J t - f 1 . . ! t,. I - c: " hire 1J t. in - V " ' A J If. 4 1 f- tt t fJ H,V- tl '-iT-.t- J I T" " ba i:f . . J i . 1 -n ' ' - . lt j c, i - CIubtoM , , 4 Ibe hWdT ar ombff. . mi 4 tveryb .dy wata a praMUt lor Oidr el. kuabauj cWUrcB. eweeUiwurta, A. . Tbe i. ptaeV otg''Vtfm Ittr - jsaowN viium btobr, Viete r will find everything to ptMM youbg had eld, rich, and poor. ... !.- lea) OaTertajr mj ewuieowee. mi f.J ft .. . ,...,.... I, l--t'.'j ?-! , l:r;;t oooxTo.Bukiu;-Au iMtreeMat, 1 ... . . Chin Good, et -reatl nlmltmM re s . . Cab eye.' Haw u the ukaere Vo teeer vn iw vv .i m rni "i ......-. , . Doe'lM! totaa ABBBB.Meekaad ,f ,-. Price beior wMlMt ""vo. ". tUrUal WtiltMpm, Dwt )t s I. . ' TEX 1TAW OF HORTH CAROLINA, I To r Wby iiwiltM to' " KacbMl WhwUnwoa lb oatadMt uimad If ha oBa vltllla TCHT OMtl. to b and ii.im toforo tktimif olow Mrior Conu MtsoOowtM bo Mdfortko of ybnmi7, 1ST5, tad mmwot tho OmpWal whlck will V depdUd la tbo offlMOl ta . - CI" ot ttio iiriot UNUt of tM eouaiy, tit Int thnw 47 of tha oast Um Uwreot. ao4 tot tao faUt 4tadat4ako .y aotjc that If tho tail to aavwar too atiw X eoim vulUB that tla the plalat ' taka )odxaMat agusM aar lor uw laaadcd la tha eonplalat. - ! , i 1 barda laU aoLoiUkuiatoBa taikalM latnra. kaad a4 tk na ol.fiiUt . Oark af taa aaaarMr oi -pSACS ISBTlTim. r J A BOARDIRO ARD DAT HCH(XL Taa hUlaaawMi ooauMarw M l Vosaat- Jar Um Ura BcpVMaMr, ae4 oooUaaaa wita ooi awaiiMK'a to taa avHuua am for catalog iM cbealtn otafclH " iUM 13 dSUkvtaep W aaMi(B,. XTIW flOODS AOAIH AT; Creech's. 6T rro YUM oawaavS, ii . Tt.:..' . Uua otdlaarv ir to offer W tT4a aad eoanmar ol Dry i finnila.Bu..iidalnnkhoaa'htaiUllBltkalaat lew 4yt la Nw York, aad will bat aold at ' prioaa wakkoaablM M to aak ooaapoUUg. ! " M7 aloe of PrM Good anlawM k lam ana eommexa una- h msrHt aram In yiln to flna lahrfe. M , atoek of ptae foods, Eata, Boota,! keaa, Carpata. TaakaaNoUooa, ., haodooMtaa , ";, hirmttobofcraaftta tbo ctty, aa to whkk 1 4 I wuul4 call tbo tpecial atUeUoa nt doao ' oujreta, and bar allow no to.aaytbatl 4o . . au( propoaa to cjom or wnxi apmy Dwaiana, but oa tha enatrary to aztoad H. Uo jftaar ta ( , miMi urafcavai too bmo. ! f -9 Tbe no atady acoaoaty a4 protl ''nrr,lDV'aiUiiut can do bo better thaa to iita JMd( traly bIM to tha temandi W tbo hour, aad aazloiw to aewuw a laim timda. , claim to po toura too anjus tao mgmt m t jtocn to b' found in taa atty. . i ' . . : .?n ,,trTj,-r-T 1 -fii i'.Viii 1 .1 '. 