I- ' , - CO NO Bl f 1 j a YOSST' PHEMI'JM. jJSORTfl CAROLINA nrrfi ma tiirt'ooKciicr 7il ! I - 3 1 i I Gtuxr to THi iritoifrT ' ';! WWWIM. Sept. 8. TtM fallowing fetter wu iwaiwrf her to-day: . ):...... j i H' - Loxo Bbajich, H. 3 " " ... . . Sept. lad, 1874, Osaerwf . 1 IT. ' Mlnr,' 8erttary Wmr4fifr.it! Write-' "4S The (cecal attrocitiet in th South, par liealarly la Louisiana, Alabama, and "rVwitii Caro1Iaa7bow a iSirtgirTTof civil right ad pcraonal proteetloa (hat ought aettebe toteuted la aay OTVlliBtd government. It look aa if aoleta speedi ly checked, Batten matt become wowa aatil Ufa tod property tbt Irill WcalTt ao proteetloa from Mm , beat authority UaJcr such, circumstances It la tba duty of lb govsremeot to give alt ,the aid far f . ' ItiaawlMNtlMgtaatoM i (rtatwt daDgeHiaa, order troop aa to he available iaj eaaea of aeeeaaJt Al( precdedlnf t be preW Uoa bf tea toath will be def the dlfecf ' ties of the 4 w drpirtmeet hf the goero. meiVwhdnf' be elected by (he Attor ey Qeaeral ia accordaaoa ith the provbiont of the Rofoioarocnt Acta. No iaatroettne need tbctcfora be given the trjopa ordered into tbe Sevtben BUtei, exoept M thej aaay be tranaiaUtod froej tirno to liaM oa advice frooi the Attorney Oeoeral ot aa etrcumatancat aay dator miMtnaftot; . u Toon Italy, . i V. & OBAirr." 1liafrtH10i bald ot tha War Dopertateot tkla aow lag betweaa SocreUrya Drbtotr, Balkaap aod Atloreey Oeeerel WnUania, the fol lowg cuoulaf wat laaoad thle alUraooa ot S o'clock to U. 0. Attoraey aad Map- abali ' II ha tba approval of tha Prtei deal. The oabotontial part : of tba ne have baaa eommantcated to bim during aa iatorrkrw- with the Attorney Otaarai at Loef Braocb ; J J j . ' DEPASnCBUT 0 JCSTICB, I Waahingtoo, Sept. a, 1874. ( BU t-)atrag of varlon deaoriptioai, aod ia aoot cue attrodoo (garden have beta goaamitted ia yoar diitrict by bodioj'of arated aua, aoaetioto ia : die guiae, aad with tha vlwt!lt io bahettd, of ovrrawinf Md hUtBtdatiBa 'peacekbl and4wU4u .ttteoA,'an4 depriving tbeca of the right gBaraatced to then by CooaUtotioa aad law of the. United Sutoa'-Tonr aHwiloa I directed to aa act of Coogtoaa paaaad April U, IMA, ootitledAa act to protect all ponon ia the Uaited State la their civil right, and to faro lib. mean fbr their vindication," aad to aaother puetd April 90th, 1870, eo titled "Aa act to 'aarorca (ha proritioc of tha Hth ameadmeat to th Soeatita. tioa of tba Halted Sutea, aad for other parpcaet." Alee to one paiiad May 80.1870 oatitled"Aa act toeaforo tharlghtefeiU sen Of the Uaited Btato to Tote la ral Bute of porpceaa, which with their amend meatr, makj thee deed of Ttolanc and blood abed offence within the Juriodictioa ot the general ' government X coaaider ' it my doty ia view of thee circomsttBoea, to imtroct yoa to proceed lih all poou bla energy aad dU patch to deteet, eipoof arrest tad ponUb lb peipetratore of tbcao crime, etc To that ead yoa are to ipare ao effort or Boocaaary aspeoie. T.uopa ul the United ftUtot ill Im kUtioned at diffareot tad convenient poinu in your diatrict for tba parpooe of giving ell need ful aid la the discharge of your official dotiea. Toa andentaBd of- count that ao Interferaoce wbatovar i hereby intend ed with any politic! or p ty action not ia Tiolatioa of the law, but protection to all dae of citizro', white aod colored, ia tba free enjoymant. of the ebctive fraov cbiae and the enjoyment of tha other righto aad privilege to which they are entitled under th Cooatitatiua aad law aa citlien of the