S If ft. ' Vat ,5 5' 5 'J .1 j r - . V it-1: 3 1. I s -4 t-i 'I 1 I .: noir.ona)flMiat ! Wglvwup macw cfuf p.o W th rtlpj o4f thoUbdWd bar, npoi , th death of Bo. Slot. IL Rogers. RELIEF rROTTTANTG" - OurmdU ar looking for refit from th puOo with tha. coming ofr whit frost -fc4 whits snttcaTh,. Wttott , wilt only Ugbte aad gin a litU (emuxwery talief A. Wog u I-, JM4 JOpv, asst. It - paid for mcwy, Jaat m long via the panic . -tatC' Kartli Caroli Is n aatloo jw tiButa of (aimers fethe; boy, bay.'btra.I, .3 . Jt X1.-. wurwi JOUNSTOaODVRr. . ; We fWUd thk Oounly on Moaday but, where we atet asaay tMmbert of tbe bar, ftmoeg tbea Boa, Lewi DoVtnb, and Dr. Granger, of Qoldtboro. Tbe latter wra . tbe denMorati caaJidate for Jadgt, asd erery roter in the dietriet can bow tell you bow be should and nght hare been elect ed but for thit, and bat for thtt, county. 1 Tb Raleigh bar wM represented in tbe perwo of J. B. Batebetor, 0. V. Strong, Gen. Cox, T. H. Batber, A. It Lett. W .,, H. Pac, and X. W. Pu. Twenty-flre ytart ago Jobntton county bad not a ainglt resident lawyer, now it cat boast of them, if not by tbe dosen, by tbt half doaen exactly. The half doxen it awdt ap of J. H. Abel, OL B. laiidaris'LT & Waddell, L. Xldndge, B. K. Callum, and E. B. Moor. MEETING OF TOE BAR. At BMetiog of tbe bar In tbe Iowa of mithfleld, oa Tuesday tbe 824 iast, apoa tbe death of Hoa. Bion H. Rogen, tbe following proceeding took place ; . Upoa notion of Solicitor Harris, bi Boo or, Judge Henry was oeUed apoa to prarida at Cb airman of tbe meeting, and X. & Moore to act aa SMretary. Upon motion of Geo. W. R. Cox, tbe following committee were appointed by tbe Chairman to draft resolution expraa ifo of the team) of the meeting, to-wit : X. W. Poa, I B, Waddeil, W. T. Dorteb, Wi ft. Coi and 0. B. Bander. Geo. Cot, for tbe committee, reported the following teeoioUoM: Wbkkkas, 8inc tbe latt term of tfils court our friend and astociste at the bar, the Boa. Sum. IL Rogers, baa been re mored by death from our midst and we deeat M.apptopriatt by torn fitting mo morial to expreet our aeoff of tbe low wt NqadMo lii!hig$ pot- interest, be was ever found wlae and pra ! jdext in ouncil od faithful and feafles ''jiaIlt J :A - i r0W, That by tbe Bar and peopl of tbia diatrict be will ioog be remem bered' for hiifidoitty to client, hi ejrnett and pertUMlre eloquence, bi uniform 1 eourteey and gentlenem to all with whom i ha aaaaa k oartnok. 1 - JsMeal, That hi Honor J. t. Henry to reqaeetcd to order tbe proceeding of thit meeting to be sf read upoa the minutes j o this ooait, and that the Secretary be .Instructed to forward a copy of them to tbe family of the deceased, sad that . fropire be furnished for publication in ta papera of tbe City of Rskigh and other papers of tbe State, 1 la prrsentuig the resolutioas, General Cox aaiti t . Jfsj' if Pimm Tmr Thnir ; At iiU ' man of the Committee I will remark that we were aware that such memorial ate too often 'luleoene and unmeaning, and ' heno w bare endeavored to make these - fesolnlions tpeak kiadly tbt trutsw : And 'White they art brief, yat they are full and comprehensive. It was my pleasure o Java avnown Ute disUagnished deoeaeod , upoa the baatktga, u tbe Bar and b aooial later (worse for a Dumber ot jetrt. Ht wa one of the. most amiable men 1 '"'erer knew, and. jet be wu a maa of de cided and 4 marked trait character. Never did I bear etctpe from bi Hp I harsh erMipism. on aoy , one, bat be w area ready to throw tbt mantle of charity troaad the faulta of bit fellow maa, Be it bar bored.au raaantmenta aad. even amidtt tba.axesteiaesrt f i polhlcai eanvau be -mtle BO pcrsohsf caftmies, for be erep treat! tbo.e to whom be wu opposed atifth'eV'migBtb a friend On to-morrow, tad aoeh they oHea beo0). Whei dutjy f.deinandd it be was. bold, rvaiute and nayWdlng, and I nced only to fcfer tin hiavote on thKtnas.Nebra.ka bill ita ' tindIcatkn'of Ibis sUUment. Againit the eoavkotioM of bit able oo kagne and ti atrong aectionsl n ntlment, be ksrttsth 'neiated the current and Mm has deanoU- ttrated tbe ciearoest of his