V aH THE SEN1INEL OeTUH TTJKKBB, Editor. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 84, 18t4. CONSOLIDATION. This wu so infamous ring bill gotten up by tome of the Mine men who contol Hated anil stole three road in Fioiids, ami paid for ll fm with ruouty leloni?in to the people or North Carolina. There were man; honest sad deserving men for the bill, bat at the bottom were ring and New York rogue. Just a there were boneat men for tbe appropriations under Littlifleld and Swepson, but they had no idea what the end of things would be under tbeae two men backed by Oor, llolden, who to this day baa oerer been known to niter a word or censure or blame upon either. Tbe purpose of the people in tbe Weit is honest, and to com plete a great wcrk and they bare our hearty good withes and abtll hare our as sistaace tor. Tbe purpose ol tbe ring la to swallow up all three ol the roads as they did in Florida, and aa Wall Street robbers have dune in every Stste in tbe South They bare caused a snortgage and then a sale of nearly all the Southern roads, The 3d section of tbe bill provides for the purchase ot the Atlantic and Ncrtb Carolina or Mullet .load, aa Billy Smith called it when be opposed consolidation three years sgo. Tbe 5th wctiou pre Tides for issuing mortgage bonds not to exceed $13,000 per mile of I ho load, with power to foreclose when there is failure to pay interest. The 8th section provides lor buying oat the private stockholders of tbe North Carolina road at $30 hire it they will, and if they won't, then provision is made by wb'ch $100 a share is to be paid for tbe stock, no wonder nearly every stockholder is for the bill There are already two mortgages on the North Carolina road, ana a decree of Cjurt selling its stock for the interest due on bonds given twenty years sgo to build the roaJ. Those bonds amounting to 13.000,000 fall due in nine year, and if net paid at maturity tbe stock of tbe road will be sold to pay them. Until the ioid is relieved, what prudent man would think of putting lurther mort gages apon il we have a very strong suspicion that Uen. Sibley wai lurnisbed with tbe money by tbe ting to loan to the Western North Carolina railroad, and we have declarations coiniug from him that hi purpose in tending wss to get possession of the road. That there was ring villainy in the transition by which the Western road is now embarrassed there is no doubt, aod tbe representatives of the people sh til be made to see it, and if they wilt not their constituents will. Tbe Florida game ot consolidation is now to be repeated in North Carolina, aud by the same men snd ring. Honest men csn take no ( flense at what we say. and tbe dishorn st may help themselves, with such assistance as ring tapers can give them. We know of what we write and speak. DISABLED BILLY. The nninformed rsdicals and negroes are under the impression that Billy Smith is excluded by name In m holding office in the North Carolina Railroad Company. This is not tbe case. It is the 10th sec tion ot the cinsolidation bill which ex cludes any man guilty ol embeu'ement or any man who haa refused to answer questions concerning his connection with the road for fear ot criminal prosecutho. This ia the section : "Tuat no person shall lie a enmmisaioner, director or general manager who has heretofore or uiny hen after decline to testify before any commit tee, legislative or otherwise, or before any court of competent jurisdiction, in regard to sny matter touching or growing out of his conduct while president, or director of any railroad, or while acting in any other public fiduciary capacity no tbe ground, tbat if he were to teatify he would criminate himself, or sny kindred or like grounds, or who has been convicted of embezzlement, or who hss failed to re turn to the treasury any special tax bonds as required by law." Tois section has been accepted by the stock holders and it is now a pirt ot tbe charter, aod should not be repealed. Billy Smith ia not named, but any man who lias been guilty of embezzlement or who haa refused to answer questions fi.r tear of criminating hi&iself I excluded Irom cflice, and he ought to be. Mow can, how dare any h' n"M man to complain of such a provii- i ii iu any bill or railroad charter. It can work no imjudice to an honest mar. As Joho Adsmi sild about the Declaration ol Independence, "we give our hand and our heart to the measure,'' nnd it should le in every charter. SOLD. . 