I V TelegrapMo News. CONQltXSSXONAL PROCEEDINGS, WaiiniraTOH, Dec. 21. 1 thtHoua titer conilderstte mitt-ellantooi basinets, a motion wu made to go to tht Speak ei't tble in order to get at tbt Senate Finance bilL Tbt Democrttt opposed the notion because the Civjl Right bill might thereby get t more forwards. A liiibuatering movement ws set oo foot to prefect such a thing, but Anally a com pr oi ite w as anecicu oy woicn ine uneuca v.. . . . . , , bill was made the special order foi the 7th Janaary. hnrn ixl Indiana Atliriaht of Pill'- I , O" adelpbla, Ctbnon, of Illinois, Buckner. , . - of Missouri, and Lottrell, ol California. were appointed the Select C.mmitw oi Alabama affairs. The first three sre lle- nublicana. and the other two Democrats. , , Al the Coumitteet lor the Booth will letTt Washington nest Saturday. Honsa ediotirued till Tuesday, fifth ol t KJJ. . 8E.1ATI Io tht Senate tc-Jty Carpcn . i.-.l r ; l... .,. .-. Morton submitted the followleg, and asked (or its present consideration : Resolved, 7"hat the Senate recognizes tbt validity of the credentials of P. B. 8. Pinchbeck, as certified to by Got. Wn P. Kellogg of Louisiana, nnder tbt seal ol ftiH Hrafe anrl thj- Pfimmittiw no Pr:. ' i rees and elections are instructed to ex- amine sol report if said Pinch back is entiUed to be admitted on the jrimi .. . ., i j . B" " " , ,uc ,7 sion should be postponed uulil invrttiera i postponed until inveatlga tiua be made as to the tbsiget of corrup tion in bit election alleged against him. Toarman objected to present coosid erstioo of the resolution tod it went over Cltyton submitted the following, and asked its present consideration Retolred, That tbt Secretary of War be requested, il not incompatible with tht interest of the public set vice, to lay before tbt Senate tht official reports and communications of Msjor Lewis Merrill, U. 8. A, relating to certain disorders io Louisiana known aj the C.usbnt's trouble. Bayard objected, snd it was laM ver. Merrimon, of North 1' irolioa, presented resolutions of the North Carolina L-gif lature in favor of an appropriation to en able tbt New River Canal Company to connect the inland water system of North ('irolioa with the Atlantic and Uu l States Commerce. Also, resolutions of the Legislature of hat Btatt in favor of granting petition . to surviving veterans of the Mexican war, Pensions Hamilton, of Maryland, moved that the rsaolution of the last sesaion in regard to the compensation of V. W. Syket, who contested the seat of Spencer, of A'abama, bt recommitted to the Committee on Privileges and elections. Agreed to. Norwood, of Georgia, moved that tbt vote by which the bill tt establish A'lsn ta, Gs., a port of delivery was indefiaitel) postponed QG Monday lot bs reconoid trtd, tnd tht bill be placed oo the Cal endar. Pen ate adjourned till January 5th. at a NEGROES IN TROUBLE. MnnrHit, Dec. 23 Last week Wil liam Kingsbury, Jordan Ivey, Van HM 1tnrt YY.Kui f'.rcw Youoir and " .1 V ncent Patti, all colored, were arrested I . W..I Pi. Mi iir a avatpmatic I mbVry of freight cars on the Mobile & I mi ! . r : t .J all a" . 1. . ... 1 i a n . : 1 : " I nem coiorea men, ram onB cUoj Tresaurer and Ivey an Alderman. Tbey I 1 I have Deen operating lor a long nine, ano it is iuppotcd that their lobberivs will smo'int to many thousand dol'ars. TUG STEAMER 60UTU Ca4KOLIA-V. New York, Decern her 23 Agents eport.the Steamer South Cirulina ashore on Joney Coast. Tney say she has tat lair.el little irjjry, and but a fiuall part of her cargo baa been thrown overboard. Later T ie 8 earner Si iitb C.ro)io it making no wa'er. II the weather coi -tinues good they have a fair proup ct 1 f U tl njj hir i ff. FOREIGN NEWS. Ufc.itl.iN, Dec. 23 Bismarck has Uioved in the Federal C 'Until for an extradition treaty wiib the United N ates, waking il uniform throuliou'. the Empire. T.11 Imperial (ui'iiiaaion to th.' tutted S'ie C.