V'' J T'' f ' If", V -A'.. IlIESKN'vINEL. CLKOT TO ' Tbl GENERAL ASSEMBLY Of WORTH CAROLINA FOB 1 ?- Tht following ttotomav of U BoMPtm elected to U 0.rI M far M It MU eontuler correct. Tfce aa other membart :U baTadd.4 M lamae at tained. It laqalteetrUle that we have Clll,wntli gala Of bout SB MbM . BBBeTB. ' ''k',' l,t District, Currituck, Cund, requr ,.k rVniultaao Hertford,' PiWMdCto .,. Win BSbaw bad Thonaae 1L JttfodgAa, Tyrrell, WMhlngtoa, rtaaufortMartla, Ml Uin 8 Belby, P""" . B W aw, bl.. Rep. Hi . IuM .... u...uiu..k Jna Irvia. UfA. 24th. AUmuc Hd n Iford, JmM ,T 35 b. MJUHlalph ui Moor, K.U Woctty, hrn. RlebacDd Mid Konttfoaury Jumt Jjuond 0b1o, O MTMoOly, anh. ObMt U tad Steal Dc 00 Aadw smb. HowBBd iMf la, 1 H Clement, Uoa. ,i . n.iiUna A If ra4 Haronra. Dm. ki. eviiuid roNjlha, Cook, "iBra Barry d tadkln, . G. Mw!r,Dera Mia. iwaeii, " u m :-5'h. AlWhMiy, Ah d WtUng. A J Wth. CVUwdl. Borkc McDoweU, MltchoU 7in. Cb mm! Uneoltt, Jlaj WAO S ib. Uutoa and ClMTaUsd, JesMJaa- " 31'tWtBrfford nd rlk, Mtrtta Walkw, ' : ..v ... 40ti. BuBeabo ud XwUmb, J no. &. Mo- 4UU Barwood, Beadoraoii and TraaajJ. Tanl, T. W. Tailor. Ind. Mp. 4Md. CheruKw, Ua, . UrJiiun, Jacaaoa, Mcoa and Stalo, J. it JUS 0i f . ouuor KaTBBimaTafiTB. ' AU.aanoe,aKBoraT"P- ' Alrxaadtr, i at Caraoa, Ind 0cm. Aoioa, W 1 Bmllh, dem. Beaufort, William A Thomptoa, dean. BorUe, W T Ward, wp. BuneoalM, itfo Mob, 4,Wfl Candler, rek,lliliTBte,dm. ' ' b un wick, Hcnaett, Dir, , Bod, Job Kewell, Rep. . Cuwell, lhonaa farrlaoa Pern WUaOB t arey. (col,) Kepi. Currituck, i aTWoodhOBaB, Dem." ;b. u and Ormhanv Atog. 0m. , abarraa. B Meaa, dem. i a dwell, R O Tottla, deu. ' Cxmd'B, f M Mullen, dera. tariaawt, AppleB Oakamlth, Ind., tea, ' CaUwba, M ringer, aen bathW, lru it Mortog. O A IUai.tr, , bowen, WhwIffW, wp. - ' i s ' t;oluntba,V V KioliardKNa, den;, traven, tfeo K Ouod. Kdward M Hill, rap. i ujitwlaad, Ja C MtHae, J MeUdesrap, tin. ' 2. 1 , 1),0M 0ry,D.! 1 U.d.n, Bolomoa 4 Mock, Marahal U Pimix, dihua, ' Dine, chart Aadenon, dent. Daplln, A O Moeie, W Went dent. ' Ji;cc utbe, WOUb liana, WT Goodwin, repi. ' ', ' ' foreytke, I W H Wheeler, rep. Franklin, T T Mitchell, deia. (utun, W A Stow, deia. ', UiUx, K H Ballard, dena. i . . .. i UrMwille, HT UaKbea, Crewi, rape. Ureene, Taylor, dera. , 'ubford, Mercu Mendenhall, John Hfta a , dent. "' " Hiyeood, Frank Darl, Den. Hyde, A J Bmlth, Ind. Haillax, i A White, t W Denial, rat. Harnett, i A Breare, dem llct e ion, J amen Blrtha. rep l.tll, ACBharp, Af UalUier.iema. IkWm, jr. It Unvit, Dent,; J net, I deott, Jfou ' Jobation, Id Hull, ft A Bijuell, dema . Leuuir, J P Parrot, Dmb. Lincoln, W A Thorapeon, Dem. Macoa, Jat L RoWnaon, defav jtfcl'aon, H A Qadger, dent, MelX"ell, A M Krwln, dera. Mecklenburg, ,.W Held, t t Jetton, dent, Moore, A A Mcler, dem. . Mitchell. Motet Tnng, Dem. Macon, JuL Koblnaon. Dem, Montgomery, Hardy, Dem. New (Unorar, W H Moor, H B:wlagtoB and Alfred Lloyd, Rep. Main, WTUrimBjOem. Unalow, John W Shackelford, dem. ' Orange, Matthew Alwater, JobaWLattA dernt. Paiquotaok, M J Mnnden, rep. Perqiiimani, JQA Wood, rep, bi pm u v vbi rep. Polk, Garriaon, rep. ' ' Randolpb, II T Moult, A H Kendall, dema. KobetoB, ft M Horownt tad MelU McMnUI, hichmond, Piatt D Walker, dem. Rockingham, WM Mebaaa, Jobt Johatoa, dema. Rowan, J 8 McCubblnt, Geo at Bernherdt, dema. Rutbeiford, III WnUnaot. J Baupeon, W a Bryant, Jamet I McCallop, temt. I .... j btoket, Tbomat Martin, dam. ain, T 0 Byaoa, dem. , f( ; SUnly. A (1 rrsentaa, Demf rry,WiB HtTrBora, Demi Tvtr.ll, W W Walker, dem. tmon, Lemuel