TIIE SM1INEE 4 rraDtTR- 8ipttiiwtft,"i. TWO BCEKJBI AND A, QUESTION, JVJnY !. lilt! tow in Miatttttppi, Sabre Iba week jo,M "dl taamrat ataguler Mm w witnessed o thb emtiaeet took plane la tii broad day, 'nadaf IW twr-twrr ine win, 'tntm was a wat4 of Cba etrvar of night-ao cbm tor ooejcealmcnt; the act hedtbe satuleg approval of baarav. J Neat (ha jail stood a newly cree aJ gei Iowa, Aroaad it vera gathered tba Ur noanlttio of tba Mat aid tejf.aBdln ooaobygaiBg eoolly, ealatiy aad dii passloastaly jjt th. draad inalrument if intcs, aad palbntly awaiting lb at JfiiaMlpiaa:lDgt teeoe. -. i ' tbiif littara aad diatr wfoadcafirttua lita ttanlf. Maik tbli TbabHal aaoeiwt arrirtd. Ttrt-t at fta BMa wra lad furtb from tb. Jii withtbalr arm plaioaad bcblod tbm aad aeooaapaaiad by a guar J of a hit aa, aad priaait who bad beta admioia tariog to tbem la tbi-ir latt hour. Oaa by oa tbete acgrixt r bang; "qaiatly, peacafutly aud iib all dn acra toajy;; aaa) tba prctatof dcpartwl to Thla waa tha naBaaf ia which tpttd rcUibntlfa jiutict waa viiitcd oa tbrca apWtioa Tlllalaa, Wba, tb nlfbta pra- vloaa, bad brokea tato taa hooaa of a dei naoaltaa widow, draggad bar from be bad faaa aba aW 'of be cbHd, bad bra- Py oa tragad war peraoa-j ffii Mi uviiMfasJi i mi i i wli a-f -Taalt hwiuTJ jaiV ObwWa 4aioiAeaa ofwwill kbV Vatlra joatfaw whioV Uok ptica la tbo piooa KayetOM 8Ute tht home of Simon! Cemt, Colonel Torot) ka3 other da-i tamcrl of 'out people. , , . vb ,4 wagow waa ataviag aloag tba wcb-i way eadar tb ateort of officer of tbo law; toward TowaodaJaiV la tba wagoo wu a, Mgra aaaa wba waa cbatged with. a baaribie arbwa. A "bead of mmkti awa taddawty nabad aprta tba wigntj aeiaed tba' tarriOtd dark y,' dragged bini off aad rbldlad biat witft balteul Tbla aoaaf kaklaxtaa wta doo oa tb aortb aid of Oil Potomac, ta tba reglob Where dwll tba high pneU ot Radial -baa wber aaet tb bow ef tbaailawy Tbaddeat Btaveat, aad wberir tbf telce of fieecbaf a beard la tbalaad , , Now, wa atk ia aH candor, aad la Ike tuu af aomatea ara, which of tba (wo act Wt th mod blam1M or joitifia- ble t ad whether the yoloa of oooditS atiow aboM ga cat feadeat agalatt tba Brookhavea lyacben, or the Towtnda DYraauoLrMBLi. Sayttbe Colombia P04ia : . -OolamW ia dybtg of Radicalism, aad aaa bylMbea Tba dceliao 'of botlaeat W eppeieat m that oaca baantiful aad proapariMtt eaty ; awcrywbata are itlble Ther fa tte nla wraaght by ,thBe publicaa iliwa tht war, at wall at be aamgbtty 'waekt of BbemaaL Ab da atroyrf. ! " " ' " To wo eaaaat doea tba Pk4i Urf- priacipal ctatat it an "imompeteot, dit- hooett, lavith, Bum ahull city gorera- meat." The other ia "tba Radical Slate 6atamaiit,wbieb baa broogbvdltcrtdft apoa, tht fair aama of a lair and flouriib- lug city, mbbed it of ita tourcea of top port, killed ita publio iettitutiooa, dried ap aad Holes ita reaoureet." Such la tba diatatrona retnlt of Repub- Uea &; la- Iba Capital tf ooVtitter ttta. Aad thit it ao exaggerated pic ture af tba oueditioa of that UMated cU 4lwUf It ' wltey imt titygovanimantf Will it tot be aiae ia our citiatat to pier the maaagooieot of oar affair ia tctui haada at tba nest municipal alac ti..al fr1detit of faUighti Intirtaud U hing i good, ffctWt, booeat ad wiaiatratioa of the clty'a affalra.,, .,j ty 0luinUa it dyiog of JKadkaliaaa.S If y tiiia not b aaid of JUIclgb, . if BadU calUm cnatiaaet ia the aaceadaot here ABUUr CONVINTION, a a Aa Oraaga friead, who tlgaa jbaaatlf "Maw Uup,' H.autow ta hear Iroej a na tbc Cuaraailoa qwattioa. . Yt hare an diiabta at mlagiviagt . to wbkt tltoald bay daoa hf tba Legiwatur oa thit Q.oeaHon.'DBt Irl art toaffebt to lean M mattar with th'lgUIatur; rber oanpwiy baoaagc. W ajal W thlk- oeml';; Tktfcace gaiaat.'a -tUoa;,Wa 'JbOMI tni, Whila Wa of tb State (tl tht awjcatHf ur a; uaaemjoa, ana carpet bag a- nthmcw aMMa uw aaraa thweot look wMiatraaiaiMbayaMyt lookiag ta a CooTaatwa. . ,WbB,wo fcaitba aiitaiKy loraCoo taatiai.oa faraav mtaatiiiL wa are w t,U to ecaatdai waallar 4t ko ffhrm w ahw. -WoiTatMogk;'aa tlill taint, k Coovaatioti mimary tw ata at V-:tRaWlaw''tLt3wtm baa, to ooil t wo tha ttotuay-Oeaarat ar hi opfeloa u to klt (the tT oreort) power ta til a TMsocy 'ii tba Board of Commltaiooen, . U aatp th Oooatltatloa or tha' Gortroor'a braia need amaadmaat t"n ao art aai touar fiiead tor a