WW rilESBiVTlNELi MEMBERS ILBOT TO THE OKSKRAt ASSEMBLY Of NORTH CAROLINA FOB 1 M-TB - - - The followtaK statement of the member elected to th Oeaeral AaiexeKy, MiMf net U considered correct, The ium f memo-re will be added mMMM ulued. H f q" eertala CWifT"" a.a. eTB. l.t District, Currituck, Camden, Fdqu tuk, Perquimans Hertford, flsAo td Cho wan, Wm B Shew and Thome K. Jeruicaa, TdTTynetl, WaehlrteB, Beaufort, Martin, iw. Haaalloo ud Uvsttv die aatthasa u4 Dm, fMileo and Hyde, Che Id. horthamptoa and Bertlty W W Pee U4tLuftf. Jo Bryan., teel.) BPv y ... vnVjn.HkUckMT.Uwa. ' tjlk. tfKVea, rw""" lia. haavf llatr.ii --..a. -.' -vtstii: " . .. . UI.J' i-laJT-il Vat 15 b. Colaia-mt and Mbaaae, W foeler F lberlanl awl taejwett, GeevfeW rwIlm'SL, Dean. ' l"" WakeTA-Hee buWee. 1. t;h Paraoa. Uranee and (Aswan, 0 I JiaCkatba. WO AlkrUhyw.-. BM. KixAfciKbaw. JaaealrWa, Uem ftiib. ait-nr""" and UBolIarU, Jaaiaf 1 y,.hel. Ucai., and A S lloltoa, Kap. SS !aadoljA and HootsX Worth;, DSlj,. Riehmuod and Uonieuairy, Jutu LT3HdA2SS'aad PdIob. OUT MeOMOcy, 'th. iVbamit and BVanly, Dr Gao Aader on. Dso. , iflitb. M'k.lamiC, , 'T'". Df wth. Kural MTiHClB0ieam)eni. SiJ. tuk S rorajtfca.atooB Cook, "ltrfiiif arroM-i. .-i1a,D; Mtk. Iradsll. WUkat Mid lonawtaav K f Arailldd and Z Ua, Daait. h. All-Kkuir,. Aaaa aad WakKa,A J UcMkikua. Den. 4 - f '"uTulJwdl. Brka. MeDowoU.ltlt.heU ud laacw, J U MUla, J at Youna Oaaaa. 3,;b. (Mra and OeaTalaa4 Jom Jen- "il.V loo4. HiritD and Trantjl nu, T. W. Ttor, lad. Hop. Vind. Cherokee, Cly, Gribum, Jarktoa, Maoon aad Svato, J. . 0 ' aocai o MBiWni, ; jt AUmmc, J K Boyd, rep. A I, under, J Caraoa, lad dvm. Bwuiort, WitUaiu ATaoapaoa. daaL Bojut, Ww T Ward. rap. Buncombe, M l'.tton. dem , W 0 Candler, "o'ttrke. S cD Tate, dem. Braa,lek, Beanett, Dao-. BiUeu, Jobn SeweU. Hep. ( ve and, Allen OetU, Bern. CuweU, tWm fanriao Pent WDaoa Carey, (col,) Rep Varrtuck, J jTwoodhanaa. Dera. v)berokc and llraham, King, Denk tauarra. l"al B Mea, dem. ClaireU, R (i Tuttto, deu. C.mdrn, P M Mullen, dem. Carurvt, Apptewm Oaktaiilh, lad., deau C.uwbt, 8 M Fniirrr, dim CUUuun, Jao M Jdorluft. O A Ilaacar, deui. . i how, Wlnrlow, rap. Colnmba. V V UicUardjoo, dm. Cmveo, Jtio K Oood. kd ward H Hill, rep. cmabcrtond, 4 C MKe, i Mcl iearap, deron. Dire, 0 ry, IM Ua1ou, Butuuiuu -t Mock, MamhiU li il'inlt, don. Dtvie, cbrlj An Jeraon, dam. Duiilin, A 0 Morcley, W b Well, dem. kdnecmln, Willi llano, W X Goodwin, re, rortjthe, WW IlWbeekr, rep. KrankUn, T T Mitchell, dem. W A citowe, uew. t (Ulrc It H Balhird. dam. UruTtlle, H T Hune, .rewi, rapt. Ureene, Tajrlor, dem. ialilord,Morea Meodantull, John U 8ta lle, dem. -lUywood, Prank Dart, Dent ' llvJe, A J 8mlib, lud. : HailfM, i A White, to W Daokl, Tap. llamoU, i A ei-eara, deu. Henle- ton, Jiue Blvthe, rep lradrll, a C Sliarp, A P Uailher, C ema. i .1 f.vxi, K I) Dvi, Dem. ' Joaat, i t Boott, Htu. JuUdmob, B J Uolt, K A BiateU, dem. keoulr. i r Prrot, Dem. Uaculu, W A Thoiapaoo, Deow Mteoa, Ju L KotilntoB, dejik. Miklluin, U A Uud)rer, den). . : . M:lV-cll. A M Krwin.dem. ' Mwkieubunc, sol W KehL J- L Jetton, dna. Moor. A A MeWer, dem. - - JrMttrtierl;' MotrhR, eutr Mcon, it L Kohinton Dem, New rtinorer, W U Moor, 11 BrowlBXtoa iic Aiired Liojn, Kept. Math, W T Urittla, dem. "' ' (now, John W dbaekalfurd, dem. 1 Uraogo, Matthew Atwater, JoUs W ltU, dem. I'wqujtauk, M J Munden, rep. Perii'mna, J Q A Wood, rep. I'erton, D U Baraatt, rep. 1'oik, tiarrison. no. Uun.l.Jnk