1 lAPYEE mm iVldnamrwtUni PiBLWBXB Bf jojlAll Tff K; Jf. ' Oiflc Near the Court Uouac iutb or ieauirMOMi Ituili SmltaeJ tTMfl" dBC - W.nH lil Six muuto eajranee..', ' -s i '3 fCml-Weekly , - , -! Weukly 8ctluel " , .. - r ? , S.QU The DilLT Baavtirct, wiB B delivered ha .y pui 4hft..citjA.iUms!.smpw freek. - V T" ?' ill j jj J II i Opesa Octobar 1; -SOBtiDaae throws Biae raoathe.. J to enrsaiead ha kMa ea la tl.tiv system, wllholl rootMt la ClHdo, L'teratere, ecteoos (wits mkon b NOUTH CAROUXA. ' : Tb Vf nl of 1hl S1! iH conuacao oa Tlnrdj, ept Srd, Ifl. aa conUnaa leoty ireoaa. Ta Miowlair term will epameaca Ju. 41ft. 17 an aadJana '"for a cbnlu conUSntoj fuH particalan, lliMV. itDBTBliroia,D D. ' Jul, 3131 i, BaMtbtXtf , ON THUMDaT. JCLT MTH.JJWU4. Stll it Ui Court Hoaatfoot lopuli, ,ue tolVewln propertj t i m lot ea Sawbwrtw t. om rqaara troaa ttw Cupttui, vlih abeat 4 (( froamnaiac i, k la feet to )in o Ural fack, oa lb. I..t i i rood efilee wl'h oaa lane room, icrmt tiM Cata rta.undcr mootbiwilh 'AiVhetiBiIm alt aall. utM iuuic pwrty, ft "! Mr. K. A. PrtmrOM and tat UomMUad of E uaBd Mora M. IMraroia. One lot oa Newbrra Bt. totha Wast at nj ut lnair. tb abova dcteribed lot wlia ) tami I runt rantng back It to IM fawt, oa m uu I. i dwaUiair anl Mrranta hoaaa. ' V. S, l'KIM HmK. Adm'r of JiB 1. raiaaiwa, j'llj i w;Jlw Uet'd., -J-MK "WaRKIV HOE.' ' it t Hw erer aiad for garden aad gwunl m Wril- for clrcalar and prtooa. ;UUU8LIWIBCO., Bo!t AcenU for W. C TrJc lapplied Manafaetarara' Frkaf. J4LE!0ll FIMALE BEMIXABT, Kaliicb, N O, F. P. HjBOO:)D. A M., Priocipal. A r. HKOU. A. M . AwltUaL FRSD. AO THE, lianc IXipartowat The B'rt BcmIo opaat oa Mondijr.Bcp, UUi, lr-74. Apply for Catalogue 1 July UllOtwWa- 1 Represented by JUUUd LEWIS A. CO, ,. f i f r . i Fish am Ht'iUMBel BiMtoa, Protect BulUUmri from Ltshtntnc by their Cr'fet Uoppe Ucblnlne; tkxli. IU la all ifnti. tat aad in south Crolln. i opir h K'icht Tinea the eondsetlaf: iiroiwrtlea of any metal eieept ltar t bea Kod araktuched to HaUdlnc and wtrraatod at uiu prk a tba Lltrhtoiotf Rod Peddler uk fur conmoa Iron or Zinc Rod. VV rue tor Circnlir'n aad PrlM. june '27 -tf A' RE VOC Q01XG TO PAINT t The bett U the AverUl CUsoicl rint. BecaaM let It fau ton thorooKBly, kitted by eben lata, and oyer iWcuU oanar of roidencea tbrauhoat the United ttatoa for tae lat aeren yuan, and pronounced by them to be the most durable paint (knowa. 2nd For beaat aad reuntton of color U taad Ur ahead of any otlar. UuUdluge hare been painMd with it la part, and parti with the beet of other paiaU, evla w the tarioraad oa the tea eout, aa4 ia ao caaa baa it beea eteelied tut buutj or yeruttaeaty o' color. 3rd. It U acunotaical, aad IU coti M bo ore tbaa toa beet lead and oil, aad beias far an Juihb i it waujiir aaoat twlca a lowaT aa the boat at aoy other.) and beautiful, war rant! the eucrtioa that for a period of twenty urn it wut aave the eotiiniBar fatly a per cent. 4tb It It in liquid form tad all ready far uc Puet White, or any dealred ebade, caa be abUlntd without subjecting the bnyff to the anaoyuica a colorinc matter, i Hows freely from wood.' bttck. iron. lor any paiBttatt WBere darabUtty, beaacy aaa preswrrawTw pro pen U are reaBlsite, ItsUsde aatiTaliea. ThOBCh eantMMMl at lha sou BadaatrwetiMa maWnalt knows to edenca, aa aaalyeia of toa Arcnu uncnural rmin aaows ItMit iBBiiae lead aad bom of the other paiota) free froea maeesv it will aot b'aekaa or siieeotor by tba estoBof tba BBlpaaiwas sraeea eo preraieat mi oar nanny rivers ana eoaaia. Sth. Hesotrca Bo ekUied paiatar. Anyone caa eppi) it. - JCUU9 LEWIS & CO, ; !hr Be ldini?,rUlrth,N.tJ , loU A:U Wrlo for Uard of colon aad prices. Tbeee PlaU are warranted, . ii j s 'i -" ' ? Mc rOBTOAOK BOKDS OF THE HObf A I . CAaXrLIKA KAILBOAO CO. , Jlt taa 4lVm MVirtnuM Bands of tne North Carolina Railroad Company, at par of the principal, and tba latere; doe, io the anuraot of Bpoa the delivery of the Beads at tba aUta National Bank, Kskih, at any Ume prior to ma i.iia as J J ine Ibrdj 167. W. A. bBAlIAM. inna at-SOt Trustee of ff . C. K. Co. l!M-0t Sews coy . Clebk ajn Couaofo Ovrica, . JalJ ", to- ThTOTICB. Aetlnc