mm 11 11 "'" "" ""Ik 4 , r fj f . m t - - i lf. ...Jt4t -Ji i, ft -aTt ( V Da tiMrtala tla laWTiirai rtVidfanowltig ntel per aqutre - tacb, or U liBVr-T rir" "w? inareonetlBae ................ H.t ; iW . aUk aawtUhteei ' Bill Ian tiinajik hi..., in,.. j r I A It TURNER. I wra n atr'tieairwma ' '( ' i iViibaMf I 4r iuIvmhw I'M KiKlimri i . . Dm PtiLf 'wm.' M delivered r ,v m tW aty at firvaaa Caicr J it ja Sbi i.. i -Ja'fifit.aaii li .ue 1 4 v.o(r!tI,' II " ' W. atfag-a- 1 '' ""r I r - 11 'J : 1. SWjW tnyaN c i,4 W?Vrf "t e4.e4' tt f,r., .."ll HfL"' I 1 ' " ,r i ... -,-r At.-r.. . --- ... i .fcr a .U :. ryiS-SjKJJ JJ J iauzviu-i, , I THrilli. it n ;-laijrj't IK w ( 0. riMI POIUslB. tuition, N. .1 .'.. ,...' . ' ... Pratret Bailacs from Luhla b; !Ur Mml4 Oappet Uckutmt Mod. HMf4MN All pIB "I W IIW aaa auk Mf aaanwai roa-f trUmlif'it4JlrUM. ' -taMW-tf - ' ' ;, m lou oouiu to rAUtri, Tka kaat la to Amlll Clionill Ptlnt. lat It kai tmm t rou,4ly teited by e)am Wu. tad vrer Mini aaaara of revUlraeei Uu7hai iaa UmMd atatM for the hurf vnj Hin, a4 pn mounted bj thaw to M a4 rw aawty aaJ latJlUoa ' I tar Ml at aay uar. Maa faiatad Ua U la avl IhaViTal tJ la O. I j u. m caut. aa4 la bo aM kar Ha Um kaa It haaa tiadM Iu aw-- ffcCR fc aMMa'M Ha k M aara databla (R rM akaat twka a laaf a, laa kaa) at aay ; T?'if."1l,,T nMai aaartlMB. tliat lor a parto of iweatj m mm ttmtmmmMtmaf ptr "Tt HtolaHiafonand n ready far a. raroat Walla, or ut dattroil tbada, M baaMarnl VMhoat aafchwUB tkabaytrta II i mill II r - ' T -TT U plRBMaW, cotariM aultar, arnc, a, ik l aaU raraad I M 1 1111 1 1 i mialatta. Tauaca eoaapoard at Mia auiai ladaUctiblo BMterialt koB taacUaaa aaalyuaaf U AroriU ChiajJ rami bum nw vanum I. . BoaLii. Satbor DaluU) (rco from polaaB. It wnrfiot b-aekaa ar dianolM by tha aeUoa at tbo aalpbaraai gsara w provalaot ua aar BMnbl rivara and com I. . tta. Kaaairca aa kUI4 paiujar. aayoaa eaa WilufoicktaiBi teea,4fmaa PaMtai .ill lb H O II fM It NMrUM ifilMJI ANDCUTTIJIO, it"-- ttttll' , . , . , u:4a.UT UiMJ AMI FOdTOfWClt M Atlia K, W. C. ' AOTaari. m xirr. ' ' ric or dcruiaraaosaT, - Rixbwk. N.C., Jalylt,1 4. guaWl fropoaU wOTW reltad atlhta off! II H. of tha KU da of July, liW, lor faraiabtaf 4 aWr.ite 1 th. iropoaod auort-bouM a poatoQloa 5JjKa.jrtJ., aii tU. Uimu5oa btoaa xJjrJjL k .riarinr af laa aDentract unoliba baUdlBK, cut ready for aeUlnit, Md M rrsaind bjf Ua drnwlo. aud IU Tbaawcai pf onafrooi wLleh aauieetloa will bTiiada wUi ba toatlDoa to i imimu. .nd aaatlaloBea. aud tba qnalKiaa rtpWly ii. u.arakka! amia Ua eitiiiel or aanuaar to a proper .anae. Maataai ate at cat I tliat baa aot baaa tratad by actual atoaa la baiidli IC t' lt toa k i..iiUnm aa4 aSeolate proof yraraaHU taatit laaa bara'aa mead for tbat prrtod aaat i Tk. utM bib .1 Tanner Bare a Itaadirrakaaadbe free Iroai i all "h Tub !, ad thaqairry from which it i. iwoeamd ba fuliy oveoad. Bad capable of faralabtaa; tba qaallty, aBd quantity d aired arlibm Um Uiuu itqurco " """ A raaiple block of tha itona propoard to m r.rai bibm w in. i ka. id bt U b U iacbea. ahawiac am eaa t.ea tbeelend fraetara of Uw atoaa ik. .iw, tii. aiiTmBt imdea of rat- Uk requited to be dona on the wotk. u boWa by tha laajple block toba teen t Ihl oOceavBt the billMof tba aopenriung 4f ebliert, Tiaaadry ueparMaaov Tba atoaa, rat. lea bed and ready to be t. art be deliverea at ioe nim m un taat ed Um vatar talda. wkbra tbraa lj .NMtha faa h daaTal aceaMBM taaaon tract taal iaa um mj T tbat aeeead . ator bb twale (IS) monlh fimaaaan d.l ; aadtae tMaaaader, beinic that of the ttaieBry,ehbaaey atacki, do-iaer wbatlaw, Wpr and enpinxt, c, witblB eixhtaaa (U) aMBtha froai aaaM data, aader a peaalty irf ua haadnd doliam (tin) for each aai) every Bay' daiay beoad toe tuna above lUff. lated ' Frnauaal Wltl 1a Made forth antlra work dJapl', a exhibited by tan drawing tad . etefiiid .y the apeciflcattoB, Ho bida ariU be recairad, aicd,-! front the owaeraor toaacat of the qnarrtee from which the atone b propoaed to ba f aroiahed. or Ibeto . i. ko mm! aUa ba. aairairea In atone aaUiBC