X" Ar iz -i 4 . V V i r L ii. 1 Is i t .1 1 1 -T- : : .11 ..i' THURSDAT, MARCO 4,1878." - ' 13 JUDGE Dicv ROM EST t ' . v.Tbl WM U UUUoa dUcud MB tb Bala,. We tot of dlsbeaeaty wii ebaiged , tooi the Jndow. halt iha m Im iiih .ertwtltoalhe lade for abaotatlat - JMj 8adta receiver of .railroad after 'In Leghtttut tad rxcluded nlm'tj law aa oaa eat to he traitadA was fact, ffi at school wit Jib ladgeaad loinod tha shorter nteellaW with bin at Oraeiwboro, oodtf; D, Wiliot W JmA th iiiM . '.w -a .aaaiA 71ml bad la aoabat tbiirt6'apiiaV seat of tba bora blower ba wu goleg back oo tba shorter atacbliat. aadi tba teaching aw gnat :mmimtuti Bt ...hsi..; pabLabed , tbla railroad tel" out of regard for th Judge, w bo aboald kaov whet ia said et bed ap oolataMela, aad at th eae timaeaa waning to future judge, Holdea, sve It aa had baa acwUmeelf, wasebUged to have suffered frora tha want of aoaeaty ia bla appolotaaa to afflca. W said to tba gaaUeataa diacoaaiaa: too Jadga that ba appelated Bitty - wUhoot ft II jetl-a, aad that ka would aaver go back agaia oa tba teaching of Dr. Wltaoa aad tba abortar eateebita. Bat what, arid aaa of tba paoMBgert, about that latter to tb Attoraey General I Wa attack our ooU ota, aad aaid wa oould aot dctad that kttarr fur It waa ia violaboa of tha abort or attach!, aad all tha teaehlag of - IZPUL8I0M OF THORSS. "Tba Ofatotbora' Patriot aan : W tblak tha LegMatara nad a great mi- teka (a aatartaiaiag the aucatiua of Taora'a peculiar tholKy and a greater aaa ia expelllag him " Tha eiaaUioa of ' Thorn will he di iaaid by tVery pjer ia ihe Uoited Bute. Jt I a a.aoatioa upo whle aea will differ. , Aaat Abby fton iblakelB great oatraga eoasUted ia baring a tr.e aaaa jixpcllad Opoa the reeoluika vf a aerro. : Bbt will "aeter get oter wa lean, will bare a large aum- of hi pampbiata pabliaked with a of ladoctrlnatiBf the whole people of tba Sutaieto Ike belici of hi religion I teaeta. ' W hear alto that ba will ba a I oaadidato for ra-elaeUoo to lb fvgl I lataraV"'.': """'" 1 I DEAD I DEAD I I Witkte-day dtea tbO 434 vjogreea, I aad M It muck of tbef uoflal.hed oor-l tawtiaa af the BapubUeaa party. A Mead I 'lafe! ffoa WaabtDgtOtt, aayi thing aw I right tejaaliy at oaa lima, wbea taa ao i Icala, tbretieaed to, tc-oaact the tct-oeih by way af ahatUag oat Boutatra maa I Aon tM aett Coagrat. Ha further aaid 1 . Tboflaa, be thought it bad aoaaethiDg to do witklUmaay la tba proio?- praaaaeiatioa of tha 'oplnloa of membare ia adtiainglha Unitary ovrr which hie Xseeileocy egaiaat aallieff a OooveaMoo, There ia I graeral ftjolclog lrorn MaaaacboMtU to I Califorara that Beeat Butter di with I Ibia 4th of Match aad tha 43d CooKiea. 00r;PpN8. BtOUYABLK FOR TiX ;ltaaay aot got it, but Mr. Tale'a hill wtada aaarsdaeat by atrlklng out that clauae which make tka eoapua rrooiva-1 bla la jttiea." Wa have aaver knOwa each a ryttea ia North Carolina, aad It ba aaver worked well where it kea beta .WILL FAIL. ""'v- Tba ring neo aad lobbjUti have met with little luccee ia ih preeeat LegUIa- tare. The Hampbrey Bill, Smith bill, eoaaolidatioa bill to mortgage the North Ceroliaa railroad bu tbua far failed. The 'bg'mt and raliroad corporation are at work oaialde, but they have touud out, . at a oorretpoadeot of tba BuTian. aaid laei week, fThia i aot a LegWalura to U'koagbt4-A!,'f''' u.y, i';.iV. ' ; TiaCnraltMirn BaxTin Fiaar DiaTMCTHT. LatlKhtabpot hapatt eight oVlock, three niroea walked Into Hecklertbaiber abup,0a the corner of Broad aad fletoath U I XI ia Page, ordered oae tba barber a oolorad Baa) ia a peremptory to aaavt him, aao;ithca threw kimeeir dowa la a chair. The barbel , td a might ait thara aH eight ben ton ha would gat him Id abate him. . A $ large arewd gathered ia froat 'ajpf lhe h to wltaoj the 'aji ' i.ttptaia Diaaajpbeiag otiMdl;;eaat j Bergeaot Hall aad poltcemaa paratar ' to ' tha alaee. ! The policemen at aace div Boned lb crowd telling them that while they (the polioameo) bad aoUiaa; o , dv with the Civil Rignt