V TV-'.. ,f : r4 iiv h ' -' ' " ' -4' THE DAILY ETINEI0 J 081 All -'" 1"J Office Near the Cdbxt Boaee. batm or lUMOBirnoa, ' i in i i i if , t Advertbexseab will be lrtad U the DiLy brmit at the following nvtet per tqaar , Inch, or ton mitdoaietltJ: tjaaae.aaraaatlssa.......r...w.. fLtt "I aarh whatt,tiil lajilhm " be that a wask.... m.,..ra.. .......... - ! Kwe, 1 week. I $Mil aquara, Ta-oa. tStM I I BBOOth, k4j " . -M.t) J ". laso's, linott 1 "- .miM J u . 8 UOojl 10 " 4I.0S t t u.oaii - ti ins 6 m.ot;t it m. Daily Sentinel 1 year la advance Dally six month la advance 18.00 6.00 6.00 Seml-WeeKiy Weakly neatlne! .J! TheDilLf BtTtWK, Witt 1w dHTWe4 te tor part of tbe City at Firma Cum par week. VOL. X. C t RALEIGH. N. 0.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1874. NO. 50. ANNOUNCEMENT. ReaTxctfully taaounc myself s candidate tor the PoalUoa of Principal Doorkseper ol the Uoaae of KeoreeratoUvaa, aad w alth eoandence wfer ttMm beta elect te th ex . . . I .1 A . itm nee bar whoa I served la that capacity from 1S70 to 1874. JOHN U. UlU. aep 14-w6L Newa eopj. risdLtioir. I. fn.nrihB a Imu li Ihlt ill I : 'Wntll 'Kk I have received the tax hooka aad an read to receive the Ux of Wake aoaaty for Afta rear IB74 1 or ay depaty I. Q WUllaioa ewi be toono ap aiaira la the Court Hoaw. i. A. HA I WIXH), , aept l tf Tax Coljoeter. Ntmci. arTiMaaa S, 11-74. . To all unmi who are la arraan for Taxea for the yeare 1871 aod lbfi, itiW,! hereby firm aoUce to them, that If the aane U uH paid oa or before the ttJih laalaat., thai aa axeca UoawUlbebaaaedaraliiatlheam.ae the levy haa already been aud and the Jadnaieal aokfeawd. Thit U the Uat aoUce and tboee who fall to eon ply may expect to eat their aamee pabliehed bcaldee harlnf to par eoete. aaptitd T. F. Bbwltf. k Mail be at U, A tery dealrable aaeortaent of KIOH LACI POINTS. RRU88IL8 POINT LACI COL1UKH. Lace VaderaleTea. Maal tti.ilnnde lalencetoaJMnp and ln aerUBg. Embrolded and HeouUchcd Hdkfa ogeuier with the remalnJtr of OUR STOCK. It la eepeelally dcalraWe that wa thoold eloae out the KNTIKB BTOCS. y July o Ana-nit let. (ioode reiy chrap and rry fCo4- jane 14-tf Sumrinx: Partoera. WE AKI AUTHORIZED TO AN noance JosKt-U JONES, ESQ., of rrhe, N. , aa a Candidate tor Door Ker ofthef eoateat th arxteiecUon. WE are anthorlaed to annoanee Zaek T. Dicker, of Caawell, a caedld.le for En(rroMiag Clerk of the Hooae of Kepraeea tatiM. a- pi l td DB. WBL TTAT.T.'S THB OHBAT AM BRIO AN OON BOMPTIVB EHUECl, . CoaaampUoB it HOT an jncanbl. diaeaae. Phyaiciana aaaure aa of thit fact. It ia only aeeeaaarylo have the right remedy, acd the terrible malady can be eou(aurtd. HALL'S BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY ' It break ap the eight rwaata, raUevae tbe oppreaaive UgLtaeee acroai the Lsnic, aad haala the laeeraled aad excoriated aarf aeaa which the venom rf the dlaaaaa prodaart WHILE HTB LASTS THERE IS HOI'K It may BQt be top late te etleet a care evea after the doctor, have given yon ap. HALL'S BALSAM b eold everywhere, and may be had at wholeaale of the Proprietor., JOHN r. HEKKT, UURRAN A CO,, at tbeir Ureat Medicine WarebouM, 8 and College Puce, M.w Tork. Price II per bottle. HAIL'S BALSAM la aiao a lore remedr for Imlia. Cclda, Paaamoala, Broochitia, Aithma. SplttlnK of Blood, Vronp, WHOOPI NO COUGH. and all other dhwaaet pf the rarplratory organa, . Abo Proprfotott of acorlll t Blood and L rlyrap, Carbolb Salve. Edey'i Trachea, OzTgenatad BIttert, Hott't Liver