aad bare tha nucaanry fteUiUaa for aaraiuutriecaUOBOl lua wora H""" Payaatata wlii be made monthly, deducting taa liar cot. of work exacated aatil Uw anal eoaiulaUoa of theeoatraet. t - AU aUa Btaat a aiai oa the printed form t be obtaintd at tbla office, aad maatbaae aoaipaBiadb the bond of to leaponrible - 'l ' taa thoaaaM dollar, faHLoiio,) that the bldaor will accept aad per lona iaa amnn. m-m., eata boada therefor In the amoant of tweatr tkeajaml d alUra, (l.a;Q,) and a ra M aad W wdi Utirw - WiUlaatarBM of IheooaUact; aaidieaaa ut autlioria j the Government to lake full poa amdoaotthd e.aarry,and work . ttb paaaa altMeoawaeear la aaaeof efeBHt tba t - . w. i.i mmt h Baa Catted atate IMyiat Jada, Uwkaf tba United btatea ' Uonrt, the lMarrtet Attorney of tba WM IHe UreartsMBit rcaerre tba Atht to lrjrt wJ v n h . - . , , at of the Wovaraaaant to do ao, or to d vide ,,, a i.u h Anui forrnainitr' ...... . -. . . . . . the work of tha baaaaMDt ana aaperetruc. aad award Wdinereat bidden, at it option. BvarybM meat be mad cm the printed ioria orm, h. -rwy reaowt, to "' tale AdvaraaaBMai or w ; eaiba pSJSod a. wUcatioa at ui. office, or at the efflea of th Boport linr Aiehibxt, 1PUiTTtone ( prop"' ''j? t. -- ia as - - maat be aabmlttrd with the-opoala. aad aU PfPJ be eacloaad aa a aaalad tavolopa, dd - wn...,...!. an. ttiBMuina Btnno and Cnttlnf tnetheVaMcd blatca Court hoaee d f tNBce at Kakbrb. V. v., na niiw" rl'f I) i'tk-i- BiaWWblBdert Jeryl-a "- ' It JTOKT0A0I B0KD8 OP THE MOItTH MAJWUJIA KAILEOdU CO. n - - - M.. WM4ftwUPal BflBtU Of tb6 I Will iwauiabial WW . orth Varolina BaUroad tpaaT. at par e aa BfaactDaL and tba latereet daa, to Wie .m-irfSS.ouo . .I M boada at the eUta Mational Bank, KalelKh, at Boat froctT I root im -araaa, cnana Kaiiw rwi aUJna it ; ba appiM apaa or aulvnck, lroa,or foraaf painUs parpo km donbiUtr. twataty awi araniraUa a an tauaUU. it rtaada aantallxl. tS2iaear1tr forjb. Wtarrfjn aaowf tbaaaaUBCt. tbateaaa totakeelaet - -- iw. ad ik. BBBtranlar to com any time prior to the 1Mb of Jane tariWl- W,A. WRAHAM, ,; 7 Tra.teeofN.CE. to. City ' Intelligence. - JOHN ii&AJabk i VUXXtr. V D. Staph anwn.0 JL WUlUej. ; Far aaatt' I'wut CUk-ra. 4). wta. Tor Treartrw-Itid Lew, fag QajiBjlBBlrabrW n RuddK Kw4ti. Adorpba Ba. :WiTk Jttnmr- wad Lywa'AaSaaPI for ( oionat. daaica m. 4imtM.i..., , , , , for Fomyiir Qoortt Ak"b ' Ttcketa I TKkMi I .i'? ff a art prtfrel tn rnmltli Hckti at taafoltowlqrraJacae order: .-a R k I Singlt thMnaaJ t.W; tonlhowmodwidloi apward. SO omt. r lbBWB4f , s I Ltaiilalttt TVfcrfa Rama M abrrra. I Cunt) fJeisatj Sagki lhiaja4 tiA l rw om w4 w) fro tbowtMd, ft M I per thoaaud; orr Rrt fJaowaad, tiM I prrtBwimna. ' ' I No fcsBAt Tba .-TUa jBooUy ri ob tbo N.wth Cbwliaa lUUroad baa keh I diaeuntipiicil from C mpany Shoyd 4rj Ouldabie "1 , iai 1. 1 1 . , TBB FkKTIMKkPWB TUB CAMPAiOB. Filty Cent will pty for tbe Wcekl Seotiacl fur th Campaign, or for two mootb. For' CfM Dally, ' ft.00 lor Ua am Uato, Wi W eae a4 Peat QfSoa e-arly writtan. s ... -n Pk. . .1 nr.1 1 "VU r I ,!, fc Eswor. of Xoftk U.,.fJiaArOWrnor.T,..raaa Darid 8. Held, Zcb. B Yaoc ad W. W. Hold. - " : ' WBflTWAB Do -Meawt Nlch W. VW of tha Am f Hulfu twk A po. add eorge B1r.ap, of tha Drag HmaW at WttW Waipaaw, Xaaj. waatward bo it tbl evBsdaf wa a ptaaaure tsewnnoa. ; Tbey aamroai rWOoa: Mitchan, Taooay, liaa- eomba, WaUBfra aad Oaldwrll eowatif. They eenj with them laU porUa out fit In tha (Uhlng and abnotiog Uaa, and no donbt will haTa a good lima, t ... ExCCMIon TbAJB TO VnitXIIBAD Cm. tBwiraiowtralo 6a)a Charlottalo Morehrad city, will paatfaiaety to-BiRht at 11 o'clock VTt Bnderdlarid a onptid- arabla nambat of ChatBa a4 I mi. .l.ttl ha ahnardJ Rtlalsh iuTU to tba crowd,-!. affair Dromliet to be eatwej7plsiit Wa woBtd Uk. to go, ba WV tU Word. , i.'jii , t Tea lit Oiwequin to eoa Dsxti OOTMW arDBTABTVBa ; M I UaA- Tia.