-ntenu.al cojits of Dr. Jic ln of the D partmei.t of Coomierce, and several other eminent men. T.iere is no foth in the report that Gi-rnian vessels a uidered to remain in ipanih watets t secure satisfaction IrOm the Csrlists. Pari?, Dec. 88 Toe Journal Ispait ha suspended Jeir two weeks. Lo It Dorr, Dec. 23 The went her ia unu sually cold. Many tkatirg ti.talitii'S are reported. ADJOURNMENT OF UONGHEsU. Wa5HINutov Dtr. J3 Toe Senate agreed to the resolution for adjournment f-nm t -sorrow to the 5th of January. Milwadkkk, D.c 23 Six peisons ere killed in Shaaano county b the explosion of a boiler. fataiTdiel - iU bilk, Dec. 23-A fatal duel wet fought to Jay near the lint of Alabama aad Mississippi between A Il.Tordy tnd & D. Lay. ot Mobile. Tardy was killea the first Bra. Both were inturaoce men, Particulars unknown. NOhTil CAROLINA BHIO ARRIVED Lou Don, Dec 23-T.ie brig Zawia, ol Wilmington. N. C, for Queenstown. has arrived at Falmouth. She hat mffered ttatiderablt damage. mm CONFIRMATION. WamisoToii, Dec. 23-T.ie Senstt Ciofirmed Joshua B. II. Hill to be. U 8. Marshal lor tht Ea--tirs DistrU t of North fcT.T-rf.18: editorial io Ibe Ckri$tian Uw, declares thtt be will not compromise with bit enemies tad will writ tad speak while - 1 health laait. lie kaowt bit own inoo I cenoe tnd Qod knows it, sod m to men' fknowledge tbtt shll be m God pletsei, COLLISIONS -Lf'UD N, D.c 23. A tillision between two railway (rains tcuk place this morn I , ... . . i I ceehire. Several persios were kil ed and J injured. A collision els occurred lliia a. in. on tbt railway at Dudley, Worcestershire v.u...ri;r.L..i.:.....;.i..l i I " ....., . .u.Uy P""" -ft-reiy nun. I 1X7 w PEEBLES I ,ttiuwov it tin. ATTORNEY AT LAW, JACKSON, NORTH OAK'iLJNA. I rrarucM in au me ejoorie or Noru-amntnn I OmIUo. Bertie and Hartford awa-nti.. I. ih. - 1 -lapreaaa Court of North Carolina, aad ia the I voaami.oana 41a I 111 J f a . m rmwism, rvtllUS Lamenes I Neuralgia, Burns, Soreness I Sore Throat Boils. Wanda. i ' HoamncM, ricers, Bruise, I . ' tieatiacitf, riles, SpiWns, Toc'Jitche, Colic, Old Sorw All Hemorrhages, DiarrhoMs, tie. A. N0T1IIB VKRIVAL or NEW GOOD-:: NEW T.OOIH ! ! AT M r A VETTiVILl.E 8T , RALKKiH, N. C READY MADE CLOTHING FINE AND CHEAP. FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRV (iWDr. MANI1AT1ES KiNK WHITE 8UIKTS, Tti- oeat fltlint thlrt male. BOJT', BHOk. UAT8 .IN DC IPd, Fulliaortmrn1. in Style and (J iall'.v. NOriONS, 11 JSIEUV, ULOVKi, NECK WEAR, Bl SPESDER-', UM13KELL.18, VAI IE8S, Ac.,Ac To my 1 unJ aid fie puliiic I rj'uiD m aipccrj ilianka for paat Ifnr and ivhi ect fuily olicit a continoation ot tbc hbeial patronage 1eilowcd. i'. s, au r, M KajettcU ie !.., Kale irli. N. C. nov 27-tf KENT FOR TIIK YE.tK 1875. Tbat ennwnici.t otlice in re..r ol Ctv. -n Matioaal Bjnk on M.rtln t net. A 'piv to Oti 1 1 l.l a' NA 1 ! AI. UAh. r R . T L R N E K . " H rented office U he room, over Carineri. tutr Store on Farettevillc 8tree ' " Nw VokK, S.j.t. lti, 1574. TilKllnnof '.Vehbjfe Kountrealidiasolvn! lit muiaial conaer.t. eitber of n i auttao n d to alien in 1 f)tudHtK'n. Lt WIS WKKB. -oct Id lin ti. a K'jI N1KEE. Orrie.s or I iw.i Wiib, '44. fearl Street ew Yoik. IfHAlL couin' ibe (ien-ral CommUion tu;nc . In all its various brarchee. Con aurnra-nti ot C jtu.n Naval utoref, Ac, mli- . i;e:'. 1 itxral auvsncea made on aliipu.eu'.s .11 ordeis lor foods prcmiitl' tl lei oct If 1 in Po.