V 10 'I VP rf all i..t...;: 'i'" . ; . .1 I 1 & "V A, .1 ,1 I - f r ( :i ' " : i i - MOHDAT, JULT 80, 1874 ; BMIsmTI01l , A mi raglatretloa it sot req tired for the ABgnaa election, bat every wtaa who Hob, meat Kghttr or It cannot vote. Ivory voter who hit heretofore ngiaterecf should tpemd one day la examining; the, reglstrttloB books to act if kit Mm it on them. Ueless your iiat ii, N Ike books yMt CMMt yotsy- Set bnt rrgisUetion: t-A. It 4r..V j .Siovdrl cs&loivs APPoimcxirrs nt tint ColBtepheap. PooJ, our candidate jtrttrfeat of jfablic. Ib ' July SI, Newton, Catawba county." " ; July tS, AtktTill, BoBcoaba county. . Wakb Coo art Gas AawTbt caadi- - datotaf boik parti wilt addrett tbt poo Aa at ' tka iottowlag tlaiea aad placet to Paatbct Drawfib Wrdaetday, uly 15, at TowabipU ur. . . Mlddla Creek-lhurday, July Uib, at Vtiey't, -',"f " Biwk Hro Friday. July ITtb,t Latk ' lay,' Wbita 0.k-8.lurday, Jaly 18th, at Jary Moodey, Jely JOth. tt Cary. Cedar Fork Toeaday, , Jaly Hit, at Pollard's. - Oak Orova WedaeaJay, Jqlj Mod, at OakOrowa. .- ' -J New Xigbr Thortdty, July . Jrd, at Lawt'.- -'-' ! BartoBt Creak -Friday, Jaly Mtb, t Hutcbeiooa'a. . IIimbm Creek -Sttarday, July 25ih, at Kbit's Stnra. 7 Wake Foreat-Moaday, July 17th, at ForeatfUlev v..' '.- .. .Wake Foreet Taeaday, July 8tb, at Holeetilte ' - Little River Wedoetday, July I9tk,at Roeerteoat Btort. : Mtikt Crtek-Tbortday, Jaly SOtk, at Hood's Store. Bti Xattbewt-Fridty, July 81st, at Powell't Stott. , .) 8t. Mary's Saturday, Angust 1st, at Andrews' Store. Swift Creek Mnoday, degutt 8rd, at Fraaklla'a, Raleigh Wednesday, AagNat Btb, at L")W)iy't Orovt. ! Kitker aide it at liberty to give tuck portioa of tkdr titae at tbey may tee It to any announced caodidata. T. P. Dbvbbbdx, Cbm'a Dem. Kx. Um. T. F. Lib, CbaVa Rep. i. Com. TI1IKD TERM KEMPER REVIEWS ; QUANTS TROOPS. M Recently at Old Point, Got. Kemper re viewed Oraat's troops. For' fear tat reader may conclude that we aieaa tblid time, wt will lay that tt was the first time tbat Qoa. Kemper reviewed lor Gen. Grant No such boaor and eoetideratioa kas be lore btaa akowa to a " rebel Governor totalled.'"" Soma taalicioat edilat eoupling the re view witk tktMosby letters, may construe it into practicing lor tbe third term. LATE FIRE AT CHICAGO. Tbe tumble die astir which kas recently Ufaltea tbla lra-triad city of tbe Wret baa called birth m jaevereaiticum Bp tka govcraaseat as the city. If the stws- papers apeak trutbfwlly. it it awt gavtrned witk faaefc asovt tooaomy, juat aad moral rakttbaa Ike City 0ka. Oar people MM patiaat aader oily atrip aat a reform rum. There it, bawaver.a Uula complaint that city scrip should depreciate a ad or ike atoral reform moveawot, that two Good Traipwra ot tea B-mrd ahould vote (or lioraar, whea the Tewa- ahip voted agaiaet it. THE THIRD TERM. El Coveraar Herbert, of LoBbuaaa, Hit la a letter fatonog Graat fur tbe third term. He aayt both ot tbt political p ir- tie may aomlaats, aad Craat, taub ia Ibis popularity, ooa'.d beat all oppueitioa as aa iadepeadent candidate. T Goveraor wiahea, or argaes, Grant tur the third term that kt nay restore pros parity aad kapptaeat to tht South. Tka Soatk hat had enough of Graat, Hotdea, Bu!lock, aad Kellogg happiaet. "jftil Herbert aaya Graat kaa kad a change ui heart Yea, aad ee kaa Ballock, Holdea aad KeHojot 1 1nt tkat k no iwtaea why eve should dueiiu to witosit tketi palitkal polluUaas agala et tka head at their rt- tpacjvt Statf goverasnenU. Herbert, . Mby aad eueh atea art sim ply tooklag for that which will makt for their owa nersoaal BggrajidUsmeak It ' Owveraor Kemper is fouad agala carrying sT . e oa a private pojitKui correspoaoeact wlia such atea, ka thof X ) cvaatedlike Col , Rufflaaot nnWg t!ie enemy, bat one at tkatB. f .r Tbe third trm1:l ' ;,,twaf, though Ita adveaaiea t-j t i' arylf War doet net fiV.ow.it, t n uaoarchy aad deepotitm ilL Da iih:tha third term, aw) that!.:: 1 t mety Btepbepa aid imiA kaMitaawaf rack other. Itepbant tookVt, W. avw it is Hill'i tie.and atet lbiattyle be dees I. Tbair leava-Ukiag it aat aftar ad style 4 Romeo aad 'Juliet, ta wbom parting was tock tweet sorrow that tbey aeald aty wad aight