judgments. "Ajrmh), white opposed to tbe lat war b sjmnatbiai smt warm aad hnaniee ft oai ; todjieeforeapon tbt 5rt alarii daager. tboagh hie eonttKutlon via .uTeaUe, ha prompUy .; raaoedi to ua neui Where htconttnoed an long at, blabealtb ?..weejld' permit.'' Be wa twica 4ttaraev '-Geneftlror II DUirla an4 iU ability :aodY Impartiality with wbioh-h " charged th respOdilbl dutica of tbt po- aitioa la kaowi to a alt , i ' ,,..ButIa tbe pad of manaood andeei4 lagty ht tha ."Vigor of tifo an insldooua ' cTiseaae Wat preying' upon bit viula, nodi .well remember daring th we I ew ' palgu when explaining Vtct aa Why ho ' look no part la tbt . can vam, how. w'eU awar bt traa "oC bin si tustion, while JjUle tboflght htoetefKBt voica would nneetTti aooa m lulled, ill death eta oat toi mnlj remind how fleeting tad ,iaor- Uia are ( tbadow, wo porta and that the mlmfg batUta and tTBfgta r whin wi bat ard afcou nevaf dlvtjrt bar thoughu jtom VS. great; end. of a all, but that fflghtli Ihs ljvidg tant take ut a 41 j Harek; awai uontp " Th memory of Bion II. ltogeis will loog lit grata io lb hearts of tbt mem bev of thi Bar and In thit community war tewtf o wall known tad highly our prooeedibga Lepread upon tlis bain- utet of th court. ' iTialinc and rbrnurlalu Decrie here mad a by Mania lixs Cnu tail Bultt. -Cop. Jo. Davramtd : ; MajUP'ieau Tour ZAwwr:, Thoofh 1 m. not a memlwr ol the Johnston Bar, Jdvwill permit Di to odd my tribute ol -iclpriL-i lo llH-ijnemorj ofour departed virtaea. I vti a member of bie regi ment In tbt !aU war end joined hjartgl meat bectao of las regard wbtew I bed for him. I tbiak It may be Uuly said of him, that be commanded not only the retptct, but the slftctiooate rrg4 ptll who kaew bim. Be wa pMtedef a keen intellect wait quick aad a'oee ob server sod an adraiwble jedge of men waa a prudent, csalioue snd mine party leader and lafe coonncllor- Be held bgb position of public trust and no one t discharged pubi c duties more faithfully or more satUtactorilv. In all bi reiations with bl fellow man, public and private, it may b aid be wa almost witboat a fault, and if faults h had, they prooteded from the excessive kiadneee aad goodtees oTWt bearTwTirch Brartt tttopwaible-tor him to cause paio to others, even tboegb duty might aome time require it. Many of ut will DH)embr bow faithfully and fflicieutljr bo ischsrged hi duty a At torney Gsaeral, sd yet with wbt kinJi nese of manner be discharged that duty. Amiabie, gentle, brave and true, it is not at all itraoga that be sbouM have been universslly popular and beloved by all who knew him, In addition to tbe many good trait of character mentioned by my brethren who have preceded me, there was on abicb he possessed in sn eminent degree and that was tbe "W Jfalw." Entirely free frem all malic himself, he wa ever ready to do all in bi power tohcsl breaches between hicndi and to restore kindly relation between those who msy have become alienated ttrom each other. As a TaciScator be had few equals-tike my lamented friend, JudgeGiUtam, whom he resembled in many retpecta and who was aa of tbe belt men I ever knew, he p mo snort h foot, an art in reconciling dif lerenoM between friend tbsl was remark able, "messed are the peice maker, for they shsll be c illed the children ot Uod " Few men haw better claims to this prom ise of our bleated Btvlor than Sion H. Roger,, Be leave four cUldren Ibiev son snd a sweet little girl, ta them bit death 1 an irieparabl low : for children never bad S more -affectionate father, but in future yearn it may be a sweet ouasola tion to thim to know that lie was univer sally beloved and died without a taia. They can cherlab lii memory with pride. Bi Honor bilge lieniy laid : Brethren Or Bmr e f 6th DUtrid : It affords ue great gratiflcttion to join with; yoo who knew him so well, in tbe tribute of merited affection which yeu have bestowed upon our deceased brother. The knowledge of bi iterliog virtue wss not confined to tbe immediate circle of hi friend, nor contracted witlia bis own Judicial circuit. The wave of hi prtise bad lapped over tbe