V I' . 'V IV THE DAILY SENTINEL .08IAB TOBMJB, Ja. Office No" th Court Houae, ( JUBI Of MWOUriMW. ..f , Daily fcmtmel T" ? daaee W.00 4lT Mil laoutas la adraue 6.00 -Weekly , " - . Weekly BenUnd " - - 8.00 Tbe DAU.T 8Tt!u will .be dell rered ta enypart of th City at FifTim CTS per w eelc U&nJL tt tkla&ok4 mtai par stjsst as tack, ertaa Bdatoahn. laecraiaMlmaa'.XU $tM .. eteh nanatt I sqaara,! week, f BJOil tetsTne, SSISS i ''-BPmSrl v.s M.W sa. Su.Ui t 14.001 1 10 'It VOL. IX. v RALEIGH, ' 0., MONDAY" SEPTfi s s saooi , ' B4.S0II ' SajBUtl , 1 1 7 v w"' b)I In """""" ji " (iy - y v'nT ' '"' jl " l I ) If 1 - , i Li iii iii ' JTJrir?S"7'r'' "" "'" JSmtmm -jatilMWH lii'wi 1 J ..L I in mt !! m a 4t mm i in u nam, n i umiiw -w i i . t . i i T7 i i . .1 i i ' ,i f if - - .. . .. M i .M i WK an suthoriaed to announce Back T. Dicker, of CasweH, a caadldat for Engrossing Clerk of th Hon of Repreaen-tali-ee. i , :pt T-td BOARDINtt II0U8I. 1 , trier Kewberae iTtaue nil Pertoi SI Two r?o,naa East or mi aVrrot' Hon iU Iwi ciMno .Tory parucaiar. Her prioai coofona to UmmooI oUtrbokrd ritkoam lath eity; o uh roucr tuu fall. Wilk view to the Siutl. doting This rail or Winter or Til Firm irf W. IL & a & TUCKER & CO., All good will bo sold at our extremely low prices jrou CASii obLt. fi.': ' " , New good, will b added to nil np broken line uatil the entire ttock dig ppc"Vr. W. a. It 8. TUCKBIt , BurylTing Partoeri. yys AKI TO-lAT BBCBIVW9. Fail rSlaU, ' 1 '-', Birfy raU Dm Good. , BarU eatUfi ' 1 forOeatlmen, V Xadiea WalklDciboea.' tL- . WmA fit f Ctotk Oaltcia. ' W.lt 4 R. 8. TUCKER, ' SartUlsK PartBer. atpt S-U OAAOOKB -Ot. IBASONIBTIK ZUU Wood deUvcedloftlWUa'h. eod Toar or dan U 4. IT. Kill Store oa iUUaboro street ' u.j It 1 ' rj rpHB NOKTU CAKOUBA MAM'JAU 1'a'ill.hed by authority and under the aa- lic of the Uenem AateuDir, anu aooa oe Usuut ander dlreettoa ol the aecretary State. The -matartal for thU work baa beea eollre- ted aad preparM by Joha U. Wkeelar, tq., wko aaa apeat agraat deal of tlM aad laker la eorapietiBK tk. Aaakaad book of retereace. It will be tbe aioak eomplete and valuable work of lae kladveer panHehed la the State. No pabHe asaa, eetoaa ot baalaeea, ahoald lie wttboal a copy, , it IU tM a book of ooatlM pa(ea. ConpriiiDK a Mapof the State t the eoaa tlea and population ot each, abowloe; tbe Oonrweefoaal aad Seaaloriaf dletrleU; the Uoaetltatioaof tbe Daited autea, wttk late amendments; the Ixecutiva olHeera of tbe United atatee front the Kevolutloa to 1874. An enxraved dlafrram.ihewlov tbe morenteot of popalatloa troa ITlW to 1K?0 : the area ot eacb atate hi sqnaraaUee aaa the popalatloa of each and oc every equare aalle ue ratio of repraeenlsUea la Conirrees at each Decade. The Uonstitation of North Carolina with re cent amendments; the population of each eonaty from He eveanliatioa to 1870. Ks ecutlre, Jadleial and Lesielathre DepartmeaU of Nor Ik Carolina ; Statistical tablr. of the popular fwte la each eonaty, for Freeideat, Ooreraor, Conirreea ; a apeciel statement of tbe qualified voters from record, at eeasat, dlailne-nUklnc white from eolored ': theeoun Ilea of theSuU oruria of aame, with a llt of Senators aad KepreaentatiTes In tbe ties- eral Aaeemuly irom aaie oi ionnauon u pn ent aeedoa ; aad mack other statunkal and mterastia( ma Iter, with full Iudex to thf The price of tbe bo&k Is U0 la fine cloth Utadiut. fostase to be added when seat by !! Send la your orders st once to AUTiUtD WIUJAHS, Bookaeller. ' . Balekrh, N.a Aeenta wanted la erory county of tbe State to Mil this book. Jones-Sin QAMDDATB BOB 0OOB-XUPBB. 