v V I , . i n .a, " m i' , MEMBER ELECT TO ta GENERL fob i-i tj. ' The foltowlrjg-'itatcuient of the membn elected to the 0 ncr,tl Aaemb!y, aa far m It gor, U condred .Hirrect, Tbe name o' other members will b added M fast u ob tained. It I quite Certain that w have a CobMarvatira gait ol about H& member. BIUTB. 1 1st District, Currlttek, Camden, rsqeo tault, Perquimans, Hertford, OaU aad Cho wsb, Wm B Bbaw and TbomM K. JecilgSB, Denu. 21. Tnell, WaehlngtoB, Beaufort. Martin, Darn, Pauiiieo and Hyde, Che Latham and MiiUMt a Heiby, Oerue. " ml. ortkauiitua aod Bortid, W W Pee bles. Rep. ' . 4th. hsufaa.Joha Bryant, (eol.)Rep. iih Kdgecomhe, W P Mabeoe, (co., Fep. O h t ilt, Joe B Stlckaey, Im. ' , ?ih Wileon. Nash aud FrnuaJia,ibd M Ck Mid Nick W Hoddte, Ueoie ! ' Hb. CraTiB, Richard Taclter, col.. rp, '.tn. Jonce, Oualow and Carteret, Vv I M Bell, Deoi. luUi. Wayne aad Duplia. D E Smith and Jjhu U Stanford, lctM. lUh. Lenoir atid Umtu, Joelah Smrg, Dan. 13th. few Hanover, hd I ruitwell. Hep. 1-tth. Brunswick and Bladei. Cbwt-ll,Rep ltta. Sampson, Edwin W ajsrr, lo. 15 a. ColuaVius sad. Robeson,. YY Foster Freuea, Dam. i ' ... Wt. lamberlaal aad HaractV 4Jorg W Pugrasa. Dana. v mis. Joiiuson, L B Waddall, Dem. ,, 14.0. Wake, laarlea M aba,JDem. iMUk Warren, John M s'asehall, Kep. 'JMh. Person, tiranK aud Isawell, 0 E Perrlsb snd tieor ge VY.lllau.son, Drms. J 1st. GruTiIle, Hicburd U bncsid, Kep. Bid Chatham, W U Albriitht. iietu. 3(1. Rockingham, Jameelrvlo, Dem. 2Mb. Alanianc and (iailford, Jawe T M wheat, 1 m., and A ft Uulton, Rap. 331 h. Randolph aud Moon, E U VVorUiT, 3ero. , t tflth. Richmond aud Montgomery, Jamea Legrand, Dem. K7th. Anaun and Colon, CMT HaCaukj, Dem. Ziih. t'abarma and Btanljr, Or 0a Aader Wn, Iea. nh. Meckletitiurjr, R P Wailnjc, Oooa. ruth. Ki.w-n and iavk, J It Clcmant, 1MO. ; l-t. Dividaun, Altred darfrava. Dam. , :;:,!. MoKtaand Forajftlie, Melaon 8 Vbk, re-i ilrJ. Hurry and Tadklu, 1. O. Mar!f,Dem .Ittli. lndell, Wklkea and Alexander. K F Armilcld and K Z Llnny, lem AUejcbany, A aba and Wauca, A J McMillan. Dem giiiri. c.ldwtll, Burka, McDowell, Mitchell aud Ykuecjr, i C Milla, J at Yoon, Ikbi. 17th. ttuwbaand Lincoln, Maj. W AUia h'u, Dem. Siih. tiantoa and Claaralaad, Jeaw Jen kins, lud. Dem. ;,Uih, Kntbrrford and Polk, Martla Wal'ar, Hrp. tuth. Buncombe and Madlaoa, Jno. 8. Mc Klroy, Dem. tli. Ha wood, H'-nderaon and Traastl Tan in, T. W. Tajlor, Ind. Kep. 4od. C'herokua, Clay, Uralwm, Jackaon, Macon aad baaia, i. L. Lore, D in. aocai or afruianiTATivts. Allenhanr, Kielda. A lamanca, Jul Boyd, rep. . Alnasdrr, J M Careou, lud d-iD. Anaoe, W 1 Smith, dam. Meauturt, William A t uuon. dem. Bertie, Wm T Ward, rw?1- Buncombe, M Patlon, drm , W O Candlfr, rep. Burke, Jl MeD Tata, dem. , j hn.u'Wiik, b.nu u, Deir iiM.eii, Juun Newell, K p Cleave and, Allen rtt, lira. Cuwcll, Thoinae farriaoa 1'imWUaoa Cirey, (col,) Hep. Curruuck, J M Woodlioiue, Dem. Jlleroeea and (iraban. Ktnjf, Dem. Jabarru, faul B Mean, dtui. Caldwell, K U Tuttla, deu. Caiodrn, F M Mullen, dem. Carteret, Appleton Oakruilib, Ind., dem. Catawba, B M ringer, 4 em Chatham, Jdo M Moling, O A Ilaai.er, dema, howan, Wlnflow, rep. Columbun, V V Uictiaidaon, dem. Craven. J no K MMd. K.lwr I II HIM, rap. Cumberland, Jaa C V'clUe, i MeD Jeasup, dema, !! n N flrav Tli'm Dav ,urou, ooiuuion A Mock, Marshal II Plunix, deuie. Davie, charlaa Anderson, dem. llnulin. A U Morele,', W M Wella. rb ma. K iKccuibe, WiUia Uunu, W T UuodwiB, reps. Forr ythe, l)r W H Wheeler, rep. I rauklw, T 1 Mitchell, e. tiaaton, VV