;tiiej)aily sentinel, rvauwua If . j JOSIAH TDlXll.Ji. r ,m OUce Mear'tht Coort Boaae.?- J aivaa or tpaecBii-noa. Otfl) Sentinel 1 jwhltaiw $ l Daily Mi months la ad ranee 1.00 toml-Waeklr ( ! A 00 Tb DattT flliTim. will be delivered la r part of the Clti at Firtaaa Cum per juuut uwic ,ii , a. w. wmi. LFliBH fctflUMXO. .'fits Hrl-aUeatUoioa. ftK ntth 1ing A n iT (ft. .. J ', '11 f They iMttatmi BMmon prieetl li wirtj BimliHto ja etary io.j "01ta. PrkMi furoUhed tpoo tp- J D ELWELL nOKS, W RaJlDLVDOtrrntW A.SD FL&JI- STEEL HOKS-UohtBdUd. IROS H0E1 i'j.Ayf ,vr:'-7 JIASURE FORK E & s SHOTEU AMD SPADES. FLOW TRACES, o LEAH CO. CELEBRATED .Iiwa M4 BdwJfoola,- II ne aad Mala Bbot, Cat K.IU, Uoti Mailt, e. E AgeaU U Norta CraUna fo an o! Of ThaLaflia A Rand ' Poadar, DPratU Antral Oil, Afmll'i CbamicaJ Painty &Ruck Lima, Taa AU Right Cok tfcovr, 4c jyoIM A BlaJUa. CLOatSO out. At w an about to qpll ih whlakej ir.Je, m tba lit i Jaaaaty aait. prpoaa to tail oar ttock of liqoort, low, fr cats. Wa alto wbh o tali r bar fix-area, whick atafrHnplrtA. Wa mj to oor rtelitiqofBt roitomert th.t a wtttt ba paid by Cbrtatmaa, and hnia eoaa of tbcm will get aagrj if wa khnuld da thaw oa ha atraet. Wa utTt jnu good mraara and good liqoort aad vu mutt pa a p. OiWl cOhDa OF BftAMUNKO lIMI JiVKJ Wood dattrarfd for ta.1Uah caad Tuar order to J. D: Kill Stora oa UUUboro tint u 184awtt w ADTED. Wa wkh to noitaata aix flaa wall brokt Hole between ire and aU ear old. Apply wit at the Sublet of . WIN1TX, TANCET A CO. aact4f ' aMD lALKI ' At Airent I will tell oa WedaaadaT the SOta of tbtt aioatat oa tba prailaaa. at la e'elock the rtweca Koawteoa Traet ot Lead, la Wake Coaatr, eoaulitntr one haadraa aad twnaty-eeven aerat, u tasted IS ml. atet ot Rilelffkaa theTarbere Km aejelalaa Ue land of the lata Taoana JL Desaaea, Jnfca biatth aad other.: TBM-aje third eaii tbi btlwacelaoae jMr, Witt In tenet tttper eeeL Deo. ttb, tm-dttwM, ' u aV t USHTBNHTAI A1 EXS1BI A Local Ami aad SabteriDUoa toUcltort. Ltd at aad Uealleawa at good addrata la Ktldck and each Towa ed Coeatjr la Morth Carollat, a yeart Work tt 14. a work , tot iaeieHaa aaaeo. JdilrMB with reisra ataalo t wertf CMTKNNlAlaUBClUPTIOM BllKIATJ, I al Cheat atreet, raliaaalphla, r For proaaactaa Joaraala ejteloaa 1 aaatBi T'2WJOODA AQAXlf AT Al j- .. Creech's. StCOND STOCK THIS tXA0It. It tffordt tea toara tfcaa ordinary Bteatwra iwwpa ji xora, na will be told at Prtoe which enabke ma to atk comDetltion BOOddt. r - ,'i , 'v My ttock of Drett Goode enbraea a hvge tod eoiilie Maa ot beaUtlfal ahadet and color, froe low prtoe to Ine fabrle. My ttock of piece erode, Bate, Boot, Bhoee, Ctrpeta, Tankaa Motioaa, Ae., leaodoubt the Urgeet to be found ia the ettjr, and to which I would call the epedal atteatioa of elcae bnjrert, aad hart allow tea to eay that I do not propoMto eloee or wtnd an my btuloeee, mi, oa u eonwatr io eneoa n. no near m mind Creech' I the place. Tboetwbe etndy eeoaomy and proftubl nreatment eaa do bo better than to gireeeaa eel'. Being traly alrra to the damaada of the hoar, aad annoaa to eeenre a btrga tradi e trade. cli to pot before tha pobll tha larctat ttock to be fownd hi the city. aoraMaiB. A. CREECH. BUBHIIA Of aWEBT POTA- tote tar gale ot tha beat ewallt A tMtdwtw. . K; . Av Apaa, . C, TT'IU.n TATl.tT CMBRXLLA HOL. o.x - uu, i , for Bante. WtcoBe. Hoata, Beddlee and other upon Vehicle TaM aBcaediaaly av (reaxm ana neel el UTeauoa aappuat a went loon felt by thoaa who rida la opea Tehlelea. U le to eiaiplo kt He eoaetroettoa that a child eaa I after aa Ha the appa- MMewedteawtaeLy -JSK muddy water wits It, tht Saeat II aatra ivanieaea it eoaa aot dtetirere ( tinB of th eCHTUptia .of the hepubHcaj at aay wacoa or baftr. It I . r" . rMB. uaaa be withoat lacon th appearaaaa ot ear wacoa or bejrrr. eaa be pi .aad at any aMtailoB, or laebaed hi taa dlrtctioa wiU parfsetaeM Mwmk waenaot waaeneaa aa eaaiepaead brtweaa tha eaeAlook by tha dmpl taralac eft thai thanib teraw, a to beeattreia aot o the i . aad will raMect oaraoaa rtdtna ta ao la- way, eoaveaieaca wha.Ter. av pereott ot ordt- Br mind ea edaot It to h kie vehicle withoat th aid ot direct. 