Pnia,4c, JODHT. HENRY. CUR1UN A CO., and College PlacaNew Tork. Jaaafl-lm E MOO ROE HOME INSTITUTION! SkCU HIT T AGAIN M flltJi THE IV 0 11X11 CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY RaLXIOH, n. c TaMUimpaay eon tint to write roUex at fair rates, oa all eUata. of Intartbb prop- loteet are promptly adjaated and paid. ' Tne"H01llM Ur.pldly rrowinrla pwblfe mor, aaa appaaua, wna eontdeaee, to tnaa of property ia all parte of North Carolina. Ajreaia ia au pana oi u. Btela, k. B. fUTTLa. Jr.. PratUaaU ik . Boot, Viae Preaioant 6t4Toa Oaua, Secretary. PuLatu Oowna, Sapervtaor. . Jamett-tf. T ippo Aisrox. We are leoBfited ta anaoaaea IhatTlnna Atetea, eoL,af Chatham, b a candidate for AaaUiaat Doorkeeper of the Senate lMcm Dot, t September dropped oat lutNiigbt at twtlva. Routing rut are becoming bard nougb for oxen. They are Uyiog a new brick floor ia our court bouae. Rev. Dr. Piltclfsid' eye eight b arm. " rem... " ' 7 ' 1 . the g d ol J. age of 80 or 90, and the! thej may not Wiliaington paper', are full of d.y'a awful etarmy blow. We felt H jail a little. Farmer, were never ao Ituay aa Bow kvoatog Hie crape aad picking coltoa and it ia flue wtathir for it. Uid'eou'a band tie practicing nightly aod "two by two" will furniab our cav alry a bappy eacort at tbe F.ir. Dr. P. E. Uinet, when leaving bit bug' gy, anchor hit borat with rein attached to to eight pound rock. J. Q Bryant, reported on rumor by he Ataat, at dead, turot op thia mnrnlon right aide up walking abuut the atreeu. Mr. Jfba Duoey, of 1'etertburg, and Mia Jane Freeman, formerly of tbit flute, wriit marriedin tflliiteptt't chuiyt Peteraburg, Tuesday t-veoing, A grand re-union of tbe old Mexican war veteraua occur, in thit city on Thure- dny during fair week. Come together gray bearla of 1848-'47, tVe tall tbe attention of our rutdert to tne advertisement of D. S, Wait, who bat ju.t returned from N. Y. with a large at aortmeut of dry good, which be tella aa cheap a. tbe cheapest. Try him Our Stuior bat not relurued from hit Jobotton county deer tiuut. We are in bopet that be asd kit fr.and Bill, Both bagged their buck, ai at the JNtuat it oa roaring tart btatbat wat nroeetiuUd to feVe the other the watery bath Toere will beaiprcial trttion of McKee Eaca-apmtato. 15, L, O. O. F., on Fri day evening, October Sad, tor tbe purpoee of conferring tbe Gulden Rule, and Royal Purple aod exemplifying thetecret work. Cotton ia Mew York IS 1-telS S-9. Gold active aad Arm at 1010 1-8. Low middling in our market commandt 14 1-8. Recvipta light on account ol twollea ttroama. Cau't tbe "BoHcet" atop uoeirtbly wbiaiTihg,oo tbe itfeela by frightful bar- baiiant t It would be commendable in tbm. (foe fellow thook ut up lait night near tbe market by a thrill from hit black jaw, aad to-day wa aaw aa "olt omaa" strike a gallop when ha done it from bit mouth with Jut two Angara in an iucbet of her iltiif auriculm We ptuted oo the atrcet yaurday to hear a young lady eingiog a beautiful ong, apparently arranged foi beginner, which we think we have beard tome- where before. The flrtt verae, which it tfTecting in the extreme, runt at followt : "One and two and three and oh my I One and two and oh, dear me ! Ooe and two aud oh, ahocky en the old thing! One aod two aod oh, plague take UP There wat nothing, that could equal it save a tolo oa the biaao drummo. Death of a Youho Balbiohia. Mr. Cbarlet Reon, brother ol CapU Lewit Reno, a Conductor oa the Raleigh O ton Road, aad bimtolf formerly aa