T-?.;T;r;,'.y. t t . Mm :', '. 1 t .in M 4 ' .4- -I : 4 5 -I- 0 THE SENTINEH ,jt.pM0ClUTI7 VICTORIES. ,., Ciitrttnr&Ti; ; Aug. '4.In Covington, Ky., Jodcs Democratle candidate for Clerk of tbe Court of Appeals, received 1,800, msjority over Cocnreu, indepen dent, -i,-: i ' . '' - Ia Newport. Cochrn reotlred 89 ma jority. ' r I Ueaiboro Jotjw iwtTd-00-jority. f , Tbe whole Democratic ticket waa -elected la Fayette comity by Irom 800 to 400 majority. .r..r:, .-, .., la Lexington City the repubticaaa baa " majority of about 480 against BOO laet year. - ': ' ' ' '", la Jessamine the Democratic county ticket la elected by a majority of CO. At Niekolaaviiiai ibe wpoblkan candi datew for sheriff. cono.tr clerk and tailor were elected. AU tbe other Democratic -nominees were elected by mm xwtoss Reporte trom othe-polnUf. the Wale indicate that the Democrata have carrtoJ the BUta for Clark of Oourt of Appeal. INDIA TROUBLES. Chicioo. A eg. Lr-iS followinu di- patch baa Joat beea receTred at the Ueati qoartert ot Otfseral Sheridaa : r "s Ouamk Aug. 8, 1874. Om. Jl C. . J. 0., naiqwrtm tf tKt Diuur of MoOxl : CoL SUatoa baa tost arrired atLaraUie, (rem Awnciea. .He repvrta a large aaav bar of todiaai coming la from the North, who aay that Btabber, a prominent uaiaa ia the diktarbaoee last tfprinct Agenoiee and aavaral othera, ware killed by Cnetert moK Then aeema to be mach feeling la ooaatooenoe among the Indiana cotuiog iaaadat Agendea. The Indiana report the death of twenty-one Iodiaaa woaaded IatbaBatM0gbt. (Signed J K. O. C, Order Brl'g Oen'l Qgmd'g. " f TttTOJ(CA8t, m Haw Yi Mgvet 4.Ttttoa hat writ ten a- iettarf t "ag, (chairman of 'the BotcbaH lirttitlgatiDg OommiOee, in re ponee to cm fjotn' Saga, calling for cer tain papera. Tilton declarea that he bu alrcadT produced the papera desired be ton the committee bat waa prevented from reaching thee. Ha now. by advice of looaaal. deals aa to aire them ap. He cbargea that the committee la composed of Beecher't frienda, , appointed by Bercber, and expected to act in hla bebalf. He alaa aayt the daily paper have beta careful!i fed each day with erambe of fle titioua aytdeaoe agaiaat hi owa character a it Be, aaa not urecner, waa on uiai Jnd further remarki : "It u right, per bapa, to bold your eommittaa reapoaaible for their daily mtarepreaentatioa, which may noma through; the malice of othera; vet the mutt la the aame to ma aa If you had deliberately doaigned it j and tl at ra auit ta thia, aameiy i'... - - - - la I aspect bo Juatice either frwn jour trl buaal, aince yon cannot Cum pel witoeasei to tatify, nor from your reportera, atoca they do aot git a irc partial repot ta, i can not reaiat the oonvictiuo, tbuOKh I wren no oOVnee in tipretaiue it, that your committee Hat come at last U) be aa little satidactorj tOr-tl.) puUuo a to mywit. and that your Verdict U yoa under one, could not poes'bly Wbaaed vu full tacts, siocj you have a power to aura pel wit oeases to teitafv OorlO verify ismm tetti mmy by oath, oor pi lift it by oroacju ami nation . , .S - r tbeee'rwiaooi whlcb .oogbl to an bavemovtd me earlier, 1 bara at laet ia- atructed mf coansei to pcoceea aa oaec at bis discreuea tc carry oy.eaawireni vour lurisdiction to a Court of law, and in view of tbiaiaatroctloa from me be has in turn instructed me to bold no further commuiealioa with lour Oouisaittee ex cept title p reseat letter of courtesy, ia which I have the Iwaorto bid youfaie welL in dome which allow me to add that raanect which I tm unable to enter' tain for vour Committee as a tribunal I cannot bclo exoreasins lor each and all as individuals, The cathartica used and approved by -the nhtaiclaoa conturUiDK the various mrdieal associations of this titste are now enmpounded and sold under the name of j'arsooa' furganve ruis. We eopy the following fnio aa ex change, ' which is important, It true : Chronic diarrhoea of long standing, also dysentery .and all similar complaints com mon at thia season of the year, can be cured by the use (internally) ef Johnson's Anodvne Liniment. We know wnereoi we affirm. CawUoa to rurckaanrs of tba FffUrlan Byrup (a protected anh;tha of the pttv toxide or iron), uewtre or Deing aeceivea br anv of ibe Brefmrattona of Peruvian Brk, or Bwk aocT, Irori.