1 - i li '; J i .uaniWlaW laaM liW- 5B I'll K SENTINEIa MKMBKR KLK.'T A8SKM BUT Of TO TH tiEMERAL KOEIU . CAROUN.t PORlttt-TS The following aUtoa of Um Mubcn ductal to la OcarI AtteaMy, u fir m it goet, b considered Mtnel. Tie mum o other member will be adted, M bat M oh. timed. It l quit miUId thai lave ('oi.wrative (il-i of abont lioeilwi mtTty ,! I--.- l.tOUtrkt, Cartltcck, Cktndeu, PAaqno ink, Pur,Blmene - Hertford, flats tnd Cb "wiaJW'nrB Btii iod Tbomij It.' Jiirilia; Ikwnr. 3d. Tyrrell, WulilrKWB, -Beaufort. Martin, Dare. FaruUco tad 11 yde, CUaa Utbin, end MittoaaBeaby, Dem. ' :. horthamjtoa end BerUe, W W Pee- Watt' loba errant, lent.) RP 5th. Edgoeoahe, W P Mibut, (cot.) ep oth. Phi, Jot BBtlekBeyJleiar " Tib Wtleoa, Mash aid FrwllB ha M O-iktniT NwcW Hadaie, IVet -- Hth V..a KLr Teeker. Hi. J 1 JW. Jones Omlow- an tti, T K " ,UWt. Wrae-end M - v-- 'ja. Hall i a.' a"SA K 1th BemiWeVi Cirmg, Dem. " ' '-. lta. aaberttnl J Uarnett, Mib W retrain, un. - .rtw?JohBa. L R WiUtIL Dem. IS.k. Wehe, Uiarlee M Buebct, Dem. twih. Wriea,Joha M flMchiit, Rep" -. aa b. Parana, Orange -and- taaweU, C. B rameh maueorge w.maaeoa, vet Hi. Hrnnlre, Richard ttoeaa, Me !Md Uhatswu, y a Albrttrtit, teem u ' I d. BaakmKhaa, .Ulavealrvia, Uaaa. . f Mia, Akaiaaeee an aHenL Jataaa t M.Mkaa L IM. aad A B Heatm. Haw.' XMh. MaawMab aad Moore, Ik M Worthy; Ik'Uh' ' vUk MldiaMiad aad MoBUoaunr. Ji I iiit Ikua. Aaiaa aad Uotoa. CUT MaUaafca, Ut. tUamaaad oUoly, Df Uoo dJhlaf on, Uca. " ' WUi. Macklmbm B 1 ,Wiln(C. DBV soili. Hr.aiaaad iMa, JU Vlaa t 0 si i iKldi.ia. Alfred Uanrrava. Data. SiJ. tlokeaiid Fufijithe, MeboaMCook, ailiirriWfrf li Tki--t rter,p sk l dlh Wtikcd aad Altm.r, M f Armtrkiiad al-Liaatjr,i)Maa i .' l M:k. autfkiBf, mm aaa nuaaa, a MrMlllao. Ueia Uh. cVldwcll.Burka. McDuweU, MltcbeU aud Yiocey, J VMilhiv J Yxia, DaaM 7Ui. laurtaMdUacakHMiiJ WAtiia- lii", law. 8 .h. Uutoa and Clwvaiaad, JraaaJea- lcln I A lrm- (Hr" boucoaU and Madlaon, Jao. . He BIm.i, laaL - 41. 1. Haywood, Faidera and TiuQk td,T. WtTijlOt.Ifta. Bap. ' 4'M. Charokea, Uajr, Urlura, Jacl aoa, Mt' iNi and Bwain, d. A. Low, U. m. HiH'aa or JurMwTiTi. AUmincu, J I Boyd, frp. Alcnail r, J M I anon, lud K n. Anwa, yf B (mlth, dem. Hvaufort, William A 'rkoiupaua. dent Bertit, Ww T Ward, reji ' BaacOBba, M Pattoa, drni . WflOaudW, rep. Durkr. S McO Tate, dea. tiraa wk, Iknacllk Dear . l Hladri, Julio Mell, Kep. ' l. i.vo and. Allen eVtU. Urn CasweU, Thooua Farrlae i Pern WUaoa I airy, (c !,) Kepf currllucb, J M Woodlionae, Dcm. herokca aad Uraban, Kiajj. Ileal. auarras faal B Meao, dew. I wall, K 0 Tattle, deu CumiJ-b, r M MuMea, deau i ( uurret, Appte'm Ukrailiky lud., dew. i Miawbi, 8 at r.aer. ia tl!uu, duo a. aortiMt. U A lUawet, . . iua. . iiuwin, Wlnilow, rep. ( oluiul ui, V V Kickardaod, dem. t.nvru, juo R Gaud, ltd ward II Hilt, rep. uiuuiilamt, Jt C! MvKav, i McU Jmap, di'ii. Dare, 0 M Gray, Dem Uiv.Utuu, Boiuia.n A Mock, Marabal II Pi -nix, dtitu. Divn, tinrlja An lenon, dea. Doi l.u, A U Mo ele , W tt drma. fcdg . mbe, WiUia Punn, W TUoodwia, r' For-) the, DrWH Wbeeler, wp. KrtntlU.i T T Mluboll. dciu. (lattoo. W A dtowe, dea. 0 .irv, Jobs wuiar, dea. (Iriuvlllo, II T HuKhea, Lrewi, Npa. lirecne, Taylor, dem. i ul ford, Nirru, Mrndeahall, Join 11 Sta pes dcua. II 7 . d, r.ir.k IHtIs I), in. nyur, tfiullb, lud. 1 wl:i. J White, to W DitaltH, r. IUrueUtJ eara, dem llonitr i Jtiiira blvlbe, rep " Irnlell, aJPIit., a F liiillicr, i emit. J ic ! , K i IMU, lhaa. .1 ii h, I F ecott. Halt. J,.i on, Id Holt, ft t BiBMll,dema. Li-nulr. J V Parrot, Ueam. l.iiicolu, W A