V .V ;! ' ' Af - i, i v I if i 5 i S Telegraphlo News. TOT EPISOOPAL CONGRESS. ".v :. Kaw Yoxdr,oet84. , Tba cffltnUte report J change, la inference to the court ol ap, peeto. Adopted. . Tb committee also reported thai say change la tb Prayer Book wool J Involve a change la tba Caoooa. 7 ' -,:, It was found to ba inexpedient to make My chug la tbe order of tha deacon. Other proceed Uig were preliminary. 4 BANK STATEMENT, ;; , y ,' ' WwYobDcI.4. Leant decern 84 of a million ; Ipecle decrease 1 8 8 of a milhoa; legal tender 17-8 amimoa; depoaiU I f f tde "million ; ruler v decree' 8 8 ut ml liont -' . ' Jr. hjili aad cap ; C. t. McB wt, fwi tare, eod A C. Belcher, boot eod ibon. ' 1 4 jACM'OctTlft ' The cuffec crop U immeoae. rrodaeen refute to tall at the preaeot price. Arljtr cent ItlaaJt qal t ' " r 'j , SaaarsivRT, Oct. U. WtrraaU fur tb arraat of prtiea algn iag the tabor pledge liae Hot a yet been erred. . , 1 oa "hi RESOLUTIONS OF TUB IRISH ATH . , OLIC UNION. ' " Baltimob, Oct 4. Among' tbe reeolutloM of tba Ititb Catholic Benevolent Unioa if tbit ; That tt to aot adTiaabla bo to cacoortga the Iriab Immigratluo to Ihit eonatry. That attalriah Catholic BcacTolent Union baa beea placed under tbe patronage cf tbe bitaied Virgin Mary, and under tbe title of tba Immacalata Conception 00 the 8th of December, be, and la hereby recotrnixsd. a tbe National Holiday of tbe Union.' Adjourned to meet In Roche tor. THE TIMES ON ALABAMA. New Yobk, Oct 84. A tetter from a correspondent of th TtaM In Alabama, who it Touched for by that paper aa a tttdnc'i republican, tayt be baa ridden for mile along unfre quented roads viailed all tbe large citfe, and not only failed to diacoTor any trace of a reiga of terror, but found the oegrott quietly at work-. The Time$, in alluding editorially te the letter nay : '"Uo find no txlim of Urror in Alabama, 00 war of race, aad no pretence that tbe recent crime in that Bute have beea ioatigated by political motive. H found tba alleged murderer. of Mr. Billing to be men nolike the bloodtbinty ruffian they bad been paint ed, and ba thiokt that tbe totalled v dence tgaintt them it ridTcul ju. LOUISIANA AFFAIRA New OMJunt. Oct. 24 It it aUted that Ooegrore, the editor of of Natcbilocbet . Vindicator, we under Federal auipic, and hundred of other were threatened. Partle generally hare geaerout . premonition of warrant and take to the wood. - f quad of Federal cafalry operating in eeveral pariah e are led by Federal Martbala, lut thoie tgaintt whom tbey have warrant have premoni tion and generally take to tbebutb.- Tue regUtration In the city it 88,000 white and" 19,000 black. Thirty three Pariabet give 88,000 white and 42,000 black, and leavea twenty four Pariahct to be heard fiom. Tba pretent return give tb blackt 8,000 majority. FROM WASHINGTON. WA HIKOTuX.'Oct. 24. Aa infctmal meeting of tbe Cabinet a at held between It and IS oVhk to day. 411 ibe member were pretent ex cepting Belknap tod Delano. Becretary Brittow and Pbttmattereoerat Jewell bad a coniultatloa with the Prtaideot concerning Federal officer in Texa, nd read to bim the report which are cntid cred ttrictly confidential, in relation1, to them made by apeelal ageat. Tbe only Poalmattert to be charged are thote ,at Oatretton and Uoutton. The Preiidetit bat already, through the Pott mailer Oeo eral, rrqaeated them to realgn, but tbey hare at yet made no retpona i the Peat maaUr-GeneraU H can 'tea no good retton far making other cbtngr in TiX't, tbongh politielaot there are arxing