it for jou. Tnot, then write for our Pamphlet, NU1 about Bapo lio,f' and rl will be mnileitw. . ra-riaeei'-'Tii or Wlaatiaj'd.et".'" 1 i BerttmoW Md, tone meaddtweowly7 I 1 H finn PonniU Bulk Clear eldee, t'Jiyy V,0?6 Baltimore irawot auuen, a i i TT A S . L E F P'B L'8 IMPltOVED, IXltinLE ! TurbinKWater WHeel vaw Mm THE WEAK JSTBONS, The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect aVt Solution of tk iVofoxdo e jrom, i o combined a? to havo , tt character of an aliment, at aUjf aioetUA ami auimUated m-Uh tho blood at the simplest - food. It increases the quantity of Kature't Own t ilalizlna Agent, Iron in the blood, and KHTum "a moiuanauUr'i simply ) Ualizing ths System. The en- 4 .V.Ji" inonintr i.r.u.w v T ye , ft A AB 4 1 I'- t 4 A UK I Ojao loath ef trio fXurrl htm ar th itl -K w .. ... a-- J-- , anaf-U I out! dt T Hate aa4 Fedatal Otaartf kadi Hal fjoarta ol tte lat and U Jadtcial Dlatriot. a aaruwe mtSI-U as j ! fr t If, I X'J ,T"j ATTuyjEI AI Liw. - ... I4A i " - in i . ii J AaX iT?-ni loj f Tleyw 1 lrn..v' l XVd- t Dr. J. Walker. rllforn!a Tin- far Hitters are iwely Vci-tjrt)li; preparanon, mane cnienr rrora mar d-' ture herb fbtrnrl on the lower ran (ff of the Sierra Nevada monntalng of Califor-; nla, the Tncdiclnal nropertifS of "rhicn $T"v 4-il T A"", r -e rUOSPITAI. OfTlCE T BoCTH rgEDKRICK otRklf mialuaaaoithta aalaoralai, liwtitauni x "mn w ute ureat.HiWiUUi o l.aanalB, (peadyy pleataat and wife , -vm, u uc jr j..4 lr au yijiuoa jr a " aaaetaML w wj-, . . , ..- . Weaiuusaaof h Riu-k-w t.in.t bu.a.. a fTeetioa of the tldneyaor Bladder. iBTolna '' ' .' " t ": - . n mw w WW lilWOT. LiB. ariaingrromsolltarlUi..t.,ir r ir." atd ouaaaryyatntieaai aauaa fatal taT . . ttna than the onx of the aymu to uT. ft nop-e ak J.;., r 4, Having refit tod oar Job Office t I tp-jUully aaaoaaoa atraalt an lado- aaoae euaiaan tor tM omoe m BUI th, jlQIi COURT CLERK for Wake county. as' 14 tf ' - .- a j-t T UK coiwiwiecrricuT rtixrruAL IliiJiiranco : c Company. And tocured thewriee t a bo- Ta character ol 31 LVENOY. chmeter of tlw LTtUacut iA Ju tcoa- aaaai lllia mm Miaoaa iiM S U t.Ji fll ,t We art now prepared to execute all kinds e. All pertorii Jharing Bill Qeada, Letter IleaJa, Bualaeaa Oaida, rfk' V f7 OVE K 1 0 OTEH CENT N. B. There will be only a certain LIMITED AMOUNT of thto FBrttluer manniacHmw w n,i.ii. rnrniiH aiiPPLT. Oar Meade, and iha tmla. will do well toaend la then- ordera at onee, to be booked ahead, and then t rey ean.1 order aa Uinr dmt bom n. ' - 'r t. in .1 4iii.in fVimiiuir' aaii on- ly the HIGHEST GRADE ol aiilUhle martwiaU knnwn tn f Mnhaa. and MAI NT AIM" AUB O U ARAMTEE a anlforra ttandard. ' Thi. BWuiiurUxiliI b Marchanti Bad le era generally, at all the principal Cltie, ' Towa aBaoiauowa, lanwnaTUuui nvi-ua vtvM Vinrlnl. ... I il . Jl I.h .'