1 take Ibis aaatbod ot aaBOanelnR myself as a candidate for Doorkeeper ot tbe Bona RipreeentaUve of the re it Legislature. eept 4 td HKN RT CKOOM. BaiTBriBLO, JoBHfToa Cb., M. C. ., . . . September S, 1874. retAsit'flwWso'iasflanao A. 0: t kMh aainoanea mnelt a eandidate for principal itoorkeeper of the Senate, subject to tbe actloa of tbe llemocraue-t:ontrra tire Caacua, at the approacainiaessioa ot the "SRtST"- V.f.BLUNOTtX r 1MBI LI MB It LIMB 1 ( I mow rocelrloit trdm Depot, direct from ths kilns, ear loads of Xx i, Kock Lime which uUlbe sold cheaper than the cheapest te dealers ana eoatractors la arrr quaawBea, , .W 1, Indies Hock Lime at 1.&0. Ma. 1. BJvarton. beet In tbe market l.TS AW kept conatantly oa aaad koundale By draulie Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster and .irrlcuHuml Lime at toweet eaab prices. , JAMES M. TuWLkVi, i repte-U , . Acent jQTJ BCI8K FLANOBKIB COTTON QUI. in .tore one each. 80 and OOBawt ot this celebrated Alabama Ola. Its prominent feature eonelata of a Sange' or proleetioa tnck utn an Ui. rib which PrerenU hard tub- rUnco. from being eat, as toey cannot come in anatafft wltn the nawa. ecnseauentli mak lac a batter sample of roughly pkked cottoa, and tbe saws will last longer and require less sharpening than other line. We eonSdeatry claim for It, that It will not only snake a better sample, bat gra faster than . an atlMr lamaua. and the manufactory m good faith oBered o for a trial with any Si ia exhibited at oar last Fair. Krrtwm Ail. aocM-tf Aganti All Merebai.U who hare not paid their lax oa parehasee a to Vmly let, Mfft, ere aareoy notUled to come forward had settle the same without delay If not proceedings will be Instituted acalast them. lay hi found at tbe Court lloua& la toe uraao -ury soom from 10 a. m, to B. m.,Sept. II, 13.. sept IS Iw , i.f.ULt, Bhertft. s ALT I SALT 1 1 ISO eWks MarakaJs and Verdlai four and half basbel Backs Bali, oetCV r.JONUalMrl niENtBORO FEXALI ;' COLLEGE. t, ; , nuECNSBORO. . a TbU tnttltatioa is ecala In .ueeemfel Opera tion. The r.'l Sewlon of 1874, will begta oa Wednesday, Jaly tilth. rortAtaloawo sunng terma. c, apply to the Preatdeat Bar, T. M. Jaea. U. D. . -) - N.K1KWIUOX, , June'ii U Preat. Board TrusUea, j " - -3ityIntelligexice Lootu . not. j..' Cs Nothing tt the Majors court tc-daj ol uiterest. ' , It hat been noticed that noUring make a wocnaa MKh so much aa a at W set of Fire huodred euUim for lire But rait Satutdat at the Becavtary's otBoa, Roll icj rut a much deJifed raid. (, Holleuiso'. new double sto e on Fsy etterrlla btreet epproechcth completion. It will hare ball oa tb third tW. Tbr wore 25 baloi ol new cot tun iw ceircd in our market on Satardaj Inst. Low luiddliog brought HL1-I oeata. .Ituffia Llichfwrd has gone Into tit cburu butiniM sod is meeting with much icceaa. Ws hope hie sales will be large. R. B. Andrews sow has tbe largest elothingouas ia tbe hiate bis receat addition to bis building being completed. Some people ought to bare ejurn for throwing scoppernoog halls on the pare. menta, for the way they make pedestrians turn is a caution. Air. Robert II. Bradley sent his lad a largo hot of beautiful blue fl,h' from Beaufort Saturday. He writes the sport It dcligbtlul. James Smith, of Aubtrn, was thrown fjoui his buggy by his librae tunning way FriHsy last, baring one of hie lege broken. Wake County Council of 18 Granges organized Saturday by the election of M. A. Bledsoe, Eq , as Master, tad P. F. F.leon, Esq , as Secretary. Wra. R. Pepper is fitting np store ad- ioiuioK Mr. Ceoige TunnolTikl, for a wholesale liquor establishment. He will open an eatiog saloon on tbe upper floor. "Old Pep it the mon." Mr. George T. Stronsch intend t an early dsy Jcomuendng the erecti hi of a h.ndsome store building oa Martin Si, upon tbe ground kaown aa the Williams lot. Capt Williitnn's company of Federal troops gore to Mvia, f, to-day, aad Capt. WoodrufTa to 8partansb.arg, 8. (X, kwrlng one company (CapL. Qamiltoa'r) tt the garrison in this city. Phil. Walker has purchased two of Calender's elegant billiard tablet which will sbortlj be placed In bit new saloon In the basement ol the Tarboro House. One of the bait