at tachee of the tame road but lately of tht Seaboard and Roaaoka Bond, died at the residence of hit lather near the Raleigh & Gaston depot ia thit city early yeeter day morning. He bad been .offering with chilli aod wat at home oa a brief leave of absence. He wat on out street! Tuesday aad retiieJ aboat 10 o'clock that night feeling none tbe worse. Du ring the night he wat taken suddenly very ill. Pr. Fab. J. Haywood, Jr., wat t once luiumdoed to bit relief but bit skill proved unavailing, for hit ditease wtt pionouocei brain fever and ia a abort time be breathed bit laat Mr. Ren a wat quite a yonng man, about 93 yean of ega. and hit demite It greatly lamented by a loving family and boeta of acquaintance! and Winds. Hit funeral took place from tbe Edeotoa Metkodiat Church tbit after noon at S o'clock. CnnoMot 1 Chbomos 1 1 A wtll selected stock of English and German Chroma will be told at auction at Tbiem! SUxt, PayetUvllle Areet, at S o'clock thti ma ing. We have examined theat beaatiidl plctaret and they are truly artittic, fnib and new, and well worth parchaaiog. Drop la to-night ye lovers M art aad t)f the beautiful, end aecure bargaioa, ' 1 aaa ' j ExccatioKitTs. A pleature party coa- sisting of Governor Brogden and eevtrtl of tht haadcf tbe eapitol department, Jo Holdea and maty others left oa tbe Eastern bound train lor Ooldsborb tbit moaning oa aa excoraioa to afori- kk. I li Th artll fakt A IDtclal ttaiB !. --J' - " ' en arriveisg at Goldaboro, tad tpead a- , mm ... .. . r wS '1' til Saturday at tbe tea aide. ., t STATE NEWS The Hickory Fair eal bcea poalpuaed Indefinitely. Monroe bat bad it but ball match and its owo boyt baa tea by a Mecklenburg dub. LZ 1 , Major Lovelac,' of Oleavelaad, m throw from hi anal, alow day age, ad bad h(t leg brokea. ' , The large erchard aad Viaeyard, 4 L. jk, la Dvplfa wtwaty. It to U arid at PabttO MttloaJ Oil tT Ol October. k Ht J. H. Tborawalla Motfoftte l Ibe rraaoytery of sooth Caroane,WM reoeiTed by CoBortrd Pre.byuty.oa the Uth all. ad ardained tad I natal led patter of thi Poplar Test Charon, la Oabarraa eoaoty The equinoctial ttorm of Monday wet very dtaaatroot to tbe riot crop on the Cape Fear and Braotwick rime. Tbe rice had recently been cut and oa many farm entire itackt were twept away by the flood. The Newlx-rn Ti'mts ia of tht opinion that tbe recent ttorm bat completely In undated the sections of country imme diately borderlog oa the Sounds, and add "that It b feared that Hyde tad Dare Counties have suffered very much." The great ktorm, of which wt btd sTTew hints, extended dowa tbe South Atlantic coast, causing heavy damage in Charles ton tnd Savannah. Near the latter place a hundred thousand dollar worth of rice Wat daatroytd. A tpecial m-etiog of the stockholders of the Carolina Central Railway Com p. ny, will bo held ia Wilmington on Wed aeedty tbe 7th of October, at 10 a. ru. It It eipected tbtt much important business will be transacted, and a large attcadanct b desired and anticipated. Tbe express train on the Richmond A Danville Railroad, had aa accident Tart- day, cauaed by a tree harinc been blown acroae the track. Tbe engine wat ditched, Excepting t few flight bruitet of tbe en gineer, no ooe waa hurt, though the en gine wrecked aad all of the eart more ut let damaged. Tbe Roanoke At rajs: "Mr. Lewit tfummerell, while fox hunting on Monday moraiog last, foaod a aew born negro in. faot in Troublefleld, near Garysburg. It b suppoaed that some heartless mother, to