J THE1 SENTINEL lOfLUK TVXinBS, Edttafc BitTJRDA.T, jCTOBlB;iOwC 00 BXTORB TUB FJSOrtK.,Y,i 10m of tbt trikr for, th .Spiced Journal" eeya tbst JprdnB Bum 'will get lit Stat Piloting, another ssy mJor It of tb member elect from,' lill vote tor Jordaa Stone. W knowjwH-J f lag 9H an an tarn, nor mi wt ihn vita tha, member na, tt WbJecU '7irtl Was member wilt, withont offsnes, tak InstrostVrma from their tWltuts. 'mast' ntsntiog in tt. MntyV Towmmlp, wa will hart them Instructed by th poo- plstftT nBstont Andaannd MtM. jottrnnL TiJ nm 81 Mar Township ttcuM thMKhte rrofclhrt township groaVy mlrprmntei tot. .pnopjs In tjkt fit oa of th uMli$i j;amt -jMdtit J boaat that b)e Stonn nnd'HcAden card bad great fore Whb th people. V Jor dan, In tb man nueting,. cm carry on vote la flra, w will tnr or to bim tb But Piinthy and org our Weodt In tbe Legialatarn to vote for; him ben tbat body meet on the S i Monday of Novem ber next.; What ; Manager Bton 1 . 11 be will not agree to this. If he will nam any aoonty represented by Demo crat tbat will vol for blm, and Join at in calling maa meetisg in tbat nonaty on Bntorday tb th day of November, we will bar U member ioatmctrd by tb people to vote agaicrt blm. It fall in tb effort h b to be prioter forthwith nnd bar oar lofloenoe for it before tb Leekletore, All w delr it to bV Jordan nnd tb corporation and ringt vrb nave backed him befor th neopta. Jordan may bring nrrtb blm McA-den, Bwepaon, Dr. Bnitktnl and Billy Smith, wbiln will go without a friend. What nay tb iploed jouraal t " -'v.- , - i. . WILL 00 UP. It i aaid the lf Prrrf aiial the Ral eigh Mr, will go op after it U tbroogh with tb govcramcnt Jb ofphbliahiag tb few. Ti e are told tbat certain gen tlemen hav ben to confab with Bwep aon mediumt or nghtn to rnn tb Mr daily dating tb -mum with n view f bolliag Bp eonaolidation. ' Bepoblkant nil nay Tlmolbjt Unlondar . will, .not be revived, bwt another iodepondent or eon aarvatlve paper wilt b Matted. " w reapondent wlaha tb know why we bar never called public attention to tb fact tbat Bpo ran the Ovnamf, now de funct, and n offer to glv a proof of II Verily, verily, th ring la nut dead but " Jl , .TMUNLOADBB,, . f We Wr that mlaied lb pnblie about tb nppanriaoiiof HSnidtby' Uc load r. , Wf bav Joqairedof tpubli can who oogbt t know and hey have ' not beard of 1 I( b Jpap atnrtn w can won tell whether it is n comojidatton paper, paid for by Bwepaon, or n pnper to show nplloldeo and bis old ring trawgrenaiomy nndlsiqakiss in rai rod and But bond matter. ,'., mVm ' ;" ' A ; A CUT C4NDY CONCERT W Jl tb. nttMiIo ( W City ratrtera to n oommonlcatica horn n wor thy cilil aigned "P. atnioat the candy gambling on Payettevill Street.-".? Ukea a pmper view of th gam, nnd cite correctly the law' ngainit h. ' . . ,. ... P.ir lb Bsnti). -DEMORALIZINO TUE TOUNO. ' Mr. Editor: 1 obaerv s pric candy gambling 'cstabliahment opened on Taj Uevilln Btivwi.'nesr Tucket's, This Is on of th worst forms ot gambling, and ought not to be tolerated. It is a sight to mak all creation mad, to tee a stout, able-bod Ud man making as oped boti neas of fleecing the innocent, ths Children, tbi negr.ms, and nnaophistieated .folks generally.' Mr. Editor, Is this work ot thieves to b tolerated I la H not, not only robbery, bat s tchool for teaching tbeyontig to gamble f ' Oamblicg is one f tb worst of hums vice, sad aa exhi bition like thin tbat kindles ths pint' nf gambling in the hearts ot the young, should not b pcrmitUd to cslat a day loogervt Thi candy concern is nnlswful, si lbs e9tn. atction nf the 13d chapter, f Battlel Revieal, torbidt' lotteries. fa(i kinJi' mnd 'ittertpt mmi, , a4r mkajjur nam, afnit r Cr2 they may b kaowa. Why d i ,tb mrU reform Mayor ar noara get ntier in concern t Ursak ;',,,;-t.vTw,....' ... .,F. '. Wt (ha AntUal' I Mr. Xdi itltimtt mad certain gen Heme a, manageii tb fnir, your en mice by writing yon a year ago that there waf tyng-'lay- th Mr. J and other thought Bnerif Le had too murk ton Uloaati&g tb (air, end Jtiuagbt U baj 1 nwnrmai toeit fcn nvlils;it-n4 nch place,', Wuf'lib4 i property in Iba , vtoisity?ibt Mttmlel b enhanced la : valnel' I n)lndc. fan q tb pmwntution nf a gold wtch by tb ExeentlvCutn- mitten to Dr. Black nail fur hi ssrvicss, when the Doctor made mor jaoMv by . mlbr WtJJnf aity was tO,000 la drbr. When ths Agricultural Jgurnul aaaailsd yon as aaemy of th fair, and th commltte al Iwed Judge "Watis Mf put bit bull "Jo. Turnor" i 'n bng and drive over th track, 1 regretted I bad written through th r-swriMBii sbnnt tb ring in tbn fair. Lheriff Le declined t serve on tb Ex ecutlv Committee bceaum there' ert at- lions men apt ISa, II my there n sing to buy nut tb fair ground by ba'v log the asortgagn fcr sed, aod, let tbe Hag bold ud ( ran th tiirw i J tint Mock company, t l wriln to call public htteuUoa to tbt lac that railroad corpo ration ban bad loo mtt tV 4 att th Mr, and It bat be pjde t) w I In their InTor. 