-- - - - - - n-i i1 :- --rr- rr' iw DiiuBTiNfijU tj"j vv -v J081 AH TVINU, J. Atw or HrBMvri6M. ; WeklyHonUiid " - .0 Tbo Da.T 81 Tl ! tedoUverml l any prt of tb City At PirTBM CiKTt per NKW ADVEUTISEMKUTi D U Bl'UK FLAXUX K1B COTTOX VIM. la ttoMMKfc. SO MA 00 3AW or UU elwild AUbtuA tiia. 1U ptoatooiil (nlura aoMlaU ot SiiHC or pro)lloo X luck Amp cm UMribwklck prwUkrdrai .ui cM from bclo( eat, M lT eaaaot com mi e. -let wUk la . rafaaU hmK -1 I uc a aW aA4e oc roathl w( kea t&i .nihil Hlta4 looar and raqa r ltu w!5daTlycllailr l, rtAt lt Uloot -4: IMI lAuulAtll i4i..iMii . - J. 1 a' T HtMTH C A SOU A XASTAL, 'li li.bl by Miborfty aaJ aadar iba aa .:, under dlrecuoa ih mw mwi esaia, " . .l.ril far Ibte work he eaiU J d papare by Joka it. Wkaaler. ka,H .ofk'.f m kind rer pablUned U tlx fttat Mil - aulu: owa. or mu of barlaa,, aboal4 In Itbuat a oosy It 1U be a book of xwmUju pAir. the inLimw-ioAl Aid aeaatortal 4lAcU th Auiutloaof tb United aMalae, 1IA lat Aiiudmu ; l ectla adlea of the TZZ ttom tba HTOlBiloatotn4! A l MMfrd JltrDMBaia Ik aMtVOOMBt .Xitafoe truu 17W o laWttheataaol JU m wura uii!e aad tbe pnpalatloa ol mb And ol tfty q' " t tke ralio of r urauUua 4 CuaKrea at eaek Doado 1k liuulilauon of MorU (JaroUaa witk r -.v wwadaMiUi tk poyuUUoa at eact r..you from IU orjp.niatioo U 1MU. w-bUm, JaJkkl Ad Lajrtalattf Uapartnoai .4 riu catoIiu i auU.tiCAl tabir. ol Ike nopuLr te ia rack coaatjr. fur fnafdeat. eVrrwir, Uiwaii a apacUl AtolaaMaAof Um uwiitrd Tutor frooi racota of lain luiiwil bin bllr. froai eoiond tko ooao. tm(iaaLt.ari0a o( itk aH t of Aaaatan Aad lUKwatnUf ia tko Ua atal Auwitj'y fruat daU of I urawtlua to pre eatMuWa; aadamefc otkar riatiaibal aad uikMiii'H dmU. with full ludw ia U "Twprk-c ul ibr La . tlia lae clotb UaH!.. fuatA,' W be eaVicct aka auat by Will. ' ' eriid in your unlm at nwao to ALrtKir WILUAMS, Buoknllar, lUklKb. N. J. Armla uld ia ry eoaatr of tko a4at to J law buuk. ) lieVSui KOCKHY IIOU?B Or D.J.ELLIS, )1uj. a W 8 Augoat 17, 1874. l.Md t that i r mt h .tmK I beby aoOfy my paUwaa aad fritaottbal I U do Biy booka MlktU 4a, ol t(.tbaf And Iroa tk dto U4 eaak aaat J All UM r d btforj tbe .and le tba atote, or o (Wlrery. I rr uxUally wktUwbaerelndabMd to me to tall at oae aoO artlle ttclr areoanta. 1UiAkiii aU lor tb.Ur kiad paVOuaKd I an ..Uoiebwixct TJrAT-aly. , iuft13t U.i It IX 18. Nc COp) t UlLOi 1 aire hut noalral my entire 8prinf aad Mumuicr Unoda, bought at tu kieaal oolot reached Ibi DpnaA and aia AbbsUioOer i v daoflbe aameun ul)' at ebuap w tar on iu Una or a '7 olbr nwkei. '. KUP DKY0OUD3, NOTlONn, FAN CI OOUDi, BOOT. AND BI10U AND UATs, NKW AND FHIdU, brntgiU at tb lowcat prkaa aad aoid f ur a hbaU Brodt, thereby ca abilox ny ructoaMr aad aabUe taanpply UieuiMlTw at atUafactorT pneaa. ' Taukfallurpaat faTOf I kop to merit a coalMiiAoce ul Ui tana by cloaa atteatior to IWallKM. 4. U. MBWeOM. pl5dSm CPICULTIU. XutbcMM, A V4ry daalrAble aaaortabeat Of B1CU LACK POlNTB. BUCmKLS POIST LACB COUUEA Uce UadenlevAi. , ' , Heal liaiuliaad Val -acaaaa BdiiK aad la aortiaaa. babroldad aad Uaxticad Bdkt. . TuKatbar wltb la rcauladu of Kj . OCR STOCK. V ! It la raixcUlly dealrable that we aboaM etaaaaat tb BNTUtB aTOCA by JalyOl AanttlAt.. ,, . ift it Huo a ry efcaa aad wry Rood. W. U.H.B.1l)tBB, jaiMlt-tr ar1Tta( fartaara. BUT ONLY THE ERIl'IJIE rillBlSIS IC1LII. FAinBA'WlCSj WmmM aaJBa.a,,taf