V I 1 ;- m ,4' i f. - ; - ,. ... ..... ... I ti FLUID EXTRACT .. i' BMP t Telegjapliio -2T ewifc UOSM, OF TBI fl&AKin MXLU , .. r. ..' JBMTMS. . - ? ToeGraalU Mills here beea for soma, time running full time, ad turned out Ire DwdMii placet .of prist cloth par week, and it U aoppoeed thai e oooaider. able aanooat of stock U rained, either by tm r water and make.1-A large amount ef atachieery ! else rendered ' assises Lose of nfS fortjj mostly young wont. - It bottt Vtt oVtnclOifawat tiaras -aaa atrnah. bed tlx lnrw. gltlL- BIBILITT. DROF8T. - . - - . . . - ........ , - - IV ' ..MHB -- -Sr--- 1 !! I I naanaanaaMaaenannnnnnanaeaannaaaaaaaannananaeeall E hthe eomet location, and U Jr-" The only knows remedy for -, BHIt!IIT'8',I)I8E18B Aad a poilure remedy for tOUT. ORVtU TRKTUKU, 01 -HtTKa,DtnfIPaiA, NtRYuUa,. ula minwten later bntowthey mooted ed ln.dli0uverinjr it, daring bkh time the flunM iprmd with tack npidity that they were pouring oet of the fourth and f ! ' eolunku of neMke buret 'through the b , ipool roota door." A crowil ol Utile chll- '! Nimoadcf the ovelMr ndvlth bm lled.; ii the eteir ? iesf. but Uey wrr it9d lMk y the lUfel thee) nil d4f'jb'nltftort UiiltWWnoi work t this juncture Leaping Irnei ihe widdbwe eoaiBieeced, aeid uuejber of in In thle room htges ueeoUiag long mpn to let tbe terror etrickM oBeretlte to tbo crauud. fleeeraJ were landed la safety by thin rope, when U wae burned offtS faetfrofli the ground.' The anwhe becaaae eo deaee that thoee bo nmained crowded the wioJawi for air, noma leap lag headforemost, tbeir brains went flying msnv reel, others nuifooatad, fell back end jerUhed la tbe fliiaea. ,", - UUoa, tataaiwiUoa er Ulueeettna at the Bladder & Kidneys, f ERlTOftRaOUl '.''.-.'is T JeaWsflt' OSTH CAROtlW. ?ew(-uw6b ; or ;:y?A EOCEMT . UwumSm' St, AQgUft SrY 1874. Ia order tbrt I auj make a ebeace la sir baelaeea. I hery novfr-av aaUoea aae frieadeUwt I will cIom iV book, oa the lt day at afrteeier.-aa Mea tbrt ei tbe eaek aiaet la all m be r' avsara Ue rooo tMTe tn etore, r an aaUerry.' I apeetroJIff adi all whaare atdebtoa an. MS 10 eaHteaaa MtUe metr eeeoeirte.r- lhMlBf aU fo U ktad vtfomt I am lifi nrrreMct aee ... . t " .. r".-' . . Mvwseopy ItlaMe T IHK HIIST PREMIUM t"vr siiBUsmtb osit Bet Vubs i I . DAILY STAR; Hit the targeat dn-i'atkm of aar Dairy Newapeparta tbe etale, A a ewcalo Uoa la WUwioctoa Marly twlea as lanja a II 1 1 AAVIM eoaieaaaa when aaiauxMlaat. at leaati waao foeaJ leant! rait, et awaiaat, aeb always praaanlad la a elaa ' UolK;BUrno(la4daBee)i OMTear..... oraoawa)aei)oof tuileniha. .Ti...T.7nTr..M Jt Bt three Moatte.... WEEKLY START i The IIWUvaWtoBow eobliM4 Wllh tte ftinftna rlai am 1 eail Is nni nf two fihenpirsl naparalaihe eoaatry, at tie tollowim . , KKDOCXO RATE t Oae eopjr,oee Cru Boata. 1 One aonr. eix luee 01 a a 10. awe rear, ui aa par eop aba af W er nora, uaajraar, ealy $1 ee Ir! 4 ' mrORTANT TO TBI HOUTII. " Pbotirwjkb, Sept. MHh. A large meeting of manafaciarvrt was held at the Board of Trade raoaas to-day '""fofUipurpoi Tt wmfMF upon iht iubjet orthe opreased etaie or the market for cotton and woolen 'gooda.J'.ii ,i i Remark ware inado by atrenu gentle men ud.it aaamed to ba generally agreed that unices the prod action of goods was diminished and the tahnncenMOt of prices obtained It would be neceseary to stop' tbe mills altogether to prevent the Im pcTtrlabeaeat af tbeir'oainera! Ill U A cosamlttaa was appointed to ooolur with atufatfurers gawarallfih his " jk aa laua anea acuoo on eacy naay drem expedient. Tha foliowiag jreaoiutiou was unani. mouaiy aaopteo : "Benin. That ea the aeoee of this meeting, Immediate curtailment of the production of opr cottun aad woolen mills ie abaolaitaly neceseary tor the con servation of (be ialaraeia of oar State and country, BXTHlCT-iilJCBl! NrawicaUT Caraa all Dwaaeea of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPS! t JAI. oWSLLWatJ, . - ... r -j.