(- i. nil rott4Mjr up,Inviaorating and rtcAed catul vUatlMed blood ner- meate overt par of the body, . repairing damages and waste. Searching out morbid secre Uons, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. I This is the secret o f the won derful eueeess of this remedy in paring Ujspcpsla, Liver Com. phtint, Dropny, Cliroiilc Dior rlioea, BoUs,Kenroaa Affections, Cbilla nd Fevers, Humors, on of Constitutional Vlffor, 'J?iMsaa of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, am am (waoMri ortotraafiiaa (r 41 badstateof the blood, or no eompanied by debUUg or a lent state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol- " correspond i n rj reac tion,, but are permanent, in'u- stng strength, vigor, and new ms tme au parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. i Thousands have been changed vy e vr un remeay, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, health v. and happy men and women t and invalids cannot reasonably hst- aw w y pw a (rKHi I See that each bottle has PrRU. VIAN SYRUP Moten in the glass. Favmphletaj Froo. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietor., ecatod in the very beet1 style' by nw m wnw. pill, P" T Davooiara Ilaof the Plgheat Claat for asenrtty ; It h lag aerer knt a dollar et It roTeetment. It t raaaennerthlp f atar 8J.000 benoa 1 14 ratio for to anllra aT yeri of it ft aalaa I rBUr, a.llUIK)ln . . ,, ,v, ttifra twryrcttitJve u oanaa oi ojwmo, ana me najicnt re-f i chiar Power; f aiuuuoi T 'lilTu, ?.tt rera aw neajui. toot are roe great-1 pep, MeraaufrritabUit' fw.rs i r life I ti l . fx . . . - .naiiwi i c I old lood noriflor and a Uf-i vins prfucrple, penwij itonovatiir aua tuTjgoraror the fisteuj.r: Netrfcr Wire W thl tor, of the wwl4 haa inediriBW bwa efsnponndr. ' poaaeaning the remarkable qualltiee ofTtwua Bimat la bemliog the tick of every dia cmtaiakeirtau thsf are a gentle largatiwa aa wwat am a Tonic, reliaring Cangextian . w InttaamMUjoa . ,( He laver auil Tucerai Orgaua ia UUioua Uaeaaet .. ' , ; .. ,:. ,r j Tha proiKirlles of Dn. Walrke' VwaUAtllm km are Apeneut, hiaiihorotio, Qtnninalivo, Kntrttioua, Latatim. Piurutfo,' tMative, Comitar Irritaut Budurlllii Altara. T and Autl-Biiioua.,, , ' v 4 T A,-t , fine taw;xj-v lUratAftit ThawarMlrTirolia,vnri a Brmnia u atom womlerfal low ngorant teat aver anatatuM th winking tfafem. r-'- ' Tn.t n ii 1 Mo IYrsoa enn take tkese BHMrf aceording ta diraottona, aad nunnta tana; unwelh profidad their booa art aot4 ttroyed bt mineral poison or. other