7- '... ;- M , " '' " "' "'""'' '' - " f ' I 4 f 1 4! THESE aw joffiTi tl:j. , wri3' I. TuzsaiT, jult ,; row rort ow itojo mhmuih' rf- ooik BKPnxjr a pool, CMgroaimuI NomlMlkuis. " - rtxn MHMmrwr" Majwi JESSE-J. YEATKS, ... ,:. of HtttfojoV f ,. ,- .. ... -.' . nm Dnmcr. '''.'Bm'LIQCblCADDBLtti! r- -of. New Bawwr- Caw. JOSEPH J. DAVLV" ...... "". '.tii.- . .. . a anm nnnt Box. rnonAB-v isnit, , mum ounn: WM. M. IlOBBnta, , u. -of ItvdaU, sj t SIOBTa! MBTWT Ua. BOBXRT a TJMCB, P'i;!':of Boaeoaiba.- ' s JailcUl IMhutlo.a. rrafT DarrmicT. MILLS X. t' ' tof Oata j ,- ; , FOUlTa BIITKICT. On, A. A. MaKOT, ' ' 'ol Bamptoa. BARTBOLOMSW FULLER, -- of Oaatrauad, '"J" , 'pTinrftf DttrmicT.',' 4': ,. Hon. JOBM KIBB. TtMatri mstuct. "'T' THOM kS 3. WlLSOtt . ofFottytk. ,... anm DttTaJCT ..,-' IX.. 8 Q K N 0 K , . ImlktUm fsr.Dlttricl UlUiUrt. '' votntra mstbict. : "" W.; NO RHIMT, of Rottcam Ttm DISTB1CT : SAJt'L . PXMBEBTON, -or Btabxt. "1 SFxtU siwraior." CAPT. SAMUEL T. WILLIAMS, of Nash. sirnrrai orsnuor. F. N. STBUDWIOK, of Oraage., , . - 1 i- norrra wtnttcf. f; JOBS P H 0 B 8 Q of Berry, -r- , - - , REGISTRATION. ' A new teglatnuioa is aot required lot tkt'Aagaet alectioa, but every aaaa who hat changed kit residence tinea bat ejec tion, must register or he cannot vote. Every voter who kaa heretofore roistered aaoald spead one day in examining ta refilatratkaa hooka to see if bis aaaa Is aa them, Uakee your ' nam it oa tbt books yoa oaaaot vote. - flea aimat your rrgisUatloa. " t-.-., i ' , COL POOL'S APPONTKNT8 IN TH1 w. t,,'..!' "j 1 11 P00L oar aaadldatt far Sapcrtattndaat of Public IaitrucUoa. I wlUepeeke the following place aad I I apeak timet: , ... ., ,,,,..-,. ..' Jaly 1L Iiaooltoe, Liaoola aoaaty July Iky Rutberibrdloa,: Rulbetford eoaaty. t-. - Jaly 14, Bkelby, CUssvelaad aoaaty.' July 11, Morgantoa, Burke aoaaty. Jala 17, Leaorr, Caldwell eoaaty. , . July 18, Tsylorsvllte, AkxaaoVr eoaa ty.? ; ' r-x' ":; , July M, JBUkerUle, ImeVn maot, , Jury 11, Newtoa, Ctttwka awaaty. ' July tk, AaaaviUa, Buncombe eoaaty. , BARD ON BIS FRIENDS. . Tat Ratdatilla Racflrd'' ta ao kird doaa aaaa its lata frieada Cvtoael Roffla aad Captabx Beaoa, that we are eawil-1 liag ta aabltsk what that Jaarwat tayt of them. A friead ira AJtmaarw tell as I In that the two will carry off hardty a atmea I votea properly belonging to the IIimm-I cratla party. ., Tbt 'Record" la Ita short-1 eat aad most i aiadaraU aot ice tayt : a .! . l " - . - -1 - wUi spot Raffia aad bit aataUtte Beaoa aad tmlta tham tht first Thursday ia At I gast Ifa Weald rather you aaoald vets I fof Baadttaoa. Tat A Utoaaad timet rather tkaa lor either eat af taeaa taa-1 gadtt Aad ttaltara,'' ' . . ; . - While tka' Record that goes fur kit! laic friend, ke iavUa til paraaat ta at- tead at a barbecue ta bt given at llttef tea Said, aa Wadaeaday tht IStk iaat, ta ktar F. It Btradwick, tkt eaadidata lor ta tba TtA Jadlclal CJrcuiL ill W.4U.I V. 1 1. w w "" r-r . , , . a . t I u -lltraawaia aa mwyw ana mas aow aaaaai . k . rr if. Amitb.w' A.mm I . . ftt... HM1 L.J .1 Stawasarw asw wiaa mmmt iwwa j"g I tftft-a hata In ba nitUed. Wa.ara.aot it tht habit of boasting of oar fneods. bat Wt weald aot ba afraid to ettetitkat no 7, ore yoa prepniwa r ta ea meam Englnet and Machinery . . . .' . I foEoement of tbt shave tectioat Are I tory refereore eiren., j aaaa it to-day a can Ji data who It oora- .Jr.;nln. ,k I .!?: !Tll.?!un'" .EDITORIAL C0MPLMXHT8. , ft TkB Bi timer "(hiett- goes for the Ntw Fork 'Herald' after th following Tba Hew Y kIL?ld pride UseV apoa beisg t t jsm paper ; ia fct, kfll ut that H It aothhg. VTe iarry Vi ttj It baa no pretensions': to adiUMial brain bo claiav . U it dote aot gift jot tkt Min earlier, ftilUf. end. vita amort urancj 1aeaj im -coetemponries, New York It m place tot ILIt bed better te k'C'inm T5tlie1awa,eul