U T U...I1. A U V I. II -1 Kuocjoo, & II Muiment aad Weill licMaiU, repi Mchmond. Piatt D Walker, dem. KovkmKhan, W N Mebane. John Johnaoa, dem. " Kowaa, 1 i McCubain. Geo at Bwmhardl, aeina. Rathaford. Ell Whlniit ren. eaupaoa, W 11 Bryant, Jamea I MtOatlop, aim. Btokaa, Thoau Martin, dem. Swain, T D Byton, dem. , -1 Btanly. A U Preemaa, Dm: , Barry, Wm TUrmore, Uem: , - Tyrrell, W W Walker, dem. Uatoa, Lemed PreMoa, dem- " Wiuhlmrlnn tl B Wll. Dam V Wayne,! P Doitchnd iobn Wltler.Dem. an en, I arter and Wllliame, Kep. Wk-. Ooorg. VBUon..M W faee. Ml chael Wbltler and LD BWphehaoB, Deua. W UaCl H Poota aad TJ dami 1 ' Yneey,W W ProlBtl, Dem. P3 R'Marhim'tltwTarbiai IU been teited at TORK, PA., by D.M. ETnNOEH, 0.& ad at HOLTOKX, Ma., by JAB. nMMimaoM.p. arPor Panpklel and Teal jUport iuare, n. w, saruaun, I ora, r pARTHW WAMTIOk-;;. 3.ui.' Ab hwenlm nveliuil.' tin Bmd i' awful taTeatioB, wuuapartaar with acapV uu oi auw. una Bun4raHor eent. p" teed ob tha mveatment. Addxaaa, A.K ana II U y ' Beat Hoe erer mad for n I" . nni xor atraaiar ama piwv " . jm rrraLXWIS ACO.. "" wrppueg . paaaiagiBrwiw- f LUMBER OP ALL KIMDb POB aVAUk 1 wdl dtllTaraaywhara la tha ettyt ebP rate, any kind of laiaber wanted : SO.OUO feat of aeuoaed looribr hand, AMrcM aM at JOB I; .1 1 ,L,lt KINI-JO' 117 A wmmA i. V JC ' r - Lting rpfittoJ wr Job Office, . ; - ,. (' ' i , ' . ,1 ' And secured the Mrvioot oi a m-m.B I'm We are oow prepared to execute sv... all kind oi PLAIN AND FANCY i All persona having Bill Hca.la, Letter II !, B'xiiojj i.'artta, Vistiting Caril ,(VHldmi Card, Owjulan, rn4ar4c. To print, will hare their work ox ocutcd in the vcrjr best stylo jbp Bonding it tojtho Sentinel We aro also prepared to do all kinds of In the verj best rtylo, tj All worlnent to up will be done at quickly and 'cheaply J tly Other rtlltlTTrftJ B0U8K JWiTHK" ' 80UTD I (JfaJl kinds Printed at short nOtieo. T In short, we are trtftcni to acnte all kinds of rmtipgXth; tetj post itjie. . . January 4th, 18T4. SThetatPalrriloo ea aapply at any poiat il tBUroada. the Oataar aparator. riniratJlaBalactam'i Ktoaa in; "if "" ' ni't- 11 r. klOS toes Mfeap Pkue1reet trowj piaatar pat apta hWe and aeW Barhr iwtea. irota-iBy- l:Tna,af.AT riwaawlailf htaaaaaarta,-- ' J T V la BOOHOIll TTHTCrTiTtS a - 1 AAWI aaaia aaa- Jehmat,Ya. If f! fl if f DING AND DAT School roa too lam. N 11 Tha rati fteaeion comment on " dae da tbeaord avptetaier, and eoallnuiia witi oat Inleimluloa to tha aUddla of Jaaa fal lowing. I rwaalalaraaad atrcmavs cwUlalatr f tl paruraiara. He., aaarwa BBV.K. BUKWELI., aklKh.II. fA'EADY RELIEF OTTKEtTHX WOMTPADTS ' In from 0n to Twnty MInut.i Mi aiwtlwawl aa4 aaf crraa WITB MH. utowirt Lnir u a tu rot avaai ttwwtlMlnlaada Tli Only Pain Remedy liruaniw yr thb RioaHTK larltBBATiiin nr t, OB StADDIft WFiiimna vrrni utii abas raaftifP. ttrfi' trrtnuct; eoTr.iirTa,R,aVw, tiataaaaT, rxruTtKi. nut aot,B rtrrtita, wi omiua TkaanpautkMi rtiM l M" th aalaar i.anmiy mi. a wuiaapea VMr mprt " roBiMtr Cwrtft wMKta r aomrnll rur CHXri urAHBM. Rul'H BTdXA' ll, yaD h. uiuuiHoBi. TraKlrra itwaM twivt rr7 a ott af Ha. r aii4y mnr wit ttm. a iw drti it, wivr will trVMiil irtcktirM ffiai cbniifr wir n to tnUtar Oua rn acli jtnadjr r Bliiri a ettawlaat. , rrvxR aitd aovt. ' tRVbR ATO A0H1 eiil for art wan Thrre ri rrf Hearlrt.. b.4 i-t4l im ! iMa wwrM tarn wta ca al AM. aiia all cttW Tllih.!. TVII..W. I WAV rtUMI a Liar, rmytaani and Mhtr Kvtvm fawli ! KA K U BAlXkAI