-,Vt,-, Bl r Tilt FATIRLtra AND POOR. ', ,4. .... - I .HNtirr concert : r ui araerir . r van J W I' II A N ASYLUM $17,000 In Ultts r.i In- 0 Irllm.rd among lha TIckM Uoldera. A Ollt Gonrett will he hrldl t. WILSO. N.C., OilMut, (A I7U Dm 1874. 7ur lh estiaalve beaeii of fhtlfcu A.' I am at Oaf ord. - ' 1 TKKBTS QNlT TWO DOLL Ra Number cf tlckeU only 16.01X1. t,IC (.IfU W be ateon away, Mir "Be. nvary raa ticket. , , ,, REAL ESTATE GlFTi: ...... mi... w n coautoin IX tent, wllk Urge end - eoavenlent dwelling, aaving tea rooms, and all Beeeetery ad eo venint oat boBaM.iilaeled eaBeraea . M efegaai 1 eiory rewjewca, Mm w it- aoa, eoraeroi ru aaaurree auwtu with i 1-4 ton, end containing B rooms, beau d lathe mutt eligible part of tha W wa, relu.d at One k acre wt, eituaied oa the comer of Vanre and Spring atraeta arlih 4,500 mat Idene sad out boase, rallied cash gifts; I I i taa Priae, 41.000 AMI ttt 4UV nao 4U auo 4 6 JO M. loo ai , Mi " W ' " l,u l.waj im Plaa top ktairjQr. , na r-lnabuSaflrateh, an Vloa Ladiea Wtcb, Coaiaitttta of Arraua;eaienu 4t. l.-BLt, m. 9 Brifura ana A. B-raa, i0 IV) ja to w. JUq AivnufT buard Juba Mcbol. Kmi.. Ral eWn,W. W. Uavav t,a. Kittrall. A U'U llama. laq1 Oxiord, J. P JcokiBa. H Tburp, tt, Kocl MiMiut, NabUle. i, Ir. K W. BiaK, w . I. u cuier aaa J a K.i htk, AVqt. WIUob. Wiii'a Uilawataiuriaa a o roadaetad oa d- i Uwi baut apic a ul any Lo yt U j 1 u laio ;a lat eob- ln.tliuUoM, U 'xf . tb-ha Alnw, wBkh waa nl b ln b to.. Wraud lw of I do rut, and h aiabinimit at . i lnrlj In thu kaBJaof I ir oh lot i la racla- ItcIt tor h b at fit of i -i.i-a ayiaaui tbaComaillaaeaai It iitinttM') loaiakaany ataa .4 appal l j t iru4a uf N.rlti lArolia la bcoatf ol n itoil a w ablrh ao vodby of tbalr niit. i a m pnea oi uh iKKeu puKca i . i m p kvc f oa; oo io aid a nubia r .i.a i tba i ame timo tha caaacra ul rtk.brMt ra eaaaaily favotabla. I an., likaii) Imj1i-o Uial tbaitarirlaa il b- r.tia at U f om any caata tbtni wu.. i a. 0 lie-it ud oUUlbatiua,all taa m. u r.n.tMi ivat UaUcfcal aolaara ahall i ra umMl lu Ibcu, Wllboatdlacoaat. it ekaM m4u WiU mtllWd to a chance fn be bUM liu Uia avscoy lorlhsaaaM ba ' ta ra tit ' Ibla B.ra n.. . iu wai i-o auirlbalad laiawdklaly aft.1 L v,. v t. .. . y p-iaub bUiB( a tick, t aatitkd to i. ii iu i ii Ui jrluiu u. ava iba 1 . 1 . a. ul citi uill. i,l Butify tha Baci ur i y ra b J.wwi vm brk of tha li. L ' a u k KButluii I rpriated aa .. r an - - ) ui u ca wui !- raut by BKla- . I. t X -iy ii urr a.-r aa,uuct 0 . A i A .N . ixtar., i v a .ji.wia Wi.auB, N. C ii I Hilnit Hiltigi., N C, CENTRAL HOTCL to CANAL STRUT Cora r B n,. New Ko B oaa block t Brv.df ., O-n rail Im-ated la the uuiili t C Bitj ul Mercntibi baalneaa. Muud room 76) nd el uxi per day I4.U0 to O.IW per waea. auglO-lai APPUCATION 111 br aiade le the ralug Lrvalatere to aiaead tbaCkanerel the Tew not Latiraaga, NO, B INCIHAM BCHOOL. EitablUhedia lrw. MIBANIVILLX, N. r. The llt aeaatoa opeaa 1MB JaW. 1ST4. TbIUob aad Board, SIM par aeeaioo. No estraa. Bar etrcnlar apply to MAJ B. BINGHAM. Bapertateadaat. FaQCataloffaea ran byaalL a aa sa-aw raaaa aone, n Xam. leva Siaaai, N;- T: cO- ' '. MaaafBetarar aad Dealer to Tin and Shret . Iron Were. Btoaewall Bteva. the baatia tba. . . world, aoaa like Lbata... Tin. Rooftnar. Mat teriBgaedPipiBg a Special tt y. r. jr. tturtllr m.,oppoane lae ajara rwaao Balearh. N, U, niarxBiltf N' OT1CE TO SORTH CAROLINA CREDITOR. Accoidia to Reeolatloa of tba Oeaeral