PreMon, demv .' , , 1 WuhinirtOB. B Wiley, Dem .; Jijna, 1 r Dot ten and joua W Iikw.Daaa nen, I trter tad WJliama. Repa. W ik, OeoiKt Htrong, M W rage. Ml- k W Woltley and LU Btepaaa(m Uma. i WiUtm,7 H Foot and 1 i Dula, BA "mj,W W ProlUU, Dem, V I. F. lukin'i Itw Torblai , IjUat been tented atfQKK, PA., by aM.rTTiNOBa,aB. ad at HOLTOKX, Mtaa, by 'A3. SMMEBBOHtlLS. ST'oi rWobiat tad Teat Repor iddre H. t. abaaa, Tflrk, Pa G RA.BAM HIQU bUUUOCT 'U. H, A. BaDaAM, lnttractntt la Mntlo. The next Bewloa beglM the Sttk of Aazatt ho coaUanat week, - - rnptit eta eater at any Urn. Board IT to lu uer month. TntUoa H to It per month. Mnie on Piano M per month i Unltar Bit. Locatloa aniarptni'd for health. Ben4 for . circular. t i Jjne ty-StdAaihr . . EWlLLfKHTILlZEL HbrhlT CanautratoA. ' Han iLmn ManufaetaTtd ea thn beale of a rnaraataad aa- tlyna. W 1U NOW be told tnbleet to til lawt la retard to rerUUaen, with TUX SAMI Cnuanteed analytta. B. U. rttaAA A Bo v. -' VbtrbMtetvlfla, Va. tpOddtwtm . ( . rp H S , . SEN TlBl jj- 7 i Vi If : 3 , V It f i JOB iU UN i or i ion WORK v.UaviDg refitted oar ; , it t1'. , l.tl 4 i ? Job . Office," . ;. "''',.'"' ,! , :"ir? '.1 t1 AnJ Becared the terrteof o4 , - s . . i. . , We ttre sow prepared to execute all kindevoi -t PLAIN AND PANCT. AH, pertoriB htritig - ; Ijrttt- 11 ' Buiba Oar Jt, Vulliog Oarda, Woilrlfn CnrdC, ' crrcultrt,' id s tt. . V 1 . Poatata, aVa. To print, will hare their work ex ecntotJin Uw .verj best itjltj by ; 1 1 ending it to'the Sentinel Office, We sre also. prcpsrea to do a f u;m kinds of Book Work ii t !' ' ' ' 1 I ' . 1 I ' I . .1 1, 1 1 11 ' In tlie rorj beat style, si . i - .,. f -r.i , 1 (! 1.1' , ! ' f 1 ' t 1 t,i .1 i ! 1 t 1 ' . j, Alt trork tent to as will bo done ' . 1 1 , j 1 i ' 1' ' i t , ! f. 1 V. 'i .. i"'- '' si quickly .and: cheaply as at any other f PRIMTINO H0U8f 'iNTHat 80UTD " ,H l.H TICKETS Of all kinds Printed tX short notice. " la short, we awe prepsred to ex hale ill kinds of Printing in the rerr begt style. ' ' ' v. TBY-U8. ,. , it6 ' January dtk 18TA.tM a - , THX SOUTUXRM UOUTMlSe POD CO j it JaPeetod by i,, , JULIUS LXWIS ft C04 I fituia BorLoma BAtaiaa, K. C ' -"j'' " ' .. rratret BaXldlim from Uabtatag by It Celebrated coo pal UchtalaR Koda. Haa wAROfie 10 til part of the State Bad bj hajeaiaUM.' 4". .!'.,. ! t optior baa Kiht Time tba eonaoMo nmnorliel of any metal except aUvar. Tbett Kodt art ttucbrd to Bulldlne tad warranted at aame uric at ui twmninn luia rtruuior k"or ei.n.'W In or Xtaa Rda, j WrM fr ClreaWa r4fieaa )an 87 -tr i(J 4 , ' WAOTB OK A1X WHO AXK WILLING It, either ex, can nwhe tt home or la ooonectloa With ether bnatneaa, Wanted by tiuul table to either elty or eoaa- trr. and any aenaoa of U year. - m 10 m a nua opporuiui&T - - -er7-t ot of money, to Inoepen- dentiwimf. MocapMna; reoulrtA . Oar pamphlet. Ht)W waAtt "V7r cMncfnil mttractkxif, tent oa reretptt of 11 oWuT . AdarwanTA. Sv RTOM dt OO.. Morrt- nia, wettcheeter vo-i ft. , OFFICE, I t i , 1." I li ib I.. V- t ,. ! i I .! it i. i PXACK INSTITUTE. " I t ii ri r A BpniHNC? AND JDAf SCHOOL BOB TOOT LAMB. suiitH, it. Tti ni eWt emtfciM' Wader daytbesdkWpiana'aw, ed uBttawr writ, ool UiUiUiMla to tbe BUddi o( J DM fol lowing. for ratal e-n and ilnilm containing fat josiAdtrtdtwt.pso - ' jUlelgh,". I.R.Ra RADWAVS READY RELIEF OVSXS TBX WORST Mm In from On to Twenty Minutes. 