-whicb -wny le aOVred la you. very bottle ol genuine baa pernviaa Syrup (not Peruvian Bark) blown ia the glase. Examine the bottle iMlbie purchasing , JOVIVOt ACADKHT. ibe aixty-slxtJi Besaioa will brgla Aajraat 6th, 1174. , ,; . 1. K. LOVFJOI, , " , " . i. M. WH1TF, f V ' R. w. Lovior. JulySMt . YILLIAMbON, UrCI;TJM01 AND , '.. .. THOMAS Wholesale Grocers COMMISSIOlx' MERCIIAJNTS, I t ... : H ;i , . 1 -:i .- FAIBTTVIIXE BTKBKT . . .. 0poa.lte Metropolitan HsJI BAI.EICII. W C IB. P. WILLIAMSON, t . I . ',h Sf. Q. UPOHUROU, tent -tf J. THOMAS. : Wm. W.rae, 1 AistuJm JOHI84JOMK8, AttormryyAI lw. V '.1 BAlJUflR, . U. nvii'TII't im Iks Buiirema Coort CI the I 8taW, the Cirealt and Ulstrtrt Courts of im united BUtea and the sereral eonrta of ibe WsJadiet-J DtatrleW . ; Office on layettertlle 8U, oppoaite the Oltiaeae National Bank. . Op etalre. , . T MSI .XIAisJlb-LlMBni , iMlUnatslic. 1 treeh bnrwt Uasa at De : ioflTaeirne4aiee aie , awanUUeav . )Bae4-U aXMTOWWi. 'PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Ael, ' J. U. F I K M M I O. ATTORNEY AT LAW ( - u - w - , - omMiaBh.e 4 l; Allow, ii ' a' I L. J ft ' J i i' I I1 hHi Mi i u rul. a. vwaoaa ? JOB! ei' jj oo&x tjxixasu, ATTORNEYS AT LAW RALEIGH, M. C. Stat aal rederal Court and the Court of Ui let aad 0th Jedlclal Districts. OVU-tf K. BTKUDWIOK ATTORNEY AT LAW, !A N N "U N 0 B M E K T I reapcctlully announce myaell an Inde pendent candidate for the otfice ot SUPE RIOR COURT CLERK for Wake county, e. ii Ray. ap 14 tf TONNECrnCUT ItIUTUAI. I LITHE IjisTjxanco Oompany. saamuuns tae alghest standard of SOLVENCY The ehaiaeterof the in tmDta of lis aoeo- majatadasaeuat iS(8,b6o,6oo Ubf the BlirLeat Claaa for aecnritv; Ithav tea; never knt a dollar at Ha taraaUaenl lie j S U R PLUS Miargerithaa that ol any other Company It hat a aamberahlp of over BS,0U0 Its ratio for the entire 117 yers of its persoa Daainea haa been bat 8.97 PEBCSNT eflta receipts. It haa no Stockholder! Cvory dollar ot savluK or profit belougi aololy to the jrOLICY-nOLDER. rJb. ucb a record one can well )adire where to in fare with safety and the euwJIesl poass- aievosi. 1 D. WAIT, Gen'l. A gen t. KALaUOB, N. C aept 1 rpjlE DLD SUBSTAKTIAI sjro VVKLL TESTED, latia Lifj kruts k, -wirn omon ra f ( OVXB TBS AJtOWAKB UTOSS Ot JULIUS L&W IS Jt CO. Baa paid to the Wldowe and OrphaBS la North Carolina since IMS, the sasa of nearl. t fS oo, ooo. Aad, by Bdellty and promptaeea In this par. eniy ana prompvoew in van imr I fBrntshlnn the lowest rates of any company and also, bavin paid ma to tb BUte thaa aav other aonlar, ana rat elaee comj ecenpecT klie ateriu and enipya tia well earned diatlactloa of aelux the - LIADIJI6 tIFI C0XP1.1T IS TBI IT1TI. , And with her g0,000,0O0.00 AmawtSB. now oa hand, and Btanaired by eentlacaca ot loax experience and fi asocial skill she offers the highest standard of secarity to all her enatomen. And. aa an investment lor eaix taaat a 110,000 Dolicv is better than 10.000 ta real estate. Ages from SO to c 0 are Inaorable oi Dota aezea. This company aoes eoi say, raeare with them, say Ams. But wa ask aa Impartial eonparieoa with company la rate and rmftmtibUUy, and teavs the result thelBdamaati of the nubile 8v ealllna; apoa the tteoara! A rent er any of Btf bocaia. lurtner iniorasuon wui oe cueer rd, W H. CROW, General AcenL W.U. McKKE, M. Medical Eiaminer Sep i "VTORTU CAROLINA STATE UTK