4 XV H ABBI8 , BALXX8H, H. a pm- lewd for apKlBMma of work. Work dwaaioahloMthaa Wortbtfm frieM. ( . Y-u : : : -J- i i. f o I '-", ill rj fjiir:;-o4W-obtM,' 'aI. . Vrr-rtrt MBtwfT.'iLow iK.. 1 w KlBAahHBv - aiaBkajajalVflBaBBWjajaaWt aBJ l,.r ' ..j .t ,-. IS aoLV.EXoy,;: noeharaftorofttota BjalaUdaaxrtaof of lu area "i n oil ; 36,0OO,OU0 " it & n r it i u -f -t- ifjMiliaiiiliiWPlFliidiajwji ijiij(p'fflmBiliqilliiialii lmfi'i'-z..'n it&xjj$igjg-. ortr 5,000.000? . kaabaosbat . f , w . - . ,' i " or Ita raraipta. It baa bo SlhuldCT. Jtrary 4ollarof aarlulC Pmfi aioaa aoJely to tb TOLIOY -nOLDISR.f . ' w mi. a raoord oboom wall Jndirawhart , toCaTwUh arfetf oA t bjoooat . . ' WATT. Oeo'L Areuf . "..;, Ti V. AlXiaB, lf. c .f p i r- ; HX-i- Uft. CKNTrNNIAI. AHU KXU1BI . TiyJJorxr.. s A Local Affaat and Biibacrtntloa Solicitor. Lad e and tiBViuin of Kod addnM In Kaiclinh and tucli town Ctenaly In North Urollm, yart wh at tiX(M week Mid Comwlsvloaa addad. " . . 4dlmw with mtitrw ''"" woeka. CKMKNNlALoUK'CKlPnON BURXttT, til IT.rr OlrMV rniiaaan'BBt, rar Torproarjactai JouraaJa aacloaa 14 oasla. ' 'COVlLL'ft, JMood and Llrer Syrap I AO ciUaaona arBotloM oa Uba faaa or bod tedloata A larata COnrxtioaorraa&uooo aad tola Buy, or laay lib aoaorm i bat la alUiar caaa tha Umm ta aothlai aaor tbt aa umidiuu rouoa that i at It etwraaa throuajh tha , aowuf. aa . f dtath with ovary pahautoa. i . la uiarwr uua ( uiair ""'""H mM t ' tooajiaoaa yaw blood : ana btlOVUi'd BLOOtt hrfiaVA iiBir will roaiTla.t atf tUla doaUUmtaiB, a wlllu arj Uica of Jknun tnwa tha blood ltriwa,aadlaaTbttbakl j" :",igwwrAiio BajAuiircu Unndrada af oartJloalea attort lU Talar. rciaa.iporboU4o.. - j ,. iota t. mtwsT, roirn n i fm aaoovoutct riaeo, nowxoia. .'""'.""tiiio pkoPurruKtoff i.-' Ball'a Babiaai for tba Laaga, tMrboll ! Idjr'a Uarbolla Troabaa, tOiytr-iiatad it Wtbw lor mpapa, ur.wo" aw -wPllla) Dr. bWaV Vafrotablo WnratSTrao. Dr. BoanattV Tjf ftar tihtoltta,hUt,i , t !,-4 i aadVanala, Haaaian- ( -I i4, Hair Dt lie., Ete. ' i j... 08AIJtBTALpRTJaOIBTBi Ircniat!:oUlcca :fraY.xasTt:::.3. rrt i f..i- ' ' ' . -Tksrerwian gyrtn ; a Protect 4 BotutUm of th$ IVotoxfrfd of JnMk it to MMW&taoxf M M AmB f A effractor of an alimttm, ml oMilg digested mnd cuoimilatod fA WovkI m tho gimptmt food- Jl ineroase thejruantltv of Naturet Own TUalistnft . U0WNf. Xrw (i A Woprf, nJ tWomdoifJ lifoMi Meoftv every pr e(A iodVt .repairing Oamagtmmnd oa , "teardaift? ajwr6W der foM, mnd leaving nothing f A .h to ti eerf efAd Wid Oorfui OHcceoo of this romudg it eajrW Dyopepbia. lirrar iUmdb plalat, Dropaya CSbranto plat Chilli . ntkl j Ftct Hmnori. IrfMaV.f CowartttutkmrnT yii-of, DloMtses of the Kldnepii and BUdderr rmmld ChwatplAluta, ' artd mil dltratoo originating ia aoa&ttaUoftho blood, or o oompmnir iff debUtt or m Um otaio oftho tvtrm.' Being fro from Alcohol, i any form. Us murgioing tffet are mot fol lowed