-yV Tfr " ,1 ) ;:; THE ZZlZTSnUlM; "tXTAXt COVNTTMUr tub fvnuuoi H ( Cottar, -i Thome WMthmpnoa, Plalatia, -tarn ISuMateaa. Baehanl WeaUierapooa, Detea't., THE STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA. , , Z IAi BhetUTtf Wuk Unmtr-anetfnf I Toa hereby toaawM to mM Baeheal Wheathenpoea tbe defendant a bo re eemed, U tlra be found within vonr tountr, ' to be an 4 appear before the Judge of ear -perlocComt, at the Court to bo held for the eauoty of Wake, at U (toert Houee la Be algh oa the alb Moaday after the ad Monday I Jew-oarr, loVS, and auawer the Complaint which will be depoeited la th office t the Clark of th A'dperior Court ef aaUl county, within tb irat thro day of th awt torn thereof, aad tot th aald defendant take aUe that If th tall to anawar tb aal.' complaint wllhia that Uai th plarat a will take intimi trataat har for Ik relief d kaanded ka tb Complaint. bereln fall aot, i Uila Muamoe aiak M Mara. biveaaadarmyhnadiBd the aa ot aald Cfcurt, tula IStd. day at Febenarr, 1TO. ...... . " , J. m. RUSTING. ' ClerR of (h oparlf (toortot " . Wak tMir n. e. rowu, run an. ' SCOVIU.' ' KccJ tad LlTcr Hjrnpt An ewtaaeoua ernpBoui oa the face or body ladloauAa larva tXiitio OTTmiBtooo aad thla may, or may aot b Bcbotcla bat Ueitbar oaee k oiaeaeeia arthlag more ther a imioioca roiaoa that , , , , BURNS UXt A TERRIBLE FIRE, J M It eonrtea through th Tartna, towing at of death with every ralaaUoo, , la UuaroBdiUoa M thing omethlag Betted at onoa, to ouiaoaa raa auooa ; an BUOVILL'd BLOOD AMD UVt IUf will roamrBLT tflact thi daidrataa, paliiBf try toaaa of dtowa frota tba blood aad tfatcjM, aad fearing tkt akUf son, IAIS AXO BElCTirUL. Haadrodaof eortUcatM attott lia ala. f tie 1 per botUav ' iOVX W. EMIT, CVMt AV CXI.. Prop'ra, , s aad Colief riao, Nw Totk. " " also ntontiiToits 0 " BalTa BalMua for th Lanira, Carbolle Baltro; Idi-y'a Carbolle Troeh, Tfaiialod v fcvWf lot I7petU, lr. Voit Ll- . r-Ulaj lr. Jlowr' Vrrtohl Worm Svrap, Dr. BaaU' , ar to Itat. MIm. aad Vonala, Kawiaav Ualr Ua7to.,lCU!. fOBIAUt BY ALL DKUOOlnTi but -ba-w. ' . ' THI CQZZTZZCTICTJT C1UTUAX LIFE Ztuitranco, Ooxapany. SOEVEOY. rh ehartctar of th latr AbmcU of It aeea tcUol . S36,t)OO,O00 la th Blgtoat Clioia for aaearlty j It atr ia hw luai du r ott iaTeatmaaU IU 8 U P B lT U S tt hvtat taw that of tay lothar tConpaaj: ,05,000.000; It haa a ataaiberthlB of Orr 8S.00O partoa IU ratio for th aallr W yr of IU 6 atlsM atalMeabat 0.97 TJSSLCCSn of tt NOtlpt.' It ka bo tookholdcra, trar dollar of aarlnK or profit belong aolalj to tht r.OLioY-HOLDER. . f.oat oeh a noord oa eaa wall Jadgawaan to tauar with aatMf aad th anuUeat poaaV tlacoat. H.'X. WAlT.Oen'L A treat. BALXI6B, S. 0 op M Li The only Reliabla Gift Dlatribotion In tba siooooooo IK V A t F A B Ii E Q I FT 8 1 ' TO SB VltTBtBtJTim tW IV U Dra Xoniny, Oct. 18t, 1874 Sot CruJ Cipttal rrbe, $10,000 li Grid ! o""pitUB $5,000 JN8ILVKR! Y.Vn, 5W ) Greenback.! Two ffili Cirrlg ul aateked B.ritt Wittt Silver lointe. larnei', worth $1, avw cata t . Two Bnflsiei Horaav Ac, worth $600 Two riD-toni Roaewood Plaooi, worth . . ISOOoacbl .t " 1" ' Gold Chain, eur-war, JwUy, A A. lieatiWaatciU Sell Tickelt, to wko libertlfiemlnunwiUUM . Slnglo Ticket $ J Six HckU $10; TwtlfO Tickett $30 ; twaatj-rif $40. tarcolart eoatilntog a fBH ilrtof prUaa, daZuoa of th awnaor of dmwfnir, and SKrWoraiaUoB ia rfraeatj ith. Uiatri " tartiofcwUlbnttonyooonlcngthiB. tttaturt awat ba addr.ed to kai ornoa, ttiatwra u 8INKj koI Wi 101 W. rifth St. " Oioin.O. Kpt. 8 U. - " A rPLICATlOS WILL, :bi hapb -.to A the aext LrVialatare tat taeorporata tb towa of bloriUTlila. ' . . vaeawut' T. O lUaaia, Xngrava. cw?jai ' ? ' v' ENNIM H R I , BAUIOH, N. C. twBnd for tprflmMia'of woik. Work don maeh lea tliaa Nurthvra rleca. JJARGAINS BARGAINS 1 . ChrlataM 4 lot holtldajra ara euoibg. aad rterrb 4jr w at a praatat for their wlfa, baabaada