sr i u inn? A Hi r AreYtlAwAMUWbe tttsette) It (be Daily BawMBLBtttefoMowlag tatMparssaaro t 'Mfr tt tit rmtt BBBrTT" m UMaqaAnoaeaaM.,.UM.MWMM 11.11 Offlee Near tlx OowlBofeM. jack ea raaaBaoJ haaartloe lett than a week. lHre,lwaaLBeAa.laoafoa. 1 " ImoatA. ioojl, - -I moA UOOil l a. , . . SKltW M.0S 40.00 44.0k ' 1 Tkt Daut iimnit wffl be MwU ki week. , ;:,.:.:.:!. iJitj.;sJT . M . . ... 1 " " n i -.iifi r 1 ) 1 bu.. i 1 11 ;,!'? ; . ' . -. ,: ,. :,,. NO, 351- 11 IS sua VI. I w ' ' " S ,. , . BtUIO.I rfp7rn u nrnv mjlj TO.n a.v vnwrip 1 51 n ni-n v p- :h- ' ' ' 1 .. 1 -. .. . ) 1 . 1 J 1 'H Ililni 111 11 11. I i. -Mi .! . 1.1 . 11 - , , ,,, . , ' ... V . I !, AMNOTJSCEMEHT. 41 aspect fully aaasuMe myeelf a oaa tor the poeiUoo of rrtadml Doork the Boese of BeprSSrautflvwrwnd aeudbteto Doorkeeper ' rarer the i a.!. Hw losoadio teat sasosile f raw lsWto lV- MmMkMM espiwwujafowjieepj.,, ,jj j v. Th m of Peace 4k .Sam' to thia da .... r, r.w,1;T, ., - t - . . ... ax. .a JU-. .. f.r4.efil'. iW f.iATJ -- J f.xttn'jnu LiB MMini tit latlooiM iod kM k. Kin tM a of Wko oomttlof U cu Wluuo 00 Miro lo too Oowt Horn, mHUII : ' Too ColUokBOV. Imum , 17. if To ta BOftOM wbo . tor tteTwriUm 4 lim. IslS. lkwAyti; wtic. kU, Um II - om to ooi pm!4 V7ketor7tM HUk taitaat., took M osm Um Will b lOMW ilM JfiLi!!? bM aliwdy bow wo MO U JodraMM s rscuLTin. , , , ' MMt MatU.. A torjr ootboblo Oioorowontwl ; j , . WCa UCB KOtSTS. j UUWKLa rOUT lt I OOIX4 KA, .. t- : " " ' " ! ' "" v .' '.; Oi Loot Dodoritotel. -..'! ( " n. .-m '.' f " ' Keiil kkMUood VklOMolM Bdctoir rad 1 " " oOfttajfi; 'i ' nil 1 tmkoaUo4 ooi HoMrtkooo Hokt ,ok& wlto too until or of oca 8t6;k. ' ;'; .: f, ,.V " .-V-' f 1 '', H upooWly 4eotnUt tta wo onflow elowoot to fcM'flMK oTOUK. by Julyo Aacnt ioi, ' . hi, . , Uoo4avoiycbopodaryiroo4.j ' Jaaal4-tf . , I rrtlo fartoora. WI AKB AUTHOKIZBD TO : AM oooiMO JUOU-U IOMEH, KSQ., of rurliuwa. N. 1 , aa o Oaodldato ar Poor K-vpor ot tba (oaata at tb next aieeUoav aatbarioed to Mooooof et T. IMcker, ot CPi o caodldatO for KnciOMteg dark ot bo tloooo of Xapraaoa- W4l0. . a.ytT-14' 1!-J1 1 .Hi:. B01EDINU HOUSE, , Coroe Iivbtni Itum tii hrai IL, T0 BDAOOt Of THO) Amai una. h. w. Mfraii RtqaeaU taa patroaain of tho DMmbara of tba Ul daUrt aad tha pab'.le Keoenaiy. Har Ux experteoca la kcepls a boarding hoiua, aiou 1MM, Ua rafletont naraa aa that too hoasa will ba I rat claaa la aTary partlcolar. Har prlcca coBfom to tboaaol uCbor board kCbooaeata Uia eit. ' -yt abb TO-DiT aiciivuto. raU PrioU, ; Bariy Fall Dreaa Qoodo. "3(SVWwaitor. j .( . ferOoottoKoo,, : " UdlotWaHlnf Ibooa, ; oiadoM ' -t- oofr Oaiuia.'' 1 W.ttft&TTCKR.1 ' orptS-U ; t k fmjfTlfim Porto'. XI 1ST UDIAM B0CBU1U. LIXX! , UJttl . UM1 600 Barrala Jut raeelTed aT prTeH joOW laaa no. 1 I Ml EOO orar ncaa aw w tola aorkot.'' .;,..: . . . ,-i :,ki , Hardwaro ood CuUory, ; ;TP . : ,. 1- ytaoblhorWloda, JULIUS LEWIS CO, .. .,.,. - , yj, BaiMta aptMf i N 1 jm,-,. ? WIO koaaM at taa CWt r io Out, n aad Valalgh ow Moaday tba.iKMh o4obar 'tbalotoc aw oo womo imn Vllllaoikt. Hoyo WowiaotoA "fSJITc. ; ! ZlZ.rMioaJ ' TbokA WlH haaoMUtwn 1 aareaia, oara UoinotooiaoUoott. rroMCoth v.-".."-' B.W.MOORB. 'At - V BOXBBOSO, W. X ;MatbowitW,tflotood A fau.aiaoiooaiaoTmtKolT Board amd TalUaov laetaawc a, "" Ing.UKbta.ood famtahed Sooow, lltt.o iirvrRUoroai. - , . IC, UtUUuUUlirK., Uorronlty of Vb ftala,MAi?S.OAliaTOM. A.W,BJIr ABLE. Jo. ro'kaanateCoa. CoIloXO. . ! , Clrcalara aaat aa HUUDorO. jr. AA ATaraaaatoV Haooatt oowatr ow tt axaa av ociiaia a . 1 1 i . ,cuLiinTinillL MABB. i Iha bio o atarki tha laaa, aorfoaaarowtho kftiMeof thaoaakaappoaad Jo bo owart bratoir,wibaokaVoo H " bo rra ood otaka oar Uod faot o tor oloor M Abo o aOBIBL MiU MULE, otolM frooi toaatabloot W.T. Bhodaa, aboatj raan old. Bar omoUi eat Tory bad, oodLMU bloi feat taroi oat. " - .1 J w A Uborol raward WH o fUt fcrody to fonaaUoo or tho aoUrory of tba Mara aad Mala ot W, T. Bhodar" orB. a Aaary-i alahla.. , " X. kmudio, ;, orJU Awboro,.H-rfJo .i ! i .i.;..i. i.i.'i ' . f TIPPO -ALSrOH. V. - . a t , ! -y rt.