A i saap odLtu) MM a'J OsJ ej BMt mi a tumvod! U tb follow 1st rate MrMiara JOIUH TUIXII, w l-ck, or mi a-o , ;-.r.- jbcs MBtMbM-MMtok r ooc New the cb1IN. 4 In Hm. i yadr , Daily AU.I 1 year In eBf Daily Six HaUita ad vuim? a -II I H. 1 waak. IJftl aiaato, t woa. H I f lkratVAOdl " d-.uo 1 4 l(t:TTtrr.r A O.01l I M I t U.90il , H. 1, .tb Weekly Sentinel " TbP BuriBibW-llif delivered k any pert of the City et tra Cnw per tW.OA til 1 . ; a - I . mini., m vm , : I . 1 1 ! I . J "4 ki am i " - av7 a Aia.cs ! , r - - - m l a - " - i . -- i , tlvl ., , , - ! ; I - .:.,.! s .I - - , - - - . - n I I, " , ,; ) i i- in f fr1 1 ,w'-i ii.,!: Wft QQfl i U BOUK rLAXQKMBCOTTOSSUt c Unrated Alabama Mia. It promlaeat (tuM eoastata of a wen or proclij itKb doet on tbe rlbwbicb prrv.a't hardnk itaico from toltut eel, a UT raast ""T la em-act with tbaleae. ae-jaMa. . : i m fc ' . -h a ia. I n at iVi AM Hm4I Saw of tfalt I - eiw- asoiuia wr ,,.f i - : - -aud the aw Via -t lea end "IB sbanwalngttaaotharidn-., .. , ur .- i.aile aWfia air ft hit It allied rySSfc r IwMr aeo, 'rSOTaaS 'r tit -rnxwinto -nwrr VUIJ WMa d1iT -aff 1-76 -a-b. no "voritp if J. i; n ()- M-uo MTMt - 3 1 " '' j I ill WT OAHWUMA. MAB2AV fa hah-J by a-U-rfty T ...ice. ul U w-oanU AM-aiblr, U1 aooa ba ZZ dlrartloa t- -.arattrf LuxUI form- -wb bf.b-a elrt. Ud aaa- MC-P-l.-t f t.,", SiT? . uwlll b aoaplaU aad jalaanla ir oiJu, IM w f'!""' n.. i,iic ua or am of budwiaa. aboaal It UI ta a book ( il uli nocalaiioa of . abowtaf tta ...wwiiaji.l-; U IBti offlc of th. I SHUj. froa tb ReT-)uiloafc 187i Aa uai-.J Uairaa.ba-lB tba BMttaaMat r.wto- 1789 to l3Wi tuanaof ew b ii auara uilaoad tba popBlaUoa of wbaadal -y ," 1 tba ratio af r m-MHaUoa to Careu at MCb Dooa. I to- CuMlilaUoa of NorU Carullua atUra. ,ni aowadBMnta; U pooautloa a( each .-..uaty froa ita amatortfoa to WW. I. a-attM, JaJtotat aaiUalalativa IHartaaaaa of HorUi VanMbaa ; ut!Ucl Ubka of Iba oouukr rU la aaob aoaaty. fur rraaUUut, UoMraor, CoCaas a ata-Ul atatoaaataf tba qaaUllrd tvtara traa raeoia of aaaial, Ju.uilCUklDC abltc frvxa eotora ; tba aaa lie ot Um8UU, tlt of Baata, altb aU t f iiaamra aa4 lUwMBtatiTa la tba iea anl AawaiUly froai data of f uraMtioa Is pro -aai Mwioa t aa4 aacb olbar atalkiWal and iBlcrwlliiK aut Iter, with full Udas to U I'im prira uf tba bojh U ti.10 ta laa rlotb l.iadi. roUa to be edn. bb aeat by ia-il. rail In year orJeri at our to ALrKltlt WILLIAMS, tUlelcb', M.d. AjreaU waMtad la every lo rll Uu book. j Hte U -la tyaf UialHala r- iukjskv uovsR or D.J.KLLI8, Hat.- a iiu? 8 A ngnst f7, 1 87.y laordrrtbat 1 ay mike a ebinra la bit bualaaa. I ho by anUfy lay patwaa tad frlcadi thai 1 IU clutu my boob oo Ibe lt day of lepttimlter. and Irom tbt data tba mutb man " a'l cts be pa d br for.-tba Kooda leave tba atme, or on delirrry. , I ,r pocUully ak all whuar- Indebted U fat to call at once aod arttlc thrir m cooi U i IbaaklnK all for their Kin. pi0 lafcJ I a with aiarh raapret. i hum rraiy, D i ULl. New eopy 3 tlmei f-arajait rooalraJ ay aattra Stock b Spring aad Saiaiaar Ooodi, b.ta(bt at U r lowaal poiat rvarhed ibia ttfirinr. aud a.a able to offer roodeofthe amaqa i ly v chuap aa any on In Uila or a-r otber i. irlte. : KKCP DKT GOODS, Not lojca. jr.Kj. 0UODS, BOOT, AMD SBOKS AND 1UTA, NIC W AND rnt-H. beaghtat the lowaat prlcea aod aoU tor a aaaU profit, Iker-hy a abllBK aiy raatoBMre aad onblie to aupply tbeoaelree at aatUiactory plieea. ' Tbaaktal for paat fa-ora I hope to merit a eontinaanaa of tba tame by cloie attentior to baaiueM. ' J. D. N It WHOM. aylb-dlha rtCIALTllS. k MaatbaaiM, A very dealrable aaaortaMat of RICH LAC1 FOlMTS. BRCf KLS POINT LACK C0UUK& u'Laea