i 7 ...: MM i -9 r fa N i i Telegraphic News.'!. ' 's COTTON STATEMENT. ' sV.,,it wHrTwt Oct Net twsoipto at all TJ. 8. porta for the week,'i48,5357 asm,: week W W 108,939 total to dte,e53,88 ; same date last )tw, 478,4 Id ,' Iiporto fof the week, 01,839; earou week last yew, 81,894; toUl to date," 804,811; ansae date ImI yeas, 184,847. Stock at alt (J. a poite, 407,840; laes year. 154,888. At all ta- terior towns, 80,439: last year, 63J4&, At Uverpool, 888,000 ; lut jew, 838,000 Amadou afloat tor Gnat Britain, 118,000 hat jnr, 69,000. -".- , 'n f LOUISIANA MATTIES, . '. Nw Iberia, OetV.80.jl fla hundred reel estatoowaer of tbe Parish of Bt. Marties, bare Jut arrived to oStf themsslvee aa boedsnjen for seven of the 8t HartlMf UleJprUenera. -'Messr. il U i , , WaMUMTo, Oct 80. i t8bred poUticaoa here from Hm York ay tba alactioa ot Tilde iaeoaoeded. BepabUaaaalara' Ulo4 to i-anxlooa to trada otaa to aecure tba Leglalnre, thai eevlog the eoooeor-to eatoi Featoit, bat htt Paec(ia waot aU. iTiaald gamblera are bettlag a baadnd dollara to I ttf dollar on Tildeo. 1 John llorritey U Uk log au ua oau ae can get two to oao, ZXLUOQQ uALMOdTn K1LLCU. ; ,, '.yw Obxbam, Oct. SO, ' Iaaooluhia batweaa Major X Borke and Got. Kellogg, Burke drew a whip and Kellogg draw a pietol aad fired, grai lag Borta. , Borka toea drew a reroWer aad fired three or foar laeffeetaal abota. Majoc Borka aad Got. 'Kellogg are coa gratolatod by their frieade opoa ' the laughably and h arnica tomloatloa of tba affair. '''WKSTERK RATLROADA t - ;: r. WAiirjrarow, Oct. 80. There la ao trutk la tba report that certala Weelera railroads hare combined against tba Baltlaore A Ohio railroad. Their freight end passengers hire aqoal facilitiei with tba other great traaka. .' i "TOBtlQV KBWdV Bsjujji, Oct 80. Ia alluding to Alsace aad Lnrraiae, your oo-opeiatina U bow tor tba first time invited to Instituting a badger, for Ateaee aad Lorraine.' Too. wilt, here, bare the opportunity of obtaining a more thorough knowledge of the reeoarooa, requirements and Institutions of those profinosv tbaa was hitherto possible voder the old sys tem ot yearly administrative reports. You will show to our com patriot! of the Upper Rhine the interest the whole nation take ia this most ancient German territory. CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS DENIED. i KlW OfULUia, Oot. 0 ; There is ao troth ia the report tbst the Democratic leaders are about to com meoee criminal proceeding for the square fight ot NoTember the 14th, ' ULEIGI Uliir. WHOLUALBCAIH FRICU, ,H, Rauiok, Oct. 88, 1874. ' Baalaeee dall. Hmos tra. Bacars l.-a a4 advancing. Brrape aad Molmee aigaer. vottoa lower oat ta gooa aeesua at ut BaKKmcDosMstia 13 yd lflsMX . I'OUOB IMS O; rv-H to . Ftoar If u, uaT.eo. Cm-ai.0. Cora MmVL1TK1.3&. Baeoa M O Boe round bacon, M.C. iiaaia, . Belk Ctasr Rib ttldee. Balk Skoalders, Laid, M C, Wester Teircee, : do. kegs, , Coffee-Klo-jrood, none s B AM M Bone 7 ' , " JTiar, Byrnp Commoa Uob Mola Mil Lrvsrpool IH t beteetirrus " rsetory, 4 - Dairy, Malls oa Heels for iOd ' Bay K. U., Baled good. Chickens, , . 115 1! M -Batter eoaawy, - jrleh. Mallets, 100 T.SO ' t 1B.O0 1 6 lal loxsiox ; to ' 100.1.16 " , 85 1 ; Las f Beeewax, Keg, . . Baal ob foot - Brewed, lellow,''-'"1 Leather Bole, , bldeeUreea, , ' Tallow. " fotatoee BweeV" ' Irish, '' OtU Shelled. ' Bbeaf, rodderoMLa0,aaw ROCEKT HOUSE OF . D. J. ELLIS, HiLuaono August t7, 1874 la order that I may make a ekaaxe la my knaueasL I hanb BOtifv bt patrons i aae is let frloadsthatlvUI loeemy book, ea the let day ot Beptambeas and Iron tast data ths ash bum la all eeeee bo paid before goods leave the etora, or oa dallvery. I re spectfully oak all who are Indebted to me to call at ones sad settle their aceosnta. t heaklng all tor took klad pabonaga Ism patronage I si