f , 4 t V 1 , ,C, -, ftt "JWWI'T!"IIIHWIMI1 a " "iimiin i miiii i m.M i i j, si JHE PAILr 6EHTIKEL 3 ! tiil ao a. . ... . . .. Adrartbawoata will be JaetrUd athaDaBt aBBTIBBa. at the following relet per eeeare r.i..ir."!.t.T. 11.1 9?III I 'll' UfJ1! i aaeb tubuBqaeat rnterUoa . v i 'NaKiN v aa thaji a wMk.aMt4r...,.,M t tqaare,l week. 8 11 tqeare,Tatat, tm.M I - latMth, e.aw! - atTat - l5;;";d-,': 1 00 I -'. JO 5 um - - a4f fcaa pw a)a4iat ' '- ' f 1' dT ,"."',, 0;riiVir? tmn fou TTT ft "n a-i jf'H '. r ... i w w m m. akawah w. a a . a a a a a wh(.hmfw' ' 'mm ' 1 -v- e . . " vm-win $ '! J im - r 1 - - -s . 4 M t .mm. mtm mm. mm m M I uitr KMT, 1 H. C I tmm t Iw M. Tkt km I w 4 lm, mm mm CUM tUKttuta A5D coir. Raft 4muI !- kkiakvtuKlxkM Jrt apeacdk ti(r- timtMriiairtta, MCIALTT, I Ma. LIm Wli.tt Iraa riaaM Cot-1 M. mUk tlV4V bMi atrlMHi I vkMa 0ta Hw, t N kail t - I ijWlM I "" I U Tlufc. - I I iJ'W bmt nan ui vuDAt U4iaU.aIMkkfaUHaav ' at - Tt'CKIRU L4.DIK4 ASD KXCETOS I m i 4Ma. Udim Mttk Udkfa, I .:. ka kaoMfwat" af tka araaa.ai RMJilagaaa4 Hack Buffl aa. ' . ".i - " J"Elll!M AND FAMILY I JXL !' U tbeapat tkaa .ar I am vim a tDJ J Ul - 'I m; IRl) Atrlfal ol that beaatilal Btlk I , , Feb tS U - W. O. m u.fi, Tvl'aMtK. I flT Biblteal Reeatchrr an Cbnttiaa I AdTocata plaM east. .: I H yiBH" HUUWWiaaTiaD4fcmudmadaty,aaagroar, a i..- n.. i. i. -..-..Ma -I aita aeTat tafwat PATIHT CBAMPIOH tAf t8 'l"!r 'J.' , " . ' Ibeioretbawar at Cbipe! lliH. It wm UtaNtuac mn ttaa a aura at a miwt. rf Siff I MlaatwjJowpricM. 1 ,a BEBXCIO at CXX, ! W ",""Tfr SSfaadtS Bboadwat, New Yoik, 56 aad 0 Pvdbcbt Bt, Bnatoa. ' 5ab 10M-ka A- 4 i A " . : I T KP D w 1 o !- Ji lii J i . K. ATTOEHXT AT UW. , G randZHacifloi ;r HO T ttLr'p U CHICAGO ,. .fc jp .4. , , 1 QUaviog ywchaatd tba toUra rrBora I aaa uil a leaaa or bj hotel, I bavo admitted Mr. Samuel Jt. Twoer, f.mnerlj af.,tha old Treawat lioaM and , late i' ma mBwiiBi, i"" in, w pim i ChicaKo.aad Mr. -T U B. 0kiU, former I WtlUaal It aubaeaof fiookiaaban aatir- coaducted aadw tba aanoof I JOHN B. DHAKK CO. 1 1 ?-Lj"taL-.'" i' L ' I ,M awvo . Ity Covers one entire block baring i ft aM , admirablT located for tba eoevenlence of I gneta; U tborooghly bnllt ia tba beet maanarwitb ail Modari lmproamfel4 Evary floor from baattneol lo roor, en- iS tow-lJWft 111 peaaet. whicb cally fira-proot Tba Teoaiatioo fa par- r'LJ"... I Tka aeriica, table aad olber accaa. I datioea bciog t the .e all goeata, wiu ba BMiaulaH fally aa to tba kigb ata- dud ol their pradeceiaow, aad t qnaf to aoy home ia ibto or any athtr coootry. Ut tka proprletori bar decided to W lUVJUaa fipWWIWt Vt' ftDW n.HUH . I graduating pricea at frota M M t 4 I IMrday. acoordieg la tba looalioa ef tba I rooma ooeoptad. ' "i "i . Cm 1 ''Mt!ii. r , .r:v-. .1 I . Jll rS IS Bv IJll&aVBa.: onn rorm hi aBAfinNBD SI ZJJ Wooel!wl fors.nCaa. tmU I . Toworoara to J.IK Elite more oa BUUbora I " aagis-tewtf 1 City latcllicenco. ftiM f MM M fcM It PM CWSm CM, YMximl Uv. i JM.W "it' it AanteA. ' -, ' . ... Ow,' lUaJntk t S4 M inn llM li b tk lakMll Mi Ikfl a'WwVi k mcm) III W IMMif WTMM4 I IM Hj M Rkb AlttbUMlf M VWMWkMl ud ( UmMj m tUtf ytnl ii tiki Mora, Mi it' tttrowa mm !; Bt Kill 4 4bt tck m. . . imi m Bttiaa Fa touts W rtmr Mr t ikM Mplr brmad of clgM for km-l a tM ! kb W. Mr. larifcIHha TwbMgk llMMwtbcn A di'l iuM daciant ka will not dliata uk uiMhiil h ..hn.li . waw U C gita witbtko olirt branck la Df baa) anal ib aooati- totio In b nihtjj, lyddfwlug bits- la U : . Ji a. : a. " i a a. . - - .a . aortoi i !! 