-t tlllce Buj J ( JKOWN'S VARIETY BTOKK 1 hs Cheapest place to Inf a 1 kinil ' Ml'SCIA L IXSTR V M K N TS. (Frjra i Jewthaip to a Cnurch Organ.) String and Trimming fur Yiolint, Gui tar and Banjat. Basket-! Ba-kelt! The larjfest sasortment in the city. Drmrm, Hair, Clothe; Crumh ami fAoe Iirunhc. Blacking. Feather Dusters, Willow A'ur seiy and llotkiuir C bairn, Brittauia Cecoa Dip pen, Wood Tooth Picka, Clothe Barr, ciiildren'8 Carriages, Croquet Hits, Balls, Battle Doom (,raee Hoops, S.hool Bs;s, Playing Cuds. Diet r Crw, Fanct Goon, TOY'S, WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, Ladies Companions, Bcadf.t'ocket Itooka China Vsfes, Jewelry Bttnds Oigar and Tobacco Boxen, Dolla, Mirbles, Tops, inuia KUDtHT utita, names, nuililing and Alphabet Blocks, riPES, CIGARS .INT) TOJMCCO, And mac; other tilings too tumerous to mentiou. Call and exsoiine my stock and prices before buying elsewhere. No trouble to show gloria. NAT. L. BROWN, octll tf Raleigh, N. a A FIRST CLASS WATCUMiKER a situation In any Southern town as a first class Watch repairer also of French and EnglUh Clocks. Most sstisfactorv references given. AppU bv letter o J. P. Rbdailli, care of Mr. Keller, Watch Material Dealer, 84, Nassau St., Room 1, New York City. Tba advertiser speaks Italian, French and English fluently. oct1?t . ' - . cures 1 .A 4 A DOmVKJIPLF. X . ' Strayed or stolen from mjt lot last Salnr day evealrs; He Is lime cdoied with whlta breast aad tegs. Inf jruiatlun o( him thesk folly rtesived, A M, LEWIS. Pmc C. Kimss, Delriier. T.O lUaaia, Engrave1-. e n n 1 a 3 it 11 Rtn i;h ; KALEIUH, N. C. t-if" Seod (or aprclaiena of woik. Work donu mneh leas than Northern prices. J jrr Enterprise fhe only Reliablt Gilt Distribution in th country ! $100 000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS TO BR DteTUIBlTKU IM L. D. SINE'S 15th SEMNANNUAL p. n 1 1 To bt Dramn Monday, Oct Mth, 1874 6nf Grand Capital Prlxr, $10,000 in Cold ONE PRIZE i,000 IN SILVER ! Fivt Prixil 000 i Five 1'rn.s, $500 2 I Greenbacks! Ten Prixcs, $100 wo Family Cttmgn and Matched llorm with Silver Monntrd Harnrt', worth il, ilill tarh ! - 1 Twe Bugic, Moreti. w.irth SO0 evech Two Fine-toned Rose od I'iiinon, worth 30 each 1 Ten Family ?e- ii g Muchm- , wuith 100 each 1 loOO Gold ami Silver Lv,r ihinticir watrhrs (tn ill,) worth from J0 10 $100 cell ! OoldLhalna, Sliver ware, Jeweln, Ac. Ac. Nvmherof Gifts 10.000! Zictffs ItmtUJ tt .0,900 lirntt Wantr-1 1 Sell Tifkfti, to whom Liberal I'rniiiuiiu will brpaid. Single Tickets $3 ; Pix Tickets $10; Twelve Ticket $20; Twenty-Five- $40. elreulara rontilninc a fnll Hat nt prixea, a drscrition of te manner of drawiwr, and bar Informauon la reference 10 the Distri bution, ill ti.' eut to or one orderinir tlieoi. MLiettert must t neii to iiaiK ervics. I. I. f 1 K, HOX !, lot W Fifth 8t ' inci1!. O sept 8-tf A Nf.w Discovery ! i KH ATOMS J VITATIA : Salvation for the Hair. ll.KAR .VyATKK! Wl" HOhtSEDIMENT '. : OrEXTajMU LIGHT! ror Rcstonnr to GrdKHatr Hi Original Coon I'h.m.on's "Vitai uiilftrs ut terly from all hnax coloring frcparatioruieretofore used, t is llirtffid, sweet sme'iincr, precumates nomuddyor.slimy mar,rcquires nosliakinp.irn.. parLnostain totheskin. Hold V tihe light and it is clear and ioiijess. It leaves no mark on the scJlj) : yet it reprodue-es in gray hairiattiatural color that lime or sicCrTGiii. may have oleached out ot it. UrPhalon'sVitalrj fs for one sole purj)osc,jfiat oi reproducing with abRafutc cer tainty, the naturaljior ot the hair. It is noratended as a daily dressinsnor for removing scurf or yrfndrurT ; nor for cu ring ba)rlness; nor for stimula ting tXe growth of the hair. Thesl objects may be accom plish Jd after the color has been fixed iththe Vitalia,by Pha Ion's Comical Hair Invigo rator. The iTATrta harmless ami unequaled prekation for the reproduction of lie origi nif hue of gray haired noth ing else. This is accoliplished in tiom twototen aoflications, according to thettn of shade tequired. SoMyaiI druggists. J A I L O K K 8 8. JMS. 6 A. jroW'AT, Makes "and cleans clothes tn the hot and rtaespea. style, on Blood worth St. n my 1,111 a CHMSTOrHIw, " - Wholessle and Retail GROCER AND GENERAL toMMIS BfON MERCUANT, ' No. 4 AND 5, Nostra StDR MjLBKkT. A fuli line of Groceries for the Jobbing Trade, prices to suit the times. COFFEE AND SUGARS OF ALL OiADES. . run'Rinovnii Two Hundred Barre's of all prides, cheaper tbsa ever. Corn Meal and Stnck Peas Still Lower. BUITER ! BUTTER ! ! Fiva hundred pounds of Fine Orayeen county Ilutter, lor sale by Kit and Retail MINCE MEAT ! TOtiACKil TOBACCO 1 TOIi.l:OHI By box and Retail ol a'i Grades. llacon of all Kinds, Hams I Hams! Old and New P.tk llatus : Corded 'irk a Specialty. Orders tilled lor Cora Fattened I'.'ik at Jfarket Price. 