re movato that tba vacaaclea may be tup pi rd by peraont vrhoee chief rocommea dutioa to their greatt r activity in politic. Rheumatism, Scalds, Lunenea Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Headache, Barns, Soreness Boils, . Wonnd, Ulcers, Bruises, Piles, Sprains, Colic,' Old SoretJ Toothache, All Hemorrhages, etc. WILLCOI MIS.' i:Nt WlWWM : 8EWINO' MAOIUNKS At auaeiaetaree' prieea, m tlaM e BioatUj AMD TWVrT:FTE PES CINT.BILO1" MAXDFACJTOaERS rBICZS FOB h .... . CASH,- U, V';:, If parebatad direct tmm thlt office, or tai r "tto total aireato, 1 tUITHSTRSIT, Klehiaoad.Va.i n i; - JAA. a. A, wlBBU, roprietor, j unmv J. PINS- LUlfBXB, afex,'x. c. " - Order, anit to F. A. Bttomab, CA7, N. or la care of Noaaii A Mtatt, lUlelgh, will bapromptly filed. . , jWrnafr. tbwpectfuliy Solicited. eug81-w2w .. . 27 Years Old. I A vt Six Reasons Why " TOU SHOULD INSURE IM Comptnle iwn panlea in tba Couotry.nd' patt , tb oay vt eapetumuub Sod., BecautefreryypolicT-bejIaor i member of tba Company, eoutled to allit ' advantage and prlvUegea, having a right to vote at all election lor truMeea, and thua bat aa influence in ito management. Bed. BfCnte it baa aa large a percent age of tared liablJitiet at any Ufa In turaac Coalman j In tfia Country. 4th. Becadt by eoonomical manage ment, Itt ratio of eipeoaet to total income ia lai below tha average of Life Com pea lea. (Sea Official Ioeurano Report.) 5th. Becauee it baa declared '.more dividend in number, and of a Larger Average Percentage, tbaa any Company la the United State. For example : Policy No. 10, for 85,000, baa beea paid to tbe widow of a Pbiladet Shin Merchant, upon which twenty-three ividend had been declared. -Averaging Bfty-aeveo per cent Had thete dividenda. been uaed to purchase, addition to thlt Policy, 16,040 more would have been reliied, luakiug tbe Policy worth f 11, 80. 6th. Becautt It 1 liberal in it mana gement, prompt in ItoaetUemenU, tale be yond a contiPnencT. and itt ratet are aa low at any firtt-ciata Company N) tbe Country. , . . PnisotrAi. FaunniKB. SmaH expeaeea, abeolute tecurity, larga teturn - premiuuie, prompt payment of I ohm; and liberality to tbe tntured. ' . , BAUVAX A HUIT, rnetdeat. BAJClt B. BTOKle, Vtee-Prea deat, . a B.8TaFHeld Vwn PreaWwt, J AH. VIU MASUM, Aetaary, , HINRT AUBTIC, aWttoiy, . EDW. A. PAOR, J MtoJcal Ktamlnert W. H. riNCH, Oenaral Manager. 1 DB. WM.UAXJ3 , BALSMfOR f llf L UiUS TBS OHBAT AJCGRIOAHOOft. UUMPTIVB BDAtBSl. Ceaaamptloa k MOT aa Inearabto dlaaaae. Phyatcianaaaauriaaof ikufael. It la oaly neceetary te bav toe rtKbt ratacdy, and Um tetriblematody caa becoaqsered. nALL'aBALSAM ja.THIS REMEDY Itbreakaap tbaabcbtiweato, relieve tat oppraadra tihtoM aeroaa the AAOK, and heal tha tocenled aad txtorlatod aerfa wldch the venoaf of the dwaate produea. WHILE LIFE LASTS THERE IS HOPE It may not be too lata to enact a ear evaa aftiw the 'doctor, have dva t"o up. UALL'a HAlAAIt to told everywhere, and n Im hul xt eliakiaal. ol the froiwUitore, JOUX r HENRY, CIRKAN dt tH).. at their Great Medicine Warahoima, 8 and College Place. Maw Xora. frtot II par botue. HAIL'S BALSiat to alto a turereaaedy tor ' - ej r "' Ccda,7- .Paeuuonia, ' Browcbltla, AAUBM. . . Siattlajrof Wood. Croap, WUOOPINU tliUWU. ard alt other dlaaaae of Ike retpiratory origan ; Alee Proirietoi ot AcOtUI t Blood and U er tyrnp, CarboUe Salve, Edey't Treehat, 'ixyrwated vittara, xou't uvor riua, c. JOUNF. IlfiNRY. CUR1UN A CO . 8 an ' ip Cul!re Place, Mew Tort JaaS8-laa if.'