-.. I - .X Telegraphic News. CONGRESSIONAL AJtD OTHER MATTERS. Washihoto". December 22. There was a full but brief routine of the Cab1 nut to day. Nominations M. J. Grady, Collecte of the Third Louisiana DistrictVan.l many Northern positions. Iteeess ii probable. Some 33 intuiW of Congress obtained leave of atiiet.ee tc day, and others will go without leave. Should the session continue, there will seldom be quorum io the House. The Committee, however, in the mean time will continue work, ao at to put it in ihape for prompt action after the boll dajs. Hoi'ii. There were many resolutions of enquiry. Bill authorizing Supreme Court of District to proceed with itt ury basinets, petted. House west into committee on navtl appropriation. A Urge number of the members have obtained leave of absence. 8NATav Seven States petition for Board of (bmmlsaioneis to consider Im provemcnt of the Ohio river and its tri butariea. Adjournment resolution upon objection of West, of Louiaiana, went over till to morrow. Finance bill, substantially as reported oy caucus heretofore telegraphed, passed at late hoar tc-nlgbt. Vote, 33 to 14. party vote. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Pnn.ADi.rntA, Dec. 23 The Boird of Trade passed the resolution looking to the restraint of everybody from lnquisi torial and uoreasonable searches into the private affairs ot commercial firmt,miniog or manufacturing or other business men upon any pretence whatever. TftiirroH. I. J.. Dec. 23 There were three children drowned here by thin ice. Mkw York, Dec. 22 A steamer sup posed to be one ot the New Orleans and Havana packets, bound for New Yoik went ashore on Barncgat Shoals at o'clock this morning. Tbey are no throwing cotton over board, and the au thorities aie unable to ascertain her name. Havana, Dec. 22 Advices Iroia Yen ezeal a report t battle eighty-tight hours 1 tog. Eight hundred were killed and Wounded. Both parties claim the advan tage. Akw Yoiik, Doc. 22-The writ of AJ btat crpvi in the case of Wm. M. Tweed was dismissed to-dty by Judge Barrett, and the prisoner remanded to custody. Barrboat, Dec. 23 The Sonth Caro lina tics cm;, and it is thought that .is soon as more freight be jettisoned ahe will float. All the passengers were safely landed. Bostoh, Dec. 22 The courtesies of the city were tendered to King Kalakaua. Watirtown. Mass., Dec. 22 The Blodgett Metalic Art Worka were burned. Loss 3S,000. Uhlim, Dec. 22 The orders to with draw the German vessels from the Span ish coast were countermanded. The Cailist must explain the attack upon the German brig Gustave. Baltimore, Doc. 22 Gm. Teuch Zel ghera is dead, sged OS years. The Graduated West Point Classes Jury in the Usss peijury case disagreed and wa discharged. Milwauker, Dec. 22 J. B. Laird's saw mill boiler exploded, kiting 15 and wwunding 20. Paris, Dec. 22 Prince Alpliorsi re plying to cirtaiii Spauish g acd :es says tlmt n.onaicliy alone can terminate the disorder, and the people of Spain nave agreed and have declared h in the only rightful heir. FOREIGN NEWS. ('.iNnTANTlKi'rLK, Iec. 22 The light ning tzp'O'led n powder magazine in Scutsii, aud portions jf the city wall wis promrutxl. Miiij bouses demolished, and two hundred persons were killed. London, Die. 22 I. is officially ao nounred that Disiaeli's health is impio ved. fie will be ready to a i u lor the opening of Parliament. The Wk ftangir, hich ariived at Liverpool ou the 10th inst., fiom Char lest 'n, duriug ilio heavy weather buffered much damagr. GRAND. EQUARE AND UPRIGHT Pianos Have received upwards ol FIFTY FIRST PREMIUMS, and are among the best now made. Every Instrument full) warranted for five years. Prices as low as the exclusive use of the very best materials Mid the most thorough workmanship will xrmit. The principal pianists and com wsers, and the piano-purchasing public A the South especially, unite in the jnaoimous verdict of the superiority ol the 8tiefl Piano. The Durability ot our instruments la fully established by over Siitt BcBooMand Colleges la the Booth, using over 800 of our Pianos. Bole Wholesale Agents for several ol the principal manufacturers of Cabinet and Parlor Organs; 'price from $50 to $600. A liberal discount to Clergymen and tiab bath Schools. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos, at prices ranging from $75 to $300, always on band. Send lor Illustrated Catalogue, con taining the names of over 3,000 South erners who have bought and are using the Stieff Plana CHAS. M. STIEFF, Warerooms, No. 9 North Liberty St., BALTTMORa, Mn. Factories, M & 66 Camden St, and 43 47 Perry St. Kbeuniallsru, Scalds Lamenes Neuralgia, Bnrns, Soreness. Sore Throat, Boils Wound?, Hoarseness, Vlcers, Braises, Headache, riles, Sprains, TocUtache, Colic, Old Soreo All Hemorrhages, DiarrLuBa, etc. AMOTUEB AS.KIVAL of NEW GOODS! NEW D31I AT D. S.WAITT'S M FAYETTIVILLE ST , RALEIGH, N. C READY MADE CLOTHING FINE AND CHEAP. FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. MAN BATTEN FINE WHITE t hIRTS, The best filtlnt Shirt mad . BOOT, SHoKS, HATS AND CIPs, Full assortment In Style and Quality. NOTIONS, IIJ8IERT, OLOVE3, NECK WEAR, SUSPENDER?, UUBKELL.18, VAUE8ES, Ac.&c To mv Friends aid the nubile I rsturn mv aineere thanks lor nasi ravors and renecl Ittilv solicit a continuation oi toe 1 1 oci patronage bestowed. v. b. AUT, M rayettevllle Bt., Ksle'gb, N. C. nov 27-U A mild aperient and rentie pureatire, r.i ommended for tb core of all deianrrmenta of the atomsch. liver ard bowels. Bt theT timel) nae sen sleknru 1 prevented. 'Hie test of manvveara have i.r oven them to be the aafest. surest and best of all the pill ever offered to the public. They parity the blood, remove all corruptions and restore the diseased system to perfect health. As an antidote to mills and r ever tcev hive no equal. For Dyspepsia tbey are a bpeclfle e or oleic tteatacne and hiiioui uoiic tbey are a sure cure. For Conftlnatlon. Rheumailsm Piles. PslnlUtli.n of the Heart. Pain In the ld . Back and Loina, Nervousness, a posi tire re . edy. For Female JiTecularitles. iUiout a rival. "When one does not "iel very well," a sinele dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and ininsrta vigor to the svntem Sold ev erywhere. Oalce IS Murray Street few York. dr. Turra hairdyj. Is eaflly arrlied, imtwrta beautiful black or brown, and ac's like mfrle. The best in the world. Sold by all druiwists. Price $1.00 box.. THE Khatiy reeord of deaths that remit from pnlmonarv sflectlonsisfrleh'lul. There ii uo aiseaae tint it so 1'isiduoui in its at- at k aa consumption. By the neglect of sliirht colds" tbey soon become de c seated nd dcly remedies whic. , If applied st the utt, would hive averted ail d -Tiger- lr. atl's Kxpector nt tiss ptovt-n Itsilf the st TSIU'ible Luiii; Bulmm ever ill.eovered dlillnL'uished clerirvman of New Yoik, promu'ices it the "a-ri at st I1 sulni; of th Inutefnln cen'.urv. and avs 'no famil should h. without it " It U plesaot to the te, d asinicii- dose i:' ftr;i rrmove the ist obstinate couirh. OOlce 1 M jrrav oireuv. new I L r li. mil 25dtl PPLICATI') will be mile to tin U-g irlature of N. C. tors Churlei for ar mei's or Orange Binkli g Tiu t Compan. ov nvm B noWN'B VARIEiT 8TOKK ! The Cheapest place to buy a I k iuusof M rSCI A I, I NSTUU M K NTfc, From a Jcwsrp to a C'narch Organ.) Strifff$ and Trimming for Violim, Qui tart and Banjoet. Basket-! Ba-kcle! The largest assortment in the city. r tt ' ...t ... Bruthen. Blacking. Feather Dusters, Willow A'ur- sery aud KiKkiuc Chairs, Orittania Cocoa Dlpper. Wood Tooth Picks, Clothe Bars, CHILDREN'S' CARRIAGES, Croqnet Sets, Balls, Bstt'e