6'onaif(niuents of all kinds S'diciteil, pronip. returns mait,e ui.'i satijlaiti .il (jiven. Messrs. I) Y Mrpcharu and Oornelius Dupree, with F. (J. hnatpher, would be ileoed to wait on their friend at i F. I . Cflltl-TOI'HKIfS, dec 17 lm No. 4 A 5 N C Maiket. A" Ml.McfK.'.T it S NOTICE. Hav'mirthit djy liikei ont l.'ttcr' of ad uinlalra'lon ni'ou tli ttae uf Sir-, Fnoci M Httiire iteccuaed 1 bireljv five nollcu to all iwraons ninR eialina atalmt lier estate toih nit -lis s me to me on or before tin ( V b) aineteeit'ta dav of December, hTS or t in notice will be (.leaded in bar ot tbeir rt. cover Pers na IndehtiKl to the estate aie re 'Ideated t) inke ' a'trcn: once- A J M'jS l AtJl K, A1m'r. illtawti. J. w K'MiKK!. iei r.H i P I N E LUMBER, APEX, N. C. Orders sent to F. A. 8tsoma!i, ( arv, X. C. or lu care of Nokbis Mvatt, iUleurli. will be promptly fltleel. Patninaice Keaiect fully Solicited. aui( jl-w'ir OLLTiON f CO I' A 1 TN Ella HI i' The (.'opar'.iicrolii;' !:t-re! ifor.- ..i-t:ni; a -der the stllc of A kea .n .V i i,.e. i-e, N C , is this day devolve J by mutual eoneat. II. L. ' live unw u( i i't il th'' tirm uud wil eontl' ne businc.o at the aime nine mv in terc t is snrrei.der;d 'o lam ,tn ti e l,t wbhes, ueliev.ri; i iin to i.r well worthy the patron i,e and rorifldence of the ruhlic cct7in-:it i, 'A . ATK i N: ON. (rut.'fVl '1 i;; s.i'i -. : 7iv n.Ai: In i ii hi tn : . -s i '-ei..; I-.. V .;' t I.-: -t. :.k"l !'.: '!' - I ,1.- 'IN accoril.;:, !. e'i. .,... .i...,. i, . . tinwi'i, provieii ti i urn not .-- ftroyotl by n..-t?r..' ) ..-' t- .- .t!-r ntt-ans, at.ej vit.,1 oriin- tv;;.n. I ...;.ei ltlllOIIS. litMllitl.llI illhl lllh'l- miltttttt 1" PVOrS, .v 111. a a;., to lent in tuo vniiey.i u ot:i u ;.m;.s tliroiighout the L'ti.i. il M..t..'.. i -.-p i i.u;y those of tiio ili.i.i-iii. OU.o. Mi.-oui . Iliiltois, Tom lessee. CiiiiiI'MviiiiI. A'i.r-i . s;i.. lii'fl. ('nlnri'il . lln.'o.. l! o ijm!'-!:'. lV. il, l-.itll i. .M..!i;.c. S ,v.i,,'i:i:.. Ko. finoke, .li.Miin, m.iiiv tdiuts. , it'ii t!o -ii .it tnbijtanes, I !:': . : . : t o;;r entire fir.Hitn d;:i;!i- the :',;: .. i :i:, l Ant'.itnn. ami remarkably ro lt:t ni'- sen. f'lis of umistiiil llr.it ami tliynes-, nt j!.v.ni:tily aeeotiip.aiii'd by e!i :isi . c ilc- rantrifitK ol tl.o m-;:..i. .i liver, r.iid other nti.lomma! iki'v;!. In ti.rjr e.itment, a tmr '.ilive. cxr;',u a po.v. eiful iiillueiito upon thrfo various or cans in fsiiiti.illv lr;ce:.nai,c. Tliere i" rat 1; : i : i c : .r nttrtm-e rniial to Dr.. ,1. W'.m ;;!::.' 'im:i;au I'm i i:::-;. as they w .11 fn'.'iiiy remove tl.c il.u i.. orcil i-i 1 'mitter with v. Inch t:.e I'OtveN ate luadctl, at tho M't-.i- tire stin.ulatii)' the .ecretiors f t!"1 liver, and Rpneraily restorm? t': hea. ;.:: I'unetiotis of thoeliKestive ot i:i . I ortirr tlie bodritiraiii.st ilii-ase by nunfyinir all ita Uuidg with V i xi; , lluiEKS. No ppitlcmio cnu t.iLe hui.i or a system tutu fore-arm oel. Djspepsla or Indigcstioi?, II- aebe, pain In tba Shoulders, ('on, :, l igtitoesa of tht Chest, Dizzinc. .- r Lructations of Uio Stomach, Dad T i ' in the Mouth, Bilious Alt;' . ks, Palp; tation of the Iloart, Inflamnntioti oi i ' Ltingt, Pain in the relou of the K ; neys, and a hundred other painful ? tonw, are the oflsprtaga of Dy ';' One bottlowill nrore a better j;!i,ii ;.:i. of Itamcritf aw tvgihy iihe-tti.-c-metiu - -J A Scrofulu, vi a Kvil, -Whir.