Bnder an ordiBtnce paraeed by Board f VMhloawra Janaatth )74, I hereby SiSfTSn swWm tW smiled U) list toei Emme&eoXfo jaly .10t CtoMWlsslaOf. MISSOURI 8JATJ . LOTTiniES Lqralbea by BtaU Antborlty, sad QrsadBinfrla Number Pcbame of 80.WO No . UBAwa TUB LAST PAX UF ACUr MONTH. , Cm Pi,IM l 10.3EO rrlaas. amoaatlB; to $3isJ,0t WhoietlckeU,llfl! Halvea,. Oa.ners,f:. JA, Great CebiMtio ScbmwUi m ctrrrax rtinfW,W!ssa- I 83.M Prixav amoaating Va 37S,177 1 V Draws erery eUiway darls ttayear. waot VKSBTt 110; : 4LY t V 0f TIM stO, Address, tor TkkeU aad CTrrnlars, MLKBAT.lflLI.BB A Co., MJr, F. O. Boi It. . at . f,lUi!K?' ap decdwwty''!r 1 '" DINlflSO '8 varwxT BflrPPTHS ' TAOB. " Over Two Hmxrred MlUtoaa bawa baliUslhliAUrtsf without eomptaiBi of loss by Tag bacoBaui aetacaea. Taat ana aoaa siiiims fob ssabbim Corroa Bxaa tba abt Taa n as. Ail Bxprasa Companies aa Hold by FriaUrt and alaUoaers , everywhor. .al and rbyateel unmiianm), m sw . etna. JfiMrta, Tefc'" "t'? Apply itW'4L' U4KRI iVJmu. P. O. University ut Vir. f parcaastiitj ou. piKaieuw, dryer, c ft eaally spread the brasb, clintra Ormly to It ma sa appueei wpoa or foraay paialiM porpoaa 4 ' - ai' 'I; . w Was- . !;-(,s.-.co. M:i . ; ' i , ,. . .. t si X City" Intelligence, JOHN OOAOO. XMltr. Ticket X Tlckett! KT an prtpraJ to femlih ticket at lb fclloinf nria,caih MeompMyiag all LtgUUUtt TtektUBm a abova." CitMf fVsvtai-6iagUj tbooauad B1.00-, over ooe aad Hp to Bre tboosaad,f 1.60 per thousand; erer Bra tnouania, J ijyo per thouaand. WAKBCOIJHTT TICKET. eatur Cnaxlea 1L Boabec f ,. Tor Booar of Repreecntetivra L. IX 8iephenso,a. V. Strong, M. Page, ILWUtley 7 , rat Boperkir Court Clcife Jaa. U. Williams. n For Sheriff a M. Dunn. for Register of Daeda Joseph P. QeiA. tin. For Treasurer David Lewis. f For: Coa m i saioaats Robe rt Nowell, idolpbaa. a. Jooess, W. I). Turacr aad LfDB Adams, Bolomoa J. Alloa. - Tor Loroner. James a. Joaes. For Surveyor Ooor W. Atkinson. Thermoasetar at L. Rranaon't Book 74. 7. 77. Btore Angusta, IS74 : At 9 A. M. " II N. " 5 P.M. Tmom Jo, Tcajism Ticnta Our 6e nior h ctHeil sttrotioa elsewhere to the above tickets, sj published and Mot vat from the Radical printing office of this citj. lie forbid an j friend of bi voting the ticket, lie Is no candidate for Coa- grea. Vie leant tUat Dies ticket bar been (ne!j distributed thioughout the district. Ttar them op when handed to you, and vote for our nominee, CspL Jo. J. Davis, of Franklin. Kmorrr or Pvtbiai will meet tt their Castle 1111 thie eveairur at 8 o'clock. Ever; member ia rrj netted to attend, as business of impytacc will be broaght forssard jr e f "" Day it etABrnxm. It mcCdcatl believsx tlut Capf. Jo. Dvi or gajlant stseaailbesrcr IW 0pgrea, IH 'gain 400 volea Bitrm Toor Horn BiUj vow la 1873, i Ormavillv . ' DieaIa this city oa the 4th. inatant' Susi met, mfaat daugbfev of J. J. A A. B. UtchUsiJ-td I je ar and tea ljs. The fuiiansiljriU tako place to morrow murting at Is) 'dock Ctmm the BUD Vitus v wTw war maw wni oblige Qa by srnding us the vote f their respective township) and CHietie ly first mail aJksr lb polls oiose, aid state ia all casta, if potaible, what lha Conservative and Bcpubiino rote of the township was in 1873, so that may determine wheth er we have lost or gaiatd. eruaiso at Ailma Vtibdat. Senator MtU. W. Ransom and Jadg Fowls west by tba asnraing traia jeates day to rklma and spoke to at least six hundred of tUe good Conarrvalive ol old Johntten. The iffrt of both of tb distlnguishtd gentlemen Created the ut most enthusiasm , and aiucn good to oar csase will result therefrom'. A magnifi cent barbecue wis Served and tba best of feelins prevailed. Johnston will do her fall duty for Ju Davis and Col. Pool. As Old Coujbid Mam. Th Lineoi rrtgrtm up : In the Eastern end of thb county lives aa aUl colored man aaaied Cross Woodik. Ia 18G0 be gave is ha age at lOtt year. $ot trilltsg Io take b own Kanrnenf, we eonsolisd hit tsighban and they coincided with him, and te day that old msnl Uvlnj;, jean 410, in good health, and dues considerable labor ; chops woodland works on th farm. In 1800 b nlted more rice than toy mss ia the' county. Tie