eUlldrea, awMlbearU, friend, A. Ttf r"! jrte to bay thxm It at BBOWM'I VAtUETir BTofii, -wb fo U Snd tvtrythteg to pleat jr ungtnd old, rich aad poor. , I am Offerlrg taj rntlr tun k of Fancy Gooda, Toyt, Bif kU, Mutlcal lattraaxnta, China QooJa, at gruatly rrdad priota for Caai ayt. Horn U th ehaae to aecar good hargttaa. . - i Doa't fall to call aad axtatlua tlcck aad Prlca.lfor.phrwbr..wiii' ct9-tt Balelgh, U. C. IroninthoBlood MAKES TEE YEAK STCS. eti Solution Proivcidf of Iron U oombktod m f have tht character of an aliment, a; eaUtt aigtfted and aMimUaUd with the blood at th ilmpUU food. It iMrtaum thquantUy of Katuro'1 Own rUallMna Agent, Iron lt the blood, and currt 'a thousand Ult," limply bw Toning up,Inviaoratlng and. -ruaitxtnfftheayttem, Th riehed and vlUitixed blood, p4 tnoatet every par of the botlt , repairing damage and oah tearehtng out morbid ecrt tione, and leaving nothing f A' dieeaee to feed upon Thie U the eeeret of the derful $noee$ of thie remedy im ernrimy Drspcpala, live Com plain tt Dropa7v C3uonlo Dlu rhoBoilAtKerrotuAfloctloiu Cbills mm! Ferera, Hamora, Ixws of Constltational Xlgot, Dleat of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all dUeatee originating to a bad etate of th blood, or ao eompanied by debility or a Uno etate of the tustenu Being free from Alcohol.in any form, its energizing effect are not foU lowed by corresponding reao tio$H hut are permanent, info ting strength, vigor, and met life into all parte of the eyetem, and building up an Iron Con etUution, Thousands have been changea tares, to strong, meauny, ana happy men and women t and invalids cannot reasonably he Uale to give it a trial. See that each bottle ha PERU VIAN SYRUP blotcn in the gUtts, Pmnpblotat rre. SETH W. FOWLE 4 SONS, Proprietors, Ho. 1 MlUaaa Mae, atwa ar Dasoai tiailit' pBACB INSTITUTE. A BOAUDINO AND DAY SCHOOL toa Totme Ltmca Th. r.laiuin MmmAiM mi Wadnaa day the ififc-d toptaatMr, acd eootlnaet with out IntoratUaton to the mlddl ot Jan toi towing. . tot eatalofra aad elrenlar eoatalnlng f nty I"-r-'Tl7lLB0BWBU,. . jaM tSdStAwtotpiU . , iUleigh,N. TT B. CtNTFNlflAli ANO BXHlBI U TioNoruia. A Local Aran! and Babtcrllttton Bdllettor Lad e and ttnntleown of good addrtaa la Kaieith and each Town ani ijnuniy in North OarolinK, a ywrt work at I14.MI a wek aad LMm-alaaiotiB aaaun. idilnui silk ratnra alano S wcaVa. CENT1CNN1jL. tUBrCKlPrl'JN BtBCAU, 521 Cr.M 8 JMt, rhl'aoeiphia, ra. Sot iroapectut jguraalt rucluau n eccU 00 IM AGAIN AT .IN Creech's. SECOND STOCK THIS SEASON. It afforda me more thaa ordinary pleaeure to offer to the trade and eonaumert of Dry Good, a tecond ttoek bought within the but few day In New York, and will be told at price, which enable ate to atk competition aoodda. My etock of Dree Goodt embrace a large and complete line of beautiful ahadcf and colon, from low price to One fabric - My ttock of piece goodt, Hate, Boot, Shorn, Carpet "lan kw Nottoiff leifri ttnttbt tti0 largeat to ne louna m ine cut, ana m wnicn I would call the tpecial attention of clone buyere, and here allow me to any that I do B propoaeto elote or wind op my butlneta, but oa UiaTEOirtrary to extend it. So bear In mind Creech't hi the place. Thoee who ttudy economy and profitable Inreetment can do no better than to jitf me a Being -truly altrt to the demand! of the hoar, and anxioo to eecure a large trade, claim to put before the public the largrat etock to be found In the city. . BOTt-d3ni. ,. , A. CREECn. -yrr uicox oibbf HUWINU ,. MAC 1 1 f N 10 At maaaftcturer price, oa Umaer moatbly Infalraenie. AKD TWKNTT-riVE PER c.r,s r. BIIU JaANUFaCTUK&RO PRICKS FOR ' . CASH, If parchaaed direct from tola office, er HJ IS "TINTS ITKKK r, Kichmoad. Vkr -AAA. A GIBRo, Proprietor. Piwo laiua, ' DH(ncr. i (fen? 1 j l UmC J , OJf too use oi mm rvmeay, rows weak, sickly, suffering erea Q. BAND OUT COKCIBT will tx glrea la the City of Graanabori B. 0. DECKMBKft $1,1874; - fot tht purpoe of erecting aa Odd Fellows Tomplo, The Grand Gift U th Benbow House. WORTH $80,000.00 0X1X11 O A 0 H O I r T SIO 000. RaalXaUU GUta, .... 