conceal her shame, mide way with ber oaa child. - Up ta the lima-. uur infarau ant left no inouet: had been held." Sayt tbe Piedmont JYvM ; "It b re ported tbe Deputy Marshal Deafer, with a tquad of soldiers minions of tyranny bas commenced operations la the lower end of Rutherford and ucner aad of Clearelaad. That he ia arresting to- called Ameriean citizant, and driving them along band oufftd hka to many galley tlavea. AM thit, too, for violating law that these poor men have never teen, and many of them could not read If they bad teen tbtm." Mamao or fan Boabd or Crrr Cox atiuioKBRi. The City Commiationert held a regular meeting last night Prer ent, hit Honor, Mayor Holden preaiding Commiftionen Stronacb, Palmer, Little' Ruyster, Gorman, Oneil, Miller, Elliaoa and Jooca, ' r ' Reports of avvtral Special Committeea, via : To examine the books of tbe Mayor ; To examine certain naJaaacet la Western Ward ; Wood and coal inspectors wert received. A namber of petition we. made aad referred to appropriate Committeea, (theat petition will appear injull to-morrow.) The petition of Ed. A. Latimer and Jack Batcbtlor, for liquor license, were laid oa tht table. IT. R. Pepper aad Harrison A- Bathford were granted eating house lioentea. ' R. & Perry wa granted uceoM to re tail spirituous tiqnors. The application of J. 8. Latimer for the renewal of license for the retailing of liquora, wat lost by vote of S to 4. Tbe question ia regard to repain oa Oakwood Cemetery, wa referred to the Street Committee, authorising that Com mittee te act Chief of Police King offered hit resig nation aa Clerk of the Market, which wat accepted, tnd Jame W. Roger elected to All tbe vacancy. Mr. Palmer withdrew tbt charge pre ferred by himself against Chief of Alice King. ; Commissioner Gorman offered a reaolo. tton requiring kit , store V b tomdl aiely - ramoead - fatm the Market. The resolutioa waa. adopted and the stove will be ordered out tbit moraiog. A considerable ""diacuteioa occurred oa the reaolatioa of Mr. Gorman to poet pone till November 1st at tht time for prohibi ting the rcooiring of. city script in pay ment of city laxe,' aalet preaentod by persoos le whoa , aaaaa they are drawa, but finally adopted. After tbe traaaactioa of ether animpor- tant butjaest 'tb Board Bdjourned. . I ovner wcmara aououca, - - ... . f CURHKNT ITKM3. i Hopea are tntertaiaed that the yellow fever at Peneecola will toon abate. 'X Antigua, Oantcmala, Wat, H (a aald, da ttroyed by aa aarthquke an the alght ol thettk laatant. , -- The Tweoty-tblrd, Iqfaatry, Maally arfiTrd. at Oeiaba, f roaj Ariaoaa, b'aow aDdir-orden io go o New Orlaaal" ury ha faaad aa inilictment gainat MoulUtn ia the ease of Ma E. D. I'nc- tor. Wa.ter Oabura and W.C. Crump war appointed receiver yeaterday ef tba Taaraaead Bav'taga Baak, New Hawaii. U b thought the depositor will be paid ia fuiL Yuetcrday, ia the eiroeit court fu Howard couoty, at Ellicott city, In the case of Wm. A. Boyd agaiaet tbe Third Natioual Bank of this city, '.he Jury r turned a verdict for the plaiotiff lor $29, 177. It (a reported that extensive fraud have beau discovered in tbe San Fran cisco tax office. Yeaterday morning tbt Mayor took poeaetsioa of the Aaeeeaor 'a office, excluding him aad bit clerks. Cracksmen have lately been making t raid upon hardware store in fbiladci pbia. Three have been brokea into with in I weiitr Onetbief war Tptnrci-iiB Sunday eight with plunder upon him. A apodal to tbe New York HerU Irons Bietuarck