B AULaAIT as par bom. HEALTH! BEAUTY!!: rranixi n rvtr. rich aiMD-twrneAKa mor ri.RaM ahowmuhmua mum ai. aiAirrirui, coai-izioa bbcvbzd to au. DR RAD WAY'S Saiiaparilliafl WTEit ": THE ORKAT'iLOOD PUHiriClJ. b)a madi Tna aoirr AUTOKiminia ctrxri: no Suiua, imi uriu Ann tii a i-iinitw, thk ODY bhDB(iOK, UMDBB TKB iK'U Bar . Or Till IHl'LT WOKUKBTti. MBBICUlk, THAT Every Bay as Im it M ail WeittM Is Seei M Felt Inn IM at Ik fUXflXr A&TLIJAIf BCROiV bcvt eioiBiunicir inriiaira w bum, a. 0M Bajna, Hwaat, Urlaa. aj itthar riuld, nd u.lea ui tlia arataai I taa wuiar ai ne. ru, it raaairttii wi o m D-mr wim uuni aularlal. Hrrolala. BtraaUw. lUaudalar aaaaai. I'lcara la th Uraat, Moah. Ta- Main. nuaaaiH iiiaiiiaiwaaaaiaarBBriaariaaarannn r avaa, atnuiMN'uuj aaKnanraa irvai iaa Kara aaa i aiirW f li raw mt kla dlaMara, K rj p4 lolM, rcrar .rr.. iv-aal Haa. Wan, nail Bkaaai. Bryalpa la. , -m. Klack Baota, Worm la I ha riaah. Taaaan, Oaa. . In ill, WuatK alMt an waakaaaaa aad palafal t . , . .... V laiMMwaau, laaa of apart 4 all waalaa of :!; nrlnrlpla, ra wit kill th caralira ran of thl h r of Miiaar QtaaaaarT, aaat a law da,,' aa will tniin)' aaraoa aaina Htoraitharef Una feraw ai ar ha patnal. daily anoaalaa radaaaw By da aaaaii t l.-c.aMoall1oa matHeeallaaallT aroaraaftlaif, aMi ,1. la nutating laaaa wail, a, aaa taaaita in aama . a ira aaatarial aaad friaa Itankhr w KAKnArABlU.IAM WIN aad duaa a , naiai for whoa an I t.ra uf ar IBoattoa, and ai lueeaoda In dlntltilataiw ika Mta In aimlnlanini I ,llatrialrwlll a-a ranw, aa ovary day iHiliaal will faalklaatirr-laibtltar and atroiwar. ' latatlinf panar, appauaa iaaitana, aaaa at ,m.I wataiu larraaaaafl. - Vt aalr dua ttit t Murivruj a a aw.al iael II mown raaaadial aetata In ikaomonTCIafaim. tttra 41.hu. tWoiiaUotial, aud akin dliaaini, sat It U ika .ly aatlliva car far Kidtuy Jb Bladder Complaint, i r and Womb dtataaa,. i Dubatt. IVmaty. rtaa. BrMki'aUb. ,-aicr ur Water, iaeuaUMaaoeC I ick dual dapaaHa, or tat wator b tbtek, elondy. aalatd Aioatninnria, aaaj la aa ro tatra i h auhNtaacaa Ilka taa aralta af aa aam. i .. hlia allk. or laar la nortrid. dark, ft a acta lit tat wain or aa aaa, a laraaaa itaa btlioua a am a riokina. ba rn laa Maauloa w haa aaaaiaa, watfr. aad Iraia la tb aaaaU aTtaakack a4 alao ttajLuaaa. ! Tumor of 19 temri Urteth Cured fry Eadway't IleaolPcnt. ; DR. RADWAY'8 EStSSWlf". olMnao and Mrtnaiaam. Raj. iihtv. ana waiia aoaaaati taauaia, ana wtit a t Ultra at -rrK, rTjaa, and fll LVraiujaaWnta of tha 'Marital I"'" WarnitdiaHMjai paatira ear. Partir iMa.Btiniallrti a awrtmy. aunaraiaar daltitri oaa artart. aai.!? TV BW" rrfS fro tb lyt iaairruia.l taa aWa atiaad 1' mlaaa rnat at hi n or Boa. . at)Lt ar bauuoiaTB - IkAtt UJI..J lA Mil JL JtaaaV aaa - -- to AD WAT ACO,. o, wr.BM..")Taw wlUaoatiai rom All If ercbantt who hare not Mid tbalr tax aa rwrahaaai ap to Jahr lat, 1874, ara hereby oUaed toeaana fcrward aad aattla thawaaaa wllboatdeiai. If aoa OTaaedlairB will ha natltated atralnAt them. I my b found at tha Vowrt Hon. In the Grand Jury Room from 10 a.m, tot ptl31w -rrWiri tAtktNt UhTBRILLA-BriL- Poc BaTirleWiroloat, Saddle, and other openr Vehicle, ahla exceedingly In cenlona aad aaefBl lnTenUoa aappUea a want kM taH hy ahoM who rlda la open- Tehlcle. I 1. ataahlai la it. Minatnietkia that a ahlld aaa Maaduca It-altar oawa wbaarrtaa: MM app 4 rU. Ueaa ba taawad down o any reiucia without lnconrenleoea It doaa not dUflfura the appoaraaea