! Q Ai.p Oiyi COKCERT wU bt given It tba City of Greentbom, V. C. , ! DECEMBER 81, 1874, for the purpose of erecting an :, Odd 7cllow3 Temple, V ' Tbt Grand 01ft to the JBeiibow House. WORTU fl(i,00O.OO T . ubanu Cash gift 810,000. Rett Eatate Cali Gifra, 881.500 . $88,600 I'KI.r lOO.OOO TlCKXTi TO BE IfflUKD. Pric of Tickt, 8 80. " AGENTS WANTKI'. For further lartlea'ar. addreia tke tfaa agar, Boa a, flreeaaburo. It. C CP, AlEKDENHALL. pt -9td . . Xaaager. w ANT 10. Wa wlll aire eoercetle mea aad women Botlta WAT viu Pav froaa Ik to 8 per day, eaa be penned to year vwa r.eia;bbor hood, and la rtrictly honoral le. Particular free, v aamplea worth aevarai doUara that wUl enable joe to go to work at oaee, wl'l be eaai oa receipt 01 any eeme. Addreee j'LATHAM A CO., ept 4 U i Waahlagtoa Bt.Boatoa, Mat TTN1TXK4ITE Of VIRGINIA.. Summer law Lactnret (nhia weekly) beirja 18th July, 1674: end litth Sept Hate proved of algae! uat: lat. to tludeto rropo-lnr to partae tiitlr it a din. tt thlt or other la. obool 1 2d, totheee who deabra to atudy pri vately i d, to yonng praetlUooert who kavt tot bad the advantoga of tyateaaaUe laatrue tion. For elrcnlar anulv CP. O Ualveralti of Va.)to JUUN B. MIMOS, Prof, Vom, tad otat Law: r jaae ly win i i i n xu t rnnn i ir n n . I III If Ii I Lin II 111 ill li.li if m s t tv o w i o r. ATTORMT AT LAW, ! HILLBrJOIUy, 1 Mtf" VO&TU CAEOUNAT piIRLMJ 8TEAM WA3MB , AKD TUI UIKSTJBIBT ,JU CHEllrMTJ ABHB MADK. ; TfeatSUeae WMlunara M'er thaa otbeta la aotf moerally commIw). That tha fwr hm la Ike kcatel Itaa ?.aelia will a. aa rMdllt ailaiitu4 by trm f om who mm tt aaa triwitaluetlMia i - ' t-f ' ' - lie aoartmettoa la eaek ae to nuk tke largot QauUtf e( water tUro.ck Ike atotfe. iiH( la tha ahoruat lUae, aad la aoaipeU all Uta water to ro wkare t la deaind, aad pre vaot H Rotaf tajmbaf . It ha ae eaoirlkii aiva to auka the wtar flow by flu aJd aeaaw to low at latorra bat eaaaaa It to low elaadirV-ptiarine; alstota alreaaaa oa tbewaol aalaea.et the aloiu.nf.. Tbaa the water haa aot to ieaond to tha ewtra or aotkaadaal the ialae aottoan' to at bach, te 1 ito etarUniat boHoe atralc,ht oa traaa. U lalta; wmuui( au peria ea taa mm 3.? 4 MM: toaatanckta. Si f nStm a aoflta"tliri Of labor required. " . A mcUne"vil to it aaa b uaed with any etovt boiler or toe boiler tot tha machine may btaaed for toy other narport, ; . Thle nacfalne aalla for leae tbaa aayf Ito kind, and wUl ao tab work iakkr'and more UiBromrhly. At It aeent to4toaua It to . PEERLESS AMONG ALL. 1hu ar aaada at baat Ua.' The wiUi Ktlvaalaed koa botvom, will toat Btaay yaartand are tola at tae roi-awrag av,;-,.- For tbt Waaher and BoUer, 4aatf ttoe) For to Waaher aloae, (oraal ataa.) For tot Waaher and Baiter ea1xa large) 80.5U, For toe Waaber aloae, (aaua lartai Tbe eaaal alae t It tockee wide by is Ul-ldaen. I long Tbe etww larxe 12 tochee wide by M long lai-aaecp. nent any where per cxpreea oa receipt of price by J. A JONES, Proprietor, t J.tf KalelKh N. tt ALL bEAUOM 1 8 T i. FALL SKA SON TOOUK CUiTOMEKi AU FK1ENUA We bavo lait reoeWed oar lanre and attrae tire ttoca of rood,, which ae tra aelliaa; toacb lower tka ever bet v W wl 1 lake plnture In a iowlDi our good' to cu&vinceell that they erej CUBAPR8T OOVDH In the market. If yon want to f the full wnrto r tour unnev c ill and tin ol ua Wa have for ladiee .ear a biautlfal tine et Praai Uooda, coDtuliuK In part of Black A liaccaa, 1 . and pare from '.'5 re tt to 11.31, Bhvk Mob. ) Caabm rev, JapSllkt, Corded Loiter, Cntoni Suilioi;, Blnck Dree Silk, Auttralian Create, Pougee, French Mrin , &c, Ac AH of the vciy luUtt tiyUt. Alto, for the gentlemen the rekb.