mountains. snd tfigyrofearog throughout the Dtsto waa proud of hits. It had not been my good fortune, tboagh personally weft ac quainted with him to meet nim in the course of professional duties, yt I, and our people cad beard oi turn, or his worth ss a man, ol bis high prolesslonsL bearing, of bis enviable, sttaioments, snd above all, nod better than all, that he was a " good did." He wu universally pop ularif he had to enemy J never beard of it. All el'tws, all parties, all tbe peo pl ipoke kindly of rjioq Roger. Truly, !t! 1 NoDe knew him but to Wv him, ,' llor etmed him bat t praise." -1 lie wae a light onto ut, and the prol'( s slot throughout North Caroline lull whin kl death was announced that a Leaatii'ul aulumo had been broken, s bright ibaft plucked from the quivt-r of humaiii'j. Vfbeo I csme to your circuit) on uiy y to Nash court, I m'. bim, as evrr all Kn la Ity, gytT, atd with a fceny wil- 4ore. Ue jokingly reminded aw, that cotariHgTrom the pure, ttmotptier snd fine wati-r of the Went, - 1 could atk sr1ve the elrkl j esn down bereT and, (alluding t ur def. Governor) that he " w. old have to help take b:u another rnoontainetr." Bow tittle oil friend thought, that only few (lay more, and be himhclf wtiuld bt boruo ( in the black cbsriusV ,At OyUlaboro, five days following, returning from Nssa Cqur th announcement by teltrph, of met rtogec n tat it mi use a iounac- boltupoam. Truly, "in the midst nf lirew we. . in deal b," and the terrible lesson, far beyond ur srtt tpprtclatloa of our giaat loss, Mspressss Uswlf npoa is) wnaot.fvtea, .-Bejjaalsejfc.dj, Tor the eon or (Oometb in an hour ye know aotf , Hejis jroa. get from ot, from hi fireside friend, from tbe " little onm" mothtrleat 1 tH me, to whom bi bonnet heart . went aut with aH of h father's krv, aad $ which tbeycaa Beyer know and feel tgsie. Thit sudden man ner of bia taking off I my, should Imprest uawithttMancarUatr tolmaaity cUA8nlI wsi hava tha prettrmsmt Ul,MUeBty of lotrrajiglDgouj mattara for th preacat and future, to be ready wbea tbe iodunot.abaTfWpme. M.a Irnnw.th his Ilea l" WbO est .'Ortw,N wUcb, on of n tb9ur frieiid gather t ao sexl tafff the docket to Weave gartanlr Vr mjmory and beattdrl rote leTetSo't tofnb lit ft,. fUikilnKulAiMttach mev bak himself the ;uetiou, "Lord U if Tbess laddeo . dcatbe of recrot years, so sonstsntr occurring In our profession. ibei eibii or jtleiteatktirr .i j .,, ,r i.. iiiiiiiin heart,, trf oltener alJU,,. parij(n iron ntter hvaical bauiiioo,, are , keeom inn Teiy-aWiBwrbrrei it&i fni Ub.i ae itour keae va Ufa wa lodef iolte. nalU auddenlj, in a momcot ir Lbecaaeuf hint ' whom we, jaon, tbe c; tbe armed, anget cBie and. (adt ut vilb out bouaet diioidtred, and oucfotnp without Olf. nut reads to 'ttw0 I'M. awtT. lie am we' F " -:m filledBie lull measor of his eiisUnce, anUJ full of all tb b"ara ol liUi, beloved, aod rmpected by all who harm bim, kiad, genial, upright, honest, and virtuoos who can doubt, that ba i removed from tbeTtrires, turmoils, dtsgeie and tempta tion ol life, to aa eternal test where it sorrow never come. Taknn away in the prime snd vigor, of rosnhood, tho light of bie ambitioo put out jual at tbe tims when all hi Kcortlct were developed and hitcareer of usefulnet began, be I the more painfully mia&ed by u. So it hst always been, Just a we begin to get ready to live we must die 'Death lurks ia every passing breesi ' Aad bides in every flower. " tttel srt too short to be -ei pemle in tbe vain passions of our buuisa nature. If we lov we should love mnre and hate leas. Tbe poet ha beautifully said, "It i not tbe whole of lile to live, "HSiMfflor oVetu Io di.