THESEMINEL 08IAH TURNZOMMtkw. MONDiT, OCTOBER M, 1874. NO PROTECTION TOR LITE, LIB ERTT OB PROPERTY. -- Oar Northera brethrei say lb erf to ao lellgioa or sdscatioa dowa South, and bo uritJiofifJlfe,JbertJ,(pnplti,, Whim , they , say , this their gretct preacher it living; ia VaUts of fornication tod adulUrjwith one of tb moot gified tad beautiful of bit flock, and to utain- . td ia It by kto eBfrtgaaoo:, 1 ' , Whils, they send, Jo. Ustter down, to Alabama! to Btoteot th lojal lalim tad property, they aMirder .William Parks ' for bu mosey with, a sling tboV aad leave (lit bodjhJiog, 1 lb Itreet of the 'i n.i "j ' W KlWlri f Kaltav?n. Fill dollar tbt sort;. Did ,im maa do mora to man! terra it part. Our 6rt of feocs to tha ring aad pet lawyers was la at tailing tha Banns a, to Geortf W. Sweptoa, u vat prcpottd through ttfk bolder Black null.f Jo tbair aatlmetloa tbea beget anr dhJbyelt tVlhe party, wepsoo, the' r'og aod tbt pet lawyer prevented tba Legislature of 1871 from caoeuasiogoo the public printing,-and baa that oul not glre tba printing to "fS PnjHJl ap to. the lowaat blddor, making., as bid tgaio4 President Buford and Tom Scott. Stockholder Blackaelt, of the ivW, In form tot public tka4 rtilroadt tad ring haraaotbltg to da Wilb hit paper, the Raleigh eme. Ha Is 1hjDt about bit other paper, tba AshevUl CV for which be paM" 11,800. Wa prefer 'la bear from' tiockboldcr D'acknall about tba fi1.erthB thoJUIoigh Arwa Wa werw rtfft- tha 'Vrfeplr nf V..,.!,!..... lift, deal v the ebanrt han.Ts inT un t,mt D' CBOIBCOTTOMttlM. ."x t.-. . . , , j..,.- V-'' Dae it Saw Ola. lut to hand at this lusUv celebrated. Alabama Wa. The testimony a anenlmoae that the Ola 'faster and mekeai better- cample thaa any ether eves made. V hoe M Mr taw and trantporttilon. eapttB-tf , i N - . . .M.t .,. riO4THAaIC0UllTTN-s' , " J . Ia tha laperior Ooari jiuaiia Beadtreoa la hrr own tnhni ;. Adm'r. rt tiaaa Henit araua, -f lUua to aiaka Real ttUU Awct . r 0. Hcadcraoa. JT KcadUoa. wVt. .Hiat.wa. k. k. HatUi Ml wUay i v M. stt and wile Hut, h. 8. Webster nd fraaeia. rraakllo iCaeb awl twitt ' ItarUuL Clarence Welwtar Ve Vlr (iota, JoUa B. CeaiptiaU acd aire Martin ant leaeara Headra. '-v 1 uvi i. i ru BrATEOr MOHTH CA.ROU!ft, 7V (Ae SVurifol Chatham Cta., UrautlBEi Too are hereby oosweodad W eoniBaa Ue abote fuufi d,efeauUatI, . If they he foand Within yoaraeaatf to appear ,at (be ollloe ot Ue .'lcra t iba irtor Court toe the rovaty ot CtuUiaia, mhhiu 0 dare, alter the eirvtee ot ihle earaiawwe oa tbea, ex elaelraot the day of aaeh ecrftee, aod aaairar the co iAUet, a cop? of which wiUte d I'ROrKHSlONAL CAKD3. Ac. It ATTORUET AT LAW L 1:1 'x Offlte Bun IB of tbt (rt H0b near tk aantiiHil OIUc.-. ... June Mi , ,, , , BCaagf) V .' tidRff-.tiTi.rNO. A TTO K K j Y 8 A T I A W KALII0I1, N C o - tata and Farlanl Owrti and the CoarU o tie lit and HB TudlciaJ I)ltrlcU. , wot ai-i Agata, Whlto IIaiter to preteedag and property ia Seine, Alabama, Qtchard I There to obligedho be .from 1 11,000 to f tbl a , m.maJ Edwarda, a paaaeager la tba auanr 1 820,000 of nog money In The Aawe. Wa m.r PowtlV from 'Troy, to Ke Twk, wa 1 beitere, but wa do Dot ay it poeiliely, I lrk of tbe Baperl (wat of "cuatli.m murdered ft bta Biooey ami thrown J that pr, Htwkio bu hit 87,000 firrtl S"yVi " lK c poatted fa UnaOlee of tho CJak. uf tba ea 4 tn UMovwiiUiBl. .llenof Ul But, m head and aeaiaf tald Coark day of Wa?, ISM. r. T.PKTI'T, KTV;v4 ... ,,.r. Tbe Bar. Bar rxtareeand S BUIiard Table t-'... - .. al - THKNATIOMAL HOTEL. 'J. ; for partlenlara apply a '01 WORTH CAB0U9A MAKCAU ralillahed b aathoalty and aader laa ea- aDleae of too vanarai abmjbiojt, win laaiiad aader dtraetloa of Uit Baeratary Btata. The material for tab) work hat baaa eolteo- tad aad maoaraa be Joka U. Wkeatar. JCao.. who haa apeot a treat dual of 'Ime and labor la aoai jilt ting tt Aaahaad boakorrafereaee, it will be the aaoat eoaiprKte aad ral sable work of 'Jie ktad efr pebiunea m ina aiata. No oablie mam. or maa of baalueea. ahoald be without a oopy. It ertU he a book of aboatBuo pasaav ' CompriahigBlfapof thaBtatet tha aoaa tha and copolattao of oaeh,-ahowaif too Coopveakinal eoU lenatorial alatrioU; tha Ooottl tuUoa of tbe UnlUd autoa, with lata amcDdtoeaUr the Xxeuatlf affloera of tha United Btatee from tha kUYoJuUon to 1874. An anaraTed dhwram.iibowlaa U't 8Mtaaait I of poualatloa from iTtfii to ls0 : tha area of eaca aiaie ia eqoore muea ana toe popaiauoa of each and of eeeey equate mtle(M