- - , jlJ , -7 a i- 7 V V pjoi' '-' .a DMTRUcnvi rwoix a; Borrea, JT' liTKcri wm A gTil flood m oaterday eight ead Beaday la the WWtan (MTt af (MMClMtU,MM4 by the rapid roe of the Weeifletd rlftr. A ditpatch (km Chatter eays fret, the Railroad ARB bridge Highway adds ud two dwtlliagi at 3ClddMlt 8iok Statloe. ere goa Al Cmtft.Tlmto dace m4 Sheddy mill, fuwr. . highway bridge, a W, Palmer Ura aa4 ftjBBl OtUT (hop, 8r swept away: Atata railroad brldgce being partly dtro34. The dui of Uatoi, Xawry wity, Cheater. alM carried away.aadklam ataoaet of Beery with H. " Efary eeafef tlx or ama bridgt of ttotofcaad Alhaay wmwmm nwl ' . la leo washed oat la auayplaoaa, Bad than la a tar' mAaU Umk botwaaa Brket a4 WhUtoa. Tha fallfOAd ifTl biw flpriagfl aadAltMj THE fin ATirEiniWKM-THB INDI1N3 OX TBS WARPATH Maw Yobs, July 1 A Tha Ira at tha oil taaka, Wwbaahta, aa aitiagwtehad at 7 o'clock ytatordaf MMtaiag, wbaa twa haadrad bm vara lioMJlator pat work lay tag tha track aad baJUia tcmparary dock (or tha ahipaMet of OIL It la aipaetad that that will ha abla tan tnlaa la tha dock by Wadjaaaday, Kallaiatad toUl low will ba a nillioa dollarA X' : St. Lava, Jaly 1A A geatkaua jut from rwt CtV, layi that tba ladlaa ChJab Baatlaaa, DifTiat aad Laaa Votf art colluiioa agalaat tha whltra, aad aariaoa Uoobla Buy ba aipocud. Cot' Carter, with aaa oompaay of tha 10th caralry, art oa a aoootiag aapadittoa taioagh Cha- yoaaja ataacy. Mjoe Upba wtth oooipaay of tha Ith haa goaa to ttadicba Ladga aad Am aeatpaataa of U 5th lalaalrf boat laaroawarth hara acoatlag aloag tha trail froaWaeblta throagh tha Chayaaaa agcacy. QXqtSULU WaBSIXQTOM ITAHA WAatMtat, aty l&iboialiry Dria- tow i eipeeted to tatura oa Wadaaaday, riahlaahw ctpested to Vwira that day. Tha Xavy DoputaaaBl will aot atdar aorthlhte aaaraar tha Taiaiia aor la Oalf of Jfexioe aad trailing la tba watara a4 joeeat to tha Waal Isdiea. They win aO ramaia aboat thatr praaaat atatios aa that la eaa of Boeaarity for their pretence ia C abaa waten a akawhere la that latitade. It win aat ba aicmary to flt out aad aead voaaaia froat tba Xorth to that q aanar. Tha Court of Coanalialoaara ef tha AW abaaia ClalaM wttl acaapy rooaw is tba DepartaMa4 af tha Jaatiee baiidiag, aad aspect to be la wotkiag coaditioa early iaAagaaL Chiaf 'aatioa Waita haa jaat porchaaed a lot to r Botthwaatara awrt af the dry la ue Beighbarheod where Attorney uea aral Williaau, SrZdvatd Thenar, aad Ueaator IMewaH haaa; araetaA dSrelliog hoaoB aad will baQd ooaCM hit telly laaidoBea,, V f.? Tba Uaitad' Stake aad KoaJcaa Con Miaoa ooatlaae ia Moiioe, dimteslog i BBBtbar af eaMa. patalag other and refer- nag thaaa oa which there atedivieiaaaef Mplaioa la Aha aaipife,: Thtae caaea aaa Uia bo palate W gsaeiai hrtaraat. ' TaaaaaaL adraaoed to data far the payaeat of the laikbtodncai of the pit- Iriot al CMaaibaai U 47,0ea, 1 mob .1HMI waa aaM la aol. , '.J The aaMoat paid aa aaaoaat af chaaat of loyal citixeai tot aopplki. faralba4 daring tba raballiaa, ia awarded by aha SeeAhera Clalau Caataiaaioa to July 13th, 1874, la IK! : " - ' Hxmtm u nil i a Dwmunj rnjjco tfvsxm - : ti sf WATM OfTICEBV.; CiH- CoinMBU, A C.Jaly 11Depaty Cot. Itetar Uattiaaa hilled Joha Davta, a aW tog dMtillor to AaAtaaa ooaaty feU arday. Ba la aappoatl to be aae af tha party aha raaaatly diwaa aft a party af omowa1 ana agapiorow ju uwn whiaky... in. we4.- ", 11 " n ' H " '" FROM WAflHIKOrO. WaaatoraiJa1y lti-Tb4 Wa Da- paruaaat to to dailf mom at of report froa arwy afaeartaf paiparatina to aaaa! the pprtboaded ladlaa tmblei The ladloaUaat are that a taaral war with ' the Cfowu, Conaacbai a4 CheyeBart . laBBBaaaaV- -w ' . T t .. . ' MeaMM4M', n PVKaartttirAai,'lBlJll-rUtl are aoatlag to aaad of aeeaead Oood to Baaipihlra aooary, Mua, eaoaed by the giviag Wy of the ateorrolr of a factory at tha Tillage of Kiddlaibrd, , ,v., ... ParLAoaxrvf, iaty la. No rtoah a TtttopataaU bare bora aaade la tha eblld abdaotiea aaaa, VaortBaataly tha father t la tha Ltijftr aaraaaal thia aaoraiag, aig ' alBa that Bo h got tba aoaey reqvlrad . taadkaUllagtopay the abductocv who ereteHcred tobaagaog af Xaglith pro N Irtaioaate, accautoawd to . thia acfarlaoa . toirineai. , . , , AJT ATTKMPT TO ABSA88INATS ; -r; VWXOZ BiaiABCX . Kbjwe, Jtiif IAWhlto; Wbo Biaauuok waa drlfief to the couatry a day, ha waa wd at by a yoag Baaatha ball gruiog hit writt, aukiog a alight woanA The' woold-ha aaiawia- w promptly arretted, and with difficulty pro tectod treat rachlng by tba aeoplc He haa not been Identified, - ' . 