diaeaaHoW affba C04. fatloa ,iieatkikrirHa41Irw Mkm aVaWanW-a4StoW-- fcwav V-- ior.'itk 7tt.Vl 13 aMfri, iwaviads aa tbat taa Bams ax of SOth of March, 1870, ha a eommoalcatloafw Convention, aad aaka that it ba reoub- luhed. Wnrwl4 t sweWbtefasfl takaa la thi aafcloi by taa people. WhW ntfraoer -leiirl'o Ibe object fmitf pei!. wlraki aatpeelal part 1 politic ATlewftmntoBict1ob ahall appear after awhile, la tba OMiaa tima at nay to "New Hop," aad all tba world, we artier, a Conical I. a btcaaat w'wav wodewAav ao good wltboat cans we thougnV rteerd we night too oar gt rumen. Ia 1874 w ara fi Oowvcfitton breew ft U impoetibb t reconwU tba cntred.ctory cl at f tba CbnitTtUflbn, mnl at Judge Tunrgt confessed, for purpose, aad bteana It will tab, tbe Supreme Ooort tea year raw coos'ruliig iba meaning of tha lav ttrument ahiclt should be so plsia thai taa eSmpbat tared enjld uadefettad. aoslety ta htar yonr eH h a OaawaMioa M amettf tba Caaitita ua. 1 aava neata Job tprak agaiaal lh CoaatMaltnt ea'a aaadby af coattradictMaar ptf upoa aa by fraud uleat aad tgnaraat; Vbttfe, aad that Major Health bad boaatad that ha "rated tM aegro womed ta pwt it -a at, -Jet act word haa been beard from the SsaTuin oa tb aoeaUon' of Conteortm. I wrH to kaow If yoa hare fwoad biddao beaa tie In tha Cobatitataa. I rinemlr dga Mwimoa't peeehe a tba Cob' atituhoa. They war MwerfaT and oaw Tiscitig. I thonld, and I rVeltbatOi people woold, lik to go bark to oowwty cour, etectiot of adgaf aad migUtfUe by tho LrgMatar, aad the tUattoaaf Sgperi4todot .ol. Publio tnttucOoe l Thai om ether cbaorwbMb 'ajia M made, and bow or hater b lb tiaje'jko makt tnem. - Toora, ' ' NEW bOPIL TUX DEDT 0 TUB UTT OP KXiltflB. Auiawa to do aotnothlDg foe th raW of tba eredttot at tbreny, eaa to tbp On debt that tht interttt will bo ttKmDt- ly paid, for arrtral moatba tba lloatd of City CoaaaaiatkwMrt have had tba aabMtt aadet oaailderMion. and aatri tho following ordinaoe aa tao-'Ttratt oi tfteir laoora. , , Every taa aayer it iaetted in la 4- wabckl welfare the atty aa OMieb w -aa na OuoHBjMoaMa. taa every owe- tirooid glee their; batrry tcUiperatloir M any re awicoiaattl to rflio tu -awty lrora lai - pi iot etabatrnniiaaiax a ptaoeit apoaaatre flaaadal hajta. " W. therefore appeal to oar t&ianr wd hold city arrtpt aad oterdda boBdt, to ooata fnrarard aideahaoae th tamo to-taa new boada aaitxriavd by thUorwiaeMb Wkhout the aid M tba erediwwa ot tba dt? aodttaa eaa be dmw, but with their aa:taoa theeity debt eaa ba aoarraaged uut, M fuaMMUt management ta ta fatnrt, tho ioterttt can be promptry paid arery tlx Thootht, and the bond met at matarity;.''' :, W x-ctfvl jr wppam to nr ottiaant ta come forward and aid u ia earrytng ewf" the brurifcaa of 'thla ord inanoi which baa been paaaed la good faith, aad with a aincer bepe that it will ateet tba view of the public generally.. ' Very rkiaectfully, ' jWoj MlCkol Treat. , '", - - D. Ulwtmi,) . . J. CL Pauraa, Ooaa. - -AH.O'Nul, ) aw ORDtwanci mt nra rtmvnn or ma citt tCKirT, airtt Tbs oratm roaruaaa. Whereat, Pradenoa aad economy, at aleo a due aagard tar tha ialaiaat at -tha ereditom of the city aad tb protostiow wt ita Aitura credit, urgently demand thai the amount of the funded aad pretent on landed or script debt, ahoald be accurate ly ascertained, and aome pltdeitad for the slikaata payoaaat at keaamer And Whereat, It bj tba deaire and in tentioa of tba Boatd, bp b rigid ayatem of ecooemy, to reduce expanse to tht amall aet praeticaMo aajAowtsCoaaoaaatwitb a safe bad- fcathnjl admintatfattod 1 of the city government, aad to apply every cent wot necessary, to defray those expenses, I payment of tb ladebtedaeav oftba city; aad o far aa ia tb power of the Board, it b their ioteotioa to restrict the lata ol script to thomallcBt amooat, and to dle aeatiaaa tba tamo aa aooa aa poatibla ao aa twototeet Iron loss the honesf ewjaboy see of-lhawlty. Now, therefor- 8ee. 1. Ait OnUimd, That ther shall be prepared aadartha anpervbioa of the Major aad Treatarcr, boadt of the City of Ralt1gb,f bidemlaatio of fstf, $100, aad $900, bearing laterest at tb rata of tight pw astaiar awattm, paya ble semi-annually, aad of aa amount suf ficient to meet th eeoehvmeoU of thlt ordintnee; aad tuch bondt shall be un der tba heal of tba City oT Raleigh, ligaed by tha Mayor aad eounteraigaed by