THE DAILY SENTINEL. I'Luiisnin Bv i o S I A II TURNER, J. Office Near the Court House uiu o tcaecsurnoa. Shi THE DAIT 6EN.TTKTa Adverlssasaeata wUl be ksterted m the Hajt Jaannat, at Use following rwtm p- sqaara me Inch, or ten mlnloc line. (Miasquare onetime.. .. i ti. each atths Monro inarrlien eaa thai a week I squarr, I week, t 3.50 1 sioare,?u.os is I " I month, N.w l s " .., u i " tmo't, Utal y " -o.o ! " " HOu' in o 1 a ,. jo. ot-1 .. 1 1 -i 1 " " V4.Mi 1 1 ' It ' KS.OUi Piilt Sentinel t year In advance - .W iiall'v sit mouths la advance ft.oe l-AVklv ....- .VOU Wi-eklv Sentinel " " - - - J I lie DxllX Si tikBL will b delivered I part of the City at FirTBS Cwti per VOL. X. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY DECEMBER 24, 1874 NO. 117. ..-ek. ' ' I J IV II ii ii r, - ii j, ii ii ii n ti ii ii .ii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , lnKD WOOD KOR'ALR. '.ii Cords of lettousd plue a. ttt pel cord hvered. xi it one: 4 bora wtga for ssle , iv it El is' rtiire on HUlaboro' Hwl. c,v Hitf "AVIo 1!M . cTORE FOR SALE. 1 w sell my farm, 8J wile hum tin , t v , I rtilettfh. containing 103 lore; a , i, l D vVKLLINO (six rooms.) All in repair. Kim (ohI TENANT l,ilr.E:s, four ol then) new. V enod STOREHOUSE, and an excel .t -:nil. Doiug a good buainess. I'.ie plantation n in good order sod ;i,dcr good fence. D.c 1U. J. DAVIS. 1 REENsBOUO' FEMALF COLLEGE GREEN iB'JilO, N. C. 1'ne Spring Session of 1874 will begin, o Arelnesdsy tae Mth of January. Prom t attendance at the very opening la ,i .i y imiortant and la earnrtl desired, i iukubs rxil aastinsi op 30 luu. li rd, i Washiuir and Light nol Included . I Tuition in regular C liege Court" P .VOO Chaiiria lor Extra Sludire, Bixiriitr. F . r atologue a -Iy to the President Kev. t M. Joues, D. 1). y. II. D. WiW N. Prea,. ,:, ltS-dlw Board of Trnttees. ,t l iSLE PROP RTT FjR BaLE. i wo tu'ii iHe tract of land situate near the , itvof Ka'elgB: Nt Ir.c! lien about 1-9 mllee Soith of lie rityoi Kale Kb . n both aid s of the Asv i n roat. a.'J'i ulcg the.Ui.dt of tscjrge T. ' a , H.yau Urceu aid others, tonttiniu: I acr.-a in i Tract lea about 4 mile- west of the i u.' Kibble on both aide it'. IUj Kaleign .i. i Aunu.t. Air Liu KaUruad, adjotalnK ' lanji of William Ttiomaou, coataluuy iUcii . . .. v, " ' t . . Als i i ; 0 lion I power ateum inxlnuaad ini EO. H- NuW, , i to odl.'e In t'.intiioaa ; dvl" 30 lOV: U tet aa-orfment kt NaT. U BK0W.X3. IIIMif.K 8TKINOS. Cl'ITAK Sttluga nl Trimmii.irs bi-t at i'.VT. L. BUwWNd. f LtlC.l. IS TKCMKNT- All klnda -A.L at NAT. L. BKoWN'A FA N t V i o O II ! BASKaTi, 1'iie in et itaior nient mi Ac. j M I' tour W.fe. ait:tUean and fileudaa cs-iit at NAT L BHmWN'8. Ill N T alf o Jli .Vv. ! r l ur K A N 8 cbe rarlo'a. Orirana, at AT h U ( tu TO XA'. U BKOWVS for your - unnatmas ana li"lul) preaenu. IH'-V AN ErUtr GAN, for yoor 4 ' m.a. G eai barkaiua mma ai CMKISTMAi AN II HOLK'AVn will aoon m ii r.. iwloNAt.L U.iOWN' S for tin- bent hatgim. Uii4-lf " AI.l' ABIA ToW S Li I i"s Kil .t e. I.K K't Al X, N C. u.i lu.iday lli W.h lt, . at II . .t-lj , m , I all srll at l'ji'llc Auction mr'i Deaiiabie Town 1. f l r.t.ilulni; from . 'o ' j acres eatu 1' rui niado knoan o day of !!. ju i.' J. Mo , Kl.LiNUlON. J i MARY S liuOl. Vile cu, N ,'. r jL'MikU. AliY 1MJ. riitvfijlli t. r"' nf una Bih"ol will no I m'jJ, the lt January, it in I'tu) wei k i i l.l tr, ; .) I" 1 r lte tur A 1.1 K II MtlEi. t'UlllU. ON Till R.-1UY SMUT, 1F.U. IT YYe atll t ell at Aut-Uou. IK1 MSl'PEKBCOl i RKHORO GRAIN RILR.8 i full Halt' r.i-) V ))., to rV.ttill, f. lriab P. pltna, : l'o('lim rnd Caahmerea, miIi L.aiial La.'e ColUra (Impoife 1 by m.) H . 'in .-nan Ciarfa and Shawla, Ac. 'I1,, la,,. arc reapuetfuliy Intld tint tend ib'i .