West, or tan itaeif into W pwiinr tbwt,- k It ttreage, tbta, that the "Herald" should atad to Africa td M tivingstwaAd yet not kavt eatii Jely ttk aa aooMitat ef tht XcDbBkld-AMi affair, and ties one nbick Blttrly mkutuwaaeata tat plaiaeet facte 4 A bete which timber aid. exhagee, aty, tbeHeraldV New York eoatunporarios, tut before It daya ago. Probably a liula wort eater s'. I J -I. a .11 a t a I UVUIa iawUlf Of DOUIOff M "aalQ tUOUl I awe atriagtat law igaiaat uurj. Now rittkatitM aa4 tbii tba aeaawi for tlucu 1 MgnkeM TTj keRIoii befora oopj. Wbaa tbt Legbiatur aaaiblM theea I aeotioiia wilt .bf dlKvaacdJbH ba I T r ' -t I1"""-" w w 4.o I Aaalat aaaiiaiiw afawaa tka LaJ ua,U I wajt laitwui awi ftaaaa aaaMlal MaaawRB n umih I at U kaa baaa eallod la aaotw tiork and a ... -.- . . . rcaucoa rait or latere!. panto wui Ttls panio will Itadantad laeraan wbaa anoay it laaaal at It 1-1 18, aad va 10 psr ceaL A aoav aamstry pay u f sorh interest aiaat lalwatabala aaanic " . i- f t v 1-: XV WhVX. ' f The effort ia kttig mad to prsjtd ct tba blaek raea alaat JndM Trr .id other I candidates wbonx Bldao bad arrested. by pretending that they were Kuklui. If IJadg Ken or ay Coaaetvativa caodU I data belonged to the Kaklnx, ton hat bata tloat fQlBcieot to sbow it , Mo effott aa taa parfaf IlolJaa aad Kirk watt left I nntned. ,To am or tba eml law wu Iaot powirleai, aad Do Idea erea iavoksd tht aid of Drka iword. Tba New Tork Timm bat a vll artlcl apoa ftdgt Kerr aa a Kuklnx, guilty' of crtaw. Wa shoojd like to bar tht panisbmeat of tacb vll' Haas. . .. '"' - . '. . 11 1 1 i)S OOMMBMICATan. Article 9, saclioa 17, of the t'ouetitij- tioa of North Carolina, reads as iollews "Tba Qeoaral Aaenbly ia Inawy powered t eoact that evary child of auA flcleat BMntal aad physical ability tbali attend the public school dtriog the pe riod betwtea tbt ages of six aad aigbieca yean, Cora term of aot tkaa sisteaa BMHitha, anlesa educated by ether meanr. Has it ever aocarred to tae-whlte peo ple of North Caroline, tboat who have cblldrra to edaoate mart ospeclslly, bat tbt abovt tccuoa H a part of the fund ateatal law of their Bute, aad cannot be altered by ordinary legialatioa I Do they know that before the aduptia of this part of their eoostitutioa, wbicb wu ia 18o, aa ta-ib power rcatad ta the bands of tbt LVglalatara, but that every fatba bad it ia his awe power to aunage aad otwtrot the edacatioa 0 bit uwn child at all times, wbilt tbt schools of the couo try were ia aeaaios t Bucb it not tbt Cans with the poorer class pf our white people new, aad tkeae qoeatioa are well worth tbt altaalioa of every white citi tea ia the BtaUof North Carolina daring tht present campaign, particularly thnt cJaat wfaa have heretofore failed to at tend the polls oa the day of slectioc, nr J wha have from some parsocal pique re fused f sastaia tbs aomiaees of the Cw- tarvative party. The LegWelare aow ba itja ita potrer to com pel mixed acboobi. fi!W&&V!t fci1" taasp prgra cnuama aa ? in ayae acaou langasg.; of this urn -Jii'!i WKM sectloa they . . . .1 kavt he power to compel clildrea t attend the public schools who "caa aaf ta ed oca ted by other It matters aot- Low rick tome may aow be, the Wheel of fortune varies ia It revolution, and at tome timt tht richest as wall at tbt poorest, may bt subjected to the operation af this pro vieioav What guaiaitee kavt the people of tbt State that it will aot bt enforced at tbt aext tassioa of theft General At- stmblj, ii taa Radical party should sue toad ia getting potaeasioa of that body I Already wa are ttrfd that 79 per cent of tbe nomieeee'Of that party art aegroea, tad that all of tkat art pledged t t ha racpma af aack aa iaiqaitnat mcasar. They aaaeaaca this la their p'a lorm 01 1871, aad after median tba Sumaer Civil Right,' bill, aad the taaaaiationt f tkeir leading men la and oat of Uoagresa, aad oar owa Otat Legislature, w eaa but coaclade that the mala cfforti f that party, eiac ita advent tato this Stabs, have basa ta fore apoa tbt white people I soci) negro eqqatlty. During the preeeat . ,.i.