- SwelUufi, Ulcers, Ery.sipolits, Htre ed Net!.. Goitre, Scrofulous Inl!amii-atii lr.olf Inflammations, Mercurial JU'e.-tl..ti-, O'-i .Sorc, Eniptious of tlm Sain. Scire K; e r' . In these, ne in oil other coiiMit.moYci:! I, eaes, WatKKa's Vinkoar Bir.-r.t-t I .; shown their prcat ciinttivn jmxvits i.i t: most obstmatu aud nil.acl.ib'.u cimv. For Innainniiitoo end liirouie RheKmAtistlta Gout, r.iiious. llemi'. tent and Intermittent I 'cver.s. I)isiateii f tl.o lilood, l.l 1 1 r, Kiduei i mill ii! n'uler. , these llit'er. bare no eouni. S u ii li- i.-' -are caused by Vitiated lilood. Jlethaiiiciil liscas s.-riwit:' en KaRPil ia Painis abil Miaeritis, tv.ui 1'luillUn, T)pi'-i-tte;-4. tb.i.l In .ifr-r'. all I Miners, as they -iv..iic i;i l.:e. are i:iijn-t to paralysis of ilu i: r,-:. '1 , aaiuat this, '.ako a d f U.t.K: s EQAR BtTTKRS ocea-nmallr. For Skin Diseases. Ki upt, n -. 1 ter, Salt-Uhenm, B!ot,he. Sp.rt Pin . lJuatulcj, Boils, (.'.iib'iliele-, 1 .' 1 1 a - v. inn-.. Scald-head, Sure. V.yt -, l'ry-ipi hi '. itc: . Scnrfa, 0icolorations of the Skm. lliiinur and Diseases of the Skin of v lute-er :i.iiii or nature, are literally eliii: tip wid i:t'.. ! out of the system iu a thort tinm by tl'c u- uf these Bittors. Pin, Tape, and olhrr Worms, lurking In the system of so ninny thonni tU. art effectually destroyed and removed. n avwtem of medicine, no Ter.uiiuires, no an tKelminiUcs will lice the sysiein Iioji wm, like these Bitters. For Female Complaitii, la young or old, married or sinitic, at the dar.-n of wo manhood, or tho turn of hfe, 'hese joiiic Bitters display to decided an tiifl-icKe that itnproT lient is soon powi-prible. Cleanse the Vitiated lilood kIicd- ever yon find its imp-;rits bursting thn"-r' the skin in Pimples, Eniptious, or Sores, cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and slutrish in therein'-, cleanse it when it is fi.nl ; your leelinirs will tell you when. Keep your leeimifs will tell rou wl food pure, and health of t ine uiooa pure, ana beaita ot the systi iu (Ill lollow. . W It. 31. Mrl X Co., Drarsitta snd Gen. ee. sandOea.eti. . i.i "r-.newea Catlf.ifala, of H'aahinfMll ftai Llrtb-i Stt.. K. V. , I tor ! iVraaal-sl- Deatln cm our 0wl4 J3IAC TWSTITtTTB. A BOARDING AND DAY fCIIOOL toa VOCKO Laoiaa 11 A I E 1 li II N'. 0. The Kali teasion commen"(a on Wednea day the 'Hit aWptens- er, a-d'e iattnnea with, nstbitertuiaaloa to the mid llo of June fol lowing rar eatalotwt and cireu'sra e-outalliinK ful I'arlkalara, ., addroaa , t i KkV. K. BUR ELI., Jane tA d8tAwtt-r italeiir h, N. A BjIOLI TK KIVllKCKS OBTAINEr XV from Coirta of different ttutn for de- ertlon, Ac. No tinulicltr reqnlred. Nr narxc an in divorce srranieu. Addreaa, M HOUSE. Attorney, 1S4 Broad wav, N T. niiy 2H d 1-y. ttKAMiK lldTKL I lake tliia mctliod of informinit mf frlenda and the pull r that iheye-an riad me a' the leraiiire llo'el, formerij t Ity Hotel, where 1 wil lake tlie beat tai v of loan and heaat. decatf elMUNHAVe. JMXlK OUrFK'IHEREOFl.AO. from ibis da'e 10 December !'. '.TI. we fill sell our splendid stock c f CODI) (j()t)DS IteKiinl.es of their Cu.-t. THESltlC'lv 13 WELL 'ASSUhTk I IN DRESS GOOD.-!, D.in,vs'ics, Mvna' Wear, Xedie ni, Ilara; B- u ai.d Sliocw TO IhE I UIILU . 'lh i ,. - up the Lli'iii ..! . ...r Firm, iiia ni:i te i if ruce-Mtv: cai-nl hi tbc ub!ic pre ire, by the ihath ot our Juni'-r I'urtrir, Mr. T Miliee. We must sell out, the -t.uk, and close up the biitin-tehis Wiu'er. I lend e expect to t-ive irSi' lliij'm i !o all who dt sire to bny for a8II " Th ful.i.c will (c the Iknefit . II i ll. S..1C' KKH ff'.irviviiij; l'ltitntr., Iron in the Blood WAXES THE WEAK STRONG, The Pmvlan Strup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, ia so combined oj to have the eharticier of an aliment, as easitu digested and nssimilntetl with the bloixl a.sj fi'ie simplest food. II incrcanea the quantity vf Kalitrc'a Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blootl, and eitres "a thousamt ills," simply bit Toning tip, I nciyoratinr anil Vitalizing the Sistem. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the bodij, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for tlisease to feed upon. This is the secret of the tr'Ori derfitl success of thh remedy in curing Dyspei-sia, Liver Com liiint. Droit?, CVtohIo lluf rlierajBoilsXcrvoiis Affections, CM1N and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tiio Kidney" and iiiarteler. Female Complaints, and all diseasrn originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system, Jieing frets from Alcohol, in any form, ita energizing effects are not fal lowed by correspond inf reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and nenf life into all parts vf the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands hare been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy ihch and women; and i n rat ids can not reasona bly h cs itate tc givt) it. qi trial. See that iac)jbottle has PERU VIAN S YrVUP blown in lite glass, XanipHlct Fro. SETH W. F0WLE 4 SONS ProprVto.J Ao. 1 .Milton ri.ee, 1'oai.ii. n bv DaecciJTa or. he a : IS TCUNEifS 1 ST'"). t . v 17 1 f.K.). N v ALM (Tl.cOM IViaU- ,0"l) ": i.d ttl 'V yvar. Tn ginun S C. A iiiaca . Nnne in -freatir !e. uand. Now readv fur Its' 5, and 'elliiur rjM v The olv Almina- in thu fi t-t!ir.' hia th- I'ourts correct. Daulilc the f':t of any Almai.ac in tlie S'c. Priee, i er ifto.s, hunilre-1, " hf.tf tron, I 7 OJ 5 ml 4 I il " iti. it u T) Verebiirs c in i.':' t . -- . ' 1 1 .cc raenl on m:eot i.utide pace !. e'i.. t y 'h- '0 fur i ns do, ar extra. JAM ES ti. r'NM, Vuli'r iril t'ro, n i .r. dliawlm wliu Ii I-i-rU. N.C 1 J A-iKETJ : BA?KET Tin !are'. aisortmeul in the f : 'e at NAT. I.. Bi.OW . K (J 11D1.K MILLS. In store a line of the nest Apple Mills raiiL'- iii1; iu once irorn io fyio. Every farmer who has au orchard should have one. v Also, just received a new supply of Sinelalra and mlth Cuttlnif Knivea, the best Iu Ui-e. JAMKS M. TOWLES, eu2 13-tf Agent. TEHSONAL HKMIMtjCENtENCEH, AN FCDuTLS AND LETTERS OF Gen. Robert E. Los, Hy Hi - . .1. W M: 40XESL I). D., f.mnrrlv IbapUin Army Northern Virirint.i. and i.f " a-hlnuioii OiUeee, A'a. l'nlllh e l hy authority ijf the a o faiuilv, , aud of the larultv of H atle' inytou and Lee C'niveraity.J JIXtEEt SIXI.MIID PllKTKAITS I'll EKdRAT IKOS.J Priee, m Clolb, i50; gheetp, S.-jOt Half Turkev, tA-W, Kull Turker, 7.30. l. APPLETON & CO., Pnhlitker., . i1 Broadwsy, Kew Tork. .Muse p. M. VvhVEKK, AasiT. ders 5 FLUID EXTRACT BUCH! Tbt only known remedy for - imicirn msitisis And s po-itWe re rued, for tiOl'T. iK.,V-L, 8TRICTCRM, DM BKTKJ, DVaPIPUlA, NkKVoCl DKBIUTT, DXOPtT, Ne rrVcotloD or Incontinence of Urine, Irri tation, Inflammation or Ulcerative) of the Bladder & Kidneys, flPEKVt TORKHtXA Leocorrbiea or Whites, Diseases of the fras trale Uland, Stone in the Bladdar, Calculua (irarel or Brickd net .Deposit aa Mncns or Milky Dischanree KEABMKY'3 EXTRACT BCCQC I'ernta-ienUy Carta ail Uisesses of the BLADDER, KIDNET9. AND DROP8I- C'AJ. riWELLIMOtJ, Kilstlni in Men. Women and Children. IW MO 11 ATI Kit WHAT TUB AUE Prof. Meele say "One nettle of Kear- i,ey Fluid extract nucha is worth more than all 0tDr Dachas combined ." Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or 81 1 boUles ror Fire uo iars. Depot, 104 Duane St., IS'ew Y'ork. A Vtyaiclan in attendance to anawer corres pondeiice and (tire advice irratia. l-Hf ttend stamp for rainptilete, free Jt Jail 3 deodAwl y TO THK Nervous and Debilitated OP BOTH SEXES. A'o Charge Joi Adtict anil Consultation. Da J B DroTT, irradnateof Jetoers Med ical Colletre, Philadelphia, author of aeferal valuable worka can be eonaulted ou all dls e ace ot the fexual or Lrlnary Or-raoa, ( arhlcb he has made an especial study) either in mala . r female, no matter from what cause orijfln atiue or of how lonif standlmr. A practice of :iU eara erahlea him to treitt diseases with sncceM. Cuies guaranteed. bar)fea res non il'le. '1 l.im; at a distance can forward h'tler oocriliiiiir symptoms and enclosing to pn pay KisUij:f. .v ii'l lor the Guilt U Ucdtti. Price 10c j. b. LYr r, m d.. sDliiK T . F. I.. " havbi.'