Doots, (irace lloope, B.'bool bags, PiayingCaids Dies and Cii-s, Finer Goods, TOYS, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, Ladies' Companions, Ik ide, rocket Books unina Vases, Jewelry Btands, , iirar and Tobacco lit ses, Dulls, Marble, Tops, inaia uuoiHr liilin, lattics, liuil.l'ng and Alphabet Blocks, PIPES, CTGAHS 4SD TOUdCC'O, And miir.y other things uo numerous to menlioii. ('all and examine my stock and prices before buying elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. NAT. L. BROWN, octH tf Raleigh, N. C. A FIRST CLASS WATCUMaKHR a situation in any Southern town as a first class Watch repairer also of French and English Clocks. Most satisfactory refereooes given. Jpply bv letter to J. P. Rrdaii.li, jare of Mr. Keller, Watch Material Dealer, 04, Nassau Bt Room 1, New Tork City. The advert leer speaks Italian, French and English fluently. OctlBJt T QUO ' J01Mt IB PUP. Strayed or stolen from my lot last Satur day evening lie is 1 raa colored with wbite mau ana legs, fully received.. Information ot blot tfaaak' I A. If, LEWI. Prate C. Knsisb, Designer. T. O. Habris, Engraver. e n n i 9 s & ii Ajrtju i;a RALKIQH, N. C. 17" Bend for specimens of work, done moeh less than Northern prices. Work riTrnnmer The only Reliable Gift Distribution In the country I - $100 000 00 IN VALUABLE OIFT8 TO BB DIKTKIIU'TKD IN 13tu SEMI-ANNUAL To be Drawn Monday, Oct iith, One Graud Capital friir, $10,000 in Cold ! ONE I'UIZE $1,000 IN SILVER ! Five Prill s $1. 000 J i Five 1'riz. s, 5(X) g Orecubai;k.-! Ten Prises, BlGU 2 ( wo Family farriattn an J Mutcliftl Horses with Silifr Monnlnl llarnr-, worlh U, 00 ffifh ! Two Uuyies, Horws, $: '., worth fUOO ech ! Two Fine-toned Uocewood Pimion, worth 550 each I Ten Family Sowing Miu liiiv-. wi !tli 100 each ! I5IK) Gold mi ! Silv.r Levi r Hutilinc Watches (in all,) worlh from JiO to $:)0 each ! Gold t hain, Siiver-ware, Jewt-ln , ,tc. Ac. AumV of OiU 10.000 ! Aienti VYanttd to Nell Tirkch, to whom Liberal Prrmiomi will be paid. Single Tickets $2; Sis Tickets 110; Twelve Tickets $20 ; Twenty-Five t0. i lrcnlars eontiinini; a foil list ofprir.es, a description of the muimer of drawing, and her Information in reference to the Dlstn- butiou, ill-b3 scut t-o -uy iue orilenuK tl.em. All letters toast I iddr. nr.l to kain orricn. :. II. S!R, Hox 101 W tifih t ''inidiiRsii. O sept. 8-tf New Discovery 1 i Phaloi J V ITALI A SalvafTon for the Hair. L'I.EAR A.iN'ATI.K! T HUWCSKIIIMENT ! ! Ol'EVNaJllE I.'GUT f or Restoring to GraKJIair iti Original Cdorj Ijhai.on's "ViTAiuJiffers ut terly from all tTiair coloring frcparationieretoforc used, t is Kjfrtid, sweet smeliing, precumates no muddy or slimy lar.rcquires nosliakinp,im parfcnostain totheskin. Hold i tche light and it is clear and ioueJess. It leaves no mark on the scaln; yet it reproduces in gray liaiNiiMiatural color that time or sidtfaui niV have oleachcu out ot it. tTPhalan'sVitali: h for one sole punose.Jsnat of reproducing, with absalute cer tainty, the naturalaolor ot the hair. It is notntended as a daily dressionorforremoving ficurf or iKndruff ; nor for cu ring balflness; nor for stimula ting tie growth of the hair. Thesf objects may be accom plish! after the color has been fixed ith the Vitaha, by Pha Ion s CmeiTiical Hair Invifro rator. The ViTAu?ic a harmless and unequaled preparation for the reproduction of lie origi nal hue of gray hair,:Ad noth ing else.' This is accoliplished in from two to ten aasplications, according to thedsth of shade required. ScjkHJyall druggists. R F; MKS. ;A MO WAT, Makes i'and cleans clothes In the bt and- cheape' ntvl-. m Blivwlworth Sti i ywacir - af JW JSr-.. 