191.506 . 188.500 Caah e j Oklt 100,000 Ticim to roD. .. Prio of Ttoketa, $i.S0, AGENTS WANTED rerfaethes panUalar tddrawJUg Maa ager, Bos 8, flreeaaboro, n. C 0. P. MKSDKNHALU, rpt-Std ''MaaageR R. II. BRADLEY, I .,,. nat. L. Brown. KeDW Rkiigh,N 0. pUERB WILL BE A aWTIMU Of TAB miJ af rurMtoM at the North Carolina Matoato Twp Aaanclttlon at title at Nanowal Bank, oa Monday, ra. let. at 4 o'elork a. at , --' '".'r paelel baelnee nelug leireuoa or a p;aa for the Taan.. .'. .... A. H. winajtMH, Financial Pacretar . JaaSUitt rjio TUBPUBUU. At the repeaUd and n'gant aolicltalloa of . : - kA mL.mum. m nff Mai. elgh, I hnre eoneladrd lu reaame the Krai ItUte Baalai'ia in lata rlu. Au will be hapiy tortudrf ail the laliU'M for bay wT.. . I .ii. ! f Ik .1 ma lUtfw VI 9 mj" e wj y - r lone aaiwrienee, b ih Noith and BMth, la tuia una ok nwuwia, uaa n1 " nv4. knowMge ol tor etaia an1 1 f asl fully capa ki a .iviM mmiI MlUfarltna to all that car place batineae la iwt head Kial KuTtTB AoaaT, Tarboroagh Hotel TJRT UOOUSt 1)HY OOODBll . ' DAILY 'ARRIVALS! Latt :tylca aud r tt nutrial alwayt oa band at ! - - PaTlt A JONEd, )niC-tf No. M I'ayelterUla 81. OT1CE. . II . I ..111 V.a I Ik. . Oen-ral AaeemMy for aCha l'r, fur a Bank at Uarbaaie Uraug county. N. c'. jaa insw SOU COTTON U1N. uae 4 Saw Gla. I nit to hand of tula Joatly ealebrated Alabama Uln. The totUmoo a enaalowne that they Gla fatter aad atakeel batter eaiapie uaa any outer erw aaaoa. Price 04 peraawand traniporlatloa. JAMKaM. TOWLEB, aeutievtf AeeaL "Y'IIiTEIt OATS. HO Be prima tv later uau in store JAMK8M. TOWLE3. JtalO-tf Coal. Merchant np A I L t B E B MBS. S. ITmoWAT, Ifakee aad clean rlothet la the beat and cbeapeet etyle, oa Blood worth St. N OTICE. My toa tdgar Smith on the 17ih of Januarr 1870. took bit elothra tnd Wt aiy home. 1 ferldd any en rmplo;lng him or crediting Um on aiy rtpmiio:iuy wiinoni mj con atnt. RUFUS A. SMITH, )an VI lw Kalelgh, Wake Co, N. C. LATHAM A CO., D.. kL.Lu. IhmI.M .nJ nAstiMM ; In nhMMM iwl IhvmiIiiM alttffW AT hV UlA nae baaend thoaaacd, aVi, Waablagtoa Street, Boetoa. BpecUl raUa will be BMd with pabUahera dctfrlag Chromot In qaanblf . , )aa M dwawlm RALB10R f Eat ALE 8EMINABT, t ' " ' - " ' ' RALCIGfl, It. C F. P. Poboood, A. M., Principal A. F.Rbdd, A M., Math aad Nat Bcleace, fain. Aotaa, - Maale Department Tb Spring Term will open Ftbruarr L 1A Board per aKiath ' - J - ' fit. Encliah TulUoa per Battlon KO. The adoptloa of a School Unlfora peereau ritravacanM, la ilea, and ankea the eeetof Orratiog at iwk ae n wonia oe at aoau. Apply for Circular. -, dec mt-dUnwliB " " : " ; -r pac , fnaraaia-n wh tata4, WATER TiTEEl The beet fcn the Maekei, aad old at lata larleetbaa ant ether Urat Hew Vhwl. . Umi fur a PamphM end be tarn. TUmd. K. t. l)GuaAK,Yark, re. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY BOB i BALE. On FRIDAY, THElfch Day of Fsbraary ant, I win tell U thlili?het binder at th Cou tboatc dtior la the City of Raleigh, the hn-e end lot oa Milltbore Btrcet, adjoining that of U B. Root, aad kauwa aathe Bbapard tirotiertv. , i ... , I Tarn.a we-thlrd the nnrrhtae mom h cah. one-naii me reaiane in an ana tweiTc moa ha Parrbaeer glrlng bord ana treu rlty lor tb. afned ptfawota. title glrea Wliea oe i I aymen w man J,u-dtdt RUFUS nr.iOTTFS PERSONAL REMINISCRNCENCES, AN mBVmtt;m&m HtT eu- don. Robert Z3. Zioo, By Rev. J. WM. JONES, D. D., formerly Chaplain Army Northern Virginia, and of - .J-V.ll.. . V. V IU..I.II.1.. n aauiunivu vuiKHof v a. i& huiihti ed by authority of the Lee family, i and of the Faculty of Waaitr . faigtoa and Let Univertity. ' tuTEX arunpis FoaTaaiTa aid kmoeat Price, la Cloth, 08.80; Sheer.. 