-; a-1.. J . ?a art reooritcd to' ktmooeo ttat TiptM . ''Alrtoo, eoLjol rbatbaai. io o caadidoto fat Aouataak Doorkaauar ad tha Booato. 1 Tu KuuTtMit ai qnal nabcr i killed ' tnl woaikdMl m tbiyimt itotav : Tu Sufoa. Tim laol bM toljMrt ih dMior-U o tbi 'M'tiil Vvbtitoa r I'll" w rpooklag i body who aoykotp Tiooomco trooiNU Mb, fir,!!) JTjIi) Wi,bi. bo iooH o retulviog roaorroii of IMorary yitrjoi bo m aoloMMd oboob of Mior Aamtln ' 1 I Oo n Wbiu Tookb Yaexo.-Olil 1b Join, bat yooog la haarl "DproaUw ockaoo,' (ooloftdj agd ' oo bjaodiad 7or, o rokidonl . iAOaiagbttrf. Jfaw Ywk, waa ourriod Abo ptbor day (a baiom colorod wooiao. It io aaid toot Jockooa doc bot lock V day bldo? ttao " ATTHfTIuJI. Sea tha advartioanoBt of (Vlr Brua., for a boa soar tbo poat- aV Mrtieo of Mia, H. W. Millat'b Board-. tog HoUa, wao uf (bo t ood (kioat oom fortablo io tho arty appeara io bootbtr column. ". ,j "' 1 ; , '' j PiaavaAL Coo. Woi IL' Batlle, ot that city, la ooo of tbo Vioo Praoidaott of tho Xplocopaji Cborcb Cooxrcoa whit I oa- omUo io Now York Ooi. lib. - , ,. ' Col. W. tt KT&k ood oa. Willlaau, Kao,. bart rattyrood hotao Irooi M rstoodod JUrtbora trip., . ; - - - oto j Poe-rr ooo. Owiog to tbo iaeiattaat weather laotarcaiog, aad tBgigoowo for oeit woek PfuL Baaaall pootpooad tba do livery u( hia AftroooailcaJ Lectori la thia diy Oatil tVedoeaday. 'Bepietober iOtk. Tbo oat pruccodt at bio lectaro ii to bo appropriated to tba edocalioo of ooo or mora boya of our city to aetroooay. j b . CoKTOrnoML-Tbo BaptUtC of North OarolbM wiU bold Baodoy School Coo rootioo Id" tUo city oo tba KHb October. tt wiii Ml low toyoS I A "3 : J tbo Detidati of thia Stale will moet la OooToottoo !a thia city 'dariog ?air Week io October lo diacuat molten per taloiog tdk their ptofoaaioo tba an or rt- CQBt acbleyoaeata q Deotlatry, Th re- onioo caouot be but plaaaaot. , .4.m i ' ' , Fall AMUtAMum. Witbio the ext two monthA Jlalelgb- will out, we are lad to know, iuffur for tba waot o( d)uo- ooo, ,111m Lillioa . Edgwrtoo, BchaoUo'i TrooaotlaatieKoTelty Compaay, Toi Tiriety tb'mptblK of" 'Norfolk, (al tho Pair,) CaT. Wagooar'a llioatrel'a, the Oraat Eaatere Cireud mod Cbrriagtoo'a VirgioU CircuA Harry Watklu' Tbaat rical Troope wiii oocapy rucker Boll dp; rlog Fair week. r Wtmax Batdboat HwcT.-rWymaa wm . greeted . wilb. a good aodieod ot TockerBAU oo .Betufdayolgbloftwltb atAodiog tho liiclomrrocy .oLlhe WQAtbot joal pMTiaoitJ tbo opoolig of hj pgf formaaoe. ' (a) yf bis Uk oew, bio TOOtn'olMi iiarfcet, oad with 00 lag-, giof tkoorwaid OMonool wall plea aad. I At tbo ; cloiFof the Oo tortalirment f ntaey aplaodtd Irat claaa giiul wwn dW trtbuted to tba fort un Ate golden of thaoe tiekoto. 'btr.iaoMat LotiaMr gwtaeteril Bow cuiea,'- Mr. Sot'' taltner oo aUgaot eet of UMo (Mtkry. Mr. Geo. Wllbonw b boaoiifol' wrUiBpj 'dctk,' Mow Mamie Blackoan a Bice ' drew' pa tero; " Oth en drew epleadid ahawhv ate- wbiie the BiaV jerily of tho aodieoee received ertlefc of bwo oaleev tboogk wwta tow prieeof adnnlaaioa; To-Blght a gold watch If to be given oat Oo Bfljrr " Ma0w-T" nnxrBOBo iTwn, Horner dt Omvei Paaid baa aaar oaa aBadred bora. ! ' A dancbtar of Ret. BlHy rVav eioC took ' toedBaaai wttk B Tiow of tatf do . :.f"a'i - ii o '- at ' at it ..a a atoctioo; rie wm tirea w tau wicaea orldLW st-''"-" at i'H ! Wf mi, . " , . a. 4. i F. ir ,Tha Qraniren bod a aiaad dlaoer at lobtt BTaOx Hogbea factory, wigbt iUm troot IBlk&onv Tbort ware ooly to eet aad obtKaox hAd aora thaa oadogk lor' l ,00w. I would ' UII yoo who ekoke bat I bare wot Board aayaeif. I Uke if th $tljul ft mlatakea about Ga FreeXtIue Offdofc o( XewJouaa, beting W bora ia Oraage. I thiak