torretpondlmf reac tion, M are permanent, ibf tr afrwwfffA, vigor, and nemt : life into nu porta oftho ogttem, and building up an Iron Com MtittHUm, , ., .t ( -i- ' ' . XhouMindeMvobooneJimngod ' Jig thoueoof tkio remedg, front ootue, vioiay, omjrerttHi crea xtmroo, to otrong, healthg, and ' happjf men' ana women) 'and 4ieuif cannot reajtonaiUiKee- Uato to give it a trial, " " Set thatoach bottle has PtRU" VLAN SYRUP Mftn f thegla, ' ' Vmm&biiotm Iwv Sail W. FOWL! 4 ,S0S, Proprit, Mm. I MOmrn Wooo, g.ataai. Saaooiava Ai Vtl I' MMIItUI if (S tjtiK - 4- Tba only Rliabl GIA DUtribnUoa It the MOBfrvl I lio'o'do'oo IN VALUABLE UIFTBI A U Drown MoAieg, Oct. 1ttA, 1874 lie tnid Cipitfl rtl; ,10,000 ii Gild t ONE PRIZE $3,000 IN bILVKH FwaPrlaeoBl.OOO SMi.i sw i riraPriiea, tW JJ i Greenback,! , Taa Prlfia. $100 Sf Twi Finiif Cirrlafti nd littktd Bonn wltklilm Iiialti Itraci, iririk l, , p. Mf tieir , , ; I Two BKgia QxracBt Arn worth $000 .Hi Hi I ti !. w Two riia-toacd Roaewood fltnoa, wrh-th $350 tacbl : . r rL , i Taa Family Sawing llachiiva, worth $100 oacbl -'-I 1000 Gold aad 8ilr Lm HaDtlag WatcbWfttT'HtrrjTroMll -fwrtt to $300 tacb ( , OoUCbalaa, ettrar warc, Jewalrr, . Ac. XwAtrtfGyU 10,0001 , ( , i ,,- y rvbfj Urnitai tt 80,000 iU 1 lite. U tell TMelkv Thou - litem rrtmiomi wm lepiia. Siatclo Tkkrta $ 6!z Ticket! $10; Twelrt TMkett $!10 ; Twnty-Ft?a $40. ' Clrcalara eoBtilnlBf a full Hat of prise, dcaetipUoB of tha Btanner of drawlbr, and other InfonnaUoa la rafenoea to tha IMatrK bauoa, will be atat to aay ooa ordering then). Alt Miter anaav oa aaurt'aa.a in biaib oiticb, U U. BIHIh ooxoo, . lOlW.FiftABt : . ClNOiHBATI, a MpL$ tf. . " APPLICATION WILL BB MAPI TO the tf t Ltilture 10, Ineorjiomte tfa towaor aioirutriiia. . , t: ' t.W-lj III' " ' " Ud 0! fefc- , I t: f.-i) , ,.s... T .BiaTBUHITIO I. liii mnER WILL BB A alEKTISO OF Till Hoard ri)lrelorol the Koi ta Carolina Maaonla Tt?npla Awclaljon at ClUwn' atloaal baak, Oa Monday, Fab, lat, at t o'clock p, at ' PmU1 bBslnae balo aelcoUoa of plaa for ln Taan-a. . , m 'XJX- 'if .v FiBOBClal fcerataty m ,' i n 1 k'i. S",! ; fl I At the repeated aad B'twat aalfrllaily If my triaaaa aad too atuaaaa m boUi of K bainiy to nod. all U. aaaUi for bay ralrT 'aelllnif. taylBt; ont. or -PT " klad of prop.ny.T latter -yaJl hat mi lom, eaiMaoa, bth Hort aod Booth, ta thi llaaof baalBeae.ha Rivea BM thotouiih keowladco of the aema. aaj i iwa ibut rmum. bl of BivtBg aauarai aauaneiwa yw w pUrt baalA IB aiy aaaoe m '" Bbaj.Rtt)Aobit, "-r YarboroBa Hott fl BAUD GIFT UONCBBT 1 . will k. artwaa ha tha Ctt Of Giwantboro, H. C. " .. sr pECKMBKIt $l,87; lot to pnrpaat m orecuaK Odd TcUovH Tcxnplo. Tbo Orana win I taa - ; i n: v ' w a w" a t jriir " -f :"' 4 Real Ettato Gila, $81,690 Cub $oS.0w "1 Mi . ,t.T 100.000 Tic.tT to raacBo. a Prkw of Tiekota, ft 80. ' i a. 1 srT". ,a.l "tV': AG1NT9 " WANTED 'nrtarthor oartleBlar. addraaa tbaJiaB- a4rr.9aia;araeaborotI,.t j ,J ,ofi .