4M wltk Ma from Qiktd. BantateBbla;:. r f r. .. . .I ., J 1 jou.tx BtgHi Msiad llia took a Mat IL.i . , . ... . . ... " a aM .waa at taa Hicaaoai ium- tr but be coocladrd la aboat fuor Ja- ti,.Vh .nftki. IthLj iC"." , ZTT ;Z ' raaHka4 kirmty':ab could . tu iha polkauaalbat ka a. , athiag f tba blta loikata kick opaecb aaevarluiing "Tu UrM . dimituUft ; tttropplag of . ... . i aetiiaea la b tba ipolibaot aad tba tftttf wJ1.-8..b.Ii (Oa.) ..JkWi'' I. ..-IJ - ' .K. " .-., - waUeg Ha-JU aiirt is i I ..m . ,. n . , . imrn u in uwulatou. A glotlooa old. clab iu lb Upailoa Ckap. I a. -a iLi mb aa ill a thi rJI f '57 hi th. cb.Bb.. am I tba bo aal Sam a In t " Pianls u nut r-talki tain , JL. 1 ki. i. inrmwiw aaiau hiv vaj auaiu vu .HI puttPUiax at tba UiiUiWgkbiitj all koki Uka a draaattBw i-aa' Tn4 aM fl fib . ajd blood mlitloi of tbat eld clwb aba ara proauaaat aafora tkaif ooaatrjaxm la ?at Aaaa ia tka Uad. Tba ckaptet at Obapal Bill ka granUd frooi Jif Btoaawlck, Hum 3m- tjt aad abortlj aftarvr4 a abaatar a ubIUbtd at tba TJalTenitt otTirgUia. Todarfo 'iba H6om vf ltiaBfalini f coanl fouf aM-mbert o( tba 4Za .FA ataaA Uj Iwaffakaa. Tkaar. Mai' tlK4 u tba foremi teadata ia Iba Hoaa. Tbaa p,,,, BIckMoad, agrd SS. I Mi. lW. tmmMil" . IjoaagdaaWa, akd laa feaorita i yoaag ,,""''" ? "T honored by ata people la paaoa Jlad taaa WUUaaa LOiaaa. of Tadkia mm r fa, W. with one tMp leaped 4 WBC'. ba taaoad fraa tka aa S V b? tIackibd ita ddee tbeaa gentlcatea la pabrlo ll?k the 0,d ftfrTii ft iaatbtii lo thia crtyT ili . . . , - j . Pobart F. Gray, of the ClrWiaa AdxmH jtt, Carr, tba ajao kat la faahiag tba little tow, or Borbaa , aboad, ia aiaa a naattirpijr-- JlPX. Mmuct, far Iroot hylog abt - ', I alalM lo poaalar knt, la alder tbaa aoTtblog eiaa wa kaow of wai aied by preerdiag geaeratloa. Try U t j Tba aobbieat collar foa eaa wear la iha Warwick h 1a tka atyliak width tbia araena, Aak for it at tba foranhloa itorca . i., -.- . . i ' Nbw UaTBM, March :k.-- Mr :raai tamporarily ear the tkroata of two cWWtt.'1 M( ber ow." She Wil die, bat Iht ebildrea may racortr. t Jeaoa Bun n tu Tf a- BtrjhtToa Cm batmua) laav-Tka A-b wwiag rbcepiaMoef V. ft, Ctrfalt utmn jadga Boad, m tbaaaMM Daaraa IWana aad Cartar Gay, at at, va W. h OUkMB,! ai eVUvareet m thiatttyaa atday Thia la a hU la aajobi dtradaat,a ha era rK:artia aad poll bldraaf alaetioa ia ibaaMy af Wttailig!, .. O, ftoi renbiMiag fatio at koUtag m aleettaa aadar aw aeaaadad akartat af riot aiaai- ctr-wt!,i,.Wky tuLrri- laaev ' -a rf. ",. Tba MMBkw a:iaga4 by tka aoaia'air, aata wk tkia raaaedy bbaaid ka girea, thai tka law aaaeaaW iha aavaKwaWki af that city la aaeoaatftatMaat i . - r.uSlU tka diatrkta 'lata wJ tka aity dividad aaa largaly Baeaaal la Mwfortloa, tkaagh they kara-tkeeaaae repraaaUia la tka City Coaaell, aad that tbia la aarticaUily traa fibeeoioevd aopvtetiaa, wkiok. to tka Vd dittret, k by itaelf, aa huge aa . the , popalattoa af botk tka atbar diaiikla, , Id, Biriaaa (ha aMeadi-al charter pre- acribaa atbar aalldcatbiM lor aotcra tbaa are prracrihed for