1 go In mj buggy,' my neighbor with bin family goea in bit cat! Hag. I pj' ft feats to tater and tb am for my bnggy. Th railroad takes m (or tea cents.. It I wwty coots cbnper to enter .Jh -fair by railroad than bj ogOrWiBt-'Th differeoc U too fRr-tttrild that noma or lh funa at been mraanplisd. ' :! ', Yours, yoa afr A.frwad f tb fair. ,...'.. wnl ,,..;'.A ,n!J ,4 CbW JVM ' ) a ' i : i -i t1 . r roe rb8enanLlf Mr. Editor ( I panted WUmlngton Bi abonroie o'clock and tbati wa near oa unareq segnti arouua n gambling ts 1 nnd a slurp shark ot n whit man mam on favvtuvlll Street. t barrier both whit and 'black, nnd they fWWrW edMttBus immunity bonld ' not. Bt ec d a hey did in VifUtaargi fcjy-yere ago. thHter kill a rew gamorere thaa liav them tilling the youth o' the lanrt. i. iVA , ACITIZSX. A PAIK PROP03ITION. JotdeaBionn b hl Jo Tnroer eeaten la tb Convention fur Congmaa, and bis M fton and McAden card did tb work." Jordan' ngenta nnd mi gera bave been Luy auctioneering with membert e!o-!t for tb publio printing, sad on ol tb agent report! that Jordan I sure to hav th printleg. ' We urn nteredwith th ring or Jordaw Into ground asaffl for, th printing. In tb eeaaioa of 1871-73, w never ipolc with a half doten membew on tbewtijecf Th Railroad King nnd Ring, running S lew wier worker of the pvty bad tb print log pat n ' w i he lowett bidder wben they eoold not gi It to Ring maa, Manager' Henirn.- Col. Waring said In 1811 lb printing was given to Cant 8am. WdHnena, Blew eVUsnett for slnable mrvicen rendered tb party. To Cspt William;, fcr' blT splendid ad usur- paaaad campaign against Dsns, nnd to BtowUnelr for service daring tb war.. Capt' William received so bene Itnrwm't printing, nnd tb name of Stoo aad ITsmH are not to he fooad on tb muster rolls ol North Carolina, bt rf that of Tirgima. '- , . ,, it mmum'fvr ounw, oucKa'iuer uiaca nail. Or, Hawkina, or any pemoa who baa naoney ru'th Jflrwe will call a ins meatinn: in tb county la th district sad can gt on man in flv to Vote lor Jordan nnd th JVew to bsv th publio printioff, w will glv it to bim now, nnd org his emotion before tb Leglslstnr waa it meets. W men tion this district eapecially, becaua it I among tbsss people that. Jordan says ba and McAdenf bev tied ni epodemaed ! This notion will be kept standing until in meeting ot in kegisiatur. nw Ton. Sept. M, 1874. . TBI trs of Vtebb Roan tree la 6iohr2 by matal toaeant, either of na M aatao na a to aie-am Moisatiea. i . LIWHWIBB. ! oct 10 Im a, a Kounmnv i , . . . orrtcn on Lswis Wnii,' T "HiLX eooMn the Utuiral CommUon J. nnaineM in an na vanon srasebea, Coa algnmentt ot Cottvn, Naval Btores, Ae , auli U'ed. Liberal advaaeM made on abipmenw al mrdenforxoodepromritiTiiu. i et 10-lm - 1 foot t fflca boi TDKOWWS tABIhVrT BTOktt a TheCSMpeoleoatobayal.Uaaaof-' j MUSClAt INSTRUMENTS,1 i t, . - tWt . - " ' (Froms Jswaaarp tn n Cnnrdi Organ.) String ni Trimming for rWtns, Cut thi' i . tar ana! Banjo. : u' . ... . .: , . Basket I Banketa t Ths largeat aaaortmeat In the cltf . Braamt Bair, Cbtiss, Crnmft a4 Ska I Bnuhat, ' i .. ... Blacking. Feather Dosters, Willow Jur- aety anj Kkiog Cbalra, Brittaniu Cocon Dipper; Wood Tooth Picks, Cloth Bars, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Croqaet 14, Balls, ; Battle Doois, One Hoops, Bshool Baga, Playing Caida, ; V. Pica snn Cera, Fauci Good, : TOYS, WORK BOXES, WRITING ,.i4ft-i.,.s DESKS, . vr-( Lad its' Companlopn, Buadt,Pocket Booke Chin Vases. Jewelry Stand. Ctoar and Tobacco Boxea, Dolls, Mtrblea, Tops, indtnuunner Balis luttlea, Building nna Alphabet Ulocka, PIPES, CIGARS AXD TOBACCO, And many other things too namnron to ejentioii. Call and esamin my atock Sad prices befor baying elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. ( . ,, NAT. L UROWN. octlt tf - :a Raleigh, N. a N otici ot yoBicLoauti or , MUKTUAUK. r ., .. B v virtue of eertaia oonera eoaf erred noon Calvin . Uttleleld In and by a deed of aorttrace execated by T. t. Lee.Ao aald Llt Uetteld on th Hth da of Janaarv 1071 and teirtetwed la boHt Mo. atoa pace tOt la tb oiaee or jMcietrr oi xinea ror in county oi wke; eatea earn BuHnnlruM u ania day ol Jaanarr 1S7I aaawatd ar Mid