bin, yet ; tbf aed tha right to keep tbeot from flocking ap tba aidewalk. Pag aad hipT party, upoa aeetag tbh, qaJetiy Bekja aat ' oi the barbor-abop and left. Jfba bubaf-ahop B qoeatioa U kpt bjf Mr. Heeblora white maa, and ba eeaf loy oulgaed bar- ker. Tew wa tbe Aiai 'time ay 'bi)ure3 attempted to get aoaveaDcre, Tfca tttnmd which aatbOraT ia ffoa! Ot I bit bop wa very large (ahoat jaa kuan 1 drad aaa BIty pe"p. J eaa wa, vumpoacu of white aad black om -time before I tha aam oartv of aegiwea want lata Mab. J tara1 haMooml OtfBtoad Uu Sixth. aad I called lot diiaka, ajwJagha prlc. Tb I bar-korporcbargad there twin tj-fl race U t war drink: which" therfud to pay, aad left without daking flret Uklag dowa j p. 8. To moat lojk oa. Dr. Haw tha aoma aad atwbvr of tba houta. They I ktni it reported to have been at tha bot- tbaa waatto Eakf' aad Maaly'a bar 'uii obteiaed diiak at ' aotl I .placaa..';; C,;, V MIha4TO;aoMt'a;w,tf!,,7otlk i Pg,tkarlaglaadr, ua-ig aaa tu-1 fMtarad argro, mho kaakwatobra pro- faaetd to bold his no la great contempt, ' It wm m porpoe of our aaceetof la 1771 to get Into tu ahea they brgea tbtir teatonetraieW egiBl. thrt-o oeaU tat a tea, yat th -al ;w a tears war.' ft was a perpoaa of th JVg ala lor la Orange, led by a Q taker, HaroMa Butbaad. to gat taio a war, yet they did ae alter -ia yours J petiiioalog aad re. moaatrsaiig glBt corrupt aadoppree- I rt?" IS P Smith, seward, Giddtag- sad Qrtly tri gal luto war by arglng thlr uneowrUtutrneel vlaw -of patloa. Yat it eH veaded la "peaceable -amloa aad a four year are, aaab th world "boa ealdooi Biiatamd. .Tba leivil rtghtt la a blH, bet prudeet an mBH;aut t ao wt twatc at ia. War m too saaiiy made t 8CPPOSID , BTOCEUOLDKR'd 0 B- RXSPONOJUIUaU. J..., -! :Taaaooji Bova Xwchi. Mr Dbab Oolobu. Jjr bmii l to: I bare tha hoaor to laforai yoa, that have tha further hoaor, at eaiertaioiag at tbla' tin Oot. Faaaiagtaa ot Dahota He I aa fltuttrltHM editor aa4I tblak we oould aell bin ,Uck ia the. New, or as gaga blot ma aa editor. ' He' t of royal family aad pedigree ; worthy to bold ttock la our grvat literary, acleatido aad commercial eatcrpriae. Hi pedigree I lilualrloue, aotwlthdaadiag tha fling iif aa ax-Oorar of "troKtaada aad cake ia tba airca." By addiag $300 to the actouot we paid our flrt edit la ch ef a talgbt procure bia a editor of the Ke w. Wa old atockholJer have kad all the burdea to bear hetetotore, aad I ear to the near (tockbolder It wee aot tlgbr. tbiuk yoa eaa ataad the 500 bet.rr tbaa aay of aa. Tha raw material yoa ipio it aa low, , aad tb pa aa hi(b, yoa will hardly aaiei the 300 aad wa will get crack fog editor who will ba right aad with the people oa aaury. If aotbing ale will dt, Mil tour co i a Ih elid lag ecale aa Dr. Utwkli.j arrangt b tariff uu ' hi ruid. Whca Ihd Htm banded woocy BMwt the tang ua ehixgk tram Apei to Cory waa dollar u tboutaed fjf tlx mil la day the Unff wa reduce I t Bit Ceat. The ana b ahloghl (mm Apl to Cary wuld b aufBcieat to raa our paper, bat mut aot ride a borrowed bore too tree. Tout road aad iu amocet ioee furalahed much of tba 129,000 Stoae aad Uuill tay they 'Iloat Put oa dollar ou the knack cot toa. ColoaeL cell five buadred liaashe .. lk r.ll l tk. .AA nrlm. .. .. but made the money that will give u m Ooverai fur a editor. Our editor ia ombrvo, Culoael, ia a ecbietic char vc tet. Td.y afiM'Ttamay caled i;a ftatleroy lajlor pay hi neptci to tbt Qn.n, Bamaay beieg aa M ae- BintaBoe of coura aaked "bow all were Oaeouh. Said root T.ytor, Iko U prwida. lavh. I tblak would be the mM a eell the Q .vetaor etk ia the Nw if , wtf wmt now ow the aexl Iraia I wed have Mr. Taylor tu meet yoa at the depot aad laaUact vow io the proper proaaaciatioo of the' Uoveroort dominion. CWu'a It ia, tha Gov araor -.will UU i M -atooE U yoa lay Dakota ioata.d of Dir tatttL. Wa have arvtv tried a preaeber for editor of the New, aad it w cannot retaia Gov, Peaniagtoa wa maet look out for a preaeber. W meat avr fear to ebaang editor, II w cbaage aa at tea ae Lincoln did Oearra!. 