Aaatmblyof orlkCra Ina ratlSad the 18th day of December. A D 1874. the Joint Btaod ine Committed on Bute Debt end UabUIUei will meet la the Senate Chamber ia the City of Ratthth oa the 14th, 16th aaa Win day cf 'unary, iro. lor iue parpoee or eoBicmng wi'bidb ereditora cf the HUM, aoncereU, Hie aeltisairnt of tho BWe DeM . -- N. P. WARI0 Cb'm Joint Committee State Debt aad LUMUitea dcctlBw Klcbmund Diapa'ch. Gasatte, ComnercUl and American ot Baltlaore ; Harald, 8na , Trlbace aad Wur d ot haw Tor, copy ua : a wrek tor tkree week end arad bill t Mate AutUUf Kalelak. !. r 1875; TURN 1870 NORTH CAROLTNA-ALKANA( .JTbeQIdBeluUf.) ajnaaaajf- if -.-;- ji-vi , s'- Tliiiii i "i m ntiiiiBjnaaaaai tft, 000 Sold every year. Th iM.lf genuine N ' O. AlmaBac. None a great, r demand. Row reedy for Is; 5, aad Belli nsr rapid y. The otry Almaaan la tba Hutn that baa tb- Cooit correct. Doable th else of ay Almanac to Uia BUM. . Price, per groee. 7 00 " handred. . , S 00 half groaa. 410 doa-a. . - ' . . " t ' ,.TS Marchantacaa Lava UalradverttaeajenUoa whole of oataida pare b wring by tbe lae for one dollar extra. JAMES H. bNMod, ' ' Pab'raad Proprietor, dSUwIm-Blat .r - Baletghv N.4J. PPLlUaTlua wui be male to the pn io ue city of l ainga, i . aovia-la (-"--: p.JTTTT j OMti -! ." :.,t.t-,.5i--C:frti Ken Ire I inr Pafcyltr. Owing to ear laereaaed I rede w barn found I It amMaar; to parebwa a aaeuad atuck tew Oar MaL rtty la to to ;tua fcortbera market bBjlag tad la erdar to aiaka room for the loode, wa will eIl th stock Oakaad ate very waall prost. All wishing the beat food at tba lovaet price shoald aot fall to all oa wa, Wa have a iplasdtd Una of Dreee Uooda which tuu aoie to inx tow. Wa hava a large let of rare vLtek wa after at price to salt tha times. Oar Alpaocaa balac of tka belt Brand aad eolora, apaak for tteauelvee, " Weoffof North OamH.af!aaeteea at u. -tare arieea aad heat oswhrlee at M per 4 aid. Wa oger apaelai hadacimiale to BsarchaaW buying tutbu aawkat. iPETTT JONB S, OTI4-U - torajattarUlatt. . -. - . - Ilavrpera Hft(axlae. ILLCBT RATIO. , Xvricaa or taa matt. tka arar-laaiiaalrn aliaalatioa of tala s ealiaat moeuij prora iu aanuaaaa aopw tloa to popalardaaliaaaB4 aaeda. ladacd. baa we think lato haw away aoaaea it I trataa ever mouth, wa aiBat aoaaldar It I oaa of ti a edaalora aa well aa ewtattalaera of the pBblle aalad, for Ita Taat popanwtty I aaa beaa woa by appeal to atoptd pre-1 aoicea or acprafaa taatta tmmn wo. Tha character which IhU Manalaa 1 ara for variety, aatcmriaa, artitUa wealth, and literary caltare that baa kept pace with, U It baa aot lad the Uavea, aboald eaaae lU eoadactora to retard rt with JaatlBabla i plaoaacr. It alao eattUea tbaaa to a treat cUlia bob tha pabtte cratttada The Man aina aaa a oaa aooa aaa am aru au w oaya i or na llta.-iT'r . TIKMb: Fu I n frca to all labacriba'rla ted BUtea. - ... . Hiif. a'a Itaamaa. oaa eear. . . 4 OlHadadee pniaMBt of U, . poat aga i y ma i aoiMocra. aabacriplliMia to Harpar'a MtKAiiaa, Weekly ana niw, io ae aonnaa rar vaa year, W; or two of rJarpera rariodteala, to oaa aodreaa for oaa year, IT 09 ; poetafe free: ' Aa mm Copy of either the Mairaaiae, Weekly, or Raa ir wib be eaopUed gratia for erery Llab of Fir Babeeribere et eaeh, la reailtuuv or, biz Coptea for thUlO, wiin uieiira copy; pottage lie. Buca Nambara can 1 1 i p ta . tilled ataay Ubm. arper'f Magaa.ar. bow i oinpriaing 4B Volaawa. ta aeat cloth bind lor, will In Beat by rxpraaa, freight at u-ptia-a of rarehaaar, lar $d.xB par voluata. alugia volamee, by .wail, poatpald. $.tO. Cloih raera, for blndiag, ftS cenia, by aaall, Duatuaid. Addrata. dec 0 U UAKFIK BRO'8, New To.