A: 7 . L IB. liiitmi.l 4 r to fn.-a' ': ,.t wa 'T '', I A'..' l ' W - - I n 6 PuuLuaso Br ) J O 8 1 A II u ... - ftnaaatf tTMf llTuor onacaimo. f Wily ftnttod 1 yrej eoVraace, lilly Kit mouth n 1 - J-0 Vml Weekly , " , . " . Ti , I.UU J.WJ iv..LIv Sentinel " . ,5 ,r. AW The Duly SasTiiitti edit he hllww to my part of the City 2k FirrasB Cea per -U,li. , Yiiwn Oetcbor 1: eoatloaa tkro.rb Bin TIlU,.ilie. It I eawaal to ,.i , tivTiVm, wlto faHermla CtosaleB, I,,lerir. Belene (with ltlee ctT , ,1 and rhraical Larir.UrU.k ta U MV , ,., Nlfi'lr . i.lv f rCaUluKin to J A F 'l"l- 5 'nibiS?,J:i. UMfrii oivir,. r. 'ihmmoi v.. -v lull aa St. f-. N Tlll'HSDAT. JCLT WriT.l WIlA t, ck lta lt to llna o Jai Tk, oa Uit leruii tlSO Cua ramainilur niuolba with "'ami!. .U-lwlU 'o. l,..,nn arooerty, aabjeet to Ike o W Mt K. A VriiuroM aad the Uetoa4 ol K maid Mora at. frlouoao. ' ' ' 't ' Ou.l.. oa Newlwni it. tolbe WeataJ nd MjtialDf to abare bod Jotj ltk M r.t froat faatof tack 105 to 168 feet, oa whicli w a availing ana aarvaaW hooaa. W. aTrKmnoat. Adai-rol Joaa D. raiaaeaa. . July i 3wAdlw ! rjlHIC "WARKEN" HOE. 1 , II .at Hoe erer inaJa (or gtr&m au4 Keearal :i.-e Write for circular aad prkea, . JULIUS LEWIS CO., So'.a Ai(eoU for V. t", Irwle aplled ataaaUeierera' Prlctw. r ) ALEIOIl FEMALE BEllABT, KALaidB, X 4K r v. iioihioii, a k.MBcipai.. A r KIOO. A. M , AmUUdL FKICU. AO THE, Uaa:e Deparlaaeal TLe n'Xt Sraaloa operia oa Monday, Bop nu, IK74. Apply for OUaJocue July diutwiu rMU boUTHEBN UOUTSISB fOU VO. Kcpreaeoted by JULIUdLE r I I t'uea BAiae Pr.it. ct Hu lJIfiifa from l.lnhtnlnK by their .. ..r.te I 0per LlefcUltaif xl. ' r . II. ve WAKOiia hi all 'aai I i".itlt iu Sunth ll.rolin u . up, r h m K'Kht Timea the conJcctlug .r.irU. f of any mcUl except allw Iheoa KihIi. are aikiciieti t i Buildiuna idwarraiitl at wine price aa Uie I Ightniax Rud fiddler tli Iir eomtu .u Iron or .Ire Rod-, Write ti.i 1'ire.il ir' uu.l Prlceii. A" Y'U OolNd TO PAINT J .a tliu Afcrlll (heiuied Pslut, leairae . 1st. Jt h m ! eii tk.roa,'tiry toted by CBem IatA, ami over HV IM owaure of rwideaeta tlircn,'li..ut Hie United SUtua f r the laal m veil y.'.r, ....I priHioauead by tbitn ta be tbe iiiimI duiable palut, known. 2nd fur bemty and reunilja of color it nt.Lij.le. I ir ahini of any otbar. BuUdiu(f tMveliHCu iMliitod wiihii in part, and partly with the tx at of of er paint, both U tbe in tcrior and .n tlie ea ewwt and In no jae haa It beuii a lied for beuly or peruianeei y o color. ' 3rd. It 1. eonaialcal, ead ita eoat la a more thin ik iMMtieadan4 oil, ana keiuitfar. more d irlil (ia wear.. ahual twira aa toaff aa the l.a tii Mtnhdr, and baaalllal, ar r"l tlM aaerUni that fur a period of iwanty era it will re k tnuauuwr fatly ir am it la lu l.q ild form and all read for ise. Pnruat W bite, or any daelred ebadai aau lie eblaiued wii bout aubjectlng tha buyer to tbu annoyance vt purcbaaiDK oil, plgmentf, colorinic matter, dryer, e. It h eaail epraao Howa freely from the break, ekar uaualyto erery auoautucu it may ba appUrO apon for wood, brick, irua, or for any palnllntf parpoaa where dnraMlity, 'twenty an pnaarvattee propertlee are reqtrteHo It etaoaa awrhraHed. TUouifli enmKMKd et the rooM iBdeatructlble ui itcrial kaowa to eeieaea aa analyeia ef the Averill OkeaaUvl Paint abowelt to feeenUk lead and moat of the otber aaHrte) 4nm froat poiia. It will net B'ackeooreijeelarwyihe acUaa of tb aalpbaroaa ara e"irealea nn uar otanhy rlvere and eoaaia. j- . 5th Kequirv ee akiUod aait .- Aayeae can appl it ', '.