of aay watroa or uy. it eaa ha pUcad tay aUtatloa, r ineUned la any direction with perfect aaaa la a moment time Whan aof m Be It eaa oo dlapoaad betwaaa the ehlcma, try that aiaipi turataa; f althamh acraw, a to U aaAlraiy oat of tha way. aad will aahjact aWBoa rtdlas to bo iff eunfeMeaee whatTTar-An-KaoB of oral nary mind en adapt It to hli rahlels wlthoat th aid at dlreouewav It prtea at wtthia the ---- at mil. Krar DoTBtkr ad aa droara trahkcla aknal hare on. An kind of aa UmaraUa will adlk , They can be jarahaaed, whole l auWrrtail'at IVfllW f ', . IfiZSEZLi, 'bvAU aiia.V. Adra M. KELLT, Patentee, J .: Jaaa Kalelarh, H. v. UR POUCr THIS TALL. With a rlew to the tnal e!oalng ThU Pall er Wtaftw " - or TBI LAR&TtfCitltli A COu All rooth m b at Oar wtTotndy f ' POR c aen ONLT.. . v.. .rwuta will ba .added to fill a brokeo Beta ftilf too ejotlro atac da i A''f ' "iW ir w A'li ft TCCIaXB. .! J to " I-,.- n.rfaaaa II 1 J P IMullf ikfatk. Brat KrrarWUM Jilt. M .J JVUiaiVMM.na rw uwaUvn irkMlMr or 14 i-"ilwmW'jri;-:-tAPT' mtite--- SorriTiog Partaw. iiatTriTfLAw, JAWNfKOR(AUJik. I PrUr.(aai ka'ori dil ItetitaMpU .iallfM Ifertk UaM(fd axMMltM : la Mm aunMrt HuMk tfila mJ la Km rodl iMK4Hik W ' v" ' da- la TTTI!ArAM0!O!KJrf ,RM aND Wholesale Gprbdefs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, P TITTB VILLI BTttEtT - RALRICin.N C. B. P. WILLIAMSON, W. O. UPOHtttUH. aTtlW-tf J J. THOMAS. UK-liVI RALEIOll, m. c, Are "p. lavtaj to fBralata TombVtone of all kmda, alUier blala or ornamental of both American aM Itallaa Marbl aa cheap aad rati aieented aa caa be purchased at aa other a t tillable! Morth or Seath haru. been at UN aaatae ol aartnuK aaa tu(raTuiA marble forty-ir year, w eoaaluer oBraalvc eaaal to aay la lh- Union W will al faratah gruita l tbt beat qnahty, from oor new atiarrie. either ta nrtffnuhed block! or eat Baa to order, an eh aa t door aad window allla, wavarubla, ilepa, poajAsuwaiaaanBTe yard carbatoae, ate., all order will ta thank fully received end punctually attended lo,aad w pled- onraelTea to RlTe tUf aetloa la all JOH! WHITELAW, l. CKOWDKH, daw Jl-dto HarlnK thl day qoallBeJ a Kxeeutor of tha laai wU aad tMUoaeat of the bvU Mr. Maney Prtea. 1 hereby tire aoUaa to aH oreooa bar. law ' kar satata to azUbtt the aaAB4UmoaofDiortno llthdayof Aa- gaat, Wli, or tai no kc wui M ptaaoaa m bar of lklr raoorery. Peraoo iodabtad to tha saUtaar rtqaeaUxl to aiak payaaeat at SiEDlLlNf. iWtA. Afag, Ulh. :M4 ExecBtor. QRAIIAM HIGH SCHOOL. SI ffi i Si I Mas. H. A. Baobab, iaaUuctre Ib Maalc. The next teuton bea-in lb Mth of A;nt and coailnnaa to wauka. Pauxil caa eater at any Una, eoera t to HO per month. TolUon S3 to II per month. Meaie on Ptaao S4 per moatb; (jnitar Ltieatloa uourpaaal for healta. Bene lor Circular. jaaa WtdAwiw jd- i- r Enterprise The oalj Reliable Gift Diktribution Id the country 1 $100,000 00 KT VALUABLE GIFTS! e TO DlaTltmUTKD IN L.T). SINK'S 4Srn SEMI-ANNUAL T It ZVowe JfoaeVy, Oi 12fA, 1874. Oae Crtia Ciiitil Prlit, (10,001) is Gold ! ONE PRIZE tt.OOO IN SILVER ! Fire Prix. 11000 ( Five Prixce, $500 g 1 Ofeeooaclul Veat-Piiajat,. tiOOfa.