-la arjaapTIaoc- with the eooouaced prreraaiaa. a large aamber of the eitiieee ef Raleigh ewembled Bramplly at lhej Capitol Path , thia atoroiag at early hoar for the watneee of ptij'ng the Ut md respect to. the depy'ted OoTrrnor of Noith Carollanv at-X i ., - :-jKib. fuSi", : Jooa the .:.! of UtUli'on of TJoited fitatee ,lr.ope, iroev. ia gau-wa uadar ceatman4 H Cohmcl WUiiatori, the procenlon waa. at ielock, lormed Jj Chief MMhal O.Man red hie eyltaof ttfrMAU iX W rbec ihaa the heUA wha paascf ia JUa-Jierf to which a a atuched two boaatito! blKk hoik a, ihVvm byi ElwrdIaa. 1 The whohv headed by butb of oar City brad, At the word of command took ip It ilow aad aiuady atep with aoleua maaie down Fayottevillo aad theace by ;Jabj!Toa . . . 1 wv. - , Ji . IIIV a) ewvav. eaw wo-m y"!- tltotaa tba toiavka ,jgaly oataeatbered tha uroUblv oa -acQoent of the early 6onf of the BioraioR. 1 Thw troop prceeatwJ a baadaoma appear aoa, aMtoo. itig ia iplendtd aijla with reveraed ;, Arrivlnir at the depot, the processioa opened ranka ',f id the'caikct wa Ibkea from the hoame aad placed a poa 1m Irwat car of the faneral at ''ir- The engioo aad eara- wraa UeUfully droned in wbiu and black. Cap. Sher wood Badger i la charge of the traia. lib B Bailsman-si 1 all hT Tf 7 f "Tl 1 jnin teoBTall M atarlaJV"- niittaa of arraBcementa. w p tba mrehla, je HHUboro eroort, and qaitt a aambceat oitrtuee "were 100a aeated In 'thettalB,' had "at oVJock tt departed "wUh all tbat remained e of the Oorarnor, tor the grave in bib moan tain homeV '-'" 'f I lira. Gov. Caldwell Joined tba waerai train at IUItabboro.-Tbey werw to art ire at Itabory at 1 p. av. aad Uorgaatoa at a p. White tha pro earn me Wa aaorui fcoaa the Capitol, a aetata of rtUlary wtt Bred at the ganieoo. Alter wa arpartur 01 the train the troop procemlwlata were dgaia la, line ana maicoea ap me airactto lieole mBaks,tbefoi .w to their be-rack. whea tha 1 aad obecoaiee to Got. Tod It C.VdweM, epo. the part of the Cilj of nle!gh,WM at I. il fraTJ i. M." ' V ' .'J bV-T JbA- i ',JBtr .W A 1j' UmI 1 .a T,1 B jJM T v , . l "I a. ......... y" . vjl w . M , mwallatio o XiBur. uv. Cum tl. Buoewr Af Ioitirtii t KoktiH CAavii Id tha aioaiMBiaat ut taw flaprtme Cm"P td-dtj Kt H'm.,' the i -ocUtd Jawlc) Mp,'md U iUbewiw Offlcawhcrd Lft' Cat. Crt'f H den m ( vs'tiip;.- I a taonrtcd to th llal'vf the '.ttjdttW t Hrji twalil'jrei for Ui W-'Peaa ai. iviif i''ial lit the afflct jtif GoTWnor,' tentthf I lb Mta M TM H. caiawa r- Mapvuiia 1j at VcrfUirJtti . m 1. CvbTm IL BnMii., ditawnaf opd Hi Uol ETee"l!t f Almlt:t Uod. the 1 Mfouri ibaCoaatitatioB-aiwl Uid T tk Vitcd BUB5wt i th Btata at North CbreXlM, and that 1 will faithfullf frtUttm the dutiea appertato iair ba th BiUoe ( Oowaof of tUe 8tat of Mart Tv-Ub help mtGo.l,,. After kWsg H bok iid aabaBriWag read a abort eaUi 3oaU rocilloff t he eaaad f the 4tttlrld-ati r Am f t l Jjrpgd trofc tbd ,d!i.Trtd .a. .rilH-:t''- ,-' : f ..,..ui)0u.-Mav. . 4 -Wv CtiiM ; Dj lb Uttcnted doib f hi wonky wl ewila-wt Crr-aor Tod R. O'dWill, 1st CawtKdlloa flefoim a poo ma -ilw peaert and duitcd el U olUc of CoMHaor of Horlh Carollaa. thd fte M eoeUlW by th jdtatb 4 Ooreioor Caldwe't, th reaprBniiU tar that aoddtnty id oipdlr lot poadd upon m l r the Supreme Billet f lha 'I'verae, I fbT p!r my Bopc od Udrt Hint. 07 lock and dafeooe, any ahield atd thy t.rauetb, to anabla ma to dicbge my offi-Ia! dilW according to the coBtt'tnt'oB d lb !, and to tuMwt. MnMMl ftka inimrt . n.t LiL. r""7" "T - - iaaf ik wMmt .nil tba eharactaf and IkooWrt thoU. Whh - rtoaf eon- . . - unrjiht Sutcalloaa. I ahaUir todiftj;r the' daje oi the high affloa to wliioh 1 bate twee called, honaatly aad faith folly a a tr and loyal ii f Non.b Caroiiua. 