it wee baa eathor weMwaarrlod the etatOi of the'late Chief JuaUci '.Hajb, and be H eM'vt HeeawJl UIaborw,ot tbd old BBrgwlplao aUaV iWgtoyo wbart the eCtof Of tM oWiaol WOW ntat,rf atay be Biietakea owat tbw bat wQI oebt Dr. Btradwick, Sr., who ooi ten aV Bbo4t It Cro: OrahoiBaoa mcbad hamm lav .mod ia bealtb. ' vi I ; Jer M Wao4la famlchAei Hot at doAtb'B doot." MUI ; tj-pawy IB X arwaaad Ibf alMi floweety bb4 BBBdoy bvb . . , . . . j w - A. a. bU great traltf.' TS aa oTwrnreog kiaa ; Mead. If be wm ooi feallf oo. lim Kdrwooi la Iziaf tplogl rryrw?r firra J, XATral CociT-tlta" Bomt BJ tktw hoart 1r dbpadw of tt tkttuw tar. U. ..oDaaiwaj M lot dliOfdriyeoodb warJlaaW WOO BMTM flfy M O0lKM Olf OKM BearfdUWaLtt o4aiad ewkoroor had lip-6oai ia tbo fcarkor woaftr rigoed for (Caorderty oowdoot la abaalog BWSwdta, Bao to tbo ocaoda) of otban BMOtBi Fiord il9 aad oeota. Paid rtlaotAoily, for It wm m mvjcb aa could be iztractt-d rroat the prionoar. , i. - . . Mary Hoaty, h colored , Mep tor bad ouadaci aad aomuUioi police, aja Owban'wUb a Jack-kalfe wlib Ib-1 teat to kllk , riood 134.00 Bodefjclty eedlaaoooa, OoBldBt pay aad wm locked ap, With a bond over btf ahu fur dppraf aBce at eoart to amwer the aMaaltoa the poltcemaa. Dick Crockett and PkU Laao for load iweariog aad diaordoily coaduct oa Wll' aalagtoa Street, thia Btotaleg, wet ata- BBBaed eacbi Ctockott to $10 aad coata, Be wae loekeJ op la Ml beaoaie be oobld Bojk pay, , Laaa,, wm flood $3 aad week'i work la cleaning Hp the market. A atlonf caae wm thoa dlipooed of aad the edar. adjoaraed. CXIABLKd iTlUM,OF .WAiaiNO- Editor Antiiul:,, ,. .. Votaawba HoNb Carelloa bM elriveo more aoaJooaly for the awoooai of the Coo- eemtive party thaa Cbarlte Latbaat, of Waabiagtuo wiwaty. Kooilaatedi Moor atanJ rd bearer, "be bM toegtit aa maa Bvoi fought before,", aad to bia affurta, mdra thaa totiay orbei die maa, are we lodebted for : tbo grand triumph ot our priaoipUa.iB tki Heaalarial diatriot a dlatrict thai two' yean ago' woi repablicaB bf ' Barty,'ror bwodnd majority, aow triaawbaoUj aJoctaowr diatlugulabed Bao ator by aoarty B rqood .rhoeaaod. Wnk B Book iplaai, hood, Jorgo eieewUve ulaot, aad with auwervlog dovwwoa to tbo prtoclpteaof theDmooratIe, faciei vatrro party, aooo of all (he dietinguiaboi meA- ben okwt ot Ue Bwoare, would oaoroadora the poalUw 'of-Lieateoaot-Oovoroor, thaa CbarTee Latham, of Waablngtoo ql ra1iafl poaeUr hfa mbmw. , ,, ., ,. -a Mabtm CoOkTI. Wad kiix rw'Salrlad poetpuaraieot of tbeOlft Coooert of tbo Eeotacky Public Library tu November SOth, 1874, wMreaolvdepOa fa -makb alatl draw log a oartAaty. There, wjll peo.tlvely bo bo lortheV poWpeneoMatj ood the great ptiiewill be tba tABOboiBoept, aam of tiSOflW. Who wll f it I What a pottered maa Gov. Bremlette, of Louia- ville, boaweM maa agar, would be, if the people lappoerd be could tell I i- ii,. i aia. i Taa Ihdiab Law Soit. The celebra ted Iadiaa taw auit pobdlafe before Meaara. Dillard, Barrioger oad Raffia M fottroo. la aow ia tyogtoM at Wayaeaf Ulo, Ooi. A.T.DavlWicd MaJ. Marco Krwlo, atUwaeya la the eaaa, were at homt oa a abort tariooilu OB-MadA4aaU but bwt U llAoogh hat!vdigatiom wiilctiBjddveial pyyet, 'tHutoa 11 wljBOaMap OBBaBBOf B laUrprttarwbicb gOMtfy delaye tba tnai. The oeftMavwi- afaay quaatiooi of laUrwiCM tr t I .A. XubSOa;,.! A. I, CBKBTt-TlM Bpriegweld JbpwUioaa My thatoid-fMB- towrd people nt Httafleld,Maia4 at leaat looked apoa renting the oemetery to tho riroaa. Friday, m aomeUiag of a diaecra- Imo. Bveo tbo crowd who attended tba bow matt bo boob shocked mow 'ot ee,whalhy faoadtteoJMlvofJa tbw aaidet of haadnda f oM, grataa, the mala eatraooe to tbo teats balof withla A few (b4 bfB largo itceivlog ;auh.aad asmAot the Wet pioa beJog rlrea' toto thegraoBd ekwe to atitt etaadiag. BTavT- wtowasf It blrua ttM aH'thoksowa grtroi hava Wb Ppenod nd th baae aMBorsd toiijMW exMtery bat tko atoaaf ahowid bar dooa Ukra op, tba oael aratea fllled. aad th tumbe removed afom aay aabUc ' bm wm made of the gwBB0J.