..J..-.- L-- .- . J i',.ll." THESEMNEE MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1875, A lULEIQH NEGRO ON A CIVIL . RiaHTS RAMPAGE. ' 4 iialelgh wm Welter et the Et chings Hotel sanoaaced oa Bandsy eve ning where the leadlsdy happened to hear him, that h wu going to Savannah, Georgia, where a negro vu a white mo. At a o'clock, Bewv BfltchibHa ctrrjsgs stood U frost . ol ihm Exchange. Tbe civil righto waiter with' 7 la pocket or - dra4 Ilea to rat oa-hmtrtmh,- which order h obeyed, and when seated tba AflVhsa u tucked arouad lit tbiea to keep off the raiaw Ht had declared bis supper at Ilia. Troyt st; Morrisvllle, aad to occupy tko boat bed at tbt Beebow ia Oraoaaboro,' TTbaatba bbtlo blew hi wu seated to tko ladle car, kteplag bia wuiu i wuva turn una uiina vwuiv . Troys eating boat, he walked la with other ptsarsgcra, r members of the Legis lature' aad! Conductor Sprsggtnt. lira. Troy Inquired el a goaUooMa what aha moat da, , Too, esaV " hstp yourself, Madam, give him bia' tapper, waa tka reply. , Wbea sapper waa ore be draw bi cigars, aad being oa the tquat order. ' ha reaeacd ap te) a tall gsnllcmta't Hpe aad begged a Ught, Toa d-m black meal, I will ataaapj the fife oat of yoa, said tka gentlemen, whoee lip were Bear belag kbaed by the argroee fingers. At ' DarbaoM tka civil ilgbU ram pager walked tothl platform aad aaked for To Job a- . too, tka negroes addreeatd did cot kaow tack a, auaTeli him, aaid the rsapagsr, I patted la tka ladles car. Tell htm wno passed ald ooe. A gsotlsmaa oa hla mam la hall tk rami. I think. Said - PT'I' - ooe of Ike Durham argrors, jou might putoa tome maeett if you are oa your way to helli ' Toe eaay go oa, aaid aa otter .ewgro, they ore wailing loryoa. 8eid tka Raleigh 'negro after theea re bukes, tell him Mayor Twittj pased on hie way to BaVaaaab. The whittle blew aad a few mays f Bitty, whether be ilept la the beat bed at the Beabow, or went a wkaro they were waitiag lor him, is a matter tor tha OreeoeUxo ratriot to ioreetigata aad report SDKS ItEASCREA A eorrapoaotat, A, aede a word, or two lataoded for VbO Legttlatare. A to aa old aaaa of asm nparieaca. What be ear dstcripUve of the laat boare ol IcgitUtmw waa attempted la the late Cbe great, joat adioarwadi Tka flag aad eoreoratiea maeaarea ol tka LegUUtoie wire to cipaoge tha clatus of the charter of tha North Caroline R R, excladiag avta from office who had boea gellly of ambecsiitteet, ft9. rotting a aew aad heavy aaortgage oa tha North Caroliaa road, aad make It bay two other hankraoA roads, aad tbea aoll out all Aad to prtveat a law ttriageat against near aad caurers. fae riog aad corpo ratiena have failed thai mala plan snd to dy arc la despair. Their laat effort will be to got tha usury bill post pooed astil October, member eaye their chance for It bow ia aot hall to good s Mayor Twltty's chance lor the place betetfkairaagotogto. neaaea-a t -i . NOT ATJTI10RI8ED. Ia the lrjuoctioa case of the negroet of WilmlBctoa acatoet the act of the Ugie- latnre i tried before Judge Bond, the J udge decided thto aaoralog tbat be waa aot au thorued la take eogaisaaca of tuch a cam brooght before blm ia aack a tray, Tha complaiat at the egroea agaiait the act 0r the Igiaiatara wai dlim(awd. W will give the opiaioa ol Jadge Bond in bar ext btao '(' UPP08ID BTOCKUOLDER't C )R- RKSPONDKNUa.; TiaaoiowHotJjLlUrch8, 1 am iroabled aboat the civil rigbta wn. If a aer cornea to my boam I matt aatertaia bltaaol giva bin a aeat I my table evttk fld'. rMDlogtoa and ika diitinaaiaked boardere or tbe mawieo wn - -m,. a- tl fnrrelafin. Wbsa hi excellency Oo. Paaalagtow left hare ke wu opposed to a aegre giving evidence agaiaei Dim in aeort. thoacb it migbl be la a cam where ke kad refaaal to pay the negro for work tad labor doaa. Be will go to .i.. w.tunal Bote! if a Bcffro tvor alii bv bim at my table, for CoL Brown will aot ' allow a' artrra to enter bu dining room ilk kie kal oa, mack mm ait at the table Wrth Gov. Brogdeo aad Treaurr Je iri.. a.ha1oaid bim. Too do aot kaow ' Gov. Pena'agtoo at I do, Colooel, end I Will tH yoa what manner or man ae l. Is frame be ia tall ratber lhaa eqnatty, and maacnlar, just the maa ' to preaai the clam who look with doable cruffdeac poe a UadeiLwha la bla cwa peraoarepreaeoUtbeqaallUeeapon wbicb .