Paderalevaa, x. ... Baal'handiaede Taleaeeiea MtEtoga aad la- . aarHBga. ; .gabraUad aad HaaaUcbad -Ukb. , Toaba vith Ua raaalailtf ot ,7 0V& STOCK. It e-naalalTv daalrablo that ve aboald eloaaaat tba MTUU 9TOC1 by Jul Aagaalat. '. - ' uoodeveiy ekoap aal WTF (tl?;,-. . W. IL H. a. IUCM. juu 14-tf aarrtvlaa I'artn-ra. BUY 0-lLYTHJil- ( CEICIIB FllIBlflU IC1LEJ. aaek-aalaa.OaalBealaa.Bay Bealea, Dairy aealca,Coaatarllcalaa,c a.1 Ilea Alaraa Till . ALARM CASII DRAWEE. Kvery U arcbaat tboald Cca Tbca ., Xvtat Ubavbb W-Bata-aa. FAIRBANKS & CO; IU BROADWAY, KKWTOBK. ., ICS BaLTXHOBS tt-t BxLTiltOBB, ; 03 Cupp Bt, Nrv Orlaaaa. FAIRBANKS A KWTKO, kaaoaic IIaix, PnUOBn. F AIRB4 RK3, BBOWIT CO I Hiut Bt BoeTOB. ' For ale by Wadbif Hard wan Dealer. K ' D n l uuuuu TR ! ' Gity Intelligence! Ti at lCbt-f ffcpUiba-l ul t Maaa- iaa Ua 0w UIb 6-4 0M VtUT W-ppra-aaxtVMk. HoV fc tba h ralwertM for f rat alow fortk Chrrihio MMla. Ttm If 'ft' for la tmco: .if- -it': cpttlw IwWala,- - .j - I . 1-srrua r Dtaraio Omki P. or B.-To-4y at - J w, Dtetriat draafc bald a Matfog "lai Ulaaity at tHa J kali of tka BaWgh-Craagt., f rot W. T. Walters la tba chair, a4 MtJ. 0. C. Maaly, aecrtUry. A boat aavaati ae bra ataa arraeat, ' npraaaathig tbirty graiijea. w hear that muck iatcnal wa manilaae t bjr thoae prtaooV At half paat 1 o'clw k tba mealing tiMik a'rtorta Qutil half pait thrau o'clock. Aa oar boar at g.iiag ti praN b 4 p. at. wa'aia com polled to defer a aotioa of tba aftar aM procaadiaga aMit tba aaxt iaaatl ttn tm-iiM li-iwrtiiriw to tba gaaaral public vaa traaaactad darbag tba forenotia raaioa. IlrMKaajii Th lolUariag m a fepuft of what ama doo latt rnoetb la tbU enuatt ia the natriaoaiat Uar. wRtTaa. DJtf WJlUaa aad Lacy Aaa Saitb. M. Lwk aa l Baaaia .aaadea. " j Davia Wllliaaa aad Koaa Tbomptnn. C. W. Morna aod Alice Clement a. W. E. Kna aad Fraoaia ioaea. i ' O. VT. Ry aad Kadora Peaay. ' 1 Joha Ppcocer aad Locy CratcU. " t ciLoaao. Joha Kt aaa aad Batata Ktharidca. Ileary Uiotoa aad Ctla Williaaa. Cbarlaa Heater aa4 Aaaa Pbtliipa. 1 rilltlp King aad AgnailtaniU. , Smith Bartoa aad rraactalWa. - i CharUa Tata aad Ia-balla Uarpbt. Araiatead Willlame aid Emma foaaO. Bngar WatkfaM aad fillaa Nabok - T- Sniiorr Imbboolw Mirruto of m Boabd er Odobtt OoawiBaaaaai 4 Tolaj tba Cuunty C-oimiaaioaer Sat in tba eoart bnaaa and a rather lively meet ing it area. Tba Sheriff labrogUo vaa beiag dtacoaed whet! tbia paper went to preae. A laaolutioa aaa aS-red by aaa of, dpi. Lea frUada to r rlae the coaat, wberoapoa a bag argaataat took place. Mr. Duaa vat repmeatad by Smith fltronir, Mi-rrimoo, Fnllar A Aaba aad If. II. Pace, and CNptaia Lee by B.iUle Bon, q Bo.W and I. 0. Hayvood. Wa regret that tba aetire of iha proeaediaga verenfauch a character aa io praclada the pnaaibility giing our read eft a full report in tbU iaaoa, bat tba argameat vaa not y aay taeaaa aouaea jwuen w . K.. arri---l Tlla aatara of the diapipta la loo familiar to Mti public tf reqatre pov 9 atatemeat of It 1 be couoj ael a Kr. Duaa eoataaded that tba Board preaaat vaa defunct, aad could aot legally Uafaaat bolnaaa, fM tba eariiaa) poeeibl-' momebt v vtU aadaavof togi-a our read era tba oaaetoaioa af tba maltoa. Compujibbt to Ou Wax and to Ciw-a-M U-X-Ma- Tba aUovwg front alreeeai iaiaa of ftb Klata iTaaaff peak.forlUell: r. d v j M It la a maltei of piida to ua to U permitted to reler to tba glorioua victory acUieyad In Waka .aoooty la the rouent election. Perhapa la ao aaction ol thl State baa the coateat been waged with greater vebaaeaoe than lb tbl Metropolt taacoaatyof .Waka, vbara 9TythiBg of Radical arecgrb ' vaaJ' eoocaotrate aad atroogly aatiaathaA Bat ' vltb