-ai . A choice ko1 will be aold i"d aiii,-K- in cummodatioti will be ixteiidrd lln ni well as ILc ;eullemen. T1MSLI MiT.tE. ir Auction Bale will take place each nlubt !! sa nrday BlKht) unlU the itt.h D e . a'i ill retail curil tbe day. Oaandaf .er 'i the aucuon will be both cay and Blent uuui i he whole stock la diapo id of. lble k will be by the Piece, Pe(ro or In Lota, aihe wi olc atjk Oiaal be OupoJtd oi bj January 1 175 YV. II. & R a. TICKER, bumvitm Partuera. lucm gibbs HKWINU .lACUIISl At manufacturer' pricee, on I'ane or montltlj inatal men's. AND TWKNTY-fl VE PERCENT. BKLOV MANUFaCTlJRaRl! IRItEB FOR CASH, 1' purchased direct from Ui'ia office, or any r. Ha local agenta, H IST1I 8Tkfc!CT. Itiehmouii. Va.. JAB. E. 4 GIBBS, i'nuirletor decll- wMm Q.R.UN CRADLES GRASS 8CTTH!1, J ml received a aupply of Bieelairs' Celebrated riibeni Cradle. 1ia MasT IM TU! MahKST Warranted lo (fire aatiafactlon . JtMKS V. TOAI.E, Aiceni maviV 4w. II ARRIWN & l'A'HFORD'3 UAH ROOM &, HKSi AUKANT, No. 10, lUiioarr 3 near. Yoq will alaaji And o bard be daliojck ': the aciajn, ojaWra, buds sad ev jr.hlnil l'i; to a Aist cbua raauaranl let I'kr U w, II atorked with FreUta and llonea l.i'inors. berry Foster ra Tub Coopers nitlvc WhUky a.waya on band. Jiha C. S-entiv' Heer alwaja,D3 drana;lit. r.o li iw F. N. 8 T R L' 0 VV I C K. ATTOR AT LAW, , HILLSbOR', JmmJU NORTH CAROLINA. City Intelligence, lTkUKr ti Lawkkhs. Toert arc fif. I) appeals filed for the approaching term l the Supreme court, which meets in th a city the lrat ol next ii.nth. Nkw Cllt ut ii in Wakk. TIicj fit isbed raiaing a uew MthoJist Church in this county,, jisteidaf, at Cool Spring in Mouses Cfe.-k Township. Rt. W. J. W Crowdi r is in cliaage. Morgnp, the well knuwa photogrspk ir, it getunij a fine tun at Lis Exchange te st Ilillaboio', and the Photo Crayon la i near and popular style o' picture be fk'e It it no ffats tad I indtatructl- Mev K ? Marbikd Preacher Manguiu married lea night Mr. W. N. Uarria, of this city, to M'ii Artajia Rog-r. Ctpt. Ftueett of the night pilice wa best man lor Mr, Harrir. mm. On the 24th ui., bj Rev. A. W. Man pum, Mr. A l.ilplius L. Moore, of Wcldon N. C and Mrs. Claudia II . Perry, f Raleigl. i e PiK t LAMATIoHa FROM THE OoVBItNOB. The Oovernor ti -.lay issued pmclaina ti n of reward ot thter huudrcd dollars, for the capture and return of Lee Duolap to this oily, and also a proclamation of two hundred dollars rewa.d for the arrrat and delivny i.( Jobn Outlaw, uegro, ho robbed C hnel (.' inuingham's store Id Petaoo comty last winter. Outlaw is a son of Wjatt Outlaw, who was hanged in Alamsi c county. TrMlvitiNTE CAMl'iiaN.- Tnuodore N. It tntiy tin nrriitly crgauized lodges ol Cioud Templais at ( lie lollowiug places : WDiiaiiiaboro'. tiranville County ; Ridge air. Micon and A-cols, Warreu Cjunty, and Illi g mi'l, in Halifax Couoty. Mr. 1" ni-ay u i ia wi.h m Ii lunded ruccex at evity point lie lei tin in. A", llenderaou he Uciiireil M 'D ! o'a? tit. acd at one luettlug in ,de a haul i'l tweDtj-twr. Ha it rstaoiiainng lodge of Oood Templars all nv.t the htate, and it at preatnt ac tisely eiigaij in the good work, lie says that in oiJn to mett om of Ida appoiot inenta be ha bieo compelled to travel on f.Mit, in waguis, in dump' carts and on mule back. II never faiit to meet any appointment be makes il be can possibly rih tba place, jriorlh Oarolloa 'aj .i k i ut in a year or two. T ie tcniper arn'e party i fst gsinitig ground iu the 1' the cif of New Yoik, on Mon day, the 21st inst., CjI. Johw HatwouD Maxj v. in I lie 64th year ol bit age. He was th - 1 1 list too of the late Got. Qhaa. Mau y, I this city. Tenty-three yeart a- ,. Manly moTed lrm Raleigh to Galveston, Texu, and thence to Houston, lieie he practiced his profession with great success, SLii was regarded as one ii' iii ti rst irirainul liwjeis in Ttxar. lie viiite.) Raleigh rtc utly in pursuit of h'-ahli. and to nee hia ui ther aod kin dred. Hi- went from here to New York to roiifuii the medical faculty of that ci'r. The deceased leaves a wife and ll: let children, who were with biiu at b.s deal h, and an aged mother aho bewails the loa w her too with a g'I'Itf too-ti ered lor the columni of a newspaper. Welnvc ocv.r known a more eltgaot and accomplished gentleman than John Hijwaod Manly. Courage and regard lor truth stood prominent among his virtues. ,49 c ion for his family, attach ment to Ids f.'ieuda, charity for the tutor ing and poor wtte tmoog hia cardinal virtues The mother, children and wile have the sympathy of many to whom the