-7.- ;THESENTOTSL7 1 ; - ADTUtmiNU RATEA Advertiseffieots will be inserted la the Daily sbbtihso. at the following rates per square et nae Ineh, er tea mlnloa Uaea. Oiwaouartoiie Ume.v.. ...... .V...7." ' eXila" . u awnh aulMSduAnt 1.,vUi.m . - FUBL18HEDBT ' .l.it-, imwlhfl C urt Hoai. D JfcBeiitlwel 1 "vinee $8.00 iLiir. 8uc uiouUu Ut advance, . 6.00 lata than a week.."....;. , " I tqaaro, 1 week, I fO I sqaara, 1 mat. tVdOO 1 M latonlk 8.0'll H 8 . m.oO Weekly V . . fco . " Smo't, IO.UU io ' sio mo run t SsinWT. wilt b deJiTSred if m? put vf ww uy riruu urn per 1 IS1 94.0UU " ' I" M jU.th) 1 o mmi -'-1- " , ' ' . . .. ........... .-,.-,...J-.-.--i '-- " ...eaaaeawlineaaiaWee l , ' i H. Hill I I i ' u ' r " ii , , .' . . i l 'l HI ill' . - r - i , VOL. IX. 1 :t' BALEIQ-H, N. C. WEDNESDAY,' JUNE 3, 1874. - j '..: ; .NO; -258. I tnco EST, BEiJT AKD CHEAPEST. i' -Fe puouc, iu latest tmpran sr.. .. e public. tb latest luiDrored ... . t - 1 ALmI U F' I! 'rilfV L'l A' & Hill DMIll MM jil Jf O.i nude lf VV M Knvitf p'efd j:h it jnLruli1 climrlull la tpy i- witniin? agp1'! rccwuMacad ffliff . A. U Vaxks.' C'aht, N. C, Mny aad, 1874. I tako :uuic in tHjing fitl I lie fill; hwi Unllon um, I purcliu it from Mr. W. M Sorrrll, known at tlie Car; Gin !. far beiutr work tutn tnjt um, I heretoftiro asetl, thoujjli costing Iroru 50 to 100 Mr cent, teat noncr. I think ut nnrJ tonkin want of t Oro wilhtare mimcy b; naTchtaing tHttrt Uin: it wrfmumnct ciitoriuiij raeommeBa tt to athert. , A. F. Paob. wt o.'rtifj that the Ctj Oin hat ghren entira tatitraution to our neighbor?, who ba tried it, and we think it an ticel- Itsot gin. II. P. Gust, 1 H. fi. Jordan, W. 0. Paok, ( W Kim,u I'HI'-E: J For 0 Saw Clin, $170 Far 55 Saw Oin. 100 'in 89 tltw Oin, ; m For ii tUw Uu lTeTWBtirm,-- 1S0: For all under 40 8awa, 130 Penoni wantineOiDt will pirate hdiI in their erdert earl; in tbtieuon to that I ma; not be crowded la tot talL Head in your or dert and I warrant ;ou will be pleated. I da all kind of repairing. Adiikkw, .. W. M. BORBJXL, tnayaSdJtw-tt. ' . " " Car;, N. C. 27 .Years.Old. Sixii Bfeasons why - - you SHOULD INbURE IN LIFE IN80RANC ill CUK8TNUT 8TRIKT, PHILADELPHIA . laL BecaueeitU one of jbe oldttt Ooffipanlet ia the Couutrj, and pott the da ef exDenmenta. , . . . ' 2nd. Bvcaute every policr-bnlder it a member at the OmiiDT, entitled te all hi adTaotaeta and priyilegeafbaring a right to vote at all elucuoua tor uatieet, aaa thut bu an iufluutioe ia iUniaiiiremDt. Srd. Becauat It hna at large a percent? age of ataeta to liabinuet u an; ire io turanot Cbmpan; ia the Quoatrjr. 4th. Because by economical maaagt meut, iu ratio of upaaaea U tatai tocem It tar belaw ue aTtraga m iiiie ompao iet. . (See Official Inturanct Be porta.) , Stb. Because It hat declared note dWtdendt In nunilwr, and ef a Larger reragt l'ereuntage, than uy Cropsoy ia tbeUoited SUtea. For example: Policy No.l,for 13,000, baa baea paid to tba widow of a Philadel pbia Merchant, npoe whicb twenty-three diTidendt bad been declared. Areraging fifty-atvea par cent Hd thew dividend, beennted toparchat additivm to tbU Policy, $8,046 more woufd bare toea realid, making the Policy wrt& ' Ittj 06,- -.r--.-'. .'-'-,v- 6th. Becaott tt k bbwal la iU marla r em en I, pruoipt ia iuautUementa, aatebe- tondaeonaogency.aDd iu ratea are at iwat any. hivt-elwt Company ia tht Coaatry. . ,' " . " Pbibcitai. FsAicmna. Small expenaet, tbeolutt tecority, large retort preminme, preaipt payueat of ioaaua, and liberality to Ua loeured. ., tAHUaX O HPIT. President. ' i SAM'L R. BTOKKa, VWPretideat, U. a. DT&rilaAr, ad vmrreaiaeai, JA1. WaM MABUN, Aetntry, oamn. wwawt, . IDW. HAKT8HORN, ( ..J, IOW. A. PAOK, f "enieal Examlaert W. H. F1MCH, enenl Haatgar. WANTED.. Active Local and! Dittrict Agents with ditect contractt for tba Pent Mutual Lift loturance Co.of Pbiladelpbia, for N. C .dddreat, , ,W. a FINCH, enay M-tt V 4- i, Geal Manager. ninm atoiia, evcrvwj, El PARK! h -:- - - lo Cream EVcezei-a. Thete Francn bare been la use tince I860, with the meat flattering rtaalta. They hare weU earned the reputation of .being " ' .... . . ih BUT FRIIZE& '- - vet Intredaced, to expeott it ipared to nmkr rteoLMffcCf ' Mi igprpT?raept , hart beta introduced by which increase, J." atrangUia. iiurabilUy. fnil aeaiaeta,; arcured. They are made ia the moat durable manner tad the mechanical w '08menU are aacq. that they wOt Jrewse Creun, Fruits, or Water leet the ebort- eat pnaaible time. .