UoileJ Buue . Tlae , iDatroctioo are iMBea by the authority of tha Prra! dent, and with the eoncorm.ee of the Seoretary of War. t.u s i'-.' Very retpectlol y, i a,, .i '.a Oatv H. Wnuaau, 'J"f,;fttorBy,Oeiera!,:;r O0VKRKMXMT 0FFCIALS IX con FRREKCS OS TOR C05D1TIOS Of AFRAIRS IN THR BOUIB. WaiUwbtciji, Sept. 81. Attorney deoeral William returned to Washington1 'from J Long Branch this aoraiBg. ' ; Secretary AWkaep aa alao retaraeO, aai aopaiaJtoAiaf wee bald ot tb War Deparlmeat to-day betwaea the Attoraey Ooaeral, Serretary Ballinap, and Secretary Brietow; The efereaee. it I aadentood, had rafirtooe to th condition of all tin ia the South. .'w.: . . Saaator Chaadiet, who Ubare rrlvd at the War Departmeet dnriag the eoa aaliatloa, bad la: Btteodanoa.1 What tha reaelU of thle meeting are, eiaoot V deft aitely ttortaiocd at tbie hoar, bat It 1b latiatatei by exoilleat aatbority that lna Baediatooflolartioa: ofn itaportaat character will be taken. ,r, , Senator Wait had aa1' interview with tha Secretary of War thi moralag. " aoai4Tio?r or, jo, btxpiixjis. .,) 4iwta6o Sept S. , OaitotaMhsadrodoaeV tooth ballot tha Tbto ataodr bVpbtw tO 1 9, Oaa taiag .11 eV. The iBoOMi of J.B.Coat jlag wu withdrawa at . half past fwor o'clock thja jBomlng, the CoimUoa bdag ia wataioo all night, aad a motioa wo made by ftoveraoc Jeahia to make tba Bocslnatioa of Mr. Btepbeo aaaal naoaa, Thle wu done at the reqoeat of Cammleg, who appeared beloro the Coa VoalioB. Xr. fupoea wat oeclaied the aewaiaet ot tbe demnoratla patty, and the &vntkm 9wc4-' ' " are I thii Uoloa aad It I I A p ' " JB' r r il fdC t i , . v-t ,-. i .- - LiFmijmiBajirrmco, RALXIOII, N. (X " ' C Capital - - 00,000 AtcedetfliwtrieeaJ Year aa teeael ower 8W f oUeae wUhoat saatelelag a eaagle tee. "--ma taunt ku aiada It i A SUCCESSFUL OOBMIIATIOP"., .! ThlsCompany km erury dealmbtatorm f SoUetae at a low rUea ss any other rim tTamComjien... ,.- M; ' IaposseaoBattea restrtcUoo apoa reel dene or travL . . p 1 Has a had. ped ap vara eU policies a. b v .v.m".. -(, WIU tha raeU kon Uwb U1 the paoele t North CaroUaaeeoUaaate pay aaaaudi loaeaada apoa Ihoaaaaae at dollar te build ot tbouoMda apoa uwaeaaae w eouara waaua aa rorebra Coaipaaloa. wbaa tbv eaa ae ere iaaaraBe ia a t'ompany eawally rtabta, aad every dollar1 prefaiM tbay pay ha eaao dead lavaaud la ear owa Btata, aad amoog oar ewa pmplef 'tatO. U. HILL. Aicat Ralehrh. The Wilmington star. ES1ADLISHRD ONLY SIX YEARS I 1 V DAILY STAB. HA8 the large etrea'enoa ot aay Daily newspaper la the eleta, aad aeweato tioa la WUmlngtaa aeerly twiea a large a uMwoffB aarnr-w toaadtat; eatead whea aalmportant, at length when ot BMMaeat, aaa aiwaya pwaaaian ia a caar, mUUhreet aad latereaUac: auumar. . aUHHUKJrTION aaAdvaaeeli OaeTaar f UMoatha 1 Three Month IEEKLY STAR. raica naoDcan. The PwAjpAWIaBow eeeabined with the CbruH fmmtr, aad ie one ot the eh tap art paper la (aa country, aa me hmiouiibt REDUCED BATES: " Oee oopy, oee year. ..81 Oh eopy, alx amntaa CuVClaba ot a to 10, one year, el a par copy fciy-Clubeot Wet more, eae year, oaly 81 ol (4f-8poeiittsa ooyin taat oa appUcaUoa. ' Addreai, WhT. H. BERNARD. ' Editor 4 Prtprtttor, i ' .WiunjMToa.N C. MILLINERT AND, LADIES FANCY 4 UOODSL lira. HarrM Andrew, oa rayettevflle B tract, a (aw door MorU ot the Male Ma. tioaal ataak. at returned from the Forth andbaioa aand B aplaadld aatortaaat of lUuaaryaajdUdtmraaey flood, ot the la ta daalirae and bnportattooa. The MUlteary Papartmaat I under the ehanieof ladle ofesverbnee, aad the pablle ere tawed that every tfalag odered for tale st this eatabllshamt mnuM to be ot tbe beat make and material. Ualt aad axamlaa U splendid sUck, which I oAarad at the most liberal rates. . htKA HARRIET ASfDREWS, Emporia lit rashloa. apldtf " I IMPROVKD DOUCLt TtobinCWatet Wheel . 