ol writers of the preeeot time ruki : What will not a wouttn do for the mas the lores I Tissaid aha will not eat onions whta uolug to t part) no matter how much the lores him. We regret to lawn of the .death of Mis. Jerkins, wife of Alonxo T. Jerkins, Esq. near Company 3hops, formerly of New benu Her remain past tbrongh the city to-mot row on their way to tbe latter place lor Interment George Stronach caught a sheephcad fish weighing 10 1-3 pounds at Beat fort laet week, while out on a big fishing ex- cursioo. One other ol tbe petty. Mr, Porter, ctngbt one of the same tribe which weighed 10 8-8 pounds. young woman tried to be a high flyer and did not look at the money that the gars td tbe omnibus conductor, but he meekly gtre her back the loarne on which it was written, 'TU never cans 10 lore thee,1 snd lie esld be was ta orphan with fire little brothers to suppoit end mutt be excused. ' Judge Ucnry closed his court at L- uis- bargoa Thataday firing general satis faction. Too smuoh noise being made by attend so ti in the dourt room he imposed a fijoe of $50 upon Sheriff Wynne for not preserving order, aid little Jimmie made it Byelj with hie etttk thereafter in keep ing things mum fi lleaara. Oeorce II. Snow and Charles . n. i .! ,rfi ..j. -" MJtlBasbae, Attoraejt for be Board of Coanty Commlsaiooert, hare been ap pointed to examine Treasurer Magnio'a book t and report to tae.ootra weanei day next. ' Tbe Board mat At the Poor Home' to-day aad meet tt the Work House to-morrow, i , Thb Obbat ?ow-Ia sddiUau to tb fifty cage of animal" that old John Robinson presents la hit great street pageant ate fire goldea Chariots tbe Maa- iv Tableaux Car of Crimson and Gold. The Magnificent Pony Chariot, the Splen did Band Wagon. Ac, cW AO of which can be witnessed la the grand street dis play which take p!e oa tb 23th Oct, ber, that being the day4 Ott which old John Robinson's Great Show ttelt Rl- Igh. - ..;.-.-. : .ii iWSBi i n.rf-j f Facitioua Th Hew Tot ' Timu soggrtts that neither Moses not Chamber bcrlala shouU be nominated for CUvarnor of JJourt Carolina by th Republican, but that tb nomlnatloa should b coa ferred npoa a aew ma "whoee Integrity la berood onestion." .Th Idea of tk Boath Carolina radical choosing sou didaU oa wcount of hit Intagrity I ', j rl teiegtam reeiTd la this ctty Batgr day aight uyi fThamberiala recetrd U aomlBstlou. ' ..li, 1 Momstiji BArnirihv We Jetra them wat monster baptising tbiTJoBa ttoa eoanty II o oa yesterrlay. At many as flftaen hundred ptnons wert weaawC A large number of ceoveri werv lot. meraed ia a milt pond toco sevra taUat distant from Clayton. Several of oar clt liens went thither. TM JialTAir KtwCo4,a. - el . .i I The Richmond Knjrtr Ttyt tb first raTVv Tby bad ( ffored a pram of $28 for tbe first -bats of oottoa on signed. (0 them from tay eoaatv la North Carolina, ,' PxBaosATM CoJ. William Johnston, of Charlotte, arrived ia tba city to day aad is stopping with bw son-4nMsw Captain A. B. Andrews. 3 ' Judge Watt pasted through thecity thia morning from bit Western court rn ront to hi home at Fraakliatoa. Cot. John W. Hinsdale, a prominent young lswysr of FsyetUville, N. C paid a a pleastat call to-day. H U oa bit way northward on business trip. t Thb Gcorob Hoorta.CohtarsaTioii. Thia splendid tronp of theatricals wilt giv one performancs only ia this city, at Tocher Hall, on Thursday night, on their Southern tour. George Hooper It aa act or of celebrity, 'and tppesrt as tbe leading man in tb great play ol Colleen Saw or th two Bride of Cexyowen, on thU occasion, ttitd by sixteen srtiste, wbo r represented to be Srst-cUss. ' The play sbouudt in tro Irish sympa thy and ptthoa, and has drawn Immenss booses wherever produced!. ' Tbe scent in the first set It particularly soul stirring. "May thbroug of Ottld Ireland niver foraake yoar toaga ; mty ber music nlver tears yoar voice; sod' may a trut Irish