Tbomyaoa, Dem. Mac a. JaaLBoWnwm, drav jtudiioo, H A Uadger, dem. McDowell, A M krwln, dem. M.klaubary,t doi Wd, J ,ilamx d. mi. Moore, A A MclTer, dun. Macon, J if U Kobuuon Uem. , i : Monttfouery, Hardy, XHto. , , New Uanoter, W H Moore, U B.ewlivt Mid A If ml Liny', Kepa, ' Nwb, WTUrlltln, arm. , Omlow, Jobn W Bliackelford, dem. Ora'fi, Matttow Alwatar, JoLa W LaW d ma. Paion jlai k M J Mnnden, rep. reiq I'.mana. i Q A Wood, rep. Penoa, C BarneU, rep. KiMTMoAwS'H Keei'deaiai Kobe on, K M horuent and tieUi McNeill, '"nUiaoai, PlaUV Valker, dan! ! '' ' !it KoekiBKbam, WM Mebane, doha Johnton, Koaan, I S McCarMna, 'o-'Banib.rdt, deoia. ', t'.M i- Rntbcford, ElWMaaaJiCrep faupaon, W 11 Hrjant, Jamea KiCallop, denu. Htokaa, Tliomat Hartta, dem. Hwaia, T D byion, dam. ;' ; -J BUnly. A U Freeman, Dem: i , . i arrr,Wm narmora, Dem! Tyrrell, W W Walker, dem- ! ' I'oioo, Lernael Preeeon, dem WubmKton. U B WUer. Dem Wayna, i ff Dmteb and John W later.Dami. Wiriea, Carter aad WUUame, Repa. . Wik-, UeorKtVatroBK. M W Paa. Ml t bael Waltlef aad t D Biapkaneoa, trntaa. . WiUun J L Urera, lem. W lkea, J H Toole aad T i Dala, Beva. Haueey, W W lMaHs'lfm """' UgalltelbyAata Anthoritj, asd ," 1 Grand Slngie Kaabar Icbeaa ot 40.000 NoV. DRAWSTfll LksT DAT OF EACH y MONTH. i. tf;' ' ' CArrrAt, Paiaav $30,0001 : ' . ri i J, I 1 1(1,380 Priaea, amoaaUng to fSOO.OOI'"' Wbole Ueketa, 1 UaleM; gaarbre,W M Ttu Qiyat ' ComKUotiM dUmd,, wifl . cAPtTAtriua or 181,001 tad -a,m Pritet, aaoantlaa to U7J.1TT I Drawi erery Satorday daring tba year. WB0I.B tick art, $10 ; SALT as 3 fBA Till J.50. , Adtlreta, tor TickeUaed Cifealani MURRAY, MILLER & Co Maager. .bin:bjtfM JOB OFFICE, S f AM KINIMOF Uavingcfittad oar Job Office, And accural th acrrieor of $ mum i pem We are oow prepared to eiecule t . -. i , i i ' U klDdj ol : 1, . .. i. u PLdilN dlND FAHC7 AH peraoM luring Bill Hu ll, i-llv-il-ada, . i i Bnalii Oarda, Viaiting OardA fTwdiRatt Oarda, Circulars, PtettJC To print, will hT their work ', ex ecatetl in the verj best itylobt -:H ending it to tit Sentinel Office W tro also ' prepared to do all kinda of In ttte aery boat atjle, at All work wnt to tu will he done u cjnicklj and cheaplj aa at any other PRINTINO OOCBI WTO . ...11 -I I vii.; I 80UTB !iWKl.!. Of all kind Printed at thort notioe. -; In ahort, we are prepared to ex ecute all kiada of PriaU'Dg ii the wbeafatyle.--1 " .': i -mi uu. h3aaary 41A.18T4, ICCTORS NOTICE. HjiotMee,aeJIAdaeBieaterh laat will and teaUaMatef the laU an. Maaey Price. I beraby rlre noiuvu all paraoaahar but oUiaa awaiaat her aetata to exhibit Um aame aeiora the lllh day o Aa- pLadeda (oat, 173, or tba a) toe wtn bar eft hear raaararv. ran be aaUt art noaeatod to make naaaaaaM artataU4 to make tin ' u.-L.ica pKAHAMBIQB SCHOOL. .,) ' Jf s-t- 1 Wi, Bew. W.B. Van. itMotlmT Rat. D. A. Utm, A. M ; f freMiJ i Ma. H. at. Btanuhv .arwetreta taMaato. Tba aeit aVaaloa hagtat the ttfli af Aagant aad eeatlaaat weaha. W '.'a. PapUt eaa eater at aay tbaa. Board IT la 10pramt-v.wTaltk M to per month. Maue oa Plaae 4 per month t tlultar fd. i location Btttrpttttd for health. Bead nr Clremlar. "II i II II ft I iaoBiaaaiinauiaiiitiT LI .II , V, II I I Ii. IV I pure h aal ojr tbe Cary Oin. in pcrfiyrniucr 1 "l1 .. Mi- . . ; .1 TICKETS H WAmt iBiTTf AJlE CUEAPKST. I ifft-r the public, the latent itnprorad Cotton Oin, aa wall aatbd cbcapcat. Tha following e.rtifie4tca from wall known vntk-aaa, anU baaaor Milafactora tbaa aa? Uiina I eaa tay j Naua Cabt, N. a. Not., IStb, 187S. TriU U to certify that I am tulng on wf tha Car Oiot atad by