I - .-. . -.!- THE DAILY SENTINEL I'tauauao Bi Ml 8 I A ( TUBSiK, J Otflce New the Court House. bavbs or irascxtirriow. .ntlnel 1 year In advance - $S.I :,ilV Hli mouths In advance - MM . ,ai Weekly " uklv Sentinel " " - M 11,Oiilt Ba tiubl will be deairerod la ,.,v part of the City t rinu Cbbts per I.THE DAILY SETfTrNET , Advsrtisemeats will be inserted In the lun 8BBTIBII, at tbs followinjr rates r ' sqoax. ns Inch, or tan xalaloa Uim. Onetquars onetime.... tie " " cact tuUae4Uttut iusuru.t. (' than a week 1 a jnare, 1 week, I S..VH r jnare, 7 k j i I " I atonth, 8.ot'il it ' a o I " Iso'l U00I ' ! -i. ( 1 " " M.Oe'l 1 .iu in 11 12 VOL. X. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1874. iU.IM I U.UH I XH.UI 1 NO. 116. mm X KW A DVEKTISEMENTS. Kt) WOOD FOR BALK. mi Curds of i earonsd pine a' II pet cord . Mvered 10J (trong 4 home waa;rn for lute. dee 16 tf J DA Vis -iaKM .k TOR FOR BALE. 1 sell my farm, 3i Mile Ironi Ibn , v , . i ,'ilritfli. containing 1U5 kw;i , , , , i) DWELLING (aix rooms.) AM in .1 repair. Fire good TENANT 11. a ?K?, four ol them new. A j; ,k .1 STOREHOUSE, and u excel . nt srsiid. Doing e good business. '; plantation i4 in good order nJ .e-r good feuee. lie 16. J. DAVIS. (r i HEENSUORO' FEMALI" COLLEGE GREENSBORO, N. 0. Toe Burls "eaaloa of 17$ win ljrlB e .dncsday the Mia of afaneary. from, t attendance at the very opeUnir is ;li y important and la earnettly desired. ii moil iek station or 30 mm, Hoard, ( Washlnr ant Lights not laclaried ! 1 u'.tlon iureirularC lleKeCours 15.00. i Ui( l fcxlre studies, ejoderate. For audogue a .nly to too President Kev. M. Jouee. 1). D. V. II. D. WILSON, Pre,, ,!ec Hi-dlw Board of Trustees. ' .11 rll.K FKOPaKTY FOB SALE. Two viliui le tracts of land situate near tht , ,;y of Kaleign : ut I Met liea tboit'.a 1-3 miles Sooth of cityul hale gh n both aid of the Aav : .hi roaJ. adjo.niin the .lands of Ueorire T. i 'i k-, Bryan lireen and olturi, containing : j acres in 1 Tract 1 e about 4 mile west of lb . ",' ( Ktli lgb on both aides o( the Raleurb ii. i auiruats Air Lint Railroad, adjoining i e ianda of William Thornton, oouUialna; ll-f acres Aboi 'OUon ( power team niririe and m m il OEO. 11- .-NOW, A;i, i) to ufllje m o'ou'iuo hi. deli 30 JVYS! TOYS! ! TOYS!! l b.- ia iest aa-orttnent at NAT. L, BROWNS. IlliDI.K UL'iTAR Sirioga 1 mi l 1 r.iuiuii.ji'i b t al N AT. L BUOYVN'S. U.-lC.tL IN TRUMKNTf All klnda ul 14 AT. L. BKUWn o. FANCY iUOIrl BASKETS, Ac fiie jre-l aaiorlment t AT. L. bKCW.VS, J U I )uur W.fe, Bcstlitari and fiicuda a prea rut at N A T. I BR'jWN'8. m S T E Y I) It .. A N 8 ' III Bent f..f '. hurchea. furlOTa, Orcana, tc, at AT L B tOW.S'8. no TO NAT. L. BROWN'S for yonr ' Chrittmaa aud Holiday prtsenta. J UY AN ESTF.Y O..0AN for yonr niea. i eat bariralns cat t e had at VAT. L B (OWN'8. OIIRlSTUAi ANI HtlLll'AY will aoon be hen-, ih. to N AT. L B.iOWN'8 lor the beat baigaius. dei-3-tf V ALLABLE TjWN LOM'Ui I.I ATAPFX, N C. Ou Tucfday the lrh lite , IS 4 kt II o'clock a in , 1 will sell at I'uldk- Auction Komt-ii Dvairabio Towu Lj 'cunlaininK from 'o I j acreB eac-u. TerniK made luon o day of 8h deeb.'.tf J. MeU LUUNOroN. yi". MARY S s' lluOL, kji.i iiH, n FUUNUkU, MAY ls4i Tie Siity-aixth ttrm 'f tl-'a 8b"ol will roiuiuviice on Tim-aitay, the Slst ol .lit. nary, tH7. . eouVnU! teu'jr woks i i tcuculir, appl, to ilia rtector. ALLiElH 8MEDE8. S IKJlAL NO I ICE. . ON TIlLRrUAY N.OHT, DEO. 17, 1S74. Wc n 111 tell at Auction. 10 SU I'ERB COL RED U RO GRAIN fILKS (Full Paturna) US yda, to Pattern, '1 IritU Pplii.a, , , o;il.r3 tud CaaUitem, Q:ul, 1,, usial La:e Collart (imporleJ by u.) KU ti i :.r.n i ri-arfa and Shawls, Ac. T .e 1 1. . p arc refpectfully InTldtjat ;li. At choice gnoda will be aold aJ uin. ic aecomoioiljtion will bs (iteodcd I . m : well as the gentlemen. T1MELT NOTICE. Our Auttioo Bales will take place each Dlhl i ic j; I 8aiurday nlnhtr) nntll the tOtb D c . mi. n-tait turn the day. On and af t i!'iiu thu ancuon will be both bay and nlgnl i n .11 1 he whole stock la disputed of. Ihla will be y the Piece, Pef ge or in Lota. i lb- wnole etock mast be disposed of by Juadry 1 175 W. II A Ii. 6 TUCKER, Surviving Partners. -yy 1LLCOI t G1BBV HKWING AAOIIIIHKf-i At manufactures' prices, on Wae aw noathl aiBialmen'.a. AND TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT. BILOV MANlFCTUKER PRICES FOR CASH, If purchrsed direct from this ofllce, or uiy r, 1U local amenta, IS i s,TH aVTKKET.