aatil It vraa ta-taorraw.. Ftif tka partlDg asaat kt twaat, ar tbey woald ot to oftea takt latBaj : , ","' '"t. tf Aad sou let Bta Jaka leave uT Abir aadar Hamtlloa itkepbeaa. I have known ktaa long and ttadied klm welt ia my t epiafoB, aa kaa Inflicted pa the Sooth era people more tar$ than Wat tvet la flicted apoa aay ptOple by one civilian. For muck of kit ioiurv, a sua charitable gad easily deladed prtaa an it people art rmpoeMibl. Tohetthall wn likea kin f Wt matt tot blaaphcnit tba detd by hunt ing i niong i hem lor bit modl. Wt will not insult the tivlBg by necking among tbeiB for bit rival. We cannot libel tin inoooeot anbora b j supposing that among than be could aver km ea imitator. No I '.hit debater ( Dvi, and eulogist fit Gnat; bia racklest accuser or despotism ia tha Confederacy, end ready spologlet of WMrpatioDt by Sidicalleai; this pre tentious ortolt of Stele eoverelgnty, tad supple persecutor of msaecled Louisiana; this wicked mattgncmf tfrbars, and wor-1 shipping adulator ef himself ; thli lord at slanderers, king of drraifgtiee, and hero of marplots, nntt ba .left fV' r aiaaa taapproeched and unapproachable in tbe gbaet'y aolitade f m owe inooa citable and anomahiH twit lMB, awlf ado?e aad infaianus !" , CHANGE OF SENTIMENT. Tb art in a time when oar l'irita"icl iwmlitii were Jfteitty tbocktd t koiee raoiag and dueling, Jad eomn.oa iij the Boutb. Tbe raciaj it now trpiieir( to locib'Jes Nortk. L mg Branch and Bars toga mutt have racing during the seaB, aotwithttandiag tbt heat, Ilmsu saqlcg it as aeoemary at tht pretence of the Pre IdcaC - Boat raciag is toolbar furitsnii.' importation for sport and heavy t.ambtlnjr, Jlt-ar What the U$rnld aayt about tht CoJlrg beat racing, whea Prtoort"!!, II ir rard, DartaWatk. Yale, aad all the Col leges above free school notoriety, ante red. ItTfOH III VAX CITT CI TB CMIVKRvITT . ' -.. aact. .' Up to tea o'clock last night there were sold at Johnson's, Broadway aad Twenty eighth street, 149 Pans mutual poota aa the Unlveraily race, dirlded In the follow, lag manner, which show tbat Harvard it tbe favorite. Tela second choice, Wesleyaa third, Columbia fourth, aad s i ot : . lllar vard, 47r Tale, I3; Wmlevan, W3il Columbia, $14 ; Dartmomb,7; Trbiity, 4; Cornell. 3; Princeton, $t; Wil- lumttVS. i CIVIL RIGHTS. Ai tbt test session of tha Gmeial Ar. sembly civil righte was ditcasaed tt length, whsa Mr. Hoostoa, of Catawba, offered tka following resolution by way of aacar- talolng who waa for tad who agtiutt civil rights. Every negro member voted for it or dodged. The vote to lay oa the table was a vote favoring civil rights. ' I Tht resolution reads : a rBBsoumox BwtiTMD a raormT aoaimit tub - raatAOB or tbb civil BIO BTB BILL T O'lBOBMa. SetoUed. That Iba Oeneral Assembly of North Caroiina do most caraettly aad re speetfolly petitioa tbt Coagrem of tht United States not to paaa tht bill now pending la tha House ot Representatives, kaowa at the Bapplemaatary Civil Rights Bill, believing aa we do tkat the lmm diate effects of each t law would be the tnpprattioa of oar public schools for both white aad colored ; tut oioaing M many of oar houses of worship; tha ruia of oar lead lords aad hotel proprietors, at well as tb thorough demortliMtiow of oar t dety and tbeeanee ot bitter atril betweea tbe two races. ;-,,.Trom a taaroagh kaowl edge of tbitltaatioa wt ara aatisSed that tbe bill would operate ainat dirastroasly to oar nest interest, ana inerctora, we pre fcr tow oar pettuoo. Guyther, (white Radical for Washing, ton county) moved ta lay it upon the tt ble, , The tjrt and aoet being culled, the motion was rtjecttd by the following vote Ates Abbott, Been, Bowe, Brown of Davioeoa; Bryant, ot Ualitaij Bunn, uebli, Uorsoa, Uudley. D llaoa,. Foster, CIltKrt, Uoodwyn, Urj, Uavthsr. Uainp ton, Hughes, Jones of Nortbamptoa ; J.r dan, rlorl, Lutterlob, MrLiurln, Mill Michael, Pewbal, Perry ol B'adua, Sharp, Bteea a a vrinaiow. Nat- Anderson of D via, B.llard, Beaaett, Black well, Bythr, Buwm BrycM of Jackson, Bryaoa of Swain Brjaa of Pitt, Bryaa of Baaapeoa. Brvan oi w lines, uryaa ur Aiieenaav. BrMiks. Carter, Uus.JUaige. D.ckey, Ou Free mtaGtaati iiedlMV. Owrmta. 