-a'cd CANFIELD SHOE, Wt ch la tba brat now tcanufaelured in tbe Ua led 8'ate. ilao a b idaomUu of " CJSSIMERE3 ot th Inwt quality. - BAU.Ol'8 F. Y. BMIKTi', which w iiaaranto a fit. We haveiha bat KO'jds In the uaket and aeU lower Uua any hoaae In ton rltv. PETTY A JONES. R VUOVAL The tulMcriiier hat rrnve.l hit ltc4 k Store t the huilding two dimrt north i f Tucker' ftore oodtr Wttaoa't Photo graph Uallerj wluro he hai more room, and better aciomruodfttiout fur conduct ing a whnleia'e and retail trade. ue ia now making larce nidi turn 1 to dock of BOOKS, STA TION tit Y, tANCY GOODS, ... IMBKM'IKG ; S?UOt)L, MI.SCELl.ANJ.OUS, and STANDARD UOOICS, Sabbath School and Song Bookt, fiblo and Tettameott, P.aycr and Hyma B n k, Albumt tod Chrouio Picturet, Account tnd Clank Bouka, Pint and pla'n Stalioneij new ttylet, Perfumery, Soapa, A ., die. tie la airrni for the eat of thi N. a RKPORTS, BATTLES DIGEST WUtKLEKSAN.C. MANUAL, ttpecitl terma to Merchant and Teach. eit. ALFRED WILLIAMS. BiKiK.EM.kn and KtahImbm. Raleigh, Oct. 5th ' E NOO KQR i:oM E 1N8TITUT10N8 SJiCURlTY AOAjjVS7 jCJUA THI NOllTII CAliOHNA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY RALEIGH, N. a . v !.-. TiuaCoeiptBy eoaUna to write Polio tt fair rate, on all elattea of tot arable prop arty. au toatet are prompuy aajttwa ana pM. . TneHBOMEM lararddlv arowlacrB vaMIt favor, aad appeala. with eoefldeace. to iaaarer of property in all parte of Nrrtb Carolina. Ageni m u pane 01 in euie. S. H. Batti.b. Jr., Pnildent. . U at Boor, Vice Preeideot' f 8BAToaGAi.ee, Secretary.' " ruum Uowraa, Bepw-rtt eft -" Jaaett-tt u -Y R! II I 11, 1' HI Bill I Mil, I IN I I I In 1 III II nil Ill 1 Ii I I 1 1 IM I ll . " -" The Wilmington star. ESTABLISHED ONLY BIX TEARS I t DAILY STAR. HAH the Urtreat elia'tlon of any Dally VewapeiMr la the Mate, and a tlrtol Uoa to WUiaiuKtoa a carl 7 twtoa ae lerga at ao other paper. . Ail tha aewa of the day wiU be foaad la It, aoadeaaed whea aninportaoWat baq(Uarhaa of noaMit,anbalwaya preaeuted la a clear, luU'llijrmt and InirrcaitlturiuaaDer. t , . . BU miMl KTI tfN (la ddfaoee) ! 1 j On Tear , '2 9 Six Month Three Moolha-.i.. ,. I W WEEKX.Y STAR riuoa HCOUCBA, The Wtkly Star la aow oolblned with tha piur, ana u onopi mi cbotiw eoaatrji at the following REDUCXO RATES 1 '"r peClmra eil V kuul Addre.,. . WM. HJJEUNABO. ATfftr d) JVwprir, WiUtuiOTov. N C , dee S6 - . L UMB .- ' AHA ' ; ' ' 2900 ton Bine Lump Plait er, direct froe the Quurrlea, Wlndaor, M. B. Freeh around ptaator pat up fat bbl ind new Burlay BK. For tale by STAPLES A BLAIR, Comronilailoa Merchante, UwT Baala Bank Klckmoad, Va. mar3d2aioa H ORNEH ANUfattAVAMt' SCHOOL, IXJLBBORO, N. a A Claaaieal, Mathematical, kXect lle, aad Military Academy. Fau. Battton aaem tbb to V oboai ib J oxt Board and Tuition Including Vael. Weak Ins, L'Khto, aad Faralahed Koom, 1157.40 per tenloa of twenty weak. IN8THUOTOH 3. J. H. HORNEK, A. M.. tt H. O RAVES, A M., IlUtiU;MUKBON, JR.,ljBlrerity of Vlr (tinia. Mai. 1. H. HAMILTON, A. W. VEN ABLE, Ja., Po'keeptlaOota. College. C'lrculara acnt oa appllcaUoa, Hill.horo, W. C, Jane 1. lSft. wtlulv It, WW ANNOUNCEMENT. Inpcetfully announce myaelf acandUate for the position of Piintipal Doorkeeper of the Houae of KepttamtoUTea, tnd With eonlldene r-tw the member, elect to the ex maibri whom I lurvedln that craeity from ISTil tIHT4. JOH5I U II ILL. . aep lt-wbt. New copy.