L rilEOTTINEQ AH OK VALUABLE PERSONAL S PROPER 1 ! ih. Frldit tlx "th daf of Deeeutberntxt. e will wll at Public Auction, on the prria - .ra kooaa u in Wenninger react, on new h.ra Avmae, the follorlng named peruana: is haadof toe blooded Cow 8 y.arilngs. 1 tine ball, buggea, eette of rJaroeaa, I wagou. 4 vaman e norsee, a imsi rurnuura, rutting knivea, ieea nor, a larre a not er , .pper,) a plow, garaea vooit. a wo, con t l'QICDI W TDC M I.V f UKJS W III "V J4U EIGHT BUIiDIMQ LOT, third cash th baliDca la oar. two uil three jcare.) All over ona hundred dollara ,.n the personal p-operty, six month tlm will bo given rle positive ana wiuiout ra JOHN UATIIG, UEU. H. SNOW. r i7-Ui ROSADALIS, THE OHEAT Blood Purifier. ierofula in it Various Form, SUCH Aft CoMunptlo la lb Cirllar rtigss, talareameirt K ud Uksratisa of Hi Gludi, lolntt, Bm, I Kidaayt, titans, Orotic nhsamattsi, . f trjptlwn of tlx Skin, Chrwik m or tlx Skin, Sort Eyas, Ac i ilN. IN ALL ITS FORMS DISEASES OF WOMEX, , I rfjppttilt, Oek Htoiodu. Lntr Cbav ptauu, iuut nt A .float, Jaandmict - GENERAL BAD HEALTH, ' " aadaUalamiiof th SL03S, IITZS, CSKXT8 SUSSSS; It la a Farfaot Banorator. twR08ADALIBrdlctr sy kind of tamo and bad taint, and reaLa-ea th entire tyKra u a healthy eotKn. "It n rmFamT HabstU. A tmt prodactnf the lightest Injury. t"WIt la not a Secret Quack Remedy. , Th article of which It la autde an puhuaa d aroaad aach bottle. RteoniMaatd ky tka Radical Fatarr tad Many Ttimaaaief osrBsrt Cmrsae v 7ForTesthncaial of mnarkabl caiu. aa -HoaACaua Aula ao" for uoajaar , raasB oaur T , DR. J. J. LAWRENCE & CO. 2i.& SatHmort Street, iiALTlMORt:, Ml). c For Sale lr Srwglitt ETarrwaj, i rmmy w-1 a" TTT A JONES llt o to the Public. Owing to our Increased trade we have found U u- s-ry to parch a aeeond atock thb Our MaJ. Pc tv is tiuw in the Northern umket buying and in order to make room f r the t:ooda, we will 11 the stock on hann at a vety imall profit. AU wlablng the beat good at th lowest prices hoald not fall to call on aa. We have a tplendld line Of Dress GooJt which wi k eoiso to sai.L low. We htve alar()l tof Kara which wo odor at price lo uit the tlineo. Our Alpucras beini; of tht ik st branda and color?, speak for tbemae'.Tia, We offer North Carolina Casaimi r at Fac tor; iricti and best carrbrici. at 1U per jard We oiler r-pecial inducements to merchants Inn ing In this market. PETIY & J0NE3, nov 14 tf 20 FajettoTille ei rpo HIE PUBLIC. Ia consrijutDi'e ol the great rush to buj the stock tl good., lately ad?eitised 1 ui to lc sold at Saeritee of Pmfit, wi hive been uoab'e to make cur arraogi n.cnts for the auction whkb we iotend having on the Crst of tbii month. The auction will positively commenct tm Mml ,y t ight, the 7th of Deceinbtr, niil coiiii iiiu Diglit after night until tin wlio'c tock ia disposed of. Aid in order to still accommodate our large W Metal and Jtetail Trade, at will keep the store open for oar regular retail mi l wholesale trade iuring tkt day. To families, members of the Lfgislatute and others, we say, do not mi as thia fine opportunity of laying in yut winter sop- pliet Of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HATS, U00T9, and -SHOE.", BLVNKEIS, QL0V&S, && W. H. & U. Tcckek, 8urvivirjg Partners. D.c. 1' DENNISO 'S PATIST 8HIPF1NO TAOS. Orer Two Handred Mlllloaa