says lour companies of tho Sev enth Cavalry Irom Fort Abraham Lincoln, and four from Fort Uice, have been or dered to Louisiana. A portion will leave to-day and the lemainder immediately thereafter. A Queeiutown telegram save that among tbe the psaaenger by the eteainer Russia, which oiled oo Suuday for New York, was Mite Neihton, tbe actreaa, who ret u rot to America u All a profcaaional engagement for tbe season. Peter C'allan, a dealer in charcoal, liv ing ia East Baltimore, committed suicide laat night by awallowing at one time the cooteota of a bottle of chloroform and ac onite which bad been prescribed lor bim. He lived leas than aa hour, tbongh great effort! were made to tare bim. A jury ofioqitdat ia Philadelphia, yes terday decided that Henry Johaa Ander eon, whom it was supposed had been killed by being thrown down by Angel Nicholas die J of hwtrt diaeaae, aod Nich oias waa accoidingiy released from cus tody. Mr. Bergh and tome of bis men, backed by tweuty-aix Brooklyn police, were at Deer foot Park, Baltimore, Monday, with warrauts for tbe arrest of Payue and Bo gardus, the pigeon shooters, aod waited for aoiue boura, but tbe markameo failed to put in an appearance. George W. Claypoole Monday pleaded guilty to tbe indictment charged with robbing ihe United Stale, mailt in the Bartimiire City Ptbffice, and we sen., tenced by Ju ige Oil, of ibe United State District Court to Ave years in ibe Maryland Penitentiary. The .Austrian government will dispatch another expedition to the Aictic regions next year, to aacertain whether the land discovered by the expedition just returned and named by it Franx Joseph's Land, b a portion of tbe continent or an island. Tbe expedition will be divided, one-half going by way of Beberia aud tbe othor via Greenland. Haywood oounty, N. C, raised 100,000 bushels of wheat thit year. Over $20,000 bat beee subscribed ia Cards, Mite, for tbe erectlonof a cotton factory, and much mor b promised. The Virginia Mining Company, of Min eral county, West Virginia, bat suspead ed operations, and 100 mioei are out of employment by It. Tbe August (Ve ) county grange hu determined on erecting a banking bouse, with a meeting ball over it, at Btennton. About $3,000 ha been aubecribed. The baak b to do business at six per cent, and tbe bail is to be used for couoty meetings. Edward Hawkina, wbo mardered Ju. A. Jackaoa, of PitUylvania coaaty, Fir- glnia, in 1879, whoa trial Commenced in the Circuit Court laat week, waa conclu ded Saturday afternoon. The jnry brought la a verdict of guilty of murder ia tbe aecoad degree, fixing bb term of Impri. oameat ia tbe penitentiary at tea year. Tbe Clarktville (Teas.) tobacco Ltaf reports tbe burning to death of a negro woman at est jonn . jneiooaiat cuarch, wear la aagroe bdapar, A bmp exploded aetting her doth on fire. The flame were not extinguished-notlt sb wa burned to death. Tb Feyeiteville OatU compliment, Joba A. McDonald, Esq., Mall Agent oa the Chatham Road from Raleigh to Fay- etteville. John b a right good Itllow but bb politic could be Improved. He and fcouaia' Frank Htywoed, the totber maa on tbe same road are at good prob ably at Tom Long could pick oat of tbe Prt7- T. IjU4aji EmabTow. Rcnernber tbt irfy:oimtrjr-appcMjid-Ta aext Tbanday ereaiog. Horace Greeley, who iaUodooed Mia Edgartoo, at Cooper loatitute, aald of her: Miaa Edgartop hat eTery reaiaite for a aucoeeafal aiatldha praker,arcaaikable Toka, Am preatr e1, aad lait but not leaat plaaty of good