(,a,.a M vmm, Tws Fimilj Cirrlagci ind BaUhed fltnet with IUtcp IsDRlcd Oarnes , worlh $1, WO nek ! Two BuKgree, Horee, ., worth $800 tracb I Two Fine-toneil Rueewood PlaDoa, worth t5S0 each 1 Tea Family Sewing liacliiove, worth $100 each I 1800 Gold and 8iltr Lem IlBBtioe Watokea (in ail,) wofth from iO to eaCD I Gold Chain, BliTcr-ware, Jewelry, Ac. Ac Numhtrtf Gift 10.0001 Taabefe limit t 50,000 AieaU f ibU. ts fell Tickets, U wksd 1 . .Liberal rrtainai will kt paid. Blngle TtckcU 3 ;' . Six TickeU $10 TwelTaTickett f8(5;TweDty-Fie $40 LSrcalar ctkmk? a fell Hat of priaee a aeaarlitUoe of the awaaaar of drawiaaT, and ihr laioranatloa ra rafarenca to th DmtrV bfltkm, til b Bl to ay oaa oroennn uena. AOIettar maat be addr mad In atAia ernca, " . , , a ratal u aa. v. .a aa, aava w, ioi w. Fifth st - ciBfjiBBATi, a epu.8 tr ,.. , I BiuaTJm TMVORUKO OBTAIHKE ifx. from CourU of dlfleroat 8UU farde aarlton. etc. fo pablieity reanirad, yHc ihancaaatil diTowAoJ raja. ' Attorney, ivt Broadway,' X 7. atayitddl-y. . 1A. w, 1 t LAW OATTTICB, On Court JJeve i van ' RALEIGH, H. a Delkl etteatioe ffl-wa to Bavwa; af Haxe attwata. ta wtow of the lata eeetraoa of tAte ew aaaM Coart of th United Btai oa the eab C,. - - ma?-orvwif t-TT ANTED 1JX ACRES OM MORE W wtthat laaat 40 Acre of tlUehl Uadaad th- "T1 ,!TJ I WOt 0TT IB BUea mawa aaa.raw.i a. - aa- 4 3ttwiewwd -rzrJ?z.'rtri!z XladtiUhU ead atBTkmltaral AaaoeteUeak rtwiTaamhlr Meweme IM A MO, Third AtVaaeliew lorkCtty mm lySBt V y Corner el Kim. saw Toik. one Ma Eawtvf Broadway, OaatraRy loratad la ua InaMdUto Tielalt of Maroaatll vetawa. Uood Momi 16a. . a4 1IM par day M.outo fo.ov par wwea. BEST ADVICB that ttahe KrrtBto aeraoat tafaiioK fauta d it apevala, billon complaint, eolut, coaaamp. wm, rick head ache, fever and ne, aanroai OeHMy, or of arrydlatyrikiraffectlne the atota- aek, th Utrer er kidney, la to tune, elenae. ana renaite uataa impttruat OTaxae vj taa aa taf . t DR, T(!TT VKuXTABLX UVEB PILLaV rfta aet ay ailldlyt yet ttawoatthly raatorek I the inaetlanal actioa of the dlaaaliye ovrraa and tMlnteaune and renoTatea th iyu . Ihey produce aeithet Daaaeaplni(arweah aeaa, ad avay be takea with out ehnt;e f diet er eccapatkaa. rnce coal a box. sold by JiydiTiCKlt4. y , I ,d ati aalutki tfaak, tWal a. a-dieh), tA.JaahaMr ra in arery larjr cltT in the United SUleal rric 1 a box. eia rerjwjMtra. Sortytia. , A'rtyae Mitttum tfiHTTklu, tit. AntiuMv'i Fir. KrytivtLu. JUutdmti, fame, DoUt, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, JSmU ilead, ZJiitf ieorn, JifuMmalim, Pmh tmi Enlargement of th Donee, Jfe- kaald FavUaB, Sterility, Leworrhaa or White, Wvme IHteaet: JJropty, White Swelling, Syiihilu, Kidney and Liver Complaint, ilereuritil Taint, and iHlee, alt proceed from Uaoorc b'.ocd. PM. T0ri' AHkArATUIAJ. le the aiuat powerful Bluitd Puiifler known to BjedieaJ esiatiee. II eatareliito Mis wlr- culktion and eradicate every morbific agent; renovates the tystem; produce a btiailtifui cooipirxigB And carjtu the body to gain, licab aud incrtaae in weight. sjiti'- mx. ni.auD mawux add all will be weil. To do o, imthing line tvt-r bueo tt'Seni ikitt can oooiHire will, I Id valuable .teceUble rx'mt. Price fl 00 a bottle, bold by all Dru- gittf. Otlice 4S Cortlandt Stitict, jv. 1 . mh 5dU I A RE YOU g6;NO TO P41MT f Aver ill Chemical Paint k) the best. JCJJOS LEWIS i CO., Sole Agents. Wr.U lot duacripllr clrcnj' and card rf eJO Poarco Cotton. THE abora Cotton 1 the uot irolittc Cot ton tn the United SUUk, wUl mk 4 000 lb perccre on luitroveo lau'l. it o ba ttnaaod lonn itapht, will coannand from ten to fifteen cent In th txtjod aaure than the common klr.d Seed for ule at 110,00 per gal lon er W,0O per pound. Monica for aeed cam be nt by retfilred letter. All order for aeed will heprotnptlyaltead.nl to