bxks(4aXMiHy BAilea. tmby . ank, tJwiwtjir Mute, r , A. im L llMAUrtm mU ALAUM CASH DBA WEIL Brary Utrehaat thoBJd UtThm Brri Dba ww WAaaABTBB. FAIRBANKS &CGT., l BROADWAY, MEW TOXIK, IM BAATIMOaUa Si &ALTtata , I &S Camp St, lw Orkr. rAtttB,AHKS wwdUi"i hlAoK) IlAUa PatTtitBaBiWalA, ' FAlaBJKKSBROWX Wi ' t MiUtrrHBoTo. ' ; f.ir ml by badiag Hardware DraOera. . . . .. . in A I J. If linls. Block o if I IJt I VVN fY ' -fW l-VVVTr-i ACN K KtOXVA fTVyOXV, rY Y . " ; l-m VV-' yll-ll J-HJH-illlll-MHI-w t-X:llll.,II,ll II till 1 i wa r -Vl1L. JU--!SL V- . 1 . . , . r . ,- : City, intelligence TM at Mamacr (tcUMiWr) ol tb Ml iIimUtm ot "Otu Uriag ab! OoiDa4, tU Apptar aaxi watk. Mow la tk ttaalf abMrib for a aratekwa Farla CareBb Kajctalo. Taraa IS, ft fit AffrAaeat (hi ran. '1 fapttlw D Too. RaklKk, lift 5 Misuooii niaroEto., X vloUa, foaUOailaptaiaava, taalac iaaalti- Y Zoctl X3otm. . ' , . Tba DUtrict - Grarg abaaU la tk W ha beard of ao piobK4a to'atloa of tba Sheriff imbroglio. h Ka Judge W. J. Clarke u regtaUred at tba MdUoeal Hotel. Up to Ibe hour of going to preaf tba city bad bee varydati Tbnae that vUltrd Myalt' pood ea ter day hid very a jltMMant lio. . i Attcntioa U direoted to aeveiaj atw ad- vartiaeueaU which appar ta to-dy lata, i Only kbul tblrty eouatlea bTe (but far ecat ifflcial rotant to 4k office of tb tftsretary of Male. ' Capi. T. C. Ean la retired from tba Daily QrmtnU. We Ut-r tl.at he lb gBg 6otf b. alttdga Eure of tbe let DwUtct anlnd ta tbi city yntarday afkraown, aad bad hi eonimUiroa luaed to blm to-day. IU. Dr. PrilcbAtd, of tuia city,,oA Sundcy lat p:cbed t fat Rack CUuiob, Fraakliu eokaty. , . , j Ut. llotkahaul aw (tore, oa KayalU Till Street, ai3 be tbrw ttoriva ia beigbr, aad will be bcoalifully oraanaiBtod. Our UMrrebaala am aow tablag bbp 1 lay ia their Pali atuck of gooda, beveral be flixady goaa Norib. So far oaly $3 eaadidatee fur lagiala te i-fficeaheve appeared ia tba fUld, Of tbi aub.br Wake coatrlbdtta oaly three. Iba Meohaaica HiliUry Uoenpaay aid aveat ia tb court boo to moa-row ao bg, aad aa elect ioj of efflcor will be ta rw.oaa paji of tb ally tba Bomber of dog I Mtonirhlng. Aim faailie kep a maay a ii io oa vaad. Tbet ara really a peat A (pedal traia will be ma bttweea tbi city aad Nawbera oa each day of the Fair. Tba mm will be doae oa lb Aaguilt Air Lin and Raleigh A CUtoa RailatadAt it i Merchant! who ub to aeeora tbait bara Of tb Falf tnde weald 3a well to) aow adnrtiM la tb Ssxtiiki Herebaata who doair ta acara country trad aboald by ail meaaa caaameaca adtartwiag bow! Tbi mot fat aa lojaocrioa to ty tbe ule ot the AtlABlm, TaaneaBea Ohio) Railroad wa bariag argaad br-fora Jadga Broctu, at Chamber, to-day Whea tbla imue'weail9pfen. , i Tbe ;Boarf pf Orwnty WdmltAlooer meet to-orB. wa aappoa that tbd Ui ouUcator qaeeUua wUl tlaeai be asttled for good. 1 Tae ezct UW of (a bmUci we br Bo yet baaa W to ttodrUad. iTb.rrAcdo. 