-k. QRAUAw UIGH SCHOOL, ' Obabah, N. C. Kv. Dn'l A. 1 our, A. Un Pi lacipal. Ktf Wa.ll. U-itt..M. Krv. Waj. W ftaley.A. B. Bjti. r Lone. a. 4. Mia. n. A. Bjdhaia, laatraoireM ia Maaih, i ta Jtaau, i May aste. I lmt par upeo Aug 4tB, m tloaea May imi. Board as to fi. Taiiwaasi with, eetm N OTIC I, 1 wUl aaU IB Town UtaatHartevUle.Waka coB4.tr. Id mllaa Baat of Wakaforeat Depot, 1 dakire a p.rtner la the aetabllahaaaat of a hpohe. Dab and UaadJe Factory oa little B ver, wbare 1 ewa a rood nIU eight aad good tlmbar for tha balaeae. For parlkaUra addraa. w. i. nAKieriixu, ct t4,waawlei KohntvUle, P. a H ENKT'S C1IB0L1C ULTI THE MOT PKWERFTL HBAL1NU AGKNT BVIB D1-NJOVBBXD. Tha waaderfal eekrUy with which thla eoublBBtloa of Carbotte aald with a her nothing aad curative emolleaU BE A LB THE MOST VIRULENT BoBU AM) ULCEBB le eooMthlvf akia to tka asarvaloaa. It to with pride that the rYoorletore call at taatioa tw the k-raUfying fact b at PHT8 CUK8 GIVE IT THE HIGHEST all AD OF PRAISE, H athl pmMflb H U Uteir geaetiot-. POINT-4 10 BE RORNB IX MIND: tnrbollc Selva poetllvely earea the werat aorea , lH)lic aa4a jiwaaatly alUyA lha. tata 1 Carb.iir ! or all rBtaneea eraptloaa. -nmi" paiva r. una at l ie Beau or all aalvw, ilutawa. or other Ueslliut ' vm poaada, and baa achieved a grcatar rcpa'a lka ead he a .afar Ml than aay othei a ml- tor preparatloa of i ouUmD "uoua Intvu tioa, . . . Sold erry where. - PrVt) IS cenU. XVtUI MKT VI IBBAM CO , ' $ aa t College' rTacefa Vott ' Jaaa 10-1m i ; t $ " ' i " . ' fp B EIKGSBUEr, ,..,; -, ; , Urt AND FIRE INSURANCE AOENT RALEIGH, N. C , UMIm rann a,ia nf TKmf U V'l RrraaaaaT', N. 0 L'fe 'araraaee Con- peny ; N, C noma lire Compaat ; L Taruool aad Londoa and Globa re I owpan ; lae At la Flra Company i The Faraaville Fre to Krse: Judre Merrimou, Dr. Grjr BlaeknalL lir. tnavweWrlaaoaa, Krv. A w. Mat-gum, Kev. J. M. AUiimuw, George V. Btroac taa. . .- ' Haring ba la ta laaaranee baaleea for Tear, and retireaeatlng are cUeeCvapaniei be bouee to eeenre a fare aaam of ajauoaaga. oct a il - A BTATM OF CHKONIO DISORDER The atooaaeb la oaa of tba moat del teat anraaa of the hnaaaa ryatens and tbe hidicee tible food crowded lato It jby the reaaliw anrata of BBudara aodatv. been it ia e whirtflr fallowed by a newt tu tonW-l. p.4 I alUretlvee for leiirf. It aafortBaately bap. pen a, however, that many of th aadieiaia uadfor Abie Dnrooaa eootaia alcohul. which, poa red into a dlaeaaea atouaca proaacea nrp l tailoa. ereatee taaamatioa. aad doe Btore la- fuy thsa good. OXTGENATID BITTERS CONTAIN NO ; ;. -'-;. ALCOHOL, bat are a rarely redlelnal nreiawatloe. which to earea of Dyapapala, Urartbnra. ladigeaUoa and other like djavdert, at once rretoree th etomaca to itf - . .j NATURAL CONDITION OF HEALTH. Tb Oxygewaled Bitter have been the moat popular remeay ior lae aoove eompiainia ior tbeUet thirty year, and atill auintoiB their aorlvalled popelartty. , Price 1 par botUe. '. v-Btn.BTBBTwnwaaV',( '-"'ij. . Tm OHN F, HINRT, CTJRRAN A CO., ' ? Proprietor, lead Cotlenlnace. aaa. S-lm New Xork. -AV TB I . . U A l'l Beat fur Charchee, Varlora. rrrn 14.00 III temoval. Tb wiliaerilHt bat removed LU Dook Btoralntha twlldlofftwndoorf aortk of TBckeri Wtora-BDitcr WaUoa'a Photo graph Gallory wbett b ku aiurr room, and bettor