A tituwe, dem. 11 U Ballard, dem. (iranville, H i HuyDes, Lrewa, repa itieeiw. Tavioe. dem. iuiilord, Nertua Mcadeahall, ioy a H Sta ples, dema, iUywuud, frank Davis, Dem. Hyde, A i bieltb, Ind. Uaiilax, J A While, u W Daniel, rep. lUrnelt, i A t)eara, dem. I clo. ton, Jamea Blythe, rep. ii. riror, exilomsn Parker. I n Ofcil, A C Sharp, A F Ualtber, cenu. Jii, K U Davla, Dem. J . nea, 4 Fbcott,Aep. Juusaum, i Uoit, K A Blaxell,demj. I.enuir, i V Parrot, Dem. l.lucoln, W A Tbotnpeon, Dem. Mu'on, Jas L Robinson, dem. Mikl'son, H A uder, dean. MeD.-ell, A M Krwln, dm. MeckieuburK, Bol W Held, J L Jetton, de ns. Mo Tu, A A Mclver, dem. , MiU hell, Mosea Veuui;, Dem. Montgouury, . lluilty, Dem. Northampton, K. J. Maiden, Kep. New llmiover, W 11 Moore, 11 Brewings jnl Alfred Lloy t, Reps. Nuh, WT tirlllin. otm. Onslow, John W Shackelford, dem. , Orange Matthew Atwatar, MlWUM dema. 1 ; Paf quniai k, M J M under, rep. j Perquimans, J (J A W od, rep. l'eraoa, a C Harnett, rep. Polk, M. H. Hampton, rep. t-iti, J. 8. menion and L. J Borne' t, dema, atandoipb. H T Molflt. A H Kendall, dema Kobeton, K M bvrueut and NeiU HoNelli, MM ancbmond, Piatt D Walker, dem. Rockingham, W H Mebane, John Johnroa, dema. Kowan, J 0 McCabblne, Geo Jf Barabcrdt, dema. Aatbei ford. Ell WhUnant, rap. Baupaon, W U Bryani; Jamea I McCallop, 4auia. blofcea, Thomas Martin, dem. bwain.T D Byeoo, dem. Stanly. A C Freeman, Dem: Barry, Wm Hanaore, Demi Tymll, W W Walker, dent. Union, Lemuel Preaaon, dem. Wilson, T.J. Baotman. Washlncton O B Wiley. Dem Wayne,! t Doitchand John Wlaler, Demi Wanea, arter ana Willtama, Kepa. Wak, Ueoiice VatronR. M W pafra, Mi chael Whitley and L. D Biephenaoo, Dema. Wittanga, J L. Ureea, Dem. Wilkes, i H Foote and T J Dula, Be. Vsneey W W Proffltl, Item. Yadkin, Wm. B s-lena, rep. APPLICATION Will b made to the ennalaa: Leilslatwre to anend the Cha-.lerol the Town of LaUraojre, NOTICE, tirrianaa 8, We. To all peraona who are la arreara for Taaea for the yeara 1S71 and l7'i, .8 1 hereby (nva aotlra to them, that if the aame la not paid on or before the 'A)Ji inaunt., that an exeea tlon will belsaaoee airainat Uem, aa the levy baa a ready been mad and the Judgement coblraaed. Thla la the Uat notice aud iboee who fail to comply may expect to see tbati namee pahliahed beardea bavinar to pay coat, aept t td T. F. 1.KK Sheriff.' DINNISO '8 PATENT 8UIFP1N0 TAOS. ver Tw"Hnndred MUIIona hart 1 wen uaed within tfae peat 10 yean ..... c mphtint of to by ! becoming detached Tan aai aoaa aiuiiLi rut. uu CunoB BaLaa taaa ar Jaa I fVoa. All Kxprasa com pan tea ase them. oaU by Priatara aad BtaUoaan everrwhere. ' oaNMUa inn l liiWwJ 3T' Years Old. v r , .'- , i ; '. ijsix i Jtteasoiit5 1 a vvny VOU SHOULD IN8UKB IX ' II II LIPB MSUIU NCR taOSEATMTJT 8TREIT, let. Becauao it it one of the oldest Cooipaniea in tbe Country, and pant the day of experimenta. . Hod, Xkcauae t very polirj-bolder it member of tbe Company, entitled to alii; adTanUgea and priviJegea, haviug a right to vote at all electiooe tor truittra, and iliui Ijaa aa influence ia ita raanagemrDt. - 3rd. "Brf e it baa aa large a percent age oi iat' i liabiUtiea a any . life In aurance Cu. ,.uj ia tbe Ountry. ' 4th. Iieciuiae by economical maaage lueut, ita ratio of cApeoaa to total income Is lat below the average of Life Coaftpan ie. (See Official Inaurance He porta.) Sth. Btauae it baa declaied mn dividends in number, and of a Larger 4ferage rercootage, than any Company in the United States. ' For example : Policy No. 16, for $5,000, hat been paid to the widow of a Philadel phia i Merchant, upon which twenty-three dividend bad been declared. Averaging flity-atven percent Hid1 these dividends ltn used to purchase additions tu this Policy, 16,046 more would have been realised, making the Policy worth fll, 60. 