- i. lAriiiir nmw vmuh1a anil laej m ! "-t rolling toga. Tka Goferaof ol Dakota or Der kotta.aa yoo my preierio can h,u .klhniliad.! BDH-minaea mareriennn maa.?. Like your frieod. Major Smith, be bat a diadalo. for avaryiDiog metnoaicai M tedata,- Xmmrtt "ke, Je doea aot . .- ..:i.nh writtea aatil bia Bute : eiaOaaaSoa adtakaherpl among other Statea of the Uoioa. "Tbea and aet-antil the let nuepitapa do -rfti.ii-" It woald have doaa yoo goad, Coloaei, to have wltaemad hie Moelleocy't Introducrioo tft tha BeaaU by 0r joong Amntor Cbnrlie Babee. TbeaceBe wae sob-ma aad impremive. A dorp and awlul tllence hung heavily poetbetea ate chamber. Eeaatort looked at If eome frightful Ciltlf War W v ym, iheaoaatrr.wkick bouadap Aha tmr breatk of tkaPeaats ia a fearfal batlw.. Senator Botbee aaid aot a word after be made bia mptioa. Gov. Tea alogloa ooald hot ey a woid. Pa ordU aary oocatloot kit delivery It fluent aad full, tome timet aaeomunaly rapid.! la oommoB dieeuaiioa hit iaioaatioaa arc deep abd dlgoited like Go. Brogdea'a, Bit Mtemporaueunt pwert ol eipre- aiiM-, wkea be beoomm animated, moves the hearer jaet aa doe the voice of Gov, Brogdea or themfgbty king of the forest Be looked every inch a maa wbea bt stood before the Senate with kts kead tkrowa back dupUyiua: a breadth of forehead which I haw aever eesa absent from real talent i icept ia tko cats of Joha V.' Hheraid aod Boo Boer of the Sboffner B II notoriety. la tkC higher department I or oralorjr hi IT Wpsrlor to Major BmUa end Kjeal lo Wm. F. Uea dartoa of the nrtaua Rememb ow, that Gov. PeaaiBgloa reemvad hts eda eatioa at tka cat la Oka. priatlng oJBca, and kit polUk la orabiry from aid Joha Robiaaoa la tha etrcaa. Let ma lavlte yea, Colooel, to dwell with ate for a aac. meal oa tka great atMbata of kie intel lect aad aek "wkat might they aot bate achieved had kie deetiay p need kba to the eituatloa moot laverabc U their fall development. .tflaetedof weaUagtkeai apoa aeatioaa ot traaeihrry tateteat aacb ai cakea aad kmeoawae.aad Hghl mrtwa aa Pkreeology, aad agaiaat lhilkaaaf tbenalowd ma to bear witaes to aoort agaiaat hit late m, be bad wadioated them to the etady ft biereey aad Ike tcieoce of g .veremeat, to what a bright aad Bcrmaaet.ee of tame might they aot have rained him I Thaw rttdctiuat, Cotoael, per pat a al It foroe taemevlvee apoa the frleads of Gavaraur raaaiagtna both ia aad oat of the Saaata, aad ay lameat to sea lb vigor of sock a mlad aqaaadared Iret Vpoa lemoaade, oady and taken, aad tkea apoa the wild cat, kangaroo nnd bofTeloea of Dakota. Tbat wat heavy bribery Joe Turner baa fonad out about three corporation brib ing n maa for $1,800 a moth.' 118,000 a year. 1 nope II M aoi ouj u oar ecoca kolJern be nlludae le a tn m a who ie bribed. If it is a stock Bolder w can draw oa bim fur a big pari of ike f 23.OC0 i( takaa to tun our paper. I will lejru ail about it when I tee Dr. Hawkins, and write yoa in my next. You may ewvar somebody hat beea biibed ot Taroer would aot be to bold about it. Our paper, Coloaei, the Newa, hae beea' the at ' nafortneate journal tbat ever blacked paper with priatera ink. It foo -lahly ndmoawhed the grange tbat secret societies wsre indictable. Of courts tbat set tha paper bck with the order. Is the meaatime Turner iavlted them to fall ia aad fight the rings aad railroad coi poratlont with the Stmatu Our edl tot Jordan Stone joined the order and with noma brieflets lawyers who got it to the grange because they farmed it btdiy, e war was made apoa Turner, out by the grange bat by men wba twtonger to the order. I wuk our paper kad aever takes a stead sgaiast ths grange, and that Jor. daa Stone, oor editor, had cever jjintd That gams of rolling poker that Stoar played all eight at Weldon wa againai as, after we pat f rt'i the dwep n let era and tarda on Tamer. : That tool Jim Ca ll trlliug that Bm Tweed's riag pat money ia oat paper ie hard to get over. I thought it earns in tocb a way through ths lawyers that -eenld never be found out that the Bosh ririg bad anything