- L.A-ti I BereODT ffy!?r-.--v TZZ!m!Tm ZTTT7!TMEi!"'WMbaaalalMBMaBMIM ia gr-ad.cif:t "CONCERT! JEetoriiiiita; t6 England. ! IT' T t feu. Joan Davit, or Braoso fAait 1 14 Miii TO RtTUB TO tMLAkoj 1 rnmuo mi; . ,! nrruDs to oitb a W 01 -itr.-ff-.Sr .-i.iao:o7r grr pss?? I a 41 ... fc ,.!.-.. -r .4 ."iTTZTTrr ''""r' 1,J "-! MflW moil 111 I rt 0 frUiI1 "ir"A""X K"""IT' IT, KT tV. b'doek, P. If. GOLD MEPAL at tbe rwwat lUle ratr. over all utberUlna, It la ibe Itaa. aa4 only ewWUj rira rrooi via UnV - -w. We now have aaa a exalbW at aar BzlaUc ha Maa. Wiawa aa4 'hilar. EjT KO MAT1H WHAT THK ASK I Prof. Meele aaf- "One bcttle ot Raar nev'a PlnM Kitraet lock a le worth more than all ouer 0.0 a combined." ' Prtea, One Dollar per BotUe, er Bit UotUoi w iv uo.an. Depot, 104 Daatio St, New York. ' A Vhjralclan la attaadaaoe to eaawar eorree poadmeeaad Rtve advlre aratia. 1 19 Heaa ataaip for Pamphlet, five. J ; JaaaoaodAwlv TO TfE Nervous and Militated OF BOTH SIXES. St Ckargt Jot Adiiet and Cttmllmlitm. 1 . Da J B Drorr. aradaau of JeHenna Mm)- teal Collata, fhiladaVitila, aatbor of eeveral valaabla worfca. eaa be eoaaaltad oa all Okv aaeeaot thaSazaaJorCriaarjOramiie, (ableh tm baa nude aa eauaelal atody) althar la male orfeaaala, ao aiaUar troaa wkai eaaaa orirfm- aaiaa- w sow ioa; aieanina. a praeue. 01 a jaan aublaa hla to tmt dbaaaee with aeeoaa.,- Carea (aaraateed. 4 'bargee res- aaaaMa. Thoee at a dlatiaea eaa forward 1 letter deaerlbtDir symptoms aad eaeloalag - - T. H. lUfltU WIRH. oattt-tf , K..-woiaAaaat. 5 ARS YOU OOUtq TO TAINT 1 The beet le the AverUI (hemleal Palat, Beeaaae id. it baa beea thatoBitblr tested by ebea) lata, aad OTar BJOUJI) avDera of reiditBcae tkruuhoBt the United States for the last acvea roare, and pmaoaaead br tbea to be tbe moat datable palnt,kaowa. , Bad ror baaatr aad raUalloa at eolur It steads far abeaJ of any other. Bulldlure havebaea painted with It la part, aad parti wKh the beet or ot-rr palate, both la the la; tailor and oa the aea eoaat. aad la ao aaee baa It beea eeUcd for beaot or periMiaeocy of ealor 1 trd. It la eeuaaaleal, aad Ue coat le aa ore than the heat laadaod oil, aad betr tar more durable (It wear.na about ta tra ae wae; aa the beet of aa? eher.) end beeaUrat, war rants the aaierUoa that for a period ot tweatv It will aave the oasaajer lauy awr U Prepay poaUge. ineni id for tbe Quid to EiaUk. Price 10 J. B. DTOTT. If. D PhyeleUa aad Baiieon, 10 DaaaeBt, N T JjaaSdeodAal 1. UnAt I j . FROM LOtJISUItA. ' ' Muw Oblkaks, Sept. SO. Whea Gov. Kellogg reached the exe catlveofSco tbla. m , Gee. Brobkaap. proached the Governor nod informed him that he waav prepared to lam over to him the State botuo and all records and pub lie property, belonging to the State which had ootne into his poaaeealon at tba tlma of the earrendar of the IneurgeaU to his cKBMeDd. Ivarrthlog, t he Genera would be found prtcieely , W the euodltioa aa rt bed ooqio law hie hands. The Govrranr aecepteal the traaaler aad Gen. Brooke thereopon immediately re tired. ... FIRE IN OHIO. .. . i CwaATt, fcept. 11,, rrivete advices report the burning of the If arietta 4 Ctnciaaati Beltway,)!., thine Htiiipa, at Parkmsburg, VT. Va, MtrlUuuIKet"fUbtJ Jtmnd Hunae, eiie WcomotiTe and a blacksmith's shft Tba lose is aot leva than twenty tnvumnd. Tbe Bra was the work of aa Inct adiery. j Grateful Thonsands nrorlaim Vnr- oae Bittirh tba mnet wotxlorful In- jorant that ere sustained tb siukig vtein. No Person can take tlnw Hitters ins to direction, and remain lonif Unwell, provided tboir boooa art not de stroyed by mineral poison or other aeana, and vital organ wasted berood. nDair. Villoiis, Remittent and Inter- rria mouth carOusa lUtAi rnittent leTerg, wbich are so nrevii- I