3 ST fi. 1874 Tfl C. CUilSTOPHl', JL' Wholesale and Retail GROCER AND GENERAL COMMIS SION MERCHANT, No. 4 amd 3, Koutu Pie Maiikst. A full line of Groceries for the Jobbing Trae, prices to suit the times. COFFEE AND SUGARS OF ALL GRADES. t'LuUHl VLOUM 1 1 Two Hundred Barrels of all grades, cheaper than ever. Corn Meal and Steele Peas Still Lower. BUITER I BUTTER ! ! Five hundred pounds of Fine Grayson county Butter, tor sale by Kit aud Retail. MINCE MEAT ! TOIM'CO! TOBACCO I TOBACCO!! By box and Retail ol all Grades. Bacon of all Kinds, Hams I Hamsl Old and New Pork Hams ! Corned .Pork a Specialty. Orders filled for Cora Fattened Pork at Jfarket Price. Consignments of all kinds solicited, prompt returns made, ai.d satisluction given. Messrs. D P. Mcacbam and Cornelius Dupree, with F. C. Christopher, would be pleased to wait on their friends at T. C. CIIRIkTOPUER'S, declMm No. 4&S NhMsrket, MlNlSTKATOIif NOTICE. Having this day taken ont letters ot sd uiintstrailon upon the sta'e of Mrs Fnnei M Hedge deceased I hereby (five notice to sll persons naving claims against her estate to fxhmltthe simn to me on or before the ( Ulb) nineteenth dsy of December, ST.r or tots notiee will tie pleaded in bar of their re eonery. Person Indebted to the estate aie rt letted Ij mfke ravmeat it once A. J.MUMTAUL t, A liu'r. dllswOw. J. W K. KOtvEKS, OBM.IH IN PINE LUMBER, Al'EX, N. C. Orders sent to V. A. BTKnv ts, ('hit, or In care of Nonius & Mvatt, l!aU4t;i, be promptly rilled. Patronage Ue'iu'Ctfully Bolli iti .. xwi v;l-'Jw will D SOLUTION OF COP A ' TNKUSHli' Tiic Cot artiuTliip here! i'ure i vi-tii.n un der Ihe sllU' of A kins hi .v flue, pe., N. C , Is thisdsy devolved by mutunl eonsent, II. C. 1 live low Kuereeils the linn and will contli ne business at the smile plnee my in tere t is surrei dered 'o him w.lb the belt wl-h' S, believii'K I Im to l. well worthy tlie patronaf.e and tonrlUtmee of !ho l ubliq. oct?-liu3tw i. , ATKINtOX. I (ratfl'ul i i;u;.-.ii!i.--: ..r-!,.!t;tvis-KOAR ilirii K. i f : f ,.i...iii l !r,- V rirar t: at -t ; 1 1 o rt i. nu c..i! ,.!..-'.... rs according to duvciioii.s a.m i.-;n .1.1 (o:i unwell, T'tovideil tlioir iioi.es iio not :- stroyed by mineral ihi.-ou .; other means, and vital uraui waited Lc.vonJ repair. Jlihoiin, Iu'iiuuent nmi Intii- niittont levers, which aie o tii-ova- lcnt in the valleys of mn- ruit iam tbroaghout the United States, cspfci.i:i those of the Alississippi. Ulno. Miss;ui .. Illinois, Ti'iinesacc, I'tiinbi'i laiul. Ark.iu- sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos. Hie Grande. Pearl, Alabama. Mobile, S.iv.iiiTi ui. I.'o- nuoke, .I.iinrs, and many Ptar;.:, wuU their vast tributaries, tliroiiyhont our entire rmintry during the StinniiiT a;i l Antnnin. and remarkably s tlurin-; sons ol nini.-'ial lieat :t:i '! : rv . :ia invariaMv necoinpnnicd by extin-iAe t!e i.ni''cnien's of the 8ti::'.acli and l. ir. aud other alii juiiiial i.A'er.t. lii their treatment, :i iv.h native, everting a pow erful inllui in o upon these v;irio:i r Cans, i; esjeii1 ly ii"cossarv. Tin-re is no r.iiliaruc f. n- the jinrp" e e ;:: .1 to I ii- .1. W i.,;i.;. s Vim;uk I'.h ii:::s, as they n ii! .sj,i.ed;iy leinovo tl'.f ii.nl;- cotored I ii-.atter with winch t ; it; liowclsj arc loaded, at the? wn-! t ui stimulating. Iho secretion; of t.. 1 .-r. and guueralif rostormg the ;k,i::iiv functions of the ditrestivo oruain. Fortify the body narahist tlisciisi- l'V pnrifyinir all iU fluids with Vinh- v; Hiitehs.' No epidemie en a take 1.,.: i of n system thus fore-armed. Dysjiepsia or Indigestion, li . ' ache, l'afu In tk Sbouldors, Coa.'i. . Tightness of tlto Chest, Dizziness. ;. Eructation of tb8tomacli, Bad I : in the Mouth, Bilious AIUjU. Palp; tation of the lloart, latlaffiuutioii oi : Lunp, Pain In tbo region of t!io K '. neys, and a hundred other painful ,;v p toms, a co the omjprlnjs of l.