4 fJ&ZTJ; "SSJJ. SILOVBITA OAitSl Filth i 'wr "' 1 rtv 1 ft- v 1. .-.- I. " Dr. J. Walker's OdJforaUTln. fgJUT Bitten nn a purely VcRCtublO rrcnaratioiiv rmdo ebictlr from tbe na lira borba iSSRtr on tba Iwrer ninRa of tha Sierra Kcvadit tnomitotniof Cnllfor nia, tue nictrrctnal propertioe of aliich are extracted tberolrom without the nso of Alooliol. Tbo otMRthm la almost aii MkfL What la tbe. canseof tha 1 tu jnr if .MftOitA. ana iiin raircxi. ro- eoretaytila health. TMr ar tba grtrnf blood pnrtfitandAIUairinjr pnocipia, a perfect KcnoTstor and Invlgorator, -or iub aywenii neror udhhv iu hUtorr ,ar the world ha a medidne beett eoanwaBAM aooMMwiwa -tharwrttaMa quUUm of mnftoaa Mm n aaaitmaa Ack of rrery iliaeaao nan b bou to. Tbey am a aentla PartatiTe a well aa aooio, rUlB iCtmrwr 9" tutaiaaaainvot ta Ln aad Vkweral Orgaaa to ttibuaa The propertes if i. WArart iitOAB BirriM are Apnrtea Diaphocetie, Oaratoatioa, Matrirtowa, UiaUvo. Wuwti Redafera, CoantRr-tnritaat Baiorifie, Altera Ura, and Anti-Bilioaa. - Gratfml Tkeauaadf proclaim Ti nil Brmu Uw most wonderful In-iorn4ba)Tet- amibuoal U(iukn ' f No PersoH can tale these Bitten according to directions, and remain wnj unwell, provided their bone are not do etroyea,t? mioaral poiaoa other mean, and vital organ wasted brf oad repair. . 5 ! Billowfl, Bemlttent aid later raittent Feren. which aro ao preva lent in the valleva of our croat river .throucliout Uio United 8tatoa, esrwcially Winols, Tennetsco, Cumbcrlnnd, Arkan aaa. Kcd, Colorado' Ilraxoa, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, IlobUe, Sarannao, Uo anakaV Janaoa, and wjony otberav with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tha Summer and Autumn, aad remarkably ao doriar sea- on of unusual heat and dry nee, are ia variably accomnaniod by extenaire de- ran pement of the atomach and lirer, and other akdominni viscera, in weir treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon tbesa vartoua or cans, Is essentially nseesiary. There Is no cathartic for tho purpoto equal to Da. J. Walkeu's Vikioab nrrrEna, -as tbey and speed!? remove tha dark- colored viscid matter wiu wuicn ue bowcts are loaded, at tho aamo time atimuUUng the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tna ooauny ihnetioreftbdlgrttveftans. . y ' t ortiry ue body araiast tuseaae by purifying all its fluids with Vixkoar Brrnt&s. No epidomio can take hold of a system thai fore-armed. ifpsia or uaicmioTJ, uend- ache. Pam la the houldera. Coughs, TlgUtaeaaof the Cbost, Dizzinesa, Sour Eructattona of tbo stomach, Had Taut In the hloutb. Dilious Attejka. ralnlt tatioa af the Iloart, Inflamvjation of the Lunn. rain in the region or tne Kid Beys, and a hundred otberpainful spnp tom ' are tho oflsnrimr of DrsncDsia. One ooulowill prove a better guanihteo of Its morlts than a lengthy advert ment. . Scrorola. or Klae'a Evil. White Swelling, tjioara, Bryarpcla, 8welad Kerk, Coitra, 8erofuioa IailaaianlMma, Indolent Inflammation!, Mercurial Affection, (Mil loraa, Enrptiool of tha Skin, Sore Eye, etc. Ia tboae, aa ia all other eooititatiunai l)i- eatet, WAtatav FtsanaB Brrraaa hara howa tbeit rrt Aathw poajww ill lira Biom oosunau anu in wamauia vasaa. I srwr iuuauipai,". aaa y,,r",,,c auieninaiisnifuout, unions, itomu ientnad toternuttent PDVora, Dine aw af thanallaod, lirer, Aidneya aad Blaojler, Ihaat Hitter bare ao eqntu. Such l)iwaa are canted by Vitiated lUooA 1 Mechanical Disease, Poraons en gagod in Paints aad liinerala, such as