J. ... . . lent in tba t-nllava nf oiir emit rirora I ' rauusaea oant" 1 4th It la ia liquid .'una aad all ready for aaa. Pareat White, or aavderlred .bade, eaa be eblained wllboat aabjeettnt tba beyar te tbe eaaotaaea or rarr a..lae- ou. pixateaia, eolorioa mailer, .rjat, stuk eaally apread owe freely from the brash, cllona Irmly to every eaoatanee It mav be epplM upoa ror wo brick. Iron, or foraay pataUan parpeee where darabiilty. beaaty aad praaereatiea M are aniaialta, itsiaaaa aanvaiieo. eompoead of tba moat IndeatraeUble t kaowa to edeaca, aa aaatyaki af the AverlU Chemical Palat ahowi It to be (a alike lead aad moetof tbe Mlier Derate) ires mm nolwa. ft will Mt b'aekea or dieoolor by the actioa of tbe ealpharoaa eaaia eo pre'aleot at oar aaaraay nvera aaa eoeeie. . otu. Keanirre no ekiuta tie.nier. ay raa appl) it ' naherHaildiBK.Kalrleb.N.O , ole AeueU WrlU for Card f eotora eae prtoee. em are warraawa. 5 tiruei Taei KHOM ORJC005. Ban Faanct-c-i, Calm Sept. SO. In the, Orrgi n LeKelatare the lode- pnili'iili bolil Hie baSauce "f the pnwir between the Democrats and the Repnbii- eaaa In each flense. Three ptrtia are nearly equally divided. ARRfUfOFA MINISTER FOR THEFT AruawTA. Ga cwpt SI. Kev. Neeley Prettymaa. nf the North mi M. K. Church, at MarieUa, Oa , wu at rested and brought to Atlanta ft the embesxkmeat and other penal violations af tbe PoetofBce law. His bond wa laud at ta.OOO by Judge Erahlae. aaBwra-Baasa---- B-aeaeeK!a TTMITIR8ITT 0? TIKQINIA OpeaeOetcber 1: eoatlaaaa tr-rh sine aioatha- it la aavaaiaed la eehaole ea the eiecuve jav-a, wua sou eearaea ha ciaiwia, Utaratare. acteaea (with praetlee la Cbnai eal aad Phraieal Uburatortaek la Lav at adk e aa, EagiMerlaa, Teaching and Acrlcaltars, Apply f.lataleaaaeaJAMIt. HAKRI KN, Chairman, r. O Uaiverslty of Vlr- ttala. l Jalyfttawaod 0kv,Va. GREBN8BORO- PEUALE vo tomw . OOIXGE ' : :.v sREEMMHO't .a" 'w ' Thle Inatltailoe is aeata la aaereeafal overa Hon. The Part Oeerion ot 1814, will befia aa Weuaeaaay, JalyftUi. frcauiairae etatlac , aamti w hbb ibiiiiiib mwv. a. a. Janets tf Praaldeatitae; I. V. M. Tt. triLSOR; RX C O.L L,B C T :,;'Ia,iaaMto'tb4'a-k that He tawosJy BOB asade T a J i ,BoitdCnot8teel: ot B-dled Steel. , sWt aotd la 1871, t9l ioMoftaecc ttoea Wa Warraot avery BOB perfect, in Block, Temper and Finish.:' , .4 , i - Hardware Hoaee of throuchont tbe United States, especially thoii of tho ilkaissippl, Obio, Mlnaourl, lUinoia, Tennoesee, Cutnberlnnd, Arkan aa. Red. Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,' Pearl, Alabama, hluUilo, Savannah, Ro anoko, Jason, and aany others, with their vast tribatariaa, tbrougnoot our entire country daring the Summer and Autumn, aad remarkably ao during tea sods of manual beat and dryness, arc invariably aecomnanled br extensive de rangement of tbi atomacli ami Uvcr, and othor abdominal riacern. In their treatment, a pnrgatire, setting a pow. erful Intluonctt upon thcao Tarioua or-, etna,' b caseatially Bscoaaary. ' Ther I no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Walxib'i Vixboab Bittibs. U tber frill needilT rantora the dark. colored viscid matter with which tht. bowers, are loaded, at tho aarae timo stimulating the aecretiona of tbe liver. ana generally restoring too ueaUby functioM of tbe digostivo organa. . roTtirr tae bodr airalnt diaAaeA by ntnifyiae all Its fluids with Vinegar Iiirrxaa - No enldemlc can take hold of a aTateia that fore-armed. , : I Djgpcpslr Indigestion, nea.l ebe. Fata ia the Shoulders, CourIim, Tlghtaoai tt the Cheat, DinJoes, Sour txuotauona of too Ktamacb, Bud Taste 10 the Mouth, Bilious AlttJks, lliata tatioaof tea HearttvInBansaaatjoqatiiA 1 lAingn, raw in the regloD or tiro Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are- the OffistirinM of DranemiA. One bottle will prove a better guurnate of its