eotamoa aenae. A "Rippls FaeM Africa Oar new Sapervwor hae e f darkeiT who, tbatithu waprprrly dona. That wittyreutra band, Ik Delily, happened to ntas at just thb lima,, aad meeting Dr. Maple esquired : -D. Uapht, who dead at Master Hatai. r " No one, ! tbtnk,1, replied the doctor. " Yes," persisted Ike, " there must be somebody dead there, for aartia sure." " Why, I am poaitiv aot," said the doctor, " for I should certainly have heard of it if there bad been death in tbe family." "Then," txclaimed Ike, raising bia voice and pointing t. the long laty row of bia eable brethren baogiug en the picket, '' what', all die jr mouroiu' fer, strung along de fence ! ' - F'uhkiU 8tad rd. m a Mrs Oate troupe is in Baltimore p ay iag tbe Graod Docbe in superb style. The Qanetl says : It haa never beta played belter In Baltimore, or prrserrted wilb ao much excellence and genera! ac ceptability. The dressing I conspicu ously elaborate, tasteful and appropriate, and the scenery was in moat pleasing ketpiug. The mauy clever extrava gances with which ibis work ol Offen bach abounds were brought out capitally by the strong cast, and frequent encore were awarded and supplemented often with hearty laughter. Mrs. Oates, at tbe fickle-hearted, yet elf-willed Orand Duchear, of Orulatein, was full of (.'harm ing piquancy aud ilush, aad Ihe role of the pompnus General linum Wa. rendered by Mr. Ilowtoo with much origiuality. Mr. WoodAeld a the ea-y going, anxious Prince Paul, played aud t.ng very well, aod Mr. Uiew at rrltx, tbe soldier, wboae tar wa to wonderfully in the aarradant. acted hit varying prtt with delightful Adelity. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1874 1874. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. D.S.WAITT, la offering aLAROE aiid ATTnACTIVE stock of Fine and Cheap Clothing, GENTS FUUNISHINO GOODS AND NECK WEAR. Boots Shoes, Hat and Caps. Over Coats, Shawl and Rubber Good Manhatten Fine White Shirts, Mareno Shirt, Drawers and Hosiery, PAPER AND LINEN COLLARS, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs and Yankee Notions, FANCY AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Black Alpacca', Corded Alpacca't Plaid Wo ted, FIGURED AND PLAIN DELANES, Red, White and Figured Flannels, Opera Flannel, WHITE AND BROWN BLANKETS. Counterplot, Comforters, Bed Quilt and Spreads. LADIES STRIPED AND PLAID . SHAWLS. Breakfast Shawl, Knit Sacks, Jackets and Hoods. GINGHAMS, PLAID HOMESPUNS AND TICKINGS. Brown and B.eocbed 8bi Unfr. and frhlrtinxa, CORSE TS, JEANS, CAMBRICS AND LININGS Trunks, Vt'ites, Umbrellas, Travelling Bag, tc. To uif fricads and the public genetally, I return my thankt for the liberal pa tronage bestowed, and respectfully solicit a continuation of tbe same fur the luture. Country mercbinta who buy in the city would So well to examine my stock which it now complete in every depart ment D. 8. WAITT, (4 Fajetteville Street, act l-3i. Raleigh, N. C. pEPl'KK'J SALOON A KE4TAUKANT, Whitb FaOKT, WlLMIHOTOS St., Second Door bath of Ili'Wtt Street, Kear bia old B'and, bow k . wn as tho "Carolina IIou :," RALEIGH, li. C. W. E. Pepper, the noit dtatiniraUhi d Ca terer to tb auutb, al 1 open hi aew fa ocn aad Beauurant, aa abore. t-day, Thuraday. October lau 'ihe beat of evatythiag ia the bLSines will be foaad .t Pepper' a, served ap IB Pepper's beat at la. Marf oik Oyster. Keab at all boar. oct m W. K. PKPPXB. UUbboro Bacon1 er and Durham Tobacco rat copy ? month s OFflCIAL. Inetractioe, 1873. 