1 . t ( TUB DAILT SENTINEL; "J Tvw.nm If ' . ;( josiah tuiii i Offlot Near ilit Cow Bmi. ; lira or (rafoairnoa. M's",fMjrj i 'i.ll-ili I I 'J j !! .'. i. ' -rff , VLfVV - .eft etraeBti wm h lstrd la th Daflt aawrnrat ai th fcltrrtttprer o mch, or ten sualoa Ua.. OMquars oat Um. aaooooo VAUV " " , each SBbaaqaeBtiMtaraoa SMtaan saalr...u iiil &mtioel 1 WW la advene - - HOO (Mllr HU months m sdveno - - . Keml Weekly - - - '! WamtVl I tASiltqaarcTwoa. KlW " tmo'a, ltOOjl The DirLT BBitraax will be delivered tn u a to ol I "a laasii'i - ia na ,i.y part of the City at f irraaa Cast per RALEIGH, N. O., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1874. NO. 95. " S - koot 1 - o.o. BnJ. ---- -j,. . . work. mm R lilt TRACK. Open the "Way I And M the Roth aoatluae am tta way to J. M. ROdEMBAinrS, t Kllne'i t)U Corner, FiyetUwIlle and iiiw.it Btreeta, where It It a well known la Ut tb lart stock of, . r)tt Good. Prints, Domettfc Plaids I Unmnend Bleached Domestic, ll.w and Cape, Millinery i Goods. Notion, Fancy Goods, 4c., 4c .... ia tha City. Have sally TaeelvtBg large addition to General Block, wnien "f sepi . reh tad CompicM 1 Yery oraacB ana sartamtof tea slOT BliDT MADE CLOTHlNw l the specialty of my trad, and I am now . prepared to oiler tverv grade of Clothlag at i bo very bottom pricee. (Jail sad aea ma j-ourselvet. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. I h .ve the only xelulv Craekery Store la the City, connected with and adjoining the main establlshmeal. I otter every species of rockery at Wholesale, to the county' tiade it Northern price, aa I bay direct In Urge iuantilie from uret hand. To el my former customer and patron, and the public generally, I would say that 1 mb Iter prepared than rrsr to administer to their every want at term that I will gsu i nte' satisfactory. oct 12 3 a rpHEESTET ORGAF1 BTTLL AHEAD. lo Silver Meda'i awarded at the N. CS tao Fair, for the B,E3T CHURCH and PARLOR ORGANS. Fetid tor Illustrated ( ata'otije and tenua U HAT. L. BROWN, General Agent, Raleigh, N. 0. "Uo4 ReKnlbl Aifditi'Wanted." oct Si lt 1kc C. Eaaiaa, SIS. T. C lunula. Engraver, EN-HISS & II A II R I B i RALEIUU, N. C. IJf gcnd (or peeimia of work, done much lee than Northern price. Work II OKNER AND GRAVES flCllOOL. HIXLSBORO. K. O. A Claatlcal, HaUieaaUcal, JS'Wntiac, and Military Academy. riLLgeejiox atoms tbbSdmondii I Joli Uoar.l and Tuition Inclndlni Tnel. Wash luc, L'KbU, and fnrni'hed Koom, 1157. 50 Ir x.' salon or twenty weeaa. IKSTSTJOTOB3. J it HORNER, A. M., K. H. URAVE8, A M., Ill UirMdKSON JR., CalTeralty of Vlr ma K.Hu. D. H. HAMILTON. A. W. VXN ABLE, J a. Po'keepaie Com. College. Clrculsra sent on applteattop, HHUhoro, N. C Jnno 1. lsT4. wtnlTla.l,i74 B AR IXO HOUB. Mrs. H. W. Killer can accommodate a (am ber of boarder at bar well known boarding honin on Newborn Arena. Memcera 01 lb (i.tferai A.armblr wishing le aacara rooma would do well to tnak early application. Tae boaaa I aeilgatrmiy ntnaiea m on or ui moit p'eaeent portion of the city, wtlhla eaf 1 each of tha capital. Term aa raaaoa- able aa can be had aaywhana. nor 9 tt ( RUCERIE8 AND LIQUOR?. If 1 hivfjaal recelrad a freah stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. Mto, sBtlected stock Of WhlUla as fu- ''LD 1VVEIUAL CABINET, GEORGIA CLUB, RARRT A88RTE. P ure Aiicnttis eoutt Va , Rye aad rariona ucr DrsuilS - ' Brandies and W lneaof all mdee Whlall I am selling Terr cheap. Call aad aea for yoar self. , Z. W. GUX, 0. 