acoommodatioaf for edact iDf wboleaala and ratal) trdf. Ha la bow maklaf lanr adHlii.! tocktf - BOOKS, STATION MtY, Am i an or goods, smmAcna : ?a00Lt MISCELLANEOUS, aad STANDARD " " BOOKS. gabbatb School aad Song Booka, giblaa and TafUmaata, , . Praytr aad Qjni Booka." "; i Albojaa aad Chroma Picture, AVeeoaat aad Blaak Booka, Fta rad plala Slalloaaif-Baw atikav PMlumary.BoaaVB Aa , ';?l)BMlWia mimitiUilr- ' N. U JtEPOgTaV JlATTUaV MOfiST aaa WBfELKU M C MANUAL. - HoH'iat tenaaio MarcbaatoBad Track ALFRKDWILLIAUS, BooBaaiiLBB aad Btatiombb. Oct. BUY ONLY THE fillll.U 1 IC1LIL toek Bcalea, Ooal SeaUa, Bay Bcaiea. Dairy Beahw, Coaoter Bealaa, aX.,eiLUe, UlleaAUraa TIM CH ALARM CASn DRAWER. Every Marckaat aboald Cee Tkeaj. E V1BT OBAWXa WABBABTBa. FAIRBANKS 5c CO., Sll BROADWAY, MEW Y0RI, IM BALTmoaB St., Baltoiobs, it Camp St., New Orleea FAIRBANKS d BWIN0, Majobio Ball, Pbtladkltbia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN CO., t AllLK 8t, BoaroB. For aale by leading Hardware Dealer, ug tT4f -r- i I Mf Ol TANT LAND 114.1' But aold privately, 1 will aa ' ' batvboat. aaa eABOABT. taia. Offer for sale to the hlcbeat bidder, at the Coarthoaee door, la the city of lUteigh, Biy ee w avaaa, mag oa ta waaa or I tba FeyaUevlUe Bond, oae-half aal a Bowth I of the City Unite. The lead will bo acid to lota to tail the parcbaaer. Tanaa aaada kaowa oa day of bbio. ror ranaer perucoiare apply to u BBderaigaed oi i. J. Xitchford. B. W.0RIBN. deeSI BtowAwtda "" (1 REENSBORO' FEMALE COLLEGE VI GRIXNSBORO, N. C. The Sarin Baeeion of 187S will haa-faa a - J 1 i. - . . . I hw'af .7 I ait(B y uaporUaA aad ) aarwaUy desired. I I " "i i. mumj tmm anal l vaaaary. Board, iWashiae? aad Ltohta aot iseladed aad Talttoa to ragalar College Coarse SU6.00 a nargee ior nitre ataoMa, moeerau. For catalog auoly to the Piaaliliia Bev. T. M. Jooea. ooea, D. D, N. XL D. WLLSaJNPrmM dec lo-dlw Board of Tteatree. New Discovery I i Phaloj V I T I A "oa, fialvanon for the Hair. CLEAR AMyATERt WITHOTejLSEDIMENT WINTeaHE UCI1T I i For Rdlorinr It GraJiatr tft Original C Phaixjn i "ViTALurUiflcri ut terly from all Jjinfliair coloring preparattooBwieretoforc wfid. It is Uaejui, sweet smelling " pr:yfatf3 no muddy otsliaiji autftr.requires noshakinff.irn, narunostatntotheskia Hold x tcthe light and it is clear and . JoutVess. It leaves no mark on the KJtos yet it reproduces in tray haiNaicnatural color that time or siatim may Dave bleached out of ISPlwlonVitar ... i h for one sole purpose, jriat of . reprcucinc.widiabafTite cer tainty, the naturaljcior ot the hair. It is nouttltended as a , daily dressioJnorforremoving scurf or fndruff; nor for cu- ring bajflness: nor for stimuta- tmgjfe gixwth of the hair. Thesf obiects may be accom- Dlishd a a a a m attcr the color has beer hxed itctxie viuua.by ma ...Rni'l- ica Hair Invigo rator; ; : i hi viTALnriva narmiess - and unequaled preparation for the reproduction of lie origi nsal hue of gray hair, Jid noth ing else. This is accofiplishcd in from two to ten arucations, according to theFpth of shade , required. SoJoFOyall druggists. awj-a. 4B n "aj A pwo TBU D BAM a! T OUlTDt; redaedLerd. iff k i a an J lb m n E 8 S N T IK EJ A!X IINIMI JORWORK U aing refitted oar Job Office,1 i And oecnred tlte of a We are bow prepared to execute all kind ot PLAIN AND FANCY Job Work. All persons baring BiUHeaJa, Letter H-aJa, Baeiaea Jaila, Viallliig Carda . Waddiaw Car.la, Cirenlara, Poster. Jul To print, will have their