rh s j It! '. r : . I . J i 6! FHESEMINEL tQSUM TOKMBB, Editor. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1874. PERFECTLY lit TOWH WITH A POCKET FULL OF BONDS, NOT ROCKS. Edward Mtttbewe, a riog rota, ii id towa with $1,400,000 ol hoods beloog- iog to th) Westwa Boed. Said atatUiew it cbirgtd bj Judg Onderdonk with hiving plundered, lb fiUte and hi own corporation, tin Ceroliae Centre'. "Cuts' wordi at a tlockholder meetiag were hiverad ever tha baad of Mr. Ed. Mat tbawt by on of the directors of bit air porittoo. Da U la a barry and baa aot long to atay. He winU a leg'ulative committee to wail an bins that he my tell that What he kaows about rilroads and bond oo tba Wetter;, road. We abhor moba or wa mould rteomaieatl a "Vigilant) committee" to meet him, and tak out of bia big pocket t aiilllno tour hundrod Ibcutaod bond, and pleca in tnek aUad 1175,000, with ail per ceat. iatartat from tb day Geo. Sibley loaoed that ataoaat to tba Westera road. If be complaiaad of it, ba ahould be taken to Penny' mill pond, and treated after the maoner acbool boy ueder tba old C'un alitution a ted to treat ih Hitter when ba refuted to giro holiday Caster M d day, A it i we advise every body to be oirll to Mr. Ed Matthew. We ri a CbrMtaa paoplt, ta Loreifo Dow would aay "forbearing and forgiving ooo to other." Bow earn Mr. Matthew by l bete bond I Billy 8mitb bought them of 0s. Bible? or of tb Southern Security Company, who got tbem ol Sibley. "In oideotai" Billy i taid to have eiaeuted a IbniTof bla letted corporation fur $S0O, 000 to get that bond aad a claim of B T. Mf Aden en tb road, of which Judge Dick ba appointed bin receiver. He i aid to bare paid MrAJaa $20,000 la caah of hia elaia. W learn that Edward Matthew I wil ling to take $390,000 for hi million four hundred uouiaade ot bond, provided tba LegUlatnrt will allow him to violate hi chartor by refusing to rua hi road at required by tba charter of Rutberiordloo H eotnee with hia pocket lull of boada obtained by tbtmele fraud tad bad rtith of public official, and demand ta be allowed to change hia lioe of road, and il the Legia'ature will do that, ba will give up thee fraudulent bonda. If the Lrgialatura would put a mortgage oo the North Carolina road of $3,000,000, wa incline to the opiolou that ha would give ap tb $350,000 he prr poem to hold. Thia Sibley debt travel boot too much to be good, when all the fact tbout it come to be koown it will be found .that the men who inaugurated to Eebo black mailing ruit are more in terested than ibley hinitel. The Legislature ibould make hut lowly In dealing with Mr, Ed. Mtttbewe, for & bold a wicked fraudulent claim again too vVettern road and i willing to take leaa tbtn twenty cent la tb dol. tar far hi claim. LUTLEFlELD'S AMBASSADOR. Dr. Pleaeint Holt ta, or haa beea here, It it ttid to negotiate for tha removal of Littlefield'e disabilities and ta obtain legislative pardon for hi crime and af-i teace. JJttleSeld is willing to pay $900,000 . to the State by wty of restitu tion for what he atole, aud return and give Blte evidence agtiott hisaoooa; plice. ' UttltJeld aaya he will black' oma ol tba flrtt Demrat to tba State, The misfortune ia Link field ha bad hia 'chance and whitewashed everybody, blacking none. Littiefleld't Private Sec- retary Faawick, baa made atveral vititej bslor Dr. Pletsttt Holt Hia main ob ject teemed to be to cultivate Governor Brogdcn. H waa with Gov. Brogdeo in that consolidation airing, which CoL ifumpbrej gave tba Governor and Mayor Jo, when the Collision took place oo the, Mullet Road meshing the engine as flat; as flounders, and coating tbe company maay tbouaaad barrels of mullets. A number of the church very terioutlyj Informed u that Gov. Holden was nr cising a nalutary christian iofluvaes over Gov, Brogdcn. lie would not be aor prised to aea Gov. Brodeu ooo at the baad of Sunday School. Wa bad the grace to aay we wished it might be so, USURY. Wa publish t ) -day Senator Lioney's perch span this subject. The speech waa called forth by a motion in the Set tle to poetpoM a bill establishing a legal rat of, interest. Senator Linney rep re sett a working people, and when tl air work baa ao prospered as to allow them to lend mooey, in tba main they are con -tent to receive eight per cent., tod most Of tbem art content with sii. It ia a great help to working man having a $1,000 to lead that make bim $80 In the Way ot interest. He eootinues to dig and tWvr tat aaottiar tbfiitnd, which will malt him as much more, without a ttagle, lick of Work on hi part. The advantage of money to lead ia that it work dsy and night and accumu'atee every moment of time, aad Want do thoea, ar bread, or mttt, ar aleap, or reat. : Tha poor mta who ha $1,000 to lend at I per cant,, aad a yoke of fat tteers to Woik ia a priare ia tlite swes land of lib trty, 4nd if ha doea not drive bird at th aad of tb year, hi $1,000 will havo mad mora nosey tbaa biayoka of tcrs. Toes ro the aentimtats of Unoey and k' people an inlrreet end asary. The report of the Southern Claims Cmmka'oa teat to Coogras it ia favoi of raving $770,000 aad rejecU $4 440,000 wfsiiitti,, - ", imnaTT fon holden. II wa Can do o without offence we take tba liberty of suggesting ta Judga Csntwell thtt he Include Littltaaldie hit bill for attiwtsty to Gov Holden. Here the Hread of our discoursu ia broken by a cpy of the Raleigh JVetea being pot upon oar table, aad oar atten tion called to what follova, upon the re moval of Uoldeo's disabilities. It is all done coder the bead ( advertisement, We publish at a niattir of newa and in formation to tbe people, without reward or tbe hapc of reward : aiiVKKTieaaa.iT Fium tbe itutni'ke New. VICTOBi Ot'GH r T) BE MA'IN MOUS. As tba oewa lr..ui the recent elect ou Was fllasheil over I lie country, emotioiis of gratitude t Oo l thri'leel terv pair otic heart, ia tha land. Evwywbeie tba detponding wre inspired wiin new hope that our riutlicaa loalitutioos could be fin served and perpetuated the win lit beams ot a better day tor our country ar ter a lon night ot corruption end drk deeds. Democracy bat everywhere won triumphs no let aitnnisbinir to rs own adherent than diamaiing to it opi uoola It is ptopir that its exjliabt bout Mould nog nut dearly and g on outly. Let waving baaueis, beaiinu drum and booming cannno herald the iojful lidioiitl Let a letlii.a al secuntv be infused ia every breast, and let tha nation enjoy the fruits of thu victory : Lei the gloomy past witb all i's errors be eatnmbtd ia the ruhbisli eattrid Irithtr and tbitber by ita own d aierr. Let the Democratic paity at mice enter upon tbe discharge of its erect mission. Let it rebuild the wss'e place, repair tbe btokeo walls and tt-?stablih 'lie pr a peritv of our country. "L t us hsva peace." Lt tlio coutlic; that have shaken our covjiDiuent to iis centre and deatroyed so maoy of its cberiahed Rlnrias De bnsDed by tb swelling anthoms ol redeemed aatioo. To this end everything ta'eulatad to heal the animosity of tbe past, and tr make tbe future bright with pramiae ought to be done. We have had enough ol war. Iisccsntsof carnage and H bittcrneta it engendered tbauld cease t be tuel tor tbe tires ol dwcird. It ar nht, it ia prop r, that the political disa- btulle of every man lu lb eouotry I reMMMred. Tuih is the first step toward the reatnratloo of tuit good will let hu government which should animate eveiy citiaau. ' Tbe banned bava differed enough. Let tbem feel that their coun try can forgive error. Especially let this be tbectse in Nor h Carolina, in wh'Ch is one mm, with wh ta the author at this has always politic ly differed, whose disabilities ' the present Lesiilature ought to remove Relerenc is made to Uuo. William W. Holden He may bave erred in tha selection of bit counsellors In times when none but the pureet and beat should bave dirtcted, but ail must admit that his action, far from beieg voluntuy, whs forced upon him. Ia advancing tbe great interest f the State prior to the war probably no man wielded a greater or more beneficial ir- fluence. He is (till in the full vigor ol lite, and hi talent ought again to ba ex erted to ri-aitabliah hia fame and to assist in tbe redemption of hi State Irom tbe decay into which she haa fallen. Tht Mr. Ooldea is a patriot, aona will deny, nd thtt he wauld wield a powerful in fluence for the good ol the State, every candid man niut admit. But aside from these coosi derations, hi disabilities upon (he ground of justice, lie has suDere-1 political exile loos enough. Tbe present IKuiocittic L'(;isUtuie ought to show to me worm mm ii ia wuia vt ue magnani mous, and that it will accord to every man hit right of citir- Dsliip. Lit til r- member that Horace Uriel ey rigrud Jef- lersun Uavis' bail bond. C 'KSHHVATIVE. Iialeigh Utttt. Tbe quet tion "i wl" wr'te I bit. We incline to l lie opinitw tiiat tbe same men who wrote Kirk's address wrote this ap pea' for Holden. On the impeachment trial it leaked out that V. tt Holden wrote Kirk'f iiflaniatory sppcal when he invaded the State under the siinctioa ,t Senators Pool, A'lbott and President Grant. Holden drew tbe Shtflner bill for which SbofTnerr barely escaped bank ing. Tim Lee seys de knows eit. us;h to put Holden in the IVnitentur; . Little field ay pardon him aad be will pay $300,000 dollars to tbe Sute and tell on Holden aad other. The facta of this etupaudous swindle tunning through tbe aanar and reign of radical rule and ruin moat all coma to light before Holden is pardjpqcd, , Hutdcn, Swepson aud LUtlc- floid are put down by Sheriff in their return ai insolvent 'rulls bona'' is tbe re turn of Ih 8bi liffj to all of ibem Yet Littli field owna threc'-fourtbi of three consolidated roads be and Spson bought' with $1,800,000 of JVorth Carolina money. Gen. tUnman tayt tfwepton mi.de two tad a half million! ia bit State buud opera: ion, and the Gtaertl ought to kaew, for be waa tba medium through whom LittU field and Sweptan operated n their Florida purchases.' Tim Lee says he knows enough to put II Idea In1 b Penitentiary, and that he is rich, that be loaned Fat Carrowia tba midst of the lite panic $10,000 and bad a large turn at bia credit in bank recently by way of relieving tbe banks in the late pressure upon them. The lights on tbe ring are jost becoming bright, tad we begin to see aa Judge Watt said in bis Cbsrge to tbe grand jury "as through a g'aas darkly." A WORD IO OUR SCBSCKIBERS ...... ........ AND, FRIES Dr ., . ; PayAipassocnaayotcan. You atvd not heeiiete about auUcribiog for the o zty at because we expect to sever nor connec tion witb the Ckktiiiil We expect to ell to one of tw prrie io a ti rt time. Both are full blunded Dear er i , aad able to coatiuue lbs piper. W will enter into bond to tiie p'ics to whom we may tell to cnevase the Si are against all ring paperi, wbatbw rua- by railroad ;ptaaidaata, OotUHitpiaar or hotel keep aea, tsntil man ahali b ashamed to nth scribe, raid or patronin ring paper. ' ; A bargltr haa' been shot at Biy Ridge, Long Island, aad in bia last hour con tested to being one Ol tbe abductor of Charlie Ross, lot d.da't Ml where tba child; waa, . BPtECB OF R. t. LISXIT, ESQ., V?OX TIIE C8URT QUESTION, 'PSLIVERED DEC. IOtii, 1W, IS THE 8ENATR OF NORTH, CAROLUiA.-' -Mb' Pajeu dbsTT t-TiW BenaU Itaa very clearly indtcaud a. dttpositiao to post pom) set loo upon t hia bill, unfit alter tbe races, which, ta my opioioa, aaaapoit to rndeDntie posrpxnemeut I have ao diipoailion !u force any iiicilfioa upon tboae wbo are uuwilliug to engage in it, but, air, I cannot c ntnt to e measure of snub important! lo Utc ooaatty, do posed flu this way, without I'fT-itirjif, at tuui Uiutftb tuy.-aukma pintewt ngiel it. 1 shall maintun that uu-y nugut to b) reatiicted to per cent upon two sepsraie and distinct grouioi: Legists laiion restiictiug usage w oU ahouid be c. ufined to auch usagi a are either ma!wn in h or such as the pulllc wi rtue rt quire should be reatiicted. In maintaining that usury should be restricted bicaue Hirtei ia ituif, 1 shall oiler only one s.ngle reason drawn Iruiu the highest ourca known to mankind. Ona item of revealed truth is euii;led to mora weight iu ditermininj , u- deliar atiooa upon any question Uein ......m; lution at our hsods, thaii all the te. and theories in the n Divers'-; tH'Cauc I U man reason is a aorry guide iu iu tf , t ol i his world. Mr. Beaton mikes Mr. J. tfjis .n mil ; that the bnuhttiat miel.iciuul ;eiii in tiie diadem ol Mr. Mon, w isiiiathe n, thoroughly luiuued witli B.ble iinu'-s ; and bis pei he ai i mid uuutul p mer by r ason el j io'aii..m li.mi iu .nlall ble source. I shall leave ray first propo-itiou that usury ought to be restnetad tu the propnaad limita bitut it is wicked ia it sell, to rest ou one tiuie :n plural quc tation : "Alio shiliali.de ii thy tnbtrnaelei Who shall dwell in thy holy lull f Jit that putti th not out h uiouey to uurj, nor iaki'th rewrl gi:nt thr n.noeeni. Psalm sv. 1 shall a l inault the Seunte by ifir.ng lu argument to prove that wuatcver u in its4.lt wroug should be prohibited by law. That will readily b; conceded by all I am. Iiowertr, told that I have not established my Ural poaitine ; that, ia other w oid i tbe tka'uto of Limitatioiw Can b'l plea I sgtinst il hcriplut.i tru.ll, except whit can be touud lo the New lenUuieut. 1 must ibeMore present tw that clkta rcaxous why.iu my opinion, uo rcs'ricieil ututy is deuiui mal to tba public go d, and stioud be rctiricled by law. It ia laay trade. The utorer iu be busy world, is what ilie drone bee is iuawi'ikrig lime Fat hiuise.l, but il tb'. re is any letsou to be taught by tb bee it answers no uselul purp se, or no purpose at all, ncept to fallen oo tbe sweat ot the luce of industry Another ulij.cti.'O i.', it maketu lew wuicbaots ud poor jieichania. L r J Jtacou says that it' merchii.ts tl onii'i n o, k.ngdom may bave g id l.mbs but empiy veins, aud nouricli littli.'' Tue mercliaut ou borrowed Ctpiiiti at exorbitant rales if interest ftustalus IM same relation to the usurer that the irmni dots to the land lord at too Kr ai a r lit, with thia exerp tion iu lavji el i.ie usurer, vx: II; is alaays at certaintie, wheie.n u,e inierest nl ibe lamiiord tbbs and rl us the tensot succeeds id the product! of Indus try. Thus while the? no reliant is hiaivll consuuiid, he consumes his cust. niers, aud b iin, in the i n I, are like y to b -come tne victims ol the mine . Another ri-nou for riugcul utury laws, is that tjiirettricted u.uiy coi.cei. trttes wealth, it It easy to demon-irate that Republics d juiisb best where wealth it most equally spread. Il is the policy ol monar hies io multiply their ten in try and coticeolrate wealih. Hut li!wrty is saler aud it should be the policy ol He publics to pursue l hat cuure ol legisla tion w hich will uiultip.y iheir Ireelio lb n and lewcu tensimy 1 do n it wltl to bo understood as tiivocallng auy agrarian theories, but ouly as opp n.ug that rapid and dangerous sucumu.ation id wet th which spiingt from llie employ uieiit of improper uieins. 