worsts' virtu aivcr die in juui beart," Wo trust thi excellent company will meet with proper appreciation. Fall Buotmwo. A fall shopping will shortly be the order of the day. A few word oo th subject tnsy be .la season : When yo go (bopping with intent to buy, follow these ilmple rales: 1st, know exactly what yoa tut; Sd. haw much ; Sd, what shade and quality ; 4th, the price you can afford, (Tben .remember that it is the poort't economy in the world to buy things just btcaoae they are cheap. Having Milled these prelimins- ies, do yoor ahoppthi;' where yoa, sre are ol being politely attended to, where tba stock It often replenished, where you'll be certain to be suited ia airier, textiiie, hades sod price, flute to your mer chant what you are Wklng tor, not in vague, general way.btt , so as to admit of no mistake 1 kit him know that yoa hav come with intent tobuy, ar,d not merely to rummage over bis goods, and if be noderttanda bis business, he'll know yoa are t customer worth having, and: will spars no pains to cre and oblige yon. Merchants have to contend with loss as well as struggle for gain ; they meet with a great deal that it disagreeable, profit lea and exasperating in their daily busi ness routine ; bat for all that, as they de pend apen tb puhlio tor their prosperity, they Hare to be Careful to posse their souls I patience, tad not glv cause of offense, va r wt obliged, to prottct their lotercftt. Pert, doll, or indifferent clerk srs blight snd mildew to a mer chant's prosperity. ' ' ' '" ! a Taa Fumi Tsana, Itaud. Th Invalid most bleat tb human eye I tb great' Fifth A vena dowager, ot Mew York, who ha corns to garrtog to purge awav ber lUDC.flaout flank. It it terribw to think aboat, still mora awful to writ it ta tb newspapers, bat bow can Sarato ga be word-photographed onless tb truth be told I KTbs Fifth Arenue dowa ger hat bees tied to her aristocratic sua ion at th goo Is rattened la tbe - story of psW-de-fois-gras. ': LI Tried aertthU go sad soma at hat bidding, and by (hit measstxsreis U tlmuat entirely suspend ed. It is tnse, ah take aa airing ia lb family carriage, bat this re!ive th iaags, tnd ometime soothes tte nsrrt bat does Tory littU for th muscle tod otvsiii Which' throw off useless matter. Then th parUkm frewly lnAurloos table, tip dainty chocoisU od tpioy win, and In return for this love of the sensuous nature, tskee a Tage' revenge. Th beauty aad glory of early middle ago b blasted a th lightning crisp th magnificent bk. Th lovely woman on thvige 'pf th thirties tlowly dltsp mm . Har - eomnlexaon. ooc milk of , y , , . neari kat tone Ok a shadow bar lurm, once suddI aad graceful at tbt Yen us of of Milo, has becorat s long figure located la aa armor of lat. , Aad tblt it th twful swaaltywhicltahj. Almighty ha nxta for those wbrf break hi physical law bo for thty hsre suireely reached the noon of life Bo the Ffth ATtao. tosbDd la here to pat omt flub oa b bonee th kind be toBBtt laths pttrtuR of Mammo wbilet th wlf eomea with the express porpoM of laying portion down. 7 Bs Prmt Bmtog IMI. , , -( j Jutsflft. Tbew had ofTrtkft premtdtaT faVTAXB TfEWg 1,000 boxee tobacco shipped from Reldsrille oat day last week. . i Ia front ha Charlotte opera home thaWctt'oWoii paremetlt is to be laid. ' af.OaksVoogbt the Piedmont warehouse neidrUleUaJlwJylot,000,; A oea eolored company was formed Kint d. . . TT,-' 4,- MjaL Avert 1 lbwly 'TMbvetinw from Th mWbeti bi itia. Cornni Wbingtoa ktTSfboolved their new V Mit Conataace F.Woodsoa. eoatrihn waa Is 8alUbary jnswlt; , ' . 