to do with it. Hone thing moat be done, Colooel, to get the people oa oar side. The editore ere with as, ths railroad are with aa, the banke art with at, the bondholder ore with at. tbe Ksecutive Committee of tba party are with at, Swepeoa tad ' McAden and Nicbolt aad Gormaa are with a, Judge Rod maa sad tba court are with at, Sieve Douglas and Botdea are wl:h ai. Jude Wait and Treasurer Jeokint are with a . The latter bu jatt had a tuit ol clothe made ia Charlotte for one of our adit wt, aad Turner found it on' before the eher went iato tbe cloth. With all rbia Colonel, bine ontj-f len "f the people are With Joe Turner . The grange will turn agaiaat a at ons ol our stockbuldeit told sa of oor editor he woald do if the paper did oodeoounce Swepeas aad the ring. Tbe friend of the agricultural fair Wl eat with m paper becaue yoft sp poluted o many bmdthicvea on the committee ss Turner called them. I doo't think yoa could have done better, for they were ot the Drat blood and bad plenty of money. Turner bat ai reae.m to complain of nur paper and oor rail roads. We offered to buy him nut through MJ. Hearne, at Ramtay and tao lawyers can testify ; ws offered to buy him oat through myel! sad givs him $20,000. and Is tha district to he should go to Connie. Thia . he refuted and tbea Dr. Uawkiot, President Buford Co. determined to break bim down. Aad if we doe't do it, CJooel, ka tkaat make any money at hie batinea. The mis'sks made by Buford aad UawkhJf aad the two IsWJW who brouj'ht is the m wry from Bwt Tweed't ring we this : They tb.9u.ld aot have put IbrwarJ poor mrk likt Ilearne, Stone, Utsell aad old ata Booker, bat men of tbe firt famiiiee snd ItlUftrtoaf ped tgree I reH yo. Uns, tbere is ss much ia the pedigree f a maa at ia a bursa, bat that sbs'.l b - lbs tub jeet of a tvparata letteri . i Tuor brutLsr in ttock, . BLACKSEL. P 8. If it were aot tbat I bed to in vite Beg roe to dine with Governor pen nlogton, I would invite tbe whole Senate who added to hit fame by inviting him to a tear oa tha 1 mr to dine with him, tod leave out the- J.-aetnr who voted tgtiost it. Toart ia troufcle at d stock: i . t i..:S:- ' - R , Saiisbory kaa voted a Iowa tabscrlp. tfea of $50,000 to Ibe Tadkia Railroad. naanmaw rtheiset )CGIL FortheiBonilDel. RUSII IT TBHOC There to ooe-cunnjng ricg device which tba koasat bat Ineiperlencsd ssgitlttor tboald eepecls'l . ensrd tgsloet. It is thto i Wkea tha riagt bar oa foot sonie project which they fear will ant p the ordeal of a public discuwiea, they bold it back uetil tba latt day, sear the adt joarament of the k-xtolstlv body, whee bills are aaaally rathed through withoat opportunity for txamitioa or daliberaUoe. Ia tbitwty tome of ths most gigantic jobs of modern timet have been got tbroagh, without tbe general public, sad oftec withoat the, members tbemtslves (exespt those fw ia lb stcret belag aware of what to going on. After the ad olrameal it It often" dUcotrered tbtt bit's of great public momeet have beea pttatd, tka chsractH of whkh to tira Lr Lb. flrat time known to the majority of tha body bf whom antes they , re eatcad. , Tao railroad ring know tbat tbilr taovemeats erw watched, aeuos taey oats act yet preeeal all their prr jecta for leg toUtive sctkrn aid public diecamioa. JVy sre Mdiag their lime, awaiting tbe hteeable BfMDrst, watching their op pertaaity. Ta oppnrtaaity tbey kaow ectea pnmatt itwlf du:leg thecloaiag dsyscstko eeesam. Tht) their tgeots wt3 fat sume mrmber to suddenly pre- teat thet btila; tuge his fc loW members Ibataotiatt tola be it,aur tbem that tae 14.1 ie "JI right, aad don't re ejaira eBamioaitoa,'! aad iatiat thai there Is an tiese kit lor taking the eual coarae f each Ujiltios. That, in tbeburlf- barty of tbe laei boor of lha aoa ion, each bet aing aaiNu M retura lMin', hljingua the aaauraaoa kiis all right," the swindling biU becomes s law. IsH me admouUh the General Amtm- Wy that this plan te to be tried st lbs close of this seoNon, it ; ths hints I have received do aot mislead me. The only sale Ofurae is b r that body to Wt it be known now, nnd dielinctly, tbat any at tempt in Introduce important bills at the heel of the