ban bee aaed witbia th past 10 Tar without complaint of toes b Tat! becoeBtat detached. Tbbt aaa aioaa asuaau roa "kaajno Corroa Balbs tba at Ta w i"s. AU Kxpreaa Companta a theaa. oald by Printer aad HtaUoaefa everywbarc. oct iVeodSro APPUCAT10N ( ill bmde to the ensalus; Leglalatnra U atneod tbeC'bartOrof th Town of LtUraage, 71. IJ, ,)II0Y1.WM" ' ''' ' " ' The lubaerihcr haa remored hit liook Store to the building two door north ot Tucken mora ander Watsool t'hoto L'raph Oallerr--whara be haa kiore room and better aooommodation for coed act inir wbideaale sad ratail trade. lie is now making large additions to stock of HOOKS, ST A TlONhllV, awn hAMJY (WODS, umtAc img : S 'IIO L. MISCELLANEOUS, aod ISTANDAHD BOOKS, gaobatti bcUool aud tking Books, fihlee and Testaments, Prayer and Hymn Books, Albums and Chromo Pictures, Account and Blank Books, Kine and pla'n Stationeiy new styles, Perfumery, r-ops, Ac, Jkc. . " Heisatfeot for the sale of the N. C. RKPORTr, IIAITLKS DIOKST aau WlISELEKd N. C. ' Wt'AL. Special tti in to Merchant ami Teach era ALFRED W ILLIAMS, Boom SLLKH and Station h. Oct. MISSOURI STATE LOTTKKIES! Lefallaed by Matt Authority, and DkAWK II Pl'BUC III ST. LOCia, Oraod Hlna; le Number ecbema of 60,000 No'. DKAWTHl LAST DAT OF EACH MONTH Caimtai, Prize, $.50,000! :o.3SO Prizea, amonntlnK tofSOUOU) Whole tUki-U, 10; llalvo,! j yuarttrs,! i.50 Tkti Ortat Cvmbination Schem, mifV a capital raiza or IS',00! and !B,3J0 Pritf, arooantiuK to ii7S.in ! Draws eve v a:urlav durinir the year. wuoi.k Tii'Krra, $10; halvbs $5 ; qvab Tin 2.60. Address, lor Tickets acd Circulars, MURRAYILLER & Co , Managera, P. O. lloxa446. ap 4 deodwewly Bt. Louis, Mo. BUY ONLY.TUE CEM1N8 FA1RBAMS SCALES. tock Scales, Coal Scatea, Hay eealea. Dairy Scairs, Counter Scalt, Ac., die. Also, diet Alarm Till Ca.'e ALARM CASH DRAWER. Every Merchant should Use Them. Evibt Dbawik Wabbibtbo. FAIRBANKS c& CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 106 Baltimors St., Baltikork, 63 Camp St., New Orleans FAIRBANKS Jt EWING, Masoioc Hall, Philadklpria. FAIRBJNKS, BROWN & CO., 3 Milk St., Boston. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers, aug 27-tf War. W.Jobbs, Abmibtbad Jonas. 'ONES4J0NE8. Attorney's At Law, RALKIOH, . U. PRACTICE In the Supreme Court of the flb CAW, mi VUimi vuu ULmuM aw ww. w v. the United Htatee and the aereral CourU of be th Judicial Dlatrtct. Office on Payette ville 8U. opposite the Itlaens National Bank. Up aulra. .an i-ltf WATEB TVTIEEL The hmk aa th Mark, and old a laae prtea than any etaar r!ra-laa Vbl. bend tor a Pamphlet and b ron vmoed. N.r.lltjlilAH,YQlk,l'a. M. B. tiKCULEK'd 80UTHERN STEAM SAUSAGE MANUFAC TORY, RICHMOND. VA. TL. n..Hf.nlnr. nf fiUtlUffA of all L iudl made a speciality for tbe Southern Market. Send for Circular and price liat. All orders addreaard to at. K. H RCHLEU. oct 811m no- , "" ataracu EXCHANGE HOTEL, I1LIIID, . C. By MRS. ROSA ROWS SVIraa aiuia aa ihm lfarWat eaa aflard charge reaaonable. march toil Hit. kuba aow . JMXEt LIME 1 1 LIME 1 1 1 . 