1U prtoe ie wltbla tha rmch ot all. Avery owner of aa opra Vehicle tboal hevecee Aa; kind of aa Uiubrtlla Til ad)a.V The emn tr parchurd, whola ttiaaad i-teO, at rt)UV L WW UOb. riee at retail n - ta aao euaraj klhta for Vale. . add me ' . .- . M. AJkiXt. I'atealaa. . gtleiga. . tt A J, . City Intelligence. GENERAL ASSRMBl Y. " fieri Med Jwiut of yottmdayY---- -r-r-: )r.JklMaiMri.i CtMvalao4 Maatj ( rrqulra l mm batwcM 16 u4 Qigjiigfauft lie road. Rtf. rrrd. . Xf. OaatwalL ft prultol Iroat hlaaall asainat rteaat aetioa of ajaf.iritf la tha Baoata oa ibt tabiect of wr. ! Tht report from tb eoaiailttca to U- awttlgala tit attain vt tb- WUaUaRtoav Cbailolla tad Ralbarford JUilraad wp ordertd tm W ttat4,t ? Mr. Mwln, patltlod from aittaM of Dobtoa Towaabip rajloK aoMadtaent to ptohibltof J liqoof law of tbt towa of Dba).':'RafVrred. . '''''" Mr. Oitat welt nem-wM aikbg . that Uqnuf ba alluwtd to b told to Uaraatt rbwBtbip. Mw Qaooar eooaty. ' Ito fcrad.'",:K':i"' ''"'f:' 'i"';1 Mr. Cohwall, b!U to provida lot lajlug at Uadt. Hcierrad. -Mr. McKlror, raaolutloa la faror (if UtathariffU Baoooaib. Refarrad, tm to titaad aid to Itoatbcra Pacific Btilwaf ad ordered in ba prlatad. & fbrr- d. Mr. M umilrj, txll ebarttr Moaioa i.d Aagatta Narrow Uoaga Rtilroad. lUfetrti4 ...... nonmm . Mr. belb)1i bill proTidiaf tbat bor pilott aball ba awiplojad oa trttill eon log into our bar bora, aad not ba aaat back to thort Uacaoaa Utty baa a pilot oi Ibeir owa aboard, tMM Bp for tpeciei order. Mr. 81 by argued, tuppoee rea avl approach tha bar of Cap Hatterat, tbf eeptaia, to redaca bia (paaata, com ing oat from Kewbera, hat to pay a pil6t 30 or 40. Ha fiadt oat dowa tbeia he tea employ a yoaog pilot with Hiaia braach to bit pocket for $39 per month, ad that a $40, aad . ba takea thla yaog atripllag and eallt him "mtla.' tbat trading tbt law. and placiag that Tettel ia greet jeopardy, employing theaa yoaog mea with little rr ciperieaee, tad many a flaa veeeet la ttraadad on thla difflrtn't eoatt beeaaaa aha It piloted by boy who ought to be oa hit own pilot boat Inttead of oat. t tea attempting a thing ha koowa .Iitiia U tat. For thete reatont he wanted hit bill paetad in faror of tba old abore pilott, thoaa hardy tout of old oceta, who live ia little hatt by the teaahora, and he their polea far'abo?e the tree, where they rua up to witch 'a' VetKrl' eomiag in, and who when be gea out ia hit little boat with roOgh tea, theee ctptaioa, (and they hare a more ton I tbaa a block ol wood.) cry oat to him, we don't wast yofl air r and driea bin btck not earing whether ha be lott iw not Ha hoped, tblt Senate) wopld do theaa old pilota jattiee, tketr corpt tboald be praaenrad and protected by the State at though they were regi beat ot well picked goardiane , for oar wmmerdalt6temtar.'' Mr. Bell oppooed tha bill. Ue and the Senator from Hyde were tbeoaty te ooatt mea (Mr. CTtntwali ramiaded, Hbt he wan oar.") Ha had aaat tba bill to hw people, had il read to every branch pilot ia harbr tj.f Barort, and he lepra eotad 10 pikH wh-'re Mr. Selby did on So far at argument that thla bill was to iatereat of tblp o worn HrT Boll read from tooh 9antrt akiog that bo each bill ba ptmedj atUbe-lw. tteed owlti elgaed iy II Btmet, 19 or ahom are tbip owaera tnd fall branch pilota, and watt bred and bora at Boanrort, tad ia reply to Mr. Ceatwel! ba doubted their aa. lirity, -My Jear air, it- U arrange fact enr to letre it." At reqnett of Pretideat ArmOeld Mr.