-nr .Hi '" U w-t;a ' XLaOajr CATacr. Heary Pari aVqof the Yarborongl' Boaaa, bM o pleoUle oapply of rtegaat satrap, pat Bp by a OraaviUe eplcoro. It la almply am awb, aad aaa be ottalaed" cfctap froaa . i t , . .i . .. .r ThlAA AMTOBA W TBI WrB.TwBB ty-thrM TtXae' sditoia oa aa axxsnfos, arriredla Norfolk Thand ay Bight aad wen kaaytily , aaaat4 pS 9 bo-totaa ataaof that eltyv.. , - M ..-r. Jobd ItoWaaoa -s Cifew Is la BJchaoa4 ,t fyy-"'.''1"'-' a,t..d;aoJy . . .ta..,.i. .wls WWWf,''aHiii 5ouiF'' ""Witf ftoTtTaoWa! .3 ado0 kaJtaoAt , . ,j f T s r TTTt . I p ' iTM JWl Tor of DtTHMOo Clkg)i bc- . apC-Breii k. Jo. ChulalU 10 Mftog IM oiuomi mom pon iTofk om ooommoiM oo tlo barg ood DcodoMonaillt RoUrmSX I MtmnendvM' rU orJUTllId rr lifd atjbh A.AMoWioeOuiaplAdiOd atpiea Alpiae fprtnga, ta Barks ooooiy, it 0., BomtUBM aurrnf tw aaetwMB. .? j Xighty i,bnaaAad pouaaa(of tobaoco WM aold ra the BtUtoa jrarvkaHue oo Wedaitoday loot at bot ewt-r a Indat) boby.!HrmTa-i week, U -aid to have inherited tbo eye an hweffiu father, bot tba ealLof eertaln poaular vwk'agabl '"...J5 V . , Capt, iuha A. Blohardioa baa Kaamed hie ooadaotonhlp aa the X - C.R R, Uo hdbeeo auffWiag with bdiuu favor fu oHaettoae Munaaad. Wilmbgtoa Btmrt Wa loara that a freight Uaia oa tbo Wl aUagtoa, Utjlum- bla aad Aoeoata R .ilroad. coming id tbia diroetloo, ran oa the Uack about SBailwi thia aide nf Ciiliimbla, Friday ..rnonilng) about Ave o'clock. Sixteen era jwen tbrowa off aad badly damaged. The ac cident ia Mid W have ba c .uaed by a broken rail. j i .j. At tbo Ppartanbwrg -barbecue to aid in building tbe railroad tn Aalwviile, 6,000 people were preaeot and apeecbei jwen made by Mr. Ueooioger, Preaidoat oftb. rood, Prof. Blake, Hon. R. B. Vance, and othera, and everything paatelcff dnely. It la aaid that -he road will be builita two yean, ' Cot. E. Claytau Iim gone oat from Abcvilla to commence operation! Th Milton CHronitU lay thei tbe largcat troe In North Carolina la a poplar that aUad oa tbe roedildaweea Ris aaee aa4 UMbwrrVwbioiaiiiioiM V the groaad, twwoty-eeroa eH tw wtrraailer- aoce,-Ws'Bw- 'oei HaJ.' W.Blooaf fAraHBahiorta.HMlilh.oa cot of a cypraM that waa boiagi dooa ap Into shltaglea, that raeaaared toOnct-a'Aet ia diameter, and the ehlngtemep 'wore' only required to cut doaa the auwiU treea. Journal of Commrtt : The remain of Mra Jerkina, wHo ofourfomier fellow cit laear Alonai .T,.. Jakint, tUq, .wjioM doatk iioearrcii id Oompaay Jjhopa, wm broBght to the oily oa VMneeday After -a ooo Uat. aad, deapite the heavy rain, wue followed to Coxier Grove Oarnetery by a large a am bar of aormwiof retotivee aad frieada, where they were interred la Ihe faralty burlaf pUce. K.X Wadeaboro Argu: Wa haoeU that oa the Stb inet. a nerro Uvirigiwehare la Stanly county, aotlSed a white j lady that be wculd call by her houaa the next day oa bla way to church, and that ha expected her lo go with him. It teem that tbia tody wm living alone, and la the lotortaf )b)r & eealng ol tbe Stb aad mornlaV Vlvhe Stb aha hatl noliBed a aelghbor of the fact, who made hid ap pearance at the ledy'a houae la du jtlaie, Bad wbeB tbrwegrw -arrived aad- bad torood . but, victim from the fcnuM to tba road; and waav eadeavortng, by mala Strength, to force har ia tba. vahiole that kebad provided for the parpooa, he wm attacked by the aatghbor aad dabbed to dMth.;.