- for Cirtolar and dirprtioai fr irerzinir, ' : .. .. . . . . M BRIQG? sV SOK3-; fcAjna:- XXVr ADVERTISEMENTS. rpHI fOCSTilM PUMP! 1 Portable Pump and Spi Inkier, V till AT f -JUMFUre- EiTECTIVB ! CAWNOt RUST OR DRY UP ! r srtj. . - 3: .. 41U; ott nsefal and couvea'ent appaiatal ever 'nvenlea lor waier ng BflUBBXBT, FLOWERS AKD PLANTS, Fob Wuint Wudows, Caatiiov Ac.; fob erBiHaxiao aiaawALU f o rirooa, .-srjam fen " ' ; Extlngushing Fires. It is very Talnsble for throw '.at; toap-tadt or ouer a M' ea npea l a aaa, itueBaa, Tiaas, dbo. THE FUVTAIN PtlMPeaa be seed in uy diti.vd position, whether the operator Is 'tana U will easily uow a stream of wster forty to'flftr feat: snd with the Surinkltr attach ed w'.U spread the wster In a gentle shower or tprsv.- . i A lady or child ran see it easily and eff'-'e-l ttvelv. It tt made of drawn bnea tablnr, beiMw finithri ; Isve.f durable, sod M not liable to get out of order, baeieg etui aad, dim valves thewstw hslagatawa froia any back at or vessel Bonvenwnt. - Te operate -the- Pump, bold the outer tube with the left band, and stove the liner tube or piston forward and backward with the rlcht hand at the hand Price, with priakler and Hose complete, eiow. lorms uaaa on aeuvery. TOR SALE BT .... ; t bj: imn t: ?. June3tf. TTNXTED STATES DI8TRICT COURT Persons having basiness iu thU Court will Ond tho National Hotel, the most convenient and pleasant p'a-e la the cite to aloo at. It la fronUni ' the 8t ite House, wuar av me I enn wiiiS8 una tin uuimii Cbambbb.- With the Clark's onee otw-one aide, aed the District Attorney's sfflee ee the Hotel LdAi i. Jadn Brooks has rooms at ths IHaUonai, alto Chief Justice Peanon, of the Supreme Court. , maySd tw. - x g. BKOWH, "y E CL.UM FOB THE All Right Cook, that tt It . ? - 1st It Is made of the B KB X jaati.niai. aau . tn. KsrsT HlfTT.fi:- 2nania BEAUTIFUL In KHiua and avuuiTTUfiiAl. In SHAPE rd-Itbss,theLABUEyraud HEAVIEST TAP 4th. It hat the EXPANSION PIECE, and TOP WUI HOT vsltia. 5th. It will take the LAKOK8T and LOW- nir.T wi wt Oth, It will BURN COAL equally as well as WOOU. . .- TtV Tt h TtVUT RI FTKJC tiltvIBi 8th.-It has the LARGEST and UJrKT UEAKTli. Bth!t haa the. LARGEST sua sMMT 10thIt has"' be most POWERFUL HEAT Uth.- ItwUl BAKE and ROAST ator BA Vllkl V. BVINI.T. lithIt has the LARGEST FLUES and UE&T riUATT 18th. Tt ia teat LIABLE to CHOKE with f BOOT isrh rt will Wl(tH MORE to tht HUM BEBthan AJIX UTlu.it Blur loth -rlt faa all the L ATEST and BEST IM- - PROVEM BNT8. - ... inli j.li rivt UlaTf TfCT "IMPROV s MKNTMorer at. v other StOTS in vue uarttet ' ... BKNuroR rmu uoi. t ' HABBWABi Hoes a At ( 1VUV3 LEWIS CO , Dcalcna In Hardware of snery Desrlpli0B. uay28d Fiaher BtUdicg, t tAM'l.WAtrt, w. w. BAVia. wm. a, MAUN, WITTS. HTIIk CI,, EES IH NOETH" IRlflCE,- P0RTSM0UTU, TA. Ornoi At lei Hoci o Qaiwi Stut. I B t t Us-fF lit ntTine three Ice Houses and superior (aci'itiee, are prepared to thip Ice in an; Quantity via Seaboard Roanoke Usu rped, or by River or Canal Boats, with dit datck aad at lowest ratea. TERM CA9II- tsaySdlm. . .; I have Just 'reeelved my ant Ire Stock o Spring and Summer . QoodU, boaght at tht fewest point reached thlt Spring, and aa ahit te otTer eo odeof the sameqoaflty as cheap at aay one ia this or an; other market KEEP DRTOOODS, i NOTIONS, FASCT OOOD8, BOOT, ' ' Aim ATfOFJl Am TTATfl. 