6tb. lkcauae it ia liberal in it meaa g'Tjimt, prompt in itaaettlementa, tale be yond a contingency, and it rates are aa low as any flrat-claM Company n the Country. PmxciPAL KaUToaaa. fmall expenaca, absolute aocurity, large retura premiama, prompt payment of loaaoa, and liberality to the insured. SAMUKJ. a 1IUIT, President ' fAM'L B. BTOKU, Vke-PresKMat, . H. S. STKPHEMf. Id Vic- Preaid.uL JA4 WC1K MASON, Acteary, HKNRT At'BTIE. fiacreUrv. EDW. HAKT8UOBNE, I EDW. A. PAUK, Medical Ixaminert w. H. ri mch. Ueoeral Manager. Q BAND GIFT CONCERT will be Klven In the City of Greensboro, V. C. DECEMBER 81, 1874, for tbe purpose of erecting ati Odd Pcllows Temple. The1 Orand tjift la tbe Bcnbow House. . WORTH 180,000.00 (IRANI) C A S 'I GIFT SIO 000. Real EatHte Gifts, 31.500 Ceali 88,800 Cnlt 100J200 Tickets to db issced. Price or Ticket, i 30. AGENTS WANTKD. For further particulars, address the Man ager, Box 8, (ireenaboro, N. C. C. P. MENDENHALL, sept-ltd Manager. R. n. BHADLEy, ) . NAT.JUK0WN.(4gent ruitigb, N C. B GUXS! BAHGAIKS ! 1 ChrlMma d lh3 bollidaya are ei-mlng, and everybod) w nta a present for their wife, husbanJe chilJron, aaeetli earls, tr ends, Ac. fbe flaca to buy th. m is at BROWN & V'ARI KTY STuRB, wheie yoa will llnd eveiythlrg to please yenn; and old, rich aad poor. 1 am Offer iu my entire Buock of Fancy Qoodi, Toy, B iket, Musical Instrami nta, China 0ooi, at greatly reduced prices for Cass nyei. Miw lathe chance to secure good bargains. ' Don't fall to cal: and eunilje stock and prices before parebastng eleewh re. NAT. L. BkOWN, oet a- f Kale'gU, I. C. ooii rats, at Xan Mm Branr, 21. T. rullCaUlogom na by Ball B MIRERS tltlOP. Our frienoa and elraea will And na In the Fisher building on Faytteville Street under Jnllaa Lewis , co'a., where wa will be glad to aee, shave and ehainpoon them. norO-tf BftoW4 DUNSTON. J W. F. ROGERS, PSALU IX PINK LUMBER, APEX, N. C. Orders sent to T. A. Stsdwab, Carv, N. C. or hi care of Noaaia At Mrarr, Raleigh, will promptly nueo. Patronaire Respectfully Solicited, aug tl-nihr B ARKETSI BABKETd 1 1 The largest assortment in tbe State at at NAT. U BBOWN'f. s ALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Bvvirta of a Judtnwet of the Superior Court of Wake eonnty. In the case of Jobs r. waiter va. milium TBomaoa ai u wire, J W Thomson, we will on Monday the 7th day of December next, sell at tbe Court Uoase Door in tbe City of stateicb, at public aactloB. lbe follow lux described real erta, situate 4 miles Weat of th City of Raleigh, oa the Ji apet Hill Koad, Sdjoinicg the land or th uVa a. Lee. Wm. M. ihompaon. Wesley Murriaasd otheis, contalmnc ons hundred and seventy -five acres nor or leas, being tae aame property oa wb'ch William Ibomaua e w resides. This aale is made to vorermee deed of Biorbraxe eiecuiea oy wm. loom oa end wlf to John T. Walker, defy rew . rH iw the Keartaier'aOtBee of Wakaeeawty ihsb Feb,. irra. in Book , pg iriiiBii Tarma of Bale, Vaab. i arms v BATTLE. Jr., ; EO. U.BNUW. BOTfttf ' Cwntmlasloter, I "tt IMDVat. I The ulacribeT ha removed hti Book f(ora lo tea building twn doors north Tucker' More under Watson' Pholo graph Ul levy where he hat more room aad better accommodation for conduct ing a wholesale and ret ml trade. He Is now mn