., (.. TelegrapHio 1 News. A KXIXOOCS ADDRESS TO TBI PIO-PfJC-r-HSAR HIM TOR HI3 CAUSX 1 WiAsraerrov, Oct. I. The address of Kellogg to tb people of tb United Stales, I published. He declares that do act sotbonxlog , the issue of a. bood bu bee passed during bil administration The only bondt Issued bj dim were 578 .-.. Q.LJ1JW0.,. tri..Q!,. Tiaai act. Tbe first issue being made rof thR9upieuis Court, end the second on the advice of lew officer of the State. Tbe floating debt of tbe previous administrations bei becarednced from $23,000,000 to li, 000,000 since January let, 1874. Tbe current receipts hare been within 07, 000 of tbe curreift expenditures. We have largely reduced tbe Slat expendi ture and conBoed them sUictlj within tding sgist -violence within tbe State borders ed organised villiHeatlou abroad, and while the very existence) of tbe gov eminent was being threatened. The ad drees svee' a history of the troubles in 1873. charging fraud in the conduct ot tbe election, and asserting that MtEnory never receirsd the msjority of tbe votes cast REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Niw Oblbaks, Oct 1. The Kepnbli can Convention in Orleans Parish will be hold October 13th. The Republican State Central Execu tive Committee last evening ratified the conference agreement, with so smeud ment that in case of a vacancy from death or any other cause of a Republican mem ber of tbe returning board, a pledge should be expected that a Republican be selected to fill such vacancy. -The same rule is applied to Conservatives. The Conservative committee will meet October 5th to take action on the agreement of the conference committee. WASHINGTON AFFAIRS. Wajhikoto!, October 1. Nettlesbip, second in command to Whitley, has been bailed in the sum of a thousand dollars. He wis charged with burglary. The; were chief of the Federal Secret 8cryicr. Judge James Abrstna, of Bumpier county, Alabama, is here. He says terror reigns. lie will not return until there is aim assurance of safety. The Star says, though a moderate Republican ho refu ge Tbe debt statement issued to-dsj shows a reduction of tbe public debt in September of $431,417; coin" balance 77,409,877; currency balance $16,115, 840 ; coin certificates 2,4 15,600. Tbo Treasurer to day, prints a call for the redemption of 10,000.000 Arc-twenty bond of '63, of which nine million are coupon, and one million registered bonds. The interest ceases on Januiry Ht, next. , TUB CODE. NouroLX, Va , Oct, 1. Upon informs tion received by telegraph, from Rich mond, Mayor Whitehead issued a war rant st a lata hour last night for the ar rest of General Wm. Jfahone and Brad -ley 2. Johnston, oe the charge of an in tention to engage in a duel. Vabone was arrested at hie' hotel and bound over in tbe sum ot ten thousand dollars to keep tbe peace for one year, Col. Walter II. Taylor, Richard C. Taylor and Bcnjamlj 1'. Loyall, becoming bis bondsmen. Johnston wsi not found. FOREIGN NEWd.f--L MDon, October lsr. Thii morning's TfaJ denies tbe truth of the report which wse recently current that the debts of the i'rince of Wales biid beeu paid by tbe Queen. Advice from northern Spain say that then are signs of a breaking op of the Cailist army. Several of the insurgent leaders hare surrendered to tbe Republi can troops, sod it is reported that some others were shot by order of Don Carlos for dentendiog a cessation of hostilities and restoration of peace. IMPORTANT CASK DECIDED. rilLADBxraia, October 1st In the U. 8. Circuit Court, Juatice Strong pre siding, in tbe case of tbe Locomotive En giue and Safety Truck Companj vs. I lie Pennsylvania Railroad Company, invol- U the right of the latter to tie a cer Uiu flexible truck on their cars and en ginea, has decreed tbst an infringement is very clearly proven, and We order therefore the injunction prayed for in tbe MIL--- MARINE DISASTER. New Yobb, October 1. A dispatch to tbe Pacific Mail Steamship Company this morning from Hong Kong state that in a typhoon on tbe Slst alt, tbe stesmsblp Alaska was blown ashore, aod is