- Hi- who walks with us through the dark vslley is our neighbor, and only travelling the same path, at tbe end of of which, with us to lay down hi psa- tion and prejudices. Then why war with hias t Let u rsther spend the beautiful flowers of life's happiness by learning patience with bis foibles, and by teaching all who are near and dear to us tbe beautiful lessons of forbearance. Tbe hsnd may be bard but the heart ni-ed not be. And though old age may creep upon us ere the summon come, and beud ur form, and make ugly tbe features, still we must remember that the piost orly flow er grow In the most lagged sod "unahel tered places, Tbe paths of glory lead but to the grave, and our pilgriinige on earth is but s journey to tbe tomb. We occupy life only as tbe vestibule t? death We see our friend to-day with the ro seate, hue uf health, snd to-morrow amid tthl wsviog grata we drop a teal to iliaii mvmory. There is one place where death is not the handmaid of our existence, where its knells are never tolled, where the draperies of the coffin are never woven, and the hollow voice of tbe falling clod I never heard. It is beyond the portal on which we stand shivering, snd fearing to take the plunge beyuud tbu blue e'.tier i which hts csught up our departed broth er, and to reach it, we too niuat die. Oar own poe', Prentice, our love I and erring one, has beautifully pat it in bis Isle of "the broken heart,flWhjr t it that the rainb-iw and the cloud c .me over us with a beauty not ol earth, thea pass away and leave the mind to rouse on their fadel loveliness T Why is it that the eisrs which hold their festival sround the mtJuight throne, at placed high above our limited faculties forever mocking ui with their unapproachable Klury I Why is it that friends and rela tive aiul AfeeJuvM of trth am gj van ) us fur a momcui, aod then sudden y snatched sway, luring tbe aoguiabi streams of affection to dow back in Al pine torn-nt oa our wounded heart f I is to leash ns that lile Is but a mere bub bit cast np upoa lbs great ocean of eter nity to float lor a moment on ita surface and then sink away to aotbiogneas. To teach u that we wire bom for a highel destiny than eirth, to dwell in that realm where tb beauties of the raiubow will novrT fadi-, where the stars mi.t be spread out to our' comprehension like island slumberirg'on tbe bosom ol the great deep, and where the loved and lost of this life, will rejoin ns snd abide In our presence forever more." I- Our brother felt ss we now feel and bla lile was as active as our own. Shall we ptofit nothing by the aad, sad kason t Ai our gtod resolutions forever to fail us I It baa betn to since the world bt gan. Men come an I go and we make no ityto yl it, or .' our lime may come, or nnr time he talli-nl One generation succeude'b am .t her, and pas awsy like mist, and nature wears the same aspect thoeifl behind. The heaven will b "as br ght liver our last resting plac, ss they now arc amuad tbe places that know our daily walk. And to our children the tbimmeting na will ihloe, and th carol ing bird sing as sweetly as ooc tboy did for us. Hut only a little while, and like our brother the throbbing heart will i and b at rest. Then will the prayers be aid, tbt pall bearer com and ail r the dreadful psrapbfsnslia of tbt black hir lot, aad wa ba givea to worm, to sileaoe and darkness, a few teaii and amid 'the busy scene of lii our name will tick Into rorgetfulnem. Our children, Ukn hi. will be orphan, aud even tbey will. AaPh cease to think of c, their tear will , be driaJ hetor th beautiful panorama f Km which poc to encbaatsd us, and their jayoua romps be heard ia tbrom wavt but late tha death gurgla w illed up to our which brother Lewi ba 19 fWingfy ; rt minded ot, toocbed ow departed brolber I Will we be oermltteJ io la.u down eur- Mnadad b thou daki to U. attd Caia- j kwklBtbCfaqf thopreAtagl Bonaterll OrwW J Mditoniy pwa logdowin ilibroee.af,Uf,bufll off tbe ttdrtel Mil: i I be twUjtUr jpt a eje, withMber tapleiuaota' oi wi amy toll wst 1t1UtetrtpirationofourUbort Who knovil oh who can aura u T'3i, .yy' nv.tii n r t rtiel nun l 4a mui au jtoMr-egi ptAUoiiBotet, Ibai when bo had iimnliNMbt pitoer Wa,t1fcJand Aarwbicb ma4e hi name fimoua furarar.V b CUed f bit 'lao'irh Uf,' the betutifal atip, nd Wd ding bertlt dowa tober plon. placed ft fatfcreW. aad Wr totlag Unite . it."..,' a 1 ' k id bta pUbtlre melodie. Spirit thy Ubor it o'er Thy term of prirbatlon u tun, Tbj Iteps are'now bound f r tht uutrodj dciTnluire; TCIW pHaum weamnwwtini'' , Pans ol ob lb thrawhuld of Imitless t:fsa, r. f--.