7-wr-ia.U ba reouatly bea aommeacod ia Eattera Ward. Everybody Ii oomplaiaiag of tba j hardoaai of tba time, but boildiog mB to be going oa a largely a ever. Oca Urns aid Odb Dbad. Tb tint Dumber of tbi monthly Magaiiaa will appear acxt week, a a nforcno to oor adrertUlog Juma will ahowi A M hardly pomlbla that aa appeal I Beeaa. ary to i ad uce oar people to astead taeir Datraaaga to Col. Fool la hi aoOorUkiag. Tb niaaioa of tb work rooamad tt aelf to ait who bar tb laaat toader for tba meaaory of tba dead, or daaliiW tea Juatica wdrt4 U M UvlBg, ,A. peraioa aad opprobriam i daily aBoweraoj apoa a eauawtor wbich thrwaaad of tba UtVblo aider ftalBMlietloai libit tkey were byio ffaadtoataj rf(paot, alf-protstiaaad' ftiktmB.ll Wtba mlmiot of OvfDa4 to braatt thn tida of alendef ad Bbuaa, aad to (tek to praaem Id oar brara eoaatry. Maa, Iriag aad dead, that pftHid reeord wiMeej bir aerlfloa;JeToiJoo ad brara daada pa aaAi8tIyrMtUa thwav aad wbiob they bar ladiapaiably aaraad. Hkaaalf a brafw aad taitbfal toldi , Col. fooP heart ta 'tagagtd Ut tba work k baa aaajrukea. Derdud to tboaaaa baaapoaaad. bo lore U Bot the lam b eiM faiiara attaaod' b.; Vp0 tSaplaa p! of thw State, amd of tba Boath, our UfimftU Our . Zad baa a bigh alaiaa for patroaag. It perpetaate tba tirtata aad gallantry of tboa wbo lor4ar Uad wall BBoagb to di for it, aad defaad thoaa aba riakad Ufa aad atitl toSar tW attempt log to aphold tba coor1ctloa of right aad luitlor la B word, Uaeek to ptaaa u u a peopl foMy "F0" th page of bory - -. 4 i aia i w- Wa pUdg oar RpaUtwo em the mms tie. that aay adacatad eanful namlBBUoa or iwn ZZl .u.. n.- PnreAtlva Pill lTmarit tbaa ABf oibeT pill bow offer. RALEIGH, N. 0., A Goon CiiwtMlet alvcrtinst la tbli papar tbcbar mom fnaiaa 4 two til rUtaa'a BilUtrd T.bUa U root at tlx Katloaai JQotol. . Tlw pttrtw ago of thaRniooai U iacrMlDgftr d.y,- aaj from ptoteat indkMlhMi tka hoota a: bo cfofNod dnrio lb odIIm fWiater. It kow kai of or furty rg alar boarder tad a otoadj tooroaitot UaDAlygt eaiton. We vaderataad tnt Coloaol Browa'i objtci ja duprajag o j kU tr k meeting M Moadayf laaf ihe Boa'rL joining tba Bute wigricultBr! SucGrty bad bead of tba warkma axeeatf 4e pAnmaan or tb BUtr, la their tavitatiaa to Prcaidtat Qrant to Tbrft n during tb program of oat Bait Fair, aad Mttading to blm a aardiaf M1tatla td"partk of tba botpttalitka of tb city during bl tay. Tba Cwrit of tb Board wu ordered UteaJ ua Preddeat a eaay ol th lalioe aad alio to traaamil a npy to th Sicrttary of tba Agrioaltaral Society. e OaOABIXATlOK cr OoOO TkbtTLAB Lodoba. T. If. RAmaay, tba anted goad Templar, ba arritwd la the City, aad bring wltb blm tb billowing nport af bl work In tb weat, Ia Buooaiab ooaaty fa rgaB!aed todget at Atlirllle, WeatvrtTille aad Leicaetor. - IleaeVrana countj. at JIiaMlenoiiTUU od Fiat. Traaaylraniacoaaty.at Brarard. Macoa oeaaty.at Fraaklia, Vataa Cbareb aad Cowm. JackaoB rotwiy, at Wbtr. 8wala ooaaty, at Obartretoa. Oraham ooamty, at Bobtaawilh). Cbarkeanty, at Valley Toww aad afarphy. Clay ooaaty, at Hayatritle. , Vadlaoa aoooty, at MaiabaM. OaldweU oowatyJ at Leaoir, UtUejossa, PaOcnoa'a Factory aad Lower Creek Charcb. Catawba ooaaty, at Mewtos. Mr. Rammy ba doa good and aealow work It km order aad tb can of trm. pcrAOot generally. aia Bumbmi Oddat DicwioA.Tae Bu prem Court at h reora. wmioo Bled eplaiooa ia nfereaoa t caeca of which tka'foiWwiag w a brief ayaopai : WtltUm Pg t. Hoab CaroUaa Rail road Company, from Wake. ByaamJ, delirfog opinio), Jadgmaat afflrmad. Boga ertra killed at tba waawaoaae of lb deieadant, at . Jf orriTlllii autioa, bring attractad apoa tba road track by moln abich bad dripped apoa lb track from tba defrndaBt car, bad while there ware killed at rarioa time; anm by th tnua raehlng ap to and beyoad tba (ta tioa at.a rcry rapid rate, aad o: hen befog audcrtbe