DteaaB, and al orgaaa wasted beyond rpanu mmmmib -v--inm Mn4mm liiUoun, Uernittfiit awl Interr mment ryn, wWcnTira fr. riratrai lent to the vnlleya of ottr great, rv(rs tonmcnont tha (Tnitad rntM aariMiifw trtoa of m Mlselexlppl, olihT.tflMrturf llilJlWs; Tinned m, Rw, Colorado, Hracoa, Rio Gramlo, jTBiirr, fliaoama, aiouiie, Bitvannnii. ko. aoke; Jaffleav land inahf other, "Salts their na&lWtariiVUir entire country dariiifr the Summor and the JJiKeaUv fui'yf' njUitSU.tXUm.wm,tat asUta'ewl tt. " lad ere.niach to tw drokW. Xi?!!!. yantunit dtf 1 AU...... i . -www i,' i theatfl. tod:il 1 V A, ar a t aemeo leanerwuTaml auiaeaiuJ. i!2"'u, .' wpearance abont the eyea cToiu tfuuol Conuumi-Uou, """ Vut J riTateaoaWta-hBr .K.a. . " ntwui uiai nreona,': lta reorW.vIt laa bo Stockholder. ' Ever I AbtQtnn, Bud remarkably BO duritlff sea dollar a rir or unflt aeioofc-a aoiaiy to fee 1 &b of anusua! bent and dryhriwi, mi porroV'oLD mi. roei aaah a reeard oaw eaa wall Judga where awiatar vita auaif aad in amaucat poaar- aeotk v. r, . 4- fciBB-aamaili lb. iM Ii Timtiog Cardfk, Clrcalart, TT Tal-aJ 11 . Xadafta aaVea'aal ,tnBlam: l rlrVriMn' i f liivarlably accomnatilnrl bi6tfi)rti(iWrin3 rungemenw of the stomach: and flvw ' aad other abdominal Tiscora." lit thotr treirtment, a purjrntrve, exorttna; a down erful tnfjurtice 'ufkm' "theae" vartona rotJ aDa, ta eiwMiRalrf tieeeaSary. Tfteftf i no eathurtio for the oarooae eoaai to vwvidv TiMiHiututwr' wiia wuku Trie Mwaia am- tnaderL ait th aama ma UmnlaUnir tha seeratKma of the ilrer. ouu Keiwiwir' rostorinv toe neaitri' Uoudoa, ttradnat. ,1r. .rT-" u Oollege. u the UnltodC Zl JHd arhaae lataaaarXaTZala .f? r.. tau Of London, Jfarla, rhilapta aSi Where, ha eiloctod tow of theJTLt' uduiuN enraa llui.w. .JlI V1 m"1 aatoa... tauabled with fUMfWV'JlJ""' ' Whan aalnas. rZL.ZL i"d. ar at aad"aou.da, baawZ-aT'i?. wkaat Maaalnr. ,7:, : Wtlk W i L ' CIBTAi U1UAU, fr f wewanej Bfnwwwlvala. awiaTiii! . Mud of Iguorautand doahrnlni wwSi?" . Ptat In U,. head aaui uiubda. aeafuoaa, node on tha i7lT;?z" "wBt U lau and in.? 11 Mliulit. ,i ..TT, lunouone oi toe fliRestiv orcB. td Poatera, Ao. OAMa OQCK aat n Baad, ' ""i t t w -. v -- - .,,..,,........... ... . . i The ewtaWahlalkwwidrBr aAiatnw andar I the aaoa and atria of BOOKER dk MOKKU, la tUaday eUaaoirad lis anuUwl aonaent. r" ' H, 4 lOOa.E. , J '", ' -v a. A MOKKJA feh A-dSt . '. ... i- ,i. . , . aipteheaoa Ue hi MB pai(rt of Um would or uuTZL . mvtini ti.. i.r..n i . 