1 9 tljaa Mvkat tqaara, Kaktgb, HO N.MnrlimilliwTirblii IUa bca teated at TORE, fApj! O.IC ZTXTINaiS, O.XL ' jsnd at ROLTOKX, Maa., by JAB. EMB4EHSON, B. B. TFor Pamphlet aad Teat Report! Adore, N. W. Honiaaoa, lora, ra. t-1 A. x . t x w r LAW OTTIOE, On Court Ilu$4 8far4 RALEIGH, N. C peclU atUstloa rlraa to Bavins of Home- iteaiU, ) view of t laU daairwa of tha Ha rem tJoart of tha Waited BUI ja on ua nb art my o-dawdtwtf G RAIN CRADLES GRAM BCTTH8. Joit receWed a aapplyof Slaclalr' Celebrated Southern Cradle. Tal BT 1 TBI JlAAT, Warranted to grra satlafactioa. JiHU . TO LEA, Ageat marttMw. - . ABSOLUTE DIVORCES OBTAINED from CourU ot difleraat BUte tor do ertion, ate. Mo pablialty raaalrea,. M thine until dlrorce granted. Addraaa, at. HOUSE, Attorney, m Broadway, X. T. may !B d l-y. Q.REAT BARGAINS TO BK BAD , MAT. L. BROWN'S. JIMEt UXX1I LIXBIM kilna, 1 g4( of N I, kiock Um which ill be sold cheaper than tha cheapest to Oealen ana eontractur la Urge quantities. N I. Indian Rnrk Uma at 1 S4L . " " aurernm., neea m we maraei LT3. Alio kept couttantly oa haad fcoaadal By orauhe Cemeat. CalalaeB aadr Land PtaaUr No. 1, kiTerton. beat la the market 175. d dgricali I Lint at lowest cash price, AMIS at. lyWLia, 0 City , Intelligence. Xooal Dot. Our (rlead.Claorfa IL Bao. Km . kit u oa frKlaj for thort Uaiaee (rip in Maalfaipr,, , ,y . Notice t calUd to tha a4rertiHmeot of J. M. FlrtnmiDg, ageat, of an Important sale In Solaavl'.la Towathip, nk coy a- 'Thtapcrt of bote, w!i nightly cogaga a rtrueTinr gates aad aiga from the premise of cilice, needs the etteuioo of the polio. Ou Tr day, 7th iixtot. His Honor JoJfr Hrnry will bold a court l rbam bet ia itaie cif t Notwithotaotliag the iuoletnencT of tha wiaahar oar churches wet will attended yeatarda. Shawls and umbrella nsra la demand nd at a frenlum. Tl IWrgar Family of Swiss Bell Ringem whose pert'ormancaa gT au h gential astiafactiuo in thi city last week, open ia XMwbern to-oigbt. Peytop Brown, lata the popular "um nibiu man," It now aitli the cnicrpiiaing D. tV Waitt, oa FajelUTille Street in the dry good buiioea a here he will be glaJ to airet hfa many Iriends. The wratber n, and baa been, to rarla I1 for tha laat few days, that wc decline toaay want h mat prereot writing. We might any It a charming, all that could be dettrad, o I before thi item went to preu, wo might gat our foot ia tlio tuud . 8 1 we eyvn oniH "old prob.1 Tha Raleigh Sbxtimii. ia one oi the oldest piper iu tha State, aad bow ia the time to subecitbe and get el1 the current Be a, sod all th 'te who bare lUUtcribed and not paid tin r.-for, walk up to the Captains rftlce and you'll find bim thar. The '.lia! l tdf twe nrgroc who ao brutally uuidt-reU Mr. Pretaon, the kooper of the Rok Rirt r bridge at Weldoa toane months ajjo, it in progress at Jackton, N nti.iir.plon "county, and will, do doubt, be coocluded today. A motion to it more the ruuae to another county was overruled. Bobbery wu the canae of the murder. Yesterday afternoon ab ut fuur o'clock the priaonen coofloed ia tha jail of this county attempted to break out. They anrmjl Lad fob formed a plot, aad called the tiler bring ia soma lia for ditiofcoting purpose, .liter using the lime and When tb jailor wu about to Mire, ono of the priaoaer threw a haadfu! of lime in bia face aad at tt nip ted tu pat him, whereupon the jailor secured the door aad the prisoner Oeorge id the fficer around the waitt, and the jailor while ao held drew bia pictol, aad Bred Without effect. The prieooxr relinquished hi bold and attempted to scape, when the officer Mr. Bunch tired on him, the hot taking effect in tha back, just below the lb odder joint, which put a stop to hi movement, wbea be wss secured and medical aid called. We hare not learned whether tha Injuries would be latal or not Attbbtiox ia directed to the tdrer tiacmcnt of Ti Collector II) wood ia another column. But a lew days only re main for you to attend to the matter. PoeriWED. W are n quested to state that the ladiea ftatiral for Perton Street Church is poetpoaed until to morrow (Tuesday) night. Ws bespeak for tha ladiea' fettiral a good attendance. ' Naw York Mabkbts. In Mew York on Saturday cotton wu quiet aad steady; tales, 784 be'ea at 14 7-8 a IS 1-4. Fu tures closed easy. Rutin Bra. Turpen tine heavy Money eaty. Oold It 1-9 a 11 1-4. Government tteaJy. State bond qoiet and lower. Pmompt Patkibt. The loaa of Mr.., Clifton, whose cot ten gin near Raleigh waa Insured in