Truly, B.i. tUM. with machreeptet. I oar Trail, eog az-ss ; Dews copy times F O BCIBB VLAHatsUl OOTTQS em .... - " & In atare one each. EO and 60 Saw of this oaUbrated Alabama Oia. 1U promlaont f eatare conatate ot a ie or pro)eeUoa X lDCkderreo the rib which wrsventehardaBb staness from being eat, es they eanaot come la eoataet with tba sas, ocasteaaatly kr lag a batter staple of roaghly pkked CoUob, and the aae will laet kmger and require asm (harptaug thaa other eiaa. - We eoBidratly claim tor It, that H win not only BMke a enter earn pie, oa gia laaier isaa say othrr gin made, and the maanfaFtory la good faith oBared 150 for a trial With aay LtaexaiMtad at oar laat Fair.' VtrUm Bat. JAM KB M. tOWLBA. aagtt-lf Ageat. 2. 1 Doreourt. Dugas and F.. Garehipij, -iv: ' new 5Ck sfmjssfl bed. s; "nr it l 9 q is . ; M bINO MACHINKS Atmeeefsiitaim'trteseteatlmeer msalnly lamlmasta. -t- -i, -- u h i -VJi . AMO TWXHTT-flTl FKft CIMT. BILO MAXUVakCTO KIRS' FRICU FOR X . . . CAABt -r.,:i sb If Tttrchsse direct from this eslaa,er aay iN tU looal ageata, n nect-wSa . Tlie Wilmington star. Ui', j ' ' ! '' ' ( ESTABLISHED ONLT SIX YEAliSl DAILY STAR;; w Hi 8 ths Urge eiree'stloa of aay Dally News paper la lb riata, sad eelrsaU. Uoala Wilmington aearly twlee ee large as IBf t)tb)f MpCf " 'j Ail the new of the day win be found m It, eoedeneed when aolaportsat, at length whea of moment, an k always srssislod la a close, BsteUlgentand Intern Was manner. lUttUUrtl 0M (la Advance) f 1 fK OaeTear ....... .IT 00 aiiMootlu I M Three Moatha I 00 WEEKLY STAR v The WmUv Barb now aMBd Mth the OwIIm Araur, and to o,of thcltMpet papert la ue eoaawy, m v iwowumc Bill j 1UU0CIDHATlai OaeeaOT.eMyoar.. It GO Om mm, eta Bitai..Mn it amotfatealUeUs I 1 WE IL BERNARD. deeSG ' I LUMP -ai- B909 tone Bias Lamp Flsstsr.dlrcct froas ths Quarries, 'Wlndaor, M. B. Fraab groaad plaster pat up la bbls sad new Borlay Bags. For sale bv 8T&FLI8 A BLAIR, '. Commmleaioa af erebaats, UuT Baala Bank Bichmoad,Va. msitdSmos HORNER AND GRAVIS' SCHOOL, bizxsboho, k. a A ' Clsssicsl, MsthassaUcal, tMoaUAe, and Military Academy. FauBassraaaaamtaatDWointAi raf otT Board aad Tuition. Including Vael, Weah mg, Lights, said. Faraiabed Room, IU7.W par Sesstoa of twenty weeks. : TjgaTRUOTOHS. . t. HORN BR, A. ht- B. H. ORAVBBJL M., HUGltMOKSOM. JR., TJnlveraltr of Tlr rtnla. Maj?D. H. BAMUtiVN, A. W. VIM ABLE, J a., ro'keepaleCam. Oolwge. ClrcBlare sent on spvUeatioe, - . , BUUboro, M. On laaa L 1BT4. ( AJHCOUKCRMIRT. IRmpectfally aaanwiirs myself aeaadldaae for thepeollloaof Friaelpal Doorkaepor of the Boose of KeprssmSaUves, OBS wua eonadenee refer the member eUet to the ez m -mbers whom I served rn that caradty from uTU to 1874. JOHN U, UllX. a, sep ls-wasi News py, t it: ;- FLUID, EXTRACT J. limv;ivvn!-v.n..".-.,n.i . j iy kaowa remedy for a Bitienrs dissisb 4'oelBpoirUve remedy for ,".v GOUT. SRaVIL, BTRICrDRRS.' DIA ' ' feETAd, JJ BFBFBIA, DKilVuUS , . ir;JBEBILITT, DROFST.-rrtt r-r NoB-reContioB or Incontinence of urine, Irri . tatloa, InflammaUoB or UlearaUoa of the ' .- ;!-."))-'!.- Bladder & Kidneys, " ! A SFRRMlTORRUfXA. - " ' . LencorrhoM of Whltea, TXmases of the Pros trate silaad, Btooe la the Bladder. Calcalns avet or Brtekdnat ;Depoalt aa . MBcoaoc Milky uiaoaarjrea i .vm .. "cwi'ii r BITUACT Bucnu tenarssntly Cures sllDlsesaee of the . , ; '"'-'. '.'h"'--':"'-:..' . BLADDER, KIDNBTS, AND DR0P8I - L. hs tiAfaoWELLINGw, t v.," ' CsiUg ia Men. Women sad Children. En NO MAIMER WHAT TlUiAOli I Prof. Steele eer "One bcttlo ot Sear imv1 rinM Kxtract Bnehu Is worth mors tbaa all othsr Baohaacombiaed.n : Price, One DoIUrper Bottle, or Six Bottle for Flvio:iare Depot, 104 Dnant EL; Now York. A Fhyaiclaa ta attendance to soasrvr sorroe nondenoa aad a-iva sdvlee cralis Ear Bead stamp lor Painphlet ,".e. lsMeoddtwlr Nervous and Debilitated ; OF. BOTH fiEXESk JR OWye Jn idtm oarT. OiuebatiM. 