-. ; Wbt Bib PtAM Didi't Won 4- The KkbvtIIIbVIJ iponubli tor thl1 following otary : - A Pbmaixville maid, qaita otd, becom log ansWij about bar ma4xlmoaUl chaw oat, recoatly ooncooted plaa "to deceive a yoana: fellow m to her age.' fbia wm the way aba tried It: The old family Bl bis contained a faithful record of all btabeVwMrriagee aad deathai. Tbia vol ame tbe maid took to her chamber, aad selecting the birth page, the managed by diet of aeratching and writing, b change the date of hii . birtb to period oleveo yean later than alMtH had WgitiaieUry beta recorded. Then th Bible wm placed oa the lilting roooa , table ia a eocapica- oa manner. Tba eveaier wAene" aloaff the expected lovetV He aoow- begaa to Bagar the. Btbl pagee, Md Saaliy reaobod the birth record; where tad wboa hi dis covered, to hie iwrprwe, that bio Angeli aa wm )uat owe year yomgbr 'thaa b. He Ibougtt Uatraage ,m abe, appeared oid44 jHa kept hh iba aad aow- ln4ftoTy1kbVeftEpiga., Next he begad retdiag the dbwlb liat, aad haade the very MtoaUhlng diacovery,. tba tbo radieat Maldea, aaaotdtogta thSn bad actually boaa bora tea' yean , after the doceaae of bar father, i Thry-mag nub qaietly atom and bid Aegean food bye, oad bow bmbwa that; wtoraal Tbjl- MmIado4lba Brkwofllbwrty" ' ; ! ' i e rail a ' ' ; ' . . BtadweQ " awwtaara of Ba. If, '.' Marray troot Hew Tort, aeoaow naelvtrg a freak ttoct Of BoohJ sad Shoe, goUea Bp xpraaly iar KarU UtoikM. tneav Xu. oi Mead Mr. I. B Moomm and wttb thaaa aad.wlU twhappt to sea hid fitaad atttBIamyor . (tetve aadritk prdeia,v-';.,, . B." .... ,i ,. . ., .... - --, a . JL . fmn If iw.i-Tbe btot Actp mM wo otomow , woo 0 ooldior, wbf ow omowoen ''howrroToibIo leitp'oro hi fooovalinf woro ovt lobd, ood ifuij tho cruel ww wm oer fc ol boort 'U fah poor tWaa sad bouabt tblrteea j o da, all that. imrtnaMalfc waa able ta bayj -B awtthewt tostBMlti leld-erbars4 sad wceas, w-qvb ftoey eooo oeijoioa,Toea ieM ,Aoa br.M. ."Ia the wraewjr.M'Shekovcdi taaas weilfaodlBf Mil paieime oaruteo io earing ar taa afaeepv' Tbf aext epriag be bad, tMta Umbt bo wm able tw pleat aaoeavi oora ; aowed etrtvet' ahd grew tarnipe i aad aoi, to day, la ihe rvrultot each small beginnings, ba has aoverat buadnd ne young sheep, IroiirondlMastM him a,(i00 a year, while hi farm baa become extrt-BM ly fertile, aad be ia a rich ssaa. We know that thousands and thousand of poor yooag saoa bava a Ires eoane before them to become wwltby by beginning la j tbe hum way. ' But tba trouble is, tbe way is too hambte and slow ; they want to get along iMter ; they lave no faith, ao pluck. Truly, it doaa eaeMa-emali baoineM -fa watch a dosea sheep, u if it wen beneath tba attention o S bright American youth ; but if Mid youth will luuk tbt subject all Over, be will see it worth j of all bis pow ers. A young man Can well aff.rd to sit dowa with a dfB sbeep oo the plains, live in a dug-out, aad feed on antelope meat, rather thaa undertake to become independent in a city on a clerkeliip of $1,000 a year. ! Boocbjb Baibo Uroa Ma-art. It b a subject ot general remark, among both wboleaale and retail druggiatt, that no medicine introduced to tbe Aaaerioaa public bM ever Keloid aucb a popularity and mat with ao Urge a tale in all parti orthoaad, lo tbo oome length of time, a Dr. I'ierce'a Ooldeu Medical Diacov ary. ( Tbia cannot depead upon ita hav ing bet n more .largely advetied tnan any other , aMdianoo, j aa audi i not tbe caae. , Tbo correct rxplaoiaion, wa think, lo (Wood ia tbe' fct tba' thi medicine prodaoaa tbe moat wonderful aad perfect cuim of - wery bad eaaei a bronchial, throat had lung Jioaaan, ,ua aadoubbidly the moat parfect ood eflicient IMoedy for ait kioda of cougha that bM ever been Introduced (a the oublic. ami at theaame iuia' poa im.1 tba great oaf; ojblood- porifylnt; and trerigUieirlng' prOpertlr that medical aclcnca bM heea able to pro duce, i hue rendering it a aoverciga reme- dy aoi iiaty ia Ike eur of Coaiamptioa, Brnoctiitie, lloaraeuoa and Cough, but alao for all diaeaaee ol (be liver aad blood Macrofaloui dlMaaee, blotcbea ; rough akin, pimple, black ipccki and dleclore tionA It bu therefore a wide rangd of applicatioa and ooefuloeM, aed Kaot only givM the moar- perfect aatiafactioo to ill who' BM