-, . - " I vm ba prompt la denying aad deaoaa elng tbt their retention, bat to aa obser Tig uj mc, danlal aad denunclatloa eaa avail bat .Uult. Taa aegroet kavt jrwa tbt white and black line from tbt tdvaatof radicalUm la tbis (Hate. No Ma kaa -been permitted to secure their auffraga who lkat aot fully eemasittad blmaelf k tbt policy. Their white ad- rocatet tiU deny It, bat ee ioatanoe can bt abowa Where they avt failed rigidly tetapport tkt bebrtU of tkeir party. Tbit .1.. n - .v. . , . I " P"J1 . .. I It jiona - f taa.aocroe aat gone xona and to-1 l. !;. ..t. r v. a .u I J . - " . . ..ft cmieq mfvm w acoept tarn Dcquen Of IDS I M.. Knmm I Mea of North Carolina I think tor aatarebora their social inferiority Are yoa willing that your daaghteca, apoa wboteyoa have bestowed theteaderrat cant, aad with whom foa baat associated somaof Ike mott sacred thouf,k, should bt bnmbtnd and debased ay Uti m!' aant apirtt of ralical rule " Tbk geveraastnt it W, wk.li. meat gaammtal, tbto enaalrSwat .damecl aodmUud by whit laei, oor Uw ami ioititttlont r kuc4 upi the triad oi of our aacattart fa Ctri Uck, lot M pot tuffer Uaar to b app'MUd by tb' BitlisBtat ' $?rto f ,w wutUtf toward aoothtr, or NpiiUntad by Oongoat AabUtarrtlWfldtPtfit pold (a AagMt,aad bjrjroareBert'naitiriva to porpatuate tbcat laMitotlon.' W are willing to accord tba acgra all civil right, but to aaciat quality wa aaoald arvcr content. . j ,.t ? - CIVIL RIQHT8 BILL. ; ' Uaay calla bart bara anult apoa va rrwattr tr pabfldr-thtelTH riRtitt Mil. tboagk a did aa at taa tkaa of ita aow- tom mm tn nlauad ta KBdbkak airiun. 1 aadaaalo. W publiab itaa wt w.iula U I ' w . etb)Bieat uf tkacwmmodatbMa,a4vae l.K, lacnitRi aau pr.r.icya tioa, 7y.fSr.V""..?,g".''al latent, ami alaw 14 cuuuoa acnowa aaifT oublio iiwIiJutioMof learning or Uneo ieno lapportod, In whole or in wart, by k,-,u niMtltHMl kJhM Mltomd byuttumteUBUtaaaoicwnoteriatao I aitt aaaaawtMt mKidal Ml fl In th tVl .1 itiftaW i 'Pw," j v - eaV nva I d limitattoai bt law, ana applicant lalikatocitlxaoa ol arorr rata aad uOlor. -.l. tJ u. .raiaa Madirbt. of aemtnae. See 1. Thai an acraoa who shall vio late tba foregoing aectloa by denying' to any person ami lira ia ta oeaetiurxoept ytt rcaaaas tty law appitcaoi to ut cm vw ol every race and color, aad regard- Tivm of lot crcvioui iodiUoii of ier vt- f Md. tht full enjoyment or aa 1 oT tnt ac commoa.ii. aa, auvantagca, aciiiuea, 01 r r egtasatatouoaentiateratd. ir by aiding or Inciting such denial, sbali for every such offense forfeit and nay Uie sum of ova hundred dollar to the person aggrieved thereby, to bo recovered in ah action on toe -case, witn full costs, aad (hall also, for every such offense, be deem ed gouty ot a misdemeanor, and, apoa conviction thereof, shall b fined sot more than ont thousand dollars," or shall bt Imprisoned not mora tbaa oat year. Pf tUUd, That tba party aggrieved shall aot recover mors tnan one penalty; ana wnen tht offense is a rs fusel of bariaL the penalty may be recovered by the heir at law ot tba person whose body has been refuted burial Ahd provided further. That all peteont may elect to tae for the penalty aforesaid or to proceed under their rights at common law aad by States statute, and baring an selected to pro ceed In the one mode or the other, their right to proceed la the other jurisdiction shall be barred. But this proviso shall aot apply to criminal proceedings, either under tbis act or the criminal law or any Bute. Bee. S. That the district and circuit conn of the United States shall have, exclusively of the courts of tbe several States, cogrj isance of all crime