DAILY . SENTIN E L FUBUBHED BT 1 - 08 1 a irrT xrjt w tvrrrt , ' - "-a-- t '' ' t oiHom. near Ihe Court tlouew. bats or ui;BirTioa, Daily Sentinel year la'adveno 1 Daily, Six noottu la advance, $8.0 00 a m Bami-Weekl Wwk)i aautlafli IlMl " - AW vi.-i.ii MarriBBL wiu oa Huima ,T ur put vi th City at Fimea Uun pet TnBjLTBSr, BEST AND CHEAPEST, .Loff'r Ihe VlJfi-Al Jaiaatviiavpioved re .... tiKxu OAat, M. C, N' 12th: 1873 1 hie le to certify tlMi I am nalug one of ine.very uui ma ny vr. a. BorrtAi, Cary, N U, and that I am well pleased with it and Would cheerfully recommend it to any one wautiug a good uin. '77""'-r- "A.' B. Yatm. Cart, N. 0., May 23od, 1871. I take pleasure in Baying that the fifty ftaws Cotton Uin, I purchased from Mr. W. H. Sorroll, known as the Cary Uin does far better work tbaa any Uin, I hare heretofore used, though costing from SO to 100 per cent kes money. I think any per son, in waot of a Gin will save money by purchasing the Cary Uin, its ptrformtnoe has been entirely satisfactory to me, 1 can cheerfully recommend tt to ethers. ' A. F. Paob. We certify that the Cary Gin ban given entire aatislaciion to our neighbors, who bare tried it, and we think it an excel lent gin. II. P. Uukm, II. B. JollOAH, ' W. a. Paok, Wm K VKhu. PKIt'E: For 60 riaw Oin, f 170 For 65 Baw Gin, 100 For SO Haw Oin, 150. For 45 8uw Gin, 140. For 40 BW Uin, 7 180. For all under 40 Saws, 120 Pewoa wanting Gtn will- ntawc-wnd in their orders early in the season so that I may not be crowded ia the fall. Bend in your orders and I warrant you will bs pleased. 1 do all kind of repairing. Address, W. M. SOKKELL, may25d&w-tf. ,,. Cary, N. 0, 27 Years Qld. It I. ii M Why. feHOULD INSURE IN liIFEI.SURA0 COMPANY. til CHESTNUT BTRK&T, PHILADELPHIA 1st Because it is one of tlio oldest Companies Id ttte Country, aud paul the daf ol exnerimon'D. 2ud. jivoauxe tvery policy-holdor U a member ot the Company, eutided to all its advantage and priYilcyes, hving a right to vote at all nlvctiona tor trustees, ana thus ha an iuSiieac in, its management . 3rd. Bcaui it has as large a peroeal- age of aMt to liabilities as aay lite 10 Durance Oompany iu the Country, , 4th. ' Becaase by economical manage ment, its ratio of expenses to total income is far below the average ot tiite com pan iei. (See Official Insurance Reports ) 5tb. Because it has declared more dividend in number, and of a Larger Average Percentage, tbaa any Company -in the diced State.-"-"" For examphii Poucy No. 16, for $300, has been paid to the widow of a PLUtdel phia Merchant, upon which twenty-three dividend bad been declared. Averaging fifty-seven percent Jiid these dividend, been used to purchase additions to this Policy, 8,040 more would have been realized. making the Policy worth fit, 045. ' ...;;. :):t:k . Btn. Becaase it is liberal in it mana gmitnt prompt in iu settlements, safe be yond a oootiegeocy, and its rates are . low as any , firkt-clasa i Company la the fAiuntry. ,";,- 3f'r!'-: PkikcupaI. Featukes. Bmall expenses, absolute iscurity, large ntara premiums, prompt payment of Ipese, and liberality to the inlurfd. -'71;. . . BAMUSI. d HUIT, rretldent ' '' , lAM'U . 8T0KK8, Vkre-fres ot, . 15 H. B. STEPHEN, Id Viet President,' JA1. Wit IK MASON, Actuary, HENKT ACB11K, eeereary, : ' j EUW. A. PAOK, . sfedical Ixsmiaer , ,. W. H. FIN CD, Oeaersf Maargvr.. , Aotiv Local and District Agent with direct contracts for the Pena Matnal Llle Insurance Co.of Philadelphia, for N. C Adinm, ; ', W. H. FINCH, aay 85-tf ' ' . Genl Mansger. , CarrGo r M 1 1 5 4 1 i I SixiRMUrj V4. ? i f r? ft P - .pABWB'S.V,;,4A . - le CTream Freezers. These Freezer hsv been ia use sine I860, with the most flattering result ". They have well earned the repntatioa of being ...... THE BEST FREEZER ever iatredaced, no expense Is ipared to reader them perfect and improvements hare been introduced by which, increased strength, durability and neatoes art secured. Tbey are made, in the most durable manner and the mrchaalcar sr iaaaywww are wBrtTntTi7 wflr Yrttie ' Cream, Fruits, or Water Ice tiieuort- Lpnanible tmir. - 1 Bend for Circular and direction fof - , T- tt BRIGS3 oxa -" 7 - - 1 ' .'" .Vi , , .11, , ' . f ,- v , ; ... . J VOL. IX. STKCUL NOTICES, We