1M Barrel No. 1 freah burnt Lime at De pot and to arrive direct from tbe Lime Work- ad offered at reduced price at depot ia large JOBel V VAJAJall iSB. 8. J r eVaBtea ODE LIVING AND OUR DEAD FAIR WEEK. Tbapren ween n an excellent 'Time to new sabaeriptlons to uUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD. Out. 8. D. Fool aad T. B. Klnwabary, aVq-. would Pa pieaeea to see heir friend a. at the Fair (tmanda. or at tha ofllee one door South of tha Y at bora' Hone and receive new subscription, or reuewala. , fae object for which the Magaair. Is pnb- I 1- -.1.1111... M Its IntrinalA ..irit- iiaae'. in wv4.(wu ... ... . . . .v --. ahoula commend this publication to every Dortb Carolintaa. Terma, per year. - St per eetii. guaranteed with 8 I f I X H 5 1 pi f octis-s. E SENTINEL JOB OFFICE. A '..I. KINDS OF JO d" work Having rcfitltxi our Job Officer And secured tlio aervicor ot a n m-m M FUtTEH, We are now prepared to execute all kinds ol PLAIN AND FANCY All persons tiaving Bill Heads, Loiter n-ads, Buaictut Cnrds, Vtottllig Cards Wedding Cards, Circulars, Posters, Ac To print, will hare their work ex eclited in the vcrj licet stvle by sending it to the Sentinel Office. We are also preparea to do all kinds of Book Work In the very best style, at All work ent t iu will be done as quickly and cheaply ag at any other PRINTINO HOUSE IN THE SOUTH TICKETS Of all kinds Printed at short notice. In short, we are prepared to ex ocnle all kinds of Printing in the v-ery best style. TRY US. January 4th, 1874. GEO. A. PRINCE A CO. Organs & Melodeons. The Oldeat, Largett and Moat Parte rt Mana factory la the Vailed Sates. 54.000 How la ue. No other Musical Instrument ever obtained the same Popularity. ir Bend for Price Lists , Address BUFFALO, . T. nevll-tf CENTRAL HOTEL 353 CANAL STREET Corner ot Elm, New York one block Eaatof Broadway, Centrally located la the immediate vtetnfty of Mercantile baelnca. wood rooatsTftc. and II u per day ft.uoto fl.OO per weak, sag 10-laa J-IMEt-LIMElt LIME 1 1 1 Now receiving from Depot, direct from tbe kiln, 8 ear loads ot No. L, Kock Lima which a ill be eold cheaper thaa tbe ebca eat ta dealers ana eoatractore ta large quantities No. 1, Iadlta Kock Lima at Lew. No. 1, Kivertoa. beet ia the market 1.73 Also kept reoataaUy r head koaadal By draulie Ceratat, Caloiaed aad Lead Ftaater aad ArrWaltarai LI ate at loweet eb prioee. , AalE8 H, TWLa, , OTIC I OF F O RKCLOSCRI O F I MORTUAuK. By virtue of certain powers conferred upon Calvin 8. LlttleBeld In and by a dead of mortraara exacated by T. V. Le, to aald Llt j uaaaia oa u isia eay or ianaary iwn ana recUterad ta boa No. SI, on pace Sol in the Office of Itearietsr of Deed for the count of watta : watch said aaortcatT waa on ui sain day of January 1871 aaauraed by aald l.llUa- Said to one J ante K. Oreea, by deed of lha date kat aioreaaid, aad raaiatatwd m book No 81 at paga Sua la aald omea, who towlt. tba aald Jainee K. fjreea aaalaned the aald mortcaea to the St Aag-uauna normal achoo and Collegtato InetltaU by deed dated 84th day or (lane IS', ana recistaraa ia Buok no M at pacw lVta aald offloa, which said corpo ration aaahrtitd ttie said mortiraaTs to ne by deed dated the SOU day of October, 1874. aad alto by virtu of a mortgage executed by the said TF Lee to Joha N Hunting;, dated the 2 1st day of July, 1071 aad ret; ia tared la Book be at Daate 878 in aald oittce. which aald morV gaga baa beea aaaigned by aald i N BuaUng io me ; I will oa Saturday tba 16th day of I w an aar y isvo, ezpoaa to paoiie aaie Tor caan, oa the premlaea, the lot in the city of