6rdr Gtdgef.i Ujaea, I Huoatooj fehaston, uncvrjirriii4yaff, 4bbi, LindMt Luckt.fU.rlrt, aWweJl. McGeWtMt Neil," Mitchell; oring, ktoat; Norment, Beid of Mr-kleBburc. PrraMa. lliohard- toBi Saitlei Sawi Shits tf Irtdsll. Bbtaa aiutwnwsnstiHHiK Blower Btatd tora, Todd, Tamer. Warltck. Waddill Wattoa, W.bh, -Wilej, Whitm re. Wbit- aaat ana woodboaee. ... Every Democrat voted ajintt tubli tbt reaoiutioe, which showed clearly ihey watt oppeesd to civil ilgh'e Every n- gra aad several of thalr wt it allie voted at table, thereby sh.iwlo tb. y tavored civil rlgbu. Tka oa II eauon's rean- (ailoa taUa yoa kt party aad what mea favor civil righte. nVILBianTSBLLL. itaay cant aava beta made boob ut rec.tlly to puWish the civil right bill, tkevgh wtdid so at tbe tins of its pass age we art pieaeea to republish tgaia, aad again. We publish it aa wa would tht ratamf aad Mwuerv ia Liuk field's dar aaa iima. i as HNiowing ara ins provn of tht civil risbu bill ia full, aa it pasted the Senate oa May SSd i . are, I Dt an cu;x iii aaa otaar eeraooa within tlit jurisdiction of tha Uaitad SUt4t ba eatitled ta Ut full aad eaaai enloymaat of tb4txommodatiota.advaa- tagea, fatuities aad Privilegca of iaaa, public ecaveyaBcaa oa land ar water, theatres and other places of public smna- mtat, aaa sito oi cowbums ncnools and public laatitatioBiof learning or bCDrve supported, la whom or ta part, bv geaeral taxation aad abw iastitatbias kBOwaaa sgricultutal eulk-gee eadowed by the United States, and ot oemeteriet so Supported, subject only to tha eadttions aad lluiitati.NM by law, and appiioaais aint to cinx fts m every t co aad color, regardliH of any previous eoadiiloa of tervitudt. StC. S. Tha' any person who shall vio late tbe foregoing sacttim by de ijlog to aay ptiwoB inlitLd to the Wat Bu tap' for Bjaaoae by taw applic ib o l the citi zens ol every rcc and n-'lor. aad regrd- ieaa.Jit-aay prevtuot coadHtoa nl sarvi rude, the tall eii "luteal of aav of U ac- oommodati aa, advantagia. facilities, or privileges la said aectioa burner ted, or oy aiotog or IBOttlav sai k ateniai. ahall fat tret J auck oflawse hwMt and pav tbt turn of Irs hundred doltnrt tt tbe person aggrieved thereby, to be r--oovitrd la at action oa tha case, with full ncnsts. and shall alii for tvtry such offeosw. be km- ed guilty of a misdemesnor, and, upon eoavictioa thereof, thaJI b flned not mora j imprisoned not mora than one rear prt 1 ewiei, That tht party aggneTed abali not recover more than one penalty aad whta tha offense it a refusal of burial, tbt paoalty may ba recovered by tbe heitt tt law ol tht person whoaa body baa beta refused burial. 4ad pmidti forth, Tbat all paiaont may elect to ana for tht penalty afnresaij r to proceed under their right atoommoa law and by Statu statutes, and having so selected to pro ceed in tbe one modo or tbt othur, llisir right to proceed is tba other Jurisdiction shall be barred. But tbia proviso shall aot apply to crimiual oceBdlOgS.. lt her under this tot or the cnaiasl law ofaaj Statn .V,- .BacA That. 4haUatriBanaV trtrcOtt cooru of Iba Unilod rHates shall bare. eaclushJy-of tbt eourU of tba tereral Statet, UMgniaaoot of alt crimes aud oflVn tea against nnd vioUtiooa of, tba provlt loot oftbis act tad actions fur tbe pcaalty given by tba praoeding aectioa may bt prosecuted ia tht territorial district or circuit courts of the United " Stttci wbeJCTff ttiv defeodaot may bo foupd; without regard ta tho : other party, aud tba distdct sttorotrs, msrshaia, : nd pr lawa of tho United States, tie hereof specially aatboriicdLsnd required lo iustU luta oruceedinis Igaiaat every person who shall violate . tbe proviaioos ff this act, and cause him to be arrested and ira priaooed or bailed, ra tha cast may be, lor the trial before lUCU court oi the Unl ted butts or territorial court aa by law baa enguitance of tba offence, except in ia mprator laengnt or action acctu Ibk to tbe oertoB airajrieved. and such district attorneys shall caun su?b pro- needtagt to ba pmweutta to thrttMeimi aothiag eootaiaed ia this tectioa s eonatrued to deny or deleat aoy right r civil action accruing- to any potion, w ba: ner ty reason this act or other wise. Kc. 4. That