totere ia the Coaatita- tb af tba Mara, which aaa particaJarty vapreaN tM la ta clrrd paople. Whatever aiiy ha aid of the proprWr? ar tepraprWt of tba LrgiaUiara ia tjUM- tloa, wa bm of aplama that tba eaady aaagbt for ia aot a proper cue. There la ao rpcaial wreae; at irreparable dataaft aJlegeeT la he doee at thraatewad- to the comptaliuaU la peraoa ar property; bat the injury thrcateoed b autcd Jq ae the er of great , dieurder aad aoofaala, which aroulJ uira. itWa there were two coeteadiBg bediai, claUlig to ha tha aan Ooaaatl. aa W bo aaHtled to tba) goreraeal of thalty. e" :.r Tba raaaedy for Ibfa la th writ of faa MrretUa. bcooj(bt bj tboaa aal ef poeeca- aloa of iha office ageinat thoae.who hold rt, aad we kaow of aooaaa whra a Cuort of lenity bet letarpoaid by iMoaotiea ta ptevoat aa ekciloa poa each geceral gruaada iA ftt coajaioa to oU eitiaae, if iba law ander abkh ifwai aboat lo be held waa aWariy vooooatirMiaaal. Aa b Mid by he Captenc Court of iba fluia ef Pcoaeylvaaia ia tfaeHh aad McCarthy 'iitlitfcy repcrta, -ibt power oogbt to be plain lo authorial coarta to lot bid municipal ekctiooa wiiea ordered by tba Legtalatnre," and wa . May add. tbat bebra they eiert-iae It, there .bnald beaome threateaed inpxrabte dmage totbo porwHi or property of thoee who Mek the remedy, If thai aiaotlao be aa;i)lej;al, ttaooeatU tniioBkl owe. tba retnady by ear taewnpWte. l' U b p ktl M aad the iplalaaata or o a tt. aJtiseoa art depnt.d of their rlgbte aader the 14th of 19th amendaieota uf Ue Coaatiiotioa at tba Uaitad Hutra, there to ample ram ad la the couu by indictment aad otb arwiM aader tba act of May 80th, 1970, aad February SSth, 1871 to paateh the wrong daaa aad to reatorc tba rlghta of tha partial n: ! ;.-' -.!-.:S-: '4J We think tba wj unction ' arat be ra loaed. i :, Ccraiira CoCBT Urloxa.-Oiialaci wrre filed by the Jna'JcM oi M-aday, 10 the fallowing atari : Bt Psaaaoa, C J. 4 Jm B Dankl TtTbomaiMOaaaa, from (hraaga fiem. Jqdgmrqt . rerermd jtt eaat of pUiatiO. Wa Pattenoa m ml, va B M Miller at at, (ram Meckleebarg j error. JudgaxeU feirerMd Jaa Blytbe, ex'r. va J M Boula, from Bwderaqn j ao error, A firmed. - H P C WUaoo veDA Joakiaa, TabBa Treaiarer, from. Wake Jadgmeat ef- rated. 1 Bt Bjuob, 3.' -'- ',f;,If.N?a, Irom Tad k Jo j. Judgment affirmadV By Bvaw.l.f-;'--.i;t a B Loagmire vi H C Ilertdoa. Irr. from GranvUlei .a tided aad reTrrret ia jlerk.nf tbia court -' . , btaU vi Batebelor, irMii Baiifag ; at' Aioimrk hare kvea taken ia the fo. lowing eaa I j M L Holme a! of T j Crowell ttal , Hear? A Baker vi Wa O Jordan mt at arom Wileoa. - , I Chaa U; WilUau va lei and Grrea ByRoSmaa,. .V:V- M. tageola Allen af at, va. W. H. ftbialda, . admV, from BilifaB ; affirmed aad reaiaadad. " ' 7.T. Spear, at at.va. J. aad C. I Cowlea, from Yadkla ; jadgmeat affirmed. B. J. Iliiltaea vi Jdeepb jfarahaH, from F.B Bodow've. Tat 1L RotW' from Wakwt'revetntd..':i : i r natuax ; amrmrd. WUUama, Adm'ra, from P.raoo. AU1ITIU UBSB W 1 TaJILB Board ara eaa M aooommodetad oiU able Hoard a Mre. L O. ktaarf aoata Kaet Uaraerof Btowat aad frrte Btrcat'a. (Two atorfce from rayettevUle etreetV - . A fvatiaaaa aad at wife eaa alao be fareiehoi vita raealar aoard at aaae place Apptyat rmUeniai " ; .', t N: Of I OB in Boraoae mdabtrd to the aaderelnad are