can, by Iba eogioe auddaaly tarting without blowing tb whittle or giriag aay alaraa. Tbi Majatatioaably wa Bcgllgeaca ia the company, asd woold baa juatioed tba ooan la iaetroat bag tbi Jtry that if tby bIUrd tb ridaece, taaf 'eboVd find for tbe piala tiff. Tb eoort cbaxged that tbe aarer actf ooaatUalarl aegllgeaca. Ia Ibat tbera wa ao error. Rowland n. Tbomptoa, from Robaaoo, AaUm, delirariag apiaiita. Jadgment L Tbaiwaord ia tbi cam i oa fotnd. It (tat, bowrrer. tlat th de feadaat aaked mar of fbf aourt fa loUo doca arideae io pro aarUbj faota, aad tba ooart decliaed, to hear (tb rhleca, for tb rtaaoa, aa tba court (aid, that th pleediag were tuffloteot for himtode. aide tba oaa apoa, Bad ordered tbe dark to eater the following wdiot aad da- eree. If it wa a trial by Jury, hii Hoaor aboald aot bar Uka tb ime of fact from them, Aad If tbr wu bo war of a trial , by Jury, bU Honor bad bo right to determine tbe eumtloo of factT ETeltberpolol rbfrrKw, preatatod by tb Rooid, tbere appean to be error. Daacy, Dymaat 4 Oa, to. 0. Habba, from Crarea. Jadgmaat affirmed. Rod maa duHmiaK opiaioa. A. A B. both ireiw, pldattSt Ib necatiOB agaieat 0, aad both eaeeotioa bad ba kried by the Sheriff tbe mom plee of had Tn Judgment (docketed) oa which A'( exteatioa baaed wa older tbaa BV., Oa tbe day of ml A directed tbe SberJB o poetpoae tb ml of tb Uad. Tb Sheriff baring both exeoaueea ha nw nano. pn eaeded to tall aadar tbet of B, end paid tb raBd Into potut Ho fraud to charged agelawtA. - 'r " - : ; field That A I BUtl4 to bare the whet of be debt oatof tbW fwad before any part of H U ppnpriud to B ex Btioa, ; f m ,- ' "1t rrrom tbe Catakffl Beoorderof Kor. 13, 1871 1 , , . A. K00 BJUaBDT. WelariU attoattoa tottoadrertija Mat of dage' Catarrb ltomedy. Oat reader wiUbear tu witoam that wBtrr knowingly nmymead booB f ? aama M TatiiM--4 A Jwg rl W pataat medkiaea may biJ ' maoaitiea apoa fJjJA bTig wltoeamxl the beaaflcial effecta af Bag,- Bemedy apB the ambai of oor baiily aad 4ber, ia CaAarrhai obm, w aaWlaadly prooowKm it a talaeble -Tluia Mil tied ' te voWie ooudeaos. Theproprletor could eeSlr obtola Ib Cat kill maay oartiftcatol of Ua aaaribi..,, " 1 1 r't'' WwlUyer, 0n K. Bh write that' aa aetoaaag eara bWbeffbcted oa b deBkUt byAe aae ef Jobaeoa'b Aaodyae Xialmeat The i bad tpia became aiaMaw, " wa ef bar liaaba, aaA -ber bacbv -wa iM.atfad aa Hka a bow, ta oeaaiaaaeaof m. H-A mm Hmm m ho, ia eoaaWOOBO M taking eold after bariag be whaalated fur te BUM , avw ;, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1874 Arroaaar Ouuu Biaaova Oriaioa i laaCouarv OeMMtHioaap Qam la aaooidaaao with oar aroaiUa of TMtardaf, lo-dty publlih la fall Ihl opla'oa of Attoraer-Otaeral Hrran la rrimeeo to tb raoaot pttitioa troa) WAAbiattoa coaat ia itgtrd Iba orcaalsutua ol lb Board of Cot3Bibaioa r of that aoaaty j , . ' KxacinriTaDir'TfiTATa cfK. O- I i . . .,;talaltMf , W ' ". If tcqaanla mete epaulet a Coaaty Ceot aHHioaer ta til ta piaee of a maa lib wa feete4 ab la id ooaaty oa tb amt Tbaraday af Aaga,17t, aad who, the. fetkiaoen aut-.will .Mum to aa4ify. r"i Vv otrllwBm'to faat eptoia,"lt b the doty af tba Oofetmir to appelate CaaambaWoa ta mplTatie with ttUteqaeatT tbe ptitioar,or raa the eja elected Mcacb, aad wbechouM to qoaliry, kwfally complete tbdr orgaa ii aioa by tbe tlosiltie of another County Comm ailnaec , Very fcapaataliy, Ywar