itMi'd fH hesitate n nrcomroead to ui Iriend iif ours. Partem'. PwoattM VilU; they e'resci-milicitlly preptrrd, and are adapted to fit tbs purpose! of good purgative medicine. Decidedly the belt remedy evur. been., .duaiveid fox.,.rliumMo1.IbairmaB wad buco eST raeomeulep ttt Tb ftmsaay Dr. Walpole has liwt nia beaunlui cnestnut mare, o.ie died sua deuly ia harness, it is suposed from Dots or pia worms. If the Doctor had used would, no dijjubt, baT bsd hi mare to daythey are death oa worms, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. u KITE D STATES DISTRICT COURT. rertoaa bavins builneaa iu this Court .will tad tfc , National Hotel, tn most convenient and pleasant place Iniha city U (top at. ! ia fronting the Slate House, whan the Coart will be bald (tn the Sbnatb l-BAisaa. With Abe Clark's office on one siu,'eo the DUlrlet AUoraex'.t.sfBct on the BotelLot. Judvs Brooks has rooms st the Natlnnal, also Chief Justice Pesnon, of. tbs Bnpreuie majSO lw. C. S. BROWN I will open the above Bouse, on the first of Jane, ana will be very glad to roceWe a share ui Uie traveunx puDtlc 6HAR618 FEft BAf j Mfr T WEEK-; t.5 PER DAT. Reknlar Boarders desired. 1. M. BLAIR, Proprietor. mayHOtt. -yE CLAIM FOR THE All Right Cook, that His .All KUrht, rinranA let-It U made of the BEST MATERIAL and br Iba BEST SKILL, . 3nL it la BEAUTIFUL ia DESIGN and SYMMETRICAL In SHAPE Srd It has the LARGEST and HEAVIEST TOP. 4th.-Itbastbe EXPANSION PIECE, and TOP will NOT CRACK: 5tb. It will take tlia L ARGE8T and LON BK8T WOOD.' ' SJl It will BURM CO iL equslly as well ss W0Ol. 7th -llhas the BEST SIFT Bit GR TE. 8tb.-ltha, the LARGEST and DEEPEST I , 11 EARTH, iKi.-It has the LARGEST and BEST 10th -It has be moit POWERFUL HEAT ING oven: 14 th - It will BAKE and ROAST more RA PIDLY and EVENLY. t'Ah It has the LARGEST FLUES and BK&T DRAFT 13th. His less LIABLE to CHOKE with BOOT. Wth.-!t will WEIGH MORE to the NUM BER than ANY OTHER BIO Vis tn . this market. 5th It has all the LIT (ST and BEST IM PROVEMENTS. 16th. It bts FIVE DISTINCT IMPROVE MENTS over 11 other stove tn the uarket, -.--"- SEND FOR PhI;IUST. Habdwabb Housi At JULIUS LEWIS A CO, Dealer In Ilartl ware of ei ery Description . maKd Fisher Building, P5 N. F. Bnrhia'i New Tnrblm Hu been tested st YORK, Pa., by IX Af. ETTTNaEH, a B. and st HOLTOKE. Msas., by. JAS. EMMERSON, H.B. tyFor Pamphlet and Test Rdport Addrsas, M. F. Boruham, York, P.. tr-1 CITY INTELLIGENCE. JOHN DRAGQ, KUItor Natiokai. IIotbu Read Col. Brewn's entice to person having buaineas in the Federsl Ceurt. ; The editor recently had aiuch to say about tb National, iucom jorta and conveoisacea, and how elegant ly mine host prepares for bis guests. Thenn.ometer at L. Brandons' Book (tore, MtySOtb. AtA. U. 1PH; ' 79. 1 A- 85, Thb ' Kavorai. Gaxb. The Hatch ame of Bate Bali between the Cadet tiab of Billsbero, and the Athletic ' of fvi city, wa witneassd by a large con tours ef citiiens, Botwitbstandicg the ea wa somewhat oppressive. Tb la in, who were out in goodly number, era comfortably seated and ice cold monad wa liberally dispensed by at tentive errant. The Italian String Band a on hand and duconrsed their sweet- set Basic, daring tb progress of the gam'. iTbe centest wa spirited and Uvely.but Cadet were vaDqulahed by the up Sor playuig of ths Athletic who at ftenbleeopM beyslj get away with. The pitcher of th Cadets, Mr. Inglehard play ed mort creditabi as' did one or two Other of that club, bat it wm evident fro" the Wfginning of th game, that they wen doomed to defeat Mai Haynet, of th Athletics mad two fin pUys-catchirig ly-balla at a fall ran. Th score resulted, ithletios " 47, Cadet j Tn Radical t'osvanios at Mkt so le, lit as Haix To-Dat.i Jo Hnldea and A. cprding to call ia Metropolitan Ball at 1$ o'clock,... A goo4 ciowd JiMpnajent,. He's Hate raa.kioii, nr. o. RALEIGH, N. large majority of whoa woneof the city. Jo Uoldcn made the first peca, In which 1 atiud th oijct ftf tb couveti tiooeud declared it to U regular aud gcnuins btcaae cJlt-4 by hiiu the tru chairman of the County xecut)T4 Coui omtee. lie denied that Tito Lu wu the settlement of taxes Ac. kfluWB to.all'it iAf But urevaaary now to repeat, dtlending himeeltat lome Itsngth, tayibg