1 j-j ii: i r . oioi ar romim,-,.:'' bf MrifylDir aR Itt ttSidfwlth Vrsso aW ?f,h,i aiaMhTLt JSSi ' ' BITTERS. NO' epidemic Cantake' told f TIiVa awaaotlwrolle V7 " of aayetem tttjffereerli .. e. Pain In tho Shmildera. frnnch, 1leu7inffi.SJ Wmui and Uuctu ml ... . . wwc., . , i ..r.. ..T 7. '! .I. ' ... . . a arotnesa oi toe encst. iHzz nosa. Knur 1 l a.auuiwKMENT uifrria uua- Ta print, will Iwre their work tt . lii i.i.i . li.l i. it i i-i I r ni 1 1, .Unnil.i I TtT ATT PLOWS, , im I a ynnaera. iiaa4';aarfat Urg iaadtrUaeitt of elherplowa - dAMlCH M. TOWLKtJ, U gyApyaMii ata Euatlotil of the fttomnch. rtnri VnMn f Fytdtifuret! tt u,u-n.t ar.tk nm... ...lTi.r ."7r- 4 " wiuun Mil daaa a.l. ZZ."-T".'""V u" "i""") aiu atiiitna. jran) ra-. I nameroua lniiV0iUi.T7,,;.7i'. ,-aai Mi jation oi tne ueart, TnUHrarnnt on of the 1 arwar ikiVouuaui T.h'T"? "! at'tua. as i v tuu uiinuiiuui ui iivsrmriK .a. Oae bottle will proy a bettor guaraatod, einiattf. 8 ALT I SALT 1 1 .' 1 v:- VC-IAlJ C y BPSCIAL AQJtKTS; Maaafactarcra for the " South and Bonth- Nearly 7G)0 now inr awe, working aatdel head Tarjiaf froaa to MO feet t i Si aka iraa S 8-4 to M inches. ISO StfCk Manhalla and Vanllna fnnr ... I nail oasnai Baca Bait. otttf r. JONES A CO'S. I . - t, M m.S '''-Jla. senuing it utn , , x , ; 4 v , :i' i t nwsvre i irnn . nsmna. I IlllH)IJ) "II lili'l t liAIJIIft llllllli tail 1 i I KKOM THEC H ARLOTT E. ! EKOF NOV, N C. OB8ERV- WW. C.W.CHJINUT& Ml m H Iff I Minerals, Saw , aad COTTONJFACTOHB 3srorfQlk. Va- S We have the exclnalve control of the "O0T- TON" FERTILIZER for Nerth Cajullaa and Soatheeatara Virgin had aiKHi th follow TbU SarUlixar owing term: . I . H IM . t Cash JBasis. OP r Ton, at onr 'Warehonae. Drajag JD( venu rer aoat aaujuoau... , Order for 6 Tost and Upward d Par Coat DSa. , 4 ii) u u I a m I. gg -m M M ". k " ll if M ffi) "it' "jj W '" m-1'!! Oaah order anet b aceompaaied by tbal Caah. No dkasoaat allowed oa Ordera under Fit Ton. S05 Per Toa at oar Waioiai' Urayage 'SO Cento Par Ton AddiUoaaL Payable lat Mo- Teeabar aaatv wtuaaa iniwaiii o i Ordera lor St Ion and apward 10 aaraeai Dtacount. OrdwaforSaT Yfl) The Diacowat oa Una order to b baaed on the Cailt Vatea,S par toa. . - ..-v Mo Diaeoaat allowed oa time ordeii noder 30 tone. - ' " Order MADE WEEOT tlaroeart -1 The moat powerful Wheel la the Market. -Aruf Tartar anrnffmilrMi lHWararar " 1 Larj-e Illaftratod Patcphlet arat post free 1 m MaHUFACTUBBBa, AIAa, OF Portable and Stationarr fiteimi kuriria and Boilers, B&bcock, Wilooj Patoot Tnbulona Boiler, Jbangh'i Crojhar. for Minerals, Saw , and Gmt Milli Floating Mill Machinery. Machinery for White Lead Work and Oil Mill. Khaft- tag Pulley eodHangeca. , ,. ., , , i ... t BKiNu run uutcuLAJiaj ,, p leb8J-w9n . ALE OF R K AL I8TATI8 Bf Ttrtaaof a dead of aaartiraM aTaea. ted to tne on the lat daw of Anril. 