IXStJlCurCE CO. . V I I RALEIGH, N. a tDmpttaV 6800,000 end of Flrat Fiscal Tear ksi lawed over FoUces without aastaiaina; a stncle toss. Frndent, eeoaomical and energetic ra aaage- meni has maae it A 8CCCE3aFUL CORPORATION. ' This Company tataee every desirable form of PoHetea at aa low rata aa aay other First Clto Company, . , ,,,, , amoeeee no useless reehietioa upon raV teaee or travel. aa a axed pavd ap valne oa all policies af ter two aaanai n payajaata. I rtssnttee asaeta ere loaned and lnvrated AT HOME, to foeter and encoaraxe. home enaerriaeSL 'Thirty daftrraee allowed ia pamsent" of prernjnme, -; . - . fWlth'lhe farts aetore tbasa' will the neoole of horth CaroliM coatuiaa to pay aaaasJIy apoa thoesahas at dollars to baud aProebr Cempaaiee. when they can ee ean insuraare In a Cosnpany equal y rails bis, end every doUtr'e prsmlum they pay be loaa daad kaveeted to ear own State, and among ear ewa people , I '1 l-l i a TtWX U. UXUh Ageat, Kaldgh. HCO BUS BOM I , IVSTXTUTIONS t SJiCURlTr AOAJJVS7 Filth tux fpiilrCflUliawJ HOME INSCTRANCE GOMPAK X i Yi4 ' -rf'H RALEIGH. rt.C.'' This Company eontlaa . to write folia at fair rate, on all classes of Insurable prop arty. ' AgenU la all parte of the Btal R. B- Battlx. Jr., President. C B. Root, Vie President BXavoa Oaua, Becretary. PvLsaxi Oowraa, BupirvUor. lunetS-tL FBCIALTIXS. Most be kM, A vary desirable atsortmeut of RICH LACK POINTS. RRUS8EL9 POINT LACK COL1.4KS. Lace Cndersleret. Real haadmsde Valmeelea Edirinffs and In eertlBKt. Kmbroided and HcmtticUed ildi.fs. Together with the remainder of OUR STOCK. Ills cepceUlly dcoirabln that ws should close out the kNUKK B lOCh. l y Jul)-oi Asenst 1st. Uooda voiy cheap and very good. W. II. K. 0. TUCKBR, Ju.is H-U Borvivlax Fartaara. Qt ELECT BOARDING AND DAT 8CBO0L, BrLLSBoao' N. C The Misses Nssh and Misa KeUoek wiU re awme the esarciass of their eohool on Friday iMth July aad soaUnne twerttr weeks. Cir- calara forwarded ea applieatloB. 7 Jane Mitwiw WAGS 0 ALL WBO ARK WIlXINQ TL WOkat. Any person, old or young, of either sex, can make sake (roes 10 to ) per at boats or la connection with other business. Waatad bv all. Bailable to either ettv or conn trv. and sav aeaaoa of the year. Tbleiaa mti ouaoriMrty for those who are oat ot work, eadoul of ntuueT, to tasks sb iadejuav dtt livtur. No caultel being required. Our uaanhktt. UUW TO MASK A LIVING.' giving fall lastracUoiis, sent oa raceipta of It KTON CO.. MorrV saaia, Waatcbasvar Co., It. I fitM GRAND. EQUAKE AND UPRIGHT Pianos Have received upwards of FIFTY FIRST PREMIUMS. and are among the beat now made. Every Instrument fully warranted for Ave year. Prions aa low as the exclusi reuse if toe very beat materials and the moat thorough workmanship wm permit. ' The nrinclnal niaaiste aad com posers, snd the piano-purcbfttiDf public of the South especially, unite ia the unanimaua verdict' of the superiority ol the StieS Pianu. . The Dai ability ot our instruments Is fully .established by over Sixtt fCBJOLaaud Colleges ia the South, usiDg over SCO ot oar Fianoa. Sole Wholosaie Agents for several oi the principal (uanufauurara of Cnbiaet and Parlor Organs; prices from' CoO to C800 A liber i dlscouot lo i iergymeu and oah- bath Scboola. A large sssortmcat of sreond hand Pianos, at price ranging frm $78 to J00, always on hand. Head tor Illustrated Catalogue, con taining the name or over s.ouv South erocra who have bought and are using ih KtUrT Piann CU. M. STlEFf. Warerooms, No. North Liberty St., UALTineaa, Mo. Factories, 84 A 88 Camden 8t, and 45 4 47 Perry Sc lARAEKS' loo Cream Freexern, These Frorzrrs have been in use slt.ee 1800, with the most flittering results They have well earned the reputation of being THE BEST FRKEZkR i . ever introduced, no expense ie spared to reader tbem perfect aud iropnivemants have