deceased was dear as a fitnd. May they be c 'mforted by him who alone can com fort iu ru h 'ronVa and triata. Ot,'U Kaaa Boy-. Our C.rricrt wi'l take around their Chtistmaa Address to morrow. We have confidence in the lib eral giving of the &SNTISKL reader to these Utile ielluwr. The newt boy aa a general thing has very little C uistmas other than the tort be leels about him in tlic air and gathers in, like a bird on the wing, item the pockets. "of the pub:ir. He is nature's own 'ctiild.''tilii rmbijo alitor iaiuliim. He ia the fnitrlcit chap nut of school. Mmy yeart ago a distin guished editor of the New Orleans Ftray vi.e wat aiked at a hat school he had beeu rduca'ed. Tae editor responded that be had never bien to at hml a day in bis life. world bad twen hit school aid human oaturehis tchoolmtstir. 8o it it with the newt boy. He bounces like a ball around a printing ofH-f, runs er rands lor the editor, makes the paste, bunts the tciaaort. cuts the slips, in and ut and out and in, all the day. until tiuie for press, and then he is in hia native thoieo. He travels the street like a fen cent thinnlaster in a gale if wind, aod with hia father's old coat tucked ariund hit lead, he tcallirs newspaper " ver fences or slips thun ui -der the rru-ks ! doot, at alll houit ol the night tnd all Mn of the year. The a it thing you know i he little gamin has a frame in a printing ffloe, the next he's a printer, and ihejitxt Ije't Bfrt edi tor. So mind y-fu these little bojs l nurs.. They've tjot luiill-dged newa psperevenpon you, and can tell a Bvr cents nickel Irotn a fllty ceattor a dollar bil. . RELIGIOUA Deacon Rush of McLeod couoty, Minn bat teen fined 13.50 for digging growt-tip daughter. The Iev. Samuel P. Chandler has r moved from the mittion at Belle Creek. Minn , to join an astociate m'tsion at Atheville, N. C , of which the Rev. I), Hillhouse Bucl is the head. Two yean ago the Methodists had only one cbutcb in Pbillipsburg, N. J , and a m mbership of about 400; now there are three oliuichtt tnd a membership ol 800 mainly owing to thetfforts of W. VV catarlet, pastor ol the Firt church. Notwithstanding the growing pliilac thropy of tbit tge, it it a thoroughly scl fish aod aelf-teeking age. Few men care to part with 11, eveo for benevolent aod christian objects on leas they can see 3 it. prospect for it. Hence church fairs tab leaux, pautomiuus ai.d side alio at nf di.r- lerent kindt are resorted lo to obtain that which should be iiven tueerlully as unt the Lord by those w hom be has abund antly blessed. And not ony the churches, but tbeir denominational organs, bae taken up this rpirit and practice in an other phase ol it. And hence, to ioduce men to pay l or 'i a year for a weekly billet of leligious news, they matt get a five dollar picture or something else ti a bribe. But the same men find little or no difficulty in paying f 12 or 25 a year for secular papers that i tier no such induce ment r. ' What it the moral of this ? Can tte stream list higher than ita tourc-I By and by, if tbit type ol religion cm - tinuea to prevail, we ahall x;iect to see the cbuicbtt offer similar premiums lo people to get them to attend their sei vices at all. Iodetd, already oiai.y 1 1 them tell us iu their aeek'y advertise ments what xtra attractions they iTer in the way of fine music, vocal or iustrumer: tal, or sensational t pit s i f ilcunion in their pulpits. But the nmi-ees show that tlitj can dialinguisli the counterfeit fiooi the g" uuine, and they let the oigan or the quartet waste thnr icliuiji on thedenert air and ihe xntnnonal nreachtr it our lorth Ins eh iiuence ouimpty seats a just lelnliiiiion for nicli icfti'e ity to truth and to God. PEIteONAL. Tii" reginter ol the Central Hotel last night showed 113 arrivals at this de acrvedly popular house yesterday. CAir- lott i (Hmrtcr. No tirc-crickers ,r mh r d .ngeiout Uieworks will be allowed iu the city du ring the Christmas holidays. Toe tii. -hotn will mike noise enough, and fortu- lately will n o burn or maim anyene, though its din may trojpor.n r lenfcn tome victims litll. Sun. Burial of Ji 11 nun Hive: The catkei it of round top walnut with