-Miebmund. Va, JA8. E i' (i I riBS, rnrletor. lee- w3m Q.RAIN CRADLEd GRASS 8CTTHr, Just received a supply of Siaclalrs' Celebrated 8ojlbern Cradle. Ta BasTWTHa Mihkkt. Warranted to iriTS aatlafactlon. J.4MEi -V. TO A LE, Anl mavttMw. 11 A 11 HI SON 4 PASUFURU'd BAH ROOM & HEiTAUltANT, . No. 10, Uaboitt Bibeit. Yon will always And on hand he delicacies the season, oj iters, birds and cveiy hlnff -,3rUuiinc to a ortt clas raataurant Toe liar It w.U aUx ked with F ireijrn and Uomea i ii-Liquors. Berry Froter a'd Tom Coops ra a:!vi; Whisky aiWays on band. John C. eeirtn-' Beer always on draBKbt. lov U-jw LJ N. 8TKUDW10K ATIOftiiKt AT LAW, , , H1LL3BI JiftVdy NORT UA HILLSBORO, ;akolra. City Intelligence. Cart. Hie examination of male and female echo .1 of Iter. Mr. Page, at Cary, la now la trogroM. This it one ol Ibe best schools In the State. Number of chul .ra, 00 A Yoi'Ko C-ii i'i.r Oak Oroya will bs a marriage lo-morrow eight, the bride not mure than fourteen,and tht f ijlant yi-una; cioom atill in bia teeas. Combined weight ol the couple will not react) two huodrtd. All iu this couuly Iloxaolo. A corrcapoadent iuformi n that this old town In Person count ii ratller oa the down bill than the rise. It nost has only two stores, while it has aeen Ibe day tbat it rin seven. A nephew of Judge Reade 11 n-jw proprietor of the ttdkbot hotel. II. 0. Fleddkuman. This gentlemai, one of the firat lailora on the continent, ia at ibe Yarborough House, where be can be found until tire o'clock, Thursday evening. He will tcke your measure and end you the cheapeat suit, and the beat fit (but can be made. All out ol the eery beat material. Call and tea him. HoLiDAYiKo cr Citt riu&a. Mjor Dunham, of tbe Ketit, will Curiatmaa in Wilmington, and Woodson will Kllivant to Petersburg, Martin Van Burcn Gil bert of tbe Era newspaper is shining arnuod tbe girls in Cuiriiuck county, while Ricbariiaon takes it out in Fayette Tille with Johnny McDonald, and "old man Brown" iuteuiis breaking tbe ice in Crab Tree alter hotse flab. Our chief will home war I plod bla way in tbat new Orange suit in Hilltboro', and this writer with a lew more left of the same sort will remain on hand in tbe city ready for a funeral or a lioliu as the case may be. A Box i r liLACK Cats Brown ol Hie Nation! baa a sharp eye for Uyjjuuer man ul his guetis nr d particularly in tbe putriilge ,u.e. ili liieods up West keep linn r-ii ul .r ly supplied with ship ment ol it. .; i.:iciuja birds. Dut tbe ujenilicis i.-iv-.-got home you know and CjI. lirnwn can take a joke as well as give ooa, and that's what is tbe matter this moruiiifj. Tbe box came by express regularly labelled "21 partridges," and Brown went to work to open and count out But borrur of borron! there were tbe cats, two dozen black cata I All packed in as song as sardines and with a lively shine about their eyes aa il the; rather liked tbe amewament. Mr. Urown at first stirred around like be was right smart excite I, but at last we heard him m.ke a sol; answer to Ibe seryant who enquired "uliat to do with them," and no iv, everything is lovely and tbe cats hang high. Sa How God Tracks a Murderer. Ueorgu Peters keeps a hotel at Annvtlle, Pa. Sixteen years ago be killed bis wife, lie aud bis wife livvd together happily, until a year lfore her death, wben they got iu a dispute about Mrs. Peters' rela tive uiukiug rue! long vuitt to see her. Tut day be killed her abs was expecting a biot her ou a rait, and chased down a chickeu into tbe barn, and was stooping over it in one of (be stalls to pick it up. Puteis tnatcbed up a pitchfork and In a frebzy stuck her dead iu Ibe stall. Drag, giug ibe body to a stall occupied by bit hjise, be left it there believing tbat wben found they would think tbe horse had done it. And so ibey did think. The theory was advanced, and the public ac celled it. A few years after Peters mar ried again, and told bit wi all the par ticulars of bis crime. But even tbit wouldn't still tte dem in of remorse. Pe ters Hied to kill himself