tflorta" almoft auparbumMt' tiU' "cenUal iaed pover bea beav awwpt avay: and good old Waka coualy ataada radc9B9d Itt, ilan, a matur of ao teaifrtda to sola ibe pleaaing fact that aacg af thlibappy reralt to malal attrlfiaUb to the indefatigable labor of oar tleat-j edT-fmef towama,Hoi- Oaa. V. Btroag, beardeo4fai: wyffaif taaaa: ol tigm 1 tfni -fdrefcoatj If tha flghl for Ma aioBUircouotT," aai va regard It aa a'couipUisett'aa- tb4 feiixj Judgmao of the pe-t ta -their ' wakctloo af S tad- ard be-fef, aod td Ut. JBltoPg la tlat b haa led tbea- t 'MiSil tnomphaat Tic laryA l-'i t-j.-an(i? 4 vi.. . ii i.-aa i. i'i' iil'i ' i-i'i Aa Ktidoaoa ot tbc aporaclatlo af Aaailoaa aaBDracturae ta Materratira Kogtaad, la foaad la tba fact that at tU Royal AaricttUaral abov. bald laat ia Bedford. JCaglaod a Ua aaadal ofl-rad -tor artloiaaia abicB tba jadgaa tbiak there ia aay apactal aarit," arat awarded ta Fairbaaba bay acala, araalt a calked laBaglaad, Fatrbaalur- aigb bridge, Ibr carta aad. argaaa.aWMaa Journal, An -J.rl imli .vt ,n i aaa i i ii : . n Kdvard Bayer4, Baq, Hortoa, jDagt Co., N. 6., vntea tbrt aa aatoaiabiag care baa boea eflectaa oa bia daagbtcr by tba aaa of Jobaaoe'e Aaodysa Lloiment, Tba Whole apiaa btaaaao diaeaaad, aba ioet tba aaa of her li-aba, aad bar tact vat KMiBded Bp like a bow, ta coaarqueaca of takrac cold after Ba-ing oaaa taaocutataa Br tba Kiaa poca. oum wowwwi, I Wa nUdira our rcDuUtioa oa tbeaaara tioa that aay ed ocatad pbyaiciaa, aitaa a earafal t laaitauoa toe recipe vm 'r w f. . b m. - 1 ii a i 9 s , - - - - " a. a.uia k'n r u.aa-ffit-' 'cuu1' i m lananaaa -h mm. iwr MHataaa" ii ! . v fan iwa aaav HnaaM-ajuiwv' -- vwwrtKim aay that Paraoaa' FargatiT Piia poaaaa more merit than Mf ather pill aov ofler ad for aala. rn'i t i . .f! r Si-WretmN win In kn a tb 87t pin i.. A Md dj 4i Ward m ytatrfday. (1Vy.I.trjo1 A gno4 eec a44a4 rUao (r bait at O.T. CUMoa'a. 1 " TVo -Uekaalaa kmtart cWpdai w-t tau Da U $tk biatrial tUiCUer Dabiairf tba gib Datriet, va ba, tba city aaataday ad reoeirad bia HBatbiag over a jhoaaaml pouaila of lh vara takea at ifyaUa' poad yater- day aad tba day before. , : He t ' Jt Baaaaay baa aa aibibitkoa i baaaUful apcctaMa af marble vbicb ba braaght, fraa Ckarohaa aoaaly. . Bar. A. W, Maognoa, Paator of tba Idaataa Street Cbarch, baa artaraad ta tta chy, tad will occapy bit palplt aa acxi suaoay. r t , ' Hereafter wvr atarkat repot a Vill ba lcrla-4 dally by tbf boat aad atuat'reli ttla-iaajSi tioaa utay ba relied aa aa beiag aecurtte. At tba euaclaaioa W tba argaaaaat of the eaotioa (or aa bijaactka ta atay tba ale of the AUaatie, Taaaaaaa Ohio riaS-aadVaa yaatarawytadga Broaba took tneapere lad aad reacrted hit fcdaioa lor a vaah. ,.i w. , - ' At tbaaca'C' Taw'.tblirbaa baae ball toaraaaaat apea aU alaba la tba Suutbal naaira aa iaritatua ta pa tidpata. Tba prlae ta tba aocoeaful dub vW ba , aeaplau baae ball aatlt Oar polica aboald aartaioly look afUr tboaa tboagbtlca boya who ladatga la the dangeroaa' putlma of throw lag rock la the afreet. Tbi haiaaaca la ia- dolgad taf alaaaat daily la aoaa portiaaa of tba city. Boak aad Ladder Pompaay, Ko. 1, will bold a meeting ibia araaiog to ooa plete Ibelr arraagumeat for viaillog PertaibouUi oa Moaday aeat Tboaa wtebiag ta pwtieiptu la taa rxeunioa will have aa oppurlaaity of procurieg ticket.. :.:'!;;' ' TATK NKW Tba Wi'miaglaii dog catcher are active. Chariot: a aabiiiuua to be aireet cara. Tba OifeaaWrW auka baa ia nearly atMBptet-d. : ;,K ,. , Brmat aaaaa wf, diphthcri have ap paarad ba lb tlaiogUa. TXadga aabaach fceld aebaabcr'a eoart la Liaoolob a oa Moaday laat ' : . Thabota of tba fox baatar ia beard OuMagboat tba Haiite ot Haw Ilaaovar eoaaty. ..!.'