- Boil explalaed what "A brkneb" w. It wet a oommlttioa a yoang pilot hold, jatt like tbt aommuj tioa ot ia officer ; la tha State'e ervioa. duppa a deuta fog bengtam tbeBota fort haibor tod a tturm it oa the raa, and the bid " pilot on iborecaQDottee the thip, my dear air,' art yoa going to risk that tbip tu- get iato, Avbor withoat a pilot which U) ia bill prnpotea to-do f ' Ht thought the Wevare Seaatora tboald ttke an Intereat latbit bill, he'd toil them why, bt wtuttd tbcm ta coma dowa tomt day and ht'd girt them a flak fry, or pony penning, or a eel at aaaliag, and ht waatad Mr. dot well to'oemd be had a it would rua it - gillt to abort la tba mud and takt all the oulora of tht ana tad mad and water, tad you wouldn't know ; which wee mtiJ aad which wat fitk aatil yoa put your foot oa it, aad away It would rua earryiag away all tha eaa party he had tret acta. "Bill failed to pa, 14 to I8.7 " "Bill authoriaiag em plot meat of 00 fr' vicu to drala ' land ta Golltord and Rockinghtm eouotiet pued third road- : ;; . . . Senate idj'Nrned. , , , -1 HOUSE OF TlipRESENrATITES . I Mr. fpaaker Robteooa tailed the Oouee laardtfrtlOa.Bfc':;; ' y"S. r k;? f-r fiv Jwr - f ' jiVmw5i .TMrN(i.xvt ,(. j t in I i ii i " i n 1 it i ,:;... i i , T n , -l i . .J 1 i i - t i il j ,'..!:. it -!.i . v Febraary 11 . Mvreitmaald tortalajeatoUfc RAX.EIQH, N. 0.. : Prater bt Ra. Mr fiuA oflhaAI.: IVooml of yeatcrday wat 4 Vd p: proeeJ. . i JIC4iBv MMdeebell, Jhktl. tartan attilul commltteeaT ' Mr. Kin?, bill to tmend tht tot ameod- aton oi. tha act to amen a tbt cnerter oi thiN(rftCtr6:tarTUnWidFfkrr. i Mr. Hooker, WUTielraiTTh Ilquer wltbla two milet of Little church, Qrotot wankrr-Kdir-rr-rrTTrrrr 'Theaoflnltbed buiacat of yeaterdey.l tbt Beatta bill ta amlate tht rata of U - UrtttaadtooreTehtaturT.wtit.k-a aaliabit femllv and waa ia hie teat tblt , Tbt quciUoa reeumd apoa Mr. Maaa't . . . ameadmeat, which prtrtdee that kalcm tht act appUca to JSatloaal Beaka, that It doea tot apply to other raatitationt or pereont loaniDg noney. Mr. Pattoh wta oppoted to any ameod- Btut aad woatod tbt bill patted ia Kt preteat ahafUATTTrT'. "7 Mr. Meaaa argad tht adoptloa of hit ameadmaat la order that tha bill, if lata a law. might not by aay chance areata a farther atooopoly ia fart of National Bank. , r T V Mr. Moring coacarrod with Mr. Meaaa, aad epokt at loagth to ahow why tbt ameadmeat tboald ba adopted tt thort wen the grtreet doobta at ta whethtr or aoHha ptntltioaa of . thlt bilLjwoal.dlat all tfft tht N.tioB BaaU lit wm of tba ontBion that thai would aot aad oro. I oaadad to a aot t Ttnout deouloct of tht I Buprtmt C mrto of ether Stttte aad ia tha United iatt Circuit Court." Be thought that if thU wta ruthed through lu iti prrtcDt tbapa It would largely la- crtttt tat prateot awoopoly of Mttioaal 1 BaLki aad praco the people com pit ely io their power. Moan, Dor tea and Piuaix firorad tha oih in lutirii ot Mogia Ban urgea iu pueigt withoat Amendment. Mr. McJua adrobttcd the) adoptloa of I tba ameudmant. : Ht thought it a tary eafe guard to ptoteet agaiett ettab. bahing acrutbiog monopoly ia UTor of I Natioaal Baaka. Uedid aot dtairaaay aeary law, but If thlt bUI waa to paea be wlehed tint prorbloa for. tbt protect loa of the peoplt laosrted.'. ,;; ar. jteoaaa, wougq aot tatoriag taa I bill, wat heartily- let favor of the amead meat. He thought h hlgh'y eeorttary to protect the prop ! ia tha erant that it I thould be decided I bat the ptoTitioaa of I thit bill did moa! tflVct Natiaaal Bankt. M. ' O Jtmitb Bdtrtod'' the'euead- meat in remarkt ot a. me laagih. Peodiug further dittaattoa the trtxiaA oaoaa, ' " : - tbt bill to eraatt the oanty of Pcadtt wat announced.' .' .', Mr.MnUg m'Tcd t poitpoae until Taartaay mua n e ni 'tlai'ii wi j mh'mi After a lengthy debata thO motioa to pottpooe wat put to a vote aad