7"hat nccuoiuoi'ion ( wenitb, Mr. I'nsdrnl, hicl. we deuou; inate the exriiuiyB ol lnuet unlusir) is proper, and, imiee I, is thu etrenth ol u mtiou. But thii tapid accumuUtion which results Irom the en.pluyineut tl means uicisH in themfhet, on never result iu sn, perninnent ben lit ti a IU- p lib! ICY A ready the wealth i f soulless corporations has ixcitcd tha nlirm of many patrinin ; sml in my huuib! judg ment the tune is n.i fir d.8t,n,t wheu the infl uence of b itikin,; ai.d o In r ci rp na tione through the u-e if mi prop r iiiejna Will IDoU d die irglslntli.n "1 tin C'lUnliy. Lord Bacuri, in in easny o:, iirury. hi-.'- tenl the Idet th it when e Itli c m th from tha devil it T 'tries iii'. u snead, and a wiser than Bicon . ha mi. I that whoso O.akelh ha.ie to bu rich shall not be iunocent." When wa!tb comes by parsimooy, continues Bacon, it is not free trout criticism; for it withbolda meolroa work ot liberality tnd charily when bv fraud it ia immi ri. aud oppressive. When by the improvement rj (be soil, tbe best and moat uittur.il. B.tt when by nsury, tba; wiuwt aud. uiot iunnttari, r JD natural, for th: r. as a that money be ing a mply tba icprtaentative of value cannot beget money. 'A,' f r iit tnce, purchase a noise aud improves htm, and obtain profit by salt, f heic is qtid pre gao lor th profit ; be cu use the liurc ha Oteo improved. But wheu the b.u er take in d pit at eight per cent., aad leta tbtm out at twenty, ihere is no quid pre quo tor tbi profit, lb banker realit'K. Aad It i tbe worst mean. ol making money, for tbe reason that the profit or tba usurer add nothing to the productive wealth of tbe nation ; but tbe utnrer fatten upon tbe necessities ol the borrower. He makea nothing. "The robe that, wrapt hi limb in silken loth, Hu robbed tba. neighboring field i or 0u their grewtn. ' That an exhorbitant rate of m erest tenda to bring about a dangerous collect -tratioo ol wealth, is apparent if wo will aliead to this. Uo iutu any enterprise or gsme for instance, in which some of the paitleaar at certainties and other, st ui - certainties, in vbe end tbe money will be in the boxol him w ho went lu atcertaic Utf, Toe farmer and merchant are at aaoextatntiea ; for trade and U seasons are uncertain ; bu' tbe usurer kaows at ba beginning what hii per ceo r. Is Tnus tha slothful uiurer, teachrbg ao leuoa of Industry, it t fleeting a monopoly ,ot tbe currency. Another reason is, it injuriously (fleet tb State revenue. Land tt bold. Em ploy capital and labor In ti.e cultivation ot tbe soil, and it it incapable of evading the i i gathe.er. It conati tutea a permanent aourceol revenue. Not so with tba profit ol ibe usurer. U lund are portable and timid.' No vigi lance c m prevent evasion ol the taw by tha usurer. Ooe iuatanc t A maa ta tbe Weal bad tl 000 iu money; ba teturnt $300 and dim, when bis ben at law b, come Kcipieuis ol HJMO for partition. He reconciles this t Jus conscience by giv.ng it to hia wife as i accu-nnntr lor DHtim rgv N ) wrong In live Citurn, bat monei is t )j greii ac .id io be certain source of revmae. Bat I argue that it Is detrimental Ik the public welfireby ptifing dowrti tha price ot land. 1 admit that a de ranged labor system ha bad much to d o witb retarding any advaoce la the p ici of land ; but unrestricted usury has hd muco to do withrt Man ooo invatted money in lve, but ainc'i alavery, is abolished it waa nasoaibl to expect money to aet-k ivetnie' in el eatete. But it in nf thqeiise. It goes into tbe banks, and rwjoHi- coatrol of 1ha asurev at ruinous aatef J. 'ioterftt Wby is it not employed iu auiicul'ursl taterpiiacs I Uecsuse no one ctn ff irJ to pay 80 far Ce.pt. torctpital tube employed iu that ' wjiicb will l't net Ihrj interest. Writers oa jioiitjc il ec inmiiy ad aree J bt Iby tnvesiin'ent 'orrspitnT" 1if the mill i tt surest luteant ot deatlopir a eouotry ; and thev l.kewise war e tint a w rvc I interest will bive tei dency t dnect c ipit il lo s.icb iuve. in in - bu ih'ym gue that I he iv to ..v.- a l"W r ile lit Intel eat 'to linvis tm .i-o:v Us nt all, Hun they say the itmJei will not diiven lo (lie ueie-siiy ol deiuindiug sn rxorbiihiit rate ot lniere-o as an ui lein aity attanist the rnzird "f 'endii g ui gsllv But I tbbnili til it Lie r ters ale in erior wiieu they c ui:.uje that ti e te movnl ol a I ns reti mi would reduce lk r ile of (Uteres', fhev d i not Htteoil lu rh Uci the ntc.inr o: Mis l rrorr aad the avanc- oi l.i iuir ii til ab sence ot ,, , ,',i !i i. j it ul I als ti -Ti k r,i in i . i j i' a' iu iioJi riiei ! n. crest I he hiso-rv ot legia'aiion in t us 6'nti on In ciii j -ct biinie the 1I 'n ly sn. ton ui' n in ,ois piisitiort. Il n '( iitcl stntig -iit us.uy iiws to Mippnts me evil, utol rt It I f II c'u .liy hiippress it, uor din ii dine cipitil 'loin tin- Stile. Tnut i a s'-und niax'in winch trscliu tl.e siilelj ' I '.taik ug in a- en n w.ys. I wii:i : i, nun o lb.- .uei.i.t ,ysul V .r.ilni , i i i , t. r i !' in u .,i v li'.il 'i.itll' I, 1 .1 .ill 'lu i .n l i:ll, all in lij lies, and Unem c nris s i s gre itest evil. Win ie sre we to rok lot b lonal we.flh and streng'h f From what sourn is it lo be ixlriCtedf I are-wer m only Iruin the "H t iiongh ibe Inb r of its lu ll .bit m'?. the 11 is valuable at t menu, of uatiomil wealth an I s'rei gtb in proportiou as the erergtrs an1 In'lustrit ol tbe cii'X oi i"' qii' kcn-d. Toe hope oi r. I i ; ii pi., .os. irteiili e to ao tinu. I hen it the t it it ol usury be Hunted to th t ic bite not too deep, so that tha rste per c-nt. will be b ts than the net lucerne ol ibe luiiner, Hut incen live wlli emp'i J Uie ene.