1874. COUNTIES. Alamance,..., Air lander...' Alleghany.,. .. lAnaun...:. 1IM. ' ,mm mm w mmf ft 4 m m ajAtoa .... Burke, . Calwrrua, . . CaJdweU,'... Camden Carteret,... Caawell,.... Catawba,... Chatham,... Cherokee,... Chowan,.... Clav. Clearelaad,... coiumout, . . . Craven, Cumberland, . Currituck Davideon,.. Davie, Duplin, Dare Edicerombe,. . rorayrne, .... Franklin Uaaton, Gate., ir."'l', Greene, Guilford, Urahiun, . . . Halifax Hamett, Haywood,. . . . Henderaon,.. . Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson,.... Johnston Jouea, Lenoir, Lincoln Macon,. Madison Martin, McDowell Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery,. Moore Nub .. laai 8556 N. Hanover... Northampton. unaiow Orange raaquoiank,.. Perouimaua.. . Person, ritt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, . . . Robeson, ..... Rockincham.. Rowan, Rutherford, . . rampson, Stanley moKe., BUI 'a?n,.. . 8wi Transylvania,. ryrrcu, i uiun, Wake, Warren Waabington, w auuga, . . . Wavne Wllke., naon Yadkin Yancey,. . . ." Total 9fiy4a 00000 00000 1D72 E1LEICB IlKlEf. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Raleigh, Oct. 1, 1874. REMaJIKS. Butiiucat dull "and quiet. Meat and Sugars are firm and on tbe advance.other quotation unchanged- Recetpta of new Cotton Inerea- idk sel.Uu; to-day at HjH, L. M. COTTOB, Transaction light market firm HX. Bagfflng DomeaUc H. yd Cotton Tie X to . ; Flonr N. C, 7 25i7 50. V Com-11.50. CornMcal-tLnXal.SS Bacon li V Hog ronnd Bacon, N. V. 11am , Balk Clear Rib Hide, Bulk Shoulders, Laid, N C, " Western Teireea, " do. Kegs, Coffee Rio, good, " fair, Hyrnp Common Cuba Molaaaea Sail Liverpool Gnc Cheese Cream, " Factory, ' Dairy, Nails on Baala for 101 8nrar A, Ex. O, Hay N. C, Baled (food, Chickens, ?" Butter country, fish, Mullets, " Mackerel b' 1 , Beeswax, Beet on foot " Drearnd, Yellow, Leather Bole, Hides Green, " Ury, TalloW, Potatoes Sweet, " IrUh, Oats shelled, Sheaf, Fodder old 1.60, new lbal 32 WE are aathorlaed to annoanee Jam W. Atkina, of Fayetteville a eandidate for Doorkeeper of the Senate v7- Tbia Monday morning a Fifty Dollar Legal Tender bill, between the Methodist Church along Dawton Street aeroaa Hilianoro' to liar gett Street at Naah Squat. Corner, tfaea dowa IlargetttoF yaturr ilia Street. Tn Under will b liberally rcwarued by leaving It at thia OUice. aept KMl J. W ' ROGERS, DBALEB IN PINE LUMBER, APEX, N. C. Orders sent to F. A. Stkiimiii, Cary, N. C, or iu car of NoUKi A Miatt, JUlelgh, will be promptly ailed. Patronage Respectfully Solicited. augSl-aaw SU. Bmmi niT viu PiT-hoa ui aa , day, eaa be panned la your own rabthbor hcotVaadb atrietlr avoeratwbV. P.nknii.r. fre. or maple worth aavaral ttoUara lUt will anabla yea U ro to work at ooee, wL'l be eat oa receipt of ifty aenta. auarea 4. avaittaai m cu septi tf tn WsahinrtoB St , Boston, Ml H 01 FOB THE SEA BHOBAV BLUE FISHING AT fitkVtOKt. N. C - r- 'awaaa. tj w -an: i.jt atoernUI eail. T tbccwtwaa-aQt ; a vuvivri vuor area laaoaesBcnia. -.Braf aad Mrlna; Hand dlweekrae wal mlcfUrhtly. Firat Clate Bar, . Billiard -Koomiaad Bowling A Floy. V The Atlantic IIoul, Iteeafort, Jr. Q- Gen. WCbarlotte, Proprietor. vv- The ocean Hous, Beaufort, tf. C, Tho.. RobUnr. CMITBriXLD, Jobk.to kuJL c September 81S74. Te tin Urmlertofth SnaUr Ju. 0: I hereby announce myself a candidate for principal Doorkeeper of Ihe Senate, aaMoct to the aetioa of the DemocraUe-L'owawra-tlveCancna, at the approachin. acaatoa of the General AeaemMy. ept4W