'l ; 1 I dcK';a the pninioiion of e-iuciUKD mora'!') and viilue, ibat lb people way brcoeM more prrxpc ou end happy noJor a wbe and liberal gnrcmmont, admiala tarad Vtfty-aad 1m partially by jat aad aBtl lawa; tbaa iaawriag tha fulleoiy inmt af.etrU odnc!:g?ou liberty. I d air tbat hoariy loduatrj ad htbor may be juUy pivUcKd aad rcwardad, and tba rati aad war'vd reMnrcc of iba Sttate may be mora fully derclopod. I deaire that if pUt achool nay -be eettb- liahed and topporUii is cyery towa and eouaty in tb Htab. ' 7 all know that fCS'Anaai ranat rrpoaa aad aiuat . th. b-l.of totdllgec.d Thia. Onaof oar Arat datia ia U ado caUall out ettUtaa ao that tbey may nsi darstaod aad appraciaU their dtrtba, aad cherish feeling of reapaot aad autetiojt for nr country, brr right, hor law aad iMlltatlona. Pioad of the hiatoria fame af Marth North Carollaa, nd Of that patriotic fee ling, WHsaaj ami mm marksd U. derotioa ofjv naovl. to (red InrtitutloB. " tBs.ioa te werpataate and lacr 3 that tina hy aae It-gfcfctioaand ucb a iy tciaot iosprOTrmuat, hawill land jb-the gradual awiiiaafa daBalaamiwt., of all our reanu'Cea, aad d aaaloBtly cncoorag'ag wbk.t-rrr ii'l ivddar th people uf the (UaiaconluquHi,aad prosptruv. harrhar- aettr mp-0; i ad her liltBler oroj- pe-oas, ao id aad petsBttMat. - ; ,,4 . In 'l mvuera ol adml'-V'atloD, I lhn dhcrl3Uienux!aioftliftherot wu omy, nd 'mpl'rhy, aad of ligid acoun Ub iuy, loiiwp 3piwu pabiw iu-c-tiooat , and I abat. tddcaror to , "lot maxla la my owa oiBcial con- duet. ' Uavlngrpoksn tbat bilifly with a I I profound ' reapoenbility di Z ...-wUT.7W. darvlved tiOAsB Ahilg'ut Uud for help aqd gaidaoot,, I bow ' 'aru my dnt'e a Gorr aot of the State At the co'iclo-'ntj id tu addren aome appiai-M followed Tarre were probab'f ureal j live pcrrous preont, all of whom were wheKepf'eg one colored . man, and"oi Whaaa . waa a t aoettdetable tit: tg f the legal ' wtejafey. ;T B(h-at wiinww uoT!.nor fuile a, sad la a Tew mlnBl. the aud rat dpcrsed - -.; t v BranmucayiceBD, :r ( t'ut:-a 0. Biogdea Wi beta I1 Warse eoeity, N. C. He b about 5? year old. aad M aerer mauied. lit wa frit elect ed by tha damoraey 61 hi aallye i aoan. ty It) Ihe Bone of Commonf la ' 18S8, where he at. red cooNCBtir.1y hoi he wm etc sled to the Aauata, la 133 ia which body be aaived three nation, , la 1850 be wa elected eomptrollw ol the 8tate by th legVavO-e, and he waa tonHnaed hi tbl office by rabeeqaent legit) airrea, 1 the date of tba Proriaiotial GoTrtnotaai, tUblithad by Prealoaat Joheeea. The Lrrt slater re-elected htm to the office of I aomntroner a IStU. aad h acred I fjnegh th year J8M, wbea he wa dJe 1 pl0d f my. Bnrgln el I ran, Da came agtia to the Senate fa ,M, ekctcd by the ItepnbieeBa. Ia Vt be waa erec ted Llewtcoeet GeVaraer on the RepabH. cta ticket, a'ace which tlejw be baa pre I lidad over the dlibrral;oa mt the 8eeaM wba ia err oe, .. CuL i Vrrtl aad l'onull apaak in Pout fajria. There will bebix sy pMdliig aa BMCBKtura nun, vnurwnj Wit, Jolj tlU. fSA:X- 'lla yjtappla ' iMW-ilti ta lBt tf-two oratet of CMT'pe Nurth by Ex- lmo ether CURhar-ana i.f aa-GTtraof Bentlter, oi thia Btata. . f ...Li. ' : fjaitew Coay'Cinaaaiw amiiiiaJter , Cot VV. A, tUowe, fee RepraiawiiCfvflr; Bhirtr. : la BhonlT, J, A. Patunport, for Clerk, end 3 G. iVrwi, for ltegistcr fSM-i-J ihtsU l'.'l!i:t,iiW PBMotuu-Coi. e Dl Pool, . owr wor thy eaadidato for AarwtcadeBt of Pau llc Inatraetina) pek tn-d) In Rutbcr foidtoo, wbitber he haetea ,io meet Ka Klaa Puree, bk1 wear him erne ia the very atroaghold of Wratera Morthi Caro lina licalUia- We doubt . very niach w bather the yewag aaaa will ever deny hie Ka AClox record agaia after pool inter. view bim. By the wey, the excellent caaraaa being made by oaf candidal baa lemeaitrarH thr wiadora oi hia nomina UUt aVafaarn Bern ' " IaJVwdTtoit ' Cnac-LYED. The Injaac- tiow graated by Jlge Milchell agalnat ooatiaabg the work ' an the CafoHca Central Itailway oyer the wad of )fcr. Phifcr aad WOaoa aear tha Depot af the Company ia thia city;' wu diaaalvwd by ledge Legaa, laet woek, at Ooacord. Work: a tb Soad had aot' atop pad be- eanae Jadge Milchell' iajuaeUoa we not erred oa the peraoaa having the Pwar .top tae wa. warmae tla) ytfoa, aXlaeof e itv of flit any wig be faiiy amt eqmt :JeltleiaeeAj a yy aa'pmiib4e. Bat BMrmV flnacn Blow your horn Billy attended a public dlaguaaioa by tbo 4 caadidalea lor the" Ltgiitetare and clerk la Burke eountyaj.. Ioatd atetoa Uat.week. , Somebody tailed oa Jkjiith for a apeackw Said Billy 1 B nay man wid go for the wfilakey lit treaC Tbt cheer n-P lor -Smith, aha. whiskey