as citiavu poissesint all Other qiialiflcatinns which are or may bt prescribed by law ihill be qualifled for aHVice ss grand or petit juror in any court ol the Ceittd hutoa.of of any State, on account ol race, color ur previous coa dillon of teivitude, and anr otneer or other peroa charged with any duty in the selection or summoning jurors who shall exclude or fail to summon any citi tea ror the ctnse aroresaid shall, on cm viction thereof, be deemed guilty of s mis demeanor, and ooed not more than $1,000. fire, 5. That all casta arising under tho provisions of this art ia the courts of tha United SUM shall ba, reviewable by the Bupn me Court of the I United Stales without regard to the sum in controver sy, under the tame provisions and regale tiooa aa are now provided by law for tha ceview ol mbrr reuses la said court. i It b) no Wonder that in aliils lose faith in all spenioca, when to many worth lets medicines ara advertised for the cure of various diseaees; but which when tried, ara "found wauling." We have yet to leara however, of the first failure of . Wiatar't Balaam of Wild Cherry, to cure mugue, cuiua, aaq puimwasry HIE O IUC AXi REMEDY FOB ' consur.iPTiorj n-liich can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand in l preparation, as has been j roved l3"tlw ' hundreds of it-Htiinoitinls received by tho i o;n ii tor. It is ncknowl-i-ileil hy inany prominent hji( -Inns to bo tbe most iliiille jireparation ever in l rodiiectl i'o-: tho relief nnd ".ire of all Lung complaints, and U offered to the public, tanelionetl 'ij the eipcrieno ol over foitjr years. "When re' rleil . t in season it sel dom hW nffect p speedy i tire !r. !..ks mort severe eases of Onigiis, J)f oncbitia, Croup, WhoopiiTjy Qongh, Influenza. Asthma. Colds, Soro Tlnt)Jit, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Klceding nt the Lungs, &c. 'Wlstar'i Balsam does not dry tip a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, bat it loosens and cleauses the lungs, and allays Irritation, tli us removing the cause of the complaint, "2f . FOTU SOBS, aastaa, Mess, aaM ay Onsjtiws aad nkfeiraUf JpCACi WSTnOTE. . BOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL ton vocva LABIBB, ' K A L I 1 S II i N. C Tbe Fait Session eommenrea on Wednes day thaiUrdnaptea-wr, and eoatloaea witn- out luteimlesloa lo the mMdls of Jans fol lowing. For catalogue and circulate containing fuU particalara, die., addrna KSV JC. BtiaWBLb, June ft i8tA wtsep SS - aUleUr'b, tt. Swedes . Iron and tha " " Finest Engish Steel Tta b i hranda of Aowricaa and Swedes Iron, and gne-lisb litra kc lined Cast Cteel aaed la the aumufaetare of our AA19 tXCtU SUUbll 1WW5. We offer the verv beet AXI that can ba siaufactarM bv skilled workmen and .verv tsperiur materiala, and Iruet that e wil re ceive tbe support of tlie trade. Ot aars auca immediately. " , iUUUS LEWIS CO.. OJt TUB BKBAKVA8T, LUNCHKOM. BNl fiEK AMU KUrrKK TABLB, and renins' Worehealorshlrs Saset It fadiapenelhle. iOUH VUbTCAN'8 SONS, gew Tort, ; AgenU for tha United StaU ! V MODS UOTTOM Gld. , Una 41 Saw Ola, Jut to band of this )usUy eelebrated Alabama Ula. Tbe tesUmoay a ananlmoua .that they ills fa.lwr aad makssl better sample than, any oUiar rer maoe. Fries M pur saw and tras ipnrwtion, ' fj ii JAJtti at, 10WLK8, teptSaVtf . .? i . t .Aa-unt,'', iEwwAjttiB.rwH x u t , f I ; WsksvwaoM WO doaet this aeaaon,aad not ens hat aoken. Aak fur the "Jallas Lewis" Aat aad take no othei i j f i dOUtitJtWlBmCOi- BEST ADVICE thatttnbe rlvCnto persoaS aaOrerteic! from ilvsperala. billons eomplaint eoli, eoiaBmp lloo. sick bead at-hoT f cef aad aaraa. nervous deMlitr, or of any dlaoraar sjIocUdk Ihastem--! aca, uw over or kioucjj, le to toae, eieasa, aodrmulale these lmiSiaut OfS bjr, the the dlaeatlvs enti snd the liiteallues and renovates tbe lyatem. hey pmeuea alther aaniea, fripinr or weak neas.aad may be taken wlthoatcbane ef diet dr occupation. , vf Price, l cents a box-. Soil by all druHglstt. DR. TUTrSHAIR DYE powesaca tiuatltles that no other dye does. Its enVctis uWntaneoca, and so nalaml that tt eannut be detected ny the cloaaea. obaerver. U la Kjrmleaa and easily applied, and Is ia geaeral aaa