It, but far exceedi the expec tation! of the moat Mnguiue, tbu ellol tlag the loudest praise, and making per manrnt living advertising mediums of all who um it. Pot aheae reasons it I that there ft not per bap i Snigglsi In all tbe vast domain of this Continent, who trim to pLjoAe biscoetomen.sad soppiy tbeir wants, that does oot keep and aell large qaantltwo of, tbia moat valuable medi cine. k JaacP, lows, May 5th, 1878. DrHtTrrafiesT ' Dtar Sir We take pltature in Mjing that yen medicine have aold antirely beyond " our expectations. We - regard thaai m the i best mediciee extant, and bear them spoken of ia the bigbMt terms of praiee, , R. L. SiflTH & CO. II Alt HOOD AXSTUKKDi A Victim of voutbfnl imprudent, caoalug prematura de eaf. tervoosdabDItv. etc .haviaa tried la vaia everr known remedy, haa found a simple eeif-eare. which ha wid send tree to hie fe! low-aaflerers. Addroae J. It KKBVIU, W Maaaaa BL, new leak. , JuaoSaWJav , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T-ANTED TO RENT. A Huae pleasantly rltBated Wttbia thrM or ronr blocks from P O . with alarht or taa rncms. roraklch a liberal rent Will bo Mid. Would preier a lurnienaa aouea. 1 JUqtUra ol 4O0.U. wnuama rar parweniara. . s pt tl-lt " ' CCLVIB BROS. -AN DISATB. BOB. OOOB-UBrBB. lake this SMthod of aaaoUBeiBa? BTaelf aa a candidate for Hoorkoepar of the Ueue Riroaeataure Of the rext LriTialatarr, sept 4 U tu.,,, . HBNBT M. CBOOM. TUCKER HALL, jot. - j Thbbb Nmhts OsLT, j fATURDAT, MONDAY ABO TCISDAT, oBrTBMBBBlBtb.tlatwdkd! ... ' ' ''', oeueiuAL r WYMAN, WIZAaD AXD VENTRILO- , "l CJCIdT. . . . Bleewat Prereat Dlakri bated at each par- fi Adartaakaa ooly BB rseta. Par tormaaee t eoaamone ot a o'clock nlgtiUy. Mali aaa oa voildrea admitted to Teeaday MB e'eloek wawoeo roru aoptlS4t OAA MIDI OF BBA90N ED ' PIBB ZiJJ Wood derive rd f or a m Uah. road net orders to i.T. Bllle SI on oa iUllsboro omcut' (tut iioJUOUt Tup'iTnnllo Inajnctlon. . U74 UTS. COUHTIEST r Alamaoea,. Abnaader, 1370 A4S 10161 10M M S1 so m mm wimur Burke, Cabarros. CaWwatl,..';.. llu, Oaaton, .. Oatea OraaviUa, uraono, OuiUordV... Graham Halifax,....: Harnett, Haywood,.. Hsnderaoa,,. Hertford,... , Hydfl........ Iradeil....... Jaekaon,.,... jonnaton, Jones,. Lenoir, Iineola, . aaeoB, Madison Martin, Mcuoweii,.... Mecklenburg. Mitchell...... Moatoeaeryr Moore, Naah, N. Hanover... Nortbamntoa, unatow,. Omiuro. . raaquotank. erqulmaaap eraon m, Poik,j......i Bandolphn Richmond,.. wivawitM, , Rocklncnam,. k warn. 7.77.. Rotnorford,.. P2yd Dwaeo...... ourrv....... 8waJa, TiaasvlvaaiaJ iyrreu,., r, - ' w Union, ....... n aae, . , Winw. WaaAkagtoa, . waiaoga, Wavne... Wllkea... Wll3w'," Yadkbi, Yaoony, Total;...... w as M" 1 n CBOIBiXTTOiiem. One tt Baw Gin, Jut to band ot this Justly celebrated Alabama Gin. The testimony a smaahnoM that they Ola tester aad makes! better sample than any other ever made. Price 4 par av end traajportattoo, jAiiJJiiLTOWI-B8, : aept5-tf Acvat ' Tr JZV.UX' f ATBMT DMBKXLLA-B.nL- for Baortoa. Waroaa. ia. aoai its. Baddlaaand other opea Vehleles. Tl bla sxessrllaaly ia- reaiooa sad aaetal iaveatioa sappuae a want bus; felt by thosa who rida in open Table lee. It ia M almple Its construction that a ehild can menace lr after onee obaorrto the appa mtue. itcaa be soil wad dowa to any vehicle wilbowt uuseovaeieaea it doaa not dial! jura thaapneantape of hi waxoa or bugiry. It eaa ba olaeed at anr elevation, or IncUaed In aay dime Una with perfect ease m a momenta. Uroa wnenaoi in aao can v w manmH batareea theOMBhloaa, by the amoks turnlua of a thumb ecrcw, sa M be ontlraly oat of the way. aad will subject peraoM riding to no tn convealence whaterer. Any nereoo of ordi oary mud ean adapt It to his vehicle without tar aid of directioae, : Ita pries is within the reach of all. Bvary owner of aa opea vehicle should hare one. Aay kind of aa. Umbrella will adjust They can be purchased, whole sale And fewtl," at JUL1VS tltWHJ DO'A Price at rataHSa " 1 M lata aaa eeantr Blchte foreala. Addreas , ,. , M.EBU.T, Pateotea, o UR I-OUCl TUIA FALL, ' Wlihavlew tovllie flnal closing ThU fall or Winter ortna Firm of W. 0. ds R. 8. TUCKER A CO., A.II giioda will be sold at oar extremely low price 1 FOB CAf It ONLY. . . 