- ; , 4ULIU3tEWI tO,': rUhrr Ba WfcKlrbch.N.O, ol f.u Wrl.e (or Uard uf eolor aad pricee. Tbeae P.iinta are wanaated. ' I .m mMd. th Wfw4MM' BoMft 4ttM North Uarottae Italic Jepay, aac.f the principal, e tW-lartero Jne, tta auoantof ,: jpoe theetery of lha .copy. Ojuw ad ftfxfofti J JdTICE. . ' . i--Ji.aions n Acting nndcr aa ordlratiweed by of I'onunlwloner ae Wth WH. 1 noUfy all peraoa ?i',,u5t0., "fl Ubl.toaialorwai riliila the 3E tea data. Iioenpwia"! th:Uw. KAnata M. wrbbu, july 4-10 Collector. MI3SOUW feiTATK ' LOTTEUIES f legiOiea by eUUAatborltT ad dbaw ra maijo ia it. lovi. Brand Blnrle MnmhertchaaM of W,0u0 No'a. UKAojeTHE LAST DAY Of dtAtitt. a v MUN1U. ' CAmaa, faraa, IS9.0WI ! lu, Prlaoa, amooUn to 3uu 000 WhokUckakstN; Halvee.l&t ya.rter,i 7A Qrmt CMati Bciem,itk cirrrii, raita or ass, W0! eT-- S3,J Fruwa, aaoenMn( UtW.lTf.f Drawe eeary Batnrday during tb year. wnoLBticaarMlO; au-Taa !k oart Addreaa, for TJJtMCUn'L ( ( H h MUR8AT. MtLLKB Co., Mauaer, r.XBosS4. - ' at.. Lour, Mo. ap 4-aaodwawly f - - .'-- DIN H I 8 O AO ? LATEST BHEPPIIlb'Tioa. IOrerTwo Hundred Million hate bee need withia the part 10 yean, without complaint of loa by Tag baeoauag detached. Taar abb krone bbuablb tea aaaia Corroe Bau tbib abt Tac n Ota. AU Exnrea Conipealee nae them. Honda at IM ntaia nauvmu avi, any time prior to the 15th of Amryrt i aeal, ianeHI-Siit Truato ef M. CH. C Nfwacony. .- i-- mi . 1. M I.. ity Intelligence.1 Ticket ! 'Ticket f tV kra prepare j to uroUfv tickeU i tha MIoIdr rt, cuh icoompwiytng til Jifa( and CongrmUmal Tiekdt i Wot Senator Cbarlea K. Beabet, ' ' - Wi Horn el Bepreeeatatrer L. Dl 8lephiriM0n,O. V. StreagV M. S,W. Page, at. muatfm0-. tin r "r rot Superior , Court Clerk Jai. Q. William. , . , roi Sbcriff a M. Dudiu. . For tegiater of Oeeda-JoMpIt Oood- '" i ;.!.) ..1 : ,n. Fof Treaturer Darid Lewta ' For Commlaiiooer Robert KowalL lotolphua, a Joeet, V. D, Tnxaar nd LyM AdamviVik)aioaJ. AJhav ; Fof Cefoaer. Jam 1L Joaea. - Fo Surveyor Oeorg W. ttkineaa. Thermometer at L. ' Braneo&'i &ook 8tora!Aiguat 4,J$M : , '., ,'; .i'ljtl t Aj.leii ft- 74. tSu'-M.- ' ' - -' ' 19. CXWsd. Ia accordance with the elec tion m all aalooni and other liquor eetabjiahmeaU eill lw i to morrow cVaniog at ann act nntil eonriat FridlJ. :i-.f.. t ,, . -t-""' Cm RB--iDRjnt. If jo have mored (rem bne watd into aootber, aq4 re-reg-iatoreo, ba anreajadbare jonr aaae ra4 from your former regiitration Hit, It wilt be taken adaetage of and a subetiV tnte ill be voted ander year nam by your enemie. O!o it your attention. I Too iannot be too partlcolar, k l 1 I . ... Saw FikM Mr. Qeorge T. Stronach ba auld out hie Grocery btuineat to Mcaari. Wo. & ami AJet Stroaach : wb will cootierua th nalaea af the aame ataadj adding UtffelfU i'tiwdjaya' 'to their Look, )T'CreufiHaV$tronacheon ttnutJ hi cottoo, gua6nd etbei' frade at hit office 'oppnetta Ut old plao en frti etrert ',.r4t;;.f; Tak Old Oaj. Tbe Norfolk Land- atari, warn the Conferrative living in the Cbuotica bordering on the Yirginit line tftat the game i to coiontsi VirginJa negroe Intg thia State to. vote There, day. jA'tiuiolj warning tojinr Jricnd wbo fill bear ia mind Jh kiabt to chal- lenge'and to makeettr ftp rel dencqol tbe eOTalah4l"wat''. 4 Stoee and goMg oompoM emmitteetof lovlu Ilol -Biintiir.'ltio,. Vtifct Kw Yerm ftigtr to eciiver an aaarce at pi apprjlcbing ggato" Fair anon blooded ttock Boower y sa great buna maa titl tba aer of amaatuf tee faMCst etark a U well knowa 10 ttU (eutry'Aic mm S in i. rruainu su uaaaavut at oau. I ooiter MefTununVaad Judge Vowle will ejireUoi teda;)U..)o if) irge crew.1 wi.l no iialbl V 'aeatyl fruiua asd Eabbecuk AT Sslma. bejroseo large ere ant wf.I ao loeef Ve 'ereteaty 4nold Uui barbecue) will! b atTted. Benator Matt W, Raiiauoi arriaed. iq lk eltj latt ,vaing. , Ua went wUU the die UuguitheJ gentkiuao above .aauicfl tbit moiruipg and will alto ipeak. Ue 1 lobk lug nmarkkbly ' well baring jutt te tured from Nahvwher be toadq two plendid apeebkei I ';. . : l J - . I "fti t'eit- rl PT -kii:i'i; A Word to jnn Cballmow.--IJ ia ipit f protest aad ehtlienge, aa Illegal veto it poljed, le th proper affidavit el en ob mad Mora the proper 'officer, to UtAt tde pariiei that Illegally voting, ma tt once be arretted, and thmby prevented from Moapiot; ''Jie penalties provided by MJ In each . We repeat, lei tb proper aflWtvii bemad and let th p. tk fraudeJeAtly voting ;jl at jonce ar raatid hii-i,if a)t .mr ,. 