the iVeajarer. najd akwlk b ttaaed at provided for ia srction three of thb ordinance. fee. t. A UfitrOtt Oriaintd, That tha boada awthoriaed by the foregoing tee i a shall ba dated oa the first day of the moalh aext roceeedltig tLeir Uaoe, otir fourth of which thall be payable one yt-nr after data, ooe-fourtk two tear after date, aad one halfthra yean -alter date; and, each aad every holder of the script or warrant 00 the. City Treasurer, or of boo now-; doc-, or 1 which 'may 'become dns, wbea presented ia amounts of 130 and upward; ahall bo entitled (o exchange tho aama tor tb bondt autbri-d to t Usaed bp thla ordlaatiea; add whtbever preaeated ia rami of a Uti amuat thaa flfty dollars, the balder or buldem thrf, ahall recti , therefur a ocHioeete f to- debtedoeaa, la inch form u mv h ore Bert bed, bearing interest a tha boadt abort provided, Gated ia the aama man Bar aad of Rka tonor.,; ""1 A 8(0. . B it fwrtUr Oriaitud, That tha Boar Of City mlatlooaiti ebel, two well-knows citireo tod freeholder of' tb tlty of Raleigh, Wbost duty (1 bbbh oa to witaem in Baas and Uartlu catea of iadebtedae aad b cancel all Bcnpt, uoods, or other evidenoet of , la debtadneaa, which ' taty b prweated lor axcbaoM: and ao Bond nr dm. UDcato ot iorttbted Beet thill be leg l att-Jl wiiuMiui eaa ids iTeetarer ahall keep a book la which stall be recorded tho data, Bomber, amount, term, end to Whom ftssood; of aoch Bond ot Certificate ot IadebtedaeM which tnty bo Issued by authority of tbhjotditoanc. I Bea d. St U fwftktr OrdinL That tho coupon, or th lnterwt du ad aJ crniag a aaia bona or certiflcatea of ld- aebUdosaa, aball ba raoelrtd to aarytbaot of city taxes, end otaw adebWaaa to it . r . a . 1 . . . ss - . - - too ony, in waaa paavuHiu tor tbat p0 ao . aaia coopon witri ;ao cat off aad paid over to Iba eoUecto taim, had ia case ther ere aooipooa, ab totersat shall be trad i tod oa 4be bond Or eeatificaor. awd th boldmv thereof ahtll give 'Kaafpftaitfc Collecto Jda ach lor4h plymwat af tb mmtj Seeii. JS U VrtAar tWaW. 3Dbt Irom and after tba first' dtv of October, A. D.mt, ah Hcrlnr or Wioaat ape the Citv Treasurer, thall ba received Id payment of city tsxes, or other ladebtetM Mas iBscaot, aalssi tor ae isxee ot tnosc to whua the Pcrlpt or Warrant vat orig inally baobd f 'hth aama Hap J rt, duaged or tba bondt Or eertiflcate of iq dtrbtsdeeei'butliortted by thlt ordinance Bi afartF 0iawi'.sa Ts-4M Ium aaaosiiy aollartod, attar th ewveat year, thsr aball a tetaoidt a sons affi Cisnt to pay eg tb boada Ihst aaay be eaasa da darisg tb year, aad thai tb earn to est aside thall aot ba ased Jar aay etbar purpose until sll the bead aad aeo tlfiaatt of iadebudaaaa a du an ail havf 1 mL ... r tte.fi St Vtjtortkmr Ortohud, Thsj tba Mayor aad fMtoror an, hereby to shorbwd aad empowered to lata bo dt bsms leoget patted thaa thre ywar; apt tbamlwtio of bolder ol txiun. iii -4 a ysar boada auMKriSd4 ay-tnioruif - e. D$ it fwUbr Ordain I, Tht tha City TuaiMfsT ahaH. anaaatty, befota the taxaa are levied, aabmh a report to aba bWd a oootinissioaeiv stating th basaoat 4 uoods. ertiOn fit tadeblsn Bass aad SBiarast com i or dee durinc mid year, aad tb esmmiasiAnert aball levy and collet a tai nAoieat to pay oh tba tarns. fee 0, JSs it fitrOtr . Cnlaiiud, That thlt ordinance thali be in force from and alter itt peaaaga. ' Approved Aucaat IS. 1874. The Clerk was lost acted to have thlt ordinance published in two ol the city paper, aad hav 150 ctfples printed for pobHe distribution. Under section three of tht above oral saocs. Messrs. AKred William aad Jeff Famei wee appelated to set with the Mayor aad Treasurer. The bead will be read by tho first of Baniimber. aad due notio iU bo gives who tb committee will bo ready to make tna xcaenge. Tba followlac report ahem tba fiaaa ebt eoaditioe of tb city, the eetimeted sx peases, aad sources treat wbieb Ita rv tea b derived s i , RaLBien, N. Cn Aag. It, 1874 JTf. Jfeyw awf anOmm ojtS Board. , Your committee appointed to prepare a statement aa to tb financial condition of th city, submit tht following report, )o- " Ther find the total bonded debt ana In tsmst to 1st January, 1874, iaolnsive, to be. rarouod number, abont one hundred sad tweoiv-six tboutand dotlam, and of Script ia circulation forty thousand dol larK ataklnK a grand total af oa hundred sad