by aeUtrea- inKtbe BBtleralxnea at UlllUraaion, auiiui . u. J. J. I'd HUB. " 1MB I LIME! ! LIMK 11 ! a IW Uarrel No. I fr. sh I. unit Lime t De pot and to arrive ill root from tbt-1. line Work nd tillered at retlucul price at depot in Urgl quan title. june4 tr JAnk. iuwud. rpHE bOUTHERN LIGHTN1HU POD CO. Represented by JULIUS LEWIS &. CO., Fisiiau Hi'iLDmo Kaliio.i, N. C. 1'roU-ct Buildlnara Iioin LUrliUi.ni( by Iheir Jelabraled Ooppet l.iirhlnln(r Kods. Have wagon in arl part of tie r tate and to Booth Cnrolin t. . spier haa r rht, Time the eonducllrn prtimrtie of auy metul i xcept silver I heat Koda ar attached to Bnildinirs ard wkriaiitvil at aatue price a tlia L iKlitaiuir, Hod Peddter sk lor common Iron or Zluc KoJ-, AViite for ureal r and Price June -lf ItEEN'S Uaxukmatbui uintiis. Th stomach I one of th most delicate amii of tbe bniuau Fyitein; and the imlinii. tlble food erowtleii luto It Tiy tbe rcqnlre- 'Blrin'Bf'BtldetB.ai A STATE OF CllKONIO DISORDER, which I followed by a retort to tonics and alteratlTea for loJi.tf. it uufortuuaWly hap pens, bowavrr, that many of th" mlicinte Bsol fo' this purpoee contain alcohol, which, poured Into a drrse1 sto nch i.roducet Irri tation, creates innaini.' lou, and d ie uiori In jury than Kod. OXYGENATED BITTEKS CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL, but are a purely rrcd'clusl preparation, which la eases of Dybiuum. Ilrartboro. Indjuttion and other like disorJera, at once r stores the stomach to it NATL' UAL CONDITION OF IIEALTII. te Oxna' cil B'iTors have ilfcn the moat popular remedy for the alKivo rompliilnts fur the last thirty years, nd still maiaUlii their unrivalled popularity. Price (1 tcr bottle. BOLD ETBuiwuaax. OHN P. HENRY. CVRRAN A CO., Proprietor, S ami 0 Colteee Place, aug. 8-lm New York. X MISSOURI STATE LOTTERIES I ! I egallscd by Mate Authority, and t DiaAWN ib rvBLic la sr. louis. Orsnd blngle umber reheme of SO.0CO No's. DRAWS THE L VST DAY OK EiCH MONTH 4 tl ATtTAL PKlIf, $W,000I 10.3S0 Prisea. amonnUng to 1300.000 Whole ticket, 110; Hlr,rr. tlaarters,r!.50 the Great Combination Seheme, with cant ai, rail i or 131,001 and ffi,8 t Pris, amount Itn to S't73 ITT I Drawa rre-y f aturday during the year. Woi.iTinitT,$10; ttALva $3; ,ua. ( Tin 30. Addreae, lor Ticket acd Circulars, MCRRAT itttCi.. . aO. Box S : rtr L'Wr ap ddeodw r THE 1 VBiwlaltatbi4ft'"k t t t mmm! ' "nBBwJhSfc ''''laaaafc'eaBBaaw QZUOTTOlSmWr AM f aXIwXhOt, HnxaBaak' M.C. The Mtaaet Naah aad Miae Kolloek will ra. the esarclaee of their fckool oa Friday SMh JoJy aad rocrtina twenty week. Ur- ulra forwaKietl m applleatlOB . - jua kV4lwaW i : - i J30WDEKED HATH Bltf "t '. Por cleaodng Tin-ware, Klnvo, At Jane lVlf BkltiOB A BOMB C0N8CLIUATUD. Taa lUtoata Uobito ad TBI BRIGHT MASON! jO-fJ:-w- ..QSlJj..?! Do1,a A Yetvr, The ConAoIlclutloB uf tha MAMiMIO MftM. 1TOK aai tha BRIUHT UlUUH. Baahaa "THE BRItadT M ASOM" Om orth Very Beat Muonle Joufinl In lift Auantieauie. it t aow-nnMiib. IBE aTO?f-.8f'J afl-r;S7.?. 