SeTeral times during tbu sixteen years. And we Daw read in I h Herald tint the other day when diaciveied Imngiog ii jiu a beam in ms barn, they cut him down in time to save him, and the wretched man imme diately delivered himself oyer to tbe sher ifl, and confessed the whole murder. Who can preach against a bell in tbe other world, wben remorse kindles such on this earth t Too much for His Homor. Tueir nanvca were William David Sydney aud Ueorge baraiuua Jones, geuileuiea ol col r. Sidney bad bia bead bouud up, tuflering from t cut, and Jouea whs volu ble and earnest. They dwe.l together uudrr one reof, and got into fight oyei tbe subject ol wbo should pay the rant "Now, tee tere," remarked the court, alter patiently liateoing l tbeir txplaua ti n and accusations, "I don't want to litre anything more to do with this case. There are a hundred and tiny points ol law iu it, and )uu ought to take it to ibe Sjprrme Couit at once." "Ise vsiiiiug, boss,"' replied bidoey. "Date si my leelings, Colonel, MlH (J Jodcf. "Well, I'm going I" throw the case out of this court," ciHJiiuued his Houor. Tr. nuat ute that you won't get into ajy uture Dalits or m:ui bances, aud that's all 1 wanu ' iJut 1 ut i) knew whose gwineto u'nydoae rrnis!' exclaimed Sidney. "Go away loth ol .u go I" leplied ibe court, n' li's a nice,, oueation it rt ' i. . j .i.......i. . .t. ii ulres three weeas or ueep i... , ,V have to inaks a million JUMrea with a ,.f re.l ehalic. Take the case to a umber court and send me the pumuhlet unBtamtnt; ine pnoieu ..B-.".-. Hitroit Frt I'rett. ' ' i .a THE CITY. A literary society it in formation among tome ol our young men. Public examination at tbe excellent male tcboil of Meeera. Boott & Ilardin court tc-day. School will recess three weeks. "Bud, can yon climb a tree I" "I can Climb a Christmas Tre& II is relations are banting on of those bons for him. Rev. I. Pritcbard, ol tbit city, left tbit morning for the North, to cousult tbe skill of eminent Oculiita in regard to bia eyes. Mr. King bat fitted up Ibe editor't old gun for bit boys to shoot around Ililltbo ro', putting new springs to the old lock at leaat 20 years old, and making it at good aa new. King knowt bit butineaa. "Stop, right here. Mist Mary, I will not snore a etep further till you tell me tbat you love me." kA little lunber down, If you please young uian, I'm just about to empty this bucket," and a Imarder bad bia heid out ol a third slory w indow on Hilltboro strejt. The young woman in stinctively covered ber bead with her hands to keep her bat (ruin getting wet, and tbe young couple wal'z d on. A nurse yesterdiy evtuiu b , trowed a pbytician't ig to ride her young mies and the baby out in. In trying to "turn round" on one of our streets the gig top pled over, tbe horse slipped up and stretched out on his side, sod tbe neigh borhood turned out to set tbe thing up, tbe children went bme crying, Ibe nurse looked wild ab ut tbe ryes, handsome young lady couldn't talk fur laughing,' aud pa stepped around brisk to tee what was broken and how much it cost for a new pair of shafts. Tue nurae has gone in o winter quarters aud will not ride id a gig tny more before next eummi-r. PERSONAL. The convict! iu the Virginia IYiiiten tiary are to h ive a Christmas dinner. Jefferson Ili vet, one ul the proprietors of the Conjrtttional Qlobt, dropp" 1 dead iu bis borne the other day. Seven ruemLeia of I lie uew t'ougreaa answer to Williams, unless deuth calls tbe roll between this aud March 4'ti. One-half of the pnpulitiou of New York ia crowded into id 19 000 tenement houses, with an average of eight families to each house. Bret Marie reports t'mt the much talk td .if play it neatly ready. The novel has bren under way for soma ti j . Mr. Harte will not live in Morriatown. N. J., alter this year. Col. Samuel J. Audi-row, formerly pri vate secretary to Oovernor t.awlord, committed suicide in A'lunta, Ua , Mon day morning. Financial embarrassment wat tbe causr. Tbe police raided ou a faro bankf at Chelsea, (Mass) and the proprietor and ten visitors were arrested and handcuffed in twos and marched to tbe station bouse where they Were baiie I for appeai aoce at Police Court tlio oex- morning Horace Greeley, neptiew of