- KBAENKY FLUID EXTRACT The only known remedy for miiKHT's mmm And a potitWe remedy for - GOUT HR.4VEL. BTRlt'l CKEH, OIA BETE8, UrBi'EPBIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY, Non-retcntlon of Incontinence of Urlna, Irri totlon, Innauamatioa or Ulceration ot the Bladder & Kidneys, SPERMtTORKIIOtA. Leaoorrhcea 01 Whltea, IMmi. the Fro trate M!and, Htone In the Bladder, -Calculoe Urarel or Hrlckdut ;iepna4l aa Mjcaa or Milky Uiaekanrea E HARNEY'S EXTRACT BCCQU Peiwien'ly ( a-vii a'.l Dlacaawi of tha RLADilER, KIDNEYS. AND DUOPS1 OA I. rWRLLINOS, VitUtWt; iu M. ". V,),ien n t Children HT NO MA VI Kit WHAT TUli AGK 1 Prol. Meale t "Una bcttle of Rear my', fluid Kstnet BmUn la worth aiore tbaa all otlir BuchBieua.biaed." Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or all Bottle, for Fire Dollar. Depot, 104 Duane St., New York. A Vhyaiclaa ia attoudaaoa te aaaaer corret pondanee and Kir td too gratia QT Bead tump for Peiaphltt, frte, aB jaa MeodAwlv TOTMg Nervous and DebiUtateii OF BOTH SEXES. Aa Ckarg jot AdUanfi CoHtulUlitm. Da J B Dtott, Kraduat. of Jettera Med Iral UolUhte, PhiUdelphla, author of eeveral valaable work, can be eanaalted ou all db e aeaol the flexual or Crlaary Orirana, (which he baa mad" an enpeclal atudy) either lu mala or female, 110 matter from what eauaa origin it' or or of how loev ttandlnx. A nraotle of HU jeara ecablea hlia to treat dUeaaea with iBcceM. Care gaaraiitoed. Ubarrea rea eonatile.' Thoae at a dUtnire raa forward letter deaerlliin; tympunat tnd encloelng to prepay poetoxa Hi nd lor the QuiU to JlmltA. Prioe 10c. 1 ; . J. a DYOTT, M. ... DOWN TDB HIVJ"l, s ; " or riicTicn LEssost hdkr i The Code Dttello. ' ! : bt ' ' . - AN AMATEUR.;, L J. Ualb A Eon.' PaUiahare. Prtoi 81.60, extra loth btndiot;JL Thia It a Southern book, founded oa aow. earracee laiel traaaolred in 6eorrlaaad Alat-anaa, la wUlc'a aome North Caro.iulaa ere proastoebt aetora. . ... ; , ,.. for ia at toe Book Store of . ' t. AaJRED w-iluama aril tf , . ... WANTED. ' Active! Local and Dittrict Aeenta with diuct contractt for tha Pena Mutual Lift loturaoce Co.of PhiladHphia, for N. OL ' tnay 88-tf ' Genl Managar" EiiaaT i tt : "ejTrv-i-sk. -M s . ?.tjc taTifc-. -a-. ji-tkfr 'i!f mttm irfv x&t&er-&w s9Mmwwwb eaaaw ar 9 - -.- . , wW BUOED RotuxW?to,En?ld Ma. Joun Davi, or Bnoco Fam 8 1-8 ' to Rnrua to EbwLAJiD, ttrrtnna to eivi a AT TUCK III' "H -A "L -, . BA TURDA T,' JTQ ' !:-.'' . OrMateexneg s A r.l .'eWtaatfiafik 1 1 1. . ihu itn aiavan tt ! l3AiMllaim Dairy Hon, with tpring of waiev nningJ throned If Ptaturc, Clover Ptteb, Orobard, three Garden, ana! Laaa wen leeceo, atoTtWFeMaroaa IheFtmT Tbt Farm Ja all under good he fence aad bta lrte alfh to Hilttboro' and IUIelgb. and b, CUtre. Creek at back T TbaWaUtheliouj and three Spring on farm of eiatlleat wVtor. The moat healthy location la North Carolina; Tha to aeariy new bnilt at gate on tba highway fbrt tbm line, and to doing 1 good l trad. jvwbleb can be greatly axtuoea. aui w VT??Z?2??X? nAnn nnrr Tba TB1IM U um imw mwm vw w lad Free gift, 1 toe Urge mule, (Fanny.) 1 Ooa good mule, (JackJ 4. One good male, (Kitty.) t. One good mule. (Molly J 0. Strong 4 boraa wagon, nearly new, 7. Extra itrong wagon, 4 or 8 mulct, 8, Good itrong 8 hone wtgoa, 8. Enellth bugga-w 175 185 100 188 100 80 -475 10. 8troog, ataful borae, ? ' 11. 4 homiEnglith CulUvator, ia. Fine cow, (Beauty J Irom Eng. atock, 13. Yearling heifer, from Eng. atock, 14. Brutaato carpet in drawing room, 15. Fine red iteer and cart, 18. Good ttocr, 17. Good young cow, 18. Yearling beifar cow, 18. New eofa, covered with bctee- hair, 10. Cooking tove, 81. Harrow, t3. Dump cart, 83. 