1871. h uua n. ivauauuiana wii, i anall, on Batnr day, tha 26ih of April, 1S7, aell at public action at the Goart HaaCw door to the h igh eat biiUeaa-aalthe totaraat at taeeald John W. Eatmaa. taa eertaln aanda aituate in Wake uonaty are or tlx aula , Wit of tha city of Ralehrn. on the North Carolina Railroad and adjoiuing tb land a Oapt, Allan, t. P. Turk aadOthBBBn I n w s Wor Bartlen'ar atmlv ta T P Tlan mai attorney, at aaieiga. SAIEMiNhC.KBRSBY '"'''''IAKE8 CA8aiMER1.8, aold lowCaU I , Charlotte, N. C, Now. S, 1878. kf aasaa. Ctrbrsa Brotbiu: Having piuwhaaed from you, and bad hi ana In our f anUliea for aome Uaae pant, your Par aaar (Jookinc Btovaa, w cheerfully bear teettnuMiy to it many good qaaliUea; lta. eonionijitt ute naeoi lual, me rapidity with which tt doea 1U work, the nniformity with wnJch it baking, and cooaiag, and the ma ny tomeauMMew oombtned In It, all fnd to I" wnr juogauiua, ton oeet cooking ak)eiuuae, and a audi we Would rosom. mean u to uin pttQuo. in Recti red and, to andea thcrA, w'H 11 ton raetar. toatauaaioa Mereaaati generaUy, will neat? paoeapt attcnuoa. sot n-if ( . j. awcwsoM, J F Hounton J S Caldwell n B Uautar C N Butchlnaon A B Dowaa Wdtrrahaa JAlWer J KOrifflth WA Mclilnn ill Coffey 8 AXlrk iiatrb k JohkM Potto . TA Wnaon a H HaaderaoB SHXIUott 0 MCamplwll Diaiiui ' - r ' Janas LGrlrr W SWUaoa PD Fnrr S M etattord H M Dixon K WSeoora Taor at L Joanaon WHOaaliaaa MMDaAnaoari R AToranee , . Roberts Whit A 8 Akkpetrie ECOrittiUi MLlCanaeler 1 C Mu(iatbrina Jieed D JHarkny it 8 McUond ieriffla S B 3iankeaaWp Jaha B Aarr 1 0 File Wm G Wolf M L Htrrla I W Kirtpatrlck Wat HcCaU PC Uarkey Noah Bollck WN Alexander ?aid Uorraa W Uriilliu D H Smith R H A burnetii y I M Strong W B Cochran Joahna Clover E H Kkbardaon S Willlaiaeoa M E Bowdea M E Alexaa der C A Sehorn M M Wallace . W ii Taylor Tim O ConaaU J E Brown JIM Perrell JB Black E A McC'anley Ja Week E Curler K A Helm W L tVrtfllth Jon.tb a Union J W Stewart Jame Packet Wa P McC'lasd WaLUarkey J Staribole JBIuner John C Hunter Ws are also prepsreel U5flo.lWl kinds of' w -. to oil ii (i n ;in the ,?orjr best stjle, AkJ All work sent t ni will bf dons 1 i V i t ' It If i f v . J- i if m. I l-.,1 i . . HrjnicKiysna cheaply as at smyl other PRINTINO HOUSB 8O0TI1 IN TOE ' " i'. 1 1 SI ..I .ci i .,. f II, I. 1, m-Hk a a te wty-wt- f'1"' j till, aoA RoWbi?;t lalrat goad aa ta Market earn woa ek - - - . . . .. ,T) . . atarehUU , -"atril,i08A SOWi,;' rnHEWAflEKtf.jaOJa.. ETkai Bos Tawruuii ai Oa awb Wa limn ulVnf Rwsti (M Mra.i mWitl eotet the ground butter, l St hu tne nott cutlery turf ace, will clean aad aooor the beat. til tha) atroageat grad lloe erer atado. Id tha moat effoctual Bo between plapU atoaa togelber, &c, Ao. WMte fbreterfptir C'lrcnlur nt raic-a osfMUV ,J Ottti I J OL' JLiAU, , ' 1 .LLirs ir.