i '1 ; THE DAILY, SENTINEL." 1 1 HE. DAILY EENTIKELv 1 ' ... fllMJUW If '-' -'t' a . AATtrujamsnU wUl be bmerted ia ta DaBt Saarnrsx at the foOowmg rate per aaaar 1 afnortaa'lDioaUa,' Vn square obBjb.V....'.v;...;... ' 8 LB hi. I each whatquant ' ifrthi as tkas wek..i,..., ,,,.,, ' ! J i JA0 1 rrnara,tMa. S81W I 'l month, toi l - 8" MM UIIAH T V ... ; , .ill -w Offlo X th OMrt How-- i DeTrveVrntlaell vearusdvane 88.00 Daiiv Hit saoath la advance. . .w Lw . .-. - a.00 W;rSBjetv JRatkl'r.,'-. ' aw. Th PtT Slirtm . vrffl b delivered fm any part c( th Cttj 8 JTimu Cuti per VOL. X. ;ALEiaHaN.a MONDAY, INOVEMBR 16; 1874. :NO.?.80j naMu: a .-rsr Bo.oa.1 II - V la ,1 StUKJjl OUCAJT 1"HK ' TRACK. v ; Open, the Way ! ' i4 id tk Ink oUbm o tta vr to ,.. , ! It '. ' . ' K At KtJ"' k Cor,'FjwttUI a4 Unit" ttrMte, hw V " kaowa fcttnU toriitoch Ij tf , . DreM QoodtT DnH PUMi I Hroi nd B eched DmaMtlut. ; .v.. -v. Clfj; ---id.-b, iwatlowmg 1ud.riuuVfw..f-AfteTn ih CfJEritr lTrt5w. b.,, Dula.W WK wiSSxtTSZT rZT 2 : w..,trr.t.l iv. il.il nedrlaa: lam addltlona to th tteaeral Stock, vale. alwaya kept riwh and Uompleu la erery Branca an partOMLtOt lb Mora I tbe apaalaltT et DreoandU eller ejrr Trade of Uotbiaff at ik. bottom Mice. 'UU aad a e foaraelrea. , ' CJtOCKEKT DirAHMBMr- I ham taa aale axeloalva Crock err Store la tbe City, connected vltb aad adjolnlrc tbe ala MtablUbmeot loSer ererf epeciea of (.rocker at Whoteeale. to tbe eoonty bade at Nortbera prices as I bay direct ia Urg qeaaiitie frooi Bnt baada. , ; . To al ay f omer eattoaert and patreoa. aad te pabllc geaertlly, 1 oald eay that 1 amb ttar nnnarad than ever te admiaiater to their cry want at ternM tbat I FUi KBteeaailataciory. ' octlSle . "ILL U aoM ta tbe highest bidder, oa Thnrada the 17th ot SeDtemW. a complete est of auchlaary tor oparatiait a bboe Factory. CoaeMinn ot I Wax Thread nin Macbtaea, l BoM former, aae eo dWa. UaUMe- Roller. PettlH Jack. ., in iacteverytbinir aeeeeaary for operaUaica r)hoe Factory, aala to take phue at Mebaaee tilla, wiMre tbe machinery eaa be aw a at any lime till aayol We. Termaeaiw. am td ALU W1LBOW. L'UBNITUBI BALE BaToaoAT,, Kor. 14th, 174. . Will be rold wltboat reeer at the Offic of the Neate Maaufartore; Ce . "oaia ot tie Ralclxb National Bank, a kvve collection of irood Fnroitare aad Hoaaebold article, eoa itlng m part of. ' Barean Chalra, Tablea, Brdat ada, Feather Beda, Mutreatea, Ward robe. Ac.. . bVierdlBAloaeheePore will bae a ceod opportanlty for aapplylng them. aefreaIoriMeomMi'Lt(viininre. . JAhlJLB M, TOWLIS, lovlOit AoeUoa r. rpUC XSTKT CKOA' BTILL AHEAD. looBDrcr II adaU awarded at theK. C. Stale Fair, for the BEST CHURCH and PARLOR ORGANS, food for Illustrated Cata'oug and tenaito t MAT. L. BROWN, General Agent, Rtlelg-h, M. C. 'Good Repoa:blAg'cnt'Wiited.n OetW-tt , t Pitica; 0. Kaaua, Designer. T.V 111-, " ABKra.' . B KIN I 8 8 A U A It R I 8 BALXIGH, N. C. tWBead for iptclaan of woik. A'erk nm Bineh kJ tbaa Norther prlot. . H ORNIR AND GRATES' SCHOOL, L BXLLSS0RO, N. CT A CUaalcal. MattmBaUeal,reBUfle, and Military Aeadeay. ' . ' yiixBastfo aaeiaa rn to IfONDAt w Jcli .Bowd and Taitlea hwMBdtaf Teal. Wek UiK, L'Kbta, aad raraUaed lioomr, U7.M per aeaaloa of twenty week. ( : ,. , INSTRUCTOR 1, . i. a. HORN I R, A. ht., R. H. URATES, A Mn UUttHlMURBON JR., CalTereity of Vlr (iala, MaTo. U. HAM1L1VN. A. W. VRN ABLE, Ja., Po'keepal Com. College. , , CircaUm sent oa ppllcatkn), - : K - Haifboro, N. (7- U V ' .wtjdriUiM-.i, A 4 w tuoot t SII1I M -I. ' ' 8KWING At awaafsctar' prices, oa Ilia or monthly lastalmeat. t , fvw , AND TWENTT-1TE PER CtST BlXdw . AuFCTuiRr rwets TV I VMU,., . f i h ', Jf purchased direct from tht oSee, or aay r. : tte local agent, ' ! 18 "INTH STREET. Richmond, Ta. ' I - JAR. E. d GIBBS, Proprietor. . wSm V . : '' ' -' i ' BOARDING D0U6K.o, ...-j-t-- Mra. H. W. UUUt eaa aceommodcU aaana. bar of boa'dereatber well know boardbig bona, on Neebern Areann. Member of toe General Aieembly wishing scare rooms would do well to make early application, The ho is dellghtf nlly situated la on of the most Msant portions of the city, wltbia ssy teach of th capital. . Terra a tasaoa blektcanbebadaayaheNi J j otU , , - . M . V. WOOBS , JOSB AT14 .'