Kaleigh. known aa the Stand rd Offlca property, belna: part of lot No M In the plan of said city, aad hounded aa follows; Beginning at tba Soath neaiern corner of tbe lot now occupied by the said John N Bunting, thence South, with the Eastern line of Faettevl)le Stnet Sfty leeiioine tot aow owned ny amea Henry; thence Kaat to Wllmlngtoa Street : theace North, fifty feet ta the lot of the said Bunt Ins-: thrnce West to FaveUevl lie SUaet Tbe amount due oa the flrat above man- tlond moiiirsre ia about SS.ew. The amount du on the second above men tioned mortcao-e ia about S.VIMM. oetSl-lwUw HINKY MOKDKCAl. Q Rill AM H10I1 SCHOOL, Obabam, N. C. Kev. Dan'l A. Long, A. H., Principal. KeT.Wm.8. el Rev. Wat. W. bUdev, A. B. Bc F Lontr. A. B. Mr. 11. A Badham. Instructress in Mualh. Oiwna Auir V4ib, lt74 Cloaca May iilo. lS7i. Board IS to 110. Tuition $1 to 4 per uunin. oct Ml 4 N OT1CE. I will aell 50 Towtt Lot alHarUville. Wake coui.iv. iu nu lea a.aai or waa el or eat Depot. i ueeire a D.naer ia the aatabllahmant or a poke Hub and Handle Factory on Little R vr, where 1 owa a rood mill sight and gooa umoer xor tna ousiusas. ror particulars addreaa, F. J. IIARTJFIELD, ct VtM.wAswlin Kuleavllle, P. O. W ANTk U. we win sire eneruellc men and women Business tbat will Pat from ti to tl Der day, can be pursued In your own reighbor- nooa, ana la alriclly houorai.la Particulars free, or samplea worth several dollar that ill enable you to ro to work at once, will be sent ou receipt oi nity cent". Aauresa J. lath am s CO.. arjit 4 tf SUM Washington St , Boston, M a J9 rp B KINGSSCRT, LIKE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT KALEIOII, N. C, (Offlce one Door South ot Tarboro' House.) Rspbbsbnt, N. C Life 'murance Con- pan v: N. tl. Home Klre Comrranv : L rcn ool and London and Globe ire Compact ; The Atlas Fir-e Comtiany ; The Farroville F re Co. K'rBe: Jadre Merrimon. Dr. Gnors Blscknall, Dr. k"ui-rie (irntoru, Kev. A. W Manrum. Rev. J. M. AtkiuHU. Georire V. Strouir. Esq. Having Iivd In the InrnrrDC businesa for years, and repreaentlrg flra clars Companlet oe noes to aecure a i.re share or patronage. oct a ii The stomach la one of the most delicate organs of tbe human system: and the Indiirea- tible food crowded into it by the require ment ol modern asciety, keep it in a A STATE OF CHRONIC DISORDER leh la followed by a resort to tonics alterativea fur i cliff. It unfortunately hap pens, however, tbat many of the msdicines uaerl lo this purpose contain alcohol, whtcB poured Into a dlaeasel stomach produces irri tation, create Infiamallon, aud does mora In jury than good. OXYGENATED BITTERS CONTAIN NO ALCOHOL, bnlareapurely sredicinal preparation, which in cares of Dysoepaia. Heartburn, indigettion and other like disorders, al once restores tbe stomach to IU NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. The Oxygenated Bitter have been the most popular remedy for the abova complaints for tbe laat thirty years, ami still maintain their unrivalled popularity. Price $1 per bottle. BOLD BVBRTWBERB. OUN F. HENRT, CURRAN & CO., Proorletors. S and U College Place. aug. 3-lm New York. THE ORE AT REMEDY TOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by tho hundreds 61 tcftiimoiiials received by tho proprietors. It is noknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for tho relief anJ efaH I.:iigfrrr.pis.in'3, and is offered to tho public, iniict loned by the experience ;l over foity years. When resorted ' o in season it sel dom f;iiI.