has been free nearly U . i i '- Tbev Will Havi Thiji. A youth, of seventeen sumiRfr wooed, wna , lasasia of, thirUca year la Clesveland aouoty last week, but the parenl oppoaad the match. Aa elopement Wis sgreed npoa for Thnraday, but the yoqng lady was st tuck by lightning ea Wednesday eveatog, and the marriage was postponed until th" Mowing" Sunday, wbea . the hsppy eoupl streaked it for Sooth Csis Itnn and were an add cne. Tbey deeett happiness, and U be doat. treat her well he ought to be attack by lightning. . , , . ata. i in -. , PBiitoALlirriXMUFB. Judge Man ly aad family, of Knwbr rn, and Rev. Jo. B, CheahUe, of Tarbom, ate sosasaehag it in BaiaJta - ' -Mr. Duncsn Cataeros, who wts shot Is Ximiaaippl reeeatly. to doiag well. tp wouadt re not et a arnooe cnaracter, sea It it hoped he will enoa return to hi boat felly restored- ,Theo.S. Ramtay it wy teroe the moantaiot 4jaiii'T oed Templar Vo6ea7rhaitAtrrl7eveTff Editor of that arctioa,aa at saa s co jbU had Cspt. lbertjoa, old Cbero. keeof th Presa Cmvatioa,"o. proba tion, wiU eooealee it pBAKaa Te-KwaT. By. Invitation of the Davie Club, ear distinguished sal, loquetrt Bewnto JlaAaon, Bajtlgh UvoriU aad puliahed orator Mj, Beatoa Oalet, will sddrewj (hen tud the citixi gaoerally at MetrepaUtna Ball to eight. WUe men of the City of OaIu Cum oat Ja etrosf fat$a to this twsatiag aad IWea to speeches that will do your.t try soak peaking line, to certainly ana at lb 9nest efetara at ear B ate. Cuan ut aad bear. Peck tb halt Co to xuu Poll. Th "Rcutt" u jesterdsy ar : "Let every Cetusrvstivt ga to th poll a Thursday. Let him be impressed with th ttceaitfy of eelr vote. Let Oapt, Joe Davl leave Orange with 800 majority. We can give it to bim, andJ bow that the people have area him, have beard him, have known him, they know be is worthy of a big mority. Aad let the Tti had independent be disappointed of their hope. -They brag that Col, Raffia will carry Orange. B wea'f it it, nor come in gunshot of it. But. aeverthelca make Ken' etectioa are by tte presence ol every Coaarrv tive at tb poll, with full SBScratched Conservative ticket, from member of Congreett through to Coroner. .' Thb Yarns ict To-Moaao.-Tbe Caa to made np for the evidence has been given and the argument! hV beta made. To-morrow, North Caruliaiana, you r the juror. Everything to favor. able to our aide of the question. The people of the whotocooatry are awaiting for the verdict, Be careful aad let it not disgrace Tour glorious old State for ever. It only remain for yon to be tnte to year manhood aad year sacred honor, true to your I amities and you bomet, trwtog ia the glory of the past and the bright hope ol the future. We Irmly believe that your verdict will be for right ad truth, a verdict for octal order aad strict morality; a verdict for uniting peace, plenty aad the good of prneparify. GIv one day to the cause. Shut Bp year place of basic d go forth tad rally around the glorious Coaerrvalive baeaev. The ,aetma at hwae fa tremea. done. Here jour hearts with a tna resolve to do your who! duty, and alt will be well. PUUSAXT ItBAKL of I C SKIT CllKKtt. Every boey has beard of th ma a wheat name head this notice. II Mail the way Irom Buncombe, and live on Turkey Creek. IT ie now oa hit Ota .it to th capital Tbia morning be entered the ed itors' office aad aaked, which af th men it Jo. Tamer f "I am the men," aid the editor, "aad who are yea l" "I am Pkaaant Israel, of Ban com be," end at eaee th part ie knew each other, though they had never met before. live a teat Mr. Itrtel." "Mr. Mont, Ptte charged at to come and see you, tnd I have time oaly to thtk hand, that I may say when I gt back home that I here teen Jo. Turner. And now I must go and re Holdea ; I hive never seen Holdee, though I sub scribed for and re.d bis paper for twenty year." "Ho taught you areeation laid th di tor P "Yi," si J th old man from Turkty Cravk, H got m io trouble tad now oVntrtt me'.