-pops.i. One bottle will prove a better iiiar.niPv of its nierit.eyaw "ngtby advet '.ce ment. J 9 Scroftla, : Kvll, Whit - Sweliinjrs, Ulcers, Erysipoku, Swelleil N . k. Goitre, fecrofulou-i Inlluiiiiiiations. I ml.-I.-nt InHammatious, ilercunid AUiTtiim, V'.-l Sores, Eruptions of the. Skin, Swc live . i . In tiiese, as in all other constitutional l. -eases, WaLka'U's Vineoab Un rigs I. .v shown their great curative jionen ia j most obstinate' and intnict.ililo r:if. For InHiUiiiuatory mid ( Ii ionic RllOUninlisill, Goat, llilions, Kemit tcnt and Intermittent Fevers. Piseasi of the Jilmid, l.iver. Kiihieys mid Illadiler. thee iia'eirf loivc no equal, bucu l)i . i.i e. are caniied by Vitiated lliood. Meclianiral Dlscasos. Pereoni en gaged in Paints and .Minerals, such a Plumbers, Typ-setters, liolil bcaters. an 1 lliucrs, ns they iidvaneo in life, cm sul jeit to paralysis of Uio I?owo!-. To ":.irl apiinst this, tako n loc of Waikim's suaa BiTTKRg oecasi.inaily. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-lthenm, Itlotchc. Spot--, Pun !. Pustules, Units, Carlmncles Itin;.wonn Scald-head, Sore lJycs, Krysipela. I:ch. Scurfs, Uiseolorntioni of tho' Skin; ll 'inor and Diseases of the Skin of whnn7cr rfwuv or nature, are literally dup up ami cur, id -otit of the system in a short tunc by the u, e of these Hitters. Pin Tape, and othrr Vorins, lurkint in the svstem of so niany Dion? ar:ds, are eneetnally destroyed and removed. So system of medicine, no vevniiluptM, no an thelminitlcs will free tho sy -item (roji wn u, like these Bitters. For Female Complain!:?, In young er old, married or staple, at the davrn of wo manhood, or the turn of lih, thce I'onie Bitters display so decided nn iulluei.c lluit improv eut is sonn perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated blood when ever you lind its impunl.es bursting througb the skin In Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores, cleanse it when yen find it obstructed and slufrpsh in the veins; cleanse it wheu it is ft.nl ; year reeling will tell voa when. Keep the blood pure, and hmcHi of the syitein will follow. efk . b. m. jirrV r A C., Xx$fmXm ikjM (Vk. A rtv .urfji-H k . (Jallfcrala, aas Nf- 4 WHSmna uit tuu ttaniu . X. Y, Mid fv all Urwaul.i. : .,d Itraltri. pEACI I8TITUTK. A BOARDING AND DAY VOB TOUV8 LSIOE4 K A L B I O II , N ; TliS HB eassSasT demmeners on Wedeea lay tieHrfrpteSlTer, ai d conUnnea with lit letiulalo t the middle ef Jane fol towinf. , ' ' ror ratalde-ne snfl circulars eottalnluf lui larticulars, Ac, address K V. K. BOHWKLL, June il3t.twtsyp !alel( b, N. A B80LUTK DIVORCKS OBTAINED X- from Courts of ditlerent States for de svrtlon, Ac. Mo publicity required. Ne vliarv'e until divorce granted. Address, M. HOUSE. Attornej, 1W Uroadwajr, S Y. nuy a d 1-jr. ( KANtiE llOTKL. I take thla method of Informing my frienda and the nub'lc that inev can rind me a th 4ranire Hotel, formerly ( ity Hotel, where I wil take the beat card of nian aud beast, dec a tf 8IMU.N UAVS. JMXIK OUT FOK IHE HEL) FLAU. Kroin this ia'.e to December 1st, 17I, we will soil our splendid stock cf GOOD GOODS. Itcgardlesi of their Coat. THE STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED IM DRESS GOODS, Donxaties, Meiis' Wear, Xotiom, 11a!.'. U" oU ai il Slices To Hi K 1-l'MT.t'V The clou nt; up Ihe iill'ir ol our Firm, is a matter i f necessity ; caused as the Allilic Hrt: h -ire, by the dettth ol our Junior Parti. i r, Mr. T. McOte. We must sell out, the tik, and clone up the busiues-a llns Winter. Ilerce we expect to give Great Barjituit to all who desire to troy for "CASH.'' Ti e puMic will jo-: the J'.a.elit. W. II. & H TL'CKKK. Sui'iirin Purtners, Iron in tho Blood MAKES THE WEAK STKONS. The rer.n-ian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined aa to havo the character of an ailment, aa canity digested and asalmiluted with the blood aa