- k. effect r speedy cure ir. i.h; mof!i rievero eases f (.'ougbs, iV onchitis, Croup, Vlioojing Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side Liver Complaint, Bleeding nt the LuugH, tfce. "Wistar' Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave tho cause behind, as is tho case witb most preparations, bat it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays-Irritation, thus removing tho cause of (he complaint. paxrasao BT" fiT A V. FOTLE A BOBS, Bostea, Kaaa, said T Druawtat aa4lrajrara. N 1ST A N B R 87 FATKTTE VIL LI sTKIIT, H A 1. 1 1 (I'll , P.f; ectf ully announce to their paUens sad the paMic generally, that tluli aa.-oitii.eot of PALL AND WINTER CLOTHINO le complete, end will be conaUatly repknlsked Their STOCK la tbe largest In the State and HATS, UHBKXLLAS, TBaVKHNO BAU8 WHICH SPECIAL ATTENTION IS INVITED. octti pOWDEKED BATH BBICK For eleanalng Tin-ware, Kinvea. Ac. At June lVtf BKIGOB SONS CONSOLIDATED. Tea Majobio Mokitob ABD THE BRIGHT MABONI .-O: :0: Only, One DoIUr A Year. :0: :0: Tbe ConsoUdaUoaof tha MASONIC WON 1TUK and tbe BK1UHT MASON, makes "THE BRWaiTT MASON" One of the Very Beat Masonic Jonrmls in the southern AUanue bum. It is now publish ed in Magasine Form, at tbe low price of Onr uonai a tear. . SUBSCRIBE NOW. Mason In food stand i irtsr aiwsel JarKaw ali-ei rwWlnjaattAayl tsi mft mm A iratnl a ! Uube ut Ten or more only 75 eta. fVThe whole Club need 'not come from on P. O., names may be added at any time ai i club rate. Address ('. F. HARRIS, ; Concord, N. C. i rafHMt Medinm for ArlvertiaHra In th! Soulb. lBtf JA LEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY, RiLXlOB, N. C, F. P. HOBOOOD, A M., Principal. A P. KKIH), A. M , AtaltUaa, FRED. AGTHE, Music Department. The nr xt Betaion oven on Mondav. Be 14lh, If74. Apt ly for Catalogue. July 1-dlOtw low D i FOR 1S74. A complete assortment, at the Book 8ure' of ALFRED WILLIAMS. dec 1S-U $20 REWARD! HORSE fcTOLEM! Stolen from the stable of th- eubaenber,' living seven mi lea South weU from larka- vlllr, Vs., on the night ol the 14th Novem her, 1974, one Urey Mare, nearly white, about live feel higb, 14 or 14 yearao d, u.ane hngt! on he lett aide of the neck, 1 in the kuack of bitiagor naonlngat a person when ap- proached and dbee not paJe at all. 1 will r.....ue u .n vueir practice give the above nwaid of $M foi theantdLr' iii..0 .... ,. . . b,nion of the thief and the delivery of tDatWsH; L HOK.N K IN JIIND : msre to in", tr ten dollars for the delivery ot -- uie mare alone, or secur a any wuere wuoin; one hundred luilea of this place in good eon-, dllion ao that I can get her (gain. J.NO. J. THhOvJiwMOKTON. nov28-U't Hrownavill-, N. C, J. " F L E M M I N G ATTORNEY AT LAW RALEIGH, N. I Itrlce Booth of tbe Court House near tbt sentinel oil'.o . June 7-lf JIAXES ! TAXEi ! ! LAST NOTICE. The tax collector is required by luw t settle with the I'ublic treasurer on oi1 before the 1st of December. All taitu unpaid are required to be settled forthwith' The attention of persons wbo have not listed their property or gireo in the po! is called to Section 10, Captcr 133 Acts ol 1873 