and ofTen- agalnst and violation! of, the previa Ions of this act and action for tbe penalty given by the preceding ,eciin may be M'We territorial dts ciicult courts of tbe United 8taU-t wherever the defendant may be found. ithout rvB-ard to tbe other party, aod tbe district attorneys, marshals, aod deputy marshals, . of Ike United fftat and coromiaaiuneie appointed by tbe cir cuit and territorial courts of the United 8 late, with powers of arrestiaz and im prieooing or bailing offenders against the law or the lioittd. ftatce. aio hereby specially authorized and required to ius'ti- tute proceedings aa-aiast every Hereon who shall violate the provision of this act, and cause aim to be arrested and Im prisoned or bailed, aa tht cast may be. lor the trial before such court of tbe Uni ted btates or territorial court si by law has cognisance of the offooce, except in the respect of the right of action accru ing to tbe person aggrieved, and such distr'cl attorney t tball causq euch pro. nwdiiiL't to be precati d to their let mi' nntiun hs in other cases. Prttiled, That nothing contained In this section shfll he construed to deny or delist any right of civil action arcruii'i; to nor person, wliether by rraaon "I this act or otbei wist-. eVc. 4. That n citixca poesstsing all other qualiQcati ns which are or may ue prescribed by law shall be qualified tor ava-avaajaay aaar awiaaataa at irotll II4IWI ! " w thr iT.ii...i u.iM bj.i- seivloo a grand or petit juror in any oa account of iw, color ot previous am i a"a ot eeiriiude, aad any officer or other perwm charged with any duty ia the aeltotloa or tummoclng lurora who shall exclude or fail to summon say clti- tea ret tbteanee arvteaaid shall. viction thereof, be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, aod Dncd not more than 1.000. ec. 5. 1 hat all cases arisini under the provisions of this ant in the courts of the United Stabs shall lie reviewable by tba Supreme Court of the Uoltod States without regard to tbe sum 10 controver sy, under tbe same provisions and reirula- tiont at art now provided by law lor the review 01 otner causes tn said court. 1 1 lu Oxottna kTroeaseraw inese r rw-r nave tta ia use since 1890, with the most fMterine- reanhe They have w. l earned the reimtatioa of 1 - a. - . t . TH BBBT rRREZaJt v-' ' ever intmduced,'oo expt-ase ta spared to render them perfect and improvements Siitiaw aavt oeea latroauced ay wtiicrt lacreaaed airengu, nuraDiniy and neatnett . art securer!. They am made In the moat durable manner and the mechanical ar. ran semen 1 1 art seen that tht will frees. Cream, Fruita, or Water Jccav thetherte 1 an noest Die time, . Bead ror Circular and dii tioaa for freezing. T U. mIUGKjS SONS. niaj27tf. J.C.8.IJriI81)li, Maannielnrar aad IvitW la TIb iut'Bk iron War. Stonewall Btoveaj Ihs beet ia tba uaa ineta. im aoortne. Wui lerlna and Ptobur a BDeelalit. Fuv.tUrtlu AMuift. .1. . u . - n ' - i ims h "i.'.1T T":'': aaleteh, . C. rtSdtf -T A ilTCU. WW ; f Situation at sawyer and Cootroler of 1 Sattsfac- S ' I'M jssd j: 4. Taa obv tUlWi eift IMctbaUoa la Uta -v , couatry , :;, $50,000 OOr . to aa DiTKinoTtt)' 'rji'wt'' ' tk fct- -aa I 188TB RKO UL A It MONTHLY -e m J I 4 v r a iJr JTaaf , dtf. lOrt, 1S74, altar ! VS Mi la CM I 'MamwwiBgi I Two Prlaat al.OOt I Two Priasa, $900 S OreoabacltaJ ! ,,finif r,..iM aad liUliti I.mm 1 . " . ' . ' " will Hirer itiitcd lariw, wttrk $1,1 i30:tU sMflClf' MM,t 1 Bona aad Dutrcv, witk gCver moaated Haraeaa, Wortk m. 1 s-v.. Oat Fiat toaad Roaawood Kaaea. wartfc dwtachl Five Family Sewing Machines, wortk BI0O each I ' 700 (fold and Silver. Lever BaMioc watcnet (m all) wart Iram 120 to fUKW each ... Sf9ifU 8.0001 lltati WaiUd It Ml TifkiU, tt vhta bt e rat rreisiihu wilt paia. BUgle TickeU t ' : TVsket 5 Twelve Ticket lit); Xwenty-Fiva q0. Olrcvlara eonttbiliir a fall llat af uiaas. deacrivttoa OI the aarnaer of drawiiur, aad etner Infonaatioa la rerae to the DlstrV vaaoa, wui ue seal to an on ardariajt taaia, All latter must as ajdram I ta aura osthm. , u. it, euKa ox ao, 101 W. riflh tt : ,, ioiaaava 1 1 trill one thaabava Hoiua. oa the Irat af June, ai.a will be very giai to receive a snare at tbe mvaUnx pabUc. . CIUROM PER DAT, BT TBI WUL ' f 1,50 FEB A T. ' Recular Boarders deatird. 