41 ' V ' POOL Jb HUNT, Pauimoro. . htwuractorerf for the Sooth and South 9' u vraat j - . i Nearly TOM anw- ia a,' working BBdet beede varying from 8 to 840 feet f j 8 a4a,from S 84 to M iachea. The moot porrfaI Wheel la thi Market, , Aad tnoet eocootnlcal laaatof Water. -Urge Illustrated Pamphlet neat post tree f.ittablo aad Stailooary Steam KorIo aad Boilerv Bsbcoek dh Wilooa Fatoat fnbaloas Boiler, CbaagbV Oasber tot Mi, Sewn aad riet MUta, Floario MiH htaciilaery, Mach leery for White load Work tad Oil Mill, 8haA lag Pulley and Hansen, ', - ' . SEND FOR CTRCULAR&V febm-weuj - - r ' TT08KS1 AMD etATB8' SCHOOL, i " ' rrr t rami A 'm : it ' ,-! ' ' "' CUatlcsl. HathematleaL Brtesdauw aad Ullkary Aadey , Patx Baaeioa iwuhtii to Mosmo mi Jolt Boarl and Tuffloa. Inelndlatf TaeL" Weeb. M Liguta, aad Farabhed Kooav, flM.BO aer aesrtea et beeaty weaka. . ; . !' lW8TtyOTOM.'" 'v ' J. $. HORNEM, A. hU aV fl. SAtXjA, M..01UUUU10KtXirjR..lJBlTeriitva4Tb. aiuMa. 0. H. HAhULlVH. A. W. VaMt- iimun ten eu apj . nui.poro. ii. . .eijmvll,WM 1 . aaaeaajaa kICZS REDUCED: JdratmdicdBBoaWtopaiehiiii " 1 . D 1 A . .1... aaoaatiag naaw b 3W,UU worth of Eattrely Mew , , . v.- , ; DRT GOODS, " ' Notone, Boots, Ihoea, Hats, Ac; ; .I adbmwer price thaa beretof ore torCA'8& Al BboglTtMaaaU wUl gat the fuHast vales for tbtir moaey.t . : . . KteehaaU paithaatag la thle market eaa prodtabU lavaetaMaU wlttaa." "'; J 0()r Stock k very fan for thle sUet wa wDl have other addttloa very toea. 0 mTTdijpiiE, ' 80 Fayei'iUc Street, j, r EaWib,ltvrj q I M t3 1 L' I U JT a - 0 V Jsdgtat; the fa tar by the peat, we eater vita eo rlaa. uf apoa win oar -- tlnct Hoata attar al ibeappreval o ear D,,j jib mig m at iai woua i TTzrr aa4fVekanteraet -fcaratotbieaajoytd. i It at eat be obrtoaa to ivory baycr Uat a atrletly WkoloMla Hoa,", arramtod and Maptod tor that fcado oaiy, wlu a corpa ot fiqWteewl Wholaule telaaaca. with a lloeh aarafaU talactad (or that lrloolr, aad BMraovor. tha avoUUaaa ( eolo ootoet vtth retaU bayrra, which wa aad torn il luv heretofore loan to be Irk- ttaw' raan age we 'ed'veritoad that we li leaded (a Bake CbarkMU a wbetoakle aiTt aado. - The Who'rl. Hoaea aow have the fud aaUebclfca el awtag It i tnnrainlliaid f - - T Weal eaafoaratteBtleai to tha tart Vt bevo cnowlod ear tarerb eWr Into aa taaltittve WtKlaa 'floue wbjra-yiftt caa ; tad a'i uuts oi kooo mxmmrj w . w . ; '.TV.";1 - wmaoam -. - '. kxtaiu " Mow, a few word about that. We aow woauf tbe tupeeb hoaee huratofora ao t vorably kaowa a the Meaira. Bieau, Browa m Oo., Dry Uood Mow, toeirry oaow KrtoU buatatsa, aad aa "Exeelstor" le. ead baa alway baa boou, our motto, we ehMia atMtotbrtllMtoeaeslla etoek, to eicW hi t n nn. ana to ezeel aeaerallv. We wlU, la thaThowse.' have a eorpe ot Ulrty tlasaaea.