the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand Ills," simply by Toning up. Invigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, rejialring damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the wowt . derful i,iiccess of thlt remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, CVronic Di&r rlii'a,15oiN, Xcrvou-AfineetIori3, Chill anil Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Yior, DL-e.ifces of tbe Kidneys and Bladder, lVmnlo Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a loio state vf the system. Jleing free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, rigor, and new life into all parts of the system, atul building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands hare been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and in valids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that eah bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP Mown in thogUua. Pamphlets Free- SETH W. F0WLE 4 SONS, Proprieto.1 . 1 MllU.u Place, Ifottou. In. T Dbuqohts osnibai.' is TL'ftN'Ei.'. C'AltnrN . l-. 1875. i. 7.1 AL.M V V (The O' l r.e!!.-' .,OiW ?oM or - T o o.ilr (rtiiu ne N C. Alinanar.. Xone in urcat.tr tiMisiul. No reailv for li'i.'i, and "'In)-' ri'ily Tjc Oi Iv Almjna-. In the S t.. tliat li4S th ( ourts rjrrcet. Iloub'i III'' ' : of Buy Alnoo a. in the .V-atf. 1 r.ci' iit im.s, S 7 HO Uiii.drcd, " oil " halt irrofp, 4 i n tloz -n 73 .Mercbautaeau i.nvo tLicirauVirUseincnts on w'io!.. nf uutslde pime Imvlrnr ty iln- 1110 for jn : (ioi r ei'ra. JAMES 11. r.NNfoS, 1'ub'rsnd Vropnrtor. (Wiiswlm wlm U.k iub, N.C. I v .AiK tT1 1 1) Tln'Srjci I HASKET- !! est assortment I t tin; Sn'e a. at NAT. L. U .O'A'N'i. JIUKK MILLS, hstorc a line of the oet Apple Mills rand- mc in pnee rrom F-i to V ill. Every farmer who has an orchard should have one. Alo, just received anew suplvnf Rlnclalrs and Smllh's Cuttlii? Knlvi'S, the "bent In use. JAME8 M. TOWLES, suk 13-tf Atfimt. PERSONAL KKM I X IfcC'E.NX'ENt E8, AN E DOTES AND LETTERS OF Gen. Robert E. Lee, By lt.v. J. WM. J ONES, U. f.mnerly t huplaln Army Xorthcrii Vlrirlnia. and of Wai-hiuctou ColU'e, Va. IPublbih id b liutltority of tie Lee IjuiI1, and of tbe laculty ot Wa.,h lugtoa and Lee University - , ITEES Sl-LtKPiD roKTKAlIS S1 MmHAV- isoa. Friee.-ln Cloth, as.5uV ShW-n, ifri- naf Tarsey' .V5U: Full Turkey, s)7!50. . . -U APHLETON A CO.S HnblisheVs, 54'iand S6 Uroadway, ew York 7 BUOM The only known remedy for BRIGQT'S DI8E18I5 And a positive remedy (or UOl'T, OK4VBL, BTRICTUKE. OlA BETKd, DYePEPBlA, NKKVoU OEBIUTT, DXOP8T, Non-retentloa or Incontinence of Urine, Irrl tation, inflammation or Ulceration of tbe Bladder & Kidneys, 0PEKMATORKHQCA. Leueorrhcsa or Whites, Diseases of the Pros trate Mbtnd, Btone II lae oiaoaer. Calculus Oravel or Brlckdust ;Deposlt an Mucus or Milky Uiscbarirea KEARNEY'S 1SXTHACT BECHt Fernssnenllf Cures all Diseaaes of the BLADOEU, KIDNET8, AND DR0P8I- CAJ- 6WELLLNQ8, titsttnc ra Mn. Woman sad Children. 0T NO MATTER WHAT THB AGE Prof, meelesara- "One bottle of Kear ney's Fluid JCitrart Buchu is worth moretban all otbr Bucaas combined. Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Biz Bottles for rive vo.lara- DciKt, 104 Duano St, New York. A Physician In attendance to answer corres pondence and K've advice gratis. I4f Send stamp for Pamphlet -i. free JtX l..n 3 deodAwly TO THE Nervous and Debilitated OK BOTH SEXES. No Chirgt Jot Adtiei ami Consultation. Da J B Diorr. graduate of JeOcr n Med leal College, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on au aw- e ses ot tbe Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which Lc has made an especial study) either in male or female, no matter from wbat cause origin atiutr or of bow loni; standirur. A practice of .w )v!r6 enanies him to treat diseaaes witn suecc, Cuies