'iaaaVijrWW'i:. r euBovn rM'rWSrtfMW Kit ai-Sisi, hole Club nat al not come from oos K. u, tuuauf aar ba added at any time at emu rates, auarafs v t Harris, Cncrd. N. G. rtWHest Medima for tdvorti .:r in th Buuib. atar lNtf lISiHAM tUHift. Established in IW .MEBtNEVILLE, N. V. Tha 16 1st seaalon ooetu 1Mb Jala HfA Tuition And Board, lloo per aaaauiB. Mo extra. For circular upplv to MAJ at. BINUHAM, una 26-3 Superlntendeat D R I POR IS74. A complete assortment, at the Book Store of ALFRED WILLIAMS. rise lH-tf fOB HALF. A No. 1 Ox and Cart. The Ox is well broke uud works in the plough equal to a borae He ia aix years old. . adpply to . lly Mf L. C. M.1NLT, w ANTED. We with to Dun liusd all 11 ran wkU broka Mule iM-twii-n five ami six vcurs olJ. Auulr rly attlioWal.loa.iif WISJl, lAHUKY cl tX. aug W tf s E A GIFT A NOVEL By EDWIN W. PULLER. Author "t "Tb Angol In The Cou 1 For sale by l FRED WILLIAM oci t- Books Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Svrvp, a Protect' ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, I so combined aa to have) the character of an ailment, am easily digested and assimilated with the Mood at the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Xature's Own Vtlalislna Agent, Iron In the btootl, and cures "a thoumnd Ms," simply by Toning vp,Invlgoratlng and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morblti secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon This Is the secret of the trovt tlerful success ofthie remedy in curing lifspcithln, Liver Com plaint, TJropsy" CTirofiia liter" rboea, Dolls, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tbo Kidneys and Bladder, Femalo Complaints, ami all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a lout state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. ' Thousands hare hee-n changed by the use of this remedy, front weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy then and womcnj and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. X'mnplilotsi XVeev SETH W. F0WLE t SONS, Proprieto.( ' Hst. 1 Mlltaas Plan, atootua. n'B si Dbiooists oiiaiAUt p RICES REDUCED. I (treat Inducement to Durchsseis. We have Jaat Deduced our Entire Stock, amoantina; from IK.OO to SIO.OUO worth of Entirely New DRY GOODS, Notion, Boot, Shoe, Rata, Ac, t ranch lower prices than heretofore for CASH. All who (rive n a call will get tbe fallett value for their money. Merchants purchasing la this market can make profitable Invest mots with us. Our Stock la very fall for this season be side we will have other additioal very sow PETTT AJOMBB, ' to FyetteTBk8tretJ aaelS-U Ealcbjh,.U Hf-Taew B.OBEEU'8 HTCUElvl great iueEDon tvuspsr cwtaa 1-LalJtji Pita, BpaeaM, OoarralaVoa aad, Marwoa WaaAhuMe, acta promptly, oflea arreaUaif th fu froat U lrt day'a Baa, ea where they hare axleted for yeere. , d , . . COMTOUSD IX COETDiJJS. fks firtat TcftUkls liuratirA Btiofnla, Aweoadarr BrDbilu. Crautluua , ua Aha Skin, aad all 4lataaa.ar1la roB-lat, par. 01WQO. .- MEDICATED HONITt lit,'.. A soTeralfra Malm for Cough, Cold. Broa ehltla, AU aad all diaeaie of tha r futttm aad ttaaat, -My awtttaaaty aaa aw. aappoiaed eaaeaof Uoaaamutaoa are neoait. !ilfydju4 the La raaAornd to kualih. ItECRAXGIA SPECIFIC! A ptompt, porttira and raranaaiit reW far axcruoaunc palaa OX MmW)g, Mkami Uses a aam rjcmtarv For Balaam H.lnbrii W '!., M jrnJ,Atit AHATWOOtx ' ' 7j)fH T;a' wwff.fiitraTirnr Th nartaershlp heretofore exbtlaf aader th tfrm of W. U.dlt TUCKER, A CO. Lt dissolved by the deeeaee ef aur Jaaior Partner, T. MouEE. AU Parties havlnt; claim efralaal the Bras wlllpkaaapreaeut theoa fa tatmedlate pay ment And all who era ladsbtsd to tbe Srm, altlier by Bote or eeeonat ar requastad to eaU and eat He seme, TO 01)3 OLD FRIENDS A CU8TOMEKS. we maat say a ward. The dIaaolaUon af ear Srm give ua path aad Borrow. Pot asaay years yoa here kindly patronised us. W la turn bar aadeaTored to