1 b Wrtew VtWt StytlfrrWir. Bsvwell, of Natbusb, told hi crop f to becce tt week for six thousand dnlrarr. Interesting revival of religioa iitt been la progress last week at Laweoaville ad at Rlchsrdaoo'e School House, in Qnf,.rdronty;i:;: F. H. DeLsae salutes tb patron of tb LI nodi a Fngrm, la Its ltatiteoe at Edi tor. Failing eyesight ctessd Mr. Seagl to retire from the chair. A proposition to ettablim water works in Charlotte, tt a cost not U exceed t7S, 000 or IIOQ.OOO. meet with t favoiabl consideration. Raleigh shoald give at tention to tbit matter. Th Rocky Mouut lfU tty i t "About half of th town of KlDtsboro', Edge- comb county, was con turn td by Are last Satardaj night It is belieied to be the work of an incendiary. Tbe Charlotte Oiemwr tayi : "Mrs. M. J. Brsdy has been appointed poatmittitM at Davidson College, i T. J. Allison, Esq. Davidson College is now a money ordcrffice." The Obtrter : At 10:30 on Thuisday, the 10th inst., "tbe first soil tas broken on the Spartanburg & Anhi rilk-Railroad," thus inaugurating an enterprise of incal culable adrant.jje to Atlierillp, to 8par tanliurg, and to all the countty through which the road will paw; and to great advantage to Cincinnati and Charleston, as well a Intermediate points. Charlott 0ert- "Mr. T. GAri riogton, ot th Raleigh CIrcos Cvmptay, waa ia tb cilja day at two' g. W uodersund that hi corps of actors te aot yet complete. : His basinets ta Charlotte was to find a red heeded men to take charge of tb elephant," Tom is beggsge smashing Hon th Central Road till hi agent in Alaska report. Bkktinxi.. Rcldsville Record ; We are glad to be able to state that the negm (Barton Grares, who broke into Colostl Scab.' residence in Greensboro', and stole his wife's watch, was arrested at hit bom oa Haw Rirer, last Monday night. Th ar rest was made alwmt i welro o'clock at eight The' thief wis lound accreted la the upper portion of tbe chimney. II It now in Greensboro jjii and we hope Will b bung. Wilson Advene : Mr. Garry William eon, of Old Fields' Township brought to town on Wednesday, and sold 300 pounds ot nicely cured bacon of bis own raiting, and realised If cent per pound for it. Thi looks like good old times, and if more ot our farmer would do like Mr. Williamson, and raise their own prorat ions, we would bear less of hard times and bv a more prosperous country. ' Ftyetteville Qautti : A meeting ol th director of the Fayetieville and Florence R. IL wat held last evening. We team that certain modification proposed oy atr. uaarr on his Orsl contract were not favorably viewed by th member of tb board, th original contract being preferred. We hare been informed that another meeting will be beid in few day, when it I thought that wotk can be ttraightway commenced. 5thtesrllle Landmark ; Just as we go to press a letter irom Wilkatboro inform us of the killing of William Wagoner, at th house ol Jonathan Stamper, In Jlle- gh.ny county, on the Sd sit. Troy Stem per and Milton Stamper sre chsrged with the homicide, and are now ia jail Tbe difficulty originated la a hone awap. Both parties, and others prcttwt, were drinking. , Th Asherille CUiimt bat aa editorial a poo tb recent effort of Theo. N. Ram. say, the Good Templar lecturer, la the western portion of tbe State, ia which the Ciliten spesks moat complimentary of thi young lecturer.' Say that paper : Thii season be ha dtroted himtelf to couali west of tbe Bis Ridge, tod ha organised ant 1? or IS flaurbbiag Lodge. Ia Burke, Caldwell, aad Cataw ba he me, with great succesa. ." God will, thst bit tacees may continue. Mr. XL ha an ipootn tt allowed a amall charter fet for every Lodge he brgtnl xe, out ot which he must pay all hixpeae. Tb grand lodge meet la jtewbms os the 4th Taetday is thia moath, aad we icjly hop this body may show torn ' tangible apprceiatio of Mr. Rammy' aoble ser vient, by electing bim to a poailioa with S salary, which wlB both eahaac his fa- cititi for good to tb order and th bet- ta keen him la tba fill.n f . - " ' -.iit: !. ' Chtrlott Obtsr t Wc srs Informed ioinipts' "or WJUfti srsrmtiogs genuine effort, as which promises access le srct S abets tisl bridge orer thYidkln rirer, St Wijkesboro. Th bridgt is' to b located ui beJow tb town, tad