Plumber, Trpe-aRttera, flold-beaten, and ht inert, aa tber advaaeo ia life, are anUieet to paralysis of tha Bowel. To gnanl agaaiai uua, take a aaaa or WAUua s vu boa a ahtterj oceaaioaaiir. r FwSkinDtoeaa.Enintioria,Ti tor, BatoKlMwav IUaaaaea, aot-v I'iaiplet, ramie, not it, laruonei, Kmewnrm, Bcald-head. ore Erea, ErrtiiwIaJ. ; Itch. Bearfa. Ditcolontloni of the Skin, Hnmort Bod Dinaaea of tba Skia of whatovex same or natara. am morally dnt tin and carried pat ef the fystB) Ut a anort Uua by tb ue M these Bittam -p. . Fin. Tane. and ilter norma. larking at the tntoa of an etany thoataiidit, Bra aueotoaily dottmyed aad removed. Ho riteni of medicine, ao vwunifugea, ao an tMuraaidcaarUlfiaa the y(eni frma worm like thea Bitter. . . ,, For l emaie comDiaints. la young aa aio,wssTnaa or eiogta, at we aaara at wo-1 ynnnooo, or ue tarn ot uie. loeaa .raie ltittar difptay as decided a innueaca that laipFsv Tkaat 1 anna peraeptibtak t '-' Clean ae the VlUated Blood when- Wver yea find a imparl tie banting tbrongh aba alcia ia Pimpioa, ErnpUona, or Borat: blaaaa it wbaa vaa find it abairaetad and alaggih la tb rein eleanat it wbaa it ie tool : iwo leaiis rt will tell roa when. Keen ah Mood pur, aad the health of the ty item !Wiu Riuow. VabylaaV 44 QfL AfTaaV, PaM afVaaMaaVaa, CaWrvWtaal I BtMMaUUraatl "A A euapteie AMortatewl, at the Book Store r , , AOdraAii wiaajamo. da JS-H. J J . v- 1 ' A. I e LAW OaTFIOIO, f?a Conrt lloutt 8jMr RALnan, h. a , aeebi tUnUonclyantoBavlaaef Hoom. tVtadt, ro view ef the late dtelrwa of the 8a- i Uuart of to uaiteu out m aa tkeaai red. Mywdwwtf Q VI D I D U F a (Lot of Raleixh, N. a) ATTOSMXT COUNblLLOB AT a, 8 wau, at., aaw vorw .,' it " Win attead pmnifitly to all profeaatooal bnal eateatrnnea ionina. aeier to ut;aier aattee and Ateodate Jaattceaof taarrepreaM 'Uown or aorta uarwina, ana w um wnoi TU varoltn Bar. reo iw HOME INSUEiHCE COMPANY. RAr.KIUII. TaM-UoaiMuiy oaaUna to write I'olicW atfalrita,oaallMM of Inranble --AB kmeitn flfaW) fhl. TWUOXt" IsrspUIy erowtOK la -imblle fawnr, uii appeal, with eonflJeaea, o ivtaren of property la all paruor xrrt tiamiina. BAToa J tin, Avert'ttuy , pIRUR; A NO Til B LA I KeT, ' BEST AND CIIEAPBeT AHIIB HADE That Steaia Waaan era botlar thaa othen n aow coaeraliy enoeedod. That the rear- laaa la U txet of ftaam V aabora will be a ratdlly admitted by amy oa who aaca tt aad ullljr admilUxt be amy oa wao aaca H aaa ltalthotbe . v. a a fla fti. ilMrtat' taa, Vad tlaMaeilJI wiueH lia larirt Inla I tb water to aw whar it ta daalred, aad pre- Ttart ita icoirk anjwaera eita. 11 naa no bwaeUac vaiyoa to aiak tb water aow br ta aad ecaae to Ijw at Intervale bat aantat it to tow alaadl'y ponrina; aUtaea atnaaa ow lot wbow aariaga 01 im cwuiaa ibcb the water haa nol to deaeead to the ecn'tre or oath cade of the falae hotloia to tot back to Ha iiHiiTtwl bntewaa ttnhrbwWwa ri wheat tt fe.Ua, wathlac all parte e f "t awana i.tiKw a laau cwses'i tit l annua ua cwuunc raaa ui atiaaU and clean tana la 15 U 0 ei lha eoat of tha auaAla atay be aayed vary toon m diffnwaoa la wear of the cloth oa. It may beeaved Very aaoa In tb dlUereae Of labor rrqaired. A auehlno atade to St, aaa be need with aay atore boiler of the boger fot the i machine tar banted lor any other varao. Thia awrblne aalit for leta than aay of Ita kUd,awiH aa-th aalclMr and awaa taotkb j A a asja ih?m 414 msnt ua .uAuW Iff O ra.B.ii.a.TO aavuu muu. They are anode of beat tin. The boiiei wita atiraniaaa iro aouoia. wiu ywanaad are aoMat the folidwlac rascas : Porta Waaher and Bolkr. (anal tiaetH Par the Wathor aloae, (aeaal riat.) W. Par Um Watbor and Dollar (extra Urge) ft.10. raw IM wataar awoa. (aiuw awiei The ataal ala 11 lac but wide by XI long m-dern. The ettra urr 14 Inche wMe.hjtAB lone I i-xeenp. ent anywhere por expreta oa rerelttof r0 . . ... 