V V 1 V J R 3 1 ft if, Telepit??i.; rnoUBbtfrif :xMti 1 PAXAKAy Wpt. M. Tb Ualato! Bbslas tg-ahra Bicb I hare, ; A( enaspoadent of U4 Star snd rU, writing from atetlgwa, tetania, aader dU of th 4tk last, im ports aa. eartbqaak walcMoo: lCe thers oa tit evening Won a 1:8? p, pv without say .previous warning. 4 strong eartbqaak 1 chook tb ground vloleatly ia tht direction woas the wast imIm miC Tha awrvesheet wee aeries ol strong vafc. tied and horisontal .impulse .combined. TbU wsvs, like undulation oa th tuf face, NNumubMli rbo. Tbi acting ajofttt wUk tt above eailowaa' vertical MOTtoMMt, tttdiM ! tape ibl to move about without being tbrowe to the groeed. ' .dded to tbU there war piercing eric of th populace, crsak. kg and crecklog C waa very dark, tap, J act waa ta vhelcat tba Brat abock bad paricd there aa ti)l a aslas of walla falling Mora or tea dis teas. Suddenly there eroa aoaodi ol buedreda a vole, sbautisg byainf to tbair Creator JarM jfhoUM (blinwtd doriag tba algbt of varying iateaaitiei, every cm of which gate riae to a alarm aad new taaoiattooe- fornercy. Tba algbt aeeoMd aa eg is kej(th.,, Ff Innately no raia (all. , About two doxen bonaee that ' were tahtbitcd bare bert deatroye OtnaiDg, u ta aa eonld be learned, the Uwaof thirty-two liTea, The aaaibar of boaaaa damaged, and which wtll bare lobe Ukea down, will be lound 0-Meiderabla. The Iadiaaa eay that three vtUagMat.tba foot af the rolcaoo baa been deetroyed, though thia wants eoelr- rnatioa. ji;i i . . !v. rREEDMANU BANK. Tba commiMloneri appointed to Mttle the affaire of tba Fnedawav awvinge aad Tmet Ompaajr, write to a oorreepondent a follow ) It la tmpoaaible yet to eay when lbs Aral dividend will be paid. They have low only forty Are thousand dollars in the Treaaury, aad sis boadrad thonaaoA dollars an tcqalred a the basis of a diridead of twenty per cent To the present condition of tba 'money market, on accoaai af high tats taiattoa la tba District of Columbia, the collections are slow aad Ty small, so it will takr a long time to raiaesufficieot furda to make tuch dividend, TJ ,Sproxlata liabilities up to tba 11th of July, were twj million! aad eight buadred tbouaand dollars, aod theaaaela were t,70(,000. While much will be loci la OolUclIoDt, a comidtrabla sum will be realised in the accumulated interest At a matter of economy, it has been determined to dost lite Uilrty-three brancbee at the end of thia month, by which s istlog o( at least one hundred tboutand dollara will befftnl. I ...... o.aie. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. . New Yobs, Oct 8. The Timer publishes the following from New Orleans last evening : "Gov. Kellogg reeeiTed information this evening that upon the arrival of Called BUtea troop A Aibata, soma If white i leagoers, who Wars engsged In the recent murder of the Republican office holders, bsve left the town and fled ta Aikaases aad Texas." ' " f Weston began at fie minoUa past IS last night a not bar attempt to walk I va bead red miles ia ix consecutive days. ELECTIONS TO COME OFF. i tat con rralt. do we will keep standing the following political calendar until the third day ol November October IS. Election of Congrvcamea In Indium, low aad Nebraska. October 14. Election of Congnuamen In Georgia. October SS.Eleetio of Ovnatsastnea ta WemTrrsnie.' Kovenber I. -Election of Congiesamea aad Btate-olBcer la Louisiana. November S. Etectioa of Congrtas- mea only ia Bade lalsod, Arkansas, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, wflasiaalppt, Virginia, Wieoonaia and Texas; electioa of both Congreeamca and State officer In Maasacbaaetts,,. Alabama, Dataware, Illi- aoia, Kaaaas, Michigan, Misaouri, New Tork.TYew Jersey, Nevada, Aontylvs- eia. Boots uatoitaa aaa zsaneaaoe. F aerany eaaoaae aytetf aa a eaadidata jr AaakUnt or tUadlajf I hrk et tba raaU at the anlng aea ioa of t'e Uaaeral 4 aeaH t-u ijiTUMwi.,, , ; .... :' tW at Saw Ota, Jat to band of thl jattly aanaralit avoeaaa. urn. ia latumoay waaattaea that that eta laatar aadmaki attar eaatata thaa anj othav aver attda. Mee M MT saw sb tnnaporuuoa, AMM M. TOWttS, 4 apt" (Miwisass Jeaasvew ., V. C September f, 1874. U A MmitnfA BmUs Jr. 0: I aerabf aaaoaace aTlf t eaaaiiU tor r.-iaelpai Uoorkaepar ot iha SenaU, at-j 1 the eetWa of Ua DuwouaUe-C er STeUtaeae, aa lawappraaoaaii Two asaral ataaa ' J. F. SXUNQTt J. wir :- N UTICB.V fTltKt! wrm w nM at tu (Ajtirt tiaaaa oor la aialca oa atoadar tba Sth October tre Cl u4 wsieh. alaert Pnerv aad William ht Bars aow mUa, Uying oa the gn-taara Smite of the ctt; ot bakixb, be rTwe FaHttaeUle Raad and lae Vorta Caroliaa gaUroad, contalnlnc apwarda of om . Akakit wilt bateMtatwn Pareala, 1 eac h having a AaeUIng haaaa with law n 1 ',. . . a. F. MOOSE, eepts-h iWIrvrmwl sti'Juiiii e provjetou or itua oriesnce 1 .eadrrarj vwbleab- J-fci, tBt pubug geaeralli, H VTTS te rewneeted smowbcs that W 4t fw DexkT)er et U eeW. IBS DfcBI or tot Gil Of aUJJOGH T 0mtonifBmit mi Arfpf efAs , AaxlwM u aomafhlDg fbr tb lUf efjAw creditor bl th eity, and to shape the debt that tbt interwt will be peoeapi' ly pail, for eeveral month tba Board of City Cuimiaioor bar bad tba aabjaet ander consideration, and hiT ao acted tba following ordiaaaoa aa tba result ol tbair labors. Every tax payer la Interested ia tba J aaacial welfare of tba ally aa much ao aa tba CowiaaioaBfi, sad every m ahoald av-welr betJty -aaorfearalian it any measwa cabMlatedfeevth shy place It upon a mfe financial bails. We. therefore appeal to oar citisen who hold city script and overdne bunds, 10 come forward sad exchange the inma for the wnm bands authorised by this ordinance Without the sid of the areditere ol tba city nothing can be done, but with their aaaietaeoa the city debt eaa be so srranged that, with iadidous taaaagesssat iw the Intttca.lba inlereal eaa be nromptly paid every six months, and tbeltoaae mat ft matartty, - ., . Jao. Nicaou, Trees. 1). Ia ltovsrxB, 1 J. C. Palmsji, 3. R. O N sun ) M oauiMAKCs roa tub puaoiMa or tub C9 Y sCnirr, ard roa. otbib roHr Whereas, Prudence and ccouoiny, slao a due regard lor tha intereat of the Creditor of the city and the protection ol it future credit urgently demand that the amount of the lunded and preeent un loaded or script debt, thou I J be accurate ly ascertained, sad aome plan devieed for the vltbmata oavmeot nl tbe eaete And.Mibereas, It ia tbe desire and in tention of tbe Board, by a rigid tyetem of economy, to reduce expensta telbesmsil est praaticabl amouat oonaonant with l safe and faithful admluiairation of the city government, and to apply ever cent not aacaeeary, to defray tnow expeuaea, in eevmeat of tbe indebtedness oltba city : aad aa far a Id tbe power of the Board. It It their intention to reetrict the laiue ol acript to tbe malleat amount, and to die coounoe the same as aeoaUs posaibla so u to protect trom loss the honest emploj eea of the cltv.'l Now. therefore. 1 1 f I ; Bee. 1. A it Ordaiiuti, That there eb'a be Drenared under -the soparvialotto the Mayor and Treaittrer, boade of tha City of Kalejga, of tbe daaomiastwns tt f 9U. $100. nod SSOflL bearing interest at tbe rata of tight per antfttm ptr amis at, paya Me semi aoaoaiiy, aaaot an amosnt anr Bcient to meet the requirements of tiiia ordinance : sad tuch bonds shall be , a der tba teal of tbe pity of Rsleigh.sigwsd by tbe Mayor ana conwtariignea.f tne jWiurer, aod shall be leaned at provided or in taction three pf tht ordinance. Pec. S. foil fur thr Ordainti. That the bond authorised br tb foregoing section (baft be dated aa tba Brat day of the month . next succeeding Ibetr issue, one- fcurtb ol which thail be pavable oao year after date. aa4oarth two vaar after date. and one haUUree vaara alter dale; aad, each aid every Sol doe af tbe script 'or warrants o the Ctty Treaenrer, or er bonda now- due, -or which may becoene due, when toreeented ia amonnts of $30 and upward, htl be entitled to exchange tbe same lor tbe bonds authorized to be baaed by this ordinance ; and whenever presented lb sums of a less smount tbsa Bfty dollar, tba bolder or bolder thereof. thall receive therefor s certificate of ie debtedneea. in inch form as may be pre toribed. bearinc intereat aa the boada above provided, dated ia the same man ner and of like tenor. See. 8. JBt at srtier , OMotaeeV That tbe Board of Cttl tTommiaaionera abeii two well-known citixent and freeholder! of the city of Raleigh, whose duty i, tball be to vmoeet tbe Bonn and uerttn, catee of indebtedness, aad W eancel Script Boads. er otaav avideacae of in debted nraa.M which may be protested for exchange end ao Bond or Cet tiScate ot IadebtedsM shall be tegal anttl to witseaaed; aad lbs Treasurer thsll keep a book la which absii be recorded the date, number, amount, term, and to whom iuued, of tuch Bond or Certificate ot lodabtedoeat which may be lasued by snthoritv of this erdiusace. oao. t. ii a twrtMr UraVMiMav ThU the coupons, or ths interest due snd so cruing on said boads or eertifloalae of ia debtedaeta, ebalt ba reeelved la payment ot city taxee, aad other indebtedneee to tbe eity, aod when presented for that pnr- poae, the aald ' Coupon shall be cut eg sad paid overt the collector of taxes, aad ia caae there are no codpoot, tuck interest shsU be credited oa the bead a certificate, aad tba hollar thereof shall give s receipt to, tbe Collector aa hi voucher for tbe payment of tbe aame. Sec. 0. A w further OrdminU, That from aad after the Brat day of October, A. D , 1874, no Script or Warrant upon the City Treasurer, ahall be received in payment of city taxee, or other indebted ne thereof, utiles for the taxes of those to wbutn tba Script oc Warrant waa orig iualiy iaaued ; but the tame may be ex changed or the bonda of certificate of in- debtedne anthonsed bj this ardiaance. D itfurtluir Crdaintd, That of th taxet annaally collected, alter tbe current year, there thall be et aside a turn ufli- cieut to pay off the bnd that m iy be come due during the year, and that the sum ao a t atide shall not be uted for any other parpoae until all th bonda anl cer tifloatee of indebtedata to due s .all hats been paid off. iBeo. T. Br fiyWi-fW Ordaitud, That tha Mayor aod 7'reaurer are ben by au thorixed and empowered to iatue bo d for a longer period thaa three year. up n the application of holder ol bond, al ready laeaed, or of holder of City Ucript or Warrant on the iiy Treaiuier, but all Donas so Mtoea tnsu oe under tne unit rales aad regulutione at the one, two aud three year bond authorised by tbla oiji aance. Bee. 8 Br if vr(Ar Ordauul, That the City Treasurer ahall, annually, before the taxes ere levied, submit report to the Board of coanmiaaiooert, stating the smount of bonda, certiScate of indebted' seal sad intereat coming do during said year, i nd the ooeanaiiainticrs ahall hrvy aad cellict a tax aaOclent to pay off tb bec,& Hfwrih Ordmt, fht this ordinance sball be ia fore from aad aftesit ptatage. ' Approved Augnst 18, 1874. The Clerk was inducted to bsve thl ordinance published ia two of tbe city paper, aad have S50 copies printed for Dnblic diatribatioaj. , t " Uadar erctioa threeof tbe above ordi aaace, Metsrs. Alfred Williams aad Jeff Father were appolnetd to act with the Mayor aad Tieaearer. Tb boada will be ready by thefliit of September, aad doe aotica will be givea when tb committee will he reedy to asako ths exchange. The Mowing report show tba Ansa oial aosdittoi of, tb eity, tb tstimsted o I wiui a BfftCera anlwTDitTl vm mm in V"1 motion. looog after I . , Verr rtSpcetfallj, fr lei IWI r Kalimw, K.O, Aug. lSVlS7i. Mr. Majpr'iiU ' OmSmm Oe Iktri 4 Toar committee appointed to prepare a atatemeat as to the flosncial cooditioa of the city,etbrt tba following report, r witt i rrvr Tbev Bnd tbe total bonded debt and in terest , to lt Jsnnsry, 1874, inclaaive, to be, ia rovd aambert, about 00a hundred aad twenty! tboosand dollars, and of Script la circulatt 4rty lbQUsaat -dot bus, tasking a grand total of one hundred V thai revens of lbs city Irom tswe Bad la b sbawt forty-twe thouesH k lars, from rent of Htrxet uonan omar eouros about ebhttbouaaad dollars, ma king a total of tay tboaasad dailsrsi from thl amount nintt be deducted tbe tbe amoaat aeosaMry ta oarrt oa th city goverameat, improvaawint, &c, aetiata tad at thirty-six inoaaaaa oonewn, wnica would leave a balance ol fourteen thoue- aad deHnrt with which to Rdcepj aad pay Intereat ; Ktsprotmlly, 8ctipt xatr St (fiuali. " FLCIDEXTRACT. s t: TU oalj kouva ffmedj tofZ ...v-". .- iimonT' UISB1SB And a petitiv raamrf tor OOUT, ORAVW BTRlCTTREd. DU- BkTtv, DTofkreiA, nervous t DKBILITT, DiiOPSI, . 1 Koa-veuutloa or iaeontincaca ef Urine, Irri tattoo, luAammaUon ar Uk aratloa of th Bladder & Kidneys, SPERMATOKKBfEA. Ueeortliaot White. UUeaae ot th Fro traU Miaod, atone la the Bladder. Calcnlos ttravel or Nriekdaat ;DvoaK SB Moeaa or Milky iMKhariraa ' KEARNEY'S miUOT BIJCIH! ' PcrBittntfy Care all Dlacaaaa of tb BLADDER. KIDNEYS, AND DROPSI ExUSVtt m Men. Womea ami Chlldraa. tiT itf MAT1EH WUAT TUK AOS I ' fraf.Uelaaay- "One bctUe of Sear- aey'a Fluid gxtraet Boche 1 worth mora thaa aM atnar uuenna cointimea." Prtaa, One Dollar par Bottle, or 8tx BottUa toe Wilt Uo.lara. Uerjot, 104 Dnane St, Aew York. ATbyalclan In attendance to an wer eorrae pondenee and give adrice gratia (jar Send tami for Pamphlet, five, JBSk ' Jaa Meod.twlv iT TOTF Nervous and Debilitated , OF BOTH SIXES. AV iihargt Jot Adtic aad CotmMMtiem, Da J B Dtott, aradaata ot Jafler Mad- leal Collate, fbiladelpbia, author of tva valuable work, eaa be eoniulled on all dia- e eeeolith Saxaal or Uriaary Urnwa, (aica he ha made an capeetal tnd j) eilbar In male ot laaaala, no matter from wbat cause orlgia atlnv or of how Ion; (landing. A practice of as vaara enable aim to trnt aueaae wa aaeeoa. Cure naranteed. Cbarrat r aonable. Thoae at a dltUnce eaa forward letter deaeribin-; tymptomt and ancloaing ta nraoar poataare. a) lot to (juxi4 to iitaiiA. rrioeire. J. B. DYOTT, M. D.. A New Discovery Phaloi 4V1TAIA SailTanon for the Hair. CLEAR ABATER I WT HOWt. SEDIMENT 1 1 - OPENTIIE UCHT 1 1 1 f r ktstorinr to Grakffair its Original Color Phai.on'1 "ViTALuWiffers ut terly from all tjfmir coloring f rcpantiongseretofore used t is' llpafjid, sweet smelling, reejoitates no muddy or slimy matftr.requires noshatinp.im part no stain to the skin. Hold i trAhe light and, it is clear and ' 7ouuess. It leaves no mark on the scalp: yet it reproduces in gray haiHnatural color that cime or stCKTNaa mav nave bleached out of it tThaWsVitalis ts for one sole purposcJnat of reproducing,w!th absofute cer tainty, the naturawor ot the hair. It is irottfitended as a daily dressiwjjriorfor removing scurf or yKmdruff; nor for cu ring bajflness; nor for stimula ting tie growth of the hair. Thesl object may be accom plish! after the color has been ' fixed Vith the Vitalia, by Pha Ion's' Okemical Hair Inviiro rator, Thi ViTAiJJSf a harmless and unequaled pre plLation for the reproduction of Ive origi pJ hue ofpsy hair,alid norJi-? jn& ilc. This is acoiipliihed in. itom two to ten aaClications, according to thedth of shade tequired, ScJerCyall druggists, j SAl-TII ISIEMkaManOiuta ami Vardms foaramf half heahal aacaa aaiu m biii -i. i u ii i HBI I II ffl II II II R f Sm M f.joaisAoQav, U. F iI Jf li t M O, H(. - ... .!.-." 1.-. m. I A L B ! t-Bf ." t a fx OtttM Sotfc of the Ceart U Ike aatM uOec. f Jaa Ml a. v. aoows (MaMI MTUN, j t, , oavt-ta JJJ. r . A f.T :R X T rf1 AT la yr ,1 Btataatad r Jural CVmrt-ad th Coartk W Sua let and Sth Judicial biatrial. , Be Sl-sf. ..' a : o -t 7 J? M 1 Wsv fKJonas, AaMWTBAB o'm Si i-fit K 8 ft AMcntcr At lw. 'suv?t?3?ei!a Kf ii n lit miHiiin llinri nwituHui naaa. )aa nt1 aHOCIKY UOVeB OF I H asaW Sr.. Aagaet S7, 1SH. Iorrtat I aaaf stake a haam tame fitalaaaa, 1 aerabyaoUff any pesjaae eaa IrlaadatSMtlwItl mv beoha ea the kt aad brave tbe etar,'") dattvarv. I r anectfatly aak all wbeara tn4ebt4 to. ate callt eaaa aad M1 tbar eaaUi ; IhaahiaffaU lea tbair kaa4 pawaaaaj 1 1 with nmcb mptet Yoar Traly, uctTSt D. JaXLlS Kew cap j time i OBTU CAUULINA STATE HP " urm tjnttiLtJtcB ca. RAUCIQH.Zr.a At aad of Flrat riacal rear ha bwaediTr 000 roUcaa wltbonl auitalulna a (lairl loan. i i i f I h ' i ' it 5 j frsJant. MOoOodcal and eaeflrctte eaS(w awataa man u i successful coiimuiTiay , j -:J ,- ..I- i. 1 TaiomptBj tarno every dlrble form ef Pelicbe at a law nta aa aoS-athar Firal Clata Company. Impose no aaelesa restriction npoa reel- oene or trarei. Has a Oiedaara auvaaaaoa U eolteHa aaV It entire aset mleaW Sad .laveatel AT UUMC, bj SJator ad lioin NWiTHCS. Thirty dayt grace allowed In payment premium. , of With the facUU fore UiemwUl the people er aorta Caroline eeatina lo pay Bunnell; tboaaaod apoa thoataaa ef dollara to baili aprorelKn Compaale. wbea 01 uuiw iv nui hen the eaa a ny equally reliable, i they pay be loa car laaurance la a 4 ompan; aad avan dollar'a Premium thayaay dand Invetted In oar own State, aa oar own peopicr , ,11 Jto. U. mhK AKtnt, laleajs. DOWN THE HITFU, ' - OR , ' The CodeDnello. L AH AMATEUR. K. J. liau. Boa, FabUahars. Fre Tbt I a Boatbera Bool otcurreacea lately tnatpirad la Oaordasaa! la whleb soma Morth tWoilaiaaa wer prnialaatl aatoja. . if ror eaie u in book etar oi AlKtD WILLIAMS. marUU, s ) ! KIN HBO BO TMUA.it COLLEGE. , ORS1II8BOHO,, . C. " Tbla iatlltaUoa la acaia ta awaraafaloiirs tine. Th rxl SoMioa rf IM14. WIU begta Wednedy, JalySSUi. ForCatahHrna aUtina terma. c., apply lath tWldeat Kv. T. t Jonea, P. O. n. ti, i. wiuaun, ne 2t It Frett. Hoard TraaU. v WATER WHEEL Tbt bC ta tfca MaiHt, aad aM at bma ailintb WMka wt atM Vflwel. Bead for aPimphM aad b oa likwd. M.V.Beatiaua,Ytb,ra. WANTED. Ac tit Local aod District Ateet erttl iiuct coat raata for tbe Teaa Matwel Lies Inwiranfe fAv.of Philadelphia, for IV. C jiiaie, w. h. nnt ti, By SfMf ' Oeal atsasRer ' . AU IIwchu.U wba hva sot paid their tax oa paralaue ap to July let, JSTa, are hereby aotiaee to come rorwara ana ua ut vitbMlay. If not proeetdlmrs wUl be intUtoUd talnat them. I aaay be foaaA et tb tfoart Hoaaa, la the Grand arr ftoeea from 10 a m, to Sapt. 11, : aiw i. a. a. m.mt aaa at. D K N i s y i Kl fATIMT SHIPTIM- TAfAl Over Two Handre htllTioiM have bean tnad wltala the naat at vaara. uhoat complaint af Iota by Tag banntiai eetaabadt .Tans aaa aroaa bbi uses -saw, xasise Ocrrtoa Bexaa vaaa srrt TAwaa m. t ah aiDraaa i nmnaaiaa Bali by Prtabam sad StoUegenewaar, Sf 9WS m m aaa. n ni l wKfc ' ... " - - II :;v; . S " V at .)-'- aw ' ar Ml II It rrr r I W , iietwhiiicc.to Sntzlanda it U f M J!-l ' & May Jeaa Dvn, or Sraooo FAWf S l- 1 1 . : 'to -BotctjI wKstsiin;' nrrajioa to aiv a u ... ?; YnsT d ."0 m T IX CJLmJfcjLxU -lfiJ. MO arn.aTahids. aajoeaetwtj . "is r "tmow ut sajro A T frail ti nftbveriCora Csib Satek Boas ; -Dairy Havae. with soring ef irater raSan throaa-h iti Paatara. Clover Patch. Orchards tbree Oarlea m Laae well leac ahio Croaa-Feaee aoroai tba Femt. The Farm la all unier ;mh1 luta fane aad is boaaded la Iroat by the highway to Bllbboro had Uxlelb, and by Oabtree Creek at back. Thar la a Well at tba he a, aad three rVinna oa farm of eieeilent water. The most healthy keeatioa la Mortb Carolina. TUa tMoi ia aaarij sew hallt at rata oa tba highway sboat three vaara eiuce. nl is doiog a good trad whVcb eaa be greatly eateaded. All at WhkM opet for tha put three years oa im- arovrabts alone $3,000. Tb vain of thl th 1st GRAHTJ GIFT IS tfiW DOLLA4W. fi I , i . o large male, lad Free gift. 1 floe (Faaay.) 17S 1 On good asule, (Jack,) 1S3 A One good Bale, (Kitty,) 100 A. One good mole, (Molly,) 100 6. Strong 4 boras wagoa, nearly ' new, 1S5 7. Extra strong wsgoa, 4 or 8 males, 100 8. Good ttroog S hone wagon, 80 9. Kngtlsh baggy, 178 10. Strong, aeeful horse. IX 11. A horse English Cultivator, " SO IS. Fine cow, (Beauty J Irom Eng. .stock, 80 18. YcarliBg heifer, from Eng. Block, SO 14. Brumal carpet la drawing- roei, 1 80 18. Fin red steer and cart, 40 15. Good itacr. SO 17. Good yonog cow, SO 18. YearUng heifer cow, 10 ' It. New sols, covered with bors. heir, SO 50. Cooking stov S7 51. narrow, 83 SS. Damp oert, S8 Sr 80 vols, of Chambers' Edia ! bnrg'Jooraal, SO St. Good Eagllah gos. 30 28. Ms csne chairs, 18 SO. On large safe, IS 17. Ifeifer, (Pony.) I 18 88. Twevockiag chslrt, r 18 f. Heifer, (Plni), 10 80. Heifer (Carrot), 10 81. Tea Brahma Fowls, rajaed , . from stock costing $Ssaaar 10 sl Two wheelbarrows, 10 i lent volaate of Ulna- trated Hietory of Xaglsad, 100 years old, and rare, 10 8lr-20 voiaatas of Eoglish books, varioaa aabjacts, - 10 S5. Bet boggy barnesa, .,..'10 88. Donhlssetbaraets, incomplete. 27. Mabogony Draw, Eoglieb Atke. 18 10 10 10 10 -10 a S8. 19. '40. 41. Toilet set, eh las, Iroa bedetaad, Kaglieh asaka, ' , V'1KI Revolver, Sulr caracts. 4S. 48, 44. BUM . . . i 48. Bnrasa, 48. Bbow i 47. Large Soalea, (at atnre,) 48. Ball dog aad Kaack 49. "Wah Hand, . 80, Fancy Uble, 'l 61.' Roand tabto aad dogt, 88. S picks, t "fork. S auattocks, 6A Corn plaster Sna dagoa plow 8A Axs,Ootto Opener, Boahook " ' sail spade,' 68. Oa ipsde, Sve hoes,4 Water- ' toot, law, drawiag kaife, 8S. 8 back eta, backaaw, drawiag MITHOD Os Th Drtwieg wIU b at Tucker Bail, Raleigh, sad will oe conducted by gentle Sim setae led troca the sadleace. .The drawiag will ba by bltndlolded childrea, front two wbocla oec Wheel will ooaUla the 100 gifu in sealed envelope, tbe other wheal ooatalaa S.470 Duplicate Tickets, numbered same a thoae sold. After tbe ooateat af taw wheels bsve been well aad thoroughly miked, the child at tbe 1st wheal will draw a ticket therefroat, aad the tbe child at tbe Sad wheal will draw a gift therefore, aad tbe gift thaa drewa will belong to tbe bolder of Ticket drawn BwntediaUly before .This proem will ooatlnus until tha 100 gifts are all drawn from tb Sad wheel. ' Tbe payment of tb gift will begin tbe day after tbe draw- lag. Tha drawer of Gread Gift cas at ooee receive the deed of tbe estate, which are free from ell mortgage or ncambraace. oa giving permistion to Mr. Dsvis to re main with bis Tenant sumcieat time to or crops, II not all ia tt time of drawing, tht said crops of Mr. Davis. Vfc Tick eafsfSSOsae V!u4 of OiU $8,670.00. ! ISAAC ROGERS, Ex), 8cf't Cv4ckbt A Dbawiko. "' A geoto ia Raleigh for Sale Of Tickets: CMAtiam A Bao , Mat. L. Baown, a U.TBHPI.B, j. u. a, ioanuBii, Tooitrtoji Sl Wbitakkb. and at meet of Store, on tba Hilltbero' toad, oa tb Vara, wh ih ia included in tb Grand Gift. Alttlt AGKITrt vTAKTED HTflow To Rkmit. Money should be Order, payable to John Davis. Btroad Fsrm.aear aUlaJsh. H. C -with items. Pet ontoe, County aad State written pialary. Tickets tout by them. , THe follewtag gasileoBca. raaidlng u tbe genuineness of the affair, aad ar wall prietor of Htrood Fern s Dr. G. W. BlackasIL Proprietor Yarboro nd Machinists: B. T. Cbeathsm Bros., aaca Agsal Josish Taraar, Jr Editor Beatinel ; garni Merrill, Sapt Ralaigb Oa WOf. . .' ,7..' ;t;ii Oslt 8,470 lican to aa IanraS( n o , .-i , iJ0HK Tha atmcs of kit Who draw Gift will be ter drawing. . after aaptt-Sm f. jom A, CO, CVTTOX FACTORS AJfO 9 MS MR At? r WBOLKSAi.1 AMD JHTAUT -O 1 OjC pCU aSf. avorroartaiUmxsv aaAaa J 'JIALMIO, M, P. WkH a kaad aad are aUr reeetrlaw avarv article aasauy waa tad la the tJnaary aad iwvMBoa aaa. naaainit m pan at SO BaoOadbe, ' -. - - j lewBasbaUreas, a. SO Bbla, Sagar. ;' ' V.f NJi ibe Balk Meat,'" " "" - m aMeeB aaa, . MlagsUra, tSiVmCsidlaa, ..a I om i if .Jjl.l MtuM psoai Hi ! - . - .t L. K A L K I a tt, N. CM VMM BM i S9, 1874. nun h iiMriM n at S o'cloak, P. jijio' ;i I 87. Grindlon lajrl taef Med, ( l 68. LsddeC t dotkblll plow and '. "-' shovel, 66. Two horte Watt plow, ooe iorae Watt plow, 00 New Cradle.? 81 Sitytbee, S auger, 4 aingle- 88 8caecHalrs, 84 4 lamps, cbara, li'4 - nd large .; alotbes horse, 68 I English Fenders, 08 Fin Iron aad dogs, 87 Dressing glass, (Bntiah plat glass, mahogony frame,) 88 Oval mirror, (British plat XI jf'sa,) -St S Tea 4raya,-6.gailoa4l oaji, bencb, y) A '.X''-,i 70 Oilcloth ia hall, 71 Dihing room carpet, TS S Oream can a, akimmsr, 3 milk cooler, 1 astsior, 8 milk can, 1 keroeene can, 73 8 Bad-irooa, kitcbea fender, tin bucket, coffee pot, coffee mills, 8 bair broom, i 74 Time piece, 6 vols of books, 73 Balances and ecales, i TS Fold-up chair, oil painting in ' did carved frame, 77 4 Iron saucepan, ovsl boiler, and S kettles, 78 SO gal loo milk can, molasses gate, 4 measures 4 funnels, 79 beach and 4 show bottle at afore, .a- : i . 60 Small tcalee and weights, brandy barrels, ! 81 4 bottles, S decanter, 88. About 100. feet, plank, and gear, for 3 plows, 83 20 empty barrels, various sorts, 84 S French vases, S3 S Oresdea Vaae sad S Dres den Image, 88 S Qlsss cases, ttuffed bird; 1 framed engraving, 87 S Vol. Cook" Geography and 18 books, varion kinds, 88 Coal eauttla,aaeop aod S mats, 50 Hearthrug, 80 S tsblee, 51 EnglUbdeesert service, (green) 10 piece, 98 10 piece (Joint, vsrioas, 8 Furnace, 84 SO piece Chins, various, 86 SO i Engravings, framed snd glased, 96 :0 piece China, 97 Mabogoos sbook-csae with glast doors, bottle Jack, 98 Patent corn theller, 69 Ancient Cabinet, 100 One breeding sow, 101 " " ", tuperior cost, 6 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 18 18 SO 8 13 18.670 DRAW1SO, &c gstber la what mav remain oi tee wj acres salctj tbe drawer ot gut win purcnase ' N. 8. M. istav, . " J. fi. Esni, am b kbbbiix, u. j. klli. tbeeVwe in Kalciuh, and at Mr. Dvi' OUTalDK OK RALEIGH. sent br Regitterew Letten or Poet-oSjo All Ageau to remit weekly the amount of . I .ry. it ' Kalaigb' btv kindly bSered .to certtiy la acoualated with Mr. John Davis, tba Pro I -- HoUl I W. T. JJem & Son-, Fowader MarchaaU ; Oapt. A. W. Lawreaea, iasatv i I lotT aana or Fash aso Gift, v DAVW traotjD nw. ltaAaSjoH. advertised ke RaWgb Bhbtwbl, Sd day ' i ' r SPRING 1874. --' i aaarr' araura bat, Tbe leading Spring style ia median ladltnA Falla. Mt th mmt mm,Mi SrkmjKow ready at - r , B O. AJtDEXwS. CO Clothier sad Geabf Faraamera. j Hex doet to Taakar BalL . (. sf fttMgh, M. C " t-t rK wrtb t m stem rpwa TBOVSAVD POUKDS. "VlssalaiUrfi'"" ' - - eIStr. yrr WVOXIIAOO'S. iMwl TfaoawnffsprocmimTnrT JlBrfTCM ttTOr In. tbe erer suatted tb atuk'ua No Person ein ttkc tlfw Blllcr ' Wcordiiig to directions, ami miuun toii unwell, provided tbeir uut.es are not de stroyed by rnineral polaon or other tnoan, and vital organ wasted beyotid Impair. " uIIIom. Remittent snd Infer blttsnt 1 errrs, wblcb are so prr ra kot ia the valley of our great river throughout the United States, especially these of tbe Utttislrpt,Oirf, i,l,w, Illioois, Tomessee, Cumberland, Arkitn sas. Red, Colorada. Braxce. Uio GraiMlc. I Poarl. AUtbrna, klobiia, x,.,, n. t anese, ames, aoa tBany tlrera, anil jlbcW Wibutwles, HirouicuroTsf - caura oouiury aurtng tue Buiurucr aua ADtuton, and remarkably so during sua- ar invariably aocompaoied by s tensive de raDffemeota of the stomach and (h er, aod other abdominal viscera. In tbolr troatmeat, a purgative, exerting a pow erful Influence npoa these various or faaa, 18 osaantially nsccssarj. Thcro ta no entbartic for the purposo equal to " DaV J. WAtRk'8 TlNIGAK lill-TKiia. ltllrtf JS4Mwdi)r rcroriTBihB-rl.irir. . ooirer Mv-Mu)Kirat tBif td.tf function OX tua digesUve'prean. ' Eerttfj tht bodygalnft dineasf by purifying U Its rJuintwitb Vixkiiati Hitters. No epidemic can take boKl of a system thus fore-armed. . x Djapepsls or Indigestion. I lead -acbe, Pain in the Shoulders, Coul:-. Tightness of tb Cbest, Dizziness, So: r ErucUtlon of the Stomach, Bad Taito in the Month, Bilious Attacks, I'alpit;-.-tation of the Heart, Inflammation ol tha Lnngs, Pain in tbe region of the K,.l Deys, and a hundred othor painful vin; toms. ar the offsprings of Dy8vu..i. On bottle will prove a better guarant. -of ft merit than a lengtby ndvertiw. ment. ... Scrofula, or King's EviJ, .vn.it.. Swellings, Ulcere, Eryiipelas, Swelled Un k. , Goitre, Serofuloos Inflainmati.ini, InJol. i.i Inflamsiationt, llercuritl AlTectiim., o. I Sores, troptioni ef the Skin, Sore F.y, rtr. In these, aa in all other constituiiu!,il Ms. sates, Wuui'i Vikeqae IIitteeh lit.. " shown their great enratire poven ia v:. i moat obttiaal sad intractable ca..c. For Inflammatory and Chrome Rhenmmtism, Gout, Biiiotts, itmit tent sndJntermittont Forora, Disrascs . f the Blood, Liver, Kkhieri aud ItlaJ.U-r 'Sbeea Bitteta bsve no eaaal. Such Lni. ere cansed by Vitiated lllood. Mechanical DisfafWS.-Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, eucli n Pliuulxrs, Type-tcttcn, Gold-boatcru, w,,! atinera, aa taejr advance in Iul-, aro lubj.-a to . psialysis of tie BoweU. To guinj agsinrtthie, take sdote of Wales' V.;. boas Birrsss occasionally. ForSkin Diseases, Eruptions, Trt- ter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, SptK, I'iiiiiil.v. Pastnles, Boils, Csrknnclet, ltu.(? u"ni,-. Scald-bead, Sore Erc, ErysipcU.. Iul. Bcnrfi, BtaeelorstioB of the fck.u, lhnn.ii and Diseasss of the Skin ol' wuuiflvcr nam. or natnre, are literally dug up and cam'.l out of tbe lyitom in s tburt time ti.o u o of the Bitters. Via. Tape, and other Worms, , lurking la th lyitem of to many tltouwids are auactually destroyed and removed. No T item of medicine, no rin.lu (.., no hi.. tneuniaitiee will free the tjuria Ir .ai wnru.a like these Bitter. For Female Complain! s, in young or old, married or tingle, at tht dawn of wo manhood, or the torn of lite, (dcmi Ti.u. Bitter display to decided an inJ.i.u tL: improvkent it toon perreplibli-. Cleanse the Vitiated iilnod ten aver you Snd Ite lmpuri,fs bursting thronpli the tun in Pimples, Eruption, .r H(re; clean it when you find it obatniLtvd and (largish in tb vinr ; clean.' il when it i fool) year faelinrtwill toll vouwhen. Keep the blood pure, and tbe health of the tytteiu wiU follow. a. M. tDO! I.P A Co., DrauMi aad Q. A fit . I' ci . tJifnraia. aad ear. aT Wukianun nm! uliou rtun ntul n.uu u.. i. BI4 k UI lira g ELECT BOA KDI NO AND DAV :ll'L HILL8BORO' N. C The Mlaaaa Naab Him Kollurt !' re urn tbe azercltetoribe.rechooli.il KriiSy rb.e 1874. Clrenlara forwarJd on i.nl.it'oi deelM - JARARa, loo Cream ITreeaser). Thee Freeter bare been in tue tincc I860, with the moat flattering ruuli. They bsve well earned the reputation ui being T.Ik BK8T FREXZkR ever iutroduce.l, no cipcnne ia tpared to render thim perlect aud irupn.vtiueula have been introduced by ahluh increaaad etrengtb, durability and nentnem are eecured. They are made in tbe most durable manner and tlie . mechanical are rangemente are tuch that the will freer. Cream, Fruit, or Water Iceey tbeil.orte est poaaible time. - Bend for Circular miI .lit ttinn for fret-zing T- B. BK10G8 4 SOya niay27tf. J A S . LEFFEL'S IMPROVED DOUliLK Turbine Water Wheel POOLE A UUNT, Baltimoiis Manufacturer for th South and South i - weet Nearly 7000 now working under in IIKT. ' nearia varj Mslcct,fi head varying from U to cajrom 8 at to W iDCi.es. Tbe most powerful Wheel in the Mrkit, Aad moat economical in use of Water. Large Illustrated Pamoblet aent poat Ireo" MAHCVACTf UKRS, ALao, Of Forteble and Stationary Weam Engine aad Boiler. B.bcock A Wiln i l'..ie"t Tnbukitja Boiler, Ebaugh'. f'uthei br Miaerala, Saw and Oritt MHlt, Flouring Mill Machinery, Mchiiicry lot White Led Work and Oil Mil's, Shaft ing PuBeyi tnd Hanger. 6END FOKCIKCl'LAltS.( tabtt-wem B SBK STUCK roR8Al.lt, - btulnaaa. I Will KH m 15 or ahar , ot Ibe atock of the Kalrwb Natluaal Baak of Mortb Carolina, on reaauu- W0W.HAKK.9