9EWANO FRESH, bought at the lowest prices aad told for a small jrofl t, thereby en abling my rostotners end oubUe to supply TaankfutforTMst favais I hope to merit a vasnttaaoe of (be eamt hy ehm attention to bosuest. : ; . ." " "'" aplMata jn BAIX CRADLES A GRA6S BC'tl HE"' nst recervd t supply of glairs' Celebrated BOUMIWI a v rmttim, t mm mm i um .hotb VinuUd to sire fatinfarUon. . I . . .'..J4HMiitjyWAgw4. The as Ill; CITY INTELLIGENCE. JOHN DKiao, -Thirairtmolot it L. Urn Stan, Imm I to. At A. It. "8 6ft LPenitoatiarr tn-eerr out varius snitwi' r : one. KiiiBTa or PirHiAS.-rTtiLin will Ik- a meeting el the Knights Id n'aht, at H o'clttck. Work in three degrees. Visit iog brothers are rtqumted u attend. Fountain I'lmm and Si-bihkliiIw This woodrrful abd convenient aveutiita should be found in evaty huuw. It i tut tale by W. fl. Jonrs. See his dv nisei meat. - - ' - - -----r-- - " "Rapid "W oitS We sa w"ori " Su d"y at the Yarbortiujh II'UK one of ISUtclilcy's Patent Freetsra. It d'ica up twtuty quarts of lec -cream in veil iniiuUs, Hmj with only a small quantity of ice. All violator of the .Sabbath ahoald tiw 'hit t'ren ir as It takes has than no t'me t:. what used to be a tvduiue an-i ezpc;ibird job. Hon Ja-Kns,-Xamhtat -tt JCDua H m. Juhn Kerr, jf fas v.i;", .vis noiainateii for Jmliin hi 'lie (,'i'inii 1 1 ! tivee ef-tfee-Sfth-eadreiet iyitHcr (r 'Urj at Graham. Aa able gentleman, evory way fi t-d for tlie h'ini r.ilile p aition, e coni;r.au late our frieuilt npeu their stliclinn, iitnl have no doubts of his triumphant election, in -4ugut niit . - ' A ktrm u i Tuikh Si-okt Win dow. -ibis alteruo iu a laiy i7.cJ cur dog having ascended' to t!ii tUirrt flitir of the Citizen'! National R.nk liiiiM.r,,. bee .me foolish, und wns r.t a 'r.n Imw to descend, to it terms that he rlrjided upsri! catting it through the air h the pvcm-ut by a hp out of ihuwindnw. U- RiiwiwiJ-d i IffT'wicSiTiTtha emuuirfke STiBel ouT 'of a shovel, but the oottOtuwioo -. wa .too, great, and altbenrrb his tail waa not it riv en up as a wag pat i it, tba breath we knockt-d out 61 bis only, and s qmpKiy exputt!. a large crowa tocn ciHiectea.to . flew the oaicrtuuule brute. . . furHKMB OuORT. The Court raft ut 10. A. M. ' Tba Mgwing . tea.'yes taken up and argued : Town of Hcttford m. F. E. Wintlow, et oi Gilliam & Prudn f.tr ,)lalntiff, gmith SFtrung for citfuu.l..iU. Ji.hu L..llua a F, IVhtWb uM, t al. Smith 4 Strang for plaintiff No coonaej for defendant -i T. W. Bend as. Octavlut Coke. A. M. Moore far plaintiff. No counw.l for de fendant , .. W tnl f?iTV PunntnrrtoH -.JttAfrn Wattft. at chambers to-dty, was bearing cnuusef pro and cob as regards the legality af tht recent election which rrultcd lu the car rying of the Prohibition law. We think bit Honor rather doabted his juiisliclion in tht matter. There ret; be a ducisien before we go to proa. Radical Etati Exucutiv Jmuir- tb. Many Radical notablea are in the city lu attendance upon a meoting uf .the Radicti State Eiooutive Commltte to day. They mt St oue 'tfcloclCT i ' m i j , 1 1 t..i t..... PortjoitaL, ''' '- Wt were glad to meet with oar fritnd Capt Jo. Williams, ef Yadkin, iu tho city to-day. ;- f SufkkmbCudbt. This tribunal met at o'clock a. "mi, yeaterday.; Tb)!", Chief Justice and all the "jtuociuU Justices wore present. " r -f - The following applicault, after an'' ex amination of twoday weyt Jicenatiia practice law in the tevtral ourHj)LJh State, vie Hi ram Qoincy Adams, Tran ylrania county; John Alston Barrlnger, Quilfurd; Robert Oswald Burton, Jr Hal ifax; Jamea Henry Clark .Cordon, Ilea or fort; Francis Henry Darby, New Uantver; Robert Vance Davidson. Bunuomuet i amea Albert Forney, Rutherford; Air fred Eugene Holton, Guilford; James Al -kaadr Lockheart, niog; Eugene Stew art Martin, New Hanover; Murdoch llo- LooI, )foore-, Richmond Pearson, TaJ kin; George Itmoort Sparrow, Beaufort; Beu- ajain Jonea Holly Spruill, Bertie; Claa- tfiaa - Barrio ger Tu.wnsend, : Robasoo; Charles Frederick WarenJ Boapfprt; jobn fVilklnson Toting, Raadolpfei, j ij I Court adjourned until t o'clock this morning, at which boor the docket was I regalarly ealled, oonmeaciog -with ap peals from the First judicial uiatnct Tab CoxsssvAnvB Coavcrrti ii Yes tKBSAT. For want of time, to aavt the Weetera mail, wo had to close oar report immsdiately after tba- aeminttiot wu made. , l- jLttet tba ToUforCapi. Jo. Dv'it wt made unanimous, a committee of one was appoTBi Cot T. 