4 . &. ivbb, ryoprariar, lUhdKb N. t-tf .C $5,000,000 IIBIWI I I T Itllll PIFTU AND LAST CONCERT ta aid or ma fl BLIC LI1I1IT IF lEmCIT JIILf SI, I IT 4. Ia announcing the fifth and iaM of the euioa ot Uift Coaeerta givna fur the bene fit id the Public Library of Kentucky the' Trattee end Manager refer with pride and pleasure to the four which have bcra already B,lcn ; The flrat. December IS, 1 871; the arcnad, December I, 1873; tat third, .nly 8, 1873; and the Inurth, March Stat, 1874. i Under tbolr charter- granta'l by tpe eiaf act 4 ha Ketftaokf. fetWarr March 18, 1871. the Trueetre are author ized to irive OMK MORE, and ONLY OMK MOrtK Oill Omcert. With the mo Bey ariiinr from this Fifth and LAST Concert, the Librmy, Motcum, end other rlrpartuktitta are tn b ealargvd and en dowed with a fixed and certain annual laewne. Buch an fnilowment fund i de ired. a will aerurc bryil peradveatnre, Bot oaly the mainlennae of thlt magnifi cent Mtahliahmmi, lot it enoataat BB GIVEN UaDKH THIS X7UABTEH AND BT TUB rilKSEMT MANAOaV MKNT. ; s Will oomeuffin the Public Library 011 at Lomivill K.T., Pridar JaJy 31. IB4. At thit 8 lal Concert evarything will be unn a acalo conmponding with it in- Xikaard Inipnrtaaot. The BiMiao will be railer.Ht hy an orchestra eonwMinff of rate hundnd H-rf'rrocr aelected for their lame la iliuorent lamls, anl the anpfeoa. denied turn ol '( f $2,50.0,000 divided into twenty thouaind gifta, will tie dmributcd among the ticket-hrHiiert llMOreMnaah Ut. . .!. : . I . i .. .'. J'alfc.0tA tmaOiaelOaah. lfl.. ....,. lW,a On Urud I tub Jlft..,...., 7fl! (aeWraadOaah OiA ......... .i... , Ua Ortnd t ash lft. ................ BVWe t Utah Aifia, ,oua each... .... lno.ouo lOUathOirta. eaok I4UMW f , IKCath Wifta, 10,000 aaaa , IM, . Wiath Qiruv t.00 eaeh.' ... ' luo.i 6 Ouh lfr i,UX) ark., . .. . -JliO.OUO u. i . inaM an f J Airi nm fvwk v."."" wi"ti i,w"v . 60 Cath lf ta. LOUO aarh . 100 000 ' 100 Cub HIIU' l,a aaeh.,....J I), "40Caihetfta SOU etch...;..; JXO.uU 800 Cath Olfta, 100 eek..... M,im la.twut wtrta, aa etc. aek,oja (Jraad Total ,t Qiflf, kB cath. . v.Jo,M Prico cf Ticlxoto-- WbolTlekeU... HalTte...... Tenth, or etch iioapoa...., It Whole Ticket for....V.,. f 88 Olrj .2S09 too 6oi oe .Luoo.oo TiekcU for. Tkkat ara aow ready lor Bale, aad or der accompanied by cash will bp prompt ly filled. , , , Liberal cocnauMioot will be allowed la aatiafactory aganta. Circalai oontaining lull particular fnrnUiad oa anplicaiioo. , , . TUO, A BrUKLaTTTK, ' ' Airent and kfanacer. Public Library Onildmg, Loui-rille, Ky nwrailBfBj bbbw vaatir.j j - AW U MI t tbaa ataM -- Butaaaai f,"r!!" 1 " I' WltaflwfaeUWforatWBl tha tPl I I II ft H I fl fill IIVM. I, 11 '.1 r t w m m v a a 1 . ... : 1 ' H nirtrifiiv rtrr 11 it una iiaa ji ri r.".v"fr" vi!vi'tin iMGov 1 fofiheUrpeaV. MatUoaatl aat tUrU 1Kb - It w b. . . . . i . . maim v I IB fVMttiral bBII nrWtiniVnCAliT amDOnaVn-il I I avaa I . VtrT t latt bVIITCIKI tA it T WVfl I IdlaB-"IaV Mi , I mm tarn uAn 1 rr tj ivii if auu m i aii i , STATIC Visit ii.xi!. 4 m ma ai iim riaeai ia pa aawoirr ht fulvwi wliAont Mtaluia anncl Iwt. . .... a suu inii witroitiTioM. TMaCoopaay kJttif Wy Aalmbr hma. of lQ)iebiatalowiU.tareaar oibar rirat C ColWy? , iliapoteanouncleu iwatricUoa aOM rarf dtree artrarat. J Ue a na'4 aa valve mi all paltclei af If aWflM MVU ftlw laVIMlai gftal talfttaal r 1y tnowaaadt apuw thewataa of dolitra tp Porrl(cn Cneapaaiea, whoa they raa aa 'are taawnme la H omuany eaaal p twuaW. and attarf duAWr'a, araMaiaa they aaa be Joan daa4atwMMitf wet, Statr, aad aaianf oar www Mnniaf . ' . . -, - - - - TU1KI. II. UlUL, Af at. lUlearh, ' 1 1 ' ! ' '.i n i. 1 1 i ii i , THB PAJaXOS OOhtT AIOOM. gvery Lady wantaaa arary Maaoaarhtahaweai ' 8mit M nealpt of ToatVmta. Add a, L. t. Six" v, awwa yaaa, new vra '.. , .( t---i. a. ( riT fitiTiTinia rrrtw rrrxit" t : AS Ja. UJUtbA a AAA UUAVbld OTIXAT R)tEDT , FOR IPILKP8T. L't ... if. , I M pTt-i"! 1. 