- aad Psleu-Ladks, all ex- parteaeed, eBabie. aa eouaiac. ae wUl make the Mllllaury brswh aapet kdl- p ' W, A at. Cbarioltsv V. O, A eg. Uu, 1W4. , i MnORKAT JtEMKDT FOR consunPTiorj which ean bo cured by a timely resort to, this 6tau4- ard preparation, as has been provpd by tht hnndrcds Of tcstimouials received by tbe. proprietors, t It w acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo tho most reliable, preparation ever in tjrodueea for the relief and urcof all Lung complaints, rtnd is offered to the public, fcim'tioncd by the experience .il over foity jfinrs. "When reported ' in season it scl dom fails u effect o speedy cure ii: . .too moct. severe ' cjiac fT iiigtis, Vf onclutis, Croup, Wiioophfg Congh, fiiflnenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness ill tho-Chcst and Sida Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar'; Balsam does not dry up a Cough, aud leave tho cause I i-'hi nd, as is the case with ; host vroparations, , bat it J . liioscns and cleanses the il . l J a 'ii 9 . - a , mugs, una anays irriiauon, t)tus removing tho cause of ; the complaint. L raavAaao bt 1 ' " fTS V. FOWLS A BOVa, Btstaa, Kata, , fd aald by DiusuUM sitdnUit.aseulur. KhenmAtlsni, Scalds, tuiuiM Jff uralsia, Barns, Soreness,' (Sore Throat, Boils, Wouds, Hoarseness, ricers, Bralseit, KeiuUehe,' tiles,' Sprains, tiiaut,':' Old Sores I . . Ju, AVI !TAnAa-1ls-aM " am am uviaiVA A awmbbjvku .. gfcLECT BOARU1N0 AND DAT SCHOOL V :mtiiAiuy if Thu Mlaaue Naab Mies Kolluck win re nmethe axeortaaafl tbetr sekeoloa Friday p.b..in. Wriialsr aaiwaraei am appauuoo - p0l FOB THR BEA BII0BJE. BLUR FIStHNO AT BEAUFORT, N. a Bot a Rmu Ticut aud Tbt It. ? i.i- ... MTtr the dellrhttul and exdOng a port of eatobior Blue rub, Mackendi Mc.. wrmocv aart, Taoixrao oa ulo ucaia, ia a ooai under tall eeU. Te those who are toad et dog id gaa, Oaaarort imera areat laauoemeau. Brats and Mrinr Band ditcourte sweet maate aUhtlr. Ftoat Via fear,' Billiard ttoocae aad BowKus AUay. The Atlaatle Hotel, Beaufort, If. C, Ota. W Charlotte, fteprtotor. , Tba ueeea ttoase, aeaaron, a. iao. Tv sou cotton om. 1 eateb aaaa betta OM U Ba Ota. tott to hand ofthterastly talsbiutsd Alabama Uin. Tbe taiUmoay a aaeatmoue that they (Ua ftatar tmd makes! better temple thaa any other ever made. rMo8dBermWsatrantportatioa, j f . - i. ; -dAJtUM. TOWLKS, ' . . aeptBVt i i V HNrivu tu waoiaaaie a. b barine a aeaaaU aod Ua fof each i and In doUf M It aiii Mt eaw bvm( .uar ma w htihsii wu wm7MiK p iuuwii iron u iruxinw " . " r . . n : " 'V" Vl "l 'v-itv 'mi..t i.f ' 'J' .".v V" !M.'rv"'0 f JtyPWWAW wrrti VMk.bitor;iSarfeitil4tr cw fim OW; tnaK" iws -'-" luarujwuuu wa cm to teMt wjm oAoflto tbe euntruf hotwllhiUnatdr I o- eowaajraanaoirq w i - ITt:JVV Mi w' v Wa mtaMtal? lavlS wr twrliualTeiim 1 to hve hid a larga drawing oa the Slat ! aevly batlt tablet, attb elevea ttfla; twggrrn 'fJ??! al aa piweaWilU-li S.uiri lo piyow : " InlorWtoi TruSrT , Luly, but . ah.t popoMut era. eon- loft overt Oora OribjBcaok HooeJjDalrv J 11? "4 dtf eajh Uli ou.bJ.fa., . W "T.TT, wa a, m f I . . . . r ' . t . Ll u.k lb P..taiaa - B&.tAe iMlffl tKfM Oatfdawifa PAel LawVAal Wtffl I HI 09 Q a V BBMMltha AtkabrWIf I. war lai mAnM. b.-wl-lkL.. . t t S h ' 4s 'a atteaSl aa . UUKLD ea .wiI.t:rrA,-:, .' PCILIC IIIU1I IF IITPCir : -a ' 'i a!-i.ai.-1 DAY FIXED - . , ana a , i ; s t f. K It .1 ,1 jv . . , ' - ' FULL DIUWIO s ASSURED 0 , "WftimTW)Tir'lTinnKirW LAST tlUNCIC ; ! fair i j A N K A t O R t VN Kt I A a)oatDaoutioatf the Fifth C'oocrrt of the .PaJbHf' Library f Kentucky hi I .." . . . . tsioereu nieioraiiM m a punuu orawiug. LM be boroola aiat that I irnv npai etn rfltrri IS TOR LAST rUICIl WlCL EVER BR GIVEN TOM TU, 7AOT AMD BY Tllli PRESENT MANAGE MENT. .. r,. That H will pnalltvety and am qui vocally uk place a aauoaoora oo an. . ' " MONDAY, NOVEMBER, that the moaic will he tbe beat the country kSords, aitl that 20,000 IASa OIFTS iHgregat.ng ? 