- . To nwur for lbs day that I set. Spirit no fetter ibsll tsiml, No wicked bare powc n nioloat ; There the weary ike time, the wretched shall find ( s A havun s manii m of rent. Spit-it how bright is the road, , , For wbict ibon ut now on tbe wing, Thy home it shall be with thy Savior and God, Their loud lislleluj ilis to sing. And aa ihu last cadeucea died away be neath her trembling flngenihe turned to -ttM sofsr-whnreh wu recliDlDKo4 hi spirit bu passed sway from life. Tbe clerk will make the necessary or der ss desired by the resolutions, and also set apart s page of the Docket of this Term to berdedicated 4- lbs moaaory. of. the late Bion IIRogsra, deceased a mtm bcrofthe 8th Judicial Distiict E. S. Moohb, Secretary. Q GRAVD GIFT COXCERt will bs given la th Utjr ot Ui-ssnsboro, 1. C DKCMBIt 81, 1874, for tb purpoie ol ctocUuk an Odd Fellows Tcmplo. The Grand (lift Is the -Benbow House. WORTH 100,000.00 GRAND CASH GIFT SlO,000. Rosl KataU Cash Gilts $81,500 188.5001 Only 100.000 Tickets to dk ijusj. Price of Tickets, 2 50. AGENTS WANTBD. For further particulars, sdJrcaa UieMsn- aier, Bjx a, liraeasDoro, n. v. CP MKNUENHALU a. pt -'Jtd Manager. QORS, MIA L, ill V . Ons Car Le4 Cora. (u! Or Uid Meal. . Two ar Loads Timotliy Hay. . WO Bitahsls VkKluas Oall TS Bute. KoeUsnd Lima st MUKRAT A ALLEN'S jsswbnd. fwedltsvell i0 TpOB RENT. Tlie Bar, Bar fixtures and i Millard Tables THE NATIONAL HOTEL. For particulars spply to C.8. B.tOWN. sept S 4t o iiRprj)Atjf rua ouuK-sttfas. i sk this tsetbad of tsaoaselar myself aa a candidate for IKtorkseper af tbs Uom Kifrenrntstlre of the reit Lrglslatnre. . sept4 td . HISllK M. CKOOM. S JULIUS LEWIS & CO., fisher tttnLDnro," " risvc in sb ok, and offuf to the trad at Bottom price : 44iv jtflVlilWftf , Vnssv ,1 TlaaM Writs for WoitraUd Cautogoe of Prices. t S- ,9.i A ,h.4,.;.B Tl ii. i ... , i , FOR THE HOT l I ll i t xe' ' 'J IS 9 ' 'j If.il ' -Hi' Wa i H twthVfl4ya OlotJiihi is I 1 'July lflf JWTH AKP LAiTT CONCERT SrjfAIO0THI. yt FIXED - and a TCLL-DnA-WINO ASSURED Uoudxj 30ra MotbmwW. 1874. HACE- . "AN EAST3 FORTUNE! A. postponement of th Fifth Concert nu orar; juatacky has l:tVT!l vanaura irom tus um ttekeV a -tmaal ;od to hava aamMsd as to bv had a Urge drawing em th tlst July, but t short postponement was eon aidered prefefsble to a" partial drawing. Let it b bom In mind that . tii nrn .in coicitT 18 THE t AST 'iraicM "wlL JEVKR BSOrVEIf UKDER THIS CHARTER AMD BX TBE PRESENT MANAGE MENT. (j , That 't will positively and a swui vocally take place u aqoounced on MONDAY, Wra NOVEMBER, that tbe music will be the best the country affords, and that 20,000 CASH GIFTS regwting $2 ' wllT "Be 3 imtjrx buted" by'lbr a mbhg th ticket holders. - List of G-ilts. One Grand Cash Gift OaaGraad Cask 61ft Oa Unaa Uasb slift..... One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift S Cash Gifts, $),0OU each. tmOrjO 109,000 ,MW to.ou ajiooa loo.'auo isu.tno , revasawrsa, i,w 1 Cash Gift, SO Cash Gifts, U5 Oesh WKs, SO Cash Gifts, 50 Cash Gift, 100 Cash Gift ' SsOOsabGtfte to Cash Gifts, liUMO Cash Gifts, lO.WMJeaca. lW,tU0 a.ouo eacn iiw,w 4,0U eaeh I0,au0 S.0O0 each 0,00 1,000 each 100,OO s,0WI each. 100,000 8(10 each. i,U0 100 saca. ao,H Ml each I30.0UO Grand Total so.000 Gifts, aJicata... .I.iUO.aoU Prlco of Tickets. Whole Tickets Halves... Tenth, or sarb Coupon It Whole Tickets for.., ... iso co ... 9 OU 5 00 ,. 80J 00 ....1.000.00 WW Tickets for inuina wiabios to Invest, snouia oraer promptly either of the home Office, or oar local Agents. Liberal commission will bi allowed to satisfactory agents. Circolar containing tU particular furnished oa application. T1IO. E. BRAMLRTTE, Agent snd Msnsger, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. aug 7 -dSaw&wtSONov 1 11111,' I. o. By MRB. IOS1 ROWI. Palrss good as tbs Market en fiord. Charts reasonable. march lslt Mis. ROSA ROWE. X70BTH CAROLINA RK PORTS AT A 11 Barfrate far the aazt 8Uty Days. I win sell the foUowina Reports at 15 per eent less than Catalogue price, vis: 1 Bay wood, ad Hawks, Hd l&rv. Battle's tqaity, II, IS II bwdeU's Law, th Iredell's Kqalty. I will sells set from Baskes's Law to Justus' Kquttv Inclusive. 