- !; . tJ , The new acqutintetices parted to meet oa the W eaters train to-iht, when tbey will no doubt bav tb talk out. Ian Pabtihotob's Conroamosr. " "Plymouth Rock" being the subject gives oat tor the exercit of th school, the teachers aad boys were astonished at tb following luminous composition by Ike Partington, which bestow great bi toricsl cumeu and a most astonishing chronotogioal facility t Plymouth Rock. Thi , Rock wsa brought to tbtoooaatryia the Mayflower, lath year 1499, by the Pilgtimt, uader the direction of Elder Osmta Brewster, who afterward moved to Boafon aad be Ctme to A!dernsn uf that city. It was oa tbto ruck that Governor Carver first tbnok band with Samotet, who laid, "Welcome Eoglitbmea I" It to recorded that when Samoset came up Qoveroor Caiver wljed him U h wsa a real Ingioe,' or only a monher of aa Ingioe company. Th rock ha long been regarded a a famous place. The American eagle for a great many years used to come and whet bit beak' oa tb rock, be !a 1633 Miks Blandish, in order to keep it from being stolen, carried it and put t ip Iron I of Pil(jrimf Hall, Wber Mt remain at the present time, invested with great interest and an iron fesce. 1 Tb fence bears th amet of all the Pilgrim ia cast iron let ten that eaa't be robbed oat. ' The rook to goad ) " "' hy the tuaioo touching U that are threw of by Foarta ot Jaly oratora. Plymouth Rock to the) corner ttoae ef the eellsr wait of our Republic atntrtur, paregorioatly peaking, aad the spirit ef liberty aim poo to with a drawn word i aa band usd tat torch of freedom la tba ether; aad if sua iareo th shore of Plymoatb at high wttor for tby aefor oatr get at low tide tbey will throw tbto rock fce their teeth. It to a precious legacy from too part to th peases t, aad from It may bo reckoned the hlgrha Prot-xeie, , BrAT!rfBWj , OivilkaeperlfvUg, Qora la Ktirbera M cea'i' yer V,f ' .ilarga bed 'laajfasf city tit. few mile ef Oreensboro'. ' A'" Urge tale of tobacco at Taylor's warehouse, Oxford, a the 14th inat Jedge Rureell hw been warmed ap se ; I that ha bu moontid the ttatnp Q Brunt' areoasboi aierao 'abMace pf several mootbp New Vork. k. Marshal R M. IJBgia aad bride, returned to Oreoaaboro', from their bridal trip Uat week. ' Captain Jotia Walker, af Mecktoaburg, oaad tb CbarloUe DmotraL hi twenty- third year obeortpdoo the other 'd sr. Setorday the Wilmington Journal sets the Carolina Central Railway will be com pleted to Beaver Data within 10 mile of Monroe, Union county. " ', Stephen A. Dougla was elected Lodge Deputy by the Good Templar of Oreeot- boro', oa Monday sight. We will joio the "Friends" now. The Patriot tsys : Oreeensboro' Fe male College opened the tail teaaioe an Thursday laat, with a large number ot etudcuta. Col AJfred M. Waddtll eloaed th mat brilliant, and we are confident the most uccesful campaign ever made ia hi dis trict, at Smithficld, Baturdey lat A correepoadent of th Mewbern Tim astertt that th Democracy will vote for EL F. Grainger for Judge of th third dh hrlct, aad nrge Judge Clarke, Independent radical (formerly "of th State Meltoh tt proud at Saul the sou of Kith,") to ttke off bit "word" and retire. The Patriot tyt: Th court boose Was crowded tost Thursday evening to hear Mr. Strudwick't speech. Be tpoke tor about an hour, txpotiug the doaigat of th radical party, and drawing th cot. trait between it and th Conserve tire party. In the course of hi- remark b referred to a paragraph in the Ain-fA SUU, ia which it was Mated that b wss ia Joe Tuner' cor pan y during '.be war, and charged him with being a tecettioout. and (bowed it taitity by the fact that ht wtt aot ia tb State at all duriag tb war, a b was thee tetiding in Alabama, where he wat a Colon man nntil tba State ecedeJ. Taa Ji Decaliir. Tba weak knead tad taiat-bearted may be reassured when tbey toara that Kerr and Suudwick are io no danger ot defeat Tbey will toad every where ia th District, Dont be deceived by the report that So and so is going to vote for Colonel Ruffln. All we know certainly that all th. radicals will vote for him. The other may very easily be counted. Btarifr. ArTMBTMsjrr fj AsMAroLi We toara reliably that Gca. Robert B. Vance, mam bex ef Congress from the 8tb District, ha give his dtsbip ia the United State Naval Academy, at Annapolis, to Maater Edgv Fallen ioder, sua of K. H. Fulleawimter, r-, ol