7he Kalei8h A'etss sold the Hillsboro RtcorJir. A large list ol suHscnoers numbering hundreds waa published in the Atsra. The same thing once took place with tbe Statftard or Era. Hol den's Adjutant General, A. W. Fisher, g t a muster or tome other roll and bad the paper eent to soma 180 men. Justin the same way we suspect 250 tubscribera found their nanus npoa Ihe books of tbe Aaleigh Ansa, We eay lb it becanse lfaitsger Stone wss opposed to puMish ing such a wonderful list of new subscri bers, just is he was opposed to the pub lication of the Swspsoc-Dunham-Ciark card, which appeared in tbe A ust before the public printing wst voted on There teems to be a manager ahead cf Manager Stone, a manager W ho will have bit way, And Jordan has nothing to say. Toe Hiileboro Reetrdtr seems to be lieve til tbia story abtit 830 subscribers as told by tbe Xem. We think we could show tbe fallacy of tbat mubty increase of subscribers without a FRM PA'SEoV A. OM -legged soldier through h friends sought free pa if over -the Ral elgh A Osstoa Road, and failed to get it, He applied in person with to better suc cess. C,l. Simon Ueyee, of the Orange Hofe'.'gave him cnterteiameet and wrote a note aaking a pass in charity for the soldier, and reliel to himatlt. Ttiis note waa well written, but filed to bring the pass. Tbe Telegraph Cuipanv was ni plieil to to Mid a message to ( i.l. tireeu at C 'U-pauy bhops lot a p.sa for tbe seat ue-letgcd suM.er. C'apt. (Jie.n ii a dead htad on the wires, but this oacsate could not go to him without tbe pa; incut of $1 43. A free psss i smn obtained fr in Cspf. Green. When tbe pass cm; a twe legged member of the Legislature said be had five free piss, and the ouc-!ei; ged soldier coulil have one or ail of hit passer. We looked at his pease, but iney were nm iranaieraotr. I De one from Billy Smith, Judge Dick's Receiver read as iolloas- WaarKB!! N. C. Haii.uoad Extend the conrteay of free travel to , a member ol the Legists turc during the session or 1874 5. W. A. Smith." We then entered into a free discussion with tbe iwo-legeed member of tne Legislature with live free psases, and asked him if it wss not ttme proof Unit the purpose f free to tuembeis waa to influence or br.U?. He "fessed the corn," that it looked like if. CIIiaVfMAS. Theie are food reasons why this should be the most j yuui day of the year, and so .t is :o all who like Dickens have Chiialmas in their bearta and livo for one day in the present, past and fu ure. We arc sure to compsre this Christmas with the last and with tbe C hriatmas of child' b 'fjrfand youth. The present wi:h il.e old and middle-aged sufferers in compai- aon with (he Christmas of yonth and by gone dsys. With tbe young this is toe Cbristmaa of all others, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Yixoo and tlitzen coming down the chimcey to nibt give more pleasure ad delight to those looking op, than to those looking bsck, to filty years sgo. Nothing can keep youib and hope from having a merry Christ mss, and when middle age and maturity fail of it, it is their own fault' for allowing tbeir Chris'- mas thoughts to dwell upon tbeir few misfortunes, instead of their msny blessi Ings. Wishing s merry Cnristmast and roast tuiicey fur the whole city, snd to all tbe readers of the 8e.ntikp!., and to all other readers, and to all who cannot read, we will take our departure for Hillsboro, to see what about Christmas iu that an cicnt H ro, thesigbtof which will be sure to awaken pleasmt memories of Christ- mat and New Year, and years that have Hod never to return. Tne SkkTinel greet i with rm-rry, joyous, happy Christ mas, not only its patrons and friends, but all of U. d's crenlures without regard to rare, color or previous condition." CONVENTION. John W. Cunningham, Esq., late Set ¬ tlor fioin Online, Person and Caswell, is out in a letter declaring the necessity lor convention, by tuying "I am firmly of opinion that the best intertof ah elates of our people ilenian I changes in our constitution. He then argues that this ia not the time for convention. !f we had space, in justice to our friend his whole letter should appear. Whatever he says ia always sensible and 1 1 the point. lie has, howevi r, forgotten tbe poetry be used to repeat when we were both younger tban we are no ft. "If fortune with a suUn' fire strews dow ers cn tbe way. When shall we stoop to pick them op, to dar. niy love, rc-dsy." Convention is a good thing and the people will have it, if uot to-day at leust very early nc.it summer when all fruits and fl iwers hv-gin tu lipen. We know of two republicans who will vote for con vention, aod it is said there arc others wbo will do so. SENTINEL FHIENDS. mc for my cause, and be ailcn Hear that you may bear.'' Tbe new postal law requires us to pre pay al. po3tge on papera tent out of tbe county in advance. Toere are tniov of you who one us your subscription from the day we took charge oi the mcntinbl mx years ago. We arc pleased to lurnish you the Skntimkl, and if you wbo bave paid will aay you have not had the worth ol your money, it shall be restored to you. Some ol you owe ut fifty dollars for the D.iily, some thirty dollars lor the Kur-W eckly, and some eighteen dollars lur tbe tveekiy prktinf.l. Only ore sub scriber has aent us money fur p .stae, nil lie lives in Illinois. We will prepay postage on ih t papers of all who lie paid us tor the next year, but we can nut do so on t bo papers of those abohnv. not paid ur. However we expect to pa postage lor a lew who are yenrs behind to see to wh it xtcnl they will run their credit. We do lot expect to contiuuu it the helm ol the .