been Introduced by which increased strength, durability aud neatns .era secured. They am matte ie the " most durable maoacr bihi the mechanical . are rangementa are such that tba will frerss, Cream, Fruits, or Wster Icecy thesborte ml possible tiro. : ' " Bend for Circular and dii ittions for frerxing. " T-H. BRIQOS A BON8. tiiajJ7tf. S' K A O I FT 'JH?A ROVIt KDW1M W F VI, LRU. ' Aathor of "The Angel Ia The Coui For sale by ALFRED WILLIAM Hooka Oct an. o o l L e c t ;; In reference to tit BOLLS 'S v HANDLED COTTON HOE, , that Hla the only HOE made of ttoua Uast ouel not Roiled steel. ' We sold in 1870,598 doxea of these Dot. Wa Warrant, every HOC perfect ia 8tock, Temper and Finish. v f Hard ware liooae of - . . ... E , ap!7-U JULIUS LEWJ3 evca; a . . I .. ,;!t-. it; i.i if l v THE QHBAT AMEKIOAlTOOT CooeampUoa ia MOT aa kKimable dteeaae. fhjftirUna Mttrt Mpf ftli fact. It 'k only aeeeanry iohr the. rlgt aamedy, and the terrtbtomklaAr caa ba a jaWf . - HALL'S BALSAM 18 THIS RKMKDY X It breaki an the Blgbt waata, relletai oppreaarre liKtitaeaa aeroat the Lasx, hcala the lacerated aad excoriated Mfaee walchr the TMOm of the diwaae prodacia. while life lasts there is hope JCtHa r. UIART, tUfeBAS CO,, at their tirent Mediclm Warehoate 8 anj 8 College PUk d, New York. Price II per bottle. HAIL'S BALSAM 4s also a aarsruraedy lot - 4 Cong'ia. -. Cclds, Pneniuonla, Hronchitis, A. sat iisaiav ' 1 ' ' Croup. tvuooptNa cocuu. sod all orgaia. other dUcsscr i ( the respiratory Also Proprietoi s of dcovlll a Blood and LJt- erfji-up, Carbolic Balve, Edey's Trochee, Oxygenated filttera, Mott's Liver Pills, Jte. JOHN F. HENRY, CUURAN A CO.. 8 an ! College PUce,,New Fork. JanJSlis WATER WHEEL Tba bat Is Mm htsaTBtee. sX sMd at laa Brie thaa aav ether PlPl 1 V laMl. lad ur a Pamntikc' and i eoa- n . a . utmuisw. xwa. ra. & ANNOUNCEMENT. . 11 II. .Vudrewa Sc tZo, (cLontiBst axo oxvts vchsisbsks.) WoaM resiwctfall call the sttentlos of their aameroue pawuns and tb public gew araBv to tiieir atock of rlurine aadhamnMr ctolhlng,for Men and Buys, the most of wbteh kss bsea tnanutatilurod by oar New fork Partners, since the decline in Goods which enables as to sett mucb tower than heretoLira. Call and alanine our stuck and tbeytariUaot earn to look elsewhere before pill chasing. April Sted, 187. A lsrgj sn 1 attractive Stock of UenUFurnlshlng Goods, i Constantly on hand. K. B. ANDKEWa.CO. Next door to Tucker Hall. April fc2ad,le?4. All tho Utsit Novelties la Hits uat re ceived at S. B. ANDREWS A CO. Clothiers aud Genu Furnishers, 117 Fayetteville St. M T. AIUY WHITE SULPHUR 8PKINGS Board per dav U0: nor weak 18 UO : per monin uouveyanccs oDtainea at n inun oreaiem, leave aivsr eresKises arrive at av Alrv at suudown Ilolel. bedding. Ac, entire! t new. 1 shall employ a good hotnl keeper aad 1 think the visitor will be well bleased. iaoaa wflerlng with Liver. Kid nay, Bladder and etocaach diseases, also scro fula an i entaueona diseases can uud at the Mt. Airy While, as good water as any other ia mm country, norm or oouia. Auplv to u at ML Alrv. N. C tor pamph let containing certiiicttea of care. All 1 ask ia to roue and sua for ynaraeJvee. junelMw KUFL'B li. SMITH. Orange Sporting SDU BLASTDfa POWDERS. OUNPOWDEB, Pal ap ia Metallic and Woooen Krs. ' LAFLIN AND RNUPOWDKK.0. Msgsains beyond the City Limits T - Ba'tgh.N. C. JCUU8LEWIS ACO. Agama. Powder daHvared- abroad ' or any wher ii the city tree of charge, Wa is vile orders from the trade. . apSO-tf COPGLIMTED. Taa Masohio Mohitob Til I BR i'oh'Tm" X 8 ON Oul),One,i)olltr A 1W, liau n 1TuMMu) iltrii MM aWme - i a saant j sta u a ami mwvr.i t One ot the Very Boat Masonic Journ da in the Southern Atlantic eUta. It le no publish ed In Msgsxine t turn, at the low price of One Dollar a Year. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Masona in good stand ing every wher are reqaestod to act aa Agents. Clabsui Tea or mora only 76 eta. i , , t K9Tsa whole Club need not come from owe P. O., uaraee spa be added at any time at .r.RAitkrf, t toj.. .. . Uoaaord. M.0. EjaTBast Mediain tor AdvorUsers i ths BoBih. , msrisif ' , ,r 500 Hhds. KIW CI HP i p linn, r a.-- i'.ir sale by 1 1- ,o.e ' -f . 0BTH WORTH, Wilmington, rr.-vn DH.T7M. HALLOS t per rvaj giiarawaaad wlthi ... J ' J. Sir !i t li an' r 4 JJJMlOlwst 1 ji, TTsflYKBAlTT CF.WOUIU: V I.. aummar Law Lertaree(nlue weekly) beta Dtth iulr. VfJil end Uth Boot. Have proved ofaljrnalnaei let, to etudebte propofincto puraoe their stadias oss oc eaaev law school; d, tatboaa wh dsla te) stady pit vately; 8d, ta youac practttioaera who have noi had the advantage of ayatamatio lastroe Uob. For elrewia apply FrO. Uaiventty ol Vs.) to JOiiM B, MiMOB. Frot Com, and tat. Law: a June U wlsi TKACI IM8TITUTE. ' A BOARDIKG 1 45D DAT BCU00L roa iou lap i is. The Fall Beesioa eommeores on Wednes uay uia mu Dcymnr, M OUBIIBVaa WHO- oulintetulaaioa to the middle of Jobs tol- For cataloirae end drcolara eoatalnlBg tali i . tU V. R, BURWELL, hwetflWtaepW Haieh,!!. 'STIEF1TS PIANOS' tpwards of Bitar Flrat Premiums Gold and Silver Medale. were awarded to Charles M. BUerT, for the beet Piano, la completion with all the leading rnannfactnrcrs In to eonatry. Cfflce and Wararoonaa, No. V N. Liberty 6 treat, Baltimore, MA The wpcriortty of the Unrivalled BUefl Flaao Fotte, ia conceded by all wbo havecom pared it with others. Ia their New Gran Square Seals, TV Octave, the maaafactar. has saeceded la naklng the most pelfs' Piaao Forte possible. Frteea will be found aa reaaonahl a eonaia- tent with tboroogh workmanship. A large asaortmuat of second-hand Pianos slwava oa head, from BTo to SHuU We are aaaate for Ut celebrated Burdett Cabinet, Parlor and Church Organ, all atyla and price, to suit every one, guaranteed to be ruuy equal to any maae. Send tor illustrated catalogue con tarn ln the names of over 1500 southerners, bUu ol whom areVirtanans,lW North Carolinians. ISO fast TenacaaeaaS and others througboat the South, who have bought the nflEFF P1AMO since the cioas of the war. Several of our Pianos with the Improve ment can be eaca at the residence of Prut. A. Biiiiuan, who la our authorised agent. auro-wUm P K O DIMENSION 6T0NK AND CUTTING, ! von via f P.B.COURT-UOU8K AND POBT OFFICE a R A LKIO u, N. C. avvxxTUXaiXBT, Orrica or ScraaiaTBBoiav, Kalxiou, N. c, July let, lBii. Sealed Proposals will be received at this offloe until is at. or the win aay or wj, UU, for furnishing and delivering at the alt ot the troposed court-house and postothee atRaMgb,M. C., ail the Uimcaeloa btone requirea lor we exterior or ui -tuycnirac' are of the building, cut ready for setting, sad a required by the drawings and tie sne dfleatioBa. The apeelt a of s.ona front which a selection will be made will La cou lined to grsidtea, Uracatones,! reaslooes and ssndslones, and the pialltlee eepecislly instate! upon will lie nnl lunuUy of color aad taxta e, durability, and ths capacity for working urtiei the chisel or hauimer to a proper annate. No atone that has not been tested by actaal aaa as rat stone in bulldk rs for at least ton years will be consider, aud absolute proof that it haa been so uaed for that period meat ba f nrnihed. lbs I tone matt timber have good grain and be free from all discoloring Sub-tances, and the quarry from which it ie procured must be fuliy opened, and capable of famishing the quality ami quantity d sued, wiuun we wue reiinirea ny uua auvw tisement. A sample block of t'je stone proposed to be furnished must b submitted to this office, the tlock to b U by IX by IX Inches, showing on one fee the aelural t mature ot the atone and on the otbora the dlttirent grades of cut