waa brought, and it will take loud hlut (tt Veat a barrel) to eiluuce Billy Urn ia that locality. K." The whlak.y cost only a dollar, at it Was ao doubt the Illicit aluff hicU Got Todd's friendt have mdo ao plenti ful in the meuauiaa. At 9.0w0 year aa Receiver of the Western Road, and $5,000 at member of Crgret Smith can afford o' raise the tpiriu of every one of hi red noted follower. AViiAr Uowur Aitbtbted Rare. On lb Bih init, at i place en the Hound, in Grant township about ten mile from this city, ono Aa- thony Ballard, a black beast of thirty-five or forty year ol age, made aiT ineffuctua attempt to oummit aa outrage on th per- sa)oajilacolered chlM only eleven yeare of age, by the name ol tlcle.-c Ann White. Parent of tha child bad gon off to work and there waa ao one left at the koaae eave the girl ead her brother, boy. At Ballard, approached th hou: the boy Adam, who had bora at work clearing eat the tpring, came up ala. but whi 10.4 by Uallard to go back to the spring, lie did to and filari as bit ab once ' the brnfe mri d the child and ' throwing t el elotb avr bat bead to ("event berseroama at empled iImb KBtragit. , Taa .. uppurtana rtrttKa of the bty t lb bouse - prvveuu-d tba ouueummation ot the vile deed. Balla d waa arrtatcd aad brought W 1 Ida city and waaeateiduy ariaigited be fore Justice Gardiner, who placed him under a bond of 30 for hi appearance at the neat term of tb anperier Conrt. He f iirnwhed the bs'l tad wa ralowd. Bute officislt held la tht o(Bce of the fcec roUry of Btale. thrch' war. of the aaeet kiadl th-rectj retpiet wtba 3 oaaa edLfJ.vtrnoM 'C ix Tb Executive CommittuB of th Bute Agtleutural Society1, If which Gev.Celd wall wt Vic Prrtldent, tltm' met aad adopted taaolutloae expreaaive of their tor row and the great Ice to tht tociety, by the death ol tb. Geveraor. t t During th. taceung oa motion of JCeinp f.&tUf. t-q the Prtsldent of bioV)cl- f I weauUeIa! W aftot; A wdter U frpre a emerial addrem t ft'Mf ' ed at the next meeting of the Society In October act tyi pa tb lile end character ofllleExceleBcy: ... .i.iilj The dining table at the Yaraoroagh nMUd wu most .beautiiully . firs tao and, with mourning teaderly placed apaa It by the loving banoVi of ' woman aad the "vacant cbalr," wbera the Governor: waa wont to ait M several ymn, waa turned down, tt being alto heavily craped, while UiaaeoltbkttAkmmilyaait warn that ao oltea had takea their dalley meal with thadeoeaaod aaemod te ttA, alat, there ta a K-raoBetchaiz. The Governor wa te eiaUy papular, eepaciaily se with woae be metattbeieaet'BDoaro). - Mr. Theodora ol Liooola I 1 aaiiaw aw -wwajjaa waawu I tf.Tlawi) at HCMttM AW 4VM0M - frTV'G V,?H i aih.alb3li f a:i j jt.a- A- a.x.i 1 u r f-xv . . - - -- i&ariMMim&x. a jaawaa aa aawfam aajojari . ft-rff TmvraWfc-ptf A, eraAt U filaWWt to fVjkrl.r pat?la 4tif r! aeaaVeg 0 lahau caliag' of the ANOTHEK LBTTB TOOK TOEO N. ,L '' '". ..' . . .. .' : aUmftUBV ..V-y V r Mr EJltor ; lSt itondaj hiclir I kC.uieda! h MHbodiM psbBlch. J.f .i Urea aadMDCa. AJV-f la tofeH'r, A f otw uaaliud BMaftfui Star lM$vt Qnmt Taaipifc--TI.-tJgrt , U; omtof tht toort jrrtfoltreftt Mti'fnJ Aaherilla. llflj .fchj I, cthrVwa' WdTfrIiW', ilJabano of tni Mikf bTobb liege enoa be erecWd, The aire hat beea lected with great eare, both m rogarda vn'!e f location, Hltnaled eight miloi west ot Aaheville. Tha college , 1 tola built of brick and will be two ato- rim high. ' ni' eld log house ia which Gor. Vance I ' wad uorn 1 ttanuuig aear rieavoravtiia. Or. Bogaa m formed me that It it aow M jaarteld. " - i . . .. ... From Weavcrtville I vltittd Lcicettcr, aad orgaaiaad Cresoeat Lodge of , Good Templars, with tl chartered aaarabera. From Leiceeter I retorned to Athevill to-uK n f will viait fwaaDtnooJ am traf eiliag the mountain oa horse back A maa by the name of Pleuant Craig waa killed by lightning la bit meadow at Marthail oa Wednesday about one o'clock. He bad a pHehfork oa bt shoulder at the time. The fork baa not Ikh f-mnd alace the tad occurrence. U. loves 1 ve ehlldrea. 