ratio of rwpreacBlatloB in fconraaa at each Decade. TheCoaeUtatiowof North ilaroHna wtthra. eaol amendawntai the poimlation of raeh eonaly from tta Onranlaatioa to UflU. XX eenUf, JaJielal and Latrtatatira UepartmeaU ut North Carol Loa t ataUalloal toblr of the popular eUe In each eouatr, for President boveraor: Coaareea i a apevial etotameat of the a Ballard rulere from raeorde ot eeaana. dtatbicitltalog white from aotorad the aoaa. tlee of theBute, orria of aaaia, with a II I nf aaaalura and IUi.raaanUtrvMl In tha Uan. rl Aatembly f rom data of foroatloa to pro r a ,. . .... . . v TTTilX be aolil to the hlrheet V Thandaf bidder mi tbe 17ik of September, a rue pitta act of maehlnar for overatlnir a Bboe factory. Conaltln of Wax thread Bewleg Machla-a, 1 Bote former, aad aole diet, iath Koller, Peairlaff Jaeka, Ae., Ao la fact evarrtlilnc neeeaaary for operating a Bboa Factory. Aala to take place at Mebener villa, wbere the machinery eaa bo earn at any time till day of aait. Ttrtnteb. . aaQt-U atKX WILUCyf. J. 0. 8. LM8I) JSi, ' .o- atanafactarer and stealer la Tla and I beat Iroa Ware dUHiewall Btorae, the beet ta tba world. Bona Ilka them. Tla Hoof in, tint trrlnjr and Piping- a speciality. r. yttevU)e BU.oppoalta tbe Market romp r.i P1U r alcWb, M. U TJILOWElt POTS, 5, . 7, 8, 9 and 10 Inch J riowar Pole, the beat and lightest po: eld lath ia market T. 11 BKIUOi. CONS. - Gnttffnl ThoiiRtiii.'i proclaim rnr. c$ak Uitteus tUo moat wonderful Id. r jorani that er r siuuiiicd to sink'og tyKtm. caortliut; to directions, aiil i vuuimi luiig- nircll,, provided their Lki;oio iut uo- DieoLUTlOK Of COr ABTN CBBBIP. t-a !.. ". ::..,- The Copartoarahlp hTeto'ore exiatlar is dertbeaUle ot A'klui.B Ollre, ApeL M V .1 tbladay oie4 by mataal eoSm7, V.4.: lire uow aaecord the arm and wi'l eoellrne baalaeea at the name place, my id lers t la anrrei dered o him with Ue Wt wih , UHiee rf Mm to a weU worthy tba aetrowe aod confldsece of the taMlc patttma ,r, 0. W.ATKISSOS. ' orwbnafd. ,. ,; :7 , paid to Ilolden floating v about ia tha No wonder tba South to bady goTirn- JVw. Tba 17,000 paid to Iluldea made ad bf Ut Korthera niaettrt when Ih. j him ooe-thlrd owner with Llttkfield and bare aacb preacher a Batcher, Aad rack 8wcpon la tba StonJard. A part of tba paaaohgera oa their cbrlattaa ttcamboatt. Standard property was conveyed to klaa- Lat Beater be Beat Worth for tha pMtec- age Hearne, tad heconTcjedto Manager tion offife and pcki.t bookon ateamerk, Jtorje, if ur, nawkio'a B7 0CO ia not nuu ib email icwna uae x ecatTiiie wncre I aoatiag tboot la tba Aa. wkara la it t mea arafooad dead oa tbe atreeta after I The rine hare lnctcd r u.d WCare eatharlatd Uanoonaee James W. AtvlBaoB. of fantlAallia a KkaJIdata Doorkeeper of the Senate). , jiMii uHsuaJMeifii rtr Now reetivtsa; from Dapet, direct from tba kilns, ear hwua ef Hi. U hock Uuu which a 111 be 'ld cheaper ttua the chra. est to dealers aaa aontraetori ia larew qaantiUea. Nu, L laOlan Koclt Una at l.bu. Mo. I, Kiwton. best In tbe market i n. bolag robbed of iBtlrmocey. Oh that rid0BU to Inreat thousand... , he IUki.h di.. wa aaa tne power to tana ueater ana i Af. and wa hate a riubt to know what -T't""'"r . ,?.e" Vn"m- Kirk among these hypocrite and thieve haa Nemo ot thrir monrr. a. d who t - woo aaao eaa inaa isey nnee me ngo o I rottpt It. rile aad lord it orer tba Booth; "AND TEATS HQW TOE M JNEY . GOEfL" Senile, tha late Chief Clerk of the Traatory DepartntCBt, did not hare a bio modest appreciation of hia tcrrice to tbe old Syadtcata. Ia tettiiog hia accoun't la tba Traaaory it waa found that h W know mmt of the penam ab fur niihed money tu st.rt tha ilVir . II we badaStdowt to ffaepaou aa l Uio lioif, no AWm would bna erer bt a heard of. Who repreeenta the 'money luroiahid through pet lawyera Jr. in Bita Tweed' riagiu New Tork, to the Ralvixh Ji'ewa II Chief Jueiirrn Pearson, aith Uoidoa, Kirk and Btrgeo w ra raiding around In Oaewdl and Alm mce. as ther did at the Aogutt election Ja-1871. with the writ of kabui rorpvt tuapcodci, Jud);e A. ht. TklWLU. gcnt ebargad a baadeoaM aura for hia work aad a liberal allowance for cxponaaa. , Die I Kbit. CoL Geo. Wiiliameoe. and tata hn talary per quarter of three moatbt wu 1 mow J an, wa wf ra oalled oa 1,000. I.addio. b. red per da, rBddo: M urm, iu auni-oi w, boo ror me I taoar op Dr. Uawkina. JVanaeer Btoaa . . U K W It X..VW oni'ioK, On Court House Snuara KALUGU, ll C. pjct.1 atlention Ktveii to Sa'iui(of Hoaie aUada, la raw of