rejected. ToetSO, Bjt5t.jv-;'tv Alter another loag debate tbt prerioQi qumtiou wat ordered oa tbt tall of Mr. Statoa. ; 1 a y- 'i f ' Tbt queation tbeu tecurrvd oa the bill oa ita third landtag aad M patmdi-- By Mr. Wbealar,' a UII ta amend the charter otlht ton aot WiattoafW tbt purgattth Br Mr. Meant, a WH to prtT,ot tht tale I l lt..; .1.1.:. ii J . v.,riiir ..i I ,wHWU . uw.aiua vtlataawi fiod It to their ailvantaaa t- Richy ftiver Church, Cebarrae , eooaty. I Referred. '. -- " ' ' " I Tha eontidoraUoa of tbt Sonata bill to f uturr. "Ml. Bttpla wat aaaoaactd at being entitled to tbt floor, but yielded to Mr. WAlker.of -.SWhaiMmdij Mr. Walker fookbt floor aad Bounced hinuelf aa aaalterably ops mad to all atury ;lawt, , Ha txotpttd to tbt pbrateology of tbt MIL Ht quoted largely Irom aaUtorltiot" thowing that all preriuaa deeitioot oa tbt t. bract eart la Conflict with tbs mala foa'.aret of thit tut Tne would tupport tht bill tit ha thought it weald throttle MeUocol baakt tad reetraia them la their Iniqultoaa datUagt, bat ho did not tola Uat it would affect them In tbt leant, a. Ue I thought that It wat beyond tha power p( uitueoerat Amembiy if prtviout dteia. bat Were relied on, to reach that bankt. eW' lfr oaat of McCalloch Tt. tbt State of Maryland, I la wbiek It waa tacotatfullv anrued that If tha United Sutce bad a right ta aa Ubiieh theaa Ifational baakt It ba-l right to preeerre them, aad aay act of the State to Impair tha machinery of that law would ba ia riolttioa of the lawt of I taaUaitad-l etitutiontl. Mr. Sttplea next took tht floor ia tup port of tht btIL Ha road tbt National baakiag law, aad thought that it clearly gtve tht Aalen la which theaa wort ta- tehlitbed tha power to rtguiatt tbt rate ot In tar art. Tba gentlemen of the other tide coe teodtrd teat tbia federal banking aot regulated tba rata of mteratt, but thit wit aot n for the retet - aow Bitting wen aot by aay meant anilorm, la ra tion Stetee the ratea wart different. Tbat tba law goTtraing the .rate of iataratt charged by the baaka ht aot ea forced, b) attributable to tbt comptroller of Cur ucy, eha doea not make thee laotUu- tieot cdine Ip tdi the full mBaturt Of their daty." Ia" topportof bit argameat he quoted from tbt Afolicitor of the Treatary THURSDXyFEBRITARY7tI.874 . Itad Cited thr deette I HrtB 0!f.tt' km hla NOMikt JU SteeJeetUbtd tba hoaf wa growing teraUBdUig thtl ba aboati tbeflor whoa tba oaaldoratloa ! mora board rtv j Ma. Ajaiottt. Senator Albright hat 1 returaed root tha - ooM home to aickaem i . . . ... , moraiBg. '"i ' (XL WitUAitioa.--Seaator Oto. W,ty Itamtbfla eoaflaad to bbr room at tbt Yarboro wijh atrara acaralgta aad Mft wbh- - j , gLaaT-Tha trata' Him fcarnlag wart ..d dow. with ileetr The wrt tparkle ia tbt world h tbt raBehiat oa aaldclA'""' : 1 ii-i-vCi 1 .' Duti or Mat. WttMiweeav-Mre. B. P. Willlamtoa died la tbia city latt alghu ' Sha tat tha axoelUot Wlfo of oar aiorehiBt, Capt. B. P. TUliamaon Km. WlUraotaoa died at aoaeamptloa, ta ttth year, and leavea four eblldrea, three I bo;t jtad a gW, the yoaagaal ebUd about I twol aitTParo lowaahla oharaotar. or a Wider eirela of attfalnoaiL both to tht eh arch aad to tie poor aad aaady of tht ptac wat trer kwowa la JZaWigb, . Mm. WilUemtoa wat at a m.ldea Miat ttetle WiIUmt3n,of Ctawall Coaaty, aad a elttar to thapctatat 5taator from that oMttj, Cil Qeorjgt I TrUttamtoa. Tbt funerti aottaa wiU Ve foaad Bt tBotber plact la thtta eolumu. Cut thit aotico out aad briair It with yoa. . We are aawonaoa to reread tbt caeh to aat pertoa ar pertoat who abafl iruvaad oaeraraooe rergttiTe ruit aad I .. w. ." .,,,.