. 5 Work baa beg aa oa , tba Caroliaa Caetral Rdlvay betweea Baflalo aad Sbalby.- ' Cb .rlotta cUiai in have aold 40,000 balaa of aattoa dariag tba yrar bicb ctoacd oa the Slat ntt. Tba aauMmt of ditbaraoaaBtt i Nev Baaavari oaa ty lor jth;ytr aadiog ageat aim vaa fo7,vvi.iB Mra. K. M. Rotay baa rrcalrad tba ap poiatmmt of Fottmlatreaa at hmlthvllla, Braaevick eoaaty. :r t ' Tba flaharaaea la tba BeJgfcborbood of gmltbTltta bra doing a lively baa! aaa la Tba Sbwtff of Nev Baaover county ia a boat . to ga .tor ddiaqaaat tal-ayar vita gierea ear. Tka irat aaaber fl tba WUmiagtaa Ctmmmitl Htptritr baa appeared, t ft la aa eraaiag papar. - The Cbpafawaad Deep River Oouacii, Pataaaa of ilaabaadrT. ' vllt iMat1 ia jfayattaTflla oa Iba lOtk iaai Tba Kaollaa clay tooad wkkia lev allea ar.Uraaeabaro' ia taid to he a pUadid rtiida far the auwii-aetiva tof akIB,k aatk .. - Mr. 1 Dickey, of C-well eoaaty, baa aaawaaoad ktataetf b caadidata for 4ka paaitioa of JC-groaiag Ctofb af tba aaxt Eoaaa of Bapraaiaratlaaa - . OaTaaaday Vuba O. ploja of Ibe AtUatki Hortk ObroUaa Raiiroad al Kevbera, bid hi foot 90 badly aaoglod by kaTteg it raa era bj s ear tbrt ampatatloa tu pert-rmed. ( Tba other day Mr. Baadolph Williaota, of Kav dardeB, Oailford vaaty,aa bitteaby a Boccaaia. ; Proper treataeat vaa' promptly reaerted to, aad at laat ac aeveta bf vai Ii fair vay to ttcoTar. aV aua by tba Baae of Lumley vat ar rcaUd ee Friday for plaoiag obatraattew ae tba 8akat road la order to vre-g Iba traiak. . The abatractiiwa vara aaee by tba eoglaaar a Ucaa to. preveat aa aecidaai, ..o-'iif a-w,-aeBae-"-'-v,'b , X large aaaber af Cathoftc pilgrima firock JtnglaaJ lata arriTed at Fada aa tbai'r vay terbaabriaa at Fa4frj -ItaO ?U " a Y. . ' lA'i--ae 4iaaaa) Maailar ia aheraetrT M tka rpiBMtle of tva year aboe baa bra. baa eat a B, tphm K, &, vtfb great vlote4ea.'Aara propartiee - af tkA working koraea af tba fclty arc rick, aa4 iLoottt Dot. laany haya dledl w.j T7 JI18TORICAL RIMimSCENCES. f JCmpii $t4hAl Km fim Amid tni Wmt , -W , 4 1 1 unaatmftit nriin Ua (ailowiBf latlar aoMraag Ib4 daalraetloa ot U M6a0te4tlaWtrwcUoa of tkat f-iaairomian,waaT'.atataa r rarfw: 4t Bia . Ja jwjiia-J Hvldrfl MB-airy Vbakei 4, ,' (v,.'tv 'v i '-.arv Tisibr -i w vbiak be vaa aa aye vitaaaa aad partia. - -- ' pea with tbte Rrlag HeoiU Bat It la chltly at tbl aanaaOikr Aa tbat ia 1SS0 eonaumed' tbacapitol f evt Siata. aad tavolnd the toe f the etatoe af Waal isgtoa, fruat laa ebUar of tba great acalp tor, Caoova, aad tba tneet " aptalataa af tkat art mm imparted late the United Stataa, that I deaiga toUvlia aabiie at- taatloa, a N ia a pt of Btate aad eity blatury. It vaa about t a at that tka alara baQ aaaaa d ay brother aad myarlf t leave avr borera aad aatkiea vith ear vaau, aad rapidly, raack 4ka auMikiog Stalo Bjeea, evideallv frea t-e roof oa Bra. Tka lot rallyiag polat of ear Vat ciU-ea-TTtaiTo rhfata. Wa-foaad OuL Va. Pwlk, Oeorge K. Badgn, acd tvaaty other, eagerly driving to raia iba atataa Irea tba pedatal. -Allea Joett, tba blackamith aad the aoat aua calar aad rigiareaa uf bia bead, aad etb- era, vera under Col. f . alireertoaa, aaiog baadipikea, s (f poaabla. raia tba atalta ap froa Ita padeatai After tea aiaataa uial it vaa girae ap ia dapair, aa tbey could aot raiae H the toatb part of aa Inch r Tba vrlter atund a ailaat apeaater, Bar apoka a word vatQ tka ragtag fir aaaralad ka Ilpa, "Geetha- mea, aid I, (for I va tka eely cbeauf it) "taare ia aaly oaa way ta eav tfala BoMa ttato : B I maibk-.carboaaia ofUaa: break It U thrua or four piece, aad H aaa ba reaovad aad repaired vltL aBtdaabBga.1' At that laitaaaa a cracked