80 tola of tbtmbert' EJn burg Journal, Si. GoodEogtiah gun, 83. A) x cane chain, 28. One large aafa, 87. Heifer, (Polly.) S3. Two rocking chain, 89. Heifer, (Pink), 80. Heifer (Carrot). 81. Tea Brahma Fowh, raleed , , from atock coating 3 a pair 83. Two wheelbarrow, ' 83. Three large volumt of Illu- traied liietory of England, x 100 year old, and rare, 84. 80 volomea of Engliah book, varioua aubjecta, At.' 8et baggy harneaa, 80. Double art btrneta, Incomplete, 87.Mabogony Draw, Kagitah mike,- ie-a"- 185 0 80 80 80 40 88 80 18 80 87 85 85 80 SO 18 18 15 IS 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 ..7 7 8 8 i. : 8 88. 89, 40, Toilet eet, China; Iron bedatead, fiagliah make, 41. - - . " 42. Revolver, 43. Stair carpcta, 44. Steaat waaher, 48. Bureau, 48. Show cate, 47. Large Scale, (at rtnrrj 48. Bull dog aad feUuocl, 48. Wathttand. , M. Ftbcy uble, " 81, 'Rrmud table and dog., 63. 8 pick, 8 foTka. 8 mtttoefca, OA Oorn planter and dtgon plow 04. Aw, Cotton Opener, Buahook aid. tpade, 55. One tpade, five hoea, Water pot, aaw, drawiog knife, 80. 6 buckett, buckaaw, drawing kuite, METHOD OJ DRAWING, Ac. , ' ;. :;! . The Drtwiag will be at Tucker Halt, Ttoleigh, aad will be enducud by icrntlc men (elected lrin tbe audleaoe. ( Tba drawing' will bo by blindfolded children, from two wheel one wheel wUleootaia tba ItNf gift la tealed ear to pea, the other wheel contain 8,470 Duplicate Ticket., numbered tame a timer aniil. Alter the content of the wheel, have been welt and thoroughly min d, the child at the, lat wheel will draw a ticket tberetrom. aad then thecfa ld at the 2nd wheel will draw a gift tbereform, and the gift tbue drawn will belong to. the Vililer of Ticket drawn immediately before. Thi pmcr aill continue until the 100 gift arc a1 1 drawn Irorn the 2nd wheel. Tha payment of the gilt will bejfto the da; after tha draw ing. " Tbe drawer of Grand Gift caa at once receive the deed of the eatate, which are free from all mortgage or ieenmbrance, oa giving pvrmiaaioa to Mr. Davie to. re main with hi Tenant tufBcient time to gather in what may remain uf the 80 acrea of crop, il not all in at time of drawing, unleij the drawer of gift will purchaa the aatd crop of Mr. Dvi. rriet of TicfrU nlf 50 eoci . . Yalus f QifU 33,670.00. . ISAAC ROGERS, Eat), Sup't Ckcit A Dbawiso. A genu in Raleigh for Sale of Ticket. : : 1! 1 CnAT(Ait A Bao Nat. L. Bnowa, N. 8. McttLtv, J. II. Ebmi. A. ILTkMrLK, J. C -i LciiDKjr, Sah'l EIbbhiix, D. J. Ellii, TnowrtnB 4 M'nrTAKXB, aad at moat ot the Atoret in IUIoikIi, ami at Mr. Davit' Store, on thai HilUHro' mad, wa the Farm, wh ch wincludadn tha Gr-d Gift. A FEW AGENTS WANTED OUTSIPx? OF RALEIXIH.' tTUow To Rkmit Money thonlit be tent by R gii-tervd Letter, or Pot-office Orn, r, payable to J..ba Davit, oUoud Farm, nev Btleigh, K V with Name, Poet office, douuty and Stole written plainly. All Agents la reaiit Weekly the amount of Tk-keti told by ttiem. - : 7"he lolle wing geatlemen, reaidlng Jn RaJetglLJ have kindly i.ffjre'l to certify to tbe genuln.De ofthe tfftlr, and are wall acquainted with Mr. Joi.n Davta, tba Pro prietor of Btroad Perm t --' 1 . Dr. a W. Blnckoall, Proprietor Yarboro' Hotel ; W. T. AJama A Bon, Founder aad MacbiouU; B. F. Cheatham Broa Mercbtnta ; Otpt. A. W. Lawrrnoe, Intur ance Agent ; Jotiah Turner, J r Editor Sentinel 5 Baa1! Merrill,' Bupt Raleigh Oat Workt.i