W. U. Borrell, of Vuttif. Can4 that I am well pleated with it bad would cheerfully recommend k aa Any eaWwaatiog' good Oin. A. & Yatb. Cam, N. C, May SSad, 1874. I tak plentart la eayiag that Ifat fifty 8awt Cottoa Ola, I purchaaed from Mr. W. BL SuriMl, kaoara aa the Cary Qia doea far better work tbaa nay Gin, I bate barctofoM) ajad, though cnatlnir froai 50 to 100 per erat Vem atooer. I thrak aa per- t mnry bya pcrliyrrraucr Wnrfcrtify tbaf tba Cary 0ia bet gitio -ntlfw aatmfaataia U M aeigbbort, wke- hae tried it, and wotbkak It aa atead .,V.: aP.OPma,'1'"'- H. B.'.oaeAir, ' wi W.C. PAaa, - Wm. B. Pai-t. OrwSra, " $lf0 Por 69 8av Oil, . , , 60 VSwAO BawOla, 130 Pt 45 Saw Ola,,, . """ , ' 4 40 Hew UiB.'. , , ,130. ror all aader 40 Seat, ',, J "! j .; ""uo. Peraona wanting Oiot will plvate, tend id their order early la the tea no that I uty eotbecrowiird in Hit fan, Bend la your orden tori I warrant ymt will be pleased. I do all kind t4 repiirinw. Aoonaaa, - W H. 60BUJCLL, V maytSdAw-tf. Cary, . (S JIACE IIWITOTB. " A BOARDING AND DAY 8CR0OL an even LAniaa. - - B A L E I It , B. tX t The Fall Branoa eommaorea am. ViAbm. any the Wrd aepiemer, and eontlnaea with, oatlatermlaaloa to the middle of iwmt ol lowlag. i L.J- . Foe eatalorae and elrcttmra eoglalamg full parties Ura, Ac., addraaa , . MKT. K. BUKWIGLu. IwoetSdStAwtaeplB iUlek h, 0. ' ... ata R I7a RADWAVS READY RELIEF- vumXM THX WOUTlAlirB ' In from On to Twenty Minutes.' MOT ONE HOUR afar readaa tab aeearma avwt crraa wrra rdia.. BAOWAra uinr nirir u A CCU FOB krikT ' nwaaemamtaada The mly FaUn nejaaejdy aairto aaaaaimeaiMaaaaiaaaiiTe ant HM CowilloM. wkitlMr at w IX FBOa OBB TO TttUITt aUaUTIAi .- - aaaatler hew kkn er eraelata tae aiia the kltailMtnU, arleaa, laana. OrlM llTriai fiiafaltie, er anaaant wlik ajiwmi atiynair, . RAD WAY'S READY USJJV p f wn.l. inninnrarmti w, FartAanATiyx or the kidnrva luruaaitioi or rna wf.mnaw faraaMBAnoaor thb bowkia fTOlllBSTHIl lF Til B I.U1QB. Oka TBBOAT, DlrTici LT BRRaTMrnn. . . rnmmmiii IUMUT. BTwriaiCa, caoDr, liimiaaiA. RlUdACBB. TOOTH ACHB. MKlTBATiWA- llltimiail COt. CHTLM, AOfB CHILlJ. TheamlleiUoa rUn laMr Kellerl Mw Mltar Knawkira the aala er diaiceli laana wUtaaanl aaae dCwarorl. ' iwaiiyetnaaiiiaiiiramaiawTerwuwrwiniaaatw IlBlRTal'Rll, all'K IMIIII'KI. lilARkHnRA. WHBNTRRT, IJ1LII1, IB UI TUl HUWIU, eat ll IMTIBBAL rAlUA Trevilir kfMilil alwavi nrrj a Battle af BtoeV nr aamer ainer won ta a niia Wall will arrit HVifciMia or aalm rntaa eaanie W uf it m hiw laia rraaca araaei er aawia m a suaaelaat i rrvxa AJTD AOTJX. V FBTia AWO AOI7B aerat rar Brv ail Wn ax a f mud lal arrit Ii this wrM lhal will earr rvrr eat aaaa, aat alt alair MahuiMM. MlfcMM. aanint, Tjplx!, Trlkiw, ut tar rn (alerii V kau WAT VlLLHI n aaltk at BAJIB Ai't nkAOV kt- aua. miy anew air aiHiaa . HEALTH I BEAUTY! ! .1 . .. i.i.-: btboko amd rraii Riort tnn iyraiAR OF FX.KKH AMD WK.IUHT I,KK 1KIM AND bauunrv uMwjtuA Muunao iu axav DRa RAD WAY'S THR REAT BLOOD PURrPIER. bai Ant'm vorr Amintrni mutt: ao ouick. ao bapid Ann tub fHimiu ma OUOllOKRiMlKIL'NDEB pta IHrU'tNl'ii or TBia TBVbi wtMnwarvAi anuiutan, liUDiii.