-vi3 a co; .i ''tWeAuaXorT .,,.T. i !i aa aaairfifadWirftatMinOr AVI i TWENTT-riVE PEE CENT. BELOW LAMUPavCTUEEKS' P&ICES FOR caab;''" Uf nJuawd at won MUaffloa, oraat r. ltelonalaeiwita, . ' IS I NTH STREET, RiohmoaC Tat MTt ply or aeod Tour ordera to any Merchant ar Dealer and tttherhava not cot It ther will Or der it fur yow; orthe faroMr aad Ptantata rally eaa font CLUBS aad ewad HMtr order accompauieAby tea Vaah lew loto of y Vt aW, SUorautooaattUalWeratea at dieoen4 ra apectirely. Mo diacoonta allowed except (or wua aa -adabere, All letter afenqnn-y an- awarm proaaptiy, wa aoteeaaaoer nae eary to aak way oaato bay thta f ertiluwr, aaerely to aauoeaea UOW AAD WUEiU Aaaj vv iinrinwr,. aiiTT aw. . j aiivaiiai'ai wn 4 Jackson, north. Carolina. Prartiee In all tha Cowrta of NardtaaaMoa. Halifax. Bertie aad Hartford rountlee : In thai Supreraa Court ol NortA Uaroliua. aad aa th leaeni uomru. a -41a ABXiTBO M P ADDRESS r 'i nfs."? i'T i I J7Ln-!L BOOKBINDER' -C-W.GRAS B' jat , COTTON ricToM.'rWRrutSV', " - mmmsaJMj'Ajrr i ti oraa C 'aoamaa. 1 .. -T i, J. u . -U... J. I . a A l i ion. a lab UU M J Holbrooke " . BUBnger Jo Underwood , . Jama Council MS Utile NORTH CAROLINA, . Mecklenburg County. L afc-Ai-Oebmaer Clerk of th Baperior Court of aaid wwatT, do hereby certify that toe afcor named partie are ettUenr of aald aoaoty, of good aad napectobta atandbig. Wttaeat ay haad aad official eeb, at office f aariuaiaa iaMavaaay or Morember, Ula, OBBOKNE, C. AC ap wSa , GOOD DRA Y HORSE for ntle. Apply to ''P. DEVEIiEUX. ' J ap lT-tf ) LAWOmCE, PjSS3 Zi-M.9 teJSg uart. RALEIGH, N. a i Of ill kinds Printed st short no tic. in short, we are prepared to m- ecute all kinds of Printing im the very nest style. . , t - r i - f 1 TRT US. 1 Jaaoary tUt, 187A t , . COXSCLIDiTEII. ' J, ; Taa afAeotno Koarto 4 . 4nir wa I twoaB Ok Hit 18th dtf "of Itij lert;i will Ufcrcaih thS areraiaea now ocoanted by Bearf Far,' Mm s .tb tiaot of laad boogbibf aaid Pan iron be KB. Hay wood, situated la tt. feaatera Suborb of tialeth, and adjoining the land of Mary Booth, Piaaaaat Bpeocef and other.' " i I iriUalao Ut th tame tin oae pair of fiod tulu Lyang. sal a par.conr ditKM i -u I U ti .,.. . SaletS talcs puwthraUei, April HU 1874, ' ElJfi'l -ifcj kJt , of lit nierlti tjiita a Jcngihy adver UaS; J Bfrofulfli or If frifa'Tvll "-"'""Ii"! wiceia, zvrynipuiua, OWUUoa MUCg, Goltra, Berefulon luflaininfttlori, IndoJwit Iritatnrnationi, Mwenriar AffecOrtii, Old 8 ore. ErBfitiiina raha Biitn. it TnatfV aa iaU