4. m.. ai.ain, rroprmor. awywu. 1,5 0 0 ,SO0 POOSrjej rUKB AVO rRua c Oiii GROUND IX RtPlXRO U 8EBO OIL. Buy only tbe best. Hoe tlatt every Can ha onr label on It. BKIOOB ABONS. tab 17-tl down the mxm, OR mCTICJl tESSDM HDEl The Code Dnellti. J ? AN AMATEUR. ' K J. UaLB. ana.- Pablkhari. Pr't si.nu, tnra now DUMiinerJ, . Tht to a father Book, founded oa aoaaa Mearrenees latelr traaplred la Oeorgiaaad Alahaata,la wkleh soeae Hnrth faiaiailaas were prominent actor. rr aaie at tae ansa more or, ' AUTRRII WILUAMA mar II tt ORM, MKAL, HA T. One Oar Load Cora. (n Oar Load Meal. 1 ' Two sr Load Timothy Hay. lew Hwhel Vinjlnl vjats. f5 Bbla. Rockland Llaaa. at MUKKAY A ALLEM't JuneA SW. fWi Itore M. C. Depot ti r n a lUwajiiatlsBi,- Sealda, Ltmttioa- Heurilgrit;!? ? Bun, Soreness. SowThroavtt Wdr(1; noajitcfM,, Xlcen, Irrniawi, . lloadacho, Piles, Sprmlnit, Toctbache, r Colle, Old Sores AH HmOttbaSCS, uiarrbtDa, etc. 400 CORDS Ot ' REASONED PtMl WOOD dallrarad for eash st ITS oar Cord. Leave soar ardara at Rlua Mora. oa Hlllaboro' 8lrMt., ftllao, t strong I korat I Wagoa tor sale cheap. ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 FOR ALL WHO ARB WILLING TO WOKE. - Any person, old er yeaag, ef sub. sex, eaa make frees 110 to BSt par weak, St home or ta connection with other aaaiaaas. Wanted bvall. aaltabta to aUhar ettr or vy, and any season of the year. Taiatee ran opportanlty for those who are outot work, and out of money, to ssskaaa tadepaa- deat liTtBS. No eanltal boine reoolred. Our pamphlet. -HOW TO MAKE A UVISO airing fall Inetracttaaa, Ml oa reealpta el It eeata. Addrass, A. Uj RTON A CO., Morrt sanla, Westchester Co., N. T. . MLB if a r. .. . . Jk Tt Rpcrtlate Ineeeml I It i. ' EA) 3ALL 1L FOOTS t , . Ifinkira a 4 brokoni Broadway, M. Members &toek uge aad Void BoMd. 1 keferenr Bankiaa: ttoo, t-ru B' i.i' ipaa or Coinmerdcl A-n tin Vw y , " V, rt.-l . ttVtil Street aad I t BanUutus'' tie tip aiptrtUoi. ' Swedes Iron, , Taa Wt kraada of Atari nea aad aVwIaa troa, aad tacUaa Kztra tetaad Cut tWel aad ta taa aiaafcolaraal em - " , , AXm AHO IXKilCO TOOIA - We offer the vary beat AXC tiiat CM be WMunibctarad by akUlad workaaaa aad vary aapaeior BMtariata, aa4 traat Uat i'l efve the lappurt of tbe trad. - OiaaailUadlaiawalataty.:. ' ' : ': ' v JUUUS Lit WIS ak .OOia ON Ttlt MKEAHIfAHT, l-UNCHBOS. DNt KERAM DU Pr IB TABLS, ' - Ua and raniaa' WoMbeatorahii laae la ladietwnsibla. - ). T""" -w.-"wfja TBE GREAT laOTJCDT TOB consunenoq which can bo cured by a -a a . . a uraciv resort to LWs stand ; rd preparation, as has been proved by tlw hundreds of l testimonials received by the 'pi-opnc(or8.. It is acknbwl edged by many prominent 4. uuvbiciana t to uo uio most - reliable iTTwaration ever iu- troducca for the relief and Jro of all Lnngconiplaints, ' and Is bffei'cd to tho public, ? ianctioncd Ijy thtt crpcviencJo ' of over' forty years. When resorted in ricasii ft scl- ' doni fiiil 'to irflocP jspecdy cure ia i.m mor.i scrcro' . cases of 0u''Iis,Ii unchitis. Croup, Wlioopiitg Cough,' 1 1 niiuciiza, ARthma, Colds, Soro Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Blcedinf at the .Lungs, &c Yistari Balsam docs not "dry up r Cough, and leave the causo Ohmd, as is tho case with most preparations, bat it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, v thus removing the causo of , tho complaint, ' rttMSeo nr fTK W. rOWLB A