-KNTiMil. much longer. II we tell, an I we t.vpict lo do s i, tt w be li Democrats. If we coo'.iuue lo edit, the paper ehall be iinpr Vtd with a view ut dri viiii; nut the corporation and ring papeia. We shall make all but the ring tuihamed to rend ring papera. Fay up your old scores en. I Send us new sub scribers. We don i want them by the hundred aa the News reports them from uolnsboro ami Wilmington to that papc. rtiainy coming, ana a lew at a time, as for the last month a ill satisfy as Hai.eic.ii, D. 24, 1T4. Editor of the Sentinel : MtDsabSir: I send you $3 for the Sbxtimsl for the coming year I bare been a reader of the paper from tbe ftrst cumber to the last. I look upon it as hiving been of more real service to the people, and Ibe S'.ate than ball tbe leg islation which has occurred since ite es tablishment. I regret tbe necessity which com pel Is jaU to part with the Skmtixsx Tbe cry of tha fiiog men that you were not true to the p irty is lame Snd impo j .... tent. Yon were too true to tbe partjf lad th pfople.anJ that was all the matter. If y ti bal told to Swepson aud tbe ring in your party, they would have decbued joa loyal 'j '': ,, Your, . . ' ' u.r. Ma GRAND. rQUAhE AND UPRIGHT Pianos Hue received upwards ol FIFTY FIRST PREMIUMS, and aie among the beet uow mailt-. Eteiy iru-trumiut full warranted for live jt n Prices as h w as the exciufivc use it the very best materials and the moat thorough workmanship will x-riuit. The principal pianists and com poser , aud the piano-pur. heMiijf . it! e if the South especially, unite la the Jiiaiiimous verdict of the supeili u y I the St it fl I'itn i The Duiablluy tl -ir ii.stiunieuts la fully i nt ibl .hi d by ver Ami ti Hiot.s and ( ollrgea iu tin- Sai'li, using ov r ItUO of our Pianos. Sle Wholesale Agents for at Veral of tlis principal niauulai lurers i.f t'bln t ml Parlor Organs ; prices from $30 to $r)00, A libernl ili-ount to Clergymen and Sab bath Schools. A large assortment of second-hand Pianos, at prices ruining tr ail $73 to $H,I0, alw 1)8 on haml. Send for Iltustratcif Catalogue, con taining the iiiinirs of i'Vir 2,0oo South- erncr- who have bought nnd are using the btietl I'lino 7HA8. M. ST1EFF, Warerooros, No. i Nortn LitwrtySt, Haltimouc, Mi. Faetori'-e, S4 Sc bii Camden St.. and 45 47 Perry Sr. A mild aperient and gentle pnrjrative, r commended for tin- cure of ail dei autre merits of Iba stomr.eh liver ard ho well. Br thcr limeli h uch i kneas is prevented. 1 1i" teat of many years haveiroven tliem to be the safest. uret and beat of all the pi'U ever offered to (he pullle. They purify the blood, remove all eorruptinns and restore tbe direued vUin to pe'fe -I heabb. As an Ar-tidote to ('lulls anl Fever they have no equal. For Dysptpsia thev sfh a Hptvldc tor Bick tleatscne ai d nuiojs imiic it eyre s sars eur ror t onfttpatioa, Kbeutnatlsra Piles, Pal' itatb r. of the I'eart, Fain in the fid , Kack and Loins, Nervousness, a po.l tive ie edy. For Female lrre(ularltie-s. without a riva'. "When one doc not 'f-e! very well,' a ainb- tiw srlmululeA the stomach and bowrls, restores the sppetlie, and iniparrs viif r t ti'e svt in bold ev erywhere. OJK-e IS Murray Slreetne Yuik. int. Ti' rrs HA IK UV. is ra-ilv apt liift, irnuirt a bviurt fu1 t.la- or brown, no I no's likrmi'i . The I ei the wurld. Sold by u'l druirists i'ri eri1 a box. t j a i ) TliE lihast v revOT'l of dea'bs ihat retult from pulmonary utteetlons is frlyli'lul. There no Uls-ase Hi 't I- so I islituoii in its at tack as eonstuuptlo'i. iiv tlie neirlert of p! -ht colds' lb y soon hcem.nc de p sjatcil snl defy remedies wliic . if sp;hed ut tlie utst, woul t h .v averted all d ul' '" lr. Tiilt'ft Expeeior nt ha- piov n itptlf the most vsiuible Luuir Bulssm ever ditcuvered dl-tiuuul-i.eu cierKViiuii of New link. prom u ices It the 'Vruitcsl saint; "f tin' ninetet utb. u n'urv , urnl pays ,no fi.mil should i " Willi. -n: it " ll i- i levant lo the a-te. ai dasmicb- dose wiil "ft'-n reui"ve the moat obsiinate coukIi. OlUrc 1 M'irray Btreet New Vork. nib 2 5 ' i 1 1 jjjxic urtVit .ur.tf. Having duly iinnlill. -l a Fxeeii'riv of the last will and testament of Wlllhini III-. deeM, I hereby jfive notice to all HTi-on- holding claims ui;iiiiii-t the e.