'at-Vmntojof - htivillpMeatm: Powell, of Chatham, 8cu'ororjgh, of Johnston, Devareux, of Wake, Filler, a frrak'n'a7-a-t ri,-"y.'"'y t inlornt Cpfi Dtvit of bit aontinatioa, an 3 invite h'm to gapear twfnrw the Ma. veation. Ia a few momen't tney rtmra- et riik Iho tUadari bearer aisii ihouU Editor hbs' Bosk mmmmmmmmm of spplsuse. Cpt Davis Mid hi part, that lie thanked then frra bit heart hearta. lie had Beither desired a eo-oglit -the nomination, fie took it mart 'mtmtnitmrTijnrTtieff Born it ffitt "obaatjr," kt btd aiwayt n-d them truead truity. tad it wu uu.ifu.r ii i ill ht could boaorably, with out any HeTiug' or porijnel uakindnesa M IUtlicle, but thould etdeaver to show lorth their imt damning blackaeat nd do .il U (Miou to turn back the tide, rolling m sir iiijj iL'iint ur swtisa, aad as far as i in bis bumble pswer -avert bar lioai iuipendieg ruin. . - lie drnouticed ajTeri-lj the civil rights bill, the p.uaagc ef which would bring t the S'utb, discord, disvmion, and strife. Who in N C., or tht PntUli doatredr mix ed vcIhwI, hotehy opin to sir, -barbtrshopi end other placet by csmpalsinn. Ir-wai a civil iatrtction of civil rights and civij liberty, and it ought te be ityled a bill ef civil wrotgs, &., &C- n would be a labor of ltve to restore tie fiirss possible the proud high name of the old district xlie wai taed to bear, and he called upno all present, to exert theit; iurtiisr.ee upwa all not preseut, to neglect private duty snd g!: -a little ef tholi tiiueXwhicb wu!,.l tiu' net be a ncgJeclf w puv.i auuia, tu iwiiwiiig our oitiq gecopyj Hgr!av:rsad thrfrw hick"' rbs-ctoltttrea thut srt pir-yieg upoa iu, and kaad down! to posUuity imperishable the' eouhtrf aa1 it once was. lie clesed by again thanking tht cob -I Tcuuoii ior lae uouor coaierreit in telec( csu wurk for myself, but-I can work for; glorious old North varollnt-" . .; . lloa. John Manning, QtotraLWJt' Coi aTid Hon. Josiah Turner were called upon, and came gilltntly forward, and pTtuiiiwd their support te the neatiaeo. Cid. Mi-a.-Waddell.ef Chatham otJ icrea tut lonowiug , reaalutjona, which were nnanimoutly tJopttdsi ) . "State of North Carolina, County of Wake: Whereas, The Doinocrttlc-Coaserva tivspartyof thffSeuth have witnessed the woodert'dl change of public political fool ing iu New York, fJonnectii at, Now Hampshire, Cahforaia, Iewa, Ktatucky, tiaine, sisryianri, Hst03UtoHt, Altar nesota, Ohio, Oreeon, Pennsvlvania. and Wisconsin, do rejoice over tho detea of uaaictium m tueso Btatei aad hail it at a barWojfitf 'ot bettardayt for Our country. "TUWlttd, Thtr TJrmTlrTwTpIeT - which animated thote oronit tn tht North to puf down" Radicalism, ' shall be our principles; that a Itlr, free lnveitigstion of the causes which impelled us in the first instance to denounce tho Radical party still exist, ; and that wt will use every honorable meant tj convince thete el their error, who in their mad career to get con trol et public affairs, have used meant aad made appliance not warranted by any precedeuu heretofore known to exitt ameng those who managed tho affairs of me uovtrnmeat ' . ' Emitted, That any attempt, come frorn what quarter it may, te ingraft upon oar political system equality Which goee to the extent of the Civil Righto bill now before C'Otgreas, U auiveTstvi of 'all '4 Our preconceived aotloas of tht -honor aad dignity ol the white man, and' that we will never content to witness tho