1 bellevi we have had a maay editor aa liaoola had Ova eraie waating ihrv It with three aaur Cbaageaof editor wa doat aikace the Ibutubx, tbaa wa moat give ir ap aa aa bnOolhd Job. I have to mny thing to Writ about that It I tmpueaible to write WUb contiguity wd connection. i uoiooel boo rurman i wait a, out i doubt if be will be abb to vat thrueitb our Humphrey-Bill Bmmith coutoiidatioa bill, that wa had tuch high hope of year ago. If Colonel Humphrey bad oot backeoVdowa wbea be andertook to light t throuab the Seaata the . bill would .a'baea'iba'Vi.' "Tha great dlllculty tha way it, a a matter of bwieeee jooka to foolieh to aaaka tba North Caro- Baa road bay up two more roadaaad (eaa mortgage bond to pay fur them has tba dock of that road la aoe? to fco for ifalture tb pay U Ureal oa the iatued fur It aooatructioav IS yeai go. sxoept Uudger aat (AH. Waring ber bnve tbe plack to put eacb load oa tka North Cawttaa ad. Aad araer too keep 'up tb charge It ia ug ;' . - mcatera.' . Take . .1 " ao law of tha (object,! 0loitel, aid lika doiag baainee after the vlaof Littkfldldsoddaepaoa. A road 4 lib two mortgagee oa it. to put oa 4irdanJiiaoet5.000.000 a bay two other inaohriat Md, i ht Joenuadmiad would auutwaSplai. Uai lia i aot leldng yoa how w caucuaead Taraer out of Coagreea, or bow it wa Tnroer foaad ott who furultbed $33,000 Kir a fntaM latlar. I aat aoia Ia th. raina aukat nit an at.. bridgea aa-.Haw RivrSqad a dowa aum aaw auoecnoen. i aat awry pun l(hd la tba New that wa bad received S30 oew aabecribera ia oaa dav wa tiki Turner' ataallatr monev from 'the Ueaaury, ao truth la It. f j ! Tour friend aad brother ia ttock, X ' ' ' . JLACKNIL ' toa of the mora te apenwde yoa a Praatdaatof tha Agricultural Fair ill U migai aave oeaMa you. j xiuer wa tbaa Sita about tha liula blot. ( dert we taade la tha maaagtnwBt af th Fair; ;Waara trvleg to earry loamuch dead political matter, aad w Jfaart cut l.wee from t U,j& r--fVmm etiU la'atoakM- f B. i 1 i n a a .11 iinn-" BVLLINO UP THK aTtClCUVLDKRS ' i'Ara.n. z ItU the dattrmiaatioa or tba Aaw CimjMutf ta make their paper a aoceaa by tha moat waepeiiag tfft idaw It. It aak eV favor but 'what ft mfritt; aad'ol&urtriS'W Thlt paper waa art ap by conopt law vera aad railroad ; arcaidrau, who bad ided.lf pluaderlog lb State under Uol deodJtrtloa.-8EirTiat, "Thewpetioaeoof tb Uat three year aaa baaa ataetaatiafactoty,l eatabliabiBg tba acceptability nf tba uadertaaiug ana taa prudeoee af ita aaaaagemeai. ai eaAoftaaaa three iter a loo ATawel itaelf arowlati ia Broepetit. lacreealn. la popularity; aad flimly fixed la th reapect aad co i Wtc W thepwprer Tlra-Avw eater aoa It Ibarib I ear with rrawfal aohaowbdgaiaatof ta Jibaral tapaort it bu henrtolore rrectved, aad wita id aaiaeal bop tad cuofldvot belief that aupport will be largaly-atrengtbened.--Bat JRmm It did aot par fifti coot ia tba dollar ot It exneneea ae ae of tea aaid. b And wbea tbry bad a eettlemeat laat Jane tb Manager, atone uumi, own reponea Urn were eat 33.000. Thie ae tu larnietd thmuah tba a inner of a railroad preeideat, wl.o bad latea plundering tbe Atate and bribing tbe eorrapt under Ho! dea tHnrriMBt. - - '-".;' . CURBS M UUeutaatlaw Scada Iauner Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Hoarsen-to, lleailacne, T.afh, Buns SoreBest. Coll, TTouadi, lleera. Braises, rile, Sprain-, Celif, Old Sorea ill nmoirbagea, STATE OF NOUTH CAROUSA, CcuaiT r Pitt, i ta vi Paoaava Count. In the Bat tor af U rnikat ot the tei till aad laalaaaat o! Joka roa dacoaead. To itmm A. Hrowa. Jmj Ana Tataaa, Wkareaaea tbe lath dav ot October IHU, Juha a. W. Brown th exeeaVw taa aanwd, profoaadad tor pmbata bafore m taopaaepartat onlce t - Omavtlle. lathe county aloraaaid a paper arrtuaf arpartla; to a iaa waa will ana teatamtai or done Browadteaaaea. wbereupoa turn walaoa Klla.batb Hsltoa hla wira. Unranao Moblea aa t Loalea Ua wife. Job Cobb aad wt'o Martha I, appeared aad entered