n J i r THE DAILTSENTINEL nunii Br ' . ' , 'j OBI AH T0 : Offlc Hr th Cowt Bout. " Diilr Sentinel V rear la advance - J Th DAttT Bimnt wffl be delivered m ,nr part of the City firtiM Cmw per week. . ' ' - ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 THE TRACK. Open the "Way! And W Bosh eoutlBU M tie way t . J. M. ROiEMBAUaTdi . At KUm's old Comer, Fayettevlll e Kt that ,to' ...:a. . . Goods, Nonas, Fancy Goods, Ch a ia tbs City WaareeaUj receiving Mm addltloDi to ock. which to elway kept lb tmh tadOMPtett to ry waea osa Mrtatailaf ttm store. . . BEADY MADE CLOTHIKu it the tpteislt ot my trad. 4 I maow rciaKdtoBarVery grade of Clothing t the very botUMB priee. Call sad ate bm eurselvef. CBOCKItT DEPARTMENT. ' Ih h w U Mly aelatlf Creek err I lore la City, eoflBcU4 with aad adHnlnR taa tk (Mt. tin MUMUhmaat ISar vrarf apaeM of .rockery at Wkotoaala, to the coaaty tied t Nortbara price, aa I bay alraet la lam quatlUM Iroea trat haaaa. To al mj fonaW caatonMra aad patroae, ud toe paMla geBaraUr, 1 weald y tkat 1 wb tter praparad thaa w M adailalatot tuUMlrerer waat at tanaa Uut i will gaa i in tee wtlalaelory. act Uta NSOUKCIMKMT. 1 hereby aaaoaaea myaelf aa a eaadldato for Auk. Unt or Keadlaa Clark of the leaat it the etuainjc eaarloa o( Uta Uenerel eeen- bl.ot!-tr W. LRU, 0 AN DID AT FOR UOOH-X.KSt'XK. I tk. this aaathod ot aaaoaacUic aiTielf h a casdidata for lHorkeper of the Uoue KirewataUv ot thr TeatUflalatare ept4td HENR H. C'KUOH. A FIRST CLASS MjATCIIMAKJCR a aitaatioa in any 8onthera towa aa a firet cleat Watch repairer elao of French tod Eogliab Clocks. Moat aatiifactory f mrereqoea given, ripply by letter to J. P. Rkdailm. care or Mr. Keller, Watch Ueterial Dealer, 04. Naeaan 8t Room 1, N w York aty. Th aclvertiaer ipeak li.iiao, French nd English fluently, oct 19 at iMrra nau, Joaaaroa Co., It. C. September S, 1874. Tith UtmlrfO 84aU f H. 0: I hereby announce myself a eandidU for ..principal Doorkeeper of th Senate, raeet to th action of th DemocraUc-ConearTa-UTaCaaeaa, at tha approaching aeaaloa of the tteoeral Aeaaaably. .. , aept 4 td J.T. WXIS8TLX gCONOHT W WItLTn, tad the way to prraerr aad malntala that reoeomf to to know where and how to make ludJekras outlay In th aeleetloa aad pur che o( rooda. We propoej to (Tire the fol lowing advlea gratnitoae. or free irretl and tot nothing. It I a wall known fait that at 1. Bosenbanm & Bro's, May be found the UrRtet aad moat attractive etock o( . , Ladies' Dreea flood, Notion, Bo ta 4 Shoe, Sheetings, PLAIN AND PLAID DOMK1TICS, AU of which were purchased at panic prlc and wlU be aoM at bottom agar. Oar paelalty 1 RBADY-VADB CL0T1IIS0. Tha lirteat atock In th slty, eoaprlrinsr m inj, ei nallt and aold at nrteea that will dtj eoapaUtion. Sepaaial attoatioa la caiiev to thU breach or oar vaae. Uaretork of nonatL Have. Mat. I lam -.d varloui. aad from thU day w WlU offer at aad below cost oar stock of . . WOOL1S 2ARPKT8, from the fact that we bar not ttoro room for the hiwmM HTfH ! K tm huut. - To eeear th bast bamlas call ealy and doa'tfail to remember tha place, two door Booth of Wi'Uams A Haywood' Drag Htore, andi'nof ' " M. R08INBATJMABHJ. octT-lm TTMIVIRSITT OF TIROIKIA UpaasOetoborl: eontlna throw Bin months tt I onranlaed la school on th eli etiraeyateas, with roll eonraaa la Claastcs, Lltarstara, Bdence (with praetle la Chemi cal aad Physical UbaratortoaK ta Law. Madt c m. K.vta-rin. Taaehln and Arrienltara. Anal. fCatatoarwa to JAMES P. UARRI- attk. Chairman, P. O. UaiTamtty of Yir (Into, Albemarle fX,T. jtUj4wo4 pron KILLS. In ttora a Un of th beat Apple Mill ranr tor In prlc from 25 to $50. Erery farmer who ha aa orchard should Alas, just received a new nnply ctl ft? ana nmnn:. JETk. TOHXti, ' euglS-tf ;.. ...Agent. rpippo ALsroK. We ire rrq see ted to annonnca thatTlppo Aletoa, col., of Chatham, to a candidate for Assietani Doorkeeper oi ew aeptl-tf ; , . Prnca 0. Eaatss, Daiignar. . T.C Habbis u XngraTar. Ja4T)! ll l' Ok I .J X K H I 8 8 H A B B I 8 , ' XALEIQH, H. C. kaVBaid far Bnadmana of work. : Work 1 ft VOL. X: City Intelligence. Tbb M arest. la Nw York oa yes day cottoa wu bald tteady St U MalO with receipt of 9 IN bale. Turpentine tad rods unchanged. Gold 10 1810 1st. Mulr ix tin Poukd Tut polio to day captured on lb tre,t an cstray mult, daik bay about eight jeaie old, ud have him eotifimd at lb city pound. JiUAMWir.- The ttwU-Bcll Ri. ger Will opto al Tackff Ball abttut tha Mtb taat, .Tfa wilt gladly wetoxm tbttn back agaia. Other troapra will, fellow ' tad BaWgb'datlsg tb atatioa ol oartgia uator which eoavcM Moada weak promlasi 'a aeaaaa of eoaaiderabl aity, - i ea i i Osahd Omiiso. Ttaer will U a fraud opealog of PbU Wtlker'a billiard aaleoa la tha baaeoieot oi thaTarborooKb Hoaw to-morrow aigbt at nioa o'olock. Th puWlc geoetally are Invited tnat- tend. Several riperta ta tb billiard lio will at praent,and asxllut aport may b fipectad. Col. Ua Yocao, : the Rerennr man, want out to talk la Uta State of Virginia. Tb man Ik talked for wu beaten 1,900 Totea, and all bad rot vou d. Ik will do wber Tim Le reign aa I Jndg Watt preside, but b eui't tn.k an Improaaioa on the old "Fergioay niggw. Blanket bin -Tu.k," and lead tb dietaaced atg off of tb irck. Dtx am al. Yesterday moraingon of Raleigb'a fainst daughter a most cbsmit lug lady in every respect Kim Ida Maalj wu led tn the bymenlal altar by Dr. jn. H. Baker or Ertgecome, a physlcia of bigb reputation, and moat aecompliabed gentleman, the certmnny being performed by Rev. Mr. M .r.h.ll, of Chriat Church Epicopl. Tbehrfpjiy psir departed Northward sooo after, etundwl with th hearty good wi;s of relative and but of Iriend. ELkCTIOH ( F OrVICBM OV TH IatAKB Aitlci The Board of Director oi tb Insane Aiylum fhet at that Institution oa yesterday Wesley Wbitakar, Esq., ex-Mayor of tbi city, and mire latterly th editor of Tim Lee, Unloador, wu elected Ptawtrd for th ensuing year. Mr. K. Burke Haywood, Jr., aa attach of tb State National Bank, waa elected Treasurer. , Tbe pa of tlii office waa re. doced by th Board from 7S0 o 0800. Mr. awreoce waa reflected Matron, and Mr. Kurfman, Engineer, , ,. . Dr. IUmttj, of Rowan county, wu chosM Chairman of tli Bird tim Wesley Wbltaker, Etq., rcaigned, and th Hat ing Executive Committee w u re elected for the enaaiog year. Takes with a Fit. A colored aroma named ua Simmon waa.S4j with St at th colored Melhodi.t Church. Iai night, about 8 o'clock. tUie wu eoavryed to (he atation house, by tbe polios, when Dr. Roytter u called to the uffcrer. She wu ihoitly thereafter taken to her home in tbe Western Ward, bat death enined about 11 o'clock. A coroner' jury of laqnest was nmmoned this morn. ing, and post mortem elimination wu ordered. . It waa performed by Or. Lit tle and Dunn, and resulted ia producing th atartling development of th preaanc of a dead infant la tb womb, which lb phyaician declared bad beea ia that Hale for som dsy . Tb woaua was InterreJ at th eipenMoltb county. . nHTn waud Bouao. Mr. Geo. Ztrgler of tbe Arm of Ziegler t Qruandlers'a Cigar Manufactory, departed .lor B iltt more and other Noctbera cttie tbi moro Ing with a view of laying ia aa cxreasiv stock of wrappera and filler for their in cruiiit cigar trad. Both "f the young nentljin comp'wing this firm,; sine their advent among us, by tbair gentle manly deportment and lair dawling with th trd..'hv bcom extremely popu lai. w h ile their several brand of cigar. tr fast becoming famous. They are daily turning out hundred tf their; choicest cigar, and at ao dtotaat day ww treat U bm them Bllinc, all order from tbi Slate. Their term are accommodating, vhil their price era as raaool! aa thou of deaiet North. ! ,, , . .i f i" i mw ... '. ' What to d wrta Tax. Tba editor of the cVafisra Horn thui appropriately ipetkC '; . "A radical abect prop.; that th 7 v ernmeot run Ha of atetmers to Liberia and other At'ricaa port to lurniah traa portstioa for th ireedraea, Wbstlloro ih. -H.n and Brother" back into th bsrbaiW frm which h waa elevated b th lt slavebolder t Wa propos better plan.- Ut th g..Vrnmenl ran it itnmor wt. Grant aad Wi1m a pilot let U biwcf dtCkS b fl.led with radical editor; writer and apeaker; then Utt the aapr deck U o mdd with trpb. bffvrl and 1 SouibB-rBg-.d that averv vsatd shall SipsiaJ sad fl Minder la rd-oeeaa. Alter tbi queacblng of tbe IncaadUry lemeola,th obites aad tbair l.t tlave would get on together without RALEIQH, N. CM Tub ELEcriox-.Toa Oyaavxpw. Tuesday was a grand day for th Democ racy of lb Union, Tba result b s flora pleta deluge to Radlcallim. Uaasacba. setts, tb last of State oa tha rooUtool that wu hopd for, wbaslad lata line aad Butler' is baalaa badly. Damocrati ia Boatoa sra raportvd wild with Jy, fat Qaetoa, aobl Bin i electoJ Oovtroor, aad aavia' Democr-iM at of elavea Cor greasmes arfl leotJ. O'.d Ayer, (Rep ) 4s.arhlttTUJ Nboot him o)4h tpot" Du, who wsUt off fB3'seuerbl y brow. From Iiliols wa hav nothing decUive, bat what w k is anooe raging. w Jeney dltto.N Front th ; oath svry thing Is cheering. Ia Taaaeaae wthav U cons greasional ' dtgtino, v from two diatrict that srs la doubt- A gaia of fiva ia that 9!t with cbtooea fr mi or twoatora, - LoaUiaa . gives flv Dm"erateut of six Congratsmea gala of two with a Stat Democratic ma,ority cl 1 1,000. , Ia New TorkXba Cahgnsalontl dele gatioa ttaad, 10 Dataocrst to 10 Repub- licaa. A large gala, with a Democratic majority oa joint ballot la tb Ataembly. Tbere ar gains i drkaosa. Alabama, Georgia and 8nth Carolina.. Tb result !e' Pennsylvania U reported cloaa, bnt w may look for something surprising. - Tb new i glorious and ws hops it will ctntiaa getting better. Mawtcha setts wu aa earthquake, but we caa tand it. Ilurrah I a DtTAJL OF TBB ArVBAT at EuvadLa." Ecvaola, Ala., Nov. Th diaturbanos wu quit wnguinary. Six white were Wounded, on nf them, William Keith, mortally. Three segroe were killed out right, aad aa far u heard from aetenty four were wounded tea or fifteen of tb number mortally. Bine th fight five have died, aad lure or lour more will die daring the night The difficulty grew oat of tb abua ol a negro who bad voted the democrat! Ufkrt, by verel radical aegfoes, eh'wMmong whom waa on very bad argru warned Mite Long. - Several white gentlemen ' ruahed up.wbea they Mw tbe negr.t being, abuted, and when be Bad recdeed several blows they ran la aad ordered the mob to .dealst. Mile Long offernd to draw a pistol . epos oa of ths whit men, wbea b waa told But to draw a weapon or he would be killed. With ao OAth ag:nt the whites, daring them to ooma on, he drew hi putol aad fired, la aa iniUot genual fir from both'. white ud black Commenced, which tb lattet stood for a second or two and thcu far way in one of tb wildest sUuipe.le ever witueaaed ia ear treet. There were - probably five hun dred ihot flrd by both (idea, a m)ority being' fired by the whites. Tb negroes earn In from th country, armed with pistols, heavy clubs, wheel epok-, J., aad wera very aggreuiVd upon.' those of their )lor who votvd the democratic lickcL For a few atcieda after tbe firiug ceased the acurue begtuto f.rf a renewal of tbe light, bat sating that tue white wuro armiog to receive them tbey as tin scattered and quiet wu too re tored. . ,., TIIK VIRGINIA ELECTION. Oougreeemeo potitivciy elected: Gil bert C. Walker, democrat, Srd District; George C. Cobell, democrat, 0 th District ; J, K. Incker, democrat, 0th District ; JohnT Harriai, 7th DitUict ; Xffa Qua ton, democrat ; W. H. II. Btowell, repab- Ucn,4th Dlitrkty; aod v W. J. Terry, democrat, 0th Diatrict, aod B, B. Doug- less, lt Diatrict, aid Job a Good, Jr., Sod Diatrict, democrat, contidered quit probable. Much lutermt is felt In tbi Bute over tbe result of tb contest betweea Goode and Piatt ia ths Norfolk Diatrict, sod all lovers of honesty hope for the defeat ol infamous Piatt As. .. ' f ... .SIS . For tb Sentinel Ma. Eortoa : I wish to call public attentia to what I detm illiberal prar.t.ce at th fair. ' A race Wu m ule for saddle or untrained hone, when Jock Reulbae nd s booth Csrolioa trained horse wu entered. Aa lock Woold hav It, Jo Davit, a anirsiaed graagav bona, beat the tace. A ' racking race was atds ap, Thre hone entered, paying tea dollar ah, UeitI (3 each at the gate, . When they bad dob tbeif best tad emoted the spectators. Col Toang proclaimed from th tuad a race. Tb ncity did aot pay tb $100 Make offered for tb faeteet raeker. loitead of Mjicsr 0I0O tb uity mad $39 clear by the race. Again, three boreee entered In tb Btal I on race eatrance $10 each. Gat money $3 each. Tbey did their best, both driver ami horse wbu CcL Toaog again pre clskmed no rac, saving OlOO to tb fair, aad makiag $30 ia cash. A Miaaioaary, Jut retaraed, tajt he l. araril John"' Aaodiae fJaiaattM bejo id all price, aad effioaetntj hry ant other medicine. It b adapt4. a c?iit vahetv nf pecial ttata. aad b th oeatpnie curer in the worM. , Fever ldom mak sa attack without warning, aad may oitea be Urowa off by aoakiaa the feet ta warm water, wrappiag na wane ia bad and takiag two or three lef TarwasrorgaUTt fine, y b tr . . 111 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5; 1874. Telegrapliio News. kXECTION, RETURNS. , f ; AooorTs, Oa, Nov. i. Returns from Florida com ia slowly, only twslr aoontie partially beard from, Tba Indications srs that both districts w'.l alaot Rrpublicaa ta Congresa. In th jd Georgia DisUlct, Smith, democrat, la ict4 by 1800 majority pvar Whitley, Republican, liarthdg is doabtfuL - w New Tom, Nov. 4, Matcalf, democrat, is elected from ths 1st Diatrict ia eoateqaeace of pJt tick- eta... ,,-. , h. rv v.,- Return from New Jersey are alow' coming in, and positive majorities la all tb ease tr not obtainable. Judge Be- dl is elected by over slue thoaaead ma jority. Tba republicans elect fur Con- gte : Llnnlcksoa, Dubtoa, end perhape Phelpa, though th latter ia doubtful. There i much trou'ole la hi diatrict la regsid to th ballot oa which bit aam is wrUteo Wm., abbreviated, and 13 vote oa either aid will decide tbe election. The democrata elect Rota, Hamilton. Teesa and Hsrdenbutg, a gain ot three Congressmen. Th fiat Senate stands u it did Utt j ear, each party gaining . aad lining one, I. ring it a republican mejjr. ity. Tbe Houaa I completely democrat ic, itanding 89 democrats to SI republi can, a democratic gala over lut year of eleven oo joint ballot. Tb Legitlature to democratic by 11 majority, and wiUeleet a United States Senator to succeed John P. Stockton. Nsw Toax, Nov. 4. la King' county tb democratic Stat ticket bu a majority of 10,000. Three democratic Congrimea aad uvea dem ocratic Assemblymen are elected. Sufficient returns are received to istur the. election of Baker, republican, to Cong real ia tb Oewego and Madison diatrict. Richmond county gives Tildes 830 majority. Bebee, democrat, for Con gress In tbe 14th diatrict, bu ever 8.000 majority. Orange county give Tilden 400 majority, aad electa both democratic I Assemblymen. ' . . : Cbic6, 111., Nov. 4. Ditpatcbea from Peoria Mjt Ross, dem ocrat, for Congieaa, ! tlected ia tb 0th district by a email majority. Matirati, Tnn, Nov. 4. Lver return indicate the election of Cot. Cuey Young, democrat, to (Joogreat by over 0,000 majority, by over 0,000 ma jority. Democratic gala ever tb tut Congressional flection of nearly ain thousand. Tb return Irom VViat Teooetac abow heavy democrat gain. Fayette and Har deman counties, hitherto republican by n big maoiity, give a democratic majori ty respectively, of 1,100 aad 030. Th democrat are jubilant over tb result I the northern and southern part ol tbe Stnl the electioa wu oautuslly q Jiet St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 8. The democrat are gaining in the L- gi- laturv, and Ramaay't teat U threatened in tha Senate. v Nbwarx, N- J., Nov. 8 Judge Bedle bu lieea elected Governor by 10,000 majority. The Oongretaioual delegation standi four democrat .and three republic ma. The Sceat ta anchanged. Tbe Ho ia overwhelmingly democratic ' Cavcsao, Nov. 8. Farwell, republican, bu bteu elected from tbe third district, ' ; PrrnBcaea, P., Nov. 8. Hopkins, democrat, haaeea (beted to Congress. v ". ; ' X,; , Dataorr, Mich, Nov. Tbs demucratie gains throaghoht tb Stat are immen. The Republicans claim ooly five thous and majority on tbe State ticket. WAtniaaTox, Nov. 4. Shrewd calculator give th democriti 03 majority la tb next Bout. Repobli Cta official look a if tbey were sorry for themselves. 'Tbs democrata ciiia PvoMylvauia by 0,000 maiority. Tne democrat Will probably have the LeghiUlure. PuiLAUBLratA, I'a , Nov. 4. , Tb Prm coecedm tbe election of 19 democratic Oongrrsamea in the State, to 111 teen republican, a Iohi ol seven, but elaimt the State by 13,000. A diapatcb from Towaadw this morning claiuie tb electioa of Jostph I'oweil, democrat, la tba 13th Diatrict, an additional republi can Iota, Ia IodUoa omnty the Republican mt jonty b 1,800. ;:j i ri'X'J Ia Peaay1aiila tb demuciwbi . gain eight CtoRRiwtsmre aed possibly' alne. Tba ticket ia claimed by both par tie, .. ."r;";.' . ' BotT, Nov. 4. Oaetamt plurality b 8,000. Tb dem eerat elect to Coorfraaa, rhompaoa ia the OihfTsrbnx ia th Tib, Warrae in tb ath,i hapie ia tbe 11th, with Bask aad Oeely, ladepea Jests. Legitlature 6en ate, demooraU 10, repwblbaa 04 ; Hoot ol Representative, , Republicans 101, dcraocratt 83. Tbs Legislature b largely opposed to prohibition, j . . ,. ; a :l Dxraorr. Mich., Nov. 4. The democrat will have a Urge repre teatatioa, aod poetlbty a majority id ths Legbbtore. ' Boatoa, Kov.' 4.';' , Aa error ia coaatlng ia counting votes bu beta discovered which lacreasss Frost's plorslity b lb 4th District io ISO: ea, tbe otber band, t amors fii the sir tbb morning that a rfeouat b to be bad b tbe 0th ward, th result wbieh will wVfflfltiiajaYfa to tiav th nam was tba I'lleaMw glass ia .tbe SrdT DwtFTot, pauTver that of Judgt Abbott, aad 120 Such ballot wrr cast. AbboU' friend ar having a petitioo circulated tots' r-Coon uf tbe eaHr diatrict, and, ks tb Board of Aldermen m set to-morrow at 4 o'clock'. Tbe rC"onting will tbea probably ttk place. The aaacxttloa of Chtlaca aad Wlotbrop wu Voted against. Milwacxbb, Wis, A. 4. ' Tba retulb, at ststed la lut night' ditpatcbet, are generally confirmed by tb later return. Tb Republicans bv elected to Congress William, Cuwel), Magoon, KimbulU Ruik and McDilL Tba Democrats have elected B orchard and Lyade. The Democrata bore claim Boack over Kimball for Congreet In th 0th Dit- tr'.ct. Tb Democrat coactd tb Re. publican majority oa joint ballot in tb Legislature. Dxtsoit, Nov. 4. Tbe Democrat claim tb election of Cbamberlih tor Governor by a majority from one to two thousand. JTbe Reyub licaaa claim tbe State by a small maiori ty. The certain decialoa will rrqalre full rtturn. Tha Coogressiootl delsgatlon will probtbly stand 0 Republican to 4 Dem ocratf. Moare MBRa, Ala Not. 4. Twenty-eight counties, n fficisl, ahow tb aet Democratic gaia to be 10,000. Tbi mclode Sumter aod Green, where tb colored Democrat were intimidated. It overcome tbr Republican majority of 1873, and leaves th Democrat .fifteen hundred ahead. Th thirty-seven coun ties to bear from will increase the Demo cratic majority to' 0 or 8,000. Tbi b one of th lerguet vote thai haa ever bjea rail in thb State. ll.xelloa (colored) Republican in tb lit ; Bradford, Democrat la the 3d ; Hay, Republican, in tb 4th j Caldwell, IX mo crat, in tb 8th ; Hewett, Democrat, ia the 0'J, Bad Lewi and Forney, Demo, craia, lor the State t Urge, ar undoob. tedly elected to' Oongrets. William, ia th Osd diatrict. ia probably eWcted ovir Rapier by 0 or 700. Tbit gives tb Dmocri a gaia of 8 Congressmen. A LKX ASTORIA, Va., Nov. 4, Iloutou, Conservative, b elected in the 8th district by about 1,300 majority over Barboat. ! Cbicaoo, Nov 4. Return from lb tecond tud third I'ongfvaaiooal diatrict kt atill incoma pkte, and tbe vote in all it m clo tbat without full returna it it inipoaaible to ttate potiilvely tbe result Li any of them, Lxke county give Fsrwell only 47 mas jorlty, but he claims a majority of 197 in Cook county, which will eltct him. Har rieuo b probably elected over Ward ia tbe tecond dittrict. Repnrti from tbe State to far indicate the election of the Repubt licao State ticket by a decreased ma jority, and a light aggregate Vole. Albakt. N. T, Not. 4 The Ktning Journal make the Auem. bly aland : Democrats 79; Republican 50, and U the Republican have only 4 majority t the- Senate, tbe Democrats will have a majority oa joint ballot, with Berne to hear from aad two district In Watervliet. It ia estimated that lb vote in tbi county atande, Dix 11,710, Tib den 14,031. -we- Newbern Timet : Messrs Daniel and Duncta tent to New Turk thb morning via Atlantic Jfc North Carolina Railroad, in additioa to their ordinary thipments, tb extraordinary one ol a lo' of unusually large iS:d aheepthesd fih. These fih were ought at Portsrn u'.h, iu tbat par ticular locality known a Wa.lace'a chan- ael, and in rti turpa anything ever old in tbit maiki't, ranglug in weight from nine to miu-iwub pouoda. The dealers claim thi-y were very fat cer tainly they were very fat ud handsome. WUmmfUm Journal : I ks Bititt State Convention meets ' in tbi city1 to day, at th Firat Baptist Church, corner Filth aad Market Street. Rev. (f t Buhry, of- VY.rwntow, will preach the opeuiug aeriu m, u l llat. X. U OuDD, 01 Liiicoiutwn, the eune on miaaion. SontM of tit ilelrg.ttet hve already ar nved, and thire wi I, in all probability, be a large attendaace, ol both minittar and Uymao. Poao't Extract. "Truth b stranger thaa ftciioa tb career of the Ex.rtt m inttabc of thb. Almost without advttti.ieg the Ml 1 enormous. Try ft I . atadwttt Brother of he. 17, h array Alraet Mew York, ar new reeatvb g fresh tuck ef Boot and aboea, gotta Bp xprly for herth CargUaa trade. Oat- at friend Mr. J. E. Moose I Ud wttk taem aad will be happy to ee h!t frtaadt aC17 M array of ceetv ud til tbvlf OMera. . h ill .-I ;: fl,v - It c ' NO. , 80, Mollie Darlteg woa tbe half mile race at Charlotte oa Tuesday. "P'.IL Scales, of GrseBtboro', bu goa to Atloto to ge4pte boslnes. . ' Jodg Brook opened tb Uolted Stale DUtrict Court in Wllmiogtoa oo Meadsy A special trsta from Injiaatpoli, In" broaght about fifty Friend to the Ytariy Meeting tt Ntw Gsrdea. Quilford coaaty. f Mbe SatMoawv tWbHa Mrs. Sailis A. Tackerfttf Warrea coua ty.Uat th Fair of tha Carolina with hf thee wail tbveloptd triplets. CoL Joan A, Bloan, el GreeaaboryV has reachad hi tomej the West, and th 8L Loub Tbtt weleom-!t him meet cor dially. The . McAdoo liok-l opent ia Oreena boro'oo tbt 15th intt, under themanage mentof J. W. 8ublelt, forrm rly of th SpoUwood Hotel, Ricbmoad, Vs. ; Mr. Wm, Spragat hai dicovtredln th vicinity of bis thingl .factory oa Joha's River ia 0aldwll coapty, a vUjw of what be believe to be metTtcbanm. ' Laura Jttkaoa, who'' wu accidentally hot oa Mondty evening la Charlotte wu better, th Obtrtw of yesterday My, and there b T prospect of her recovery. : Oreetubtrt Patriot: Tbe Ricbmoad & Danville Railroad Company btve pura cbtsad twenty acres ot bnd cut of ths depot, and It b rumored, for tb purpose of erecting machine ibops, engine house. rooua tioute ana car tued. The Rocky Mount Mail it retponsible for tb etaltoieut that oa bat, Monday morning tht wifo ol Jo, Lindsay, colored, gavabirth toa child fully developed, with hair, finger aai!, voice, Ac, which weighed ooly one pound. Chariot! Oimrttr: A little boy, about thirteen yean old, bad a four horned goat on exhibition la a vacant lot on Trade tlrcet, lat night, and lb way tbat boy talked for that go.it 'end tbe dime, was t esuiion. It waa worth tan eeata to bear him set forth ia word how perfectly weaderfal the gnat i. A 13,000 verdict agairtai tb tbcriff of Meckboburg county in favor oi the Car olina Central Railroad, wu rendered ia tbe Federal court at Sutemlle bat week. Tbe auit wt brought againit tberlff foi tbb te.xure 'f 70 toot uf railroad iron un der execution in hit hand in favor of tundry creditor nf the Carolina Ccntr.l R.R., (know at the time aa tbe Wilming ton, Charlotte dr Rutherford lUllrotd wpaaj.i'"t..' .., , . Rieoritr : Tbe dit,r of tha Durbtm Tibaoet Phut who reached Raxboro' af u.r our depaiUrarrkiioa Jb fact sf . tb conviction ol one George Outlaw, colored fur burglary, and hiiieotenc toixecuiion oa tbe S2od day of November. Outlaw It tb aon of tb Wyatt Outlaw bung torn year ago by unknn parties at Gribam. Aa appeal waa aaki-d for and granted. On th tame day, tnree nes groes were teuteticed to tbe Penitentiary, one for four cne lot seven, tud ono for seven, and one foi ten years Tbe Staleville Landmark give th following account of tb session of tbt Federal court in tb it place lut week : After a two week aeaaiou in tbb city tb Federal court adjourned yesterday. The trial of Geueril Blvunt apon a charge of defrauding th Cherokee Indiana in tbi Stat occupied flv day of th court Th tectimony waa quit voluminous aod complicated. Th jury, after acveral hour deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty. Motion in arrest of judgment nd tor new trial were argaed. i Tb rule for a new. trial wu greeted aad wHI be heard at Greemboro at the next term of tbe court : Blount waa required to gir bail for $23,000 lie b now in the cuetody ol a United Mete Marabai endeavoring to eethiib.il. Thtcott in tbit case, we andenttnd, It shoot $10,000. ,' MARRIED, On the evening of trd lnat., tt tb residence ottbe bridat father (Ransom Galley) bv Elder A. Temple, kr. Y E. Young to Mis Charity E. Culley. All of Wake eonnty. ' ' I NEW ADVERTISEMENT 8. oar. . i n aiiKnri,i va i- . un. rooo t.aae.' id. huv wui raeeiva i rv ward I y leviu, U t Uis Ottse. St ASNODNvEMI!r. . IRenpretfally enaonnee mretf a candidate for the position of Principal Uooiittaper of tbe Hone of MepraarnUUvea. aad with eoaSdaoea rafwr tha aMaeber elaot to tb ax- member whom I ervad to that capacity from 1H7U to 1874. JOHN H HILJ ep lt-ttu Hew copy. 0JJ We fx Bale Ot th best qua! ty by eet97-3tdww . Apas.M.a T-ALUAB-.t PIJtMTATIO!t FOR 84 LEI II v vlrtaa of a lidiment of Wak 8a, artof Court I ail oa aatorday the 5th of Decern 187s. at iha Coart rl a door In Kalelgb. expoaelopeb ie rala la paieal to avlt par. enaear that vioi. piaaiauoa oa in as tern aide of Nra-e Klvar a Wake eoaaty, ad Jola ag tba lande of David Hlaum an the and oa wb cb Jontthaa Poole reldea, being part of tha kl aabtth M.atoa Land, aad eoa talnlngiboataSSaere . Taaiui ims-fosrth Caah remamder le tea moatha, Son aad ttearltf miaifwd. . CARAa R. WILbCR, 1st i. Of w. la WiLUAvn, dec 0. Battli A Bolt, Atty'a. or t ia . r' OaaTirrBUlhsfoSowlag latetpertqaara: t .T , so lack, or tea atialea ahs-f - - - . ,- tnqnsr oa time 0L , T. . 1" i M; eteh sabteqaut laaarttoa , I est thaa a weak..... 1 qnare,Iwa.k. 11 tqnar,TnieaaiBr ' C li " I avontk. SO.'1! - 0 aV1 m - tme'a. lim . 4 0 a .0ull it - , K.O&l ' - II' .0l . ;.., Jt i asoji 4IM ISt . t . i IlltlCI liiittv - -f , WUOLMALB CA0B PKICU. I r J - t .y RAXJneR.Ner. 0,1874. Baalanta" tin I t,A:-i ' awMsaaa, ' 1 ti Anil kMAa m. Brm and edvueii vaela?.' Bvrana aaa MnhuMS ' " hbbCT. Cottp fowsr tia good d eased ' aaag wtrnmnt ttf ys. -'' "" CoitoaTles )to . 1,1) .,; Ftoar . a, UU7.S0. " ' ' " Core Heel U7Xal.25 , laeoa M O Hoar and : ' aeoa,N.C. fiaa. , . . Bulb fU. If IK Ul.l. ASm cWm !fc?iot;oo '"1'' I'-' JWI 'lw."? ?- Byrap Commoa .. as td Bait Liverpool fla taaettCreaaa, " Pactory, - Dairy, Vail oa Baal for 1QI wngsr A, uX f 10 .. . :. aon ; T' ..1 ;j t 12 ' ; RX.C, 11 Wa; ay M.U, Baled good, hfeken, 1 a ti Cb Xiflrs, a butler eoaotry, Ptoh, at allets, Maekarel bM , Betewsx,' - Beef oa foot ' . T u Ilrasaad, Yellow, LeaUiarSole, liido u'raea, n Tllnw as 10 7.50 1100 St 7a IB 10 7 MUaljm ett 1 Ut 1 LlaJ I Potatoes Sweet, H .. IH.k OsU thellea, Bheai, Poddarold L10. saw X7"E s reqae ed e taBoaae that W.' TV M. Baoum. of Johnslea to a taSl. dita for Doorkeeper of the Beaato. ' "TT-ANTED TO RENT. A Bretevleaaaatlv titnated witUK ,4bmJiL. tWocWtromr.t , wlthelirht or lea , ens, lorwnicn iiDersi real win najpam. mid Dtwfer furntobad hone. KBeabw of , Jao. O. Whllamt for parUcalan. teptsi-u vul,vsb tau, B. hECHLER'S SOUriLERN STEAM SAUSAGE MANUFACTORY, RICHMOND VA. The manafactnra of Bauwceof all kind made a apeci.lliv for the aoataera Market. Bena lor inrcuisr aaa pace na. au oracrs idaresaadto M. B. UEUELER, -. , ct 81-lm No. 82, tod Market. ' 1874 . . . . - 1874. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. D.S.WAITT, It offering a LARGE and ATTRACTIVE ttock of Fine and Cheap Clothing:, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS AN D NECK WE AR Boots. Shoe, Hat and Cap. Over Costa, Shswb aod Robber Good Manhttten Fine White Shirts, Mareno Sbirtt, Drawers and Hosiery, PAPER AND LINEN COLLARS, Suspenders, Uaadkerchicb aad Yankee Notion, FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRT GOODS, Black Alpscca't, Corded Alpacca't Plaid Wcted, FIGURED AND PLAIN DELANE8, Red, Whit aod Figured Flannel, Open Flannels, WHITE AND BROWN BLANKETS. Cocnttrpint, Comforter, Bed Quilts sud Spread, ' , 1 LADIES STRIPED AND SHAWLS. PLAID Breakfast Bhawb, Knit Sacka, Jacketa . and Hoods, ( GINGHAMS, PLAID" HOMESPUNS AND TICKINGS. Brown and Bleached Bheetlngi ud Shirtings, CORSETS, JEANS, CAMBRICS AND LININGS. Trunks, Vaiitet, Umbrellas, Travelling Bag, &c. To my friend and lb public gnrlly, ' I return my thank for tha liberal pa tronage bestowed, and respectfully solicit a continuation of the tame for the tutor. ' ' Country merchinte who bay In tht city -would do well to , txauiiu my , etock, v which i cow complete io every depart-' ment D. S. WAITT, ' 54 F.ynttevill Htrrrt, oct l-8m. - -Raleigh, N. C. QKAIIAM HJOU SCHOOL, . . . Obabasi, v. a ' Rev. TWI A. Long, AM, principal. : Rev. Wm. B. lag, A. M. i . Rev. Wm. W. etaley, A. B. , RJ. I.Uovw, S, B. i Mr a. a. A. Badaam, Ittractri iu Maalh, . Opes Aag Bttb, IS7. (Jloaet May SDic. 1874. Board S te 010. TnlUoe SS u 0 per laonth. , oettMw' -J ' DOWN TDI! ltlVJ", Ji-j Tho CodeDodlo. , ..-j I '. i- tf 9 f ' " AN AMATEUR. '' A a,. ' .1Um' f ot.PahUehtrs. Price j 01M xtra cloth bmdlngi: Thla to a Soe there BookT founded oa tora. " mearrencealatelv truapuwd a eartoaad - la which Monk tltroiiiusa TTT- ninmlaal inl iii For aal at IheBook Store of ' -arlltf .- : ..y"P-UttlOL i t 9 li 1! t Si, Is difficulty. don man) lea than Northera pnoee, I 'If J!