ub't Mrrtt C. II. Bm ODBtf, Oiirernor. Attubkbt Ubbbbai.' OvrtcB, ( KalugB, N. U, Bttth A-, mt-1 7 UU IxUty, Curtit II BrofJtA, ttia: Youraof the Btkh bMtetatlag tbu yea "hare rwvivrd a petktna rig- ed by tb coaai y offlcaia aad other promU aeat citiaeae ut Waahiagtuii coaaty n qoaatiog ate (you) iaapioiat a County OommiMioaer ! All the place afaataB wbo wu elected u aacb la (aid county oa tbe Int Tbaraday of Auguat, 1874, aad wbo, a tba pMitiouen eUte,wili Bafaa to qaalify," aad aakiag wbelarr ta Kj opiaioa it la th doty af tbe Governor to appoiot a Uoauly Cvtamiaaioacr . la. eom ptiaaoa with tb rtqutat ot tbe petitioa en, or caa tb mea vkcted m each, aod wbo cbouee to quAllty, lawfclly Complete their org .aia ihoa by tba ek-ctioa of aa other Coaaty OwmiaaiaMMr," bai beta rcotired. v. Thar kt ao txpnam proviawa made ia tba YUtb Article of tba ooaatitatioa, aot ia any other Article, fa tiling racanoiee le tbe Buard of Couuty Commimloeera. Tbe Brat flecta of Article Vli, prondM that m each ooaaty titer (bail be arreted biennially, by tb qualiflcd voter thereof, fir ooaimia-iooara, A auoty it a muni cipal corpura'Ufca, ao deacribed ie the eoaititattaa, Article VII, and it power caa ,coly be tzeteiacd by a " Board" of Coaaty Qomwiaaluoara" a tby are atyled ia tbe Mm Arucle. . "Tbe oeipor ate aetboritice hare aa iabervet right to fill VbCaociM" ia tba Board. And tbi re hu beea appropriate legialatioo to eov bkaOouaty UnmoUAtiooera to fill vacan cl la their B aid. It wa Qnt provided, hlh it aay raeaacy occorring la tb Board of Commlaeioeen of aay couaty ikall be filled by tbe Ooveraorpf tbe UUte." See law of apecial aeaaioo ef 1888, chapter , prerbw to arctl m , page 8. After ward tbe Oeaera) Ammbly, law of 1870-71, obapter 76, ecetioa 1, page 1S, repealed ao math of tba law of 1888 a provldceT for ; filling racanoie la tb Board of County Cotnmlaaioaerd by tbe Qoreraor, aad forth er prorliM that va eaaeiM HbaJI be Blied by a majority of eaid Board." Tbi aecmt to be the law at thia time, la (apport ol th viw that tbi legldatloa I appropriate and conati. tatlooal, I bcglear to rf. r your Excel leacy to tbe cam of Peop'.e ef M. C. ra rt, Nlcbokt t af, r. UcKm at, 88 K.C, Report, page 48T." Tbe opinion of tba Oeart teem to refer to tbia very leglala tloa; at aay rtte, tbe principle nnacU ted taataia it at proper aad eonetltatioaal My eplaioa therefore K that it b aot aow aod will hot be wbea tb vacancy ocean, tb daty ot a Ooveraor ta appoiat a County CommkMiooer. i Aad la cam the prraoa bketed aoaJI relum to qutily, tbaa te will be the duty af tb etbrmm ben of tke Board to qoaliry, and tbea, tbemaelrweleotaomeoaa to Ml tb ra eaacy. Very rmpceuaiiy, ; -' Toar oblterTV . , T. L llAMaeva, ittoraey Oeawai mtisiiuur. '. waxBAa nuoa. . Ralkkb, Bspt. J. "AIL4W4 rt). IUQAB We aoU A 14tl, 15; Extra. C, U Brbiht C TeUow, ww iuow ut; BrowM WXall. BACON aad Balk Maetkaeoa. O. B. Bidea, ISuVBaeoa ehoeldera UHVbalk.O. a tHdea. 