among otberthiogs that tbis more- ient npoo the part ojf did and Jue against him was not t-be old milk iu the cocoanut, it waa beeauamAb County Can- ntion had InstrncU d its ile'egatt-t to vote in tbe Conjjrefwional i'nuvcu'iott f'r Wiley D. Jones aud not for Ike Young, fie said that it' lie didn't sullo u;j the taxes by tlectiou day lie did n it wnit the olBce and would B"t taku it Joe Ilnlden m ite 1 tbat Aiiitc Wynue be appuiuied chairman 01 Ukc i.vi-uiiou. Tim put ia ii..niiuniiu II r. ,'uv. Jue put the tote fiir Wynnc, WhO'U'u an nbunc d sa elected, 71m protisilog that he did 0t take tlic vote fo; JuneK, hi n. hu laee. u Mr. Wynne took tha stml aed 'Ifliver cd himself of loag p .', r,J. tve in his experience cluiriu ,n ul uio ll.mrj of County Couioiisiiouiis, lieuilioj; ll, t dill'ereut n( L-lailurtu ot' Tim tn t:.:t: u;i with the Treasurer, lie oi re t it in pr. t ty heiiiy, butvTiui would got in hia uau al remarks, and interruption were fie- queiit. Wecinnot t' -day giv s t'i 1 re- pet'4. J-at-BttVaddiraev after Wynne diuiahed, and ui vic;l the sovereign that it would be- better tu throw aaide Tim uid J e b.th, if the car of Rcpubliconiiu was to be gbippc-d by them. Tlie par'y would g u '.bo il.vil, ubltss ll ii i-p.il , licalid, ' Bv UAi them thai the quesiiec ul Civii Hiatus, i-tild bare to be (ought ou ii.u tluuip, this SuoiiKcr, aud while he did not lu.i.r soveial of the clauees of die bill, btili that quexlion would be enough tuuig'.gt- their atlenlion this Summer. Mia Kmuki were rather conciliatory, .though a pur - tion o thcui wore lordly, as to th;tt he would have duno, 4a.... ; -' - - Tim got upaa thsalacd iinr1., whurj iTd ris coLcluduJ, liu aai'1 that there hail iM.vtn no genuine- elcetiouiu tbe' CNinuan ... to day. Denounced tbe market house loa'- i era wb largely, he SaAdr-coirirrTscd-- trie meeting and the boys lu the gdlery that were brought in I to bo'ler tiodn the Aico- pleofWnke. Talking about bis pack ing wa all am IT, for there was no will of the people expiceel hereto-day and they haJ"aieiriy "Jo Tur7 - Jaliculd c ,n.a in and act a Chairman. Jim Harrii bowed to tb will ol tbe people by " uieei ing of the people regularly ctlle J. His opponent admittei th reuglarity of bii. Tim's convention, but flodiog the will ef tbe people sgaiost them they cry out Tim Lee' packed convention. lie would leave the matter to the Htate Executive Committee as to who was the proper chair in aa, (Tim or Joev- and abiel by their deciaston : bat there were some men ia the party, who uid do what they would, they would not vote for biui. Ne little clique ia Rsleigh, could break bin down. Everything, in the city was combined against bin ts pat blin, dewn tb Post Office, Internal Revenue, State Deptrt- menti, City government, InslUulleoa of Charity all were singing' -the Oborue old Tim Is not dead, ws must strike bim some more. He would tell them, it was. more t (tnk dowo Wiley D. Janes tbaa Tim, '' i Tim clesed by c Bierlog his prust againt this meeting belore Its srganlritioo iiirtherj I Jee Holdea called upea any sui, pteaaat to state, if be had toldtbeas to eome here, (o heller, Ae., as Tim stated (a geed many erioe of No,bo.) Jsha Caawetl aad .others poke, bat ws are coupelled to elose this here, for ths press, learning as we da so that R. W. Wynne, Esq., has Just bean nominat ed far Bhei ir, Albert Mag ui n for Clerk of tbe Superior Ceurt confirmed the Ceurt House Nominees for tb Leglalatura, and n imlaated a new et of men for County CemmtH loners oe Holdea said that lb split In tbe party Weuld aow k referred to the Rtat Exeea tlve Committee tor settlement tttate New ,;"V r ( Guxa to Eubopi. Mr. Brvrard. M Powell and-sisier, Mia E nioa, lft i ya terday for t European tour. They , will be absent three or ' four months, during Which tint they will visit London, Paria, BerlinO'ieuna, Venice, Uooeva, and othe f the principal Europeau cities. CAor btl Obierver, -' - ' ' ! W. E. Geo try, henfi'of Btoket county having travelled over every portion of th county snd had every opportunity of knowing, Informed us frw days ago that k did not believe there were a half doz en men ia that county that could plant a fa crop of tobacco owirg to th scarcity of ptaats. The peopU were planting a good portion ot their tobacco land in corn. , v ; ' ' -: . ''V I Her. C. M. Pjyne, late pastor of the Preebytiaa cbarch lu this placsvieavoa to-day for Wilmtngtqa to take charge of the second Presbyterian church f that . Btrawberrias in Newbers V.