(, u ia bow zeneraiiT uranwi or Boaeei I pnjMciaaa, mi em m waaiinB- k. tL.i .kl. - .h- .d. I tloa It tnlrly fatteatd apoa the. luagm, wo hamaa power eaa tare a pttleat from I deatt. Tory b!a .aay tbtt about fifty I per cent of tbott who dU arem tale dlaeaae eaa tmm (be oeaae to a aegttetod ooosh or eold. which rolrht laea beea cured by a amen bottle of Jjquid Opo detdoo,or what tt tbt oat Aiodyae UnimaovJ The moat ttylieh onlltr you eaa wear b) the Wtralck. Adt lot it the geata' far- BltbiBg ttnrea, ' ' ' " . . . . FoaxaAA Monca. The fuaaral ot Mr, a P. Wiliiamtna will take pit tbt Baptiat church to-marraw atoraiag at It o'clock. Tbt fnendtof the lamily aad tht public are Invited to attead. .' ' NfiWDTEBTISEINTS. Q iUAT BAKOaltla M LADIES ElO . . .tJLUVBa. ... v 10 doe. Ladiea Whitt Kid Giortt to elota oat, 00 centt a pair at TUCKER'S. LADIEAt Klf GLOVES t BUTTONS and Genu Kid Glovea la tbt latent and atweat : thadea aad oolort, .. Beat glovet told la tbt tity to ba bad ah tt K.A..!. TUCKEffA '. V ,no ,1t?"t .f"4 bSnU'Di Ik "l " pauuo. vautw- call and txamiae them. Joet reoaiTed at nt, TUCKER'o. r, i,Vrrr twnrToTlTe ro Black Grot Grain Bilkt, Black Alpacat tad Mohairt, bilk Ware Alpaoat. ': 'iv ... . 4fy Black Caahmeret at iZ"" TUCKEirs.': iBlMTal r BIN Td t 10 eaaea nice, new nnd froth tphag printa, which wear offering at the old price, 10 eentt per yard at t sxTUCKIR'S. , I Bit A dVBRO.'S SHEETINGS AND ; BHIHTINOi 84, T S, 44, 04, 0 4,8 4, 04, .-. , 114, 184, 104,1 to which we Invite tpetial, atuntioa, at tney art ouureu at pncea rower man tney hove beea la tat pat taa yeareai 1. , 1 vwn.Ktt B. 0 i Brttaee' eiOply, Xxtra toper. Snper-1 flaay lagraioa, . 8 ply Du'ch . and Hemp, Coooa aad Straw Mattlaga, Ragt, Door Matt, OU 0 otha, Ac., at extfeotelj low Driecee. at tbepopulaf Houta ol 1 n A FULL Baa If Laditt Corlet, al flat aad prioetht --niclB'Bi!k' fjraVavX-4K with trary article found at a Srat-ctatt . car 'odoM'Housr ' wlil it told at 'bottom prioea" for Cath. Oath prioea alwayt lead credit pricea at the publie geaerelly will find oat by call ing Bt . , . reoii-tr, w. u.dttt.3. iyvAAit. K3 Biblical Recorder and ICbrittlto AdToCaU pleaaa copy - $ - I - f -- i rp A Ztll g A IBBIj, TAX ' Bl ' There being a large aamber pceoat la thla Bounty and aapeeudlr la lUdeiah Towaehln who art liable tor a poll tax and hare fall.d to give ve thiBBBlv fci, end tear pertoa property aad tailed to Met li, their a ia tor the laet Uete called Io Met wka owe aA tantieM eaetlea M. ehapter 188. law M-'7A Peraoaa who hare lleted ibair prnpetty and pnU end fail aetetila by dawarv 10, 18a the eaaa will be adrertieed ead eoUartat at eaaa by hvw. ... ' A, A. BATWUOO, . datSt-UJaaU Tea teileaur. "." r-zi rs : t-t-ttt , y. -v.: l 1 I - -iaarioat etem lPfllefrmtlhifilJIeWalBl.aad lt"wu SfcTt ad. Veaa M atrt I . Before riWudr ! .-...-. . lax "r.J. v,i r ....,unt I' l-Mjn il Vtrmoof.l Z tuo ao woaia WAiawoTOK, rttv 10,-TM Itopte d d I Schitil and Sorteda beio emona- tboto . . ... . 1 aal taitJtht poatoffla A pprepriatloa mU etd la the aWalltV.,-.! ! '- . . w : f u ee reperiao irom toe 60t Alcorn aotlna- la tbt arcttlre. fhVaamfea wflTayL jwl' aipa7-)bja. tUUtMtUi, tt, .That frotn au after data of hu pajatgt of.4)l isi, Ibm, tWL I oa leyled aad eoUectad oa diaUutal tpii I "a, oa which M Ui Breaorlbed by law I abtU not hart Uoen , paid, td .whether i .. i .'.. . the laid apirlu thail hart beea In diatii- lory, boadtd warahoaaot or not, a tax of j oaa dollar oa each Moot gailoa or wine gaiioa, tit oea Deiow oroof, 19 at paid by tht dlttillor owaier o pertoa haring , Diiab llinof babn noon frr, P'Mww-ioa thereof befort remoTil from I d,,tU,7 boadodarelWeee, aad I M ,B? nMa M !?" J titttat herewith, fat hereby repealed. Pro. tided ihtt ln addiUou to tht ttx of 70 I oenti per 'gailoa, Impoted by laW 'bow tiittlng; tbeit tbelt bt leried and col- morao tnt ttx ot 13 eeatr, Delng odc hait thtlaertatt of tax under thla act aa aach aad arery proof gailoa or wiht when below proof or 1 domttilc. dittilled