a eaveal to tbe probata tbarrof. and t ike eaa If aot tbe laat will, aad taatimn f at Iaa aaid Juba Broea tad it dali aut ea-tuc 'bat I A Braoa aad Joaav Ana latam rettdee bavond tbe Umita ot tha aula, ibarefnre toe eald Jawaa A. Browa aad doaey Aaa Tel em are aaaiaed to appear at tbe aaxt tana ot th Boptrior Uonrt to be held tor tbe eoaatv ot ma a iaa uonn noaee in uraeaTiiia oa vn i hundav after taa tblrd Moadav la raranarv. IS7S. then aad there to eeepra- coed lan aad make thcaawrrra party to the awana taaa aaa tarre maa ir :nav taaii waa iroprr o Jo ao Wltw Itarea H. HIPPARD. Jade of Pro bate at emre la tireenville. tbi KM day of Ueei mbrr, 187. , . , U. bh irra Kit, )aa-t rrobale Jadti E IT.IT URNAM! Vat Kr Charche. tKarlon, fnraa Aa.. ai NAT. L. BROWN, NOTICE. aaniMaaa 8. 1-74. To all peraooe who are ta arreate (or Taxee for the year UTl and lata, law, 1 hereby give nwa ta am uh ii iaa rm n uo c aoor before ta IftKh buteat.. that aaua UoaoUlbelaaaaadaealaatlheWj.a the levy ba alraadv beea aud and the laccentanl eoalaoed. Tbla la tbe hut aotlee and laoae who fall to comply may aspect to tee tbeli panueaae mmm naeia to pay eoata. ajrptlld T.F.ilE anent D B N N I 8 0 '8 PATnrr 6nPia tag. Ova Twa Bandred MUlk-na have been need wltbla the Beat 10 f aara. t eoeivlalat of Uat b Taa baeoaalae detaebed. Taai aaa woaa aauaaia wa ARiuae uorroa; Bataa vaaa aai Taa ta aua. AU Kxpiaaa vonpaniee aaa tnem. --1- aaid by Printere and atationeraeverywhere, LIVE. Dalut hi Oonfkl UareVand. a.. Kaval turaa, bamhrr, Bbrnglra and Wuud,. Apci waae va a .- oetkavtw QroEsxnxa. la More a lino or the brat Apple MlUa raag- ig la price from o aa. Every farmer who haa aa orchard aboald have one, . Alan, luet received a aew rnpplr of Sinclair aad amith' Cutting Knlvee, tbe boat la a . JAMUI M. TUWLKS. . ; CmiaaY Jtavioaai. Saaav lunsa. . a. Df. 19th. 1874. rTHE lenlar aneeel BMetlnc of tbe etork JL hoUUra af Ulf Bank will ba beM at I be If Banking how m BaM ga oa Taeeday lath J...M. IUTK ' ' ' . ' m ... w . .. . . - i .r- W' 4t. miaif 1 aaaiar. dMiteocSt . . , -S...'lSji-Bn 4f TB0MA8 A. HARDT 8058,' , Agent, Norfulkv Va. LAND PLAITXB and Agrleuttaral Lime, 'aat received a lanre anpplr Ume aad Plaeter. aad win be void at Depot et wweet poaelble rate. ,- ii- .- aiou, - -. " ,--. Claev. Tuaoihv. Orchard Ud Berda Greet Seed la etore, :- - "- aau au TUW1.BA. - OAA COHDl OF SEASONED riSE Z)) Wood delivered foraaCah. read roar order to J. IK E1U gtor oa lUllabor MM ' I " - H U-liWU IMoU withon ...'.'rre i .aa taa ...r r -rrr-rr--1 i -fc- - -, . f F OUt CAMS or HEW ralltTt JCSTiTJaUCIS gSDOCED. f OflBEa r -; . .. ..;.J1. h -i.. 'A braatlfal Sew of carpel' Bad Bnga. Lateet Btylei of S.lk and S Jt Hale. .' , - Dree Good for todtoe end Mieaee and Ootha, CawlBtoree aad other fabric for mew aad boy' wer. together with elouwt cvary artlalt ia ear l.ae era uflared at loweat lArbUaaAdToaead r:ewror -t OtAMfiE BOTEU 4 . tad tb pabit that they eaa Bad m at tbe 1 Ut UotaL who wUI take that 1 ear ot aaaa aad beaat tit BIMON MAT. LAND SALE t 1 Aa Aant I will eU oa Wrdaeeday Ua BOtb ad tbl BMiata, oa the pram Iaa, t Ii o'elock the rtiac Bobertaoa Tract of Laud, la Wk Coaatr. eontalnlnt one hnndre aad twaaty eevea aoraat attoeted IS ail'w aatt of tbrieixh-ew the fwrhero- Boa adloMaa T th Ml TbfaJ la V-'-"-. JxbB Smith aad ethere. Tl io One hlid cah ; the welnara la oa year, wrU latamt at pr n-nt u. t A T. MIAL, Agoat We with to purchaee di Im veil brake Mole between tve and Mz yean old. , Apply rmm at to dwhm oi WINNE, TANCET at CO. . aagladt- . ! i'-js.-'- "D EOWM'S TAKIEt'T STORai M ' Tha Chttpeit alaee to bay a.l hledt af MUSCIAL INSTRUMENTS, (From 1 Jewaharp to a Cearrh Orgaa.) Artap aad Trawmiaft Va FtWuu, Qi Bwaket! Bamketsl Tb la.geel teaurteieal la the clt. Aneenu, Hair, i lutkm, Zrumb aiU rAae . rwa, . J Blacking. Ftaibor Duatcra, Hillw Ntr- 1 aad K'tkmtr Chair, Brittani Dipper, Wftnd Tooth Pick, Clothe Bar. CHILDREN CARHIA0K3, Croquet Sola, Bella. Battle Duo it, (iraee Ileopa, Bcaeoi bok, naying u.io, Die aaa Cure, Fancr (looo. TOTS, WORK BOXES, WRIT1N0 Ladle' Companion!, Bead,t'ockt Book China Vae, Jew riiy Stand, Jigar aad Tobeooa Bosea, Dolla, Moblea, Tea. India Rubber Ball, Rattiru, Building aad Alphabet Block, PIPES. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Aad macy other thing too nuuierou to meatioo. Call aad examine my ttock and price before bayiag eMeobrre. Mo trouble to thow giMida. NAT. Lv UNO WW. oetU tf Raleigh, N. C OAJT, PISK, AND POPLAR, Delivered anywhere la tha city at the loo ot rata, tifdara tiled at one. KAMI) A BARBES. Dee. Id warn Boarding House. rUvtaaTtreae th reeMrn of J. A. Joaee. Baa., en Mukboro B rart, 1 am prepared to aeeommadtle a limited aam ber of tt gumr, Traanlent aad Tab la Buanlara. Tarm nudemtr. Apply to Maa W. B ALI.KX "TTALrjiBLC TOWM LOTa FuK BLg v 4T APFI, . C. Oa Taerday tha a; h Pre , 18'd. at U o'eUtk a. m , ( will erll at Pablle Anctioa a at Dtaiihbla Town Loa rontalnine from M ' ert each. term niaee aaoara 01 aay or one dtet tiV , J. MeC. gLUNOTON, N O T I 0 B All panoat Indebted to the andortlcned are hereby notified to roma forward and tat tle, ee I am bound to hare menry to conduct my oaviaeet tnteeetreiiy. Ttmi Dlt.lK S -rt 1M, WT4. F u. cuaidToruER, Wheleaale and Retail OBQCKR AND GENERAL COMMI8- S10N MERCHANT, N . 4 abo S, Komtw 8iua MAaaaT. A ful linr l Oroct rir for the J I bing Tral, i'A.;4ii uit t be time, , COFFEE AND fUGAIli OF ALL n.oimirLovRii Two linn J rait Barrel nf all grade, Von Meal iaad Stock Pea Still Lower. BUftER f- BUTTER I I - Five hundred poubd of Floe Cratto ooaaty Butter, tat aala ky Kit aorl ReialL rivuiwr iKMtiivi juaativw I ati-a'jl '-.5 .w-- ' By boi aad Retail at all Grade. . ! fewaiafBH Kiddt, H - " ' " UamtlLUmat .' " r i oiit and New Pi.rk llam I ... voraea mm aopmaiiy, Ordti, filled, lor. Cora Faiieued Pork t Afaiket Plica. iuui(:iDienui jM.au ainut biiiciho, 1 . . 1 . j 1 . . . prutapV tetuiaa aaado atii -. atialnrttoa girrn: " : : i Mi u r Mracharu and Uorne tut Ddpnar, Uith F.C Chrit ph-r, aould he pleaaeu to wattoO theirflieadf at F. O. (JUKIaTUrrJKK H, ;IMa - Mo. 4 A S N Market. liOAUDINi; HOUSE. i:riet Heiene lusai gad PerMS IL I wo r-qoAKua hU.tr o two CavitoU tun a or: wirrrii Bcb.aeatt the patronaa of tbe amber 4 the a Latpuatare eaa taepaniic generally, ner long azperleaee la kot aa a boardiaa bona. ttaee ltau, Iaa tnoleleat mttran ea Uu t the Hnaaerwtil ae Bret elae la every paiUealar. 1 Bee arieae eonform to tbOMOt other board tea bouomiu ta city. A FIRST f LASS WATCIIMaKCR ix a aituatioa ia aay Sonthera tow e am eiam waico repairer alaa or French aad Englitb Clock. Moat aatiitaotort rafrrenoe give., apply by hrttar to J P. BaoAOU. sara of Mr. Keller. Watch Material Dealer, 4, Naata 8t, Room t, New Tork City. The advemarr (peak Italian, rroaca aaa sngiun nueauy. . u. t a at ... -rr-.f--7 o-a'-f H -' ' . , i ,ww aa W'-a at I ' - f ; - -: Mm r . . . . . .. - t ... i flMt Indacamcitu to narrHaaer. W have Intt Kadueed oar EaUrB Stoek. moaating irom jA.ow to $,(m worth of Entirely New - i-t . I V, I s .(., J DRVOOOD3, --., ... , Kotlona,boU,hoeaf HaU,e.j Mack lower prtcee taaa heretofore forC XSH. .AU wbaatvo aa aaaU wilt getaa faUeat Taleeforthetr monev. ; ' Merchant parebaMog ra tbla market eaa aakrprnatabia wvaetinaaU with a. Out Stock te vary full Jar, Uh) aaaec tldnt w wUI kav other addttioa very . , pKTTTM JOKES. m rayaUaaUltdiBMnV.. Jrindla-tf -r-Balal-B,ltVC -L 1 1 1 . . Wlahlna- a happv New Tear to our frlaadt. pal root aad the geaeroa pant a wbo have ao fliartlly patrwaleed aa, we ea Well that oar effort la the ftturewUl be eoaiUaUy nude for a U1 treavw laertate or our aeMnete by fair aad liberal deailna; with U aad by telttnc the beet awode at lowett valae. w a heve. daring ta preeent week, rreelved largataiiiaatogw.y . EAtOMABLE AND DESIKABIJt GOODS, whkh auk aur ttock one of tl krgeet aad ..... J - r . and moat aUraetlv la the ct'y. . . We ber for CASII aad cive