the lata dtetram of the Bo- prwne Uoan ol the t one I eui on Ihetuie feci. Cv.OVli.IVa BrMnit! tarn time hia mileage wu $3SJ, all the amounta being la gold.:' .ID aalary, thui, waa aot far from f 1,00a a moat, or mora thaa aay civil oiScer recaivea under tba gorernmeei asoeptiog the PrcaiUawt and a few fpreiga miatottra. -Thlf to almost equal to Judire Dick aad Btockbolder Blacknall. aad tha RaU eigh , Aawa. Wa have no time to take part in your fight Wa wbippml out Uatager Uearne, backed by Preaidrnt Buford and Tom Fcett. a editor ut the Catvliniau. We ahioued him mit acam aeditor of the Charlotte Dttteh, hack, ad by tha biff lirani-h ring at Chorion. not waippau out Manager Stone aad appointing , Billy Smith rucciver pf the Utaell, backed by railroad Preidentasni Waatara. Hortb Camiina Btiirood after I lney ainkinii 82o,000 in rnaninx received money improperly, and allowing iotitt that il tk people are beoest they arjotld encourajro aa more combination gamst me cisirrrrntb. wnnae only m covjtma. aim vs.OiW tor lets ibaa otn diys work. Tha Jadga oe to church oa Baaday, aad oa weak daya lectorrt oa tha Wotaea of tbt Bible. That pute him all tight with men who thiok tocb appoint menta Immofaf at 'well a dangeroo to tha beati'tjilMm of tha 8tata and oori poratioa. Ia eld timet a Jadga would for feit hi ekarwcWr fey auch appoiotm-nt. ' BIKO PAPIRi There art mora riof paper m tbe Btatc . thaa ia Raletglj.,, ptocfjtM 83ih instant inform tbe public that certain gaotlemea are the stockdldert, and no railroad or corporation hold atock fn it. The JVewt aay further that a card a aeot to, u for publlcatiou lira daya ago aad we have not publihed Tt, -itfHni f to- Ir-waaJ Wa re: garded the card a a great 'pied of Im pudeoce obt tba part of aumo who afgaeJ it, aad a groat piece of ignorance on tb part of 'othera. Dr. Bl -ckoall aad aoma U tha to-called tock holder have bean regarded -by tbe public a tockbo!du unco the Ulper Brat atarUd, mora thai two taar airo. TbtlMMr WUBtarted h.- Dr Ifawk ina I ,keV ai.d fberrnf mea that the 8:imstL had Clr,.-... beaajghfiagfor six yaara, with a little cX'." aouad of ok lawtcra bm.I i.tiixni. ur. Crawo. don't nroooae to flvht tha w.lrk.JA.. Iiirlfn4- n w, varniwa,, SAlitora lit taw JKmw t-aoxpt la one way, jjn,... aad that to by a commrttaa apymated by Daphil,' !!!.'.' tbeIiii,ralraau1h.io1o Edwcimbe' aamatoa a-ttsvttaea. and take aastimony at Ponrthe, OUT IX KOHL o s-.. frankUn, war iapwr,of Gaston, RlDganooej by llaOUModt wet put in to, tha Xhw-W.lm. uM .u .... Oram-Ule, .... (.. ... mV. psj lureene, againit the party haa been that it refuted 10 tell OUt to Bweoton and a lit tla annaJ of lawjert and Prmidento who were teckiotr their u advancemant againat the interest, of tbe State aad tha people. . - J f i. .. , , . orriciAU - Alamsnee,..' Aleaaader.. AUcluay.. asne,m . Beaufort,... Bertie...... BlaJca, Braaswick . itnntombe,.. HTM, ..... Cabarrua. .. VI.III viHien,.... , Carteret, CaswoU,..,.. Catawba, ChaUum,..., For (Jot 1872. OiBlford, aa t Oraliam. ... Halltsx, Harnett,.... Haywood,.. Headersoa. Hertford,. . . fifty or at in the dollar 'of iterxpeosea. Tha tawawaBad ttdtaeaca of rtnga aod ring aiaa who bad beta dele- ttd in rob biag Ik, arajtp j.ft f ll ooO OtW, went to anoport it, aad It could aot have lived a day w uhoataouriabaaeat fr-w tha rail road aad otbar ring. - Tkeaa'iognes, and rings, and pet law. yert (-Ceredta) bay wot tha8airriRBt, aad to and as to Coagraaa. To have sold to tbea would bmatved to hit family the property of ioeiah Turner, Br , who wat oor aacvitf tWMtvacai tbouaaod doiiarai - His real tatato ia Orange waa worth all ofl Meatfromery,. tnliaM Tk.W.UiL.rn : I f. wTOivvv" l. i "1 .jet nnsj aosj petlawyara waa that we would evil to save tfctv property1 of aur aeaarity. ? Ooe of tba pet lawjert to argued to b(hra who wars ia lbs axwapiracy to laaka, ua SetL Wa did aot tell btcauee It wat treason- toHfiY 'yritf.if took tlie eonaa ajueaeet aad It was bitter aoouxh, , Wa WchwoW: " J at I. ' " tl .a. . a I bkas WllaMaTfaNI laDV a. CM ,IM lOf DrUpfTT J Of I "uu77""7- Jeadak Tomer. d j JeaUh TL Jr., aader the ihtriTf hoimer before wa would tall to tha ring aad t pet to y era. Than waaT that tbs rMij aad pat htar ytrt apt ap. aUaagcr Iltaraa with' the . tboan as a "rocue aad , tblelm-Mawagar Hearee played oat, aad tbea SoM wat tti UeBagera and UxaalU, Mark yea, llanaer Heefta had aotbltg V taH,' and Stone and TJuell aotblag with which to buy,, ami! -tba ring Could furnish the money.. Tti 1 well kaowB la tba community where the three managers, Hearne, St ma and U II have Uvad. i Mow the ring mea aad act towrart err oaf wV ate aH loal to Iredell, Jacksoo Johnston,... Jones. Lenoir,v... Lincoln,..:. Macon...... Madison,... Martin McDowell... Mecklenburg, aiHraeu,. Natra...' N. Hanover. Northampton, vmsiaw,... Oimnta. ... PssqaotankJ rerqalmans Person, PlttT! Polk I Randolph- Rowan. Rutherford, Pamrjaon. .. BUnley,.. Btokes,. ... Iwaf' " TransTtvanla,. V1 ntoa, . . . Wake...... Warren. Washington, . visuaipa, ... WiTse, ..... WUkee, WDion,... Tadkln,..v. Tancey...... ..Total,...'.., 1270 545 S 114 na 1331 44 law 711 15BS MB 1101 to WU 1415 IWt 17T4 m 57 9IW 10W lUM 1141 W8 18M KM 17S0 14-4 KM 1475 WT 754 l!f7 7N3 mi m . 447 SOS 674 . 81 17J7 en 14M1 550 014 m 655 K 19R5 708 951 1 m 475 1055 nia lows 8U1 11H5 , not 643 1110 834 1.SK4 not wtt1 165 1654 787 lotrr S4 ut VH0 8S o7 m 1029 8W 11U0 l(l 174T 1(B4 1810 7S BUS 1015) IMS I 101 7il '"15851 16141 144M1 7USI 11141 flu! 8I 5541 TM 14581 4351 742! 141 647 S7tf2 4W 16101 BK, lOHoi STuI B4.V2 111M 15t10 S3I 6121 9U5 44 1831 Bup't Publie luatraetlon. . 18.4. SIM 43) . T6 9Hj 810 immI 13741 1871H laoj 641 10481 619 WI fta 053 BH1 13B4 5)41 1VW; mi 1U63I V10 81 17751' S43 law 1 1301 1118 10131 1434 1 tHM' 82 Hi 47j Ml SMS1 . 8471 853 1W 12H 1153 bhh, low tot una 7ao ' ISfll tal 1-jos 1UM 1U 815 1114 840 627 750 1J85 1351 laot 806 6W7 828 V37 1317 1146 815 744 1418 KIH 17W0 829 1143 10W 164 HA 776 sum lrlUS 813 am WptO OHlilgi 80046. 416 873 713 1623 64tf 1MU3 638 I8 80S et4 584 13H4 W9 8158 833 SflO 107B 14t3 BCW) 'Are 1825 :VBtHt 670 lvao 814 1837 18M 1654 1557 T34 1W6 635 656 ' a a 850 SUB 870 848 8640 V23 646 4W1 191 820 1418 725 635 Blotxl and Llrer Nrup! ATI eaUMoaa emotions on the f-tee or bodw Indicate An InrtiBB CbarHTio torraa Buioo I aad this may, or mar a t be toaorui- bnt ta either case the diaeaaeis arthinK more than sa imsidioob rwiaoa that BCUXa UK B A TlKKIBLE JIBI, as It ooaire Uiroaajh thai veins, suariog aeetl Of death with e, j pnlnaiioc. In tlwroaditiii of thin; something; ie aec tut ar oaoa, to oiaaaaa tbb aujoo ; and BCOVlLL'd B1XMD .SD LIVEri firRUP Wi 1 rosi-nm.r cfltit this deslderatam. ex pvllinK every trioa of Owi .t trout taw blood and ayttcat, and leaTiuK tbeikln bUfT, FAIR AMD BteUTirUi ; Hundred o' eerttllcatea attest It Tain. Pnoe (1 jwr buttle. JOHS T HK RT, CURRN J t O . Prop'ra, o anUB College Place New Tmk. a LfiO PROPKIETURSUf Hall' Bulnun for the Lnnira, Carbolic 8alva, P.dry's Car ho He Tifecne, OxyKenated Hitlers for Dy.pepaia, Dr. MoU's Uv erKUi Dr. koc.-rs' Wtveuhl W"nuSrai, Dr. Bunnell's Bare Dmthto Kale. Mice, and Vermin, Kaantan HairDje, Itc.Elc. rriRSALC BT A it; DttUOOIST. mar V-lm-w. t .: , : . tatdaiac tha fntura by the (tot -w enter v Ik euhBJence apoa th e our new rabir l'rtae of sepirallnKoar Wholasala from obi Mciau iraiia, ny oavinr a ae urate awl dls linot Hwh ior eaah; and ia aomg sa waf1 Baiter oaranfta that it wlU not only the approval . or our hurorrou eastomere, trat tha an " Eicluel'a Wholeiale Hoaae" wui brimt n a la'Ke luflax of aew trade, aut of a charaelar aot heretofore eejored It raast be obvious to every bayer that aansiy n noieaaia . noa." anal adapted for that trade only, with a cor; I at exueneneej wtrereeele Ba'eamen. with Block carefully selected for that 'trade enl and moreover, the avoidance f eonlm I contact with retail buyrra, which we and yoa a i have nereiorore fouid to be ao Irk aome, aa il fneaeatly happea that the re tail buyer ia your very neighbor, (perhaps your o n ctuloiner). enih a honse, w aeritostt and will eoeuatead ttaalf to tor Potir yem co w advrrllied that w la end4 in ruaVe Lha lo ta a aholeaale mart ad oji -Tua Whoosh) House." We o I are the tou4 satitf ictl a of saving It an acoi-mpliaht'd fact- " ' " ' We now call yourattentlon to the fact that wo have converted our u ero store Into an exclusive Wbolawle tloiue, where-yoa eta uuu ao iiawa n rovua aceaaary ror t t un wy tiora, unin ui; uouds. Ivthlac, Bmts. Choi, hsta, Noll ins, Oioceriea, Uunlwartt, MillkMry, ail tn complete liaea, miv)iut iu iBTa-e iuaauuca ana irvia tha vary Ml. liar stoea. la aaw arrlvlnr aad will baanv plete about the 1st of Beptauibet, and will be the htrajtel af any here, the prMrnslont of etheia ja Ue contrary aotwlihstaBdlne' We respectfully invite your netaoual Intpec- uoo, vr write 10 ms ror cireaiar Verv truly jour. WITTKOWdKJ t KIN fsX8 RETAIL. Now, a fdW - word about that Wa xoiy tha sauerb bouse heretofore ao fa vorably kr.oan a the Meatra. Biem, Brown v lot , Urt tioocu lioujw, toetnroooa Retell business, and sa "Excelsior" I, and bas alw a hat . been, onr nrnfo. wa claim alM m that Uae to excel in atoch. to exoel faa loee of rince. and tn iel bi-tII. .! vrwii. in mat house, hare a corps of thirty ra'er-B, and ea'r Ladlua, all tx-i (HTwnce u una. ara ooiiKinir. ne wui Bat at vam xuiukry brsjH-h atoec- K. Ball, " ' .,'...., i;.-. BVu4 la yomr order at oace to - . , ilium aibuaaa, . Mid vatooaasuar, - Agents" wanted la every seualf of tha Stats BIHonrBpmittcnt fifl Inttl . miUcut Fcrers, wblcli arc w prera 1 1 . L " . f. w eu wis nova. ' yuaev-ain - :.a V -JjOBTll CAROLINA , STATJE RALJQOn, 5. C. -'' CapltcU - i- 0200,000 At and of first fiscal tear has letnedlovei swi roncee witaoai awstaiamg a aagie Pradent economical aud aaetxetlcmanaa-e- ntawi na aiaaa n a suaEssPUL coapoRATioy. ThlaUompanv lasuca everv desirable form or r aliens at aa tow n.ia a any other rtrai biaa iompany, , Impoaaanoaialam reetrktloa dene or travel apoa real- Haa a Ixad pa'd ap vain oa all pollciea af- aal pairucnta. ter two attaa aad laveetad hoaae at ef It entire assets are loaned AT HUME, to foster and anterrisea. Thirty dare araee allowed fat cava With th farts before them win the Morris of Morth CUn eawtinaa t pay . saauaily thousands apoa thousands efdullara to baild ap rweiew unmpaalea, when talltv. Chrlte, N. Aag..lS-d3m. Aa W. no, istc T UMBER JP ALL KINDo fUH ISAIX 1 will deliver any where Ut tba city at cheap .u T .mi i iirauer iuim: zuut tmi of swaoned tootlhr htad. A ddrees at at ttSietA'uW ' i- v Jnueitf. J. f. 00ODWJN. 00000 m w iw 355 11NU 1327 llS$ WW liM) 4tr 733 tri 4N8 624 1488 1W4 140s 3 7 70i 78 846 7.17 8323 lH 835 1210 tvw r3 831 8400 11H 1024 87U 420 8575 874 15U5 8555 828 828 518 808 148 1186 1055 848 43 817 1819 17271 842 615 1381 8748 R I H I U M. Heapjrs, Motrors X Separators. In Aora tha eekrwated tlnamptoa Reapers Mowers combined, which tonfc fiiat premium at 'be last fair. Alao can tnpplt at any point on the Ksilroas the Uulter -itnr Cleaner, and "air iter at Manafacturar's price with fre ht id led. Drdort' Solicited at oure to aocure machtcos In time for the comlric Harvest JAMtB M. TMWLE, Agent auy29 4 ' u MVi hBITT OP VIR01S1.V t-'pens Octcbaf I: eontlnnaa thruairh :-. months. It l ortrsnUed In schools on the el.-ctivs.yih ui, with fnll cooraes In Cltssic, Literature. Science (with practice la cal and Physical, in Law, Medl- e as, aiiKuiorrinit, i evening aad Airrlcnlturr, Ai.ply f rtlatuloirufa to JAMES f. HVKRt BiiN, (Jlislrmin, f o University of Vi glnia, Albemarle C Vs. July 95 iiwcod T IPTO ALSION. W are nq j. sicl to si.Mwnre tbst Tippo Alston, col., ut t'lmtliain. ia a candidate for auaitiant Loori.sir ( the r-enate. aept 14-f Ptwck C. Fnaiaa, Do-igaer. T.U MiBBl, Zn;rare. E N N I 8 S 4 D A It R I 3 RALtlOH, N. U. 19" Bead' for (peclmen of wo k. 0O4M! maeh leas thaa MortlH-ra prtcra. Work 815 1331 IW7 8118 7601 17W 834 1078 16S7 18 (WO 7M 1858 87 81 aw 14 80 11 maj. BH40 81118 785 67 17W 955 1129 718 1631 TjEPPIR'8 (ALCON . KIdTAfJRAM 1 JL. WBITB FanlT, Wilmisotoh St., Second Door foutt of ni-e1t Btreet, Near ai oia piano, now kaowa ss the 'Haratta House," R A L E ( fi U', N ,' V. . W. K. Prpper, tha most dirttoxTiUWd Ca terer la the nuth, 1,1 opea kU new faloca aad Ret turaxt a above, Wday, Tbtrreday. Uctoberlst The brat of evcvtblnR in tbe Kwneas am ne-mono t repper's, served Bp in Pet per-e best et la. MTfolk Oyster. Keal at an hoera. net 18m W R. PEPPER. Hithnoro' Berarder aad Iarbw Tonteeo r.ant copy a moatna, OOOUO JROCs.RY HOUfK OP - :....... D . J . E L L I 8 . IliLL-a .no' 8r August 17, 1874. la Order that I mar mska a ehanra ta a. busineae. I btrhr notifv Bf natron am friends th it 1 111 eloae my bocks oa the Ut nay w eeKnoer. ana from tbat data the cash mast a all ease be ra d befortr tha gooda leave tfa stnra, or on delivery. I eW spectfully ask all who are indebted to me to cell at onea and settle tbelr arcooiits 1 banking all for their kind patronage I am with moch respect . Tour Traty, ug 87 8t ,.,c , . D. i ZIXIS. ptwt cepy times ' - . ( OHAHD. tQfJAriE AND UPRIGHT Pianos rifrived upwards of rifTT nusr PHEM1U.VS. and are among the neat now mane, every inMrument lul:y wrrarHi d ftir Ave yenr. I'rlcra a low ar the rxolonive uae if the vary beet m sir rial ina inc most thorough workmanship will xrmit. The principal piani-ls and com 3pr, and the pinno-pim hating public a me oouiu especially, unite in to Jimnimrm rdict nf the tuperiority ot the Blitfl Piano. Tbe Duraliility ol our instiumeou i iuhv eat boshed by over bixTT rCBitniA aod College in the South uting ovr 300 of r ur Piaaoa. Nilo Wholwale Agtot for several o( the principal msiiufacinrer of Cabinet and farlor orn; price Tmiu 830 to 8000. A liberal disc.-unt to i lerjnien and 8ab-J oaio ccnoo;. A larjje ua-TMluient of. aecondhaud Pianna. at print ranging from 873 to ovnr, Hiwuj m hunrt. Hemi tof IlluaiMlrd ; Catalogue, con- iinni me n.mi-a oi vir 3,000 South irm-r- wn nve bought ami are usinc ik.. ci:: a in e .HIT H fj CHAH. M. ST1EFP. Warcroomr, No. 9 North Liberty St DAl.Tlunne Mn Factmie, NAM famdea 8t. aod 43 ti I'erry ut . , , , i B. KlNGSBCBf, LIKE AND PIKK I.NSUltANl'E AGENT KALI1UI1,M c. . tv uca oie uoorct ath of Tartoro' House.) Jti'Mil- U, L,t 'waneaCow nary ; W. o. Home Hre Compsnr; L rerpool ..f .w? ,na vlotm ' t oinpsaj i 1 hei " ' ' " v'.miianj i ne rarn.villa f r Co. lh,,!,r.,'"t, Merrlmon, Di. OeorV Blacknall, Dr. kurn tirissom. Rev. A. W. Maiwain. Rut J v. ai.i.. n 1 V. Btroi g. Eta. " Haviair u B in tha busiaes for epreseniing nrsi Clare Uompanlat Jlf.,0 k'"',lrbar, of patrouace. w . i they eaa ea Bally reliable, are premium toe; ta oar owa But Deo tiler WEO. a HILL. Afeat kakuxh. cure laaaranca Mai oaipenv cqnall and ewery dollar's premium ibey pay be loan a tod la vetted ta oar owa But, aad i ar owa peojuer NOTICE OP fORECLOdUEK Of - ' - MORTGAGE. By virtue of eertala aowar aoaferred apoa Calvin 8. UlUaBeld la aad by a deed of aaortt-atwevaeetadby T. r. Lea, ta aald LH UeAeld on the Wlhy of Jasuary 1871 and registered la boak Wa. 81, oa pace 501 la th Otttee ot ttaglater ef Deed for the eountv of Wake ; which aald mortgage wa oa tha 84th ay of January 1871 asetirned oy aald Little- ww iu uaai aaaaos a. unwa. ay oaed or the date last aforesaid, and regltltrod la book No 81 st page 5 la aald odce, who to wit, tha aaid James K. Green Mthtaed the aald mortgage to theBt Aagustlne Normal School aad ColleRiata Institute by dead dated aeta day of June 187. and ma-latarail la H,k Nr. M at peg iSiia said offlee, which said cor po ratioa asahrnta tlx aaid atortcaca to ma bv deed dated tha 80th day of October, 1874. and also br Vtrta of a tamta? we me nL-l K ik. aald Tf Lee to John M BbbUbji, dated. tha XKt day of July, 1871 and registered la Hock 88 at pace 878 ia aaid oitiaa. whiehasidMnrt. gaga hat been assigned by said 4 M Boating tO me t I WlU OB aUnh. tha Mil. a.-;j Jaaaary 1878. exooaa to aabllai aaa a aLk oa tha premiaea, the lot u the city at ttaieJfc-k known aa Ue BUnd .rd Offl -a property, oeinc part of lot No. a m the piaa afd eilv.aad bounded ae follow; BeglaoiBg at the South Western corner of the lot anar- t ! the Mid John M Baalinx, thenaa Soatb, wtih anaj mm BUI BB u a? aWavriasVl 1 lak at law aaa SI rv feet to tha lot aow owned by James Heorv : "29 " WUmlaiftoB Btrect t thence North, Sfty feet tt tha lot ot the mid isant. , weaoa new m aayettevuia street Tne amount ana m tha art .k.u Iloeid nortinn Uthiuiuau The amonui uae oa the second above men- morvragw ia aooatf VIW0. csji jaue uXMKT MORDECAL lent in tlio valley of our great rivjy t Uirougiioiit tne uiiltnu stilus, twpccuuiy tllOtO Of tbO lliaaisal)i, Ollio, allaftoWl, llliuols, Tennessee, Cuiiibori.-nKj. Arkan sas. Itcd, (Joloiadolrazos, Hie Ontinle, 1'cai I, Alabama, MoUlo, Sat ituiiiib. Uo anoke, James, mid iiiany othcit, a itli their vast tributaries, tlirotighout our cntiro country durinjr thc Bumnicr niul Auturnn, and rotnarkably so during sca tout of unusual beat ami dryness, are Inrariably nccoinnnnied by cxtenaiva do rangrjinctitt bf tlio utonmcli niul llrer, and otber abdominal viscera. ' la their treat inont, a tmrsativo, exerting a iott - erful inlluciic-o upon tlicto various or gans, is t'SMmUiUly niccsaary. Titers u no catliurtie for tlio purpose equal to Dr. J. U'alkkk's Vixegau llrrrr.its, at lney ntil awcdily rcmovo tne dark colored vUiil uiattcr altli alilcti tbs" bonrcts arc loaded, at tlio tamo time itiinulatiug tlio secretions of tlio lit er, mid Rcuci-ully restoring tlio lioaltliy function of tUo digcxtivo organs. Fortiry Die Wdy against disoasn by purifyinc all iu liulda tvitb Vixegau IHrrEiLS. No cpidouiio can talio bold of a system thus fore-armed. Dysnfirsia or Indigestion, IIo:nl fiche, Pain In tbe Sllouldcrs, t'otil, Tigbtoesa of the Chest, Dizziness, isi:r Eructations of tlio Sbxnncb. IJiid T;uto in tba AiouUi, Bilious AtU.'kt, pulpita tation of tba IJoart, lnllam tint Ion of tlio Lnngs, Pain bi tbe region of tlio Kid ncys, and a hundred otlior painful symp toms, are tlio offsprings of Dygpcjiw.-i. One bottioB'il! provo a bettor guarnntco of its merits fbi Jmigtliy advertise ment. , . - Scrofula, ot ' 'a Kill. wi,it 8waiiin, (Jteere, Erj uiiailna, Ba-ellil Kixk, Goitre, Bcrofuloue Iiiflauiiiwiioiia, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affection, Old Boraa, Eruption of the Skin, Sure Kj e, etc. In these, u in all other countitutlonul Dis- emoagl asea.trxLKEa' Tikkoab DirrKita havo tbovrtt their great curalivo powers iu lha most obstinate and lutractable cases. ' For Inflamniatorj and Chronic Rhearnatisiu. Gout, niiioa. ncmit- tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the lllond. lircr. kiduors and. HI .!.! these Ditters hare ao ennal. ucb Dixaset are eaaaed by Vitiated iilood. Mef hanical Di-tenJMM, Persons en caged iu Paints and Minerals, such as Plumber. TlPO-iu-tterA. Colil-heatnra. anJ Miners, as tboy athance in lu'u, are aubiwst to paralyaia uf Bid TJoew-?o-rorit against tuia, taxo a ucw of tviLkxa a Vin koaa BiTTtaa occaniimally. , For Skin Disposes, Eruptions, Tet ter, Selt-ltheom, liintchea, Spots, Ilmpk-is Puitnlet, lloils, Carbuucles, King-worms Scald-head, Sore Eyes Erynipelai. Itch, Scoria, Diacolorationt of lira Skin, Uuiuon and Diaaaat of the Skin of wbatavor name or nature, are literally dug up aud carried aut af tha ytem ia a abort tiuie by the us of thaaa Bitters. t Pin. Tape, and other Worms, lurkin ta tha trttomof ao manv thuoaamU. are aBectuaUy destroyed and removed. yum ol medicine, no veruulugoa, no aa thelminitlca will fro the eyetciu uvui worm afca thee Oittara. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at thedaxm of w -manhood, or tha turn of life, theao -I'onie Bitter dirplar to decided an Influence that impror "ieht it toon pnrceptilile. Deanse the ViUated Wood when ever yoa find Its impurities banting through tbe akin In Pimple, Knrniion, or Sore: clean at it whea yoa find it abstracted and tlnggith m tha veinr ; clean it whoa it It Mai; your feeling will tell roe when. Keep tha blood para, tad 'If health of the sriteui will follow. O r A cu.. TTIErCREiT RKSLEDT FOU corJsunPTior. ift do cureqaJ)y it . vr SZ TT sa,sar V tcstimoniala received by the proprietors. It U acknowl- C(ged by Tnany prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and ,mre of cii Lungcrn.plLinl and is offered to tho )ublic tauctioucd by tho expei ienco of over forty yenrs. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails fo'efl'ect a speedy cure ii: Hie morf severe cases of Coughs, ft onchitw, Croup, WlMJOjiing Cougli, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side Liver Complaint, IJIeedinj tit tne itungs, &c Vlstar' Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause " behind, as is the case with most preparations, bat it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, . thus removing the cause of the complaint. a PBtvAano bt "f Mill 4 80IB, Bettaa, aaUbythtmaiidDealawawaataUr. A New Discovery ! i Phaloi V I T A JI A VAX X J. A ej Salvanon for the Hair. CLEAR A4VATERI Wr HUBaSEDiAIKN T 1 1 . OrEStiJIlU I.ICIITI ! Fsr Restorlnr to GraSffair in Origtnai CetcrJ er . . ..WW aSTv yv rnAtx)N "viTAi.aitrs ut terly from all fhanlatr coloiiiif? Ticrctotorc usttl. sweet sme'iin'r'" precufltates no muddy or siun v aiatrer.requires parts no stain to the skin. Hold t tcthe light and it is clear a:! L!ess. It leaves r.o PMrk on thesca?P! yet it reproduce s in gray haiNinatura! color tlut time or sicktmbvi m:iv u:ie bleached Out of tPhalon's VitallL?! It of tc cr- , n. ttv IKwtst and Oea. Artt...-nr. ahalioa, Califorala, aad aor. ef khJ i h.iritos Hat, K. T. BaM hr aU UnwfM. aad Dawlaee. JKLLrB P ATX NT UKBaiLLA-Bnt. It tit Bngtrlaa, WtjieMoaU, Baddlaasae other opm Vehlclee Thtaaaceedtoxiy m enlons and useful Invention auppllee a want lona felt bv tunaa et.i ri.u ta lulL It i o drnpht la tta eoastracttoa that a child aaa Bjanaa i after once ouaervuu the apoa. . aoo aeaaiaaa-ar the appearance of anv n u k.. Can be Pl.oed at in aVnikn i.T,r'j 71 any diric Uo. wlU, parfeciiS " oea aot la aa It can be so disposed between thaehkiM. h ik. .Tr: of a thumb screw, a to be entirely out ef th . n wui sunnci oersotia rldinv la l. I eonvenienc whatever. Any persob of ordl-1 R Bare mind e-n i. ki. iTi.i.,. . I ' W ft dlrecth.. It pr ea 1. .Ithiuths . . t?. IT? 'bcri' s tha B h but, reach ot all. Sear ..i . I ' a fine dirk bav Mare stout tva t .Kl. a -Z- l" Tcniciei jj b . J . . - b-.w wun. aav aiaa ar aa il T HI'MCTrnLLT ARKO0NCI MT. A aslf aa a eaadlda'e for AlUttaot Door keeper of the House wf HepresemUUve. JWmfereocal refer to the memawra from uaw wy v lotj f fajiBjBjlt u f y. Cat s-Id ALBI"t" WIUJAltS. T0LB.V. will saitltL The mi k rnl. I I ai. .nA .. 777. r.vU?,t I sWtrwav' v".!:' trr? r wa aoo county ttfebts for sale. Addret I WAG pa ClOK ALL WHO ARB WiUJMd 1l 777 vwmm, ih or juwnr. Ol -ea, can make from 810 to 830 per Week, at BIWtM. . hi ... ! . 1. . . . . TV. . 7 " """m n wim ouier ouaineea, Wanted bvalL liuiti.u i .nk.. ZZ' . " "J w iry, ana any aeasoa of the year. This ia a 'ai opportunity for those who are ontof l!ZlSZi'tt'Dm"tf' to "nsksen ladepea- dentlivimr. No ca.ltal beine; required. On? paropuiav "HOW TO VI AC a A l.i vrwi i , giving full InstrncUonn, sent on receipts of H eenta. Addresa, A. BUKTON A CoVf orrt ania, Wettcheaur Co.. H. T. TDANB: eTOCK OR SALE. vming U,imto bturaees,l .wiu aeU lO, War a ahama nl ik. .j ,, J? I M.U.i ...u V-r7.. a .ij. , v .wrwi varouna, oa reaaoa- ""M- ppy to RlU&AkU) W. HARRIS, baioewd Oxford.N.0 ANTED TO RENT. A BtaSeDleiajBll alta.l i.i ... rm Sam. v.i.-1. - . . r. 7 . .-. 1"'e " "o wito eiarbt or tea rooma, for which a liberal rent will ba paid. Would prefer a futaleaed kousa. bquireof Jao.a. WI.lUmatorpartie.ilar.. S ept81-lt CUbVER BROg. Ty'I at wiiai ad o aanouoca that W. - x.. uai.uiii nrjni..i i. - . .... i A.l. ... n . ... . "7 ' vr-mi. - w Ta..pur vl ue Beaste j -.- ' - - - ja aaara n memn. rrt i. kihiu. j . I Jier.i rae waa taken from a lot In tba nr of Z!?l2i('!,n.kY"t- A ts'teble raward will ba ( aid lor Information leading to her '"V'"J Aanrcss, ' '. A. tt. JONES, t 8 W3taw3 r Gary Wake County. jg-olEL or PlRiT'LA83 BOARDIS0 j UOUBI WITU FITKMITURX. 4o' i . For rent, Tba notel property corner of Utim aad ommerca tii-xU N,,triL. IJZS, . "re large anil well ventilated, with hv,ii is tor one sole purposo teproducing,v'th i .a".:, t .1 catntv. tne natural jcior ot tr.e hair. It is noUftende J as a daily dressiueJnor for rcmo in' Wurf.or jkMruiT: nor fur cu ring bajflness; nor for sri ul.i tmg Thes plish fixed Ion's rator. rtrw ar I IIS V ItAI and unequalcd pr the reproduction ot" nfcJ nue ot pray nair, ing else. This is ac in tromtwototcna according to i .-a growtn ol trie i.w., objects mav be aci-om- after the color liao In t r the Vital ia, by Pha . .emical Hair Invigo hariiiltM ationli-r ie oriri- d Tioth , i i jpllSiltJ cations. of shade wqutred. ! ithej 5'all drupg;sts ROUERIES AN ) - pruparv co 7???? tweK Norfolk. Ka , bavimr been tooraugbly repaired andlmprovad,IUba renorfeaeeowlth tha Fnrmtara, e.ioa t-wble taram. The chamben-aa'taUSi . veaiuaiad. with Bell KbI4;: Tb! oa uSaoritd omnglB the eeatratif trade, lkla houtTln Hj-.orU,a arSam eii.t.nM I?? a thia ij.,iZ. m " oaiiaasav ;. aut 77 Sawtw W.B.WaUH80N, 1 hive Jual receive 1 s fresh s'.ock of FAMILY GROCERIES Also, a selected stork of Wliikiet ' low: OLD iMFiUJAU !Ai IN jT, OKoiiQi.1 crri, . i.At RIBV.-BETT. i:vc o.l varlout t FOR TIM HOT WCATBER TAOO !;W;h l t e ; V G S t 'S: BLACK AUM0A .: ftACaTS lira worWo mm,. --.. .ivvno, . w uiia i- uiiyav j .,; ,-ToaU.Viod Hot ClotlllM'fM Olwat VarbS.riaU''aaJ.'i - r- - - - - " ''af w wterw ivvaivvu sjs. sum. July i-tr R. B. ' ANDREWS a CO. tT.sye'.tevills Street, iSaiaigb, k. 0 ' ' ' ' ! PATENT BAippiwi nu 121? Tw? D"l Millions bate I iMCn -- WAiUt... a,h.. a. aaa ro j All EipreaaComnanlM .. ' ? 6uUaom 'arywhera. FEMALE 8IK1NABT, ,,j :::.. 7KtBisa,:N.o; r T. P. HOROnrtn a u ltttiS?? Beaslo, opene on fionday, Ba WOtw- Par AaautUa oiner nratius Brandlee and Wines of all i rides wlicj i am eellirg very cheap. U 1 r d see lot- jour eelf. ' " '.. W. (41 1.1., oct B-tljaa , Mvk.i t S.iiirf, haliit-l', M NOTICE. . . , " rtiTiuiti. S To all parsons who tt m srM'i ui ltxs for tha ywara 1871 aod n, S 3 1 l.e el ) ive notice to them, that if ilic c""' '- 1 "x I1" onorbeforethaWHhintUol.. Hmt Uon till belsmaed arait.i ll.em, " be levy haa already been mad- and Uk' cofcfetsed. . Tlii is tbe last notice hi .j these who fail to comply maj i n t to eix Unir namee pwhlleked beaidet U pav .fU. Sept ttd T K. I.EK ol.lir. i,' T OAft "fORDi"OF SEASONED FISH AjJ Wooddellve rdfon8H.T5Cs-b rend roar orders to J. D. tills atore on llilhboro Street, r .' - i augl8-8awtf. 1 r

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