'j HOT OMt HOUR , , a flat latillaa aval adienhament need any eai ,.. aornaa wtra faib. - . BADVATt BAAPT KKLrKF IS A 0OTUI Ml araar aml r ... ttwwthatnlandh) The Only Pain Remedy KhMMatly eta rae avxt eieieeertlat telee, alia Maaieiioaa. and aw tiemreeUona waecher ef rfce a, amaaeh, Bewen, tt ether alaaaiar etaaa. V aawaapUMileav . . iarrf awTifirawTai-rr.. -.u tmaJutlBtMBiiiwr.iA.. oat rsaOAT, wntwvi trntarHimi . BrttniBtoB, rao, rrH 7 axAPACa, rtliij Wha MDlleaUaa artlM raarat1ar1t iwerfr aauMea aaw winia ike aainot i itiniiy taaai wtu Tweati tmee hi hair a tiimMw W1 hi t farntieur CRAMra tfAHMii, tuun rii'il. alVHBNTKKY. flUO., WL0 AM TUti UWB1A wraiiimiBuiiiw ri. ' i Traralrri thsald alwara eai l a kettle ef W4 wer Kr BUiier iu (h. a few drop, la Hkmauar ikaa riaaca aralr amenaaa rrvxa Airs agvz. irM a fnnaial arnt hi ikia worM thai will rare Vrarr t mil inn iuvi nrai mr hut eania. -rnrra i. m Mtua. ana au Maar naiaramia, aiwaa, aeann, tVphrkLTlliw, and other rvr (UmV Kd- jrif thuuii as aatek u hAOWAra aJusi aa- .. fuisaaaaawf r T HEALTH I BEAUTY!! " orrt.K.tll AMD WRI0HT-4M.KAR tKIM AMU njtAUTirui. ctAnriAxioa tnuvutt ru au. DR. RAD WAY,' 8 . SarsapariUian ' Besolreiit " TKKi GREAT BLOOD , PURIFIRH, ai maub thi htmrf Aaroinmirira omttt m 8UI0K. BO RAPID AKB TIIBCHANUKa THB iiiiTTrinR.uiHa tiNOEn Tun iMrumK-B or Mu yauLf iitwu XHUHUUM, THAI Erery Day aa Increase In Flesli M-weipt is Mil A Krerr OAs ef rha MMAPAaTtUAB BKHOta VmiTeommunlealretknaih ike Blend, aweat Vriae. aad ether riukla ni luksaaor ihe inM iha elaw ai Uie. fur K raaairs me wwaaerihe noajr wiin new an eeand atalerlaL trrowla, BrpWIH, OenaawitOent aaonLnonaain WWHawwn hhum in. .y tii. jinra area, atraaaeroMa diecbanjee Irani Ike Bam and Ihe worst forma of tkln dlataaaa, Bruatlnm. rve a,.rea, Irald HaS, We( Warn.aaU Rlwaiii. Br)il)liA i arna, a awl epoia, atynaa m nm w isaa. 1 iwj, uan . 1- K. aMk ui all MattaolncanA nalnflil Am. hafrM. Klfkl twaata Low of aparea aae aU waalaa 4 :ka Ilia principle, era wtthla Ihe carailva ranee of Ikia m nJer or Buoera vaawaarr, aaa a law oarr eaa win lo anJPwMnua k for aitaor ef laaae hjrna of 1 1 ihe aaUeel, dally kine liw mhwad nr WM Ww . taaMoeAeitioa tnaklaenatrnaallr priraa.lf. an, -, la la aneeueet akeae waatea aad lapaire the mm k new ajalarlal mom rroaj beallhi klood . aad IkM IPa IAKSArABIU.IAH will and doM Mcar-a tire la eerauai ear whoa aaee ikie riwaajy cmamw He work of paruteatloaj, aat nieeeede In dltnlnUklw) Ike erwaataa, lu repaira will ke raph). sad owy dae the natleal will al kliaaelf entwine better aailMniaaef. ' . ne rood dleeatiae belur, inaeuie bnireTlu, and nuh ajitl welffkt Inereaaina. . Mot ealr doai tba Buunanui Beaiiuwitt eeeel wH eawaniawlaalalatlMuTCMtriinie.era iiikm CoaatliaUoiial, aad ktia dmaieii kulM the Hilly peaiurB can aor s, '' Ki&neg Jb Bladdtr ComptaltUt, L'l narr Womb dlawuaa.Orarel, tHabat. rnor, A 'PPWi o Water. iBeoaunenoeorprlM, Hriehi'iOl. ioa, Abuailaurla, and la at eaeea wkere then ar ! tclauatdapoalta. or Ike water la thick, clouJ v. uiltad with aehataaoaa like the wfauaof aneaa, or tkroad. Ilka iwtiite Hk, or tha re Is a awkld, dark, Wllou appeaei a Ja, and wklta kaawaat dapoalu. aad wkrH Hwre If prlekluc, buralae (00001108 wnaa paaaiMt water, 1 aatin la Ibe taalt ef the aatk aad aleaf the imvU. t Tumor f l War$ Gitk Cured fy JBadway't itetdlvenU -3 : I i. r DR. RADVAY'S 1 I Ml 0 , t-i ! -..tas..., J llWla ir eaaeaf Mta a.aWta. L'"T' '"iw!. ponir, owanie and atarnsthra. Bad. a.rrr7T " " o paonive eare. Pyrir jatakh),ogataluiuf ao ajanr;taUaual.or talaierl . A few doir af B A D WATI rrr.T An r .a. mmneai ailtiiaalMnw aaaaa I limrdan. rrloa. iw,,i. Mrn .