-, .; ' a ill. .' rr ne er aw AaAPAaiixfAW bou VBbt aiaaiaatealw Uwna tea Bint, away Pnaa, aaa emar neni aaa aiHaaar u arMam la, tIvot mt Ika kna wtlk A Oiaeaelar aaaaj tleafi lb tba Uwea. MwaaV Ta BMfaJdMlitlM01aiaaatetaaraarwaruMwaMas BMUrlal. IMU y& avnu - note aya, awaawijai awnaareaa nvm Ik Ears, and r rrfl. van I Akv taa lira atlaeiaia, era wuaia aa aatauia aaan ml tan CaMmaary, aat a a w amt mm I II nm a aar am aua( a rer Hiker of Ihaa tanmaf At -rmm wm luim ww ll Ik aattaM. till IIt ai lawfeai Ikat m aoailaailly arnrajilia. tae nkawtau) lliiiiia al wun m im irlik m aialarlal au4a rrom lwakkr Moaaat IkU a MAaaATAJUijUAB wan aaa hamai i em a carta la; ror wkaa aaea Inle raaaadjr eoanaiwoaa ka ark ef renamUoa, aat laeoaaa m eiatlnahlim rke kaa mt wmwm Ha raaaara m ut aa faaat. aat ewrr Uia uaUant will faal hlaawl(r.arla kattar aatatnawar. nvabaiit aajmaa aian, itriiaa Taijinaai, aat taah Ant WaWM alaWaalaf. at aalr tail taa liaatriaamaa taaiil'ilai eteel Ml kaawa mm ntlal aaa an la taaeaeaaa' Ckraaw. eaaa. tak-aa. ConaUimaMl, aad ika Alaaan, kn k kt Ua A I Kl&tefS Bladder CbawpiVtirtfa, I'rnntr aat Waaak W Qtaaat PlakHi. braar, aaaw r WMar, lananaiaeaef Ortaa, Brtakil ba AtMaaJaaria, aat a at eaaa waara tkara are Ml ul I in.atae waaariaiuia. aaoy, nixaa wwk aaNlaaeaa Uka Ika wkHa ar aa aee.ee areata Mke wkia MIL, er Uan m a aiiialt. tark. Mlleee aaaaar. aaa. aat VMM aoaja-taM tepnatta, aat wkaa Ian If rtetiae, kafBlat aninil way aaaaiae aa a the aah ef tha Beeh aaAaaaag iht ' SjTer if' 19 Ttmrw Gnmth Cwred Hr odtMiy'a AaettaMtB. DR. RADVAYTJ W amwwa- 44JnJfc kfjaajdat BftjA II i a I anna i aaaaa, naiaear, naraaea Bi IVnaal rwM aaaati A fa af aaaWAra mu an haa ara o. ttWarraa tt, nr eaatFatk la wvm iwnaa at aaia einaiav uraaiuaa, awea, trait Maat. UwWaraTtaURWam. rj arn la Um Wave, eat all weakiala aaJaalBri tkifM maatwaall tar Um A ail a &l!i?t?, ?"-- fl'Miaaai. Mleaalfae. t.aiiioa.aaaa.,lwa r i- ...HTl. CTwn eat en DaraaeaaaiBai at ike JJJjKeaaaaaaa a aataarj. avaatraAiar ATTORJWfiTUW, Prartieta la all the Coarta Of MorthaaDtom. W . H . . ll ..J UulfMi . im tLm InpraMM Coart of Nartb Carol laa, aad '.a tha reoerai i nana. i,,,i . idac -dla TTTILUAH60H, UPCHtBOH AND Wholesale Grocers roMMissioy mrcuants, FATITTIVILXB 6TBKKT O.poa.lta Mttrapolltaa Hall, i RAMEIOU. JIC. ! . B. P. WILLlAMStiH, : -W. a). UP!HlCtl, d d. TUoMAA. - axil Mf TP " J N J.AYJ. A Cornrr Blenat aad Mor or.-en Btmete. BALKIOn, N. i.-r ; A re p. . Dai A to furaah ToaKbanet of all adada. etthaw DMia at araamaataJ of Amertean eae Italkaa MarWe aa cheap and aaatl eiernted aa can be rerehiMd at jm other eatabMahaaant Worth Or aoUrhaTtK Beta at aaa annum ei earnaa; aaa eneraTun Baarbte torto-le rear, wo ennatdatoeraereaa eoaal to ear la the Union. We will larnub grasjte of tb beat qoaJUty, rrom oar aw quarrtea, either ra anJaiaed block er eat aae to oraer, nca at : aoornae wiaaow Pwatartabla, atapa. poU,tnet aad rare evbatoae, AM., ail order wUl be tbaak- I ally reeelTad ana panctnauy attendee to,aad we pledge earaeira to gre attwtaetiea la an JOBN WB1TELAW, . WKOWDEB, New Discovery ! 1 Phalo VIT lvatfion for the Hair, CLEAR AMyATER! WlTHOeISEDrJIENTtl i j ' OPErtTadfeTHE UCHTI ft Far Rtttorim It Grakfietr Ui Original Color. Phalon's "ViTALfjWificr ut terly iiom alllhtnuur coloring prepantionicrttofoTe used. X u lirtid, twtet wnelling, rtate8nomvtddyorbmy jaatfcr,Ttqalrei noshakinir.ha parts no stain to the skin. Hold , ! i taJfcbe light and it is clear and outUess. It leaves no mark on ihescJlp; yet it reproduces b jeray lairW natural color that time or sicClria-njay have bleached out ot it. CaTPhalonVVitalic - h for one sole purpose, Jfiat of teproducing.with absolute cer tainty, the naturarJlor of the hair. It Is nouiJitended as a daily dresslrhnor for removing tcurf oryKandruif; nor for cu ring bajflncss; nor for stimula ting tie growth of the hair.w.. Thcsf objects may be accom blisheU after the color has been fared Vfth the Vitalla, by Pha lon's Chemical Hair Invigo tator. j . The VCTAUAStLa harmless