wilt open s tarn ssd relUbt outlet is tbl direction, for th peopl who1 Ibrd Nortfi of th TadktfiilfafAt. Iegby land Aahoj uiituu, well as tpoet Wilk. wilt, thaa i sn rutiabltt ilnearit of mNtch(luay :4uutn which tb direct!. of 4tatrilt aad Oherlvit got down tb river to Elkto, crbsset th rirer sod goes : to 8Ubsry, or goes on do. trwiver, and find a market at St-h-'m, WJnt'tiia v Greensbotf. Brft bolld to binita WW ilkatrn Wwaei Is- will naturally com to Charlotte (tbeagb it te Somewhat manipulated to ButviJte s that water seek It own level. , ; A tnuendiary tiro ia Charlotte, e 2Tr.de attcet, Saturday morning, destroyed three tore, v;x : J Moyer, dry goodl; D. N. Smith, grocery; J. L, Brother V Co grocery , Some good wire tared eat of each tor, bat in damaged condition. Leas ia stock tnd building, tbe Obun my, Is estimated t 117,000 cr $18,000. Tb tor oi 8 teahouse, Mscsuley & Co. wt somewhat damaged, as was also th stock of Sblff & Bros., bsroeai and itdkry Amount of insurane not known. . . . ,; 1 . ' n ' ... "" After November 80.b, it will be cuy to tee bow tbe money ; goes, for then the drawing will take place of th Pa'olio Llbnry of Kentucky, tnd at tbtt Grand Gift Concert 1250,500,003 ia cash will be given way to ticket koldera, Tb forte nate bolder of the ticket drawing tb flnt prixa, will talk off with $250,000 ; of tbe aicoudprixj, $100,000; of th third prize, $73,000 ; of tb fourth prizi $5S, 000; of th fifth priie, $29,000, etc., &c, until 20,000 grand cub prixe tball all have been diMributad. Truly, this distribution will tell horn th money goer Io a world where esch man and woman aeems to have absorbing douittt and ,dis eases ol bit ot -cr own. It aeaiua Jatrang indeed that any mutual friend jcoulderer be found to take th heat and tbe hordes ot both day end night upon bim, to stand np in a triangular duel, and muss and mix and meddle generally till himself daubed and plastered beyond Hie recog nition of hla own mother-in-law. In tbe strange mulaiion of life, when my bead comet to bo laid to rest upon some un known l ip, will it be writ 01 me I He gave to M iaory all ho bad, his ear ; lie gamMl lrim llcuven I alnt, ."uiu- iu.1 nend." Hakd . Wean When a men milks a cow h should not attempt to smoke a cigar at l lie nine time. A country lad tried it, aud got along well enough nntil be lowered hie head and touched the cow s flank wita tb lighted end of hi weed. Th next Instent band himself and cigar "put out" Tbe cow forced about two too weight Into one of ber hind leg, and then passed it under tbe milker's loft jvw. When be cesscd whirl ing sraund, and myriads of s'ars bad dis appeared, lie said farming w s the hard est wotk a man could put his hands to r,r the Sentinel Ma. ditr. While other counties sre calling public attention to members of tbe House ol Representative qnslified for speaker, allow me to mention the name of Major James C. McRac Uu has every quality of mind and manner to make an acceptable presiding officer. CUMBERLiBO. A fact worth remembering Fir cant worth of Sheridan's Cavalry Conditioa Powders, glren to a hone twice a week, will v doabl that amount ia grain and the home will be fatter, decker, tad very wty worth mo e money than thooga he did not have them. j Married ladies, under all circumstance, will find Pron' Pargabve Pills safe; and. in small dote, a mild cathartic. Tbey cant no griping pains or cramp. fPEClALTIItS. k Must be Mid, A Tory desirable arsortment of K1CU LACB POINT. KUL'SSKL) POINT LAI B COLL4KS. Lace TJnderslar. deal baadOMde Valencies Btlglnga aad In serting. Embrolded aad Uematkhad Hdkfs. , ogetlier with the remainder ot OUR STOCK. It la especially dedraU that we should does out tb XNT1KK STOCK, by Jalf Ot Anra.t let. -v Ooods very cheap and very good. W. U. R. 0. TUCKIB, June 14 tt Bervlvlng l'artaera. Wm wlU atre aaerretl bmb BotiUBss tw.t wtu Par from St te 18 per day, can sepai asd ta row owe aaichbor- haoa. aa ia aaneuv ramm, rnruan freav er ssmpla worth awvwrat eotlara tbat wlU eaahl yow t g t work at eaea, will b ant am eteelDt t Srty eawta. :,.' Addrens- i. LATHAM CO., . " sept 4 U mWAhmrSt,Ba,ka OFFICIAL. Tur-tiovemor, Sup't PubUc Inetrwiloa. 