anil 74. JOSEPH A. HAYWOOD, uov 10 -tf fax Collector. "DBTll CAROLINA! LIFE i.TSl iUi-.TCE t o. RALEIGH. N. C. CJapltul ttv:oo,uuo At end of First Fiscal Year has issuedlovei IWU Police without sustaiuing a aingle loss Prudent economical aud energetic manage nient baa made it A bUCC'ESrSFUL CORtmA ITOV. Thlt Company iaui-a every desirable f i rr of Polietts at ss low rutes as sy other Fin (less orapaiiv. Impoteano useless rcsirictiou uou icsi dence or travel. nas a fixed pa'd up valur on all polic ies af I ter two annual panirnta. lt entire arrets are loaned and luveated AT HOME, to foster and tncourage hoiu enterriaea. Tl.trt. rf.w allo.l In l,rmt ..1 premium. ...i; ' " ' ' i With the fach before tliem will the ueonli of North Carolina coutiuu lo pay annuaM) thouaanda uikiu thouaanja of dollars to build up Foreign Compaaiea, when they can ar cure insurance in a ompa'iy equally reliable. and every dollar s premium iheypay be loan d and Invested in our own State, and among oar own poopier THRO. 11 HILL, Agint, Ralegh. -p R E M I U M . Heapers, Itoirera & e parators. In atore the celebrated Champion Reanert Mower combined, which tO"k Si at, premlua at 'ne laai r air. Also can suppli al any Dotal on tbe Kailroada. tbe Guiaer Separator, Cleaner, aad Bagger at Manufacturer's pricer w i mi ire'gni aauea. Order' Solicited at Our to aeenre markinei In time lor the coming Harreat. JAXhS M. TOWLES. Agent. may'JV 4. LUMP AKO SSOO tor a Bine Lumn Plaster, direct from! the Qnernea, Windsor. N. 8. . - . . . . ' - Freak t round plaster pot npln bbts and ne Burlay tag. ror sale, oy B l irLIB A BL.AIK, Coummtatiou Merchants, 11 "7 Basin Bank Richmond. Va marMiniK , 500 Bl 8UKL OF SWEET POTA- toea for Sale of te beat qaal ty by H. OOL1 VE, et 8T Stdwsw, pe, wrv. lT B W B ft CO t; through the Seaaou. is adapted to the wauta of al,. and TRUNKS in great variety, and to r O THE B E K K A v g Whitelaw & Crowder. 'Corner Ulouut and Morrso RtrMta RALEIOH, N. C. ! Are p. ?pa.J to u: i kind, either plain or American aoa Italian I. Tornbttrknea of a Vltaj of troth Alar. rhen aiH I nimuy eaecuiea aa can oa paicirtreu t aa other Mtabllabmant North or Soul It bavrag been at th buaiaee of carvinir and rairirrla. marble forty-ttve years, we coualurroaraelvea equal to any in uk Lnloa We will alat. fnrnlab granite of H e lx-t onality, frum onr bow qnarnea, rimer m onffn aae-d blocks or cut flow to order, aurtt a door and window lilt, watertable, atepa, pirate, etreet aud (irave yard curljatcnc, Ac., all orders will lie thrnk fully received and punctually attended to aw we pledKe ouraelves in ne a Mtt action li all eaaea, JOHN WlilTKl.t W, Z.CUl.WDEK dec 7-d0m lt0AHDIN(' IIOI SE. I'OfDtf KtwberOC AVfBUe lid Ptrtes t.. TWO FQCABlffl Eat of thk (.'apitou MUd. H. W. MILLE1E, Kequesta the patronaxe of the members of the Legl dature aad the pub ic generally. H er long experience in keeping a boardluu Louae. "a iove, uujvicul KuaraD e larl loo itoa.e will be flrat claaa hi every particular. "r 1'rii-re cum orm j mote ot other board .nit house in the city. JIJENRY'S cabbulic mre THE MOST POWERFUL HKAL1NU AGENT EVER DISCOVERED. The wonderful celerity with which tot combination of Carbolic acid with o her aootbing and curative emolicnU HEALS THE MOST VIRULENT StjKKS ANL ULCEUS ia something skis to tbe marvelous. ft ! arlfit n.l.t tl... u . . ., mtif ii- f, t7.t "l" mmm "egraiirytas; fact kat PHTS'CUNB GIVE IT THE HIGHEST MEAD OF PRAISE i, .., .... .,, . -..rbolic Salve (.oaitively cure.