(,e, ol the citi I'll iu t c cu UVa ion ol tile s-u , abd capital will seek invi it.n. nt in the toil, l.cobi.t to a s'.riugi ui ii-ury law and the oi.s' ou. nt turaing ol cipital aud iu.lustty the cuilivatios ol the soil, it the lu' I In r weighty coimutera'.iou that it mi kit better cil I us. The trade tf usury is unfav rible to (r ed m. It liys tbe louadttion lor separate nrJert in t ciety; tnml'i'utu tbe love ul c .uutry.aud dries Up the sp.nl ol il h peiiddiCe. "Where the treasure a tl ere the licait a also.'' Fix the treasure :n p tmanent settli mem, and . u bull ,,!u'ily b ud Ibe stl 'i lions nl llie el! i n I i hiscauulry; add to tids the attachment of home, and it aMSUiuis the more dev ted he in ol pa trin'.iMU lie loves ami support-s evtry thing ill it pr i ee s him m i n s sts e.-ty-tbiiig 'ba' pi "P i"'- ' ' i .V ' l li e i astie. It the nils test ol iSe HliMhFul u-u er r tii l thus Iki mi. ii hi: . ti ; 1 M.I I li.W i.l us rou.riy. ti: - nalion w. I i.n , cqU.ied that tvl.ih IS nbove nl c 'l ratious Hint whi-li is above gold a id s ,ver-that which csuui't be Ciillei sway by iltlitl qiient I'.ii" rs. n, r loicn by tim ves nor sij iiudeitd by i n iin pi vtd, nt niiunn t tr ition A c msidi i:i' inn i.bove rubier, a race i f vuiu iuh hi .d i.nli -p. n li . ut Irie boldirs lb Hue sapp irtus ..I tli c iun uy, aud the stota lioui ;i i U us best dc leudets inuat be ilraAii. This policy, IK I'resiile .t, ( piutu lug that ei'iirM' nt I'isluti'iti wliich will eiiuouinge aricultu'e, is u i nnvci cue. Ttie woes'. smU'm h"d lat-lneu ol Uie cor tin. lit true lie n Is ol the lep iblic have umiti e l an 1 rpprovid it. Kven s lar back rs the year ltcjx, President Jai kson, aitit g up oi an idea tup red by Kiluiund Lluii. in thu ljritish House A Commons, ai. . tel the doctrine thtt it should be tiie j... i y oi u Hiljiics to in crease by every p ssdile means its fie -holders as the bmt means of keeping alive the tires i.l pn'rioliMn, and quick eiin g u i r 1 1 ! in I 'p.nilei.c wu l Irei doin. Iron in the Blood MAXES THE WEAK STRONG. ThercrJvianSurtip,aProtect' ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, fa so combined an to have the character of an aliment, ma eiilu digested and assimilated with the blood as tiie simplest food. 11 increases the quantity of Kature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blootl, and cures "a thousand ills," simply btf Toning ui,Invtgoratlng and I Utilizing the System. The en riched and vitalized Mood per uieates every part of tha body, repairing damages ami waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for diseass to feed upon. This is the secret of the woa tterfal success of thii remedy in eitring Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhwoBolLsNerA-ous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Ixma of Constitutional Vigor, PisoAscs of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating art bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the sy stent, being free from Alcohol, in any form, ita energizing effects ar& no fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, ami neitr life into all parts of the sy stent, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousand hare been chtrngrd by the me of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women f ami invalids cannot reasonably hes , Uate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blotvn in the alas, Iamphlcta Frep."' SETH W. F0WLE & SONS, Proprietor, X. 1 XUtSMS rue, tws. r sr Ditosiati tii" Gr t&.sUK. U 'TEL. TV l . ,t. ".;.SP.l. wmm Mtila I ni'lBlSmS'S'lUSIIBlwiHliiH J B4 th peModiat tey an A i4ne a' tbe (.range dotal, foranny cttj Houl where I will Uk the best esrj of m aa beJa" ' aa tl.. ... SIMUN IU8. "L'niiUeatloBsi ly tb best swstaJaed work of taeaiaa ta u worio.- lt Ilstrpera Hagatxlae. . H J 1 ILLUSTRATED F'" XpTsoi o raa raar. Tbar-lseraalaceliealtlnnof thlae eellaat moalUj nTs Its eobtioasd adapt stosi to swnsvltsr asstlres an need ladeasl when ws think I1 to bow stser taostss It pen- tratseTnr month, w mast coaiMar Ita on Mil 9awun as wen aw sswiaiim ot th pablie aslna, for iu vast popularity hss In-sb wow bs no aoneal to stood ora- ludiee or aepratrea tanas mmwm usn The character wbteb tela Matx'a poses- s. for rsxUOa, aturorl, arlstua wcatia, and lllersrs raltara that has keiit De witb. if it has notlsJ the Usa, boad esus lU coniu'tors to naard it with I is tint bla com pIsttKT. It a la entitle tans to a crwai eislin u on the nubile gratitude. The ttiTa- tine has donr irood aad sot evil til th days of its life. HmMclKjetuu. TEKMa: Po t lie fr e lo all Subscribes lath Uni ted hta'es. Hir a stsoaaiaa, ea year.... M. 00. 