tpirita, bonded warehoutet. I effcai. aad held fa a bonded 'warehooaa Jet that time, and 00 aU ioch ipirlu then held by die Wert, Mctifyen or - wbolceale dealett hat log la their poaatMloo or at- deff' their ooatrol dietiilad tplriu In tamped peckagct, of aay pert n who naM Of tuck dUtilied aplritt. after thit act takea effect, aaul It It it taped, to be tBDcefany prorided for thit' pnfpote, by 'ht Commitaiooer or ioceraal Rerenue, doaoting payment of tha additioaal tax of II eeata per gallon here i a lmpoaed.it ourcnaaM aaa attach i to tha nu-k. or paacairei eoaiaiaias' tha tame la mur.h Ma,.nae aa tha rV.a.ll. r T-. s - ZZ Z-trT. , TcT r .uujec to end pay a penalty of eat dollar for each aad aeery gailoa vt remoreJ, aad toe apiritd reeaored, than be forfeited to tbt UaUed Statoa. Aad provided lar- ta r, that a aH braady, gia, rum and alt enmpeoada and prrpartiat -of which diellllad tplriU M a oampooeBt part ' of Chief Value, embracing all forrai of di- tMlal tpiiiu Imported from ' foreign etoa tieaa Which the doty at II rod in .. . M 1 li 11 1 11 iTW It' 4-a.. n rTrTT-aiinxet u ia doiiait per galkm, the doty bereeltrt t bt leried aod cu!l4 aad paid afatll bt two dot- Urt tad litj eaatt per proof gailoa. tht.. a. That atcUoo 1,88, ot the fe- viaedttatatetbtandthtttme ia hereby amended, by etiiking out tha wordt tweuty cent pe'pound, had intertiDg in lieu thereof tht wordt twtnty four cent! par pound, providod that the incrcate of tax herein provided for aball not apply 2 tobacco ob which tbt tax under exiit g law thall hart beea paid when tbit act ttket 1 effect. f get. I. Tuat ao math of eectloa ,437 tt taipneea a tttmpttx ob friction match- M, Jaclfer fttatchat or other art clet madt iaptrt of wood and am'd Tor like pur- potet be" aaTTT hreby wpealrd, tttt effect oa aad after the firtt day of July, .ooc. v. i uat ubj an uoieaeea bui IOCS' a . A m.. Jt . .1 . . 1 ' , ding link, bottoma, tyrep oft agar, eaaa, joloe, telacK or concentrated ntlado and 'lugara. according to tba Dutch ataadtrd 1t eolorf- tm ported front . forelge toaoUlea, Abate ehall ba leried, eoflocted tod paid Id adJltloa to tba dutiat aow intpoee lay ached uUl "Ot tectioa 1,504 oflhAretlttitatetMimwtoqutito IS per aaat, of told datitt at letled apoa tbt tertral gradet therein detignatad. Beo. o. Tbat to much -jf aectioa 8,503 of tbt reviaad itetatea at proridet ' tbtt onfy M per centum of the tereraf1 dutlet aad ratat of tbt duty Impoted oa oartaia articled therein .tnuruerated bif tectioa tfiOl, thall be Wried, collected and pId, be, and tha tarnt U hereby repealed, aad the t.veral duttat and retet of daty pre- toribed ia taid teciion 8,504, thtll be and remtiu tt by tbtt tectioa laW wiUoat I abatement of tea ncr Cent at Dtovidad in I i 1 lJA. , rjj ThatWIi increwe ordotiei pro-1 wAA h-l-thiaaAt ahi not ann'v tn an """J. r rr - wafeA or flirCbendtlv tctutlf00 I 5rd an an fualt KuofwArtot mroM I lore at tht deteof-tue paatagt .ol thit act . ... "TTa'Thtirttr tiiimu)irr ITotft CtJoIftTpreaeotad xetolulle. frcj the RorthCifoline tVg'tlature, Atklng aa ap- propriatioa for the irect.oo of a Poetoffice aod Cnttom Ilouae at Newbera, N. C. . Htrrey.of Aikanaat, ptcaented a reao. latioa of the LegklttOfe' pf that Slate endorting tha metatge id.te Preai.leat ia regard to Loaitiaaa, end. ekpretaing con fldenct In flrnerat feherldrk. Read and laid on. tbt table.' -,.: Senate bill to grant a tltt for tht body asboot la Sc Aaguttina, Florida, waa takea up, to which tbera wat aa ameadawnt pending, aubmitted latt eet tioa by Kdmaadt, prorldiBg that: if. at any time aay destruction -thall be madt, "Hol,OD " , . I of ptplU oi toiodnr of or tba admhwioa race or color, tht aitt thall iwrart Utoe) no: jteo; Toting in tbt arcttire. Tbo Ult t-area toe tateramiat for ad wti reached - ' , ' Mdrtod gara aotlcaTba he wouTTc'an ihw fatolatfoi in MmU hecKbacktaa tooa at tba Dittrlcf bill wat dUpottd of 1 . ' a r r ' ' - ' TUI m' COMnohUSX ' QUESTION i i 1 ' :t; '.wft AjQAIH. ..)' . -i;-t 1 I Not Obxbajm, rbw 10.