guaranteed. Ciiarirea rea- u.a.1. Those at a dit.mee can forward Utkr !ecrihinK symptoms and enclosing to iii'(Jtty o8tue. hen l lor tbe Uuvle to Health. Price 10c, 1. U. DYOTT, M. I)., oTIi E. T. V. I.ec havinir, by dn il dated l'.lU No vember Intl., released to me all rlirht to de mand further advertisement of the sale of the Standard Office Property, and empowed me to make such aale whenever 1 may aee It, the sale of said property, heretofore a vertised to lasepiuce on tue loin aay ol January Wit, will be made on tbe premises on Monday the 23d Inst., at II o'clock a.m., or aa shunty thereafter as msy be convenient, nov 'J3-U 1874 1874. FALL AND WINTER OOODS. D.S.WAITT, h offerini; a LARGE and ATTRACTIVE stock of Fine and Cheap Olothing, 1 GENTS FUUNLSHLNO GOODS AND NECK WEAR. Hoots Shoes, lists anil Caps. OverCW, Shawls and Rubber G oils 3Ianhalten Fine White Shirts, Marino Sliirw, Drawers and Hosiery, PAPER AND LINKN COLuMlS. Suspendcis, Hindkereb eft and Yankee Notions, FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Blhrk A1 patch's, t'orded Alpacea's Plaid W'o-ted, FIGURED AND PLAIN DELANE, Red, Whj '- i:nl Figured Flannels, Opera FUnncli, WIIM'K AND BROWN BLANKETS. Covtit'.-rni Comfortem, Bed Quilts aud Sprcsilf. LADlf smiPED AND BUAWLx I'LAID IiratKiist fchawls, Knit Sacks, Jackets and Hoods. GINUHAMS, .PLAID HOMESPUNS AND TICKINGS. Brow a and Bieecbed tbeetiiMSnd fUirtiu's, CORSETS, JEVNS. CAMBRICS AND f LINING P. Trunks, Valises, Uinbrellas, Travelling Uaga, Ac. To my friends ami the public uci.etiilly. I n 'uni my thanks for the liberal p- ttoimne bestowed, end respnetfully siilioit a ci.i.tiiiuation 1. 1' the muif for the luture. Country mi rclimts alio buy in the city KOiild .1.1 wr.l to i X:ul,llli' my ktixlc iiy depart- liicli is IO mi nt niplrtc in ei !). r- WAITT, 84 Fajetti ville tjtreet, lialeitfh, N. C. ocl 1 -il m N evv ;oods AGAIN AT Creech's. SECOND HTOCK THIS SEASON. It affords me more than ordinary pleasure to offer to the trade and consumers of Drv lioods, a second stock bought within the lan't few days in New York, and will be sold at prices which enables lue to ask competition uo odds. My stock of Dress Goods embrace a lanre and complete line of bcaulilul shades and colors, from low price to fine fabric. My tmk of piece goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, Yankee Notions, Ac, is uo doubt the largest to be found In the city, and to which I would call tho special attcutlon of close buyers, and here allow me to say that I do hot propose to close or wind up my bustneea, nut on the contrary to extend ft. So bear in mind Creech's is the place. Those who study economy and profitable Investment can do uo better than to irlve me a call. Beta truly alive to the demands of the hour, and anxious to secure a Unre trade, claim to put heforw tlM public tbe lars-eel stock to be found in the eitt.i novM-dikn. A. CREECH. JJ, C. LIVE, Dealer In 0.ancrl Hercl and re. Haval Stores, Lumber, SMnstes and Wood, Anas, Wake Coun y. oct SH-Uw,, The Wilmingtoii star. ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX VLii DAIL Y STAR HA 8 the largest clrca'stlon of any i , Newspaper In the Mats, and a.u tlon la Wilmliijrtou nearly twice u i.i,.. any other paper. Ail the new, of the day will be found ii eODdeasesl when anuuportaat, at Inu. of moment, anb always preaeated in , , ,i Intelligent antflnterestlnK manner. UUtWCKJPTld.N (la Ad vauei One Tear . BixMontlu .... Three Months WEEKLY STAR rStCB KK.DllKD. The Wnkly Maris now couibn i l 'nniUn tnrmt, and is one of tin 1. 