black cloth covering, sui mounted with silver mould ing and bar handles Ou each side arc Masonic juwcls, tin Idem i'ic ol the lodge chapter and comuiandcry. Ou the top is a silver plate, bearing the inrcripttou, 'Jffferton R.ves, ol the (ir,greivnal GMk, born July 4, 19 1 T, die t December 20, 1B74 " : C iristmas in New Orleins: At the Louisiana (' ickpit, corner ol Horn iu and Dumaine tlrvcts, will bo brought off to day, beginning at 3 p. m , the first dog fight of the season, when the spiiitod Wallace will tackle an equally spirited ranire whose appellation lira buried in the mysterious depths of the Ui.known, but who is said to be able to do as ti.ncu nr chewing, leg lunching, and general fighting in a given time as any dog o' bis inches in Amerirr. contest will be lor a $100 slake, and it wid be a ''rat tler,'' and no mistake. Previous to that event there will be a series of brisk cock fights, to be inaugurated at 10 a. m. Timet THE CITY. The ladies throng the t'n c', tc-d iy in intirvat of Santa Claur. The Epitcnpaliuns will have a Christ mat tree. The Baptists will have noi e tliit Christmas. Gap'. Stamps ol the Taiboro iiuth trntr ,t at the Yarbero en rou:e for Ins old home Milton. We regret to learn that M . stamps ha- told his paper to devote himself entirely to the law in Ttrboro. Clara Wildman it coming. The city will gleet her with good house. Tne troupe will be at Tucker Hall three nights next wek, Thursday, iy and clui unlay. Mr. M. B. Cow lea the Huii neat Agent it now in the city. Gentleman shooting off his finger or boj with eye out Irnm tire cracker or any young man with bird shot or turkey shot in him can li d ut in our room at any bo tr during the holidays at No. 17, Ex cuniige Hotel. A giatleman Irian the country beamed upon us as we walked op street, and after wniiging baLdt a couple o' mmutct, he m l nmed that he had brought us ' them pine kaotr." We showered a gm of surprise upon him aid told him we bad no use fo: pine koott, that in lact wee m sidered tbetn e-talthy. He then pierced us with the jther eye that didn't base to much cbrittatat id it and declared that be bid taken os to be. the man who made cigart. This is a compliment to Zieg'er well worth a dVxn Raleigh Favorite. Turmt Talk. We have knowl edge of turkey, or turkey language, but we thought all tutkeys tpoke the tame larguage, and cow we knew they do. The turkeys round about Hickory talk just like city tuikeyt, as may be teen by reading the Raleigh "JWw and the PiW rnoaif Yf. "My lilt- it like the U'umn leaf, That itemblet ia the moon's pale raj; Its hold it fiaii iu date ia brief, Ristlcst- tod toon la pwaefaway," it jutt what an old gobbler t$ a crale at the depot waa remarking a y pasted by yesterday. PieJmmt Va Thit language wat utUred about three weeks sgo by a turkey at Hickory. Yci tc: day, a gobbler in Raleigh wat hetrd 1 1 tpeak just at if he had been raise J at Hickory : My tile is like the aa'.umn leaf, That tremblea in the moon's pale rays, lis hold it trail ill dale t biief, Rettltss, and scou to pass away,' u jutt what an old gobbler in a carl In the tl net wat remarking at we beard ycaterdty. So we thought in view of the tact that tr-:norrow would be Clirii-truas day. Ualtigh AVajs CHARLIE HOS8. A CAKIl IHOM Till PAT II Kit 1111 Hit UNO B .V. Reward of Five Thoutand Di Ur-. PHiLAlieti-ifiA, Die. 22 C. K. Rost, lather of the ttoleo Ix.y, (fua f,000 for the itturn within ten days f r m this date to soy one of the s J J teases named below ol his tor. He says : Beiig eutirely satiified that his ab duct r were k tl led at Bay Rii'ge, L. I., on li.e 1 4 ill ins'., I now tlur tbe above sum I, r his return, or tor information which mall lead thereto, promising lo a-k no q iestinu'. The boy oiiy b.