ersaion will he r-iied, wi'l be deemed up cl- u, prrausip'ively fraud ulent, ami pfwnpt -rilr vrfe-l dwn. Gbkkrib iko' ,N. C, Match 0, Mi. Ma. Editor : Great pM.ure no doubt baa bten br-ui(ht to ben r upon our mem ber. Our bauk ad moid d men bava doaeth ir beat I uppi,e o.i our young reprew ritatiee, John N. staple, Ej. I read hie peach with a.lmirati. n and de light. It waa able and convincing and made gl"t tba witbet of many of bit trisndi who live by lending money. Yoa will nevtrflsd hm Joging or on the back track. Be praiaea are auag by his e-'B'ti'uei.tt for bit effort ia behalf of bia psnple who borrow at ruioout ratet from greedy money lenders, lobseive a WU mingUia free money mu la to Ibe Juur nal made a lengthy criticism apon tbe tpeeeh ot oar member.- Tbe purpose no doabt It to drive him into porponlng the operation of the bill againtt uiury. I Irmly believe Mr. Editor tbat Messrs. Asp ee, Pinaia sad lbs vueg men of the beet sbueed Igilturs that ever ataem b'.ed ia North Carolina hv in the law agaiaat Oaury kiund out s curs for the mosey panic. GUILFORD. For tbs Sentinel. Ma. Kuitob : I read yessterday ia Irioh bittory tbs saying of Lord Reede dale.wbo was Lord t'bsooellor of Iislaod, tbat In "Ireland there was one law lor the rich sad another for the poor." I aaid sad ee it to i a North Carolina. There are 800 ooovtctalu tbs penilsntisry sad twice s many ia lbs different j tile, alt of them together did aot steal ae teath at mock a as stolen by gsntlemea ander Gov. lluldeiiV ailniinifaln,and ao ore of ths geotl-men have beea brought to puaisb meut. H " and why to this t Where w,re tbe fliurr of the ltW When hi w n n, i where I sk are they now, that so i diutment are drswn (xcept agaiaat the kumble and lowly t Cant yoililisssV of their daty t Your, , VINOXX Tp "u CUilSTOPHIR, "s"WaotessmaadRttatt GROCl't AND GENERAL COMMI3 blON MERCHANT, N .. 4 and 8, Nobtb dtdb Mabibt. A full lias nf Groceries for ths Jobbing Trade, prices to sail the times. COFFEE AND SUGARS OF ALL GAADX8. novntnovHii Two Hundred Barrels of all grades, cheaper IbaB ever. Cbra Meal aad Stick Peas Still Lower. B17ITER 1 BUTTER 1 1 Fivs handrsd pound of Flee Grayson eouaty Batter, hwjtsisby Kit snd EtetsiL zz. r -f HIMCI MEAT I ' B'ffvrTlfflteit'ot'rtradefc Btca of sll Kindt, : ; i"" , ilsmtl Hamtl r .Md aad New Pork Hams 1 1 ' Curaed Ark a Specialty. Order e filled lor Core Fattened Pork at JfarkU Price. " "-f-j; ..- C'onigrmenU of all kind mlicited, prompt retarat mads sad satisfactioa given ' Mesars. D P. M each am and Corneliut Dnpree, with F, 0 Chrittnpher, woald be pteamd to wslt oe Ihetr ftieod st - t; C CHRIsTOPUEK'eV del 1Mb Ho. 4 A 8 NS Market 200 COKD OF BtASONED PISE Wood dellTa rS tor ILTS Cah. rand oar orders to J. 1; Kills Store oa liiilsbere sag ta-Sawtf-., . ; UbeaUUAtlalO, SrdJjaOWftW Keuralgu, Tiwra Sonntu, Sore Throit, BolW WonatU, UoanenoBa, ilcfra, Brmbeg, nenltenieSprd Toc&tvehe, ColleOld Sores All llemorrltiises. . V,. . DUrrhosa, Qi?A etiv STATS OF NORTH CAROUNA,l s 4 , . Covbtt PUT. ( ; ---.i'fa FaoatTa CooaT.- ' . U the nutter of tha probata offtfliut will snd tealsmsat o: John Brows deemaad. Te Jamas A. Brown, Joaey Aaa Tatnm. tVhereae oa tba Wth J ol October 1871, Jeem aw W. Mrewa the .seeater taarem nrofoaaiua for omsals belurs bm mopaacoartet offlee ie trraaavtlle. lathe eosntraloreaaM a paper wriUag parportlng to baths lest wUI and testament of Joha Brown ireinned. Waersenoa Jeasa Helena as4 Klimbeth Netaoe his- wife, oraso Noble sn4 Loolaa hla wit. John Cobb sod wtfs Martha J, appeased aad ewtered a earesl to ths probata thereof, and sav ths Ir not th last wilL aad testament of the said John Brown aad It dl) sppearias; hat Jaa. A. Brown aad Jomv Ana lalom raaldee beyond tha llmlU of the Bute, UiersArs tbe said Jaaaas A. Brown and Joeev Ana Taiani ar soUSad to appear at the nest term of Ihr Superior Court to be held for ths eosaty of flu at the Uosrt Hooss la Urasnvllls oa the eueoad stocdy sftm th third Moadsr is rerasary, ISIS. "tbea aad there to sespro seadburs and make themaelvee party to thr latae tboa ard there mad U tbey thill think proper oJost ' - MUui b. BHKPFARD. Jsrfra of Fro baU at omes In Hraanvili. t-t 1711 day ol Uaoniber.lbTI. H. HH ICFfA Rl, jaa :W Frobale Judgi'. FOURoatfS or NEW PrtlNTS JUaT OFENKD. . - A aesstlfsJ ttne of CarpeU Sod logs. LateM oir'e of Silk aod Bifi Hata Drea Gooda for tsdie and Mhwa and Cloth., Calrnera aad other fabric for maa and boy's wear, together with almost vry srUol In oar line are oSersd at lowest prleei or PtTTT A JONE?'