14?alb BadM laXAjar-eaid laaaw, kaavy BO, , .. i tujvkf I-: Hop ttui Ir lwtdo. Kxtn a. M t MorU Carollaa 8.80 BAftOlMO-tiaaay AUciiaaUaK; UoaMe COTTua lima CurrXX-IUo, prtma, BSaSO; Ufalra,B0 f iiH-ltkrti-ew FamDy,' 8W; It. O Harrtaate- Hoe tbJ; tn fjT. una Baaa Ha. 1.10 M a.aa. - BOTTibV-aWteowatry tOato, ftood to.Bf,toabeBf.;;- v. ;xTr CHICBBWeOaBia, 3 ;'- - t rVTATOBnIrlM, 15 Sweat aoa. ; - Wminrtna laxartatc ap Soand oyaten. " ' Building Iota ara Mllieg cheap ia Moa ro, Uaiea ooaaty. Kawtoa I about, to revel ia the 4ebgbtsf.ateB pia alley, -t 'Tk graMboppert an doing nme da. agem AlaaMao couaty. "st. i,,, ' i Cettoa Itlbt Waity ol 'ChemJ Hill Good Im deck aatl ia tbe Wilmi! market for BO Mat per pair. DaBra a Cutler -hM bbjea abated At lor- aey dur lb atty of Wi:aiagtw-w I . A rlrtd monllng eommrncea is tba af, L tbarcb OaAmA aa arxt Sad. Tbcy er talking of eatabHtbiag a samp goand at Center Cbareb, Stanlry county. Tlieagat of Job a RobiaeoaV oircoe ha pal ia aa appearance at Wilmlogtoa. Several mioenl prg bav dhieovared ia dUTercat portion of tb tow of Newton, J - & B. Outhri m beea appointed poatmuter at Chapel IT1II ti(fh. White, dreeamd. ( f A large rmmotr ef might mr am be1og tdc4 In Ihe rolling atock of tbe CaroUaa Central lUilway. , . The Orange plc-ale at Meidow Branch, latt Tbaraday, wa a very enjiyabl affair. A large Bomber -of Udie wen preraat. tot tbe twlr aaoath eadlag Aoguat Slat, th poor of New Haaover ooaaty bare coat $10098 84; prietoen ia jail, 13.788 77. Oapt. John B. Uobdaeoa hm beea elect ed City Manual, ol Wilmington, and T. C. ScrvoM hm beea cboaen clerk aad treeaorer. Oa Burnley last a Begro boy accidentally (hot hlmaeir In Iba kg with a pietol, at diddle Camp Orooad, near Charlotte. Tba wound hi aot aoaeidered eerioo. Two more cottoa factorial af going ap at Haw River. Tba factory of tbe kfeaare. Murray, burnt lest rpriug, will anon ""be la operation again, tbe work of rebuilding it being pushed rapidly ahead. A maa by tb aam of Perkina, My tb Hillaboro' Btetrdtr of tbe Bud int, hM beeelodgaoTW" tbe 'Orange eounijr Jail charged with itealiog bookf, CArpeting, and tbe portrait of Dr. Caldwell, from th Philanthropic library of tbe Uoirenity of Chapel Hill. NEW A DVEKTISEiLENTS. i if 1 JJIOB BENT. The Bar, Bar Fix tare aad a Billiard Tablet THE NATIONAL HOTEL. Tor parUculari apply to C- 8. B;tOWN. aept B 4t B BsT INDIAN KOCK UM B. LIME! , LIME1 LIME I COO Barrel Juat received at priew lower tbaa Ho. t Iiat U ever beea aold far la tbla market. Hardware ud Catlary, BaaaDcanABIkMa, JULIUS LKWW A CO., : Fteber Building, tapttt-'J , . Baltifb, W . . JARB IHTB8TVXIT FOB CAPITAL WiHUaoMotaapremlasaa Weda day.tk SOik ef Beptamber tkat very TAlaabl real tUa kaowa aa Uaaaadr'a MlUa. ta tbe eosaty af Snavllle, M C, oa Tar Hive 1 muet aoata ot uzrora eaa about io miMe North-Weal at granklmbn oa Ua blelgh Oaatea Kt B) By a aoietoat txpaadlture ef Mpttal tke water pow r weald be MOV ekmt to cam oa calaaalve maaafaetarlM epemtioae: There le a Btore boaat, Cottoa koete, Bmekamltb aad aboe ah opt oa tke araaiaiaa, ea wkaahlaMwe waa, tt oa the a xlaaalva baala duae. Alao a amall araat ol laadadietalaR taa MIX tea, with Rood bapiAVaaaaaU auavaiariUy arrar gad for a awllfaaaUy. Tarma oae-raana eaaa, mawnqbi to awe Mr. C. 0. Bwarbora wtfl abow tba bropar t la aay pareae wb aaay wtak taaMU. Jt. m. uaakalii, xot. MMBdUwSl flBABO OUT COFCBBT will be gtrea m tbe City ol OraMtborc. . C- DICIBIB II, H74, for the parpoM of ereeU aa Odd rellows Temple. Tto OrwaA ahll tt tke Benbqw Housei . . ... j- URABU CASH fllfl io.ooo.i Real Katate GirX, $81,500 $83,800 Caab OKLt 100,000 TlCBtTJ TO BB IMttiJI. i ' Tt ' - is i Price of Ticket, $1 50. ' ... - AG IX T3 WAHTKIX - Pe fartaar tartee'-ara. adlraat tb Van far, B j a, (lreeajoea, N. C. i 1 ... " C. I. MENDENHAIX. a-ptltftd-, Maaagtr. ; J NO. 335. i ( official. ,,. ,, , I I : I IP or Unmor, aupVPoblie I T I rvtiTWTira' J . I 1 I a i. e I A i ii " r -e 5 IS i AUetfbjuiy.,.'