17... ,. W7S. - COUJiTISS. 3 Alamance,..; Ale sender,.. Alleghany, f. 1870 54S 8H0 10151 1000 Ml ilea T 730 vai nWWVMlt. I 1104 TS3 OOO I mr Oahamta. lll . 81 1114 TBS KM 'at-l WO JH Vti Hft4 r vm -ihi i tso sat 1415 14U) 1 14NS ram - 4a! lasi ! i . UT4 ., - lottX t4 ' t 4X1 4iwi 80(1 817 ' 579 - UV 607 7t a U-M IMS 73 -itm ' M - ter :.-mb IOeM - "OftS 1SI7 967 lll 270BI 1149 tm WO 1W3 21 IW 1W8 TH8 fMOt 744 SDS 1SS4 15101 1418 1210 KM WK WW 8H8 1750 1CU5 17W S53 2 871) 220 ail 1474 Ki 1143 S408 1UBS ' lllftl Vm 1118 1475 15n0 104S ltftM 27 6N3 W4 870 754 51i 77S m BS55 ?M K75 7H3 044 m 874 1840 1831 1A06 1505 SIS .... leor awo lscst som fTH dilai 447 4 503 716 4,1ft SOS 874 S83 878 8w 81S 610 713 S13 1737 m vm sua 664 106(049 148 14M1 1374 18WS 1180 659 ftffi 6R8 M VM 18701 UNO 1065 W TOO But . 84S 656 130 4 , 4 035 641 634 217 1935 1048 1234 1819 70S 619 TSt BUS 8511 211 1 S16S 175T7 105 (US IW) 239 475 653 8nu 841 1055 8M 1078 6U 11! 1384 1403 11 SJlt 8614 85IW 8746 1006 mm; .... .... tL 402 663 815 1M5 1231 1825 1261 65T 1053 863 1167 643 VIOl 670 80S 1110 8191 885 760 1783 1775 1030 17 234 843 214 234 1V4 13U91 1227 1078 1101 1809 1631 1583 1869 1687 1658 1301 1654 V18 1654 1113 1557 800 T27 1013 734 794 MOT 1434 18B6 1S58 046 88 635 97 905 830 C$6 81 99 83 .... 833 SB 850 M 879 906 300 8U 801 347 870 ltB loo ear m i 8309 BH431 8640 8640 1100 23K' 933 2198 103 94T " 546 785 435 853 491 7 I 174T 1949i S03I 1799 10B4 1294! 830 955 1319 1153, 1413 1139 759 8116 736 718 003 372 635 153 1 96040 S86I8 00000 00000 V9M6 1 1073' CaidwelL. Camdea' .... Carure,... i;aweu,.. CaUwba JI Ctierol Chowan, Clr., Cleaveiand Columbus, Craren. . . , Cumberland, . lwriason..... Da Tie,. UupUn, Dare, jsugecomoe,. . Fonythe Franklin Oaston Oates UranrlUc, .... Greene, Guilford Graham, ..... Hallux, HaraeU, Haywood,.... Henderson,. . . Hertford, Hyde,... Iredell, Jackson,....., John. tun,...,. Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln Maconv Madison..... Martin McDowell Mecklenburg, Mitchell...... Montgomery,. Moor,. ...... Nsdh, M. Hanover, . Northampton Onslow, Orange, PaMiuolank,.. Perquimans,. , Person, Pitt, Polk. Randolph,. . . . Richmond, ... Robeson. Kockmgham,, Rowan, ...... Kutuertora. .. Sampson, .... Stanley Stokae,, ...... Surry, 8waln, Transylvania,. TyrrefJ, ...... Ititon, ....... Wake, Warren. ...... Washington.. WataugaTZ. Wayne, Wllkea, Wilson, Yadkin Yancey, Total....... NEW ADYEIiTISEMENTS. lTJCKER HALL. JOS. IL BIANB, " aUaaaia. THVaioar, SxrTiMBtB 17, 1874, POSITIVELY ONB NIGHT ONLY. The tireat Iriah Commedlaa aad VocaHst, MR. GEO. HOOPER, In his wonderful Impersonation of MILES NA COPFALIIN, In Bouclcault's Matter piece, COLLEEN BAWK, assComedlaa aad Vocalist MR, HOOPS R. suads orlrsld. Supported by a fall aad anicleal Ompaay of New York Artiste. Admission 75 and 60 cants No extracaarg for Baserred seats, new for sal at Branson's Book Store UKO. B. SANDS, sept 1 1 4t cosiness AjeoL ABNOCNCBHBNT. IRvrtctfally aneane myaslf t eandidate for th. portion ot Principal DoorkMixr of the Hobm of RepresenUUlTee, aad wlik coafldenos lefsr tb members elect to tb ex members whom I served In thst oa parity from 1870 to 1874. JOHN H. HILL, sep 14-wW. New copy. T IPPO ALSTON. We are rrunis'ed to ainouae that TInpo A'.ton. eof. of Cbatbam. ts a candidate for Assistant Deoikeper of the Senate, sept 144 1874. 