3 n ,A. 1 . 1 P Tt m-U emiujemeutt bcea marrejto ,eu7 the" rrgittraiioBj t. ell Conaetvati- vetot .f?i.J ; tfwtii'l" : f. Ha je arrtngemeiaii beta made to.aecere L full iurnoutof Uw Whit VoUr CO iQ- ion Hal arrangement been mad to detect LnJ bhil(eng pertori offering le vote Hate arrantftmenti been made w etar long peronfmpieprty reghNr4 o Satun ay Worlectloaay . . Hai e airaegfaeedt bate aad to carry th lame lad tba feebl to. the BoHatuI. 4 Tni Vone I IiK.embrf ' that 4here wiR b fiv Uaor yotiag.,Qi ateatioa I ' sji-Fjr Superintendent of PabUIil- tructlon.,, :u,tiS 'ii" ,.t, -tit '-liK r. Sod For Stat Senator aad Uombert ef liotuMftf Commoee. v i , . '"jVv " SrdijTee-Coeaty Ofltotrer rUthr-Foc Judge and follcitbr: -" Sih$-ltmbr o" Oongretw s i j Put,'very tote h ft rjg box, d lr CareJ -teat. Jt Towr welgbbwre 4m ta eameThlng.' took at jour tlcktrefut If befcre petting It in, aad make, a f. t I point to watch tbe poll from cany WOT- " .AW II Jf ,-"mI II . aw' Jf.'f,:! w I J t.l : 1 ', W;iiALfiaH;uK.uttf TUESAyr Aiypust: 4, 1874; i f i i i " i rfinmoii or a Puonm. Goycraor Briglea inaed oa jatcra; wuraat Ol froai b 8UU ai DlooU, cbargaa with fair dj afi. and kac aie beta abaV lnelU MteUaobart JIU .,T.r-' U the ccond eriqinai that aa ben Nr4 to IlllnoU from our 8UU, tb fint oat all wltt be recollected, bivlntf Von ntorne4 Ur. patching' aad prepeesd U aecoav- pny himn Mr. JButcbiog Jerked - Joo from jiim and demand Ao Itnow ,rhal he oteaiitt He anaajereu,; HI baae't you he ard tb civil right bill don paateA I" Ur Hutcblage kUuok hint' With hi umbrella, when the negro made an effort to get a feck, but Hatching being too qaick for him picktd ap tbe rock aad knocked the nrgro dewe Ub,lt.a the black ecoiuidr! beat a iMf retreat J. f. Ra, q. W were pleated to meet tbiii gentleman a few dtj ago. He iinoY teaehtnge' eormal 'hoet at Eer neytville Foray tb county. Mr. Hay wu educated b th late William . Bingham when, bbtaegb At Hilltbors'enri ha de- Vote much of hit life to teachiog. Agri culture id"jai!tjiD are 1h' kbrbiiij tob)r4 wttb 'htm." II' l the author of Boy Cemmoa Seoei 0ramatr , Mt, Ray ialormcdui that lur twa BeaMne b had tried the eoctmoa Carrot Weed for hay, cutting Jt Jrhaip'jkajiwi were I In tha dow tiute, and uting tait when ttortig J(,.ji j li the ber.. Poth hoftet end eewa eat aad thrive pee it. wiowiU try it lit Wake 5r Orange tbl raiit! ' -- ' - - tl '" ' tt EAKIIld AT MCTBOFeUTAJI HaUS! ia jCovhu. .Cakpiuatev Owing to tb tirenteaiag ajwpeet ef the weather, it we deemed! tot But to have the iptak ia tbe Leertoy Grove, ead w coeea. qucne at balT pt lVen tb ringing of lb Metrbpolltab Hnll beff drew - th crowd Ut her. r The ball wait wnfl packed tnd grt, lntret wa v1bcdpoh'fha part ef the Uearera. .'A report of the te mark tf lb varioBl candidate wOttld conaume til or mute than ur rpnee, and aa wa bare to-day an ace iunt ol the day doiog ;rhtikiutV ir4j ; we vili Uorego, aulllclng it to aaj that our can didate! acquitted thimuli mont"haniI: aoeteiy. Gabtain Mik Whillci, one of our can didatw," jl.irjout, BoUe -, hearted,' one legged i-tltlicr a h it made tb fur fly fiem Wiley IX Jooa. y lie ttood up t on on leg like a gam cock cut dowq on fen tide. and. ha liter Waktaned WUev J), from hi hd to hi heel. lie gave Wile' immaculate rtcord froiu tbetlm be entered Jil up to tbe prnt, tnd It fa tli mott antwiiag event of tb day. W are only torry cannot give Capt. Whitby' reiaarkl in (hi iaaue. He rub bed i into the old rliioocerout and tailed him down. For the Sentinel. JHa). Editor : If th general jrnvtra rijment eoold And it compatible with the belt jinteretof the - Commonwealth to con'ettucythe-Ppajoop ed.uurthoum now UpVogfemFf tfktiofia tiktcity ou(of lioni Carollhi' mafenaTand with' Korti Cafoffiiw 1ber,we! dotibt not th beaeft both SUto and Nation) from tuck a cookie. W ' bv . tplendid buildlag material hi ! aHverletle and enlimitad q