7 ' JHIljJ will be dis'ributeJ y lot among the ticket holder. , , f.. List Gilts. Oae Greaei Caah 01ft..'. .'. . . .. :. . : .V.t0,oo Uae Uiaad laBj uitl.4. iw,wu Oae wraad Uaabt Gift T4.U00 Oee Uraad Caah "ttlrt. 60,000 Oae Oiaadt-aaai Bit.. .... 8Bt B Caa Uifta, M,utw oaoa. loo.uuo lOOsihfllrta. H,auoaoh..W MOftal IS Caah Oltta 111,000 eaeh.,.... jau aoiaaOifU, - 6.0OJ each, v.-. loo. imUaahtHfJi. ,UO0 eab-.Ti.., lUU.OU MOaabtiifta, , ,0U0 euch......k ftO.OuO j BOOatbOUtt; t, aa..... N,W 100 Cash Uifta' jl. aeh.Mrf ito.OUO i!MOOsab0ifle " W each. . i. J7m i0,otJ AOOCaaeifla, i , MO aacb.,.,. - e0,4 lUyOOOCsahGirta, 60 fch., 5U,0OU I ;,.!. -I 1' .1. : .! i. ' Grand Total M.O00 Oifta, all caah....a9,aW Price of Tickets. .... -. . ... Who:eTtekeU,......-.r. 8 M 08 Halvea rH0 Tenth, or ea- br Coupon 5 00 11 Whole Tiekets tor...... 80100 H Tlekete for X- Uml,WO.O0 8erMnt trithing to invest, tbould Order prpmptly either of tha boat Office, or oar local Agoat. Liberal cotDmiaaioaa triS be allowed to Mtisfactory agenhv -. - , ; t P.rculan 7 contafniag , lo'.l partlcalar rurnlthed oaappneatKMH. " THO. K. BUAMLETTR, . . . Afoot and Maasinr. Public Library Building, Louisville, Kj. bug 7 0lilUOV- TBI CONNECTICUT CXUTUAXa Insuranc Odmpany. J ;a. ! . .,itui aamtaaoe tot Blghaat taadard of TheehaneteredtbabM tmtctte 4u acta. malatedaaaetaor , , i$36,0o6,OO0 OttoeBhrhettClae. torteeartty; Hbav in never lost a dollar of h) mvatlnaant. Its jt-b U P It L U- 8 I larger tbaa taat ot aoy olhur Conpaay over 85,000.000; It baa a membership-of over 83,000 persoa of tfaVeeeiDta. It has no Btoekholdn. tun dollar of mvlag orjprofttbeiioncaaoelj to h rOLI C Y-LT OLD KB. A I to Sv.a 4.'i . n- .i: - . I.dca aaeh a record tt can well Judge where to meat with safety sod th emaUcet poaaV ktooostt , 1 .... t "ill '.I 'i , U - iM MM I. WAIT, Crom'l. Aent BALAIOH. N.U !U Local nd District A rent wtlb dUeereontraou f tho Proa Muer Life Insurance Oo.of Philadelphia, (or N. O-.; jtourem,,. w. H. riMCU, t yt5-tf H M Oenl ataaager. LIJMPH BSO Ulaa I Vt - - . - ' the Qaarrlea, Wladaor. N. a Freeo treaad plaatur pat ap m bbla aad aew Barmy Bag. -FormlebT ' j . . BTAPLH A BLAH, - . 'i :; " ' CoumuaAealOB bturebanls, " -'I - ; : uol Baaba Bank ' ' ' ' ' Biehtaoaa. Va. msafTMmoa M.i f j'f m,.. j, . IP 1VEB8ITY OF TUMUIA '"J Ppea Octcbtr lj ooatlaa tarearh aloe mouths. It It omulr4 Id sthoole oa tbe idTTliTSitataaa) alii r.ll mail. ! (ilaaAna Llteratara, acteaea (uritat faaetioe an Cbeml cat and rhyateat Ltbaeatortat), aa Law, MudV e aa. Eagtaoaviac, Teaching aad Aerleurrnre, Anuly 1 CaarMt jAtiAB 7, HAKKl OO N, Ctmlraaaa, r. O. Uarrertlty otVk" ghwe. Allfurlt CbVaCi . iwj.wa " WANTED Ami AM3f3turnincf Ma. i " 4 TO RBTCBW TO thQUMO, IBTBBP1 TO OIVB A (UUNDGIFT CONCKUT, V U C K B ft ' II A L Li H A L R I . . ; "-8A tVMDA V, XOrWIlXU ' 28, 1874. -i ' - ' CViMatreeiag t 'chick, r. M. 1 . 1 ; 1 - . 'airy l .lu-.i. 4.. raM a.ia iMraara. iiim uuriiaae aaa ljunu i "i . , bounded ia .root by the highway to Hilbbofo' aad Utltibf aod by Cabtre Creek at back.' There b e Well at the boo, aad three Sprints oa farm of eieellent water. The most healthy location ta North Carolibsw Tho tttns la aearty new . X7 . . i la ... .l. . ..j l. . imwuI Inula ZIZTtZZ veSTo. i- un.u vub m j . w. . " ItlV mMuefTh thent 6 BAND OIFP I Bod free gift, 1 line larga mule, "7 tm tV foe good mnle, (JackJ ; 4. One good mule, (Kitty J ; . 