now oh tbe rocks. : Up te present shs has msde no a a sr. Hopes sre entertsined that she way be got o The viasel i valued at half a million and is uninsured. .. wss MISCELLANEOUS. Raw Yonn, Oct 1. Dr. Seymout ac cepts the bishopric ol Illinois. It is reported that thr Aew York Agen cy Bank of ' Montreal es $350,000 by the failure ef James Bishop It Co. (am Fnancaoo, Oct 1. The body of Rev. John L. Stevens, n Methodist Mis sionary, murdered by mob In March Isst in the Mexican State t.f Jalisco, reached hew yesterday. CnrsriELO, Mo, October 1. Tbe fire broke oat ngsln in tbe oyster house of Joseph Coulbam. It I spreading rapidly, tbd threatens to destroy the whole place. - j&mtut au this t , claim to represent elf t lelltgence of ' the State, Till DEBT OF TOT CITY 07 RALEIGH T the OAdere ofBvnie sua Script ef the City JUUfht Anxious to do something for the relief of the creditor ot the city, end to shape the debt that the interest will be prompt ly paid, for several months the Board of City Commissioners have had tbe subject nail tar consideration, and bafe enacted tbe following ordinance as tbe result ot tbeir labors. Every tax payer is interested in the J nancial welfare of the city as much so as I4i-llinnnii.irinia, awrl mwatj nim h"'d give their hearty co-operation to any mtaettrB-rnrtcnlsttd-o- lelicsertre-xrty trom its present embarrassments, and place it upon a safe financial basis. We. therefore appeal to our citizens who bold city script and overdue bonds, to come forward and exchange the same for tbe new bonds authorized by this ordipaoce Without the aid ot the creditors ot the city oothiust can be i&, but with their assistance the city debt can be so arranged that, with judicious nianageuieut in the future, tbe Interest can be promptly paid every six months, nd the bonds met at Yerv rtspectfully, Jno. Nicuols, Tress. D. L. Royitkr, ) .'. O. Palmer, m m. J.lt. O'NnaL, ) AX OUUINANCC FOR THK VUHUIKO (' TUB CITV SCRIPT, AMD run othkr puhposm. Whereas, Prudence and economy, as also a due regard lor the interest of the creditors of the city and l be protection ol ita future credit, urgently demand that the amount of tbe fuuded and present un lundod or script debt, should be accurate ly ascertained, aod some plsn devised for the oltimate payment of the same : And Whereas, It is tbo desire and in tention of the Board, by a rigid system of economy, to reduce expenses to the small est practicable amount, consonaut with a safe and faithful administration of the city government, aod to apply every cent not necessary, to dolray those expenses, in payment of the indebtedness oltbe city ; and so far as in the power of the Board, it is tbeir intention to restrict tbe issue of script to tbesmsllcut amount, and to dis continue the same tw whu possible so as to protect Irom losa ihti bonest employ ee of the city. Now, therefore, 8cc 1. B it Ordain!, That there shall be prepared under the supervision ot the Mayor and Treasurer, bonds of the City of Raleigh, of the denominations of $50, $100, and $500, bearing interest at the rate of tight per centum r annum, paya ble semi annually, and of an amount suf ficient to meet the requirements ot this ordinance ; nod such bonds shall be un der be Seal ol tbe City ot Raleigh, signed by Uie Mayor and countersigned by the lVaUrdr, and shall be issued as providtd for in section three of litis ordinance. Seo. 2. Be U further Ordamed, That the bonds authorized by the foregoing section shall be dated ou tbe first day of tbe month next succoedinjr " their lasue, one fourth ol which sbull be pxjuble one year after date, one-fourth two years after date, and one halftbree years alter date; and, each and every bolder of the scr.pt or warrants ou the City Treasurer, or of bonds now due, or which may become due, when presented in amount of $30 and upwards, shall be entitled to exchange the same tor the bonds authorized to be issued by this ordinance; and whenever presented ia satis of a lees amount thn fifty dol lata, tbe bolder or holders thereof, shall receivo therefore