aixtv-eix tboutand dollars. Tba revenue or tiie city from taxe wt Bad to b about forty -two thousand ol lar. Irom rent of Msrket lioost and otkar about eight thousand dollars, mt- kiez a total or nit j thousand aoiiart : from thit amount must b dd acted lb th amount necessary to carry on tho city government, improvements, Aa estima ted at tbtriy-six thousand dollars, watcn would leave a baitnea ol fourteen thout- aad dollar ith which to redeem Script aad pay Intei eat Keapectiuiiy, Your ob't servant, . W. C. TBOJCACH, " " T ' ' Ch'm. aog SU doawlm. . . . LIST OF NORTH CAROLINA COX GRE3SMCN, JUDQKS AND BOLIC 1TOH8, The following Ibt etnbracet tha repro tentativat tlsot to the next Oonrsst, eat areaent Benatnr, the existing Jodget and Boliclton elect : . OnxeBassioMAL. ' North Carolina will thus ba repraaeat- d ia the next Congress, (the Forty- fuurth) which asstmblee la Waahinrtoo 00 the 4th 01 starch next BtaU. H W RaaMwo, Da. A d Merriaaon, Dem, fimac. 1st Distriot, om J Yeatet, ilesn. nd Joha A Ilyman, Rep, 8d 4th 5th th 7th 81 h A X Waddell, Dem. Joseph J Davit, Dem. A M tScaiea, Dem. I hot 8 Aibe, Dem. Wm M Bobbins, Dem. R 3 Vance, Dem. JCDICIAU lit District, Mltlf L Eon, Dem. Jd 8d Lewlt HUliard. Rep. A 8 Seymour, Rep, ; A AMcKOy.Dem, 1 R P Buxtee,Demi . , M W Watte, Rep, Joha Kerr, Denw " TJ Wilaon.Dem. Dttid Scheock, Dem. Anderson Mitchell Dam.; Jst L Henry, Rep. i . K 0 Cenooa.Rep, : ' L tb, 7tb 8th th 10th 1 1th Uth The right of Loub Uilliard will proba bly be cobtietted by Judge W A Moor ami tn. right or t J wiiaoo will bo con tc??i L bi,dh Clou.ar? , T U Kit It: District, JaaP Whidbao, Dem. Sd - J J Martin, Rep. ta 1 - ' -w-b rirmeot, item. Sib Hi 7tM 8tll h lOih Uth 1b a J PeaOtartna. Dem. " J t? Ti Harris, Rep. - . , P. M Strudfiok, Dem, ' Jai'Dobaoa,Dem. . WJMongomerj,Deiif. " U ' W H oSwiet, Dem. Gudger, Dem, " WLTata.Deto.'' 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tha Bar, bUr rixtarat and BUllsrdTablet THK NATIONAL HOTEL at ' Par psrttoaltri apply to v', 1 ' rl.UM C.aBltOWN. sept 841 Jiar ISDI1H KCCK LlJlt ,i ,::''' LiMif' .: -1 . IS r. . J.,. . ' . 1 "w .. .- LIMKI ' ' W Barrel J net rteeived at prices straw ibaa y Ltm !iM tysr ista sold (or b bbastrket. Hsrdwar end CuOery,' ' Sish Doort BUnds,' JULIUS LKWH & CO., ,v , . ''-If 777; Fisbar Building, . JB,iwtlt;j-l 'm,, S 7-, rrPil. if "awwaBBnaswaaBnnswall -n.-... ) nutrnr xuacjl PACKS AND ttTT: : Yonth-ZadUlolh,.;. 1 July 10-tr JULIUS liEWIS & CO., 1 " ' FISIIKtt Have In ttook, aad offor to the trade at 1 ff nhswaag , y V t V . tfAL M ,. . .L,aT , . , . ,....w, . av. ear -wa. ; ;. 0 y nv 'jn Pleast write tor IllQatrated Otsalogna of Pries. t r r Grateful Thonsands proclaim Tivt COAa Uitteks the most wonderful In vrrorarrt Uist ever tuitsiued' th tinkD yttem. - ',.'-!..': .... ; No Person can take thtw Bitten according to directions, and reiuitin iong trowen. provided tuotr bonoo are not act troyed by mineral poison or other mcau, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. ' ' : - " " 1 IlilioiM, Remittent and Inter mlttent revere, which at a prera lent in tho valleys of our groat river throughout tuo united States, especially tnoss or v-ue siiaBismppi, 1711 1, mismri, IlllDole, Tetwcoaec, Cuiuuci laud, A rkan 4 aa. Kcu. Colorado, liraioa, too uranuc, Pearl, Alabama, alobilo, Samrinali, llo flnok, JanwOj and many other, witli their 't ost tributarios, throughout oar outire country during tho, Summer ami Autumn, and remarkably ao durum tc.n sons of unusual heat and dryness, ard In vartablv aewnrmanfed bvxtcnivo e rangomoDt of tho ttonjncli and, Uvor, and other abdominal vUcora. ' In Uieir treatment, a rrargatlvo.osortlnga now-. enui mu ue ne upon iocs varuma or- a-ans. fat eagontiallv njcesaary. , Thoro is do eatliartio fur the purpose equal to DR. J. VALKP.K S VINEGAR llrrTERS, a they will anoedily romovo tb dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho raroo time ittmulatlnir the secretions of (lie liver, wad generally restoring the' hoaltby funetiona of tho digestive organs. Fortify the body against dlscaso by pttrifyiDpr all lu fluids with Tntxc ar UITTIB3. no cpiaemic can ioko com ot a system tuui iore-anna.i Dyspejpsia or Idl?estIon, nad octie, rout in tho 8houUIera. Cough, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations 01 too stomncn, uad Taste