B0V8, Bsttea, aaaa, ' -aawatvmatilstBajaaleraiaiallai BOIB COTTON 1W. Oa 4 Saw Ola. last to hand (Ala Itutlv celebrated Alabama tiin. The testbaoay a ananlmoe that they tils faster sad makes! better samola than if : -otner ever maaje. Price M ner taw sad trai nanortatlon. ...ysg. ES K. tow: lebv r .aaptaty JkeaoC t EWfa' WAKRAHTED XE8J- ' We have sold too doaen this aeaaoa. and sot one has broken. Ask for the "J ullut Law Is" Aaaaadtakaao othet - -i ... . . dULllld LEWIS A Ot. BEST ADVICE that 1 sa be rlr.nlto persons snfferln from dvepefieia, bllioaa eimphdas, eolie, eoasump lloa. sick head ache, fever aad aga, aervoe dsr-Uitv. or of aar ditonler arTee'.iaa the aeh, the liver or hidaeys, la to tone, elenee, aadreculat these baportant organs by tbe BMW f ' M DR. TOTP VEGETABLE UVEA PILLS. Teev act very mildly, yet thoroatrhly reatnret the funetleaal acUoa of the dlavativa omna anaueinusiuieaaiMi renovatee the systemi 1 aer urooac mnner Bausea. rnmnr or wnak ams, and may be takta wlthoat chauce ef diet or occupation. roc so cent a uox. Bold by sU draggltta. DR. TUTTS HAIR DYE possesses imalltle thtt to other dye doe.' It fleet is mrtaotaBeoca, sad so natural thtt it eaaaoi pe detected nr the cloeaes'. observer. It to htrmlcat and easily applied, and to la general usa among the fashionable hair dress er ib every nrge lt in u United Mates. rnea sia bob." eoie every waera. otroula, Krvptim Dimte tftkt Skin, rwmsrt, BoHi, 1tiUr,nd Salt Bhtum, fetid Hmd, Eiiuneorm, JiknnuUirm, Pmi Bnlarymtent ff Uu Bum, Ft W Wiatum, SttrOUf, Zswrnvrtmi r VkUm, Womb DUta, Dreptf, WKiU BwUmg, BypKUu, Kidney and Livtr leiBPWUUL, JKarewrioi TminL. md Uaa. all proceed from imoort blood. : - ''. TOTTl SARSAPAKtLLA ' it tbt moat powerful Blood Ponder kaowa to medical science. It enter into the cir culation aad wradlcatea every morbific it; renovate . the ST stem- Drodaeae a beautiful ooraplexioa aad oasues the body to gain desh and increase ia weight . , , - til? ma BLOOD BBALTUf aad all will be well To do to, aotbW aver beea offered that aaa eomneM With thit waluable veweUble- eztraot. Prict f 1.00 a bottle.. Hold by all Orug. gtata, OtDoe 48 Cortlandt Street, Jf T. BID Kdtr ' V. .- !l , gAJLTf SALT 1 1 1W tWl Varshalls aad Vanli. aaH bsabal Sacks Salt. r At octCf J r.JONESA'JO'S i. jr.....: ftaifwwa w ua- w. 1 ILTIIE g -HI ' STib Lh Slue lntaj PUatar !rert (pi Oka 9Rrni( WIimW r N. .? ?Mk rruaiul pianiar huu ia hum aao oormj ran nr-w aTAP..tdiiiMi: ? .. aT-5 a. , II T BIB aK' . Kk hBMtad.Va iariUAnO The Wilmingtotir. aaaaaaaaavBatBaaMaaMBhadBaBaBHbBtfalaaaaaaaaMaaaMajBka SSTiBCIsnill DStT BIXaW: " ' ik IfetaiiSr?-f WH DAILY STARt Tliilb bimstebwa'atUm tt ay Daily .Nwaiiaaat la aW aaA-ocbeaU- tloabi WUuiuiirWa atartl.twie a lance ac any otbar paper. '.' Art tlwwwo1aarwi a toaaiAlatt, eondenatd wbaa a"kaponaal; a WKn wbea oCaMeaaat, aab alwaya areaoatad la a clear, iatttUitrrataadlBlerMUacauitner. t, ' eUBaCKimOM.(lidaaee): , , Uae Tear, .otifWr.. ..tt Ul ...-1 : The Wnkly Stat I now eotabined, wltUths fteaHw AW awr.'SBd at on it the elMiipmt papara la ta coapuyat taa lullowla:-, v''i MM A ,fa M.. ft . . Oaeopy,sht ianths..i... t ou MTViuii of 6 to 19.uyear.'li jt5 rr wpy aayfiiimwoisst4oas'-iwa, " 4 A ddes, ' r WN H. BERNARD, 'bw7 wjij, uhb yoat- KdUor at Proprlet-ir, WlLMIBWToa.N iwfwu,t ntntizEL Bkrhly Cotmeatrnted. Has avwavs been Mtwarettawd aw Mm basis of a gnaranteied an TBt WIS NOW boM ewbtoet Ut all laws In regard to Fertlllsera, with TDK SAME gaBasd analytle. . 