work ei I ' I ecntod in the ver best style by J J M sending it to the ; Sentinel Off ice t I We are alio prepared to do all kinds of Book Work In the very best style, at lUTw6TeMrtv'lir'wilt1'doa si quickly and cheaply as at any Other . PRINTINQ HOUSE JN THE SOUTH ' t4--5iB5i.Jja aewreirareadaathebiAAaiaBll Baklsu roar. avaaaltoaeHartieaaBrafaredBjrniaalnr llanl. wbalaaaaw and dallrlaai BUM I i nt, Bul-U. BBRAB, 41BIVBU mad ether CAhfcVa, ItialahlllMa. aaafalwev raad Bw la,aaadtata a. TtoBemrtasTNnaKKtoMMleaaaaA VOTABkB ts llf FABt OF TUB aUDHaT II I eaareaWat ead ereaembai. 0 WldTl , or rooa ratm with it. BaHine,fJ ay at avians, Bairwaaaaiana na BaALKan, XXXttXT A BROTHER. Manofaotarera, aa Jrr r araajrn ra-r.roBJt yUHSOIt, TJ7G ttAirrj THOMAPa Wholesale Grocers f COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FATITTEVILLE TltrT opelte Matropall tea Hall RALEIQn. 91 C - ,B. P. WILUimB, - " W. G. UPOHfliCH, aaptSB-tf J.J. THOMAS. J-IMEI UMEIt LIMSIII ISO Barrels Net t fresh burnt Lima at TW pot and to errive direct from Ue lims Work nd oaered at red need price a dot la kwga sae a-w .iahii m. ivwlbbv. J I QUOTUM AM ITU . T . , ' -f HI W GOODS J ANW UOOD4II D. 8. WITT'S M rATITTlVUAl IT , KiLKlaH. M. a HEADY MADE CLOTHING FINK , AND COUP. ? I j FANCY AND DOMI8TI0 DRY GOODS. MAN BATTEN FINI WHITI lalRT. Tba heat Ittlai thlrt aiada. BOOT, SHOK8, HATS AUD OiPt, fall aaaortawal la tla aad Qaallty. . NOTIONB, QjellRT, OLOVIa. fNICI WIAE, SUPINIRRf, VhtBRRLMB, r AUEIl,e,Ae. - To air frWB da aad the nablle t rataia bv alacere Ibaaa for peat favori and reapect- reapect i Uberal fallr aoMeit I of the MUoaaaa heat owed. v. a. WAITT, 64 FayrtterlUe St Xaltlgh, N. 0. aow I7.U TJNIVIRBITT Of YIRaiNlA Upese Octcbar 1: eoaUnasa throarh aina atoatha. It le oraaaiaad la aehaota oa the eketireeyetMB, with fall eooraeala Claaaiaa, Literature, Beianea (with practice la Cheaai eal and Fhralcal LaburatorlaaL ia Law. aUdt. I i , - . . , . . , - . TrtrreTTr'.""' Ti"'."a f.W.TJ!".'"MS' K" y."?,Ur vnmwwnj m rir glola, AlbeBMrla CbVa. jaiy aneweoa JOOB ! LOOI I ( 1 ,200,000 IN PUIZE81 Taa Obamdiit f holi Numbtji Bcbimb oi KicokD, will be drawn Io pablic to Bt. LotUaon March Hat, 187S. .--CAPITAL. PJUZfcV $100,000 I : MISSOURI STATE LOTTERIES, Lrgalla-d by State Aathortty. MURRAY, MILLER 4 Co., Managers BT. LOUIS, MO. 1 Priae ot I Prise of UftOOO bo.om Ba,b00 Btt.WN 10000 1 Priae ot 1 Prise of 5 Prise tt 10 Prineeof M Priae of 6.001 1 S,SC0 100 Prlsee of And 11,451 other Prlzea ot frota tl.SOO to M Amoontirg in tba AgjrreKaU. to $1,9 0 0 , 0 0 0! B'hola tkkeU, ISO: IlalvaaJ 0: Qoarten.S5 Prlsa payable to full and ao poa.poueiaeat of drawlnga take place Adoreaa, for T-cket and On n lar. MUKRAT, MILLER A CO., P. a 90ZT441 St. Loui. Mo. T TUB lltll'l Whitelaw & Crowder. kjmcr Bloaat aad Morraa Btraeta. RALEIGH, IT. a Are p. ;tf4 to tarn la i Tombttanea of af alada, etther plain or oroe-neatal of lth Aaaericaa aad Italian Marble rhmn ul aeatly eaeeated aa caa be parchaaed at aa I oiaar eBtabllahntent North or Bonth brvtaia I laaeoatthebaaiaaMefeeogBndeatrmvlail aaarbU forty-ira year, we eondoeronraalvta eqaal to any la tba Unkia. We wlU alao (araiab gimniu of tb beat enabty, aew qaaniea, eiUer In anioialied from oar aew aaaniea, either In aaSmaed block or cat Sea to order, each aa : door sod window p.Vr ,wT.7 laUy received and Dnnetnall atundad to.and we pledge onraelvee to give eatiafaetioa if all JOHN WBITELAW, Z.UBOWDIK, dee iVwai THE