ting required to be done on the work, as shown by the sample blocks to be seen st this oftce or at the olBcc of the Supervising Ar cnltecl, Tieaeury irepanment. Tba atone, cut. kwiaad aud ready to be set; . k. .1 . . ! . w 4 . t. -It n kHiUIn that of the water table, within three () months from Uis date at the acceptanc ot the oon tract that tf the first story within nine (0) mouths from date ; that of second story wllliln twelve (U) mouths from sums date ; snd the remainder, being tbst of the third story, chimney stacks, do mer wlndowa, teps aad oopinga, die., within eighteen (1 8j montha from asiue dste, under a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) for each and everyday delay beyond tne time above stip slated. Propuaals will bs made for the on tin work complete, a exhibited by the drawings and described qy the specidcaticae. No bids will be received, except from the owners or lassoes of tb quarries from which the atoae ia propoted to be furnished, or their agents, who must alao be engaged In atone cutting, and have the necessary facilities for a prompt execution of the work aa rtqulr Payments will be made monthly, deducting tea par cent, of work executed natll the final tomoletioaof the contract. All bids mast ba made oa the printed form to be obtained at thia orAce, and must be sc eonipauled by the bond of two responsible persona, la the sam of tea thoweand dollar. iSio.UOd,) that the blddarwUl accept and per form the contract. If awarded hint, and exa- cate bonds therefor in the mount of tweuti thousand dollars, (Btf.OW,) and a valid and biadiag Iraa of the quarry to the Govern' meant ss security far the faithful perform ance of the contract, the less to take etlsct apoa the failsre of the eoatraetor to eompy with tbe terms of the contract ; raid lease to authorise the GoearnaseBt to take full poe session of ths quarry, aud work it st the ex pease of the contractor In case of default ; the bond to be approved by- tba United States District Judge, Clerk of the United States uwrl, or too Uisirhrt Attorney ol the Mis tnct wherein the bidder reside 1 ha Dexwrtiueat recervaa the right to reject iny or au Dius, u u oa reemea lorine inter eai of the Government to do ao. or to d vtda the work ot the baaemcnt and superstructure. and award tudirlareot bidden, at its option. Every bid mast be made on the prlatedform to ba ob'aiaed at tola office, and moat con form. In every respect, to the requirement of this Ailverusemeui, or it wut aoi n consul' Bred. ' ... i rians, sporincaiiona ana lunm ui proposal ia be procured on applleaUoB at thia otfice, or at tb otfles of the SnpervUlnf Aichltect, treasury ucpartniept. -1 Aamuirs of tba atone (proDcrlv labelled) probosed to bs 1 arniaued mnat ba submitted with the proposele. and all proposals moat be enclosed in a acaled envelope, endorsed "ttopouu lor irimeauuoo atone ana vauing tor the United Mate Coart-hoaac aad Peit CUce at Kalelgh, N. C, and addressed to 1 WM. A. BKARNK. Bapevtoteadenl Jnlyl-m T HK STONEWALL And variety of other Btovea at LTJM8 DKN'S. Also, seaeoaable goods, Bath Tuba, Sponge Bathe, Leg Baths, Foot Tubs, bean- Ural TOl'et IMtIS, w annua; ruie, improraw ash boeiicte. Preserve X rules. Preserve Fnr- Baeea, Prnit cane, Ie Water Coolers, Ice Cream Frees! (4 annates), oae minute an Beatara, Kof ridgerasom (sold aa ta lee eoaee) wire dish aad plate Covers, hanging Baskets, Mockbur hitd Cairea.cardca. andcotton Hoc. the Bemlngtoa, every hoe warranted, rake, manure, bar audapaokg forks, lamps, et Ina ne vs. wieka. oU the beat extra (l.lOi will aot explode- doe sot smokav. Police hmterna. TurnbulPa FamHy sValea, (very handy, need without wwights. A fall tine f We sad 'beet iro were, wheleaal and retail and a varied assortment of house furnishing goods. Tia roofing and guttering aoeclalty. ATBTTBVTLLa BTBBBV. 