uWitle,' tb compare y lavorably, and Iq tbi majority of ce far auperior to (ht At other State to tbowe by thetam ple Submitted, and when it ia prepeted faapert a forelg material for f he crcc tieb f a building ia our roidtt, Sttt pride It m'bftiM, tbd ' W look wllh Ataf tnwtktpob'that which" thould kav gitM aafplAymeat to our citiaea aed beola ted money among ba,qT3m feeer! gov rnmnt hu never been profu fa it ex Deadlturei for iforth patwIiM.' , Jh it ia pofrak a iMaefielarf'of tbd Batioe. Few ioh ample are her approprlatiee aed public work, aad eovf abe come a a Chtldland ty J mother give mi tbuVl. 'hi MI:: MECHANICL i . Atiguit8d,I874. , , . f j T ) . wi . ' 11 " .... , i .... TAt Ccuntr-A. gesUemaA from Baltimore-wet rrtvellmg in the meentabii eTWeatera North Carolina sot Iseg tine tad bed for hf ewmptnion ayoutkrul oa- ttve Of the mountain whoa opportuni ties fdt acquiring 'book larnln haa been fomewhat Irmlted. iTkek atkntaAVO) Vtt tb extent of hi kgnwledg, quea tiooei him, with the follow log remit: ?Dj you know who Gee. Wathlngtoa wa t 'Did yon ever hear of General Grant V ' Do yoti know who Oenertl Le wtl r , -KoahV ecw-'fv .: MWhat is tb capital ef North Carolina F Fbe'tkaoe,air.'.. ": . f Wll,aid thegeatremee finatlr, 'Did J ever hear tell Of Jete Chriat rr ' . 'Oh. ye, aaid the youth, brightening ept aad aatemiag .the .'eir of oa wb I f til rc. j;-w .b-.ir . 4', itr-; U: BTA' Oat. Vanoe, Darhim 4,000 AeCS irdVairUd'tiifaortio-rua beli .1 WniUTllt,Co)om- but cf untj. Tbe Wilmiogtoe clnbs weat down on an excunion, and poa. Ctorgt Da.ii aod- uthraddreaad tbo ineelloK. 7Ba Wwyfttoa tiatU laarae thai tbe the he.H.kl!U hiu. almo inal.nt The aegrw mad l hi escape. , i ' "I 'JTh Fyettevlll'(7a'Mohrge Judg DuxUin with having iatued fraudulent tickej in hit dlaltki.' the, tickets bear tb nine ol Buxtoo WnA Pea barton, tb iattatj being tha name of tbe Coneervitiv candid lyr Sdjiciter, aid In proof of the charge tb Uattu atatet that tbey are in Buxloa'a baadwriting. s ppiciAi, Eutonoat.-rTh defection of Qo. j Barringir and other Republican renders Logan' defeat certain. General Barripger Admit that Bcbenck will be rlectid. lie telle the peopl plainly that 4iflT A roperty, and reputation are nat talc JinXoWa' htnd. Thi (reek edmkeloa eegbf to have great weight with Radictlt wbo pf peoperty at ataki The 0ea ral teiM beeegroM that they caaaot get Juatide' la; Logan courts. .This mott dampen th otbuaiam of tb negroe for ugm, if it doe wot deter a nrjghj one from gating for bim. But we treat that tb deneral'a card, will bv a good ttfeoi ttpooj Cenaervttive.' it ought" to Kir them,ap to net eyerj effort to defeat tbe etupid , fellowV re-eiectioa, whe eve a Radiaal . edmiu that fife, pmparty and reputation w,not safe le hi btoda. Sorely ae good man, who 'atop to mflect moment, will allow pernio) or prtjadlc to keep hint from voting: fjr fchenck. W regard hi aleOtlea oartaia, but we want bim to get uck,'Bl'oVerwhlniing vot s will show Logae? that tbe people have aot.foriroUea hie horrible' pence ir tlonj i ftert, Himi . FrJEO"M of thi Prkw. There it yxeageter neeteoj Beoner ever let Turk J vll)r,jH. U. By aoiue i range latallly hu ia A Iteutuaaul in I ho Yankee army. Swie wei-k ago, 8. B Hall, Ex-Probate Judge of York county, :oto to the aaaodate editor of the Uowu ol au intuit of very groae character toted to hi (Uall'i) Haughter. Tbe fact wa pub!iihj ia th iArnie. Dewner teem to fiel that th puiailcatioB) iq toum way. intiogc upon ht privilcgea aeilif thoulder ttrapt. II bterd.lncurrectiyj that the Seeior Ed itor WU to addrem 4 Suhd.y School celo bratipo .oa tb lh ! elt.t He therefore sent ut a pwm to arrevt tb Senior for libel,. but a. )ft j jotXtherj. and, ft txpieted to be there, the act of hemic revenge was not performed. The KIbk of Fraace marched up tbe hill with ten ihouaand men, Tbe Sine ef France with ten thooaaal men marched down agate. Fighting (tenner vita hie poaae rod up to Fighting Banner