moat llboral da.emente toUAfU BSrEKA. Wa bate Jat meelved a Rood aartmeat or OA R P E T 8 , , very bw at from - 31 orntt to $1.11 vnf yard MebanU InUndh.g (a buy ia thie Market ; will eave muny ty aiving at a " '' 1 took before baying. PETTT A JOMIS. PtMU.viUe StJ yaw - -i ' Caittiaa Advoeal copy. , A mild anertont aad aentle 'purgative,') dmaawrmet r . ... Mra af ail aawrmonte of the etomnch, liver ard bowal. By By their Umelf aaa ach etrknaee h preveBtad. Tha laat of bmbv veai hav proven them to be the eefett, eoreat aad beet of ell tbe pillt ever oflrred to the pbUm. They parity tbe hloed. remove all corruptloo and raetore tha dUaaaad evatna to perfect beal'h. Aaea Antidote toChllle and FeTer they have no ruaii. ror uvtprpaia uev are a apciane r or Bie ueeaooa ana ninoat tnuc tocy r a aura euro. " For Oooatiptuoa, Kheumaiieia. Pile, PeimtatkA of tha Haart, Falu bt th M Back aad Lome. NrrVontaaaa. a pool ttva reedy. For Female Irrauulerittaa, ailUiont a rival. "When one doea not very wall,'' a alncle dote ttlninlatee the tomerh aad bowala, wetorae the eppetlto. Bad ImiarU Thrur to the tvnem Bold erywhrre. OtBee IB Murray Street few Tork PU. TUrTS BAlBDTf. la IW applied, kwnart a heantifal blaek er browa. ami aca like marie. The beat la the world. Sold by all drnggitU. Price tt-00 a not. THE a haetly record of death that retalt from palaaonary aflectkm It friahUal. There U ao I tat thet la eo raebraooa m Ita at bvk a eonenmptlon. By the eeclect of "alight eoldi" they toon become deep eeated ad defy remadie whietv a tppllaJ at the ootat, would have averted all danser. Dr. Tatt'e Expeetonat haa provra Itaelf the moat valuable Lanr Balaam ever diaeovered. A dltUnguithed eJencymaa of Naw Tork, eiencyman 01 paw torn, a "nvatoet hteatlngof th try, and ray 'ao family t it " It 1 uteaaant to the proaounee h iaa aineteenta eenlai tbonld witbontlt " It It pteaaant taai a, aed a aiogla doee UI oftau remove tbe moet obetlneta eonirtt, OIBcd, la Marray OBwet, new iont. f Bb Mdtf ' jOSADALIS K GREAT S0UTHERS mnrdy for th cur of tJcro- tula, tu n. uioaa 1 tint, itnuuina- , Wl'.ta Bwriliiit;, Ooa., joitre, I'oaff m;it,on, liiooch.. :, Itt-rvout IkbiUtv and all die !ra ariain t irom an ituijurooa- a mmiaruin!ailprawk ttica wu wailkMnra tax Mating ir is bat iretun a. tmmd ihS V tl SiWaVt kwwtMaT M BwkrLa af thia f :aHrton iuug twk tvtncs. of Umilf Mtttaoitat eta be atamutid hata i""!'! nnaw, MlaiaUt. It"" tioiiii lanagaaat rva, aaaanikc ia tha hi to a (t a M mf Aniiiaa t " " " .- - ftT ku ami H ia cum of Bcto. WKhmachax. v. v. itur r aou, r II to anm aaVte. ua auaiaal twi, aaylac U at . . . Maw Dakar Mall at nJ. iar M. a. tnlHae!tMtk mn he hilVuioaiKt etoafilte k Ilia. a atarrfaU t. altkto tri. Ion .Till, V., My k awvar hat hO4 Ita (ir nuatartHMi. ... 77 w nw H M a-aa IkMiaalH . -a . . aaat-1 1 MNaM. tfmni.. TTA as n H rarad'himat Bhrwnittai wkaUalai ItilaaV ouuaaid iMlMful.Mil pra tlMHI iu I IKIlKtl u Bubl&toA " '7 y . aaow K I you. aa wm tail vaa it leattuj ! ira --- aitaratiTC ' '. , aa ellat aiaa. Partaar. UJ aor amca u kwald elvvt m MMlmoalti .Vara km tvt ia I'm BMik aa aa srm AJnra,M.tTry w,tj.woa. (uut c bUa ir-awwaaUr a ty ru- uutioa. aHdaUl wAayaUBraaiiata. . uiigmico Baltihou, yVoprirtora KO. 8 CoUNt PlACUj 4r N OTICE.' "I -v By virtue of Card of M orvte da'y rxe- ay TBjeaat leant: at wake eovaty to th aeeeralgoed, we win aauaa I aatarday the lard ay of Jaanary, 187S, at aa.4la taction ror eata, at ua txtuaae ei in taut i noma Touaa. ia Wake ooaatvthe followtaa' ar tide of property, be-wlit a Mahw, l htare. Two Toko Of Cxan. 4 head ot te, BS heep. Oaa Steam Xagia, Faw Milt aad Fixture. flSEgw H ALFOBD, f ifWUnia ; f t -Aa Oam o A A 1 Lb rannogAv: no, It! Invito tb pil ttenti n of the McrcbtnU id North Carolina to their ti.4ki.f IIAT8, WPHAW OOJMrrARAJQL9.HD VMHgljmitMem au, pcrior laducrweota. Paraeol a tpedalty With aathi a Ja S-8a " Gratenil Tfc(TT;jtu.r. rrtwinimn. coab nrrrruH tiif 'tnr.t vrr.iulcrfiil In v.Jurent tl.at r-t.i .l.uiued tH- vhig tyatevi. ,'.w;- ...