hereby aetlaed aa torn forward nad -tia, ae I aa hooad to hare awoey as eoodaet my haataeM aaceeaafnlly. fvpi Oil MSI GENES At 1 ASSEMBLY. nick 19.1873, ' Prayar by Bev. Dr. rritobard. '! pw k read Joaiaal af yaetardaj. aaoaaa4iia waa r4aa reported from Iha ooaaltt ad aoaalltwtioaal reform. TaaUU i4U aa aaalwUtaia; hod aa mofioa ef Mr. if ortheed It Wat ordered tahapfa.tod imaadiatoty Aad aaadatha epvelal otdef for Friday at U m. Tata MlaUlakMACaa'eWUwitbloma vatbal. ameadmaabv 4 majority of eoav tathabinama,; MW WVfcBtllfBii! V't XWured Mr. Taclmr had aa article read ia Timm 'thick a Ma, Pavia elated that the voockerf of tbatdty w M barafd la 1878 at ardor at the aomataaiaaem by Mr. Oeorge Allea aad huaaalf, damooraU Mr. Bail Mid tha voachere to which bi referred wart buread oa tba 8;k' af May, 1874. Among that Uiagf ae to aerrap- lioa at the haada of the aity affielabi tha Mawharaiaa. a deaworaHa Journal of Newbaia,, had charged tba boning of tboaa voachera for parpaeei of fraadj . If tha TiaaM had aver denied it be had aotiaaait. During tba recem la ooav pariag witb Wua. IA OUverae r tha avat rcepcctebla citlarupf 2feahata,k rial tod the office ef tha dark af tka City eoaacil aad laaad tka order la bare the voachera aa alleged. If be could be made to believe that la any vtatemeat of hie, be had Oren lad to do the Republican party or nay of ita officiate injustice, ao ese would be readier to retract. Bat if it codd be abowa that therr Wei aa iatsn. tioa afA wroeg la tbia . vouchor atattar. aaaagh etill raaalne j oa record of redi. cat miarnle aad coneptioa ia CraVva oouBty to warrant the aaeitia that the half had withe Wd. would be difficult for the "Tiffin" l pn e any. body ta bo a bnr. ' " ' Btiu k o. aaiUMiAP. ' Mr. Tat.'i Uouae Bin for tha BtaU to buy lb Writer ti. C Baiiread with aortgage boada ieroed the road itaelf, and tbea floi.h it.Ha I'aiat JKuek with ooo viot lobar came op fir tpeclal order oa third reediBg. - ' J Mr. Lieney offered aaeadaeat pro vided, if eoaalMiootn find the um they aie requirtd to pay too great, or Iba claiaia tbey are required to pay to be fraudamat, tha they ahall Make do per akM aad rrport tbeaaae to -4k Wxt Qua oral AaMbry. i"'-v.. t , Mr., Xova oppoeed the ameadaeat, ha tt Bght it would clog the bill aad vai aaaaaiwiarj.Tna aaaoadaewt waaadoptod. Mr, Morrhead . delivered argument agtloit na bill, otjocUng to tba privaU atechboldeta baring one fourth without paying theft thereof tha internet, end tba title to tba Mate aadrr tbia purchase would aot hold good. . .. 1 1 Tha AiDU waul Into necntire amioa to eonaider Bmiaation of Goreraor for oflccre of Peoiteatlary, Ac, nad cut bt fartkat diavoaaioa. ..-; : ., , 1 bWnnfd ndjnnraed. tit'' ' i wHI . ,,. t H0U6K OF REPRESEN rATIVKS. . ' .'''i::,;.-;'.alrehll0,i878. ; At 10 a. la., Mr. Speaker Robioaon called tba Boom to order. Prayer by Bev. Or, Pritchard, of the city. - Journal of yeiterday wae read add p- proved. i Yanooa re porta fn re euading oomuit teaa were lubtolued. i ; ' ' f Oa motion of Mr, Foote tbe bin U mend tb act cbartetlog Wake Foreat College wm tekea ap aad pained itaerV. era! read iaga. Oa motion of Mr. Meaoi, tba bill lup- pKmental to the act to prevent lire abk from redoing at large Am Cabarrae aed other eouaUee waf tikee up and paatf d ita