1M 100 . One good mote. (Molly.) . Strong 4 hone, wagoa, nearly "aew, jt. Extra atntOg wagoo, 4 or 8 125 100 80 179 jnniea. . i 8. Oood itroBg hone wagon, a. Rngrlth boggy, 10. Stroag, Useful bone, 11. 4 hone English Celiv4or, IS. Fine cow, (Beauty,) rromKug. I ttock. X Yearling heifer, ,lronv,gog. ' tock, ' J4. Brussels carpet ia drawiag room, 15. Fine rod ateer aad cart, .i 1. Oood itoer, 7. Oood young cow, 18. Tearling beu cow, 1 - $9. New sofa, covered with b'rae- ! : 'hair, " ' 80. Cooking alove, 11. Harrow, 83. Damp Cart, $3. 80 vola of Xhamticni' E.lii IM tOf GO SO SO 40 85 80 10 80 87 85 S3 80 20 burg Jog real, art fv OoodEngrhha rt Mx COM charm, -1 c giv . ( tCOwlar,felb,AJn c inTr.ag ueMeyitrolljarjv xai' tUiijI I a 10 80. Heifer (Oarrotl. TCM 10 10 10 ft. Tea Brahma FowK raited j - from stock enctlog tS I pair 83. Two wheelbarrows ' 83. Three large volamte of Illut- irated Uiatory of England, 100 year eM, aod rare, 84. 80 volume of English book, varlon subjects, 85. Set buggy bane, 1 ; 86V Doable set bane, incomplete, 87. Ifebogoay Draw, English I make,- Yr. s , - 88. Toilet et, china; : 89. Iroa bedstead, Knglieb make, 40. , ' ( 41. . . -.. 48. Revolver, 43. SUlr carpeta, 1 44. Steam waabur. 45. Bureau, -, . 48. Bhow caw, 47. Large Scales, (at attrej 48. Bull dog and Koooel, 48. Wash stand, 50. Fancy table, 01. Round table and dogf, 58. 8 picks, 8 forks, 8 mattocks, 58. Oora planter and dann plow 54. Axe, Cotton Opener, Bnahook and spade, 55. Oee spade, Bv hoee, Water- pot, aaw, ilraaiag kaifr, 58. 5 bucket., bucksaw, drawing 16 10 10 10 18 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 0 8 5 5 0 kniir, t ! Tib:, it 5 1 1 -f i3H METHOD Or The Drawiag will be at Tucker Hall, Raleigh, aid trill fee rxmiucud iy fetll men selected from tbe aadioaoe. The drawing 'trill be H bliadloldcd tcblldroi, rrum to whocte-raoe wheat woi coateta toe lwgutf in riej r veiopec tho fttmr wlKOontsliuM70Daplir)ateTicaa,nabtred ama a tliriW sot.4After tbd coatents or lb wbetl liav been well and thoroughly mixed, the child at tbe 1st wheel win draw i ticket therefrom, ad then the child at the Sod wheel will draw a gift thereform, and tbe gift tho drawn wlU belong to the Voider of Ticket drawn immediately. beJorewt TbiB prejerm will coaUnoe uutil the 100 gift are all drawn from th 2nd wheel. The paymeatof tha gift will begia th day after the draw ing. Tha drawer of Grand wilt caa at oaee receive the deed of tbe evtate. which an free from all Btortgtgea or Incumbrance, on giving permimioa to Mr. Davie to re main with hia Teaaata aofficicat time to gather la what may remain of tbe 80 acre of crops, U not all In nt time of drawing, an let tbe drawer' of gilt will purchase 1 1 ttgT (;? !t',. v, "'H' I .ill i lldkAfJ RnOlCRtl ''Km.-'frrwN ' Id A AC ROdEItS, EQ ,' v ti ftv ; . - - ' ' , Agent In JUlrlgh Ciikatbam Bao., " Nat. L. Baowir, A ILTxxrta. . 'V i. C o. LuawoM,' TiicurtoB 4 WaTraxxx, aad at most of tuare, oa wo ililitbtir road, -a, toe rarm, trb-cn M included In the uraud unt. " I ! . A TRW ACENTsT WANTED HTHowTo RtMT. JCooev ahonld be Order, payable In Jofaa Davte, 61 rood Farm, aeer Raleigh K l with) Name, Fost office, County aad State writtea plaialy. AU itgeatfi to remit Wkly tie amOoot of XJM tOHOWMg g reeUocaea, reaidlag ia RaMgh, have kindly .lTcrcl to certify to 1 of lha aftair, aad are weU atousjotod with Mr. John Davis, tb FTo id Farm: V"','" j l..wi- : " 1 tbe geaaiaeneaa arletor of Slrood Dr. O. W. BlaekaalL Proprietor Ytrboro pad Machinist ; B. F. CTbeaibamaVBioaMercksotSiCspt. A. W. Lawreaot, Iaaar- a a2snt; ouwjiarBt,yr4 sailor penuaei; Kami Merrill, bup t liaieigb Uu Oklt 1,470 Ttcabt to aa bauko, axins con or Kabm aid Cm. ' . . .Ill I (- . .