the Ute Horace Greeley, founder of the New York tribune, is a day-laborer at the glass worktof Stevens, Cron dell Co., Bernhard's Bay, Oswego Co. ALL ABOUT. The Harrit family, in Caharruj c uti'j. have claims to a fine es'ate iu Knglaud. Weston on Saturday night, at Newark, accomplished the tfk of walking oOU miles in G days. Mr. Showacre, the carpenter at woik 1 ... . I on J. 8. Cirr new building, died sud denly at Durham tbe other day. Two in n wedges ia a cypress stump sixteen feet below mo sunace oi me ground were recently ftmud in a twamp in Hyde county. One-half acre ol Uni in Henrico county, V., produced this season 2,415 pounds of tobacco which ml J lor 320 43. Three hundred hands are at work on the copper miue of Mr Waugb, in Ashe county, aud the pn.fiu of the mine aie $1,600 per day. The work of prohibitory liqu. r laws ia exemplified by the statistical compari son that in Boston 8.23 per cent, of tbe population are arrested for drunkenntts, while only 8.7 per cent. o the sverage New Yorker cm be lound in the police reports for this cause. A lady now resident in this city, has a quill under which Gen. LsFayette slept during the Rtvoluiionsry Wur. Tic quiit then belonged to the lady's grand mother, who lived lo ye ancient town f Fayetteril't. It will b plnced onxbi IH ion at tbe Centennial Celcbrs'i- o nn' May. Cuarlotte OUrttr. Mr. B. F. Pitt, of Battlebor.', thi State, has a walking stick that Ocn. Au diew ackeoo used to walk with. Tue way Pitt got itt-he bought II from Mr. Harper, rf Edgecombe, and tbe way Harper got it, he was on board a vessel on York river during the war, with the man tbat bad i', aod tbe man ws going to see one of bia aons who belonged to our army then at Yorklown. The eael conk, and Mr. Harper becoming separa ted Irom tbe man saved tbia slick. Tbe nun got it Irom Col. Shaffer, a member of Gee Jackson's 'ataff, whose turn is yet distinctly carved on Ibe stick. The man was a warm personal Iriend of l AP""3" ' i RELIGIOUS. There it talk of an amateur opera for tbe benefit ol tbe Second Presbyterian Churcb. Charlotte Observer, A General Convention of the Yonog Mjn'a Christian Association la tbe Uni led States aud British Pre vi noes, will meet in UicLmond, Vs., next week. God gives every man a chance lo know whether love or hate lives in bin ;if love. he rises to tbe level of benefactor ; il Dale, he thilvela to the dimensions ot a lavage. Thirty-one Presbyter lea of lbs Presby terian Churcb hare voted on tht question of tbe rotary or limited term service ot elders. Ol this number 21 agreed to the proposed change, and 9 voted against it. Tbe Southern Baptists bat appointed W. W. Colley a colored sv,at ttiaaioa- ary lo Alrica. Colley is a native of Vir ginia, and bat spent six years at the 4licbmniid Institute. He is said to be anxioua to carry tbe Gospel to Ibe bea tbtn of his race. Although he uses a cane, Pius IX. walks very firmly, although be is some what bent. He sometimes sits down, not to lest himself, but to rest, aa he himself ayt, the legs of tome of the old cardi nals who can scarcely keep pace with bun. The Holy Father ic-enten the pal ace, with bit tauiiliare about tbe hour when the Angelui rings, which he retires aloud, and altera ard aayt tbe Dt frofandi$ Then the special audiences lecommence until supper time. Toe Pontirtcial supper is served at 0 o'clock, immediately before '.he Pope went to bed, and is if pot ible more fru gal than the dinner, h cou ait's of broth and two boiled potatoes seasoned with salt aud wine liuit. Krery one knows that I'.un IX has a rl, arming voice, rich and sonorous II t bed reaeiublet a col Irgiau'a, being made of iron, without cur tains, and baa only a small ttrip of car pet in front ol i. His health it extraor dinary lor his age. Once a week his doctor an J aurgecu c une ;o visit him, in order to diMhaie th ir duly. He le t them feel bit pulse, and when they d -clare bin) to be dec irom lever he gives them their conge with a lew kind wurds and pleasant j kes, such aa are natural to his gentle and amiable cl.aracter. THKLAOIES. M as Kellogg ia playing in Richmond. A queer old chap baa nicknamed bia dnughtrr Misery, because she Intel com pany. file Km press oi Ku-ia dropped 5,000 Irauca to be distributed to the no r of I'arin. She's a royal giver. Mr-. Oio (jo V. Str ckUnil. of a neigh boring ourj'y, in this Mate, has iu list than lour weeks seen her hu-bind a.d three little children pui uii ier the ground Itoui dip'tn-ria. In Qietti Vict ria" ir own there u'C 1303 brillinnr (Iihiu m !, r.'Tll rote diti- uionda anil 147 table iliainon 1, 1 lare ruby, 17 tapphiua, 11 emeralds. 