king"' large addhioui leck i B00K& STA 1 70 A 'hit )', AMD tAAOY GOODS, IMUBACIKU : S 7HOOL, MISCELLANEOUS, and arANDAHD BOOKS, Bbbatb 8( biMi aud Bong Dooka, fiblea and Testaments, Prayer and Hymn Book. Album aad Cbromo Pictures, Account and Blink Book, Fiat and plain Stationery new style, Perfumery, Soaps, dto., fcc. He I siftnt for the aale f the N. C REPORTS, BATTLE DIGEST aud WHEELES8 N. C. MANUAL Special terms to Hercbunts and Teach era. ALFRED WILLIAMS, BoaxsKixkit and Station h. Oct. , MISSOURI BTATE LOTTERIES I ' Legalised by Aale Authority, and BfcsWH ia rusuc ia it. loom. Grand Single Number Scheme of 50,000 No'. DRAWS Till LAST DAT OF EACH MONTH Cinut l'air.8, 150,0001 )0,la0 Prkaes, asjoantlag M 1300,001 Whole tikets, 910; BaTea,6r Qaarters,(3.W The' Great Combination Scheme, with a cirmurii or 3!,00!and 33.3M Prixea, amounting to .,79.177 1 Draws every Saturday durinx tbe year. WBOI.B TICKETS, $10; HALTRS f ? ; l'AR tsz 2.50. Address, lor Ticket acd Circulars, MURRA TILLER & Co., Manager, P. O. Box 84 W. ap 4 deodwewly Et. Louis, Mo. BUY 0NLY.TnB tmm f ii kb in IS SCALES. Stock Scslea, Coal Scales, Hay Bealre, Dairy Bcales, voaater scaiea, ac, ate. Also, Ellea Alarm Till Co.'a ALARM CASH DRAWER. Every Merchant should Use Them. Evsar DaAwaa Warbaiitbd, FAIRBANKS & CO., 811 BROADWAY, NEW TORE, 106 Baltimore St., Baltimori, A3 Camp St., New Orleam FAIRBANKS 4 EWIXG, Masonic Hall, Pnn.ADEi.rniA. FAIRBJNK3, BROWN & CO., 2 Mn.at St.. Botoh. For aale by leading Hardware Dealers, sag 27-tf War. W.Jowas, Abmitbad Joan. 'ONE8&JONEP. Aliomcr'a At Law, RALIIGU, M. U. PRACTICE In the Supreme Court of th the United' Mia tea and the several Courts of the Sth Judicial District, Office on Pavettevllle St.. otmoalte th CtUawn National Bank. Up si sirs. jany-ltr WATER WHEEL The kaa a tha Marks, aad anld a lea larasa ttaa any etaw Brat-elaasWbsri. Dead tnr a Pamphlet snd bs ana viaaad. M. V. BcsaaLut, York, Fa. JJ- B. hECIILEK'J SOUTHERN STEAM 6AU3ACE manltac ronv. RIC H MO N D, VA. Tbi mknnfactura of Sansare of all kind made a speciality for the Southern Market, send lor ireuiar ana price list, ah oners addressed to at. B. HEUHLEK. oct 3t-lm No. Si, 2nd Market. imiai, . o. By MKB. BOH A ROWE Vairas good aa the Market eaa aflord -charge reasonable, march 1SU Mia. ROSA BOWE, ' IMEI LIME!! UME11! J ISO Barrels No. ) freah burnt Lima at D pot and to arrive direct from the Lime Work- and offered at reduced price at depot la larg quaeUUea. June ran uiu n. ivnbssi VE LIVING AND OUE DEAD-TAIE W WEEK. The credent week is an excellent tim to renew aabacrtptlons to OCR 1.1 VI NO AMD OUR DEAD. Col. B. D. Pool and T. B. Klncebnry, Eeo,, would re pleaaeo) to see nir rnetida, at in rair uroanes, oraiat dice one door South of tbe Yarboro' Bonac aad receive aew subscription, or renewals. i as object tor wkrch in Msgasira ts poo llabeH, ia addition to Its ' inlriasle aaerlt, -faoald eemmcod Ibis panlmtloa. to rvry North Carolinian. Trrma, J per year. oct is-as 4 par ewaa, gwaawatesd wrltk B E N. T t K K t Ja. JOB OFFICE. Al.1. or JOB WORK Having reti tied our Job Office, And secured the serTioef of a We BrTbow prrjared to execute ai! kinds ol PLAIN AND FANCY All persons having Bill IlearU, Letter II'da, Busiaeea Csnla, Visiting Card Wedding Card. Circular, Potter, etc To print, will hao their work ex ecnted in Uie very best style by sending it to the Sentinel Offieo. We are also prj.ari t do all kinds of Book Work In the very best style, at All work tent to ns will bo done i I quickly and cheaply se at any other PRINTING n0U8E IN THE 80UTD TICKETS Of all kinds Printed at short notice. In short, we are prepared to ex ecute all kinds of Printing in the very best style. Till UB. January 4th, 1874. eo. a. pnrarcs & co. Organs & M elodrois. The Oldest, Largest end Most Perfect Maaa factory ia is united autea. 54000 Sow la aae. No other Musical Instrument ever obtained tbe aame ropaianty. ST- gend for prfee Lie la Aadreaa BUFFALO, H. T. nevll-u CENTRAL HOTEL 158 CANAL 8TREST Comer of Elm. New York, oae block last of Broadway, Centrally located la tae immediate vtetalty of Mercantll busiaeea. Oood room TAe. aad II 00 per day 11.00 to Sa.00per week. sug lo-ira JIXII LIMttl LIME I It Mow reeelvtnc from DeDoi. direct from Hie klla, S ear toad of Vy. i, Mock Lime which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest to dealers aad aoBtraetort la larg quantities. no. l, laaiaa awea uese at i.au, No. L Rlrerton. beet la the market 1.75 Also kept coaslanUv oa bead Boaadale Hv araaUa Cam est, Caiciaed sad Land rixrtsr and Jgricaltural Lime at lowest cash price. eaaiaa sa. gut bays, 0 T 1 0 0 F 0 PtCLOBUEj or ByrtrtMe4fMlaBemOTmtrrtoa Cal via S. UttltmeleVIa aad by a 4ae4 of mortgage txaeoted by T. F, Lea, to tald Lit tleteld aa the IStk day at ianasry 1S71 aad revU tared la ack No, Si, ee asaa&M la the OUee ef KagUtar of Deed tor the county of vv aa waioa ease taaartarsga was asi taa suta day of January IsTI aaaiicaed by said LltUe field to one Jam E. tireea, by deed of the a are ia arormaio, ana rcgisterwd In book No 81 at page 60S In said oOlce, who towlt. the said .sauce B. Oreea assigned Urn Ut mortgag to the 84. AagaaUn Normal Scboo and Collegiate InaUtuU by deed dated Sttti day of June 187s, and rasUUred In Book No. a at page 1 Win said office, which said corpo ration aaeigneel the (aid mortgag to mo by deed detad tbe SOU day of October, 1874, ana also by vlrtaeof aasortgageexeeated by U4 aid TP Lee to John N Boating, dated the Viet day of July, 187 aad rearls tared la Book all at page 879 la aald otlle, which said mort gage kaa baea aaignd by aald J M Banting to ms 1 1 wUl oa awtarday tae 1SU day of waauary loia, expo so puouc aie lor csan, oa ths premlaaa, th lot In the city af Baletgh. kaawa aa the BuadVrd Oftk property, being Kit of lot No. e u tbe plan of said city, and a ad ed as follows; ategianiog at the South Wee tern comer of the lot now occupied by the aald Joha N Bunting, thence South, with the Eaetera Una of FayetterUle Kin at fty feet to the lot bow owned by Jamea Henry; thence East ta Wilmington Street thence aorta, any rem to me lot of the aald Bunt tog; thence Weat to Fayctteville Street. The amount due oa tbe first above men tioned sort rare is about S3.MM. The amount due on tbe sei ood above men tioned mortgage ia about f VMM. OctXI-lwUw iilu HI MORDECAI. Q. BAH AW H10I1 SCHOOL, GkaBAat, N. C. Rev. Daa'l A. Long, A. M., PrluuipsL Bet.Wrn. B Ung.A. M. Kev. Wm. W suley, A. B. B.-ij V. Long, A. B. Mrs. 11. A Btdham. Inatructreas iu Mnslh. Opens Aug tb, 1H74 Closes May Mle. isix Hoard S to S10. Tuition VA to per month. oet a 4- N TOT1CE. I will KO Tn.n 1 nt -t Il-.t.lt., U'.U. cooi.tr, 10 miles Eaatof Wakeforeat Dapot. I deair partaer In the aMablishmeat of a Spoke, Bob and Handle factory on Little u k r . n, . good timber for the bualnesa. ror parucuisrs addrem, F. J. 11 ARTS FIELD, ct iV-d.wAua la Kolevii:e, P. a VV ANTEU. We will give energetic men and woraes Bcsuias TBS wiu. Pat from St to S8 oar day, can be pursued in your own neighbor hood, and la atrictly honorable Particular free, or (ample worth several dollara that will enable yoa to go to work stonoe, will be sent on receipt of ofty cent. aaorae i. L,n. iaH a, tu., aept 4 tf XVI Washington Bt .Boston, Ma rp B. XINGSB0RT, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT RALEIGH, N. C, (Office on Door Soolh of Yarboro' House.) psny ; N. U. Home rirj Compan; ; Liverpool and London and tilobn r ire Coinpani ; The Atlas Fire Company ; Tbe Faruvilie fire Co. nsrsas: J a are tiernmoa, ur. ueerga BlackualL Dr. Eurrna Hriuom. Kev. A. W. Maiigum, Rev. J. M. Atkinson, George V. Strong, Esq. Having b-cn In Die Inursnre buaineaa for years, and ropreacntlcg BraiclaaCompanle be BOea to secure a f.re bar of pstrouar. oct 0 It G s OXTQXNATED BITTER3. The atomach I one of the moat delicate omasa of tbe bamaa syatem; and th indlge tlble food erowded Into it by lbe requlre bmbU of modern society, keep it ia a A STATE OP CHltONIC DISORDER, which 1 followed by a reeort to tonics aad alteratives fur relief. It unfortunately hap pens, however, that many of the mliclnee need ro una purpose contain asconoi, wmrn, poured into a diseased stomach produces irri tation, creates lnsamatlon, and done mora in jury than good. OXYGENATED BITTERS CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL, bat are a purely medicinal preparation, which la carca of Dyeaemia, Heartburn, Indigestion aad other like disorders, at once restores the stomach to ita NATURAL CONDITION OP HEALTH. The Oxygenated Bitters bare been the most popular remedy for the above complaint for the last thirty years, and atill maintain their annrauea popularity. frtce f l per Dome. SOLD ITXBTWBSKX. OI1N F. HENRT. CURRAN eV CO., Proorleton. 8 and Colletre Place. aog. t-lm New York. TDK GTtEAT llEilEDY FOR cprjsur.iPT.or. which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and jure of ali Lunfjossiplfiinla and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails lo effect o speedy cure in. the moct severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Soro Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side, liver Complaint, Bleedinc at the Lungs, &c. Wistar5) Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, bat it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. raxrutao bt tan: w. nmu bom, , aM se4d ew praam eewleJsrsswawreUr., , 'I It . B. ASBREff B '4 CO.. , Jt FATETTE VILLI, STREET. BALEIOII. if. c. Kepectf utly aiiaouac to their ratron aal lb pa Uc geaerslly, that their aasortment of JPALL AND WWTEH ipLOTpmO I complete, tod will be constantly reyatblabcd through th Season. " ' Their STOCK is the largest a ths Bute sad la adapted ta ths waata of all. BATE, UMBBELLAS, TRAVELING BittB and TRC!K5 la gjiut va'rletj, aad to WHICH SPECIAL ATT eeiJtit pOWDERED BATH BKICK For elesaalag Tm-warr, Klave. Ac. AI )un It it BRIOOB dt SONS. GOiSGUDlTED. Taa Mssoaio Muxiroa AD TUX BRIGHT MASONI J.. Onlj, One Dollar A Tear, 'v I TheConsoBdalloaof the MASONIC MOJI ITOK and the BBIOHT M180.H, make "THE BRIGHT MASON" One of the Very Bait Maeonlo JournOa In the oouuera Ausnuosiaie. it is now puoiie ed In Magaaine Form, at the low price of Out uonai a i ear. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Masons in rood stand Ing everywhere are requested to act as Axesit. Clubs of l ea or more onlv To eta. 0Tke whole Club need aot come from one r. u., nsmea may be saded at any time al ciuo raws, aaar V. F. HARRIS, Coneurd. N. C. tVBest Med.ua for Adverlisera in ' the BOUItu marlStf JdLEIQH FEMALE 8EM1XABY, RauuoB, N. F. r. HOBQ00D. A M , Principal. A F. REDD, A. M.. AaaUtanU FBED. AQTHE, Music Department Th nTt AtMalAn nrns rm MoBiav Ad 14 th. Ib74. Apply for CvU1oko. D R I FOB 1874. A complete assortment, at the Book Store of ALFRED WILLIAMS. dec lU-tf J90 REWABDI DOR8E ETOLEN I h, Xy. ntoien rrom ut etnnie or U' auoacnoer, ti, u .. . . i.m'' uiuiMim uiu ouvui vcu uud i.isru-i vllle, Va., on th night of the 14th Movem I K . IflU llmmu WaM MA.lw Bhll. n i .Li!3r 7o J TT ' ,J -"t" Ovefeethlcb. IU or 14 rears old. n.auo bsnirs ud iiie uii ewe ui uie urea, is in in, kdscw of biting or snapping at s person when an-1 proached and does not pace at all. I Willi give the above I' waid of S.'O foi the appre besrion of the tbief and the delivery of tuej ucriuu vi uir turei aim in uciitqi; vi uri man. In n. a . , .... 11.... n- ,.a AUmmr rtfl iue msre siuur, ur sccur.u any wuci, wilvuii uo maw o Biuut i wi rcuur.u ami w uvi g wuiui one hundred miles of this place In good con- dltlo so that I otn get her sgalm JNO. J. THROCKMORTON. nov.S-K t Brjwnsvlll", N. C, U . F LEMMING ATTORNEY AT LAW RALE ion, n . C Office Booth of tbe Court House near the m. t 1 . . Juno 7-tf rj-IAXKU I TAXEi!! LAST NOTICE. The tax collector is required by law to settle with tbe l'ublic treasurer ou oi before the 1st of December. All taxes unpaid are require I tu be settled forthwith I he attention ol persons who bave not; lilted their property or Riven in the poll il called to Section 10, Captcr 133 Act of 1871 and 74. JOSEPH A. HAYWOOD, nov!6-tf Tax C l lector. jq-OKTfl CAROLINA lite ijrsuntjrcs: vo. RALEIGH, N. C. Capital - - ()0,000 At end of FVrtt fiscal Year has lasuedover 900 Police without sustaining a alngle loss Prudent, economical and eneigetie at anage ment baa made it A SUCCESSFUL CORPOHATIoy. TnisUompany iasaea every deatrsble fr.rai of Pollek a at aa low re. tea w any other Firs' C'laaa Company. Impoaea no useless restriction upon resi dence or traTwt. Haa fixed pa'd ap value on all policies af tar two annual payments. Ita entire arseta are loaned and invested AT HUME, to foster aad encourage boini enterriaes. Thirty days grace allowed In payment ol premiums. With the facts before them will the people of North Carolina continue to pay annual I j thousands npou thousands of dollars to bulla an Vilfrn lomnahtaak when thttT ran ae cure Insurance mat ompany equally reliable, and every dollar's premium they pay be loan- a ana mveitea in our own bums, ana amony our own peopler THEO. II. HILL, Agent, Raleigh. T) R E M I U M . Keapers, Mowers k eparatorsJ In Atore tbe celebrated Champion Reaper Mowers combined, which took Uiat premiun at the laat Fair. Also can suppli at any poinaj oa taa Kail roans, me uuiaer Bcpsrator, Cleaner, saa nagger st aianuractarer' prise with freight added. Orders' Boiieitad at once to secure machuer la tbae for the coming Harveet, JAMES M. TOWLES, agent. mayi-4. LUMP sun 8S00 ton a Blue Lump Flatter, dlraai from the Qoerrtes, Windsor, M. & Freeh groanw f aWler pau ap in ddi asm aew aariay osgs, For sale by STAPLES BLAIR, Com mm lesion Marc ban la, U'lT Baala Bank Richmond, Vs marSd2moa K.ff BLBHILS OF 8WEII fOTA O UU aoaa far Sale of tbe best ,na ;y by acOLiVE, I rcttratawsw Apex, N. C. t L. I- EMTIO IS INVITED. P O .THE 11111 f I D Whitelaw &c Crowder. ''orner BToonl and Xoryaa Ktraeta. . RALEIGH, N. C. Are p. rood to furnish Tombtfoaes ef a Slwda, eltber piaia or ornameaUl of both Aanaricsa aaa iuUlaa Marble a cheap and aaatly sxeeatad as eaa be purchased U say other eaUbliabmant North or loath having bees at the business af earring and engraving mar bis forty-ire yeara, w consider osmelvce equal ta amy la the Ualoa. We will also f araisa granite of tae best auabty, from oar aew qiuuTiea, either m aaiaiabed blocks or cut fins to order, such aa : does and wladow allla, water-table, itene. noata. iinaiuH mud curbstone, ate., all order will be tkVnk lully received aad punctually atteaded to.ud we pledge oa twelve in give astiaf action ii all cases, JOHJ WHITELAW, Z. fJKOWDER. dee JT-ddm B0AUDISU 1I0USI. Ceraer Hewbtroe lreini aid Pcrwa M., Two Square East of tub Capitol. MR& H. W. MILLER, Reanests the osbxinswa or th tbe Leglilatar and the public geaerally. Her long experience In keeiiW a urinF hnu since lbtbt ka sufflaient guarsn ee tiut the' wui oe ursi ciaaa in every partiealar. ' nive cuuiunn w woseoi ouierboard ng houaesta ths city. H ENRY'S CARBOLIC ULM the most powerful heaunu AGENT EVEK DliOOVERED Tbe wonderful celerity with which thla combination of Carbolic eeld with o her soothing and curative emoitente HEALS THE M08T VIRULENT SuREB AND ULCERS MIU(llulng ,kln to the marYcloua. His With nrlitK th., tk. ,. . ,",,,",,'".,,, "H'rs csu si tenlion to therratifvinir i ti,a. - - DTI VU'Hf .M rni.was uiva. it lug UI0UE8T us. MEAD OF PRAISE. u It and prescribe it ia their practice. POINTS TO BE EOUXE IN MIND : "uk!i c i ...i , r??1,1. halve poaitliely cures the worst sores iZZ " """7 "J the pain of ..""V. - . Csrbollc Salve enr.a all pnla.MHa ... i tfcrboUc Halve ranka at the head of all Salves, Ointments or other Healing Com pounds, and baa achieved a greater reputa tion sad haa a larger sale than say othei simi lar preparation of contemporaneous Inven tion Bold everywhere. Price Scents. JOHN F. HFNRY, CURRAN CO.. . .. Proprietors, nd College Place, Sew York. June IC-lm 200 w0,SPA0,r "A80NIED PINE WooddellveredforllTliC'a'h fend your oiders to i.U: Em, store oa Hillsboro Street, sng 18-2swtf O E A G I F A NOVEL 7 EDWIN W. FULLKK, Author Til. AekbI Id The Cou 1 , For sale by ol.KRED WILLIAM L E F F E L ' s IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Whee POOLE 4 HUNT, Ualthiukb. Munufacturera for tbe South and S-iulh eat. Ne irly 7000 now in use, working umltt ncada vxrying from S to 240 feet ! 24 sixes, Iron 8 4 to 96 inches. The most powciful Wheel Iu tbe Market, And moat ecoaomical in use of Water. Large Illustrated Pamphlet eeat post Irei MANUFACTOBKM, ALSO, 0 Portable and Htatii.niiry Htceta Enginei and Boiler. Bibcock Si Wikjog Patent TulrnUm Boiler, KbnuKb's Crualier for Minerals, Saw and Grist Mill. Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery for White Lead Works snj Oil Mill, Shaft ing Pulley and Hsogers. SEND FOB CIRCULARS ! tebai-srom JOcTOK MISLAID Two Rank Cerl ifi sate i. No. '.I f. f .r I mm dst-alTUi Feb, H7, s4 one imuibend lu54 fur 1350 dated Aagust 17, 174, have diaspperad from oar papers, we notify the auu sui peraov a irom irso Ing for aald Cartifle.tr. Williamson pagi. ncv IS-tt AffUO i I ln.i will ll a e l Ibt prrs ent LcsTl'lature, to ameud the CLarVr fo tJ City of Kaleigh. nor 18-lm y ANTED. . . l hoc wrii oroao Mulea between Are and six years old. AppIt early at the Sublet of 1 v ' n I NNE, YANCEY A CO. aog 14-tf Ts. O XT" Jf F rOm tha anrlkarrihM ..n tK.. liitk 'ni V her Uat, a awall, very durk b.y mare mule not under twelve years old. There are ausnt . i ii wwiiiik fiao. for rier delivery to ane af Wnrrvutuu, N. C, I will pay a reward of tn dollara. 1 ' deci-if BURWF.LL P. PAVIS r-,- lV I. w. If : 1. 1 I I Ii It' ft ij i iff u X' if if n V i (i '3 V