oUtarevnMitutlorial Dl. iaaea,, WaiiK' V man a a Btrrwur kkrw ahdWB thftU Croat aurativa annr. in aha it obtUaato aiulJuUa.ul aaaea t. M- 'J"c smianiHinwrjT ana Viirojib; ittSHuniausm, uout, Uiiiou, ltomit. aunt ana uHerhaiaent raven, L)Meaeaf the ItlataLi Idrar dtidaoT nd XbdM BitWr. have a Miial. , . tfiwli Aaeafea ,rlctnted by TJtaaa4 hiooi,,. . ,i Vbd ia I'aJma anV Minerals, suoa a "rltmbert. Trns-wttem. flnlil turn. . Jliier, at thoy advance Uj life, are tuhjeset la I aaaMalawala .. a rt awa Ul AM I IKttn tHV'iUairmtliirr. ( t ... .. . ; . wiSI a til T W nT'fJ!3.: H Bkeum, JJliKtdie, Baoto. ,Heda ' IScirtK, Dincoloratlon of the Skin, tttimors an4 Piaeaaea of Iha Bkia of whatever name' or native, are IJuiraJlr Sua nn and Harriet not of tha BTta ia Aamiatiika liaha mM fj "tt",.-'1 i't el in. -i nnnj ana m har wnmna krajetfectn&lly dettroyed and frnoved, Ni ynen or meoicioe, no tenniftiget, co an- ueonBnnrw win a-Mtafte maminn ii. j , i,.ii irjir.rv"5 tor F6Bi&tetiiMiti old. married er ainele. at tha ShoodJAr th turd if Jifa fhA.'rrt-.rfTJ Mllr dinlat ilXi. Zl.Jr,.T,:i miproT sent la toon pereepubla, , ., jicanse tne VlliaU'd Jllood when. I Too find ltd ffiem-itiaabaratina- thrnnrh the lakin tn Pimple Eruption, or 8orea: claatata A. waen yoa find it obatrnoted and alaaniah In the reinr : elaanaa it arhn It U fooli rear ieeltan will amli vaat.h i th Mood pare, and the health of tha avatam wiirfollow. i-.i ,U i isjf. t .a..2 m a, an aniwjriaj.D dk WaA," .i-v-...i: ,rr' -it"ti abat tuamnte U th. .tiii,""1,', A I ? " ri'wss'jrW! I TT. aiM'toi 'ilmmisMiUmsiss AWpiy id J k tVf !?'SbY i.ita, .."ft k ? fa :w.H.a.ct'ioli; '! at tr, T. Mow KE v arauoa.i.i Ui?r,?.thrton- t. And all wba ."T 'a"f, "u.u!uJ W , wqvvitj awstiit), - WrWcWW Bl'&gkEkd? tarn iinrfuv i T. .""i main MRoT Cl4ya U MB WJtU yuara W hara endeavonui eable, and we ia'Ti" " V!pUob except la tLT' r die- ailrotB wa VdeaadOa tatar, On imm OalAiraa? aad . el Waafciarua aad I iuuntwt Hu., j v. k " PrwaaalaaaaaAateawl.rt 1 petiaJ tlteauon tteadaj )a new proraacoart fact. ation girea to Baring of .Hia w of th lata deriaioa of tha of th United state oa tha it lllOHtAi0J)L Only, One Dollar A Itur The Couaolidattoan the If lanwrtn MAX. 1TOE and tha BEltiUT MASOla, aaafea "TBI BBIAAT MASON" , One of the Terr Boat Kaaant Jaaraala la tha AMthora AUaatie dtatav . It to now owbllah, en la Magaaiae aorwa, at the low Drie ad Oaa Doliai a yar. I SGBSOH1IIE VOW. MaaatMJatJ. lag every where are raaoeeted to act aa Araata viuj u, ft n vr mre unir 19 CI f tTk wlxl dab aatd not eoaaefroa ona i r. O., aaaaa Bay be added at any Uaae at I dub rate. Addraa . ,, CP. HARRIS. - tlUBtlBBd. It,-),-. MfBawt