-'- - . - ' ..... 1 ; i-. - . ; . John DAvw, STRouDFaBa,aAiULaKJB. Tbt aataot of ail who draw Oifts wlU bo aJvertised In Raldch Simni. 8d dav fZ '"aviil. i lt.V i'ii.i . sept i-am QnEBafWtVaAn .SIC: la store a ttne of the beat A Date Mill im bar hi ptm from t& to aaa. it- j Ivor) mrmer wbe ha 00 orchaad shcaM Alto, yaat reeerrad a aew aauply ut awtdah1 end bokUA's CwUiog Kirn Uie brK tn msa, , - ,. SaMSS M, TOWLId,. , aagjott.,.. " " Agent BARK 8TOCK FOB BALB. '"r,.- Wpblgg te go brtO bwattiam.1 wtB esBtO, 18 a 4 shares of the etoek ottteBsMiih NMkmalBankot North Carollaa, ea masoa. atmiarm. t , army 10 feylWwl OxfoeeVB.O to ntrloiid. I., BBIMOilAoIlt - . r j - r L 8,5 POlUiw j f ( I kt. 1 ll 88. Ltdder, 8 duckbill plows aad 4, it) N shovel. o Two horse Watt plow, one hone Watt plow,; t. New Cradle. 0 1 e.th. inpm 4 aincU- TSaaaa- ." i.-LS- 84 4 lampa, churn, aul Ur;e ! clot bee borau, 6 85 8 English Fenders, 5 80 Fir trOot and tfoca, " 1 87 Dressing glass, (British llr . I glsaa, mahngoay irame. 68 Oval mirror, (British plate t gleet,) 3 09 8 f ea trajv 6 gtfui vl ewa. b : : 70 Oil cloth IB ball, 0 - 71 Dining room carpet 5 72 lCreamcaa,akiaaawr,8 uiilk 1 cooler, 1 mtaiure, 3 milk ' etna, 1 kerosene can, 5 73 S Sad-irons, kitchen fender, i tin bucket, cxffee pot, coffee mflls, 8 hair broom, 5 78 Time piece, 8 vols, ol books, 5 78 Balances aod scales, 5 76 Fold-up chsir, oil painting in n f ola enrvea inme, o 'Tf t Iroa saucepan, oval tinier, ( aod 8 kettle, 5 78 80 galloa milk can, molaas gate, 4 measure 4 funnels, 5 78 batch and 4 show bottle at ' wore, 5 u80 Small scale aad weight, 3 1 brandy barrels, ' 5 81 4 bottle. 8 decanter. 5 188. About 100 feet plank, and gear, for 8 plow, 5 88 80 empty barrels, vani.ua sorts, 5 84 3 French vasea, 5 81 8 Dresden Vates and S l)re ! den Image. 5 81 8 (Use casta, stuffed birds, I framed eogravtni;, 5 87 3 Vote. Cook' Geography sod 18 books, various kinds, 88 Coal (cattle, scoop and 8 mat, 88 Hearthrug, 5 M 3 tables. 8 81 EnalUh dessert tervice (erccn) 10 pieces, 5 Di 10 pieces Chios, Various, 5 88 Furnace, 0 84 20 pieces Chitia. variooai 8 93 20 Engraving., framed and 1 eltxed.' 94 '.0 pieoe tbme, " , 5 97 MXoROoy book cmC jarith' VI j glass doors, bottle Jrk, 13 93 Patent ciirn six lit r, 13 99 Ancient Cabinet, 80 10u On breeding aiw, 5 101 " " . " aupviircHit, .13 $8,870 DRAWING, 4c. I MM Of O lM V3,U7U.UU. .., P fOT'r iCvircam d) Dbawibo. I for Bile of Tickets: N. 8. Mocilit, J. II. Ehkim. SAm'l MamBiiA. D. J. Ellis, theiore la ruiuih, and at Mr. Davis' OUTSIDE OF RALEIOfl. aenl bv ReKistered Letters or Post-office Hotel t W. T. A.Ibom & Soaa. Fooader wA rb .art k.tjr SPRING, 1874. 11! mmf BFBrjia batb, ' 1 ' Th leading Spring atyte la medium aad Flo Falta, at th taott iwaaoaabli pneea. Now ready at a B. ANDREWS CO., . " plothiera and Oenti' Furaiahers. a -." Heat door to Tack Halt v ' ' ntivin. t- Ratetgb, K. a 15 U4 A) A i i Vm U AtlM . A I . . : i . : .i 'i -I I -u uu , fHm reiaai Lard. r, i wtrw-tr f0NRCr . kil ., , GOLD MEDAL at Um reerat hU rlr, otw ! other (Jin jJINahe het and only rWUy fu frool tin'. . We bow Cvc oee oa tiklMUon t u .r BUN. 3LlLmwA MA. ecl'-"" yALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR g.tl.K. la Moon county, N. C. nn the N.,rtli ,,. of Ootip Kivar ommwIU lUrrU T)K.r. Jolnlut Uwia rbUUpi aad otbm. 10 mil,-. , tea tcrmlnatloa u the U eatern IUI!nial ij,,. aid Deep Him