Shelby. Muter Fulleowioder is described as a bright tod promising youth. We suppose be will ac cept tbe appointment: CKarlvlU Obtr err. Saoorrxo at a Dsnxxv Jvst fob 1'in. Yesterday about noon, Dave Wilson ) one of the colored waiter at the rrsteu -rant ef Mr. 8. M. Timmona, was standing in the cook room door, when Festus Paine, barber, who was tight at the time, and wh was standing off about 10 yards frjm Dave, asked for permission Io hoot at him. Dave told bini to shoot way, be didn't care never dreaming for minute that be would shoot. F est as drew a pistol aad erected away, tbe bal let strikiog the brick wall about two feet above Dsve'i haad. Tb parlies are oa friendly term, and Festus did th shooting only for th fun of the thing, but Dsve didn't apprecitf tbe joke about tb time the pietol wtt fired, nor, indeed, to he so vary much tickled about it eves yet. Charhitt Cissy rr. Bovs r r Prrrittoao.-The boyt of Pittsburg have held a rata meeting tad resolved ; "W will go ia swimming whenever wo darned pleaae, and wont com any extra benaaigaa about getting oar hair dry to sell the folk at heme, aad that w win have shirt to wear, to that th big fellow wont laugh at at when we are undressing; that we tie witltig to do the rqua-e thing to our p reata, but ain't cut for taadiag to babies n,d, we wont do toy labor about bom that dor aot properly come within boy phere, end not that If ' it interferes with tae hour ef play, which health de mands boy ahould have, vi, between o'clock ia the a. m., aad 9 la tb p. m , with nectiisry intermission tor ateaia, that a traps aad taws, nor cowhide, nor slippers will have toy iff act it thi rebtU ran. If tbey try that gam U will be good. by John for errands, and we thai! ever pray. That the kind ef hair pin w are.".'; '7 ,. . ii i " Lcox SiLsJtr. Are you U regMcod I lisov the rext thing to to look after the coast Have a maa at each poll to tee that ; vote art properly called na Cr rertl ooaated. - i' ... i. . t- 1 HKTRS OF OUDSRJCKIBBQCKERS I LCCK. ! ' An Xut t fever $30,000,000 ivJ vji i A a nnlooked for good fortune seem tft nave befallen (be heirs of tba old KnicVet- bocker fsmirlea, the Vap ITnusena, the VssJ a : ci r j .i n i J 1 ana in oianveirwrp ,ub tvltognLbstal el rot : jphrtyt. Jsny ef thm weiounCTiiiitJ j wiU each other Yrf'wlth the object ol th meeting. Mr. Uumpbrey wts called oa to report on tb discovery of th traditional ettata II said that while ia ITottsad be was spproacbed fcy. a Mr. fiungerford, who had peww of tUoraey to proeeeabt t mail claim fur tb Van Uousc-n family, and who could neither speak nor write Dutch, to tako ap tlx matter fur him. Tbto claim u register, aad is in pro- ceat of oolleRtioa ; bat, la the progress el hi Investigation, Mr. Ilamphrey became aware of the existence of a vast proertj left hy the intestacy, or hbseaeo from nflal in the early day of th colony of New Amsterdam ot eicmber ot tba three other families mentioned, and of tb more tbaa probability of (th great latereat of the Blanvcll eopew'tlly, who oenid to have intermarried largely with the mem ber of th other three branches. Th law of Holland, however, would not permit him to cxtmiae tbe records tod sattofy him thoroughly of the exact speci fication! of the amount involved unless he had a power of ittorney Jiiom the heir broad tteatod hy tie Secretary of Stan for each several Bute ia which they lived ad try aacatila of Uoflaoxl Mr. llaager ford having concluded the search for the comparatively small amount to be recov ered at once by tbe Van Hoasen, there wm so conflict with toy other pat tie, tod if $1,200 were subscribed to bear bis expenses tad tb power of. attorney granted be would set to work at once aad put matter in such train that the tccti muUtlout 'tt compound 1 rterest under the trusteeship of th Uovrramtnt "f Holland would be ceded to - ma BioHiroL naia, without difficulty aad with dispatch, besides establishing incootrovtrtibly claims to property Ij Orange county, N. la portion of the county formerly belging bi Rockland county, the acat of tbe e7Tyttlcii7iS"nioemTli AlT thi wat favorably received, subecriplios lists opesed, tbe power sod money