0. rLtanaata lea, - ybarkHle. . V1.. tptlAela - , R. F . JOiN K e AGO COTTON FACTO IU AND dEHEIUL WUOLaVtdLat AND RETAIL OROCKRC' WiLataovoB Bt., Onoaira ltHKvmti'tHS - MAUaWf.M.C, W f tewOatd and atar to tA-e irba onr Berloee aa Ucneral OHaa.liii.iofi Meri chants for the sale of CnHoa an other tro dace, Ae. Oar location 1 centra'. In the batlBeas rt of the elty and we ewer wpeetat advaakHras sad faoilUkw ta ta ax uf UUaa aavlBg a tnt e)aa mal roof and lire prod Save beta M, aitaated wtthie a snort illatiaaw of the tollce KUUan, and tberele; laaa llatila to tbt danger of' Are. Tboi-e who design storing coltoa will tad It to their luterwl at eommuaicate with aa Jrafore storing elto nun Wa are t naitantly la tweetnt of a Ha of qeaeral Wreeerteawatea w are eel illiair at the vert lowaat atarket prleea. aratera saspaas alwaja ea haad. Unutry prodaca la totwa ot small quantities take In exchange tor goods. we aoiieii eoMuraineai aau win ancat aaUafactory aalea aad gaarantM prompt re tams for all article entnitted to aa. Our patiwo and etbere wlH be failWoiad from Una to Urea of Uia general Wuyof pricoa for Coiuia aao proauee treaeruiy. All coatmaBicaUoo of Btoatrv peacaatlf asswarM. septtT-wV . rpo TH E BEREAVED JL. Whitelaw & Crowder fWn Ft I nnnt maajl II aBanr- rnea lauaadm RALEIGH, N. a Are b, ! te umish Tombitona ef all kind, atther ptola or ornamental both American, sad Italian Marble as caaao and aeaUy ezeewted aa eaa be pea hints' at aa) ether eatabUahmeat North or aoath havtog beea at tbe baainaM ef cervine aad eneravtaa marble fotty-tteaasaj-wa -ni1' oaraelna sqaal to any in tbe Tnion. We will. aha. rurnisa graait or in awst qnaitty, from oer new aasTiea. either ta aneaWM-a est Bne to order, such ss : door snd wloitow sills, wstertabla, stepa, posts, street sad grevr yard earbatoae, Ac, ail ardara will balkaaA InJlv received and punctuallr attended Ui.aai W pledge oareelvca 0 Km S .MtlacUoa Mi al' JOHN WRlTELi,'' daaJT-iKim, SEND rOR CIKCI LAR UV . .. ... ... - rtrkeraieeUream'Tretadra, ' ' ' Promt eat aafetv OIL ijf Ki ;,' "B-st," Cook Itore. : - ' jure :.U T. H. BttlOUS A BO.N8.' WANTED. ' AcUve Local and District Aeeatt with sUoKt eoB-traots far abc Perm Mutual Lift insurance (foof PbUadelphia, for N. C. .address. w. . FINUU, may JJ-tr -v- Oenl Manager. JJORNIB ANB SaAVBS SCUOOt., HIZXSBOBO, If. C A CiMaleal. HatAaM'tMl. m..iA n4 auutary acaaemy. , , ,; rAUBaatton paeiat vaa to noxoti is Jui.r Baaed aad Tallin, kw.li. Ha rl Waak. mg, L'ghta, and luralhd Kooia-. f 147 W twMttoB oi twenty week. n.-..-;r..-. . . I UVBTKUOrOHS. H. HORN.R, A. If., R. H. OBAVErl, A. . HUtiH M HfOM JB . Ilaraawltv of Vir ginia, . H. U AMILTON. A. W. VRN AHLE, Jb,. ro'kartwUtm Colleiro. lreatara seat oa aptillratloa, Hill-boro N. (,', aae 1, ISTt twtjoly It, WTt. IS80CSI BTATB LOTTEtrESI Legalised by Bute Aathortty, and'1' ' ' DaawBis public ib a, i.,. - Orand Blogle Naaiber Scheme ofau.uuo Mot DRAWS TBI LAST DAT Or EACH MONT1L - .-. j i . , ' t'snvai, raise, 130,0001 10.3) Piiaea. anknanf im t (mmi nnn Whole Uctteta,tl0; Ualvee.S'iS Qnarters, tJ.tO. ' - ciai-rvAt. m iwm a id a.. ' - ...... - ."I, w W-'l,. . . 1 uraws ev. rv SatBrdav duriav tka mu ' ,"m rnaaa, i ntiftft a mvnt i it i aaou vicuva, tld) bu. vaa, a qoaav aaa a m AddreaiCtor TickeU aad tHr.W MURRAY, klu tta u.I P. O. Box t4a. . St. Locii. No eptdeodwewly i ' AHK STOCE FOR SALE.. Wtohhw ta r.i tat. 1 I oil! " Hn in U or aft aharas of the stock of the Katoaih NaUonal Bank of North Carolina, aa sale term. Apr.lv to . RlUiiARD W. H ARRIS, , feblOtwl . . OTtford.N.U 1 ' jf ' - all eaaortat lock of wuiawBra-,, ;,r.. . ' , emaeadBpMtaoat Mqa. . . of all ttMe by tba ataaMr at greatly re.Jo. ej prlrea, as I Inteed to caaag au aaafateaa u. aa eseiaulT HKK AND WINS BALL, at sr pnwvii ataad. tali pa ark oral re pa r luaiBK t a I Qoor la tiaaatiUaa leas tkaa tv caib.n. .uld do wall ta aall. tdbrral arranreU made with aealara, ftbittr a-w. PhUPa 4U . RW CK .p CUBA H.UI i50O Hhd 1 1 x v as- riirt'.niJ i, i.x tale by - . ) .