and unequaled prcpluationfor the reproduction of lie origi nal hue of gray hair, Jid noth ing ehe. This is accoliplishcd in from two to ten applications, according tb rJiedrpth of shade sequirrSglaalldniggitts. rjiUB -aAKBEIt" HOB. Beet Hot ever aiade for (rarden and general ate. Write for elrcalar and prkea. JDUUBLBWUACO , Bole Agent for N. 0. Trade .applied Mtmafaetartr' Price. nAxaxaoii; n. c. ' I will opto the a bore Hoaea, oe the fret of Jtae, aaa win oe Terr gieu te raoeiTea aai ef the trarelUag pnbla. . CHABQE8 PER DAT, ti BT THE WEEK, ..ti l.-flbPtBAT. Kaaralar Board ara nealred. , i. M. BLAIR, Proprltlo. .( mayzvu. 3 f ; i fit ' 4 l-JL 1 t4 Hat bee totted at TOOK, PA., by Pm. ariTiMana, at - CnAaf BOLTOKB, Mae., by I AM. XMMKBBON, H. B, ' .J, J!!. . . . .. ' ty pe Pamphlet aad Tart Report; 1 Aarata.. r. aartrmuB, I orp, r, 14 W a- T UMBIROr ALL KTNDa TOR 8ALB, I will delirar aay-wkrre la the elty.at eheaa mtea, any kind at amber wasted : IO,0U) feet of aaeaoBad-Soorihr mm bevnd. Add rem tat at laneiu. i. P. OOODWIBar V A I BSOLOTB DIVORUBB OBTAIRBC laCL from Coart ol duTereat Bute for dav aaytVm. aW. , htoi pabbclty raoalred. Mo thatc aaUl dlyoree panted. Addrtm, . - - J j " Attorney, UM Broadway, X. T. af i vi.' 4ii . u mtaaatamraa Aaaam- as iia aaa aaea Trow Ww- Skene wail rav the bantu tha worhL aae he them. Tto Rowftnc. terinx aod Pllnr a Btaerallty. FayetteyUto ppcett. 3W- gf t-k ,,,.m a . ... .m I inno'o U nto i R Ti iVn III . T WUUUV M AA UtVlll a IV' '-Afci,. bisv- j t -tU, ... ! '"ilil , t.:.i 'S I-:.-:, i .1 w-.i ti , t. .; ' aViw. t--it : ---- - - ' 1 '' r fil" rsraALnoTiL caralstsket Curaar el Klua. Saw uk aava Uaak saatof tseoadway, UealraUy-. bnaedlate Ttcmlly of Meruantile baaiaaaa. wood reoau Tie. aaA 41 per 4ay td . la 6,00 par weak. . ,. ,,. ,!. tiov, tick bead ache, terer tnd Kaev Berront deMllt. or of tor ditorderartectlDir ;Ung lb ttonv ark, the Hear or kidoeyt, V to tuna, cleate, andraXBlaU tame kiorUal tvgnnt by Abt DB. TUTTB VBGKTAlUJI L1VBB PILLS. They net rery Udly, yet thoroearbly.a-aetata the fiiDvUoaal aelUB of abadaxeatlve ouaat and Uwabteatlaet aad eanoratet the tyitem. They prod no neither aauaea, griping er weaA ana,auu may oe aua wunoatcnaaga Of Owl oroocnpeUon. Price k4 eenU a bos. Bold by all draxgWla. DR. TUTTSHAIRDYE poaaeeac (fntlltitt that aoethardye doeav Ita electa Ba.laaltBBnne, and ao aataral that It cannot ao detected ay the eloaaett obaerrer. U I harakat tnd eeally appked, aad la a Eoem wee aaaona; wo uaaioaaOMBar areaa era m erery large city in tba United Btotoa. trice ti a dot. nolo. 8nutm,'tntptii Jim$m f Iki 8lti, Scald Old, JUnfworm, I&tHumtim, Pmin and Blarpmmt f th4 tin, F--Aat Wmabut, BUriiitff, Lttiatrrkoa er WAtttt, 'ai Din, -Vrtptf, Wkil 8tnUimgt, Syvhiltt, KHJmv vutLimmr umpnunl. Mercwrtal TodrrL and me. ail preoaed front iosoaie Uoad.: &iJ i ,. AM TDTt't SABAAFABAUUA Utbe moat powerful Blood Purifier known to medical icieaoa. It enter toto tba clr calttaM aod erndlcaUe erery morbific ageobj reaowate tb tytteai; produo a beautiful complexion aod cauaca the body to gain dvtb tod tocreate ia weight VKBP mi BLOOD BBALTHT and al will be well. To do to, nothing btt erer been offered that can compnre with till TaloaDIa regeuble extract.