-ingSOceaU a oarjt-j-i : - .;. that hmiea. ixeuunieuinat Jim Lj waiine - . ' IWiiJ VWiJil--MaTJWB Jintitna, ajl..., ,.i.-lyr. liion Tit Whr.tm R,..,4.-.. . - - ' C, SATRUDAYr O I. Wed Jul!, tai Hoa. Gse, Davb opee the canvas 'at Beaufort, iooday out. , A very dangerous counterfeit treasury pots of the $50 deaotaiaatiea ii il cirfiu -Uuoa fa Newbma.- .Look out for them. larlelpfri Carolina in that board. , There are Jf8 sentenced U. 8. FrUoner in Uie AaheHn JalL Th oldest cln f f AsheviUsi drew $30 ia tbe Norfolk lotteryV t Peuaoas attending tbe commencement exercises of Gronsbore Female College next week, over the N. 0. Railroad, will bo passed both weys for One fan. This .will help (well th large crowd that usu allv attead tliecomraomwincnt enrcises of this institution. Pmill Pox. In another . column will be found a notice from lbs city -authori ties which sbewi s disposition on their part to protect us from this loathsome dis ease. IHs proper to add (hat tvery phjsici.a ia the city has been vaccinating for tha past three weeks, snd probably two thou sand persons have been vaccinated. Dr. Gregory, employed by the city, hu vac cinated oned theasand 730 within tbo city and 270 outside. For tbe disease to spread in our midst were it to break out, would be an inipoas'bility. rjrwwooro PMrtVf 1 , I Tbora is To be a great tobacco fair at Daovill en the 8th of Jaly.. Tb Enfield Time aay : Near Eafield rePde .two ladies remarkable for their ad vanced age. The younger is Mr. 8111 Smith, aged 97, and who it possessed of all her faculties tn a remarkable degree; the elderjs Mrs. Pataey Judge, aged 93, and who can perform her Biuai wwk. She can thread fin cambric netdlo without tbe nse ef sporlacle. a Thb McnicirAt Electioh wViboib- IA. CBABLOTTBSVII LI COHMatVATtVE .. - - vicTOBiotr: " rr CuABLOTTsaviUJt, May 28. The alec. tion passed off quietly. Th whole Con servative ticket was elected by a large majority in the town. The Radicals had a straight negro ticket On negro waa arreetedfor illegal voting. STACKTOK A 0,UHtT EtlCTTOW ABO KO . , COKTEST. j 4 ; , fe Stacntom, May 28. Th dectioa pass ed off quietly here to-day. The Tot was "gut- o. party mun UonS. K. Trout, IU present incumbent CeHnerva- tive), and tb present muaiclpal officer are re-etccted with one or two exceptions mjbpouc cm-warrsnaAD klboted MATOB CAKDIDATK OH BOTB COMER VATIVBTICKBTS XL8CTBD, Nobtolk, May 28. The election pass ed, off very quietly, but thsstruggl be tween th two Corner vati ri element wu excitiug" and very determined, tion. John B, ' Whitehead - bat been elected Mayor by " abour 600 msjerity. Other candidate 60 both ticket also elected. There was hot a Radical candidal is the field, and tbe negroes put up their vote for sale and manifested but little interest aa to tbe result They did net poll their lull vote. Norfolk nj ice over ihe good new from Petersburg. : . LialuBOBO BADICAL MATOB BXKCTI.D- otbkb orric-cs orviDBD. . i Ltmchbubg, May 88. Th municipal electiua held here to day passed off quietly with the following result May or: Burcb (Radical), 823 msjoiity. Com misaioner Revenue: North (Radical) ,230 majority. CommoBweaith1 - Attorney: Cbritiaa (Oonervtive), , 121 , majority, High Constable: DewU (Conosrvatire) 49-)rityi" City Btrgeaof IL' Hugh (Conservative), elected, without opposi tion.; LSX AMDBIA COMPLaTI CSHIBB VATIVE j 11 rM Ticwbt. ', . t AutiAHDBLA, May 28. The voU poll ed" w a a moderate one. ' Earn per, Coa iervative, for Msyot, !,450, Payne, Radi cal, 8)0. Kamper's majerity, 020. J. M. 8turt, Censervakiveaty .Sergeant, 1,637. Ke opposition. Ijohre M. Jehnsoa, Coa- iervative, Commonwealth ' Attornoj, ,. 