rereral rKdiDia '--' .. Tbi biU tcerniag Ib Intjieauoa til f-w - w .Try ! -.jwu. i iaBTi-.aeJA-aJ--. timber ta WiltniagtoB takea up.' aad paaaad aeoooa reaaiog. , ,,- i ' j Tim bill lo iBoorpfrmie the Rutherford Maaafnctariog Company iwae ftaketf an aad peeeco ne eeaoao rwKiieg "TB bUI came ap" rm " In third redlng. Aad wai rrlerred lo ibr Judiciary UHamiitor. i Br Mr. BJd. a rtwnlntioo to avor bf jemra Lumky and J.mee rairm. ' Cai- ,tdar. "' '.tt.;T Br Mr. Tnretl.a bill to lucoroorate he North Ctmii04, Taacrii and Vir- giola Narrow Guage Railroad Company. Beteied,s !,.. ,r rm f I f Bf Mr, Walker, ol Tjrret. b retolut oo to idjoocn oa tba M4 iat. C trader. turn bill to tetae the iOriadlctlon' of the Mijof of the town of ttellabory, wm takea ap nad peeked, iu Mveral roadiBga. - ThabiU tur tbeMUef of diMbled aol dim wm taken up d referred to tba By Mr. fa.lt. a btlLlWBre.lha(cia ut oi toe towa or seuumt. r iteierrta. r Toe bill tt) anthorlM the cotnaiaioa era of Cabarrua c aaty to levy a aprciai tarwahtakiB up iad paaad Itvmnal readiogr, - -', '., .V. ' . . ) x f Ob motion of Mr. Walker, of Ttirel. tbe reaoiutloa adjoomraiog eiaa dm vb ike 88d waa taken up aad adopted. " ( . The bill to aalhoriM tha iMOe or the write ' tf coitlorarl ' m taken, op and pasaed hi MTtral reading. The omolbue liquor bill wae takea ud. amaded aad patted ilaeereral rvadiua Tka bill to automata. enmpMrqlee aad Mttle the Bute debt, wae takea ap. Ut. uaager oppoeeti laa bin. " i- t Mr.' McRae luppiirted the bill. ' ' V.i Mr. Boyd took the fl mt. in opouuitioa to tha bill, bat pending iba aoocluiioa of bin remark! the llouae )turBed until J Telesraphio Ne"wa .ritox WAsmxoTox. WAAraatow,' 'M,u .tli4T-r Wihwa ta abafat: ' Htr,u a Ferry racalved, "Ut hod' Tkarrcaa.JJ fatal M JWdeaf mV W-i t.U Tba etaadieg Coamlttae- aanwnoad tha foUawlag cfaugM of ChAiraaa 1 Ooknnr. Ooamerce irice- Chtfafllcr HaaUBrPrjetcffioa aad foot Boed'a1 y hsa BaameYt' Agltaby PabllaJ TUadi j vice ttagwT lata".' rannWM ilea rmtu. Bitkaock. TerriterieaVice Boremaa ; Waal Ballraada vfae ' fltawart f fWaehh' Jf.a.1 aid Mining v'-MTJemtlg j Boutw.B,j fia. vtataa af Lawe vioe Coaknag j PbttataoB Cdaaatioa aad Wof' vtaa Fiaawgak Clayton, Cirll ttarvtea aaf Bttreochaept. a Two damlltre vrvre glvoa Dearohrata ThaiaMa, Prirato Land .Clalma, nad fMareaooa, Bavomtioaary aetata:" Aer tha aaaoaaeemeat of Committer Pinch back wm traomeL'; Xortea ka tiaaed hit rpetch. After the eoacluiioo. atarrteaoa took tie Boor ia oppoattiaav Before concladlng ha yielded to aa extern flve leeaioa:'' " : 1 ;v Coaflrmtttont-Orth, Mlatater of Aaa- trie: Mtrnard. MlnUter of Cootteoti' depte; Brtu, Uarabal oi tba " taatara Dbtriet of Tetavtea 4Mhniira'-'-ftr The dtata Departntent hal a cipher die patch that tba Virgtnlut paper have been eigned, had that fire haodrod pouodt ware allowed to tba family of each victim. ' '' . . 