famish yea with rittBT CLAJ HXDa at reeeseabl prtcea Our relationship ha been both pleaaaut and airraaabas, aad w ceaaot consent to tha dis solution except la daep irtrrwt. Wa hire heretofore furnished all th ao eosmiodatioa are eoald, coBslsteBt with a proper safety Of Our buatness, and ta aaaktas; the following announcement, ws do so from hefeqairamaalaef LAW. From and after this data, ait uoodt of ev ery description belonglnx to the Una of W. n. A R. B. TUCKER, A CO. clbsinsr bTthe Buslnea. """ Further credit eaaaot be (hreo, The Books ar cloned W. U. a R. 8. TUCKER, rpilE OLD SUBSTAKTIAIa, AD WELL TESTED, M Lid lisii.111 k, wm omoa ia PHUEB BUILDIN.O , otbb tbs lAsuawuaa utorb or JULIUS L&WIS & CO. Ha paid to tha Widows and Orphans l North Carolina slnot IMa, the sum of nearly gaoo.oqo. And, bytdetttyead mesaptueai Ib Cfal pr ticular, and farBlshlng the lowest rata of any Irst class eoapaayi aad also, hss-itiK paid more reteaa to the Bute lean aay other coinnanT. ah atari ta and enloys the well arneu tutunctioaof I lElDlM LIFE C8XMIT IJ Jll ITATR. Aad Wathher i . $90,000,000.00 wAswate tat, sow on head, and managed by tatleuea of king experiemvand financial skill she otter th blfrtiturt ptttidird of security to all hr euatomerevT-and.a aa jnrMUneiit for capi kkilat a tldWr 4ier ss VcMer two 10. joule realeatate. Asy hem tf tatO are lararaata of both aexea Tkla company do ,ot aay, inaara wilh therra. twty km. Hal wsank aa impartial eompariaoa wnu en.y eempaay m lulsa and i ssjHiiilHftts, and sear the mutt to the JudKmenl of tbe public. By calling upon ut tteaerai abcbi or any r i hit Locala. further iuforaialloa will be che. . rd. W. II. CROW, Heneral Aa-eat. W. H. MckKK, M. I) . Medical Esaiu n.r Sep b-Otn J"OHN tkkiTUUNU BOOKBINDEK aaii Blank Book Manufaf'urer. OVBB B. O. BOOKSTOBB R A L S 1 H . FLOWER P0T8, 5,9. 7, 8, Hand Winch Flower Pott, tbe best and HiibtosCpttU old in this market. T. H. BKKiHA, B SOItS. G RAIN CRADLES A URAAS BCTTHA Jast received t supply of Sinclair' Celebrated Southern Cradle. Taa BaT IM TUB MaBKST. Warranted to (five satlsiartlon. JAM Bd 21. TUffLtB,!, AX roav2V 4w. JJENRY'S C1RB0MC nun 1 HE MOSTPOWERFITI. IIP. A LING v AG ET EV KK UI.-C0 VEREI), The wonderful celerity with which thia (Ouiblnatlon of Carbolio acid with o bur uotliinz and curative emolianla 11EAU THE M'lBT VIRULENT 80KEB AND ULCIK8 U souiethii f akin to th marvelous. Ill with pride that tha I'roprietor eall at teutiou to UiaaTBUf yiuic fsi t tiiat PIIT8ICIAN8 GIVE IT THE HlOnKST MEAD OP PRAISE. ; an It and pro crib It la their practlc. Joints to be borne in mind : Carbolic Salve poeltlvely ear th worst erae i -1...11. a. I., inrf.klla allava th. vjaiw aaf beraa. Carbolic Salve ear. a all rataatwiwa arwpeieaa. CarboUaj Salve ranks at the head of all aaivani tihtijnjnita or other Bekltnat Coav peanda, and ha aehtavad a greater mperUv tlfmaadhaaalrawfaMiaaaT lar nretjaratloa of eoa tea pari aeoas iBVaa- Uon. Bold everywhere. Price St eeata. JOHN P. HP NET, CUsUtAM CO.. PwwVtova, 8 aad t Concge PI sea. New York. June 10-Im J. C. 8. LHISDKX, ' HaoBfaetararead Dealer la Tla eadbaat troaWare. Stowtrwall Stoves, the bat ia the World, aoa Ilka them. Tla atooflac. wt. tertac nd Plprng a Speciality, Fsysttrvil Su.oppcth.MarkMPump arSSdtf I PJJ " ' itf J tSf?l. IB t !Aikraaf laTtat aaWi W-UV . 4 - J II aZrkV I 1 1 II uiin in 1U 111G l UUilb. . 'T"-"-1! "i-i t f irri i-ni- ni--innTiiw wjimrrii l Juneltt J. P. COOPWI kaitdamOS