in Um Mouth, Bilious AtUjk I'alpita tation of the Ileart, IatlaicuaUon of tho Ludits. rain in the rocnon of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp tom, or tho oflstriDM of Dvsnermia. One bottlowiU proro a beuergaarautoB or its morits tuon a lengthy nuvcruno tnetit Serofnla. or KInc's Evil. XHiito EwaUmcti Dicers, Bw srpslas, 'Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous lufltuavatioiui, Induleut InrJammationa, Alereuriai Uoctions, um Son, Broptiont of the Skin, Sore Kyon, etc. In these, a in all otasreeastituUunal Dis eases, WsLKSSt TlKIOAB DlTTKOS hare thown their great eumtive powers hi the most obstinate aud iotraotable tat?. For Inflaninistory and Chrouic Klicamatism. Gout.. Jiillous. Kotnit- tcnt and Intermittent rovers, Diseases of the wood, Liver, Kidney and madder, that Bitters hsve no eeaaL isach Dii are caused by Vitiated tllood, . .. ' fflechanieal Diseasps.i-rcrsonscn- nngad In Point and Minerals, ueh n Jiuuibsrs, Typs-ssUers, flold-bssWa, and Miners, as they advance in life, are tuujnct to' paraiywt ot tne-Boweit. to gnam against uua, tok a dost of Walks s via. BOA BirrkB occaswnallr. , For Skin Uiseasos. EniDtions. Tet ter, Selt-lihenm, Ulotehea, Spytn, riuiples, luiWle,- Beila, Carbuncles ltlng-wonrm, ficald-bead. Sore fiyesvi IhyMbeba, Itch, Sonrfs. DiMoloraw'nnt f tha Siting Haniur and Diseases of the Skip of whatever name wr natartv are Gterallr do an and earried out of tba tyttam in a short tint by the aw 01 tnesa Hitters. Pin. Tarje. ani other lurking in th systam of mmanV thousands. are enectaally dastieyidaed removed. Ko systam of nseJirai, na venaijaeta. no an. the! mini Uc will free tht tyawm from worms lib. ttimm - I ' For Female CorifDlaliilfl ot eld, marritd at aingb. tt thtdawa of ww- manhood, or the turn of life, these Torn Bitter display to decided an influence that improv xent m aoonwerceptible. " Glesmwe the Vitiated Wood when- var yen had iu braiih has bursting thraugb hi sam m runpiet, crupuont, ar oores tleanta It when yoa find it obttroctcd an sluggish in the veinr; clean ss it when It b lorn ; your tssitngswtU tell yoa ween. jLeep the blood pur, and th health of th tytum wsu nwuwi OU H. KfXMi.LA at u i. -n TJnrtto and (ta. att, San Krsnelsoe. CallforslaJ Bad eee. ef WuhinrtM unl utuirtm ., N. iV7! mw au Uraiil-l, a tut uwlui. DBNNI8Q 8 . ., ' rATEnf BflirPISO TAOS. OverTw Btnared Munoaa hwvel baaa srltaiai Ike aM -' Without aamnUlBS ot Inaa k Tim kjL.-7l . issv aaa noaa nai.itai.a voa Bant Ormaw Htm nasi tu tan, AU Kits ess Cearaanles nse taaas. ' V bV Tatars sad autseanv everywhere. nr aasyBjuajaj - 1'J4 aVf tt f.ii.-a ' tsl-r -.i ft tni n f!ffBimllM.M T . aam.-f "anVi"- a.T!T "I an persons who fails o Bst thaU wnnies 10 eome iorwarS ll.t K a. - SnttarH. IBaW.i'"t . 'Hf lot, Clerk aad Collector. MMtTT: PROCK3, wrarx-DUOs; suits. Ori4 VvOlmSrUli B. ANDRSWS A CO., PwyatlaBriiir t'sreat, BthlJLSL, IBUlLDINa, !0 uVI' Bottom price : J Old Domlnloa Nails. ., , Ilorae aad Mule Bluiea., Horn Nell. ' ' ' ' Bbovtb aad pwd. Iron and HieeL Umldert Ist4wr piete line. . . Pocket and Table Cutlery' af or own importation. ' Bestfarriaga, Pbiwanil Tiw'Bolla, INr.lwtro- snd" tbitivy ol evefj d viHWn. dls4tjN'8 auooaor all. kinds 1H -- (VrOCK AT MAMUPACTllaV" Mswuvscvvaaa Kaiwaaawraw Irn Charles Pratt Co., Manufacturer of Yaw's Astral nl. U Holies, iio Aand Tool Ca.,. Maaaiactoran af Aha llolle'a Cution Hoe,., The Averill Chemical Pain. Co. The Could Mtonfacturibg Company, Msnoractor I era of Farm, Cbuicb end .Plantation Bella. Isaac A. Bheppard S uo. Manufacturen ot the Mil Right Cuok lairrjtove." 1 gcoviLL'a ' ' ' ; ' , Blood and 14rer Synpl AU eattBBone eraottoaa oa tha face or body mdleateAalamraa CbwMtmacwtwaBtioo athbmaa,or staynatba Bcaoowtas bat la si thsr ease tba disease b nrtbiag more than BUBJI UKB A TIBlIBLlTiaa, it eenrsai threogh Cba valaa, aawhtg ased ( dasth with avary pvJsaUom, , In tail condition of things something b aeukd at ewoa, to 01 at aaa iwanaoow t aad OOOVIIX'J BLOOD AID UVSR 8TB0P will roerervBLT effect thb desidcrwtwM. pelliag very Uice of disuse from the blood and tvttem, aad leaving the skin ' iotr, rAtt ANOBKiVTircL: Hundreds ol eerUBeates attest Its ValaA rrtee ft per kettle. .", JOSH r. BXNXT, rURItX A t O . tWr. at A aa ana a as "a. , V OVUtj w VW0S3KBJ rsasVvA, A-JfjW