4 small rubies, and 217 p arU- h total of 2188 precious stone . " Mia Oa-a is a .Mate L bianau of Indi- acB, and by a liw pttsed last Wiiilo-, is lo (..! i.ir in. at the opening ol the Li i lative seaaoo, all tbe duties ' heretofore ptrloimed by the respective doorkeeper of li tb branche. Sim will have author ry to serve proossea, arrest ftnatom, .it, I il be. in short, 8 rgnnf it-.4rru of I lie ScllSte. A l.-uly in Salt Lake City, Kla., ba growing in her garden a genuine cork tree thirty feet high, the bark on which is sufli -ienlly thick to make b ittle corks. There is also, in Ibe tame garden a gen uine black pepper burb, which yields regularly a full crop of berries. A PRFACII4K U) HAS JSl'FFKRBD. Bev. Dr. failu re ul the Brooklyn Taber nacle in Ntw York lust Sunday! related Hi.- following sad. history "I hit life- Af ter a tevrre Sabbath day's labor in Phil adelphia I took a walk along the banks of the Schuylkill, itb my wife and daughter and raysirtir aud niece. Tbs lay a as lovely and everything spoke of picture Pleasure bo.ita were going out iu Minil'iif. ami wire iifki-d to lake a b at. We all five got into one. There had been miny raina and freshets some days belnrr. , I laid hold of the oars and bad been pulling for fine time, wben we heard s shout from theshrre and saw the waving of hands, at if to bring ut back. It wa impossible lo atop, and with an awful plunge r were driven by the wa ters over the dan) of the Schuylkill We clung to the riin ol tbecaptiZ"d boat, all, tave my dear child, wb sank, and tny b ar wife, who wi nt un !r the dam, the (a 1 1 cat and beat (fall the group Fornix nights and day the gunner on the ahore filed reirularlv to warn ntberiof danger. Clutching f r a. tiraw hat my child wa recovered, black with strangulation, and scroi-s the bridge I brought event u illy the ball dead aud motherless child, wrapped in flannels and lying on my lap Never shall I fo:get that morning or that horrible night. But I learned then a l sno, which I may tiacb you never lo de- Dt-od upon the pleaourta ot this lite, hut to fast ourselves with faith into that stream ol good which will carry us along the swift ami beaut it Qi current ol eternal j..y ioto the b't'r of hearm, that glori Den snore wticrc we anau iuuui ctciiuuic, "Home al last." i i ArrCARARCRt ARB DfXtlTFUL An exchange telle the following good ttory of Ecekiel Whitmsn : When Maine wai t Dittrict of Massachusetts Ezekiel Whit man wat cboaen to represent the District in the Massachusetts Legislature. He was an eccentric man, and one ot the best lawyer! ot bis time. He owned a larm and did ranch work on his land ; and when tbe time came for him to set out fur Boston, his best suit of clothes was a suit of homespun. Hit wife objected to bis going in tbat garb, but he did not care. "I will get a nice fashionable suit aa so n ss I reach Boston," be laid. Reaching bis destination, Whitman lonnd real et Doolittle's City tsrern. Let it be understood tbat he was a graduate of Harvard, and at this tavern be wss at borne. At he entered tbs parlor of the kouaa bs louad several ladies and gentle. mn assembled, and he beard s remark from one of them, "Ab, here comes a coun tryman of tbe bomespnn germs. Here's lun " Whitman stared at tbe Company, and then sat down. May, my Iriend, you are from tbt country," remarked one of tbe gentle men. "Ya is," answered Ezekiel, with a Iu dicroui twi.t of tbe face. Tbe ladies tittered. "And what do you thiuk of our city V 'It's a pooty thick settled place, any bow. It's go: a swoepiu' sigbt of bouict in It." ".lud a good many people." 