twin? naviiptbit h, hit u;Ml. oa Mooday Mh of 'taibr 1H74, 1 thUl rt poM to public ule to tea blbnit bhb? uu. the Drrmifl4 tha vmliuhla UuuIa if n.. iui.. Am womwr, drcramxi. nHmtna otheriMlf U tw.ltaiooofhji, bygWlmf bead with ioUrwt from data with dimut.3 aeeurttr. Till itUUwd nunl tba itun-h.Mi muaeyla paid. a). .JA a10, EueuWr. aui 'J-t5ap. WILL be sold ta tbe hlicbett bidder o Tbwiaday th 17ib ut aaotctabar, s eemplete m4 of maebieery for eemtint: a Bboa Factory. CoaaMlag of il Wax Thriad Mewtag Marbluea, t Hole lenaer, aad sole data, Leathfe- Holler, fenlnr Jacks, r A-, la fact atsiitblag aaraaiary tor operabnr. a Moe Factory. Mde to tabt place at Hainan rlUat vbere tha aaacbiBary eaa be aatu at any lase till day ot sale. Teiinieaah. augwaHd ALkx WlljidS DXLWRL HALL'S LL'AGS TBS OatS AT AMERICAN CON i . SUhlFT IVE REMEDif. CoaeumpUoa I Not u in, uruhir iiiu-Mv. rbyaiclaas sssare aa of ibw(.L it U only Baeeamry te have the rigbt ruu i , at a i be terrible malady caa be coujotfl . II ALL'S BALSAM IS THIS IIKMKUV It breaks ap the oU;UtawaU, n lirt.-. '.be oppreealve UgLtaasa a.-r. the l inn ui bealethe laeenled and ncoruu-.t ni'txc wliich the venom of tb. ill-.- rttlu. . WHILE LIFE LArlTSTIIKUK IM IH'I'K U may not be too late to e&Vct a cut .-v. a after the doctors have gtvu you op. BALL'S BALAAM la told evrwb.n-. "J aiay be bad at wholnaale of tbe fui-fi' !"' , JOUN F. HI.NRT, CUKKAN A tX i iu..r Great Medicine Warcbouae, H aud W ..I'. jr. Place, New Tork. Price ft r Ixittla. HAli.d UALHAM la .I' a aun-rv. ..!, (or1 CK'ie. 1 Cclda, ruruuioatU, BriHM'hilis, I Aalbin. Bpilliiis 'l i WliMPIN() Ctlt'llll sad all other diaraacr -r tlx OTKant. i , -. , r. iM.l..r ) Proprietoi. of .-. ml. I s III .o.i .1 u i.i erSjrrup, Carbolic Ba'v,. K..-) ,lr..i-i,.-, Osyjgiaiated Bitters, Mh'b l.iv r I'l l-, ., JOHN F. HENitV, Cl'KliA s .v . . ' ban H Ooltega riaie, Nt V..r . Jan W-lia LLC OX t U1BB"' SEWING lA?IIIT I-:- aI manufacturer' pric, uu liui I lll.il.tliiv mtraimeaia AND TWBNTT-riVK PEK CRN T. Hri.oW U MANUrCTUKKKS' 1'KlCKd KuK CASH, If parchassd direct from Uu ullli-.', or v I ta local utrciiU, 18 IHTU8TKKKT. Richraoud. V.. . I JA9. K t lilHHS, I'O! . -" eecB-wSui Orange Sporting AND BLASTING rOWDEUS. UUNPOWDEK, Put up In MMatlle and Wooden K.v J.AFLIN AND It ND POWUEK 1 l. Maicaaiaa beyond the City IJialU. Ka'eigb, N. V. JULIUS LEWIS A CO. Agents. Powder delivered abroad or my where lu tbe city free of charge. We inrlts orders frox the trade. Wa. W.Joana, AnuitTBin Jonu 'ONESAJONEH. 1 J Attorncy'a At Law, RALEIGH, N. C PBACT1CB ta the awpmae Court ot thr BUte, law Un-ait tad District Courts r IMDrntedamtoeaod the several f. aorta f the tb Jtilslil Dtstrtet. - - OfBoe oa Favettevtile. BL. onnoailo u.e Crtlaens Natteaal bank. Up sUlrs. jaa-iu Beer and Wine Hall. 1 pro aay bug aiJ well snaortcd toekof Wbtekloi, BalOIos, Glna and 8i.lrituou l.iiiunur of all kladt by th metaurs at greatly redurt-il nrtoae. as I Intend to chanire ui bualneu u. aa exclusive BIER AND WINg HALL at w araaaal staaad. ParUea who drain- in - - ebaaiag tne liquors In quintitic lets iii .n 8vo gailont would do well to call. I.i'" " arraogeeaent made with dealers. UOlalf ' A. w. rK.ii-.' JV w ROOERS, TB1I.K IN PINE L U M B E U , fc'' APEX, N. r. Orders sent to F. A. Stiduih. f'nry, V V ta rare of Numiiit Min i. IUii. i.1.. be promptly Bllml. Patronage RecpecUnlly H,,l. It.-I. an81-wiw l.L . ii;iiuiruiuiii:i . e , . ,4fvi i ... - A I .1 V h

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