1 New goods will be added to All Bp broken line until tbe entire, stock dis- '" 1 "W.n.&tt.S.TUCKtR. ' Surviving Psrtnen, A NNOUKCBMBrtT. ' L' ' A kercbv aanouee nysolf m a candidate for Asalataot or Keadlns: Clark of the ttaate at the enaalng aesrloa of tha tteneral AMenv kMtgto-tt ; : W, E.PELL, Wnl. Wfowae, AanwrrWAB Jowsa, 'ONE8AJONE8. ' Aitwrncy'B At Law, ,7 BAUuaH,jf.a PBACTtCB hi tho Supreme Court oftbe Bute, the Circuit and District Coarte of the United BtaUa and the several Courts ad k- atK ImMMmt nUUtr. . . OffiM en f ayettoviUo. BU. Opposfb) .ths UUaens nauonai nao4 if vm. Jaas-lU F 1 1T J Bla 1114 I' aktiA V Out ail anaA v ' AAA V r.tll Z2 1.1 maaio ChathMC.V..'.Kl7T4 151 It Hfljj I Luerokeeif... ae m i OhowonT..... 67 T4 W m Ciay,.. aaa usf m Oeivelaad,... 10W 647 tW M Columbus, ... 1034 l 1817 TW Cravea?.... IMS VWi 114 Cumbertand,. 1W0 lwa 8100 . 1W Currituck.. WS 84W 744 I DartdaoaT!.. 13S4 15l! 1413 llaiO Davie,.....,.. 828 ftS WM M Dunlin. VIM 10U5 17W i pas DaroT....... M d . KU Kdg-ecombe,.. 1474 845 Mi J40 Foraythe,.... 103 U15 WHO Hit 1475 Uooriesv 1'ioaii .. VM 6l!i 774 420 1 X lim laaosU9W J . !? I 7H8 tH4 Hil 11 . lm 1S31 1B !05 S13 1HK7 WMO Ut MU 77H OOO ... . 447 4 BUS 716 414 826 874 W38 878 816 610 713 .618 . 1787 I M" I "SITlU . 664 MB I S4B 148 1 JJ . OM 12701 11H0 10561 . una I Wl s ml a wot 4 SW 641 6H4 817 lUUt 1048 VM 1819 7U6 619 W9 3U 8r.u tarn xira 1737 lt 62H 883 j 7i 6&s m m 1055 881 1078 616 11M8 1384 1403 11 211 8014 KM 8748 1096 WHO .... .... I aia I AIU dBSVl I 91 PL I 11H5 I 12311 1&& 1961 1 I I W j f 11 1 1 aWt'J I B1K7 B reraulmanav,. ma 1 wm ?r I ri Peraon 1 lll oi B" .l 178S 1775 1080 17W I 24 B43 814 834 1 IBM 18ttU 1237 1078 1 1101 1309 .... "I M 1IU 1RM 1AH7 1 I 1658 Mot W54 ll I 1654 llwll U67 800 1 737 101S1 TJ4 .794 1 16U7 . I 14841 UUO I UkS I ' 648 IT-886 fO 1 97 1 ana- I Vt MnJI aVJl I . Of I 1 SNO 8J .... ..., m H 2 850 14 1 1023 I 681 1 843 ma. I h aruat I wWisJr BtUA I lattAil I a eWTIW I Oraaxt SJtrw 1 satrwv 1747 .1049 BK1 1799 1 ' 1094 Piaml 820 9ft5 1. 1XIB 1 lml 14(8 1 U29 1 I 759 I bm W5 7181 60S j 872 63S 16B 1 . I 1" 111- 1 n ii iaaawawa OM 08618 00000 100000 1 iff! ..H . ; f :- t i. i,a5--a We Will live aaawmtia aaaa uA BcMaasaeaue will P froaaA4 aa r aa aaa hepannodia rear ova aekhbor bood, aad k) ethetly hoaorablo. ParUealata free, or eamplM worth aeveral cellas that will enable-roe to so to work alenoa..wi!l be seat oo receipt of afty eenta. AMraae-1' dlHAoo.t T H 0 1 FOB THI BXA, SHOBB, BLUE FtSBYNQ AT BEAUFORT, N. C. mm 7 FT'TV-fr WBViara and rsa. Beaufort Often treat Jadueeafeata: A SraaS and Mriog Band dUeourse sweat nlewtlr: .. Btrat Oatsa, Bar. Billiard iUome aad Bowline; Alleya. Tbe Atlantte Hotal. Boaafor 9. C, Ueo. W Ckarlotta. roprlater. .,a . je uceaa uouae, Deaarort, a. Thor. robblns. r - BnutwiWLav Josnttroa ikx, B. V. . Boptembsr ,i874. Tt O litmbtn of StnaU ICC: 1 hereby unouaee mnetf a candidate for prineipal Uoerkeeper of the Berate, euject to the actioa of tho Dtaaoeratie-Coneerva-trveOaueue, at the approaeaiai sessloa of the feaerel Aseembly. sept ta . r. klluiutv . JlMBf UMBtl LIMB III Now recelvInK from Depot, direct from the kilns, ear loads of Mo. 1, stock Lima which a mba aold-cheaper thaa. the cheat eet to deal era ana eontracuin ia larre qaaaUUea. Mo. 1, Iadiaa stock lime at XM. No. 1, Rlverton, beat in tha market 1.75. ano Kept eoastaatiy oa head KouadaM 11 y draulie Cement. Caldaed and Land Plaster and Agricultural Lime at lowest eaah pricea. JAMKS