-late uf ttiesiiid dei-edent to orpseiit them for payment on or before Ihe 'Jotli day of ovcinbcr, l-75. or this notiee will be plcuiled iu bar aeainst their reeovcrv. eron hnlfhted to said estate .ire rcoiicst- ed to make payment at onee. A.iuAtilU MILL-1, iiov35-lw6w Executrix. SPRING 1874. GENTS' SPRI'O HATS. , ThV Undine; Spring ttylea in medium and Fine Felts, at the uuojt reasonable prices. Now ready at It. B. ANOKKVVS& CO, Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. Next door to Tucker Hall. italriifb, N. C. feb. 27th 1874. J0(iEKS t UAHK1S ci.osi.su ut:i As we arc aboi:' to i)' :' the v.biskcv trade, ou the 1st ! J inmiiy nut, sc propose to sell our stock of Oijiiors low, forct.iii. We also who to mo i ii: bar fixtures, which are cmipli to. We say to our deliiiicnt ( o-loiiii r that we inUM bo pan) by I biistmas, ami hope none o I them will ct ansjrv if we should dun them na the street. We give you gooil mea-ore mi, I good liijitois ami vou must pay up. dcc182w HOr.EUSA; HAHltlS. N' t)TU.E Its NOKIH t AlttM A CUEDITMK-'. Aico-din to lt-solntirn of lh i neral Assembly ot ortb aro iua ratilied tt.e l-irb day of December t I l"TI. llie Joint ttnd inK t ouimil e ' on (Si'1 D bt and Llabilillei wnl mee In tbi S .nate ( in . Per in ll c I'm of Ralifh on tbe 4th lo h an HI li d rs cf January, W5, for ihe no-"s9 of c ui'i rr nt wih ibe creditors cf ihe Bt.te. cuii' er. i i the fettlemert of ibe "Ma'e De. I K. P. W.ItI-. t li'io Joint Cn i.mtiice S ale Del aud L;aHilttlt.- de il Jvr kiebmond D spa eh. Uil 'l'f. C-Mn erci i and Aiueriesn uf Haiti M-r.- ; lL-raid .'-iin Tribune and W "rd of e Vora, o; y unee a wee . for three weeks aud. stud i ill 1 1 -Male Audi 10-. Itileih, N. ('. g ELECT BOARDING AND DAY ft iU.iL, ' IJiilsisobo' . C. TbeTulrty 8i cjnd;-P fs'on :f tlie M.sses Nasb - Mia KollocVs t:bool w 11 open FrldavMh Febroarv, t75 and eontlniiT W weeks. Circulars forwarded in sppilca'.ion. cee it J.awxm QJRIf?T.iS PK SEX;-? I hv last twelve I a -rar 'S'ortm nt Call nd e aad t-ny W l:Ln, Jeijr; t laied an 8uvr C locka, e. aecxts J. u. I'ALMlat. iLUAMSON.tJFCHtTlXri ANT tUOMA" f Wholesale (Grocers . i . awn . 0 rOMMISSIOjf MERCHANTS, t 'TKTTKVIIX 8TKKKT Uf ,l. : - ite M e I r i) i o 1 1 t l II ill W. O. UfHItt licit. J J TMI.MAX atfil tr A 11 ii ti T ii it N I HOOKHINDKh t. Illttuk liook M.nurai'urur v a. o. nooasToHa. It A L K I ( H . N . KKLLVf FAIKI t MHKkLl.A H"L I.EK, For HmiKir, Wskou, -oats, Saddles and oilier uikii vhicla Vtiu eaeeediualv Iu eeal m ane:efol Invention supplies a want lone tell liy taoar wtiu Fide In oin n vehicles lib au -liuplc in its eoustruetlon that a chill can maBatte t after onee observing tbe appa r tus. licaa im sc-mwed down to uy vehicle without ineonveiilcucc t dH'.s uol ilisli(ure the appoan ea of any wsjon or bucgy. It can bu pi ced a- any el-vi Ion, w incliuud in ai.y diwtion with prrfeeteuw in a momenta tune Wliunol in use llrau lid so dispn led between the cushions, t y the simple turning: of a thumb screw, a to be entirely out ui the way. and will sui'Jeet persona riding to no Iu c uvenience wlii. tcr. Any peram. of ordi nary moid on adapt it to hisvekiclu without th aid uf dire.utiue. H pr ea is within tlie react) of all. F.very owiier of an opt u Vt tilele eboul bavone. Any kit. d of au ll.nbreli. will adjufct. They est) tve j uretiasi .i, a Inou ml and retail, at JI LILS Lr.Wls.v (1'S I'riec at retail to. ct-e atirt county Kipbte for sale. .ddrea M. KKI.l.Y, l aU' tee, iaioi l.aieuii, N V. 'M V.VA, A.lJ l'HI I. 1 Hol'vrre I an In re j'i I v , itv at t'o. loi ' r le n; r tilled al . ere J1A.NLI HAoiiEK. Uec. ' I w:im u NIVn.gll OF VIKUIMA oprus t'cU Iwr 1 , tontiriues ttir. ii.-b nine inonrbs. it la organized in tehools on tin eh elive iT8b m, with full coqraea in Classle, Literature. Hcience (wilh practice in C'uenii eal aud Fhysical Laboratories), iu Law Medi- e ne, Ktiirin-nmr, leachini' and Airriiilture. Annly f t l aUlok-uie to jAMKl F. lltKHl- 8'N, Cbalrmsn, f n. Univerrit, of Vlr uiuU. Alliemirle Co., Va. July i' weod KOLtKlE.l AS I l.ltiroit.t. V S 1 h ivcj'ist receive ! a fr reek FAMILY OK K'EHIrX Alao. astlectcd -tori, v'. WhUkiuS S-. Jul iws : !.: IVIPHKIAL ' Al'I.Vi r, I.Kola.lA tl L d, HANKY H'F.TT. Pure Aagu.tu eotn.ly Va , Kye en i varloua other HraoiU Hraiidii s and int am selling viry elu ap S'lf. o t '.l 1 1 jaB M ri of all trade wirieli f t a I ittl! see fo our Z. W. w t L, . t c'iUre, Haleljrh, M L ANiV FOii BA LE. ill be soli! st t'elilie Auction, TLurnday the Oth of leceiiib.