siked for resolved to be given, sad the meeting adjourned most harmoniously, parties who bad never met in their live marching eff ana in arm w:th a family tffoction sid joy at finding uneipccted relations snd possible Cish oor, that wire truly affect Dr. BUuvclt, the chairman, w bo a at joined by Mr. Humphreys, give some interesting statements corroaorative of tb views hrH by tbe latter ge-tleman si to the property io existence and tbe ua doubted claim! of the families represented at th meeting. He said the Blauvelti were he very first of til the Knickerbock ers. They came as fur traders before tbe col'joicstioa of New Amsterdam, and settled io Rockland county is w regular clan, bicauae tbe Eogiub c aimed juris diction over the cest from the North Pole tn Virgiuia. They looked for wins from the pick of the newer colonists, snd in this way inteiuiarrieU with the other Van a bo are partner in the present plunge after lng buried wealth. The family has tlway had a tradition about this property. He (the iloctor) htd like the rest, let the story go a an old wile tale, till he accidenlly stumbled, ia September, 1870, on an old lady ia Orange cnunty. an actual granddsuehter of the original Van Houses, who told bint each facts, aud stimulated his curiosity aad anxiety by eiclsiining tt bit msrvel out personal resemblance to her laniily nd to the curious fact that certain family aaaee were common to the Van Houstnt and the doctor' branch of tbe Iiltnvelts. It is t wonderful story, but it remains to b verified, Th representative of Jk prcaptotlvo estate may proceed to Roll slid Id a f. w week. - ' READ! READ 1 ! Challenge every illegal voter. Yote for Col. Stephen D. Pool Rally Io 'hi pill aud. watch theru closely. Vote early an. I then go alter yonr eo'.gbbors. Give oae day U your SUte(&Dl aote to ave her fsrna radieal nuarujl . aa4 ruio Watch jntf tickets an i Sec that they are eH Jtgkf bef yq put them to the box. Vote the CoBsetViliv ticket to-nwtrosi if you wuld aav your Stat and jour self from being plundered. Jo Djvis needs every vote he can get in Raleigh. W beg our city friends to giv him rousing vote to-mcrrow. Whit ea of Raleigh, go to tbe poll to-morrow, vote tad work for yocr ticket The ooanty will do bar full doty. Let it be said that th city tarpiMct her self this election. Democrats and Conservative work yea have never worked before. Ctrry your liienda, the infirm and tb "lame to th polls. . Io othar i nonh tak totsons from your aamtiTinor oarsovd for Tf th day to boned to rrwuft In a glorious victory for ua, 7, 'J, . r ; NO. 312, NICK SAX. It is asserted that if the comet hit Chicago 1;100 divurcr will be blssted in the bud. .VVbii is. the laziest man ; Th fursd ;ure ilnaler ; he keeps chairs and louaget aix.ut I the tiiue. . L Thens are no lottiL-ia alxiat a oespt- per office, bes sometimes the contents of the ' r-jj acquire mttnrity which by'aay other name would smell as tweet A painter Uing uked to eatimala tbe cost of painting a house, drew forth ptn ci. aad paper, and mad the following caicuiatioo : "A Bought to aougbt; tbre into five twice yoa can't. Ill paint your hi 'ae lor fifty dollar " Another affectiog extract from a Phiia delphit obituary poem ha appeared. It tuadi : . Put away those little Ueecuet, Do not try to outf d the bole ; Little JohnnU will not want them, II lias climb the go'.den pole. Little Bill was very cross and tired th other night, and be wanted hit father to tak him on bi knee ; but father wm tired, or pretended to bs. "I wtnt you to hold nit oa your knee,'' he whined. "I tell you I cannot do it, I am tired," replied hit father impatiently. "Tired! Yoa wasn't very tued last night when you held Mary on youi knee io the kitchen.'' a . -. Tna EDWABDs-CoLLrea Match roa tub LiaHT-WKraBT CnAtrnoxtair. A private dispatch from Pittsburg aayt that 11 arrangements btvo been completed tad the fighting ground selected for the prlie fight between Billy Edward, of New York, and Sam Collyer, of Baltimore, who are to fight within 100 miles ol Pittsburg, between 6 and 10 o'clock, on the morning ef the 14th instant, for 3,000 and th llht-weight chmpionhip of America. The