4 01 lueluiet prepayment of C, f. pot sxe i y th ' abliahers. dut.scoUoas WiUrpar' Msicisiaa.Wswkly snd Hsur, to one adrvss for us year, tie. (0; or lao of Harper's PertodtraJt, to one suitress for on year, 17 0); postal- frt. An t x ra Uopy of either tha tla(s na, Weakly, or Hik will b s ipual rslis for every tilub of Klve Subscribei at 1 , 0 esch, I iih reaiittaa'e ; or, alt Copies lnr.tlll), with ut extrs copy ; p j.Uic Irs. Bu s Nuuibers tin M tu plied stscy tims A Comolua Met of Uarperf Muri sr, mi i mpritin 4W Volumes, in nat elolh usad mir, will hjs-nt by express, freight at ex pue of purchaser, for litis per volume, ninsle vo'u-nea. bf trail, unpaid. 13 0 Cloih ets.s. for Mndl k, U cents, by matt, postpaid. Ad (lie is, Uc 0 if U tifEU. x BKO 8, Nea York. Another ,-tock ol New tm-.J; JLT KBCKIVKO. The lsr;e; asiortment and b-s'. variety, tt tli i west pr eas we hss err odired. OurctiHk is now larire aud complete. A iirr portion ot our Ujods hsve been pur e i used Ithin Ik Isat two wsikt by our reulor rsrtr.i -, 'n tne ortlieru insix.lr, aud ui iu- boui;b . i ui at LNt'jU.'.tLf LOW I'KlCkf, (or Cask Wo luU PHtislled iq asylnx that no llou e, iu or ojt of the State, will undersell us. We luve te- lay retired the 1 itcst t'yl of FIFTH AVKNL'E SILK HATS, which caDUoitctarpssiel fjr beiuty of style rnee only ta ;u. n usves isro sto.'K oi rurr, luciuaunc MINK, rilAL, 1ANX, liLACK M.lHTiN, AM) FITCH, niHili n the latest Htyies. W will tske pleasuie in shoninu our jneJsto all who will give us call. PLITIT ft JOSE, 20 FayetteTille Street, dee 2 tl Raleigh, N. C. HEU ELI HIS TO )R AD K ATlHtr!LE?8. GRIND GIFT CONOEHT r i: tub dim EriT or th O It p 11 A X ASYLUM, $17,000 lu GiTts To be Distributed among Iho Ticket Holders. A (lift Coneert will be held In WILS , N.C, On Miurthiy, the lth Dee 1874. For the, exclusive benedt of Wis Orphan Anylum st Oxford. Tb KITS ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Number of tickets onlr 15.000. 9.10 Gifts to be iflven away, making over ne to every s en tiikets KEAL Ka 1 ATS blFfi ; One lot in the town . f WiUon, H.C., coD'amin 1 acres, wrtb larse and convenient dwelling, naviiiic tea rooms, aad all neeea.ary and con venient out h iu;e,iiiaaled oobarues strct valued al .0(l0 One elovant U storr resilience, In Wil son, corner ul 11ns asdbreen ilrwtl with . 14 terra, and contsinluif S rooii.a lucajtd iu ta most aluiiule part of the town, valu.d at 4.500 One, X ser lot, sitnated on tbe comer or V anre and 8'rtn(r streets -with nest i ejlJence nd out nouses.vslueil at 1,800 CASH GIFTS : 1 Cash Pr'xe, 11,000 1 ' "500 I " k5J 4 1100 eae 4o0 & " WJ " 50 20 " 20 " 4UI HO 10 800 lisi 5 ' 6a 500 ". " l.otO 1OU0 " 1 " : 1,000 MISCELLANEOUS QIFTr ; One Fin top Butjrj, $50 I ine Vine BntTfT, I , Inn One Fine Gold Watch, m ' ne Fine Ladies Witch, ' 75 ' Commute of ArrsoReacats. . W. bl'iuut, rt. t BriKKS tna A. B.rnes, K.qs. Duposltorr Bsuk fcf Wilson. A ivisory Board r-Joh Mchols, i.. Kal eUh, W. F. DaTis. IHq, Kittrellt, A Wil lisms, Esq., Oxiord, Ma, J. P. Jtnkics. Na.tivlllc, J. H 'i liori, Kiij , Kocky Mount, Or H W. Kinic, James H. Lu cstter and its. E. Clark, Esq. Wlbon. W be this enterprise snot conducted on der (he Direct ausplc s of aay Lo ce. yet tt objictisto ld that nobe Institotiou, the "xfor. Othn Asjlusi, which Was estab lished b) the Uraud Lodge of the ttale, tnd the nsosirenient Is entirely lu the t-sn'sof meniUers of th ordur. " Tbeubjixt isexclmlvelyior thu b ctfit of the rptisn Asylum snd the Ccinwlt e: deem It unnecessary lo mak toy exten d appesl U) the people of N rtb C; rolm It bens U of an inslliu'.ioti whieh is so worthy of tbetr apport. Ih iow pre of tb tickets places U ,n U power cf sviry aa to aid a abl cause, end at the tun. lune the thaacea of belni( relmbnraMl sre nnua ly favorabl. Ii la eonHdeotly butedUit Ihtsnterprls wul be sucre-, tat If from any eause then should be ao Concert and dtatrlbutioa, all th money received from tbe tlcke holders (hall be retataed lo shsia wlihout diseeant. Mo tickets sold will boentllkd to a chauc for the Gift unb-ss the money for the tsmt hss beea rarrlved at this n Alee TheUifU will be UUlrijuUd lmcdi Wly sfter tl.e Concert Aay iierson boldins; iterVet ' entitled to Gift who desires tb Asylum to taste lb benefit of jch Gift, alii notify ttst overs tsry by tu h eu.lj semen t on back of the ticket, and tbe umeshslt be- sppropristed as airee.ed Mcui y tor Cesets ausl bs ssnt by Sstrl tered Let.er, Money Order or Knpr ss, direct 4 to A UAbNaO. esrrstar,, nit dawld Wilson, al. 1'. R II Uhadlet, ilgent Ksieigh, N C, pHl ESTiT OKdA4 STILL AHEil) lof IItct Md, kwwdc; tt the-X. C. Uf Frfr; for tt B T tHURCtt tna PARi OR OUGANCund xot JUaUUd Caawuaaodteiaito . ' ST.