Toiea af tba vearriUa aad taparaaaate4 Mf. B- , tba predaue of Mi. ia tba aov Hathawl Bntel, gmwM Kurtk tbauaral gruiabliaga of a veacrable old pablieaa, who kaav for bmm uf beef aad bUeaita, baaua and giaeaa, Aa , Atu, tbaa be did of aciaaoa aad tba toe aru, aad apoka tbaa: The maa who tea aaka aucb a augga(la at to break the itatue ot Waahiogi.to haa aot the baart af aa Amerieaa aitlaua r The raaolt va aa aigbt have beaa aBticipated. The lira raged oa, the citizen looked on, aad ibt writa baateoal ap ataira lato the kali of tke Iloea of Coaaoa Hera vaa f aceoa of the eiaf aaiag power of Are oa tba mind of awn, ho roee all praacDO ofmiuit U Uie very BVMBoat wbaa all a aaa'a Bwal a aaaded ta ba area and flagera. ' Old UMa aad chain vera flying out of tba window, aad aotoa gaaed at tba work af aaviag mtkUf, juat Ilka Iba ttartlad aowa glare at a peaing railroad train. While aot tea feet from the furni ture (linger; there atood agaioat Iba hoath vail, tba baa portrait of Ibe im aurUl Waakiagtaa, by Sally, ia tba Called Bute of iaaka, aaootlcad 'aad BBtoaobed I Tke wiitar ealted aa Wat era R. Gaka, laq., aad Mr. Dupay, Jew ella, aed aaotka gwtlaaaa ekad, "io tleaee, ve eaaX are the atataa, for CkxT ek let tare tkh picture ; aod tbey ruabad to Ita raacaa. It wu preaeot ed .aftaevarda. by tba M. C. LegiaUtar ta the Uai vanity ol the Bute. W bea the Teoerabla Jobaoy Pooeda, who, under bia immortal leader, witaeeeed the aur nada at Yorktowa, Va., tu akad by me, wheo a boy, "It tkat a good likeoaa tka n.a.i-i a nniia . aid the old Tattraa,vltk tparktlog eyaa, "U'l perfect; M 'pa aot quite e red, but ratka palar.r AUeritice kabv tka aklll- ed artlett alvay allev for fading wlon by tiatat of aaaaa it vaa aeeapltaeent aakaova to Mr. V, td the great artlet. It ia aa aot of juaioe to the vriter hare, briefly to Mate that vbaa JfrJ Bali Bagkavea granted by a Tote of 1ha Leglalatare 300 to repair iba aiatee'of Waabiogtoa, altar Btlog $,S09 ia chemical, be fiaakly atatad bia e tier iaablbty ia repair Iba wretchedly aaarred aad defaced tcalptored vcrk. "Oeatlc aa," Bald be to ibv committee ' e ,4n apeotioa, tif tba aarbie atatae bat beat brokea ia three M loar ptacea, a it eogbt ta kave beaa, I oauid aad ; veuM bare made It aa good that bo eye eoeUt bare diaoeroad a aad imtt' Aadila lartber juttice tethe writv, allev kirn awdeatly to uy, that Scotch-Imb blood ia aa ready to reapad to tke ealla of tba United State, by Uad or tea, la Judge from family blatory, and State, and U. 8. biatory, a tba "noblat blood" if aay ether elioM or oouatry' flapped 'car tat aa correct aa error late whlck year cafrapoa-eatbeaiaadTertealty fanea.Tii , tkat tba beaorable aad ilbutrieaa Nathan iel Maeoa'a well maaat auggatkm vonld have prored, ev.a If adopted, a dlaaatroua failure. Tba eumbrou VMaage of tka atatae aad jedataf, ualea it bad aappbaaaaanad by a railroad raaalaf from tba , alon flot aa bich u tuxxl. voud have beaa brokea aa, bad aa tt'jva butaed. Bat aatil 1851, (a year after Iba deatrecUea 4".of, tba Sapltol ' aad eUtaeJ Vbere vaa aaly eee ia alia lailraad lathe Uaiad Seataa, for tba liaee of i If vaa aot aaaaa I Tom tamaipavdaat I aeiapia aetaf Jaatlaata aba Ma Mr. Bragp, vaaplag aeat bd laaa ta tba State of tkaaa ealaabla aad pracloaa gaoda i kom vbicb ba vaa aat-nlat fra horn taabv Tba airitet, albatt' aaaad io tbaataltlag aaood, inafmaa bwapt aJa forlhaetaiM tbaafaatW M Uaa AmkrU. f-dnJ ba aamifrUa-l that aL ttataa jwbafc 4 Jfartb . Carol iaa , pofy - .iT.kkbu.ti.ii - - - -t z-.