It .mmm3sm 1 ; 0 OTICB Of FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Bt virtaeof cartola power oaten apee CaJvte . LRUefleld la aad by a eed oi mux executed by T. F. Ua, to mM Lit tledatd tk.WU4.yol Jaaeary "4 mUMw hi b a Mo. 81, paceSOS talk OUseeof Metrletoref Mi for taa aoMty of Wka; whtok said snertgate vme aa .the ; day of January IB7I etelgaed eeld LltUe. aid to mm Jama B. Gtwaa, by deed ol !the date Ust aforesaid, Md lagtewiw at book tha law Ihm K. Greea .a-braed e eeld Baottrare to tb Bt A anetta Normal Beboot JadCcJla1aU Inetitete by deed dated Btta day f Jan in4,tadntotorrfhlBuokMo. 4 at pax lla Mid offloe, which laid eorpe ratios aaakaetl th id mortgage to ma by deed eited Um 80th day of October, 1874, sad aJao by vlrteaot a aaortgeg executed by U . ,u Tl l La Joka M Han tint-, dated tka Mist day af Jely, 1S7I aad rejwvsrad la Book MatnanKllaialdotttca. which eald mor aw baa beta assigned by eeidJN Banting bail I wtU oa Saturday ta lSla dayol ' Jaaaary 1876. expos to pabu ial f Or caak, oa tka premlaea. Sea to tb dty ol Rateigh. Eaowa at ui (ihoot uto uw.j, part al sOtNo.eatethpiaBofidelly,aad ELTLi.V.iv..i! Rikln ai tka Soalk Wastara aoraar of the fot bow eeeapled by tka laid Joka M Boating, thence South, with tkalaatara Uae ot Fayettevllle trte 8 fly feat to fee lot bow owae by Jama Meary; thaaea Beat to Wllaringtoa Street t tbeaee North, 8i to 4baaAfw. XaaaMaiiMmtkavwcBad.abm me ilnimtMl kaboaLBt.&UU. ot.WwUw JtOBDXCALL rpatUTXT OBOAB TUX ABI1D. IwoBOrar, MaiJa'a awaidai at thaK. C Mat rlr,' for tka BK8t CHCKCU and FABXOB UBQAH8. fend far Him bated tannttl j ' , f" HAT. Is BBOfWS, .Gaaenl igaat, Balelga, M. & flood Rtrpoailbla Agania Waota.'' T ARGAINS ! BAROAIUS t ! OriiUaMtai iht honidaja ara tcmlng, ad traryvodj w aU a praaant (or tkalr wifa, hubaa dr , iweatfctarU, fr ada,Aa. Tt,. Chtapott " pltea to bay thot It at ' BB0W1T8 VARIITT BTORB, wbaia yoa wUJ tad araryUilt( to plaata joaoj aad oW, ' J rk tad poor.' ! Oooda, Toyt BattaU, Maaksal IaaUaB-anl,' Cblaa Goods at graaUy redaead prleca fat Cms oaly, "ifow t tba chaeca to lecura ...1 '.,,' gaoibargataM. Ooa't fall to call aad eximiae atoek and pile befotapawhaalnf abawhtiw. XjSAT. U BROWS, oet K-U Rala'gh, N. & H C.OLITK, nk la Uaaacal Marehasdi Parai Btoraa, Lam bar, Sblogtc aad Wood, Apoz, Waka Coaaty. - octiltw8w FITTH AMD LA8TC0SCEUT ' taT AID 07 THa fCBLIC LIU1IT OF IBMTUCKf DAY FCCKD aad a FULL DRAWING ASSURED oa Hobday Wtu Notbmbeb, 1874. LAST CHANCE fur AN KA8Y FOBTDNE AjMataoaanant of tha Fifth Concert of tfli Pablio Library of Kentucky ha beca Mganarally toticlpaUd, and ia to Btaaireatiy lor IM latoraai oi an dodobtwcu that it Boat matt tba approval of all Tba day la bow abaolntoly Sxcd aad than - will ba bo variaUoa Iron tha programme bow aBDonaoad, A tBtficiaat aumberol tickcta bad boea told to hara anablfd ua , to ha? had Urga drawing oa tba Slat Joly, bat B abort poetpooemeiit wu eoa- aidercd prererabla to a partial a rawing Lat it ba bona la mind that v Til I1FTI B1FT COHCKT IS THE LAST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AMD BY THE PRESENT MANAGE MENT. . That t will potltirely and nnaqaJroeall take plaaa a aaaooncaa on MONDAY, Mrm NOVEMBER, that tha muie will ba tba beat tha coon try aflorda, and that - .-. . V,v'-. ' , tO.OOO CASH GIFTS $2,500,000 will ba diatribotcd ticket holder. by lot among tha List of Gifts. Una Grmad Caak 61ft.. Oaa Uraad Caak Gift Una flraad Uaak Gift tMMOraadCeak Gift. OaaGraBdCMk Gift Caak Glfta, $l,O08 each.. Caak Gtfta, I4,(M each.. , 100.OUO , T5,U) , eo.ouo . 89.000 , 100,000 . 