- WURTMmAvUITM, Wilataigini.t l. (. Hurt UlMM. JULlUtLR-ZISAOO., ., 5 V SotoAcrataJorN U Trade in i nl tod at Mtaefaet arera rrha getul for fr Ut. . , A II cataaeoB eruptions oa Uw Ies er bodr lncUeateAa laruna caiirioaortuaBtioit aud tbis may; or may a t he fccaoruL ' bai la either ease the dlaeaee la aUuag tuorv llwa aa AMawious roiaoa that BURNS LLER A TRRRIBAA IlaJt, a It eoarre thfoutfti thevelna, Saarlrtjr aeeitt o death wttb every palsanea. - In tMeeoadltloa of thing aoaierli lag l am led af OB0B, to GLSASta tatBuam ; aad bCoyiLL'J BLOOD AWXUtER STRVir WiM roaiTiVBLT effect taia tnHlitlaai, x pMUine; every traat ml diaiaaa from lAw asaad and trstem, and leering Us tJn. ' orr, r aim and BBAVTiPUb. Unndredsef eertiAcates " attust Its valtl'. Price 11 per bottle. , , JOHN . HKNRT, CUHAN A 4 . tHOayre. aad tUoltai riawrAw !. ;. also rRorgiETtSBa WT?;. Hub's rUil-am for tbeLBSirS, Csrbonc Vahe , hd-)'aCarbolle Troefcea, Orteeaatud . Bitter for IWtperwU. Dr. TBotiS Uv er Plllaj fJr. Kogars VegeUbie -'Wtiraifltriirs r BewaaU's Bare Deau to Rata, xf lea, aod Vermut, Raastaa Hair Dye, Itc, Etc, n IK SALE BT AU. DliL'liOUW. mr a 1ib-w. . : .. 1 be Partnership heretofore eii.tlne under tUettnuuf W. U. A R. S. TUCKER, UO. IsdUsolved by the decasaa of our Junior ran r. T. McQEK Ah Partita having elaima agalntt tbe tlrrn willpiaate present Uiam tor itauwdiata my went. And all who are lodabted Ui the hrm, eillier by LOte or account are rcuuoel.4 to call aud settle saiue. TO tUU OLD FK1KNDB A CUdTOMEKfl wemtutsaya word. The diaeolatioa of onr ttrot gives as pain aad sorrow, tor aaaar yaata yoa have kindly patronised a. - Wa in tara bara eadeavorrd to furulxk tan with PHUT CLAM OODS at reeaoaahie prleea Ovr retattontbip ba beea both pleaaant and agreeable, and we cannot consent to the dia twlntioa except In dep regret. We have heretofore furalahed all tbe ac eommodatloB we eovld, eonalstent wits s propar aafety of onr butlncta, end In teak lit tba following aaoonnceioeot, wa do so fhau he nquiremeats of LA W. From and aftw tb i dat4, an uooda of sr try dverHiou bulouging to Uw Bra, of v ' W. H. A R. S. TUCKER, A CO. cluaing of the But! neat. Further credit cannot be give, Th book, are cloacd W.U.AK.B. TUCKKK, UIE FJ113T rRKMIUM. THE JIKEItLK Ul.r Wsa Awarded the GOLD MEDAL st the rureiit Bute rair, over ell omav4ae, R to taw lies and only tuicUy fire Proof aim Wa Store. i.ow bare one oa T. H. BRUHaSASfMia, aot tt-U 3 AtS OF REAL ESTATE J . ''.' ": ' - By virtue of a da d of mortmr axara. tod to mt on the tat day of ApriL Mi, by Joe W. RetauM aod wile, I shall, oa Batar' day, th akh of April, lHTt, tell at pablit aactioa at the Ooart lions door to tho blgk eat bidder, all tbe interest of tht taK Joke W. Batman, in certain tonrta annate in Wake Coenty Ive or six mil We ot th etty of RaMgh, on th North Carolina Railroad and adjoluiug th land of Osut, Alum. t. If. Tuoksad otner. . r r partlee art apply to ' T. P. Dave rear attorney, mkalelgk. ' JltJ ti A ED Jf OSDTTON. april I 4t - N.: I Oa tbt 18th- day of afar niL 1 will soli for cash the premises now occupied by Ueary Page, being titetraetof lead b-mghtbyeaid Pae Irtmi Dr. R. ft. Hay wood, aitaated ia the Eaatcra Suborii ot Rnleigh, and adjoining the lata of ktar; B4ii, Pleasant Bpeooef aolhera. I Will else seal et the satne tlaia um Bait of good mules. Young nod m fair wit- dinon. ' ' hale to take place on the preiuWa, April nth, im;. p 17-ta JOHN 0ATI.INO JOHN, A R M STB O N BOOKBINDEIv Ulank llook InJtHraf'nror. OVBB B. C. BOUCaeoBB' R A L E 1 U tii reerLE ue mtifieii With tbe Prices Paid for cuo.ii bought l me, and aa a generous Public concur with me lasayinn Thateverv liuainra aiu.l ba mutually Satialactnrr, and advantage ous, to both bayrr il teller, to lraeri luorcesa," I say tn all. cm and buy goods where J'Hl will bd bcnriiled at well at otKera. Trait J. D. NK8)l. May 8 -U, A 1 ptxtbtatof. N. BtnidwkkfB. tocUtf aodlteed r ". ; . . . . J. a . .. - v . 1 : ' 1 T

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