degra dation of our people by. tubtcribiig to socb doctrine, and we hold oveTy white 'man in the land, in eoatemnt who- will old inch opinions." i -T-r--... - '; Alter which, pq motion of CoL Rum, jths CoBventioB adjeurneit. City Uro vltle- h. J i The Old North State Miutrela gave a jgood performaace last., night, but wo were tony to ate a slim crowd present, -i A refrcshlog rain lust night cooled the ktmoephero anl laid th strangling dutt. The Ncck TuyMfivtl by tba ladiea trf Persen Strpct Mothoditt Church, was a tuJcar, -T hotwttfistSSdltfgtho oTtmetlf wrf aiiuat tbcinr twiirbe 'conliiiia4 toiniht and we bava ao doubt tbsaiten tilUltrgo.X-. rilill i Tht Unitea Stotet Circuit Court con reuci ia tail it to-dty. Jndgo Breokt chargCd the Graue) Jhryf when' tr recess Was takea uotil tho afternoon, Kj - - ' Thoa N. RsBisay, tie temperance apof tlo, arrived yettorday at ternoon from the fVorli'sTempertnceootrentioB at Boo- I i The lare crowd ol deltateo It atlecd aoce on the CoBtoryative convention jea torday, departed fut their hornet this mor ning, and (he kartell aa jatrerta . have a somewhat deserted appearance. f Tartle Soap wilt be tervtd to guestt at (be Ttrborough tomorroW. - The Chathaaa count;- CoBserv ativea will nomidnte candidates for tba Legisla ture in Pituboro on Joi; 4:b. State N,WBfca..i.'i,i;-'-A CoRiocs Facr. Mr. R. F. Orlir, of S'eel Creek' ne'gbboihood, baa a owe ibicb gave birth this Spring to a lamb. In tea days after it was bora th gava bitth to another, and two weekt after thlt J1 4KWitW4 waaaw JUIa.--- tba M1JtEsTai.Waum record, wo believe, bat it H true, for wo ItaJM M.4rWr'eM wrl soa tt. -fyjotrttn 1 ' ' r-. e--r-r-r : Q."tcTe G)i. 8zt hM- inforrotd the Greeovlile f!qMicH that i recently, tue'Caprftt fttteogtr train ea tbo- kit Lit Railroad saado t trip from Sawtooaf to Cktritttt,ditttDM tflM bUh, i mtm Ikwi tad, 8(ty- Blattct, ti Bikt tome Terj imporUat eoaaactiea, Toccoa city to Charlotte, a distance of 17$ milet in lis hoara. ibid, A y.e.w. e aa Jt. t3rntTtSTrV7 the Peuilenlisirv, The heaviest lagten AwTJolf Caso. Last sight tonso tim after dark a soung white nun who thai be aanielesa hero, bat who it welt know! Id tbis city, ledgod cempleiat with the' Mayor that be bad been Inveighled into k certsia bouts of ill feint not a great while belore he mad t tb'ia cpuipaio, and. . that teen after arriving there a drink ot liquor was given him; that almstt immediately after drinking tba liquor he dropped ef to aloe p, aad that whea he awoke it - wai to6nd that $140 had ljee eUlew ,frouJ bim. lie alleged nil mum uibi uo u quor was drugged, and asked for a war rant for the arrett of three of tho wwnto and i man who ' wit; present 'When 'bi went into thi house, warraatt wer4 granted and tba accused parties wtri carried before Hit Honor who, upon bear ing the testimony, bound one efthe worn. en aad tbo man over in the lass of S(J each for their appearance befere him thiJ morning at o'clock, ', The money has not been recovered art a a- Jtl aiaM -Sa ill . u .. . . A RxMAkts CAW-iTki Now Tort TrAune givet th at oat of tbo curren bite of geatip in that dtyr 'Aa Amerieai geatletxaa of largo wealth and A reeidtai of this ejtj recently retired from bntinetsj and aflat lurini of et to Mil 'wfw Hii.tAi UU, valued at $350,000, tailed for KaropW! open a ploatufo - trip;- pwrlrlg kt - b- tence hit wife died, and under the Uws of the Btato of New York, tbera balog do! child at heir, tba taart property goes to her father. The latter BBuvsd persot' filsdnuiintet tomt time since wjth debts amounting to $380,000, and this on. ! lire vast property now goea to tba liquid ities of the father-la law'i o'ebta." The mistake in thlt ease wu that tbo wife haj not mado awill alter tin property bad been put la her name glvipg- it the dewed dlrectiio in case ef ber death. ' Thl Troy Tfnw thus dlspritef ofAssuv tant Scratary Bawyer't modest stimate of Wmtelf aad .' Secretary ' Richardson: owa-tottlmoty of having ntsetdlrgraosfuL Tf tnlsrhahaged The ImpdrtihT Datloual ln- tersiU committed to their charge, aid of furthering, tbroueh neglect, tome of the most ro-idalous fraadt ever perpetrated on tho Treatury; and ytt Sawyer claims thai those who have exposed tbant art not worthy to toaaeo tba latchett of tbtlr ihoetl Will, let biin show ia what rot- tct tbo accusers are unworthy. Tbt lat ter havi "gtven rspecificatloM -of, tbaU charges, and tba retpenso bas been tub staatially, a pita of guilty. To fellow ap that plea with a denunciation of the proa ecatort, at (ha same time neglecting to say wherein they hive doit wrong, li ver decided piece of ludaoity oa tbo- park- of Mr. Myriads of black bugs kavo tho peach trees io the eeigborbood of (JeaTlUe, Capo. May County, and bare doit great injury. The tamo petit bare appeared ia Care list County, Mdl In on nursery tbt grafted stock of 88,000 treat wen killed. The bug kro of a new tpeciet, beretofcre . nnknowa to the faraera. Nose of tba ordinary meant of killing UkcU avail ; agalast thtra. Tbiy will stand pi liquid application that dottroryt tka trte. The msect retem-. blot tho roaebag.tnd tntomologists regard it as similar to too cbtify cid. "At aay rate it aarvot the same pur pees aa frost la patting up tba pricaof fnfAf f . I I ll it: A WathlegtoB. dispatch to Ike TrAwat says that Solicitor Banfield bat been r qMedHd rotlgn. Thlt ii : ioaneWBat lardy admonition to oaa of thi Tree it; officiate who havt just beta ooadomnrd by Congressional Committee. Peealbly Meurm, Ricbardaon aad Sawyer will feel relieved; the S illcitor hat been tho tcspe I eat of tht Aisistaut AcretaryV aiaa. If r. Sawyar bat all along protetttd that it wet dependent opoa Banfield. Bat tbt official view1 bat not been tbo popular one. Moot people will thiak that tbo no tice to quit which ass been served on tht Solicitor should IdcIuJi the Secretary and AawWOJA Jill. UJ; f A bill providing for a gradual reduo tien of the Army pasted tbt House yes terday. Tbt majority wat very slight, tod it it not thought possible that it can tana thi Beaato. One of the moat promL lent features of the whole military ques tion ott new la the prepotiiioa to remove Army Headquarters to touto point west ward. , Timid people teo In tbn the ip alication of a leverage whicb may move tht"-gext rjfxrnvBrQtiieutti the VaTit'f tho MiteitsippI,- at tho fy hatt, Tho tT&rmlt moinewfeat nwdlest. It to taid that tbo proviso that Army Headquarter shall not be removed from the teat G6Ternient. rtceti Unit tf war."Wat deftA-ed ia tin . House yesterday on ac- ceant of the ntpopulanty efthe gentli man whonffcred It. Tne prapoettion wat madt by Gea. B F. Bntler "tha leader ol the Htrttte,'--rraue. J J r . BcBNKiCKa'i Jbwbij Obnei0eft jew elt tie lightly tpokta ef by the ParitaanA This It the way io which one carretpenf dent treat the subject ia a recent letter: The eenrlaga et 'Buht tries, aad worth), 0ftf" hiqualalt ttaddaA wUh dtaatooda oil rsand ; foor nepklaott, oft snp ef each ether, the lowtet one bearint a aaagaiacieai nteawiunn set wun mant- BaW M' CMttSk :PGt- T r- linlii Tali aatTir. aT 1 dtmfl4 worethVw H tXi.J ; fiitefe Sogers, loaded with TOnT-af-rha-ii Water. . ToUl value, evrta In thai market about $.00,000. Where did aha get theut 8hmuMhave diacovered a mine " taiT, ssegentlsawl to atMHher I at, ntgbt "Nb mmors," wu the reply. . ..a,. Tan Civil-Riubti Bil Geoeral Bui ior, nstiu, tiai a vry irotd twaiiria ft not prwainn hit civil. rihte tti 11, aad' that it th iaiituaiioa coming trom thePreali dent that he would certainly veto it la l'l present fArm. He Wn!d preoo It If life eould bo ewsared of a tw thrrdl Wot, b auv Anna mah m paaaaga oy auoa a out !H h f ffct smiirjruiliAnU1 acuon,. .. a ut itepubucaua who weuli rather not be recorded on the bill are w aatiantd that tt should gi by defaul A he oolofo4 people bete; are. ladiiroaa however, and bare oallidi boob Judoi KT.. ... i. , 1 L 1 ' k wur ai o tot nraaa i Ttey told him plainly that Mr. Snm loft it to bias as a Beared legeey, and the; aaa aim ia mini nil ami a, axaunrti Judge Hoar repliue that at preseut tkt fa no hope of lucoeea. and kids hla color monas to olds their . time hopefully.