140.000 150.000 1 uaaa Ulna, iv,ww meu. Ml Mb Gilt, lACaakGIRa, HO Caak Glfta, 80 Caak Glfta, IMCaah GUU MCaahGItU tUO Cash Glfta, l,UMCaah Glfta, 8.000 etch. 100,000 t.WOeaoh...... 100,000 ,UJ0 aack W.0U0 8,000 aark....... 100,000 1.0U0 aack..... 100,000 00 aaek. 1X0,000 lua axh. ao,w 60 aack. MO.000 flraad Total 80,000 Gifta, aU tak...8V)0O,00O Price of Tickets,' Wko'aTkkaU.......... $ 60 W Varrea, 88 08 Tantk, or eark Coapoa. 8 00 II Wkuto Tkkata for....,..i.i.... 00 to UM Tlekato for .LOOO-OO Parkoaa wiabiag to inmt, tbould order promptly oitbar of tha bom Offioa, or oar local Ageata, h- ' v-t v-ji a'.v Liberal cotamiMioa will ba alb wad to aatiafactory ageata. ,,.:,,jk Ctrealan; cootaialas toll part tinlart faraiahad oa tpplieaiiuo. TUG; B. B RAM LETTS, . Ageot and Maoaitr, Pnbllo Library Balldiaff, LooUtdK tj. y '.EH, BRADLEY, Agat, - Rakigh, N, Ci o 7-dl8W0T The Wilmington star. ESI ABLISHED ONLY SIX JKARS 1 DAILY STAR. Hi! tha largest etrca'atloa af any Dally Newepeper la tha Mala, aad a circula Uoa la WlloUufftoa aaerty twice l large aa BMW fltfl BBT taanswT Ail tka Bawa of tka day will ba feand la It, condensed whae aalmportaut, at lengtk wbaa of moment, eDaj way preswusto. ia a w mtaalla-entaad aamieraaunaajaaaar. . MITHJHIRIPTIOM Ma Advaneal: One Tear IT 00 BU Month a aa Tkraa Moatha.. I M WEEKLY STAR TUCM KCODCKDw Tha rTMUvkarU pow aoatblnad (with tka CaroUaa rWwr, aad la ana of tha cltapaat papara la tha coaatiy, at tka tollowiuc HEOUCXOKATEbi Om rear..., a ft 4a -' aoriMcaiJm,-. ddrr, wMTrBTONATror- RdUer S ProprUr, WiMtriraToR.N C 4M aK Years Old. ,8ix Reasons Why ' ' YOU SHOULD INSURE IN LIFE I1UHANCE Bil CHX8TMUT STRUT, lat. Becauaaitit ona ol tha oldeat Companiet In tha Country, and paat the 4ay of azperimonu. Sad. Becanae avery poucy-noioer u member of tba Company, entitled toalUi. adTanUget aad privUrgea, hatiag a right to rota at all electioaa lot tratteea, and that hat an influence ia ita nwaagameBt. , 8rd. Beffta it hu aa large a percent age of aaretr ) liabilitiet aa any Ufa In n ranee CoB.aay la tha Coantry. 4th. Bacaoaa by osonomictJ manag ment, iU ratio of aiptnaea to total income it tar below tba average of Lift Corn pa a iaa. (Sea Official Intaranca Repocta.) Stb. Bacanto It baa declared ;ann dividend! in number, aad oft Larger 4verae Peroeotaga, than aay Company in the United 8taUa. i - 1 For example : Pohuy No. 18, for $4,000, baa been paid to tha widow oft Philadel phia Merchant, npoa which twraty-tbret dividandt bad boon declared. Averaging Bfty-eevea par Cent Hd thate dlvldenda beca aed to parcbttt additiont to thia Policy. M.04S more would hare been realited, making tbe Policy worth $11, eo. 6th. Bcctttte it it liberal in IU mana gement, prompt in itteettlenienta, eafe be yond coatifgency, and tto ratet ara tt low at aav fimt-cittt Company w tbe OonotrT., PvmcirAi. Fbatobbb. Smtll at peneea. abaoluto eecarity, large return preminmt, prompt payment of loaane and liberality lo toe intarea. SAMUEL O HUIT, PnuMent BAM'L . 8 TO KM, VlcFrwdent, H. 8. 8TIPHEW, 8d Van Prealdeat, JA1 WEiJt MA8UM, Actaary, HBNRT AUBTIB, 8ertary, 5B. atfKSaT I Medic- rxamlBw. if W. H. FINCH, Oanaral. Mnger. ., Q a AND GIFT COSCEBT will ba ciren ia the Cltt af Grtenaboro, N. a ! DECKMBER 11,1874, for the purpote of erectiog to Odd Fellows Temple. The Grand Olft lathe Benbow House. WORTH 180,000.00 GRAND CASH OIF T si6,ooo. Real Ettata Caab OUtt, (8100 188,500 ()BLT 100,000 TlCEBTt TO BB MtlEO. Price of Tickcta, $1 50. AGENTS WANTKD. A For further partieali art. add ddrett the Mta agar. But 8, Greraaboro, N. C C. P. mendenhAll, arpt -2td Maoager. Wl are aathoriied to announea Harry H. Tkomaa, aa a candidate for Aaeiataat Doorkeeper of the tioaaeol KepieaanwtiTaa. ANttO. , i- ... Wt will alve enerntle maa at d womaa Bnaivaaa tbat will Pat froia 81 to 88 per day, caa bepareaedln oar ewa celKbbof hood,tndla atrietly ton oral I. ParUeulari frew, or eamplea worth aavaral dollara that will enable yoa to go to work at osee, wl!l bt eat oa receipt oi arty cent. -Addre J. LATH M 4 CO., arpt 4 U KM Wuhinftton BL.Boatoa, Mat LUMP -80 LdaW Plaater. edaSr.N. . 