'Ya as, I should guess so." "Mauy pooplo where you come fiom '' "Wal, tome." "Plenty of ladie, I suppoie?" "Yo- it, a fair tpiinklin.' " "Aud I don't doubt you are quite a beau among them." "Ya-as, I biaus 'em hnnie tew mee'- in' and singin' ichewl." "Perhaps the gentlemen Irom the coun try will take a gla of wiueT" ' Thank ee. Don't keer if I do ?" The wine was brought. "You must drink a toast." "Oh. it eout. I eat r.xift never biar l of iiucli a thing as drmkin' it. But I kin give ye a loutiment." The ladies clappni their l ands; but what a their turprise when the btrau- ger, lising, s;- ke ca'nily and cltarly is loilon J : "l.idiit and gentlemen, p rm t tue to wish you health and happinets, with every bletiing earth can ittord ; aud may you grow l-e'ter mid w iser wilb advai cing yeara, bearing ever iu ni:nd that outward appearances ar often dtctitlul. You mi'ook in lioiu my dress, for a country booby, while I, Irom the same fupcrfiei&l came, thcutrht yoJ were la lics aa I gen tlemen. T ie mistake haa been mutual.' He had juat tpoken when Caleb StroiiL?, the Governor of the State, entered and ioquirrd for Mr. Wh'tm-in. 'Ah, here I am Governor. G al to see you. then turning to tlio durnb- founded onipin lie sdil, "I wah you a very good morning." A. Mm I.N Waukkm Ce.i.NTT Mr. T. U. Itamsay reooru much stir amon tbs negrois in Warren couuty. A strange O'gro iiamd Price bat been bumming aiound teihng the ptoplt that Grant l ad sect him down there to keep John lljicau fiom takini; bis scat in Congress. He wsh regarded al a puaicious cbartctcr an 1 lodged in j ii'. Rm MS OF TIIB ( ENTKAI. ExKCCTIVE C MXirTKKiF TUP. CN krvativk Par TV. The Mate Executive C immiiteeof ibe Conai rvative parly, which is com posed of the various Congressional Ex ecutive C unmittees, will please meet in Kaleiili no eone-ilay, Jauuary the 2Utb, 1875, to consult in regard to important matters. Members of the Conservative press are invited to attend. Vf. It. COX, Chairman Central Committee. J J LrrniKoRD, Sec'y. Kvi v Reader of tbe W.-tklv fIXTiKKL will receive free a copy of the best Airrlcul tu'al and Fsmib Newsinoer In tbia country by arldreasinfr Moore's Rural New Yorker, 7S uuane (ttreet, Jiew lork. ate s tr RiiciGH mm. WR0LE8ALECA8H PRICES. Ralkioh. Dec. 11. 1874. KlMAKKS. Cotton brl.sk )V!I, w ith aalea to some ex tent IHJ. Bairging Domestic yd ISal.V' C otton Ties-tMo 10. Flonr N C , 7.257 50. Coin-new 1.I0 oldl.U Corn Meal new '591, old f I IV Bacon N C lie round lit Baton, N C llaxs, lo Bulk C eir Klb 4i!es, 1 i'alV4 Hulk hloiuldero. IU Laid, N C, ' Western Teirc s. " do. Krta, Coffee Hio, tood, FlfKS, butter tountr, Hab, M-iiletf, ' . Mackerel i.' I , IlrenWia, Ka, Beet on foot " Dresaed, Lea'her Hole, Hi lea lire n, liry, Tallow, Potato's Sweet, " lrlah, Ojta hc!!ei, Sriiuaf. Fod lero'ol 15 newt). 17 3!4 40 7.00 .U) li mi "nil 7 "a Vi IU 00 Moil -a MadU 1.2: i.k! pOI! RENT FOR THE YE4R 1875. ' Tbat convenient office In reaf ot Citiiena' National Bank nn M r.in 8:reet. Auplv to dtf H'IZINs' NATIONAL BANK. I - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J U. FLEDDERM1N, M E R ( II A N T TAIL BALTIMORE, MO. Tbe citiaons of Kaleixh row have au op portunity ilTorded them to order mils or Ore coats from the bo'-e (tentlemen, who la here ohcilii a; ortlc.n or can tuv a Uie r meaa urea taken for Kin bur : aamnles lobe sent whi-a ordered. Veiin until TueM- d.y Dorniag. Call at the ,.. i .ughlluuae Bum inursuay eveninir. dec van M ORE NEW ii tl o-O . Black Silk at (I.!; lo BLACK ALPACCAS, MO.'IA'IH AND URILLIANr.S. Cjuallty tTsairpas.i .I -1 the I'. ice-. A'ete Style and Litest i'ntltrn Print. Gx4 TAIII.K OIL CLOTH. 4x4, 8x4. 10x4 and lC.iJ iaiii.c oil tLOTQ. Bleached ami Unbieucht d Domestic all widthiaud qiialiti'-e, ut prices which none undrrarll. A laige lot of Jen'aai:d LaJi'.a' Shawls, good and pret'y, at ab mt half their val ue. Canlield's Hand made BOOTS and GAIlEBSfir Gentiemeo, which need only a tri .l to be appreciated. Our fctock is now very l ire, and as we sell out rapid! v, we urr cuQ4tanly rt-r.-ning ShiW f700n-, so that those who patior iz' us get I he tv-mtU ol the low ft pilCir. A large v ariety of DUK-.S GOOD.S at greatly reduci-1 price'. (' i-t's So'iol Ci'.ton, all numl . r nnd colors at lowest prices. I K1TY i J o.N'E-s 1.'0 Favetteril'e Street. dec 2:l-tl p.!KM4s I'KEENiS. 