. bv deed dated lmh No veinber int ., r. Ii a.rj to me all rhrht t) de nuud further advrrtiaenieiit of the sale of the bundanl Oilica Property, and empowed nic to make such sale whenever I may see fit, the tale of said proierty, heretofore a Tertiaed to take place on the 10th day of January lH7r, will be made on the premuca on Monday the 23dinst.,atl o'clock a. ni., or aa eliurity thereafter as niay be convenient, nov Ht 1874 1874. FALL AN'D WIN'TF.Il GOODS. D.S.WAITT, Is offering a LARGE and AT TU ACTIVE stuck of line and Cheap Clothing, GENTS KfltNISHING OOODS AND NECK WEAR. Ii i.tj r-i.ix-a, Hats aud Caps. Over Coals, Stnwls and Rubber U ods 3Ian!iatta Fine White Slilrts, Mareno Shirts, Drawers and Hosiery, PAPER AND LINEN COLLARS. Suspcnrleis, llaiidk?rch:efs and Yankee Notions, FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS HUtk Alpacua's, Corded Alpacca's Plaiel osteO,, E1GI Rtl) AND PLAIN DELANEs, Red, Whit. b,:i Figured Flannels, Opera riauaele, WHITE AND BROWN BLANKETS. Coint. rpins. Comforters, Bed Quills aud Spreads, LADIE- TRIPKI) AND SHAWLS PLAID Ure-ski'.-t Phawlt, Knit Hacks, JaikeU and Hood. ClNGHAMS, PLAID - HOMESPUNS AND TICKINGS. br.v.n aad Bieeebed eneetioars and fhirtinKa, ( OltiETS, JKANH, CAMBRICS AND LINING?. Ti unks. Valors. Utnbrellas, Travelling Baits, ic. To my Irier.ds and the public rencially, 1 ritum n.y thanks for l he liberal pa tronage liesioweil. and respectfully solicit i cnhtir iiation of the snuie for the luture. Country iDtichmis ho buy in tht city we-uld do wiij iu txtiuinei my stock hie Ii i- r.o.v cuiiji'ite in every depart- no ot I). .-. U AITT. 51 K.i-etteville Stret, tt 1-a n. ' Hale i--li, N. O. JEW (SODDjJ AUAIN AT Creech's. SECOND STOCK THIS SEASON. Il affords me more than ordinary pleasure to otter the trade and consumers of Drv liiKxla, a second st.ek boui-ht within the lat f. w days In New Turk, and will he sold at prices which eualdca me to ask competition no odds. My atock of Dress Goods embrace a lartre and comnletei Hue of Leant f ful .n,l colors, from low price to flne fabric. .My tpck of piece irooda, Hats, Boots, Shoes, v ..iimt i-ouau, xc., ia no doubt the hiryest to be found Iu Hie city, and to whkh I would call ibe special attention of close buyers, and hers allow me to a ih.t I An not propose to close or wind up my basiaess, ..,..,. tuiimn eo exrena it. So bear la uiind Crereii'a Is toe place. Those who studv eriini.m anil rtr..Slal.la Invehtmcut can do no heii. rtl,u ., n.u . call. " - Beln-r truly alive to the demands of the hour, and anxious to securo a iim inH. claim to put before the public the lar-rrat stK k to be found In the clty.j uinni.ini, ,. fKEECn. TT r. i i.tvir D.-!er tn G ncn.1' Mercbat.d ,s K 8 -'es, Lumber, thlngUs and Wood, Apex Wake o. n y. . r oct i- tr"' The Wilmington star. ESI ABLISIIED ONLY SIX VKsH- DAIL.V STAli. Haa tht largest etrca'atlon of any ;,, , Mewapapvria the Mate, and a ew, I low ia WUinlus-toa nearly twice as Ur ,' aay enaer peavr. Ail the Mwa of the day will befouij, e4sosel when animportsot, at Irnir'h . . . ol sooaseat, an b always presented m , , iaWdllftem aad iatereatraer manner UaWClUrTK.sJ (la Adv.u OtasTear .. mxMewtaa Three MoaUs WEEKLY STAR ratca HBDCCEb. The Wnkly Maria now cumhint I , CnnoftM Parmer, and ia one of !:,, . ' papers In the country at the fell.x ; REDUCKD KATKb : One copy, one year . One topy, sis moo tba rSfClubs of 5 to 1(1. one year, , , (jjjrClnbtof Id r mora, onev-, 0nh i . pereopf arpeelnsea copl't sent on spjiiieut add rex, WM. II. BERN A id i Kditor tt Prt7rr,,, . Wn .y.sar .n . dec DC WANTED. Active Leical and Diatr , ... .... eliiect contracts for the I'i m, m.j ,i j .j, Insurance Co.of Fhi i le i I, , i,,. . ' delrtwa, W. II. Kl.Ni II may 85-tf litt'i Mnrau,., WwITt FOST, WlLMIKOT.iS M Second Door outh of Haifrett Mr.