- irauuflewn ssisyfwaii H4Uitmare muu"- . m ii i 1 i i 4 J Rbmarkablb Aovbmtdbb oi a Ju Jorll Cite Da DOT arrived at tha Tlplin .wft-.fm..iMiipj, mtiui wm aa ..aoiiwwi. Mnll.a 1. .( ahu.1h . J . 1 1 ... e 1 1 . ing story j- As hi approached the Graad Cental Depot, Mew Teik,. yasterda nwramg i saae too lu-.sa express, he ao Uood two very pretty aad elegaatly dree aedyouaw ladies, who aante at and teea. ed biq at an old acquaintaaoe, and b thinking tt wat a case ot mistaken Idanu ll aLc - Aaa aa . . T ' v, igw-ne woma -cartT - tbr IBIng toivwca auu eosno lua i av ininrma.i htm that they ha4 procured a aeottoB lni thi drtwinroem car aod Inritod blat u take a seat therein He did ao. and &J joyea t very pleasant ride of two hours.' ua thi arrival efthe train at Purhk. tio both tho ladiet pat their arms around hit seek and kissed - him good -by. He topped la the dining room and ate tome lunch aad returned to ihi train,., ajhen, u ait dismay and alarm, he foam ke was minus hit pockitbok, containing two Uo-ceol stamps and a Hieeeot pivce. A Qtmf Argut t7at. . s $ v,n 1 FVMIHAIi Of Mb. SWA(PCAMB Cald. WtTL---Mr. Bhaksriesra Caldwell a. ! ; dii d in No w York 83rd lost waa a man tw whose generoiity the poor people of Loulkvllte are much iadubted. It will bo rememlwred that Mr, Caldwell recently save $10,000 fur tbo erection of hesplt aLjhlchValtklugh iinilur Ike care of the 5W4Chrin.wliiJko opeuf J . ta..th nek poor el all JeuuniiBaUoua.--This gift wat audi in memof y of hit lata wife, born Mam Elixa Breckinridge, of thia city. Wo ondirstood that Mr. Caldwell alto Wis bequests In bis will to varieui benevolent objects, amounting to $150,000. He died a very wealthy waa, leaving two children to inherit tit immense fortune. Tbo fun. ere) ceremonies were performed at tbo Cathedral yesterday mortiag, a aoloaa high mate being celebrated over tho em sins, which were brought to LotrU villi by Dr. a vTWormh5yva half brother of tbtdtceaaed gentleman. Louim'dU Ceur. itr-Jvurnal 38(A. , . Tbt New Turk atawe driven woo itrnck for higher wages on account of tha little perquisite! Having been cut off. bava been defeated. If tw men havt taken tka place af tho old, and tbt Streett are obstructed as mual. Tbt failure of tevwral ttriket lately bat taught ana lesson. It does aqt pay to eombmt In any" but tba occope. tioflt requiring eerttin technical tklll. Labor it abwndMt; and nhera it dot ant havt to bo taught to become efficient it eatily procured. Not long since aa Eurlisb rentlamao residing kt Heng Kong dreamed two or three aishta .n atfoceseion that ha nut the ghost of aiiakenpettre neaf Htratford-oa-Avet, of whom he anted whether any al tbo mtnatcripu of tbo great dramttkt't piayi were mill in oxleunce, wbenupoa tha ghost led thi way iato a forest and tAespenUng to t l'.ct tba The Hong JConiresSBsan hastened at ooot to England, and to Stratford, where be tsund aad (Uentinefl the (rhoats tree, aad at rmce began to dig, which he contitutd U drtwiflit and day, Bntll, at tin depth f tevk-1 fret amolachei tad half, he foua LWonilprful as it may W-ora.ibat; be tia int ii a jooj ei hinweiti.. i v Pboclajiatjoh bt Tata Prboiobht. f resident Grant has iaauid a proclama ion to carry into effect the article! of the Treaty of Washington. Tho articles pro Vidt lost for tbs terat of tea years Stb oil aad Sib of all kinds, except flab of the Inland lakea and sfthe rivera falling Into tbem, snd except fish pretervtd in oil, be ta a thi prod ace or tbo nbertea ol tbo polled Statea or of tbt Dom'niott of Can ada, er ef Prince Ed ward's Jaland, thai) bo admitted Into each country Iree ot duty, there