183; A. W. Chilton, rtepubllcBB, 140. Johnson's majority, 1,443, Three of th four wards gfv CoLseivatir majoriUe pd send Conservative to th Council. Oh ward I Radical. Th election pasa d off very quietly. . . - t i-i 1ETKB BDttO -AO BARD VICTORY ACHItVXO oiort bnocob rea oira oat. ; PxricRSBCBO, May 23. The Conserva ive have elected their municipal ticket ture by sbsut 800 majority ( and hare (wo-tblrds of tbe Council. It waa th qui (teit election known her for years, Th tlectioa a t general thing is rather close BABVriXK COX'BBVATIVB MATO ELICI- ). : ":. - BD. ; v t ' DARViLi.K,May 28. Tbe Conservatives bare elected their Mayor by about fil lna- UIE METROPOLITAN 3I3TTtICT. Tb attention trt d consldtt Atfcff of lb delegate to District Coaveotioa, to be leid, i fiaifigb th 3ud of Jun, Q Js.,. t. 1 - in jMorw vroua saj;a aag t-t , - - , buunut street ai iireniev. 1 -- ' w 7 yy .. , fl . 't -t- 1. j. .' L: """b -Hie-wwu-ia via.w.. -j - -r- .' I, f, , l 1 1 n , tDi KeV 11, U.I . ' , 11- , . wL I tnai 01 mnertmmUBitietl(l eurseit T I r..ii.uik'.. a .. I Dec bratioa waa aril bin Tha hiu n ' MAY 30 1874. omlnate a candidate for. the' aapport of the Democratic-Coaservative voter of th District wis will represent tb bott ia tertsttef tb State aad the tire people, Is the next Oeagreat art respectfully celled to the following editorial Ixum the the slniabnr presence of those bifds ot vU man. in 1888-69 oar taxes were enor rneuily Blgh ssero tbaa the peoploould J well pay bat since tb Conservatives nT neon in power, wo apprtbend that na peopl are las burdened, by taxatiao tu Slaba uiriiiii HxiuwtAre.,. In, ekiuih Carolina tb public thieves have held 00 te the crib with death- like pertinacity sad tbo people are imdrlevably ruined, Thy cannot meet th damand of the negro legislators for: spoil, and their property is being rapidly sacrificed. In on county alone th tale of property onaar toe oneria naiamer lor non-payment of taxes laded several dav and 9,900 piece of property in that otuoty were purchased by the tit ate for want ol biddentr... Who oaa gainsay th threats enunciated ininaaruci quoted! vrno can1 for a moment doubt that Nerth Carolina would havs spared a -similar hit, had not tB carpet-baggers been drive from tb Stats t No intelligent m' Then to whom are th people of tb State iodebtedi cbkfly, fur this happy riddaoce I 1 Let a correspondent at the Hillsbnm' linmier answer that question, be m truthlnlly dees, ia tb folio wing . cemmuuicatian, which appeared m that paper of the iOtb April last, in these words : ' ' BOB'.'toaiAi TDBBBB, JB., ro OPBOBBSI. Mr, flrfuor.- will you per mi true pac te say a few wards about candidate for Coagrrss I If so, I beg leave to caU tb attention of th fjonaervativ voters of this District, to th propriety and good taste f nominating Hon. Joslah 1 uincr, Jr., for Congress and electing him. . . Mr. Turner has done more to rid tha SUt of Radical Carpel Bag Thieves, and to deliver th poopl from Radical rule nd rain, than any one hundred men in the State; aad that too, at a time whea ao man, was willing to rai-e bis voice gainst tbeeorraptioa of the Radical pa ty.and proclaim tbe ruia they were bring ing oa the whole ; people, He, single banded and alone, la Italeich. the bead quarter and stronghpld of tbe Radical party, proclaimed aloud ttsir voalltT. corruption, and intrigue to bring ruin and degradation npon th white people and property owners of tb Stat. He fonght agaiost them boldly, peraeveringly aad truthfully, until ha almost redeemed the Stat. lie ku always been . foqpd irus to every trust confided to bim and bosestinthe discbarir of everv dulv. After tb gallant fight agaioat, aad tb victory won by bim, over th Radical par ty by tbe election of a Conservative Leg islature, they did not, l k true mca, ap preciating th great work hewn by bim. rewaro nim a they ahould bat done, nor did our last Lagislatore, treat bim with that consideration and liberality.to which ba ws iostly entitled frcm ail men, claim ing te be Democrats or Conervtives, who wer members ef that body. Now tb people, the voters of tuts die- net, hum be has so faithfully served bar aa opportunity m show, that they appreciate what he has don lor tbem, by nominating and electing him So Congress. injustice to tt bard work and faithful ernes rendered tb people, I appeal, to the nominating Convention to unminat Dim lor tongress, ana I appeal to ' every voter,' who can appreciate a lavot doos him, to return it now. when he ha an op portunity, by giving him a grateul vote for representative ia Congress. ' a Asid from any debt of gratitude that the people of tb State owe Mr. Turotr, it i believed by many who opinion are entitled W weight and hifluenc, that he i tb trongetmao in the fourth Co, grewlonat pittrlct, and if nominated thai lib mijority'ovor tb Radios! candidate, will b larger thsnlbat if la th power ol any other to tecure, . , ' VoTEB , in -sea. r , 11- : NomMATioMi n Rocking bam. The Coo - wantioa met last Saturday, J. TuiLer Morehead presiding. The followlug nom inations wer mad a good ticket: ' " For th BeBate Ja.Irvia..,.