Lawrence 3b Wlostou's Agency, wu adjusted and paid ultbin one week from tha Jlnw of the fire. Tie book of the Public Treatorer of North Carolina eliow that, for tb alx month ending July 1st, Lawrrnos ft Wiaatoa did tb leading Are basinet in North Carolina, and that tha Old Domini ion InMranee aipiny of Richmom', Va., repreteuted by tliese geutlemen.tbok the lead of any other Company doing bu llae in the Bute by a vera I thousand dollar oi Dremiutua. Tbit compari doe not, of courre, embrace our home companies ts thee are not n quired by law to report to tb Public Treasurer! Dabiro Robbbbt. Tbia afternoon about 8 o'clock, Mr. 0. H. Wther, a glorer an Fayettevillc Street neat door to the corner of Martin Street, u Is his usual custom at tn above boar, locked hia store door ' and pro seeded home to his dinner. Upon feU return he found a fear window up, and upon examination discovered thai aotne thirty dollar or more had been abstracted from bia money drawer, soma email shin plaslen being scattered on tb floor. The tblel broke tb window and eitrcud tht nafl that wu driven over tb iih, thui effecting an entrance, having flrait gone through t,h alley between Muatr. Weathen and Bradley 't place of butlnea. No clue to (hi thief, but th nolle art on th airrt. W lympatUis with Mr. W. ih bit loaa, fat h H on of pur best that ana moat Uduttrioatcitiaent, and trust th rascal may be apprehended. U raeril Xisembly of North Cir olina. BEN ATX. arum bat. November St. Pletident Morehetd called tbs Seaatc to order at 11 a. m. Prayer by tb Rev, J. M. Atkiaaan, of the Pretbyterian Church. ThcJouiBst of Satuidtj wu read aad approved. utroBTt or stabdiko ci imrTTaBa. Maaars, Bus hoe, from the Judiciary, Cook, from tha aaaaeraad Liauey, from tb nme. Mr. Marler, from Barollad Bill', submitted n porta. IBTBADUOTIOB or B1LL1 Mr. Caotwell, a bill concerning lands lor lei ted to tha State for taxea. It aU lows rademptioo ia certain cases. Re ferred. Mr. Cabl well, Ml! tu Lvor of George W. Ilalluck, of Steuben county, New York. Referred, Mr. Oaatwell, a bill ia favor of L McGinflej, of Wilmington, N. C. Referred. Mr. LeQraad,a bill amending tectioa 1, chapter 33 law of l73-'74. It relate to mortgagaA Referrrd. Mr. Anderson, a bill ia reiatioa to stock railing; aaneadt aection 9, chapter M. Referred. Mr. 8tickoey, a bill amending teution 84, chapter 104, Battle' Revieai Relate! to county bridge over oertaia itretmi Referred. KBSOLCTIORt. A reaolntloa that th coaai deration of tb Stat debt queation be in eecrat lion wu adopted. Mr. Cantwell, a memorial from the Chamber af Commerce, of Wilmington, ia regard to certain fcJtat buada ia that tec tioaof the State propoting to take chtrge oftham aad tender vs'utble. Mr. Caotwell, a joint resolution coos cerning certain aubjtct of legislation, asking the poatpoaement ol any action upon various question until a general bill can be ptated. Lie over. Mr. Caotwell, a resolution of instruc tion to the committee on Internal Ima proremeou be inatrueted to enquire aad report upon tbe matters charged in th memorial of N. TJ. Ondcrdook, of New York, with inttructioni and power to send for persons snd papers. Mr. Waring thought that tha lavaMigs- tioa would conaume too much time aome tlx week tha Internal Improvement committee had a great deal to do, aai be wu of (ha opinion that a tel-ct eommit'e would be best. as. Mr. Parriah thought the resolution a good one, and waa strongly in far ut of it. It would bring oat certain tbingt that u yet had not been unearthed. Mr. Stanford, an amendment that tha committee thould bare all clerical aid necessary. Adopted. Mr. French moved a postponement 0' tb resolution until to-morrow, wiihisg to bear from pa. tie In Wilmington. The motion prevailed. A joiut resolution upon Conatitutioeal form from the House of Represent" tires, appointing a joint t'andiog com mittee ot eight upon the pirt of tht 8a at and thirteen npoa tha part of the House, cam 1 up. Mr. Centwetl, aa