being an igteemsnt that the people of eao country may lib on tbo coasts or boras ot the other without bo rn ir restricted to any, .dittsaco from tbo shore; and it It alto agreed that out coun try, ia transporting good! front one ot its porta to another, shall have free traatit through immediate territory. A Chioamaa inter td a Kara in Helena, Moalant, tho other day, and walking ap to the counter, deposited a. graebopper thertoo, tayiag at hi gaztd 4 upon ajit) clerk wiih a confiding look t "He too iBweif 'uoppot ; 'hit1 bupp'ei llop' lllun Tea ubbeo I" Tht obliging clerk tt once commenced meararing off muaqaita bar, to tbt intense dulight of tbo heathen. Tht grlssuoppef had bd aeslroylug" bii garaea, ana wantla w purchase soma mnqnito bar, but not knowing tho lami in toe article, be muulit Uia ueUmjut With blia, and the clerk on Jerttood " in B momeat tho article needed, ' - Wmi vTQlVr U rOARULINA . . ,il..'-'v.S'J,v,.-li'!- PX'atf3t.'X'JjJ' WifsUf'aS ijrsuiim&jreKeo RALKIGJI, N. C. VM3ta-mA MM; uotiE4f l rniroiUTio r : . ..'j -t Tim 4 r,f flas a flxed pa'd ap value on all pollclee af. tar two annual paymentt. ? 9. . . , onteiIalr' ta..UMr ' homo r Pta ,1 4 lit I Ot 1Iltnttt'B 1:U iutot Uaa WW the trle M AlorWiUu-uUua-ootiUimero pay animaJir -oodaniwuthooaaaiiuetdJllare tobnild a rwralm UomuaBlna. whn th ' ears Inaiarascs In at ompaoy equally reliable, Mdeveo dollar's twemluinlheyw be Urna edsadlavmteduisarownBtete,ad amoajr ovowpe.(pw i . r ,, (rr" T" l itEa U. HILL, AgvoVlUlelgb. N GOODS f O R 1874. -:ntAX and rroRa" !tl " ' Sfouutatu 'SxrnlcHlfMl imiK hall kSi nma oy nn rr -TraiT"ALlTgr; 4jf. -irl: 1 n i U '' 4 citEEen Is thero With hiS lammrlli. .. cad aWteu... rr-T " "I? 77 -- " au uaoeauiii aUSUSUAUT ATTBACTIVE Block of - BprtMg stud Summer Cooda, reeeaMy purchased is Rew Tork, and manv of them toswbt at PASI0 PRICE i, My MOCK Of " " " Drees Otwds, Wh OoodsL " ' '" f;a LtoenHsadkereliielt,Qkei, - ' rt Wa l."'!?' K,tKln. Wbbona, ft take rlRaaarelBaavte ll Mim.. i AMeOKTKl). and tmbranaa amnrvt.i.4n i. new ami desirable ia the " d n r a o on a " ABdWrW U ffM Dross Goods will Bad It to their Interest to call and exam ine Biy stork before parcheiUuii elsawhure. ill! ICS " ai ,olt rt v1 ty'- ofPIKCE GOODS eonsUtlncof dToSEM LINEN UWuf.ui koei; ititl .oh,.;" for Lad lea. QeaU' and MUaaa u i.ri .i .u aasortrd, and parsons wanting irooila, wanta Wlhodlta,.ooul4 alwavt "lauiine niv 7 . " yfe"ujlnf as I. lutend to make a te their intereat to buy of me. MteveitothetBotti, "UVE AND LET ou.&S?", ' COUNTRf j MF.RV SJii'i.ll "m,M T etoek. as I will odor Ummb special luducemente, and think I can save them money. ,, . .71. . - ap ojwawtw . 4, CBEKCli. 1 r . k - v - thJ UIEIiriliSS : The only Reliable Gift DUtrlbutloa In tha !'. Si 'jOOUBtry,,; j, : . $100.00000 IN VALUABT.E'GIFTR l TO BB DtBTBniOTBfl Ut . 448E5ft-ANNOAL r ia Awm Saturday Aty 40,' 1874," Ise irllla CipiUl f file, $10,000 ii Cold J 0n Pni8i5(000 U. SiUer! Five Prizes $1,000 If M iw .'.-. , Five Priaea, $300 2 i Qrawabecktl . - lis i nrea, iuv ,, . TwPimllCtrriiifi tij Islrhtd Bortrt ' witlliiTcf iiiBici iirini, vttrk !, ' rwnlBug2itt,Ilorsea, worth $500 iacfiVr. : t - Two Flne-tooeJ Rosewood Pianot, Wortb $,)50 eaofa I 6-nu''t" - Ten Family Sewing Machinea, worth i liw onon-j , , 1500 Gold and Silver Lever Huntinir Watobea (in ally Worth from $20 to t WO " each .. . -v n - Kumier of QiJU 10,000 1 TUtef limited if Sf) 0t)Q iffnti MTintrw to Kelt Titkttt, to whnnt iiDrni Trmtraf-rnm ii in. Single rir;keti fi ; f.x Ti. k.-t $'0; i wcive iitjkcU f it) ; Iwcnty-Five t;.0. ., drrnlart "tftntlnlnyt a full !!-t of jri'M, a aWrt;Uoft'ot the luu",er ot draeTu, and " other information la rtstereuce u tha Uimri bu'Joo, Will be asnt to iof oneort -r n Oi -m. All letUMra Btiist be adtbf d it uhh rf u a. L.U. BiE, IV Tr.: 101 W. Fifth 81 May " CiK0IMRATt,O. Mja. r a v

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