4 " fl.Winlew Bargin, Etq., died at hia residence, ia thlt place oa Tuesday, and waa boried the Wedneaday altcrnooa. Mr. B.rgin wu Aaditor for the tftate da ring Gov. Worth' administration. Tba lthodit District Cjnft ranee met berttThursday.and, will adjourn to-night. A large delegation i present. Urn, T. u. tlinirraao arrircd hre on Wed Deed ay night, Iroru Kew Tork city. IIu ooiua to spend the sammur montha in th Moentaina. Visitor continue to arrive fMm varl. ous part of th country. Your., . TrBO S. RtktlAT itamvAU at Ntiohx IIutkl, Jrtv 14th, 1874. D W Bterenwrn, Nowbern ": W U Bortman. wa-liin-rton, n. t; : job it Headen. PitubimV W O Bwftref. Ptfy i TPDerereanl, John O German, Willie H nvwood. A B Btrotuch. U Q Litcb- ford, W A Hau-r,N L Joncf, A J Fincb, City ; C J Voorhce, tt E Co.; B F llowee, Haywood ; Uilc Leltcn, Lomocrton ; J it Tlmberlake, it ds u It It J n varver, Wtk county. ' ,f,i ' " ara f A gontkman rfflinted with the chronio rheumatltm wyt, MNo description of my cam eta convey the vaat amount of brjeeflt I have received from theue(ofjohnon't Aaodyae Unlment. I believe it la. the beat article ia the world for rhcuuiatiam. If a bene hat a good constitution, and hat once been a good matter how eld or how' much run down bn may be, be greatly improvd,and in m.ny rexpect made a good at new, by a iidoibi a i Bbmilan tUiialry fyunditlon n tacn 1ALE1GI liElKf. wa' Ltaaut rnica. K.Lsiut, Ju'y 1 u NA1L8-6I7X BUd tK We quote A 13; B, 14; ExUaO, lli; Briaht C, Yellow, II V.How 10; arowaaVHaie . .HAtf-rirmet t50. bMtl, BACON aad BnUi!aat-BaB,C. R. 6blea, t IX; Bacon sbtalden 9X llttlk, V. R. Sldea, jj . git, Hide In-aaiar-cu.f J llrros. boavy fLOHR Palpeo H-Ml nr MiU r"m; ly 1J; Jo. 1 xtra 0) ; North narollua 9.8U.I. BAGGING tinnnv Bisninj HW : OonWe anchor A, 15c COTTON TIES HC- CorPEE-tElo, prime. 4Hai tasalra, 36; Java 40. riSU-Mackerel Sew FniUy, f2JS; N. C- nerrlngs-Koa.lOJ)a ; Cut 'Awn Bbtd tt linall. HAT Northern. t.T5 tol.mi ; North Caro UaO.lStO IS. BUTTIR Beat country I Vl, U ni coan try. , Goshen 40, KGGB loaSP. CUICKENg -'OaXie. CiKN-l.t5 lOTATtiEf IrUB, t.mwast none. y -a. i . -aaa- - - NEW YORK MARKETS. .A New Yobb, luly ll. ' Uotttm net rect-ipte 87A, grom 87- Paeree cVrwed ateady, talce S.500 m follow t July 18 8-8 ; August 10 18-10 18 7-8; Ek-ptcmber 18, MO; October 18 7-810 IO-8Sf Novtiabtr 10-11-18; December 16 U-18al S3 M. Ibia ateady at a.00afS.05. Tu'pea tine tteady at li. " Boathera floor ahad firmer, ccm moa to. fair extra t8.W 80, good to choioj do.'Cora heayy at 75a 78 1-1 far Wtatrra miked. ' Coffee, euiet and very firm.- New lard firmer at 1 1 8-4 for prime tteam. Wbukey firm at 0 Honev eaT 13. Slerilng r tfoiet 8 - Gold heavy at 1010 1-4 Oovrnmea4a actln and A little off. State qalct and nominal. . , ..j I. , u r.- .1.1 WiuraioroH, July It-Cottoa quiet ; middling 15 BAirnaurBB, Jely 1 1. Cotton dnU mid dling! 17 1-4; low middling 10 1-4 good ordinary II 8 8. 'Ai.'--" 4iTTrArfTKri 1.0110 ACKU OK MOKX VV rwlth fcU 40J Actc Tof tlliabi i3ad aad Maker aaefal w ndvtrMI paiijaaaa p,,,, taBd wiln to aell Bay mak a'.k.n, toil, mlnrla. o.ui)Uia and qna' lilies of wood w.t. r' power ntrfiil for ejnm aarma ana a iia.iau ai riiawan-. 'ladaatrbt in. aarrkiaHurBl parwatta Apnty to iudurtrial and 'AfrrWultti Latonla Aaaeaibiy Kooou. u lis Third Aaaae Mw f Otk UtopMui'i . . TJILOWKit POffl,n,ri. ,a,aB410lBab ilowar l'otatk beat aod Uiitt.lMMa aaia ra Mil maiBav0" T. U. UK1003, f 0N8. 1 1 1 1 1 n GREENSBORO rVXAt COLLEGE. -i " OKEaUrBBOBO", II. C. I"- This InatRatioa ia acala kt saaeaaaral Hob. . Tba Vail Bawtoa of 174. will bfi Wadnfladav. Jnlv89th. ForCatalomia atatlna- WraMk e,t aped to th freaiikt Kev. T. M. ! I... tt 1, 1 jt UUK, if. V. M. B. T. WILBOW, . Preat. Board Traateaa. BDe2tt W. B. MRRUr CO. . ' Man at ac rarer and Dealer in all kind of Cotton and Bhuck Matruaeo, &0, No, I, Fayettcville 8treet. mar Utf CtBBB ATO OOLLKCTORI OmCB, - JoW Bth, 1874. JOTICB. - k Acttn andiw aa ordlnaao nawe J bv Board of IJaaamkaloiiera J aae ddtb Wf 1 berebv notifv ail Deraona who failed to list their taxable to come forward