marits tban a length. nUvartiiiav .Dent. . ,.,r t,r. if r Scrofnla, or Kins'a Ei, Whim Bwallinn, UloeraErraipolaa, Swelkil Keck. Ooitre, Scrofuloae Iaflainmations, Indolent laaamaaatieos, MercBrial AOaetiooa, Old 6ore SrepUoos af the gkia, 8ore Krmt, ete. In thaea, ae te ail other eonetitatkinal Die. aaaea, Waaku's TuraoAB Birraaa bare shows their great curative power is the noet obstinate and mtrectaule ease. Far Inflaminatorj and Chronic Rhetlintirtl, Goat, BlUooa, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of Ue Blood, Liter, JCidneyi and Bladder, theee Bitters have ao eqttal. Such Biseaace are esueed by Thlatad Blood. - Mechanical Diseae!u Persont en gnged in PainU and ilinerals, such as Piambers, Type-settare, Qold-baatera, aad Miners, as they advance is life, are subject to paralysis of tba : Bowels. To guard against this, take s deee of Walaaas Tu ROABBrrrsueeeasionally. , ; For Skin Diseases, Erupt Ions, Tot tar, fteit-Rheutii, Blotehee, Spots, Plmnlos, Pustules, BoUa, Carboadee, Ring-wonne. 8eald-head. Sore Krea. ErniDalaa. Itch. Scarfs. Diseoloratione of the Skin, Rumor, and Plata see of the Skta af whatever name er nature, are literally dag up aad earned out of the system in a abort time by the aae ef these Bitters. ' - - Pin. Tape, and other Worms larking In the system of ea many Uwaeende, are aUectaaily dmtroyed and removed. So Xstam of inedieina, no verm iiu res, no an elminitica will Crae the yem Iruut worm like theee Bitters. . ' , i For Female Complaiota, In young et eld, married or single, at the dawn of ww aanhood, or the tarn of liTe, these Tonic Bitten display sa decided an influence that Improv'Tkant le soon perceptible. i Cleanse tbe Vitiated Blood when. by aatbarltv aad aadar the aa- aptcea at taa weaaral Aesemuy, will seen be leased aadar dir. etioa of tbe aeereUiy State. i The aaalarlal tor thle work baa tame anUea. tad aad preparae by Joba H. Wheeler, raq who aaa epaat agreat doal of lime aad labor ISeoa ItwiU work of ;e ktad evar nabUabed la tbe ilila Mo pa bile aaaa, or man of baataeaa, should be without a aopy It 111 be a book of laoatouv pasaa. Comnriaioa-a Ifaoef the Btate i the a tlas aad popoJatloa of each, ebowing the Oongraasioaal aad SeaatorU distrtete; tba UuaaUtatlonof taa United a la tee, with lata amendments ; the Xzecauva offlaere of tbe Untied atatee from taa KevolBUoa to 18TA Aa engraved dugraavahowiag the movement Stale a soaara mile, and the nooalatloa of each aad of every aeaere lletthe ratio of of popalatioa from 17M to ltni the ana of eaca a lata ia sqi 1 renraiaatattoa la uonirreaa at each Damla. The Coaatltatioa of Nona Carolina witare eeal amendments; the popalatioa ef each aonnty from Ite omnlaatioa to ltflU, Ix eeatlve, JaJieial aad Lesrlalative Department, uf North Carolina; (taUaUea! tablr a of tbe popalar vvta hi each eoaaty, for PraaideaL boreraor, Coagraaa : a apeiial statement of toe qaaiinra votera irons reeorua of ngau ofthi of eeaatore aad ReinianUtlTae in the Uaa- eral Aatambly from data of formatloa to pre -eot aeaaioa ; aad maeh other etaUstlial end mtareatuig maUer, with fall ladax to the die.tiigau-elng white f rum eolared t tbe eoen ilea of thadute. oritria of aame. with all t 1 Tk. .J . v. k..k I. a.) r n 1 1 . .1 1 ytmsm wi mi wi r- f i.vw is aae CKna iadhuc. Postaica to be added wbea seat bt , bend ia jowcordera at once to -r I . ALPKROWlLUAIIi, RaMab It C Aerate waated in mrery eeaatv of the Statt o aeu uiie ouuc le -It uaeaw ,: . If', ItT ZT.L'V M - 3 rr ... . . A A NewDiscoviv I1 EHXtOl V IT -fl ,-i;.i- f. a .' I A ! Balvai'!eior the Hair. . .. m. .. i.. fll -a-, r ii- i CXKAR ASNjrATERI , w REDlMENTtv" PeOaaJIIE TOITTTIi i Vtr Rtitorini to Grmsir Ui j Original Ctlorj .