-delivered to any ot.e of the following a,'- liiM'i : R s, 6h .t A C , 301 M it kit street, Phils.; Henry L-Wit, 2101 Walnut street, I'liili-.; L-wu Bi.ia. dt Co , 7t) La nsrd street, New Yoik ; Lewis Bros A C .,6i Frauklio street. B ton ; A U tfiaughloo, opposite 1'itent OIli:e, Sev enth street, Washington, I). ; Hoiliday, Ph.i.ipa & Co , 21 Hauover street, Baiii- tncre, or to my residence, w here inl'oi ora tion mar also be sen. CHUI-.1IAN K. Ross, Eant Washington Lane, Gi-riuantowr., via C in', ui Hill Railroad ' -All I 14 HK f PniLADiii run, Dec. 22. The shunt! of oue o! the aijoinmg counties to Phil ailelj.lioi ariived in the city tcnoight, and had a long consultation with the police utlioiilirsconceiuii g toe Ili.ts ciec He iliibiud the p'.io'ogripli ot a boy that had been iibanduiicd in Lis County, and it bore some rcaeuiblai c lo the missing child. The cas-e will tie further investi gated t. -I) "rov. ALL AUOl" I". Omelctti t made of turtles egg' are staple do'iorv in Florida. I'll tiiniiiilti t..r, d lovi ' i n I ' 1 1 fiom ishrd tnj e in .i I ti. line bicuticoni in Frat ct . Then- ii lalk in It cliui oi i of a :',. tion for pardon ol n. 1). Coi iioni n .w in ti e Virginia penitentiary. id black aunty, Linda Mai tic, in St. kct county, resliit five hundred do lars this year h i her tobacco en.;-. A beautiful decorative painting of Oi pheut hat been discovered in ths ruins ol Pompeii. Orpheus ttriket the lyre with his left hand. A, a Good Teuiplait I. f.ivai in Gieem boio', Tuesday night, a w.tch was voted to the prettiett lady in the bouse and by unanimous const tt it was a aided lo Mist Lou T , lays Ihe Patriot. Tbe warden of tbe Oregon penitentiary hat discharged the prison doctor and di tailed one of the conv'.ct, who is an ed ucated physician to perlorm tbo dutiir. The Warden cWtiiis that thereby he ttvet $1,500 a ye ai to tne State, aod besides, it ture tun plijtician will ''always be wi bin rjsch wlien needed." Caldwell of the Charlotte (Mittner published that nn amateur opera would b given in that city f or the I, en, lit of the Sicirol Presbyterian Cmtch. An office bean r in the church pronounces the st itenient all a mistake aod Irowns down any such metb d of mon. y. At the r-txriNKL copied the first statement we now give place to the correction and trust the worthy brother will take up bit eyebrows T ie re'aiivct of Edward S S okes, scr. tenceti t f".ir )eart' itnprisocment In Ciin Ung lor killing lamea Fisk, Jr., t -p ied to Governor I) x for a pardon on ths gr uud tba', reckoning in the time of Mokes' impriaonmei t be tore convic tion, his term of . i vice w iil expire Jan. 6,1875 Gov. D I refused to inti rfere on the grouuds. tii St. that the application htd be n deferred t il so near the end of hit teim as Uovirnor, and second, that Stokia' te'in. of imnrit nmcnt doe not expire, tven according to the above reck oning, till the Governor it out of office. It it said that a similar application will be made to Ojv. Tilder. Btokct hat Lneeo in State prison t'nee Oct., 1W3, or abul 1 'Ultei n monma, h-tiujj oeru hi mrfli.ement tince Jan. 6.1971. the day Fisk watshot. Hit tern of Sentence will expire in Oct , 1877. ' i Till RIGHT BIFJHE Cl'RIiTM 18 'Twat tht night before Christmas when sll throu rh the house. Rot a creature fu stirring, i ot cveu a mcute, The stoekli4,s were bun ! tba uhininc with care. In hope that tt, Mcliolat toon would be there; The ehiloren wer J nestli il all tnug In theii beds, While vltiont of tur ploms danced tbroaith their beals, And saamma la her 'ketcblef, ard I ia ay P, Ua4 Jutt t:Ul4 ow bralat for a leuic .u ter't na Whan oat oa Ik Itwa there ioh tarh a at Ut, I sprang roin aiy bed lo toe bat was the natter, Away to tbe window I tl iw like a Huh, Ton open tbe shutters, and threw up the sash. v. Tbe noon ou tbe breaat of the new fallen snow Usve tbe lustrt of aid-day to ntJccli below Wbea bat to my wonddriag eyea should appear. But a miolt'ure tltigh and elt;ht tiny rein, With a little old driver to live! and quick , I knew In a momeat it Boat b Bain I Nick Mora rapid tbaa eaglet hit coaraera tbej came, An 1 be whittled and th anted tad called Item by tame : ' Now Dauber ! sow Franco ! bow V.xen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donder and Bills m! To tht top or the porch ' t) the op of the wall : Now, dsst awa;, dash away, dash away all "' Aa dry have that before the lld br.mcaue . When Ihey meet with an obstacle monLt to lli; sky, .So up to the house top the coursers tbt N w, With a sleigh full of toys tnd tt. Nicholas, too, And