-m - v'-ja-e aorvpea.1 . . . - . , . ...... aerred ia' Xagjaad f aaatarWl, Aaa I votb, aiiwevrr, ii nih i ion a bo xarope bettor tba . Aaadea.'' It far m-re rV aiaded Iba ahaaie at Pom pry th t.Craai, a Marina, I haa tba greater aad aobjer f .Um r .r bl vbow eoaatry. Aa S vork of artiale me It It bad ao eoprtor la Iba orld f Tba writer vbeav It wbaa lint at a p, with tba plqaaet carioeity of a boy, oflaa etaod by to Bear tba ooaaeet our pun aad ttapla Waka rouaty tar aara, aad tbaU. roy girl. Oaoe a mid- 4 bd aged faraa toaobed theaaov vhlle toga, aad aviftly withdraw ia Bagar ia turpiier, exclaioting, "I aeow I thought U vaa enact I A way aniaator replied. ladead, vhae the vaatba gtl frorty, key ought to eover the Olueral vltb a blaaket, ieeiid of that tba ;" aad aba btaaked aa If abe veal loo far eo aka Moppt, . .:. t i t it Would it be wrong to aay ia cuoe'edoe. .that, ibe K. C. Teiaa, vbo ia y urer raapoadeat, who like all North Cerol.a I an never changr bia ae-timent with hla etlme, that la the coming ci-nhaniel of 1571, the writer ' nace aa old Liee Whig, and now a Jackaoe LKmocrat, UaaU tkat eegoatbara Bate. eeapriatBg either of tbea patrietio partle, vlll ba rapreaeated there, a Hag at B rath Car liaaJiDuiaiaBa aad Miaiaaippl heectBebed vaepiog aad blaeaiag aader tba iroa hoola of the Radical power that nt be I TWUic.il bypocrity 1 a am, l a aad abbotreat aa religion. Aad, ao ceateo alal can be aincerely a Bbivaraal jubila until the titter Stnta ao called aru re united in the adamantine bnoda of leva founded m righleounea. ' 1 Yourawith etteem, A T1X VN. w MatH What Ha -art Though "oonlirination itroeg a proof of Holy Writ " and aa ouuiei. ut a tba aand oa the aa abote, ware produced to prove that the proprietor of Dr. 8gea Catarrh Remedy ia la earn eat, aod meana what he ay, when he olftrt $500 reward for any caae of Catarrh which he caa aot cure, yet there would be aome akeptic aod fugia vbo would continue to about " tiumbuf r Humbug ! I " It cannot be, btcaua Dr. Homeapun aya Cartarrb caonnt 1a cared." Mow, thi Dr. Horn pun ia the identical, k'mmI aatured old fellow who hooratly believe aod paraatt in declaring that tbi earth la act round or apherical, but a flat u a " alap-ck, aad dec not tura over, otherwae the water veuld all be apilled oat of Dceeoa ifaacoa'a mill pond. But astronomical aeieace ha p iaitlveiy demonatrated aad proven that Dr. Bomapua ia vroog ia luppotiog tbe earth to ba flat en4 ata tiooary, aad medical acieeoa ia daily proving the fact thai be la bo lea miate kea aod behind the time ia regard to the curability of Catarrh, la abort it ha beaa poeitively proves that tbi world aaaa, aod that medical trie nee ft piv ffrmitethu opinioa ol Dr. UomapuB to tbe contrary notwithstanding. Thai Dr. Bage'a Catarrh Remedy will cure Ca tarrh, tboaaaada vhe have need it at teat, Tba bay ft, and aa ft, la doubt do not ttand, Toe will Sad tt la drug store all over the land, (from the Cat-kill Recorder of Nov. 15, 1873. A OOOD BXMBDT. Wa iavite attention to tba advertia Bant of age't Catarrh Remedy. Our readera vlll bear ua vitaaa that wa aerw kaowiagly commend humbug of any name or Bat are, aad a area portioa el patent medicine may afely be clautd a tmponuoca apoa euW eredulitv. Bat haviag vitbaaed '.he beneficial effect of oage Reowdy apoa tbe mam ben of our family and othara, la Catarrhal caaa, ve unqualifiedly pronounce it a. valuable Bwdicloe, entitled to public confidence. Tbe proprietor could eaily obtaia ia Cat aklll maay eertificatoe of ita merit. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jtf tme .,) ' m Will be aold at ta Orart Bona door la gatalrh oa Mooday tbe 98th September but. them of laa oa wbieh Albert Pbarr aad WilUaa M. Bay bow reelda, laying oa Ua Boalhera Ualu of the rlly ef kalaigh, be tweea tbe raytteville Head and tba North Caroliaa Railroad, eoolalulagapwardtot oaa aeiaof noaad Tbe lot Will be Bold ta two parade, rah hiving a dee Ulng baaa with laprovenieBie aw u. Terete 1'aah. aeptS-M B. r.MOUKf. pglCXB RBDUCXD. Oreat 1 ad a annate to patrbaian. We have Jat gadaced oar XaUra Stoeh. amounting fra I -,W to IJ0.0U) a or thai KaUrelyNew DRY OOOD, h Motiaaa, Boot, rheea, Kate, e ; much Iowa prira then heretofore forC JBHL All who grve M a cB vlll get the f ailaat Tale for theta-aonay. MerehaaU pwahaalag la Uila aaarketc aaka proBtobla laveat atnta with ua. Our Stock I vwy fun for tlU aaaaon - Met we will have otba addltloaa Tery aaa. " vi"fV;- faMieilkilree' V'Htoaats-tf ' KaWh,lT.C ' I I I J I I I I I I Mnrob4tl 1 ' ' ornctiu 1 Iniat ' rr.. -, 1 :.: 1 1 ' ' " ' ' !. ' Wn" ' ! s ' ATTORKJtT AT LAW , I -! : tWJOTI. : A t- ! '. - 1 i f ' -I I 0-U Boat-Of Coart HM ar to - I - 3 1 5 lMtMi UAa-. . .,- -. , 0, I fci w.-l f Ataa-MM,.:.. ' ll 1m3" IM Ml -.ntl.. . mam l t . BL r. rOOma . JoaatfAVLlMM i 11 cr . . i -, .! Ss .. . JlUfl 3F ," VS, f f a 9 -Wfrff j..ui:jLii j ' :,. .... . ... r - . . uuiiujiunu.l. l'll.Hii,.'J"T':l - I m aaa WWCHU uuuiCtt. t . . Biirka, ....... B9 kh cia wr MV1-U x- CWwa, llM.Dl'J! 11M tW , TTlii , hi Crt-t UOU tm TW MM ' t CMWll7...... 1415 I2H5 1 . AV.MtiKV , 4W CUUmm-..... 1714 tftrt HM tM Chaf-iuHb,.... W) JW JM7 nil ! -.,. Cow7.... ; 74 . -.94 lULUBOW, Clay, Ml U 8 tJ Crwea, II4 uk 1146 Ki ' . tmtttck,.. jbs turn m m lA M Via, Daridio-?.... 13M lSm 1415 l'JIO tTlfZTT..... 89 ' ! Wl 6- DapUa, ...... 1 MBSi 17W U :: i!h J i 4ai Six Reasons Why 7unrZ7.. llKS 1U5 IohO Ills . i riM-lSi;.... 1475 1VW 14 1M Gm....... WT H KM 7 - JSl -!! should msmo .b ttrwno,, 7nS . . M4 . (Ml M4 k OullforJr.... ItMU 1881 1W 1 TI1 f Tl AriVl lfrnfflfil HHfa,'..' WW W KM I llr I rllll III Iml uadnwlli! j . t$ ,'m X JlU X. villi lUULUul l I L'lPFllSDMMF JohitoBr.... 14H1 187 .WW im ttCHMTIIOTaTtJtlT, Juooa,. ....... 550 689 688 M eouir.. . . . . . . w i isrr - i Li-eoia, M Ml I M Maao. M UO; W . MadiHi 6 - ill W4 I M7 Martin,.-.. McUowelL.. MwjltWnlMrr( Maatffoaaary aoere,. Nah. .. N. Hanover... Northern utou. unaiow....... Paaolaaki rerqinmana,, Penoe, Pitt,... rout, t. Kandolpb. Htehmood, .. iivva rwm Rncklngbam,. owaa, Kutharturd,., rampaon, , Stanley,.., Stokes,.... burry,-.. Hwaln,... i ransyiv Tyrrell, , L'aloa, .... Wake, .... Warren. .. . Washington, . Wetanga, .... name, Wllkee, Wilson,.. Yadkin,., Yancey, . . Total,.. R XC0LLBCT Ia reference to tbc BOX. LE'8 IIANDLKD COTTOK BOS, that 'tie th only BOBauda ef Solid Cat Steel Not Rolled BteeL Wa aold ia 1873, 5M dooeo of thea Hoea. We Warrant every UOR perfect la Stock, Temper aad Finish. Hardware House of ap 17-tl JULIUS LEWIS A CO. 1074. 1074. 7 - i KEW A8S0RTMBNT OF PRINTS FOR FALL RSCfOYSD TO-DAY. OANFIEXJFB Bead Sewed Oalf, Fax aad UaagraM Oaltrn for gentlemen, aev ttyla, tery handtome. BAIXOB CBtBBBATBD ii yi FREN0R YOKE DRESS B1IIRT8, All the Nev Stylee, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Bleached aad Uabkacbed Snnrntot aad rmtKTiBo, all vidth and quelltiee, a irutDiD rrocx or Holt antl Faaa. Fbe above good, together vltb all other article ia our liae, vlll be offered to perch earn at lov prieea. ' Liberal Iaduocaaata to Merchaata. The reaaluda of ear SPBIxe ABO SOXKBB gooda vilt be aold at reduced pricee. PETIY AJ05E8, SO Fay ateville St. Bgri4f 1U KM 1234 I 1319 706 61 W I 1W9 Kit tam ms 1 ir7 1 eaMr iw k m i use 1lKI I -Hlif J 515 :J ili t 12H4 ia ia tail I MM1! KW 5748 f? - 'iii am l wa wm I IMA I lWl) - - 657 1053 A W ll7 Ms llf mv r w UK) Mi HN5 T0 17MI 1T7W tm 17W H ' 4 m M4 lam lawi W7 , tr noi law .... urn 1NMI 1K7 MKS i:mI MM -Hi I im I mail i-Df I wi 1KU l-WM iOTO W M W HI 7 l BSOj 665 51 tf HX1 Kfil Htt aula,. bt i xuo .... I .... ...7. 