'Da J B Diott, graduate rtf Jaflore a Ml. leal Collect. PhiladalDbia. author of aeveraj 1 w ..'-; i valuable works, saa be consulted oo all dl aiasaot the Sexual or Criaary Or ran, (which he has made aa especial study) either In male or feanle, ao matter from what canaa orlgla stlne? or of how ktng ataadlnn. . A prsctioo of years saables him to treat dieeatee with sueeais. vares gaaraateea. uaargea rea eenaMe. Tboea at a dlaUneo caa lonrard letter deeerlbtng symptom 'aad eoclealng wprvpay poeiaga. Aend for the QyAU as B-Uk. Pi he 10c h' i, ' J. B. DTOTT, M. D p lOCIRIRS AID L1QCOR". i 1 hsvsaal received a fresh stock of , ! FA sl ILT OROCERIKH. Also, s selected stock ot Whiskies ss fol lows) i OLD IHTXRIAL OABINIT, ' '.' v j QROttQIA CLUB, ' 1 -(.I;-"HA1tRTBrITT. Pom AacastU ooutt Va . Rva aad varioas Other Brands ... , ,- . . Brandies and irn of all rrades whleti 1 am sslllrg very enrap. Call and see for tour salt. , Z. W.OILL. . ovttujsa . . mwi Hoars, KaMgh, Mr. ' Aetiva tjtraX and TJiatriflf Amata atihi direct contracts f.r the Penh" Mutual Ufa Insurance Oo.of Philadelphia, for N. C Address, - W. M. riMUU, - . may t8-tf i:., Oeal MaB,sger . NAT. L.BBOWM WAS AWARSIOTHR likrhees promluma for the lawtsnd b4 sasmtiaest ot MUBlCaL 1N8TMU MIMTd at the N.V f tuts Fiiri for le7. and lb?, and speeisl preaiam st tte Flr ot 187. tor ths largsst aao test display of B if-KI ra). set ac-u T i . W. F. EOG EBB, . : j )' , - i j -, .i imii.sa in ! i . i 4 i Ktt ' ; i i i . v! PINK iUMB'HrV i ' tux, jl &":nT" ' . . . av - vniamaein a. a. BTmvBTaw, vary, or la ears of Noams A Mvat, lUkfek, will Dsprompur niiea. Fatroaape Kuapectfally BulktUdt . aug SU-ailw . , . ' . 1 ' 27 Yoars Old -I.C.I j" -i iwt',' !"! Six -Reasons:,! Why. I TOU SHOULD INSURE IN LIFE liUIUBI Gompaaiea ia th. dav of exnarimenta. ' iod. Because every policy-holder is member of the Conjpeoy.antWJed to alii advsntsgee and privileges waving aright to vote at all elections Iqf trot tees, and thus has aa influence ia iUmaasgemeot Srd. Brovnss it baa as large a percent age o( asre liabilities as aay life la sorsnee Ctrvsny 1 the Country. '4th. Bcchosv by ecosomlosl maaaga. meat, its satlo of ei peases to totsl laoome fat lar below the average of. LU Com pan ios. (Sea Official Insurance Reports.) . . 8th. Becsuse it baa declared .ssort divideada in aumber, and of s Larger Average Peroantage, tbaa aay Company ia the United Btstes. r i , For examples Policy No. 18, for $3,000, baa bsea paid, to the widow of a Philadei- Sbia Merchant, upon which twenty-three ividends bad been declared. Averaging flfty-sevea percent Uad these dividend, bees used to purchase additions to this Policy, 8,018 more would neve been realized, Disking the Policy worth 811, 80. . 8th. Becanss it Is liberal la its mana enwDC prompt la its settlements, safe be- yood k contingency, and its rates are as low aa any OrstOass Company m toe Country. Pkmcir ai FUkTCBBS.--Bmall expeases, absolute security, large return premiums, prompt psymeut of losses, and liberality to the Insured. , . BAMUEI. 0 HUIT, FretldenL BAM'L R. BTOKKS. VWPrea dent, a B.BTEPHBM, M Van Presldeat, JA4. WRIR If ABOM, Aetoary, at Aw as A a vo n ar. acvvawwsas j ROW. HAKTSHORMfc, I . . ID W. A. FAOR, ( Msdleal Ixamlasrs W. H. JIHUU, ueneral staasger. DR. WrL UAW3 THS OHBAT AMBRIOANOON- bumptivb HBMr.n. Cousnmptlon W NOT sa Incurable disease. PhTelelaaa aaaara oaof thla fact. It la onlv Beeaaary to hsvs the right remedy, ard the Isrrtbls malsay can be eonquoreo, BAI L'S BALSAM 19 THIS REMEDY " It breaka up the night sweats, relieves the oppressive tightness across ths Longs, sad beak the lacerated sad excoriated serf ace which the venom uf the disease prodaea. WHILE LIFE LASTS THERE IS HOPE . ttmayaotbetoolauto effect s ears svet after the doctors hsvs gtvea yon up. UALL'A BALSAM Is sold everywhere, aad mar be had at whotneele of the Proprietors, JOHN r. UINRf. CURRAN CO.. at tbeir Ureal Medicine Warehoaaa, and CoUege naca, Hew xorx. rneo et per ootue. HAIL'S BALSAM la sleo a snreremed; tar Oor'- Cclda. V Pneumonia, Bronchitis, , ". Asthma. I . . ' Bpitting of itlood, v ! ."up, ' WH'H PlftQ OOUOH, aad all other dleuaser of the repiratory organ ; Also Pnrprletois of deovlll s Blood see Liv er Byrap, Csrholie Betve, Bdeys Tracbse, nrgwated Blttera, MoU'a Uver PUla, c, JOHN F. HENRY, t URRAN A CO.. San r College nem. New York. Jan SB In KfAXB OH! 4CEET- will be given la the it; of Oreensboro, . C. . DEChMBKH 81, 1874, for the purpose of erectiug sn Odd Fellows Temple. Ths Grand Gift la ths ' Bonbow Housei i ' ' WORTH 80,000.00,, ; V O K A N U CASH OUT - i ,rr! sio,ooo. I Real relate Gifts, Cash, - - $91 800 . ttm.sop Cult 100.000 Tickst t bs tuko. Price ol.,TeeU, 3 50. ,. I AOBN rs WAMA: For further particulars, address tba sfsav agar, pux , wreeaabwro, a. v. "f C. P MEKDENRALL, 'i ut nl .li.Maaager.' IT. 8 T E V P W, I C t. " m ' 4 I :su'1i j .,,...:.. .... ,-4 i,i'- I ;, ATTRiRir ..AT LAW. rf J . ' , i it r" , " , HILLS HOB', i 'J- t JsaB-dtf NORTH CAROLINA. UN1YBA HT OF Y ROIJIIA. i m j n ,. - . - S .. IS (M ,S aasMDOt I aw Lsctaras fnlu. weekly) begin 1st Jaly, l7j cad U Beat. Uavo awovtd of slgnai aae: Irt. to etadatU praaomcSo parvao their stBdles at thle or other law school ( Sd, to thooe who deaiga te atndy pri vatelyt hd, to yooac pracUtloaare who have sot had tba advantage of aystemstlc ksstrao. tioa. For elrcala- arolv IP. O LTaivorsitv ot Vs.) to JtHst B, MlfcOB, Prof. Com. and etat Law.- y:h - tnCUMTIITTITASXT.vv i Oouatry , and past the I jane.lv im - -pIEU.EU STEAM WASIIEE AND . I ' ' ELBACBIaV r,r"'"". T ' ' THE LAI EST, BUT AND CUEAfEST 4 -ABBl '" MADB.' rMiVKM. That Steam Washers are never tbaa oUiers Is aow geaerally conceded. That the Peer less Is the beat of Bteam T'aahws wUI be as readily admitted by every owe who sses it aad (Ties It with Others. , "T i i Its ooaatrncUoa Is sash ss to res the Iwgast quantity of water throagh the cloth, ingm the shortest time, aad to oompeU all the ' water to go where it le dealrsd, and pre. vent Ita going anywhere elee. It has ao bungling valves to make the water BOW by ate SJd eosee to Bow at tntorvals bat essses It to flow oUaaJlfopoariBg siatsea streams oa the whole surface of the elotli ng. Then UMWatarhasaottodaaesadto thaeeBtreor Hotheads of the false bottom to gat hack to its starting ooiat butgoee straight down from whir U faBav washing ell parte of thoatoth lag ow BBtoacned ny ite tapid current. It ruabee throagh she dothing maay tlfsa .par minute aad aieans themto 16 to W minutes I 1 hs sost ot the machine may be saved vary sooa m difference la wear of the elotnee. . It aay be eared very sooa U tos dUtertnes of labor required. .... A maehlna Bade to It, eaa be need with say stove boiler or the boiler to the maculae may be used lorsay other parpoee, . This machine selfa tor toss thsn anyl IU kind, and will ao ths work eakkstfad more kVaMMUriito. Aa Ite oame Indicate. It Is ' PBfKTJPHU. A-lfU!CkALL. ' . ' j . . . raicaai , Far the WuW aed Roller. I Banal alas) $. For ths Wsaher aloaa. (aaaal slss.) ' to, h Wsaber aloaa, (asaal slss ) he Wsaber sad Boiler (extra large) lll.W. the Waaherriooe, (estra large) to. asoal sias e U laches wide by tt long rortbe wsaber For the Theaaoi The eruTurge U lacoee Wide by 80, long ISM deep. . Kent anywhere par express oa receipt of priesby ' ' - "; i. A. JONRB, Proprietor, f ' Kaleigia N. a E A LL BRABUM It T 4. F A L L S A .8 O N . TO OUR CUSTOMERS ANU FRIENDS. Ws bsve Jast received oar huge and ettree lire atoca of good, which we are selling ueh lower taxa ever before. Wo wl.J take SI eatare In siowmg our good to eonvtnee aU net they are the CUKAPBST GOODS In the market. If yea want to get worts of vour atones edl aad bar of I the full Ws have tor lsdss wear a beautiful Use of Draes Goods, consisting la part of Black Alpascss,) and pare V from 9 cents tut Blsek Mohairs. Csshmtrea, Jap Bilks, forded Ltie'er, . , Cretone Suiting, i Black Dress 8llk, Australian Ctcsse, Pougee. French Mvria, fcu Ac All of the very lattst styles, dlao, for the gentlemen the crlcbra'ed CANFIELD SHOE,v rV.' j'.-t 's . f Wh ch to thd best bow, Bsaafsctured In the Uattf States.; - ;. . , , . Alsos hiitdaomeUaaof i ' - CA8SIMERE9 , ' ot the belt anality. BALLOUb' F. Y.BUUTd,. wblehwoguaranto-hflt. ! ' We have i he best gootis In ths market and ssll lower than any bouae In the city. ' PETTY A -40NE3. JFMOVAL. The subscriber has rrmoved bis Book Store to the building two doors north of Tucker's Htore under Watson's Photo graph Gallery where be has more room, and better accommodations Tor conduct ing a wholesale and retail trade. He is now making large additions to stock of BOOKS, STATIONARY, 1 i fAA'CY GOODS, XMBKACIKO t S7H00L, MISCELLANEOUS, and STANDARD BOOKS, Sabbath School and Song Books, TJibles and Testsmente, t'rayer and Hymn BMiks, Albums snd Chromo Pictures, Account snd Blank Books, Fine and pl'n Btatloneiy new styles, Perfumery, tfotps, Ac, Ac lie is sirent for the aale of the N. 0. KttPOlirn, Ha rt'LE-H DIOE3T WUCKLBXS N. U MANUAL . Special terms to Merchshts and Teach, era. - ; ALFRED WILLIAMS. - I i BooKtCLLSB and ttTATI' KH. Raleigh, Oct. 8tb. v E NCO RQE BOM R INSTITUTIONS 8JlC0RITrAQAlIlS1 flRK . , THE JNOUXll CAHOLINA HOME INSUECE COMPANY jni,:,Z: ' . , , ' i i " RALEIGH, N. C. - T.'i) j u . ., .j .- . ..... That Company eon tins to write Pol'et at loir rata, oa sll classes of Insars". prop- ii SJaaes are promptly adjusted sad paid. 1 Tie-'HOMf Isrsptdly growlngla pnbll favor, aad appeals, with sooaleaee,tolasarefs of property In aU parte ot North Carolina. VJ. Agents la all parts of the Stele, , . , ,;i , E. H. Unui.tf- rYraldent r C B. Boo, Vise PresUear , .r . Saatoa Otut gatntary. -i-. Pouau Uwraa, hspenteor. . : Jsse aVtA.i..' l -' i..in j ii 1 1, in .I , ui i 1 1 Ha- Irg tisLBcd. so AdsslststrSBt with ths Usanxdoa tbsaoteio of Mm. Sally A Jae, ereeeed, totiee Is hereby gtvea Seali persona mae-jted to void eatete to pay swat, aad ell neraaao havug claims to are seat them, withua thotlmo peaserteed by law or thla aote will be plssd In bar of reeovt ry I A-,, 4 i SARAH S. JONBSV' AdmlniatrBtnx with all annrxeA ' cetU-lmdwA-sw O R AND - C I FT 1! "13 Hetiirniiita: Farm 1 1-1 . ui tti to j.4hJ yl- Mb. Job Davis, of SreoTJD 1 ' . !: J ...... ...i.. ....v 'W. to Rbtori to KkaLAito, nruiD r) oive a -I mSi o5t 7 -1, V. t .wT cf enO rrio T 0 C'BTiR'-OH A L AT i8ATUXD4T, ffQVMJqOJtB 88, 1874. tti unit . ..... I Con bracing at t,fli -31" r ft " L TTIE GRAJIB CHFTIo a la Vbm, ,bW7eHwsoa side and out, ooertaicisg MX hygwassa, foot nesily built t BtoMea, with alevwa stalls, boggy boner, cutting room aad Urge loft over: Cora Crib ; Bcaoks House r Dairy House, with spring of water running throagh it : Pasture, Ckrvss- Pstch, Osobard, ebsee Gardens and Lane well fenced, also Cross-re noe aoross Use Fana. The Fare la all under gmtf tine fence and is bounded ia front by the1 highway to Hillsboro and Raleigh, sod by Cabtree Creek at back. Thee te a Well at tba boati and three Springs oa farm of excellent weter. The moat health location la .North; Caraiina. The Store is needy -now beilt at gate oath high way about three ysars since, and Is doings good trade which eaa be greatly extesdsd, All ot which cost for ths peat thro years oa im- provemenu aione s,owj. . . The value of this the 1st GKAMXJLr uurr 804 rree gut, 1 one large nut. fFtnnv.l $178 188 100 B, One good Bnul,(Jeck,J ' 4. One good male, (Kitty,) ' 8. One good mole, (MoUyJ , ft Strong 4 bona waon, nearly - new, - ... i 1. Extra strong wagon, 4 or 0 mules, 8. Good strong 8 horse wsgoot Sl English baggy, . , 10. Strong, nosfui borse, . 1L 4 borss English Cnltivstor, IA Fins cow, (Beau tyj Uom Eng. atock, 13. Tearling heifer, from Eng. stock, 14. Brussels carpet In drawing- room ' ' 4 " 15. Fine red atoersad cart, . IA Goodeteer, . . , t: 17. Good young cow, 18. Yearling heifer cow, 18. New sofa, covered with hi) hsir. 80. Oooklng etove, 81. Harrow, 188 100 80 175 US5! i 50 to to 80 40 85 80 10 80 S7 85 I W t nM 18 10 IS ,s18 10 10 to I SA Damp cart, r aa, xu foav ox cnamuon aoib ; f burg Journal, . - ; 14, Good Eogllsh goa, ' S5. fix cane chairs, 28. One large safe, ' 87. Heifer, (Polly,) 1 88. Two rocking eh airs, 20. Heifer, (Pink). 80. Heifer (Carrot), SL Tea Brahma Fewle, raised I from stock costing; S t pair ia. Two wheelbarrows, S3. Thres Urge volumse of Dlus i traied History pf Kaglsnd, 100 yeara old, aad rare, 84. SO volumes of English books,.. Tsrious subjects, 1 83. Bet boggy bareesa, i . 80. Double eet bamesa,inoomplote, 87. Mthogony Drews, English ;, msks, 88. Toilet set, chins, 89. Iron bedetead; English mske, ' m i -a 43. Revolver, 48. Stair carpets, 44. Steam washer, 45. Bureau, " 40. Bhoweaee, 47. Large Scales, (st stnrej 48. BuU dog and Kennel, , 49. Wash stand, , . ,a 50. Fancy uble. - 10 10 to 10 10 IS 10 to 10 10 10 8 I 8 7 8 8 81. Round table snd dogs, 83. B picks, t orka, 9 cMttocke, t 8 53. Corn planter and dogon plows 8 64. Aie, Cotton Opener, Ruabook f 'adapada, . MHISJ':-; !.!ffl 55. One spsde,- five boos, Water pot, aaw, drswiog kaim, ' 68. 8 buckets, bucksaw, drawing ' knite, ' 8 METHOD 0 The Drawing will be si Tucks Hall, Raloighj and will ne ivmducted by gentle men selected I root tbe audience. Tbe drawing will be by blindMded children, from two wheels oe wheel Will coo tain tbe 100 gifts ia sealed enveioaea, the other wheet eonUins 8,470 Doplicsie Ticket, numbered same ss those sold. After ths contents of the wheels have beta well snd thoroughly mixed, ths child at tbs 1st wheel will draw a ticket thetelrom. and then Ibecbld at the 2nd wheel will draws gilt thereform, and the gift thda drawn will beoug to the holder of , Ticket drawn immediately before. Tbia process aill continue uutil tbs 100 gifis arc all drawn from tbs 2nd wheel. The psyment of the gilts will begin the day efler the draw ing. rThi drawer -of Grand Gilt can at once receive the deeds of the estate, which are free from all mortgages or incumbrance.' oa diving permiwion to Mr. Davis to re main with hie Tenants sufficient time to of crops, II oot sll In si time ot arewing, unieti ice u rawer or gut win purchase the said crops of Mr. Davis. JYiet of TickxU only 12.50 soeA t Talu4 of QifU $8,670.00. ISAAC ROGERS, Esq, Sop't CottcxT DAWipo. , Agents la Raleigh Chkathaii A BnA, Nat. L Baowx, A. IL Taapua, J. C 8. LuMSDSf, Tnompsog A WnrrAKRB, and at most of Store, on the Hilltboro rood, oa the A FEW AGEIfTS' WASTED OUlVlDB OF lrSLlCIriA ' t3e7"now To Rxmit. Money should Order, paysble to Johw Davis, ttrojd Fsran, near Rateigfi, tL t.' aiih Naiue.Pust nfnee. County and State written plainly. AU d$nts to remit weekly the amount ol Ticket sold by them. T , . : ' The fallowing geotletnea,jeldlog in Raleigh, have kindly .B1 certify to tbe gecuineness of the sffair, and are well acquainted with sir. Jobn David, tbe Pro prietor of Stroud Firm i i - Drj G. W. Blackaall, ProprkAor Tsrboro' Hotalf sVUTddsms ASoaseadsts and Machinutej & F. Cheatham A Rro&, Merchants ; Ospt. A. W. Lawn-nce, Iotur snce Agent ; Josish Turner, Jr, Editor Sentinel Sam 'I Merrill, onpH Raleigh Gat Works. ! ,. v. WWSJ fe-JM-il. : Obit 3,470 TtCEBia to Imdbo, nm cost cf Famm anp Cirri. ; a . . i - JOHN DAVIdk .tntotni Fabm, Nbar RAUtant. . t , . , ., --. ... - . ,' . . Tbe names of ail who draw Gifts will be advertised in Iuleiah Sbntimki Sd da. alter drawing;. vtepi-8m R. v F. JONES CO- COTT0JI FAOTOXS AMD 9 XXX. SAL WHOLES ALB AND BBTAlL ... O IE O O A' U a WtucrsoToa BtOrmsiia X saaav Booabb BALXJO. . "Have oa head and ere daCr' leeelvtng every tide atnaUr wanted 1st the trroewr aad Psovlatoa Una, eoaaatiag ta part of . to gags wooes, , 140 Bsihsls rest, - ' SO Bbls. Bager, . ,.,0U1U balk Meat,- . ' . , BTIereeaHaau, . MMBanld7; ' "J- ' 10 Boxes Candle x 0 0 IV" C li R f to Entdtland -SI'iillHii Mius raJ IfAfatag N.K. bi M. J X A. - 0f 'iff JONCERT, nl L, R A L E I U II. N. C. I o'clock, P. M. jl'AWii i ! FJ Boo ball and atsirc.m; Are Truant Uonses, ' j v j , t ia a.otw iqieiyittr r BT. GrindstiSos aid two. axes. 68. Ltdder, B duckoill plows snd ?.; i shovel, 6. Two borse Watt plow, one ' borta WaU plow, , SO New Cradle, Sl 8 scythes, 8 sugrrs, 4 single- miK m 83 Seeiessirs, ' , 84 A lam pe, cburu, and large ' I i elothee horse, 5 S English Fepdera, 06 Fire rrottS end dnir. . 67 pressing gtsss, (British plate 1 j glass, mahogoay frame.) 5 68 Oval mirror, (British plate ft : gajPSvj'-l' s n rw.' , 5 '69 B TeB ara S..S gaUoO oil caa. . a . . i bench, 0 70 Oil cloth in hall, 5 71 Dining room carpet, , 0 "73 BCream cans,tkiuaiei,3 mlik .. . i coolers, 1 measure, 8 milk etas, 1 kerosene cu. 6 78 5 Bad-irous, kitchen fender, tin bucket, c .ffee pi. t. tntfee ntltls, 3 hair broom, 0 . 74 Time piece, 6 vol of book, 5 , . 75 Balabcca and icalea, 5 76 Fold-up chair, oil pamiing iu " ! old carved irauie, 5 ' 77 4 Iron eaocepaoa, oval boiler, ' , i and B kettles, 5 78 SO gallon milk can, molasses ' gste, 4 measures 4 lunnela, 5 79 bench and 4 show bottl-s at store, 0 80 Small scales snd weights, 8 brandy barrels, 6 81 4 bottles, t dewanters, 6 83. About 100 feet pltnk, and- - . gear, for 8 plows, S 83 SO empty barrels, various sortr, 6 84 S French vests, 6 85 S Dresden Vases and 3 Dres den Images, 5 86 8 Glass ' esses, stuff d birds, I framed engrsving, 5 87 8 Vols. Cook's Geography nod i j 18 books, various kiads,. 88 Cool scuttle, scoop and 3 mats, 89 Hearthrug, BO S tables, 1 English dessert service (green) 10 pieces, 03 10 pieces Chins, various, . BS Furn .ce, 4 80 pieces Chlus, various, 96 80 Engravings, framed and , i glased,. -. v SOtOrd.flrtCWoO -VjiU 97 Mahogony book case,' with glass atora, bottle Jack, 98 Patent eVirn shelter, 90 Ancient Cabinet, 100 One breeding sow. 6 0 8 6 6 6 6 5 6 i 9 13 15 20 6 15 18.670 DRAWING, Ac. - rfa ! i l 4 gather lo what may remala of the 86, acres for Sate of Tickets: N. B Mblbt, J. H. Evntm, ' Ssst'b Mbrhill, UlX JCllis, the Atoree iu Kalutuh., ami at Mr. Davis' Farm, whxh ta mollrnt in -hcsaid Ottv be eest be K eg tared ,Lettrm or Putt-office ... . -T. ,.ni fl ... SPRING -1874. ubbts' sranio bats. The leading Spring styles in medium aad Fine Felts, at the most - reasonable price Mow ready at w f. ' ' a B. ANDRSWSACO., ' ' .. Clothiers and Geato' Faraiabere. , .' .- Next door to T acker Hall. : RaleUcb.N.a i Feb. STth 187A ' . J1WO f aoUBAND FOONDS. JsreaWLsrd, ' ,J-, - i At' r-u.- tf ioxtitw 1 Gil THE LATEST IlKST AND CHEAPEST. I offer the pnh if. tbe latest improved Oot ton Ola, we I as the cheapest. The allowing ertiHeeles from wall hnuwe njentlemea, will h mora sotisfacUiry than sat thing I eaa say t ,-. . Nbab Csnr, N tJ., N., IS h. lain This is to certify that I am using owe i.f lb Cars Gins mad bv W. M. SorrelU of Cary, N. C.and that I am wall pWd with it end would cboenully reeaim,l it to any one wanting a giM Oia. ,i-.,,.:;;. a a yatia 5 Cabt, N. C, My 88nd. 1874. I take pleasure la sy'ng that tbe fifty Saws Gnttoa Gia, I pa.chssed from Mr. W. M. Sorrell. known as tbe Cary Gin does fsr better work tbaa any Gin, I bare heretofore ased, though ousting front 50 to 100 per aeal bat money. I think any pot eon in want of a Gin will save money by purchasing tbe Cary Gin, its performance nas-Beea eowety satisfactory b me. I eaa We certify that the Cary Gin be given entire satisfaction to nnr neighbors, who bsve tried It, snd ws think it . an rtcel lent gin. ..it. il. p; Guns. if. B. ioAUAM, W. c. Paob, W f Pf,u PRICE: For 60 Saw Gin, $?u For 65 Saw Gin, h,cj For 60 Saw Gin, ioo For 43 Saw Gin, ho For 40 Saw Gin, ixo For all under 40 Seas, 1 tit. Parsons wsntlngGiue will nleaae semi in their orders early la tm season so ttint I may not be crowded in ths rail. ren.l In jour orders sad I warrant yon will Iw pleased. 1 do sll kinl of repairing. ADDRESS. w. H. SOliKKLL. mayt5dAw-tf. i:rj, . C R. F . JON K. b A CO COTTtN FAOTORt AND GINFRAL , . W HULKS ALB AND BKTAI1. 1 I -8ROCER8. w annrewa v, Ort ornvs Kins bt Squakc RALEIGH, N. C. YS present ourCard snd offer u the public oar Services ss Ueneral Comn.iaaiox Mer chsnts for the sale of Cotton sue other tro- aoce, AO. Oar location era. r location 1 central, In the buarneas part I city and we cfer eapacial advaatam. lacillties ia tba sturace of Uottoo c.. olthei Mil luHitU im UM llflMM Af f Wfcn A. having a Bret doe metal root and are ptoii V ' store souea, aiiaawa wiuiib a anon Olaunce of the t olies "telloa, and thereby leas lialile to ths danger ot fire. Thoae who deaio stortSf ontton WUI Bm! It to their lntereal ui communicate with as before atorlng elae whete. We are constantly in receipt of alia, f Oeneral groceries which we are selling at the very loweat surket price. Farmers eupplie always os bsad. Country produce ia larue ui small ouantMiee taken in exchange (or goialk Ws solieil eonalgnmenta and will .duct ' aatialaetory sales snd guarantee prompt re turns for all article entrusted to u. our patrdbs snd others will be inforiuou fi-uw lime to bine of the general tenor of vriee f ir Cotton and produce geuerally. All! eoaimunicaUona of Inquiry ) roiupi ) BAswsml. aeptt7-tf J3ARTNIR WAN1RD. Anhigenious mechanic, who hut made a useful inventloo, wanu a i trtuer wvh a capi tal of 1600. One bunureJ i.er cm nl. Kiiai tu teed on the Invartmeul, liodre.., A. U. Rsleigh Post OOce ens Utf glLXCTBOARUlNUANU DM CIHvl. HILLSBORO N. V The Misses Nash Mitt Kolloek alll re sums the exercise of their school on Fmlv Feb. B, 1874. Circular torwardud on tpplitaUo:-deel-l i , 1874. 1874. AUTUMN. BLACK ALPACAS! HLAi K ALI'A'VSI Pottv & Jones ' Opened to day the moot beautiful line of Black Aiparaa aad fare Mohairs ever offered ia this market, and reSpeet'olly aak tUeir eoatomert and Mend to cull and ace them sad be convinced for themselves. I A lair. . t?.ll D i . with great many other goods in tbeii Hue Wr.A V..l. A A .... tl . THE NOTED B4LLOU 8HIRT AND CAN FIBLDd CILIBKdI RD UANUMADa SHOES. Ws G'uaranltee all to buit and t it sept Utf B B.-rT INDIAN HOCKIJMlC. LIMK1 i I.IMK! LIME! ! ' BOO Barrels just rtcelred .1 , rl e. lower thaa No, 1 Liu ta ever beeo ruld fur la this surket. ; Hard wars snd Cutlery, Sash Doori 4 Blind., , JULIUS LEWIS & CO., V . Fisher Building, ssptS-lf Kalsigh, N. C. J OH N "SA RHSTRONU BOOKBINDER ". - i ' SWb . ' Blink Book Ms"fWtr- i ovnn n. c. aooswoas. R A L I I G H , N . u JpIPFEBi SALOON A EE3TAURAMS , Wntm Fbokt, Wilmuiotoh bt., SeObaJ DoorBsstB bf Hstgett Street, Near his old hi aad Bow kaows aa the i tsraUaaUouse,'' BALRIOH, N. C. W. R. Pepper, the ot dlatingnl.bidfv terrr In the seath, til open hie new ' aad Kesiaarsat, a above, today, Tharm Octoherlat. lbs beet of everything U 'I " buioms alii be found t Fsppar'a, aervrd up a Fein-er". bwt .1 I. Norfolk Oysters. Mrsls st sll bovra. oettSat , , W. K. PBrTKK. Uitlsboro' Recorder and Durham Toi'tccO Plant eopy 8 moatn, W J

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