UlUe- neld to one Jaaam K. tirean. be deed ot t daw laat afomald, and retflib red la nook MosMetParenaj la ad ettio. wn tnwes. tna aald Jaaaee A. Oreen ewtaaad tke am aaortgan to the M Angnatioe Nornal school aad Ceiiaxlata tsaUtaU bs deed dated ptik raN iBit, aa itoiara la icn na St at aaaa flUe,whah eaid corpn- rnlion ial(n 4iaid mortcaa to mm J deed Sated the '.Oib da of L'ctooer, 1874 saa alao by vina of a era war executed by lbs eaidTl-Leeto 4ot LMto oti ti buatlnr, dated the Jaly, liT aod legiaMead ta Wlw i;SlaM oi&cw. htch eud mot k 3 la carer so at petal raweaaahiia migeoa bt tea J M awnUrv to aaej I will oa SaianUr tbe lOtk day ng pa tn pwmlam. th lot fa the elty ol hsJeagn, kaowa aa the Bland ,rd Ottlc propwij, hi pan or rot no. aaw pteaoraeia city, an; boaadad a follow; Beainahig at th. soatd Weatera corner nf the lot now eeiled bk to eaia jobn n nunimr, ueaea nonth, wit tfaeBastera line of ratgtUTllla fclrtet flftl leettotse lot new owned ly Jaaaaa llaerjy tbenee Bait t. Wilmimrtoa Ctreei t thaae; North, arts feet to the lot St th aald Beat tor ; tbeace Wcet to rayeueville ntreet. The aawant da oa tb I rat abort men tioned wongage 1 about tS.OOO. . . . ' Tb asoaut uae oa the ecoad Sbor sses tloaed ntortcac is about S V ami. i wctal lwUv. M MEMBT MOBDXCAI, t- it..ii orriciAi. Tor Governor, Bup't Publio liwtrartkm. 1 11 ' - COUNTIES. 8: t .... laro 044 " twi Alexander... Allegheny... aiwuti ...... Ahe...-J. 75i Beaufort.... 1881 nestle, m Bladen, nwrn ... Buncombe,,, Burke, Cnbnrru, ... Caldwell,.,, Caauleau.... 4AI7 Carteret, i.-. Caswell, tmUwba...... Caatbun,.. CQirokee, Cbowaa. Cleerelandp. Crmvaa, Cumperiana, Ware, ... Eureeombe-V roeeytne, .A tlUIH rrankUap.... uaatoa,,..., Onn)nnlpa . QraavUle,... nta ureewa, ,..' OulUordV.,. Orabam,....! Halifax v S44I BUS Harnett.... ..J . 778 A Haywood,.... naaaenoa- ti . . a Iredell...... Jackaoa,.... Job Baton , - ueDOirHn.,.. Llneola,... Macon,....,., Madtaoa...... aiarua,..,... McUoweU,.... Meekleoburv, Mitchell, Montgomery Nah,T....... N. Uanorer... NorthaaiDtoB. unaiow. Paaoi Parqnlmane,. reraoa, Pitt.......... Polk. Randolph.... Hiaiunona, HoeaJngbaC"J noiran. .... Ratherford, I'ejnpaon, .. Stanley,.... Stoke,..... 8wi TraMylranla,. Irnelli union, ...... wane, ...... W erroa. m ... Waahiugtoo, Watoua,..., Wayne, , k'Ukea.. WUaoa, ...... Tadkin, Ifancey, Tot...i SgsS 00000 I ooooo 17 J-JC Butn UUTTUM U1M. Une U Saw Ola, Inat to band of tbU JuaUy eelobrated Alabama Otn. Tbe tetUmony S naaiaaoua tbat the tiin faater and makeal better eample thaa any other over maosv Prtco tt per eaw and UuiporUtloa. -' JAMU M. TUWLXsV -aetitwVSf Ag'tl. SALK OF VAI.OABLK RRt. AND PER - . BONAL, FROPKRTT. ' Oa th lTt da? ol Iteoaainer next we win call at public aoc'.oa oa h twaahKa. tbe nwea kaowa as the -me I al riantauoa," ilaat lour BilataBa om hiuf weatof Kal titb, aad at the eane time and place th entire eqtpmcn: of eald farm, coniuUng, of harm, mvAevaaa. culm, poultry, wagon tart plawjk, harmm, ." Ihie larra contain BDOBi inrev aanurrv ana atij acram. upvg It ao a perfectly new and e - eeilently arranged wiiui nouan, tn which am aneaeoaa. fcrub a room, a aw eery tarn aad aaoat ooaeenlent bam. eorcrlrw aader eae roof Static, combtae hay toft, l.'arrlM aat wacou Bomaa and Bhei era. A laig and well arranged Ola Uonaa with tua celebrate "ardleiUa. ma by one of Biaka'i Tnrbtn Water Wheal, end power lenAwnt to inn a Oriel mill, end pond of water Me Utter, eorerlag tliree acree ot laud aa I well etocked with eboiee Oah, ia fad by a no d aiream and will rnn a gin tea hoar oat or every twenty foar. Independently of re a or be d water. Bleckamiih aad Wtdwo.k bope with eoeaplete eeta ot toola, aad aew aad conmoJIou Kitrhrsa, taberW henees. eowehade and poaitry boneee. A well 1 good water In eqaaliy eonvnhnt to nonet:, kitchen nnd stock lott nnd the Dairy com:, bine la on bbildiug a perfect io Rous and Bprtng Houa. Ws will slo, on tie lOrn Dal or Dncnat nan nxxt, aell at public auetioa. oa tb aneal aa, U Wo iiU" known aa -Tits BXaVlE-t ABU." TbU tnet lie In Bt Mary' Towatbip, ten milee Booth-Eaat of Bat. Ub, and to about two mile diataat Iro n Auburn, one ot the depot e of the North Car Una Kailraad. It eoutt I- about two ncn nasn aao airrr ona. Upon It are an ex reikal llwalilug lionrt, con nlnleg elft-bt roona, wnieb ka cry Uwly bay. a theronKb y repair i end paialndV A very Urge, ruotuy anu new Uln iluaa. provided with every i raaufemont and oavaniancee fjr reeelvlae, anloading att ring, ginning and packing a t n, ta tbe baltdlng am one of Blaady'a Bee