-U BROWir, .Gaaaral A(U,.ltos(ga,ll. C, "Oo x Kespoa bla AieaVWiatad." . rat a -,f J3KICES REDUCEJJ Great IndaeeraenU to parrhaseis. We have Jaat Kettacod our Entire Stoek, aruvuiiag Iron 4,O0i to 0,0ll0 worth of Entirely New s; ,,,, DRTOOOPS, Kotioos. JooU, tana, Cat. Ac; aeh lower price thaa heretofore for C ABU. All who iclve us a call will get the follsst vala for their moaey. Merchants purchsslng la th! market ca stake pro table inveot innts with us. Our Stock Is very full for tbis season bo sldos we will have other sdd'.tlons very ioou. PKTTT JIMEa, HO Fsjttvlll,Strat KaltHfb, N. tl June IS tf sfte Re Re RADWAVS READY RELIEF CTTKEl TRC WORST PAINS In from On to Twenty K'tuUt. NOT ONE HOI" arssrsas tlae tba sdvsrtltssMat ornn wrra rata. buowats utnv nr.Lir.r r a u rar raia. tt wssIIm trstsixt It A3 Tho Only Ialn Remedy tat InsumtlT stofM Hw mo sseraelstiM nslns, alls,, .nHasustsiiims. sii csfss Otis i lo iis. ssiilsr Ks Muss, atnmara, Bowsls, ar tsr IlsiMj or arsaas, ts aaa SsStUosllw. ia rsoa oni to twxxtt anrtrrx. es msttsr Sow elolen ne serselattnir tb sain ts Si H III aUTlO. Bed rldilsil, lHi. CrlMllKl Nervous Ksuralsic, or prososu wltta iImcsss au saflsr, RADWAY'S READY RSf" Wtbt, AFFORD IMSTAWT RA IUfXAUXsTIOH OS TUB KIDNKTS . INTLAUaATIOM OF Till r.LADDKR KFLAaSATIOM or THE ROWRI.il "iitnKTio! of ma LCoa so as TnaoAT, DrrnorLT rufitiiivu rALPITATHlN ur TUB ntAAT. nrtTERica, caaur, uii-tmf.ku v&rAsuia, ixrLiExxv. IIEADACIU. tooTHir'ar HaPRAIJIA, BIIEfATISU. coT.n cirat. snre mi.i.s TIM snslKsllns srUis MmmAjr RsllsFli ti psrt .,, psrls wlirri-tbc la ur4.rneult i ii sill slf'iril ess an ComrorL Tw'tllvlripsln ristf a tiimlilf "fsi'i - wi" In s rr 1 ninmi-nis run CKAWI'ii, M'AsVH. nil i s. T- m s i f, IIRAKTKf n, KH'K UKAOAi'ilL. I ! tiiltll-iP l. llVKKNTK.RT. COUC. WTSO IS Till. i. WF.I.S, anil all INTKHH.U, 1-AlNS Traselfrs slinulil slwsvs rs.-re s Wa. ssr'a stsaiay BWlIrs with ;Inh, a -ss .li.,.. hi WS'sr Will (ir.'vfn( hlrklir, .,r i'ii. fr. i i rhrfii,-.' l watss-. It kHsnii-r IIiaji K reach UranJi ui aitlam a. s stlniulaiiL IXVXR AND AGUE. FKntR A!T AOtE rnrM for f ffw ' T',--- i totm rmdU amm tit tbt orlt that 'h rnt- f-r frphtM, Vlliw, atrd oihr Vrvv' !nlr V? Kad' WAV B -lI,Lr4 no quV a aaUw At d BKAaJT K L1KK. rifty cntj per boriltu HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STBosn avo rtnr ni. ii ri non-i-rc-RE,': OK FI.KSII AH Wl HlllT-J I K IK BKIS A HEAL IULL. I OMI'UJLIOA UkCtKCU IO ALU DR. RAD WAY' 0 Sarsaprillii lmw THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MAtlR TUB MOST AFTOmmilJIO CrRES: SO Stril'K. KO RAPID AKR TIIR C H AlllEN, TIIR OUT CNUFBiloKi, UNDER THK INM.rR. a (IF THIS TKI LT WOMJERKIL UtOIClKE, THAT Every Bay an Increase in M aad WoiffM is Seen aid Fell Fwrt antH of dARflAPARTlLf Alt RRffOU KNTcommoni?trtihrrnirhh) asloorj, Hwcat. Vrint. and otlMtr Kluttla uJ jt.tr if ttia Totem the $nr t( in, fur It rfTtAtrt tli' w Mica of th (wxly with new anr ouii4 mattrrlal, IkrolHU, Sy phi ita, CwtMmptlnn, (.UnJolar tllM-aaa. Vkt-rt In tlia tliroat, W-tinh. Tu mora, NotlMtn ihedlatnlnainl other uananf rtiiirm, s,.re Eye, Strumorttu (Jtacharfra frotn (he Ear niiI dip arorat fanoa of bklt Urn, Kmptlnna, Vfer Ssti-ra, Hcalrl HemA, Kttv Worm. Hail Rhrunt. Erai(-lA, Arum. Itlack Aixita, Vtfrwm ta IIm Frwh. Thriom. Can ct rs In tha womb, and all wrakrntn ami painfal dio rliarcrs. Wtf ht Hwau, Lnaa at aftrM aau all waatoo nf tt.e life principle, arc within the cnratlve ranffe of On m nir of MxWra Cbsnr kstrw, an a frw dm ' tir i 1 i.r,, vo to any person nsing u 'or alt tor oi Uicm fwrm ul 14-M Its priMt pawr to ear thtm. it tiiai patient, daily bectming rdiird by tha wantes Sml ()pii tin position tnat lactrntlntially pnsrinK. cue ciYtie In arreatlng tlteaa waatea, and rerairs the aamn v iiti new material made troto. healthy blod-and this iba AKIUaraRILLUM will and daea aeenrf-a euro t-i rv rutin; for whan onca this remetly conimeticaa It work of portAcaUMi, and tmtc?da In dlmlniahlnic ilie l.tiof waatsa, Ita repairs will be rapid, and ever day the patient will TmI himself ttrowlni better and rtn.nitr. the laawd dlfaailng batter, ApaUa tauaroviAs;, auU ttctaA and welfht tnereaalng. Noi oQif doea in BaaaifAaruffa RndiriPer pxeA all known remedial agents in the cure ft t'liroiii'. Ktrt luivtai. !tiaUttloiiat, and to kin tliewaeaa, but Ii U tltj uly posltiva cum fur Kidney Bladder Complaint, t'rinarr and Womb dlaeaaaa, Oravat, Dtabetea, DronaT, Hi "Pliant! of Water, Ineontlnanoaof trine, Ilright ' bis-ea-an. Albuminuria, aad In all caaea waare there ara brick dtiatdepoaiti.ortba water la thick, cloud v. mlttJ wiiu aubatanoaa like the white) of an sag. or thread Ilka white atik, or there la a morbid, dark, bilioua appear aitco. and whlta bona duet daptailta, and wtn thr w a prick i tiff, burning mnaatlon wlien pa-aing water, aiuf pain ia tna SatnU of tba Back and aiWng tna Loltia. Tumor of 12 Tears9 Growth Cured by Bad way '$ RetolvenU DR. RADWAY'S PerfectPnr0T8 u21lJivVJti'""- "taitdSr, Ksrvoos UtZSt llcailaelis. ConatlDst na itMtimu. i..i sssTdrnsx "-sa.asusrsiiasrSsrisri sMaUa, r",,iT, vara, rural. 1,ir BADWAVe rTT.M nt lha tra J0ni . th.ala aama aisoraaisV riw.liaiui Ra SOL.D HI nKUOJIKTll ' CaiVD "FAIJil AMD TUan -an ana yn .a BADWAT CO . No. Wa""nT , tTS jjaas lorssaliue warUj Ibouaaada will be s ai raa, AND FOR BALE. Will bs sold at I'ablie Auction, Ttinrsday the )0U of Ieceniber nest at Prlnc-ton, iobtston tosntr, be trac, of lsi d cd which Ivarmrd Halt now rrtliiet, conts ulng tUU acre ; larjr iiorllfn of the iaid Is to oritr, Dal srrawta,asd t portion la Kxd River bot tom, and nndsr fence aaa cultivation, ths 0Uod Is sdsp rd to at-d iroduci t c iiton and corn. There tt a Itrtre and comfortable DwelllDK House, taandsomeW sttnsted, and necessary out hnlMlnes on the premises, ill tsnt from the K. C. Ks Inisd 7 miles. 