(.. Prra an ti l !'imc I' Mcra according tu ilinttioiw. au.l icliinm itHtg BBwelli roviill tlu-ir bmw aie not tio atroyttt by mlnernl poiaoti or oilier meant, aud vitul organ watted beyond repair. , . " Jiilions, Bemlltent and Inter mittent FeTers, which are to prera. loot in tbo rallova of our great rircra throughout tbe United State, eetieciully tnoae of th Aliaaiatippi, Obio, UUaouri, IlllnoiatTenncstee, Cumbcrlntid, Ark.tn aat. Red, Ckilorado, Itrazoa, Uie GrawUe, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah. Ro anoke, James, and many otlicia, with tbeir vast tribntariea, tlirftugtiout otrr entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably to during aona of unutual heat ami drynexa, nr Invariably aceomnanied by extciwlve do raogmentB of tbo atomnch and liter, and other abdominal riacera. In their treatment, purgative, exul ting a pow erful Intluonce upiii tlieae vHiioua or pnnt, It emcntlully nccaanrj'. Tlicro i no cathartio for the purpoee equal to Da. J. WAiKBU'a VlXKCAB RrirTKKil, aa tbey will teelily remove the dark colored viscid uiattcr with wliieb the bower are loaded, at tbo same titno atimulating tbe aecretiona of tlie liver, and generally restoring tbo healthy function of tb digestive organs. l ortirjr the body against disease by purifying all iu fluids with Vixeaab Uitmss. No epldemio can take bold of a system tha fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, iiemi acbe, Paw in tb Shoulders, Coiili. Tightness of th Cbcst, Dixzinest, Hour Eructations of th Stomach, Bad Tant in tb MrathyBiUotu AtttJkt, Palpita tation of th Heart, laflatswjation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of tbo Kid dots, and a hundred other painful symp toms, art) th otbprioga of Dyspepsia. On bot tl will pro a better guarantee of iu merits iajt angtliy advertiao- "fkrofnls, s? Evil, white Sweumga, Tean; aVympelaa, Swelled Keek, Goitre, Bcrofulou Iuflainmationt, Indolent InSammatiout, Mercurial ASectinna, Old Sores, Eruption of the Skin, 8ore Eye, etc. In theto, a in all ether constitutional Uia ate, Wans' VuioAa Btrrtas bar thowu their great curative power in tlie oiott obttinat and intractable caee. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Bemit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, liver. Kidney and Bladder, that Bitter hav no equal. Such Dineaaee art canted by Vitiated lilood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en caged in Points and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-tetter, Cold-heater, and H inert, a the advance in Ufa, are cubject to paralytia of th Bowel t. To guard arainat this, take a doee ef ITAUia'a Via boa Bittiu occaiionaliy. For Skin Diseases, Eraptiona, Tet ter, BAK-jtneum, isioione, epott, nmpioa, Puttule, Boil, Carbuncle, Bing-worm, Scald-bead, Bora Eye. Eryiipela. Itch, Scurf. Ditoolorationa of tha Skin, Humor aad Dittaae of tbe Skin af whatever name ar Bator, ar tharatty dng up od earned out oi in tytiem ib a toon tuna oy ue use oi tneeo Kiuers. Pin. Tape, and other Worms, lurking m tb mtem of o many thousands, ar Aeetualiy aeetroyed and removed. If a tritera of medicine, no vwrmifugee, no aa thtlminitic will free the rjetem uvm worm ua ueee oittere. For Female Complaints, in young or old. married or tincl. at tha dawn of w tnanhood, or the turn of life, the Toni Bitter displsy so decided aa influence that inpraCxcnt i soon perceptible. . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- ever yoa Snd it impuritie bunting through nw .a...fciiiniim i-it.yMiini, .jwiovfc., clean it when yow find It obttruoted and alnnith ta th vein : aleana it when it ia fculi your iaalinga wit tail yoa when. Keep in niooo pur, ana jv neaua ot in rrttem wjUlbUow. ' DrafvltM ad Gen. A- an PrtaelaBa, Callttraaa, ad aw. at Watmra aa IWka Bla, M. T. BaM he ail aSrweia aa4 Daiw , ex ua.Akjta SOUrniRJt STEAM SAUSAGE wiwurAcroRT, BIOUMU D. X Thi manufactara of Banmeeof all klndt auda a apachiUty" tor the Boa there Market Brad for t'teealar ana bHm tl.t A l nnl.n adoreaardto M, B, SECBLtH. act 1Mb Mo. as, and Market. JOADLNQ HOUSE. Mra n..'aillteTeAaaerommodateanUB bee of boe-denAjt her weU known board in bonaaoa New Bern Aveeaa. If emtera of tbe Wenerai A-armbly within; to aecure roorae wonld do wJ, v neha aarlv aDoUealioa. Toe noaen i oeiiKnuaiiy aitaatea la eoe oi tn ott peut porUone of the cltv. wlthla oty teach of tbe capital. Term ta reaaca nble a eaa be had anvwhani. r I aotr .