81 847 871) I 198 1UI 681 H4S DiaJ. UtU 8M8'i 8H4U 5b4U UUtt M0ll VOi 819H Kt3 W7l 544 7S5 I hi iw ami j iw iu84 vm ... UtH 1319 1415 11 7f WM; W5 . TM 503 8TJ 685 15 9646 tmisi O00UO tWMU 96646; 197j' pABTVIK WAM-XD. Aa baaaloaa aaeefaeale. who ha atade a aafwl IwTeattoa, vanab partaa with aeept Ul of SMB. aabaadfat par era, gwerea lad oa the lavartaaat Addna, AB. . . Bslairtt -oat Office. :, , : IumUU nonassovAL cards, it? ... lat Bacaua it la oaa ef the old eat Coapaaka la tbe Oouatry, aad pat tbe day of ax pari moot. Bad. Bicaaae erery policy-holder la a of the Cwapaay. aotMlad Mall ita advantage aud privilege, having a right trt vote at all electioaa lor trustee, and tbaa ba aa Influence ia Ita management. Int. Bteaaaa It ba a large a pewant aga of aaata to UaWlitia a aay life In surance Company ia tba Country. 4th. Bees use by economical maaage aieat, ita ratio of eipeoaa to total iBCotne iafot belaw Ihaavarageof Life Coapan i. (Sea Ofikial Ioauraaee Re pot u.) 8th. Becaua it ba declared mrt dividend in number, aad of a Larger Average Paweatage, tbaa aay Ooapaoy ia tba Veiled gtatee. For example: Pulley No. 16, for (5,000, hi been paid to the widow of a Philadel phia Mcrchaet, apoa vhicb twenty three dividuods had beea declared. Averaging lirty-aeven per cent IL.d thea ditideada. been uad to purchase additioaa to this Policy, (5,046 more would hav been realized, making ihe Policy vartb (II, 046. - - 6th. Becaua it ia bbera! ia ita aana gemtat, prompt ia itawttlcoaata, afabo yond a eontipgeocy, and ita rates are aa lov a any Gnt-claa Company 'a the Country. Pamcif-- FmTBBaa. SaaHeapaaera, abaolute ecurity, large return premiama, prompt payment or Iiwmh, and liberality to the letured. SAMUU.O Hl'IY, rraaideat. 8AM L . BToKKd, Vlcfrea deal, H. B.TBPHBHMd VMM Preskkat, ik WKIR MA8UM, Aetaary, BKNRT AU8T1X, Secnlary, IDW. BAKTSHOKNB, I u , . , IDW. A. PAUR, Medical Euaiaer W. A. FINCO, Oaneral Manager. E NCO KHB BOM X INSTITUTIONS ShCUlUTr AOA1NS1 flRh TBE NOHT1I CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY RALEI0B, N. O. Tola Company eontlna to writ FoUct at fair ntu, on all class e ef laeBraMe prop arty. AH loam an promptly ad Joated and paid. Tba "HOM I" U rapidly growing la public favor, aad appeals, with contdeace, to laaaren ef property a U parte af Nrrth Oarollna. Agent la all parte of the Btata. R. H- Bama. Jr., FretMeat C. B. Bee, Vha rraeMeaf Bbstob Oaua, Secretary. Pot-Leu Cowrsa, gaparrlaor. Jaae-U... WAGED F4 OB ALL WBO . ARB WILUMO Tt WORK. Aar penoa. eld or roaae. of athw aax, caa aaaka from 910 to $59 pa weak, M bona ar a eonoectloa wltb otba baatoaea, Waatod by all. Bailable to altbar city ar eoaa try. aad ay aaaaoa of the raaa. Tba a a tor opportaaity for thoae who an oat of wii aaa eat i awway, a aaaaa aatpea deat Lrlng. Mo capital batog raqalrad. Oar ilet, "HOW TO MAXK A IJVINU," fall histracUoaa, teat oa raeelpto of H casta. Addraea, A. BURTON m CU, MorrV rw,l .M.T. WAXTXD 1.000 ACRKS Oil MORE wltb a least 409 Aera ef UUabto ha4 aad ttaba asefal for laa astral pare nasi aai ever 6 miles froa r-llraad ar water eeaa aaaicatlcB. taBdawaanwUllatteaUatay ad tarm aaa aswnpuoa et aitaeue ainclraUoa, solL alaerala, qaaliUaa sad tlttas ef wwod water peww .. asefal for adaatrUl sad aerlaaltarai pwnalta. Apply to ladatrial aad Aerteatta-at Aaawailaa. Latona Aaaeably Kooaa 18 A 1DU, Third Ave-ae New fork City tntyllt v ' f'4 ' G OBI, XXAL, HA T. Owe Car Lead Cora. ., . (4 CarLotd Meal. ln(M Uad Tlaothy Hay tee '8-Mhete Vtrghia Oate U Bba. BeeBaaa ua MURRAY 4 ALLEN'S fad Store NO. Depot lUBeAMA