GREAT REMEDY FOR corJsur.iPTiorj which can be cured bj a timelj resort to this stand ard preparation, as bos beco . proved by the hundreds ot " testimonials received by the proprietors. . It Is acknowl- Mlgd? 1 luiirBia i reliable preparation ever in ( troduced for the relief nnd ? ilure of all LtmffccrETjIainti i and is offered to the public, . a.! a, .i . . uaucuonea uj ine experience of over forty years. iWhcn t resorted to in season it scl jdom fails to effect e speedy euro in tuo moct severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Wliooping Congh, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness In the Chest and Side. Liver Complaint, Bleedinf at theLunrrs. &c. ' Wistar' rd. Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave tho chuso phuidy.aa is the t aBtv3ritlu. most preparations, bat it loosens and - cleanses- the lungs, and allays Irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint .-. '. .. . "W: V. fOlXS A S0XSV Barios, Neat, ill noTKii BALBtBK--e-. MRS i ROSA K0VI : . FLlras rood aa Iba' V..ba cbarse raaaoatbla. . ; avarcaiau Hie.BOAB0WaV DMTWT. Hr a renorad hla aflSoa to tba Camer'a Vrof tlort a fayattarUla atraat v jl miti V i " ' ' " ' Jl"" 4 (.' s kUunoa KaroAi. Bams o w. C, r fr rtr'. IUlo)K,IaeabM),l()7 A dlrldaad of fit a raa cm haatblf da baea daclvad oa taa eapllal atock of tbU saaa ior wa law an aioaio. aarawa etoekboldara Moadaytba dtk dayol of Jaaa aryaaxt. 0. LI WIT, I oac4-u J. w. r. KOQEBb, DLUJia u PINE LUMBER . APEX.N.C IkrdM ul in W. A. tmau. f!arr. If. O.. oriaaaraof Noaaid dk Miatt, Ralaigh, be Dromntl dlled. patronage hpaetfany eVjUetUO. " r aug U-weW bTTALUABLl 8T0RI HOUBK AND LOT Y ruB BALK IN tuwm urarsjt. WAIUtWUMTX. , ItnOM ftora-roaeeaed l4wblebl wttl halloa raaeoaabie tonaa. Jiooae KOiAo, two atorlea. with parUUoaa. haaeaaaat below. Lot froala IS fat oa principle at reel la the town aad located laltabla for Dry Uooda pr urocele. , Jaa4-tf B.C. OLIVE. JT ADAMB ADILI K, BLATIR.TAKU X-L uli netnra oi iniorauaf aer paaroao, that aba will begta a CXaaa la Uaaxaao ta the Hall over dallae Lewie Ce.'a Btore, KaianUy 4 p. bl, Jaaaary Vlh. . Claaa for Ladiea, Mlaeea aad Maatara frewa 4 Uil B. Moadav. WedaeeMav aad hatardav. , - V. viaaa ior ue'etBn, noBoay, viaaBeeaay I IDd Tbaradar. from 7W till p. Taaaa IB per Saalloa ol B Lraeona. - 1 Hif uarab a m adTasei Half payable la advasea. jaa B-tf TTIIRCTJTITm hiOTICK. Havtnf duly qnalioed aa Executrix of the hut will aad tealaataat of WUliam MUla, aoc u, a wsvoy gnw anna w au peraona boldJngcJaiawagaiaat the eetate of the aaid decedeut to nreaaiit Uieoi for payment oa or before the ifth day of NoveaiBar. UTS. or ItbUiiotkeambecWcdtabaragainatUielr f-eraoaetodebted UealdeatatoarwTariwaal u w asaae pajineiH aa once. aov Wwr s . . - IxacutHx. JORT 1J CAROLINA UFE UfSVUAJTCK CO. RALEIGH, N.C. Capital - ,(000,000 At ead of Firat Fiacal Teer has aaaaadlovar vuu inw wiuwaa aaawnniag a MBgia aoi - Pradenteeoaoaalcalani aaergeiiemaaage aaent ha nade it A 8UaESSFUL CORPORATIOy. TalaCoBtpeBy laanaa every dealranle fena of PoUctra at aa low rttee aa aay ether Firat VJeaa ueaapaay. . . Impose ao aaeleae denee or UavaL raa friction bikm real- lxedpa1 aaanal i tor two payaaeat. lta entire aaaataf era taaaad and hmatud AT UOMX. to loetar and aaooaraira enterriaea. Thirty day grace allowed to payment of , premium. With the feet before teem wlU tho people of North Carolina eoatlnae to pay aaaaslly Ihonaaada a poa thoaaaaea ef doliare U baUd ap roreign irnpaaua, when they caa ee enre toawanee ia a Company equally reliable, and every dollar's premiua they pay be loaa d and. la retted la oar own Bute, end among owr own people THEO. U. BILL, AgtBt, lUlelgh. S- K A GIFT A KOT I L EDWIN VI. FULLS K . Author nf The Angel In The t on . For aale by .i.FKID WIL1.UM w Hooka rpilE ';ld substaktial VKL,L tESTED, Isi 1 bra Cj.,; . wits orrica ia F I 11 E It B C I L D I N (J ovss raa aaaowAaa aroas or J UL I US L k Wl& dk CO Una paid to Uia WUowa aad Orpbana NortS Carolina 1i Tiie mm or -ne r, n oo. ooo. led, bi Adeltty end iiromiito- in thla uai iu'ar, ana inrninnig uie loweat raten'.r an 1 Imt ebuu company; ard alao, havnu Pali HO rereiine to the PUle thun an otb.-t ovuipaiiy, .tie n .rila and riijo. tr.. n-U aniru ii.tim:tionil Ih'Kiic tbe life ii'srm i Ann e.Ih tier TKK XTiTK. BVr l,(IOO OIMI.OO aaaantaa. uow ou kanu, and iuai,uti l K.Ueuea vf iook rxperienie an ttnaiii-ial aklll ahe otter tbe higuett alaudanl ot arceriiy tu all her euauiauera. And, a an invratiaent for capi 'aietill,0iipoi.. ) i, better than lO.UUUIe realeatalu. Aiia trwu to U ara inumU. of both atina Ibi a..Diuni duea iMMaa. meure wlUi them an kum. but aa k iu partial t'cmpartsott lIU any teeupaay la rmU. ai.u raoaaeiiUv, and leave tea raeaft to UieludKioowoTui Rblic. By celling Boon the Henerai Aavstur aay rf I bl Lorala. luruier laforinaiion will be cbn J W.. H. C'HW. -General Air ant ! . Medical Esamiuei W. H. McKKF. aep n-on. N OTICK. lirtMH 8, TA To all patron who a e la rrear lur Taxea ror tbe jear is?i aad leti, iS'S, 1 hereby give ' n.wi, in. I, i ue aanie ia m paid oa t belora tbe IM.h iaaUat.. that aa exeen tion will belsaaeed amhaat U..n . ,k. i... ha a ready been nud and tha I COhfrMed. TfaieUUetoat notlca anSihou who fail to comply may etpett to ana thw. nawiet ini.llahed beaidca htvlnr to pav eoata. ... a w. iaa eberiff. -yALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOB S4LE AT APIX,N, a O" Taetday the . SO h Dee., IS 4, at tl o eloe a. m . I wilt' aril a Pnhlu. A eomatt Deelrabie TowaLo'scontalntog from W 5o IX aerea eaoh. i ..Aemaa maaa Aaoeaoi day or Bale. ... . dtcS ftP , ... .J. MeV. ILLISO TON. ay nnoa or eenaia povara aoafama anoa Oalrla B. UtUatald la and kT TZYi2 arartac naeatad by T. If. taa, ta amid LH tlaaalaoa tba 10th day afJaaaan lt S raaiatarad la boak Wo. U aa panlut LlTl , OOlea of Kariatwof Daada forth aoaaVot Wrta ; whlca aald aaortcaga waa aa tba KHfc day of Jaaaary 1071 aaaiKocd by aald LltUa. U to oea Jaaaaa a Uraaa. by 'daed af tka data laat aforwald, aa4 rajTbawad la baak hi aoaiaspag la aaui otboa, wbotavit. I tho aald daaaaa JaaMa . Oraaa aaatoaad thaaald - avaimra o tha at. Aatraatioa Maraul acW ad Coflagiata InaUtala by daad daiadMU, da of Jaaa 1874, aad racUtarad hi Bu auT M at pa lUta aald offloa, which ud coraa. ratioa aaaUraad tba aald aMrtnc ta au b daad dataathe IDA day Oatobar, l77aai aiaa or vmaa as a aaurwaca omm k ,k aidTVAo! Joha M aaaUac, SIM day of Jal U7I aad rciat2i W at para 1 la aaidottea. wakh tarlatarad iaMoatt omaa, aieb aaU I aagaaM bM aalnad by aald 4 N laaUae? toaaai I wUl oa fettrday Ua Mb dayW Jaaaary UBS, aipoaa to aabUa a a fur eaah, ipoaatopal tha lot hat will fa tho Bieailiia. t I kaowa aa tha biei thaettyefBolahrb, kaowa a the Biaadard Office proparty. botna part o let No. aa to tho plea af ad altyVaad boaaded aafollowe; Bgtlulag at taa fcoaia Weatarp eoraar of tba lot now eecaplad by the aid.eha N Baatiag, theaea BoatL wltb Uaa of rataitavUla atn art. feet to the lot bow owned by Jaatae llean: theaea Eaat to Wllaurtow Btmet I thaBaa Worahv i(ty fat to thaloh f the aald Boat,, (art theaea Weat to rayettcviile ktraat. i Thaaaoaat daa eo the Bret above aaea pevas aaengaga ta aooaa aa.aiajL ' I The aaooect doe ee the aacoad ahore BMa- tloDad aortrge la about I&.&UU. octyi-lwUw, JUNitT XOKDE&U. i 1 ' hi i' ' m k?NCO KOB , H0M B WITITUTIOM COJtlTF AOAlJiSl tint j .;. :, ' K. I THE ' ' - ''-. j NOUTU CAUOUNA . E0M IKSUBaNCE Q0USAS I f ! , RALEIGH, It. C. i TtoeCoapaay aoattoaee to write roUa et fair ralea, aaall elaeaaa of iaaarahle prew- t AUl BiaproaipUyadJtaetedaad aald. The "HOMI,4erenldly greerlag to, aahltt favor, aad appeala, with eoafideaeMo buarara oi property ta all parte of BrrthUroUi!; Agaala fa all pane of tba Bute. K. H. BAma. Jr., Preatdeat. , C B. Boot, Viae Preaideat baiwb fiaua, Sacratary. ' roiuaxi Cowraa, Baparriaor. aaoavtt T A S U:: t,E F F E L ' 8 IMPROVED DOUBLE Turbine "Water Wheel POOLE A HUNT, Balttkobb. ataaofactorers for tba 8ontk sad South west. Nearly 700$ bow ia aaa, working nnder . bead varyiag from S to 840 feet I l4iiea,from8-4 to Miocboa. Tba moat powerful Wheel la tba Market, .Aad Boat aaonnmleal In na of Water Large Illastrsted Pimphlet tent post free' BABCFACTTJBEJU, ALSO, OF PorUble and Btstkmarv Rteam RnaHiw. sad Boilers, Bibcock A Wiksoi Patent Tnbuloa Boiler, Ebaogbt Cmsber for Minerals, Saw aad Qrist Mill. Ftoarine; Mill Machinery, Machioery for White Land Worka and Oil Mill., Hh.rt. tog Palley aad Haager. BAKU run clRCULARS.i aabSI-wnm gHUCKS, HAY AND FODDER. )1W0 U'lUn.la alin .hurki he .! fodder.. I.fOO ponda country wheat bran, at D. C. MURRAY'. Feed Store, N. C. Depot. Jaa .Jt 1 7 Years Old. Six Reasons Why . YOU SHOULD INSURE Iff a, CHESTNUT STRUT, , 1st. Because It ts one of tha oldest Sad. i fiecaoee avarv Dolicr-bolder 1. d member ot tbe Gompany, ntllkd loaUit.., I sdveoteges aad privileges, having a rigi f I to vote at all electioae lor tmteea, aad r thus bee aa influence ia it maoagemeat. ' Br ' It bk a lrge peroent ga of awe i liabilities a sdv Ufa la- unw . ny In the Conntry. am. tseuau by economical manage ment, it ratio of expeosee to total income is lar below the average of Life Com pan lea. (See Official Insurance Reports.) 6tb. Because it bea declared mw dividends in number, and ofaLergr Average Percentage, than, any Company ia tba United States. For example: Polity No l, for H.00T, baa been paid to tha widow of PhiladeJ nhlkTa Ul'Ffhanl in. ... A. i i la ront a . ( k. AB di. - .J. t , . , 1 dividend bail fawen declared. Averagilf 0,t7Me Pr c"ot. II .d theae .lividead,. beea need to purcheae additions tu tbia Policy, 8,04 more would have beaa , reeliatC, making the Policy worth SU- tuv. Cth. Because it ii liberal' io it man a- . gnBt, prompt in ita eettleiueoU, safe br- tow aa any flrt!asr Company 'a tbe uowatry, . - - x .. ParncirAL Fbatdb aa. Small ti penae , bsolote security, large reiura premiuina,... prompt payment of loase, and liberalily to tbe Insured. . SAMUEL C HCBT, PreaidenL r SAM'L B.BTOKEB, Vlee-Pree deat, ,1H. S.8TEPHENi, td Van Preaident, . , J 41. WEIR MASON. Actuary, ; HENRT AU8TII, BecreUry, EDW. HAkTHl4N. I....- EDW. A. PAGE. ' I Md-u axamiaeis , W. H. F1MCH. Geseral Maaager. DOT year Wife, Sweetheart aad fiieqdsja preanitat NAT. L. BROWN'S. FIDDLE STRINGS, GUITAR Striaga -aad Trimmings beet at -r-IAT..-a BROWN'S. i -I. J A. r