4.50; Halt Turkey, B3.no; run turner, fi.su. ; f ; D. APPLETON A CO., Publlthera, 549 and Kil Broadway. New Yoik Mm 8. M. WE VERB. Aecai. , S-Ot- dee 500 BUSHELS Of SWUT- rOTA. toea for Bale of th beet quality ab .; H. U. vM.IV. 5 V 5 PIC )"5", tt-Stawew. , Apex,N.C JJIOB ALB, " J ' v , ' ; fl Oa hBBdrwl aad fU ana oi loa' U mineral land I W mll f mm H.nfr oa tb K. A A. A. Lia K. nnUlnlo rich poalt af Iroa em, BI ahoal aavantr ami 1 orbrlaal growtk. Tor further Informallon PP,,to . NAT L. BROW , rumen imm vm.i The Code Dnellft. - ., -If . ' AH AMATEUR. 01M extra cloth blading. Z . txcuirenoaaUulr traaaplred ta Geoiglaand Aiaseaa, ib wuiea. eo" were promineat aeiora. ror aate at uie boob rvrrm AfFKAD WILUAMA 'i ll A N.iL. eiiioiiiTii marnu rpuifinaof Webb A AoaatmUdlatolred JL oy aiataai eoaaant, etuwr vi w nxiv nata ia ttgn ta ,Hawa"o.--j . ortlO ln It. tt BOUNTHEE Ornoa t.twia Wara. ' lii - M" Voelr KHalauua la 1 1 tL aal4AllB hnMhwam. iWm- awfaialiiiiw wt vvtatMa, a wwv . r ...a. V.ara.1 MlfkrM AA . gUalt AH vrwra to. lfc Wim WB1B . J AW. haAa i in inrlw bb Heart - ,J oetlO-la ;rotOffleeBoii run D EXTRACT -Wit at UU fii 01 The only known rmely for ltltlCHT'S UI8B19B And t poitiv vmfdf for GOUT, UKAVRL. BTRIC'I UREA, UA- RETEs, 1i 8rKP0T A, -HRRVOUI nEBIUTT DROPSY, Boa-retentioa or Inetmttnencv of Crto. Irrl utluo, IntUmmalloa or Ulceratloa of the y i t '- f f ii ' ' k i "' i Bladder & Kidneys, . PEkaiATOHHMvBA. - Leucorrhott Qt WhIUa, Dtaeete of the Prae Oaiculna Grarcl or Hrtckdnut .Depoalt tn Meet 1 or Milky tnacuarcea. KEARNEY'S kithact ltrcnr Permeneatly Carat all Dieeaeet of Lbe BLADDER. KIDNEYS. AND DROPSI CAL hWELUNUrt, Kilnllnc In Mea. Women aa4 Children Ijr NO MATTER WHAT THU AGE ' FlnM Citraet Buchn la wunta ranre than all 0tbr Buchna combined." PriM ln Dollar lxr Bottle- or Sit Huttie for Fire Do'.lara. Depot, 104 Duane St,, New York. A Phyetetaa ie ajwenaaeotoeaawcreorree nondenee and Klve edvice gratia .f orBQ Bvmai7 ur raiuiu,ci irw " c )a AdeudAwly TO TPB Nervous and Debilitated , or BOTH SEXES. . , JV fAarg Jet Aiieton& CotitvUtilion. Tim J R Dtott. arraduate of Jeflera n Med leal Collatre, Philadelphia, aatbor of wrent ralnable work, eaa be eoneulted on all dit tea ul the SexaeJ or Urinary Ornne, (whk-r he he made aa eapeetai euoyi atutar ia mi or female, no matter from what cauae orleii attne or of how long ttaadlne:. A practice of W rear enablea him to treot- diawwee with euccea. Caret guaranteed. Chargea rea sonable. Tnaee at a dlaUnce can forward letter deacribtng aymptoma and encloaing to prepay poauK-. , , , :v rVnl fur I toe oukie ( utaun. rrtce iuc, J. II. DYOTT, M . D -ssCJ I10SADALIS, Blood Puriflcr, CTj&ra Scrofula initaFariouaFprmsi Coanmellet la lb Earlier rlagt, En1arc;v-.nt and Utcaratlo ef th Claadt, Jalab, Biei, - Kiemytt Utereu curemt Kmauttm, - Enetlent of tht Skh, Chieal . Ser Eyet, t " ( J N ALL ITS rORl ' DISEASES OF IftWrvy Mat erjiMMrtf. rc revn-ae, nHwrrtM. , toiva ai,'fk-. iBja.naat. . , .V77. toZ, . i ' ' OSNEltAIr-BAD tlEALTH,'' ' '' 1 V - jam,.. !? ..Wt.,'- - Jatsi.UlllMNiOf tl aM t" ' 'to05,iiTiiosri7S tiiiijri' T . i tt toa rarfaot Bostert j' ' eaogAOALTSeradlnreeererykriid of tonor end bed U1M. aad reliC the A eatlie eyataa ka a healthy eoeTna. fayie to PaaratTLT Haai- Berer prednelag the eUgbwet mjnry. ' rey-ft to net a Beerat Qnaek Kometf. Theartieloaofwhl-h It it madoarc pnh. jh daroudMch bottle. , . Rteamnanoad by tht Medical faculty and Kany Thetttadeefeer Bert Clfcaw eryforTiKtlaraniatt ef renwrkrtla cot. .. ii itouiuLUtAuiAnao" ror Uiw year. - .DR.J.J.tAWHEHCECO. 2&i Baltimore &tt, UAiiTnronn MD. , !rr-7r-7 -p- f :r Sa!o ty trsgglsU STwyw.e. Uaxr) E. Cakram, ' Aa"f 1 CABtaa, CAIXXKR te CAIIXE R ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1 ' AinvnxB,N, C Practice In th Buprma Court at Ral Ish, and la Ua StaU aad Federal Court of We. tark North Carollea. " - ChUma eolleeUd oa aay eonty of .the 1771 mm h r u n ti (1 4 JB laXTn1i WATtOBAtBiM.H. 0., ' u........ Ilaa. Htk. 1874. TUK annnai bw"i "" . . ' of thU Bank will b hld at their Bank . . . -. ih. - - " J ing ltoaa ib tow , IIOBD WOOD POR ALS. . .1 . 100 Cord of atoned pine at IS pel cord X good trrar 4 horee wagon for ala. Aptly at El Mi'rtore WUthpro' Street. iABAC a STORS f4 iALB.trtm'1 t .ill ll farm. SI in lite from the Oil r Jlatotgo. containing iua ecim , iirwin nwfc-I.l.lvn fall nnmil All to good repair, rivo. gend TENANT tlOtSE, fnr m t nrm tew. 7 a .A ftTORRHOTTapj. ted aa fZCCl' I i... .tait Ttninay a wnaAtiualuaai. Toe pianiauoa m ia gooa ww r.a, oniier gooa ince, ro, is. J.'DAYIS. r?. Re 17. rtADWAV5 READY-RELIEF ' ' crtnuai tub worst faijts In from On to Twenty Kirutes. nOTONCHOUk t; arawteCllai eak ad rwlkaawat acf - e: . eurna wrru rata. iiDVtn utpT trxrerji a v-.. oa inn rata. - ' wm the drat aad Tho Only inin Itemedy I MMttr Ik km menwtallRT rahw alux . Lmmw. WwroaA. mi.i,w t fiaaea a anpuas, ay )Sav akiaCATctV - ... is rwmoKtTOTwrmirrjfrTr:!!. a AanarbntV r.a-"t rtw r e ru flNKI'tt Ktf. al rM. t .. .v(,ImI. KrruW' kikcawie, 111 art 1 !, hewt air aVf. BADWAJ'S' READY f WlM.AlT'lt'iU'n T.l 4 , INII.I)V ATlDI lit T.:t ULAkllt 1 flUBI SHPILfAE. Viri t 1 a ' a a a HVergalCA ca JUi. btrtiiKx. t 1 iiMiiw,a, iv. m;i a.i.iiu, ttur;u.rri, TiWiwrt "iV Btantev ! W' frlwat-HllkMliiae.lfli lnJ i' -rtyta . 'mf dmiHiH hf ''"' a a. an. wnm cure i'U m i. , . . i r . limRlHllll, NIK II"1 . i..to-1'iK , tVBITKKT. rilljf, i..H ! . I ' tkjl ..J.tllKtLV.I. VllV. Trawl .hmiM nlj,v, rcr . lV lr t 4. war' H"r liir , w .ir..- te.i.r Witt bMt.,1 rktM. .r b II iTt'i.l' 4tt i. Utobaiwrtaaa I aueon Hiau'i -i t.iu' a rxvxB, AKD Aatrz mil 11m aom mM !'" e- t--. i. BMar-waial acai la M f'M f -'t and aaa. aa au MMr Ri.. in-;. MBit 1- rw eparoia yar HEALTH ! -BEAUTY ! ! tranKd r r-rrnt tfw ior-t"efat'ir ir ru-:ii ai wmiimt i.kah nam . eUVXiri t. '.OMf tiWJ atwbwto 10 ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S . Siaparilliai totat THE CSEAT BL003 PUaiFIEB. a uni tub wokt aeToinditnfn ! o oumk. ao ajirio Aa rn i-uawiKa. thb or ritiS TiivL woiiEri: tuuuciaa, ftErfBajMA ail We'mM i5 Scea aI Fell -twr ewe- at aAMmitltitJi RKeot. rKTalBRnnloatrllimaiia It fekMMl. araL t'na. airfOM fktia e rvkwaof h rm ia !. r Hi, rw ItrviMiraiti vaKaaorilt a4jr irhkaewaM MM material. aVralala, iriailK f;mfilB. aiaudalar maa. flwra la Aa Ifernat. Hnaih. T BM.M, kiiMlMIn UnlaMiaMl MlKW Mruef Mr .rm. a ikMBinMBetwea dwrbanrM ajw liw Ba. ! iH ronl fi.mia of akin Mw, ItrafioMa, ri Aw, NraU ttaad, IB Worm. 8aU Bkutm. Errlx 1. tof. m-xa, Wyraja m lha fkMk, faawta. C.a t ta tlx Woarfs and all waakMln aad Mlatel 4i; shArcM, NIM amaia, Lm ml aam and all wnw tt.a Ua nannl,ara m-Hhla iba earetWa raaaa at r m tot or Mier VaeasMrr. aad a .' a-e M 4r.,r ia nr aaraaa aUna n for anhraf Uwaa KtfMM at liltoiawt)oarmearaaoi. ' '. ilia aaKwrt. dairy tieawlat Wnead ay Ik waxaa a . i decuuipiwliloa filial It euatlaaairt ywwrMi, w .l. la aiianlii. e)M wawaa ana" nealn Mia aem it m aiaiaritl aiaae rrnaa Iwalihr kloii4aa4 .nv it- eAkilArABiUJAa win aa aaw nanaiat roe lia aaea itw 1'.?"'"''''" aora ar aananaiioa, ana anccww '' .4 t nata Ha muiM will b raaMl. a4 mry ear At aaata will uaa aimaaH etnwtaa hanaaaadairii tL 4lMiln( txttar, ainUU uaaruTtii, au rak wciiar, aaiim aaaa. ka aaaauraWJ aJaaaata ladw inaTiulaavaiviB ati. wearm taetaaw NM oalr alUaeavaWAUi. ttaatmrai neat all iua. ,aaianlal aaaai .ta in oaa aara at uanauv. crw .atljraaainraaamla At 'kh.ua. tJoaatliauiinai, tuiaafavui uiivaaa.. Kidney d) madder Complaints, tfrinarr aad Waaakewaaaae. Oeaat. WaaajaaDror. .ilaar Waaar. laaaaUaaiioaaf Ortoa, trwhi a oi rmm, Albaailaarla. aad la all earn what. Uwra are 'KleduUBalla,ortBwaMrtaait,aldT.aiilil riih Mbaiaaoaa like Uta wfcua o aaaca. or Uiraada ilka while Mia, or that ha awrMd. darZwiioaa apaaar. aara. aadwkita haa.4aal dap.iia. and