and list '.he same within the next tea dare, under paaalty of thelaw. rKArtL'ieat, bukkki. jniyo-Ot ' Clerk and Collector. tsUCBS KAOUCEn. .r-'A. Qreat lodnceracntn'to ftnrchaserl. We have just Bedaced 00 r Kntire Block, amounting from M,0Oi to $30,000 worth of Kntlrely New DRY GOODS, Notions, Boot, t-hoea, Kata, Ac; much lower prices tban heretofore fort dH. All who fdve ua a call will get the 1 uHast valaj fartbrlr money. -'A' r .: 1 . w t ' MercbanU parchaalaa: ta thia market can make pro table I vest. runt with na. - Our Stack la vary lull lr k mm i side w will liar other addition very rooa. ' PETTI JONErJ, 90 Fyett"ine Street June l-tf Kalclgb, N. C. H OUHK AND LOT FOR BALE. ' . n-m turn atnr dwrlllnsr eltb aeven room and well of good water in the yard, next door to Col. 11 11. Harrison and fcace instiiuie,i Intend aulliuR and wilt cive yon a bo-mi oar- gain, d. C. uini-a, juiy 7 tx Q7- Years Old. . ..- .... -. 'r.-i-', 1 Six r Reasons Why YOU SHOULD INSURE IN LIFE INSDllA.N CP 9l CUEaTNUT STREET, lit. Decause it ia one ot thn oldest Compaoic in the Cnntry, an.l ... jt the day of experiment.'" 9nd. lb?caue evM-y policy-riolder It a member ol tba Company, entitled to all It advantage and privilege, having a right to vote at ail elections ior u-iuiec, aou tho ha an influence la Its marmgnment . Brd. , Bccaow It baa at larwe a peieced age of asset to liabiiiti aa any lile la surance (Amt ntinv in tba Country, 4th. Because by economical manage ment, it ratio of ex pen tn total income it tar below the sveradwof Irife Cempan- te-. (Sea Officul Irauranca la-pott.; Sth. Bocaote it baa declared more dividends fa number, and of a Larger AMe Pereonug., tbaa any Company in the United Statoa. For example: Policy No, 10, lor 3,00U, ha been riaid to the widow of a Philadel phia Merchant, upon which twenty-three divMuacM l u ocea oeoiarea. javwaspwa; flfti-acvsn ik r ecnt, IL.d thcaa dividend. been used to pnrchaae addition to this Policy, 0,040 more would have been realized, making tne ritcy www aiiv 0th. , Roeavte it ta liberal la lie. mane gomvnt; prompt in itt settlement, tafe be yond a contingency, and ltd rate are a low ae any firat-claae Company la the (roaatry. -r , - v . .. PBiMarAL Fbatobbb. Small expenaei, abtolute tocurity, large return premlumt, prompt payment of loaaeaand liberality MtaMsBamrea, . -.i-- . w baiubuu. nun, rrBso.i, i: ."" BAM'L B. 8TOKBA, Vlee-Pn-tideat, H. B. BTBFHBMp, ad Jas maMeal, , JAV WKIR MASON. Aetaary, - ,.unw . r-aTiw . . - Kim. tLAB intlUSLTIftt, I 1.. J ED W. A. PAB, 1 ( Medlcaa ixamiaar W. It riMUll, Waaeral HansKex. JAJLEJGU EEXAXJC BEatlKAKT, - - ' RALkraB, M. Cw F. f. IIOBGOOD, A tf., Principal. A P. KB I'D, A. M., Aashrtaat. PRRDt AOTHR, Haai UarMWaeat TbanTt BcasJoa epene aa Monday, Bept, 14 U, IcrM. Apply tor UstaaaxBa. . . July V410twUw arill fry 1 1 1 will aailiMt fxonUiuW J III !! I I I ,l , llll I ! 1 -anfa.Mjw I... ii i .Ma'.ai ' I. TJNIVEB lTJCj.Or Vt(?fNIA. Hammer law Lectnrea (nine U.;i!in liith yalr, lhMl aard ink teat Hate uv, d of ilfreal aae; fat, fa atadcUa viuo tag t parah flxlr alatlia at thia o otat law achool ; IM, to tboao who ialgn to alady pri vately bd, to Joan piactHtoaera who have not bad the advantag. of ayttoniatlc le.truc Uo.. Por treola 'ply - P4A4iatarity -of fa.) U JUMM 3UiMW,'Pf. Horn, and Stat. U! ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' '' Jaaal(r-wlmi"A-i,,.fR, ". - . 9mot an. it IRialtr. Law to I JojmV Eqnitr tnelaatve, 1. voronea,at &. Uata- kaa price la tVM. A will teU art from Bnsbee'a.Lawto tu N. C., imliuive except ina WlaatoB' Law Eqafty, SI vol now, at twee ta'oBa yM l I will aeii any ot these volunia at 'Ji per eat Jea"Tba eat iocne price. " ' ' p Persons ordarlat bv mall must aand postf;e. ALPKE1I W1LUAM8, Bookseller, Jane HO daUaUkwlat , , BaleiKb, JI. C. Wa. W.Joaaa,,, . - Aair-u Joaaa. JON IDA J ON E H . tawirtvwf ?..!