Madlaal far A4rrtieerA la 1 the f lroe Biennial "'llatPVta t t.t I I I t f ' IF ---- I " Tn. WAri ViAWa . t'W-iJWWSft am, f w . Uy awewrina awpptt at that eeiai -.1. dAJUUS as. TO WLE3. ta-tf Xgt for Ute htaaitaotarara. . a L Iff Oyfi JBi'lJt tizif.j Bout d'or In tha CH. or kaiih i -u Un JboiD. PriatrwaaWwaihalf aatoriait fee rth ran of t Ho. ait FamrtjWiiL at : oeeiipled by .D A Wait. """TV"- JirJziT Xa , tlx, atontu, With liitarart front dah, .;ZT lure iota on Eaatern half ot let ae St. era. Siedeaabo ( loA, JMaiiaaTatr' with interest from date. Ada. of Jdo. D. Primroae. ,u April 44. -f Wilf tell mvhalf 'lnlereat la"'fia Tl. I 1 .f IV ""tl a, ' m - -- J - -"'f 1 enttu 8 A ft L. i anderahrned otfera for tale, aa reason. 4e lerme, a eery aealrabl aad taluaM Wert of laad, wtthla a alio aad a quarter of i the Seathara Bait f the erly of Raleigh, oa tax Walaid ( the Payettorlll road, con ns two hundred aad twenU aere.. It I Ileal ua taa aaed (uavaaariy aaiila, aadoan aeenruMBi.y eivaiea lute two or mora iota to anil nwrcbaetn feraoae deatroa of our aataaiiai will In lakaa erar the pre una and eaa oi'taia all areeaaary wtorraauoB trota aktMr Wa. lt S'i4oa'ot ayac."".'-- . Jl Ci 8. ItiiailESrf : . - :0- -V U. . ... .... .... T hf annfaalarer aa Im Tt. .I'lii Iron War. Stouawall Stov, th baatta the worm, none Ilk Uicin. Tin Runtiun, but. taring and Plpttig a Speeialfty. - P.yetterllla h, eppuaais w ataman ranip i i 1 - . - ! i ) m K asrssau-. a. 'i"keletjh,M. ft. LAW! WARRANTEt ' XES I r mi I '" i . ,W aaaa aold aWdaami fltk aauen, and wot a kaa brakaa. Aak tor aha "a aba Lewi" .1. ' eaualaeent ' fi.rr.,ii.,i.' r aua in m I worn and after Uu data .,, , . .1 ... B, A A A TUCKER. A CO. ' ClTfohM HJ.P LOW PKI golUieBu'auier - W la m! , rarther credi- WiLdT!.; mw " " w- - iiT Tte Jek J rte , Who deUarU 2 bu'?''.ln RaJii-h. We Jir!L . . rchanta who rf , . . or ot rm.i,uhi--:.T"av. '-tMUg a tok A MlaF.twirtaTi.Ti:"'!' v i Vina barara ' to e1' caUwill a.. Fi.M-.A.-A. TUCKER: arm adTd .. """ anuera,k 1 RflHt TZ 1 k.ji.uzzrrr- er "one. i,7 " wttanf eonstnt. pieaat "It 'atdj. , i)aVticr,iujiiji ', 1 this ll-Jasi.aA-tt.dobeed- to aidn,."iiM s coma forw ard.aaa KJ ti- fiJW-cannot be gire' vaatnaat fJeunty,- ft C. t i.u. Ltlbf.- - avf- tit if ..... ,U .A . a a I i ana 1 JH10MA.K.s&.i jRAi ftrtsalo. Grocers" s t .. . a t . Missioy MEitcrTAVTR -i r. . x ' . AWT,yIUj. JTREKT, f Oib.alt. Mtl'pvni,Bl-I...I1 awKwaa.9K K. a. . .xi ..... .. 1 ww -! fv iK. P. WILLI V m v i t tar at -iii..i.i o f " - i ns, S-dawAw-U rlttt avaaaaaajtaaaotaet - dULnilLEWIIaOO. Atntad Afaaooy tf saptn-u J. J, TUOMaa

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