a; ajgns, ' " LBprRsurroRao? Ball's Balsam for the Laiigt, Carbon Jalve, aaey-a uarooue irocnea, usiasaatga Bitters foe Drinssili, Dr. Mett's Liv er mils; Dr. llogeys' Vegwtebb Worm Srrup, Dr. Beanett Sera Deal to Kata. Mtee, and Versslo. Kassiaa Hair Dye, Etc., Etc. rR 8ALX BT AU. DKCG0I3T8. . maf 0-Ibkw, TJNIVgBrlTT OF TIBfllNU. bummer lew Lecture (nine weekly) begm lath JsIt, 1S74: ad isth Beet. Have- proved Of signal asa: lit, to tadet.ta propotlngto narsae their stadba ah tbla or ottw law school ; ii, to tnoss who design to study prt- wmmj , "u, h juuok pneuuooers wae aave aoa nee an aevsnmge Of lymmaue hastrae- tion. for circular apply (P. O Uaiversita of Va.) to JtXtM B. MINOR. Prof. Com. and SUL LAW. . jaeelltwlm ...i ft REKN8BORO' F EM A LI COIJLEGE., OBBKNBBOBO', N. C. Thb mstitaUoa Is anln ta soeeeesf al overe- tlou. Th fail 8eHn of 1814. wlU bejcla oa weanesaay,4uiyttn. roruauiogue stating term. c atwlr to the rnsfciea Mot. T. hf Jones, O. U. , r. n. n. wilxuii, JaaesVtf Praat, Board TraeUe. ani, u B 11111, 0 J L By MB8. BOB A ROWI. rilras VooAl ss tb'a'sfaket eu iSntd. wsmtei wsnaaiiia, ' " amrca uu tl ui , Mti. UHMX ROWI, TO ALXIOU rXMAJLC- MatlMABT, J;,f Bstaian.'ifi'c, ."': " ' ' r. r!'HOBOOOD, A ill rrtncicel., ' a t. aartn. a. k , ASistent (, im iOIU, bMwDey.rtmaii., The next Beasloe orjana on Un..u. s. Uth, 1ST Apply for CValoe. v 11 ;Julyeltw.l, lr... xlUu-l9, 1 hereby snoot ue vnyielf se a lor Assbtant or Heading Clerk of th tenet aasee ewassng itwituortU hlw Asm augzs-u W. t. jpTiOTlL i riBsT CLAAB BdAHtilHO , . rORKgWT, 1 .',i.x-4 vsd' IDS litM n nnMf. aamm w iOSmaMte Stiaata Mnrf.tllr V. v. " Haaghly rairsd aT'teproJta .'Vtii" wl. lluVV ., . "CMwi-o ia aunv ! sen- -weir vanrnat.' with Bail as 14 tsa.a.,Tl kjCaUow usseylassd uwsrairs ui waua, Thla beaaa. ia the band ef a bote man, or a sTstebit boarding Ilow (t.MW lalntta cityj would eommaud a aa hnsiaess. , ., i 1 lAaMrsss. tt-. .. . ... i . aaVltaawtw'' W a. WiLblMBON, , Ur or afaiDtoWaae Ttoat,'Bdd1t and ptaer opsa Vehicle. Thb aaneavuntl. ta geaiout aa asstsl InveaUoe MppUss want t I to aiapls e Its eotutraetion tbat a ehiid aaa asaaaga tv attar oeaeessarvlaa; the spps tatas, it eaa be eeiswed down to aay vehiele Wlthoat meoavanbne. It aoat aot dlaSgara IVHBimVf IBMWUIUlttlMw,. HkL.lM maavaaiene at aay wagon or baggr.. U tea be pue4 at sny alevtUoa, or lachasd la toy eHreeUon with perfect as fat a moasaU aarr mind eaa ad aot it tn the aid ef eareetioasv I U price towranathe amek 1 01 all. Bvry owner ol n open vsale'b 11 i JT- "yamaox an UabrsUs tale wm aa, .l..r af K w 1 .1 w il-l ' TT" ""a wneaaoi m see nesa be eoebpemd etwee the uhiooa, by. tba simple torn tug el a thamb screw as 10 be entirely oat f the Way, aa wUlsab)ct aarseaa rtdmg to a to toaveaieaee whasiver. An smai rt u- hiM waltlala a,lu -pggRLBAS STEAM WASngg AMD X fLglCBKB. TflB.AltoT BWrD Cl III i anwl vine. CUKAFK8T That Steam Washers are act'er thaa otUets I new srsne rally eoneeaso 1 ' m resv lest b the beat ol Stesm aaliwi will be at sadlly aamttted by trsv one who ssu it ao4 tries i with atbers.' ... Iw usitnrll b such as to rash the Unrest quantity of water throaab ta cJota- Ing is me saorasst na w pt" tha water to go whsr it b desired, snd pre vest Its Koiu saywVer else. It has ft beagling Tai Tea to stake tha wstof Sow by ttoaa. aeass to Sow es iatarvala -lat ctatm It to Sow sUsdlly pouring sixtsea stream enla-wbisarfst tba eieaitiatr. iTbea Uj water has sot to eeseee to taeceatreor saitbaad ol the Istae aotUMa to est aawkte Itssterlinc point Dutgou straight down trow 'Ji hXiIZ .hli all narta of tb etola- tbroagb to eleibing msay usm pr minato and cbsnt than HUM w aanaus 1 1 M Na m " "w" TI""?" ' seewM eiflassoe fat wear ad the stole. ItWsy be saved very eaya la tb aidereact w wiins leeoireA Amaehine matTsto fit, can b used with ewv stove boiler or the boiler lor the machiue ssy aeessdiforsny ether warpo, . Thb macblbS esUa lor less tbss any of lu Kind and will o the work qakkerund more ttaorveahlv. A Ms wsme tadicetw it U PEfRLS?a WfjatlAIA, Vj V" IT-" V fr it fof Ibi'Wssher Baa' nerTThaaaTtlsi-) forth Washer siosex laanai mai -. rorth Washer ana Boiler (extra large) V .fat, Paw the Washer lea, ( extra asrge) So. The usual sis 11 Inches, wids by oug U t-S deep. The extra large U toebca wide by HO ioag IS 1-S deep. . . . , Beat anywhere p erpree oa receipt ot orlee bv ' ' - 1 . 