M. TUWLK8, septo-U Agent BUI8S FLAM (j HUB COTTOB QIM lnntWTjwTtc1iTWTnB celebrated Alabama Ola. Its prominent feature consists of a flange or projection loch daen oa Ike rib wklch Dreveata kmr,ut- stancM from being cut, aa they aaaaot come in contact -with tho an, ernseqneatlf mak ing a better nayta of roughly pitked cotton, and the mws will Uat loniier and reqajro leax sharpening tnaa other Una. ' ' We conttwmUy eiaim for tt that It wUl not only make a better aaa pie, bntgiafaater than My olherjrin made, and the maaufactory ia Suo una ouerea veu iora snai wun any In exhibited at our last Fair, ftrtom Bat. JAMIA M. TOWLBeV aug28tf , Agent. rOTICB. All MerchaLts who have not twld their tax on pnrthaam up to July lot, 1874, are hereby notified to come forward and aettla the aamo without delay If oot proceedings will bo Instituted sealant thwaa. 1 aa p be found at the t'ourt House, ia the Urand ary Koom from 10 a. n, to 5 p. m.,ftepL 11, 1874. Mpt 13 lw ,B . J, t. Lit. ahariff. 27 Ydars Old. Six Reasons Why T0U SHOULD INSURE IN LIFE: 921 CHX8TBTJT BTBBTT, 1st Because It la om f the oldest Companies la tbe Country, and - past tho day ofexperimenti. ' Bod. Bccanse every policy-holder is a member ol the Oompany, entitled to all its advantages sod privileges, heviag a right to vote at all elections tor trustees, and thus hM an Influence la ita management. 3rd. Bi"--se rt haa m large a percent age of Mlei liabiHtiaa M any life In surance Cou . any ia the Country. 4th. Because by economical manage ment, ita ratio of expenses to totsl Incomr is tar below the avenge of Life Compan ies. (See Official Insurance Itepotta.) . 5th. . BecsuM it bM declared ;mor dividends in number, and of a Larger itvenfre Percentage, than any Company la tbo Uoited States. , , For example; Policy No, IS, for $5,000, hM been paid to the widow of a Pblledel phiaMerchant, Upoa Which twenty-lbree dirldeads bad been declared. AveragioK flfty-etveo per cent Had them dividooiln. been used to purchase sdditioM to tbia Policy, $8,048 more would have been realized, making tho Policy worth 111, 480. ' " " " 8th. Bccsqm it is Uberal la ita mana gement, prompt in itiaattlement, Mfe be- vond a contingency, and Its rates are as low as any tint-class Company Si tho (country. PniMcnPAL FaAT0BBS.'-8maU ti rvna.. absolute security, large return premiuinf. prompt payment of loesea, and liberality to tbe inred.i '- :; . BAMUBL O HUBY.-rsaldant. BAM'L B. 8TOK.Ee. Vtca-Prea dent H. BTEPHBMS, Bd Tan Presideut, , JAH WXiB MA8UM, Aetaarp, t ED W. HAKTBHOBJik, I " BDW. A. 1FA6K, I sfedlcal fxsm - W. H. riMCH, Oeneral Manager. incrs YIblCOB eiBBB' HIilWINO JaLAXSUtNKH . .. . , .. ' At rnannfsctnree' prices, oa ante or monthly SMtalasaata. ' AMD TWENTT-FIVE PBB CBNT. BELOW MANUFaCTUKBRo PB1CBB FOB '"' t'ABB, ".'t ' If purchassd dlreet from thia odes, or any H wwBr AsMaVl aaffwnaiteBa 18 wiMTUBTKBBT, Hichmoad, Va., IA. AV a. Gib 88, Proprietor. am -warn r J ABB 1BVB8TMBMT BOB CAPITAL Win be MM en tea promisee, oa wednea- day.tbe 80th of Beptesabee taMsery anluable real eateu koowa aa Caaaady'i Mills, I county of araavtlle, II C., oa Tar Klver 10 Ilea Boalb of Oxford aad a boat 10 miles North-Weat or. rraakuato aa the Balelgh At saatoa B! Bt By a yadlehteo exsoaditare of capital tba water puw.r weald be aoni c tent 10 carry on extensive mwaiartarins; operations: There b) e Btore boaaa. Cot too aim aamiiw saw aaoa saep aw the a, swwhirtbaswaras Mono time aa axtaaarve beaiaaae Aaa. Ake a sawll tract of fend adjoining the MU1 tract with rood toprovarneats awTaelet)y arrarred for e saull family. - : ' . Totsaa aaa fnarth eaah, aalsnesoaa to two yeara tlaaa. ,. Mr. a O. Btnybora woi show the proper ty to any person who may wUh to see If H.E.CANNU)Y Ex. 1 ssptlawBwft a T3.-n I iVBBfmnaa Fr.-wacwerve. e". r-.-'.r-.-.v INSUItift'X'F horora fee the oatr, v v "-"f I r I- 1