Cult 8,470 Ticxrr to bb Imcid, bbibo oorr tr Fabm abb Gtm. , - JOHN DAVIS, Stbood Farm, Near RALEtoa. , . ' . The name of all who draw Glftt wilt ta advertited In Raleigh BiniXKU 8d day after drawing. '.,,, . ,".., , ... ,. . aept l8tn J F. JONES & CO, VQTT09 FACTORS ASO SIJMMAL ' C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' Q II O O AC US, WrurmaTew er, Orroarra Maajut tqp ana : - -BALWtO, JT. O. . . Rave on hand aad are dally race Win erery artiela wtaally waatod bt the iwory and ProTialoa Ub, eoelrtia; to part ot . 10 Bar Coflee, ' , 140 HuaheU Pate, ,r . SO Bbla. Bnear. i l0u lb balk Meat, e lie 89 Knr Lard. "19 Boxet Candles, I 1 Miti unaffRoitB I IJt. A A - " L, BALE I 0 n. .'c fKMBER 88, 1874. I at 8 o'clock, P. M. vw'l , , , . . , . Wl HI:'.' woico 00. v ia t iigo DOLLAR I I i 'f ij- . 1 87. Grindatoua a J two axaa, 88. Ladder, 8 duckolll phwt and abovel, 86, Two bone Watt plow, one ' bora Watt plow, 80 New Cradle, 81 8 acytbea, 8 auger. 4 tmglt- 88 8 ehalra, 'iC 88 8 cane cktiit. . . , MA Jitmpv chum, and large Clot bet borae. IS I EoRliah Feadera, 68 Fire Iroue and dojrs 87 Dreaaiog glata, (Ur111.l1 plate glaat, mahogooy fraote.) 88 Oral mirmr, (Uritiah uiate fh e traiA 8 iralhta ort can. . : bench, 70 Oil cloth ia hall, 71 Dining room cat pet, 78 8 Cream cans,ktuimer. 3 milk Cooler, 1 meaiuie, 3 ttiilk Cana, 1 keroaene can, 73 5 Sad-iroot, kii hef leuder, tin bucket, c, ff -e put, clfee mill, 8 bair broum, 74 Tim piece, 8 vol u! o..'k, 75 UalabCee and tea It, 76 Fold-up chair, uii pBiniiii in old carrot frame, 77 4 Iroa aauccpan, oval l-iler, and 3 kettle, 78 80 gallon milk cao, niiW gale, 4 meaaurr 4 luaoi l, 79 bench and 4 eitow boul ai tore, 80 Small acalc and w ightt, 3 brandy banala, 81 4 bottiea, 8 decanter, 88. About 100 feet plank, and gear, for 8 plow, 83 20 empty barrela, vanoui tort a, 84 8 French vaara, 83 8 Dretden Vaara tnd 2 Ore - den bnige, 88 8 Glaat caaet, atnff d bird 1 framed figraviii, 87 8 Volt. Cook' Geii(iaphy and 18 book, variou kiada, 88 Coal ecuitle, tconp and 3 ruatt, 89 Hearthrug, 90 8 tablet, 81 Engliah deatert aervice (green) 10 piece, 93 10 piece China, v.triout, 98 Fura ce. 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 , 5 8 13 15 20 5 IS 94 80 piece Chioa, various 98 20 Ensraviout, framed and . glaxed, . . 98 !0 pieeaa China, 97 Mahogooy book caw with gtaaa duura, bottle Jack, 98 Patent corn alirlltr, 99 Ancient Cabinet, 100 Doe breeding ao, 101 " lU tlicot, 13.670 j: SPRING 1874. . OEBTt' arniM MATB. The leading 8priug etyle in medium BndFiM Felta, at tha moot reatonabto prtoea. Now ready at ; ' R. a ANDREWS A CO , Clothiera and Genta Furniabera, Next door to Tucker HalL '.u "J' J ''' ' BaleiEh,N.a fab. 87th 1874. 'WO THOUSAND POUNDS. Mat nana Lard. At TBfrt-rr- .. Wlltl 1. tito PVONESeOS r-: ..:l:.:.v:-1 . ... . .., Can coiton u TBE LATEST. BE8T AND CHEAPEST. I offer the public, tha latett improved Onttoa Gin, aa well at tbe ebeapeet. The following orrtificttet from well known gentlemea, will be more aatitfactory than anv thing I eaa aty 1 Nab CABT, N. C, Nov., 12th, 1873. Thto to to certify that I am uaiog on nl the Carv Gina otadt by W. M. Sorrell, of Car;, N. C., aod that I am cell pleated W4'.it and would cheerfully recommend it in aay one wealing a good Orn. a. b. yat. ' CAH.t.N.0. M y 22nd. 1874. I tat pleeeure ia t yfilg that 11 m y gat C"tue Oia, J ii.chaatd fr.u Mi. W. M. Bom.ll. kaowa a the Cary Om -i., far better work than nay Om, 1 hire heretofore uaatl, though coaling hom SO 10 00 per eent. tret aiteey. J thmk aay pt ion Jn want of a Git wjl.l eave mooey by porerlating tl)4 ary On, it bcrfotaauice naa urea ruiiic-.i niwauiory 10 tne. I Can i;.M?.JjJ..J .......V .entlra tatlalaetlrm to twv Brthbnr, wh' nave tried r. ami. we lliiiik it an ria l . lent gin.' H K Gci, if 11. jUUAh, W. t . I'aob, Wa E. 1'ai.t. PRICi:: For 80 Saw Oia, T0 85 Saw Gin, luo ForaOSawOin, i:,ij For 43 Saw Git, no For 40 Saw Ota, 130 For all uoder 40 Sea 1 t. Peraont waatinftUiut a hi please tend in tbelr or den eafiy ia theaeaaon to that I ma ai.t be crowded iu tbt fall. Send U) yoarofdert aid I warrant you will le pleated. I do all kio l of repairinir. ADDBxaa, W. M. SOUHELL, aaj2idA-i?. CN.C E. F. JONKu & CO COTTlN FACTORS AND GENRKAi. -WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL OROCERfl. WiiaiaoToji BT, Ori oeiTi tlAKBTqi'iKC RALEIGH, N. C. V prreeat our Card and offer to'tfcr public our aricee aa Ucneral Cuiu.taiun M w ekanta for the tale ef Oottoa fcM otlier wo doce, te Our leoatloa b can tret, In tha baiine part of tor city nod w offer ecpectol adeaatatre. aad taolliUue In Ik etur of ' Cotton Ac., ha riot a Bret laa metal roof and Ore prod tor aoaaa, l totted wlthla a abort JUUnc of tbe , oliee "Ution, and thereby lea liable lo to danger of Ure. Thoae who ueaiKn' .toriBx col too will Scd It to their totereat to communicator wilk a before atoring elae wheie. We are coaatautlr lu receipt of a line of GaoertlUroccrieeahieb wtare aelllnf at the vary Uwuet aurket prlcee. Faraaan luppltoa alwait oa band. Country produce hv lance 01 anan qtaatiUat taken ia aichanre for gooda. We tottctt coatlfrtimeoU and will ctluct atlafactory aalea and guarantee prompt re turn for ail article minuted to a. Uur patrona and other will b. Informed from lime to titue of to. ireneral I-nor of price for Cotton and-prodnce generally. AU eouaeaanlcatiooa of Inquiry prtHni tly nnawerad. aept 17-wtf J3ARTVRR WANTED. Aa tareaioue aiechaa, eho baa wade a atefal toveatlua, waataa artnwr with a capi tal of tMU. ( baadreJ r. atat Bara toed oa tha larattmetit AddrcMt, A. B. Raleigh Peat O0U une tt tr - s ELECT BUAKUOiU AN J D t bCHO L HILL8BORO' N. C Tbt totoeee Nath at Miat Kollock .lit ... ram. the eierct of their acbool on Knla Feb. e, 1874, Oirenkua forrded on appliwtlui dee l-J 1874. 187. AUTUMN. BL.VI K ALPACAS I HL k aij'uvs 1 Pottv & Jones Opened to day the m t beanti ul lire of Blau Aipeaanil Puie Viohilr, utr offci.ed la til aaarkot, and rep tfnlly rk It cir eaatomatv aad Mend to oil and ire them aad be eoavtaeed for them eirr. Alto a e(lendld'..M)rtmcnt of F.l! Prints with ureal mtDj otLir ko d In thili line Mew aad Frrto. A ad for ceutlrma.. Till NOTED B.4LLOU Ml'RT A.!)l AN . FIELDS CFLkU'4 ll tD IH.M'M.IK I t II it s. We Guarantiee a'.l I" -' ' trjitllU B EST IN0IAM Kt'CKLlS.'- lime; LIME! lime: BOO Barrel! Juet received at prirt lorr thaaNo. 1 Liu htt ever bic.i M for in toll market. Btrdwan tnd Cutlery, '.. 8llbrorA BUcilJ, JULIUS LEWIS oi CO., ' ' ' Filher BuililinR, leptS-'J Kaleigh. V . U. ' O H N iBHSTROXB BOOKBINDEK ;' AI Blank Book Isnurf!arer. OVBBB. C. toOKSTOMI. RALEIGH. N . Jt'UHAMrC'UOUL. EitablUhed in M UI81NEYILLE, M ' Tha ISItt teealon opena 1 tb July, 1 TbIUob and Board, $1MI (r eiou. Nd aitraa. For eircalar ppl k It. B1N0UAM, Bnperlntendvnt aim. aaa SB-2 QOLLiM'6 Warranted ' L Cf 'Steel Cotton "weepi. 1 Hardware Hoa of JULIUS LEWIS Jj , VO; KaldKh. N. C. trad tnorlicd at Minafactureri' Pi ice. : . ..!

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