1 010 1 1 1 FROM HEW BAMPiUUKB. Boavoa, March 0. DUptctie from Dew Heffiptbire ap to tbia hour indidala aa uaueually large voU by eaeb pahy, aad a poeaibie U publican victory tbreagh the prohibition vote, which ia very geaer ally being cut f. iba Republican aomi Btta. Toe Ui-nuJicaot nlreadr cilia the Governor nnd tbr necond and third Cbri- grvtaiooal. Jha'.rcte. The rhciina . Of Joiiia, lirm, CMiirMiooai .caadidaiii in tbe ir dwinct conceded iy the V ullicaoa, : ; ., . MWCELLANEOUi ZilBTiilB, March Ithtro la b tweaty tbout'nd diXhr ' delaWion be tweea tbe ticketl aud freight ageotf at tbe Baltlmare and Ohio Railroad Cota mpnny progretaiug.' r ' Can-Add. March A e-lrl ol lixtatB. fc 1 -- f- T. t 1 . Wba fatally ttebbed a youth of tevcatera aMaiagthat fcenedvjoed ker, kw'aurwe qoeatlr been foaad drunk In ,n koue of Ill fame. . . , , ,'; ...( 1 Markett. (Corrected dally by . C. ChrUtophenC llro ear, norta atarsetBireem ' WHOLIlALt CASH TtlCU. -Cotton brisk 18U. with aalae to amna aa. tent 1S1. aUntafDeoMttleSXjd. tU15 Cottoa Tlee-ato ia. noorM.a,cio.aua : : Cora-new 5a$1.00 ,ml.- CoraMiavl-ewvagt. ... : Bacon C Bog round ' ; It 1-31 Bacon, M.a Bnmn, ' ltalfi, Bulk Ctear Rib Bldea. " ' ltJfaUX aBaouMere, ' ' ' " 1 ' a ,Laid.lC., ! ,. 4 U -mi CobTm In, oaod, ' f '' ' Butter i4dntry,' ' , - l! 0a! . ', hlullete,'1"' "."' ""' Bn.ansT.00 Beat on foot IMUCV. ii...e nee DretitiL Leather Bole, e lad ad ta- ; Potatoes Swoei, . , ,., , ,s Oeta h.ll.u. . -1 ..i : rkeei.? ' 1 ' .fodder, std tati ti ,iH ' TSanO lOOaLsS Wst.tO . l.at 1.40at.w wewadxi;btisemj2tsj. TKcno.r,oTici; ir'z i By virtue of the powere coofvrred aa ae br Act of the Oeaeml":AaMmO'y'eb tttled "Aa rtroooerolot the Ct'tv of Rnlaigbr' wa do hereby give notice that Booka ef Rrgiatraiioa wilt N opened for the elestofi f tba City of RaWinb to Begieter tbreK by tbe folinwiog Bciiib trara aa at I be following piices iu the rr epactiva wsrda, towit : ,..,,'( t ,: .vy naaBaraaB, .r, ' Jf J C'brit"he. JJttglttc:iflA Up- cbeiorv t uoocnannp oa ttargnt at, IBOOBS WAKD. I 0 Jlsnly, Retztetmr at Grange Hotel, corner ol Wiimtnctoo tad Uarie St. f h iRixn WABO t ,' J !, Registrar, at Couit Uooer. . H-II.M tmVKtm WAB' B o Macejr, R gitnr at (the Office af toe uu vompeay crocr ol Uawtna and Cabarrai 8t recta. . :;. : M It'Ss, 'rli" ''""fv WAan,, vi ' Georct H. Wilitaaa, Aajtiatrar at Joha Browne Store epp-wib Mieoaie Hall, Morgan ny4$ fr-":;:; : " These tools' wTllTjotfieaoi. ihe 21. day of March, 1 $73, end. wdlk close April 88rd. 1875. , , . , ... en r fViuvinv'f do , , . . ,. or Wakb Oviubtv, ar 8t8 1 ' - ' t SELECT BOABDIMO AND DAT SCHOOL, . ' j, BnxaaoBo' W. C , ; ' . -The Thlrtr teeond Bassinn of tbe Miasm Nash Mias Bollock's School will open Friday 6th february, . 874 aad continue U warka. ' -'' L.i i Circulars fonrnrded ca application, - i deealawlm ,v - WASTED TO IUBCHA8E AM (H.D second bead rlaao. do aot mttm boa aaeh oat af order, .: . - ; . .: , Apply Immediately at ! w c t BIMpjtON'B DRU0 atoRE RKVfD, it.. ii Hai.i j oa "I 1 1' j Uf 4 awifw rid t- W, II, As It 8. TCCB.KB.I IU faoliSvaw ? ii .vlYwltffia tlT , , The hvnrast steak a.' rsraetiace. Aarra. Ate.. " . ""Tr J- tt I Pa S-t,"i,t'" f TVKBTBOBV haseasnatothi amdluJoa I iVJZ?Jlll??ZZiV.!? Ut that It la a (act beamed doe at. tbat tbe I P : mT"7 !" Tf erarOae aw ' Ail thai U b a fact beyond doubt, tbat tbe p4aesj"torMagotsM T7I jajOUBAfiB I - t 1 aa as rajraueruie Bi .ewte zlOOenTneker OxW BBTKXntn 8. ,1 read, bead ot hiewbara Atlmao-aw toltZ t .tJ.TI !! ,M j I b aottlnl tou on BalUta stsaat M to ..... ii ILata.' fnai BlaMat siiMt tiko t siu Ae ijt i...i AbUiaetrated Monthly od fbatei AJter tura,kblJak4ontttrat ..; t 4 '- rjOLDSBOHail.C." ' i . It to a beaatifatli