waaa Uiere ai a artrklnc, aaralne aaaaatloa ware aaaalni water, aad faua la the entail ef tkt aawk aad aliaag the llna Tumor of 12 Tear' Growth Cured by Badway' Beeolvent, ABSOLUTE DIVORCES OBTAIN FC from CpnrU.M, dliul.i; teruoa, ate. No publicity reauired. Nc charge antH divorce granted. Addrett, i . t. AiOUSE. Attoraey, 1IM Broadway, N. Y. tntv W d t-y. - F O R K m H T. The room between liw office ot Meter. Lewi a Fleming and. Sentinel office. ; Apply to .A. H. WlbSTON, Bec'y N. C. Mttni.le Temple Aeroclatioa, H OCE TO RA.NT Tbe Hone and Lot oa Wett Street, oppo- elto T. iL ittia'a Aawk end BUad FaaUtry The houta coatala tear good ljd rootna, porchea, and a'l neeeeeary oothonaea, th lot la halt acre, and ht a moat ezctlleat garden. Tbe reildonce hat andeigoae thoroagb repair hut reeenlly. Relet t Tho. M. Brig, Kq., at kalelgh, aa to rent ar tontalt at Cary. " ' L dfclllw - WM. E.PRIJ. COKCMl)iTI!ll. Taa MiteM Momroa . TH E BRIGHT MASONI t rt-:0- ' -ft ,.. On) j, One Dollar A Ter, The OoBtoBdattoaof tb MASONIC MON 1TOR and the BRIGHT MASON, mtkea , -THR BRIWdT MaaON" -' Ob Of th Vary beat Matunte Joara la In the southern Atlantic eUtee. It la now publiah edla ManaineForaa,at the lew prio of One Iroilai a Year. S - - BUBS9R1BB BOW Meeon lngood ttatid big every where are raqueatajd to to tat Ageata, t luh ul Irn or laore only 75 ct. . ' - BcTTae whole Clab aerd aot ewme from ots frOr, nai&ea enzr be added tt any pfHf at club ratea. Addraat v . 1. . ? r Harris, ' Coaei rd, 8.0." Ia-bVa. Modi. fot tdtranaaara la tht n.nr Wtf - ' lL3ifI.l.lLL ILUllllinlilBaiillL-....iaC1...JiiaiBMilWiiW it 'lN CRADLBft A GRASS S JYTH8 euatwWred a aupply of JlotdaJra' Ulebraitnf Souther. Cradle, . "t aa Beat ia taa aiaaaaT WarriBteil to give tatlef action. . U Q p D O P PORT UNIT Y W. doier aa extenatve tintlneee fa CurvaiTio and Cf ttoit TAtLoanta, throng h Local Agenta.aiboraupplied wi k ttmplet thowlng oor Besdyasade and Cuttota Pwee Goodt Stock. The pbta It working well for Contain?, Agaata, aad aarteleea. Wede air to attend t.ar ba tinea la thi lia. aad for that purpoae. will corretpoad with bona de appllr-aat for agxaeiet. Bead rt-ei aam and relereac a to character. .. . DEVLI5C0.r P. O. Box 223$. . Nbv York Pitt. febU-U JRlf C00D3 ! DRY GOODS Anot: or P'ork ol Nw JCfcTRE IIVED. , The laraeat aaabrtmaut aad beet vallate, at the lowwt pnea we have " red. Car ktock I now lart and complete. A large vortloa of oar Goode have bora par. ebaaed elthla the lot two wkt by oar Keator Partner, la the Nortbera maike, aad aarwg BOBgat taem.ai. URU8UALLY inmiMl,T'" for Oath We feel MttaiaAtamring that ao poute, ua r vat vi vam oiaw, im Wr bare to-day rroaired the liieai rye ei FIFTH AVENUE EILK B At 8, whlcS eaadot f tarpaatad for Leaaty of rtjle . .- I M I .. . rr"-e o'j " -, - . . . -. -. Wi bae ajargejioca w turt, inciaoiPg - MINK,' 8EAL. LYNX, " , "BLAtrMRfmr" AND FITCH, made ia the latret tVyin. We will take pleaeure IB Mowing oar goeusio an wnv win give a a can. PETTT A JOSE I. SO Fayottrviil Street. . aitf Raleigh. K. C. M ORB N BW i OBI. llltk kill tT$T.tf to fL7S. BLACK ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS AND BRILUANTty duality Let irpatMd rt the Pricer. Arx ttyU aad Latett VttUirm Print. 4 ClrOT;M. .i(..J(:lw. 4 li, Bi4, I0i4 an-l 18x4 TAW.K oil. " 1 una. ":, " Bitracbnl and fjoblttchi .1 Dtimrat'c all idtbaaud iulilii. at prirca which cwHte uarlenwil. A large lut of Jreo'a anil LanUm,' Sbawla, good anil pretty, u unit heir their ral oe. Uand made BOOTS and GAI I EH lor tientieuirn, wnicn neei 1 niy a rrii 10 m appriciaten. Our tik i now very lrt;e, iid a . aril nat rapid'r. we are c-Kiaii"y ' i citiig N W OdtI)r, t i.t Ihoae Who patiituif ' gft rhe Inmfl' r-f tin tel p'-cer. A large r artel j of DRE 0M )!). . creailr iwfucf a cr:t ('i)ata' Fpowi C'.'lti'n, all rujolxra aad eo'.r tt lnet prita. rEiTir a j6nes, 20 Faretferille Street