-. Hi. Attwrncy'a At Law, BALE1GU, It C. PRACTICE ta the Baprerae Court ot the BUte. the Cireait and lnatriet Court of ta United HUtee and the several Courts of th atb Judicial District. Office oa rayettovUle, Bt. oppoaite .tte ClUicM Mattoani Back. t sUira. )an -iu qraiiam man school. Rbv. W. 8. Lamo, A M., 1 Re. D. A. Laao) JL Hi, ) rriDClp'1- Ifaa. IL A. BAOIAM, Inttractrcaa In Music. The next Besdon betrlns the 24th Of Au;uxt snd coBilmas 40 week. FnpUa can enter at any lima. . uoara 1 10 810 per month. Tuition 8-i to 84 per montli. Mntie on Fiano 84 per month; Guitar f'. locatton BBmiiasai a aor aeaitn. eenu iur aClrealar. . . - u June rV-8tdw?w pr-KNRT'S C1IBDLIC SaLfE TiiU MOST FOWERFl'L UEAX1NU AGKN'f EVER 1)1 COVRUB1). i . .. . 1 - The wonderful celerity with which tbla cornblnatloa of Carbolle acid with o lier soothing and curative i-molirnt UEALS THE MOST VIRULENT MiKkrt AND ULUUU ia something akla bathe marveJons. It ia with pride that the Proprietors call at tontioti to the grtlfylnc fact that FliytfrcUKS"' GIVE If TUE TIlCllKftT M It AD Or FKAieE. and use It and prcacrilie It In tliclr Kacllce POINTS TO BE BORME IN MIND: Curbolic Salve puaillvoly euros the worst aor. Carbolle Pslve Instunlly allays ibe J'ln of burr a. . Carbolic Salve car a ahUulaaaeua arnitt ns Carbolic Salve rwMToapimpU) snd Motchiw. Carbolic Salve will cure cu's and bruise , tb'bollc Balv ranks tr thread , ol ail lalvea, Olutmenta or other Jloallug loiu- pounda, and Ua acuicvwi a Rreater rcpnia Uon and has a tarxer rale than any othel timl lar preparation of rontempwnewia Inven tion, i,-- ' 1 "; BOM everywhere. Price at ecata. t . .OUN F. Hi NRT, CC KUAN A CO., , v .(.. Jroprlatota. it and l oll, ga I'laia. New V01 k. ,ne 8n.lm ."' 1 "" jma I'WAKttEV , KOR. f Boat Hi. ever mad (rar ganlea aad it.-m r:-1 esc , Wntu lor vtrcuiar and price. .A-, -. JUUVSLKWlUilt . 8olA;enUforN. C. '""Trad.- iiiplied tl.nafaetummRrjew. ,'"il 1 .i in'i t iir";" Y ON THURSDAY. JULY aoril, JWIl. aU at the Court lloaaeduir inraiaiKli, liie fol lorn ins; jproiart) : One lot on Newbenie t., one tquaro fioui the Coitol, wit h about 4N feet front, ibbsIihc back 10a feet to iiaa of Louie Feck, on tbU lot t a aond Offlee with owe lanfa room. rm ! Casn ramaiuoer B monuiswitn luterot. ' At tba auss time 1 win awo eta, me 101- lowinK property, subject to the dower of Mrs. H. A rnnirosa aaa taa uumeneau i KUaaaad Nora M. Primroea. Oue lot oa Newbera Bt., to tba West of aad ao J dnlnir tb Bhova- deaertbed lot w itli VU feetfroat raalng back 10ft to iMfeot, on which is a dwelling- aud servant house. - W, BV .RHtKOdE, AdBi'r ct JalylwBwAdlf , . , Uec'd. ELECT BOARDING ASO DATStTfi fc, ., , viilo4i AVKi; . . Xa Miasaa M sah ar4 Mia Kalloek a Ul re same the exerebwa of turlr Vchool on ibUy 94th fuly and eoatlane twentv ' week. lr aalam rirwardadoa applieaUoa : June kit 3twiw - , ' ' .,' t .. h it "r 1 ti'n , KELLY' PATENT DMBEELtA-nnL-BBE, .. - . . For BaKgiea, Waana, Boat, Saddlee ami ether open Vehicles. Tola axcaerihuly In raajioo. aad aaetal taaaauaa awpti Iobs; felt by tboae who ride In 0ei ltta ao slmDla In it construction t va vehicle. 1 that aclill I It after am ebaarata me app rata. It can be artewed down to any vebiem witiioat roconvatiieno ' it doe aot d 1st nam Use ap-awanae af any wcoa ., tt eaa be pl.eed at any aUvstion, or Inclined In any diracUoa with perfect eaa mmomeata Uaa. w ban not la aae It eaa ba aadMpaaud betwrea the aaahiooa, by the almpl turning of aAbaaab aare-w, aa 10 MeaHarary awt of the way, and will aut jeet persona ridiug tonolu aonvenienee whatever. Any person of ordl aan miad eaa adapt at U aia iai wUlsoat the aid of directioaa. It price W wUhln tlui reach of siL Bvery owner of aa open vblH aoudhaveoBw. Aaykladot an Vattawlla will adjast. They eaa be parehaaad, wliole aateaadietatL at JULIUS LB WIS m OO-B. iFdc at retail 83. . -i ,,, r State and eoanty Right for sals. Addrcaa .(,,,.. M.KaUJ.r,.ratB4e, InMlB-U, khdS e maajui 1 b( EaWgh, N. V. JUMBBR OF ALL hUNUo FOR BALE. 1 will deliver anywhere la the cheap rata, aay Bind of mmber wanted ; M,aj feet of aeaaoiwrt Soaring eahaailiidreM aw t Ralekh. jnaaltt . r ! ' J.t. tJOWDWIM. J ' V , F 1 If 111 an eaa. Mewaaopy. , 7,

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