. )a rvr Cbrtotlan Advocate and y tt rope OKANCE UOTKU I l,b.l.M.tluulllll.Aw.lB. M f plnd. and tha public thai they can d id ma at tbe HriDre rioiei, roraerty inj noici, wnere i will take the boat can. ot maa aad bcaat SaC 3 U MAID. JAND BALE! A Asent I will sell os WeUoeadav the 30th of thla mcnth, on tbe premlaea, t It o'clock the rMienc Kobsttaua Tract of Land, ta Wake County, containing onr hnndres and twenty-aeven acre, (itnated 'i ail eatt of Balelgh oa th Tarbor Koad sdjo a lag th landa of the lata Tbomae hV. Uaoaam, Jnbt Smith and other I f awa On Mil d ra-k ; tbe bakaea la oar year, with Interest al a per cent A T. MIAU Agent Dee. Mb, ttRs-dfttwUt. w ANTED. ' We wlah to nnrchaa six Ann watt broke Mules between tee and tlx rear old. Applj early st ths Stables of . win us, lAittxi stvw.- sncl4f JgSOWN'S VAKIETT 0TURK1 The Cbeapwt place to bay ail kind of MUSCIAL INSTRUMENTS, (From a Jewhap to a Csarrh Organ.) Stringt ami Trimmin'gt ftr Vioiint, 01 tart mud Banjo. Basket'! Biuketa! The largest aaaortmeot In tbe eitr. Broom, Hair, Vletkm, Zrumb ami rU Bnumn. Blacking. Ftsther Duiters, Willow JVur bit sul Kockiuu Chair, Brittsni Vocoa mppera, niMKj iwim nca, vioiiie oara. t lllLDUKN'o CARRIAGES, Croquet Beta, Ball. Battle Dooia, times lioopa, Dc-nooi Mtmgm, rwjriuK mmu. ' Dies aHo Curs, Fancy tioora. TOY, WORK IMiXBS, WKiriKU La. In f 'ompvlilotiii, Un:aJr,i'iibkrl llm k Chiha VoKja, Jrwelir htandx, ,'Mgar acd Tobacc" l xt'V DHj Mnble, .Top, lad in kii bher B,JI,"TU"t Ue7 BuiTTiogand Alphaltet Blocas, PIPE-. CIOAK3 ASD TOBACCO,' And mar.f otli-r ttiii'g to nuuirou to mentioii. t'all art'l examine my tock and price Itet r tuying rlaea hire. No ct 14 it , Raleigh, N, C. s EI.KCT BOAaUMSItf AND DAY UCHOOt mt8BORO N. CV Th Misses Mash Kiss Kolloek wOl rs eums tbs exerclsM of their school oa Friday Fb.a,ltT4,U Circulars forwarded oa sppUtsstoe. . des llr :...,... - , n , i ,ii . LAND PLAbTEK snd AgrlruHural Lime. Anat received a large snpult e Lias and Plaatsr, and will bs Sold st rspat at lowsat peaelbts rater. Ctesv. Tlaaothr. Utehard sad Hen's Orsss Seed la a tore. . JAMES M. TO fusS. febS71m DKNHIBO S FATINT 8H1PP1NU TAtiA Usee Two Handred Million havs been need within U nat 10 reare. without romiilaint of lor by Tag beeomirg detaebed. Tin ill wona aautSI.S SOB auBBia CottoS BaLU tbab sat Tab rs Boa. All Bxpreaa Companies ass them, osld by FriLlara sad autionere everywhere, octaft-aodaa H C. OUVs Dealer la flaaeral klerchsodlts. Msrsl Store, Lamber, Shingle and Wood, Apex, .Wake (jo'inry. "octfMw QKUAN1 OKU ANSI! for Church, Parlors, Lodges, Ae. Mattes tnetramimt'i of all kin I. Fsncv Uoocs. China O odi. Tor, Bvketa, e, e , at greatly reduces price. Bargain can be bad I aa-tf ;.:,',.,, r Boai-diiig ZXoiiso. . Raving lease - the resldeaes of i. A. Joasa, Ire., oa MUUboro Btraet. 1 am Prepared to tceumaaodat a limited a tmber of Ktgsisr, Trawaisat sad 1 able BsrasiB,----' jTenas modsml. , Apply to ,Mas W. B. ALLEN. t at AH mrii 1 AWaf pEICES REDUCED. SraattndacemeatstopairhaMrs. Ws bar jail Kedared oor Kntlrs Stock, tmeaatlng from 4,tA) to fat,W worth of BnttrslyMswf 41 Jf - l.ll: V I M . . . DRY GOODS, '. , Motion, Boots, Shoes, Bats, e. mach lower pries thaa ksrttotore for CASH. 'AB who atfew a esB mffl get Jtaartllaat vsJ as for their moasv. ' I L'-A - Merehaats pnrcbailag la this awket ess auk prnitabi btvsstmsal with as. Our stock I very full (ee hb sesaoobs swes w will have other drllstomt vary seoa. 