-A aempra iat propoattioa by tha CUaaervatlTta kvaHtadaf to iho taneree4neiat : Au. mittaa aa they wort leering for Wathlng- I b,. ah art pieagoa to aecrecy- Tbt toa.. All art pledged to aecrecy " Tbt Jgrealatt taereoy that traaopirad wat that retaraTby tbt 7" . . " dtolared elected by tht Committee of Or ganiattioa of tht 4th of January, and that thoaa aeder Htba CtBlamlrtd.' Tht CoaaerraUTea pledging aot to dittarb Kellogg aa long tt bt It aottaintd Oraat. - FOREIOM., uajwAaa, rco. lutaA'ioato't opt I nt Th7 .fortifymg tbt adraoct t r1101 PAaia,Feb, 10. The Boaapartitti ban withdrawn from tbt coo teat la Oatca Dn Mord. The Qermaaa hart tailed tht chars a made by tba Bithop of Straabarw to hit etergy, which allejrot that .the church pertecutod, aad lOrbiddea Ita. promsrgA Markets. WHOLCBALE CASH rEICIT. Ralkiob, Dec 1, 1874. fjottno briek . with tale to tome ex tant iat. Bagging Domettie SJf yd. Bala Cottoa Ttaa-ta M. rioar V. O, UBtfJO. Cora-oew 1 M old UO. Cora Meat-aaw f 5e9u, old LIS . Bacon II C Bog. round Baeoa, M. C Haatt, ' Bulk Clear BJb Bidet, Bulk Bbouldera, Urd, HO, . M Wtatera Telrcaa, do. hega, toffee Uio, Rood, Uutwr eountrv. 16 Id lJaltX n 17 Sf 40 7.0D tWI 1UA) ft 8 U 78 la 10 00 lOOaLiV BSeW -LSt ' tleh. HaJloto. 1 " Mackerel btl , Baeewax, -Man. . toot . liideatireen. Tallow, , Potatoee Sweet, Irlah, '.. OtWthellaa. " Bheef, Fodder old ltaevO, N 0 T - 1 Notice ia hereby givea that tppllcatloa will bt madt to tba Geaen 1 Attembly at ttt preMBt ajBion, to )Ma aa act taoorpo rating tbt towa of YoaageviUa, la the toutty 01 rraaaua. . . - atste-aim w ATTORNEY AT LAW( ; JACABOH. KORTH CAEOUNA rctlcea ta aU the Ooartt of NorthaaiptoB, BaUfax, BerUe aod Hertford eoaatiat : ia the taprem Court ot North CaroUaa, aad b) tAt reoeratt l'liMW-; - PATENT CHAMPION SAFES i . AWo two hundred tecoad-haad Safca for aalt tt rery low prlcee. UERRlNG ft COH 51 and 858 Bboaswat, New Tmk, 58 and 0 Sudockt Sr , Bottou. fob 10-eod-8m 0 SAHO GIFT CONCEIT wlU be glvea In tba City of Greensboro, X. C DECEMBER 81,1874, ft Jho porpott of eractlng aa AJJ mm - 5 The Sraud Olft U the i- ....... X5 IX D O WJll011Se WORTH 100,000.00 K A HO.OAIH OIF T IO 000. ; Real Ettatt CatB Giftt, ' 881.800 3800 it " K""''i"."i; 0LI 100.000 TxCXBTt go BB UtOlB. if Price of Tlcktta, fajJO. -it n a' -Z' :' 1 '--'r t AGENTS WANTED . ' . -...-. , i . ....... 1 . . For further tiartleularaaddreat tht Man- car, lKx a, Ufeeoeooro, m. v. ,' ; O. P. MENDENHALL, etpt-Std. - , . ..... Maangtr. R. H. BRADLEY. I Aumafar , 'NAT. IaROWrf. f . I'- A t Raleigh, H. C T OiTOBJ M1BLAIO. wo:l Baak OerfUeatet. No M. for tt.OOt aeteo uio ven., .. a new aeiuiii toea for t3oO dated Aaxaat 17, 14, ae iIimiii.iiI f rota oar raoeta. wa aetifr the Beak, aoi to per. and aU parcel a f reea VaeV mg fowtaadtfWoev., a-' imi AdYerUaaBanU Hill bt tatartal mthapaflf taanam. at the foUowtng rldmpartaaara aat laea, or tea mlatoa Unaa. .UaeKBeM aaatlma..AMM:.'..C.-.t.: gta " eyninwritark aaaatqaait eHamoa-.v - -aat thaa awaok..'......,..i.u...M..n I tBUIvetk.t IJOttqaer,TaMe,Bilx.at t 1 aioiih, b.oi i I "7 ter ,,i, - f uooi . Ma .., iiat I t g ,m a.au i M aaat 1 " BlUW,! ' . " NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. REAL ESTATE . . 1 .. . - '. ...... tofctaa l ommiartoa bp , let W U ' R. hUMQaXANlV 0 nr itatruutcxgoUAULv Tm aa Halite Btraat 1 Aa hnilm. at I on Mewbern Areeee with loteaf from 1 io" f Bore tanUl dwellr r keaeea wlU 4 mm - to on B'oaat atiaat, lot 14 aerev Oa aa fayaiMTweeiiTiotaearta. .