1 , aiuaBai'.?,.;. w( t nia, Fpatau, CovMUIoal and Derroat wakvralneaa. acta Mutartlv. aflea eniatai we r lit I rum uta am aay a bin, bey bar txlUd for rear. , ll Great Tftitabli llunUva. t ' " otraaB ' Keredwla, Ateaaaary Biaania. bWji UM.Bkla. and all dlmiaa ariabaa Irae lav pare imuoo. - MXMOATBO BOFITt A awwawAea aabav awMJaaaaty Cl.tda, Btaw ehHAa, Aathat aad aU Aiaaaaaw eafab a pttaaiaM aad tacajt. byluttaaaiy aaa away aaanaai aataaof tMaaaaBptlaa aaa -woa-aW wlawad aad the Uaa hrd hoaith. Ntintaxou BTsano t : A ptoatpt, pealtlVe bud petaaaaaot relief for ttaa aad actatkr. Por ttala ia Kkkbrb. H. 11. b Wiixiin 4HAVWWJBV-. f v , -.-is,! Xi4 it "n Prepared only by ( uaa. taUUUI-A4NUU.I IMTLI. ao ah dSaadtawla , 4 .-, CWtotto, M. 0. o irOID MAi.lt acteftOI. OXFORD, . C Kactkh Warekal and BlathreiaUoaU eaa ba proewed bt Uia Pruieipal'a fuul Term per aeaaloa cf twenty wuh 1 Cnirllah Coaraa . . i- aw.U lattactl . . . . - au.oo 1. UaNUERSON, ... .Ictpalfl mo iranteaoatmoia Man Aeaaemr m-1 Vlte at ttUsKUaa f thaae bevbii rbaixe ef thexdamtlaa nfi het : is llmkii -iitilf I MrA aJlWV'Mr.Tilrdanoak kvl aaa aararw yeaasoi aneeeaarai Hwiwaaaea 1 t aaehej ttlJtit riertiWU .qiaUiti toatatnadathe barn aharaetar rayya1 by tw- wra wcaoiH ia uia paav -j i. a, aaiia, x laamen. poara et ducSdHUwla All Right Cook that it It Alinisht, ecante : ' ht It It madeof the BIWT at ATEItl AL tad lit tbe BBttT SKILL. 8nA Hit BEAIT1KUL la 7U1UN hlUaKTKlUAl. la BHArK. ltd IthMlhLAKOBaTnd UKAVim TOl'. Ilk Ithutb axPANSIOM PI CCA and TOr Will WUT ltb:-ItwintKkth LAKuBsTead LON- B8T wiau . 8th. It will BUIta UOai. aqaalr aa wA WOUD. - - - ttb I . hat the BEST 8IPTBA OB TK. Ith. It hat lha LARUBoT aad OBBPgST IIBAKTU, the LAR018T . aad . BUT IwianrtPOWCBPUb ax. BAKBaad' BOAST I and EVENLY. i LABUaaT PLUmA aad BBfeT UUA FT M la kw UABLB i rtMJKB , ' - BOOT.-- -'-' lath. It will WBIOH MORBtath "UM- BERUiaa AMI OT11EK aTOVB at thU autrkat. IStb -It hat all the L VTE8T and BEeT IM- i PKOVKMRNTA loth. it h rira iutimct imfbovb- mbhts over a y oiher ttnrw at Uarket. . , , . . ; fENUPok PKlCBUat. ' lltnowAaa Boom Av i iVUVN LIWM CO,' rroalerta la , XIau-ttwa j otryOterkdbav; 7).i. vaber Balidla . i J3KAVI lUTITUTA . roa votne lamb. . w f- " Itll AO U .... A. C- . i Theipali teauoa Maanm A Wadaet gay tba iOrd Scpiom r, aad eontlana with oat lateralaaoa the auddhj of J aa foV lowtng. ..i-u-t ' m r Por eattloraa aad abvalare canhtlalaa tt panaeawrK aaaita. r - aav B. BUBwaxc, ' tan tAdStAwit-rSit Aaleich.M.0 C3 FECIALTI18. 4 ..nadbtaid, A vrwy Beslrebhi an ft. rt Rltfl LACE POiMT. f. , xLc Uadere'avet. , Keel haadiaid Valtnotaea Bb;inf . aad la- etrunc. XabroMed and Hmattlibtd HdAta Tecwther with th rowuladtr of . OCR STOCK. It ia mreialtv detbabw that wo ahoald ctotcoat lb am 1KB BTOCE y Jalfor Atratt lit. . F I blood vary cheap tad vary good. ' . . W. 11. A K. a. TUCCBA Jan 1 tf ' Parvrvlag Partawrt,' 1 of NorlB Uuallna euatlaae fa"ay aaaaallr toaaUi nm eelarf 5a, of r T ' y. jiuiutr. f a- lata l 1 .-ttoae, 3 j, u., ru Aa. .. . f r -i fcwlia eflfeeU m Um Vaia4 ory. Uoaf iiawo j, : " I iireamtoa: edipirtl RU rorabodiun A i ioi W odetr. c!f IAatraiit, Lot of aoliludu, TuuidtU.Ac, arr of u aviit atsiinnc ' i . ' j ( waa aa o r mum al a)tUBa MadKa whaV ta Uu cauaa. of taailr aacUsiM naalA hMOoa tlwir ico, tinmil.i waaa aiwirTuut ana amaclnlaa, baic(4iinuk4 afMiuariuoa abort thecyaa. eKh aajftriap Mairiad pawiaa. o ltaa an.iaai-laf off awnaK wm fayateai Wa Loaa ot fruaraaUvv Powar Uapotaawrk Mar Kxciwtduia, nupaMUiM Urule Wmk aaa. !rroa ixMiitjr, or ear otiiar UiiqaaU aoaiiua. rwcliljr ndkraov;; A CURE afEEDILT WARR1 STttV rrauM rsbtai in kealtb tnr 'aolcaraud Mw taeniae wm aae yum moins: ami mtM oata, ataa; aotaoaoaa aaa ut)rWw eata' aaa, laaiil f airT bml latl. v nart of whtaa kin i.t bo a ty-ait pttal of Loatlwn. Pariarfhii-dlplila audola wtUea, ba attoettd awua vt tba aaatt aaton lahiatr earea that ware evar know fan hrewblad arUh fiaaiaa la tha baew and bm wbaa aideep, great aarTobtnata, beuut alarmj oa at aaauw wiaw, vmm lmnato, wtui tra aaaat UhhK. aUeadoA aotatUaua lt A., migtateai of juiao, war earet uaoKaiiwicii CAATAP! Dl&AAAK- tit; Wbaa tha Biaa-aided aa; aanamdaarvoMn fof pkaaare Bud that ba haa bauibtd to Of bm