- Price f 1.00 a boftla. Hold by alt Drue- gilt. OOlot 48 Curtlandt Btreet, N. Y. mil 23 dU KB TOU OOIKO TO PAIHT t 'ATenll unemtcal relnt.la the beat. .'U1JU8 LEWIS AUG., Bole AKeota. Writ for detcriptive circuli and card rf tit Pcarco Cotton, TBB ebon Cotton la the moat i roll fie Cbt toa m the Ual krd Matea, will mike 4 kHW Bt per attra unimproved land. Italaobaaa taa aud loaf ataple. will eommand from tea to ttteen ceatt In the pound more tbaa the eoamow kind. Seed for tale at 110,00 per sal- Ion or 14,00 per pound. Moaiet for aaed can cdi oy reifiefcerva ieier, aii oraore lor i will I ptobpUt aUeoded to by eddreae- Ing the underlined at lUUlardtton, Naab Co a. u. mitui. JJIMBI LIU". !! LIME '. 1 1 180 Barreli No. I frrah burnt Lime at De pot tad to arrive direct from the Lime Work- end offered at reduced price at depot In lark guanuuea. junexe-u jahii a. iuvn.it. rjtHB bOUTIIERN LIGllTNlSO POD CO. Kepreaented by iVLim LEvns & co., Pmheu IIuildiso Kaleiob, N. C. Protect Uulldlnra from LlehtQiua by tlielr Jelebratad Uoamw Llwhtnlnir ftoda. Hawawttioiitan d Bart ofttf flat an4 a South OareUn. f . Coppers at ettgnt Time the eonflactlng proiiajtaaa ol any metal except ailver. Ibeae kodaaat atuched bo BnlkUnrt art warranted tt tawi price at tha LlKhtuior ltod Peddler ak for common Iron or Zinc Kodf, Write forCtremlnyttBd Prlcet. OXTQESATED BITTERS. , . Thaatomack 1 on of the moat delicate orcBB of the baaan tyettai) and the Indices libit food erowded into tt by the require. meatt of Dudera ayaeiety, keep It m k AB!ATK OF CHKONld' DISORDER, wblei ulpBoned by a retort to tonic and alUrwtiyea for itWatV. it unfortOMtalf Ap peea, bowytrUa4aaiiry .! tla(iadliari Bttd lot UbMrpoae re Main, akebbli Whkibj aaaraa aava a eittaaaj nuaiciiiwamiim tatka, create! lodamailoa, and doea more ln- Jury tbaa good. 0XTOEMATED BITTERS CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL, , but are a purely ired .clnal preiaratlon, which la taaea of Dyipepenv Meartbara. ladiceitloa aad other like dlwdet, at one rettore tb toaaach to 1U ... NATURAL CONDITIO OP HEALTH. Tb Ozyreaeted B ttera hare bee the popular remedy for tbe above complaint for the ma thirty yeara, aad ttiil malalala their Burt railed popularity. Price 81 per bottle. 0U BTBBTWBBBB. , . , JOHN P. HENRY. CCRRAN dt CO., Rroprttlora, 8 aad t College Place, aag. 8-lm New York, lN NOVNOIMIHT. I rtapcetiolly announc BtyttK a lade pendant candidate f rth offlc of SUPE RIOR COURT CLERK for Wtk county, K.IL RAY. p 14 tf n - ; M . L B W - I B LAW OFFICE, On Court Ilouto Sauaro RALEIGH, M.' OL toW ideal Baelal atUntloa riven to Btvwg at Bom kada. la raw of the lata deal ra ot tha Be- Coart ef tb Hailed BUI a o theeaN 1 orerywaar. w . AT I The MlmaaJfAahAeiatk, Krfoak will mMtMaaJrAwAiht will tame tbeekarclaeaof tbrlr (ebeolon Friday Nth July aad eeatlnaa twenty werka, Ctr- fuiara lorwaraaa ea eppiieatioa. JpOWDEKEU Bi tU. (MI, K- ! ercitiuwiea fiaware, KlnjeA.Kke. : At laaettMl . i BKi(MaoMa. CONSOLIDATED. Taa MAtoaig MoaiToa, THE BBIOHT M A80KI t.. i ,.4u, rr- r , , Only, One Dollar A Year, The ConaolldaUonof the MASONIC HOX aad the BUIOBT MABO.H, make - ITOat 'THE BBItHT MaBOM" ill..i. . .. r '..-i.. .. M I M TT iMiria iiaij 1 cu. , CATThe whole Clab aerd not rbnte from one r. ai., name My ciua aaioa, -Aaaraee ' ? w. ,... r HAsrtifl, " ' " Ooncird. N.C. . FaF MedmiB for AHwrti-j-j la the eoau.. uiarlStf BINGHAM tCHO JL. iia. .it v r- ! Ratobliahed tu r,'03 MEBAMB7ILLC, X. P. Tlie lOUt aetalop. open Vtih July, 1874. TnlUon aad Board. dlSOv net aaauia.. Ma et..For ctrcnUr ipplr to li"" Hit R. BIMOHAM, I un - Buperioasudent 0 FOR 1STA A eomplete attortmeaL at the EookStor LXAMR. ef ALFRED WI. toe U-tl OK HALF. A Nn. I Ox tnd Ckrt. Tb Ox i wall broke end rorkio the plough equal to t horec He it ii yeart old. Wtpply ta . . I jaly T-tf L.O. VATXLT, w ANTED. We triflh to narchiw 1y Una a-pTI KtvkVt Htm irtwrn ore ana tlx roart