ground selected for tb battle is sixty, five mile from Pittsburg, in West Vir ginia. Two steamboat will be chartered to carry the pugilists to the figbtirg ground. Collyer, with his trainer, Buney Aaron, baa already arrived at Pittsburg, aod hi training quarters are about three mile from the city. Edwsr Is to expected to arrive wito Doonry Htrri and Arthur Chamber U-morrow. The West Vireinia authontita iouud t take effuollv mean to stop the roughi Irom invading their toil, and it is tbe intention of the sheriff of Wheeling to call out the military to assist in stopping the fight. The coolest to looked forward to with eager interest by the majniity of the sporting men of the country, who place great dependence in Edwards and Coliyer, owing to the tact that they always tight on their merit and are seldom connected with a fitzle, although thi one may beau exception to the mte. In the belting Edward is tb favorite at 100 to 60. TflE VOTE OF WAKE COl'.VTT IN 1672. Gover'n. Senate. 8bertfT. Tuvuii-. j I ! s i atackhnm, Bartou'a Creek, Cedar Fork, Cary, House's Crerk, Little River, tit. Mathewn, Mark's Creek, fct Mar s Middle Creek, New Ught, f )ak Orove, White Oak, Panther Branch, Wake Forest, Pwlft Creek, Raleljrh. Tnnhip K-ut r.1, Midillt Ward, Wt.t Ward, 141 1W 144 145 14 ll OS m 1 or isn ITU law in 131 170 OISJ (SKI ouoi l.Vl 2TMI lfttl 91 14 2R4 I -it iw iu i' i-M via 134 rat 1S4 7tM 1W l.VJj vat l:m Mi '211 Tin ina 75 107 15M Hi 11 74 ion 1ST I4 w so i: sac 1 184 ml til 13 1101 rt 1X5 Wj lul 77 101 34tt m' m ixs v.h 157 1.17 131 SrV5 aw 2S7I 4Hfi SUTt 4171 X7Sl 448 l'ti 147 1411 137! 1SSH 13S! 3UU, 401, 3U1 4&l 3S43 3391 B4 33M ;$ I i 574' I 257' 579 Rep. Wajorfty RILEICB 11IIET. waousALa rarta. HjI.MC-F, Jul n. NAILS 0 $7J,'. 6UGAB We quote A 13; B, 14; BxtraC, Briit bt O Tallow, 11 C Trllow 10'; Browns uJv'l. SALT -Firm at 2.W. BACON and Bnlk Meat Bacoa, C. K. aides, 1 IX ; Bscoa aho ild. ra a Balk, C. R. gidea, 11 ; Bib Bide lOHiSuiar-cwred llama, heavy VEAL II 10 FLOliR Palapsco lt.W ; Hop Mills Faint ly l'Ja; do. Fxtra 1.00 ; Norlh Carolina 8. BA0OTNQ Onnny Barjglug 13at3: Uoahl anchor A, ISa. COTTON TlE8-He. COFFBB Rio, prime. 3u ; Laguirt, SO a33;Javs40. FISH Mackerel New Family, ; H. C Herrings Rot 10.00 ; Cat 8iaT. Cora Shad at IIDall. HAT North, l.ntolltt ; North Caro lina, 1.U to 1.25. BUTTlaV 3eteoniry tla.'3, lljod coub try, tS, Oosken 40. KGGrl IteJO, 7 ' HKaSSCoASSar1--- COBN-BI.SA FOTATOxa Wah, Rawest fsBwrraar. at th foUowtag rats par swear 1 pa tack, or tea dats nwss. V '7 ! ieC . (aeqare osnwbm................. BLet tsqaareoaeUBse................. L ' "- i -isk ' , " m , 1 tJr. J fftlsaara,v oh BM.O I Imoata, ioini' " t M.O V mo', liOOl . t " 40. M t . I ' M' .' t . " S4.O0I a 1 VI IB i - a xik)i r NEW ' A D VEBTISEMENT8:'" N OTtCf i ! ti rwe Kauioi a, il!."c4'jBly trna. twn. Ciwiarrassa Uwrsua. J I will be sa my onto daily for taa next thirty dava betweea the hoars of a A. ay. aad 1 P. M.aB4BtoFriartbseJIetioaof thstaxe of the city of Bssata, fac-taeyasr 17-4. Tax mast bo paid witaka- tass ttose ettsaj iUbeeUlscae3rdia;to law. , wilts.-, a., j Lin .1 , H u vse su aujka.a.1. fuliliahad bv aalborlleaad aadar CAa aai pseas of tae tisasral Assembly, will boob be I ad ander dlracUoa of th is wss s atst. Tbe Bsatarialtar thi work baa basmaoUea. tad and preparsa by Jobs U. katar, who bis snowt a treat daal of Baa i asM labor la eesapsetiBST H, Asaaaadbeokafswta U will be tb avast esasplst aad velaable won oi tae kind ever patilaka; sa taoSa, Ko poblie roaa, or sju jt bnilnsa. abvald be without a copy. XI D1 b a book of bwatiawBBs . .r -T7i C-eapriauic a atapof the Btahsi ttte was and popalalioa of sacs, hewiag : CoBneaafoaal aad Benalorial diatrVrU: the CoBAtltuUonof the United atates. with ki. amendments ; the ' Bsantlve meavw of the United Bute from tba Bevolnlioa to iSTt Aa BBgrBved agriss,sbwtat tboaaiavasaeav of popalatioa from 17tM to 18T0 : the area of each But Is qaare salts as tae ropalsUoa of each and or srvaryaqaars sail ; the ratio of rem eaantsrtaoa at SJeaauss at lai h Tim Si The CoasUlaboa of blortt Caroliaa wtihr. cent sBiadsatn Aho peimaaiioa at sack eoanty from