- j OORE A OATUNG,, A! T T 0 It If 2 T 8 At ti RALEIGH, N. C J I BUta and Federal Coort and th Coort o' to 1st and U Judicial DUUlsU. ; . BOl-U . ':.."... GROCIRIES AND LIQUOR. il h ( rocetMd a freak stock of , FAMILT0n0CXHIB3. .l. ! Also, astlected stock ot WhJskim a fed- OLD IMPERIAL CABINET, i, U I -. '"? t;; GEORGIA CLUB, l.'.'i-,' X - - HARRTBU8ETT. Para A jgatU eoLt Va , Rye an I Tenons Other braude . . . ? t - Brandir aad lots ot all trade which I a sclUi g very cheap, tall and see for year rtf. iw.gill;! oil tlja Market fqatre, kateiga, Ma , pen City Intelligence? Ohaw ao Melodbm.-W Intiu ttt-ntioa tu thf crd ol Oeorgt A. Prise On,r BulTlw, N. T, mnitfactarN nf )rgtni and niriidiii lhlk tht oidstt hou i ilr e .umry in IU liw, tad tbir iiuUumeotii fitk mumb th TtiboM, X . Ai.m.t a Fdisidk Th ny Irkjidt of tblt nimntj gvatltmita will rgrt to laboring uader tneotal alMrafioit at. th tlm,eiBMueBtapoa business preseurr. When ducorcredt b war walking tbt railroad track, iim dials new from town tad nearly eihsustod. Hal nomiog Cpu4.iiii ox tbb CnuArgAKB Bat -Tb Mioning dispstcb was rcsied Id thi elly jetefly rwiog, from a arell know grot'etuan f tbit pUc wbo was oa tbe illlatru boat : Baltimobb, Mo, Hut. li, "74 A c llitiii occurred last night oa tb Bay at 1:25 o'clock, a. b twecu tbe Bay Una steamer Louisiana aad a Ubar lostoa " tteeaer. , The Loaitian went down la lortj -two feet wttcr ia sbont 50 Bttsalat alter being ttruck. Tbscollisio occttrrirl bilf way betwtra Nortolix aad Bslllmor. No li err lust Cspt. kltyo fid the other pfOcrr o' tbebt behaved being ssbrara, cool aad collected a if iw'hing bd bsppened. W re clied tnia city In day at 8 p. n, all band being well." Oa bvaid thU teamnr' was Dr. IT. J. Hawkins and lady, and Mafor R B. Pet IT. of the Arm of Petti 4 JpMA.0j this city, and their friend will bs grs:ittd to (earn of tbetr ew ape. Th Lou'uiaua was tbt most handaom steamer 00 thtt line, and iU loss wilt be KTervly felt. We (bttined no further ptrtii ul.ra i4 the accident. PBKM MFmRT. BAXTtMona, Nu . U. Tb f!k)niog is thesutcmoat furnished tb AsaofciateJ Press in regard l the col lision beleee th Faleoo and Louiaia'ia In Cbcsjfwskc B4? list night, by Capt. MJ0, of the Lou'.sian. 8b left Norfolk about 7:80 last night, touched at Old Point Oomfurt, rd took "pamengcr and proceeded tip tb Bty. It wa a beauti ful starlight nigbt, with a strong braes from tbe northward. I retired at 11 o'clock p. m., ami erjihing wa quiet until 12:3 m. At this bt.ur I was awakened by bearing my whistle blown once. I iDimtdiately sruso aud ran Into the pilot hu,r.l Instantly beards steamer Mow 1" wtifettit ctoi aboard snd I I uked out tin port window ol tb pilot bouse, and saw all the light of ttrsmcr aiecriiix qurrlj fur ui tod gire (he ordr to bard a-siarbrd, but la fire Second, Itefc re tbi order eould be eie cuted, we ere (truck arald-h'psjhe cil TKding ateaoier Kn'i( lnt" nV P"' ldd! bog and uithlng a large bob: ia tbe port id fiout which tb L uWane 6lltd ap rapidly. Th donkey engine vera put to work st th eir lull cspsciiy, but btd ao tffect opo tbe leak.' We endearored le work tbe main cdkIdc, but found it had bn so jitnmed It at impos'blo lo grtilfHtst lit centre. W were thut reedend helpln-a-and called tbe crew to qnartarr, clea rd y tbe Uli and be lt fowtririg 'In in to take off tht paaaea grrn.' At thi time th-Louisiana bad betwc'i ri snd seem feet of water in th hold, and h tiled the Colliding ateatnef, which profod to bo tb Fslo m, and ic qu. sted her to rtmaio by us. Tb Fatcnb imuietliatelj came alonjrde, aod all tin pawci(ersand bttfgag was trnfcrr)d to Ihrt-etratner.- Tbe- H weMbwpwtd to lb. so that li night tow u to shoal wa er, o I went down to tiamine Ibu lenk. liut it gti found that the water w . gii ing rapidly, with eight to nine feet ,0 thr b'ld, nd w could not b ion ni ro tlta half r mil bwfore tlnkiog. We endeavored ttcn to lay at uucb a puiuic of tb furniture in th tuaio aaloon, which did by working til band Shortly afterwards, howeyor, s parted, aud the Louisiana want down by lb bead lo forty-two feet of water. At th time ot,.tl e"Hi'o h L-W-ana w atemirg at the r ite ol 14 mites per hour and ltj F.lcoa 8 to 10. At iU(d in previout ditp'ich, all th pas sengers, mall, upres mtr, aod baggage was saved.' .'