1 navl. lo-i r.'eeivej a Inree aaaortment. all and ae a:id buy Watches, Jewelry riated ui'itir i icu, .vr. dec tl i J. U. 1ALMXH. NOTICE TO NOUTH CAROLINA t UKUlToll-. Aico din lo Resolution of ILe (i neral Aar.emhiy of orth '.ro Ina ratuied Uie ImIi day of December A D t74. tbe .Joint -tad-lni( I'oiiiiiulie ; ei'i Bute 1) Ut and 1. labilities will mee1 in the S:nate ill an tier in tbe City of Kalityh on the :4lh IJJi aiu Hi b d.ya af January, 1-7), for the pit' poa of eouferrinir, wi'l ibe ere liters f IIk- ftate, coi.i-erul.i the fcttlemi-nt cf the ala'.o Debt K. P. WARIM1, rb'in Joint Committee S a'e Kci t aud LiaMlitiea dec ill Hw Kichuinnil D epa'ch. )..;lle, Comtiiercil and Amerlesn e; Bjlti oore ; Herald, Sun Tiibune and W. r d of New York, copy once a wee e for three wteka anil svnd i ill I Stale Auiliu-. Utleih, . ''. g K LIX'T BOA KD1 NO A M 1 A Y M HO( L, l.'ll LSHOHO' N. C. The TUrtv ?.i-t.d s tsa-on of the Msses Niiab MiVs Rollook's School w II ojien Frldav :tLi February, s;j and continue '10 wii k. 1. i culara forwardel i n ippiicallou. dec -1 11 jiw-:u ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY fi J.XYKST -t All' DOL1.AIIS, WITH IDSSII'.l.r HKTfKSS Oh' Tll'KSAXIiS. IS OFFKHEIt 1IY TIIK ItlsTlflSEMEST OF rrill.K' I.IHHMtY OF A')., TO THE 27M OF FEUit AJtY, XEXT. OF TlfElf! FIFTH ASU I.ASTroSCEHTASn DHA II' I.VtV. THE MASAaEME.STAHEVl.EUii Kit TO THE HETVltS OF THE MoE 1 IF THE DltA WlXtt SHOt IA) SOT cuME OFF A T THE DA Y XU)V APPOINTED. (ne(i rand Cash Gift.... One Orand Caah Lift One Orand Cash (iltt.... nerand Cash (lift One Orand Cash Gift.... 5 Cash Oifts, tJO.OOO lOCashOifts, 14,Uo0 .I'i'iO.OoO . 1 00,000 . 7,W)0 . S0.0O0 . . us.uoo . 100,000 . 1UIO00 lAO.oiaj 1110,0011 . 100,000 . 90,01 0 . lUU.OUo . 100,0)0 . i o,coo . so.i oo . 50,0UU . t 50 00 . 25 00 & 00 ,. 501 00 each. eiich each. each. each each. . each.. each . . each. eich encb. M Cash Oifta, 201 aah OifU, V5 Hash (tifi, ISO Cash difU, AO Caab Oilla, KlOCarb Hilts 2 10 Cash Oifts fKMI aab Oifta, ld.ioo taah Olts, lO.lKIO ft.OOJ 4,1)00 ;i,0ll i.ooo 1,0(10 .aio HHJ 50 Who e Ticket! . HjIv.-k l'enth, or e icti Couimiu... 11 W'b 'le 1 i kets for KorT.keu nr 'iiforita lop, a lres I HO. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Louisville, Ky. fi. II lUtAui.KV, Agent, Itiileigh, N. C. dec I!--: I HAV'SO ii)l,ll MV FARM SITU VIEW ner vv ake Forl Coliere, Koowu a tbe Puilfoy plac-. 1 aball on tlm as.li ol D-ce-in!K'r."iM7, otli-r at public sale, live hiad of No. 1 Mule, ave from 5 V ' yara. on. ireKd Ihim b iit-'y mid harnesa Tern. li montb a credit with ro e and approved securlt . bearing 6 per eeni int-iest frem dale. At tie sin e t tat aud plw , 1 will also sell for eab a lot of ahu ka. one i.ood mileb tow and heifer c -If n finrlalr eattln.' m hire a'nl all the farvnl-it uleii'ila, alao one e .tt re m t of furniture, iwt, e dlaire bed fle-.u!a and mat troses one warih bo, j.i x can- bo tjin ' haii: one tin' safe sod mauy id he ihli'Ca tuj.i uus t ' mention. W. F. A K I'. V December 1 1 1 1". fY W . P E a. P. I. c ATTORNEY AT LAW, jACKaON, NORTH CAROLINA Praetiee In all the Courts of NorUianijilon, alhrax, Bertie and Hertfordiciuni!e( in tin Supreme Court of Nor'h V'arolina, ! n the Federal Conru. dao -dim OH KENT OllBALk'. Tbe Houfe and IM on Lane etreet. North ot the Deaf jt Uarnb Asylum. Tbe teniae contains tin-tit rooms, liortbet sod a ,-'' ant there are all neeesaary ou -bouata i ,. lot ia one acre and bat a Kood garden. 1 refartri Mr. l'iMlntf4iaai i.t i.(.,.fit.--o Tr-to rent. A a to sale, consult are at Faarc lUMUUlf . dec Sir UKL'UY I ACY. VALUABLE FARM FOR 8a LK OB EX -CI1ANU1C FOR CITY I'ttOPERI i . On Wedneadavtbe Kird da. of Deoeiuber. If not told net ore al iHlvaus ale, 1 will ael to Uie bifbest bidder lav Farm ailualei two and one half u lies Fast of Raletifh on the Tarboro' Road. It contaiua about three hundred nd thirty acres of laud, of wLit-li about one hundred aud tlfty are well woodial. t n tbe tract, are an excel.eut dwullinir hoioe . eoiiLaliiuii; seven rooms and two lare cellar, a icitcatii wim two rooms aimoet new. a large tbree tttrrv Uin House wilb horae uowvr atlached, laborers bouses, ban &c , a larire peach and apple uicbard, produeinir tbe bast run iu naae county. aigUl une sprui( ol water conveniently located. Four loads of wood a day can be made by a wajftiu kuuliOK to KaleiKb. The t Mntmplated Kalelb & Seaboanl Kailroad tnarliH wtwioet prae'rar ln tbeN rubc-ru bouudary. i'lie land ia well adapted to Co-.l . ii, T ibacco, Wueat aud all tbe cereals Two doe Uina, o e water iiower, the other steam are rilu ete a ftw hundred yards fr-in tho premises. I anas or Pale: ltd inontand dollars cash tbe ba ance in one. Iwoaud three vuarr. ttqnal instalments. Parties Hetirlnif to unr-i-tittw are invited to inspect tbe piemiaes. Tb land will bj divided if doairuc. 