dtc 23-tf . , JOHN A.R M S T It O N U BOOKBINDEK Blank Book Manuliif'urt.' - oraan. c. BooiT'-i! R A L E I 11 . ' N. QHEAP VARIETY eTORK. H . D. HARRISON, Ctnier Fiyettcvllle aad Martin Btreeia. ANYTHING YOU WANT. CoOVe, Ctttee, 1 Coflee, Tea, Teat, fkger, Bagar, Flour, Flour, Flour, v... Teatj Teaa, Sugar, Bucar, . Oniona, Onion t, Onipna, Oniooa, j Moiaaaet, Rail 1111, Uwtet aad Iiiah Potatoea, t aeet aad Iriah Potaioea. SALT, . Applet, Fruit, Coufectlonertea of all klata. deelv-lw . VtLVTl TULLE'S THE QalBAT AMBRIOANOQN. ' SUaaTPTIYB RTiMFDg. ' Couaumptioa b NOT aa wearable dli Payehcleea aeearaaaof thie tact, It ta only Limitary to have the right remedy, ard the temblecaa be eonqa malady ared. ; ... 1 HALL'rt BALSAM IS THIS REMEDY , ;; , , ' It breekaap tbe eight aweata, reJIevw the epprttetve Ughtaeaa aero the Laagn, and heal the lacerated and excoriated eurfacea eThkh th venom of the dlaeate prodaea WHIXE LIFE LASTS THERE IS HOPE It may aot be too tato to eflect a ear evea after tbe doctor have given yoa ap. BALL'S HaLBAh la told everywhere, aad may be bad at wholeaale of th Proprietor, HAlr. HENRY. iiURRAN A CO., at their Great M&drrHrWaiuoore. p' tndgt!oTIgr Place, New York. Price 01 per bottto nwagfta. Colis, Paeamoata, ganttatti,.-, 1 gpltUng of Blood, Croup, WHOOPING COUGH, other dlaeaeeo rf the reapirttory td ail "taa Alae Proprietott of aeovlll 1 Blood aid Liv er Byrap, Carbotto !, Rdey't Trochee, 'taypmated Bfllew, Mott' Liver. PHI. Ae,, JOHN F. HENRY, CURRANT h CO Haa V College rTace, New York. . . JaatH-lm." fJtOYSI TOYS! I TOYS! I Thetait-ett tenortueatat " NAT.L.BROVCXA TTTTT KEEEE A BUS T B AA 8 8 T R A A S T ARAB A A 8d " T E AAAAA 1 8 T R A ABB T IRtWR A A SSK KANCT GOODS! BASKETS, Ac Tb largwat tortmnt at N AT. U BROWrS. w a v A "x. Tm r t . WiaJN'j.'Ejj: Artlr Local and Dieirfut Aawata itt direct o-ntracta f r 'be PVaa Mutual I.! 1 Ine iranor On rvf Philadr phia. for N. v. ttddrewt, ' W. H. PINCH. ay $5tr.w-;.....Vw.'l Mw -ptFPAR'AL'iN KKtlAl'rtA.Nie Warn FBiiar, iMtiaomM Ht.. Second Door rtootb of Hugett ctr.-v ' v.i hie old aaad bow known a -u "Carolina Hoaae," BALBIGH. V W. R. Pepper, th BMMt diatiuiuiali.1 Ca terer ia the aoatb, ell opru hit arw a 0.11 and Rea'aarant, ae abore. tday. Tbnraila) retotwr tat. lbe beat Vf')tiiliiK in tw oiAlnee will be lod at feppt-r'a, aeni u. a retipere eeaa aa. m. . , h . t .. Norfolk Oyater. Kealt at alt bmirt aett-ma . ', W m. PBPFEK. llUltboro' Recor r aad Duraam Touacre p'.ant copy muaUia, "OEERLRSA BTEAM WAMIikH Nit . BLEACBER. THE LATEST, BEST AND CI'E "KT ,J.AiHBi-a--'------ That I team Waaber are batiar than utben la aow generally conceded, lhat the Ivar tea at the beat of Pteam V ttbert wUl l - as readily adm.tied by every one who ea 11 and trie it with other. It eoMtractioa 1 uch a to ruth Ui Urgett quantity of water through the eluU, leg ia the tliofltat time, aad to compel! a-, the water to to where 1 1 dealred . and in vent Ha going anywhere elae. U bai un bungling valrea to make the water Sow ly Ota ajd voate to tow at tutorrait Int cam It to Sow alaadt'r puaring tutteen atreawa oa the whole turfaee of th cloUag Thtu tbe water ha not to deeeend to tbe centre or ootheadaof the taia bottom to yet back 10 It tarting point bntgoea etralght down from wberu It blit, waeblEg all parte of the dotti ng now antoached y It tapld rurren . It raeaee through Lbe clothing many Uwea pi 1 minute and eleena them la IS to a tuinntef 1 The coat of tba machine may be eared very aooa ta diBerenc fat wear of the dolhea. It may be tared very too In Lbe dlflareeer of labor required. A machine made to St, can be urrd ei'fc aay atove boiler or the boiler foi the uat-hlne mav be ated lor aay other purpoe, Tblt maehlbe talla tor la than any uf .u kind, and will uo the wxrk aieT.Be BKnr thoronghly. At lie name lndliaiaV ia i'EKKLKfS AMONG ALU " Iher are maUe ot beet' tin lbe ranier with gal van lard Iroa bottom will last wan) yea ra and are avldat the fot.owing luw Mica : Forth Wather and Boiler, (otoal Fur the Waaber alone, (uaaal aiie ) .'