'FlTTTA Btf sayatatvtilemrsat. Kalah.W.U . L, WUhlnK a happy Jew Tear to ear trUada, I p root snd th generone publ e wbo have so I irllv patronised ss, w ear to sll tbat our efforts t the fit are wui a eeaassnwy foe a a 111 greater Increase of our bnalaam IStrsad Ubersl aesllng with sll aad by be fair Wiling us sentsTooes at wiatnm. W ihava, duribg th present week, recslved IsrgssAdltiotteef SEASONABLE AKD DE8IEABI.E GOODS, which auks our ttock ons of tts largest aad sad saost sttrsetlvs ta we dry. We bar for CASH and sive mist liberal ida eroenla to CArll BUYERS. W bav Jaot reeeleed a good aseertmeat of CARPETS, very low-tt from S.TCeiila 8181 pr jard. MerekaaU Intendtr.g to bey ts thl Market wUI mvs money lv siring a a .- .. - . look before buying. " PETIT JONFS. FayetW villa Bt J jaa 1-tt . Cb i lit las Advocat copy. A mild spertent snd gena carfrsUve, ! soaamaadad for tha care of sll dersusemeoU of tbs stomach, liver ard bowels. Br their tlaMly aas nch sickness b preveatad. Tbe tsat of many yesrs bsvs proven them to be the eefest, rarest and beat of all the pill ever ottered to the pablle. Tbey parity the bloed, remove all corruption snd restore th dlreaaed svetem to pfeet health. Aaaa Antidote to Chill sad Fever they asveBO equal. For Lrrepepeia they sre s Boeclde For 8Uk Hedab snd BUIoae Cnlle tbejr are a ear cars. For Constipation, Rbeunaatiam Pile. Paltiltalli of tbe Heart, Pain In tbe Md.'. Hack and Loins, Nrrvoutnesa, s poal tire rsiedy. For Femsls irregularities, wltliont a rival. 'When ons does not "fel sarv well,'- a eluele does stiiaaUtas ths stomsrh snd bowel, reatoras tbe appetite, and tmrert visor to tbe system Bold ev erywhere. Office 10 Murray Street Pw Tork. DR. TO 1TB HAIBDTf. s rarlly applied, baesrrs s besntlful black or brown, and acts like sMgte. Tbs Best' la tbs world. Sold by all disggtots. Pries 8L00 box. THE (haetly record ef deaths that malt from palmonsry adectiont I f rlshUsU There la no sltes tint I so Insidaoui la Its st tark ss eonsnapttoa. By ths neglect of "alight eolda" they soon become deep seated nd defy remedies which. If applied st tbs i'UU-t, woald bav Svrt4 sll dinger, vr. Tntt'e Expectorant has proven Itaelf th nnt valuable Lang Balsam svsr dlseoveeed. A dUtiogulabed elergyman of hew York, pronounces It th "siratrat Memlng of th nineteenth erntert,"' snd mvs "ao family ahould h. wtthoutlt " It la pleataat to tbs lute, snd ssingle does sill fta remove ths most obstinate cough. Omes, Is Marvay Street. New Tork. mh SSdtf 'ni:' : lit. itii-iiiua- r, i J U ;i. I uruh.- I. i, A rv-. ,,i ..i,-,.. y (.-.( ,! die r - r -i a i i.L1v..r-coa ion c t at ml 1 1 1 mur.iisu . wnanleerep :.tht.! r-it .t II .-.M'lli.tkgAuine fafee ia- bi.i iasas tu snslwt tba, uj i.-.y, l,i4 a aouw ef tki i"i Icrue hm ju iiwu mUvk ot family WMMU. ..- , .......... . " ttlii.cn ean b maamtrd from i it ,uir.( KyMciaaa, MiatMei. mu4 tui,iluauie Ibrouiboul the Is ulh, u)Ni In the kleaeat lnn , lr K. WltMwOnr.f ajthBor jMyt in i tt ia cum el SrtuS. 1 wit ataei atMaM with marh at I' .oa. ,. l"i 1'. O. Paga of Biltiaore.re. riniea-., Ir tout pmena auawlag . r. ei.t'jw.,1 1;i.mmI, laying it latu ;.' aay ketnnrUoa h baa erar j l.ir Sawaejr r-ll of the Bara. f M. Ciiulrrmce Tautk my a . u ci. t mucr. etttttS by IUum it, at lie ctrluily n'naae tt M i..l ku Irm.ttt i.d ariu .... ir . I ravtai. Co., Uramlaj. atOer. . lmi.fil, V ... ny il ucter ka failed fW eir Mnlafinn. mcKala,.Karftea v. 1 s wee. ay It eaml'klm al aiiruir .iu a kea all b failed. Ki. ,UII., Vhd aieoelaaack Biee. lant'ion Mil t rarttact u aublMbed on i f pi (, anew it te your it'll' ucun ae ba will tail Toe. tt kr aHMnl el fa atroaeeat afteratlTaa thtelt. m In aa exeellaat Blco could t. -u Sen aaatimoeiala im I-.ta In t.e B-ratk i panaiu koawb ie every aaa, aaa.a nd rllaei'hr-mraauallyorl,ynu ruuttrm:" . !' BoMdalKta m b by kll Dras.lts r turns t Baltihoss, Sr' .Vwnefors Ko. 8 Cou.ro Pi Aca, . ''JrewfWa ' , notic . - -. By virtue of Terde ot McrMate duly txe ented by Thoma Tonne of Wake ronnty to lb Bsderalgned, we will aslloa Vatarday th turd day ot January, M7S, et ps .'lle a actios for rash, at tba raid en c of the rsid Thorns Tonss. (a Wsks count r. the followlnr at- tides of propertT. to wit t Mule, I Ms-e Two lots of Oxts, t hesd of. attis, St fheep, UBS Steam Enxlnv ttw Ml" snd Fixtures.. " -m - . QK.air Tr-'Lrua.t,- .