It ornolsatioa to 1S70. Jx eswve, JndkaasulIalalJeps4ajBiJt t Berth Carouaa; Blswaaesl Ubhre ef the popular WW in each eoasty, for President. Uovsraor. Coaeraaa -. a special atatam sated tb qualified voter from raeord of oaaaiu, distisiruisntng white from solored ! to eon. its ai lha auU, oris is of aaass, with a Bs f lanator sad BapreaaataUvea la the Uea eral Assembly froat Bat f forssatsaa te pre . eat seeaioa ; aad aach other rVitsral aad interesting matter, with full ladcx to the 1m price of tblokkt!a.tm flae eloU btodmg. Feetag to be edded when sent by mail Bead la your order at oae la ALFBBD WILLIAMS. Bosksetler, Balcigh, N. U. Agents wasted in every eeaatv of the Btato to aU thi book. JaaaU-aua AU Eight Cook, 1st. It is saadeof tb BUT M ATXKLaL aad by the BEBT SKILL. snd.-lt la BEAUTIFUL In JTCsIGN and SYMMETRICAL is SfJAFE. Ard -II haa tb LAUOiLiiT aad HEAVIEST TOF. 4th.-lt ba the BXFAK8I0N FIBCE, aad TOF wUl NOT CK4CK. Sth. It will tak th LAKUEST aad LON- tiXaT WOOD. 6tk.-It will BUKM COAL aqatlly aa well as WOOD. Tth I. baa tb BEST BIFTBJt GRATE: Sin. It baa lha LARGEST and DEEPEST HBABTH. 9th.-It bee the LARGEST sad BEST OVEN. 10th It has tb most POWERFUL R BAT ING OVEN. 11th - It will BAKE and R0A8T mors RA PIDLY ind EVENLY. iiilh-It ba the LAKUEST FLUBS aad BEST DRAFT 13th. ft 4s leas LIABLE te CHOKE with HOOT. 14Ul It will WEIGH MURE to tb NUM BER tbaa ANY OTHER aTOVB la Uiia market. 15th -It baa all the LATEST and BEST IM PROVEMENTS. 10th. It haa F1VB5 DISTINCT IMPROVE MEN T over any other stove i th uarkaL SEND FOR FKICR LIST. 1Iaruw4bb Hocsa At JULIUS LEWIS mCO , Ucalorai la jrlsxiHlwAure of eiery DescriptloB. ma?Sd Fisher Boildlng KEEN'S OXYOEN.VTED B1TTF.IW. Tb stomach is on of the moat delicate o irani of the human system: and the lodices tible food crowded into It by tbe require ments ot modern ssdety, keep it la a A STATE OF CHrtONIC DISORDER, which la followed by a rcaort to tonics aad alterative for icliei . It unfortunately hap pens, however, that many of thi medicines used for this purpose coital alcohol, which, poured lata a eiaeaaed stomach prodaos Irri tation, create In lamal ion, aud doe more in jury thaa rood. OXYtiENATED BITTTR8 CONTAIN NO ALCOliuL, hut are a purely a edklnal pretention, which ia rate of Drape pat, Uatrtbura. ladiitetlion ai d other like disorders, at one restore th stomach to ita NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. The Oryeera'ed B'tters have twee tbe moat popular remedy for the abnve compiarnte fur the lat thirty yeara, and Mill maintain their Uf rivalled popularity. Prlre 1 per bottle. sold E-rar utar. JOHN F. HENRY, Cl'RRAN i CO., Proprietor, i ami tlCollewe Flu e, anir. 3-lm New York. DOWN THB HIVF't, OR FIACTiClL LISSOM tllEI The Code Duello. av AN AMATEUR. E. J. Halb, eh Bow, Publisbor. Price lljSo, extra cloth bindini;!; This is s Southern Book, founded oa some otraiTSnce lately transpire) la Georctaaad AlaUma, la which Mat North tmrviiiiieas were prominent actara. For Sals st the Book Btore ef AlFBED W1LXJAMA ,. mar 11 If "TTELLT' PATENT UMBKILLA-HOL- JLTk. DER, roe aaaTjrlca. Waaroaa. a other ooea Vehlclaa. Thla exceodiaaly la Cass snd asef al laveatlea sapptie s wsat felt by those who ride ia opaa . veaiclea. it Is So slmole in Ita constraetiea taat a child caa BMSaira M aftar oae era ratna. It can be seiewsd down to aav vehkl without Ineosrvenisaes It dee sot dkaSgsr th appsaraac ut aay waoa at aweyiry- ll eaa t pl.eed al aay eksvilioe, or tochaad ia aay dirceUos with perfect as la a mm Ursa. SMBB04 ia aasH eaa ba ao disposad between theeaahloaai fey she lass4 tsrainar of a Uiamb screw, as iobBBraly eatef th way. sad will nh)art vvam rMln- te ao la cunvanleaca whatever. Any persoa of eraV nary ajrad eaa adapt it te hi vehicle without tar aid of direction. It pfee is wttaie the reach of all Every owner of ea epva vehicle should haveeo. Aay kind of aa Umbrella will ad mat Tay eaa te jiaieraaaan, whole sale and man. sJLUUIXMWJ at C07i, Vrte al retail 13. - 'Stale aav eoasty RkyhU for ml. Address r- M. KiiXT, Fataate. laat fcilta, M. tt , I i ., ,. I , . act

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