1 10-lm CTPoeUe Market Pamp. EE AD ! EE g-eem discovery: I i :- . -1 ' Qreat Inscoverv J4,-..'i .V,:- VBBAJJLEjPS JPATJSJNT JHHAMEJj FAIR!" K as a r. troii PURE WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL ZINC, 1 xUXEDRKADTyFOB USE.; 4VMtr-ibx. QJl0B..j RlCAD THE FOLLOWINQ TESTAM0NIAL8: FROM PROF. W. . BIMMUNB, WARE fORKST, N. C. Waxx Foaaavcoixnoa, Oct h, lb7S. Ma, 0. rYSsioB -Dean, gin: Wa have for aevcral moatha bsea Bslag your 'Bbsilsi' Fsvbbt KaawBh PslVv," oa oar "Collage BuUdtoK," and are well p'.easad with It. Tbouirh It wssapplted by ene having aa experience la each work, yet we have a good Job. Wa shall coaunne to aaa It, beltevtag that ba point of wiw, durability and facility of application It la aupertor to any otber pigment eUeral la the market. . ,! .: Vary Respectfully, (Bignedt W. tt SIMMONS. Tb"b Fxans, Fsuqulsr, Co, Va, Feb ath, 1S7S Ma. C. F. E a tear Sib ! The paint cams safely to hand as ordered, two kegs. Its galloi aaeb. aad these backet one aalloa each. Aa nractiee Is slseh J did tha lob mvaalf. Two A)Tffe--J rXJWWi country hid can apply it I havo nsvarMaublecHa sacu wVaseJiitiA.wHh -.S1!!- -1 oltlbly the great aepiiuity ox yoar aaamai rauttotna warns oi oarmopieinei , eeuetMy oi material, in oeeuty oi coior, aaa to iact oi im otnng rsaay-mixeu, mat tgive yoa fall permission. If It la deainble, to make what use yoa think proper of this letter Very respectfnlly and truly, v . B. MoGILL, M. I). BaLTwoan, December 10, Wi Ma. C P. Kkiobi Daaa Sib: it affords me mach pleasure to say to yoa tual tbe Brad.ey Patent Eaamel Paint tar exceeds my expectations in economy, beaaty, aad I bave every reason to believe ta durability. More thaa twelve months aince, 1 painted ths roof of my booee (Msusiou Hooae) with the Bradley Patent Enamel Paint, and I waa so well pleased with it, i eatermlned to paint the fiooteot the 'Hotel," sod I sm most happy to say that it gives me perfect satisfaction. In eoncluslon I will aay, U this tesUmoalal will In of any ad vantage to you, yoa are at liberty to aaa it Tours most respectfully, ISAAC LBKKTSON, Msnaioo House Hotel Cor. Fayette aud St: Paul St., Baltimore. The following letter IsaUoog and valuabls; , BtLTiuoKX, Md.. Dec. 7, 1871 C. f. Xvf, AyttU bradUtft Jtlnt Snml J'aittt Dtsa Bia: The Paint we parcbaiwd from yoa we will cheerfully endorse as the best of any Kind we have used, lis coven uy qaalide ia everything desired, drying promptly and with a hard glo, which miixt, we tbmk reaiat the aetioaof all hinds of weather. Tnls Is our ripe-ience snd we can recotnmuud i with certainty, and Intend to use it on all occssloos where we desire a good job of work. Very renctfully.blirn and srtsco Painter. MMART A vttAKTLEV, fa W. Baltimore Street Mouse, Sign snd Presco Pslnb n. 4 CP. KNIGHT, fctoLX Uxhrbai. Aoents, i i.i. W Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. Specimens sad Price List furnished grade, aov WVaihn. K A 8 O N A B L K . U j O V H .1. N G " FOB THE HOT WEATHER White Vests, BLACK ALUCA riACKS AND FROCKS, WHITE DUCK SUiTS. Youth's andaRo's Olotliiog in Greul Variety Jutt received st a B, ANDREWS & CO., July 16-tf 37 Fsjetteville Ktreet, ifilcirrh, N. (' " JULIUS LEWIS & CO., FISHER BUILDING, Have in stock, and offur to tbe trsde at Please write for Illustrated Catalogue of Prices. NEW GOODS FOR 1874. BALD AND ITObX fountain xplotol lilBLE IUL TEirLE OF FAMf TTILL ALIVE. I CKEBOH U there with hia corps of polite and experien ced Salesmen oae tag to the trade aad con samers cf DBF GOODS aa UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, recently purchased ia New Tork, and suny of them bought at PAN10 FiUlK. My stock ef Dress Goods, White Gooda. Liam Handkerchiefs, Qtovre, Hosiery, Edgings, Ribbons, Parasols, Ac. Ac, I take pleasure to saying Is LAKUE and well ASSORTED, snd embrace) everything that is aaw sad desirable ia the D S T O 0 0 D 8 line from tow priced goort to ffne fabrics. Ladle la want of lires s Q- oods will lad It to tbelr Interest to call snd exam ine my store berore percussing elsewhere, ss they an aew aad will be sold ix BASIC PRICKS. utnb Mnsnl nrvtn . 