-r net ut I'liccton, Johnston oiinty, lie traet of lar d i n w hich verard 11.01 now resides, eona'nli k W'. acres j a larire porli'ii ol tue im d is in oiin -nal trrowth, snd a portion is ifi.d Kiver bot torn and under ferce sn cnltiv tt ion, th" u 'lam! is uilup d to ur.d prouuci s c otou snd corn. There i u la ijre nod cunfortubb l'ullitr ilouiie. baudsomi:le siluutcd, und m eessiuy ou l.uildiucs on the premises, i i--tant from Ihe V (. Ka'lr sd 7 uii!-i. I'o; sission i;iien 1st of January ik"i Terms of Mile fid 0 e isli ilow.i, bilar.ee ii, I 3 H and 4 ear w oti 'ntere-t at n per ic::t. from 1st Jncuai y, ?.", till i l Ibe n iti arj lui'tl. Title ii dotil-tv : and r. t:OL U Ltiti. the land is pa d for liy ur.ler the I otrd ot Trust es. It x lios.ii al V u el, ii"v is ui vv. ii joe.i, -Newse Mij. Tr. usurer. TI1ACU. ie ontiuue o is t :i to .1 M. HO-EMBUM--, At Kline's Kid Comer, Fsyeltevllle ann llnrnelt Mreets, whirs p. ia a well Known fa. t that the lartesi stock of I) esa Goods, Prints, Domestic 1'lai.ia ! lrown nil Bleached Domcstic-i, ItitK nnd Caps, Millinery (Hoods. Notions, Fancy 0 !; i, iic, ie. in the Guy. Wearedslly rcoeivinir larfo aJ.litlons o ho (oneral Stock, which Is alwats krot Fresh and I 'omplete Ii every bruucii Je.d d,' partmeLt of tbe store READY MADE CL')Tlilvu Is the specia'tv of my title, and I sm now proparee to oner every jrradt! ol t lothli'g at ilia very buttciii prices. Cull iu 1 sic me yourselves. CKdtKEKY DFPAKIMKNI Ih'vetbe onlv t-xc'i'Mve ''lock ry Store in the City, connected wit i atut iiiljnnhi; Ihe main e4tablishm-ot - I ' It t ivert species ot roekerv at WholesaK to Pie co nty trade ut Nor'bcrn price', as I buy direct li larire quantities, fio.n lirsl hull. To al my former uiiloiii ra u id p'l'nms, and Us yoihlie rt'ToT'ilh , I uld ssv thnt 1 aintt i le.r ;i i t: 1 tfisn i:vcr lo ;i irn ointe r t their every want ui terms Mi it ' will :;hii i lite' f :i 'sfie ory. oct'Siiin B A u gains i:ai;;ains: Chr.sluil d ' li : iio I d i s are n iu, aidw'erybd w nt a p et n for th' ir wi e. hn-i'Sn'i- clii ii!:en, sv ce:'ncar.s f.-l lol.s .c Tte ( b c to bj;, tli rii i- al UHO.tiXS V A K 1 1 T i' SfuKi, svbeie you wif ttntl eveiytblrtr 'oples-w y'ciin tni old, rkb and j-oo.. lam OUerirn my cn:l:o 6;otk of Fiiaey (looj.t, T. js, Bike-, Mfcl .1 Irstrir. rits, CLlnUd, ai K" tJy redo -cd prices for Casu uy:r N w the b-ir.ee to' reeure Kood bargains. Djn'l f.il to cal and eximlue stcek and pric'ss before par.'haainir elsewh re. SAT. L Bl OWN. oct liStr " Kale g i, N. C RO(M Foil hZT 'hfi rooms for rer.t in Vie bon-e I 1-e in Wet suited fortwo fimll cs .4i-jo two rooms in kilchcn Jlpply to me for terma. St W. J. EDWARD?. 1 jleaii Tin; Open tl An.! I ! tlie ll'i'l! ''LTnriueatlonably the beat attained work of tasked la tat World " ttairpcra )tiaazlne. ' ILLUStRATEU. KoTicnor t Pk. . . Thaever-IncreawlDg cttealatlon of this ex ecUeot tuontnif provias IU continued adapt tlon to popalar eeairaa and needa indited, when we tfeink Into bow many homo It pene trates every month, we most consider It aa one of t e educators aa well as entertainers of tha public aaind, for Its vaat popularity has bru won by no apal to stnp;d pre Judieew or depravtsd Laatea Uotlun OloU The cbarae'er which tbia Manx ne poaacs a s foe variety, nternrlse, artistic wranb, and literary enltura thst bas kept ice witb, if it has not led tbe times suouid cause its conductors to regard It with jjatitlabie eon -plneei cy. it also entlllea them to a great cl.lm u on the public arratilsdn Th" M ga .inc lia done irHd snd not evil all tbe days of its life. UxiokhjH -i.V. TKKMb: Po tire fr.e tonsil Subscril.vs iu ILc. Uni ted States. Ilixp i i MaoAZtiia, one yenr f-t OJ 1 4 (W Includes prepayment of li, r. post Ke l y the ubiisbers. fuhscrl-olons t" liarper'a Mr g nine, Weekly aud ilazir, to one address for ooe year, Spl. 0; oi two of Harper's Periodicals, to one audresa for one year, $70); poataire fn e. An txrra Copy of eilbur tlM Magar. ne. Weekly, or Hixir will b- u 'pile I itnu for every club of Five Htibscriberaat f 0 etch, in one reruittane ; or, Bit Copies for 'i 1 1), Willi, ul extra copy; pjrtae tree. Bjc,. Numbers can be su idled st any time A Clompli-le Mel of Uurper'i Magiz:ne, now i oinpnsing Vi Volumes, In neat cloth bind r i-sr, will be s-nt by expre-s, fright at ex pen -e of i urc baser, for ji5 p. r volume. iugl volumes, liy nail, po Ipaid. f3 0 CToin cuat-H, for t.iiidi g, UH cents, by mail, iostpaid. A ii(t re , let. U It II tKPF.K X BRO 8, New York. jy,v H'iUS! DHY (JUtlDS Aaotlier Hock of New t.o,,.; HT KE( KIYEi) ihe Ui.c.i. as.urtiueul and bes: varied , at the I wrt 'prices we h e t-vc o'.ti red. Our etot-k is now lare hnd complete. A large- portion of i iir (uiHi bve lie u iur- eliafi-d Itbln tL' Itst two weik by our ecnior Partner, iu be Northern riixl k - , uurf ha- li. s Oouxhi in at INUel ALLY L'.W FK!Ctr, for Cash WV 'ei 1 suli-ti tlou-e. in or out of the i d i i sating ttiut no ate, wih uudertrll Ui. We have lu-Jay rn-ived tin: hte-l FIFTH A YEN I K SILK HA I . which cannoi I e .urpssse J fjr beiuty cftt;.le I'rico only 5 Ml. We bave larc stock of Furr, including MINU, S1AI., LYNX, HI.Ai K M.IHTiN, AND F.Tc'II, mudeiti the bitift Styii. W'c will t:;ke ileaure in allowing our (ji o is to all w bo nil give Uo u call. I PETTY & JON i: -i, 2 Fiijeticvi.le Street, dec .' tl !kleiKh. X. C. HF1" MIK. I n )IIA I) FA ITIKK1.E-S (.KA.NlK.IFr CONoEitf l.H Tit B ItEMBFIr ir tiis o I! 1' II A .V A S V I, l M si; (mid in (,iiis To be Dis'ril iiiei! aiiioux the Ticket llolji n. A liitt Couccit will ' held in ' WILSON, N.!'