-' CTTT LOTS FOB SAUt'i II Lot an Car inat. B4) ta Bllio: ataa fytUrUl atoaet tSOtotAA 1U0 oa Tacker foaaVbeadof Mewbera Areaae gW tola. 1 B'taUiBi tote em Halifax etreet 4C0 to ' iwaoa Btooaituaettsoio tuu , , a20tcraIV amllaa fraea Choltol aa nrrkw ooro- reea. ae acree m mua rroea (Jiti UilKbete1 tWd. BDO Be towa ea rartthrrUto and Atrlam made, to acre farm with good Aon Bear i mile from capital, all to be told oa eatry terete. - KBeA XtTATB DBALBB. . Ufllca, larboraaxh lioute. feb loft ... , . . EURE OLD RYE WHISKY. re 4; "'' m.ft AT103AL HOTEL EAR. BEEKT rOSTKR XrB AND DELAWARE rure Bye Bevea Tear old. The beet Whiaky nade jxuH reeetred this dayj - ANTgO. will area enerretle aana am Boanaat vmar wiu. Fax from at to as oar day, eaa bepareaed la your owa naighbor bood,aadla etrtetly boaerable. rardealara tree, or atmplat worth eaveral dotlara tbat will enable you to go to work atoaca, wCl be teat on receipt ot tfty eeate. Addreas 1. LATHAM A CO.. atptAtf ttt Waahlngtoa Bl.,Boetoa, Mat, UMITED MTJMatEE Or TABLE Boarder eta be aeeommodsted with abkil Board at Mra. L O. Aleal' Boath. Eatt ttoraeeof Bhrnat aad Davie Btraat'a. (Two btoekt from ravettevUle Btreet,) A peBtlaiaa aad hi wife eaa alto be ramuhi with rwralar board at aaa Apply at residence. JAJWIKN AND UAA VJU' 8CUOOL, f f IJIIAtBOBXr 9T. C. The next atatlea eoeaa teeond Mondav Jtaoary. ' ' ; --'---- - - d. u. tt oaxaa, A. xt, aaa Jt. xt. Ubatba A M., FrmdpaU. iwuian eeM aa appurouoa. j ' -daaU41awlat ... s CHOOL NOTICE. Tha alaattnath aeitloo ot Win Fiener A. aUrwood'a school will aocaannca on Atoa. day, let of February, 1870, at the reel denes of sum s. b uavwooo, aiawaera Area an. r7B t next la ad1 dvaaeaor ithly. GRAND, SQUARE AND TJPKTGBT Pianos Have received apwarda of FIFTY FIRST PREMIUMS, aad are amoeg the beat bow made. Every instrument fuL'y wtrranted lot flewream.Priom tolow aa. -tba exclaairt oea of the very beat materiala tad tht most thorough workmanship will rmit. The principal plan latt aad com- xttert, and tha piioo-purchasiDg public jf the Sooth especially, unite ia the jnaaimona rerdict of tha tuperiority ot tha Btiefl Pitno. The Durability ot our - iBttrumeata It fully taUblithed by oror Sixtl ecaoaut and College ia tbt South utingover BOOof oor Planoa. uoie w boietaie AJreata tor aevoral ot tba principal manufaetarera of Cabinet aad Parlor Organt; pricea from $50 to fOOO. A UDerai oiarxntnt to Clergytacn aad Bab- bat b BchOOle. '"It.. . .yJV'i v '. ' ." A large aaaortmaat of . aeooad-hand , Piaaoa, at pricea ranctna: from 075 to 8300, alwayt oa hand. Hood tor nioatratod ' Cataloiraa. coo- taiamg tha naatea of over 8.000 South- -ernera who hare bought aaa are using tht .StUff PUfloC- ii CHAS; K.SI1EFF, . , Wtreroomt, No. t North Liberty St., BaLTiMoaa, Mo. Factotica, 84 A 80 Camden Bt aad 45 4T Pttty St. - If 7S. tVaUMTO BTiXEB. airs, JU6T RECEIVED A geod amertmtat SUET'S Celebrated hand. made Galtere for Gentlemen, ':,'., HEW8TTLE4, Alto CANFiELD'S popular V Boola ttnd GaUtcrt. , alargattoea, natt patttern. Both these mtien bsta received hlgUett pTemlumt, awarded for the quality of their work. ---.i - - Dally additions io almost avert Depart- BaaDl keeps oar Btoek not only fsS sad new, but one of tha LARQUT AMD MOOT ATTXACTIV 114 THE CITY. Our freqoeat purehaset givs at the know: ledge aad btaeflt of all dacllnes lu prieet, which we thara with our euHoesen. Tha moet Irfbarei IndnoeteesU wJl ne offered to purehaaert, aa we wish to make taipte rooM tor our". . SPRING STOCK, ". which win be tht llargeet wo havt ever pur- fKTTYox JOSE. NoMrayettvJUri febf-U A t. arooaa ion eAtlia jjtK)BB A CUTLUra, 4nOHlT8 AT LAW i Eil.EIOH,.q " BUU tad Federal Coarle aad the Coarm Of the 1st d ftU Jadlclal Dietrii-ts. , vai-u " - ' . JJH. OtO. W. OtAMAht, - " iBA'tit to liif vXo.;' Praettee BmHad to tad Bye. Bar aad Threat, OBlee enr getea 1, Lee A Co, Dreg htorr, feMt I ..... t

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