int rated UaoartorV of Literature, deatAaed to btooeaa IOe reat a aa b aa 'aa ammgLsaMvar art. "awaj awvmbdi a PBTI Maxaarae bt the ooaatrr, aad for thd aaae moa, 1. in aitn alanine , mm aaaaBiatfa aeffloetet which either talent ar capital eaa I taieut or capital eaa each latne aa nana. raadtor. r popalar Writers, both home aad aaaiasuaeuTo eoasMaotoa ar aaoAca t -t Js-it 1 f n tkevoeghif kUaUAad with bM peayle la their I Boetal and PoearaUe life tbaa any other! fca'atoat attraetfre fatwa.' lTheiAaa7y aaalsaooabslaa -a hi. lb. aertsatkt Al,ae4 ikH J wot. a, p. raaeek nan ntograpaieai naeteb, lo aa dallowad bs aacb anube Hh nkat7 graphe ot other peoainent tlstama. ctrlaee OMLTftaw A TIAa, tatage rtaa.) v eaeb subscriber wa ease a chaise ef I Zr? ? .T0 V 01 "batrtptton prtoe. suumv os iae fmrisce m- wtwur aoubie tbe price asked lor the Msjrtune. TAay bee Madlag n club of tre wUl receive aa extra MbeeriptMa free,. B'tgle eophw B cante. IX asontbe laba.rlDltu wltboat tha Ea glaring 81 01. AgiaW Wanted Ererjabtie. . JOLIUB d. BOSITZ, PahlUW, jaatS-tt ...Ttk. Mdsboro M. 0 OAA-,! PrNSZAKVPOPLAK, ft 'I .t fyjv. f. - .'! t Dl.Tm3 tli tub. re u tha etty at Iha ( eetHt Tiur auca nt ones. J . ' KAHD A BABBEtt Use f.uion Jones . . ' i ..j ,;iLitEioii,j;a , , W PraetleM a aB tha Jute Courts. Mpaw aiasauoa rirea law atauata nam. aeewo wita raecM etate Mftstatton. tvrmee ; a.oooreaaore Xarboro Hewaa.) -' i- -i'" .?T4 ""Mt for fear or Are fami:iea and aaarea aw ; WUl board them' on Hberal teraa and aire tbca the beet tba nstrkrtsnords. MMtseoa tae eorasr of ihitm snd w Uarngton auesta. .:., - , . B.U. UAIG9, . . v. , - A BLEiJlNO TO EVERT HOC 81. - a.. ' i ... aOLUl ' -- H.,;-i.-..i, . ! " i - Eureka Wasliing Ma - JV-ifJ . ivmr cliine rillritef Itt. It. 1874. f: i .. .. - ... uiTenuo. mm WCBH WaahM ever thb from amd), Mob Colkr . ,,.,,.,. i -vv. , t a Counterpane, lo tt most thorough and complete, atvla.;i;,j m WorkiwBA Uroe moat beautiful, burs EntrtTli ra. else I . olevbMzXhwbes, Tii: "Ihs Plnding of I rrnrtteM u all tba Mariana tha Vla. .Tu uUikTa. I ... r."' nnd -Kins; Lear Wrtna the Utoras." for. IkontaUoutDl sad ispidlty sad wt hoatlMi. I , . v .. .. ... r ' I I bstS male emnrementt by wblrh the mrarrlb the cwa.w M! s vIlME AXO M0ET BAVBA, Tbe weening aoas ay a woman a oe .. ' any can oe none oj we pan emeu reaai i thraa.koartv. i , -a ifr , . rriee tto, with wrkger aitfiehed But. J. B. TAKEAK, : 1 If .n.Lr.. BA V.ttta f!re. H. Ci Ii U'.-T! .' - ' ' i T "' . FtJ. CHXIdTOrHE", ' Wholetsle and Retail tl" - - ' " ' ' GROUBIt AND OEN LRAL1 COMMI?. BW aJttUAB,-. , i No. 4 and 5. Nonm f idb Mabkit. . . ; . A r..i. n. .j n..u. t k. i.kkt. Trade, priors M'ul the timet, . COFFER ' AHD'BCOARS O ALL , : GBADBS. ,, t, -v. nouxtnoVRii Two llaedred Barrels of all grades, coeapar.toaa ever. , :,,. , W), .s;, . i Cora Mm! and Stock Pen Still tower. ::tj i it."' i, ' ! ' 'lt W IS t l BCITEB I .BUTTER 11m ,,iFia hnadrad nounda of Fine flramoa count ButlrE M aali bf KIT ABtT Rdtilt . . MINCE MEAT 1 I By box and Retail of all Qrnies. IWcrm of nil Kiada, ii. i ii.-.. i A - .vu ..j i, -i:1...: : ."""'ii vnceu rwi n opecmiiy. i'.i'.i i , or C..ra Fa,rd Pork at Afarxet Price. "'" rnw, - i rAtutKirnnaafila of all kina anil!! prompt returns made atd aatisrscUoo gT!" r, r VVr.