(i.:.. For Common W. N. Mebaae, Joha Johssoa. . '" -.. t'i- -, :(; - For Sheriff J. A. Bennett. - ' For Clerks-David Bti, C p Tot BegUter of Dwd.-R: V.L'welyn.' For Treurer J. W. Raid. , , - Tor Coroner A. J. Ellington. Fer Surveyor E. W, Hancock For Commisloner- H PLomai, O. W. Peay, Dr, W. R. Smith, Jaa, Ifall, B. A, Dolderby. " ...... Tb following resolutions were unani nonily adopted: 1 - 1st o7oJ, By the people of tbe county of Rockingham io Cooveetiea Assembled, that wbll w win support ths Causer ra tive nomine of the 7th Jadicial District forjudge, aad the 5th Congressional Dis trict for Caogresa, yst we wish to express oar preference for Cot. Jno. IL Dillard lor tbs former and Gen. A. M. Bcale for tbe latter plaoe.and theDclcgatc reproaot Ing this county in tb Judical and Cob greasional DWlrict Convtatioo aforesaid, are hereby Instrncted to cast their vote lor Ool, Dillard lor Jodge, and Qo.S:alea for Congrwa. ' ' " ' ''''' ; j Sad Euoltl, That -we hav uobjuoded Confidence ia .Turner Morehead, Esq:, ur late 8enatcf and 8 :pfoto ioSCotBavlifSeUe our late repreaena fivesintb General Aaarmbly, and we hereby teador to them nur- thaeka f r QieiffiJeirty in the public sevice, and the aaauranc of our best wUbe and highest femect . , - y- NO. 255. C1UJKCH DSUKCTO ItV; Ouh ncttcnM 'ro MiWB". Dlrlne eiticef 4)V bold ur; yie follow iog , Chu.-). 'iviBurrii; firenfjere end uth'.-r ia iao e.ty 'ru eiiraeitly end laii'linUr luitd tor .Mend, iftBikmenly eifiun itl be Koat t j dbnduct vieitort to petfe wuicu aie aiwaye jreo, , a-,r - Max meeting 8 SO. o'clock P. M. Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and liwkHt atrmls, llov. IK. T. H Pntcbar d olftciHtkin, , Soivuea It o'clock) a. m. and 7 ociock . tn; ; C PresbyterianJt'hufeh, cornet Ballsburj asa M-jra atraetsi lie. Mr. A'kfneaa ollU!l-4:g.. Service M II o'clock a, in. a'nd 7 'si'F,' p.m.. '. - ;hfii' (etrisf-op.!) Clmrch, Wilmtaf ton street, Uev. i-J -.'officiating. Services at 1 1 u'5li. a, Di. Bud 7 o'clock p. m. ; , t .' '!--; Church of tb'! Oml rtlieplnft a, In Tuck er Hall, Rev. 0. E. It Rich, ..fficiati.ig Service st 11 o'clock a. m., and 6 o'clock P- . i, ... ' ! - St Anguatin. (cut) KHaoeiil, cornet of Lane and Da wwo streets, . Bishop Ly. maniilBciatuig. Service at 11. o'clock a. ru , and 7 p m. I he Pastors of th dilTercut church will pleat notify us on Saturday of aay changes that may occur in their pulpit i THE 8ARTOR1S FAMILY. From the Boston Glob. ' ' It is a curious fact which w have not teu niiliced in oonnectioa with tbe Bar tori family, that the father- of.. Nellie Grant's husltand was th person who eop- fored-op Mr Oio'jju "Jwrq "tbrnitt" which he ha 1 made so familiar of th Count Joanne. Tbia Mr. Sartorls, who wa familiarly called "Oount" by bis trienda at dinner pavty at bla boas in London, at which Silk, Buckingham and other were present, dubbed George Jones who, we believe, waa then ato actor at one of the 'metropolitan theattea, With his now famous title, The. whet affair, tliough piece of waggery, ltd . tci more sc. 1 0111 cpnavijufiioy tbaa it -author driauieJ of. , In the document prvsouted to tbe Count Joannes, It , .wa et . forth fiiat "the' right to coulcr this till wa de rived fioui a juombor ut tbe Sarton fami ly a bo was ennoble-d by Chariot V, a a Count I alatine ol the Holy ltoman Eui pite, on privilege ol the honor being that ttt bearer eonid create one count a year. When the Count Joanne contested his libel suit l)urcoutUJoi9djlcdibi, uuiuuicub . cviuencv ui uis iiur, jut. Stneris, who wa written to by the de feadattt's counsel in nfereaca to the mat ter, having declined to answer tb letter, Mr. Motley, who wa lho