painiai oueaaa, 11 loo orw aai aaUt Uiaadawwol ihata ordtea f (rota apulrlnr Vj lAoaawtio.1 aad yeauuewddllty: Ate aalia tawtaa eaa aWaa aaaMaeA hiaa,: bat prwdttat biaiiaiilara wa, iBawblaf tivin;, A abaUaoa. keep kiia uliUi n aaawUI Mia aaonth, er e loag a tba euuiluat t t. ohUlued, aad bt aiar liaT him wlUi heaJU to tlKh OTOhkolllBcalaappolntlaL oe, aywMaae oc mat a.wai yolauii, Btmrr eanaa tha eonaUtalioeal ayupton (hl hM na Ta aachl tlwrefora, Or. Joaaataa ontta tha aoat eertala, eaeeda, phaaaat aad eSaattwt raiaany at na woria. tJIDOKsXHKMT OP TUB PttASA Tb uuuty thoaaaadt eared at that aeatbiltt aaeat wlUiln tba hat twenty year, aud Ui aaotdroa awaortaal tanrkaU eauiai par lutwiaa ay vw. taumum, witaaataa ay law tat tateu 1 ai 1 Trt ot ue neat aaa away euiur aatlcaa of whaeh hare aaiatid aaaia and again before the pabtte, bcaUu hit r' t n-i a a ataa ef hoaor aad reanoaaibibty, It a -a carat KOiraatea t tb aUlicted. ; , ortaa Baltimow Lock HoarrrAi.. Ornca, No. f aowa PaaDnuva eta. aa1.11awaa.Mij. . Paclote Adyertlteiaeal clamp l.r Reply. J'J 'J MT. AUI WmTBiiUwPUl'KBruiMUa , . ., . . I ; I Board per day ti.50; per week 18.00; per Mata a. Vonyeyaaeta obUOweA at WumUm. eraatat, alter breaklatt arriv tt Mt Airy at randowa Uotal, beddlnr, Ao., atirely aew. t tbtll aatptoy a rood bote! keeper aad 1 think the ylaitora will bt well teased, iboae aauerkta; with Liver, Kid ney, hi adder ud atoaaach dlteaae. alao eero- rwla and eataaaotu dlttaita eaa aad at lire ml airy White, at aood water aa aa other at u coanirj, nsrn or aoaia. . Applr to km at Mk Aby. N. for iwantb- let oontainln; eerUHeaJe of ear. All 1 aak a) to eoote aud eoe for yoaraalvea. an it-iw Kurta li. , Pit ITU. 1NTID oeatioa for a iteam taw milL I will taw oa aharet, for part let loioK Out atillor for aa uy too laoataaa. Por Iufonnattoa, addreta, Incloeinc itamp. M. KELLY. Katekjb, N. C. majldUt.wat-i.it , rjtUB kTONBWAU. And variety of other Btovaa at 1.1 TWB. DEN'M. Auto, teatoaable food Bath Tab. IMman Battas Ut Hatha, foot Tata, baa Ufal Toilet oUt, Wttanae; ra, iaiproTtd ath baeketa. rraaerre KctUea. Preeerre Par-1 aaota Pratt eaaa. Ira Watae Otalara. lea I Cream Preeaore id aUnutet), ewa aihiaU en Boater. Befridyratore(eold a aa lee konae) wua aiaa aaa piaia uoiere, naawiaw aanata, Hoeklaft- bird Cayvajrardea, aadaattpa Hoa, ta Ratalnatan, atery boa warranted, rahaa, amanare, hay and tpidb. a fork, huapt,.bint-1 aeya, wlrka, oil tha beet extra (L10 will not expioae, doe not tmoke. rol.c Ian tenia, Tnrooull'e Pamily 8 alea, (nrf baady) need wltboat WebrhU. A fnU line of tin aad .beet troa ware, who leant and retail aad a varied aaaortrMat of hoot faraithlng good. TIB roottna; and ratteriii; a aptwutlty. ,r . 87 riiBTTamxaTBBT, y mnq ivtat uppoaiat Marae rial p. miv ooods roa mi. . a . .i . i ... BALD ABB prieftu 'IfouaataUai Sxpladol iubli iu m umi if fixe i rriLL aLjv?, , . I AlV. V ' iff V-'it br l4 V " t 1 " "'-a a rnn'oaa bt there wUh hi cum of anllta aad iiiari. eed Aaletatea olfo b-jr tu to Uale aad eon- D R T 0 O O DB aa UNUaUALLT ATTHACTIVB Block of I Sprtaa; aaaa! aaaaer 3ad, reenly p reheard la New' Tor' and Drat Booda, Whit Qoodt. " ; 1 iJaaa IiaadkarcUefa,ay, a, , iiottery, Akla loK. Ubboaa, l!if??.ark""l'ln LR61nd wen AaaWKTRD. and mbraeai tverythhia Biat hi aaw aad daairable is lb i ' D Jt, T,l,,Q, 0,0a.J ... -Dross Or oods WM fled R to their tatrrnt to eat: end exam- a (he '- "TOire parwaatina; attewbera. ley ai r aad wiM be sold at P1N1C PRICES, l1'.""0! of nacg OOOIrS eoaet-tlntof V?1" TWEED UMBN aOODdand w. .vo nAvacwit trnr more com tic ta. V Of UOM baiae tatluu J... ' ar thaa before tb war. my awes at -.!-.. . j,'1 t o a. - " OB88I u4 Hiti ; for Ladle, Geata and at late la ban tad wall 1 parannt waatla rag goodawareel alway exmrnln my I I- iataad taauktlt ! Monk before bavlair. . aa to their lotaroat to bay of me. JVI" ta -UT AKD LET I retuaetra re aik nriTTarrwv ' w eo. vixom ia to eaaaoM my aVMK. a I will after thent tpectettadneement, I wfwj laMaat WtOttt9 - j- - t. aad think I eaa apS-diwAwdw A. CBEECH. J-AKILLABIIAMOCKB, , j, By the Bale, or at retail, ea nwelpt of .OS by mall or xpreaa, , - . 