-, the worat sores UarMic talve in.tanUy all.,. t"e burns. Carbolic Salve cur a all cutaneous eruptions. viiiM,re caive ranka at tbe head of all j Salves, Olntmenta or other Healing- Com- , 1-v.uuuo, ana nas aciiievea a greaur re put a- , tlon and haa a larger aale than any olhei aimi- ; lar preparation of conteinporncons inven f tlon. ' ! Sold everrwhere. Prl- . ihi JOHN F. HI NRY, CURIIAN dl CO., Projirlctors, 9 and 9 College Place, New York. June lii-lin 200 COhDl OF 8 BASON ED PINE Wood Uellve ed for i .! vonr orders to J. O: kliu mi,,p n ii,;i.k..- StreeL aug 18-2awtf LJ K A 1 V T kSj N OVJL EDWIN W. rULLKK, Author a "The Angel la The CouJ Foi j.lu by -.l.FKED II I ILL1 IX Boov. A S I. K V F E L ' S IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine Water Wheel POOLE & HUNT, Baltimohb. Manufacturers for the South and South west, wenny 7000 now in nee, working andct .-icaua varying Irom 'i to 240 lett ! 24 sites, from 5 &4 to 96 inches. The most powerful Wheel in the Maikct, . . "".uiuil ig use oi v aier. LHr'e Illustrated Pamnhlet sent post Iree MAJiFFACTtJRERS, ALSO, CF i'ortable and Stationary Steam Engine anil liouers, MiDcock & Wiicox Patent Tubulous Boiler, Ebaugh'a Ousher lor Minerals, Saw end Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machioerv for White Lead Works and Oil Mills, Shift ing Pulley and Hungers. SEND FOR CHiCl'LARS.! febi'-wrim L3 TOR hlSLAID. iwo Hank Cerliflcatcv No. UK, for 14 i0 dat1l7h feh, 1S74. ad one inuubertd 1055 for MVI dated ugiift 17, 1 -74. hav diiappered from onr papers, we notify the Banks not to oav. ard all perso Irom rad Ing for said C'jrtitl -t-e. WiLI.IAV.tnN PAGF. ncv 1(1- 'X APPLIC.sTION will be mar'e to the prra ent Legislature, to amend JLe Chai tr fo Cue I itv ef hahigh. . nov ; B-1 hi w ANTED. We wlah to punhaae six fine well broke Mules between live and tlx years old. Apply i . a. arty at the Sublet of WYNNE, YANCEY A CO. ang 14 tf AT L.HKOWN WAB'A WARDED THE Hlglieai preiniuin- for the larpest and o-i tasiMimnt ot MU91HAL, irtsrKLi- MKNTd a' the N. C rtita Falra for i7, end 14, an d epeclal premiuiu at Ue Fair of ,or ,ne 'ret u1 te,t d'l'!ay of B AeK 1S7. AeKETS. oct is tf fjtni ISTIT OBQAF8 8TIU. AHEAD 1-wofllvn Meda't awarded at 'the N. C Sla'a ilr, for tbe BEST CHUKCU and PAKLOB ORGANS. Fend for Illustrated C'ata'oue and terms t j NAT. L. nitOWN, general Aerrat, Rtlclgh, H.'C liil Kspo sihle ' iin'a Wan'ei " oct 2-vf JJINOHAM SCHOOL. F.atabllshed in I MKBANEV1LLE, N. . Tha IGUt aeaaion oiwn IVb Ju'j, INU Tuition and Board, SIM per kmu.ii Nh ritra. For circular p:l- to MA J R BINUIIA V, una aMw Buperl B O HOUsK. Mrs. H. W. Miller can accommodate a num . ber of boa-dors at her well known board inn bona") on Nenbern Aveou". Memtera of the Geneiai A'aembly wihlng to sfU'e rooms would do well t m ike eaily application Tar house la drllghtf ully situated In one of the moat p'eaaant tortlone of tbe dry. within eaay iraeh of the capital. Term a reaami able a can be had auywhrrj nov W If H OKNkR ANU GRAVES' ! IK III., HiLLeuoKo' N ('. The Lexl ceaaien opens no d Monday in January. J II. Hoinxb, A. M , and R H Gravis, A. M., Prmcipa