-!'.'; ," 'Among tbe paaeniir ore thro lo die abd Commodore ptteraon, Com mo dor Crtwby, Captain J. B. Crelghtoo, t aptaia Wa G. I t m pie, Captain H. C. Blake," Capt. A. W. John , Lieut W. II ffn-o.y, U. rl N.vytid Captaii M to till', ol tb 0, 8.; Mttim. Crp, offloer of tbe ctwrl ortitioi at N rt'tilk, ioquiring into th g "Uodiag ot ib- tteamif Brok 'A'i the paweogora of tbe Lauisiana, in cluding lb Udn, conducted Ihemaelvet w tb tbo g ..lit roo'nrm and self poases sion. 'Ta L uiato we a favorit strseer Ibe bay line, of 1,800 ton burden an J Valuetl a 13 000 TheM wa Bt -Iiitutancw on ber Cargo, which wa hwt, and cooMsted of two hundred bale of . 'K qukotlty of tobac thirty loo or p:g ,m" d othrr freight. ' Th '. with tt p.? of th Louisiani; returned 1j Bail'uiof.airlv.Bg sbotlly alter 8 o'clock K' aUiUl Ol tb coll ai"" haa been furuirbd lb AatO ciated Prea by any officer of Hi Falcon. The paasenger 00 lb Louituna eor robotaW statement of Cspt. Mao,' ' Uoneral jLuembl ef North Cor : .,V .. ollaa.;.''. 1. : ;.; KlUHTDAt "-.l.BlBlAt Xf. IiK, t7t ' Th 8at e lriotd-rby Ui UUPilooip! Clk,"t.! W' iniid.w, t II p. m. ' The full tf tha tri'ia btit'i m cd la Beoator wvr called t t.e dutk ol tli clerk, aad tb oath ot t &W was sd ulniUrd by Jtutlot Banriog, t W.k county tbey sabfCribing their naoiet to the oath of offloa M oaUod. " . , Forty four Be'uttor qusllSed a fol low: Mesva, Albright, Aidrn, Ann. field, Ba'l, Br.tdie, BusUcts Caotwell, Cb weil,O(m0t, Oouke, Qraham, Uargror, Unltoii, Irwin, J ask ion, Jtrolgan, Kerr, Latham, LtGrtnd, Linney, Ljii. Mabson, Marler, McCaulcy, McElroj, McMill.n, Mill, Morebend, Parriah, Pcg'aai, SlnaO, Smith, Stanford, Stickney, Sugg. Taylor, Tucker, Waddell, Wa kr, Waadell, War ing, William too, Worthy and Young. Tb clerk then declared t q inrurn pre. eat, and tbat the Senate sat ready for organisation. Tb Benat now proceeded to th elec tion o' a presiding uffljer, whsu 8oator Morehetd, lo appMpriate remtrks u mi aated Col. H F. Armfljld, of Ir.jell, for that poii'.lou. No other mtoiioatioo beiag uiuie th tbe cleik appointed ateeara. Morebea 1 abd Mahler a aupetvisora of tb election, which resulted a lullow : Aimfleld, S3; Mabson, (col.) 1 ruck- (col.) I. Heaator Stanford aad Marler Conduct ed Senator ArujBeld to tb chair,wboupon taking lb sam ttld : Senator ol 11 .xth Carolina, I hare no word tbat eaa elegantly njire,s to you the gratitude I leal fi r the honor jou bsv conferred in calling tna to preaij ovr your deliberatioot, but iu My like this composed ol thechus'.n rcprrreatativet of tbe people aa-emble 1 - to perlorm th highest civil lunction that mortal man Is ever Cilled upon to dih irg to mk laws lr tb people of a frt and sovereign state, with a written ouatltailon for their gold and the goi-d of Oi whole people for their l', I apprehend that th met function of keep'n g order wiit i tbat of sinecure, and although I doeply ' fet.1 at this hour and regret my W mt f famil iarity with th rules of daliboritt ve bodies tod legislative assemblies, "jet relying on your kind in lulgenc fr myhrt com ings and pr'poeing to myself only on rule lor my guidance in lb discharge tf my dutiet a your praiidiog officer, I to cept the honor yon have conferred with high hop of being atio by diligence and a clot application to daty ol being tbl to discharge tb high duties you have im pod npou me with acceptability toyoo and for tbo honor and go id i f hp Mat tbat we i booor snd lov to serve. Th nomination! of- a principal cleik being announced by tbe Pr.siduol at the nest bgine-4 in twder, 8entor Waring placed ia nomination tbe name ol Joho tone 4 ne, Esq, ol Meckletiburg. No other nomination beii.g ma.lr, the rote wu Uken aud Mr. Jooes uc ivirg sli tb vota cast a at tlec ard el. cel. The election of retdmj r Hwiittaiit clerk ol ibe Senate being ngt in order, Senator Lit bam placed ia nnminti"a th name of P. II. Winston, Jr , of Bertie, and tb election being gm.e in'oit w j m. Bounced by the chair that Mr. Wiumou having leceived til tbe vote cast, was duty elected. Hessrs. Jones snd" 'WInton appearod and qualified, a hen apoo. motion of 8eo tor Stanford the St Date adjourned until Ham t m. rruw. 1 . . 