., Oi. li'turl,ii, '. 17fi Dtc lvTL For tbe exclusive Aylum at Oxford. bcLcbt of the Orphan TICKETS ON"LY T.VO DOLL 1 B3. Number of tickets only li.OoU i.lii'j ti(ta to b nive-i aa-, inakiutr over i i:e to every seven Ucketa. REAL F81ATE i!FT-! : On - lot In the town if Wilson, N. t.' , fon'ainmg 1' acrns, witb larire ard conveuieut dwelliuir, navin li n im iu, and all necessary aud con veuieut out boucea.tiiualed i lilUmcs street Tuluod at f 1,000 One t lenaot a story residence, in Wil n, cornerof Pine audlirteu strut U with 14 acres, and contalnleg s rmiii local d in Ihe moat elurinie put of the town, vului d at 4 V u iii.f s acre ot, cilnated on the corner of Vance ai d rpiini streets with neat fiicuee and ui t houses, valued at 1 C I I -I r '.il ..II ! .'no lis I) 1.300 CASH (ilFltJ;. 1.00 ioo 1 1IKI C lc Ml M " 10 " 5 2 " 1 " Soil j.")0 40 J 5 a I.M0 1,0 M 1-iCELLAMEOL'S t.lt'i'.- ; One Fine top buggy, 1 ine Fine liiiegv. One Fine (ioid Watch, ; 11 I me La.l.cs Wit. h, iloiuiuittec of Arraiigeruei.tj. 1 blount, tl. F Brggs aim A. L.rues li'O I ''(I W. leHisltorv liiuk t.f Wilson. A ivir-ory board John Mt-liols, Esi Ral eUh, rt. F. Davis. Kfij, K-.ttrells, A Wii liauis, Eet., Oxicrd, MuJ. J. P Jenkins, Nashville, J. M Thorp, tt , I oekv Mount, Dr K W King, James V. 1, 11 caster and Jas E. Clark, Esq.. Wlleon. W lie this enterprise snot conducted un der ihe iibect uuspic s of any Lo yr, y,:t ts olijictisto aid that nob e lny.iiuti;)u, the ixfor Orphin amIuiii, wnieli w.s est b lisbeii b tbe tlnind Lodire of te "Mute, ami tin i):.iiigi ineiu is iiilirelyiu the hau sif lu'rn,'er of the order. ph. ol'Jcct is exc!nlvily tor the bendit of the 1 rpl'un Asyluiu aud tiie Commit cj deem it unnecessary to make any exlen t d appesl to p e people of N.rtli Uurolin in benait ol an lusti u'ioii whiih is so worthy of their tupport. Th low price of tbt-llekets places it .11 ti e power cf every one to aid a noble cans .snd at the -ainc time the chancts of. Wing rciiuburso1 are uiinsai) favorable. 1 i eonbdently bc-heved.lhat tbeenterpristi wo! b; a sucee.it, cut if from any cause there shuuhi tie 11 C'jueert and cll-li iOoliou, i j,t mon y received from Ibe'tlcke' holders shall be relumed to them without discount 1V1 tickets aold will be entitled to a cbauce forlhe uifte nnlrss the money for th: saruc has been re eii 00 at this ottice I'beltifls will l dl.-lri-juled limedi itely after t:.e Couceit, Aiiyp-rson liold.nir s ticket entitled to s (till wlo desires tbe Asylum "to Iwve ibe hem Ul of aucb uift, will notify lbs Acre tary Py m h 1 ud eseiuenl on back of lh ticket, aod the eame shall be appropriated ar eirce.cj Men. v for tit . eta must be sent by tlacle Itred L.I ir, il mey Order or E-.pr.ss, direct ed t A bA'i.N ta, re.retar,, nov 9 dawtd Wilson, S f. R li ItRAPLLY. Jgent iUleigh, N V, D b' )tJl COTTON OlM. one ti naw Uin, Just to nurnrwrrnrrasUy celebrated Alabama Uia. The testimony a ananimoua that tbry Uin fatter and make si bettt-r snmple than any other aver u,ade. f riot Da par saw and ImnsporVttwa. JAM La U. TOWLE8, "Pt '--tf A?idL pHlCU RIDUCIA Great bdncasusnta te perreastus. We bave jest fedured ear Kntlre Stock. amounUoglrom ajw to $W,0U worth of KnUrely Sew i ; ) 'r- DRYOOODS, Votlons, Boots, 5boea, HaU. Ac.: much lower prices tban heretofore forCiSH. All who -He ut a eall will gat tba fullest value f tr tl.eir ul'lliey. Merchants purchasing In this market can make profitable invest Jit nts with aa. Unr Stock Is very full for this season be side we will bave other additions very toon. PF.TTT JONM. JO Fayettnvlll' Sirtit )UDe a t: Kalei'h, N. : TJAKTMB WAN! ID. A n Inirenlous mechanic, who baa mads a useful Invention, wants a partner with a capi tal of txjo One hundred per cent, guaran teed ou tbe Investment. Address, A. B. Kal-Kh PfMt OOlee. uue 1 si tf TBE LATEST. liKST AND CUKAPKST. I offer the public, tbe latest improved Cotton Oin, as well as the cheapest. The following certificates from well knowt gentlemen, will be more satisfactory that uuv thing I Citn say : Nkah C.utv, N. V., Nov , 12th, 1878. This is to certify that I am uaingoneol the Carv (iics made by W. M. Sorrell, of Ciirv. N. (', and that Iain well pleased with it hii'I would eiheerlully recommend it to any one wantTug a giNid Uin. A. li Yates. Cabv. N. C, May 22nd, 1874. I take p ensuie in aaying tbs.t the filty -avts ( o'.tori Oin, I purchat' d from Mr. W. M S irrell, known as the C'nry Uin doee on betti r work than any (jin, I have hen tofi rc use ), tlK-ugh costing from 50 to 100 per cent. money. I think any per .on in want of a Oin will save money by piirciia.niig the ary Uin, its performance tins been entirely satisfactory to me, I can cheerluiiy let oinmcnd it to others. A. F. Pasje. We certify that tbe Cary Oin has given entire satisfaction to our neighbors, who have tried it, and ne think it an excel lent u f. II V. Ouksh, II. I!. JOKIIAN, W. C. Faob, Wm K. Pri.u PH1CK: For Ml S.w Ol;., $170 For T. S.w O n, 160 For M Saw Oin, 150 For 45 Suw Uin, 140 For 40 S.w dm, 1 130 Fos-al! rit.dei 40Sw, 120. I'erons w stiting Uios will please send in tlit-ir 01 ii is eariy in the season so that I in .y not in crowiiecl iu tbe tall. Send 111 v uir oi lers aod I warrant you will be jr.-1. i. 1 do all kind of repairing. Aiiuuk: ., W. M. SOKHELL, m iio.ist -tf. Cary, JJ. 0 its Re Re KADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAIKS In from On to Twenty Minutes. rOT ONE HOUk afurroa'driir thli advcrtlsrinent nc arrrER with rsi. SACWars beadv nirurr is a Oi'-. .or IVEIlV fAlN. ItwaailicSrstanil Is Tim Only l'niu Remedy rl.nf IcMnrlrtlt'c'i It:!- mot orrucislimf pain, allart liiaininaiionii, ann cdich nrtctl"i a L .111... ..oni' h. H.iWvi, ur oit-cr i!.i. unu aii lK-a'H 11. IN FRO IS ONT TO TWESTV MISTTTfs. n ri.s'T h"W v ' l"-'l 1- r o-rtt.-lntlnff ih- pain IS llllM IUtTl' . Il-.l rtiMen I rlrie. l.plr.l Krrtou.i, It-uruL'lc. or pr , 1 e. .' Ii ,i raw n,a sulTt-r. RADWA'3 iiEtOY KZ' " vim, : .IN-TAVTF. .. KIOXKV. IMMH! ill" vei j'trnt hi i-ii;: pi AnoFR . 1 o 1 1 i k .1 ot ::i - Ml.tMv SOUP TV nv!;r; i o.':t.-.TION or' Tilt Ll NO ' Vt. I'll ' li l t.l I'l ! M l;i, 1 i r-ir mi ,- 111K iir.tRT f "."IV ;.i:-i tiAh .ii im Li'txra lin.tDAenF.. TOUT!! irilF M l It llJIIA, tilt l"M4TI nit.n rnn.i a. ;n run 1 -Tli .c "i "' 1 . lr lllleri. o... ..r' or I n rl" (BT. tlif i'ii 1 .. n r i ,i::, l. . j : -:i, .1 HI' 1 ' "If 'ntitoyi! 'I- lino -1 1 mO.ler -r w-i. i tr'l' In a r.'w II iw n-1 1: wii-- v-.il. ..it :sTiatiii n;;tiM 1.1 kv 0 K iii-'Ot,ii- 1 , 1'linmi'i' HV.-:m;M. 1. no- .i.Mi 1., 1:1.. i.i'Wtij' .11 I nil I.NrKliy ll. I'llM 'If 'i'l' - - '-.i.rv n Ih.uu. ,.f StnS. WS' Itn.ly It-'llrr Willi -h ... Alt. 'lrni. .11 Ivn'. 'I I I ' l, . 1,1" 1.) ,1, i- . . r. I.t IUHiK,. of w.'.i.t. 11 if 1.,: , . , Crcncii or ..1 ui Br. -,aa Btoiril&r.t. rEV AITD AGUE. rKVf SV K e-'riMt tor ef), r'nlt TIkt la ni l 'l r-'li.'.' . tv'i ul III Oi W'-W fiia: Wtrl:fr,rr ant -je... nno all trfhr Malarl, iiX-tlnii. Vcirl. i Ji 'i. IV: . an.! wiaer tanint l-v RAD W 1 t rii.l.tl o qnlrt at RAOBAV , ttKAtJV KK- 1.1 e. r Kio. ccuu pr born. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! ri;o.vi tvn 1 fr'T Ri.on-i',-Ri;tsE 10' I l.K-H AM' IV; ..HT-t I.KAR SKIN M tit I rifl'L iXI'LtlluS f EClKtU TO AU. DR. RAD WAY'S h IteolTent THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HA MAPR TIIR Mi iRT AhToNrsilINO rmFs so Ol.ri K SO ll.' I'lll AUK TMK ( HANHK-i TUB SlollV UMJKIto iliS. I NIIKR TltK IMI.I F.M I "1 Till.' T!U l.V MuMifcRril, XkMl'lKaV, r:)AI Every Day a tese id Flesl it li"' 'Y o,,iitin 1I1 ' 'Us r I'H 1- pi 'i in- !t:....-i , t. tnttsa ' ' (i-,n ths vim nt W ' .isw and iU. ft 1. 11 ne, rtrttsaUinutlAn. -. ' t.' it.rrwil. M.xith Tu- . - s. -u in tltvis.siiwl-'in.l oiltr urieris.s)4seji; - i-.s 4, .'(ii.mt.H.ui ttisi lm.MM frosn ih Kar Mn -ur-rt (..,uv of t-km il KrflfMteMM, Wrri r . .. HI .-I, K ii..r.ii Nlt Rite mn. ftrv4Mi .i .rk M.i, Nmi in ite rtet. Tmmhp run . ,1m. whu and all .krninaj IN paiixal di. . Mflll MrC!f, LsiMPIsf Hsfm sllwj SsJJ VMM ,rf 1 riiiriirV. arc wtihiii tire niraitre ramru f rhi r .1 v.w rn hrn btr.t , M a ttjw 4m unr irrw.i ucitiit itfor clthsr Uks fonm of i a(itn, 4iMv biMinaw rerlttod Hty wnsteet i.iit' llit ltC'niiHKsiLiy ftrsagrsMsttsaic tsajr - arrMitiif tbsr atvi mvln th sin - m.irnl mstt rr..j VMltNv bUmui -.hJ ifai. ujsl'AHILUN wm atisj 4.sm -rt.rw cmn 7'i tur t,rn imr thk rrtsexlr ivurinvm m Ut -1 t t'iu-i0-H..n. tM4 MMHta In sJimtnhsWm (tie w.i.