aaKM the faahtdnable hair dress era in every largei-lte in the Unite) ttatet. tYcetUbox. Bold everywher. . I , i t f ' f---' ft i tlcrofifo; Wrvptit iHttaH"' f(ki Skin, bt. AMhonf 'i Kin, frftipdat, JJlottkm, Twiner, BoiU, Tetter, and fialt RKmtn, fttXd Uevi, Kiruruxm, Jtkcunatiim, Pm txnd Knlargment of tht Boiu,ft aais IravjaSims, Sterility, Leiieorrhm ot White, Womb Ditto, Droptf, Wiitt Settting, Syphilu, Kidney and Liter Vemxilaimt, Mereurial Taint, and JHlee, all proceed from imourc blood. jIB. TUTt'S SABAAPAJtliXA , ' is the most powerful Blood Puriflcr known to medical science. I. enters into the cir oistioa and eradicates every moibiSc agent; renovHtea the system; produces t beautiful complexion and causes tbe body to gsiu oVsb and increase ia weight. vaitr rit Bt.ooD. nn.Ai.Tiir aud all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offVitd that can compare with this vatuabUt vegetable tx tract PricetlOOa bottle. Hold by all Ortig giats. Ottice 49 Cortlsnilt Street, N Y. mb 25dtf J. 6. 8. Mannfacturer sad Dealer ia Tla and Sheet Iroa Wars. Stonewall moves, the beat ia the world, none like them. Tin Hoofing, tint terlng end Piping a Speciality. f.yatUvllle L,opotlta thalUrkrt tnmo Palelgh, N. O - earSIltl";--"- Q0RM. M K A L , II A Y . t" One Oar Load Corn. (ne Cr Una Meat. Two lar Loada Timothy Hay. ( loj Bnabala Vlrlnl Jata. ' 1i Bkls. Kuckland Ume. at ML'hKAV A ALLEN'S June.1 Std. Feed Utore N 0. Def Ot g A L E OP REAL ESTATE By virtue of a d d ofdrtgue claca ted to m on tha 1st day ot April, 187.1, by Juhh W. K ilnuni aud wile, I ahall, on Batur day, the -ft h of April, Ml, awll atpubiie auction at lau Court House door te the liluh eat bidder, all the Internet of the eaid John W. gainian, in certain lamia situate In Wake County five or six miles Watt of tbe city of Kalcluh. on the North Carolina, iUtlroad and adjoininir the lauds of Opt. Alias, t, t. Tut'k aad otners. ' ' '- . , For part leu an apply to T. r. Dure reux Attorney, ai Kaieun. C.A. KDMuNSSTitN sprUleU5t DOWN TUB IUVFU, OB ' riAlTlC.lL LESSOU F3DER Tke Cods Dnello. t r t te -t 1 TP' ' f J ' AS AMATEUR. V kt J, Halb. A Sob, ratlUhors. iJ4, extra eivih binilU r.L Tbls is a Southern Book, to traded 01 exeuiwatna lately traavpired In tiaonriaaad Alabama, iw which some forth taroiiniaus warn premtaoat aetora. - ror sale at ins book atore of AUKltD WiLUAMS. wiarllU- ' now To specuUte Itteefgs lly, a ' itanu&Liii II. rw lis cc t. '.. Bankers and Broken, 7 Broadway, N. T. Members of Stock xehanre and (told Board. Kefemaceav Mechanic' Bankinir Aaaocia tioa,oran; Banking House or. Commercial AreacVln NewTork. N, B. Pamphlet t a "Will Strent ecr I raraUooa, ' DW arplwatloa. I will ooen U above Ucn. on the first of Jaw, aid will bt very gla-t to rjcaive a share or me traveling; paoiic v ; CI1AK0K MR OAT, W BIT TKBWBIK, 11.58 PER A r. Katulr Boarders oealred. J. At. BLAIR, rroprictor. isy89tf." G REKNUBORO' PEMALK COLLEGE. ' ! ORBISBBORO', H. C "' ' " This InstltaUoa kt aamia ta saerceafut opera tion. Tha Fa'l Aawtoa of IbW, will brria aa Wednesday, Jaly tBth. For Cauloirae atailnf t-rma, a e applv to tba rraaideat BV. T. M. Jines, D U. 1 , c. u Jt, . n. ti. if. vviisun, . Jane 23 tt , ,, ; rrast. Board Trastree. - plHOllAM 8CHO0L. t t Established la WkV , yCBtNBVfLLf, W. C" ' -Tk Wilt aaaalon own 1Mb July. 1874. Tuition aid Board, grai pet eesawa. No titas. for circular a p;il to XAJ.B BINUH Ala, fjunciSSw Bupt-rlntciK.'ent " D r I? aomwmB'HHHBVsaBBmHl - BlBmnWawaeBBBjBmewBwawja 4 ..C . t i ' -t- -K ' KA1 1 IG1 II, N. C. f l -.4 j . -i ABO , 3SO0 tons Bine Lump Plaster, direct from flit CftMiTtns, Windsor, M. S. Inah rroand plaster pal tula bids sad aaw Barlay L. ga. lor sale - i t mL ' wa umv w vmw. . . STiriiiaaabair, 1 i -ai;ommmlaaion Mercna -A, tlof Baaia Jbaah Bichmond, Va martdaiaor1 ThQUmiiigton star. EBl A fclJSBBP-OWLT-TSnC-TKABBt HAS the largest etretfathm of aav! Barty Newspaper ia tht atata, aad a circula tion la WUiulugtoa nearly twice at Jam as aay other paper. " j ' i Ail the news of the day win hi fond la It, I whea nsuauurtaatt, at ienrUilwaea oi mamsai, ana aiway eimsaiea ia a mvallat ant inTereaunr mannar,r TllJBStRirriyjl (In