1'uf si salon t:iiB 1st nf Jan nary I87 Terms ot sale IOt0 cmo down, balance la I. 2 8 snd 4 rears with ntvret st prr test, fron 1st Jaaaary, 1K75, till si tfce notes sre Cd. Till a douoMd and retsinwl until the i is pa d for. By order tiie roan! of Trust rs, Rri H'wpl al Fond, ovlS-td Vf. H JONKf, Newt copy. Trsasorer. W. f K i.. B L K a ATTOUNKY AT LAW, JACKjON, NOKTU CAli'UNa. frtctices In sll the Courts of Northsmptoo, liaiifaz, erUu and Hertford rooiities : In the Sapretue Court of North Carolina, and ia the rederal Coarta. dec -dim MtHiCAi, lNSTRCMtNTa 8uujks snd. TriMnv, a MAT. L JKOW.N'a. Establlsked la t'W. MtBANtVlLXR, N. t The lata asastoa ansia IVh July, 1T4. Tuition snd Board, $14" urt aetsioa. No eitss. For clrculnr ppl to Vl). R BINGHAM, aa IVtw Baperintciidrat '! T.HI COlwTfSCTXCUT VtnJTUAIs LIFE Ins ara nee Company. ttaiDuuns ia nhbaat ataadard el SOLVENCY. The character of ti e 1st .tmecU of lu t ea rn ulatvd assets of 36,000,000 is o tb Blithest Class for security ; It ha,, inn never lot dollar of It Investment. Iu U P R L U S at lancer tbaa that of any other Coa sn i over 85,000.000; It bs membership of over 83,000 tr , lu ratio for tbe tours H7 ysn of Its lu,. . ass beea bat 8.97 FEB CENT of It receipt. It ha aoltoctbuldrrs. h dollar of saving or profit belongs tnkl) tr !. OLIC Y-UOLDEk T.orn nch s rrcord one -r wr:j j ... ;,. to insure with safcrv snd Hu mi-kiint i.nt-i ble cost. H. DiWAIT.Opii'I. m itt. RALKKH! v. snp IS s tLECT BOARDING AND DAY st.HH' I, HlLUBOBo' N. IJ. The Misses Ntsh snd Miss Kollotk sll! sum the txarclss of the ir t-chonl m, V ndn y 24th Jul; and continue twenty in ks. i i--cultrs forwsrdedon applicstlon. June iAMtw w WE 'VLV 8IIU8TAKriAI. WELL TESTED. M Lift kniti Cj., witb ornc ra FIIIIER BUILDING, OTBB THS BABDWABB a TOR Of JULIUS LEW IS ik CO lias paid to th Widow and Orphan I North Carolina tlnce IMS, tbe sum of near! 0S oo, ooo. And. tiv fidelity snd promptness in this psi ticular, and furnishing tha lowest rstes of an first cits company; and also, having pant store revenue to the Btate than soy other company, she merit and enjoys the well araee aisuncuon or ncing tne lEADIHfi LIFI C0in.1T IK TliF STUF. And with her 0SO.OOO.OOO.OO Aaacfic, now oa hand, and managed by geiitlrr,u n ' I long erperience tnd financial skill ehr- mf -rr th blgheat ttandsrd of aecarity to " ti. r cuttomen. Aad, asaa Investment for talist a 10.0OO doMcv I better than Kl.wsi n real estate. Agas from to to 0 are lnsumt s of both eexee. This company does not i- insure wiin mem. any sou. tint wessRio, impsrtlal com part son with anp company in tola and rswxauiMta. ard leave the result t theyndgment ot the public. oi calling upon tne isenrrt; Agent or sn v his Uxsls. further Information willl.e :-. rd. w. n rwm . fii-iii-nil i.j. H Mi K' K, M ti.. !i-',-.,: Fx. !i' t; iii,i E .''xjti kisk Hint c im:h 67: MRU) A G A A A r 1 1. inoim i! c;a tt;.? . HOME INSURANCE COMPAN Y RALEIOII, N. C. Tuis Company eontinaas to writ Polki at fair rates, on all claeses of insurable wm- erty. All losses are promptly adjusted snd paid. Tha "HOIIL" laranidlv oT,.i,,.,i i , . Uvor.aadappeale, witb contiili no, to insnr vi vropeny m an panaoi ncrto i;srolli.t. ahivsii us su ans oi we ciaue. R. H. Batti.. tr.. President. U B. Root, Vice rStsidenf rSATost Qalbb, Secretary. fcuABKi Cowraa, Supervisor. June an-tf. gCOVILL'8 Blood and Liver Sjni ! All cotaneons eruptions oo the fve or lnulr Indicate A iHrtut t'osmiios otths Hl.oi snd this msy, or mayn the tScaorun hut in either case the dinette It urthlug more tlu i ao insidious ruitoa that BURNS LIKE A TERRIBLE KIKE, as It courses through the veins, sown i; n at death witb every pnlsatioc. In tbiscondltion of things niuitli i:; aetled atobcb, toCLBAMs tbibuhiii . .1 SCOVILL'i BLOOD AND LIVER .-i ' will positivblt rfiect this lieslders'i. 'i . pulling cyiry trjee of disi.su from tt,i i , and system, and leaving the skin BOKT, FAIR AND BEilUKl I llano reds ot eertiflcstrs attest it. Price f l per bottle. JOHN F HENRT, ( X'HRAN A 11 . I', ., s and V Colli-ge riace N i '. ilMSO PROPRIETORS OF Ilsll's Balsam for the Lungs, Carbulk . kdey's Carbolic Troches, iijvii : Bitters for Dyspepsia, Dr. Mott s l.n er Pills; Dr. Rogirs' Vi g. ut le Worm B) rap, Dr. Bennett's Sure Destu toss's Mice, and Vermin. Kus in Hair Dje, ttc, Ki. niRBALE BY A J. ni l i,(ll-I nisr B-lm-w. tt T K L I ATloK N F V 'l i.KW. HII.1J':I,. Jaa Wiltf Si 'in H ( sin 'I , JjlXKCUriVE KOTit E. Having duly qualified as Ex. cii'in f last will anil testament of tt lllum . I V. 1 , . , , n . raaovsirv. i ertune Indebted, lo said estate srr r j i. ed to make payment at nin e a VAKl-AKkl VlLl.f, novKHla-s) Kn-cutru A. iinciij irivn ninn' io i" ' holding olsims agakoKt the estate i f c.' decedent tonrewnl thorn for ianneiii "U ' before tbe Itrth day of ..n infs r. this aotlcs will he nli In l.ir ai'ji: -: i. L?.l i, (j i In-' Va,

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