1 will etcuaa e for City Property. uecs.w UAC1I. U MA.M.I. APPLICATION will he made to tin- prr anl l.i.ilMt nr.. In nl.ti.lii m I liMi-l..r f...- the 8oulberii L'lidernritera AsJueuiion. nov ao aoa IL'IIE OLU RYE WHISKY. NATIONAL HOTEL BAR BK.RKY FOoTFK RITE AMD DLL IJVAKK Pure Rye eeven Yeara tilil. Th-N-t Whisky made )ut received tlii day. nov J It J. 6. 8. IiClISl)15i, :Oi Manufacturer aud Dealer In Tin and Sheet Iron Ware rJlouewall etovaa, the bat in tbe World, noue like Uictu. Tiu iluutiai:. laul terl nit and Plpint; a Siweiality. F.yetteViHe rtt., opiioal'.s the Maito.1 Pump. fleleuih, N. C. mar .3-1 If Jv W O IllUUA.Nll P O U ND8 . Prime re-lined Lard. At '- . r JuNKr' A ' DB. WM. HALL'S BALmilllTILUAuS 1KB QrtllAT AMERIOANCON GUMPTIVB REMIlDr. Coui-uuiplion is NOT an incurable disease, ."nynlclana afaure nsof Ihia fact It is only ecesasry to Lave the rlsrht remedy, and the terriblecan be couqumalady ercd. HALL'S BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY H breaks np the nijrht sweats, relieves tbe ippresaive Iih1.iuc.mi air. sa Uie Luuks, and Jtals tho Ihci rated aud excoriated aurfacea which the venom of ibe disease products. WHILE LIFE LASTS TUEUE IS UOl'E It may not be too lite to e fleet a cure even uf cr Ibe doctora have iv,-n you dp. HALL'ti H M.tA.i is i.eld everywhere, and rnuy be hail at wuoienale of the Proprietors, JOHN F. H4.NK1, CLKKAN it CO,, al tbeir Hrent Medicine Warebouae, 8 and 0 C'olleire Place, Ntw York. Price f 1 per bottle ".ooyV. C'clda, I'ucuuioiiia, lirunchitia, Aslbma. SpittlDK of Blood, CrouR WHOOPING COCOH, ind all other rliseaaej of the respiratory THAT a. Aise' I'roprwloit of dcovlll t Blood and Liv er 8 yrnp, llarliollc Halve, Edey't Troches,' 'rtyirenaled Bitters, Mott's Liver Pills, Ac, JOHN F. IIENHY. C URBAN & CO.. Han College Place, New York. Jun 281m b. r. aoon a job OATxmo OORK A U.1TL1NU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW KALE1U11, N. C. etiilc aud Pederal Ci)urtt and Uie Courts of tnelut and 0th Judicial Districts, nov 21-tf N OTICF.. Byvut ie of a juJrnont of the Kuperioi Court of Wake eounty, the unilcrni'iii'il CommUa onera will mi. I on Thnraday the Hih day of .lanuari, l75, al public auction, at tbe Court Hon e door in the Citv of Xalei-h nt 12 o'clock in., the foljowing described re il estate: s'. Tract, Situate about :t mllea Weft of tr e i ityof Kaleub. Iniuiouiateiy on Uie. N. U li , at th-forks of the .lli,liioro' ami (Hup I Hill Koad, ad j iin'rur the land of li.m Bull ford, lleira of W.J. Brown ami other , known as ' the John C. vlootc ,IH , containing alxty tix acri-i more or . Iw. U on ibe leopci ty arc a coou well cAred lo, dwel lnir IloiiKe with 7 room,, yood r.ev. fence, valuable atnre be.n and neeeaaan out hou'ea, Ac , Ac. 3'd. Trai t, fitnatcoti Fayetteiville ftreo in ttie City of KaleiKh, arij ),nni the lot of M-s- .line F Haywood, oeiug pari of Lot No (Win tie pttn of the rlty, an 1 foriuerlv ibe law olllce. of ri. II. liouura, acreaaeil. Tr.KMs or e? a tE On;! third ci-h, renidm payable In 8 months, with intermt 6per cmt. froaiiljyof sale. No' aod approved ac corf required for d'-ferred paymenL oan'i.o rowue, , I.EO. H. HNOW. jCornra. il i -i Ida I! lxii.ji HniOK vl BarTK, N. C Raliiuii,' Dec. 17th, is7t.'' 'pilK aiinaal meeting Of the S'.rK-kbolders 1 u. thu Batik will be. held at tb -ir Bink ' inc Huiiae m this eltr, on Taeulay the llii J .nuarv next, a' twelve o'clock, M. d:i bj, (j. U'Aa. Cashier ClIUiNa' N'juual Rata, I: Ai.tion, N. C, Dec. lJ-.i., XsTi! rpiiK eafa annnl tneetinir of f the tlnrU L hi lilera of ti le Bank will ba held a their , uk'H honaaj ii, Kale (,-u on l ucdav I.'th lanify lr75, , ' ' , ... ; WJl.K.Y1, CaMiler. F f ; i I r. i I '3 i r I 1) i' i i ( ! It .v V I f.' i- V I