liteea bora poner ateem Kaicinea, with tlx ttree eonpku aal la Srat rate ruining ortV. A Zaneaviile Oriel Mill, th runner of ba t burr b ne and bow ra JPerfoet roadiUoa ? t very exeelUnt Taylore Oia nod Powerpraa and BUikamiUi end Woodwork Shop wt n fell ! ot tools We will sell at the tfc aad place laat men tioaed tb full tquipmoU ol the BxeUr Faro, eonaUtiag ol muloa, caUie. hog, gwaltry, waona, plongba, barn eae, die . VV can aay to paraon deal ring topnrchaa. that the two farua above d scribed cannot ba a paaatd la the Stale lor ceuipla eive and eonveaienjee of nrrangem at: for the nnuibet, eUsead vdn vl the buildings and enclose a,or fur tnorouxhutuol tqmpm a. The laadk nf the be-1 fue I'y. proueeee cot ton a inely a any in the el.U end U now ta n high atata of euliivatloa. There n,a both Vlanuil at a ynug ibrlti) or chard ot male arable exunt and of ths ehoi Scel van les nf liU't tree.' . A ntoag the cat tie are a in yoang eow. tmpoitad ataeoet of two hnadred aad klty doliara, a ball of ex eeflent stock and tls' and aaveral blooded ralVea. Ta nng ar thorough-blood d t hee ler aad neakahire,. Tae aiaieo wrr ml ee leased Ita cklll et d a4gaeat, an ar yonog healuy an la good vrter. The honea-ara. oo well kaowa to require mure Ibta bmuUob . . AvUitlwaUlieri l a ptaautiOBa wt The real setate wilt b sold upAath fol lowing term t on third in ch, tbe balaa m eqi-al li aulmeau at one, two, tudthrei year Ith Ibterert from date f a)a TiUe to be ictalned astil p y urnt md . , Thtenunal proprt wtg- Um cold tn credit alx numtlu fur all nan oft vue SBBOrt dollar. pttHbaeee giving not witt spproved areinty ' " S Parstu.aer will not t;twqntrrd tomaXI Bayaraat nnul mtUUt) a to the title. " . - .H . .. s. utBaH,nB(W'4 Balngh, N. C.,tct. sn-t, StadwcU Brothsrs of No. 17, nrv street Mew York, are now receiving atock ot Boots and Bhoca, gotten apaxpreaeiy for North CeroUna trad. Car oi friend Mr, J. BY Mooaala still arith IhaBV and arul be happy to en hi friend at 17 Marray of receive and til thdr nrdern, . t B IBT4. V tj -J is R.I B -7 7 81 FATETTB Vli.Lt; BTBtIT, Respcctf oJly snnonare t thaw astron snd ihs'pald. ganrfiir that t(elr aaaortmeat of C't'Uri WlffTSR CLOTHINO r J- I eoaplet. tad will W soaaUnUy rspkniahsd tarongh the Bmana, .-C-r----r, -t Their CTTXK ti tb krg.ft Is tt State and I adapted to the want of til. f-rf JWtSMBnXW lnEUNQ BAtM i sad UVSiLi la graat variety, andbj v ; s vnicn bpbcul atkntiooi u wtited. , cttf ( pBOfESBIONAU tiARD-. V. t: II FLK MMI N . ATIOltNET AT LAW . f K A L I t A H , N V.,,. - I '..)," - J Uman Booth Ua r)ert Unnae aaar th I . .t I I MM. . . oatiiwl Olaec il-tf " Ktl.BHB.'N. O. sr&ft it Btata aad Faderal Court fm th Conne Bie let end tk fodlttal Qtetricte 1 aovdl-tf : r'-2 VB KENT. t Ili Br, Bar ?;xtn(M and! Billiard Tblef1 ( THB-NATIONALnOTEL. . ! " " ' For ptrtlculara apply to ji t, atlBuOWsV i sept 4t i . . - .;. ". -: j rpf THE WUOLtBiLl TRADE ; Xadirlar the rnnr by the peat, wt entw with cm trace n,we tbe ar new entar prUti v tpjnUnnr Mklaaai from eni nctaii Trade, i y aavteg n aeparaia aMjn Uael Roue lor eack ; aad la dotaa as latter outarbrce that it will not only meet the approval of our numToo cnatomere. bat that aa " Kxelaai' Whaleasle Honae" will bring al a Im liflax of new trade, and of a character not heretofore enjoyed It moat be obvioee to ivery barer that a etnci y " wnoieeai uou, ' arraogoa ana adaptrd for that trade eals, with a corps oj exoerieaced Wbohawle Balneum. )tk a atock carefany aelccted for tbat Trade eal; aad moteowr. tbe eeokseaan B etna I ontact with retail birtra. which we and yon a 1 nave heretofore loai to be so Irk some, ss it fmnnontly kamiao that the re tall bnyer le your very neighbor, (Mihae roar now enatoeaerV hack n hoaae. w e ert, mnat and will coauneaA leU to th trad. Four year ago w adreriued ttat w te-l need to mase vnarieiw a waoieaais mwt nd ours "Tb Vbo'..l Ilonae." We nw knee tb seonl tlf U of saelag M m aceoiapliabed I act. s We sow call your attention to tb tact that wa hare eonvertod oar rarer ator tarn an xdualee Wholdaale Houre, where yoa oaa lad all Unci of coodi aeceaaary f or a e ma- try ator. W elti ft, UooOa, lethlnK. n tots, rno-a, nau, aouuna, uocnea, Haraware, Milltaery, aH tn eomplaU line, boukht la lanr uoanuue ana from the Ten Bret nana. Oer alack la now arrmnr and will beeow Kltite bout to let ui reteuiboi, u.d will, tb lanrwt of any ber. the pprtcnaloo. of othara J th eoalrary notwlthataaaia- w raapact fully InTiie yoar netaonat bMpec-. uou. or write loa mrc.reuiar . s . ; ,i T truiy your. WITTtlUWaKV at Ki.NTtLB. . RETAIL. How, a raw wonla abnat mat waow weepy the inoarb hoaae beretoiore an fa vorabfy known ae the Mean Hi em, Brown Co'.. Dry Wood liouae, to Carre Retail bMineaa, and i "Ricelaior" la, aad ba alwat baa been, onr motto, we cUlnij alen in thai Hnn tetcal In stock, to excel In lowttee oi price, ana to excel generau. We will. In that hone, have i epe of thirty aalewnon, and talea-Ladka, all perleacea, (fftbta. and obliglnn. we wiu Biaae in jtuna.Ty rranca aer-ee- lalltv., n. Charlotte. N C . kn llli,l' Aag. tb-diha 1 UMBIR 3t 1U KIND FtlH BALE. 1 win deliver anywhere hi tb city et cheap ratea. anr xin or lumnar aaatc : w.uw reel of aaoned flMribr - hnl. ' dJrcaaaMat HaleV:. - juoeitr. j. r.MKiuam, T. B KlMGdECRr, UPE AND PIRE 1XBUHANCE AGENT XAUCIOH, M. C , (OfBe one Door ?oa:h of Tarboro Hons.) Rrrnnnsv. N. 0 L'fs 'aeuraiioa Con paey N. ct. Home r Ire Compaat L verpoo) and i.tBdoaand uion nre lomuep- : ia Atlaa Fire Conusant : The Famville F re Ca h're: Jodt MerrtaMM. itr. UeortN BlarkaalL lir. hot" Uriaaom, Bev. A. w, Mai cam. Kev. J. M. AUineun. Oeorice V Strut r. Era. ' - - navin b-ca in tn imnrenee onaiBeaa rat years aul representing Sri clara voapsnie he hntM to evcam a le har of patronage oct H P 1H(I LIMBlt LIMtlll, ow reeelvlag from Depot direct front the k'.lne, S ear l-jaoa ef Hx i. Hoc It Lbas which sill be sild cheaper than th rhe eet te uealeraana contractor le Urge quantities No. I, lndit Hock Lime at i.bo. ' No. I, blvrrtoa best lu th starkat 1.TS Also kept. ona'nolly on hand houadsU Uy drenlie Cream'. t'!c!aed and Lias Plaatn nd grlcalWral Lhne at lowwt e-shnrice , . SAM81 M. TtlWttr. ' i I ' - . igent' GRAND, f QUARB ND ' TJPRIGlni Q .v hWlvct ' nu'wards' f PIPTI PIttSI'PltMITJnB,nnd nr among the beat now maul. . Ever inatrument ful!) warranted fur Uve years Price a low ss ths esciurive uea ' f the very beet materials tod the nrtsst tltnmugh workmamhip will KrmiL The principal pianists and oooi ria, and the piano-purttAiing pubtw a Ihn Bojib cpteially, unite in lh jnanfmoaa esrlict of the auperiorlty Um HtMl Plai n. Tb Durability id nui intiumot In tenllnr avUbiishcd by newi SiXTT ecu -oi. aad Colleges in tn Bnttih. nainw nv-r 81)0 of oar Piaoo. 1 -Htil Whoeale Agents for several ol the nrineipsl munufaelurer of vjaoinci una P-kw tnnei orkxe Uota toO to 1800. A Hberal diecxHintto I'lergymen nnd Bab-I bstb Scbrsoln , 1 A lame assortment of second hand pinnrn, st pricw ranging from 7 to MQ, always nw hand, u- ? : Mend hw Muatrated CsUlogua, con- talmnd th name of ever l.OW Boutn- nrnere who her bought and srs tuisg th BtfcB Piaro.- ' -; - i !,,. -v , . CHAaV M. 8TIETP, ! ' WsttWira, No. NorttLLibertt BLJ f : ' BAtTTMORa, MtV I I TsctorWod 4 8S Csmden BL, Bad 431 t7rwry et. - IBTd, 1 ml W B. '7 0 0.,, ii U ' v MOBTH CABOUsU: MASTAU bysntnc ttleoewal uiica oi the Amaeably, wiU sooo be leaned nader dlrectioa ot the aeeretart ntat. The material for tbte work baa naea o)le Ud aad peepmen by Joha U. Wbeetw, kaq., who has (pent a great deal of lime aad labor ta ooeapleUag Ik Aaahand boofcofretereneo, W will bo UioViaoat eBplt and valaabbj work of Jie kind erer pebliatwd ta tbe Biota. No nnbli shea, e maa ol hwaiB. shoald nr. wtthoat, a eopjr ; It W b nnok of Uwprtaag e hUpof the ttaasi tb e opuiauoa oi eeca. anoviog ths na tmaiona, ai?? each atata la aqnara asllosao the eopuUtsoa of each aad of vryeqaramll the ratio of re orees tatloe ta IkmsTem at each Pecad. The ConnUtatsoa ef North UaroUaa wit) m eat amendments ths population of rack eeenty froca IU orvaninstioa to 1870. tx ecntivo, Judicial aaf LmiUUvltneats ot North tarolln ( nutistleal Ublrs ot th popnUr Vote m each ouety, for rreetdent. wviiissi, vwaip-1 af 1 "WPP the qaallUrd voter from records of ew dUilngalshlng white from cetera tn conn- lie oi tnn bum, origin or nam, wit a ll-t of Benatora aad RepreeeoUtivaa la tb Oca rnt tniuly from del of foraaatlon tepee eat aailua aad mnch other ataUalical and in teta Ung matter, with full Index to th asm,;.. ,v" ' lw ii,7i.,H- The pric of the book I IU0 In fa clott landing; Postage to be added when sent by SsTwasnj mm JVSi v m a onvw v ALFMkli WlXUAMaV ' bookseller, . tUleUrhN.C. Areata wanted In svery Mnntv nl th Stat toscu ins oooc. tlMHa " TOUTU CAIIOLINA STROVE . ; : o . . ', ' Mjrs tjrstJRjurcE co. RALEIGH, Ifl a Capltml - SttOO.OOO At end of First Ftaeal Tea has bwadovr ww roucas wtuioat sasiautag a singin Prtdeaa. aensoBksa aad annrgeUs was age- It U 8UOUEMPTJL fORjPORATIOl". : i '9S i. ..i: I ' J .)' .. : : ...'(,. ThUCempaay hseae very dealrable rnrm of r'olici. at a low r.ta a any other First IMS vompany. I , W .t . J ' '' ' Impoeea no aslsi raslrictlo upon acne or travel .. - f. ti:.K :., l r.. . i ,i Ran s Bxed pa'd np value on all polisiea af- rir two aannai pnynanuia, Ita entire aewte are loaned and lavtw a,T Hum a, a foatef aad neoarag hun eoterrieea. , , ,M.. Thirty Bay grace allowed In payment of prenm With tb fact before them will th people ot North Carolina coaUnaafo ray annoaity thousand npo thouaaao of dollar to bnild Sp Foreiga Campaaies, when tbey sea sa- cur UMunnc mat ompany equi end every dollar' premiuia they dead tavatbad la oar era lata, oar own people r . IL BILL, Agent, Balelgu. ALTJABLE PLANTATfONB I0B BALE On Batareay th 88th da of November proxo at ta vonrt nous ooor ia n4Mia, tbe undersigned by vlrtee of n ludnient of Wake awpcrlor Uowrt, will wxpoee to pnbHe sal lb followia tracts of land, situate la aud eooniy, retoeiglng to tn lale parlner ihlnnt Wilder and WtlHsant - - . let, 'I be tract known as ths Uatchln Land, containing about '.0J sere rj alng tbe land of ?. W. . WiUiaana. W. R. Fwet. Wick Hub bint and others, about four Bailee aaet oi Kuieuja. Sad. Tbe tract knoaas the Beanall Land. oa tbe West aide ot Neaea Nicer, eoutaiatnt about ScB acre adjol dag the I nU nf Ot ury Partin. tb Paper MU1 cs, W. B. pool aaid ether, about 0 mile from BateUh. Both tract will be cold in sstsH Mr to salt parcaasrs. Tanata i One fonrlheaah, tb reawiaVer In on aad twn yea a with ia terras. Foataa glvea Jaauary st, and title retained for s- csnty. n. n. a ant.., ru I n JOHN UATLlNOs . Balelga, N O. Oct M SUt . w ARB AUTHORIZED "TO "AN. UsKrH - JtN KL UQ . of i arvnaua, n. t; as s csadldau for iioor Aaepor of the Senate at the next election I will Mil ia Town Lots at HmtsvUlcWak eoni.tr. 10 mi as Beat of Wakef overt Liepot I desire n p rtner 1 1 the anbHbment of poke. Wutt and HaadJ Factory oa Lilt! Kver. where 1 owe a rood mill sight and good tlrafewr lev the batiuea. - or particulars eoirr-s, W i. ARTJFILD, 1 (Cttt-LwaUnlm KolesvU e, P. U. TTKhLTt FATXMT DMBBBIXA-BnL. For Bacirle, Wagoa. noaia, Baddlee sad otuer oimbb vehicle r .bis ascesiltaalv ta anions nnd sf nl tnventioa sappllae a waat long felt by tdoee wh I rt'ie la oiee vehicle 1 1 1 so elapU la tt eoaaunmbia that n ebld een ntaaan I altar on obsmrvins; the appa rtee. it en be actewsd dow k any vehiclt withoat laeoaveataBC it doe aetdUSeBra the appearance of any Wejoe or bargy. It can ba ptsoa at aa tsvathaa, wf taelined ta aay aimcuo witn perreet aae la moeacnt tlert vt hea not In aa Itena b so disposed between Ibee.sihsoee, by tbn Meiu tarntag of s tbumb eerew, a to be entirely oat ot the way. ana will settled persona riding le ao la oavensencewhatreer. ' An nrn of erd aary mind a.a adapt It to kia vchioJa erlthont th' aid ot direetioaa. It pre to whMa th reach et elk kvary owner ! en open vehicle sbouli baveoa. Aay kind of an UasbeeiU will adjast. Tbev can be furebaaed. whots U aad retail, at JUUCB Le WIS A COA frlrc at retail t& 4ata aa county BlgbU for sale. Addrea . L ABiXr. rStertee. Jan KaleWh. h JgiNErTiiCE FOR BALE. j..:jt.,j wiabinsr to g t rate nuiaeea. I win ecu in, lb or s ebara of the atoek of lb KaJeiek Natlowai Bank of NthOalsaa,m reeaww ahetnrasa . Apply to ... . . , RlCoAMll W HAKPI?, , belllswt . lrxfi44.N.c WB a. rre.se ti to nsonne tbat W. M. nVatoa. of John wn to acrsdi- liUbirP rk -per of the nanate AN 1 Eli IO KfcNl. . A H(n pleasantly ttaated wltbm three or foar blocks Irons 1 r. a, wltn elgbt or tee rocasa, for vale a uoerai r Weald prefer a famished ho forwkleh eUtMrei rent wid be paid. Ban aire ef toU. wi imtna lor perucn'ars. w pt i-lt CVLTIS BEOS."' 1 twa aud p. : " i vaavinai ana amaionn, airmcia sold to the htfrfceet bidder, on. th Ulh ol nspiemDer, a muhlaar foe oDaratln s Bboe Factory CoaaUUng of S wax Thread Bewlns; Machine, 1 But lomier, nnd sols die, Leather Boiler, reccing Jacks, Ac, M In fact erythJec neceaaary lor operatmg a bo factory. Aato to take place at Mabaaee TiUa, where tbe machinery can be son at say time tut d.y of eale, "l,vI.tlf,w SBtaa-td (. A1KX W1LB0B. atsnntaetnrer and Dealer in Tin aad Mane Iron Wars. BtoaewaU Utoeaa, the beet in the world, bum like then. Tie) Roof In;. Oat taring end r iw,oppom jmar'SSiitr nping BpMiainy. rayenemie ouoaiu the Markrt fans Wli.K'S Mj.V-AJiUJii! tHLOWIB TOTS, t. Vend 10 inch J, rioww PoU. thS beat nnd1lKhtBt U 1 J la thU market. . . - T H BR104M, A tOtli. firntefiil ThommiUTd proclaim Tnr. tOAB BiTTEBB tli most wonderful Iff. .yornnt tbat mr uaitieo ui nuiug HBIB I i ' 't."ii ifi'.'a Ko Pfrsoit can tVe lltf Ulttrn scordinif to directions, nnd if mam ions inwell. MnvMod their bone are dot tlfr Stroynd br winarnt poison or ether ttirougbout tbn United States, wp tJiose of ths AlisslsHlPDl. Ohio, Blissourl Dlinois, Tennessee, VuuiberliMid, AiVnn sns. lied. Culorsda, llrazos, Rie Gnuido, Penrl, Alabama, iloUilo, Savauiiah. Ro anoke, James, aud rpuny others, with 'tjieir vast tributaries, throughout our wrtim Bouatry during Aba Suuuiicr and , Auturpn, sad remai kably no during sea sob of unusual beat and dryness, ni e 'JbvariaVly ttecompanied by extensiro do TttngeiTients of tue stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In tboir treatment, b purgative excitinfe a pow. orful lulluotice fripon these various or gans, is essentially necessary, 'i'bere U no CAtrmrtlc for ttto purpose equal to Dr. j. WAtKBR's Vixeoar Itirritits, A tbey wiU siotlily romove the dark Colored viscid matter with which tli liowet are loaded, at tho sniiio time timalating tbe secretions of tlio liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of tbe dlgestivo organs. ; Fortify the bodf Rf?lnt dif as by purUi lnij all Its fluids with Vixxoah Bixxkbs. Ko epidemic eon tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. ; DygprpslB or Indigotlon, Tlon.l ache, Fata la the Shoulders. Coiih. Tightness of tbe Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eroctations of the Stomach, Had Taste in tbe Mouth, Dillons AtU.ks, l'ulpir:i totioo of th Ilsart, Inilamuatiou of the Longs, Tain in the region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful sym; toms. are tbe offsprings of l)yiptKi.t. One bottle will prare n better piarantco of its merits tltaa -lengthy ndvertiwv tsent. Scroftata, or a, J Evil, whit 8welUngs,TJlcer,Erriiiulua Sivclli J Neck, Oaitre, 6crofulo luUaiuiualtoti. InJoleid InSammations, Alercnrial Auoetions, Old Sore, Eruptions nf tbe Skin, Bore Kyv, etc. In these, si In sll other constitutional Pi as, WstKsn's Tlssosn llirntsa have shown their great euratira power iu tho moat obttinat and iutrscUble case. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Tiiliorm, Itcmlt tcntandlntoTmittCTit Fevers, liisonsc of ths Itlood, Liver, Kuiners and UladJur, tbess Hitter! litrojio equal. Such Disc; are caused by VrnVco iilood. JEecliaiiff al JJiitoasos. Pcrtons cn oagod in Paints and Minerals, tuch as Plumber, Typo-nctuir, (i old-beaten, sutl htinert, a they adranco iu lilb, are luLject to psrslrtis of tbe rjawels. To fnri mfintt tui. take s doe of WLKkS'S V li nos S DiTmss occaAinnally. ForSkln Diseases, Eraptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, illotclies, Spots, 1'nnplos, Pustule, IloiU, . Carbuncle, Iting-woruM, Scald-head, Sor Eyes, Erynipnlu. lull, Scurf, Discoloration of the Skin, lluinors and Diseases of th Skin of whatever nun or nature, srs literally dng up six! carried out of th syitem ia s iliort time by tiio u-c of the Bitter. . i - Fin. Tape, and other norm, larking in th system of so marry thousands, are euectnally dmtroyed and removeu. 'o svsMm of medicine, no vetmifagoe, no an thelminities wiilfis tb ryatsiii truoi arui Ilk these Bittars. ' For Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at ths dawn of wo manhood, or ths turn of life, thee I'onit Bitter display so decided aa influence tbat lmnra "ent ia soon nereentibl. Cleanse the Tilluted Blood when-' erer you find iu impurities bursting through tn um in runpiaa, uupuoua, w wwi dean it when yoa God it obstruct! and largish In ths velnr; clean it wben it U ft all year feeJinrswiil tell yoa wneo. Aeep th blood pun, end health of the system WUl follow. vi St. H. Strti w- D at Cl., Srscrlst and Oe. S ru.. .-an r'rsaoism. CsJiAmla, sndeur. ef Wasbineue sii i harlun ftts.. N. V. BmU mr sOJ lraal- and UaaWra. T T KB'PBOTrtlUT ANNODNCB MT X mlf a eandids'e for AsiUUtnt Ttoot- keepar ol the House of Ufpreseutativos. For reference 1 refer to the ni em bars from IVM op to the T resent tn e. . ALBER' B. WILUlltB Oct B-td. i WATEB WnEEIi Taa bast U tha Marks, snd , ' eoM at temnrtoe thaa any other fat-aSaaaWban. ' . - Sand far a Psmphlst and a laesd. Jt.BvasmaaYek,r. fiheomatlsm, Scalds, Lamenes Neuralgia, ' Hsmus, Sorenesa, fJwn loroat, . Bolls, Wounds, Hoarseness, m:, Ulcers, Braises, Hesdacne, Hies, Sprains, Tootiadie, CoUc, OldSoreo All Hemorrhages, . DlarrhflBs, etc. WI a eathorlsal to tcoounee Back I Ik. kev. of n candidal for BntrosdiiaClcikef th Hons f prsen- iuvaa. BSptt-td TTTILt. be sold to t VY Thurada thai eomplet eat t! nieb! nrn $nraf:! ir -great river "I In ran of I rv. "i ".:-: 1 1 leu id to Ttuiove eciiny i I. war een. (Ttuemtnad wtth .v. ; s I JINOHAM SCHOOL. t ;. v "i ,.,'latnblUhsdin I'.BB. t, MZBiNxvii-Lv, m. tr.' Th lAiat ion 1Mb iely, 1874. TaiUon d BoaH, fit fr eak. No aUa Tor Circular ppl to MSI. R stllMMAM, one V1 Saperldles'tewt ' 1TIK GREAT REM ED T FOK consuLiPTiorj which - can bo cured by a imtjniMTefcifcil by the , jwojii ictors. It U nclctio'l- edged by rnatiy jiroinincnl i)!iyeii.nif to be the nio.st reliable jireparation cveT in ti'txluccd for Iho lvlitf ii" rji-e of fi:t r."iig tr:t: iuuS , and in often-d t flicinl)li lanctiuned y llm.exjH'rirnoe of over loll f.l)''-rtrH ..When rosoi'trd 'o in KenMi it sel dom fjiil-i t'. i fleet f BiK-c-dy euro iii mor.i nevcro eases of (.'iighs, J3i uncliitis Omiip, V iKHiping Coiigb, Infiinnz.i, Asthma, Colds, Scre Throat, Pains or Sorc noHs i:i the Chest and Side Liver Complaint, Bleeding nt the? LungB, ic. Wistar' Balsam docs not dry up a Cough; and leave tho cause behind, as is tho cane with ' Most preparations, bat it loosens and cleanses tho Iuiigs,nhd. allays irritation, i thus removing the causo of the complaint. i ET ay, yrjwLB 4 BOBS, Borim, Haan, I wdanid ar DsacsbSsand laaalersrsnamlbT. gTOLB". j Htolen from tbe uirrriler on tbe 4 b inrt, dflnedarkbay Marloul Hveyirof ee. Bo m.rk remeintM-red ty h rh I ran describe bar. fbe was takra from a lot la the rvar of Yearly Kogers Stoie. A sn t.blc r wrd Will b i id for intojaistion Itauii g to her lecovery. Addreae, l" A. . JCSK3. I el B WatawS Cary Wake t'onnly f)AA COHDI OF 8KA(IEI) I'lUK Woodleltve rdforSs TS h nd vour order to J.U. kl ia c:orjoo llill-txro Bt-cet. aug lg-3awt( gCOVIi.L'8 Blood and Liver Sjrup I All cuUcooos e nt'.on" on the (ve or body laJicateAn Inruss Uiinio or run ViAoa and ibianuy, or may n t be hcnorui i but Is either ease the oisraavls o'-tbiog wore than an inatoiocs roisoa tbat i BURNS USB A TERRIBLE FIRK, a it course through tha vein toning: seed, as" death with eveiy I'Uitsiicv. Un tbi condition t tb nif" sumetiiing Is mxtd itoion, looi.ssxan tbkbloou ; aud BCOVIIX' i BU)UD aSU L1VGK SYhL P Will roeiTlVBLV r fleet this desiJtrstnm, ex pelling every trice o( diti ae from Ui blood and Ttcm, and leaving tbe ekln f BOPT, FAIU AND BE SUTIKfi.. HnnireJso' ceKidcatc atbt it valm-. Price (1 er bottle. JOHNP HENRT.iUKRANA'O I'tois. 8 and tt Colli-gn Pino Nets Vol ALSO FROPKIETOHSUF Hill's Balsam for lb Lungs, Carbolic rsltc, hilry's Carbolic Trucbea, tllJuenaU-d Bitter for DyiusU, Ur. Muu s I iv ! crPUl; Ur. KgYa' frgetsbln 1 Worm otruji, i)r. ' Bennuti' ' Bar Deatb to bats Mice, , ' J and Veraitn, Kneriaii Hair Dje, t tc., ktr roKBALE BI AJ. DKCUtiJolS. mar B-lat-w. TOALBIQU F KM ALX BSU1NAKT, !' Ratston. V. C. r. r. HOBGO0, . M , rrlnrll. a r. BCL, A. at .AaaMuat. FBBIX AOTHB. H e lMnnrnt. 'Then -xl Brsslou otxns i n Monaa. Be Hth, b4 At.ljr Hot tblalouos July l-dli'twiusr Pcarco Cotton. TBBabove CAtttoabtb ranetirolinc Cot tonlntheUntbdSut, lb ni.ke 4 000 n per sere tn improved laui. It also I dne and long stsplu, will core n.nil from ten t Bfleen i-enta In the pound mere tbsn tbe coniaioo k.r.d Beelfiu die nt fl.iO rr tal loa ot M 00 tier i ouJ Mon a for s.vd taa be MBtby reaist-nd l.titr . ll order tor ad wUl ieroiiip'lyslt.'i.d.'o io ij aaan-ss-Ing the underaiicui'd st Itlili ir.i inn, aihC'o aj.sj, --.r.m.v-. ICE. To all ietsun wboa-o iu armsra or Isxra for lb yew 1S1 1 slid I S7 J. 8 , I berehy give notice to them, tbsl it ilie saius i l ot paid on or before to MIA instant.: tbat su Ikmwillbelsasoodsi'siLst'.l.etii, a iuo ieyr baa a reaqy b iu4U: and the Jucgin.iul eot.lesad, Thl 1 tii l .t ,iiglice si.o U.ts Who lail to eonii.ljf mav p ' l ' '' names paMlshrd bctidta huvin to y ci. aept td T. r. R ruwm. TlSOLUT10N OF cO-,i,5"l',,,r "(Vn..' i.. bara'of i r; rilstinir Bi.- der tbe stile of A'kic m v "'''. C!,i thuday desolveJ by mu.usl cooctnl. H. O. live now rurcetd bu firm tuU wi 1 eoatlnae bnslnas st tti too !'!! my n trtm aairwidcrel 'i bi win tin bi-t Whht, believ.ig i lin l if nill wurilt) il pBlrooaftr aad cojaittsr ot the i-ab.M: oeiliaJH - u tv.Aia.in i D INK I 80 f . rATENT c mmNo taoi vTwo Handred MilUona have aenu a sad nlunn the pst 10 J"". niibout eositdalat of ha tv Tsc becotntni; deteched Taa tea aoaa aauant-a ro anuna tyvrron Dili mt T Tso m oa. All Bxpreee Compenlre as tbeor. ; old bf rriatars sa atsiioBri(verywbre. teta-eod8m . ; - WE are uisi(ed lo announce Jan ' Atalasoa, ot. rsyattavill a jnJn i Or kee.vrof tbelcsat, i 11 MM ( Jy

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