certificate of in debtedness, in such form as may be pre scribed, bearing Interest as toe bonds almve provided, dated in the same man ner and of like tenor. Sec 3. Be it further Ordained, That the Board of City Commiasioneis shall two well-known citizens and frecholden of the city of Raleigh, whoie duty i, shall be to witness the Bonds and Certili, catea of indebtedness, and to cancel as Script, Bonds, or other evidences of in debtedness, which rosy be presented for exchange; and no Bond or Cei tiftcateot Indebted ncea shall be legal until so witnessed ; and the Treasurer shall keep a book ia wtrch aball be recorded the date, number, amount term, and to whom Issued, of such Bond or Certificate ot Indebtedness which may be issued by authority of this ordinance. 8ec. 4. Be it furUttr Ordained, That tbe coupons, or tbe interest due and ac cruing on aaid bonds or certificates ol in debtedness, shall be received in payment ol city taxes, snd otber indebtedness to the city, aod when presented lor that pur pose, the said, coupons shall be cut of) and paid over to the collector of taxes, aod in case there are no coupons, sucb interest shall be credited on tbe bond o certificate, and the holler thereof shall give a receipt to the , Collector a bis voucher for the payment of the same. Sec. y Be it further Ordained, That trom and after the first , day of October, A. D., 1874, no Script or Warrant upon the City Treasurer, shall be received in payment of city taxes, or otber indebted ness thereof, unless for the taxes of tbose to wbum the Script or Warrant was orig inally issued; but the same may be ex changed or tbe bonds or certificates of in deblednesa authorized by this ordisance. Be it further Ordained, That of tbe taxes annually collected, alter the current year, there shall be set aside a sum suffi cient to pay off the bond that may be come due during the year, and that tbe sum so sxt aside ahall not be used for any otber purpose until all the bonds snd cer tificates of indebtedness so due shall have been paid off. ' Swv 7. Be it further Ordained, That the Ma or and 2teajurer are hereby au thorized and empowered to issue bo-da for a longer period than three years, upi n the application of holders ol bonds, al ready issued, or of holders of City Script or Warrants on the iiy Treasuier,but all bonds s issued shall be under the same rules and regulations as the one, two snd three year bonds authorized by this ordi nance. Sec. 8 Be it further Ordaintt, That the City Treasurer shall, annually, before the taxes are levied, submit s report to the Board of commissioners, stating tbe amount of bonds, certificates of Indebted ness and interest coming due during said yesr, snd the coinmitMnner sha'l levy and collect a tax sufficient to pay off the name. tec. S, Be it further Ordained, That this ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved August 13, 1874. The Clerk was instucted to have this ordinance published in two of the city papers, snd have 150 copir printed for public distribution. Under section three of the above ordi nance, Messrs. Alfred Williams aod Jeff Fisher were appoinetd to act with tbe Mayor and Treasurer. Tbe bonds will be ready by tbe first of Pep t ember, and due notice will be given when tbe committee will be ready to make the exchange. its to now loir report snow the fins a cial condition of be citv, the estimated i expenses, end sources from which Its rev enue is derived : ' ". Ralbjou, K. C, Aug. IS, 1874. . Ur. Mayor and Gentlemen ef the Board Tour committee appointed to prepare statement as to tbe financial condition of the city, submit tbe following report, to wit; . ' Tbe; And tbe total bonded debt tad in terest to Irt Jsaevy, 1874, inclusive, to be, in round nanbers, about one b an dred and twenty-six thousand dollars, tad of Script in circulation forty thousand dol lar, making a grand total of one hundred and ii xty-aix thousand dollar, .. Tbe-famaua cf the city If am Is t .we , find to be about forty-two tboussnd dol lars, from rent of Market Douse and other sources about eight thousand dollars, ma king a total of flfty thousand dollars; from this amount must be deducted the the amount necessary to carry on the city government, improvements, &c, estima ted at thirty-six thousand dollars, wlycb would leave a balance ot fourteen thous and dollars with which to redem Script and pay interest Kcfptcllully, FLUID EXTRACT BESOT Tbe only known remedy for wtianrs disbisb And a poiltive remed? tor OOl'T. OR.1VIU BTKItTURES. UIA- BKTld, DTBl'EPSIA, NKKVOUS DEBILITY, DXOP8T, Kon-relenlion or Incontinence of Urine, Irri Utlon, lutlaramatloo or Ulceration of Uie Bladder & Kidneys, BPERHATOKKIKKA, Leucorrbwa or Whites, lHuusea ol the Pros trate Mland, Htone to the Bladder, Calculus Oravel or Brtekdast ;Depostt" an 1 Mucus or Milky Discharges KEARNEY'S BXTHACT ltUCQP Prrmancntly Cares all Disessss of the BLAIUJER. KIDNEYS, AND Uliorei- CAL SWELLC1U9, KiUtlnir In Mn. Women an.t Children. ff NO MATTER WUAT THE AOS 1 Prof. Ateele sajra- "One bcttln ot Kear ncy's KluW slxUact Buchu la worth more teas all otbtr Bachos combined." Prloe, Oce Dollar per BotUc, or 8It Bottles for th Dollars. Depot, 104 Duane St. New York. A Vbjslelan iu attendance to answer eorrea- pondeDeeana Kive ativica Kraus yr Bend stamp lor Pamphlets, fn. Wn SdeodAwly TO TBI Nervous and Debilitated OV BOTH SEXES. Ho Cluirge Jw Advice am'. Contultation. I)h J B Diott. graduate of Jcflcriw n Med- leal Oolleze. Pbllndelphl. author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all dls- e sesot tbe Sexual or Urinary Onrana, (which be has made sn especial study) either in male or female, no mutter from what cause origin ating or of how Ionic standing. A practice or SO jears enable him to treit diseases wiui success. Cures irnarantecd. I harecs rea sonable. Those at a dlattnee can forward letter dexcriliini; symptoms and enclosing to prepay oslKe. Hea l for the Guide to Health. Price 10c J. I. DYOTT, M. D., A New Discovery ! Phaloi V IT I A oe, Salvafion for the Hair. CliAR aWaTERI WIT huNlsediment 1 1 OPENTilJIlE LIGHT I II Far Restoring to GraIair its Original Color Phalon's "VlTAifiirTcrs ut terly from all fafriair coloring frcparationgfieretofore used, t is ytefid, sweet smeriinrr, precumates no muddy or slimy Wpr.requires noshaking.im parls no stain to the skin. Hold V, ttthe light and it is clear and JouUess. It leaves no mark on the scVd; yef it reproduces in gray haiNsicnatural color that time or sicrma mav nave bleached put ot it. tPhalonWitalk h for one sole purposcfiat of reproducing, with absaiute cer tainty, the naturaladior ot the hair. It is noUsifitended as a daily dressiofnor for removing scurf or Jandruff; nor for cu ring bareness; nor for stimula ting XMe growth of the hair. Thesf xibjects may be accom plishsll after the color has been fixed iththe Vitalia,by Pha lon's tjkemical Hair Tnvigo rator. Ths Vitaunc a harmless and unequaled preparation for the reproduction of lie origi nal hue of gray haired noth ing else. This, is accolipli&hed in from two to ten aBpiicattoos, accordingto thedsvpth of shade tequired. Sojtwall druggists. gALTI 8 ALT 1 1 ISO &acks KarshiJs and Ytrdlnn I oar aatf ball bushel Sacks Salt. r- - At ' ectc: r.uNiBAoos ) PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Ac. J. II. F L E M'M l H O, ATTORNEY AT LAW u R A L It 1 O H , OOUe Boatb of tbe Court He Beatlawt Offlc-. June 7-tf a. r. tsooaa oa ATUae Mi UOKK A UTLINO, e-T a,urx..&XA-J L.A E,. KALSltiU. K C, SUte and rwkral OmrU and Ui Courts ol Waist aodom Jadlcial District. bo? l-tf We. W. Jonas, AnmsTBAD Joaea. ' O N E'S A JONES. ' ' Attorney's At Ej. t a,T"T,,Y" T"j;.," s Jbs XYi 9WitTti " OlBcn on fayetUivlIf BU. opposlta CUlaetia national bant. up nasra.-Jan-lU -- nOCBllY HOUSE OF D . J . ELLIS, Hium' Br., Au(jut S7, 1874. In order Uiat I may make a cfeaBKe la mv bnalnesa, I bereby aoUfy my paUooa aad IrWuda that I wilt close say book, oo tbe Ut dav ol Bwpteasbar, and Iroaa tbat date tbe eaab mast la all eases tx paid betors the coods leavs tbe stars, or on delivery. I spectf ally ssk all who are Indebted to sae to call at ones aod settle tuair account. Than klu if all tor vncir aina pairoaana i aw with much resoeet roars Ti r i D. J KLLI8. ft t Bill nr -27 ilt News eM times OU T H OAUOLIN A STATE Li fe ijrsviMjrvn CO. RAI.EIOH, N. tt Capital . gcoo.ooo At end of first fiscal Tear has tssaediovsr UU0 l'ultees without uatalulns; a single losa. Pradent economical and energetic in an age neat has made it A bUCC ESiJKUL. C()U)KATIO". This Company tseeos every desirable t'-rro of rolich s at aa low r.tus as any oUmt first Class .'oiDny. ' Imposes no nseleM restriction ui-oo resi dence ur travel. Has a fixed pa'.d op value on nil policies af ter two aanual patreeata. Its entire snets sre loaned aad Invested AT lluMK, to foster end wcoorag hum Mtarrisea Thirty 4 yys grace allowed In tayment ef premiums. With tbe facts before them will the people of North Carolina continue to pay annually thousands upon thousancs ot dollars to build up Kureijro (Jouipajiita, when they esn se cure Insurance ia a Company equally reliable, and every dollar's premium they psy be loan dand Invested in our own 8 taw, and among; our own people? TIIKO. II. HILL. Ajrret, RalalKh. 1I0W.V Till! MYJ"I, OR fSVlTlClL LESSU.XS ODIK The Code Duello. T AN AMATEUR. K. J. Uals. A Sox, Publishers. Price 11,50, extra cloth bindine-L This is a Southern Hook, founded on some occurrences lately transpired In Oeonrlaaod Alabama, id wuicn some norm laroiiiiiaas wer prominent actor. For Bale at the Uook Store of AiJf'KICD WILLIAMS. rrarlltf Gr" EN SBORO- FEMALE COLLEGE. GKEKNSB'JEO', N. C. This institution is scale in successful opera tion. Tbs rl fte.Mon of 1814, will beRia on Wednefday, July WU. For Catalofrae sUUne terms, "c, apply to tbe President Kev. T. at. Jones, D. 1). r. if. ir. vriLAtjxi, Jane 8S tf Prest. Board Trssteea - WANTED- Active Local and District Airents with direct contracts for the Peru Mutual Life Insurance Co.of Philadelphia, for N. 0, Address, W. II. riMLIl, may iS-tf Geo1 Manajjer JjTOTlCI. All Ifarcbai.U who have not paid their tax oa parebases np to July 1st, 1874, are hereby aounea toeome rorwara ana seiua ios hh without delay. If not proceedloca will ba instituted seainst them. I may be found at the Court Hoase, In tbe Grand Jary Hoosa from 10 a. m, to 5 p. m., Sept 11, 1ST. Sept 1J 1W 1. . Limn, cmr u. WATER WHEEli TVs baa ba tava MawSMt, and sbM at taaa wftawthiaa aar otter niwt idan WaW. Stod tor a Pamphlet aad bs eoa Jiaesd. W. t, Bcaasuis, York, Paj DBHNISO '8 PATMT 8HIPP1NQ TAOS. Over Twe Hundred MOUons nave been esad within tbe cert 10 rears. Without cumnlaint nf tnaa h Taar iMeosabie detached. Test all woke nnuanu ton Abu as Corvoa Ium tnan aer Tit n Son. All Xrpresa Companiea ass them. aid byprt otere asm Stsdioners eTerywbelw. OctaVecKiar 4 swr , nwawsMstaad wttk 21' A I TPO GRAD""CTWrC0NCERT! ' jReturnintz ' r i in j Mn. Jona Da vw, or Stbocd Faem 8 14 Mim nRjbH,i to Rrromf to EkOLAHD, htteiidto oivn a ;''n- 'atfWP: rONOKHT, , .;T c-i riG ior n' j TUCKIIt -'a? L L, R A L E I (T II. N. C. BAfURDAT, KOVSMBtR 28, 1874. Commencing at V o'clock, P. M. A T xrfcbioe i 1 J... ,. i.k c ii.iuw' U,J eonalsUbir J r." - - ''"mb nmrv. w ii i i ii in ii am a aw ai mvi i v ; ... t .w i. i. r " w t c .v i v a . j m Mr 'm i r- jfjp M.m , Jj.,Ui'wt..,J tsf.rhiAa, voun fruU trees iWdirJ ituUH", u isfvsra w waj sLii if itl? "T"' U er: (nTi;8iik. Ho-. Dnlrv House, w.tb spring 6f water MnniOK .. 1. . d... n Pktiih. OtehanL thrre-lar dens and Lane well fenced. nlCVtrTu, Firm Is all nude?.! line fence sod is Kedn tt hto Hillsboro' nnd Baleigb, and b, Uabtros Creek niUck. There tan Well at the house, and three tarings on farm of eieellent wateT Tbe moat beallby location In North Carolina. The twore Is nenrly new tMiit at ffata oa tbe hbrhwev about three years since, aod ia doing a good trade WBtea can U greatly MtMdei oJjhicU oosti i for the past three years en PrThsmv"us oMhia tbe let ORAXO GIFT 2nd Free gift, 1 floe large mule, (Fanoy.) I. One good mule, (Jack,) 4. Oue good mule, (Kitty,) 5. One good mule, ( Molly J 0. Strong 4 hone wagon, nearly new, ?. Extra strong wagon, 4 or 8 mulen. 1175 125 100 100 123 100 80 175 186 BO 50 20 SO 40 25 20 10 30 27 23 25 . 20 20 18 10 15 18 10 10 10 10 it. Oood atroog 2 horse wagon, English buggy, Strong, useful horse, 4 horse English Cultivator, Fine cow, (lieautjj Irom Eng. to. 11. IS. stock, 13. Yearling heifer, from Eng. stock, 14. Brussels carpet In drawing- room, 15. Fine red steer and cart, II. Oood steer, If. Oood young cow, 18. YearBog heifer cow, 19. Mew sofa, covered with horse hair, 20. Oookiog stove, 21. Harrow, 22. Damp cart, 23. 20 vols, of Chambers' Edins burg Joarnal, 24. OooiEnglish gun, 85 flix cans chairs, 20. One lare safe, 27. Heifer, (Polly.) r 28. Two rocking chairs, 28. Heifer, (Piok), SO. Heifer (Carrot), 31. Ten Orabma Fowls, raised fmm stock coetlng S3 a pair 32. Two wheelbarrows, 53. Three larire volumes of Illus trated History of England, 100 years old. aod rare, 34. 20 volumes of English books, various subjects, . 35. Set baggy harness, 36. Double set barnea, incomplete, 87. Mabogony Draws, English mskc, 88. Toilet set, china, 39. Iron bedstead, English make, 40. " . " " " 42. Revolver, 43. Stair carpeu, 44. Steam washer, 45. Bureau, 46. Show case, 47. Large Scales, (at store,) 48. Bail dog and KeoucI, 49. Wash ataad, 50. Fancy table, 51. Round table and dogs, 52. 2 pick, t fork, t mattocks, -58. Corn planter and dagoo plows 54. Axe, Cotton Opener, Busbook nod spade, 85. One spade, live boes, Water pot, saw, drawing kaife, 56. buckets, bucksaw, drawing knile. 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 8 5 5 METHOD 01 The Drawinst will be at Tucker Davit, men selected Irom the audience. Tbe drawing will bo by blindfolded children, frpm two wheels one wheel will contain the 100 gifts in sealed Envelopes, the other wheel contains 3,470 Duplicate rickets, numbered aame as those sold. After the contents of tbe wheels have been well aod thoroughly mixed, the child at the 1st wheel will draw n ticket theretrom, and then the child at the 2nd wheel will draw a gill thereform, and the gift thus drawn will belong to the holder of Ticket drawn immediately before. This process will continue uatil the 100 gifts are ail drawn from tbe 2nd wheel. The payment of the gifts; will begin the day after the draw ins:. Tbe drawer of Grand Gilt can at once receive tbe deeda of tbe estate, which are free from all mortgages or incumbrance, oa giving permission to Mr. Dsvis to re main with bia Tenants sufficient time to gather in what may remain of tbe 80 acres of crops, it not all in at time of drawing, unless the drawer of gilt will purchase tbe said crops ot nr. Uavis. ice of Ticket only 82 50 each Value of Giflt $8,670.00. ISAAC ROGERS, Esq, Bup't Conckkt & Drawing. Agents in Raleigh for Sale of Tickets: I Cbbatuam & Bbo., Nat. L. Browh, M. 8. Mosblbv; J. H. Ekmss, A 1L Tcurut, J. O. 8. Lumsdbii, 8am'l Umbhx, D. J. Elms, THOarrsoM A WnrrAZtm, nod at most of tbe Stores in Raleigh, and at Mr. Davis' Store, on the Hillsboro' road, on the Farm, which is included in the Grand Gift. A FEW AGENTS WASTED OTJTSJDE OF RALEIGH. , t-tT"How To Rihit. Money should be sent by Registered Letters or Post office Order, psysble to John Dsvis, Stroud Farm, near Daeeicrh N. C with Name, Poet- office, County and State written plainly. Tickets sold by them. 7"he following gentlemen, residing In Raleigh, have kindly offi-red to certify to tbe genuineness of the affair, and aro well acquainted with Mr. John Davis, the Pro prietor ol Stroud Farm : Dr. G. W. BlacknalL Proprietor Yarboro' Hotel ; W. T. Jdams & 8 o., Founders and Machinists; B. F. Cheatham A Bros., Merchants ; Uapt. A. W. Lawrence, Insur ance Agent ; Joeian Turner, Jr., Editor Sentinel ; Sarn'l Merrill, 8up't Raleigh Gss Works. . . . v- i . Oklt 3,470 Ticasns to bb IssciD, bbiko coft or Farm abd Oirrs. i JOHN DAVIS, Stboud Farm, Nbab Ralbioii. The nsmcs 01 ail who draw Gifts will be advertised in Raleigh Sbjitimbi., 8l day after drawing. 1 seutl-3uv i E. F. JONES & CO., COTTON FiCTOUS ANO UiSSBXL WHOLESALE AMD ItBTAtL WiurreoTow nr., Oewoerta If abcbt Bavaaa ' " BALKIO, S. O. Rave on band and are dally reeelvlns; every article wswaily wanted ia the Ureeery and Frovision Uae, consisting In part ot M Ban Coffee, 140 Bushel fesa, , . 89 Bbte. Bagar, , ; iO.Ouo lbs Balk. Meat, 1 I Tierces Bams, -: MKssmUrdT7 10 Bones Candle, to Entajland. i 1 : 1 1 ! N 1 1 1 ! f S II AU i im 13 0,530 I i 57. flrindatone and two ateS. . .. .v 38. Ladder, J.duckbill plows and shovel, St. Two horse Watt plow, one horse Watt plow, 60 Kew Crsdle, 81 t scythes, 2 sugers, 4 single trees, .. , ; ? r f. ea olhits 63 I ease chairs, 84 4 lamps, churn, sod large - 4 clothes horse, S I English Fenders, 68 Fire irons and dogs, 67 Dressing glass, (British plate glass, mabogony frame,) 88 Oval mirror, (British plate glees,) 89 ITen-arsyvSgsJlon oilxan,- beach, ' 1 70 Oil cloth in ball, 71 Diniog room carpet, 72 2 Cream caos,skimmer, 3 milk coolers, 1 measure, 3 milk cans, 1 kerosene can, 73 5 Sad-irons, kitchen fender, tin bucket, coffee pot, coffee mills, 2 bair brooms, 74 Time piece, 6 vols, of books, 73 Balances aod scales, 70 Fold-up cbsir, oil painting in old carved frame, 77 4 Iron sauce pao, oval boiler, and 2 kettles, 78 20 gallon milk can, molasses gate, 4 measures 4 funnels, 70 bench and 4 show bottles at at ore, 80 Small scales and weights, 3 braody barrels, 81 4 bottles, 2 decanters, 82. About 100 feet plauk, aud gear, for 3 plows, 83 20 empty barrels, various sorts, 84 3 French vases, 85 I Dresden Vaaes snd 2 Dres den Images, 88 8 Glass esses, stuffed birds, 1 framed engraving, 87 2 Vols. Cook's Geography aod 18 books, various kinds, 88 Coal scuttle, scoop snd 2 mats, 69 Hearthrug, 90 2 tablea, 91 Eogiiah dessert service, (green) 10 pieces, 2 10 pieces China, various, 93 Furnnce, 4 20 pieces Cnioa, various, 95 20 Engravings, framed and glaxed, 96 :0 piecea China, 97 Mahogoa nook case, with glass doors, bottle Jack, 98 Patent corn aheller, 99 Ancient Cabinet, 100 One breeding sow, 101 ' " " superior cost, 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 3 5 5 12 15 20 5 15 $8,070 DRAWING, &e. Raleigh, and will oe conducted by uentle All Agents to remit weekly the smountof SPRING 1874. Bjm' srama bats The lending Spring styles in medium nnd Fine Felts, at tbe mo reasonable prices. ' Mow ready at R. B. ANDREWS & CO , , Clothier and Gent' Farnisbers. Meit door to Tncker Hall. - i, ... " Raleifb, N. C. feb 27th 1874. WO THOTJSAMO TOV KM . rrtss reaaed Lard. At oetlB-bJ'- K FWOHWACO-n, "a. -V .' A A . ; 1 GralefuLThonaauCv priaiwrt - DTicw tue most wnniicrml In vjorant that ever uUiiiud U sinlrSa sy.tcra. . , " No Person cau tel itr ;e Bifm acconlniK to dlrectioiia. aiui rL-muiti nuwell, provided their bui.us am Hot de stroyoa by mineral poiaoa or, otber tncaiie, aud vitiU orgaua wasted bcronl repair. , i jyWon'j Kmittent aud Iutor iittent tevers, which are so preva Bt Id tbe valleys of our prcat r'.vpr tliroofrhout the United Slates wncdutlv those of the MUriiwippi, Ohio, Miiwwii, Illinois, Tcmiesecc, Cuinlici land, Arkan--aaiJCctl Colorado, lira X rt io ) rniKle, I'carl, Alnlama, Mobilo, Ruviuiiiali, llo arrolto,' Jamrs, jmd tnnnv ctlien, trh their ast tribgtarics, tiirouhoiit our entire country during the Summer and Autniun,and remarkably so during sou non of unusual heat nnd drvnew, aio invariably axeomp:uiiel hv cxionaive dc ranemeuts of tho sti.tuaeli end liver,' aud other abdominal x'wccr.t. In their treatment, a purgative, excrtin- a povr crful inUufine ujvni theso, various or ptna, is esscutially uscestiary. There is uo cat liai tic for "tlio purfio.iv coiiiil to - tin V " W . . i.' . .. ... "Ai.a.r.Ks fi.nKiiArc iiirrpptj u:ili It v r.. ........, .1" .1. . iuiii:iiuiw vi uiu uiKestlvi) organs. Fortify the body nuaiirst ilinmso by ptirifyiug all lis Itiiidswitli Vinkh 1 ItiTTEitB. No epidemic can t.iUo liuM of a aystem thus fore-armed. Dystvopsla orlndiscslion, lira.' acbe, Pain In tho .Shoulders, Oui-li-. Tightness of tbo Chest, Dkiiitts. sn.r Eructations of thn Stoni;tcli, Had Tastu in tbo Mouth, Bilious Att.-'.-kn, I'lilpiu. tation of tho Heart, lnll.iri;natim ol t 0 Lungs, Pain in the rejjiou of tij ncy, and a hundred other painful stun toins, aro tho olftprins of DR.p.-:',i. One bottle will prove a better pi.u .1:1:. .. of iU merits tbau a lengthy adverti.-e-mcnt. Scrofula, or Kiri'n Evil, AVi.it., SweUiuf , I'leers, Eri ssji.-ln. Snvll.wl ,, , I,, Ooitre, jimifuluui liiHaimnatiMn. UauL-r,: InUammatioti, ilcn urml AUixlicms Oil Bores, Eruptions i f u.i' Skin, S'.m; Kyi, ctf. In thcic, in iu nil otliur tuUs.iitulioV.ul I); -eases, AVaLKLS's Visloab l!irn:ua hav,. shown their preat eurat vn ioai.rs in tl.o most obitinatc auil intractable case. For Infliiiniiiatory and t'liionic Rhenmatisin, fiout, liiiion?, itemi;. tent and Intermittent Fevers, Dise;is ( tho ltlor.rl, l.ireT. Ks-terr? nr.1 Irisder. these Hitters have no eiual. Smli l)iea , , are caused ly V it i .it ,.1 1:!...,.. Mechanical Discascs.-rerso:;:! en gaged in 1'ainU and MmrraU, sueliai I'lumbers, Typc-si-tiirs, liuliMieaters, ai.l klners. as they adva:., ia hf,., uie tul.j. it to paralysis of t! 1: u. T pu-.- sgainst tliis, t..kc a il-e H ai.kkii is BOAB BlTTKKS orca-iiir..,:!;-. For Skin Diseases llntpiioi,.;, Tit ter, Salt-Khcnm, ll!itebr. Sjx.t-i. I'm .; .:. -, Pustule, boils, Cirlmin le. lii ic .:i,, . ficnld-bead, Sore Kj . --. 1; . ;. , . ;, . Bcarfa, PissnlorMions .f tli kin. II 1 1 and Diseases of the Skin ,.f wli ,t.-.-i n..i. or nature, are literally ir..i .41. I out of the system iu s '.u tnW I., t- of tbese Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other U'nmis larkinc in the system ul mi manv 1 ',misU ..i . are effectually destroyed and i.- .-. : 1 system of medicine, no U'';i .. 1.., an- tnelminitlcs will free the yi-ir:i! ir- .1 i.ru . bke these Bitters. For Female Complitiui . in ymv..: er old, married or siiisle. a' t!-.r -.. - f manhood, or tbe tarn I 1.: . tl- T-:. Bitters display so dtaJ-d at; iei: . improv "licnt u soon p-t . Cleanse the Vitiated lilimd- A! n- ever you find its imp'.nt. - li u...: w.t 1 the skin In Pimples, L: a;.' .::. cleanse it when yon 1. : . I .' ..'.i t 1 slufrgish in tho veint'. ili jn.M. 11 wln-a fool ; your feelinei will vh ym l a. at. 1 it 1- . h..-l. the blood pure, end t!.e health ut t!. will follow. R. Jl, MrDOV l.l .t. ( n.. DvaCirists and Orn. Airu I'll.'.roi. aad eor. ut Waaliinirii . t-. N Bold brail iVruul . ..I I. al.i.. s elect boa ko:ni; AN!) DAV si1 HILLSUOltd' N ( The Misses Nash t V,,1 Kn..-, w,!ir,. same the exercises if tin ir 'rao-i' Kn.iiv Feb. t, I 74. Circulars (orwardi'il "ii ifi'l l " dee l-l - T AKKKKb' ('renin FVe.rw. These Kre zers have l. n in use Mi.ce ISliO, with the inoiit tl itlermi; . jisiilts. They have well earned the reputation ol being 1 IK hi Lei' (KKK.KU ever inlrniluted, mi expense is spareil to render tin ui periiet hikI iniproveinenla have been introduced ty which in.-reiM-d strength, durability and tieatiicw are secured. They sn- timde in the in .-t durable manner uud the uni liann .1 me rangements ate such tl.i.t the will In..-. Cream, Kruits, or Water Iivhv tliei-lnnte eat posMlile time. Send for Cil .u! .r nd d-i itioi" l"r fret-sing. T- II. 1 1 1 i I J i - Jt '-O.V8 may27ll. A S I. E F F K I.' S iMritoviii) lxa'in.K Turbine Water Wheel POOLB A HUNT, Uauiuour.. Manufacturers for the South and west nth Nesrly7(X)0 now in u workinK uieli 1 heads varying trom i to i.'4l l.-et ! 24 sie, from .1 !l 4 to !) iDrhin. The most powerful Wheel in the Market, And most economical in use of Water. Lerjre Illustrated Pamphlet sent post Ii''' SI AN L FACT L It Kits, U", Of Portable and Btatnmurv Steam Krtf,'iu-i and Boilers, UibcM-k ii Wile -x 1'"" ' ' Tubulous Boiler, Ebauijh'a (in.het i Minerals Haw and iri-t Mills, Flooring Mdl Machinery. Mail White Lead Works and Uil Mi infr Pulleys aod Handera. BEND FOK CIUCULARSJ fab Sli-wAm iuery lor In t-iial t- ArlK BTOCIf. fOH PA LB. Waihlru- to sw Into baslrwa, I will ik-H 10, 15 or 5 shares ol Ike stock of the Kalcliili National bank ot North Carolina, on rtasoti- abioterma RlclAltU W. HAKKI8," Ulford.C be lOiwJ i v n ,uu iiuaiiuy. . 7? If-