oia. Apply aanalmr aaeV Uat. Ta veatj ii tm fct't; Diauir" ill " i W VW IP 1 Wf-'bPV e. rt-t i a a,'' aui, ia.tvxl t VV lugRtf s E A O I F T A MOV B L RDW1M W. FULLER, Aaluor nf "Tba Angel Iu Tbe Coad For aala by . .v aLFRKix William ITHEVlll rEITHIIIL Hbrbly ConccatrateA lit always been Manufactured on the baalt of Kuaranteed aa- ilyela. wiu WUW he told tubject to all lawt m regard to Fcrtllltert, with TBE SAME guaranteed aaalyaia, 3. C. FlaBbaoab dY Son. Charlotte!' e, V. ap 6dAwl m Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. km a 'in i a f The PeTJvlan8nrup,iProUct td Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, it o combined a to have the tharaHer of an aliment, aa eatiljf digested and aaeitnUated teith the blood at the eimpleet food. It incrtaMt the quantity of Jfatura'a Own rltallalnff Agent, Iron in the blood, and cure "athoutahd UU," limply bit Toning up.Invlaoratlna and Vitalizing Die Suslem. The en riched and vitalteed blood fxr meate every pari of the body, repairing dmnagee and wade, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing fin disease te feed upon. v Thfa da fVat awrW of the ttVkaW lderfut sueeest ofthM remedy fee earing DyapepaUty IiTerComa. plaint, Droptry, CIu-o&M DIw rbaea, Bolls, Ncrrooa AjCrbctlonSy fhill and rcvera, ' Humor, Iaoas of Constitutional Vigor, IXseosoa f the Kldnera aad D Ladder, Female Complalnta, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ao- icompanied by debility or a toto state of "te system, netng free from Alcohol, in amy form, it mneraizina effects are not fol lowed bp corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neuf life into all parte of the system, and building up am Iron Con stUutien ""' ', . ... Thousands hare been changed ft at fAe use of this remedu. from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and invS&dsi ana women t ana reasonably hes- UeU to give it a trial. Bee that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP Water in tXe glass. Pamphlet ITraa. - kCTH W. FOVrlE & SONS, Proprfeto.1, i Ra. 1 MUtam Itaea, liUa, "-a BT D.COOI1T. ttlltAttf. r R E M I C M. Ueapersy Mowers AtSeparatora. la Aor tb eenbrated CJbamptoa Reaper MowarcecenbiaaBd, which took tiat prtmram at the laat Fair. Alto eaa tapply at any point oa taa aiiroaca. the uuuwr nerarator. Cleaner, and Ragterat Meaufactnrer' prlcet wiUfataedeid. . I a.ta..r aniLllA al MIM to aaiaa aauklawaa la tha for the ooiiBg Harveat, JAMB m. towlss, Arena. IITIU. Sltuttloaaa Mwraraod Cootroler of Aeam Xogloea and Machinery. Stitfao torf refer ncw given. tniTAeaaaat i4A. w I?? wva.r ,i in Vka I , lt naiam, Uakkv t, X Wicui? , , Appiy a tata mce, dtwAw-lw. - 11 ' re. iuAiWkruT&Y, I X -fr. n tJoaaa H - Jlte. i trMae, toTaltlewa end Ifereoae Wakefulneaa, acto promptly, elea arrealmtl Ibe FU from the tret day'a ate, ertaNrber. May have ailatod for yeaa. .. COMPOUND EX. C0BYDALI3. fit trtit Tnttibli lIurttlTi. ' coant Icrofula, Ataeowdary Syphlllt, BVrDUaa aa Ibe BHn, and all 'dlaea ariai7 f ir para Blood. . . MEDICATED UONKY I ' A BorereVm BaJa forCeniibii, C mU. Urva thKm, 'Aathauv and all dlaaaaea ofll- .1,. aaiaaeeaad, Uatn, By Me taaaal aaaava auppoeed caaeeof Uonaaaptloa are proaut. alfewea end the Laaca raaiorad vt haaltk. KCtKALOlA 8PPC1KIC I i PtOejDt. noalUve and aajaaanaaa MhW In. tbeexwaeiaUne: paineef Meecalayl. Bbamav emwmj aaiu cn.MeB.-l. Fa.aMMlbvb .The Partnerahlp hcretoforxiatiag aader tanannoi , m.W12:?.K TUC-KER, A CO. Maatejved by ihe deceaae of our Jaalor Ffertaer, T. MoURR. II Partita bavlng eialaki tgalnet tb Sna will ptaan era aat Uea for Immediate na. meal. And ail who are ladabta to the traa, either by note or account era reqaetted to call tad eet lit tanva. 