1874. AUTUMN. BLAl K ALPACAS! BLACK A CP AC AS I Fettv & Jones Opened to day th most, beautiful In of Black Aipscas aad Par Mohair ere offered in Ible market, and respectally ssk their eattornert and friends to call snd see them sad beeonrtBMd for laem.'ivA - Also tplradi aatorttsant of rail Prints with area maay other good la their line New aad I rraj. And for gentlemen. THB NOTED BALLOU BTI1RT AND CAN. riXLOl CILEBSdUO IUNOMADK fltOES. W Gusranltre all to 6nit and Kit. rptlSU .17 B ARK AUTHORIZED TO AS- VV smwm JvMEPH JliNCS. tsq. of rsrthae-e, M. V- a a Candidate fnr lioer Ke r ot th fctwte t Ult ft" It iectioa. NEW ADVERTIS JJBST IHDIAB KOCBLIMB. , limjci ':" ' LIMB! '' ' ' '. LIMB I , BOO Barrel Just recctrtd at price lower aaa No. 1 Lima ta ver beea told for la thi market r , nui.u : JOTICB. : , t . Win b sold at tie Omrt Bona door fn Bajelgh aa Moadaa- thahntk naptamnhar atsti tl lot at mad oa which Albert Faanr aai Vtlaam M. Hays now rsslda, Urtnr e th loalhara Umtte of the etty ad bUaWirh, b twainrsyttevlll Road and Ue North Carolina Railroad, containing upwards of ewe aenetgraoad Tbtlot Win boldttwn P'fCeU, each hsvlug a dws'ilog hut with wtofwmttiiA o it Term Cash. .. SPtS-td B. F. MOORE. ANNOUNCEMENT. i hereby aanoaaoe myielf ss a eaBdldate for Assistant or Reading Clerk ot tb inula at to Mumlng ssasloa of Uie Sen eral Assem bly. sttg2S-tf W.I. PELL, E NCO RUE HOM E INSTITUTIONS BLGVIilTf AQAINS1 filth THE 1VOUT1I CAROLINA HOME INBUEAJJCECOMpiltY RALEIGH, IT. C. TaMCompaay eon Una to wrtte Potkl ttbir rates, esall elaaae of amararda pmp- Ih losses are promptly ad jaetefl aad paid. Th "HOME" U rapidly irrow tag la paMic taror, and sppeala, with connaenee, towssrert Of property la all partsot North Carolina. Agent la all part ot the Slate, B. H. Battlb. Jr., Preeldeat, C B. Root, Vic Prealdsat SaaToa GaLK, Secrstery. PoSaaai Cowraa. Bnpurrisor. ' JaaaSS-tt 27 Years Old. Six Reasons 'Why YOU SHOULD INSURE IN LIFB IN8URANCF 81 CHESTNUT STREET, 1st Because it I on of the eldest Companies in tbe Country, attd past tb day of experiments. 2nd. Because every policy-holder I a member of the Company, entitled to til ita advantages and privilege, hawing a right to vote at all siecuons lor tnutaes, and thus bat an influence in its management 3rd. Because it has ss large a percent age of assets to liabilities aa any lif In surance Company in th Country. 4th. because by economical manage ment, It ratio of expenses to total income is tar below tb average of Life Compan ies. (See Official Inturtnce Reports.) 6th. BecauM it ha declared I more dividends in number, tnd of a Larger Average Percentage, than any Company in th United State. For example i Policy No. 16, for 13,000, ha been paid to the widow of a Philad! Sbia Merchant, upon which twenty-three ividendt had been declared. Averaging nfty-Mvca per cent Hsd the divideadr. beea used to puree aaa aaaiuoo to wit Policy. 16.046 mor would hav beta realized, making the Policy worth til,- 46; 6th, Becaaat it is liberal ia its mana gement, prompt in iUsettlsmanta, ttfebe youd . contipgencr, and ita rate r a low as any Drtt-clas Company a the Crjttatry. pBiaoirax FaATCBta. Small exneaier. tbtolnte security. Urge return premium. prompt payment oi losses, and liberality tn the fntnrrd. SAMUEL a HUBT, FrMldanL SAM'L B. STOKES, Vlce-Prealdeat, H. B. STEPHENS, td Vice PresideBt, J At. WEU MASON. Aetmary, HENRT AUBTIE, Becretary, EDW. HAHTBHOBNB, , . EDW. A. IPAOR, ' Medic. Umlner W. H. FINCH, Oentrtl Manager. ILLc o x SEWING b vllir M.ACIIIN KH At maaufsetuwa' atiees, oa time or moathly instalment. AND TWENTT-rlVB PES CRWT. BELOW MANUFACTURERS' PRICES FOR CASH, If pnrchsMd direct from this office, or any o, tt local agent, 18 WtNTH STREET, KIchmooA, JAB. C. A. OIBBMroprtotor. ' aseS-wSm Orange Sportinej AND BLASTINQ , POWDERS. OUNPOWDEB, Pot we la Manama aadWaode Ear. LAFLlN AND BaND POWDER CO. . Msgathi beyond the Gty Limit. ... ,ui . ,,, Ra'ekfh,M. a JCUUSLEW-SACO, Agnate. Pwierdenrrad abraad ey tbere ia the city tree of charge. . . We ratt orders Irom tb trade. 1 f It k i . 4 4

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