1 . papers in the country, at tbe fol;own L RIDUCK.D KATES : One eopjr. ns year , One eopy, six months MTUIubs of ( to 10. one year, I z.', Ir" 1-aTCTuHof 10 or more, cue ve-, , 4 pereopr ts7ttpeclmea eople kent on appln ui, ... Addms, WM. H. BERNARD Xdiior & Prof-ru l ,r. WlLMINOlnN , deeW WANTED. Active Local and District Ai nt k,:i, direct contracts for the IVm, l .u Insnrsnce Cfe.of Philadelphia, lor N ' Address, W. II. FINi li, ' may 25-tf Geu'l Manager J3PPER'a PALOON A KESTal :;an -Wbitb Fswkt, Wilmington Sr.. Second Door Afoatti of lUlgett Hn-1, , his old Stand now known an tl "Carolina Ilonse," R A L 1 1 O II . N . C . W. K. Pepper, the most disUnKui-ln.i terer io the boulh, - II open his in h fa and KestauraM, as abova. to dav. Ti.i;r-.: . October 1st. The best of everytblnit in': business will be found st Pepper's, served in Popper's best st. In. Norfolk Oysterr. Meals at all hours. oet 1 8m W K. PKPHE.. HilUboro' Recorder and Durham To . plsnt copy 3 months. DOWN TOE lllWl OR rtiAtTiCIL LES.SU.NS I NDfK The Code Duello. BT AN AMATEUR. Hals, dc rVn, PuMil.crr. E. J. V". astra rlola bindirL'. This is a Southern Book, founded on so. otcurrenCes lately transpired In Gi-oririan Alaiiama, In wnico some north f aroilt. . prorclneiit actors. ror "ale at tne Bora ptore oi Ai-KKKU WILLIAM" mirjl If A. V. I, K W L.'.W OFFICK, Court Jl oust isj u RALEIGH. N. V. On pdclfct atteiitioi: iveri to 8u' iiii; . f steads, In new of th.; Iat iIicI-.ol 'lii I e pteme Court uf tin 1. nit-1 hu. u U t-u TecL JJOB SAL?. A No. 1 Ox aud Cart. T in- nu. broke ami works in t'.e piouii . 1 horse is X yents old. pp'y'sj july 7-tf L. C. M.1NI," JJKKRLES4 STEAM WASiit.l; a: BLE.4C11EK. THE LATEST. BEST AM) ilr.i ; - A8IIE M.MIF. That Steam Washers are in-iv.- i.i, i.ii.. i- Is now generally cobceded. li:,.i ti . I ., r less Is tbe best of Steam V nili. : . wil: ! . readily admitted by every oik h . v. u at. : tries It with others. It construction Is sucli t i r ,1. il.- larveat quantity of water tl.io.vti !. . ..ti iff In the shortest time, tnl tbe water to tio where t it duMi vent Its KoinK anywhere else, baiurlinit valves to make the w tits sad cease t ) flow at liitii: vji- .in;.. .1. . il Ii. : tin I.- i lt to How steadily pouting nvtt on the wbols surface of the rloU. i Hie water has not to deei-eud to the , uoth cuds of the false botiom to iit l ... . Itssartini( twlnt but noes stniKht down where it falls, waebtut all oar Is of M.. . . imr now unlouohed i Titaiaiiid urn n rushes tbrounh the eloilnrnr nunv in,,,.. minute aud cieaus them in 15 Ui :io iiiinu lit cost of the machine n - t- civeil soon in difference in wear ol i. , i.iii,.-- lt may be saved vorv s,on iu ,i, liii.i r of Isbor required. A machine made to lit. ran tie any stove boiler or the boiler for Ho- ma. Im sy be used lor any other lur;,,.,..-, lata machine sells for li-at thtn nv of kind, and will uo the work ,uo kerjanli nun thort'unhlj. As its uame inK'aiis it li PEKltLESS AMONG ALL They are maile of best tlu. The boo. with galvanised iruii Imltoni, will lait uim years and are soldat the fol.owius; low r kicks : For the Washer and Boiler, (usual ln , f For Ihe Waober alone. (uul aia , For the Wasber au.l Boiler (extra U, t rr the Washer alone, (extra larR-1 t lheisualalse s 11 inrfae. .id.. 12 14 dee; The extra Luve W inches wld U 1-li decD. Seat anywhere per expresa ou in ,! prlee by a. JUNta, rropn. , i Kaleiifl. N 7-tf 1874. 187 Al'TL'MN. BLA( K ALPACAS! BLACK ALI'.U Pcttv Cl Jones Opened to day the mot Iwautlfu. I Black J pacas aud Pure Moluirs e,r in this market, and iosi ctfuily , costomere and fib-mia to mil an l.,. and be convinced lor tliem e'v s Also a splendid s- rtoent of lui, with (treat rusny .other gm i!k in t:. New and Pres.i. And for ireuileinei.. THE NOTID B O.LOU HIIKT AM' VlELDi CILIBK4I . ) iM.M t,' HIoEb We OuartDttec all t i h septU tf nit au ' r'.' s ELECT UOAKUI NO AND DAY .- li' HILLsnoi.O' N. ' The Minses KusU A Miss K.lo ruir.e tho exercises of their school on 1 r, Feb. , 1874. Cirrulara forwarded on ai'idU atioi ate-Ji-.