2 OUR OLD FRIENDS A CPBTOMERB. mutt my a word. Tht dlsaolaUoti of onr trmglve a pam and torrow. For aaay year you have kindly patronised a. We in iura hay endeavored to fnrslAh yon with UBT CLAW OWADa) ratitaablt arte r relatlonabln baa haaa both -' aa agreiatila, and we eeBuetwmnBttatbda KdnUoa except in aaea regret. W hay heretofore furaiahed all tha a, tuiamodallla we ceaM, reaaiitaat with a Kper aarety oi oar antlatm, and ia rr-1-af to Uo wine aBBOBneemanL. wa Aa ao fraaa h reBJrmaU a L A W. From and after tbla data, aa if aw. err description belonging to the arm of 1 W. B. A R. A TUCKER. A CO. cltator f the Baaraeaa. runner credit cannot be glrea. The booka we cloaed W. M. a B. aV TUCKER, rpU OLD SUBSTANTIAL, AD jW'IitXdLTSCSTSD. to lifj kii!!3 Ci , I ' ttfiomcin F I IHE B BUILDING, OTBB TBB BAJtDWAaUl BBOtUI OF JULIUS LEWIS t CO. Baa paid to tha Widow aod Orphan ia Hearth Carolina tine 1863, the tarn of a carl soo, ooo. And, by oddity and promptneat ia tail par Mcalar, tnd fnrnlabing tha lowest rate ot any I rat elaai eompaay; aad alao, havtna; pahl aor rerenu to tbe Btote than any olber company, ah merit and enjoy th wall tallied dUUactieaof btiag tha LEADIH6 LIFE COIPlIf 1.1 Til IT1TI. I And with her 800,000,000.00 Aaueet. now on hand, and managed by genfleuta of long experieaee and tuaadal aklH abeofar tb hUrneat ttandard of aecurity to all her euatemera. And, a an inyeaUnent for eapl tallat a 810,00 policy it better than lOAHWIa real estate. Aget from IU to HI are lnaurabl of both texee. Tha company due not my, rorarewith them, amy aaa. Bat waaak aa impartial comparieoB with any eompaay la rear aad rapiaiittltfy, and leave tbe retBlt to the jadgmeat ot the public. By calling upon the General Agent or aay nf hli Locale, farther Information will be cu rd. w. h. enow, cjvneral Agent U., Medical Kkaaiaar I W. H. MoKKR, M. atp (Mtm JOHN A- It M e) T U O N u BOOKBINDKK aJib Blank Book Manurafiiri'r. OTBB . c. aooKsToaa R A L B 1 H N FLOWER POTS, 4, 6. 1, S, W and 10 loch Flower Pott, the best aad tightest pots old in thif market. T. H. BRI008, A r ONi Q.RAIN CRADLES' A ORAio 8CYT 118. Jaat received a aupply of eMaclaira' Celebrated Bonthern Cradle, Tax bear in tub Mabebt. Warranted to give mtlafaction . J.4MR8 tf. TO WLES, Agoo t marntw. JEWRY'S C1IB0LIC liLTK THE MOST POWERFUL HEALING AOINT EVER DISCOVERED. Tbe wonderful celerity with which thl eembiaaUoa ot Carbolle acid With a her too thing and curative taolltntt HEALS THE MOST VIRULENT SoKRH AND ULCERS It tomethlDg akin to tb Burr clone. Uia with prida that tbe Pre tec Bun to the gratifying fact Uia with prida that the rWrietora tall at - that PHtaiciAMS eivE rr the uiohbst i j MEAD Or PRAIA R, ; ! ta it and prmcrib It la Uilr practice. P01HT8 TO BK BO ORE IK MISDi Carbolic Stlvt poalUvely cam the want tore Carbolic Salrt Lottaatly tllayt tbe pala of baria. Carbolic Salve ear. a til rntaaeoae avwptlone. tarbone larv ranat at tae aaaa DT all lalses, OatnMtvtt er other Healing Cean poneda,aad bat acbievad a tttt dapattv. ' ' lion aad km a larger mi that ay ethtt ama- lar preparation ot ctatfpenaeoe rovMi- ttoa. Sold nerywbere. Price SB eeaU. dORN F. HF NRY, C URBAN A CO., 8 aad I College PuJelXwflik. luaelft-Im QOLUra WARRANTRD Ctet Steel Cattea Bweep. ; Hardware Hovaae dULius LRWiaa ixx. kfh. . c Hi- iiil n;n aaddc4tuyuwt.i-'ii in immirr 10 II fOIIi. . A; 4 r ar I', u. Hox 2148. r. Lovav ap 4-lrodwtwly , ye4waStdAwW ''.' 1 radt towUed at Mtaafactaran'