1 8500 tout Bine Li a WMaWt IIVWJ tha Qnentea. Wlsd rreah plaater pat ap la bbl ad aaw Barlay Baga I or au oy STAPLES A BLAIR, Comiaailaitoa Marchaata, . Hut Baala Bank " . ... IUk,J Va H ORNER AND GRAVE'' SCHOOL, A CUtaleal. MatbeataUeaL eXaatllle, tad Military Academy. Fau. aataiow nuiat rat wo Monda W Jott ILnar.1 and Twltlo. Inalwdlne TaL Wk- teg, L'g'ita, and raraUhad Keoaw, 187. to per eetatoa of twenty waaka. , ..... r -T,- INSTRUOTOBS. - - " " i. U. BORNKK, A. M.. B. U. GRAVXS f., BUGUIMUKSON. JR., Urrarlty of I?ta,MAt. D.U.UAHILitN, A. W, VJ ABLR, J a., Po'kaepalaCom. College, k- VBN- lireaiare aeat oa appiieawoB, MUkboro, N. Cm in 1 1874. awtjuiv 18, 1874 . ww ar f 1 taywlhaaiioti JKCO BOB , BOX X IK1TTT0T1OK8 rtv 4-' i- I ucvBiTr AOAisai sua - THE ' NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSUEANCE C0MPANI RALEIGH, N. C. ' : TaMCoetuaay eoatliia to write Folia at fair ratca, oa all claataa of InaarabJa prop- All loaaea ara proaipuyaaiaawa ana paia. Tha"HOM8," UrAldlT crowlaKla imbllt favor, aad anpaala, with oaoaJaaea, to Imuran of properly la all part of Nrrlk Carolina. AgaDUta au part oi ua bum K. H. Bama. Jr., rraaldeat. O, II; Boor, Vie fnMrmV - a1 S1io.l'RitaX!ff.n-r(,ctAr- 1 havrlo! iwoalrad a freak atoek ef FAMILY OROCIIhlE-?'1 AUo, aKluaUxl atoek of WUakbsa fol low: , OLD IMPIRIAL tIABlSIT. GCOKQU CLUB, , . UARKT BABBITT. Pare Aacnrtl eonUy Va , Rya aad varioaa other Braade ; . ; Bdiaad Wlareot all cradaa which I am aclUpc very cheap. Call and aee for your o.-t 8 tljaa Mvkattqnara. BalelKb, MC, NAT. L.BBOWW WAS AWARDED TBI iliirhaa-. imalim for the latrret and aet aaatNtneat of MUbIOaI. .lsraU M BHTd at tbe N. V ttUa Flr for IB7A. aad 1874, aad apaolal preauaai at tte ralr otlbi for the lanreat audreitdiaplay of BASKBfB. oct tew XTTT JONIB Hart Ihla day full I irrd bv Izprce another line oi ttiOM ocauurui BLJCK ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS, ahlch forlowneaa of price, twenty of Salah aad color, cannot be lurpaeeea in any maack OUR STOCK la the largest we bare ever offered, being com plete in KVXkT DtPAaVTMBNT, and wat bongbt lat' m September and early I a thia north, giving at both tbe advantage or me BEATT DECLlMB IS PRIttfl la the Norther market, aad of all tbe aew trie of thteaaeoato aakei trom W Mil i , Black Gtm Grai SUl at 818 to SITS pr yard ; Ue iir'.c ar 35 to (0 per cent, lower tbaa laat waoo OUR DRESS GOODS ara r r.rettr and we offer them cbean. Parcaaaera will aaye money by m king their btlla with aa. Liberal ladaeemeat to merchante. . PETTY A JONES, Jobber and Retailer ia Dry Good, Notion, Boot, r boea and Hale. 20 Fatbtthvillb St., act 13 tl Raleigh, N. 0. H OTEL OR F1R8TLA8S BOARDING B0C8B WITH FURNITURE. 4c. FOR RENT, Tha Hotel DroDertv corner of Mala a Commerce atreeta, Norfolk, K., baviaf bera thoroogbly repaired and Improtad, will ba rented or leaaed with Ihe rnrnltnra, Ac, oa favorable term. 'I be chambert 83 In nam-ber-ar larx aid well ventilated, with Bell aad Ma to earn. Tbe locauoa le anaarpaaaea being in the centre of trad. Tble bonaa, la the banda of a hotel maa, or aa a 8rat elate Boarding Hon, (a need much fult in thia el'y,) would com Bitud a flne balaea. Addreta, W. B. WILKINSON, au 87 4ww F. MIBTRUDWIOE. AT CRN IV AT LAW, UILLHtOBO, JtaB-ltf NORTH CAROLINA. DILWTTL HALL'S IBB OUXIAT AM OHIO AN OON ' , BOBIPTIVB REMEDa. CoaaamDtloa la NUT aa Ineureblti dlieaaa Phyatclaaaaaaaraaaof thU fact II I only aeeeaaary to have the right muudy, ard the terrible malady eaa to eoBqaerea. HALL'S BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY It break ap the night aweata, rallcvea tbe oppreattve UK btaam acruaa wa .ua an bean tha laeereted aad excoriated anrfaeea whkk tke veaom of the dteaata orodne a f WHILE LIFE LASTS THEItK IS HOPE It may eat be too late to afleet a care eva after tbe doctor have given yoa ap. ' HALL'S RAUIAMiaaold everywhere, and mar he had at wholesale or the Froirl"tre. JOtJNP HBSKT. CUKRAV AIX)., at their Great Medicine Warehouse, 8 and 8 College Place, N-Iork. frlca 81 per bottla. HAIL'S BALSAM' la Uo a aura rt-wedy for i . ' - j nwait'i : ' "" "' ,. . Oclda, ' ., - . ' , . faenoionla, . . Kraecbitia, ., i i.'.wr , Aatoma. ' . BpUUag of blood, '',, . - t;roap, . WUM)PING COV'GU. and al other , diaiaaer r4 the ; rpiratory Orgatt' -s, : r ',-' AIM Froprtetoit of deovtl! t Blood and U r amia.'rarbolle Salve. " Kdev'a Trocbea. Mygnsaiad Bitten,. Mott'f Uvar fUla,e., JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN a. W ' ',.-.StB College Place, New York V laalm ., . --i '' ' -v i r ' ' - - -'- - D D BOlS COTTON WIN. Oa U Saw Ola. raat to band of thia taaUy ealebrated AUbana Gia. Tke toeUmoay a BBaalmoaa tbat they Gia fatter aad nakaai better aampla tbaa aav ether ever Price 84 par eaw and trapetetioB. ,u twptSVtr AgtmL HEARNE . ...d " FLUID EXTRACT B1M!I The ooly knows remedy for miichts uisBiSB ,. ' I ' -' ' 1 u l Aoit poilUr raatady for GOUT, GRjIVBL. BTHlt'l CRM, 01 A BiTEU, DTSPKPBlA, MBBVOU8 DEBILITY, DROP8T t - Noa-rateatloB or loeontinoDoe of Orlna. rrl r tattoa, laflamauUoa or UlcaraUoa of tb Bladder. & Kidneys, ' BPERViTORKHOCA. r i Lecorrh or WhIUa, Dbaaae of tha Proa KEARSEX't EXTRACT BLADDER, KIDNET9, AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS, trbilu in Mn. Women and Children ' yNO M ATI ER WHAT TUB AGE I Vrot. Ateeleearar One bctUa of Bear- aey'e Plaid Kxlraet Baeba I worth mora tbaa .11 .k IU.kuMMM. Prlea,One Doriar per BotUe, erBIa Bottle for fire Itolkwa. - Depot, 104 Daano St. New York. A Vbyaletaa la attendance to anawer corret rjondanee and give adlce aratl. Ijf Bead atemp for Pamphlet, frra. ..H """toiff Nervous and Debilitated " ! OF BOTH SEXES. JVd C'Aarp ot AdtUt aI Coiuultation. ' Da t B Dtott. gradnato of Jefleraoa Med ical Cellex. PbUAdelphla, aatborbt aeveral valnabla work, eaa be eonanltod oa all die aeel U Bexnal or Urinary Or ran, (which ba baa made aa cepacia! atady) elLoar ia male or female, no mailer from what eaaaa origia atiat or of bow long ataadlat:. A practice of 80 yean aaablaa alar to treat diaaaaea with aucceet. Caret gnaranteed. Chargea raa aonabla. 'Thoe at a dlatuce eaa forward letter deaeriblDg aymplomt aad encloalng to prepay poatage. Brad for the Qid to UonUk. Price 10c J. B. DYOTT, ii. D., , T)IRKLEe4 STEAM WASUBH AND BLIUCBEK. TBI LATEST, BEST AND CHUTIST ABIIR MADE. That Steam, Waaher ara better than other I now rune rally conceded. 1 hat the rear- laae ia the brat of Steam V aebere will be a readily admitted by every on who aeea it and trie It with other. It eoaatracuon la each aa to rath' tha larreat e,nantlty ef water thronch the cloth lor In Ike aborteat lima, aad to eompeil all tha water to go where t la dealred, and prat vent It going anywhere eta. It ha n bnngtlng valvee to make the. water Bow by 8ta aad rcaaa to Sow at Intonate bat eanaet It to Sow atoadtty pourtng alsteen etreama oa tba whole eurfaee ot the clothing. Thea the water haa not to descend to tba centre or uotb anda of the falte bottom to ret back to Ita ttarUor ooint bntgoe (Iralgkt dowa from where it falls, waabtnc all parte of the ckoth mgeow SDloaobwl ny luiapld enrrea'. it raehe through tba clothing aaaay Hmee par mlnata and cleane them in is to so mlnutee t Tka eoet of the machine may be mvad very as on ia ainerenca in wear ot ue tuotnea. It may be saved very toon In tba dillerenea of labor required. A machine made to St, can be aaed with any atov boiler er tha boiler fat the machut may be used for any other purpoa, Th machine tnlla for lea tbaa aay of Ha kind, and will ao the work mlckernd mora tboronghiy. Aa it name indicate it ia i PEERLESS AMONG ALL. Thoy are made of bett Ua. Tbe boiler with galvanised iron bottom, will laat maay year ana ar eoiaai to rouowuu; low rnicra : For the Watber and Boiler, (tunal else) 88. For tba Waaher alone, (aeual aiaa.) . 88. For tha Waaher and Boiler (extra Urge) 88.60. tot the Washer alone, (extra large) SO. Tbe uaal aiaa t 11 inches wide by 88 long Ul-Udeen. . Tbe extra larf- 13 tucbea wld by 30 long ii i- oeep. I nt anywhere tr expwaa oa receipt of price ny A JONES, Proprietor, V-tf naieixn. n C. 'MOVAL. Thavubacrilx r liaa removed hia Book Store to the building two door north of Tacker'a Store under Wataon't Photo rraplt GalUry whtro be haa mora room. and better nccummodationi tor conduct log a w h la eattd retail trade. Ue I no making large additiont to lock of , BOOKS, STATIONERY, ,1. , AMD if. - GOODS, tMRKACDiO t J7HOOL, MISlELLAN OU.and i STANDARD , . ' BOOKS, Sabbath School and Song Bo M, 22ild.' and ettAinrntt, Prayef and Hymn Book. Albumt and Chromo Plcturet, Account and Blink Book, Fine and plain Stationery new atjlet, Perfaaery, So pa, dsc itc ' He la asrrnt 'for the aale of tbe N. & REPORTS, BATTLES DIGEST - L a WHEELERS N. C. MANUAL. Special term to Merchant and Tcacb on. ' . ALFRED WILLIAMS, .. BoOKtBLLBB tad STATIoXBB. Rtlelgb.Oct. Stb. , B IIG8B0Rr, LIFE AND FIRE INSUR ANCE AGENT :' r RAtKIGB, N. C, (CSlce one Deor geath of Tarboro' House.) Biraaeaira v,. C ' Life Iataranee Coa- paayj . u. Uottt--(ra Company ; lTerpoot aad Loadoa and Globe trire Company : The Atlaa Plra Company tTbe Farmvtue Fire Co. - aeewaar - mamma-, -ahv- ata-mre BlackaalL Dr. Iipm tJriasom. Rev. A. W. Maaram. Ker. J. M. Atktnaoa. Geona V. Btron g, Eeey- ,. . , sUvibb lat la tha aiaranet bntlaeat for rear, and iwrmeaatleg flri data Com panic be bom toeeartttarahar ef paVooaga. am a n f , , a i - aa i . a- ...t.Hal't 8aTaVawrr " a. I . T . a.. , Jk.V .J .VI rwiah-n v,aut GiRAND: 01l?T IleturninG: Ma. Joaa Datul or Stoocd Fa km 1 1- I yo RaYURV TO EfcOLABD, nrTBNDa TO OIV8 A ? mYt an an oxc , jonclrt, 1 H AT TUCKER I Hil'L 8ATUBJDAT, XOVKMBBR 1 1874 CiHnmaaeing at I o'clock, P. 1L wtiemiw. ww L".'Tr"N through it: Feature. Clovtf. ratCB, vrcoara, inrew uaratn oq Aue wen icooeo, . ffrol acroi. the Farm. Tb. Farm to all undr g, line fence and .. bouaded ia Iront by toe highway to tiuuooro aaa naicigo, ana oy vaoiraa urcwa at back, There ia a Wall at the hoaae, and three Spring oa farm nf asecllent wttet The moot, healthy location la North Carolina. Tbe Store ia Bcarly new built at gate oa tba highway about three yetra since, aad it doing a good trade Which Can bo greatly extended. AH ot which coatt for the past three yeart on Im provement alone $3,000. , . ... i arervaa 1 na vaiuv 01 11 tov nA Tra arift. 1 Bn mUtL i (Fanny.) $1W 1 One good mole, (Jack,) 18 A. On good mole, (Kitty,) 100 , One good mule. (Molly J 100 8. Strong 4 bono wagon, nearly - new, IM 7. Extra ttroog wtgoo, 4 or malet, 100 8. Good ttroog S bone wagon, SO 9. Englith baggy, 175 1Ql Strong, uteful bortt, 183 1 1. 4 borte Eoglith Calttf atar, ; tO 12. Fine cow, (Beauty,) Irom Eng. ttock, B0 13. Yearliog beifer, from Eng. ttook, 20 14. Brtwtela carpet in drawing- room, - o 15. Fine red tteer and cart, 40 16. Good tteer, S3 17. Good young cow, 0 18. Yearling bailor cow, , , 10 IB. New tola, covered with horse hair, 80 ZO. Cooking alove, 7 tl. Harrow, S3 S3. Dnmpeart, S3 53. SO volt, of Cbambert' Edin burg Journal, 20 54. Good Englith gun, SO tS. tf.x cane chain, 18 28. One large eafe, 18 87. Heifer, t Pollr.l 18 28. Two rocking chair, 1 88. Heiler, (Pink), 10 80. Heifer (Carrot). 10 Bt Tm Riwhma Fowl, rained , from ttock coating 5 a pair JO Si, Two wheelbarrow. 10 83. Three Urge volume of Illut , : t rated llittorv of England. 100 veart old. and rare. 10 B4. tO Tolnmaa of Ensliab book. various aubiecta. 10 88. Bet baggy baractt, 10 88. Doable eet harness, Incomplete, 10 87. Mabogoay Draw, Engliab make, 18 88. Toilet eet, china, 10 80. Iron bedttead. Kagliah mtka. 40, " " 10 41. , 10 43. Revolver. 10 48. Stair carpeta, 10 44. Steam waaher. 8 43. Botttt. : 8 48. Bboweate. 8 47. Luge Scale), (at ttore,) 8 48. Bolt dog and Kennel, 7 40. Wathtund, ' . 7 80. Fancy table, 6 1. Round table aad dog, 6 St. !picka,t forka, tmattockt, I 88. Corn planter and dtgoa plow " 8 84. Axe, Cottoo Opener, Buthook , . and tpade, 8 63. One tpade, five boea. Water Cot, taw, drawing knife. , 8 ucketa, bockatw, drawing knile, 6 METHOD 0 Tb Drawing will be tt Tucker Hal I. man telected from tb audieoce. Tba from two wheele one wheel will contain tbe 100 gifts in sealed envelope, the other wheel contain 8,470 Duplicate Ticket, nambered Ante a thoee sold. After tbe contents of lie wbeelt have been well and thoroughly mixed, the child at tbe lit wheel will draw a ticket therefrom, aad thea tbe ch id at the Sod wheel will draw a gilt thereform, and tbt gift that drawn will belong to tbe Vilder nf Ticket drawn Immediately before, Tbia proem will continue antil tbe 100 gifta are all drawn from tbe 2nd wheel. The payment of the lug. The drawer of Grand Gift can at once receive tb deed of the estate, which re free from all mortgage or Incumbrance, on giving permiasioa to Mr. Davit to re main With bit Tenant tufBeient time to gather iq what may remain of tbe 80 acre of crop, it not all In at time of drawing, unlcij the drawer of gilt will purchaee tha tald crop of Mr. Davis. lerebtWy ftSOttel I'oa Gift $8,670.00. ISAAC ROGERS, Eeq., Stnr'T Cqkckbt i, Dbawiho. . iiT .'.".. Agent in Raleigh for Sale of Ticket: Cheatham & B&o Nat. L. Browh, N. 8. MoakLkr, J. II. Ekmiu, -A. 1L TxMrLB, J. C. S.LyMBDtv, Sam'l Hbrbu.u D. J. 1,1.1, TaoltTtOBek Whitakbb, and at moat of tho Stores la KaU-igh, and at Mr. Davis' Store, ob the Hilltboro' road, oa the Farm, wh-ch ia inclTdri iu (Jrai d Oift. j A FK.W AGENTS WANTED OUTrltSBOF RALEIGlf. . ; , -. .:. .. - EbTHow To Raurt. Money thonld be tent by Rcgittcrt d Utur or Poet ofhee Order, payable to John Davis, Stroud Farm, near Rakigh, N 1 '.. i'h Nliiip, Post office, County and State written plainly. All 4gen(e to rcm.t i kly the amount ot Tickets told by them. " Tb followiag gentlemen, rmidiag la Raleigh, have kin l'y tf rel to certify to tbe gennineneea of tb affair, and are wall acquainted with Mr. John Davis, tb Pro prietor of Stroad Farm t s- '' Dr. G. W. Blackoall, Proprietor Yarboro' Hotel ; W. T. A lama Ai Son , Founder and MaxbioMta; a F. Cheatham Bros, Mercbaati ; Oapt, A. W. Lawreoor, Intar anca Agent Jotlah Turner, Jr Editor BenUnei ; Sam'l Merrill. Sup't Raleigh Gaa Work.' ,- j r, ,;:t), ' ' ' ' I i ' Oklt 8,470 Tickbtb to BB Ia USD, bbiho corr or Faum aud GirTS. ' JOHN DAVIS, Stbooo Farm, Nbab Ralbmbv The nimea of all who draw Gifts will be after drawing. teptl-8m F. JONES & CO, OOTTOS FACTORS ASD OIJIBAL WBOLESALB AND RETAIL i an O G K u 0 , . Wajraeroa 8rn Orroarr Xabxit Boabb ""itAZMI9K if. 0. ' ' Have oa aaad aad art dally rewiring every article usually wanted la the Groeaty aad rrovWaoa Uaa, eoawMiag Bt partt- iv 0g conea, . 140 BoAkeUreat, t SO Bblt. Sugar, 10,000 lb bulk Mrtt, " -", r, t Tlerre Hants, 1 -80 KsgtUrd. . . , 10 Boxes CaBwBt, OONCBR f to Entrland. Hum fkom Balvov, T. O.. b L, H A LEI H, N. C. Oft A i ' I Ith front aire on Uillbor' Ruad, conaisting t aVtaBA. &rl Mr W2St!va a. at a a a r . . t. 67.'arind.Cooe and two Ilea. t 58. Lidde'r. t duckbill plow and thovel, 56. Two hone Watt plow, one " horse Watt plow, 60 New Cradle. ' " 61 Stcytuea, t augers, 4 ing t treea, 6t Clitltav'' " 68 8 can cbira, 64 4 lamp, churn, and large " clothe bortt, BS4S Engliab Fenders, 60 Fir iroot and doga, 67 Dreating. gtatt, (British plate glut, mahogony frame.) 68 Oval mirror, (Britieti plate g'eJ 60 8 Tea trayt, I gallon oil can, bench, 70 Oil clotb in ball, 71 Dining room carpet, 73 3Creaiiicaua,tkiuimr, 8 milk coolerr, 1 nieature, V milk cant, 1 kerotene can, 79 6 Sad-irout, kiiclitn fender, tin bucket, coffee pot, coffee milla, 8 bair broom, 74 Tim piece, 6 vol of IwHiks, 73 BaUi.ce and tcalra, 76 Fold-up chair, oil painting in old carved frame, 77 4 Iron taucepan, oval boiler, tad 8 kettles, 78 SO gallon milk can, niolassca gate, 4 measure 4 funnels, 78 bench aud 4 how bolllta at ttore, 80 Small tcale and wiighte, 8 brandy banela, 81 4 bottles, S decanter. 82. About 100 feet plank, and gear, for 3 plow a, 83 SO empty barrel, various tortr, 84 t French vasra, 83 3 D.-eeden Vatct and 3 Dres den Imtger, 86 8 Glaa oaart, ttuff.d bird, I framed engraving, 87 S Volt. Cook's Geography and 18 book, various kind, 88 Coal scuttle, scoop and 2 matt, 80 Hearthrug, 80 8 tables, 81 Engliab dessert service (green) 10 pieces, 82 10 piece China, Various, 83 Futn.ce, 5 3 5 8 8 8 6 84 SO pieces China, various. 6 88 SO Engravings, framed and gltsed, Of) :0 ntepet Ckina 87 Mahogony book case," 3 8 12 15 20 0 13 with g'att door, bottle Jack, 88 Patent corn hclltr, 89 Ancient Cabinet, 100Ont breeling tow, 101 uprriorooat, 8.870 DRAWING, &c 7 RaleJgb, and will oe conducud by gen Un drawing will be by blindlolded children. gift 91 begia tb day after the draw advertised in Raleigh Sbrtixbl. 3d day .: SPRING 1874. BBTl' BPBna RATA The leading Spring at 7 lea in medium tad Fiae Felta, at tba miwt icaaoaabk price. Now ready at v J K a ANDREWS CO, Cloth ttre tod 000(0 Furnisher. Next door to Tucker Hall. Raletgb, N. C. Fab. 87th 1874. rjW 0;TB0DliX9 POUNDS. - Prtmt raflned Lard. - . At . tr-tf : E f fonWf THE L4TECT. BEST AND CHEAPEST, loffi-r tha puhile, tb latest ioiprnvvd Cottoo Gm, well aa the cbeapret. Tba follnwing e- rtlrioataa from wall kaowo gcatlemca, will be mora tatiefactorf than a? thlna I can any ' - , ' Nuab Cabi, N. Nt. 18rh. 187S Thia ia to certify that I am owing h t tha Car Giaa Iba4a by W. M. Sorrell. f Cart, N. O . aad that I ata wall pUmard with it and wiiald cbrarTully recnavwiid it to atty new wanting a gnnd (Jin. , , A.B Yatb. Cart, N. C . M y 22nd. 1874. I take pleaaoreio a ying that thr tilty Haw Ctituia Ola, I .uicbaaed from Mr. W. M Sum-ll. kBfwa aa the Cary Uin dnet far better work than any Clin, I bare hrrelofnre need, tboogh coating from 60 lo 100 per cent kte money. I think any per ton. la want of a Gia will tare money by purcbaaing thalaryGin, ita performance baa been entirely Mtiafantory lo ma, I can -' iriv. entire eatiefaal on t our ntighboet-wh i . . ,.. ,1.1.1.:. ' , - " ,h,"k " " lent gin. II. P. Oct.. II. B. JoKOAM, , W. c. Paob, Wm K. Pkm. PRICE : For 00 Saw Gin. 170 100 150 140 M0 130. tt'tid tllHt for S3 Saw Gin, Fur 50 Saw Gin, ror 43 Saw Uin, For 40 Saw Gin, For all under 40 Sawa, Pertnnt wanting Gins aill ulcssu in their orders early In tbe teaton to 1 mty not oe crowded In tbe fall. Send In your order nd I warrant yoa will le pieasca. 1 oo an Bind of repairing. address, W. M. SORRELL. may25dJkw-tf. c'ary, N. C K. F . JON Rs & CO COTTOfc FACTORS AND GIN ERA L WIIULIS.1LI AND RETAIL GROCERS, TVllJiltoTon at, OTi osiTi MiKlaTtJUiKC RALEIGH, N. C. prraent our Card and offer to the pulilii our sendees a General Cowu.tasnn Mrr, chant for the aal of Cotton mud otliar t ro dace, c. Our location I central, In the baalne rt of the city and w ofler especial adraui aad faeilltiea In tha atonum of Cotton vc, having a Brat elaaa metal roof and fire prott atore aooaa, situated within a abort distance of tha 1 oltee station, and thereby lea liable to the; danger of fire. Those who deairn tone- cotton will hod It to their iuterait to communicate with a before storing -Im. whet a, Wa are constantly in receipt of a line ( General Groceries wfaieb wra Mliinr at the very low oat market price. Parmer uplle alwate on band. Country produce in larue 01 mall quan title taken iu exchange for gojdk. We aollclt eonalgnments aud will . il.i aatUfaetory sales and oaranue pruiu)it re turn for all article en trusted to ua. Uur patron and other will be informed trot:, time to time of tbe general W-uorof t ricen f .r Cotton and produce generally. All oomnianlcaUoti of lniur ,jioni.' j xiwered. eept 87-wti J3ABTMR WAN! ID. An Inretiiou median. c. who ha tuil useful Invention, want a 1 artiier with capi tal of 8&U0. On hundred per cent. guain teed on the inveettoeut, Addrv.-, A. It. Baleigb Pot Ofllca une It tt glLECTBOAKOINGANODtt r-CHOt. HILLSBORO N. tl The Miaaea Naah A Ml Kolluck will rum the xercise of their school oa friday Feb. tt, 1874. Circular forwarded on appliiatiot . dee l-lr- 1874. 1874. AUIUWN. K ALPACAS I BLACK ALPACAS I Pcttv & Jones Opened to day the mint beautiful line of Black A 1 pars and Pure Mohairs ever offered ia thia market, and reiectf oily uk tlieir customers and fiiend to tall and see thrtn and ba conricced for themcelvua. Also a splendid sssortaent of Fall Print with great many other gooda In tbeir line New and firau.' And for gentlemen. TBR NOTED R.4LLOU BI11RT AND CAN riELOs CXLEBKU'RO UANDMDA tll'jKS. We Guaranttee all to Suit and Fit. rptlltf EOT INDMN.KOCKLlH i. LIME1 LIME I LIME I tOO Barrel Just received at prim lower than No. 1 Lime haa ever Ken tld fr lo thia market. ' Hardware and Cutlery, Bath Door A Blind, JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fiibtr Building, opt 3At Raleigh, N. C. JOIH ARMSTRONG BOOKB1NDEK AD Blank Book t XsnufBcturer. ovBB a. 0. BootsToas. RALEIGH. N -piPPER'i SALOON A RESTAURANTS Wbttb Fbobt, W lUimaToB Et., -- , , Second Door roath ef Htrgett Street, Near , bit eld Stand bow known aa tb ; RALE I OH, N, C. ' W.R. Pepper, the nort distinguish) d Cs terer as the kouth, sill open k la aewfa oiD aad Realaaraat, aa above, to aay, Thursday October let. Tka best of e vet vtblng in the btinaat will ba found tt Pepper', aerved up ia Pepper' bett tt le. Norfolk Onter. kfesl at all heir. oetlkm W. M. PEPPIR. UUltboro Beeorder tad Durham Totxccv ral copy 6 moBtlM,

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