a. I Ireulara aent on application, declldlaalm s P E C I A I. N O T I F. To tin m; imlehted lo tlic late firm -ol J. P. Uullry A Bro., positively noj longer indulgence alter 5th January, 1875. Our claims must be settled by tbat time with J. P. Gullry, the authorized agent. J. P. GULLEY & BRO. Raleigh; Dec. 11, 1874. dltw2t. AND SALE! Aa Agent I will St:ll on Wednesday tin- :10th of this mouth, on the premlaea, st i'J o'clock the PtUcnce Kobertaon Trsct of Laud, iu Wske County, containing one hundrca and twenty-seven acre, situated ill oil ea eaat of Rilelgh on tb r Tarbor J Road adjo ning the land of the late Tbomaa K. Debnam, John Smith and others 1 1 km One hiid cah ; the balance in one year, wit a Interest al o per cent. A 1. Ml A I., Agent Dec. th, 1874 dtUoL 27 Years Old. Six Reasons Why YOU SHOULD INSUHB IN 821 CHESTNUT STREET. . lit. Because it ia one ol the oi.le t Companies in the Co'Ji.try, and p-l lie day of trperimeuts. 2nd. Because every policy-lio!der i member ot the Company, entitled toa'l, . advantages and privileges, hnving a right to vote at all election lor trustees, ami thin has an influence in its management. aid. UrC' it has as Urgea percent -i.e ot aa'c' . i liabilities aa any u'e In turance Cn inj in the Country 4th. Beciiu-e liy economical mauitge mcnt, its ratio of expuuses to totnl incouie is lar below ihe nv. rage ol Lile t'ompan . ien. (Set Oflli nil Insurance Reports.) IStli. Because it has dcciateit mor dividends in uumlier, and ol a Largu Average Percentage, tl.ni nny Company in the United State. . For example: Policy No. 10. fir fj.udO, has been paid to the widoiv ol a l'hilailci. phia Merchant, up . n which twenty-thne dividends had Imtii declared. A ,'er agit g fifty-seven percent. H .d these dividend . been used to purchase ndditioos to tl.is Policy, $6,040 more would have realized, making the policy worth if 11, 4.00. 0th. Because it U liberal in iti louna gemeut, prompt in itswttlements, sule be yond a contingency, ami iu rate me nn low as any liii.t-e;', Compaiiy n the Oonntry. Principal Fkai t krs Snu'i exiciiSv, absolute ee nriiy, large retmu premium", prompt piijment i f lo..se", und 1 1 1 n r n ' ; 1 y to the insnreil. SAMUEL C HL'EY, Prcident. SAM I, K. 8 1'OK Krt. V-ex-Pr.-. Vi.t, H. S.STKPHE.X!', Id Vie- I'r. si.t.-nt. JAt. vVKlR MA.5.1N, Acluin, 1IKNKY Al'S I IF, tccreUrv, EDW. HARTSHOKMC, I , EDW. A. PAI.K, ( Medical hi iiinni i W. U. FINCH. General Manager. Q KAMI GIH fONCERT will he given in the 1 It) of (ii-eenahoro, V. I . I)K' KM i!ER 31, ls.4, foi the porpov- i, ercr-tirio ;m Odd rcllow? Temple. Ti, ' Grand G'fl if the JJt'llboW JIoUr3(, Jl;t i ii ei.oi.KMu .RAN l rj II (11 sid ooo. Real Katate Ua"'i Gilt. yl 8S 'HI '.mi Only 100,000 Ticwrt ro uh. ittati Price d T.eketi. .V AGENTS WANT, I For furthnr t articu'ara, addrta the Man ager, B ix 3, liecnl)ro, N. C. G. P. MKNDKNHALL. e t -Ui Mibai r. It II. Bi AD1.KY, ( . NAT. L BROWN, t Italeigh, N ( . (BEAT STOIC, 8t EAtT 14TR STRltT, N. Full CaiaJofiic rail by mail. B" BER Sll 1 1' lenr's arid a'rna w I: Bi d ua In thr r svtev ll Strert. andt-r Firrherlllitldlng oi iulius Lewis .V. i o'a., where w alii be E'a i to s -e, ahae br.u sSarn;iKin them nov O f UdoW.M 0VNSTON FQR No 5, BALE. WiahlnLtiu Pnas U .i a Aipiy.to t . J , .- eiitiruM iif c. lttllll llllill