with hut pot cam back live and well, Whea flghtlng Beow r ride boldly ee another pree, May t'l and U.tnt lover of fun be tbert to re l I 1 eea....... .. " f . MISCELLANEOUd NOTES. It it tstimtd that at th piesent time there tr thirty eight ladit who occupy the pjurptt ttedl or a tuWitute. ' ', A Portland man bad a auit of clothe thirty-six year old, Vrom at each of hit fbOr jweddlogl.1 And It it hot yet worn out. , " , ' ' ' . "' At! a social gathering In Chicago r oently It wa ascertained that not oat ef the tbirty-aevea peraoa ceuld recite th Lord' prayer. . ; ' i. . !,-. Injthe whole controverty ea the women quettton nothing truer, bat been laid than the remark of Hark Twain, tlat "woman uorivtled u wet nunr." Loadoa grumblea at htvUig to pty a dollar a tliouaand cubte feet for gat, not withstanding that, bituminous . coal is twice or wee thrice darr there than her.: ,..).,, t-, u T An eld genllmao,died recently tt Al ice town, Pa, who had been married four times! th eeremooiea having taken place on ba) fortieth, aftieth, aixtieth and tav- entialh birthday. , . .'. .".V'.-'J r A wicked little boy in a Denver Sen i day scbool was etked4y his teacber if ha had learned anything during th put week I "Oh, yea," said h. " Wkat ia it you have learned V "Never to bad deuce whoa yoi hv aa ace beck f It," wu th reply. , -. .Th Trench gorernment has decided to erbci k monument wear the Swim frontier in oommemoraticm ol in ganarous course of conduct which wa adopted bySwitsw lead toward th prlaonar of Boorbaklli armrJ The monument will .repretett "Exhtuatad 7 ra o eoe fidmg havehiklren WSejMtetM4,-;.!.f j(a8TB 0i,IB?yovB,?-)ur friend throughout tb Stat win cooler lever inf givHflg;' lb return U do ) arwa the r'k"Maat''f JkS:'..-t .h .w . ' THE ELECTION LAW. ! Tt following rxlractt taken from the lectioa law Is important for very voter to fundentaad. It will be etcn thattb qutbScation. tr twelve; months In ' tb Stale, thirty dayi in the ruoty, and ac tual rveidesc in tb towaebip only on tli day of election. A torn of the res ittrart contend tliat a ten dojt nideucrln j, we publish Sec. . No altctor shall be mtiUcd.to regiatere tut ia any ethet pnelnce ar towmhio than the one In which ht U aa actuaJbooa tide rdcat oa the day t.' elettiua aad ao certificate of leg iit ratios U thdo,T ? -'-a..! l 1. A .ia..-.l A trait aed judge of ele&tiuo to aUttad at th polling place of th towotbip or prt- cinct with th registration book on tb Saturday preceding tbe election from the hour of 9 o'clock . mn when aad where tb uld books shall be open for tbe in- ipectloa af the elector of tba precinct or towotbip, aad soy aaid electors shall be allowed to object to th name of any per aoa appearing la said books. In case of any such objections, th Register shall ea ter upon bis books, opposite tbe same of th peraoa objected to, the word "chal lenged,'' end shall appoint time and plac oa or before the lectioa day where he, together with said Judge ot eleetioo, ball bear aad decide (aid objection, giv ing due notice to the voter to objected to. Vreii4, Uit notbitglothit ecctioa ooauiaed ahali be eonttraed to prohibit th1 rVghf of ' sny elector to challenge or objtot to 'tb same of any peraoa tegts- trd er offering to reg later at any time otbtt thaa the above tpeeified. If any person challenged or objected to shall be foun4 not duly qualified, a provided in thia tat, er a provided in the coostite tloe, th Reglrr hall'wre hi nam from, the book. Stc.ll. No regiatration ahali be al lowed on th day of election, but if any perton thall give aatitftctory evidence to th judge d ilution that be hat come of tbt age ol tweuty-one yeart oa tbe day of election, or hu for any other teaaon be coui ntUledj'to'KgitUr, h ahali be al- lowid to regit ter and vole See. 13. 