then in a tw.nklinr, I beard on tbe loof, The prancing and piwing of e eb lillle hoof. As I drew in iny heal, and was tu-nlng r.roaid, Dowu the eb.rnr.ey St Nicholas vse with a bound. he was dr. s.i.'d at' in fur f. urn his head to bis foot. An i I ia c'o'bes v. ere all Urnislitd with aab es and soot ' A iiunile of toys he had II in; on his buek, lie looktd like a irilili-r j ist l , his pack His eyes how they Ulokl ill hU dim t let- how merry '. His chueks were like rosan, his t o e '.iket chitrr ! His droit little mouth was iiawnno likes low, And tbe '. eanl on his chin was as while, as the snow. The stump ofaipj lie lull lit lit iu his teeth, A ill the smoke it eneirclel his lo;i ike :i reulli He bad a broid face aid little rcund bully, That shook when Iu langhed.llke a bow! full of j lly. He was rloil.hy and plui ji, s li.'ht J ,Hy old elf, And 1 Implied, wlun I saw him, in s; i e ol myself J w nk of his eye ard a if his head, Boon Kave me t kniw I had nothing to diead. lie CHkc tot a woi J, but aeut slruiht lo his work, And tilled all the sloikiugs , then turned witbs je- k And lsyin bis Bnf,e- a -He of Lis nose. And giving a nod, u; the ehiimejr he lost; He ajnangto b s flii((h, to hs team tur a mUistl , Ani away they all II iw, Iki the diwaofa Ifcietle. But ( heard bim laini, ere be drove ut o' iitit, Happy Chriatniaa to si! ! and to all a x od nitrht ' ' - TilE LADIES. Tin- I'tincesa ol Walts hna had a bir'l day thirty. Wav.r'y, III., boasts a sprj young lady who can stand an I ju n,i nioe fe t. Mine. Christine Nil-ton-b gins an en- g sjenu nt al the Imperial Opeta 1 1 ii -. V ennt, io Ftbruary. rereiving $1,000 per night ti. lad v in Terro II ,ute, led , has a Sol itaire diamond Bng'-r ring, which has been in her family for 1 30 year', the bi ing the stvrntli r of the family upon whose finger it hat glowed and gt.ttercd. Mrs! Partington says lalte teeth let! "unhandy" at first. Vii allii- G , iha gtuidian angel -d the rplmns, ha oone to tak': cbtrge o liit e onet iu ihe brtnch tsy nm at Mars lliil, near Atheville. Or. Pafriof. Miss Lou T sniiUt on ('htrlotte mi more, and we know siveral who are L'lad il (' arlot e is unhappy. - Ur. Va triot TllANslkST t CHTOM AT A CiLOKKO Uiahi.ino Ilotvx. Isaac Wright, our on ore d ;rer;man, is reponsib e fr a comnitmicatioo he hinds nt from .Sam Short .did William Grayson, denouncing Jnui'-t Henderson, colored, entertainer of the pulylic, lor entering these sable truv ellersinom while theic notes were per font Hk b'ow jc the trumpet blow in the deep so mix rs of tbe night, tnd spiriting way $11 liom tbeir pKke:s. That they had Henderson before the Msvor, and be Ooufrsaed he had tbe $11, but didn't know how he rtme by it. They denonnre Hemlirson aa be ng no man lit for a Co - rd g ni It man to depo-i: his srick aid tjueiuie (tl . - , PoKO's tiiRAtr. Large sums ot ui. u rv are spnt v the i fll cted to llnd rel I irem Pi'tt. Toe ExUact it a certain cure or "na or weaaing run, Rucicy LUker. WHOLESALE CASH PRICKS. Kaleioh, Dec. 11, 1871. KlMAJIIS. Col loii brisk l.'Ki,, with sales to some ex tent laj. Bagging Uomestic '-"i yd 11.1'-; Cotton Ties to 10. Floar N. C, 7.'2i.: Com newll.tOolell Corn Meal newc&jU', uio , . Bacon N C Hog round let Bacon, N. C Units, Id Balk Clear Rib Bides, I !aliaj ant BiiooHiert, iv Lain, N U., is ' Waatera Te.reeta, I " do. leeKs, 17 Coffee Rio, avnd, J'1 Ems. :i Butter country , flab, MolleU, " Mackerel b I , Boeswai, Rags, bWi on foot ' Dreased, Leather Sole, Hides tlreefi, '" 1 allow. Potatoes Saeet, Irish, Oats shelled, fbeaf Fod lerold 15 n -wo. o ".on 8,00 11 (IU 'j.i "aa "' 4i ;a 1.1 III i Mi rSl.t S.V.1SI 1.2! I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JJ O. FLEDDERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, BALTUIORI, XI). Tee citaent of Ra.euih i Of have an op- oort unit v tfl irded the iu to order ruita or coala from the abore gentlemen, who Is here solicit!, g orders, or can bare tbe r meaa ores taken for S ,u i aif rul's; samples lo tie sent when ordered. Mi 1 remsia until 1 ues d y luoruiog. Call at the Yarbmagb House nt!' Ihnrtday evening. dee -n it "AIR NOTICE. I.A&T