-.. 1 ' ' Messrs. D P. Mfichsnj snd Ooroeliua 0 ipree, with F. 0 Chtislnpher, would be pleat, a to Will m their - U. tJHKisiurutrt o, i de; 17-1 Bo. 4 A 8 If 8 Market KETT ADVERTISEMENTS. JT T 11 ' " ""r.- BOUBB. I "A' Py.o -f nonxn bquoht I .o.-. - . . :! ! i Tmi tlJtfa Ibtt t m ... Itan Bewbera Aveaaa with mmmm til I i.Jr,ZTiZt TZ2LmmLv'' - I oo-ft.eu' .iv.h n.i... .IbW -J, .ere. k IJ. C5t lHitiebwo' aVad.. M0 aaraa iA mil. I town oa reretterUle and Atjlaia roade. la I .tTm7.ir04,rmm T 1 mile from " w; T 7T W . 7 wa mm77. I TlTT"' t ti ,ata"wlV, 1"' ' aara lMutaa, I , . u ttloe, Isrboroebllttuse. f l . I AT . O . ,T. . I O S 1 A.a ' ,. , I , s a'c-v, ..- , s I - . . J " ' " r 1 1 I Wf " s f L B 8 h. A,TT0BBIT AT LAwV ACaTJOH,OKTB CAKOUXA the Courts of Northampton, u,im manna , m tae orth Cnrallna, nad In the I rdrai Oosrts. I dot dla . 4yrj THOMAS A.BAROT A BOHS, t" geate, HorfoDr, Ta. 1 stereabAaaffheW Apple Mm raag. I . Alee, Just iwosretd n new rarmly ed m I in aioMaBaaaf4r id Bmlth'l Cuttliir KnlreS, 'AXES k. T0WH9, "agl84vta Agent. (1AHTEU,, Jt . Wa wm aire energaUe man and wetaea BCaiaaia ba wiu. Par from ha to aa ner any, eaa nepurauea ia jour owa ceignDor- hoed, aad la etetelly aoaorabh). rnruenlars free, or samples worth serenl dollars that l free, or tamplee worth Mter 1 IV? IZ si once, wm oe aatsvieasw ay aiue,n Bl Ais eeptt tf BM Wasalnaton BL.Bostoa, Mas, Arlmsaaa J f ATUllf At e,sl B.V. woona reaaestun JAE . ATJW0, ATTORN BT 8 AT LA W I J'-l" " K , ,mAlMB, H. 0. I BtaU aad radsral Owrta and the Courts ol I them nnd ath Judicial Districts. I aovSl-tf OAUBOrEb GRAKUE MIXTUBE. BAJMtg MIZTCRE fnrnlshed hvn year to sim-rs in AfUldleJIoilh Carolina eaa be plied again Ibis season and of better grade. MOI whole of the Phoaohorie Acid baitw solu b!e la water, and nana of it twine In enmlil i aaaon wita srou or aramtna. I . TUeireatsuceeeaallh whlcAUrS r-GBAVOK MIXTURE aellsrtteasonltweUknowatothe Parmere ot this community. I rwdars eaa ha ban AeA to ma or Urt Willi I ftWnii r.. . . . I vpenaren cs lauma ho. .... r--'nepiwmpiaMeooa. ----- - .v I Ith BO.lUd . H 11 HAl NIJKIM. ffAXTJABLE rsOPIHTT PR 8AIE IS . V . -s. ' THE TOWN or APEX, r ledartorealsUa ramala Aeadear end one I fere of land apoa dhich tt ltsd. Ta I aaalnbla uortioa ar tba to.i Could eeailr be eoarerted into n eomfortable daylllus:. If aot eooner diaooaei of ptlratelr, 1 brill i awu saw prasieny at pamie socu-ai. n. swm I Vwa oa ratuntar lbs 3nt or in ii. wiia mwreav - ... ii. t;.uui Jen 4-tf - GbU, A. PRINCE A CO. ': ' .'"V 'd ; . . ' , OrgBBB & Melodeonit. , The Oldest, Unrest and Mori Perfect Msnn isc lory la me uaitea bums. :54,000 Bowlnuae., 4 aJfcie1ent tMrnBM,ua-lAlofl. I the mm Po the same Poiralsrtty. rjt" HmiI fn PriM l.'aLa I Address 7 , BCrPALO. N. T. bOTM-tf . , T-I IIT- -CAPITOL Of NORTH CAROLINA "Notice Is hereby (jlrtn that the nnder. I slenad a'CouailttM annolnted bra Resole- I Won ot the UenWAiembly of . ft, K.U- I ed Febraary bTth, lr wul rwcalre piaaa I . , a. I At-. dKah Ut.taa d'aaa.l. mstant - " " I ah plana nad epeeiueeuons i mn w ac- iMMiaift vltk tuoDoasJs srd estimates c? I '?TT."lt1 w taU AlM"U,,t I ratlfttoryVefeiunoM wlUbeiulred. I , , , -i n. r. ARMflKLU, I : PreaWentof tbe Senate, , -I' Sudo. "r" jTiPM nfeiiXv? rt-St ItatvAadlttir. 1- ,C:.;: