, , . . , . . I f . ...... . i. , , I , , : n - 1 4' , Kr , ' : I. V I . V .'' ' .V UIMBERS ELECT TO THE GEEERAL ASilMBLT OF . K03T1T CAKUL11M FOB i n- . I ho following lUtoaeot of lb mabtn clecUd to ttt Ocneral Assemb'y, mIumH gotU coaaldertd .sorrect. Tta imm a other member wIB ba added umed. II U qolUtal that w have a e...rtatl gll Of aboa, member i- 5 ' MMAfS. ''' 1st Dlitrtcb, Cwtltaek. Camdaa, Fdaquo. ank. rVro,ulma Hartford, ; Gate and Cho B Sbw Md Thomae B. 0?, Iteiif. , 4k , i'Vj, ;- II T.ridL WuhlsgUHt, BcMfort, MmUb. Dare I'iiullco Md Hyde, Ul UliiMi asd Mi too Belby, Item. - d. NortMmjoa 4 Bertlo, W W ree- "uMfiuf!, BT,"t r 6th MAMjS2,r' SSL j. '." .?""; .... -4 iM,.n n e Bull and 17th. JohMoe, L B ddell, nam. H h Walu. tli-i M Hub, Uem. liib. Warma. Jobs M fwcball, Kep. r.ir, V t nh larni. Uuaica aad CWe! Krrita aadOoofK WJIiiir.Mta, Dew. At. UrsTUM, KletwrJ U HimwI, IU. JjJ dutluuB, W U AlbrWbt. i . i Knekinchim. Jiuttw lrvl. Ueia. St'tb. AUiaMica ad .a.lfwii, Jaue XJ :5;k KaBaoii aLMMjora, K U Wertltj, .Itio. . .tfib. Kiaiuatesd aud Montoiajry, Jiuatl Amm aod Uulon, OUT MeCauUy, P a"ili. Ukbatrua aad ctaoy, Df Oao Aadar 111. . . , j. - i - : i . r.icti. MacUrabarf, R r wrln)c. Dam. 301 b. KowB Md lTle, J M UrlBVDt, IHa. . i t. Dattdaaa, Alfred HarKTa, Den.' Ptkaad FunjtU, MalaoaBUoak, iir.i Hbtt and TaJklal J.' 0. Uir'n J)aa .'l.li lrlll, Wllkaa Md AlcXMidi-r. K F AnnritlU na K Z unnrjr, uemt ;.vu. AiUiianri AM aad.atutga, A J M i M Ulan. Dcm m;h. Uddwdl, Borka. ateDowall, Mllcball u.i Yancey, i ii MUla, J at toaa Umji. s;m. Cauwb Md Uneolo, M.j W A Uia h"1! I'aui. '.; t S.iu. uutoa ud CteuVa'aad, Jttse Jen kins lid. Dm J.i b, KBlbirford and ?w!k,HliVJ ;1 Kill mk'i. BaneoJibaBal JIiUon, Joo. A Ma E; rn-, Dcm. . . 41 '. Hawood, Urtdaraoa Md Xaaiyl 'ili, r. W..T5lor, lud. 4 iaA. CkrM, Uay. Oriiin. Jarkaoa, MitoD ud daaln, I. . Lai'. Uw. Bocaio mtMaaMtivaa, ' A laoun, J a K Boyd, rep. Alu3dt r, i X Canon, lad acta. Anton, W I emllh, dem. litsAuturt, William a l'bomiiatB deau . H. rtir, WiaTWard. r)k Bancoaiba, M rltoB. dcm , W 0 CMdler, " 'E'u ke. KcD Tata, dem. b. uii ,ick, -J bVBuctt, Dan , b .aon, JuLa NowbU, Kcp. Llcva Md, Allan. UetU. le- ,j Cuwell, Iboaua t'arrlaoi Pern . Wilton Cuy. (col.) Keia Jbwukvea MdOraruJB, K.u)K, Dane Jabarras faal 8 Maant, dvu. Caldwall, R O TatUa, dea. Onut a, F M MUo, dam. ., ., Carteret, Ap(ilua Oaluniiui, lad., dels. CaUwbA, B hi Finger, uem . CbtUm, Jao At Jao:. O A 11m ar, dl'ltla. , s . s - i iiowm, Wtefloar, rtp. ; Oolutu! a, V V Kiclitrdxm, dem. Cr, 4io It Uood. K1wnl H nilt, wp, LuiuUrl.od, Jtu V MeEr, J McD JcBMy, IMre, 0 N Gray, Deal u". . . , U.uuu, Buiwiuua A Mock, Harnl u Pi nix, dcu, l)AYe, v.u.rlja AB'Jeron,der. Dul l n, A 0 Mottle . W Well demi. KJk' rnba, WUiia Ubbb, W TOoodwin, rep. ' .orrjtlrt, DrWH Wbel, fej. . t laoklii:, T T Mitchell, dtir. I, lou. W Atoara, den. ' (iiirv, K H Ballard, deta. lir-iQvlil, H T Huxnee, l rawt, repi. (i reeve, Taylor, dan . .. . iuufoid, MaraBM JaendeBlull, Jol U fl , denu. iliy u.id. Frark Dal, Dm- , HyJe, V Bmllb, liid. ' Hallux. J A W hita, u W Dtnlel, rape. llariMtt, J A era, data. He 1 1 ton, Jaiuee Hlvtbe, rep 1. wdL, A C Bharp, A F ttaituer, teas. Jick ' , K li Uavia, Uem. J .noa, I F f eott, fop. Juhi en, J iiolt, A Blavdl, dem. Linwlr, J f rarrot, Dorn. I.iuculn, W A Tboupaon, Dem. Macon, J at L RuUlnaoa, dem. jtaClaoa, U A Oaduor, dem. Mcl."U. A M Kra-ln, aWm. , Meckleuborj, kVA MT, Ueid, d lifcttoA, dana. Moore, A A Mel ear, dem. . Miicbell, Moara Yoboit, Dam. Macon, daaLKubiaauB Dam. MoatKOmery, Uardy, Dtm. Hew Muorer, W at Moore, U Bealai,B and Alfred Lli'y Repa. Naab, W X urttnn, oem. Onalow, Jofca W SbackeUord, dem. Orauge. Matthew AtWiler, JuLa W Utla dem a. Paaqnutaok, II i Mnndea.rep. feKlii.maaa, i Q A Wood, rep. feraon, C Baruett, rep. folk, Uarrlaon, rep. KaodolDb. U T Moffll, A U Kendall, dema KobeaoB, It At Korment Md heUl Mo.itlH, rUchBOBd. Plait D Walker, dem. KocklBgham, WK Me ban, doha iohmoa, dema. Kowm, 1 8 McCabblna, Geo at Bernherdt, aenia. Knthoi ford. Ill WblaoanL rep. Baupaou, W U Bryant, J usee I MiCallop, lOUIf. Htokte, TaomM Martin, dem. BwtB,T O Byaoa, aem. BtHnly. A V Freemaa, Dem: Sarry, Wm itaTmore, Demi T yrrril, W W Walkar, dem. ' L'uloa, Lemael Preaeon, dem - WaahlEgtoa. (J B Wder, Dem Wane, i F Dot ten and Jobs WIeler.Dauie Wairea. arter aad WUliama, Reoa. W.k-. Uaoiae VetroTK, M W rage, M- (bael Wliillee Md LD BLII W.Uuna, ) L Oreen. Dem WJkm, H Foote and T i Dole. Repa. aeey. w,W rrolHM, 1KB, Ph. I.F.Borlia'iJIef Tirblni piq Hm beca taated at TORE, fA., by v.m. z7rrar9Ba,'o.B. ud at HOLT OEE, afaaa., by JA3. EMMER80M,H.B. "For Pamphlet ud Teat Repori kddraM, . ft Boruaam, Tork. fa raqam uigu tioaoou ; - ' it'-'i'i ,'i k Set tt. . Kbt. D. A. Loro. A. mC f 'riadPU. A Kaa. H. A. Badbam, laitrnetran m Mnate. Tha aezt Beaaloa beglu tha Mth of laxast ud eontlBBaa 4l woeka Paplla eaa eater at My time.' Board I? to flu per month. Tuition $i to It per moath. Maaie oa Putao d4 per moath : U altar H. LocaUoa anaarpaaaed for healtk Bead for Clrcalar. JanaHHtddtwJw 5 ' ; 7": ?V? SEflltflRTlLGEL7 .4 Muchly Concentrated. Hae ALWAra beaa MMuuctnrad oa the baaltof a gnaraB'Md u alyala. W1U NOW be aold anbject to all Jaw la regard to' FertllUera, with THE IAMI Caaruteed aaalyaiav . I S. .C Tlabraoam a Bo. 11 k I nai iuUll U UMHU. UWTKS n I ' 1 ' V " '-T 1 TITIT pi T ,1 'H a'.i kin - OF jm WORK (laving rafittod or : X fob Office,- ' ' r ' And secured the eerTieof " bl i cuss jos Fiia, We are nw prepared, to exeuut all kind of , , ; PLAIN AND PMCY 7 All persona Luring Bill lia Is . i t4tr- H -aiia, BaaiBOuOaril,, t Vwtlag Oardt, -' "7ad(!lni Caj-da, ;' ;J !.) Clrcalara, K! Poatart, dW t. To print, will Iwve their work ex ociitcd In tliu , very best atjrle bf Bonding it tttjthe Sentinel Office. in - t We ari also prcpsrticl to do all "klndaof Book Work In the very boat atylo, at All woiktent t-) nt will bo alone :' 1 , . -,.1 .rt ... .. ... , u quidile aud cheap! y aa at any other j " "' " Pm.STINO HOUSE IN jTIIE 60UTD TIOKZETS Of all kinds linted at short notice. In abort, we, Ere prepared to ex "jcnte aU kinda of rrlntinE ta the very best style. ,r j i'TRTT US January th,! HW. ' T Milt NvdEEE).:IIOA i I a I .,.ul . - i 'it i 1-1.1 Bra! it Hb tur eoada lor garden aBd aertl baa. Write tor ctrcolar Md price. JULIUS LEWIS A CO , Sola Agent for M. U. Trade ip led MMafaotaran Prtaaw. JJ-E5 LLMEIILIMllll IM Barrel! No. 1 freah burnt Lima at Da not and In arrlTr direct from the Lime Work- aad offered at red Bead price at depot la lent! uaatiUta. ..... , tr m .( a., . jnnaxe-u tummmm. luatia. . Kepraaeataa -&f ., jTjtirsJLiwra A : Fmia BuiLorao BALaJfl, K, C.',,' V,;i.wt ( . Y ."",', Pro tret Balldlnn front Llgbtiilng by their Jelebrated Uoppajl LightarBg Hoda. Have wagona a ail parte ft U,t etata Md la Boath Carolina. , ' C'ODDar kaa Elsht Timee the eoadactlag propertUasi any BMtal ezeept alleoe. 1 heee koda are attaehed to Balldlnn aad wanna tad At aame price aa tha Lightning Rod Peddler aax ror eomraon iron ar .inc aomv w rue for Cireolu'i Md Prioaa. . : ,. ".- LAMM. ' R A LI I 0 H , W. C, day the d Pepumtwr, Md oailan witit- WllBWiBsleelMI to to middle Of JOB 10'. lowing. For .tnl rUMjri e add rase a-ee? v . ,- KV R, BUKKL.. it. R r RADyyAfRMY RELIEF CURZS THE WORST PAUTS In from 0n to Twtnty Minutes. .J .5 MOT ONI HOUR ) (WrnaJlBf fhH Mnrthram bm4 f i atrma itb aih. Aowiri iir KRLmr ia a cr ro Tho Only ?alm Remedy ni immnr im bmi narmem MM, slun InllUTinialtuM. ajl earn ianwMttonn wlw xPaattBonraTrtwitrffii;! IM 1 ' V aotl raadAT Birriri t.r mr.Atiitin - AtAjuia, fxrYjm5KXA .MBaw ftoEr-ATTM tmf j rnttiJ AMtrfat d'uu j 2 . . . TtMpUcai!.llet tat KdMaaSW ltt11rM h rtf rt r ra wnarrai (bmi tar ntvK,l I1MU till uwni Altai rMmiWt- . i , Twenty dr.tM In hilf ttimMr nf WVr r tn 4 1 llKAKTHI'KN. hll K II K a lAt' II IL MA.:Hlft'K. VHTFRY fOlJa W(al ldt tll'i iJiW.LV Alia ii iniBivAb rAinn. Tffefaail irrv rsrrv ft ti'I pf WeV mBafeara mtakamadu mtaltaif oar Jam traakiaa A law Jr.,... . ,-r. lllBK.ttF tUAM rf4Ma 44taAlM 4 fa-) TISnt-l AWD AOtTl ritr4 far flftr Tft--f (4 ftnl l ratdvdi.t awiit In tttii wnrW thmt will l F Mfl dkaTM. and mil Mkcf fdMltfM, ftltMia, lkrrtri ivmihii, fU4w, Mai oinr rrTi-r- iehii rw mAU WAraTmi.Ul o HHm M .Ulirt AV fcAat ttg' HEALTH! BEAUTY!! v -; ,..(,..., .... artflKd An rtTt Rtcir BTKirt-rvrasu ' - Or Pt.B.411 AMD WKIIIHT ) I.K. KKIN AMI aiAUTirt'L uuamjuuuA auwva iu Aii. DR. RAD WAY'S Sarsaparillian Eesotet THE GREAT BLOOD PUftlFIEB. n .1 ATa thr wrwr? iirmwiawtlffl W IRI an Ui:i( C, BAriD ARB Till ( HANilBx. T! JolY tNDEK.MlKe, t NIKK THX l.MKl.rgfc. I ' ok tkm iati,r wyaKKfLii aauiciaa; Ererf Bay at Increase is TIesI ail leiilt Is Seei ail Fell' 1 rr af Iht AR'APARTtUA tRUOU. T&XTraeaiaunlralt-tiliroavritha BUkhJ. Meat, tmie. tnti (iitMr FlaM. imI li.io.. ot iha raa tfc vamr ar Bi.air Itratialrallia "Hi of im ImU viMa aaaraaA aiifl Biarriai. arririHia, BvpbtiK tiontumpilim. Ulaudalar . daa-aiw, l'lcr la Iha Uiroet, l. T atfa, Hwteain iballlaaaiiaMl after fan.. if ihrarrfrav "ararva, airamuruvt dwctiar rrfia Ita Mar., ana tha woft funm of aAia 4laa laiferaau.a, rarat a.rMi. MraM Uaad. Rltia Wnrtfl . Halt ITh.uni RfTflhalaa. niast arou, naraavia iw riaaa. Taaiara caa. 1 tha ,rv, Nttat awaata, 1 Ki weaarning ana aa"1 aao aaarmaMallw f ;.,. at ariarlate. ar wftKa, IUa ewallre raiaja a taw - nlrro M.j ChwWiri'. and ar.wA.ra' a irr ,rmmmmr MiaaatMtaaanraiiiairmiaaaeuraaiaf I .i-aiai Ma putaat aowaf la oara rhaaL inaa aettaat, dally a A aeMiallt Mianaa- MeaiaMT ,lwaia lw . .-ii. la aiiaatliaf fbaM aMa. amf raialra tha r 4B iar aaatarlal anada fmai Iiaaakr aiaai aa taav .i;. aAHaAf ARilian win a4 .a arowrw a ta -M aanaaat aur.whae attaa laia i.rk or iratioViiHMa, and wnaaaiai la diaik,kMaii tUa of waafM. itaraaalrawiH aa rarxi ana ararr nnj H aaliani yill m I taanaHarwaw aaaar aaaatt i ant. w lint 'UaaaUae kattar. tviHiUla ia WLynimf, aaie uaaa ....I WMlalU ImmuImI i Nut Ml dnaa lhalaaata.eiuja tnmail aaeal ynow ii matdlal aaaau la ibe ran M Oirmila. Hem n -Hia. CaaatUaiiuaat, aad akla at ill eat a la ia ira m. Kiititcy Jb Bladder Complaints, ' taarr aaw Wnmb dwaaaaa. Orav.l, Dlabal, araaaa. f tajiaat wawr. laaeauaaiwat unaa, urianra u AAiaailaarla. aad la a II aaaaa waara titer aiv- iCk-duttdaaoalla, ar taa water la lakk, aiaaJr. ailaa4 rlta ata4aaoaa Ilka tea wklia of an aatf. or ibrvad. Ilka iuta atia. ar tkar a a axrrbtd. dark. atlkHta aaaaaa. a-iat. aad wklta aooa-daM lelta. aad thtl Ibirra a wteaia. baraltm aaUua wkaa mmIm aiaiar, and aaam ma aanil m ia aaoaaaaataag u lWmir o 19 Tears Gvirth Cured bp Badwaif's Baulvent, DR. RADVAY'8 s -. .. . . ; ... ...... ... ii .- ma fW a fit - -'-- Uwr. Bawala. Vldna m'iVlX". u.'t """ lWMIp.tl.Hi. Clya. Ik-i-.L TTr """" "ia laitnial . A r. daaw af BADWAT-B HM H -m ... aairraca a:l'anvanma4(llwdti rtiTJ. R.! TaLfI AND TttVg." ad ana t larW ri4B nk lAaaW, Uk. a4 ! a. lBBr, i BUT OSLYiTQE gkicuk nmm mm. rt i 4 .C.t. :.) i -' " ,lS !.l i tack. Sealaa, Coal aealoa, Hay feal-a. Dairy cl a, tjoanter Bcaka, Ac , drc Aiao, " " tUllea Alarm TIU C:H AARJlI CASH DRAWER. ' n Kry iiefrtant ebdall tfeTbm. -Etkbt Diabb Waaaartbo. , , FAIRBANKS & CO., 811 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Ui liifl BALtmoaa 6rj BAwmnka, 'f T -;tw.HMnP 8 Orleana FAIRBANKS A EWINO; y . ,. Makirhs Ball, Philawu-phia. ' FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., KIlu'i Milk 8r, B-ajT- n. For tale by leading Hardware Dealer. JXECUTORS MOTICA Hsfhg thla day qllfleJ aa Exxeutef of the at will and teaUment of tha laia Mr. Nancy Price, I herehr glre aotlee to all eraoea haw log claim acaioat her aetata to axhibtt taa to m i oa or before the Ulb dar ot Aa gaat, Ib7, or thlt no Ice win be pleaded la baa- at their reeoreiTrt 1 Peraonaa debtad taV ha eataW art ntaeataal to Baake pajnawat at C""' 5XEDHAN P.90NX& 4 ABg,UB...lb7 :r-,rvr.,.ial, ? ARE TOU GOINO TO PilHTf " i , . . "Atardl Uoamlcai Palata Iha beat." i f ' 1" , ' JO JUS LEWIS A C0 . ' ' BlaAgenU Writa tor deacrlpUTa drcmU Md tarda ron s j. .1 -1 . '.' ' J ATTOBUET AT LAW, Fmrttire lb JI th ('onrtf of HarUttmiitnii, iIbIIUb, Bortki Bd IHord orMHitlo : In Ui BaofBBi (arVo( rtb Carolina. aat lr lea ratfurai i oaru, " dv idlai v , s - i w ANTi Wholesale Grocers '.. ' fX)M MISSION MERCHANTS, ' f TlTTtVILUt iTMXT' OfoUe MttrapalltaB lltt. B.f. WILLIAM IM. . W, U. UrUHUKCIi. MK U i J. THOMAA 'P O v THi A V P A. . . . f ; . t - '-Abb p.pa.Jl-fBTnthTombitneiof'atf-'r " r-"-. Bind, ettuer plain or ornatnenUJ "ot I -oik Axwarteaa Md taaiiea imim aa caap aoe atwtlv- exerntad ae oaa be narebaaed at ana other mUblUamMt North or aoath--b-.i. beamed toe bnaiaeaa of earring aud eaginetbg marble forty-awyeara, we eonaluerour-afaee aoaal to an la the L'niun We will launtab granite of tbe beat qnahty. front oer n-w qnarriaa, eiioer in Buniaaea Diacaanr cat aua lo order, tech aa : door Md wiadow ill. waterUble. itepa. pmta. atreet Md a rate yard carbetone, Ac., ail order will be Umnk f ally receiird and pnnetaally attended to.aar . i . i... .,i.f..,iAa. i.. .ii JOHH WHITaXAW, Z.UKOWDRH, dee J7-dftta fha oely Reliable Gift Diatribotioo ia tb country i S100 000 00 IK VALUABLE GIFT8I " " 7 TO BB DISlKtBOTKD 15 Ii. D. SINE'S 4Sth SEVI-ANXUAL nU Dnm JfonJay, Oct UtA, 1H74 Obi Grand Capital Prlie, $10.000 ia Cold! 05E PRIZE $.1,000 IK SILVER t FiwPriietl 000 f . Five Priaea, 1500 On-eatiacka! Tdd Priaea, $100 1 ( Twi Family Carriages tail Satrhcd Derm with lilrcr Is ante Dirnti , wsrlh (I, MO each ! Twa Duielv. Iloiain. &r w..,th $000 aefc Two Fiae-tonei Rneewiiod PiMin. wntth $550 each I Tea Fn,l jr SeteU.gMacliin.a. . i;l. $100 each I 1300 Quid ai.il rilr L r Hunting Watelim (in H ) w r'h from $20 tn $:C0 each ! Gold b lo, Oliver. ware, Jeweli-t, ,tr, Ac. Numbm-ef OifU 1 0,000 1 TVa-ai UmiUt tt 50.900 ifenti WiaUa is Mil TitktU, la whom Liberal Prfmlnat will tr pint. Slngla Ticket $. ; 8ii Ticki-ta $10; Twale TickeU $30; Tweuty-Kiee $40 Olrcnlar eonUlalne a fall Hat of ortxe. a deacrtlitloo of the manner of drawing, and Other iBformatloa In reference to the litrl- bation, will be neat tn .ay ime unlvring tbem. AU leUera moat be addn uad to a aib orncB, L. D. BINE. Box an. WI W rifthSt. cpt 8tf. ClRCIRRAll, O. UldSODRi STATE LOTTERIES I Legaliicd by slate Authority, and ' f DkAWH IX rUDLIC IB T. IODIB, Giaad BtnRle Kamber f cheme of W.OCO Mo'a. DRAW THE L8T DAT OF EACH , M-)STI1 Capital Pbiik, $50,000! 0.300 Prlava, amonnting to r 00,00 1 Wtole iL keta, 1 10; llilrea.tS- QiarUra.tS.:0 Thd'Ortat Combination Sekem4, with a - oari-Ab rttiaa or C$1,091 and 83 3J6 Prixua. amount Ina to $' 73.1771 Draw every fatnnlay tfortng tha year. bil ticKwra, $10; baltm $3 ; cab L TIU 8.50. lddret)(lr Ticket acd CircuUn, . MURIUYILLER & Co., Manage P. O. Rek 2416. Bf. Lonla, Mo. ap i doodwxwly ,. Y Alt ABLE REAL ESTATE FOB BALE ai - v ii M k. af - Aa wiv euttu.J, vu mi. iiviiji aiuo of Deep Hirer opposite lUrrla Tyaor, Joining, Lewis Phllllpa and other. 10 milea west of the termination of tha Weatera Kail road, tb aid Deep Hirer being navigable to this place oa Monday h of September 1874, 1 shall x peee public sale to tha highest btder oa the prenrise tha valuable land of the lata Jeaae WeraMe, deceased. One tract constat ing of aix (tJ) huaOred acre of good fanning ktad hlirklr lmn roved, with good tmildtntra eoaaastttig of one dwelling botiee. eontamm, t rooma Md all Becessary out building, a good weB af waterln the yard, 4 other small tract totaling aaid land to ba aold at Basis time and ptaea. Adjoining then lead are In; xhauatibl lie neat ar soap owme. r f rvbaaer a lit- ba rea aired' ta psr i Of BoapBtoae. The pore haodred dvJlara cask halaa a on half ia six Bioatbs otbar half la twtlre month, by giving bond with Interest from date with approved ewaritT.t Tit to retained nntll tho jmretiaee money ta paid. .; B. Jf. WAKON, Executor jBM cifriCtiTEHPnisE INTRAL HOTEL 8 CkNAL BTJUXT Doner, of Kim. w luik. oaa ulock Eaatof Uroadwae. Cen'rall loratad la the tmaedlata v'elaitjr of MmowtlU bnaloera, VondsrooDuTaa. aad ( 1 U0 per day tt.MU to f.o per waea. Mg lt-JUa J TI1E BEST j AD VICE t J,.., t ttll , tbtt t iw be final t porarnas aalrerlr.tr 1 ram diiiiaiyeaaw bllkoM amaidalafc avlM. iombbid. tlon. ak-k head ache, ferer and atraa, aortoau daUlt. bt of My dUorderBAeotlna the aeh, the Mar a kidney a, la t auB, eUtiaa, Mdretrmla'a thna tmportaat atrgaBa by lb aee of ! ,.!. a . " DR. TtTTTF 'J EG ETABLI tlVER PILi Tbtr net vary mtldUa, yet (BAroarbly raatorai Um f uaetiun! acUaa W Man digeatiTB rrmaa nd the tnteatinaa and feaotataa the oyMem. lhay predaeatwithar aaaaam, srlphif or weak . Md may taken wUbaa I ebaoire f diet QroepBMoiai1"-!;!---!-" .m rnoa jm ceowa bob, aKaa vy aa r)rlet umiiia i maTUlM that no rrther in flooi. ' iu wjAntwtaft?ocjt and P mtnrid thtt 1ft cVrvaav Mrvpti Ditmm tftk Skin. 1 Ht. Anthony' t fir, KrytiptUt, BUtekm, Twateri, BoU, Tttttr, mni Salt IQuwa, SeaU xVaaet, Jtuufiton. JUmumaliim, Pin and Enlargement o the Done, ftaU Wtainem, bUrility, Lemrrka . B'Atfct, Womb DUeatet, Ihvpty, WkiU ttveUinfi, SmhUu, Kidney and Liter Ctnplaint, MerevruU Taint, and Vat, all proceed from imoare blood. iR. TDTT'l lAHIAr AfilLUA 1 th mont powerful Blood Purifier known ta medical acieoce. It enter, into tbe cir culation aad eradicate arery morbific gent; renorate tbe yateni; produce a beautiful complexiim and csuat the Inirlj to gain llesh aud mcreute in weilit. KIV tfSK BI.OOO UBALTOT nd all will be well. Tb doo, nulliiriK lin crer beam 3Vud that can cxiaipare wuli tliia raluitUle ve-eubia ex i met. Price $100 ttt. Nild by all lrnjr gitta. Otfici; t. Crt:ndt Slreet, tf. Y. tab SSdtl OXYGENATED BITTEKB. The atomacli I one cf Uie rnnet delleata orvan of tbe bit man rrs'.eoi: and Uie Indicea- tibk) fioJ crowded Into It by the require ment iu miacin a 'cie-y, acep n in a A STATE OF CHltONIC DISORDER, whlrti la(oi!oe.l br icaort li tiiaiea Md alUraUvia fur ielW. It nnfortunaUilr hap- pa, however, tbat m .uy of Urn mwletCR Bae-I for thin parpoae contain alcohol, which, fared Into a dlaease atooiacb produce irri- tatton. craatn laluna' km, and d ie ntori ia Jory th.at.ood. OXYGENATED BITTEU3 CONTAIN NO ALUUUUL, bat area poiriy w edxinal pretarat'-on, wh,'ch In canai of Dyiit p-ia, ll-aitburn. led teei lion Md otber like diairdura, at once n-etorv tbe ttomacb U It NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. The Oxyeera'ed B tier have beet) the meat popular remedy for the above ciiuiplainU for the laat thirty yearn, and UU nntlittsin thi-ir nnrlTailfd popularity. a rice i per uoiue. OLD SrXBXWUKka. WIN F. HENRY. CCRRAN A CO., Proprietor, 8 Md It College l'laee, aug. 8-lm New York. )KlCtn KHii CKD Orrat Snducem-nt to parrha-ei Wabaretatt rlrdnied vur Kntiru Sinrk. amounting from $ 4,011 to W,m 0 - or; h . f Entirely New DRYOOOD Notion. Boot, hoea, UaU. .c; math lewer i-le thmi berrtolore fur JJSII. All who jjtve u (!! will get tou fnlleat Talon for tin lr money. Merchant purchnrlng In till market cm make prodtabli- luTcat.i nt alth aa. Our Block I -y fa!l for thl teason be- ldn V will have other addition rery soon. PETTY JONEe1. W FajetteeilU Street )nnn ! IT Kaleivb, N. I K A. O I F T A NOVEL EDWIN W. FU LLK R, AnUior nf "Tb Aatcel Ia The Coud Fnr sale by ' ' .1 fur I) HI I.I I AM Wm. W.Jorbb, Ahmistxau Joxks. 'OMI84 JON K8, ; Attorney's At Law, t . , , I RALEIGH, N. U. PHACT10E ta the Bapreme O-urt of lh (take, the Circuit and District ..'uurta of the United statu, and tha several Court of tb Sib Judicial District. Office on Fayettevllla Bt., opiilia th dtlsen National Bank. Up sUiia. JanJ-lW 5. m ty- -vi?;w-- RARS IN vaWT)i'NT FOIl CAPITAL. 1ST., Will ba told oa tha premises oa Wadnes-. day.thc 80 b of Brptasnbtr thai vei alnabl real astat k own as Canned) ' Itiiiia, In the eoaaty of Hranville, N v.. on Tar niver 10 wiilea fVinth of Ox for I and about 10 units North Weal of Franl Unto oa the H-letgh a Gaatca Kt K: By Judicious expenditii- of apltal tha water uow r would be sauV elentio tarry On extensive mMufacturtng operation-. There I a Btore house. Cotton boa, Blacksmith and Shoe ahop oa tbe premise, oawbkh there waa at one time a txtensiv baaine eVme. Alao a smill tract af land adJoleW the MiU tract, hh good lmrvemBt eonvoniebtly arrar-gc-d f,,r a aavll family. Tarms ono-foarth cash, balance one lo two year time. . , . .. Mr. C. U. cUraybora will shew tha proper ty to My persoa who may wish to sea It. - ' . ' ' N.E. CANNADY, Ex. ' .Mpta-esAwst 7 QBLECT BOdRDUfQ A S D DAT SCQOXl KJi 1 -.. - "f HauMMtpeu. ' TbaMlaaea Naak and Mlaa Kollock will re fame the exereiaaaarf Mf aenoot on Faiday Mlh July Md eoBtlnaa twenty wetka. CLr muriTorwiraeaoa appneauua,.., , "boWDEKKD 84 ffi' BHI K J ,v Jf1 t " i:':'"-:1 ; Ttr cle-ioalot; Tln-waf, Klarca. kt. 7 vinnJliU ;B'in6GBf. mm. 7 tMB KAwaao aQitoaO i "'THE BRIGHT XASONI " . r - f? kv law waaoitaauoB 01 le MABUJfu; Mtt-r M - " .. . ... . . . ......... ...... JUH aud taa BUIU T MAaVIM. makea i ;; nii kKikii . On oftha Very Beat Mawnte JoBrnili la the daMtbarnAUulieMate. It la bow petilieb d la Maaraaina form, at the lew price of Una iwnai n xemr. BUHICKIBKMOV. Mttoaa la gocd aland' i-dFi'eat Madtaa (or it.ireru BoutC. ' W A'.Wru41'U'",h mar Ifx f D 1 L. ' A eotnptula aaurUiKnt, at ! Hook Mtore Of ' AO.ru Al WILLIAMS, de IvU JpOR BALE. A No. 1 Oa adU Cart. The Ox ia wall Itmke and woikaia. tb plough equal to it norse., lio l i yuan ujd. )uly7-U L. C MdNLY, YTT ANTED. We wish to poretiaM rlx line well broke Male between Ore Md lx yeare old. Apply rariy ai uie Bieutee or WYNNE, YAJiCIT A CO, aog Mtf Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STROf.'j. ri noiunon of tne xvotoxwe or Iron, i$ $o combined aa lo have the character of . em eUhnent, ae canity itigeeuu ami nmmllate with the Mood ae the elmpleet foot I. Jt increauee the miatUlty of Xaiure'e X)tnn VUaWtinrr Agent, Iron in the blood, and cure "a thounnnd Mb," eimpty l!f Totting vptlnvlaoratlna and YittiUxina the 8netctn. The en riched and vitalized blootl pcr meatee everff part of the body, rtpaMnff datnagee and waste, searching out tnorbM secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of tha tetht derfal Buccess of thin remedy in curing DyBpcpsLt, liver Com plaint, DroiMty, Cltroulo Iixu rhoe a, BoilisXerrouii Affections, OMlls nnd Fevers Ilamors, Less of Constitutional Vigor, Dl.se.iso3 of Uie Kidneys and Bladder, Fcrtuxlo Complaints, ami all diseases originating in a bad state of the blootl, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, In i are pertnanent, infu sing strength, vigor, ami new life into all jMtrts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from wealc, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and tvomcn t and invalids cannot reasonably les Uats to give it a trial. See that eadi lottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glass, : X'axuplilota Freav SETH W. F0WLE i SONS, Proprietor It. 1 XUtea riace, rctaat -n bt TJBuooiara oiiixalu. T H X COXvINIICTlUUT 'MUTUAL LIFE ZDsmrauce , Company. aainlaina to nlgheat sUndsrd of SO LVENCY. Tbe chsrvler of the lr. itmcut of its accu mulated aat-ets of $36,000,000 lso the Highest C'au for security ; It hiv ing ouvur lost a do.lar of it InvestmenL It IL-V R U s la larger than that of sr.v other Compssy over $500.000; Itbasa aembenblfi of ve SI.Ouo mrsoa la ratio for the entire 'i7 yeri of It b aslnea has tieen bat ' 8.97 rEKCTJNT of He receipt. It ha no Btnekbolder. Rvjry dollar of aavtog nr profit belongs aoieiy to tli rOLlCY-nOLDER. I ,om saoh ren! erne can well Judge where tolnaure with aafrtv and the smallest f OMt blaaoat.1 H. ''plWAI r.Oen'i. Ar9Hta " '"'i ' KALSIGn. N.C aepv 14 . . ABSOLUTE DIVORCKB OBTAINED from Court ot diBeraat State for de Mfriion,- ate. No pablletty required. Ne -barga utlLalivoree granted. Add re, ' . M. HOUSE. - - ' ' V Attorney, 11M Broadway, N. 7. " raay 38 d 1-y. oiaiNS remedy ;.;witEPffr.l Ftta, Bpaama,- CoataUdona . aad . Hei Manoaa WakefnliMaa. acta vromtitl. ofua amailna? niaeea, 1 taa Fita from the drat day'i bm, araa waara M i tmmf uniuim ur yaara. , f ,.t . COMPOUNTJ EX. COBTDAliS;. tU Creat I cfetabli llurttitfc . Berofaia, dWoadary Byphlltf, ErapUou : , the 8k In, aad ail dUaaaas ariaing'rmni ha i ' pare Wood. . , mbdicaWhokiyi ' ' ' A SoraretKB Balm CorCoogha, CUdo. aUiia, Aathma and all diauaaea of the ar pamaavBaad La oca. By Ha Umy aaa tvay' auBpuaed eaaea of COBaumptlOB are prompat, reaered Md the Luotct reatorad to heal la. -X :. KEChALGIA 8PKC1FI0 1 1 , 1 1 i , .. A pauasut, poidUTa Md aermaBMt relief for M exeruciailna: palaa Of Naaralgla, Bhama Uam aad eemUn. u 1 . FwiW.tafWelgh,.JI. C, by WiUJ 1 Hatwoctb. ) fr parid ooly br f . a )B. UKKEK. LIMDLET A B!fTLE. .'I: .'ot f HUawaWwly, Md.'bwIttMa, fl' L IIRavf ' " . - IT : ' ' ' If "-I r- ,Bv...w mil. uraiKiH 13., , t. wrraomoaia . Fi t HER IH7 1 L D I N.U , OTIB TBI BABDW ABB BTOBJB Of JULI US L. WIB t CO IUa paid to the Widow and Orphxas ta North Carolina ino IMS, tb ram of aearl 8SOO, OOO. And, by tdeT.lt y and promptaeaa la thla par tlcnlar, Md furnishing the lowest rate of any Irst claa company ; and alao, bavin; paid mora serena to tbe Btata tbaa My other eompMy, aha merit Md enjoya the well Bill lUnotion of being tbe IIIOI-G LIFE C0SP1HT LI TBI ITiTB. And with her 80,000,000.00 Aa bow aa hand, Md managed by genUerdea of long experience and Bnaocial aaill aba o0r th hlgheat.atandard of ecarlty to all bar customers. And, a sn Investment for eapi tallat a I10.00U policy ia better tbM 10,000 ia real aetata, Agea from SO to 1 0 are Insurable of both eexe. This company does not say. Insure witA them, wi haw. Bat w sk aa anparusj comparison vrlth aav comPMT la rata Md rmmtibUUy, Md leave the result to ineo.ugmel el tbe public. By calling npon the General Agent or say ot hi Locale, f nrthar Informatloa will be chat . W. H. CROW, General Agent. ' W. H. McKKIC, M. D., Medical Examinee Mp o-om Q.4tIN CRADLES A GRA3S 8CTTHB. Juat retelved a supply of Sinclair' Celebrated Southern Cradle. 1 aa riser ib tub Mabkbt. Warrauted to give Mttisfactioa. J.tHMr. Agent aaatrSBaw. TqpEMBY'B CARBOLIC imi THE MOST PoWEKFl'LHR.tLING AUKNT IVIrt 1I OOVBli;..(. Ibe Wonderful rcleritr with which this eomt tnatloa of Carbolic ael.l with o b ;i aoothlug and i rat ire emolirnU HEALS THE Ml T VIRyi.5T SoKKd Anu utA.ana kt aornetbli g akin to tbe marrelout. It I with pride that th I'rorrleUir call at tention to thegrstlfrtng fact t at PUY3 C1A8 GIVE IT THE UIUHEBT MEADO' PRAI3B. an It and pp -crlbe It In their inactice. lt)INT6 TO BE BORNE IN HIND : Carbolic Salve Doeilivelr cure the wurata..rr re'v m'fy variioiic U tt mat allays tbe pain of burns. Carbolic falve nr s allmUneon eruptluna vuiwhk raiYe rauKs at tie ueaU oj all Balvos, Ulntmi-nt or other Healing Coin- pounds, and ha achieved t greater repute tlon Md ha a larger tale than any olbri nil bar preparatioa of eoutcmKirreoc lurvn Bold e er where . PrVe Vi c nts. 'OHN F. HfNKY CUKKANACO. Proprietors, ' S aad College i'lace. New York. Jane lo-lm BOARDING HOUSE. Carner Sewbrrae Irtaat and PcrtoB FL, TwofquAttn East op thk CArm-u MRS. U. W. MILLER, Keoneata tbe patronage of the members of the Levi Uature Md the pab ic gt-ni rally. Hr long experience in keeping a boarding bouse, incj lans, is inrbcleot gaaiM ae tart the nu.ic win um i . ciaa ia every partiCBiar. ner priors conrona io uoe or outer Doard Bg be use la tha city. J A 8 LEFFEL'8 IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbiiid Water Wheel POOLE A HUNT, BALtmoRft. MsnufMttifrr for, the Booth and SnuUxj i '"V" ' ;J watt.-i - - y fffu " . - : . i .:-t 'J f A1 Nearly 7000 aiaW ia eaa, working aa4i - ' Bead varying from 8 to 840 fort I M titea, from 8 84 to M incheav , The moat powerful Wheel lo tha Market, And most eooaomical ia oaa of Water. , f Urge Illustrated Pamphlet tent pott Iran ' MAJIDrACTCBKaa. A I An. o . Portable and SUtionary Steam. EoiriBet ' 1 aad Boiler, Babcock it Wiloog Patent ' ' r Tubuloua Boiler, EUugh Oaabe for - aimeraia, dW and . UrMt Millt FlouriD MiU Machinery, Hacfaiaery fbc Whito Lead Work aad Oil MUla. Rf,.f. log Pulley and Hangera, ; yijsa.iu a ;. i. n oawurUKUUtC'ULAKJJI " tebBlrSm fa t. : , -i .1 .... . ... r-.-ij . - Mg at nep.a,, , . , ' b-4 - -A" ...V..V "7"

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