4. A JOM, Proprietor, i sUleikh. I Swedes Iron sad the Finest English Steel! The best brands ef Amertsan east Bwwde Iroo, aa Xngusa sxua avenoeu yaa la tM meauiaciurs ot uur AXES ANETIDG ED "TOOLS. " We oner the very best Alt that eaa be sssasrarasra bytknte waasrvry saDsrkor maUriaia. sad trust Uist e wilt rs- eerre the aapport ol the trade. Oidars Bile imasstHsMir. 1VIAV LEWIS CO.. OH TUB HKBAKfABT, LUNCH BOM, DNI Kit AND allPraK TABLE. Las sad farrins' Worchestershir Banc b Indbpensibb. . . JOHN IKJNCAN'S SONS, New Tork. AgenU for the United Btatss. K. F. JOIFb 4 0 0, oorroN factow and general WIIOLBBALB ABDBTAU. ., , GROCERS. Wnnwovoa St., OrroeiTa MaxieTrkjosax RALEIGH, N. C. W present enrCsrd sad offer to the publle oar aaretess as Oeaersl Conssiiastow Her; ehaat tor th al o Iwtton aa other pro duce, Ae. ' Oar location b central, in the basin part of the city sad we offer especial advantages sad facilities tn me storage or uoiton e., having Brat elsas asetal roof sad are proa store hoses, situated within a abort dbUace of the peHee UUoa, aad thereby less liable to th danger ot are. laoae wao assign storing eottoa will And It to their Interest to eeasmaaleata wtta aa aerore storing eiss- wheiSk W ar constantly In receipt ot a line ol General Oroesrieewhieb w are selling st the very lowest msrket prices, a armsrs snpplbs slwsvt on hsnd. country proonce m larica ot small qnantlUes taken ha eachwag for goods. W solicit eonsiicnmsnt and will ettoet sa til factory sales snd gusrantee prompt re tanas for all articles entrusted to aa. Oar patrons aad othert will be Informed from fame to time of the general tenor of prices tor Co Uua and t reduce aeoersuv. All communication of inquiry promptly eeptt7-wtf WATEK 1V1TEEL Tba best la the Market, and sold st laajaiasthaa aayetae fliat-elaaaTVlHet. . i Bmd r a PamrWet art t eon Jtowd, tUy.BtsaJissi.Yeea. fa,. DOWN TUB HITP't, OR PRACTICAL LESSOSI fSDEl Tho CodeDnello. AN AMATEUR. L J. HAUL.' A Boa. Pabllahera. Pri extra cloth binding 1 ThU is a nouthera Book, founded oa aome ouurrsnces lately transpired In tieorriasod Alabama, In which some North Carolinians were pmcnlnant soiors. -.-jj.,- ,-.? ' . for aaia at tba Book Btor of ' AlJBED WILLIAH8. asarUtf ri ,. n: a ALTt 'BALTIf ' lMBUaianhaib and VenUni foursn aau aeshet Back Bali, 'Kjonibaco-b a eetKI jDRAXTX 8QUAM J AND UFBIG1T .Wl-.r?.-n.a-as- ' . "; BQTJA&E AND UFBIGuT lu ,oJU,iasJ.u3 ntva received upwards of TITTY aTRAT PREMITJM3, and are among th beat bow made. Every iDirrament ful.'y rarrantd for v year. Prioea it krw at lb eidutive tut ef tha very beat Biatariab and th most thorough workmanship will KrV Tba principal pianists and; aom a, and tbe piano-rrurcbatlnff noblle pf tbe Bouib espenltlly. nnlte In tb Baaaimon vardtct of tb .ansawiarttw ol tba Btiefl risno. The Durability of eur nsttament la fullv establish! h. nr Brtrr ecauoia and Corbges 1 tb South, bstssj over BOO at ant Pmna. . . I Bole Wbobaale AgtnU for aeveral ol U principal aunufaeturert of Cabinet and Parlor Or? ant: nrfeea from Ann t Man k Mbaral dbcoml to Oerfymen and SaN bath8oboola,.1A 8 ,. , I Ai lanra asaftrtfnit of anm.it.k.nJ Plaaoa, prices ranging from $75 to W, aJwaya on band. I -wad' tor,(Uustmtd CaUrngne, oe btiolof tb aarnet of over B.000 South, araeri wbo bay bouebt and art using lefffPIfio. " , ..a, ...... , , . f. BTIEFT, Wantroanna, Ma. B Kortb Liberty 8t i. ' ; u h ' j Baltisioib, Hav Factoriet, 84 ft M Cam-ien St, and ii 47 Parry St, -a tunat vrsrihy,Jw:'' a -v z vjfv- , i w ZJJL St per see, (nsswatswd with s: O - if Ji r"LUI! EXTRACT BUGIU! TU mly known rtn.wlj f.,r And poUtive rem, d , Ut mtuvrvvtr- BtTCS, DY8PEWM. NF.rtvT,! v DIBIUTT. UHOr-bY, l.lA' Noa-retentioe or lneou aeore oi. I nn.- I . , latioo, Innammatiua ur L'i mtiuii ..( Bladder .& Kidney a. SfCKMjfTOKKIMKA. Uacurrbea,oi White.,' Diuw-, , r, trate !and, HUiiir Id the lliu.lii 1,-aieuluy Wrarel ,i,x Bruk4iut.ii.;j;. BXTHAGT mill fciuituily 1 . ail ln f ll.c DLADiiGlt, KIDNKYH, AND HKi !'.. CAL!WKI.I.1Ni-i. Vilntleg in en. ,),n:n an I L'MM.. i, VSrHO MAT1K11 WHAT Til r. .;i rrof. Atastsss)- "One bttU.