Advance! : as 1 AJUXUXVJBl ' .' i . ' raica 'kiDOcanV Tha IKwtfaBto wrtow CDbnitnei''w1th tht CmrvUtf Firmer, aadhooa of ate-aheapsst papers m us eoonirr.at sat louewuur , i.f fj ..,. - - t . ' ,. .. JKVuaVAAiu One eopy, one year. f a. ..k.et av une eepy, six 1 OV. KTClttbs ef t to la, one year, 11 per copy fcirClubsoX WtBw,OMj,onlw 1 SO pereopr 1 taVBpiuliam eoptee emt aa appltcatloa, , BddreaS, - I''- ' ' ., WM. B. BKRNABD. t Kditer 4 Proprietor, Wiuiibotob.N C gat SB i ,!. " . , ITU.1EW1L.L fllTlUZU. , Blrblv Coecaatratad. Haa ALWAVB Manufactured on tha basis of a cuanuteed aa alyaia. WIU NOW he told eab)cct to all laws ia regard to FertU sera, with THE SAMS KBaracteed analyala. S- O. FitBwaaiB A Son, . , ChartuUesiUle, Va. apadAwlm ' t R F. JQJv-Bbt ifc O0 COTTON FACTOBi ABO UINERAi. WUOLBSALB AND BJtTAIL GBOCEKS, j Wturrawvo H Onatrrs hfjuuTSlCKxC BALEIOB, K, C. , . t ife nressnt our Card and offer to the Doblle oar aervleea as - General - Oomndssioa Mar; ebsBUtor ma aaieeiunaoa aoawawa dnce, Ac I Oar Mention la central. In tbe bosmeaw I of the city aad we otter especial advantages and fedlltlea In the storaKe of Cotton Ac. having a Brat oaaes saetai roof aaa Bra proa atore bouse, aitaated within a abort dlstaaes of the Oltce OUUon. sod thereby leee liable to the dancer of Bra. JTnose who dawhn ataniiK cotton will Bui it U their intnrest to conimunicsw wiin ns neiore sumna; ei vbfit. We are conntautly In receipt of a line of Oeneral Uroceriaa which we ara mlllnir at the very lowaat market prkxa. ' Vartsem aappllaa aiwas oa baaa. coantry preonca ia mrawai amaH quaaUtlae takea la exchange for goods. We solicit floaaucnawata aadT will eafset mtlsfactory sahsa and aaiantee preoapt ra turns for all articles entrusted to oa. Our natron aad etltera will ba Iniormed-from time to time of the general taor of prices or Cottua and prodnoa aaaaraliy. ( i All eommnhicaUoua ut inquiry prosnpfly aatwerML Wpt87-wtf ' -. T 0 TH. B B K B A V B Whitelaw& Crowdet . Corner lilouat aad Morrea Straeta. RALEIOH, N. C Ara p. -ii.J to furuUh Tombitoaae of all Binda. attber pMn or eraamentat of bom American aa 1 Italian Marbia aa cheap ant neatly eaeeuted as can be purchased at ant other eeUblbbment Morth or Boata jMVhj been at tha boalncaa ot carving aad eturravuit aurble forty-tve years, we consloeroaraelvas eqaal lo any la tbe Union. We will ah furniab rraaite ol I be beat quabty, from oar new qnarriee, either. In unliniabed blocks of cut une 10 order, auck aa : door sad wladow sills, wstcrtable, atepa, posts, street and gravt vard eurbatone, ate., all orders will ba tbaaa fully received sod punctually etteaeed aa.aaj we pledfce euraelves to rtve t vtiificOon la at e' JOHN WB1TELAW, Z.CBOWUEU, dee 1-ddm . s BND FOB CIKCVLMt OF Parkers Ice Cream Freeasrt, rraminm Baraty uu, , "B-at,H Cook ttovea : Jure : tt T. U. BdUtUB A aOXB. WANTED: . - . 1 Active Local and District Agesta with direct contracts the Prot, Mutual Life Ineoranoe Co of Philadelpbia. for NT. C. ddrcu, , W. H, FINCH, ' may 25-tf " Gen'l Manager. JJOKNIB ANUtiBATKS' SCHOOi; HIIXBBORO; N. 0. , A Clascal. Ma'h miical, ?cUntillc, aad MUltary Academy. VAtxSssiioaBMimiVBitD VonDAf IB J0J.1 Boar I and Tuition incla line Feel, Waah in. L (tits, and TaraUhad Koem-, BtnT M per aeiaioo uf twenty neekt- , INSTRUOrOKS. J. M. H08NR.' V. hf.. R. ft. GRAVES, A. M ., liliUH tt KfO JR., Uaivcnity of Vlr rim. Mai l. H 11 MIL I ON A. W. VBNi ABLB, Ja. Fo'kerpaltlm College. Circulars it-a ton spn'.lratloa HilUbora, N. C, , . wtjuly It, 1874. . Jono MIS80UEI STATE LOTTERIES t Legalised by State Authority, and curi in rcaiM ia ar. kwia. Grand Sing's Number Scheme of tu.OOO Mot DRAWS TBE LAST DAT OF EACH MONTH. . , .. , ; ... ; ... v 51 ; '." " " rariTAt, Paus, SU.0IWI . 10.SP Isra. tnountlDa- to I MX). 000 Whole ticket,! 10; Halve, t-'n; Quarter, g 2,30. ' The Great CWUmIIok Scheme, witk a i . ., ' ?rrri, raiaa or U.tOO ! aad I $3,3Cd Prixra. amoanUng to fVTS,m I . ! - Draws ev. ry Saturday during the year, k BOta VKEBTt, Sitt Baivaa, qoaxrr bbi Address, for Ticket sad Clrcnlara, 1 MURRAT. MILLER A a ., Managers, K P. O. Box Md. Sv Lovia, Mo npadeodwewly ' AN K 8TO0a: VOB BALE. ' ! WUIilna IA .