1 .... 1. . . UOUsKOF REPRB-E.mVIVa-i. ' FIBSt BAT : At 1 p. ut. Col. & P r Pool, clerk "I the Bouie nt K. oreeenlstiveaof Ih elon of 1873-73, callod the Hoot tu order. At hi call th following members csmo tor- ward, presented their certificates and ar e sworoiu by Wesley Wbitakur, J. P. S 1 W. C. Fields, of Alleghany t J X. Boyd, of Alamanca; 4. M. Carton, of Alexander ; W. D. Smith of Anson; A Trtvett of Ashe t W. A. Thompson, of Beaufort ; W. T. Ward, of Bertie ; M. Fatten and W. O. Candler, of Bun combe: 8. McD. Tate, of Burke; John New ell, of Bladen ; M. J. Bennett, of Brunswick ; W. C. King, of Cherokee ; J. M. Woodhouss, of Currituck ; P. B. Means, of Cabarrus; F. N. Mullen, of Camden ; Thoa. llarrtaon and Wilson lary, of Csswell ; 8, M. Finger, of CaUwba; . M. Moring and 0. A. Hanner,of Chatham; J. O. Hicka, of day; AUea Bsttis, of Ueeveiand : V. T. Rlchardaon. of Colam bua 1 Jno. R. Goods and & H. Hill, of Cra vea ; J. C. McRaa and J. McD. Jeseup, of Cumberland ; eVA. Mock and M. A. Pinnlx, of Daridson ; Charles Anderson, of Deri ; A G Moacley and W B Wells, of Dnnlin ; WUlis Buna, and WD Goodwin ; W H Wheel er, of roraytn ; n a eiowe, 01 uaawu a. a Ballard, of Gate ; H T Hughes, ana Jtrews, of Granrille; T E Hooker, of Greene; N Mea denhall and J M BUplea, of Guilford; 8 Par ker, of Hertford; Frank Davis, of Haywood; J A Bpeara. of Harnett; Jae Bljthe, ot Hen derson; A J Smith, ot Hyde; A C B harps and A I Gatther, of IredsUi Jt D Darls, of Jack ton; E 8 Holt and E A Bbuell, of Johnston: J P Parrot, of Lenoir, W A Thompson, of Lia- eolni Moses Young, of Mitchell ;4. 1 Robia- eon, of Jtaeon; n a unogw, 01 maurou, MisseU. of Martin; A M Krwta, of McDowell; 8ol W lUld and J L Jetton, of Mecklenburg; Hardy, of Montgomery; A A Melvcr. ot Moore; R 8 Waldro. o Northampton; W T Griffln, of Nash; W H f'ora, H Brrwlngton, and Alfred Lloyd, of New Banover: J W Bbackalford, of Unslow; J Atwatar ana m Lett, of Or-nge; 1 Q A W ood, of Parqulm ana; 8 C Bsmett, of Person; John Gerrtoon, of Polk ; EU Whianaat, of Htttberford; W M- bra and t 8 Johnrtoa, of - HorklnglMai ; J II McOubbln. of Kowaat K M NornMot and am McNeill, of Hoomoi W H Hmot mmAI t McClk.p. of Btmpwn ; A C 1W msD, of etoke ; D Bryoo, of Svala ; Wa IUTinnra,of Burry W W Walker, of Tjr nil : Tbw 6aah, of TnatThraala ( D PraMon. of Cnton; O B Wiley, of Wuhlugton; I I Dortcb nd J W Iiler, of Wayne ; Hawkln Carlwr aud W II WUllama. ol WarrenjO V BUoDg, M W Pan, M Whitley and L W iU pbenioa, of Wakt: I L Oraeba, of Watauga; i U Footo and T i DuU, of WUkM ; W V Inatt,of Yaucey, ( " ; , ? Tb clerk ARoouitcwt Ui olMiioaolA po ktf' Mt la urdrr l Foreyhe. A vote wat bad which resulted, la th cb..icol Mr. Itubiaaob speakert jyn fw tt 2a-:. ''Jr O't mmiua oftOr. Tat,' sif Burke, W'A Djla, of Wiilrt, ad McB, ol Cumlietla id, wen appolnUd commitU lo conduct the apeakef elect to tbe chair. OoVstuuiog tb ctair, Mr. Rob:lDn ldt t " j j W are aseembled fcara to day a t boaeo representative of the fre petple of North Cartdina. To foster ana pro mote lb highest later! of oar whole peopl should b tbo purpose of etery man on tb floor of tbi IlalL Nunb Carolina, if felt fre front outald inlu enoes, h indicated by the popular voice of jomory. ia August I art, bar anaas ukabl purpose to place hralf by th iie of her sister State who bsv do cltrad to recently ia thunder too at agaistt th exceuea aod eorrupiicna ia tba latd, growing out of tli uonttural ttal of ai lair though wnich we have been paw tng for tb past several yean. She kat spoken in favor of law, order and reform; and while our people ara . honestly pledged to tbe fullest liberty to tbe cfti sen iu the enjoyment of every political right, mon tbaa on huodrad thouaud ot North Caroliaa's sons stand ready ro rebuk at th ballot bos tba pmsptctir uationtl Isgislatioa which would over tarn at one ail thoa regulation and custom which society has established for it protection and happiness, and which hare tb sanction ot nearly wn haadrod years ttperieoce. Th grand and glorious protest of mil lions of our countrymen in tbe November clectiaos against usurpations, and tb re cognition and lupport ol usurper by th Federal authority, will do much to place tli libertic n tbe American pet.pl on a broader and more stable foundation. And while tbit is ao, gentlemen, let ua not forget In tbe hour of party triumph "that he that cuuqucretb bimacl ia greater than k that taketh a city ami while the blood may courae mora Iroely during lieate.l canvas true is Its wont, w must rtmemb.. tbt we owe it to the good nsme of our coatmt.uweetth, and as the representatives of quiet, law loviog constituencies, to enact such laws aa will give the siispk't protection lo Ibe persca and property f every cil t n of pur fttste. In the dispatch ot' ihe public business much depends on y. ur piesid;ng officer. For bis guidsnce and the gov. tninent of your body certala principle ol law and tbe utsgea of ptrliam- nury bodies have grown into settled rules of practice which have lor tbetr prime ! jcci, "acuiacy in buMuets, ecouomy in time, rd r, unift'r mity and impattiality." It abail be my eContent tbdeavor by an im partial -enforcement nl your rules to attain thite objects; t watch that iho rights ol the m n.-ri'jf are i oi ivt.it l Imm t htm, and tbat they pr-ir-cil against tbote irrtgularitie ud m-ua-s which wanton ness ut power are too apt to tuggaat to Urge ai.d sueeraslul uij .ritiea If I shoulti la.i tu ex pre my apprecia tion oi the diimgnibed cttniplimt nt wbirb your honorable bo.ij has paid ate, I ehtMiltl bi- reiardrd at ungra'eiul . But. ceo; lent n, ttl.tt-g with tlte ftvltngs of Itratitutle and pinie wnic't y.-ur .cll.in ha ln-ptr. l. ctmoa the C'titacioortie ol the iigh'y rt-pi.i)iiii-v l.ich at Uoius to it. I tiai k ) u tins mark of ctnilid.i.c.f ami th ukIi d.tiMW.tt my qji;itlitl..ns tie'fr.witi n, .t'-pt the irtiKt ud lely uii .n j. u l.u v.tur atiat- auue and co-opei -.lion. I now duclar tin uonwreatiy in prticeea lo its lunovr orgsss itiou. -V. , l l DJ.it hn uf Mr. Ston e, of Qaston,the 11 tits then adloumed to meet again to- tuoirow at 10 a. m. v - . us' " : ' &TUtrt Etcmpbo or thrTrocolbs or a JouaNALirr A Novbl iii ob Chat- TAR. A few tveoiogt since, in our beau tifut and quiet little sister village, Tafbo ro', ber might bav , bee n aot a soli t a. y l.nrseman bu a span of rpaiik log bar A. They were gorgaxrusly capari oned snd drat a handsome ptiBj oo. Bu bind tlisw, dexteioual) muipul?ing tb ribbon, sat cur brother of tbe Bnquirir SoutKtrhor. - lis smiled sweetly a h sat, for he wa bcniile one of Nortb Carolina' belles. Hit mooi wa ecat .tic.evtiythiug wa woikiog tu a elwiru, a hen .qddeniy, presto I th acea-j .li.fis -Al I for'u lo obr 'riic' lb tiagio ; nd,-lor it. Kit quirtr fkuthernor aou'.dn'r. ... A break U the turn's 'riah'ensil the ttevdl Ti.e ft I k-th'in l: A way tlit) ran With furi.'Uti bi M, Uulil they ! iree did rt-Ht. , With atidiu j rli aiol q.t tk Wi und, Wtticb launcbid t-ur bi-m aiHt thagr u.id, fii m aa lamed It. r . f.ce was ,: tciaiclitd.''' Thus lrm d.sth kind Ft'r th it tnttclied. In their id plight, iu ta t distr.-s," ) parson's borse they d .1 tin pre-,"' ' And into town tbey si i vly rode, 8b was (ilaot, while be to ok 1 bored. Red Mt. Mad. :. LxtCbascb But a short timu ra ma'Oi fi the uicha-e. if tkkcta iu tb Filth Gift Concert of. the Public Library of Kentucky. -AgeoU he bwen notified tamake retornt frooi tbe Wth to th 85th laaL, but fortbaooeveaieoctttif tba wbo may bar fi!d to auppiy ibrmselvt through toe agtats, -t ask --.lra will few ft lad at tbe home office up to tlte eveaiog of tb tStb, and ir any money tbould e m toe lauB Will bj pr mutly returned o th partj tending it. ;r-13,18,80. : . .. ....... , . . i ... 1 . Aaatvau At na Natiomait-J. K, M'ood- bouM, vf. B. 8hT, Curr tack i T. .8. Jeret- fan, Hertford X. Woodi, Oot(Uboro ; Wn. W. Jooet, Wake ) A. 0. Ifowly, Duplin jL. W. Hodgea, do. T. K. Hooker, JotUh Bon, Oraen;. W. bier, D. K. BmHb, Wayne; John W. BbackeUord, Onalow C C Crow, H. V. B.OUbert, J. D. Hufham, X. C. Wood aoa, city ; Col. W. M. Hardy, Nat. Atklnaon, Baneembe ; J. C. Milk, B. McO. TaU, Burke; W. f. Arery, Hickory ; C B. Carriagton, BtaterrUU ; Jime T. LeOrand, Kkbmond eoanty I Col. T. I. DaU, WOkea ; I, T. lohm- Mlke Wbltley, Wak ; Jam Bi Foot, Wilkes ; E. G. Crawford, Jackson Bin , U B Davenport, Vat ( C J. Voorbe, So, Ex. Co.; C, X. Parrtah, Orange., TUB. PENN MUTUAL LIFK INSTJ babcs ooMPaar, or raiLaOSLruu, is ror- VLAB, ABB i BOIMO A tABM BOBS IX BOBTBt 0 ABOLIMS SXCACa IT It 27 TS1XS out, abo orrsa aasoLtrra aactmirr, wa avbj ABB BUTBlBrJTBB A .ABOSB VBB CBBTAOB OV scitrtct tba axr orasa compabt wbat- SOKTia ; MASS BO DttTIUCTIO BSTWBBB BOBTBBBB ABD SOCTBBBB rOUCT OLDSM, abd iBvaer its rcBD a localitib wvsbb rvs rasMfrjM ass BBcsrvso. Orrici No. U Fatsttsvillb Btkott Balsiob, N. C W. H. FINCH, Gbmbjul Marauer. IIICIGI 11K1ET. W IlOLf BALECARH PRICEB. IUlkiob, Nov. 7, 1871. Rbmabk. Baeisass dull. Baeoa Brm. Baiear Arm aad adraacing. Byrnp ami Molaaa higher. Cotton lower bnt la good demand at lit. Bak-tring Domestic 13 V d 16ilX Coiton Ties H'o w Flow N C. 7 :iOi7 60. Cora 81 .'JO. Cora MaalLKKal SS Bacon M U Hog round Bacon, N. C- Haoce, Balk Clear Rib oldes. Hulk Bhouldara, Laid, N U., Western Toireea, " do. Kegs, ConVe Rio, good, Kgra, butter ronntrjr, fish, Mullets, " Mackerel IU , Beeswax, Kaga, Beet on foot " U rawed, X allow, Leather Bol. tildes Ureaa, " . Dry, Tallow, Potato Sweet, Irish, Osts ahelleu. , " Moat, Fodder old l.U, new Ui1 WJs'sllX none M 1 au T.OO 7.60 liOO ti X 6a IB 10 7 lU0l.!i5 e 1.35 126 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUXfcBITAXE!! LAST NOriUR. The tax collector is n quired by law to settle with tb Public Treasurer on or before ihe 1st uf IK-cemlier. All taxes unpaid are required to be rattled kwtbwith The attention of pert-ns abo bsv not list I tbeir pronertv or ctven ia the noil is called to Sect on 10, Ctpter 133 Act of iota ana 7t. ' .- JO.tKl'H A. HAYWOOD, nov 16-tf Tag Collector. L TOR MISLAID Two Hank Certlflsatei. No BJH. fort'.flOO aawtiitiu eo, isva a a one nniaoeno 1055 for 1330 dsted Aaguat 17, 1-.74. bars diaappered from our papers, we notify tbe Banks not to pa, and all persor s from trad ing for Said Certificate. WIU.IAV80N P'Ol. acv ld.1t PURSUANT TO AN ORtltR nv WAKE nps l..r ourt, I aball oe rtatardav the -ta da of N-.vembo- next expoae 1 1 putihe sale, on -h pr.ml-ea tba Uumettaad aad lande ot the Me "enry Joue dtceated,iving oa iha N. ti. R. R . 1 1 milt-t Weat of Kalaiirh and S mill t from Morriatilla and Carveoa- Ulnlug Ud acres. Trrma t na half of tba pnr- enaaa money le to be paid in I ah, oee half of the be1 are i to be paid In tlx (8) moatba aad lha reaidne to be oaid ia tweWe (13) moo Us a, the parchater glsiag boad wl'Ji good secarity for dafered raymrnta. kI'U8H. JONE8, ' ao lft-'d com. Bale. APPUCAT1 N will bs mid to th Lrg lalatareof N G.. for Charter for Far mat a or Uranga Ranking A Trust Compaa. rovtftim QE0 A. PRINCE A CO. Organs & Melodeoas. ''' a " J " Tb OUo.t. Ltrt an.t Moat Perfect Manu factory In ihe United Bates. 54,000 , Now In uae. A ot'er' u e I Icatram. t,t ever olUlnel I he rams f i u artlr. tar e-dfirP.K-e l.s Aujr HVrFA'AN. T. no U 'f TTNITERBITT OF YIRGINIA ope-is Uetcber t: eontlna tbrourk a In moaib It Is orrealaed tat sebooia oa ths ei eua ttatrm. with fall coaraes la Claasiea. Literature, Bcieace (with practice la Chemi cal and Physical Uburaiorles), la Law. Mads- e na, angiaernac, i eaeamg ana Asneaitnre, Ai.plvt rfatalofBeetojAMEF. UAKRI 8N, Chairmta, P. O. Unireraltj of Vir ginia. A!tmari LXX, v a. JnlySiBweod gARKl Ol A fAHFORld J Bvll UOiM tk REifAUItANT, No la, Uaaoart S aaar. , T a w.ii alawr Bad oa hand a t! el e tries of tba a, ojsters, b.tSa aad everything aerWurng lo a Brat ei-a leataarant 1 at bar ta writ storked itb FJniga and Deaxa aa Llqaora, Barry F aaer and Tom Cooper aatia WnUky aiw.t oa stand. John C Saecera Raaw always oa draght. BOTlW . .. . . - : NEW, ADVERTISEMENT 8. TTT JONES v k i r. ' Nbilce t lk PukU.' U O "W to oar lnt i nsted trad w hai foaad U a - to pureb m a sucoad stock tbl . ' , , . . , Our MaJ Patty I aw la U ortUra majkttbhjlngaad laorH to mak room tor tb vooda, wa aiH .B tb lock,n4 ti&&sik&& y!ti Skdlmk&&mmM Ca U a LwWpr nWll t fell to We hava a.vpteadht Una ot Dress Goods wlt!b w U o to ssiA. uw. Wa aars sra-guMof Fan wLIA we ofl .v at price to salt the times. ' Uur Alpsccss being ofk btst brands snd co'ori, speak for theiosalvts. Ws offer North Crola Csaalmtr at Fa tory price and belt cambric at 10 par j m A We offer tpA alluductmrnU to merchants baying In tbl market, , PKTTY A JONEV nov 14 U 80 FaycttevUI Be, JgSTET ORGANS LEADS THE WORLD 1 Beit for Clrrhf I Bart tor BehooUl Beit In tb ffom Circle I Beat vgwbr. I am oflf.lng the Organ by SKKtihly, qairterly, or tml-ataual payaitata. AB perons thinking ot buying aa CrgaB 'now, or at aay futur Urn, should by all end to at for aa ill nitrated CsUloug. talsleg f a l dtacriiitloa, of style trd prkts. T eaa wirr. 1 will VtW Organ at (A iTajiot Nearest fAsif Aomtv within fir StaU) Jrt ef ckarp Old InstnsmsaU taksa la Xtchsng. NAT. L. BKOWN, Gaaaral Agtat, R'lgh,N.a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Strings and Trlalut, at NAT. L. BROWN'S. BABKETd ! BASKITd 1 1; Ths largest assorUneat in tbe Stat at NAT, L. BROWM'A - QBEAT BAKJAINS TO BE HAD NAT L. BBOWN'd. WE are requested to anoeaacs tisbora Holt ss a candidate for Aaal tanl Door. keeper of th if anal. H EXP THE Iboa AND FATHERLESS OK AND GIFT CONCERT r h ths BiasriT ror ths OBPHAi ASYLUM, $17,000 la Gifts To be Distributed stnong tba Ticket Holder. A Gift Concert will be held In WILBOS, N., OnlkuriJay, tin l"th Dee. 1874. For the i exclusive benefit of tha thpksn Aiylum at Oxford. TICKETS ONLT TWO DOLLARS. Number of tickets oolt 13.000 S.lCt GlfU to be gtoea away, making orer n to erery smn tickets. REAL E81ATR ttlf"Ai On lot In the town o f Wilsoa, N. C. , containing l acres, with large and convenient dwelling, having ten rooms, aad all necessary snd con venient oat houses,titnated od Barnes street valued at BVOCO Oaa elettaut B atorf realilenc, m Wil son, corner oi rice endure en stretta with t l-s acres, aad contaioing 8 roou s, local, d in the moat eligtol part of the tt wa, valued at 4,500 Ona ta acre lot, eilualed on tbe corner ' of Vsnt e ai.d Bpi log streets with neat 'aiomee ana oli booses, raioea V 1 CASH GIFTS: 1 Cath Pr.xe, 1 " 1 1.000 6UU 6o ' SO f0 " m Bi 1 " 4 81C0 sack 6 " - M " SO " 90 m - 10 " l0 6 6U0 - mo - ' i , l.M 1,000 . ' ' ' MISCELLANEOUS GIFT.' On Flos top Buggy, ' . ' $260 tins Fin Bnggr, l&n One Fine Gold Watch. 1 IBS Ona Fin Ladies Watch, n Committee of Arrangements. -l. W. Blount, B. F. Briggs ana A. Bnes, Eta Depository Bank at Wilson. Aivlaorr Board John Mebola, Eaq.. Ral eUh, W. F. Davis, Fiq , Klttrellt, A WU llama, Efea., Oxiord, Mat J. P. Jenkins. Nsahvllle, J. H Thorp, kaq , Nocky Monnt, Dr. R W. King, James V. L treat ter and Jaa. E. Clsik, Kaqt.. Wilton. , W l e tills enterprlao s not rood noted un der the ulrect susplcts of any Lodge, yet t obj- ctiatu aid that noUJa uulltutlou, tba (sxfor,. Orjh.n A.tlum, wnich was eat b lubed b lha Grau Loaga of tbe Btalr, and the management ia entirely In the hau .s of m.'mtle s of the rder. Tbe ehjHCt is 1 1 tut irsly .ot the b-at it of the itept.an Asyiu.a snd tbo Ccm.slt tsdueo) It a aecesary 10 maks any exttm . a appeal to the peope of Nnk c rolm ia btttuli ol an Inttliuuoa which It o worlhy of their support lb low price of th ticki'ti places itia tue power .f every Ooa 10 aid: a Bubls cauae, cud al tbe tame time tbe chance ol bring reitnbdrattd are anil w If fatorabte. , It la conddanUy baltevvdthat thseatriia will be a eacreta, but If from aay casta the should bs bj Coneart and OWbibatloa, all tba money resetted from the licked koldar (ball be retained Ui them WllhOal ditcoant. Me t ekeu told will beeatiUed to aebaac for tba wilt bnleas ths money for Us tarns hu bee receive at tbi office. ThaWtfU.wdl ba Auui'jaud ImaadiatalT after te Coacw L Aav oaraim hot liar t ticket ant tied t a GUt who de bee the At-ylua to aav lbs bene l ot sack Silt, will a tify the Seere tar by a eaJjraeiarnt oa back of tba ttckak and ia t-ai shall be anpropriatad as dlneiei. Mosrr for ti et watt be teat br sWgtt tared Letter. M i J Urdtr or Eapr.aa. direct edit A PAkNti. tatreta-t. aee Bdawtd . i WUeoa, M 0. J1 . TrRU,DaW I C ff . ATIORNEX AT La .' Mitt IdJI aU.IB JiRf-dtf . - EE A A-AAV9 lVSjr . , HCETH CAROLINA. A.'' WOR1L. iBIMm AlJ mm wmmmm -J aimer sex. eaa '- fraKAiou, Lt, at nom or ra coanecUoa with other basiuaae. Wantad by all. bai labia to eiUar city or eoea- i "7 .-u 9t tue year, iota ta a "t opportunity for those who are oatal OtX. aadoal otmonar. makaaat kii.nmm deatllTing, No capital being required, bar oamnklax. Hour Tu utfi a nirrea m gltingfaU btstraetloBs, sent oa raeelpt of iC eaata. Addreaa, A. BURTON A CO MorrV alia, WeasclMstar Co., M. T. B. nICHLEB'S Tn! AN UiAC fOBY, R I OHM O N b; T A 'T Th atanafaettire of Ssntag of sllklada d a peelalrtT for tb boatbara Market. BtBd for t insula an ll.t -.. - addressed to -at. B. BECHLER, ; oetSUnt , MueAaa4Aisjkt.' JgARQAINS! BAEGAINS I ! Chrittnu tb holUday ara ermlng, and veryb d) w aU a present for thekr jrlfa, haaband cAUdran, wMtJiairb tVM. A. Tb cbapett pme to bay tbat Id at BROWN'S VasIBTY STORE, whw' yea will find vrythlrg to pleat young aad, old, rkh and poor. ' . .' - i; 1 am Oflerug my antir Stock of Fancy ''' ' H. o.,t tr rV.-;A : ' Goods, Toys, Bukatr, Maaical lacbramfnta, China Good, at greeti reduced price for Caab" syr. Now 1 tb cbane to Mean good bargains. . r ' . ,. Dn'l fall to call and examine staeK and .. . ..- t prices before pnr, hating elwhr r. NAT. U BKOWN, ort a-tf ( Ral'gh,N.C. pARBERS SHOP. , liar friends snd i a trans will Sod as la the Fisher building oa FavattevUle Btreet. under JaUa Uwia co'a, where we wUl bs glad to sea, thav and ahampoon them. Bove-tt Bnuwfl m uuntiua. yOOK OUT FOR THE BED FLAG. From thi data to December 1st, 1874, w will tell oar splendid stock ot GOOD GOODS, Regard! of their Coat. THE STOCK 18 WELL ASSORTED IN DRESS GOODS, Domestic, Men' Wear, Notion i, He'i, Boot aud Shoes- t , . ,. T01EEPUBUC. , The closing up the tffairtof our Firm, i a matter of necessity caused as th Public are aware, by the dvrfA of our Junior Part uer, Mr. T. McQce. W mutt sell rvut, lb stock, and clot up, th buaioca this Winter. IletC W ttpCt to give Great Zfarpatisto all wbo detira to buy for -CASH." ' ! T! pui.lic will get ibe BuufiL W. ll.ekR 8. TUCKER, Surviving Partners, - A mIM sperbnt snd 'gentle ovogativa, re ommendd for the ear of all deiaugement ot th ttomoch, liver ard bowels, Br their timelr ate aeh alckaesa ta pvcveataA .'The test of many years have proven them to be the safest, - surest snd best of wU the pills -rcr offered to th pablla. Tbey perif y tbe blood, remove all corruption and restore the dtaeased svrtem to perfect health. A aa Antidote to Chills and Fvr theybavano equal. For Dyspepsia they ar a BpedBe. For Blck Uesdsobe and Bilious Colls tbeyar a aur cars. For Coastipatiow, Rhamatlm Piles, PalniUtli.n of tba Heart, Pale la the Bid , Back and Lola, Nervousaeae, a poal tire te i edy. For Female Irregularities, wltliout rivsl. "When on doe aot "feel very well,'' a tingle dosa atiranlatas tb stomach aad bowels, restore 1b appetite, snd liuprrtt vigor to th (ystem Sold av er) where. OfBc 18 Murray Street Paw fork. i r. Tiara baibdta a taaMlr a trllen, lanartr a beanttfnt black oi b-own, an I ac t like magic. Th beat In the world. i. aw a oy si druggiite. rrtce slio a x., TBE rheeUv neord of dMtba that rr.a t from palssonary aflseUontutfrightlal. Tiaia I no abnaa tbat ia so tostdeouw la Its at tack aa oaamptioa. By the beg tact of "slight colds" titer soon become de. n seated snd defy remedte wfaieb. If appoc at tb Outaflt. WonM bava avartd all A.ncrar.' Ik. Tett's Expectorant has rrerea listM tb moei vaiaaoi ttang jaiaam ever 0Mered. A aiatlngaiahed ciergymaa of New Tork, cvantaa .-wiinaaa nieaaiag se me nth eentary, and say "o fsmu. be Wltboat IL" It It Dleaaaat ta lha ninetaeni Should bs taste, and a tingl doaa wltt of tsa ramora tb akiMlf t ij -:ih n?-iiiii'i(.-' QIDWMTXL8. ia (sova'a'Da of tba bant Annie Vm. togtaprloefromRAtosoOL, . . ... , . Ererv larmer who ba an orehanl ahtmM Also, tast recttvad a sew supply of Slaclalrs and Swttb's CutUng Knivee. the beat In aa,' ' 4AMM M, TOWLES, f tl a :-,.i ,., , . , j . .aritlwtt f.M t '-Jf "J

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