3. W.81M MOMS 80M. "Oab Hall," ' i Boatoa, If am. , ' aaodffrMUaadBatbUuiBaitA . Ofnca Teovra raaomca HE A I EEAiD! iBEM) i VciiEiAT4iISOViARY lit; -.;t "7 Great jiscovery'. r 'r'V;7--BRADLE1PS PATENT US A MEL PA WW "' X".T" R01 PC1lB wnrra lead umsked oil zmo . " ; ' HIl.;aEADT NNt USB " a '.'"." 0okl bv .tta Oailoa--yOaa t Wl. f Covora 30 Squaw -Tarda t VU, , Ja-tiDTJlErotOWINO TK8TAJIOKIAL8: 7 ., FROM PHOF. W. . aiMMMMa, aAKk POKAMT, N. c. . r' ' Hb C. P. Xaioire l4 Hiai We haea for aerenl monthe baa rint TVnar -Baiui PAraaT Ci4ai. Pauia," oa oar "CoIm UulldlBif," and are wail .eaaa.i 'WHh B. Ta.c J tt waa aa araiM w va '" eiwiewua M aaca worn, jra kara a Ki4 lata W ukall lone to aa it, batlerlar that la eolat e arnnnmr. ilurat.U.tj aad I aciUU uf auuUmtiua apertorlo any other piKtaoat na u iu rkeLi. " antloua Ml tr j. Ma V. P. Kaiaar eta rTb Mlat earn takaaeaeunauutwora comiHutea lite hovtt KSLA.-JaT-. aliJ-V WiiMm axn w-rw wmi zi'.zTrrj. ctsuzl ;.r" "-k"""J " r-" m - llem e BMlari!. la boaaty of eoior, id yea fal turetlaalaa If it a detirab), ha auk r , j . i t, -i Mm. P. Kawev lna Htai -Jt acTuatat rateat aaaMi Paiat fr exeoadt my 'wciUutw ia eoMMHay, bnaaty, aad I ham Naaea ta jahov ht darabUlty. V or than twain araaihe aiata, I nalatea the roof of ml boae ( MtwAoa ttawot) with the Bradley PalaM Baamol PaiaiTaa t TwTuJl' withlLlaaWathk-dtoiaaaataaaataa-aUM 'Hutol " and I u mnmi k-.w vwaaijt vf-H attttfaeUnaJ eaaciaaiaa I will aay, If tai teMlaMrrfal wiM '. of aay td TaaaaaaJJa aaataaaf aya BaffaVaaaaaaaaaaTa aar aataaJ InW 4 4 t'w fDpaaaiBpaatfal'ly, ' ' ' ' am ,t-.t r " U r .-IbaaO 4LHKKTSUX. Maaaloa Uoua UoUl ; ; 'it t ' . tor. Payelta andBt: pi uu:, llalUavra, The f.dlowwHr lr, u ntomf aad TalaaMa: ' froat roa w mut ehewfally andaraa a the bat of aay aiad w haw aaaa. aaauak7 I ,!?''te, "T'",e,t,,7lnF P""l"r "diLh t aard glut. wiUcA auial, w u,ul rT , . 1"" ' - ' i KMMAtfT a U P KWianr, Mota ; ... aenr4ioot aad Pi b e laf yi,il-heil rratlt. TyiVLkSOH, VI J TJ . AND Wholesale Grocers (VJMlUSSlOy; IUttCUANT, f At ATTAV!UJ BTKICKT Ua'path Matropoiltaa Ita.li, RALEIOII. r. B. P. WILLIAM., W.M. tin-HI KCII. I - A TH4A. ..r aaat k-tr T i ? K K M P.P. Oathd t'itb kwtaota aatall torrel mns with white bind feet aad a entli whlta tp.it bt tha forth tad, and apewreatly aboat ala or a-rea y aaia old Thoowwar wiU plaaa prwve pro pen, pay cntxjea.aim iaa nr awa hL MOW AN, AtObarlla.a'mnt Pabld-wllte u at wri:, n. a k hut lull uoiw to rAia I f "Avenll Chaatleal Plt.l Hit beat. - JUIJUdLBrVja A Bole Airrwt. Wrte far descriptive d run tar 4 ear t r etora. - COblOKKeilOliAk, dUIMOIAL ytND SENATORIAL COS VkNTlOWS. ' A Deaaocraate-Couai r at! va Oiaveatuw far the Ifajt Onogreaabmal Lhatrict of It Cfiyi4ill N belflVaddHa aa TMr d4thctb .httti Ufi 18 A, jthe porpwof BoMa4tMSvnsni,o 8fte ptareatlbB DnwH irUdk( fmAa of the Cni tod fW - C I 3 ' At the Mate time and plao Conveatb a Will be arid ta Bnaiinata v aaad id al aa lor Judge aad Solicitor of tbe flrat Ju.ricte! ' Diatrict, and candidates for Ilia iknakdU) ! tb BratSeaabHiai Dwtrict? ZPfHr!.: Tba Oouotio ia the Ditt riot arc mjaoat ad to hold their primary ovetinj; and ap point dcMatui to nttrnd thi-ic Conven tion. - . w. M-utTisi, r , - Cbaj'a nf Oona. Xx. Coniraitt. It E. BAXrBtt, ; Chm'ii if Judicial OmmittKr. j II A OILUAM, ' Ch'mn m rka Committeu. mayAd34U ! 1 fcAQtataa ana aawva rtrBiaaaaa.y Woald Bttaaetf any aH th ttlentbre of oVIr nnmetuaa patrona aad th pablie gea artlly to tlwir Mock of Boring an4 laaa iJiotblaa;, for Mea aad Ifoya, to araatof waiea na aeea nauafactara ay ear Hew fork Partner, abate tha datilo. hi Areod Which rnabka aa to aad aaoca lower Uua heretofore. Call aad iamuM oar ttork and avjfwiH awt earn it look eiaewkare before pBichatlaa- ; . - ., , .... -j-.fi "F"1"!""' 