-. p(ii. ht liHiiiKiiuTo rnoe,aeia aHB' -rM AND TaUB. r.J ana u , "BOY OSLYJTHK v CEHCUK F11EB1HS SC1LKJ. ' ",,! "il i' ' -Jbi' ' IflllJI', . I 0 Stock iala, C-ol Sealet, Hey, foal a. Dairy real 1, Coanler Scalet, dke , A e. Alto, . . , Ullot AlftrtBi Till flat ALABK CASII DRAWER. . "X Marehaat ahonld UrTh m. tTtAl UBA-WaTi WaaBAwTaW FAIRBANKS & CO., It BROADWAY; pj YORK.,? H IOS.Ul.TttvaX $1, JLkLTlaJoaa, , 1 in. t ;., t'i 58 Ctdi b rJt,J New OHetM FAIRBANKS KWINa, MAMiRio Hall, Priladblfiiia. :' 1 r.irittiiK,'BR0WN co, ror talt by landing Hard war Dealere. .MI ' 1 1 A n t r" i' ' jgizxctrroBs noticx. Utrlnf tola day qatllfled aa Ixtautor ef tha lank will and twUmentof the late Mr. MaBey Price, 1 bereh ictw notlee to all ereone bar Irax claim etmlaia bar eelaU to exhibit the aame tn me ua or Ooftire the iltbday of A.. Eat, itm, or tbtt no lea wfll be pleaded In r of their recovery, Prraona li debted to h aaUU ana n aaeeted to make payajant at 6e; . Nitoius r. joirta. Anf, lUa. Ib7 - Xxecator. , LIMIT LIMXJI LIMKIM , i . ;. 1H0 Barrele Ko. 1 freta burnt Lime at De pot and to arrirr direct from the Lome Work tad offered at reduced prion at depot la ktrgt aatnUtlet. laoaM-lf JAMKS U. T0WLXaV4 gy tj ,Jf"j iinewtenta er ihe laternal r s x b A ' 4 " III ATT0BNT'4TUW, JACXJOK. VOXTS CAJW.INA. ' .... . , VanUeaa la all the Coarti of North amnion. Halifax, Barila and Hartford ooaatiati la tba wprema redertlf Coartof MrUUfliMi am im Coaru. dot dim n -i a -,'1 i ltUa .4 iu v- , ; ' ' , , , ' H (1 i '!! til Wholesale Q-rocers COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' j' TXTTXVIIX1 TKMT; ' Of Mat ropalVtta II III . ' RAIXIOU. M X, ; ' - , ... '. ' " It. f WILLIAMSON. 'I . . , w. e. up:buiii!U, aT.t.H.tf ' I i. THOMAS. , TBI f I g K A V X O ray) At n. tpai to faralah Tombttooea of all fclatt, itar plain or omamaatai or itola Amvican aad ItaUaa Marble at cheap and aoaatle axenjtad a eaa be pnrchaMd it auv tbtr teUbUabmeat North or Booth hi ma. boat tt tb botineaa 01 earring ana angrrr ib marble (prtr-Bvt year, we conaluar oor.alt. quel to aaw la tb Union w will alto luraiik rraaiiU of tb beat qutlit. from our new quarrica, either la animated block or eat Baa 10 oroer, eaca aai am ana wiowow atUt. witartabia, ttepa, poitt, ttraetaad ttaTr yard carDaione, ore., au omen wiu uiunua (ally recelTad and panetatlly attended to. an Wt puoga oaraaiTe v fpwm aiuaiasuua it' a , JOHN WBITKLAW, X.UKOWDXIt, de!7-dna nrwivre. 1 1 EiiTERpnisE 'J Tb only Reliable Girt Distribution in tbe . eouBtry I Sioo 00000 IN VALUABLE GIFT 8 I ' TO II DltrhtrBUTRD U,. T. SINE'S ! 45fta SEMI-ANNUAL r Dfmn Monjay Oct MO, 1874 Ine Grand Capital Prixe, $10,0001 Gold 1 F OK PRIZE $3,000 IN 9ILVER I riePflisal.bo6 ( PirePriica, SWO g J Gnnh kt! Tea Priaea, $100 3 ( . TwiFimfly CsrriJffi titl Batched Dortes with Silver loBsted Uaricr, werth $1, i WOsaefc! Two Buitas nnrart, &" worth $900 etxii Tw Floe-toned ftiwud PiHi.im, worth $550 etch! ''.:-. Ten Family Rawing Mitchm-.t. w. i.li $100 each i 1500 Quid ami Silv, r Ltr r Iluntiog Watchrt (io all.) wnh fnm $30 to $300 etch 1 Goldl hilne, Hirer ware, Jewell-;, A.', Ac. XwnhtrofQtfU 10.000 1 ItetH limit! fino.000 liciti f Bltfd yell Tickets, Is wism Liberal Freminmi will be paid. Single Ticket $ ; 8ii Ticki-ttflOi TweWe TickeU $30 j Twi-nty-FiTt- $40 ' circular eont ilnlnc a full Ittt of Drlaea. a deacription of the manner of drawiur, and Other mformaUoa Io raferenc to tha Ulttrt bution, ill be lent to -a out orderinic them. AU letter! maet r- addr aaed tn at aim orrica. U U. B1WK, BOX W. 101 W. rifth 8t t'lhomnilt, O. aept 8-tf. MISSOURI STATE LOTTERIES 1 Ltgtllaed by Aat Authority, aad i . . - . - . Dkawfe ia rrjBUC ib ir; tooia, Grant Single Number f cbemt of 60,000 No't. DRAWS TBI L V6T DAT QX EACH MONTH. ' Capital rmia, $50,0001 i30 Print, tmoantlng tafROO OOl Whole lltketa, S10; nlvt,l5- Q larf rt,3.M) The 0rat Combination Bchenu, with m j CiFHAL raix a or 111,001 and Prlaae. tmooaUn to l -7i,177 1 , . Draw evavy tsatnrday danag tha year. WBOSB TICKBTt, glv; HALTBt BO ; (JHAB , . TIB S.60. ,.,., Addretl, ior Ticked atd Circular, " UlRRAYILLE'li A Co., Manayert, '1 .'.ft . . .. ' l, ifcS tui t. O. Boi24t8. ft. Louia, v. ap 4-deodwwly w ... , . , . . XT AUJABLE REAL ESTATE POE 8ALE. In Moor eoantyN. C ' of Pp Rlrer opposite Hatrrlt tyaor, lotnlni, LewlaPhlillrt and other. 10 miles wcet oT the termination of tbe Wettera Railroad, the aaid Deep River being navtcable tb thbt plaot on atdndty BHta of DeiptemDer ibt. l shall aota to public sal to the Mgbet bider oa ne pieimisab ui vuuaa mnoa en TB! late letae Womble. deceased. One tnac votaries. trie- of et (6) bandied acre of anod farm in s land highly improved, with good butldHnr consisting of one dwelling aonasv smtamuig S rooms and all aeceeiary oat buildings, a good fell of water tn the yard, 4 other email tracts joining- said mad to be told at tarn tine sod placew Ad loininc those iaaxUareta: ihautUhl beats of Soap Stone. ,. , Tbcptmhiiar alll sw r-emtrd to oavceae haadrad dollar eaah batsan on bait (a ma moe tha nicer half la t wctr aaoat ha, by glvtag wua interest I roan asm wna appreva fy. Till ratal oed until ua purchase y it paid ; tt. SI. WATaOM, Xieeutor augWUeep. WW Wi mm GENTRAL HOTEL SBS CANAL STRUT Corner of Kim. Xif"tk oaa block Kaatof Broadway, Cea'rallt hMtad la the luimaoiata Ticiuiiy or Mwouuia bnalaeet, (iond roomt 76a, and UN par day Si,Uwto ta.UO per week, r. i 'i tug 10-1 m :., TELE BEST ADVICE thlliuabe fflvBtO partoat tnlTerin from dytpavaM. bliloat eompuvlat, oolw, coatnmp Hon. aidt Bead aeha, ferer and ttt, Barroul debility, or of toy dieoroar effecting the atom aefa, the Uvtr or kidney a. It to tone, ekwet, and renlaia that important organ by tba naaof , ,,t. DB; tTr: fTABLK lUtK PtUA Tnty tat wary ajSAy, ynt thoreu?hly tettorat the f anctlataj aolloa of fdia dlftuttivB orcaiw and tawmamelaea tad -reaomtee tba tyntern. 1 hay produce aelthei atatea, grlpuvt or weak atta.tadraay betake w ahfu t change f dht - Price in ceatt t hot Sou by sq drugjUta.1 DR. TUTTS HAIR D tE general aawaraoag the faehlonablahair dreaa- era,iq erery ierg at? m tae umiaa jrittmv Price lt box. Sold armywhaia. 8cnfuU, trfli4 Ditto cfOttkin, A AiUhony't Fir, MrytipilM, Blotch, Twmn,BoiU, Tetter, ani Soli Jthtum, . SeaU Bead, JRinijworm, Rhtmmlim, iaatr evidl Inlaroenmt the Sonet, Ft Wmhimt, Sterility, LtMeerrhtut er WhUm, Wmb Duenft.-lhoptf, WhiU toetttingi, Bwkilu, Kidney andIAfr Complaint, Morurial Taint, end FiUt, til arooeed from imoure bloodw AB. TDTT AfUAFABILLA it the moat powerful Blood PorlBer kaown to medical tcieooe. It eatert Into tbe cir culation and eradicate every morbific agent; renoTttc tbe lyttem; produces I beautiful complexion and ctatet the body to gain deth tod increate in weight. aBBT tn BLOOD BBALTBV tod all will be , well. To do to, Dothiog btt err been offeri'd that can compare with thit ralutblv getabl rx raot, rric $1 00 1 bottle, bold by ill Urww giitt. Offlc4! 0f!r,dt Street, Y. mh 35dtl - GREEN'S OXYGENATED BITTER8. Tbe ttomich U one of the moat dellctt orstnt of tbe human tyitem; end tbe indite tibi food crowded into It by tb requbra mcnta of moder twlety, keep it in a j A STATE OF CIlKONIG DIORDEU, whlrh la followed by a resort. t, tonics and tlterttlTtt for lellrf. It unfortunataily bap pet t, boweTer.tbtt m ny of the msiUclni't nasi fothl purpose contain alcohol, which, poured Into t disease ) atoiuttch pnxluif Irri tation, ereetet InfUmtttlon, and daet mart In Jury lb ib r ood. OXTGEXATED BITTERS CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL, bat are a purely n-edlcintl preimrttlon, which tn ck'tw of Dyincpihv Hrartbara, Indice'tion and other like divdcra, at once rcatoret tbe ttomacb to lu NATURAL CONDITION OP HKALTH. i s i " The Oxygenated Bitten hare been the mm popular remedy for the abort complaints for the last thirty yearn, and ittll maintain their unrivalled popularity. . Price SI per bottle. OLD xtbbtwhiub. , OHN t. HENRT. CURRAN ds CO., m tog. S-lm Proprietort, 8 and 9 College Place, - ei Sew i"ork. pKICSH RED 'CED fircnt Indurenvnts to iurfhseia Wehavelntl Hedai td our Kntlrc Btnck, tmonnttog f root f io.(X) to 30,O 0 ; orth ; Aourtsiy Hew DRY GOOD-, Notlont, Boole, botw, IUb. .tc; mark lowr price than heretofore for 4tU. AUwbogireutaoill will ?r tbe fulleat ralue for t.iflr uiitiiCf. Merchant! purcii-ilntf lu thlt market can rnakf proBtabl- luveat nnU with us Our 8 toe U Is ve y full for tbit teuton be tide w will horn other addition! very toon. PKTTTerJONXd, sFaycUevlllt Street. Kalelah, N.O 1 June 13 t: S1 E A O I F 1 A NOVEL f D WIN W. r ULLB K, Aathor "f "Tb Anirel la Tbt Uoud For ar ay f ' : " "' . l.FRXD WILLIAM Kooks n f.1 Wet. W.Jonat, ABtHBTBAD JoBBa, ? j O N E 8 dt J O N S 8 . i "... r , Attorney' At Lctvr, '" C'bj . RALXI0H.N. O. ; ! PRAUTICX la tha Supreme Court of tha Mat, tb Cireutt aad Diatrtct Uoarta of tne United Mates and the sevaraj ijoyrtaof the Judictal Uiatrict, , , , OOiee oa FayettavtUe, St. oppoerta ;ta vnuaooia niuussi pail, up nsira ,eaf.lU A XX ' iMVKSTMtNT FOR CAPITAL- tu ne aoiu en u nremiseu. on vreuaee- dty.tne BUlb of September that very valuable rati ettata kcowa a Canntdy't Mlllit In the eonoty of wrtnville, N C, oa Tar Mlver 10 mlletiftooth Of Onford aad About 10 tntlea Ntw hi West of Franklinton oa tbe R Idrh vQaatca K: R: By a Jurtlcloaa expendltnr Of "apllad the wabst ww r wenld be anfAV eienl to t arry on extensive, manufActuriiic paratlon. There Is t Store hoaoe. Cotton hauae, BlarkimitW aad Bbo shops en the premise, oa wbk h there wis tt oa Una aa extesMlvw baniBts oVme. Also amall tract at hriaadjotaina; the Mill traev with rood karttnVsonrsrta ajaovcaleetly rrapged for a mH family. -i..- Tarmaoawfonrth eaah, balanetent to two year tisaevt t J ..- Mr. U. . Straybor will thaw the yrepar ty toakiy peno wh may wlah to pee It. . I N. E..CANNAPY. Ex. J twntjl-dSJtWot ' "i ew, w-aino, . a , w fcwL. aaA aoollo n.ilu.A L.I. UmWIeklkttMManet. antrn ,..J. . ' J t." 1 ' , 1 1 t, i t yi mil i' ( i ' a QXLKCT BO AXDIK9 AND DAI SCHOOL, . 0 BaunotvrM.Q. - ThaMUtetKaahtnlMUaKollock will rf fame the exarclaea of turlr trhanl am WttAmm S4ih July aod eoaliauatwentf woekt. Clr eoiart rorwardedoa appDetUoa, Jnaaa1Mtw4w Powdkxxo la tm Bid x ' - ' , ! i'i v t ' y- .r.. ., 4 Foretetnatng TSt-Wi4, Kla'aa, An. ; 1' ' , f At jaal4f. j t.: , BalOOS at SONS GONSCUOAfSO . - Tab Matomio Moairoa THX B IQHT MASOH)' 1. a I Only, One Dollir A Jetr, .The CiontoUdatio 'of the M 48010 MO. ITVK and the BRIUMT MASON, maket I ' "THX BRIWHT MASON" " Oat of tha Vary Beet Majonle Jojarada to tba dkrathara Atlantle Mtalae. It uWa m. w urn mixhwi ri One r. O., nam tie ay be added aUny tlmeat ewau niow... . oiajorasia i . ?. n . w..BABIS, . ' Concord It. tl. I-T2!'"t Mediunj for tdraruauri la the anil.. i maftihf I f ' 1 D rilii 1H71 A oumpleta aaaortaaimt, at the Book Store jaaij witxiAJaa. ;," de IS-tf ppB SALE. at NO. 1 OX ind Cart. The Ox it wall liroke and worki io the plough equal to a norse xie it six yean oia. otpply to ' July 7 tf L C. MJNLY. w ANTED. We with to Durchtue tlx flna well broke Mules between five tad tlx vtara old. Aoobr rariy a o euMiiea or , WIAflS, IAXCh.I etCO. qgl4-tf l&onintho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STIC fft The Peruvian Svntp, Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, ie eo combined e to have the character of an aliment, aa easily diaeeted and euetmOated with the blood as the simplest . food. It increases thequmntitif of Kattrre's ' Own rltalletnsr Agent. Iron tn the blood, and cures ''a thousand ills, simply bw Toning up,lnvlaorattna ana Vitalizing the System, Thson ri&ied and vitalized blood per' meatee evert part of the body, repairing damages and weste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This le the secret of the wo" derful enceeet of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, liver iom plaint, Dropny, Chronio Diar rloca,BolL,NervouArToctlonj, CiaiTa . And. Fevers. Humors, Loss of Constitutional -Diseases of tlie Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complointa, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debilitu or a lout state of the system. Being free) from Alcohol, in any form, Ua energising effect ttrev atod fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, in fu sing strength, vigor, and new life into au parte of the syttetn, and building tip an Iron Con stitution. 1 Thousands have been changed. . by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle hat PERU V1AN SYRUP blown in the glass, lpUct! Frtt. ' ' SETH W. rOWLE & SOUS, Proprkto, Ma. 1 Mtltom FUea, maattm. ' a Dbsooi! aBBBBAtAT. -. -l ': t n x i CONNECTICUT MUTUAL ! . Zoipuranco Company. mamtunt toe nigheat standard of - SOL V BNOY7 Tbe cfcsncter of tbe Inn Ametttf ltd accu maltted tapettof , S3aooOrOoo It Of tht BhtlMat Cmaa'for eeenrlty t It bav lng never knt a dollar at it investment. It h u r R t II 8 ia larger than that of any other,' Company over i - -(vi .... s ,.' i f$5,O00.0OO; IthkakmemberahlD of over SS.OIM tierana lu ratto for the entire f ye-n of Its liuaine it been bnt :L8- 97 PIiacXINT, tea of Ite receinta.- It has ao Stockholder, trarr doUarof atvlng or pront belongt solely to tht PD Li dtVn OLDER. I r.om hack a racorrj JnafctnWlMndKeWber tolasar flth aajetyiand Aba aenaiirii poaw bteeott. VA.kA ,Iu. -- HTO. WAIT, 0nl. A gen t, 1 1 4 "h EALXioH. M.a 'i BSOLOTX DIVORCES OBTAINXB from Court of difJerent State for de trrtloa, Aev No publicity raonirtd. Ne htrg antu auvoree Kraniea. Aaaresa, . ... r ... ax. nuiaa, . : , .. ' ' Attorney, XWliretdwViXta' .BttySSAl-y. . .aaaa AM BBB f IWn Ban. tem lkaan; nari ran imf S homak WoMMieyt Vu.looi a a.,-' v ' y ,t w inwauia uaa aara aol eouie fram I I 1 yaw - vvvutaii moVUi j V r.aasssaaoaaaaao'' oniEsfa'wEMEDT Yoa itnCKper fHaJ Sptata,''OoBTnlaloat' tad MamM WaUfalnaaa, aoU promptly, oftaa tmeUag ,K tba FiU from tha frtt day'a ate, eraa whara , IAayhtailaMtorart. "J Iv . rTT'?,tli,f W'-.r"PT OOIdPOUND EX. COBYDALIS. "J ! it .nit Texetikli IIufiUTS.4. ;,.. x ) fJVaaB teoa4try Byimiiu, KrapMaaa " !?.' .Ad all dlaaaaee afialncjirom L rtalngjrem Ut v, ,jt para ohoo. , t ! ... ABDICATED BOintTI A SoVarabra Balm for Coagha, Obldt, Bian .! ebltla, Atthma aad til -fl'-T'in of the air paattgetanA Lniwfc. Uy tta Umely at away tnppoaed etae of Cohtampfdoa are prompt.r reAarad aad la Laaet rettond fa health. V BURAL0IA BPBCinOt A ptoMpt, powlUrt tad permaaewt relief tor . tba ticrnciaUng paint of Neuralgia,, Khama- , ,' Utm aad SetaUe - . Vi jLu" J? ta C, by Waium SMO WKLL TESTED, WITB OVriOB IB .. FIIHEB BUIlllIjr.O, ovaaraaaABwAaairroaaor J OLIUS L it WIS d CO Has rtald to the Wtdowa and Omhaa la nona varouaa tiae toea, to i i of atari ' 500,000. Aad, by Sdelity and promptaett la thlt par , titular, aad furatahlng tb lowest rates of any Bnt clat company ( and alto, having Bald mora revenue to the State than any other company, ah merits and enjoy the well fflsM distinction of being the IE1D1S8 LIFE COirm 11 Til IT1TE. And with bar VwO.OOO,000.00 AmmettM, aow ob btad, aod nttatgad by ren tinmen of ioajt experience and financial tklll tb offer the hhrbeat standard of teearlty to all her eattomera. And, atta invaatment for eapl taliett 110,000 policy it better than 10,000 la real estate Ares from SO totO era tntniabla - of both texet. Thit company doe not say. wear With them. host. Bnt we ask an impartial comparison with amy company la , rat and reipoKsiWWB, and leave the result to the Judgment or the puWlc. ' By calling- noon tha tteaeral A rent or an e rf his Locals, further Information will be bei .-. , rd.' " W. H. CROW, , Qeneral ArenL W, B. MoKSR, hV D., Medleal Kxamtner eep o-om . . ( .. Of AW CRADLES A tiRA63 SCYTIU. Juttraeaived a eupply of Sinclair' Celebrated Southern Cradle.' si Hm in TBI MBKvr. warranted to glv satis faction. i AM aa , TO LX4, A fen t tnavWdw , jgu.Bi's , THE MO:4T P 'WEKFl'L HEAD N(, t AflRNT XVXn Id'COVBKKI). Ibe wonderful eeleritv with which this combination of Carbolic acid with o bur toothing and curative emollrnti HXAL8 THE M(8r "viKuLwT ikES I AW UI-CBnal it aotnethl' g akin to tht mtrveloai. It to with pride thu the t'rot.rletitri call at tention to tbe trratlfyiDit tact t at PHYS'CI4S IVX IT THX H-OIIKUT MEAD OF PRAISK, an It tud prescribe it la their pntcth. POINTS TO BE BORNE IS MIND! " " , t . ,i Carbolic Salve positively rums the wuret t rt Carbolic halve inntintly allays the palu of burn. Carbolic Balva rur s sll tntanenu! crupth nt inrijoiK caive ranks at t ie neaa ufaii alvat, Olntroentt or other Heallnv t'oav ponruls, and bat tchleved t gretter repa'a tloo and bu larger rale than any olhel mil lar preparatiou of rontemporaueoua luva tion. Bold everywhere. Pr'ce IB cent. JOHN F. HfNKY CURRAN A CO . ' Proprietor!, S tnd I Collide Piece New York. June 16-lru 4X . , ; BOAIlDIXfJ HOUSE. Corntf Rewberse irenoe sod JtfssiJL. Two PquABFt Eait or THU CArin.L ( MRS. H. W. MILLER, stcquettt tbt pstronsre of the nienibcM of tba laeiclilatart tnd tbe pub ic jrenerslly. Her long experience in keeping boarding house, sine lbtla. la a sufficient guartn e Uut Ibe House will b flnt chut in erery particular. - Bey price conform to those ol oth er board ,n house in the city. ...... -- AS L E F T E L'S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel Poole hunt, baxtthobb. Iftalftcturen for the Booth aad tWh. Nearly 7000 Bow la tne, working ndi.K need varying from S to 240 fcetl, ., $4tlxf,fromMto Miocbta. e moat powenui vt neei in me mArKiTT . A T aMM,Mo(a.l Im ma -r w - Large JUuvtnted Ptvphlat Beat poet tree' . .- ! atAHCrACTTJBBB, AXAM, OF Portable aad Stationary Steam Engine aad Boilers, Bibcock A Wilcox Patent Tubuloa Boiler, Ebangh'a 4tMbr trtr Kiaartla, Saw . , aad -, Oriat MUla. Flociriog Hill Machinery, Machinery ii White Latd Work aad Oil Mill. Shaft teg PttHejt tnd Haagera. ; ' " , . Mprls . ' ,. .. JL . . V, - , .at - a t.-A If 'A ri 1

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