-"..f Bey's ghiU Kxtnet Bueua . w..rii, i... ail Other Buehas eoiaMnrd ." Frtee, One Dollar per ToVJ( , t t. . for five Do" lam. Depot, KM Dnaiiu St., New "i i l,. A Physician is sttninlantc tn un-... , , pondenotmid give ath i -. gratia Uf Bend stamp for tm 1 t.lci. (, , JBdudAw1v a-- " - TO TI'E Nexroiis and Debilitated : :,0f .JQTii w:xfH X Clary J- A,h 1 1 - - Di B DVOTf, irn luiiU; of J. il. r. n V. teal College, rhlladeli.hia, .,i,r r .. v. r . valaabb awrss. eaa be cjmuiuj ., all di. B asset theBeXSalor Urinary i umu. i be baa made aa ssprcU! tiu.i, 1 ,uimr r OVfeasai, a matter from wt,.t( ,w. no,,. atissj or of hew loni; ttamlliw. A .ri-t-r .t a yean enables him ui ir. ,t ih.,,ru w.:i. aaecess. Care Kuamuu-ui. 1 nurfr. r.--onabt. Those st a diiii(. ,.m Iuiwut.i hHter deaeribiinir )iii).tui:i.- .m-. to prepay postage. rV-nd for tbc Ouile u c.i.'r'. 1'r it in. . J. u Dvorr, m 1 1., fhyticlan and 8ni,-on, . Hum,, f v Jan S deodA 1; ( CHATHAM ( I I V Vr ;l ii, Basses Heatlnv.:. iu ! r 4d.'r. i..:..- II.-:, make Keul K-t', a -. ir I, ;. II. Iknderson, Jr., Ju. H. Heuderson, R. K .-nii'.li . M. self snd wife V..r., l(e Frsneif. i'runk ;, Marths, Claruncc giaia, Joha B. Cai,.:.i!l aud Uaiiora UeuJ.rs u ti. r ' ..tirl. f'h i-li.l h I'. il... I.. i.l . tna. A K . , M. r ,.n,: I.,, -I, al ! It. In , I ..: : Uifv ,1 ui .1 wife M.ui..!. THB BT ATE OF NoKTll CAROLINA timr. ii il,. To are hereny coinmai shoTe named defcnil.ni f .h srithln your count iobi-;- .. the Clerk of the tu; u -county of Chatham, iu, n the service of thia km. ' elusive of the dsy of m u -. n Ihero plaint, a ro),. f t posited In the office f Hie perior Coart for rail f.in.ii from the 4at; "f Una s i,. take notice, that if th. y f . , . Ili.-e nf l ',.r tl )f, allet ti, ia, i m! ai.sv.cr .I: il. .,t II..- Ml- nl IL. I.. wi r Hi. said coanaaiat within Hi -t nine, lb i' .. ' :l will apply to UttH uori f .r Hie r.-iirf J. uiainl ed ir thseompblnt ilrit. f fu nut, ai.J .1 this ana mJna aitke du- . turn. OivMnadernrv htt.d !. -fj,i Curi, thlsV.0th day cfMiv, l-w. r. I I'KTIV, Clerk of the 8u,..ii.r i ,.f Clutlimu County. V. r . I ... -n.i, 1'. C. July 16 1.6 STfEFFS mANDS Hnw.nl, of flfti Firdt Premiums (iolil an.l Bilver Medala, were aaarJed to Cliarlee M. Btieff, for the best Piano, in completion wli all the leading manufactured in the country. Olflce and Warerooius, No. iN. LiLcrtj Street, Baltimore, Md. . The superiority ol me mmni Fbno roite.il conceded hy all who hive com pared it with others, in tuur cw 'raim Bqusre Seals, TV OcUTe, the manufai tura, has sncceded in making the most pert! Piano Porte possible. Prices will be found s reasenable at consil ient with thorough workmanhlp. A laive assortment of second-hind liani always on hand, from 7S to . Wa an airenta for the celetiraU-d Burili'U Cabinet, Parlor and Church Organs, all otyles and prtees, to sbk every uae, gnaraiivecu w . fully eqnal to any made. Send for Illustrated esUIOirna ronlalninn the uamea of over 15UU souiiiernera, "I whom are Vlriginaus, UU0 North Carolinians, 150 aatt Tenneaaeana and others throuir ii.n' tbe South, wbo have Ix.ukuI the BTIKtK PIANO atnee the close of the war. Beverel Of oar Pianos with the Improve ments can be seen st the residence ot Prof. A. Bauman, who b our authorised agent. mara-wbhn BARKERS' loo Cream FrooprN. These Freezers have bwn in use sin 860, with the must flattcrin); rui' ey base well earned tbe reputation T.IB BEAT FBEEZkK beer intrmlunsd. no eiDense b spared I-1 render tbut perfect and impruveiiieni t sve beep introduced by which increswii traagtb, durability and neatocss are teeared. They are made in the m.t durable manner and the imrhanu-al re tangemente are such that the will ln-.r. Cream, Fruita, or Water ln-j ttienlinrt, tot possible time. I Send for Circular nml dii ctinos I rreeaing. T 13. ltItHi-" i ssfiNS ; mayt7tf. - . OKTU CAROi.lMA KEPOK'1'4 AT A -Ahnraia for tbe ire it smy ! IwlUaellthu following Keu.'rtnl J !' eat leas than Catalog'' l'r. . i- 1 n" wood, Sd Hawks, 2d Dv. HiUle K uu, II. ISA IS Iredell's Liw, 4th IreJcll'. Krut. 1 WU1 sell s set from BuaLet ' l-i " '' ' Equity Inclusive. IB yoluim-, l l''- ' ''' kxta price b INU 1 iH rell t set fmn. Bushee's l.sw to J N. C I" l"iv- "'i'' ine Wiastoa's Uv A fq-iitv, l vnlnm. tMJ 00 catalogue prte ) M liii ;' ef these volumet at 3 per cent le 'Iijh sokos priva. t-Fenoosorderiarbr mail ran-.! mihI tw. ( AI.HKI) Wll.l.lAMS, B.-iM-H.-r, JaneSJdiiuwAwlm it..l.u'ii. " A I - II I .W.M..ik .-w. . . II b.