st Vienna, ou tlined permission to search the archive of the ancient Km pt re fw evidcrca t con trail icl this claim. ' 1 l'b mult of hi researches. . certified by the oecaaiy oflluiala. showed that no Ci'int PaUtlne by tb name of Sartnri or Harrorius had boen created by anybody, and tnaloe suca tamily loyally In posses sion ol this ti tle was hrwxrstesce. , There was ASeiiorieus lamily in Rom In tb olden time, but th last member received hi title ia 1492, and that biting In per sonam, became extinct with him. These facts, while tbey do bH negative the dig nitv and tntiquity tif the family, 'into which the PrewiiWt's dauahbir ha' mar ried, tbow that ft doe not now posticus uy riluiar evident ol the nobility which has btfu claluiod fur it in torn qusitert, that honor being only an ancestral and rumoie one. MlatoclIuiioouM- I A Pittsburg man sold hie wife last week fir $ nd a second -band suit of clothe. ShhjrioftUo trtse;lion before th delivery took plea aud bis neighbors lay It will probably coat bim about $30 to t well again.. , -'v i.'-.'t si-: ' J We beared a young mother thus address her first hopeful, Uie other day: "Dox ery (laodle urn dinkle am elum; Tuin to II tnuzzery ruuri'-ry mum; Tufttsry, Izxery, Lozsitjr boo) ao baby so-sweet and patty k 'OUi",., -. ;. ' Money has Iwen raised by aubscriptioa a 5t. Petersburg : for tbe ractioo of a rbufch t a memorial ol the marriage of fbe Urand Ouclieos Ah xandrowna. j A Toung lmly at PortlLn l has beught ynwth, aiid Intends sailing her accom psuitd by lady friend only.. 5c j An att'toifraph letter Of Gerrge Wa! liegto was recently sold In Loatoa for Why itashipdeaienatod a'ahr Be- Cause tb always keeps a man oa th look out '. j Tb prcpoiitioa to introduce ladies as rallroa 1 Conductor is ' frowued upon la View of ths fact that their trains ar al ways behind. v ' ."" I Persia ii said to b tbe land of . rvata, but recently ao nrdor wa leoeived in Eu gland fo; some ol the fiioest variotiee of Lngliih rosea tube planted ia tb hab't Jjardtf lis. " . ... a. j A young wife once eurl her husband Of a disposition to absent kimielf from heme at bight by providing bun with aa excellent dinner, aud earing to him after ward: ''George,. if vou find a sweeter spot than our home describe it to me snd Will rival it If diu the attempt.'' A kisa soil fw tears completed th victory. ' (With his btir parted in the centre) "I never knew a dozen girls,' yon know, WboMMfeld ta4k aeae with a fvllow, you know. "(With ber hair frizxtsd and frizzled ted IrnwsyTnd tumbied ever hw'Vt 17) --Wealttl Well, t:-.s fct is, all the girls know suit their cvtrsation to the party ti whoalh-gr r nsj kow.m i The i;tnt of General Cutkr it repotted to hav taken a seiiou form, cxcitmgJ . . . : . 1 . rt-L.:- 1. I einrn aexie'V imwe ma irtcnua. 4 uis is fit firs' rai iilueat thai bat bcUliea hi aiaco auv uor'.l of th tiubiio bcetn to be iutsiettjJ ia bis fortaue. BjUh Ad- Krfi'arr. '.. uivkiiu . u il ut , I ' , ...... I DAILY, SENTINEL. : -7? AOVISTUUrO KATXa. . Adrertlemnente will be Inearted tn the Daily Aiittiiikl et the following rw per equere of iu letkorkia mtnkm Ibieet - - - iweanuiMUiw ILUt J .'.. k eulMeuunl luaruoa n thu a week I Kjuare, t weo. 1 140 1 square, 7 moe. e-ilOO t month. 8.0 I M.U0 I mo e, lS.OU'l l.t 4 - .0tU f " M.MI I :.' KOMI u It 40.09 4toe The Mkcilkkblrq Dkclajutios. Kewi peper men ioi'l kinw ererythiBj, We rneda an iagloriout tlip op yeilorJey amrokg (a ouroticeofMAReTolat!oaarj Rt-lic." W ekid tl)t John McKaiU Alex- eoder drafted the MrcklcQbur j Declara-.. be standing or It may. Bot The story aa published yesterday morning waa told by a gentlrmao of lufpoaed Intelligence who waa born and raised iu thl country and who married a lineal decendact.of on ef 1 th slgnero of the Declaration. ' Henceforth we shall no more "do" the historical part Of the OntaavH. more than this: we shall hereafter turn a deaf tar to everything that la told a about the Meck lenburg Declaration, and heU ' make Wheeler' History our chart and compass to thl matter, CharlooiU Oirtr. - - i r -tJoiut MtTCBKU That child of "gsoiu " that advocate of liberty enlightened nd tontervativ liberty John Mitcirl, I spending a few days with hi fd of Richmond. W are glad to so bim. He eemcd It wer a few dsys iao oa tb v of being trtasported to that bppy land where tbe "wicked cease front trou bling and the weary are at reef, -but bt wu hard t kill, the doctor (with alt due respect aad love for ear friend of th pre. fetaion) having refrained from his greatest effort oa tb occasion.