1 A largo aa I tttraellr Stock of tteaUParalabiag Mooda, I,,- ' Coaatantly oa baad. : ' K. . A.NUK8W8ACU. ) Kelt door to Twcker HaA --- April ttad, IrJVA Allth lalaat Noreltir iu lit' hut ra Mredat il B. ANDREWS A L'O. !.: f I loiblert nd Orat PnrBithV,"' " ,'- 1 ' 87 rayetterUtota. 1 it -fc. i.j.4 ... . 1 i; j R CO ,- i L A,' K C T Him to the - DOL la .23 -Orr . HAKDLBD COt tON HOE. 1 that tta the aaly JKCaidaf -- Solid Caateacel-Rot iVdled Steel. V7 add in 1373, 598 dozen of thcar- Hor. i We Warrant every HOS nerfoot in Stock, Temper aad Kiawtv ' ' Uardvar Ilona of , ' ap 17-tt , . JUUUdUSWHACO. TUiB WATT f bOW. T l . r , . CoattaaOy reoaiTlng tappLdt direct h asaanfaetarare of U.U celebrated flDol Jn Tb ParmarabertPriead. ; JAiUSACTOanjEfi, ; aay EB-tf . . Aal for tbe aaaahetarare . D UIB PLOW I DtX FbOWII la BOW Whlthont a rival, it rata a dmrwr and wider farrow Ita mechtnleal irnir ent for alterlna; eat bv-mora titnple and mcMn aaa any otaarplow oa th market, elf akarpenin; revaretble point, the greateet mow unnroTemeat or ine ara. akk km. j W. i, Crewder tndOoL J W H Wataoa, what they tbuk of tha plow. Call aad ouuaia H M or read year orfere to 1 H. P. JONE8 ACo.. ilAtf Agent VarajRetpaetf aDr, W.ti ajJIMOBU. Tjrf Puum , Pauqnlar, Co, Va, Pao ,' wn aUely to head as ordered. Aa prwUce Uelark.l did Ua job ru-wlf, w'a two eoata. Um IbaI ma . gr'M t-fyf Jl ,S. : a-tSiV C-iTf. v ajaaaaaaaatriftay atABfrea.BaaAJ MkJ.J'b.jex'. r,-"TOr" r,CK Mwatu tt 1 iM wn rmm mim warn o oar pi onto la ri the ntet af It ktAef Mdyied. that 1 1m what eaa yoa ihlakjropor of thbTioneY atj rt'pecuiujwrM jraiy, ' A H4a, m. II. me anrt iawata i ia " ar eiie ieaca ana w eaa ntcotBiawtJ I oi-cation where we autre aood Job of work. Very rnetrnlly,tiim ewdl rrte IStlatn. gUAATUSI, 44 W. UalUaaare btteat. Houae, BiKaaad Pnwoo 1'aiaUra OBaaaAt AiiBana, T . w. uaabard bt, UalUatota, Bd. srfVa. L I hafiijuit .renolred ray utk Btodt M;lnir aud Summer Goods, boaghf atttte loweat point reached lal Bpdag, and aa ablet off raadeoftbe aaa.a dlty a ehai 1 aay o.ie in this er tr.; other atr ket. DKYOOODS. . . SOTIOJI8, PAKUY (JX)DJUOOTd, amd auoaa .at mat. JV.W AND PKEAU. boaaAtat tho Wwtat prieet ana auld for a email protlttiervby ea-Kb-luguiy ciittunen and yabiw U supply Uwouelvet u aatiafactory wVea Thankful fur iMVt fuvora I Ihhw In intirit e mUuu wco uf Uio miki by ckue atuiutioi ui tiutiuow. J. U. NKWBOM ap lA dfcai . Jg ELECT UOAKUlMtt AMU DAS' BiiMkM. The at iat Naah hliaa aUtkjak wUIr wm the ecoTMiad of thuir acaiioit Pri laf Pan. a, U7t. 7T - t circulart lortrardud on a(ilk iOmh. mm LEivjsAi co. DEALERS liN , lit'ILDKIW AMD , IIO03EPURNUIIIMU fk Ai rS ABTKALOIL, - . iMLt.Kd OU tlOM leOaUL A VKK.LL CiUKMUAl. PAIB IK, PLANTATION BELLA THE ALA, RKlllTOKMl HTUVK. ( IftAMiB B1PLB AttUtBTlMt ,..- -v- VOUUKBS. PiKbcr Baildiag, aalV hu C. , a U U i i .. j ill. , . ,,.! I ,1. LPBTTaT i Toxn3. JtbkcM ait1 Ket hilar ta' AndHtitri AV, 30 JaidtmiU lUfmLyUittKN. A. i7vingiot received a variod mont of aitld, tripod and tigered pi pane e lka;frnra ta to 79 ocaL" Figumt ;mi Lawn at tU. Boltd and flgurrd Pariliiv Lawat at very low price. Onus Oih ad India beer Sucker aaitinaa atuiri " whicb.'kfy com petition. Cieta tiini CbtUM, ahito aadeolorad, Hevcral . uauat raneraa ana wylee rAlicne ut 7J to 1IX S-t uableaobod abirtiau at 5. I 4 UnblonidMidahtrtiatrtto 181 A LUeacb- )d irtieg at 8 to 8, 4-4 lilaoahed Hli.it inif at w tu IB 1 . ; ThoBB with ear alreadv brzeai.d hand Area stock af ftoodt auk a anloadid at- jtMtaetit, aad faaviaa had tbe adveal auc ln parcaaarap; at Hi Hwat prior 1 tne Suaaoa, we offer our good a k a cuntl ilBality eaa ba bought ia the tkate. Ail witblng to buy ettaar ta aail or lot paramiol aaa will aave weary bye tax n bo onr good an pdeij; ' . r., PaTTTA JOHB NOTHER LAlKiK WJTH boots 1ND mom, KEN, POYS womish; AND CUILDitKN ir!) rheap. d.O, BBWaOM. tblca .iileoetiaaelo ' ll-tf N O T ICE Tb eopartnervhiii brrrUilnrr ettaine andrr the aamn t niclniif tkMIEKU A NOkKip. thia day ditauiv-d by matanl con-rat. IL t. HOOKER Y. A h-ORKJ.-. Gil Peb -d