1 ht all litliiu uwein or dored, that! bt'coudpxted In H particu lura la auch manner ud f.ru, aad under tucli lulc ioiil rigulatii.ut, a are pre acriucl iii chapter nae hundred aal eighty- five, acta i.l otic thousand eiht hundred and tcveaiy-twn, both of which, far aa they are not ineeotiatent with the provia- iona ot thia act, are hereby re-enacted : J'rotultJ, that any elector shall be tligi gible a RegittMr for Hieir tereral. town ihi in all tucli etectiom) arid ,ariys fjro- vitiont of chtptcr one hundred and eighty-five, laws of one thoutaoo eiijht hundred aud KVeoty-one and one th ut and right baadred and seventy-two, in continent wi h tni provito it hereby ra- poilvd. That when a Voter it challenged at the poll, upon demand of any citizen ol the State, it shall be tbo duty of tlieia a pec tow of the suction to rtqaire taid vo ter, before being llowd te voir, to prow by Ike oath of tome olliar poraon, known to linn judge, the tact of hit residence for thirty daji previous thereto in the county in which he propotut to vote. Sec. 13. That at all elections forjudges of tb Suprcto Court, Judge of the Hu perior Court tnd Solicitors, there ahali be provided separata box for such Su preme Court Judge tnd separate on for tbe Superior Court Judges and Solici tors. . The cathartic used and approved by th physician comprising the various medical aeaociatioaa of tbit SUte are now com Bounded and ald under the name of Psrton' Purgative Pills. W aoov the followine from an ex. change, which is important, it true : Chronic diarrho: of long standing, alto dysesterynd all similar complaint com mon at this season of tbe year, caa be cured by the at (internally) ef Jobaeoa'i Anodyne Liniment-, W kaow, wbareof wt affirm. ' " IB i MANHOOU KXBTOREO.' A victim of youthful lmpnulao', eauaing premature de ear, sarvon debUity. etc , haruig tried in vain very kaowa reuedy, hat foaad e alaaphj Kflf eure, which be will tend tree to hi fel-low-auhVrers. Addrcsa J. II. REETES, 78 Neman 8L, few Yoik. i laneUw-Vm, , .t, . 1 - . a - Caution to Purchasers ef th Pet avian Syruu.(a protected solution of tbe pro tOAiue of ir.). Bawaro of being deceived by tty of tbe preparation of Peruvian Bark, or Baik and Iron,' which maybe offered to you. Every brittle of genuine be Peru via Syrup (not PoriHiaa Bark) blown la the glaaa. - Exsmiae the battle before parcbaaing. ' " ' ; -TILUAMbON, UPCHURCH AND a'' mOalA. ... h Wholesale Grocers j . . . . u . . 1 'j TxiMlUSSlOy' 'kEBCUANTS, e-Al-ETTEVILLE BTKEKT.- , Opoalte ktetrapellteaBt.il. KALCIOH. N C I -i .. .j- - . (B. P. WILI.tAMBO.1 j Si.; . w.o. rrouuKiuii, tilie-U - ,.:.! 4. 4i TIMIMAS. ; . . V Art nJ-l : . I it' 1 NO. 311. Uover'n. Bheriff, i . Towatnut. j Kuckliorn, Burtou'a Crock, Ut! 1631 144 M3( 101 1H akriel lllllf TBI 'if .4AaL WfJ Mark's Creek'. tsa i.l! Bi Mary's -Middle Creek, Newilrht, OakliiwveJ ". f WhltaUak. 8UI iwl fa wi Biarvhi ltMl . T5 J4 7 U1 in M 19 14W 74 I Kill l4l Wl 187 10 lo 11 saetl 137 ih Paataer Branch,1 iiioi tai iItH wi as 1HU au 448 147 40V wake roreat, BwkfiCrw-k. iej8totyAi. Aaol Mo.1 1MI 1671 lit lot l.ill leal Hairaxb.Taahfpj nj i57( at laaj Atn vnare. Middle Ward, Wt Ward, ' !4H7l 4311 4in erni ui tar ia iaa ian BUUi toll aut 45ai HsUl SJ&4 8MB Rep- Majority! . 4 . I B&7 B78 j IUEIG0 lillKf. waoutAia raicm. . I Balxios, July 11 ilXaV-4 t7U. BtiuAJr.W aaaU A IK; B, 14; Extra 0, ferkikt4i(Xeitow.tu g Ttllow VXi BrownXaW. BALT Firm at B.S0. BA.COM and Balk MtBaeoa, 0. K, Bidet, tlXJ Beeoeiaoalderi X a BaUt,C. R. Bidet, 11 ; Bib Bide 10XM tar-cured Hamt, heavy mi - - M(A14L10 rtiWaWFaUpace lt.W ; Uepe MBit Fastr lylUB;do, Extra a0 ; Nertk CaroHaa B.89L 1AOOTMS Claany Bagvlne; 1218; Doubh) aneher A, 13c COTTON TIES Xc COFFEE-Rio, prime. 2830 ; Ltgnlra, 80 3S; Java 40. riBH Mackerel New Family, 124; M. C Barrinet Roe 10.00 : Cut BSWaT. Corn Shad atUa11. BA t Sorthem, 1.75 to 11.00 ; North Caro lina, 1.15 to i.!B. BUTTSK-Boatcouutry soaSJ, Uood cone try, t&, Qaahaa & Eaaa liaiao. ' CmCKENfl-iOaaSc CORN-11.25. POTATOES Irish, 7) Bweet none. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRiailT Pianos Have received apwarda ot FIFTY FIRST PREMIUMS, tnd are among the best now made. Every instrument ful.'y warranted for five yeart Price a low aa the exclusive use f the very beat material and the moat thorough workmsntbip will permit. Tbe principal pianittt and com posers, and the piano-purchasing public of the South especially, unite in the unanimout verdict of the superiority ol the SticQ Piano. Tbe Durability ol our inttiumenta Is fully caUbiUhed by -over Six tt fcnooM and College in the South, udng over SCO of our 1'ianne. role Wholoaalc Agents fur aevtral ol tbe principal manufacturers of Cabinet and Parlor Organs ; prices from $30 to $600 A I i boaai discount to Clergymen snd Sab bath. School. At large assortment; of second-hand Pianoa, at prices ranging from $75 to $300, always on hand. Send lor Illustrated . Catalogue, con taining tb name of over . 2,000 South erner who have bought and art using the Stieff Piano. CIIA8. M. STIEFF, Warcroomi, No. S North Liberty St., Ualtimoro, Md. Factories, 84 & 80 L'amdcn St,, and 45 & 47 Perry St. s E A GIFT A NOVEL EDWIN W. FULLER. 4 t Aethor nf "Th Aacel In The Coa i For aale by aLFKBD WILLIAM Ik Oka oct - E 0 O L L X C t , Ia reference to the BOL L Z3 ' 8 HANDLED COTTON HOE, that 'tis-th only HOE made of Solid Cast 8toai Not Rolled Steel. We auld la 1 873, S94 doxea of theat Hoes. We Warrant every ilOE . puioct ia Stock, Temper aad Finish. ... Hardware House of , . pl7-U JUUUSLEWI34CO. , CAROLINA MTUTART INSTTTUTI ; - CHARLOTTE, X. C. a Military Oollege. with aa aaxtllary Pre paratory iprtnMat Bxretea reaaiMd Oct 1st next with a fall and soooanpliake eorpt of InatracUiri. Diolomai conferred upon completion of UoiieriMe eourae. . For Clreolan, Addrr 1 11 - ) .. ..." -., OUL. i. T. THOMAS, 'uly la-la. . -.( - u eaprlteadcat -JMJVEJOT ACADXMT.' lb Bixty-tixth BcmIob will brgia Aaa-ast ' J.M.LOVrJOT. : . li J II WHITE. af. m. ww in n. k. w. vuyuor: 4avrfrsa at Ike tellewkg aHBreqefe ! lack, or to mmiawltaeB 2Tnrtvr I".- . Oaee,aar oa time. M, t, j aa , (abaeaw U. Am. l t -W"3L.w............ Ibm'l UttWil leevit M 'i: 4L0k .Ml aaJOil f, f......i;. iSpV A11VLCTISE3IESTS.- " aUtaiewvirO JIyltk, l8. , ClaaKABo CobLaovoat Urrtoa. I win be hi at efflee daiiv for the next ' tlilrt da totweaa tb hew ef B A. M. aad I FT .aadStoP. M. forth eoUaetloaof that lxm feacltyof BAlwittt; for the year l74. Tx aaavat he M withia thie kiata or tbey will be eoUertce aeeordlnr to law. riaiini tr. miKRci.L. : ll ., , , . 4. ' . Collector. kwaal amdar eireettoa ef the awwievi ut 1 m aai'i1 akriMaaaa. ikuiKutaiuu.'t yAa-.iil ti.!:,. SktXiFxniaii i. tIAawaaeral Aaaem - tub aaalenai sor tbu work has kwaa eolle. . tad aad preparoa by John U. Wbaaar, Bn., who kae apeat agraat aWal ef thae ead labs I hoatpietoiatt. Ataaamd baokofawttrnia, ' UeUM be ths aHMt eoapleU aad valuable . " war of Aha klad ever pabliabad kt th But. , Me pablie ataa, or man of bails, ahoaM ' ba witooat a copy. ftrB he a aeofe of sbowttMl ri.fr na. Oulaprlslag a Mapof the BUltp the eoen " net and population ot each, aaowlur tha Ooomatoual and BeaatorkU dMefcta; the OoaiUtatioaof the United autea, with hate ameadsaent tha ; Executive etflcara ef tha t . UaiUMt Bute froet to ktovoiattoa to 1H74. Aa emyreved dlag-rar,bowlir the mtvtm tut . of peimlatloa from MW to 1 i tba area of ' 8tAM maoaae aaUaaan th popalaUoa ef each aad ot vry square mil the raUeef reprlBBBtatloa la tJonar at each Parade. ThePoBetitattoaot Worth Carohma wtUr. eant aaaeadsMntai th popaUUoat of each . eeuaty from It ortrjuilaltoa to IfittA ex tentlve, JndlcM aadWiaaatlrt Dapartmento , f North Carolina ; BtaUatlcal tablra of the popular vote In each eoaaty. for naalaiait, Uortmor, Uoocreaa : a apecial ttatiaaarit af th ualiard voter from record of eat dhaupgubihlag wblU froaa oiaral ; to eaaa-. Ue Of taeBUto, origin ot asm, with liat . of Senators and Kepreasntatlna la th " ami A satiably front data of fonaatasa toprew . ant o1ob ; and much other stalUUcsl and mteseaUng matter, with full Index to the same. .. ' . f. . Tbe price nf th book Is tlCOIn fine cloth blndtnx foatair to b aadei wkoa seat by bmU. Bea4 In yOur order at eac to, t ALFRED WILLIAMS, , . llookseller, . ri ' fcAlehrh, N. C. Aeents wanted In every csaaty ot the Stale toaetl this book. uaw-am ; All Right Cook; ItU-t-It I msdeef the BEST MAWKIAL and' 1 by the BEST BKILL. . tad. It U BEAUTIFUL la BbOflV and ' , BTMMETKICAL In SilAFE. 