! .W m .... ...JM00" ,-TUNO. I... V- I tul int. I1AA (TiU-. . .. . . 1 Buncombe.. Burke, ....... uaaanraa,.... CaldweU,... Caatoea,.,... Caawellf.!!;!! tMawaa, Chatham Cherokee,'..., Chowes. Clav...." Cltavetand,. . . vMamoue, Cravea, . . . CumberUud,. jumiuca,.. tevktaoa,.. Davie Duplin, .... DAfe77..... Edirerombe,. . rorayrne, .... Prank lln Gaatoa, tiattfv.. ...... oW$r: tiuafordpu Umkam HAIlfax, Harnett, Haywood,.... Henderaon.. Hertford, ! Hyde, Iredell,. JsckaoB Johoaton, Jooee, Inoav Uncola,.... Macon,. Madlaon, Martin McDowell,.... Meeklcnborr, MlteheU htooVromery Moore, Naab 447 BUB 874 MB 1717 804 1481 BW 416 878 Tl 16)H 640 ltJ8 Bt II Nil BUB 6H4 534 1394 m 115a KM 8M0 1078 14Uj SIM 1374 lilTMl . 701 OAS K ltW5 70(1 BS11 n 475 1(155 1188 ftjnl 10W5 oVl 1V45 057 m 1110 17W1 2M 1364 1101 lrBl 1658 1054 W7 10U7 4 (MS (WU 8S S7 tWl 10U 8JHU 1UW 1(13 435 1747 10B4 11SJ 150 SOB -48 817 1319 ITW we 84U BU 41 lots' sail . 19H4I 131 N. Hanover,.. Northampton, 8814 8748 1W0 4W 1231 1053 'sis unaiow Dranxe, Pasquotank,.. Perquimaaa,.. Peraoa, Pitt,.. Polk Randolph,.... Richmond, . . . Robeeon, Rockingham,. Rowaa, ...... Rutherlord,.. Vampaoo, .... rMaiifcy,?..... btokea, TranavlTAntA,. vs Wake, I Wattou Waahlngton, . WAtAUg,..'.. Wayne Wllkea, Wilton,.,.... Yadkin, aneey,v Total....... 1WJ6 863 670 Hrfi 1WW 214 1327 1859 1654 1557 794 18H6 685 86 13nl 1167 an T60 17W Vltt 1 177H 8til 19rtti 2H4 107H 1687 018 MU0 TIM 1868 07 1SMM 15-48 1H01I 11 1 10181 14M 8ml tail n ti 90S 847 681 870 848 8640 IK (48 aotii iaii 7-45 19B na. BMtf Bowel 8640 HI 7 (M7 9.V3 law 11AM 181tti m m 17W im 718 lSti aag48 981 00000 Wt) fwl 1078' R ECOLLBCT Ia ndtMsce to tbe BOLLE'S HANDLED COTTON HOE, that 'tit the oaly HOE made of Solid Coat Steel-Not Rolled Steel. We aold la 1078, 698 dome ef them Hoe. W Warrant every HOB perfect la Stock, Temper aad riaiah. Hard wan Boom of ap 17-tl JULIUS LEWIS A CO. 1074. 1074. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS FOR FALL RICETVED TO-DAY. CAJSFIEL1TA Head Sewed Calf, Fox aad Coagram Gaitrr (or geatlma, new etyle, vary haadeom. BAIXOll' CBLXOkATCD FRKNOn YOKE DRESS BHIBTS, All tb New Styka, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED.' Bleached and UoDtcached f niariAKi aad SBBtrme ; al width and qaalitia. k tmtmn rrocx o Boltm aad ITamab Tbe above good, together with all other artictee la oor line, will be offered ta parcbaarn at tofAfa-r-: Liberal InaxseaMOU to Mercbaat. Tbe msainder af oar Eraaaa Aaa Soatcxa good will ba eold at red need price. PET fY A JONES, 80 FaretteviUe St. tglt-tf lABTBtat WANTED. eeefal toraotioa, waalea rartaer wttt eeafa btl of taut. Oaa haadrad per era. fMraa td oa the lavettaMet, Addrar AB i BAlKb Port Offlee. , . . ,fi .r, -l utr ) - i ,., 8ri 1114 r .ii , ,. - x 3 ' & ' Z F ' T E -u u 1 vm M m h . V f , 1415 145 VJXS 14 ' ,, .fi.i. JWl 11 MM ATTOH3IKI AT LAW, 1774 MM! lwtt 14 141 tfJH 78 ISS S2j iSu W J-JW MTU CAiwUMA. ii4 s7uk ii4fl tm 1 ' - -. ; 27 Years Old. 18t4 lftltll 141S K10I t I (Wi K GHtfl 1750 ltt IT) wal 10R3 4115 1(M0 11WI 1475 nm VM UM4I imt mm hm nul 754 Vl'Jl T7 4 J) I fflllTtaPpiinliy 10 11H0 10U Bwrntottowmg ratMparaai nm lack, or laa anntna Baa r it Une aqaar one Uam.. OA a ,., . a i, aae, eabaaqaeat maanlea lm tbaa aweek...,.aM.iM,ut. J HAe, 1 waak. 8 BJOil Aaan,Tme. 88X0 1 " laaealA, BOHl - 8 - M.V I " laW a. l.eo' t 4j.iaj " - s.o'i ' h - M. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Ar. IA. A" L ftl ATTOKNIV- OAm Boath of CM Buatmal Oflto .- lUMt-ti Oil CHBSTHOT BTBEET, let BeCAUa it ia one of tba o ideal Com panic ia the Country, and put the day of cxperimenta. nd. liecauae every policy-holder it a member of tbe Cooi Muiy, aatuknl to ail iia adranlagM aad privilege, bariag a right to vote at all election lor truatee, and the h aa Influence in it management- Srd. BeoaoM it hM u large percent age of tmet to liaUUtiM M aay Ufa In turanc Company In the Coaatry. 4th. BecaUM by economical managi maot, ita ntlo of expenae tn total Income alar below I he average of Life Compan ion (Sm Offloial Inaaraace Beparta.) 8th. BecauM It baa declared mr dividend to anmber, aad of a Largi r Average Pereeataga, tbaa any Compauj lata United Statoa. For cxampla: Policy No. 18, for $5,000, bM beta paid to tbe widow of a Puiledel- Sbia Mercbaat, apoa which twenty-three ivideade bad beea declared. Averaging flrty-eeree pereeoL Iid tbew divldemle. beea uatd to purcUaaw additioaa tu Ibia Policy, $8,048 more would bav keen rmlraed, making the Policy worth $11, 08. 8th. BccaOM it ia bberal to ita mana gement, prompt ia id tat Omenta, ale lx--yond b contipgency, and ita rate are ww m aay BraA-eleM Ounpany 'a the Coaatry. . ? 4-t i;. PBiaarAL FaATCBta. Hraall aztwaae. abaolute rccurtty, large ratara premium. prompt pay meat or kaaaa, aaa Ubarallty to tb tBaered. BAMUAX O. HURT, Paldaat. . BAM'L B. BTOKEA, Vlea-rre daat, H. B. 8TBPHRMB, M Tien Preaidmt, JA4. WEIR MA8UM. AetaaiT. HRNRT AUBtiR, aUoatary, BDW. ilAkTBHUelMR, I . ' - , ED W. A. PAHI, Medical Examinera W. H. FINCH, General Maaager. E NCO RGB BOMB INSTITUTIONS SACVltlTr AQAIXSI iriHk THE 1MOUT1I CAIIOLINA HOME INSUBANCZ COMPANY RALEIGH, N. a Tarn Company eon tin ' to writ FoDei at fair rate, oa all rkaa of hmanbte prop trty. All toaaaa are avmptryad)aatt aad paid. Tke "HO N B" la rapidly grawmght pablie vor,Mlappem,wlB8JMtomaram Wptooaatybiall paruof Ncrth CBr4ua. Agamta m aB parai eg tb faato, R. fl- Battu. Jr.. IVtaMtwt U B. Boor, Tte pTealdaat- rvtaAAi (WTrwa, Bapar rata,. 17, A QUO TJOR ALLjWBO ABB WIIAIMa Tt rasa, aid er vaaatr. at X' WURC Aay aiaar eaa, eaa akaaaanmervtaeav p at home er m Maaatia with etaar 1 Waated brail, aaltabi bl either eltr or en Ur. aad any aaaaoa af taa raav Tkitaa nr lane waa are eaaec laatllTinc. No roltl' atAng reajairad. Oor namobletr HOW TO MAXB A LI V IB).1 glvlMaaumatAMa,eatarmapBiea4 mala. A adraea, A. bVbTOM A UU, MorrV taaK Wealebaatar Oa., N. T. . ' W with at laaat 400 AerM eg tilmbie bad aad thabar arafaJ for ladaatral parpoaw as ever iS alia from railroad er water -aatcatlcB. Land awaan wUllar Vaaail aaar amd term and daarrfpttoa af tliaatioa, com aaalcatiea, eeii, aaacrala, qaaUtlM aad aaaa tltle of wood water power Ae., aaaf ul tor tadaatrWI tad aertcaltaral paraalta. Apply to ladaetrial Bad A(Tlealtaral jam hi Ira, Latoaia Aaaeabty Atoamt Ito A 10, Third AveBaa avw i ara vnr. JalySM. Br. iSa ii4i ii Six Reasons Wl 4juii .... .... i ii ii i iiiiii iiiiiiiiiii QOBN, M BA 1, B A f. A"' rlit'kJaAVA AlBTB jaaBtd JTaaAjbjraj!! r i gi rt IJ6m h tn II s i m roaa aan.o.i" j , I A? wrw AJ. va..aLaak.j. 0 J - . J 1 u-: