... V mifpitEiiia. TIIE DAILY SENTINEL rCBLMOID 1ST j O 8 I A H TURNER, J a. Office Near the Court House. atm or (caacBimoa. Dll) Sentinel 1 year In dvanee - - H.OO 0lf 81 1 months In advance - - a. 00 Bead-Weekly " " - - - Weekly Sentinel " " - ' - The DulT S tibbl BUI e delivered la ny pert of the Cltj at tirtm Cbst per week. Advei tlMBtt win be tnserted la the Daili .'ssrrr.U thatallswlM rats per aqoara hi Inch, or tea wlulon lrne. lnluwreBni'...'.y.. ......... (LO ti bq4eat lBsartloa " 1 aqnar. 1 week, I S.VM aqnaiBttjDn. 8t.u t " I month, 8.1X l " , 8. i4. I " tmo'a, 1X.0O1 " 40.01 It 00' I 10 4t.0(. w.oe'i 4.0WI 11 wo It VOL. X. RALEIGH, N. P., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1874 NO. 111. t , -Tj t 1 . . ....... v -' ..r- - , l ( :""v ' lljje faxto Meiitaiei NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QORD WOOD FOR SAUL 100 Cordt of lessoned pines'. IB pet cord delivered A good itrortg 4 bor wsgn for sale. AhlIt t Kl is'ttore on UUItboro' Mrwl deeWtf J "A" F ARM 8TORI FUR SALE. I will aell niy farm, St mile from the city of Weigh, containing 163 acre ; a GOOD DWELLING (six room.) All In good repair. Fine good TENANT, UOL'SE, froet of the new. A good STOREHOUSE, tod an excel lent stand. Doing a good bu-ln-. The plantition ii in god order and under good fuoce. D c 16. J. DAVIS. JkEEBORO' FEMALfc" 00 LLEOE GREENSBORO N. C. Tb Spring BeatlaD of 1873 mil I begin o Wednesday the 13th of January. Prom t attendance at the r. ry opening i liigh'y Imitortant at d I ejrne tly desired. chassis ma innna or 30 vuii. Board, ( Wubkis an Lltht not inelnrfed and Tuition In regular C lie. (Jour 8 1 '.5 00. Ohargi (or litre Btodirt, moderate. For ataloguc a ly to the President Rot. T. M. Jooea. 1) D. V. H. D. WILH' W. Fret,. dec ld-dlw Board of Trntteet. V ALU A SLR PROPHET! F.1R SlLE. Two valu tJ le tracU of land tit Date near tha dtr of Raleigh t lit racl lie about 'jl 1-1 rai're Sotth of tue city o' fcalea-h m both aid of tbe Aav lura ro.l. adjo nlng thel.ids of t,e..rne T. t o kit, Bryan llreeu and other, coaVainlna lviecrew r " nd Tract l ei about 4 mile eit of tbe citv of Ral.Urhou holh eidiy of Ibe KaJeiKh and Auenat Air Una Rathead, adMninr tie lands t WDUaan Tbaiun. roataJalof 113 acrea . A'ao a 0 Hun pdwef (team fnjjlne tea hw mill E. II- NiW. A;, ly to offloe In Ooo-ttlotue d.15 80 rp'JYS ! TOYS! ! TOY?!! 1 he li if.t a4rttnent at N VT. U VROWKs. IlIDULK bTRINOH, GUITAR 8trinjt and Tnmmitifra bt at NAT. L B'MWS'j, "TU8IC1L ISi TB'jMKST. All kinda lYi.nl NAT. L. BHi'WN'tf. CI OOODM BAiK f-T8, c. A1 Lk rtv aJi r, JCT JOtr W.fe, Bnnsetheart and Me' i$ a praaentnt ,NAT. I. BR' iWS'8. E8 T R T O K il A 1 1 I Bt for 'hu-the. lurl" frpaTia, ate., at NAT 1, BtOW'8. G n TO NA. L. BROWTB for your 1 kv4 A 1- B UT AK 8TCr o -BAN for yonr I an, (I'M' tMrvain can be h.n at NAT. L B"UV7I'8. CHKIBTtlA-t AND MfUaAY'-will aoon be b r . i: to NAT. L BKOWN 8 for tlie Boat ba-Ra.na. dnit-tf "yALL ABU. TOWN LOT TO'i 'I.E VT M'rX, N ('. dm Ta. .Jay tli- 2'J.h I rr , '8 4 at 11 iVi f m , l I i II ' I'j'lic Auction m- DlM!ilt T ii L o int.ilnii'K from t ' ' ' t pr 8 mi it T tih niml; in o .ly o' S le. r 8 -.'J J M . KI.MNUTOM. (T. MA1-V K IK Ol. ! Lr. on, " FOChDJO, MAY IMJ Tie Mxty-!i'h t rm of t iia Scb' ol w.ll co umer.c ; on Tiiu 'ay, the iilat. of Jii u r.i, 1V n ' . nit'ou : twen'y k V t a clri ulir. st l l tn h i Krctor M.I K II 8.HKDE?. R . t u R a e it . DENTIST. It. i snored hit offlc to 'he roou.e over Oartwr'i ru store on FayettevlU o:je. dovit-ii - t,i ALOABI.R PLANTATION FOtBALll By virtue of ajadxrnwnt of Wake Kn.arlo ( nurt I wil tm ratmaaty tea tth of Deeenv I, r 1HT4. at ib toatt toaa doorh. Ralehch i s'oeto i' uti le Ntla-an prcel to .ult pur ttxert thit. alnab naantntion on tbe kaa rv a '. uf 'ta hi In Wke aunnty, ad J im nir the Unda of DatM ilut- and the iundun h rh Jonathan Poole reaktea. belli K t ar , f the cl lab th ilin'.on Laaa, a-'td ee taii: nir'itoutrd8kre. l iNa-: ur-ftmrth aah reqjaindain Van iiiuLtlu, bubdaad aecuritv rtqnred. f f AUAH - lLbt.K, ttX, x nt - I a.u mil imA'd llTti. t . fot. A'.tv'a. o4 Im M I'E GN fliURlUAT NIGHT, DBOiiT, 1S74," Wo alll tel'l at Auctioa. HiilU'ER1' OLORtneRO (.RA1MPILK8 ( r"u!l Pati. rnr) t5 yda., to faltern. lri,h P pUtr, '. I'o.'liui aal Ciaknitree, Kith Brumal L.-e t'ollart (imi cr'el bj OA ) !. ch Ottunaa Btarfa and Shawls, Ac. Tbe Lao ea an raepectfuliy invited to at tend lb it aale. Aa choice xoode will fee aotd u"d amle accomiaodatiou will be tstamded tl.cm aa well aa tbe gentlemen. TIMELT NOTICE. Our Auction Salt will take place each rUjht (. sctift 8a nrday nltrbtt.) until tbe it.tk D c . ant will retail unnig tbe day On and af er l.0tn the anction wi.l b- both Lay and vlgut until the whole atock la dlapo ed r. Thla al will be by tbe Piece, Fiotage or in l o'a, at the whole .t ick enuat be dupojed cf by Jtnuary 1 IfTS W. II. & R 8. TUCKER, hum ring P trine ra JOUEKS k HARRIS CLOSING OUT. Ai we are about to qrit the whitey trade, on the lat ' January next, wb I'touoae to aell our slock of liquors, low". for cub. We alao wish to aell car- bar fixtures, wticb are complete. We any to our detinqaent rmtoinen thxt we matt be paid by Cbrietmu, and hope bone of tbim will gut angry if ne b uld dua them oa tba atreat. W's you gaott mcaaure atatl. good liqaoea sod you must pay up. x -mt ir-- City Intelligence. In 11 i i Skat. Senator Pariah of Or nie w.i in bil teat to-day. We regret to learn hit it t;lll very tick. Maubibjj Near thit city on the 16ib Instant, by Rev. J B. Bobbin, Mr. Wat ter VV. Brnkliy and M m Rcberc Deaa. lUC PBBITEBTIABT Htoke County hat jutt miftlooa tbjtttvrnt of four men ami oua woman and a child fvt.tha red herniary. C 1 U 1 Bhost, Our LarfMleUve tenor U sra imi irtly rat down to day on aecpnat of prea of othvr matter - Oia-rnjTB Whea Col. Od Jcaaa was made Solicitor In )lace of Poin tetter, oie of bjs eonailtaeaU aLKrstulid hia npon being ''aypolutod Pindextex " KeuMer has tetlred from tbe f unlock . a tine and 0. W. KIuK is now. by pabl e oontewt, appotBte4 Kentr,H King ess be found on t sliabury treat, Jtorth of Mr. Csrrow'a itora. lie repairt locks, tuns, t e Birxi Wobb bt tbb Bli.b. Tae preu t eat pluce of netdle wrrk we hare aenn for rome time la by M at K. Duure, a blind young lady at the Irstitn Uon. li U a white eroobet tidy, and Is i esntlf ni y and elaborately Ouish so. The wonder I", what the Cagers can do wilboatthe ayet. Miss Dupra has been at be Inttltutlon eTer iln:e she was Its yesrs old. liiuta' Walxko Clcb We are glad iq learn tha' aone of the Udiwi of ear dty hae orranltrd a walking e'ab. The p ettiest fi' lit In the woilJ la a prett woman under full tail breathing In tbe pnre frceh air and c ui U.ig the red vf tits ntornieg to come and paint her cheeks. It was an Eag lat bdy who visited -Taaeeyvllle some two years lnce. and she didn't nurd any flue morning lu.Ajitat, taking her parasol aid stsppasg uua the plank road in miles o DaariDe, mid do her hoplng and home a little utter dinnet. She was Joy to ter aiubind. Meaie unde.- Iraung obllratlona to Mr. i tine" U. Knslsa, Pnbliaher, for a oopy of thtl . o t Taluab e of yearly i U'iII' ailoca, i ur ei'a N. C Aln ao.c fvr WiSt. It la the V-t tdltloa CTer i.tu d. and impioies with i . . Muja. It und ub'.ellv cxselt ant Alaa n cpubll.hel in tbe Slate. The new de pal tmeutt, "Kacta and Statitt'ct," "Jiacrol gy" acd "Acnual 8taW akeord" added, mtkeiagieit Improvement and leuders it BViiualj'.o t . cte y jerio IntbeHU'e. Jt Is Inilr I s bouk full of vahialle and neefnl hifuiiuatlon, conceiuirg ourSUta. Neither kin. nor expaa ebaa btau aisred to make It what it Is. The fat that 8.003 coplea are s ild anuual), speaks of its worth I v ry merchant in tbe Mate tbculd tell it an. I every fare er should buy p. 8je sdver- iftenicul. l lDO WiT rTBlWMBBm ADD PoTATOIS .M-AI ADD TBB FaVSAOBSB A COI res p l.jtit rrtetOA that J A. Cheatham, of R (In- v.n-, Mild strawberries from his patch lat Tuesday. The American Fruit Preserv inx Company at Rulgsway cut and dry every day upaartia of one haedrad and eiaty .Han ds cf potatoes and them ship tlem to the naiy yards. 1 beo. N. Ramsey and Bef. 1. P. M Hire dejeered Umperaace addreeaes at Ridgeway lutaUy dUU Mr. Raniaay also organiced a tli e ioiik- of G .od Templars that place. He U wr n ln up the Rrlibzh A Oaitoa Rail ro d In the Interests of the order. ' iJr Uaklaa is conflned to Lh rcom nt Ridgeway by eiekaeee. IUv. A. A. Boahammer vrsaebad In Ridga wav lait Sunday. ; . Dr. raiuuel Wl.lUms,. of .Baltimore, is a vWror fit RidMOway ' , . ' . .. t il. ;. V' . TBdFtAd o tbb Cap Tot.Tb Iljuae rvfolutlod VaiiWQi'sJe'ite. yastsrday to remove tsgataff from A eetern tnl of tbs p t I, snd place It ob lbs be of tbs doma. Mr Cantwell wanted nothing tare about tbat tt ; he wants; It placed on the top of the dome, not hid. It at the baa where It eoald not be s. en Mr. Btandford said tba keeper of the Capitol declared It was Bet safe up there, it wonld fell through th roof, ' Mr. CaatvU 11 1 ioaiated n.tbe top of tba dom. Mr. Busbs teM him th (op of the ubw rs f n nen, slv, ' siM h, 'th Ml,clraB V a'.e iduiliatle. It can be fast aii.lth wire, on that glass." Mr. Busbee sjaiavo bad inst beard from th House, that th ketper bad told ti tpeaker there was daasgrwf tbs whole thlsg falling throagb on pp of bb) head, and tbe speaker immediately bad mvll Mr. Fatton to th chair and bee ob tbe loor all tba morning Mr. Cantwell aid U was tbs Bret Uss ho badarr heard of Bi'wker Rob no ratraatlcg on th ad Taste of th Amorieas tag. , Tba reeolatton a conenrrad In. . b Was BooaB ais Tbb Ointi Ast r, Ned I ace owns lbs tuWceo vsra houae at DeuviUe, Vs. I la tba boy who returned fiom Ar pomattox bar tootsy, sad with bis gua sUU ahouldarad A ad b M l.kewUethe yoang man that with aaexa belva Invited Col Klik, of th Kbk war, wben lathiantata to put a teger on him, He wrote r Mr. Mills sirrttme steer cneck on him for fiftv dollar in advance lot tbe Aijlum, which was done and lbs money received. Btow It tha le" ter from the Pace Ws ehouae, giving the amount rallied for the Orphan Asylum on thesalevday of tad Of this month i . ' J- Dasttllb Va,, D Bth. 18T4. JT. Nit!, Suptrinttntitrtt Orphan faylti1 Oxford, tf. C: 4 Deab riB : Ws hav th pleasure of re port lnf the n'. pretsiU of commissions received by us from a sal of SdDecemNr, for bsneBt f pour InetltnU a, aad tba Ma sonic Wldowe and O pbaaa Home ef Rleb mood, jlntly smouatrd a 154U. ywnr pait of which ia 77.- acd m sat J at to yamr tlght draft, tea 30 09 prevloBsly advaac JOB- ' ' V I With best wlshe. for lh eoatltaxl rureem of your most aactlleat isnttrnUoB wa ar , . yours fra ra).lly, 1 ' C , FACM0iCO., AterW.H. PEltONAL. Tiie Vow Y-wk RqnMie baa suapaod Dr. UnderwtKHl, tba well-known piol seller, did at Saratoga, on Sunday, of hemoirhage ol the lung. The puoishaiaut of shutting a rvfracto ry pupil lu a dark cljaet baa again proved aquivalent to capital puniehmeat in the Csat 01 ia Ea gliah school child boi w-a foar and At years old. It is told of a young genllera n, whom a maideo liked, but father did nut, that at a reasonable hour th old gent rollJly laliwalad that lb Urn for retiring hsd arrived. . "I think yea era correct, my dear sir," answered nineteenth ceotury modestly ; "we hav been waiting over so hour for Jon to p at yourself in your little bed." Tb father retired thongMfully. Andy Johnson U Ktm Yt, k rep trt-r: "There's 7 ilden, wlm helped in break up theTaecd ring I w..u!.l like to take Tildeo by the baud and greet the mem bers of tha Manhattan Club. If it is pos sible I nlll be present at th reception." F.iur brothers in Holland ar aged re spec ively 88, 85, 83 and 81. The II rat two were ia the granJ army in Ruaait The (bird Waa nr.ille I as aa imperial soldier, bat dM sot brave France, and tbe f inrih was la the Du'cb army. They ar all in vigorous health. Augustus Cochin on day interviewd I a rails ragpicker, lie stid, "What in duce you lo take up this oocupatioi f" "Pride," waa tbe answer. "How piidr V "Ye; I wis a Ctrv.-r, a a I I bid a great deal to 'Jo with my waxmi, nl uy oru rades riiliculed my cluihet. But I uh j4 new c unpaoioiia, among the rtg i.ickera, who do uit Uugh at me, an I I am happy in my tattera." RKLIOIOUS The p'avr.ra of (ruha liav,- is-ued a 011 to tbe Euet rn Churches lor aid for thagrauboppersufJerers.sugrtti ig that a special 0'illecuor be tak n up oi C irnt maa day for that purp.wi It h'.a been cimnioa to aay ilwt Scnp- lur make a ru 1st ike in sptakiug of tbe aut io storing up its Kiml, tb tt in reali ty it on y stiT"! up it ' K'i; but C jl 'tiel Hyket di covered at ftMiuall a spet ie i.l auta (Alts Proviilen-) winch regularly stor4 up the Is ol miile' lor it. Imi. I in stormy weather. T ie I j ct .ra . rl .l not know em-ugh hn tii y c n.f . .1 th science of &rp'ure. Tb-y lnv. m equally premature wiieo iliey litre objec'.ad to the acieotiflo ata'cinent le garding the ostrich abimi .;.n:; in c'K'. ftr late reaeatci.es hate prot t I .i.st the ostneb qil'ta lier t-jjt .lu.n g the .i .y. aad sbandoos tliem alt etiur il i litre bat boeu any Intru-ii n up.n Ihtiu, tl.n furnishing so ad ro: rati I typ- I ctrel-H nest regsnliog offspring allTbolt The Wilmington lt in to b- r.-. .v d. liollit A Son, of (partaa.liurii. C , now run th Charlotte Hotel. Oreeosboro', the "city ol' 11 vcn." i i ii. full bloom, wtoUtt blooming in tbe y t.-i of the editor of the Patriot William Walter Pbelps, of Conuecticu'., knows bow to rid into Congress. He keeps twe?Y splendid rid He hnrs a on bit (arm for the at of leading burn n ii f. Simpson Lanier, fnimerly n( ibis c -ui - ty, now of F.orida, has sent W S. M mi six thouwnd orBngct this tcasoa 1.500 fast io yesterday. Mr. Li i er bt 1 a tree wjixh bore 4 000 oranges thit jeir. Or. Patriot. A Mr. Weeks sends to Mr. Ctnuv, of 8t. Angus' in. FIa, a monster aligstf tootb. In hi Utter Mr. Waks giv sa full description f tbe alitg'itnr, aud how batucoeedod la WWag bira. Mr Week. states that h measured teaty ftet in length aad four fM to dimeter. The tootb, oB exhibtli.it being the largest ex- traded from h:m it about 9" inclii long with a hollow larga aouugh to hold a bot of match. d!n:.,'.' . Tail aJtOlXS. Aa tt ob bat rawiarked. tb way to fled a girl oat is to call wben sua isn't la. Mintai'l steld baa ba ic- kcud et- rosaiiig-cWk af the Arkansas Hoase of Bprewttlve. ,;M4oa Mllasoa baa takaa a saperb tuit of apmmnttow th Re Anber, In Parks not tH "tt(tsB blocks from tb borne of her dk aved rrvai, the Marqnb de laaz. 8h fet t imda ttrBrlag her approaching visit AVromarasrab Berehaidt, whole thin at gboit, tba TmU Rjaro iclla the following Wkrhed stsrr v.uBrthatrdreiar waarom fflafeUtgt ttft-ereaaer of tb Co media that thdwaaiag two ma war sot kept in good SriW. Why,' ld she, oaly imagine. 1 fBrfestB Mtl Sarah Bernhardt's drew Hjt foots only last night r 'Poor beatt,' saad the aasympalhlslng employes, 'hemnat bat swan ilasoat aurrved to death. ' " 'Aaotasrof Grweaaboro's fair dam tela aa reader en th 8th of January, to one OreWMboro' young 41 Unta.Vifriof ' ' ' Pokb's Extbact. It I hard t iaduge pa-piato try tba, beat semedy ia tba world as tba poorest , 4sk soma friend about tb Extract, Uaaaimoua verdict. Rv. r bVeavdar af asa Waekly -BJrrnraK, will nun k a tonf of law beet .arteul- taml sad Fastil- Xewspapwr la Ui eoutrv fey add'aerwa; MoetVs Raral Nw Torbtr. llmtnl BJ Vk . , detftf Uoneril Awemblj of North Our- olia. f?ENATE. December 17ih, 1874. Prrsideat Armfleld In the chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Rich. Journal of yasurdky rea 1 aad approved, MEMORIAL L Mr. Patble pretentcd ta'.I-tiquor petl t on for Northampton. Referred. Mr. Cant wall memorialised from a Phil adelphia firm alter a ittel engraving from Slate fur a Ceotrnnial Book. Referred. Mr. Pctblaa, another anti-liquor pet! t'oa from Northampton. Referred. BTATB LIT IV CITT. Persons with improvemtatt on Slat lt!s iu tbiicily allowed till 1st Juue to ttke thtm ff OMSLOW. L qoi r law repeale.l at Swanali iro in tins county. LRB DUKI.Af. Bill for rewsrd reduced to $300, aud passed scleral reeding. ruBi.ic DKBT BILL. A resolution passed the Seutte provi ding f . r s conference ol lb joint com mittee on put lie debt with tb creditor ol thit State, and calling a meeting of th committee ia thit eity on tb 14tn da vf Jtaaary, 1875. To rtaolutioa it ordered to be printed io the city dailies, the Richmond Ditpateh, Baltimore paper and New York Ural I and Shu for tore week. MCCU DleCl'iel.m p urred on bill of Mr Be. I to make th lurr Uhing of provision or luppliej to teoaots tad cropper constitute a lien without wrifea agreement, and to tsk pneedence of all other liens. Pending th diacuiaiou the Senate ad journed till to tn. now. n0U?B OF HEPUEdENTATIVEi December 17ib. 1871. House met a II . m , Spe.ker Kob- inton in the Cli.ir. Pray.r l.j lb v. Mi. Rich, I ilie city. Jouina 1. 1 yeoteidy wa- lead ill ap proved. i'l'titi u W' ie piewoted uy M ssir. Or lH i, Tj'iuipMio, ul !J au.url, and Miack Idtril. By Mr Mean, a bill io call a Conven tion ..f tiie p t.ple. Kt feired to the. C m mittcu on (' n.a i;u i b .1 Iteloim (Ttie biii pr.iv.uet i lint a C invention .hall be ci.etl. l,:rJ. ..f llic L gulttuie cou- cu:nn , io w-ii in li.leiuli on Mnndav. ilay ul , lfTJ .-aid U.mventi .n lo Cin.it! ul iU .1.1. x.l... Ett h delrgal. t" na l C iivmii. ii Ii i. re t.kiu; hia aeat . t ttke a'i i .t'. i i,, .t tn ilo anything c nirary i.i m- u ( ii'i le whicn the Cm- vetiii.i.i is .-.lied Mr. Tale, I...1 totxtcii.i t!ie cm p irte imi aol MoigHiiUiu. 1. ierred. Mr. Muuileti, a In. I to amend chapter I118 sc i.m 9, laws. I 73 '71. Reletftd. Mr Wi krr ..i Hit'lino.iid, a 'jill to fix In c. n.pt ii'.ti i. . ii ul .In lye. ol the upe- r oi ' . ii; r I r It- .J.uir -iHtiil leui". He. rre. Mi. tiiilliu, jili to make Fishing lick Hi tn c .unit.. I Naali, 11. Ill I ami Edjicouibc aiiftful leuce. Itefiried, Mr Gr ffl ., n bi l t i prevent 111 felling t tree i i Fishing Oieek In Halilax N..4U aul KIj-c mIi cuntirs. e-1-rrttJ. M tVe'ia, a bi 1 to ino-irpurate '.he t wUnllilv Ui.i, 0tllllU ClUUtv. llt- lerret. Mr. ProtHrr. rvn'ti'ton tn lavor uf N. M. vYl!o, rbr;fl id' Yancey oountc. Ca'eudur. M'. Tnvttt, a luil t;i relation to the practice of phytic in 3 ate. Referred. KeanlatiiHi in far .rot F. J. Satchwall, bbtnfi.f Bi'anf. r!. w is tkn " p and pad iU seven! re.di .g Ob motion of Mr. Pr ffltt, th resolu tion In ftvot uf the ShoiiS ofYaucey c.iuuly, pasted i t tevcritl rending. On motion ot M-. O'kimilb, bit ren lutiou raiting joint soliclf c orairiillt to examine into the affaire of railroad! in whi-h the State it intcrrsted, wa adopted. Ou luolii.nol Mr. Biyant, Ibe resoluti n it favor ol lh snliry of Judge McKi.y wa takeu Up, yeas . d uaya called, tsd it wa rejected by v .te of yea. A3, Bays 8J Mr. Sln.a mnved to recon ider ami theutotiou wa ea'etej mi (he journal. .BBCIAL I'BDBB. Tue bill to give jurisdiction U chief officers of cities, Ac , wii Lin the corporate limits of th iTie, tbe jp- citl order for this hoar, IS raM ws. Ukeu up. A'ter a long dtacuwina and a good deal of amendment!, fh bill failed lo pati ill aooond reading by a vot of yeai 48, ntysS. Mr. Altsaut moved to reconsider tbe vat by wbieb tba bill tailed to pass tt tucond feeding-. Pr;llo.l. Mr. Means i. flared so smeadtnwat by which th prorii"ns of the bill apply to tba towg i of C ic;rj, Lhci'.qton and MoVg-sBfrir.. - Mr. BixsU in jv. d to insert th town of Bmitbfiettl. , Mr." Mori n 3 m' v.t to Kcommit th Whole nit: ter to the j iJicury, which pre vailed. (ECt D .-PtCtAI. OBDBB. ' ' Tha nrsolu.loa Authorising th Pre'- dent of tba Senate ead Speaker of th BoJaa 'o consult with the holders ul tb Claim included ia tbe decree of th fbro- clixur of tb mortgtg oa tb Wtra If. 0. Railroad, Ac, aad to report at the artiest practieabl day. apoa what termt tha Slat cad get control of said d:ms, wst taktn apt tbe special order. Mr. Tsti thought th matter too plain to Btd any furthrr exp'tntlloa. Thoat andt of djllare wti taken trout the treat- ary to pay lawyers, eommissioaen, r. eeivers, Ac., and yet im gentlemen teemed lacliaed to go borne sad kit th 1 matter go on for two long jeara, nitbout ran taking ttept to leara what can be done. Lloyd, co!., movtJ to insert the name of the Governor ia the comniissio. Li st. Mr. Mortal did not t.w whit good or harm could come of the resolution, but be did with to stand ia tbe attitude ol a debtor who resisted a debt oa tb gruaad tit tread, . a tha lookout lor a oom prom Mr, Staples did aot tai why in orint- tioo concerning the Wettern North Car olina Railroad was u much more eagerly ought after tbsn io regard to ether rail road t in which tbe State bat Interest. Here were th bolder of these Bibley cliimt now aoxiout to tll their claim under Ike decree for much lest thsu their face value. Did not this go to tbow tbat their claims were tainted with fiaud, Ac. A bill it introduced purchasing for the SitU the Wettern North Carolina Railroad, sod right on itt hrel comes this resolution inquiring up in wl.at term these cliimt tgsiust the road eta be bought Mr. Walker, of Richmond, ofjjred s tabttitute fi r tbe letolutiun which pro Tided fur s j lint select committee to ex smiue uto tbe validity of these c.'tlm Th tubttilute wsi rejected. Mr. rat too wa, in favor of the resolu tion, U only tt ugbl U proper and re quisite informatisu. It did not bind tb Stat in any wty. He wa candid to stale that io his opinion it wss good pol icy lor the .State to buy Ibe road, As. Tue discuaiion continued to t great enlh, a..d the renlutioo as amended was adapted. A Ijourned. waa- Imp htast .-'alb. T; e rcl and per- aouai proptrty ot T. F. Lee, la'e shiTiff, wi.l bi oiii a', public uuctj.'n on Tbun- tiav. Frioay and catutday next. What it ki own aa iiia K chUoil plantati n, four niilt A'e-t of Ktleigh, in House Greek ottiii:p, i.L.-tilitii v l a mile of tie Nt r.h ( an, lies raiin.ad : the best im proved fuiii in tin- Bt.te, with all th siork, itiii.it'iri-, Ac, aa numerated in the adv. rlie.i ti.t iu liiia pap.r, will be soul on Tuurit'iay uexi. On Kr tlay next, will be told bis town prop, r y, consisting of nal estate., houses .'i 1 1 d k ichru Ia n: ure, line blooded Ii. tr. ta'ile, Ac. aie to takepl.ceon h: is ki.oan an the Meuitger place, on N bern Avenue. Ou SniurUy of tb s seek will be told what it known at his lower plantation "Ex. ter,'' iu St Mary's Township, within two miles ol A'i' n IX mi, oa lb North C .rniiij li n o.id, and nioe anion Etit ot It I ;jh Tina it i, u,; ., ibe flueat plai 1. 1 ins iu r e 8 ute. A I the tuck, mule ct le, uruiluie and iintt mill, gin, and ttei.ru ts -iue, Irngs, Ac, Ac All th per onSl pi.iperly to uc aol i no Hue -. plauta ti nia nre ol H'p. ri i ninufact jre, and iu Qts' c:i4 c 'iiditiou, Eicli of th'ie plautatiout hst proiluced tint year an averaged of four hundred puuu It nl 1 1 1. 1 cotton to tha acre. The aivertiwiueiit tb'.wi tbat tb teriui of tle ate IiIhtsI. T.ert will be first dais tarbecue dinner linn .bed I lie v:sitois to etch Ol these a tie.. Akmi r tub t e.ntsal Eibcotivb C MMIITBErr TBB OHflB VATIVE PAB tt. -The ritate Ex cu'ive C muiiteof tbe Conservative prty, ahicb is com posed of th virions. C mgr. siional Ex ecu nvr C lumittere, will p esse meet io Raltlgh nn Wednesday, January the 20th, 1873, to coosult io regsrd to important matters. ' Meiuiiera of the C mae.-vitive press sre invited to attm I. W. li. COX, Chairman Central Committee. J J. LiTcnrnBD, Sec'y. I1LEIGB 1AKIET. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Uaiuoh, Dec. 11,1874. KSMABXS. Cotton biiak 13V,, with salos to torn ex tant J. Baegmg Domeatie S yd ISalSW Coiton Ties IMo lu Floar N C , T.26a7 SO. ( ora new II .10 old 10 Cora Meal new rSa9, old II. 15. Baeoa N 0 Hoc round IA Bacon. M C haiet, 1d Hwlk C'war Klb -Hdea, V-'Vali), hulk Bhouldsra, iu Laid, NC, t " Western T. lrcea, 1 " do. kegl, 17 Offfea Klo.fiod, Z1U Egvs, ti Butter country, , as riah, Mullet, 7.WIU0 " Mackerel bM., 11.00 Beeswax, to Rags It Beef on foot Xa Uroaaod, a Leather aols, S7 Hide Urwen, 7aH Pry, IS TaHow, 10 foutoea Sweet, HO " tliab, 100al.)!f Oata abelleo. eoaW Sheaf 1.21 Fodder old 110. aew I .S5 P i.-ni who have btrome thoroughly chilled Ir in nny cause, may have tboi circulation at once lestortd by taking into tb ttomach tiaspoooful of Johu tton's Aoodyue Lioiuitat mixed ia a littl old water, wtll fwvsttaed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JJ C. CUaiSTOPUEK, Wholesale and Retail GROCER AND GENERAL COM MIS BION MERCHANT, , No. 4 ABO 3, Nokia Hiob Makkit. A full Hoe of Groceriet for tbe Jobbing trade, pricet to suit the times. COFFEE AND RUGA US OF ALL G22ADK3. nontmorg.'.' Two Haadrei Birrs a of all grade., cheaper than ev r. Corn Mesl and buck Peat Si ill Lower. BUTTER ! BUTTER ! ! Fiv huadred rouads of Fin Graytoa county Butler, lor tale by Kit and Retail. MINCE MEAT I TOBACCO! TOBACCO! TOBACCO ! By box aud Retail ol all Gra le-. Bacoo of all Kinds, Uami 1 llamt t Old ind New W it Hams ! forced Pork a Specialty. Order filled for Cora Fattened Pork tifarket Piica. Cbosiffoment of sll kiads solicited, uromp. returns made and aatialacuon give. Messrs. U r. Meacbaru and Cornelius Dupree, with F. C. Christopher, would be plkaaed to wait on their friend at F. C. CUUlbTOPUEU'a, dccl7-lia No. 44 5 NSMarket. 1875. TURNER'S 1875 KOK7H CAROLINA ALMANA0. (The Old Reliable.) K6.0U0 iold every y ar. The only genuine N C. Almanac. None In greater demand. Now readv for 1SJ75, and elllnt: rapid y The oaly Almanae In the State tbat has th.- Courts csrrect. Doable the . e of my Almanac In th State. i Price, cer groat, I T 00 handrwd. 0 uu " half groat, 4 10 " dosen. 7S Mercbantican bave tnelradvertiaementaoa whole of nutide pace buvlng by the 100 fur cne dollar extra. JAMES H. KNN1SS, rob rand rrojirietor, dSUwfm wlm Raleigh, N. C. PERSONAL REMIN1SCENCENCE8, AN ECDOTES AND LETTERS OK Gen. Robert E. Lee, By Rev. J. WM. JONES, D. D., formerly (.napiutn Army JMortnern vu-ginla, anil ol . Washimrton College, Va. IPubliah- ' . ed by authority of the Lee family, nil of the t acuity of w.h. Ingtou ana Lee L lilver.ity. tlXTEEX 8PLEKDID PORTRAITS AK D E.NURAV- INOS.J . Priep. In flftlh 'rt.Kft: Shpfn. t SO: Tlalf Turkev, S.5i); Full Turkey, 7.SO. U. AI rLETON A CO., I'utiltsliers, 540 and M Broadway, Now York. Mus. S. M. WEVEHE, Aueht. dect tTII A JONES otlce to ibe Pahllr, Owlne to our increased trade wa ' ave found it necessary to purchat second . tock this seaaou. Our MaJ. Petty It now In th Northern minkftt buying snd In order to make room fur the to -nla, we will toll the ttock on band it n very email profit. All wishing the belt goodt at tbe lowest pricos should aot fall to call on us. We hnvn t rplot.did line of Drest Goods which wb a s soino to ssm. low. Ws bsve s la'gu K-t of Pars which ws oflur st priott to talt tbe timer. Our Alpiccss belnc of the beat brand and colon, speak for themselves. We offer North Carolina Cass' mers st Fse tory price snd best cambrics at 10 ;per yard. We Oder special Inducements to merchants buying In this market. PETTY A JONES, nov 14 tf FsyetteviUe Bt. OB KENT FOR T it, tit .h 8.5 That convenient nfflca in rear o ntliens' National Bank, oa M.rtln S'reet Apply tft dtf CITIZttNa' NAT! v Ai. BANK. I jHOWM'S VARIElT BTORIC I Th Cheapest place to buy all kinds of MUSCIAL INSTRUMENTS, (From a Jewaharp to s Church Organ.) Stringi and Trimming far Yieiin, Qui tart and Banjo. Basket t Btvskels t Tbe largest aaaortn .-.nt in the city. Broom, Hair, LluUut, Crumb and 8A Bntthtt. Black! n. Feather Dusters, Willow Nur sery an I Hocking Chairs, Brittania Cocoa Dippars, Wood Tooth neks, uioum oan, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Croqnet Set, Bella, Battle Doois, Crac noops, Dcnooi uags, riaying iaiui, Dies abb ihd fXrs, Fa?ct Goods, TOY?, ATOMIC r,OXE3, WRITIN0 DESKfl, A Ladies' Companions, Beadt.Pocket Books China Vases, Jewelry Stands, Cigar aad Tobacco Box, LVilU, Marbtas, Tows, India Robber D-iUs, Rattles Building aad Alphabet Blocks, PIPES, CIGARS AUD T0B4CC0, And macy other thing too asnarea to mentioj. Call and eiamin. my ttock and price before buying elaewber. No troubl to tbow good. NAT. L. BROWN, oct 14 tf Raleig b, N. C " BEST WATER POWER IN M I DDLE NORTH CAROLIN A FOR PALE. Th Neuss Maoureatariag Company otfert for tile itt magnificent water, pov . . ,.i. Six mlhr from katelgfe, M C, eatb Tarboro Koad.wlth Thirty Aerw of Laad, iu Mill Oam, Qrtst snd Saw Mill, Store Uoitt, Ei(bt Hoaat for peratrve, two barn aad stables, hia. kMnilh chop, siork jJoBBdatlon. apoa . which the old factory stood And stack built f brick flfty feet fetich. - ' It la au. rounded with trrsalts of wood quality and has vary flu clay for brick on th land. . Tb power ecatist of the whole force of th Nana Rive t this point' . If not disposed of at rival sal ptwviou to tbe l nh of December, It will Oa that day b sold at the Court Hon k RaMcb to th higfaaat bidder. . , l ism. roar tooaasad donars la Cash. Kalaaa la ear. two aad tare rears with inteieat I root oat. A plantation adiointnr of aboat two hon ored acres of ood famlBsT ktad will be told at th lame Uiae, UAK-L O. FOWLE, nov Hb-dU Pret't si Maaaf. Co F OR RENT OR BALK. Th Hout and Lot on Lana Street. North of the lieef Dumb Aayluin Tbe bona vontaiui eiichl roonis, porehes and a pantry, and there are all necessary oul-bouaea Tue lot la one acre and baa a good garden. 1 refer to Mr. T Ulinchaat th last occupant. as to rent As to sale, consult me at Peace taautut. dec 8 tf DRURY LACY. Q.RAIN CRADLES A ORAM BCTTH8J Just received a supply of Binclalr' Celebrated omtaera Oradle.' TaB Bawsr ia tbb Majuut. Warranted to giv aaliafacUoa. JAHIOX TUKVLIS, Agent xaaySIMw. ' j.3. VALUABLE FAH.M rOKSALK K kX CHANOg FOR CITY PROPERTY. On nedneedat ihj 23rd dan of Dwaember. If not .old before at private ale, I will tell io tha hit-beat bidder my Farm svtnateJ two and out bait uilles East of Raleigh on the Tarboro' Road. It contains about three hundred nd thirty acre of laad, of which atiout one hundred and flfty are well wooded, n tbe trao, are an excel ent dwelllns house conuiulug suvea room sad twolarg cellars, . Mlcneu Willi two room almo.l new, a ia nre tar itory Oin Hons with horse power atiached, laborer boas, barn, aw., a large leaen ana apple orchard, producing me oust iruit in Wake uounty. Bight flae tprtngi or water convaoienily losated. Foar load of wood a day can tie made br a wairon baulinic to Raleigh. The coutemplalad Raleiirb A Maboard Kallroaa wuclies wlUtout peneual mt the N irtberu bonndarv. The land la well adapted to (Jolt in, Tobacco, Wbeat and all ibe cereals 1 wo une Oitia, o e water power, the other steam are il'nite few hundred irds fr m too promises. I bkvs or ale : ivi thousand dollars ih 'the baiance In one, two and threa year., equal iuaUlmunU. fartkee dirlni( to pur- naae are invited lo inspect uie piemtaes. Tbe land will bj dlrldid if desired. 1 will exchaa e for City Property. dee8 xw BASIL U MANLY. 'A TPLICATION will be made to th prsr V. sent Legislature to obtain a tharter tor Iho Southern Underwriter Association. nor JO-UOd v )UUE OLD RYE WHISKY. NAT ONAI. HOTEL BAR. HKKKY rOSTF K RfE AND DB.L.4W ARE Pure 1 y.t -even Yeura Old. ibe lie.! WllNkV in:l'lc jit ri..'nlrt Oil. da nov 'ii-l J. C S. M.US1IKX, -:0: V .n li.t,t-f.. .... I ttn .l.... 1t Tin ai.4 HI... .t r.in Wart Atntiew.tll Atovo.. thn IW-atlu ttte world, uom love tUcu. lm Koofiou;, tlut rrln snd Piping a Speelulit y. FuyetUville dt., uppuasts the: Mu.'k. t l'ojn. tiaieigu, Bi. w. mar 8tlif MVO THOUSAND POUNDS. Prime rtflned Lard. At j if R. F JONK A CO' DR. WKL BaUl'S n lit Hiiiirr.m v m a i iji THE QUE AT AMEHICANOON SUtVlPTTVB REMZ2DI. -, r Couaumi .lull ia NOT an luce ruble disease Physicians assure as of ihu fat:!. It ia only oceasary to have tb right tetuitly, and the lerriblecau be conuiualatly ercti. rl ALL'S BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY It hreaks up the iiLrhtSWttaltv relieves the pprcsve tlgLlneM aen as the Lungs, and rals the laeerated and excoriated surface -hicb the venom of the disuaae product. rVHILE LIFE LASTS THU'liJ IS HOPS It may not be too late to efluet a cur even tf'tir Uu- doctoia have giv, u you up. HALL'S HALPAM it cum everi Here, and nay be hail at wholesale of the Proprletora, IOU.N t. IlKMii. l.l KKA .1 co,, at weir Jroal Medicine Warehouse. H and College eiace, Naw York. Price I per bottle. loughs. Colds, PtMomonla, tiroucbilis, Aatbina. Spitting of Blood, Croup, WIKMiptNO X)CGH, ud a.l oliier dlaease of th respiratory rgmr s. . Also ProiTieloi, of dcovlll t Blood snd Liv er Syrup, Cs'! In? Salve, Edey's Troches, rxygenaled lilttera, Mott's Uver Pills, tSe., JOHN f. H!-:nnT, ( Li:n.VN A CO, . tad C.il.. ritee, Mrw TnrV, ' Ja lu s r wooHa 40BB UIUM HORE ,T G.1TL1NG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW RALEIGH, N. C. r . It ate snd Fuderal Orartt and th Court of ., '.at aa tin J adiciai uiMi-icta. DOT'Jl'.f yyr iuooi GIBBS'' AiaWINl jEBOUXMlOaS At ninfweture' pricea, aa tssor Bsoatblv iaialta:t. .)-.-. AND TWENTY-FIVE PER UINT. IILO MANCFi.CTCRERF' FFJCES FOR CASH, If pare based direct from Urla offlca, or say r, tt local aaranta. 18 "iJiTB STREET, Uicbaond. Y.i , . an. v sita. rropne'.or. eft- wlm