amendment, that tbia coamittr M inatrueted to coatidur whether our prjaent coMtitution rtquire, any amendment, and if ao th moat tafct certain, practical, speedy and ec niniicil. He argued bia amendment at tome length. Mr. French .wanted tb resolution adopted. The House had refuted to agree 10 tbe one of the Senate. He ares opposed to to ex predion ol opinion ia regard to a convention, bat if tbe democratic party so decided on way or the other, be wu confident tbey would march In solid phalanx to victory. Mr. Stanford thought tbe Seuator from New Hanerer, (Mr. Caotwell,) and a few other Senator, seemed to be eag r for tbe fray, h assured them that they would have ample (attic don them. Mr. Mill thought tb amendment dh cearteou to tbe Honte ; be bopea tbe resolution u it wu wou.d prevail. Mr. Cantwell again apk at length on hi amendment. At the conc!utioo of bit remark Mr. StaLford laid that be had been listening with a!l hi eara to the gentlcmm't re marks, bat for bin life he could not tell wbtt b wu driviog tt Hit remarks ha did not think were tppropriate, and I really thought Senator Cantwell was merely talking to bear himself talk. Tb House n-sdulion wu sufficient, let 01 Adopt it. Tb amendment waa then ra jeeted, and the resolution coocurred In. - Mr. Butbee, a resolution authorising the Keeper of tbe Oapitol to purchau aetteet for tbe lobbies of tb Eeotte aud the Route. It liea aver oaa day. , A Joint leeotuUM ia regard ta a direct tax of lands levied and collected by the Federal Government la tha year 1865, transmitted front th House, wu adopt ed. Tbe rceolatioa requests Congress to eaut tb taxes ao collected to be re funded. BILL OB SKOokO RBADIBO. A bill revising and condemning th Code of Civil Procedure la certain cues wit, upon motion, indefinitely postponed. ' A bill In regard to tha Wake aoaaty werkboute (allows sal ot tha rams and changes tha present location) pssssd its several readings after being explalaed by Senator Busbar. A bill allowing tb commlariooer of Waks county to aewtina their special meeting aot longer than six days. Mr. Btaediord, aa amendment that their meeting! that aot be bolden mor than foer days which wss accepted. Mr. Wiring, aa amendment Inserting tb county af Mecklenburg, after that of Wtkt, which wu accepted, aad upoe motion of Mr. Bus baa, noder a upen- tioa of the? rule, pasted ita aeveral read lag. A bill ia reiatioa to cl anging the time fof holding the courts In tha third di trict. ' Mr. Bell wished the bid referred to th Judiciary. It wu introduced by a m tu ber af tbe House, t lawyer, without au'tation. It would seriously affect the interest of hi constituents, for th time for holding tbe court in hi oocaty wu jn-t tt tbe busiest tenon of tha year. Messrs. Lttham aad Cook alio desired its reference and the Bcnat ordered It tn be done. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Moboat, Nov. SB, 1874. At 11 a. at. Mr. Spotker Robinson called tbe House to order. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Atklnaon, of the city. Tht Journal of jetterday was read and approved. Mr. McRae, fur the Committee oa Ia tcroal Improvements ; Mr. Walker, front tbe Committee 00 Balajiea and Fata ; Mr, Finger, from tbe Committee vn .Scrolled Bills, and Mr. Shackelford, from the Com mittee on Eogroaaed Bills, tubmitted re porta. By Mr. Blythe, a resolution ol instruc tion to our repreaaotatives ia Cbngress touching the revenue laws. Calendar, BIIA1 IBTBODDCBO AXD BBFBBBBO. Mr. Green, a bill for the relief of John Horton former sheriff of Watauga county. Mr. Pinnix, a bill to amend aectioa , chapter 83, Battle's Revisal, ia reiatioa to hen of mechanics snd others. Mr. Sbackeliord, a bill to amend chap. 171, lawi of 1873 aod 1874. Mr. Carson, a bill to extend th time ol taking out grant from tha State. Mr. Normeot, a bill to amend chapter SB, section lit, Battle's Revisal. Mr Oreea, a bill to repeal chap. 240, laws of 1870 and 1871. Oa motion of Mr. Wtlker, of Rich mono, the vote by which tbe bill to re- enact sections 113 and 116, chapter 81, Revised Code, pasted it third reading, wu reconaidered. On motion of Mr. Pinnix, bia amend ment offered on Saturday, wu alto recoo tidcied. Mr. Pinoix offered another amendment which wu adopted, and the bill pasted its third reading. Meter. Scott, of Jonea, and Mitchell, of Frtoalln, came forward, qualified and took their aeala. The Speaker tnunnnced tha following ttanding committee : Investigation : Messrs. Pinnix, Jess up, Parker. Well sod Williams. House Braoch of Joint Committee 00 Icauraoce : Means. Mitchell, Bernhardt, of Caldwell, Bennett, Barnett aad Crewe, House Braces of Joint Committee on Banks tnd Currency : Meter. Me Johnston, McNeill, Munden and MIzmII. House Branch of Joint Committee on Pcual Initiations : Messrs. Dortch, Mean, Mclver, Hooker and Wood. Oa Military Affair :-Metrs. Mebane, Kendall, Davit of Jackson, Ward snd White. House Branch of Joint Committee on Printing :-Mers. Ptttoo, Willey, Ricbtrdioo, Garrison and Normeot. Mr. Finger wu announced aa being re lieved from tbe committee on Engroeeed Bill tnd Mr. Well subatituted ia bil place. The rttolutlon in regard to tb printing of tbe House ttationery wu taken tip u unfinished business and adopted. Tbe bill to repeal chapter ti, law of 1873 '74, wu taki n up and on motion ol Mr. Moring, indefinitely postponed. Th bill to protect oaner ol liv stock against rallr ids was taken np and on motion of Mr. Walker, of Richmond, ia definitely postponed. Tbe bill to amend the act to iccorpor- t tbe D'.am"od Cotton Chopper aad Cultivator Company vu taken up and pasted its several readings. Th bill to amend taction IS, chapter 105,'Battle'a Rcvital, wu taken up, tnb- stitute rep irted by the committee was adopted, snd tbe bill, after a a amber of propositions to am nd, wu recommitted, on motion of Mr. Walker, of Richmond, to the oomm.tte; ou aahtrka and fee. The resolution supplying member with copies of Battle's Revisal wu ttkea up and adopted. Mr. Hanoi r moved to reoooaider th vote by which the resoluiloa wu adopt ed. Mr. Foot moved to lay tb motion oa the table. Tbe vest tad nays were called and the motion to labia wu re ected by a vote of yeu S4, nays 74. The qteatloo recurre.l oa tb motion to res coaaider. Mr. 8 peart moved to pottpoaa uatU Friday at IB m. Reketedt Tbs motion to reeonalder prevailed. Oa motion oa Moring, the. whole mat ter wu indefinitely postponed. Th reaolntloa uking for Indemnity from th government for th dectractlon of tb Court Hons la Davidson county wu taken up and adopted. After the transaction of some unimpor tant business the House adjourned. STATE NEWS. Ex-Oov. Vane la us ba invited by lb Library Association ot Wilmlagtoa to de liver bis lectors oa Tha Scattered Nations. Msw Hanover aoaaty Is a totig way ahead ia the Mate' board log house, hav log fifty five boarders, a plurality ot 14. fh good citiseos of Charlotte are pre paring to rfrct a handaome monument Ia Elmwood Cemetery, nf that city to th CnafedfTate dead. T-rltoru' ia to hav a fire icturanc cuoip.n, aad the wealthy aad moat prominent citizen of Edgecombe county will bo th stockholders. Wilmlagtoa ia to hav a aew ateam fir engine, and from tha description of Its powers, ws ahonld say that it would be fgm on s fire. Tbe Wilmiogtonitnt have bate ball on tbe brain. Tby art to have three club ready to play tha champion game, to come off on tbs fair ground In that city next month. Tb Wuhingtoa EcA say : Tbs barn of Mm. Laughioghouts, in Pitt county, was recently deatroyed by firs together with a quantity of cotton, corn and fodder. Tbe The fir wu th man It of a lamp eiplo aioo. Tbe Itewbern Zisas lay: Early 00 Sunday morning tha bacat of Wm. O. Tay lor, Esq., about tare miles from Kiaetoo, waa discovered to b oa Ira, aad wu, together with a valnabt hats, totally coniumed. Tbs fir is supposed to be of Incendiary origin, but the perpetrator hu not beta diaoovtred. Tbs Saltabury Intellifftnaer sayi : Mr Mowbry, of thi city, hu a hone with a bole in hi forehead about aa inch and a half ia diameter, through which he breathes legularly, aad yet perform bia daily task at the dray. Tbia aperture wm made by hi coming in contact with a fence rail noma time last spring. PMmont Prtu : "It is not our fsult that we are red headed and small, said a oertaia local editor at lb dress bop In Charlotte tbe other night : "and tbe next time that one of thou overgrown rural roosters reaches down IV-r our bead, and uggeta that some fellow hu lost a rose bud ont of bia button bole, then will be troublu." Piedmont Pattt : While Mr. J. A. Per ry and wife, of Burke county, were out in the field, their little child, about eighteen monins 01 a, Dy some means ieu into large pot of boiling water and wu scalded to death. When the child wu taken out tha flesh, a well u the akin, cams off at a toochl Ws are truly sorry to hear of thi horrible accident. Riro Papxju. Th Impression pro- Tail now that there aM a good many ring papers In the country. These paper, it is stated on pretty good authority, are ran by the money ol rings sad cliques ia the interest of certain monopolies aod po lltical aapiraota. Thea paper are not confined to any particular party, but in the mala pro feet t b Conservative. They tpiing ap like th aauahroom, and are often new convert, aew in moat ptrticu lars, aad sometimes attempt to out do tboKtelvsa to make a show of heir party loyalty.' We tell Ui people to beware, there ia soaaetbing ia tha wild. There is evidently aometbing rotten in newtpa- perdonu Aa the fact come to u we will give them to our reader. Give u the names. Carolina VratckmaA. Mi Ton's Cocbt. Tbia court wu well attended tbia morning. Four Saturday night offender were re leased on payment of fiaa aad ooat, being arrested for druokennea. Three Sunday drunkard were tried and fined, all of thrm being th won for wear. A warrant against a citixea for having another man' geese wu beard. The evi dence being insufficient the case wu ilis- miaaed. Tbe esse of th candy mn. How come up this afternoon on a warrant for nuitance and disturbance of tbe peace of the neighborhood. , 1 s. 8. 8. Cox hu the tatiafsction of being elected to tbe Forty-fourth Congress by th largest majority of any member of that body, he having received a majority of over ten thousand. Ttxu is putting forth atreauooa effort for th securement of white labor, tbe negroes having proved Utterly unreliable. A large excuratoa party of plasters from that Stat are now a ran ft to Atlanta, Oa.. from which the? will scatter ont through tha Bute of Missis .Ippl, Ten ia, Alabama, Georgia, aad North aad Sooth Carolina, where tbey hope to find whit people who are willing to move to TeJtJL , - " - Th Wilmington ewrnad says that Ma- et Canaday, who bid la a larg propor- tioa of th city property recently sold at auctioa lor oen -payment of thi city taxes do t hereon, has kindlr offered to allow the owners to redeem th tame, without tna payment or any percentage, Utavee provMieei application at mad to htm oa vi wiun sue tyva inai. . NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. fAFFS! EXTEAORDIHART 1 Nopaptrlathe world often tach extra ordinary iadaeatneatt to sew aabaerlbera la th way of premlnoja, books, ail ver-ware, ,11 ..111 im, mm tt. 1 n-t.-JH.. VIITOI.d' ivvutii, aa ou ettaouanu, uva. wide awaka, proerreaalr aawty. bruiat and apiev lalof Jaaaarynaat. Now at the time to sua- mt.ri K flmmi-m ; . 1 1 .1 I , . wu.,wa pim iu yanwiuwi aaMl paeimea copies seat free oa application. Tanas. i.J a tear and Itsaiai of era to ' W. N. HALf)BBUN0 Prea. Oourier-JoBrnai Co. , UuierU'a.Ey . arvr , itwa N OTICE. T. F. L4 ha Tine. In deed AIM IDrW Sn. vtmber lust., ndeaaed to me aU right to de mand fu-.-thrr advertiaemeut of the tale of tha Standard Odkee troieny, and empowed me to make tuth sale whenever 1 oist HttLIlM sale of mid property, heretofore advertised to use puce on we lata oay or January ism, will be made on tbe premise on Monday th 8Hdmat.,at 11 o'clock 1. m., or at tbuiity werraiier umay oe convenient. nor io li HENRY MORDECAL OTOLEN. kJ A dark chestnut mare. She bad a addle and a double white blanket on wbea takeo. I about II band high She wu (apposed to have been take by a German, talks bad English. For tb delivery oi the mire. I will give a reward oi BIO. not SI St CHAS. HOMAN, )K. TURNER, DEN 1ST. His removed hi ofllea to tha room over Uarmcr'a Drug Bio re on rayetterilla street. OUT 1 f-U j. ' KOGKKB, raiLiB in PINE LUMBER, APEX, N. c Order tent to F. A. BTtDktiB. Carv. N. C. or In care of Noauua A Mrirr, Raleigh, will oe prompuy nitea. ratnmage Keeuectfully Solicited, aug XI-ww P1 T TT A JONE8 Notice to the Public. Owing to oar Increased trade wt have fonnd It necessary to purchase a toeoad stock thi Season. Oar Mi). Petty It now rn the Northern market baying and In order to make room for tha goods, we will tell the stock on hind at a very small profit. All wishing the best goods at tbs lowest prlcos should not fall to call on ua. We hav a aplendld line of Dreaa Good which wa Aaa aoiao to ibix low. We have a large let of Fun which we odjr tt price to suit the time. Our Alpaccu being ot the belt brands and colors, tpeak for thermal Tea. Wa offer North Carolina Caatimen at fan tory price! and best cambrics at 10 per jaid. We Oder tpecial inducement! to merchant! buying In thli market. PETTY & JONES, nov 14 tt BO FayettevlUe BL T7BTET ORGANS LEADS THE WORLD I Best for Churches! Beit for Schools ! Best 1b tbe Home Circle I Beat everywhere. I tut ofle.lng these Organs by monthly, qnirterly, or semi-annual payments. AU person thieking ot buying sn Organ sow, or at any future time, should by ill mean tend to me for an Illustrated CaUlouge con taining foil dlaciivUon, of atjles tnd price. To ea$h hiyrt, 1 uill dtlivtr Organ at On Depot neareU their homee (teithin the State) re of charge. Old Instruments taken in Iichtnge. NAT. L. BKOWN. General Ageat, Raleigh, N. C. AfUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Strings and -i.-a. inminva, at NAT. L. BROWN'S. BASKETS 1 BASKETS li; Tb largest assortment In tb State at t NAT. L. BROWN'S. OXYGENATED BITTERS. The stomach I one of the most delicate orgaaa of tbe human system; and th Indiges tible food erowaso into it Dy in require ment of modem eoclety, keep it in s A STATE OF CHKONIC DISORDER, which is followed by s resort to tonics and alteratives for relief. It unfortunately hap pen, however, that many of the1 mxllclne used for thi perpoee contain alcohol, which, noured Into a disease! tomcb produce Irri tation, create Inflamatton. and do more in- Jary than good. OXYGENATED BITTERS CONTAIN NO 1 . but arts purely wedicinal preparation, which la carea of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Indigestion and other like disorders, st ones restores the stomach to lta NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. Tha Oxvareasted Bitten have beta the most popular remedy for th above complaint for th last thirty year, nd ttltl maintain their unrivalled popularity. roc vi per Dome. SOLS btxitwhhb. OHN F. HENRT. CCRRAN A CO., Proprtetees, 1 aod OoUeg Place, ansVB-tm New York. M. B. ijECHLER'B SOUTHERN STEAM SAUfiAOE MANUFACTORY, Vrr EI C H MO X'D. VA. Ths manafaetare of Baustge of all klad aoe a apeciallty for lb noathata Martial. Band for UrcaUar and prioa iUt. All orAen addreased to . M, B. HECRLER, oct Si-sai no. w, xaa ajaraer. JABOAINwV, BABOAINS ! ! CkrlatatM d the hollldiyw aro eotjlng. aad every! dj w.U a present for their wiv. hatbands children, sweetheart, fxiend, Ae. The chapett , place, to bay them It at BROWN'S VARIETY STORE, whet you wlB find ererytlilBg to plea ydun j and old, rich aad poor,, , , ., 1 am Ofattag my anttr Black of Faaey Goods, Toys, Bitkett, Mulcal Inatrsaaente, China Goods, at greatly radaeed price fer Cub ayer. If ow It th chuee to secure good banralna. ' Don't fall to call aad axtrnl j clock aad prleat befere nwebaslng alwh re. NAT. L. BROWN, oct ifet-tf Rale'gh, N. C. "pARBERS SHOP. Our friends'sad patraas will tnd at la the Fisher building on TyttevUl Street, ander Jallu Lswls m t-e a, wear w wui oe , where w wlJ glad to ae. aT sad shampoos them BOVD-U tauwi at IIUNdTUN. JOOK OUT FOR THE RED FLAG. From this ditt to December 1st, 1874, we will sell our splendid stock of GOOD GOODS, Regardless of tbeir Cost. THE STOCK IS WELL (ASSORTED IN DRESS GOODS, Domestics, Mens' Wear, Notions, Halt, Boots and Shoes T01EEHJBLIC. The doting up the affaire of our Firm, it a matter of necessity ; caused ti tb Public are aware, by th death of our Junior Partner, Mr. T. McQee. We mutt sell out, tbe stock, and close up tbe business thit Winter. Hence wa expect to give Great Bargain to all who desire to bay for "CASH." The public will get tbe Benefit. W. H. ds R 8. TUCKER, Surviving Partners, DB.GBEE1TS FIT CUBE. GREENS REMEDY FOR EPILEPSY ecus Pits, Bptima, Convulsion and Nervous Wakefulness, acta promptly, often arresting tha Fits from ths flnt day's ate, eve where they hsve tils ted for yean. COMPOUND EX. COEYDALIS. lit Crest VttettkU luerstiTt. Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruption! the Skin, and all disease ertalng.from Im pure Blood. MEDICATED HONEY I A Sovereurn Balm for Court. fAilda. Braa. ebltia, Asthma sad all disease of the sir- passages snd Lawn. Br tt timet aaa av a tnppoted case of Consumption are promptly relieved snd the Lungs restored o health. . NEURALGIA SPECIFIC I A piompt. Doeltlv and Dermanent relief for the exaraciaUng pain of Nearalgia, Rbuma Usm and oclatlcv For Bala In lUlahrh. N. C. h Vnjua. A HlTWOOD. ' ' Prepared only by" Da. GREEN, LiNDLET A BENTI.E, aov as-datwauwly Charlotte, M. 0. rpo THE WHOLLBALE TRADE. Judging the future by ths past, we enter . with confidence upon this our new eater- ' prise, of ae pirating ear Wholesale from oar Retail Trade, by having a separate aad dis tinct Hons for each ; and la doing te we flatter ourtelve that It will aot only tMet -tha approval of our nnnMroa customers, but that aa " Eieluttio Wholesale Hoa will bring as a large Influx of new trade, and of a character not heretofore enloyed It must be obvtoa to every trayer that a strict! r " Wholesale Uooaa." a mured aaa adapted for that trade only, with a corps of xoertenoed Wholesale Blsmsa. wHa a Stock carefully (elected for that Trad only, and moreover, tbe avoidance of coming in contact with retell kayeia, which w and yoa all havs heretofore fouid to be ao irk some, u it frequently happens that tbe re tail bayer It yonr very aeigbbov) (parkafie your oa a cualoeri, auco nouae, we ta ten, mutt and will commend Itself to the wad. , Four yean ago we advertised that ws In- , ended to make Charlotte a wholesale mart ' na oun " the Whoteasle Houaa," We ow hsve Us proud aaUafecUon of seeuw It an tccompiiihed 'aet. yva now call your attention to the fact that We have converted oar turerb store Into an sxclaelve Whole! Home, Where yoa aaa And ail line of good necessary tut coun try store, to-wlt: Dry Good, Clothing; Bwts, Shoes, Hats, Motions, , Groceries. Hardware, Millinery, U ia complst line, eongbt to large q untitle and from ths vary -flrat band. , ... , Our toek I aow arriving and will becoer Plata a boat the 1st of aeptaatbei, and will ae the Urgvai ot uf here, ths rnrlwulran . of othera jo tbs .contrary notwithstanding. W rsspaetfulIT urriu year owaaeaU SMBtti i Mob, or write to M for circular. , vsrywniy yours, WITTKOWSKI at eUjftlLB. - UTAIL. Now, a few word about that ' W bow aawanTJW Utah aHarwr4a, kn. - voraC'y kaowB aa tb Meatr. mam. Btewa Co . Ory Good. Hoaaa, to carry eaon Retail basteaas, aad tm aWwo' la, nd hfiw.,. 0'" motto, wa claim - mw vavvt jb siwrau w run IB a mt mmA (a ' - - wui. te Hi hoaaa, hare a carpi ot , thirty Sa'atCMa, 4 Balet-Ladia, J1 x- nentaeM, BaM. sea ebiigisav , , will aaaka tb Milunary braarb (spec- lalltv. ' w.il , 1W4.