--, itaiVMilniwijl I. rapkd mn4 svrv 4mj i jsIi. n( t): fHlbiutuw!f;r-wrtiWli tna1trnsy-r. . ' -tLHjf itiaj bittr, ipt'U imimMu, u4 dsm t v. u'lil lnrr-Miiiisr s.iT d the KtAtiftTUJsey fttrtwnrTW sTrl .! (ktis.w n kf-y; r ,s4Turv M 'tirt.iii'-. Hr !:. rnti(U'tii4'1 SltU 41asjsM, bnt It . lhj ; tAtitw turn tu S Kidney it lUaduer Coin plat tiif -'.tv Womb llvftvw. On!, Dibet. Prnper. ' "p;ft Water. iMymiWsecsj ri UniM, Brlsx W Uis 4.t-uitsinuris, thl id U csmm wbeff itMrsy ar ii jus4.k p.aajlst.Or lh Wtr U I lUCk, CsiXMjt. SMlsSs 'tli uM,aiV'ift th wblisxtf sUisssxk, or ihrrmd UsM U ia !. ir lhr tu BftorLstsi, dark.. feirtaHt apBsU- t i !rli.l w't'f Maa Juu dtNiU. and wlan tttrrc i$ ,t ; ru kji , tMi'iiliHt snUll wrsvir ,sifilnsi avier. su4 i 4 i' U tha HhiaU uf U Back sumI aiMUf Usff iawiua. Tumor of 12 Yean' Growth Cured bp Bad tray f JUtolvenU IwwSi Gig TBI CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company. jkaintaiiia in abfbaat standard of SOLVENCY, Tbe character of tbe U .Injects of n. ... saaiaUd aaseUol 36,0OO,O()(j Is o tba Blfrheat das for security ; it i , Inst never lo-tt a dollar of it Invest n,. i t ' . & D P R L r s la larger thai, tbat over if any ether (. . 8a,O0O.O00; It baa a nteaaberahip of over 8!) floo ; IU ratio for tha entire V7 vers of it- baa been but 8.9 7 FEB CENT of Its receipt It has no Stock ti dollar of aavins; or j rout helonr . r 0 L I C Y- H ( I b h f .om sneh a recorv oin- ., h. j .,, to insure wilb safely ami ) n. t: ble cost . H. L. WAIT, C t il 1. V if, lAl.l(,l. pt 14 gELKCT BORDINii AMI i)Y.-( 11 nana "Ho' V 1 Tbe Misses Nasb se i Miss Kn'l 1 1 same the exerclmw of tnnr .-eli .ol ' 144th July and continue twentv "k enlara forwa riled on aptilica'ion. aneVu3tw w ';LD SUST.:iIAI. Lifj kmmk, wits orrics im FISHKB 11 T I L ll I , OVSa TBS atKIlWAKB STOIlS or JUL US I k WiS dk CO Haa paid to tbe Hiiiows and Orphans t North Carolina since 185, tbe sum of nearl tn 00, o. And, by fidelity and promptness iu Ibis pal llcular, and farnisbinK the lowest raleji i.( any first class company; aud also, havicif paid more revenue to tbe Stale than an) other company, .he merits and enjnva Ihe well earned distinction of heiui: the 1 IEA01JI6 LIFE CIJ..P1.W IS THE STATU. And with her gtiO.OOO.OOO.OO Ammttm, now on hand, and managed by srentleuien ot lone experience an t financial skill she oilers the blithest standard ot security to all her customers. And, asan iiiVeatiueut for capi talist a 110,000 ;olley Is better than 10,000 In real estate. Akc-s from 20 to 0 are Insurable of both sexes. This company do not say, Inanrewith them any Kw. Bit we ask an impartial comparison witb any 0 nupany In rutar and rsaMut6siiiy, and leave til 1 result to the Jadirtnent of tbe public. Jlv calling- upon the Ueneral Afp n" or any of his Locals, further information 1 1 , In- chei r rd. W. II. CHOW, Uunerul Att nt. W. H. McKKK, M. U., Medical Lxaiumer seji 'i-rtni NCO MIL HOME IMS I I'l I 1 i i( st.cuitirr agalsi tint. THE NOliril CltOLIlNV HOME INSUEriNCE COMPANY' RALEIGH, M. C. Tois Coiujiany contlnaes to write Poiiei at fair rates, on all classes of insorable prop erty. ' ' AU losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOMI." laraniitlv tmvh.iii ...i.i;. favor, aod anosmia, with nmi.i.m.. ,.. , J. of property u all parts of North Carolina. Agents in au iwrta of the State, K. H. Battij. Jr., President. C. B. Hoot, Vice President Saatoa Gaxaa, Secretary. Pdlaski Cowraav, gnnervtsor. am to-tt gCOVlLLB Blood and Liver S.vrup ! All cotaocoua cni i.onn on the fve or bo h tndicuu Ail Jmim ua Ojkiiitiom or tuk Hi. m i and tbia may, or may n t be Kcttori'LA - tu t to Uher cftMi tlie diwaiela atblDir umrc llitn an iNaiDiou Pouom Uiat BCRN8 LIKE A TERRIBLE FIKK, M it coium Uiranarh the Tflfna mnln- f. ot deftih with Artsrv nnltut la UnaeuaditkMi of thina-s somethin necled ttosoi, tocLSAitss TBaat-ouo , Kn SCOVILL'4 BLOOD AND L1VEK SVKl F will PoeitlVBLT effect tills desideratum, ei palling every trice of dis use. frcm tbe iiluoti snd system, and leavlnx the skin Son, FAIR AND BE al l IFL'I. Hundreds of certificates attest its vs.... Price 1 1 per bottle. JOHN F. HENRY, C'UKKAN t I o . Pr,.; -f and tl college Place, New 1 . . . . 4LSO I'KOPRlETOR8 OF Hall's Kalsam for the Laeirs, Carlmlic f , dey'a Carbolic Tivches tuvteiiai. Bitters fur Uyapetwia, Ur. Mutt l.n- :lPilla; Ur. sUers' Vrg-W .e - vVuno 8)rnp, Ur. Benuett s Hare l)eatli to Kata, Mice, aud Venain, Kuasiaa Hair Uje, Itt:.,lLtc, roRgALE BT AI mar V-lm-w. NOTICE. faiTsansH s, To all persons who are in arrearn lir n. -for the years ls7! and is7a. h ;t, i herel y t- aoUee to tbeta, tbat if Ihe same Is 1.1.1 . .i on or before toe tti.h instant., that au rxecu UOW will beiaasaad arainst ILem, a tbe lett "a already hem nadt and the lui'gen.ei.i eobteased. This Is tbe Its: notice sr.d tbes wbo fail lo comply Kay evpr- t t i see tl.e.i names pa r flatted besides havinr 1 1 ptv tu. aeptetsl T F l.r.K fheritf. N t) l c Notice is heriby gi "i ,i :p! i it.i.n ill te made tn it e Genera A mhihh a ts present tan n, o pass ai ,ct inc. rj o rati or the town of I ,t,i,Gevillc, in il1: ermefy uf Fra k 1 : is. rl-rM1 ITn, ! s '