LlIAN'tl-:. On Monday December Silb 1874, we ahall ae l I y 4'jcduu ( our store tbe Balance of the Stock of Oooela. now remaliiing on hand. lbe tile will be both I T dav and i v nurbl. Commeneing tbe day at 10 o'clock. The stock iini't and will 't sold and in order to facilitate! the sale mil 10 clo e out bv January I, lsTrj, the' stock wi.l be told In Lota, Oe i ns and Packstes W. II. A li. ff. IU NEK A CO , dec S4-tf Suirlviug Partners. "J ORE NEW OO I) Blark silk !.t Ii kJ.Ti, BLACK ALl'ACCAS, MOil AlIW AND BRILLIANTS. l .ility I' i a irpiseed 'I the Prices. Xric SI ijl t and I.itett Pdttsr.l Vril tt. 0x4 TAllLB OIL CLOTH. 4xt, Sxl, 111x4 and '.Cxi taiii.k oil ci.oiii. Bletrlied ami rnlileurl'.' -1 D iiiicstic all widths ami qii times, at prices w Inch none uu U e. A laige lot ol .Weu'sand Ladies' rtliBwlt, good a id ntct'y, at alinit half their val ue . Caiifields liau I l. i ile BOOTS and GAM EHS fir Genliinu ii. sinc'i r.eeil ill ' iriil to he appre cute ! Our t-at k it liois verr . ! v , wnl aa we -.o ,oii i ,j,i-i.t. w. -i-e eo.i''.un',r tf itinir N'KW O0l)., sn thnt : tl ,-i- W li., . 1 1 V ' U I o, t 'hi belli til id the- low- st p ( ninety o'" DUE-IS (,'DS at g'eatly 1 pric--. o, ( dt oi. ait nuuili. i aud eoluis at lowest prxi'6. PETTY i JONES 20 Favettevill l.'. ll!. ANOTHBR ()IP0HTIJMTY TO 1SYEST .4 FKW Jiiil.l.Al.'S, 11777 WSSIULE IIKTVHSS or Tlrs.X JS ihhh:Hi:ii HY THE IttSWiXKVKSr iiFflHIJH I. UHt A H Y F A I., To TJIF 27lh OF FFtlUI AIY. A'A'AT, OF TIIFIH FIFTU A S I) LA T COM A7r ".4 Xi lilt A II -IXH. THE MA .V.I HEMF.XTA HE l'l.Eln: EH TO THE FETVHX OF THE MoXEY IF THE DHA WIXO SHol Lli XOT t o.ME OFF A T THE OA Y XO It ' AfltUA TEH. One Grand Cash Gift r"0,0ofl. . llW,(Xsj . 7i,ll0) . SU.ODI . 'JJ.OOli . llHI.Ot . 140UOI l.V),IK USI.Ut lUO.OOA . H 1,0-1 . lisi.ots . id i.OJi . I'tj.not . 5u,i on . ")0,0oo . t 50 00 "S 01 r, vd .. so i oo (sue Grand Cash Gift One Grand Caali Gift One Grand Cash Gift (.tie Ursnd Cash Gift S Cash Gifts, JO.OOU eaeli. 10 Cash Gifts, 14,1k) eaeli ir Cash Gifts, lO.UOti eaeli 20 (ash Gifts, fs.CJO ear tl. JSCashGifU, 4,'W e.c'a SO Cash G fts, o.UHJ each . M) Cash Gilts, a)i eaeli . 100 Cash Gilts 1 000 e-ueb S40 Cash tllfta O0 eseh. MX) Cash Gift. ! earh W.t 00 Cash Gifts, r'1 etch Who e Tlcl.e'.s Halves Tenth, or e ub Cempou 11 Whole Tickets for For T i Vets, or 'nf i na'ior;, ai'dresa Tilt), hi. 15HAMLKTTE, Age nt snd Manager, Louisville, Ky. it. II Hit vm.KV, Agent, llaleigli, N. ('. di c 1 f- ! 'j , HAVINGS L') VY FARM MTL'ATEH nsur Wak t't Cmh-ie, Ko on -ihe Pniifoy pise 1 shall on the 'J:h ot December. 'Hi i. ' 11 ' t puloic ante, Il ve b ail of Wo. 1 Male-, tee from to I years, one gocd hnr-e.. I. ic y and hsrueta TurrLt 12 montbsiTcdlt h i ana approved seeur.t tearina 0 Per cen mt -eet from date. At ilie ssn e I me ani p i , 1 fll also sull for cash a lot of sh I . one vi ol milch cow and beifer e.lf r ne emrlalr c-altlnK m te bll t and ill the fand'C u euiit, also one c dt.Ke set of fmrnltnre two c ''atietied ties la snd eiat- treaaea one; wardrTe, six eanebo t m r oaeua sate aod maoy ether things Uxi oas Xi mention. Pewra'er 14 td I W. F. ArKBW I " 1 OR RENT OR 8ALF. The Route and Lot on l.ui. s,tra N'n-ih of the Lieaf t Dumb Asylum. The l ouae contains etr'it rooms, oorcbea and . , . tad there are all necessary cuvhoun s l r u i, is one acre anc lias a good gatuen. I refer to Mr. 'I lllinirhaet the last oe eniaani . sa to rent. Aa to ssle, coutult ni at Petac - Inatitnte. ae8tf OKL'RY LCY. VALUABLK FARM ("OR SALE OU EX cuANiiK for cnT pkoperty. On Wedneadav tba ilrrf d, nt n.n.l.p if not fold uelore al pnvatu ale. I will ael to the highest bidder my Farm sittatel two and out half u lies Cast of Kalei(h on the Tarburo' Road. It contains aboat ibret kewdrsd -d thirty sees l land, eyTwhlch about oo bundrad and fifty are well wnvded. ' n tbe trac', aie aa excel ent dwelling bouse containing aevea rooms and two !are cellars, . Kitchen with, two rooms almost new, a large Itiree stoiy uinlloase w lib horse power attached, laborwra kouaea. barns, die , a lance peach and apple oiehard. produclsg tbe liest Iiult in, Wake County, kighl tine sprints