0ASSIMERE8, TWEED LINEN GOODS snd tSJTTON NAD Ed. waa aever more complete, asartv of them halM aahn ...... er thaa before tbe war. ' tnj atoca or j Shoes and II at "I , 4 Li ' , - . - for Ladles. Gents and Misses Is btrre sad well assorted, and persona wasting goods, ware ormerehaadise, should always examiaa my stock before baying, as I Intend to make it te their interest to bay cf me. . I believe in motto, "LIVE AND LET LIVE," I recpeetfa ly ask COUNTRY MER CHANTS to examia my stock, as I will oiler them special inducement, aad think I ess iv warn money. epv-Uwwfw A. CREECH RE TOU GOING TO FA1MT f Averiil cnemicai raiat.rs tas nest. . ,1 t ! JUUUS LEWIS CO., I Bole Agenta. write lor aexeriptlve cbeular and card rf era. - , - ... - ADl' - 'EEAD , Coven 80 Bqnxre tYardi ;8,0oaU,i Bottom prices : Old Dominion Nails. Horse and Mule Shoes. Horse Nails. 8bovels and Spades. Iri.n and Steel. Axes and EJged Toots of every de scription. Licks ol' ail kind. . . Builder Hardware a most com plete line. Pocket and Ta'jle Cu'lery ol onr uwu unporta'ion. Boat carriage. Plow, and Tire Bolt". llnrdwarL' and Cuth-ry ol every lo- KllptlOU. WAiToN'H GOODS OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK AT MANUFACTUR ERS PKlCitS. MmmciiKEus Bxprusxtsd Br vt . Charles Pratt 3l Co., Msnuiaclurcis Of Pistt s Antral Oil. L. Blli , Hoe and Tool Co, Manufacturi'rs i f t lie Bnlle's Cotion Hoe. The Averill Chemical Paint Co. The Goulds Manufacturing Company, Matiafuriur eri of Farm, Cl.ua h tnd Plantation Bells. Isssc A. Slicpparl & Co., iHanufscturcrs ol the "A W Riglit Cook 'ing Stove," N O T 1 C K The corjartnerthii. heretofore existing ur.d. i the name and aiyle of UOOKEKdt KOKKlr-, la this day dissolved by mutujlconM.nl.' H. i. B(MKIK. i P. A NORKir. xeo s-ast- PETTY & JONES. Jabbers ind Bet liltr w, DRY GOODS. MOTIONS, BOOTS. SlIflLN And Hats, No. 20 FaytttaUU Street, RtUiyh, U. A. iaviogjust received a varied bs'r -ment of solid, striped and figured japuniH tike, from 83 to 75 cent. Figured imi " Lawns st 20. Solid and figured ISciii Lawns at very low prices. Onii-s Cloih and India Seer-Sucker suitings atptirif which defy competition. Costs' Sp' -' Cotton.whitc ana colored. Several rn Latest Patterns and Stylos Calicoes n ' to 10. 8-4 unbleacbed shirting at ". i I Unbleached shirting 9 to 18 1 5. Bl- ed -Shirting st 8 to 8, 4-4 Bleached Shut lngat.9tol8l-3.. These with onr already large aud liau. I aome stock of goods make a splaodid a ortment, and having had the advaul m purcbaaiDg at the lowest prices ol the Season, we oner onr goods as lo ssojn i' quality can be bought ia tbe State. All wishing to buy either to sell or U-i persons! use will save money by exsnijn ne our goods sud prices. PETTY fc JONE.- o XFORD MALE SCHOOL. sv OXFORD, N. C. KngUah Classical and Mathematical. bv can be procand in th Prineipal'a family. isrma per nessioB . twenty wsea i KngUah coarse SJI.'O Classical . . . . :!'' .' UENDEKSON, I'rtncii!. I The TrwaVwa of Oxford Male Academy m vile th atteatioB of those having cbaig th education of boya to ths sliove card r Mr. A R. bendersou. Mr. Henderson bu had several years of aueeeeafal experirner aa a teacher aad Is la all respects well qnalinVrf to maintain the thrh character aajoyed by I i ford Schools in the past " J. A AMW, President Boam ot Trustees decSlftewlm rjyrnt watt plow. Constantly receiving suppLes airect from the msnufactnrara of tills cclebrSted pto! The Farmers Best Friend. JAMES at TOWLES, sey t2-t 4?t for las xUasfscturrra '4'