-. t V ..,.j.NOWf U- jan v-m i , h D h HAT. WAREHOUSE 4y nntfAtWAY,"nd, no, a no cuo-m- ., liu ,,latUatht.fr!al:,tentjm sturh DATS, bTRAW GOODS, PARA50LS AND UNBRELUi, amarteg them ef n pcrior loducrmenta Psrstolt s tpecialty with uthU isatoa. jaa 8 3m CratrfuIThoriHrtii.T-! rnelalm n. COAJt BmEits ti- niftst wonderful In. ' Vrrorant tlitt evt-r rntalued lh aiiik'ng twttaas. oC.: . r . . NoPenMiii can ti,Ltlheiu l?Mlpr CCOrdiug to diinctioiis, iuiO a-in. uii mug nnwclL provided tlieir boiiet are int de stroyed bv mineral poison or other, means, and vital organs watted beyond repair. llilionft. Bemltteiit and Jntfr. mlttent FeTers, whleli are so preva lent in tbe valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, csH'cially" those of tbe Mississippi, Ohio, Miiisouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Ciiiitborlrtnd, Arkan saa, Red, Colorado, WntSi Ki Airande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Kuvnunitli, Ro anoke, Jones, and many otlisrs, with their vast tributaries, tlirotigliout our entire eonntry during the Summer and Antamn, and remarkably ao during sna aona of 11101101 liaat ami dryness, ate invariably accompanied by extensive dc- rangemeuU of tbe atoiuach ami liver, and otlior abdominal vacera. in tiwir treatment, a purgative, exerting a ikiu -erful influence upon these varioiu or jrons. is essentially nvessarv. There is no catlmrtio for the purprwo equal to UK. J. UALKCtt S jN'KGAlt iMlTKi:, as they will ein-cdily rentovo the dark colored viscid vinttcr with wliieh the bowels are loaded, at tbe tame time stimulating tba secretions of tbe lircr," and generally restoring the healthy function! of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vixko a it Bittkbs. No epidemic can take hold of a ay stem thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Hm.i aehe, Paul la tba Shoulders, CougliK, Tightness of the Cheat, Dizziness, hour Eructations of tbe Stomach, Bad Taxte in tbe Mouth, Bilious AtUjks, Pnlpita tatloa of the Heart, Inftuxwiation of the Longs, Pain In tbe region of the Kid rJeys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tbe ofisprliigt of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits imam pJngthy advertiM- 8crornlavSr liZr E?iJ, wwta SwsUiBgs, Ulcer; CrytipelM, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Serofuloaa InBsmmstiortt, Indolent Inflammatiotu, Mercurial Afleetienii, Old Bores, Eruptions of ths Skin, Sore Eyc, etc. Ia these, as in all otbr eooMitutiouai DU. esses, W ALU'! Vissoas Bittcbs bare thowa thebr great eurstivs power iu tbo most obttinat sad tetrsetsbls esses. For Inflammatory and Chronic KheamaUsm. Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases ot ths Blood, Liver, Kidneys end Bladder, these Bitten have no equsL 8ucb Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Painta and Minerals, such oa Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beater, sad Miners, as they advaaee ia life, are subject to . paralysis of ths Bowels. Te guard sgsiatt this, take a dote of WAtaia't Tia So as Bnnis occasionally. " For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Balt-Bheuav Blotches, Spot, Pimple, Puitalee, Boil. Carbuncle, Ring-worms, Bcald-faead, Sere Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarf. Disoolorations of the Skia, Humors snd Dittasst of ths 8 kin of whatever game or nature, are literally dug ep sad carried out ef the ty stem la a short time by tbe us 01 toesa Kiuers. Pin. Tana, and other Worms, larkiog m the ty item of to many thoussBd, are euectuslly destroyed sod removed. Ho trttsm of medicine, bo vermifuge, no aa thelminltici will free tba tyttam from worm like thee Bitters. For Female Complaints, In young or old, married or sinrje. st the dawn of wo manhood, or tha torn of We, West TonieT Bitters displsy to decided aa influence that unprovent it toon perceptible. Cleanse the VitWd Blood when ever yoa find Its imparities bunting through tbs skin la Pimple, Eruptions, or Bores; clesaie it when yoa find it obstructed aad ilurgUh in tha Tejnt: ctesnse it when tt tVmJ ysw fseimgs wlU tail yea whea. Aeep ths blood pure, sod tV betlth of the tyittm wiU foUow. ef V er R. H. HctVV VO ek Co., DrBrrlltl and Urn. A-U md Pruoiaaa, CaHforala, and ear. ef