8rl4-It ha the LARUJLyT'had. UEAVIXST TOP. 4th. -It ha th SXPANSIOH PIECE, aad . TOP will MOT CRACK: Sth. ItwUIUke the LAAUiUT sad L0i(- , GESTWOOD. th.-It will BURM COAL equally aa well as WOOD. 7th It has to BEST SIFTES RATE: DUi. It baa the LAKOE8T aad DEIPE8T HEARTH, 9th. It has th LARGEST aad BUT OVEN. 10th It hat the aut POWERF UL HEAT. 1NQ0VEN. T Ulh.-ltwlUBAKEand ROAST asore RA- PIDLJ" and EVENLY, nth It haa tbe LAROKST FLUES sad UE8T DRAFT Uth. It ia leat LIABLE to CHOKE with HOOT. 14th. It will WEIGH MORE 10 the NUM. . BER thaa ANY OTHER elOVE la thia market. ISlh It haa all the LATEST ana BEST IM PROVEMENTS. 16th. It haa FIVE DISTINCT TMPBOVE -MENTA over any olher ttove m th uarket. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Habdwarb Uoua A iVUV.i LEWIS CO , Dcalora in llai-d-vruro of ei ery Description. msySSd Fisher Bulldlat: QREEN'S OXYGENATED BITTERS. The stomach is one of the moat delicate organ of the hnman aywtem; and the Indie Uble food crowded into It by tha raqaira Bients of modem aociety, keep tt la a A STATE OF CHRONIC DISORDER, which la followed by a resort to tonic and alteratives tor teller. It unfortunately hap pen n, kewaver, that many ot tha medlclnea wed for thia purpose contain alcohol, which, poured Into a diseased stomach prodncea irri tation, areata inilaiualion, and doe mora to Jury than good. OXYGENATED BITTERS CONTAIN NO 1 ALCOHOL, but are a purely wedtclnal prararatloa, which In cares of Dyspepeta, Hear tb urn, Indiaatkm sod ether like disorders, at once ret tores th stomach to its NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. Tha Oxygenated Bittern hsre been the moat popular remedy for the above com plaints for the laat thirty yaara, snd still maintain their unrivalled popularity. Price $1 per bottle. sold avaarwHxax. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN A (XX, Proprle tors, 8 and V CoUege Place, aug. S-lm New York, down tab mm, OR ; ! mCTICll USSell CIDEl The Code Dnello. BT ' AN AMATEUR. E. J. At Sow, PubUaharfc Price 11.60, extra cloth kmdu;: TbU la a Southern Book, foanaed ea tome eteurreaeea lately traaapired la Oaorrlaaad -AlabAaaa, la wbloh soate North (hrolliikms were promtneat actor. For Sal at to Book Store of t AaJkKD WILLLAMa. marlltt JMLLY'B PATE NT UMBRELLA-HL- For anrsle, Wafeoata, Saddle and Dthe apeA Vealcaas. This esoaUnlF tax realeaa aad aof 1 Inveatioa aappUe a want !on; fart by tboae who rid. hi Ofmm Vahicka. It la ao auwlalo iUeoDMractioa thaAaaaiad caa aaanara It after ose obaervta; to aroa nto. it eaab screwed down to say vwifcie without Ineooveaisawe itdoat aotdlsdaara , tbe appearsaee of say waeea ar bnrKy. It saa ba plioad at say atovaitoa, s iBjotaaed kt aay elroeUoa with perfeet ess kt a atoaaante tla. W be not in as It eaa be ao disposed betwwaa toainklens. by the tarahac of thanb maw, as ta heOBUrely oat of th way. ad will tab)ert pereoee rtding u ao la euur msb whatever. Awy peraoa of orai nary aalad eaa adapt st to hSavehka withoat the aid of aireeUoB. It prle I wftkia the reach et aU. Evan owwar of aa aoaa vafclel - abowld hareowa. Aay fctod af aa UatbaclU will aaMfi. Thee eaa' M eatcb aala4 mail, at J LUIS LAW la USE . Frtoe at retail St. , Stato aau eoaaty Rhrkto for sal. ' Addrts . , , M. EELLY.Patoatoa, Jane Katelgh, M. V. .My, will aaaai x-y. hf AS&'V-V r IK I is 1st t At V. f i Hold by rrintar and BUUoaaraereryw' ortieVMid.tM ..-i. . ... ,,,, know a thing of two,a(Aert fawiaV lUlfSHt; Aug to) tb cloet f urn. aty, a 'I

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