- Indeed, ire think JoitaltrrcHxx. wasaot bora tod i at 11. H b Improving, od w may bop to have htm ia tbe flesh with u for om tim to com. He i not satisfied yet ss to what ha wu arrested for aad :aflnd ' in Fortress Mouroe. TJ long ago insti tuted proceedings tgalnst General Dtx ia pursuit of thit Informal ion. bat all to no advantage. Ths nit I ttlll pading. The o arts know ibeir part vary well, and lit b likely to continue without th ctveted informatioa which, ia "a free - counEiy, where th chain have fallen from even the descendant ot lbs Sen: gamblatt tad the CongoM," one would think should youchssfbd to; a white mau from Ireland. But man meet with Strang thing In thl world. Nsverthe- lea, a hewty Welcome to Jobs Mitchix 1 liichmtmd Iiipakh. x i Civil Rioitra in : LotimABATbaa. tiave "a Slate lawTn Lauiaiana like that Just passed by th United State Seaate. in jvcfjmn aystb negroes estimate a glass of btrty aerated water1 a worth $1,000, especially II they do not get it Lately our oelored brethren have cruse- dej pa the odaia:iet,.lMwrvaad whisk met with tar more effect thsn tha wa torn women did. ..... . . Thus it waa when tb bter-lerker at Red wltx's lager-beer saloon perceived a gorgeously-dretscd gentleman, white, accompanied by two of our Africa citi iens, stauding at th counter, be delayed quie a while before be interviewed tb trio. . -).., . ' . ., 'Beur," ooiphaijjinr and , to'hoii I tali rely deui ir'id the wliti Ibhu a pi lk. r. - .7 ...;..;;-.'-.-.? iamsorr; to rem you, ir," replied the waiter, "but If vou notice, vou will . r W only celt beer to gentlemen. At yon cannot claw yourself sa uch, we must, perloroe, refute you; and what da you want, gentlemenf" turning to the Ethiopian.. v- , "'::,. The Etbioplan were confused, blushed perceptibly tbroueh all their obtcutitv. and mildly luggestcd that they could not in ae-cency nnoE .,ltUout-JJUen friend drank with them, aad that ti tiles, this was granted, tbey would find it necessary , to carry Ibeir patronace to another sa loon. --,.,.,,.,.:,.., ..., O As thia request was refused, tha thren slunk stay to try tbalr little gam oa au (.thercileoa. .. . News Items, . Uddi'iaook. the murderer, has soma prospects ot;obtainiDg a new trial, and it' oough to make every bit of rope in t'oea sylvaoi get op and emigrate. - . , Tbe three county commissioners of Barnwell connty. Mouth Carolina, indicted tut week fur stealing th public fundi, hav been tried and convicted. - At an lection for director of tb Pa - Clflo Mall Sle.mahlp Company, on Wed- - esaay, ia new York, too tegular Hatch ticket wu elected by 104.000 shares majutity, ; , ., .'. .. . s i Taa Dbama in New Yoek. The New York Svtninj Vott lays of tb theatres of that city: ..- Four theatres hav closed their doors pre maturelya pretty sure go that they were net paying txaeasetv They are th Grtni Opera House, a here spectacle, bai lt, local drama, and favorite actors hav. (11 been '.tied In vain; th Patk Theatre' a new houMi, which loat $7,000 in three weeks, and thoroughly proved that Mr Fech'sr, great actor a he is, doc not at tract th general public; th Lyceum, which ba always led a spasmodic life. wherein success (hi iq the case ot opera bouff") wstoaly theexecptioo; and Fex't how Broadway Theatre, . which, after its first two weeks, wu unaccountably neg lecf d by theatre-goers. Irtdianappol s wsotj her tod water for tht tammer at 9v cent a gla?, and quit a lively little war ia waging on tbe . '.. subject -At the German cities fight for ' cheap be r, we do not tea why tbo Am- sricts pf"p;e shoa'd not enter tbe Bald for cheap )oa water, it lucy cnoose. a a- Ab iWd FeiWw, oeuilfr h wdE? t.tadi ig oftlcJEpiscopilchu-ch, and a ' f i'lfv in the Good Trmplar OrdraH com u'ueJ iauna, al that . oao aiubiiuua!y . -t'ht it. meth!ng you don't see evciy Jay rnd is tail to hav oicuned. here Lite. -.V- J

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