- -- iCapers, Mowers k e paratora. I Aor th celebrated Champion Keeper jaowara iwaiuiueuf-WBrca van; am praaaiaa tav p Aat at tb iatt rtir. Akta eaa tapplt t tar p Aat ua jMuiroaaa, ue Mniter oparator. Cleaaer, and Bttver at Maaafactarer's price with tro'jibt added. ... . Order' Soilcllad at one to eeenn aiarhlan la tim m th coralnr Harveet , dAMES M. TOWLEVagwat. Buyv-t. JjX)g BEST. . . . - The Brick 'Doelliair. with Store aad BaattMBt oa Payrtb-ville Street Oa.the lot ia a good wait of water, Kitchew aad Sublet, all ia drat rate aider. Tbo pro perty formtrly occupied by I. K. I ant og. HrO I-H W. 1L et R. S. TUCKER. n, A ao ciio.iiv t.. Yo rt. JUtlO. lEWlt N. W. vvs,i JULIUS IK WIS it Vo. FtfUSB Build;ko. A L E I (1 H , N . V I TV IN SrOCal-ANI) CAM. I I allenli-m to t Irw of ll.r lM,in! gnrata ia thiir line. A Thry Kanrantve Bllimre prim lociuntry inirchtnlt iiivrryin- E tano-. I'nret furniliel op -plication. D ELWKLL Httt, W llAS)Lri)CDTTIN ASK I'l.A.N iaa hoica. A E STEEL HOES-l i htnJIr.i. IRON HOES. E MANURE FORKS. & S T PflOVKLS AM SPAOK PMW TRACES, LAP LINKS, 0 LEWH & CO. CKLF.BRATfcD Aa and K lj;'' Toil. V- iaa an-l Mule hoc. Cut Hot Nail. Ac. Naili, E s- Sole Agent la North Caroliaa for ale of Tb Laflin A Raad Vo. Powdrr, Pratr Arl Oil, " ' I Avrreli't Cheinie! Piiii, V) Buck Litae. Xr- Tb Al Migbl C k .V v. Jtr. lb S-ly JIMK! LIME11 L.MHM oarentvina; fr -ia Mepot dlmt from IV kiln, a car hMut jf N i. I. ock Uiae wh nil aUlb eld ehe-r than the roe rat t laalereaaa eonweior In I ante inutti. I, ladita Dock U at i. ' No. 1, Hrvrtou bot iu tha mark.--. I V ln kept tonataatly on hand hnundul iy dninlie I'tatent, Calcined and LmiJ PlKi.-r and Aericnltaral Uia at lowet c-.h prl. et. JaMKU w. TiiWLlfc, 1874. 1874. AUTUMN. BLACK ALPACAS I BLACK ALPACAS I Potty d Jones ; Oowted to-day the Btoat'baaoUful .Ii-.. of Slack 4 1 para aad far Mohair mr odereU m tbi market, and raapectfellr k t 'rir utomere ad frlead to eall and tee Ibrui aad Jm coaviaoed for ibemKWe. , ....... Alto a aplondld aaMtrtaent of rail Print aita areat many other acid in tbelr lino, New aad freau. Aad for tantiemes. THE NOTED B.4LL00 BniRT .-. r.tN FIELD CELEU" rl IliNUU " SHOES. eptla-tt GRAND, .SQUARE JKO UPRWffr Pianos Hvc received upwarda ol FIFTY riKSf PREMIUMS, end are among ihr beat now made. Every inttrunu-nt lul'j warranted for five tear. Price aa ! nr tbeexclutiveueei f the very hett rr.a eruia tud tbe moet thomngh wmkmaurbip wnl lermit. Tbe principal pianii ami com- wxTa, and thy piauo-punhatit g pui o. I in soum wipt-cialiy. nniie in me iniiniraoo vrrlict t the fcoiM-'ii riiy ot th ntiefi Pin Tlia buiaUlii ol our itwtiuilieate I fullv it..b:iliel b' over SIXTY tCB.MiL end I ollegt-t in ti e S- u ti ueing vrt 8ti0 iur. Piano. ,. Mie Wh!'r?alr jAjOJitfjLbL!ZiIi!!.!!f'' pHiicip' manufaAiurrra of f'-liin i ' parlor Or pan; price Iroiu flu t':" A liberal dieoount tv krK) '" bath School.- A large aaanrtmrnt ol n-nwt t. -.1 Pianna, ar prle- rnj;ni; tr- ' ;" $300, always on hand. Htujil-lor IMuttrntrd ''tlo(i e. 'aluiug tb namra of , r ,000 .u ii erner. wlm h..v bongtu ud ' unig tbe Stieff Pi .no .CHAS; M. STIKFF. WareTi). um, So. 9 North Li!riy Si., ' ' Baltimoub, Ml). FactiHlm, 84 A St Ciui1mi M.. 4T Perry St. 1 g ELECT BOASlMNU AND OKI MIHtx.. - HlLLMBOItO' N, i i Tka Miaaa Naah Mia KtHork aid NMiti lereieeeol their vaMitta fnday Pah. IS74. -t llrraiara rovwardes oa apputAtioa. 2 'V'1 , , ;ryr'',-,:-; .-.: ::;y;..,i',.z,i t v 1. "v 'j v.' - " "v- U J. ,'r;'