. For the Wather aud Boiler (extra lerire) fy..'i. For Hie Waaber alone, (extra laige) K The oaual alt a II iiicbe wid- by at mi, : 13 l-'a deep. The eMf lance td lnebee wide by iw lom- I l-S deep. ' ' eKut aoyeherr p?-r rxpre rei-eipi "I price by J. A ION Mi, Propn. u,i, f "7-ti . Raicixb N 1 . A. tt. . L . .1 i. "F1111:. (tn VoHft Ibum '-juar MA LEUili. 1.:. paetai attenlmn iivrn u. a : '.Um, ateada, in new oi the late !t .1 n; -nreme Coert of ie 1 1 nite 1 ef, i. 1 ' , - n rect. n 11 rl... JI80LCTION OP COfAtTMrfKatUr The Coj.arUierahip beretoli.rv rxUlin in der tbeaUie of Aiaiue u . olive, Apei, N. C , iattiladay oeaoivml by muinal touarn II. I . live bow aurverda 111 lirm 1 ml wi.i eontlnuc ttuaiiieaa at the a uir plai-e i.,v u tere tia a'ltiei.dne t kl:n ,1b t e li 1 4 With a, believirg 1 lai Ut ill arlb) th- patrou i(,e and eonnd--n. e or the -t,.i OCtT-imSla i. W.AlK N o. IS OTICE. By vii tje of a jui air)l of ur Ci.i-r'l. r ( ourt of Wake c mi), li e uui tti-i, eii Combilaa'oner will re 1 .111 7 kuradi.)' the Mil. day of Jaanan, INih, at public a cli. n, tt tba Court Mi Ute roi r li. the t uy of ha.eigb t 14 o'clock in., thvi foiloe dk di at ril eu real tut: I'. Tract, Situate about X uiil.a W. tl i f tl.elltTof haleiRh. in irnainte t 00 the J. C. R R., at the fo ka i.f the Hi letro' ami Chal bill koad, adjuniUK the lard of Jamea BeAhford, Heir of W. J. Bn.wn and other , known ta ' the John C. .Moore 1 lace," containing tixiy-tlz aciea uiore or ire. (J ) on 1 he p'operty aie a good well cared lor dwellng Hooae with 1 roomt, food new feucre, valuable a tore boue aud necti.aiy out-boate, Ac, dec i d. Tract, mtuateoe Faretteville Street In tbe City of Ralciich, aJJinu.a: the lot il Mr. Jane F HaywuoJ. being part of Lot No 60 In the plan ol tlie city, and formerly the law office of a. H. Hot era, 1 eceated. Taaat or Bai a t)ue lUlnl caah, realdoe payable tn 8 niooUia, with mtereat 6 pet ce t. from day of aale. Note and approved ae cority required for d 'tirred payment. GEO. U. SNOW. . 4 "-T'..- -.f dec. Id ji bin it y college. -- Ttse Pprlng Seaaloa cutaintnue Jan. aay 15th. 175. email eapenae, except clothiugaud booka: 8S0 to 0100 for Are moutha, JaatrAt B CRAVBN, Paeeldent OUR LIVING AND- OUR I) K A I) K A IK WEEK. ' The preacat week h"n etreeltettt Ihne to renew eubeeriptiont to V UVINANO OUR I) RAD. Coi. b D. Pool and T. B Kinetbnry, Kq , would r-e pleaaed to tee th ir IrieLdt, at the Ftir Hroui da. or at tin (.ifflee out door emlh of the taiboro' Houte and receive new anhecilpth n, oi r-nea!a. Ibeoljectfor which the M igaxi elakiiti ifihc, IB addl low to lit lotrl. ale 1..V111. abould comutend 'Ira fa 1 cat on to i r. ry Ni'rth t'aroilniea. lerwa 08 per y-r tct3t BA8RKT8 f BA?RETS ! 5 lbe lafgwel aeaortawut la the fUL: al jet NAT. L. BKOWS'K The Wilmington star. ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS DAILY STAK. eA'B th largest clien'allon ot any Daily Newepepvr in the ft ate, and a circuit tiou Ui WllmlugtoD nearly twice at large as . ,J' q1i ptpl'. 'Mi ' '" ' 'T" "11 1" 1 Till - Al the newaef the day will be found In II, eondeuaed when unimportant, at length when of moment, anb alwaya preeented tit a clear mteUlgent and iatereatinif; manner. BUBaCRIPTIGN (la Advance): -One Year.. 87 'ms:iKwtxt."?.T::x:7;-;.T-;;z ;.".. ! Three MonUit...... I WEEKLY STAR paica iwnucKD. ThrrTeJ7g &ittno &uMne& wjtli tkt taaruiiiaa Fmrmtr, and la One of the Iclicapeal papora in the country, at the following , ; s REDUCED BATES: One copy, on', yeai. 41 One copy, tlx monUie.. 1 MTCIuba uf Atw 10 one year, aftlie.-onpy tnftjlnlj. 01 IU or more. ote only 1 no per copy i ' . t-lUKaPrVaeelOnappllcaTli ;." Aedrawa, - . . JIBI. IvJUCUaAltUr- Editor a Prwkt'ir. Wu.mikotoii.N C. dec Ml