-. Intit hn.lna t !tl .,ll In 15 oe SA atiaris of tbe stock of the KaMbjj National Bank of Morth Carol! aa, oa reaaon- able AptjIv to RicuiKn KD W. HARRIS, feb 1 w1 mrird.. u BOLLfMU. l i' t, U 4 i 1 1 -v.,- j i-ia- i r r I I V CI 10 1 111 i . tali la by ) aim Wllsamanea.lt. i 41pTw4t rjvai g CBLEBBATKU . ... . .. ... . If. jvs sold la tm'fotltW 'JMie't'! Bat tm ntrta am aar ia a Ttae iStliad al Maalaeiurn' rricet. gend f or friai Uat , v,j : AB evtaaeont eruptions' a theaca or body indicate A iMrvaa (AnwKarvwBBi.ooo m It eearsaaUroarh the veins, sowing Mad ef daaU with every pAseUoa. .-..- In this condition of things aometfiing Is te Sot a t anon, to ouUata tbb blood 4 aad BOOVlLL, BLOOD tVD LIVE STBDf will arrrrm.T rBae tbk9man!OtaL ex pelllng every trace of die use from tho. blood tad system, aad keying the akin j , t S0IT,'AlB ABD BBtCTiyUL4 ' Bandradsof oart Ilea tee attest Ita valar. Price II per botUe. JOBVi-viLBHBT, rVBSAX A ( O . Prop'rr. aad College flace. New Taik. ALSO PROPRIETORS OF Ball's Baltam for the Langs, Carbolle Salve, aey-s uaroonc irscnea, uxyiienaaea Bitters toe Uyspspala, Dr. Mott'a Ur erPUls; Ur. Bogers' Vrgotabla ' Worm Strap, Dr. Btaanatl's Bare Death to Mate Mice, 't and Vermin, Kaaeiaa Hair Dje, Ate, Etc roBSALB BT A A. OKBOUISTd. mar lm-w. , Tbe FartaerahJp heretofore exlatlngander the tttmof ... W. H. A ICS. TUCKER, A CO. ' Is dissolved by tha aVcnaas of our Ja ilor Partwr, T. McGEB ' All Partlca having claims agalaat taw arm wUlpleaae present Uem for Immediate pay meat. Aad all who are mdobted to the nria, eitlier by note or account are requested to oau anu aetue TOOUS OLD FRIENDS A CUSTOMERS, we mutt aay a word. Tbe dissolution of Cur arm give a pala and Borrow, for many yeere you have kladly patronised as. We in lara have eadeavon d to f urolith yoa with FIRST CLlda VOODa at raaaonable prices Our relatioaablp has bcea both pleasant and sgreeabla, end wo eaaaot eonaenl lo tbe dii solution except la atepreerat. We have heretofore furnished sU tha ac commodatloa aae eoald, eonaiatent with a proper safety ol sawiesahMss,' and in making the following anneuncemenk we do so from he rcqulremeaU of LA W, From and after this data, au uoou of ev ery ikacttptloa beloagbax taUaa Bern of W. H. AB.8.TUCEEB.CO. eloainrof the Buslaesa. . rartner credit ennot be given, The Books aracioacd . W,Jt A AVA. TUCKER, ' .l""1,1!' ,! Tf ,"'t l'l,jii JI.'iM'l"!)!!". i &IFfbUTEUrtilS; The omy Ketlabie Gift DUtrtkntiaa ta tbt country i ' .. .( . 1 -:U ,:i I'' I $50,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS TO BB MtTBIBtrrBD IH 108th REGULAR MONTHLY Orovsa JTaWoyV Avg. lOfA, 1874. Oil Grud Cipiltlfrhe, Jj.OOO ia litis! Two Priits $1,000 ( Two Prixcs, SW0 g ; Greenbacks! riva rriBefl,fiwr s ( uePimityCirrl3te tid Iittked Aonei with Silver Imtcd Itntt , wtirl il,e Metltkr' I f I- - Ilurse and Botrcrv. with Silver-mounted Haroew, worth UO0. One Pinc-tntied Kosewood Pianos, worth tSAweaeht Five Family Sat win Machiaca, worth $100 each! 750 QolJ and Silvir I-ercr Ilunting Watch. a (In all) Wi.rth from $30 to $300 Number of QifU 8.000! .. r.M' , t Tteleta limited t i&H, 000 AitBlt WiBkd tt fell TiektU, U wkm Liberal rrtmlnmi will kt iiid. Single Tickc U $tp8ii TickeU$3; i Tweivt TickeU $10; Twenty-Five fqO. tlreabua aoatitamr a fall II at af nrl.a. a dcacrlptloa of the uanaer of drawing, and oiaor BMormation ia veferenee to the Dlstrl butioa, ill be sent to nay one ordering tbem. AU letters laast be addraeed to nam orrics, , ' ' L D. SINE, Box an, I 101 W. Fifth Bt CiNOinialt. O i une 89 tf. , ALTI BALTII .... tlMBckaalarahana aad Verdint fourae aaii aaaaei Backa Bait. foett At F. JONftg A co t Xlbbe ad CoiXBCToRt OrricB, Jill. rttl. 1R7A 'A ct n ander an orrilnurr mumI hr ft.nl Of Oommhjeleoere Jnaexnth 1S74. 