of water conveniently IceaUu. Four loads of wood a day can be b a wagun hauling Ut RaleiKb. Tbe r ntemplated staleUb A beahoard Railroad touches without penetrat ing the N rtucro b-nndaiy. The laud ia Well adapted to tui , Tohaeeo, Wheat and all this cereala Two Hue Gins, o e water power, the Ithtr steam are li'u.te a few hundred yards fr m tbu premitet. ltRs or Vale: ij thoasand dollars etsh the ha ance in one, two and three years, equal InataluieaU. lartaea 1esiiiusT to pur li are InviUsd to ii.cueei. the niemisraL Tbt lsnd will hi divided if d r;d. I will eacnan e ier city frjpertv. dec S '.'w B.ll. I C MANIA VPPLICATION will be made to the prr aeut Legi.-laliire to olilulu a Charter f.n the Soiithcm I'nderw riters Assoelatlon. Bov HO OtKl Pl .'HE OLD IIYE WHISKY. NATIONAL HOTEL BAH. BERRY rOSTFK HfE AND DfcLJWARE Pure hye seven fears Old. The Im-m U'hi-Uy made jts-r ren in d this ,av. tiov 'i-4t J. 0. !5. 1,niSlli, :Oi Manufacturer aud Healer lo Tiu and Sheet lp u Ware SUmewall Sloees, tbe beat in tbe World, none like them. Tin Koofinc, (Jul Wrinic and I'ipiui; a Stwcialitv. ITavetteville rt:., opposite the Market Pumu. Ka:eln'b, N. C. war VJ.IH JtVV O T U I L S A N l POL' NU8 . Prime retiaed Lard. At ' " . r- Jei.NKt . i DR. WIKL IIAIals'S THB attBAT AMERIOANOON BOMPTTVE RE MED X. Coa.-uuiptloo Is NOT an ineunttle disease, uyaii ians aaa ire ns of this fact. It Is onlv -ecesaary to have Uie rijrht remidv. and the terrihlefan he eoniju malady ered. HALL'S BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY It brak up the i ii;lit sweats, relieves the ippressive tightness across the Lunxs, and icals the lai i rsted snd excoriated surfaces hich Ihe venom ol the disease products. W HILE LIFE LASTS THERE IS HOPE It may not be too late lo ettect a enre even afiei Hie doeiors hu1 jriven you up. HALL'S KALSAvi Is r(,id everywhij-c, and tan) be hadal-who.eanle (,f the PropriTtors, JOHN K HENRY. Cl'RRAN k CO., at their Urmit Medicine VYareliouse, 8 and College Place, V York. Price tl per bottle '1 Mic'ir. 'clda, I'lieunonia, hit.s. Asthma. Spitting of Blood, Croup, WHOOPING COCGH, md all olher disea.-s of the respirator v rgai e. Also P, , ; of deoMll a Blood ami Lit er Syrup, Carbolic Salve, Edey't Troches, 'tayarnaicd hitlers, Molt's Liver Fills, Ac, JOHN F. HENIIY. CL'RRAN & CO.. an College Place, New York, jau 2S-lm a r aiHiKt (MIRK Ar G.4TL1NG, joun eavLiNo A T T O li N Y S AT LAW RALEIGH, N. ' ibtla aud Federal Cuurls and the Conrt of tae 1st and tilb Judicial District. nov21 tf N I (TICK. Byv.itjuof a Jml-oi-int of the Supetior vuik -ji ,, a,; e-iuir, tue uiiuersignca Oomicl e onr. will sh I on 1 hnrsdsy the 14th lay of .lauusn, ls75, al public suction, at the ('"li t He u e door in the City of Rale' 'ii d . o'clock- ni., the following described roij eetute : .. . Iia-t, Situate atnut d miles West of i "ice ,i ut Kaluiich iiiini liate-iy on Hi.- It K , a' the fo-ks of the llillsiioro' ui,.l ;hi Mill Koad, mlj niiiiig the land of lames llmhfoid, Heirs of W. J. Brown and thtr , known a ' (J. Moore place,' lon'.ronln sixty six ner. i mora or less. l! on the p-oi e ty are a troevi well cared to dwul 1 i". lloue with 7 rooma, frood neie feiites, valimtil" stoiv h' u e and neccssai out hon i dt , Ac. 'J d. Trai I, Mitua'e ou Fayetlevilla Stree in the I'll v of Kaleioh, ail io iiliiir the lot of M (,. .1 .'.me V liivwooil. bolus; part of Itt so Win il pun ol uie city, and formerly ih 'w oltlee of S. II. Roire-a, see-asol Taaua orttiB One third etak, rrsidoo lisyab'eln 8 months, with lntere it l per cent from dtj of rale. No aud approved ae csrity ri.(ulpd f ir deferred payment. IlAN'Mi FOtrLX, GEO. II. SNOW. jCoru ra. d-e o Ua TALaioh National Hirx, k. i; KALtioit, I)r. 17th. lt. ' rpiiK annual meieting of tbe Stock holders I o." thia Bank will oe held ai tbair Bank ' inir House in tbia city, on Tnoidav th,: 12i Januarv next, al twelve o clock, M. 'tec m: C. DW,r.CABier ClTUIXs' N'ATIOXAi. Basa Ralbh.; K. C, pec. lilb, rI -HE irrala- aonaal meeting of the stock A holdera of U i Hulk will be held a' ibelf January 175. initaiega on' lueidty J.tsi P A. WILIT, Cashier. dee tl e-oieat. I I.