- i pMAWw'i'VmLUWiBerattt. ' tcrly from til thaftiair coloring ' f reparatJonjlcrctofore uscxi, t,u ItBd, iwect meUirr, I precwatcs no muddy or slimt :natrcr,require nohaking,im. tparfe impof to the Bktn; Hold ' St tothe light and it is clear and Joue5Jcss. lt leaves no mark on the scJto; yet it reproduces in "enr bairwfi natural coior mat cime or aicEhvawitnay bleached out ot it. CtTPhalon'sVitalk Is for one sole purpose jftat of reproducing, with absolute eet tainty, the" naturafflor of the hair. It is iiofKtendcd as a daily dressiuaorfoTremoviner scurf -or jrlndrulT: nor for cu ss; nor for stimula- e growth of the hair. obiccts mav be accom- iafter the color hasbcen iththe VitaUa,br Pha- ftnicaj Half Invigo have mng "fa Thes TI Jpli ifijei jlon'i aTHiVm 1 and unequaled pre uic rcproauciion 1 "7 aiw v J i"Mi ingejsd. Thais acci in from two to ten a according to thd . a harmless 1 for leonm idnoth iplished ' ications. of shade required, i druggists. t 1 titi, i 11(1 eamaXIso. daVLlduiieBtMtl ..... 1 .neuralgia, uurns, soreiiesg. Sore Throat, Boils, Wounds, Hoamnes, TJleers, Brubeg, Jleadache;' Piles, Sprains, TocthacltOf All IlemorrhageB, .. iti Afi . ' a ! IMS IA " l"t Osesfuiiacmg at piautJl tint I ;ln ruil1 . ' , . m , ;.)a t . ' ' yVJriiit"" y m awsmm m wm &wm a j r L..i'.L.ru.K..j r.. .i: f . . . . . . . anraew uiwinw Hmiaa( ituaaaf apwaaia Hoasa, US tnaraaigu repair, ta. dde and oaAaotalalag til UrgU faome, fiad ball aad itaJrcase ; Ira Tenant Uouaee, mur aeaiy omu; Maoies,wiw aiavas atain, ouggy hnuar, eutun toft over : Cora Crib il Smoke Donas Dairy fioaaa, with spring throuuk it; Paatara, Clover Ktcb.Ombard, three Oardene raad also ajraaa-rsnca acroea r arav RiLtlOH.K.tX gaoo.000 ; 4 v. Of Ptrtt PlaeahTaar kaa laaaaA mi JU fulieee wilhciat taaUlaia a ein(le kiav !. 1' ':. 4 f-i has made it " A BUOCESflPUL CORWRATIoy. ieipinyleeBa-aeB ! f "tSe" t !? ntUw ae eay ether Prrat CWa Company; ' ' kanoeesnoueeleee rvtrltlna ihm .j. dance or travel. ' . Baa a zed pa'd ap ralae aw aD policies af tar two aaaaal paimeate. 1. : . - - " " . ... " t Ita entire ssatt eCIoaaeA .jbd: tavmtad . nggy hnuar, cutting Mom aad large I or water runutag Laaa well fenced. ail nndar&auod. line fence and ia hounded IB treat by tba highway to HilUboeo' and Raleigh, add Tbe ram is be UabIM Crk tt back. Then taa Wan at the boese, aad three Sprtege oa farm of etealloat water, The most healthy looatlao ia Korth Carolina,, Tba Sinra is nearly new built at gate oa tbe highway about three yeere since, end ie doing a anod trade hies eaa bd greetry axtaadeO. ,'jarot whteh costs for the past three years oa las nrovemeaia ainae fd,vw, j , The vale of thin the let GRAND OITT IS 6,580 pOLCARS i 1 r 1 t 5 r .1 x of. urtnastene aim taa ax 8. Ladder, S d uck oil! plows sail tad lift, 1 flaa large male, -straony.l ' ' . S. Oaogoad mala,(J-k.) a. Oae good mole, (Kitty,) B. One rood mola,(aloliyJ i Stroog 4 soraa taagia, heart) ' ' , Xatrs' Strong wagon, 4 or! ' eaulaa, " j 8. Uood atruag S horse wague, t. Baalish baggy, 10. Stroag , ttaetui borae, If. 4 boras Kagliab Cnltivatnr, ' IS. fiaeoow, (Beauty J I rum Kng. i .v- stock. ,13. Tearliag heifer, from Eng. stock, KrBrDiseU cirpet 'la JlfatnK. room, " "' ' 15. Piss red ttoer and cart, 1. Ooodtteer. . , ;.''! IT. Good young cow, 1 8. Tearliag heifrr onw, 19. New sola, covered with horse hair, SO. Cooking slnve, 11. Harrow, sa. Dump eart, tt . . , r SX BO tola, af Chamliera' Ediat 1178 las 1 100 100 lis 100 -80 175 S.gg 50 10 50 40 25 SO 10 0 17 ' t5 .,, 4 .18 0 10 10 10 4I0 f. 56. shovel. Two borae . burg Journal, j ; St. Onod English gUn,' 5 H.x cane chairs. So. One larye asm, 57. Heirer, (Polly J 58. Two rocking chairs, . St. IMter, (Tlnk),- , 80. Beifce (Oarrat), SL Tea Brahma yowls, faJasd , from stock eoatlng 5 a pair St, Two wbeelbarrowa, 88. Three ieiye olumet or ulua trafad Bbjtory of Bnglnad, JOO yearaoW, and rare, .. 10 84. M volames of English books, various subjects, ; 10 85. Set boggy herases, 10 Be. Double est heruesa, incomplete, 10 87. Jtabogony Draws, , English ' make, , ia 88. Toilet set, china, 10 St. Iron bedstead. Kogiith make, 40. " ,. to 41. " ' 10 48. Revolver, 10 48. Stair oarpeta, 10 44. Steam fresher, 8 45. BureaB, 8 deVBhowceee, 8 47. Largw Scales, (at store.) 8 48. Bull dog aad KenosL v . 7 49. Wash stand, ,1 00. Fancy table, 4 81. Round table aad dogs, 6 ea. 8 packs, fork. I mattocks, j 5 68. Corn planter end dagon plowe 0 54." Ate, Cotton Opener, Baabook ' , - ' and suede. J ' '' 1 i 55. One spade, Ave hoes, Water pot, asw, drawing knife, 6 68. S buckets, bucksaw, drawing knife, Ji Watt plow, oue buree Matt plow, , 40 New Cradle. 81 8 sevtute, 8 auyt r., 4 single- tit pens rhaiy Ziil" 84 4 lam pa, churn, anl iarve clulliia horae, 45 8 Knirliih Feodera, 89 lira Iroue and 'lags, ' ' 47 Dnming glaas, (Uriiiah plate glass, malnigaay frbiaej 48 Oval mirrur, (Britieh plate 70 Oil dolb in hall, 7 1 Dining rooan carpet, 72 8 Cream caaa, skimmer, 8 milk . coolers, ' 1 measure, 8 milk , cans,! kerosene can, v---7S 6 Sad-irona. klicben fender. Jtin bucket, ccfftw pot, coffee lie, 9 hair broom, 74 Time piece, 8 voia of books, BalaliCee and scales. Fold-up chair, oil painting in old carved frame. 77 4 Irna saucepans, oval boiler. and 8 kettles, 78 80 galloa milk can, unlasai e ! gale, 4 measures 4 funnels, 79 bench end 4 show bottles at i etore, ,t 80 Small acalee aad weights, 3 brandy banels, 81 4 bottles, S decanters, 88. Aboot 100 feet plank, and ' gear, for 8 plows, 83 W empty barrels, Various sorts, 84 8 French vases, 85 8 Dresden Vast and 3 Dres den Imager, 80 8 Glass easea, stuffed birda, 1 framed engraving, 87 t Voli. Cook's Geography and 18 books, various kinds, 89 Coalscuttle, ecoopaud S mats, 89 Hearthrug, 90 8 tables, 91 English denser l service, (green) 10 piecee, 92 10 pieces Chins, various, 93 Furn-.ce, 94 20 pieces Cliins, various,' 85 20 Bbgravinga, framed and glssed, 9S,;0 pieces Chios, 97,tahog(I.rbook ease,' with V , glass doors, bottle Jack, 98 Patent corn shelter, 99 Ancient Cabinet, 100 One breeding sow, 101 " !. , ..IVlupeiiorcost. . wmmmmm Thirty aaysgraea eflawaAi. -T pnmlnass. . . .. ,., ' " I wita ue fscU before Uieaf wiH tba people et North Caroline eoatlaaa fv pay aaaaalir taoaaaada apoa taoaaeBas af dollarate baUd ea Poreiga Coaipaalea. wbea they ran a ears taenraeee ia a t'ompaay r)aally renaUr, aad avary doHare premlara they par be .u-N datad laeaeled tn oar own. Btale. and amour BO. II. HILL. Anal Raleirh. ear awa peoplef ! TBI WANTED. Aclive Local and District Agents lth dbret contracts for tbe Peua Matnal I.I it Insurance Ct..of Philadelphia, for K C Jddrras, W. H. FIKC'M, may 25-tf Gco'l Manager IS 15 80 16 Coliea- Old SortO i-Jh Drawliig wl beat Tucker Ball, Ralelgh,n4 ll a aoaducud B - I l at.. .uJUaA SB -alaa. alumt . S2L WIH. BALZ.'S mw TUB OstBAT ABgBRlOANOO; aUMPilTB RSaiUDa. , CoaaampUie U HOT ea lnvarbw dlaeaaa. rVyatelaue aaenrs as of hbi lack It U only iwoeeaary to have the right rentody, ard the terrible maladjr caa be eooquei-rl. il ALL'S BALSAM IS THW RStfaDV It breaka ap tbe nWhl awoala, relievea tht aipreaaiva tigbuaeaa M.s the lags sad basis tba laeeraied end exeoriatad aurfaeaa wlikk the venom of the dlaeaaa prodae a BILK LIFR LASTS TUKHB IS 110PX ll auy sat be too late to eSret a earn evea af er taa doetara have gteaa yoa mp.-' : : BALL'S BALSAM la sold everywhere, aad niay be had at wholeaale of the Proprietors, JOHN P. HKMKT, UUKRAN A ODH at their ureas sieaieiaa wareaooaa, a asm wioiteg PUce. New Turk.' Pries l par bottla. ' you find its impunttee bursting through skin tn Pimples. Emotions, er Bone: eieense it when you find it obetraeted and; aloggiah ia the veinrs cleanse It when it ia fool; yon feelisra will tell roe whea. reap ine moou pure, ana ue aeaiu 1 WiU foUow. H. BuDOaT A LD . da CU i of Uis system lVaCTtakaeOaa.ArbaMr.tiM,Calirala,; mm aw. m waaaincMe aaa i Mmoi m. I. ai4 krau HAIL'H RAlaM la ta far Oaagiia. I Cclda, j Paruottiabi, I Lruachltta, 1 Aaiaet aaa an oUtar dlarasa rgsaa: . MpUUag Klood; csoap, WUaPlNO COCUH. . m reaplninry IT0IIT1L. FXITIUZIL Bla-hly Coaeaatmted. Has alwavb baaa Manufactured ea toe baele of a raaraateed an- alyeia. WiU HOW be sold subject ta all laws uerejrara M eeruuaara, wua 1 HA BAJtS gaaraateed eoalyala. l ; a. Vi runusu eon, CharhMtaaifa Va. ! Alao rophotota of Acovl.1 s Blood srd Li rByrap, CarbUle Baiva, Kdey's Trochee, xyfeaaied BltUra, XoU's IJver Pills, e.. J JOBS F. BEN RT. CURRAIT CU aa a CwUego Plaea, Maw Terk.. ,t r ijtsas-la. - ":,f s BUCTBOAtUINOAND DAT SCHOOL ' HILLSB0110 K. C. The Mlaaea Naah Mia. Kollock wlllre same tbe exercises of their school 00 P rider Pea. S, IS7A. 1 Clrcalara forwariad oa appllvatiua dee la-li- IALIIOH PKMALK SXM1SAKT, j s l , Stauma, K. 0H i it ;'! P. P. HOBOOII, K bt., Prlnelpal. A P. rl) A.M , Aeelataat T ; ; PKKO. AOTI1K. Maale Department 'TbeaatBeaeloa eaeaa oa Meadar. UU, IK74 Appry for UtaMeae Be joly a-dtitwia M aaw aaaa, (waeameaad wttla It il TVATEB tTlTEEL The beat la tba afarfcat, and seta at teas Mseotbaa any earn f n ilaaatriml Band fnv aPamphlet ant bt aaas jrbmaiJ?. P. HcanAM,York.fa. XfOilkMrT.4 preparty earner of Mala aad eataTllortolk. rV, htviar beea paired aad Improved, WiU he HOTXL OB FIRST -CLABS BOAKDIXQ atOUaB WITH FCIXOTBJ, Ac, f t ii rt aAO bwwS4 -' J Tba llatal qnmmerea etraata. aaerhlv aanaln raated or teased With Ibe'Ptimltare, etc, aa favorable Una a. ' the chambersBI la anm- lam and well Veatllated. With Ben aad U e to each. Tbe VocsUou Is ansarpaased betag la thecautra of Wa. This hoaaa. at the banda M a hotel maa, or as a Srat cleat boarding Hoaaa (a aotd latch kit lit this w,B.wu.aiatfc iaagSrttwtw- UXTHOD 0 DRA WING. &c. 13.670 v r- J.tl J. K. - men rtlaesed Irom the sudieoca. The drawlur anl1 ba jv d.liadl..lled abUdraa. from two wheels one wheel wUI 000 tain the 169 glfis in eaaled cavelopet, the other wheel cooUioi 5,470 Duplicate Tlcketj, Bnobrad -atme-'as rbeee aoM. After the oonlente of the wheels have been aril aad thoroughly mixed, tbe child at tho let wham will drew n ticket ihciefrom, and then tbe cb'ld at the Snd wheel will draw n gilt thereform, aad tbe gift thus drawn will belong? tp.tb'f .'Bolder! of Ticket draws immediately before. This process will coetiaue until the" 100 gifta are all draws from tba Sod wnecL Tbe payment of tbe gifts will begin tba day after tba draw ing, .-i The drawer of Oread Oiit caa at once receive the deads of the estate, which are free from all aaortuacea or iaeambraaca, on giving perm im ion to Mr. Davie ta re main witti hit Tenants euffldMBt time to gather In what may remain of the 80 acres or crops, u sot an to st time m arswing, unresj tne drawer ur gitv will purcbaas ine sam crop, w r. ararn. ieaeWy$2 50euca ISAAC ROGERS, Xsq Jetift Coatsat A rauet7t7g8,670.0a tu. ' .- DsAwina: Agents tu Belelgh for Sale of TickeU '.;:li rir, N. 8. JtoeKLBT, 3i J. II. KPBiaa. Bam'l Kanart j. " n J Wi m CaBATOAat m BbOl, KaT. L BboVB, A U-Tkmpla . J. CLkLLoaaBsu Tbompiob WarrAMSL aad at stoat of the Stores in Kaleiah. and at Mr. nvW Store, oa the Blltoboto road, oa tbe Farm. wbh ie included In he Orand Oift, i m .''! te " '! .' in - '(''' ' 1 .' r A FKW AGXRTS WABTXD (OUThlDK OF RALEIGH. fcarilow To RaR.MjBy should be sent by ftrwteaarrd. Lettese or Poaa-ofl rder, payable ta Jobs Davis, Stroud Farm, aevtaWkK. . C., Bb NaW Poet IBor, Oouoty and Stale written plainly. Al AgcsitjIiaWweell tacSmaautof tCBMB B"W Bf IBOBa, , . ... , I" nnHni ..r,, 1 .,-,'f f .... . The following geaiieesea, rasldisg la Balaigb. bM "kindly i.ffered lo Mrtlfi Order, dOoe. i Fbe following gaatlamea, rasldisg la Balaigb. bW "kindly Offered lo eartlfy to ina awoBineaamav ustsair, aaa are wan mauajnteq wttp Bt,r. dona IMVia; the Fro prieu" w Duvoq fsraii. iu iy ,jn- i.ti 1 11 t -.t.i), A I iJS iDr: 0. W. BleckBBlt, Proprietor Tarbord B')U1 W. T. Adams & Boae, Fsandart d Machinists; & F. Cbeatbam A Rros, Marcbsats ; Uapt. Aw V. lHSfeaca, laaur anca Agent j Joaiahv Tarsar, Jr, Editor BeaUMl ; Saiu'l Merrill, Supt, Balaigb Oat Oslt 8,470 TtcKaTS 10 aa ItscBj jaiao oorr or FAaaf ASt fJipra. ' JOBN DAVJKi Sraoem f AUt, MaAaBaLSHW. '' """' - " ' '' !' . na'.ia. nokiaiad.l bJewW . The names of ml who draw Gifts will be ajdwertjsed m Ralelvb luftmtt. n av after drawing. I .v-'-i . - . ... . f aept I-Bm -TTDER MBX8. i i. .1! '." I.i ila store a line of the beat Arole MOUianav lag at price bom & to (50, " -I Every farmar who baa aa orchard should have one. 1 i Alao, taat received s aew supply of Slaelairs aad aatlU't Catting Knives, the beat ta aae. -h -rAMaaM. TOWLM, ageas. auglStf ABKBTOCE FOB SALE, iWieuiatf teretana waai 11a, I win aaa Bt, Ser US aharat of the stock ef the kataeeh Matbaaal Baakef Harth Ctrnllae. ea aaaoa ttom-fw..,Aitjl,:; J Jtoa.v. WoraJI.O. ' t VI" iMiultt a ,' :-j: : V : SPRING;, .1874. 1 oaart' araiM bats . ipekadinjt Bpring stytea ia medium kAdFlnr Peita. -ut tbe asoeV raasbeiabie pricoa VifW ready at j RX. ANDREWS A Clothiers aad Gents' Fnrniehera. Next door to Tucker HalL wt huvn t'.9Htr. Feb. W rpwuttaqutahu poumds. At e rvonttjkvwfW, PriaMrslnad .eJtBifi 1 TUB GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as litis been tiioyed by tho hiindrctla ot testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo tho most reliable preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and :ure of c:i Fjjig cwrrplt.ir.ts, and is oflerod lo tho public, laiictioncd 'ty Ihn oxfierienco of over foity yenrs. "Vhcn resoHcd 'o in wason it sel dom faiirf to oflect v Bpoedy cure it: l!i inof.t Hcvero cases of Cough.1?, fyonchiti, Cronp, Vhoopiifg' Cough, JiiiliK'iiza, AMtlimn, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ncKs in the Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Blceduit ef ! T.nnrro Xrn Wicl mw .. J ia 1. :, u.v.. II IOUU 1 Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is tho case with most preparations, bat it loosens, and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing tho causo of tbe complaint. W. F0WLB A 8018, Bostea, Kasa, sold by DmcfUla aad riaaliraaaaawllr. AHAIKS' I loo Cream XTrooi These Frerters have beea la use since 1880, with the most flattering naults. Tbey havd well earned the reputstkio l being 1 T.lt BKST PRKKZKR t ever Introduced, no expense ts spared to render thim perfect and improvements htve been introduced by which iacreased streagtb, durability aad seatnese are secured. Tbey are made in the tuoet dirable manner and the mcchsnical are rangements aie such that tbe will Imu. Cream, Fruits, or Water lossy thesborte eat pomible time. Bend for Circular nod dit xtloot for frertiog. j T- U. BRIGOS A SONS. Jmny87tf. J AS, LEPFEL'S ' , IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel POOLE A BUNT, Baltmoiib. MaBUBtotunrs for tbe South aad South- waat, Ivearly 7000 now in use, working undct heads varying from 9 to 140 leetr 84 si sue, from 5 84 to 94 inches. Tbe most powerful Wheel In the Market, ' And bum economical in net 01 neier. Large Illuatrated I'ampblet seat . wiarvicmaKBA. alao, op PWtable aad StaUonary Steam Engines aad Botiere, Babcoek A Witoox Patent Tabu lows Boiler, Xbeugh'a Cmsbr for Miaaawle, Saw and. Oiiet Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery for White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Bhaft Wg Palters aad Rannwra. 1 SEND run i.'iit,L LAIWi ifebr-wfim . " , pottiroe V ! li " ' 1. , 44 J- on

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