1 herebv aoUfy all nwrsoas who failod to Hat their taxablee to coma forward aad ll-t 'he same wltbla the next Un.d.ra, aader penalty of the law. ' ' . FRANCIS M. SOKRBLL. . CBPCUBA . a . T le julyj-10t- Clerk and Collector. Beer;.andlrVi2i HalL Jlpro' i.mflarft art well aaaort4 loeh of . t WklahKT?diei, . . ' ,, t, dBilr;taons Ugaoart ef all tdada by the oaawiit Rraaily radacj prieaa, aa I Intend to cbaura my baaluen u aaexelaalv- . Ba!R AMD TWg R4LL at my nreaeat sUad. Partial who desire por ehasing Int llqaort aa- eaaatUtea leaa Uuo tea (allbae would do well to aaU. Ulwral trraeKtineaU made with eealara. tt a. w, run CT-YIf - TflOK ALL' WHO ABB WIlXlNO n J? WOKE,-Aay Mraen. old oryoenK ol aUher sea, aaa make tramtloto Bat par wwk. at home or m eonnecUoa with other balaw Wanud by all. aWubm to either dty or ton' Irv. aad aay season of toe year. Tliln ! , rarioppanaaity' tor tkoar who are antof arg .-fc. aad out of mony, to make aa Indepen dent living. No capital btang required. (). pamphlet. HOW TO MAKE A L1VINU.V living full mstructlona. sent on receipt of It eenteV Aadress, A. BUTOM CO;, Morri mniaWeatchatVer Cfla.B.JL aM stb ou JiltHk Book MBurc'ur!-. ovaa a. c. aouarroaa A L E 1 l H . N . D 1 FOR U7t. A eomplele aMortmeat, at the Bonk tr Of . ALFKKI W1U.1AM8. dee lft-tf A. LAVTOPFICr; On Vntert JJovte 8y um RALEIGH, N. C. peeikl attaaOoaclveaitena'-inaiof ll.imi teada, In view of tlie tale deal -ton of taw n nraute Court of the United tla; m oa tbe 1 in tact. , may B-drwAwtr 0 VIDE D 0 P R E (Late ot BaMgt, K C.) ATTORMCT 4 COCMbELLOK AT ' BO. t WAU Bt., WBW rOBAT f- Will attend promptly to all professional bu!, aem entraaled lo bin. Rulers to the t.biff lattice and Associate Jaatieesof taaSuureme Oonrt of North CanpUna, and to the wholc nn uamnna Bar. reu la-ir E jNCO ROE HOM E INSTITUTIONS SkCUItITT A QAlNfW Flith THB NOUTU CAROUNA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, BALiian, n. c Tui Company eeattna to write Pollrir at fair rates, en all classes of Insurable prop erty. All leasee ara promptly adjusted aad paid. Tbe "HOME" is rapidly growlngla public favor. aad appeals, with ewaftJeaea, to Insurers ef property ta ell parte of Berth Carolina. Agents ia all parts of the State. B. H- Bavtlb. Jr preaUVtnL U. B. Boo. Viee lraaldaef Sbatob Oaut, Secrotary. Fcuan Cowraa, Mpsrvteor. Juatts-tf. J3BBRLES5 STEAM WASHER .4N1 BLEACHER. TUB LATEST, BEST AND VUEAFKBT A8IIE MADE. That Steam Wnsheva am batter thaa othara Is aow geaerally eooeaded. That the Pear leas la the beat of Steam V.asbera will bees readily admitted by every one who eeea it aad tries It with others. ' Its eon traction la each aa to rash the Unreal quantity of water tbreaoh tbe sloth ing la tha shortest time, aad to eemptdl all the Water to to where A is desired, aad pre vent lis Boisg anywhere atea. It haa no bungling valves to make the water Bow by tt and cease hi I jw at Intervals bat eaaaas it to Bow steadily poaring aiateen streams on the whole surface nf tbe clotiilag. Thea the wa'er has not to deeoead to the centra or both eada of the false bottom ta get bach lo Ita startlna: point outgoee straight down from where It fella, washing all parte ot toealotb Inc now aatoaihad oy its ispid earrea'. It ruihea throurh the cloihiac away turn prr ainute aud eleaas them la U to it miaate t 'I he cost of tha awublae may ha eeved very sooa ta difference U wear at the elotbee. It may ba saved Very sooa la tha didercacr of labor required. A machine made to Bt, ean be aaed with any tovs boiler or tba boiler fas tbe mecklue way be aaed lor any other perpoaev This machine sails fur lam thaa any ef It kind, aad will ao tba work eakker aad moir taoroagbly. As Its name indicates It U . . PEEBLESS AMOXQ ALL "Ihey art mads of best tla. Tbe bolici with galvanised boa bottom, will laat man yea ra aad are sold at the fol.ewlag low rBXCBB s For tba Washer aad Boiler, fansal site) tt the Waabar aloaat anl stae A. For tbe Washer sad Boiler (extra targe) fv.fto. For the Waaher alone, (extra largo) The nsual slas s 11 Inches wide- by tt tonif U l-t deep. The extra large U tuchst wide y XO hne IB 1-a deep. Seal anywhere p expreas oa recti t of pnea oy J. A JONES. Proprietor, Kaieigu, C. N T I) . Situation as tawyer aaJ Contmler ol jlteam Engines and Machinery.' Hatiaiae tory reference given. Apply at this ofTkr. dan dew lw. 1,500 ,50J POUNoS FUSE AND FBRdlt " ORB ABOUND IS REFINED LIN SEED Oil Bay only the best See that every Can hs our label aa It. 'fe" 17-tt ' BKIfKiS ANd. mmmmm awi Li-' l t - s. X,:?,

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