J. F. KLUNQTLjI. JOBUISE FLANGE BIB COTTON GIN In store one each, SO and 90 Saws of this eelebrated Alabama Gin. 1U prominent feature conaiau of Bang or prolectloa inch datp-oa-lb rib which prevent bard tub- teaees from being eat, aa thaw cannot eome la contact with th saws, evaaeuuantli mak Ing a better Maple of roughly picked cotton, and the aawe wullast longer ad raqaire less sharpening than other gins. We confidently claim for It that it wfJl not only make a better sample, bat gin faster than any other gin made, and tbe manafactory In good faith ottered f SO for a trial with any Gin exhibited at oar last Fair. Veroarn Hrnl. JAMES M. TOWLE8, m"" Agent. 27 Years Old. Six Reasons Why YOU SHOULD INSURE IN LIFE MUhUf Ml CHESTNUT STREET, 1st. Because it 1 one of the oldest Companie in the Country, aod peat tho uay ui experiment. 2nd. Because every policy-holder ia a member of the Company, entitled to all it advantage tnd privileges, having a right to vute at all electioua lor trustees, and thus has an influence in its maaasemaat Sid. IVr- -le it hat at large percent age ol aa;e' liabilities at any life In surance tcu , any in tbe Country. 4th. Because by economical maaagc menl, its jatjfl of AtxpumUsi tfltaj inconjr, itlarbelow thetverageof Life Company let. (See Official Insurance Reports.) 6tb. Because it bat declared more dividends in number, and ofaLenrer IJverasre Percentage, than any Company in the United Statea. For example: Policy No. 18. for $5,000. has been paid to tbe widow of a Philadel phia Merchant, upon which twenty-three dividend btd been declared. Averaging fifty-seven percent II id these dividends, been used to purchase addition to thia Policy, 6,040 more would have been realized, making tbe Policy worth $11.- 00. , 6th. Because it i liberal In Its mana gement, prompt in its settlement, safe be yond a contingency, and ita rates are as low ai auy brat-class Company 'n the Country. Principal Feature. Small expenses. absolute security, large return premiums, prompt payment or losses, and liberality to the Insured. SAMUEL O HUIT, .President SAM'L E. BTOKKa, Vlce-Preeideat H. B. STEPHEN!, Id Yin Preddent. JAi WEIR MASON, Actuary. HENKY AUBTIE. Secretarv. EDW. HARTSHORN E, I u ',' ' , EDW. A. 'PA0K, (Medical Examinera nr. u. rinuu, ueneral Manager. YyAK IN NEW ORLEANS HAS COME 0 A CLOSE BY THE OVERTHROW OF THE KELLOG GOVERNMENT AMD TUX LATEST NEWS IN THE CITY IS THAT Petty & J ones Have opened for this fall the most beantif a line of good, aver brought to thb uwiket cocsiallug in part of a handao Be line ot ' Black Alpacas, Black Mohairs. Cashmere's, ' Japi Silks, Lorded Luster, Cretone Boitiagi Ae.,AC. wl'b all oth. rgooda hi thit line for Ladle' wear. alto, for gemkmea the eelebrated lanfcVa ehowwh ch Is the beet mi maaufaclared la tbe Un ted Bute, and large lot of Btfou Iblrtsaad Caalnaea-ra. Wa tel lower than any house In th City and aa low as any lathe State. ' WI a,e recnested to snnounc that W. N. BautoB, of Johaataw b etaadl dtb for Doorkeeper of th Senate. JyTUTIOK. Wm be sold at tie Court Bonae door in Raleigh on Monday tbe Mb. Oelotar the lot of laad oa which Altert Pbarr aod William ML Hay now reside, laying oa th Sotthara limit ef the city of Raleigh, be twsea the Fayttevllle Koad and tee North Caronae Railroad, exmUlolagapwardeotoae acre of groasd. Th lot will be sold ia two parcels, having dwelling. Una with iapravwnaaaU oa IU TernaaCaah. eeptMl S. F.MOORE.

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