- '. Bis old Btaad now known uf 'i "t arollua House," RALEIGH, N . t W. B. Pepper, the moat t!istinc:i!-l.. . terer In the routh. LI ooeu kls u. :.. and Kestsurant, as above, today. Tiau. 'ctolwr 1st. 'I he best of eveiythiriir n. bi rinses a ill be found st Pepper's, servn: IB Pepper's beat st le. Norfolk Oyeterrs. Meals st sll hours oct 18m W K. PIPI-Re Hill-boro' Kecorder and Durham To'm pUnt copy 8 months. DOWN TAB nmn, OR PKU'TICIL LESSORS WDll The lode Dnello. BT AN AUATELIt. E. J. Hals. A Son. Pnblbh.ra I'r 11, extra loth UiniliuK. Tbia ia a Southern Hook, fouurted i.u .... ocearrences latelv tranpired In Ueorjfiaa , atwiaaaa. ia wuico some north l'a-.ii,, ., . were prominett actors. for Pale at the Hook store of alFkiii wii.i.i ivi.e mar 1 1 tf M LEW IjAW pffick, t7n Court House 8 RALEIGH, N C. pecikl alteutior. iriven to Ha me .if II., stuads, In view of the Ifite 1i;1',ol uf ih. .- preme Uouit of the bmi- I Iti , m ir-c ui oct mat M-dak A' i ' jpOB HALF. A No. 1 OX Still C'ntt. Tlie (H i. m liroke and weirku io t'ie plmi'rli . t H horse lie ia ail years old Apiy to july 7 tf L. C. M.tNI V T3EERLE8A STEAM WASlii: -N BLXCHEK. THE LAI EST. BEST AND till, v ASHE M AUK. That Steam Waahera are bet'er t'.ai . is now generally conceded. 'I 'i.. ' leas la the best of Steam V ashern w readily admittd by eve-ry ore who -. trie it with others. Its construction is such ss to - .! lsiyest quantity of wster th-ouvh n lex In the shortest time, an.l tn i the water to go where t is desired. , vent its going anywhere elae. It I bungling valves to make the water fits ajd cease to flow at Irterva; 1 !: e it to low steadily pun ring alite-i-u . r . on the whole surface of the eloti. i t the water hss not to desccud to the . . i, uoth ends of the fslsc bottom to te; IU starting oolnt butgors atraighr (., n when, it (alia, washing all parts of l,e i . Ing oow untoacbrd ..y iu ,apM i un. u rushes through the clothing many Inn. ; minute snd cleans them in 15 to :i u,: . The cost of the msvhine reav tn- -ami . soon ia difference in wear of n., cinthea H may be saved very a" on in ll.e liiii n i, Of labor rei-uired. A machine maje to lit, cie u- v.. any stove boiler or the boi.er foi the m mar be used for any other purjione, This machine i-ils f.ir ie. thun ;u(j of n kind, and will ie the work ui. k. r;ii ! mm thoroughly. As it- uaw iihIji j i 'it i. PERKLESS 'AMONU ALL 1 hey are made of li.i tn lie i, , with galvanised iron bottom. wdV 1a' ni years and are so'J.it the !oi owoig 1 PRicu : For the Washer and Koiler, ( uu . r ( For the Washer alone, i u-ul sis.' i For the Wasiier and Bo.l.-r (.-tin lee i For the Washer alone, (extra larg- . t The usual site s 11 inches wide i 111 It deep. The extra large U inches wiJ, i. IU l-H deep. Sent anywhere p:r esoreas i; i.. I price by J A JONES, IVptf ' ' 'i-U Haleigl. N. ' 1874. 107 AiriMN. BL( k alpacas: BLACK A I. I S Pcttv & Joacs Opened to day the mot In a i; Black .1 iri! nd Pure Voh,ii- . i ..!.. ia this market, ai d re.sp. ( tful.'y cuaUimert and f-iei il. t, c ail ai.,1 -and be convinced for Hum elvea Also a splendid aawirtaent "f Is; 1' wlU great many oihir po d- n ti.' Kew aad Free . And lor rer.'l. rrn r.. THK NOTED B.4I.LOL' f-IliKT ASIK '.' FlKLDi ClLIBttfrD II M".l.e tlk-Kd. WaOuarantte all to Suii an I fit aeptlJtf s ELECT BOA KDI Nu A N e D '. I .- ' i HILLfBO!U' N. o - The Miases Nh -t Kiss ku!). v.,. rums the cicrcises of their school ofi Ynct Ftb. , 187. CVcalara rrtrsrsrded on applltatior deela-lr V