10 volumes, at 165, Ceta- kra Dries is 1100. I will tell a set from Bsbee,s Law to 04 W. CiaUaaive excapt- Insr Winston' Law A Iqolty, SI volnmes, at auftft muHgasfvUt is t I wiu sell any of these volumes at K5 per seat laea than cat alogue pries. 1 PsnaassvAeriBs; by mall sswst scad poaUg. AL.rKk.LI wiiaoAMo, tMoassuert yne K-dStawAwlm Raleigh, ft .XX tini i , Old Dominloa Nslla, HonaaadUuhrBhoea. - BonoNalla, ., Shovel and Spade, i Iron and Steel . Aim and Edgtf Tool of every de . jcrtptioa i Lock of all kind. Builder Hardware a Blot com- -. pletalln. - -i-:. Pocket and,, Tab! Cut lory of 0r own importation. .-, ' Bestcahisge, Plow, and Tire Bolt. 1 Hardware and Cutlery of every dt- : MrtotrOO. ;. ..i . DITiilfii GOOD OF ALL KINDS' IN i o.i STOCK. AT MANUFACTUR ERS ruicKa. Msnwacinuaa Rswai If "' Oharlc Pratt 4 Co., Manurscturert of fratta Astral Oil. L. Bollet, Hoa aod Tool Ca ,. ataoamctussrs of the llolle' Cotton illos. Tbe Averill Chemical Paiut Co. Tbe Goulds Keirafaetoring- Crimpsny, Msnufactuf- oi n ,ers oli j arm, Lhurca sx PiMtanop JRell :! Isslo A. bheppsu-d ,4t 0., Msnufsciurers ot the "illl High Cnok loe Btove." u i a i -- 'wEATBER' .!,.. V e s t s Ofeat Vhrlatyf )wajv4' at 3 THE t t COTSTJCCTICUT ZtIUTUAL Iirjuranco v Company. avaiuaine tae algheat ttaadard of 1 SOLVENCY. Tbe chsrscteref thelav. Asseals of Ite act- 836,000,000 l ( the Plfrhestfcha for security ; It bsv- ins; sever lewt a dollar of It tnvestmeat. It iLI-JL.RJLJLB. laUrxer than that of any other Company over . ;.a5,oo.o:ooo; ver 83,000 perso otMs rf; tt luM S 8Uie1r dollar of saving otproBt belongs solely to tbs POLICY-HOLDER. r.om nucb a record one can wall lades where to Insure with safety and tbe smallest passi ble coal. B. X. WAIT.Gen'l. Aetit. RALEIGH, N. a sept 1 E. y. jonfd & co COTTON FACTORS AKD GENERAL . WHOLES ALK AMD RETAIL ' GKOCKRS. Warmer at , Orromva Mahkwt BQesaje RALEIQB, N. C. present ev Card aad offer to the smblie oar sssrsice ss Gcnaral ComaaUsins Mer; chsnts tor the sale of Cottuo and other pro duce, ft. -; Iror locauoa is easunu, a u ousuwas pan of th city and we offer especial advsatsWes sad facillUe la th storage of Cotton Ac., hsvlng a Urst clsas metal roof snd Ire pron store house, ltastd wlthla a short distance of the polios fttstioo, and thereby less hstile to tli -danger of . Are... Those, who design storlnf eottoa will fin U to their Inter out to commusUcats with a before Storisg sis whei. Ws ar constsnUv In receipt 01 a 110 01 General Oroesrie which ws sre seltliST at the very lowest market prices. Farmer asppliss slwsis on bsnd. Country prodnre it lanrS 01 Mil qaaatitts taken ta meksege ror gooda We solicit coasiirnsBeaU aasf wiM emsct ssMsfaetorw sals aad vaarantm prampt re tama for all srtlelea entrusted to as. Our patrons sss etatta will ba inronawi rrom hats ta tana of the mineral t-nor of prices for Cotton and produce ireneralir. All COfwanslcaUona oi asqairy prenpu) saswemd. sept t7-wtf BUY ONLY TUB GESUIIII rillBlRII ICUB. FAIRBANKS) Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Heal, s, Dairy Bcales, (Joa our aeales, ae , at. Also, Zuilet Alarm Tin C 's ALARM CASH DRAWER. Every Merchant should Use Them. Ivtav Ubawir WannsiiTBD, FAIRBANKS 5c CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 188 Baltxmoh St., BAjJrmoiir., 55 f7amp St., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS A EWING, atssomo Hall, PirtLSDELruiA. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk St., Bostoh. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. , tug 37-U rTV) TBE WHOLLS1LE TRADX. dsArbw s later ir ht ta at4 with swaOdsae boo Ikis oar new enter- prism, vt stpamthMt ew WkaUaste f rm oar He tall Trade, by naving a separsw aa aav unct House lor eacn ; ana m ausna ws latter ourselsas tbat it will aot oaly steel tka aonrcMral of omr nnmnoa ustosasrs, hot teat M Kxlal Wholesale Mouse" will brinfl a a tsvgw taflax f new trsde, snd of a character not heretofore eoloje It must bs obvsews to every buyer thst a strict! r "Wholesal Lions." smuured sod adapted for thst trade only, with a corps ( eiqeriesMed Wholesal Sssesmsa. with s stock care roily seieciea ror usi iraneoni sod moreovw. the vl4aae i f coming contact with retail buyers, which ws sad von ail hava heretofore foutd to bs so irk soma, as it treoweotlv happens that tbe re tail bayer la your very neighbor, (perhaps yonr own custoaaar). bnch a house, we as sen, mast sad will commend Itself to the sTsmbv teaie airo ws sdveriised tbat we In tended to make Cbailoite a wholesale mirt snd ours "Th Wbo'eele Hooso." We sW has the yroud satisfae tl u of seeing it an acc mtiliahed fact- Wa now call your attention to the tart thst we have s raverled car furerb store 1st an exclusive Wholesale Houre, where you fcan BB4 evil lines of Roods neceassry for a eou try .a ten, to-wrt: Dry Goods, 4 latkaag. SjsHsx iUes, Hatt. Notions, Ofoeerses, Hardware, Mullnrry, all la complete lines, boagbt ka krgs quantities snd from th vary ttrat Issads. " lissr stock Is now arriving and wBl ascanr plcka snout th 1st of tfeptesabei,. asd wUl be tbe largwt of any here, th pretensions of others o the contrary naMwltkstandinr W respectfully Invite your Mraoatal ineott ttoa.or write to ns for circulars. . Very truly yours, WITTRUWastlt A KIM f ELS. RETAIL, r Mow, slew words about that. We bow ocempy tbs souea-b boas heretofore so fs vorably known aa the Messrs.. hi em. Brawn 1 Oo1., Dry Good Uonse. to carry on on Botael knaiaeesi ssad ss ' Kxceisior '' is, snd aa alwata ha baa,, oar motto, ws claim also 1st thst Raa to excel I slack, to cues la lowneee of Brlcee. aad to excel geaerall. We will, ht that bowse, have a corps of thirty aaleemea, and SsJee-LadWa, sii 1 s perteneeit. itLabiev. aad obliguc. W wul-ssfkp tha MUlMwsx fcraorh sspse bdl W. AR. Charlotte, If. C., Aag. llth, tT. Aug.liJam. TJMlYIRilTI OF VIRGINIA. Somffler Uv Lectares (nine weekly) begis 18tk July, 1874VJ ad Uth Sept. Uaa proved of signal east lea. ta states.! proposing t cbool) id, to tboee who design to study ntV yately 1 id, to young pracUlioeers who hav not bad the advsmtsce of systematic Inarm o Uoau For clrewlavr simply F. O. University ot Ta.) to JuBJi B. MINOR, Prof. Com. sol tnstr smcnas uus or vwsr w Ut. Uw: . , 1 Jtitw lsvwlat , ,, ( . ' if '- lUhMS membership $.-.;4a- . II nnfin Uli Ulll TBE LATEST, BEST AKD CHEAPEST. I offer th public, th latest improved Cotton Om, a wejll uth bapeet. The following certificate from well known gentlemen, will be mora MtJtfactory than any thing I can say : -NaaaCaaT, N.O.; Ko., , Uth, ItTS. This I to certify that I am Using one ol UaCMCiMsby W.M.farril. or Cart, a. C, and that I am wall plesscd with It snd would cheerfully recoinmend it to any oo wanting a good Oin. A. B. Vatbs. llJLJttpJfltjn s. I Bale Cotton Urn, I ) urcsnaed. fvya Mr. W. St. bVwmii, known as tlie Vary Um does far better work than sny Gin, I have heretofore nsed, thrmgh coating from 50 10 100 per cent Icy money. I think any jx-r son. in want oPw-Gin will we mrtney by rcbssing the Vary Gin, It purformanct: entire satisfaction tynr neighbors, w ho have tried It, and we think it an eic I lent tie. II. P. Ovw, 11. U. JokUAN, W. C. Pauk, Wm. E. Pkj i PUICL: For 00 Raw Gin,. s)l7li ror M Saw Gia, 11,11 Kiar 6S Saw Gin, lMi For 48 Saw Gin, 14 u For40 8wOia; i:m For all aoder 4G bawa, 1 JO. Person wantiae Glue will please nl la their order esriy io the season so tint I msy not be crowded in tbe fall. rVmi n your orders snd I warrtot you wtU be pleased. I do all kind af repairing. ADDiinss, W. M. bUHUMAj, msy2Sddw-tf. Cary, N. C -rALUABLl REAL ESTATE FOR 8AI.K. . v rAii .j 1 v . v., vh Maw bwiii .i't, of Deep River opHlte Harris Tysor, JoiniiiL', uvu riiUllps sad euiers. iu miles m 01 the termination of the WcaU-rn Railroad, Hi'' eaid ileep Hive beinc navbcabt m thle l la. on Monday VtlU ot Bepteuioer 1S74, imiaii 1 rwse to public sate to the hiichedt bldi r n tbs premises tbe swluabl laads of the lat. Jraae Wonible, deceased. One trai t con-l-l inn of six 6) hundred aene of ejuod (amiim; laud liiirhly llnproved, with icood buililliiL- eonsistiuK of one dwelling house, contaliiiiik.' 5 rooms aud all necessary out bulliliiiL'-. a i;ood well of waU'rln tbe yard, 4 otber himI tracts kiiulas: said laud to sold st m line aad place. Adjoining these lands ar. n ; exhaustible beds of tfcwp Hume. Tbe Dvaebtasr will be required to pay 1. - haadred dollars cash Ulan e ons half in x tks tarlsslf intwilve months, bririnM; bond with Interest front date with epptoveil secarity. Title retained unUI tbe perfl-. money Is said. 0. tt. WATSON, Kseeut or. augvsuuaep. WILL be sold to the highest bidder n Tharsds tbs 17th uf Beeteuber, a eosaplete sat of machtaierv for ouetetinir a bo Factory. Consistiat; of 8 Wsx Threul Hewing Machines, 1 Hole Former, snd sole dies, Lesthrr Roller, FeicxinK Jsekt, Ar., He, in fact everything necessary for operating a dboe Factory. Aale to take place t tel hii, vllle, where tbe m chincry c aa bs e i t ai y imetinaayoi sale, leiniscasb. sut 22-td ALIX WILSON. 1874. 1074. AUTUMN. BLVi K ALPACAS! BLACK ALPAf ' ! Fcttv & Jones Opened to day the most beautiful litr.f BlacK Aiparas snd Pare Mohairs ever oil. 1, ,1 In this market, aud raspectfully ati, I 11 enstomere snd Mends to call at d t.c t., m and be convinced for ttiem-eWca. Also s splendid aasortmcut of Kali l';n With Btawt mssy other goods UiUiei. .n.. New snd Fris 1. And for genileuunT " TITE NOTED B.4LLOU SltlltT ANIn A . FIELD i CVLEB tl TED 1HNHM l!n H1JKS. We Guaranttve all to 8uit aad Kit. sept l'Mf Ts aia-isse ms am--v-w iuwitK,.,!..-, BLE.tC,UEK. LAlEdT. BST AND CIIE.Vt KM THE A8IIE MADE. That Steam Washers sre bet'er thati oth i Is now generally conceded. That tlie I'" " less Is the brstof Htrstn V'asliers will I' readily sdmltUxl by every one wh sees a:.d trie it with others. It construction is such as to rur.1) : Ir laivcat quantity of water thronnh the i 1 i Ing in the shortest time, snd to eosopcll "H the water to go where it Ia desired, aud pr -vent its Kolng anywhere else. It lia no bundling valves to make the water flow l y fits aad cease to now at intervals but cau-i s It to Sow steadily pouring sixteen atn-n,n on tbe whole surface of tbe clotu.ng. 1 hi n the water hss not to descend to the centre r 00 th ends of the false bottom to get baek to its slsrtlng oolnt outgoes stralht down fr-m where it fella, washing sll parts of Uie cloth tag;- now ontou.'bed y Its isplJ currvnv II rushes through the cloiblng many times r minute and cleans them in l.t 10 30 luinuWi- ! The cost of the machine may De seveu wy soon in diderrnce In wear of the clothes. It may be saved very soon in tlio dideri let of labor required. ... A mschine made to fit, can be used with sny stove boiler or the lwiier foi the macliii ' msy be used for sny other purpo. This mschine sells for less than any of us kind and will 00 the work qultker'.ano hum.', thoroughly. As lu name indiestss it is PEERLESS AMONG ALL. I hey sre msde of best tin. The W.i .r with galvanised iron bottom, will lant many yea re and are sold at the following low ratcu : For tha Washer sad Boiler, (luuai rise) Forth Wuber arose, (usual size ) For ths Washer snd Boiler (extra large ) f . ror tbe Washer alone, (extra large; ' Tbe tssnal sis 11 kacbts wide by x 01 11 1- tt2kMs " lJ 1 The exUalsrgs W inchta wide y loi.i: U l-i deep. Bent any w bees per express on rernj-t "f price by J. A. JONES. Proprietor, f -T-hf "" RaleiKh, N. C. B1LLINEUY AMD LADIES FANCY GOODS. Mrs. Hsrriet Andrews, on Fajettevill Street, a few doors NnrU of tbs oUt Na tional bank, hss returned from the f'oiili sndhasoa bsnd a splendid sssortmeui ir Millinery snd Ladies Fancy Goods, ot lite 1 test deslrns snd Bnportauona. The Millinery Uepartanent Is under L'.e. ehargsof ladles Of sxpenoMe, aad the i'n -are assured thst every thing ottered for Kie at this establish stent iswarranted to be of ll.e best msks snd material. Liall and examine tbe splendid sUK-k, which I tillered .tile meat liberal rates. - MRS, nARRlXT A!fDRF.W8, 1 Xmporlutt of Fanlii' n. pKWU

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