Waakiartaa aat Cbarttaa Ss, V. T. ajwaal aw ma WwejMaata aaat iMaanaj HfaATLaa a " SOUTHERN STEAM 8AU3AQE MANUFACTORY, RICHMOND. VA -Thi uianafactars of 8augs of n'l kind made s eperbllly for the Sostbera Marks!. (Vad lor lrc alar and price Hat, A'l order eddreswdto M. B. HECHLtH, octSMm Mo. SS, Sad Market B UADINd HOUSE. Mra H. VV. MUler can accommodate a on. ber of border at bar well known beaming house on New nera Aveaua. Members of the General A mhty wifblns; te aecars room woald do wt t-i make early applleatioa. The houaetaeVllghtfeUyeituaUM la eae oftt motLp'xaMitl rertioB -at Jh9 ejtywirtH aaay leach of the eapitaL Term ss reason, able sa ma be bad anywhere, novou lteapers lowers & e parators. In Aore th celebrated Cbsmptoa Reaper Mowers combined, which took tut prsaiiam at lb laat r air. Alaocaa nppla at aar point oa tbs Railroads, ths Galaer Separator, Cleaner, and Bauer at Manutsctursr's prices with f re'irnt ,dded. Order' Soilcitad at once to ecure machlnea ra time for the coming Karvmt : , sAMKA M. TUWLtS, Agent, . amyar-4. , ' The Brick Deviling, w'.th Store sad Bu mment oa Fyett villa Street., Oa the lot if a go-id well of water, Kitchea sad 8tbles, all la flrat rate order. The pro sM'JltfrWl'jMcap'ed by J.W. I onting. ' . :s.. " Apulv to ' "" ' leb 1-W W. H. A IL I. TLTgElt Kort. J. 11. K I, K M M I ATTORNEY - AT LAW A L I 1 tt H Oisu Boats of ths Coart Hoaat near ths testis. Offlee, IsoaT-U Mm OPAXD. AXJCARB JLXD UPRIGHT Pianos H.ve rrt'.ivnl up want ol FIFTY FlKTI'l(EdlUM8. aod are among the tat i'. w mails. Every iuatrument lul'j War'Hnted for five years. Price a low a 'Mm -xeluoivr nan. I the very beat materials tud the moat tlioriugh workiflauabip wilt x rm l. Tbe principal pianiat and com ) rt, and 1 he puno-purcbaaing public 1 'he Niu'h eiKC.allv. unite in the aupertority i jManiiuoua tnrdict l the iiie rticfl Pi-n The lu ability ol our n.auuuienia la luiiy esubiitliea by over CitTT ten mim and Colleges in tbe South using I'V. r SuOid our Pianos. fule VV hiHetale AKtot for severs! ol tbs piiicipsi manulaciurei uf Cabinet and l'rliir Uisani; prices trim $30 to $04)0. A liberal diacuuot to t lergymea and Bab I sth Bcbools. A lri(r aftortmeot nf sscood-band I'ibdii. at prices ranging from $75 to alwats on hand. He d br Illustrated Catalogue, con uiniog the name of over 8,000 South erner who have bought and are using tbs Bticff Piano. CHA8. II. 8T1EPP, Wsreroom, Na t North Liberty tt., Baltimobb, Mo. Fsctories, 84 d; 86 Camden 8b. aad 43 47 Perry Bt. MSI LIU It! l;mkmi (vow reealvliiir frm leiot direct from U" kiln. S ear lou ulNi. I, ock tin. wutu aillba S-M cheaper tiuia th rbi-a ret to dealer ana cootiaclura ia larv quajilitii-a. NK 1, Indian kock Umo at '.Vi No. 1, KWf rlon beat iu the anark-i I ?.'i tlaokept oaa anUy on hand fonml!- draalw AJeawnt t alnaeil and Lan,l l''a ,i-t nd algr'enltural Lima at e ah pn JlDM M. ToWl.r.-. 1074. 1074. AUTUMN. BLACK ALPACA81 BLACK ALPACAS I Pettv A Jones ried to-dar the mMt beautiful lii e of Siuw-aa and furs M itmra ever oS'entu Black ia tbl market, and rewt'illtjf k tt tir eUKtomerr and Menda to call ndeetb'm and be convinced for themselves. Also a aplenilld aaaortmeiit of fall Print Wito great .many other to-4U Iu -ttiuli do New sad r"rr j. Aad tor centlrmen. THS KOTEI BIULOU SHIRT A Mi lis riELl- C'ELFi ' r0 UtN.iMlDK tHOES. We Guarantiee all to Buit cad Fit eeptlS-tf JUU(J 1 EWtS, N. W. WKil JULIUS LEWtS it Co. t'ltllKB UUI1.U Kfl. R.VLK1UU, ;n. C -rnra Y'E 15 i,CK ; .VI I I Hltcnlim tt n lew ( iiie le w. Vii -A A r,M,(la in thi ir line. A i . They gturantee Baltimore prios to c mntrj utirchant iarwi m- Rst. staner. Trices lurM-He.i up.u bjj- icstion. D W A EI. WELL IIOK. HAMOLV.rn-rTN AN" II. AS T R- I.OB-. 8TEKL IIOK-U I an il. I IKON 1IOKS. E MANUUK FDUK-. ffOVEF-rVMVKPAWC J, T LA? LINK", EWI.&' CO . rvi.KltHATKl) Ales aol Eiii- Tixl- irap'in'l Mule .Shu., ( Hut 1 Na la, Ac nt Niiln, E Hb- Agent in North t'iri-liiia lor S The Ifl 1 fc Kni n.' pnader, p.f A'tral O.I, A reii' Coemic! '..Palais, K.ck Lime, , JhV . The Al RurHt Ck tfHivr, Ac. f t.r : -..-... . '.. fcp -iy , v-

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