-'J MaBtr. RJF?HrlAieDtfc - NAT. U BROWK, , . o i . , BoWta, C. TKT GOOUBt OBTn.GOODBM r Daily arkitai LatMt ttrlet aad t let auUrUt alwajrow id basd at ' vl. IS EH p jtaibVtt PlTTT AJ0KW, No. FayMUrlfie 8U t vt6Ti6b. .' ImiLMito Kin taa suae ta ba. truant Gaoeral AaawwUi- f a ht-r, for i Bank t Oarbana tMaaaw ooaaiy, v v. t BOIA COTTON B1K. i. R -.1 S 1 ' t l taw Ola, teat to bead ot thi uUy celebrated Alabaoia win. The tertintoay BBaalaauaa that toy wta reatar ajaaBUJuai baiter eaeipto -lhaa My'-wtbar ever bmoo. Frio Ot per aw and IranjporUtloa. I -wjyf.ts-ft4afcMBw at. TUWMM, upt-vtr avnat. -ITriBTXtt OATS. i HO Baa, pnio WioUr Oak 1b 8 lor '' Ma a IB-tf . " ,' Vuaa. Merchant. I ,4,1, ll i- -.1. - . ' l' I JfS, & A.' Jfj? TfT, j ? , Hakaa and clean rlotaee ta tb beat aw cbaapeototyka, oo Blood worth St.' ; t XTOTIC1. i.w-. .H'.'f4iia lllliaalknikiilJiuuf 1S7. toolb'bia olothae and left ary boom, i loriaaeay pbo ewrpwyian vw nwiiwii him ob my reepor-aibtlity VithowA at eoo- "nt" - nnrrs .avrrfL.! Jaa 18 lw - lUlclgh, Wake Co, MVo. rMblbdiera. ( fnportrni aad . Dealer ta Chromae and BnirravtaMi ataKV. w u one honored tiwuMwda ' J, Waabtastoa eperialrauiawlll b Md With pobllaher cafrtat Chroart ta laaUty. ' ; i JBJO,WBWl ' I: ., ! i B ALBIGB FIMAtlBUfTHABT, VKArai?9U)i;a i F. P. ttpo, A. It., r rtoelpal A. F. Bm, M-Maih and KaU tckMca, tin. AaTBB, t Mail PpartBt. - Tbo BnHnr Tom will 6db FebrBaW 1. U7&mm Matl'VH 4 Board BrianUi f trA-Uml fla. SBCBXTaitloB par ftaoloa V 1 11a ThaadrjpUMoItBebMlUBUOraiwnVenU Mtraeecaaee, la dieea, ead orakea the eoatef Braeairi niiuxHaiwi weae niaww Appiy tor urcBW. - . f daawlaiwUa.l'i'r'lT't ! ": T-' 99 n x S A V.. M. -in WATEU 17111 Th. hea be the Man, aad anUetlMe jprtsethaoaaretlHe Ola elaaaWbwI. s.f.il . BMBforoPannhMeBlb an. f.. . vtaaad, at.F.BuaBMtYath,l',-. "VrALVABLt CITT' PBOPIBTT FOB ObFBIDAT, THAlVhh Day of Forary text; I will all to the bkrhett bidder at tbe Ooarthowta d w in tb City ot MataUrb. the fanaaend lot o ill Ua bore Blrrct, adjoiainit thai ot U . Root aad kaow a ta whapard Tewh oea-tblrd tha ttarehaee la owe eab, soo-halt the retlda ta aiz ad twlv aasBiba, ; Parebate girteR bord and ac rUy lor tba deferred pnatoat. , llti gla Wb tblaatIXBiU "aitL.. - J - jaa-oio-,r. ,; bva a,uai PERSONAL REXINrBCKNCEVCES, AN SC DOTES AND LETTERS OF, Oca. Hobcrt S. Leo. By Re. . K JONES, D. D., toraaarry vnauiAtB Arniy xwruura T innnia, ana ot Waahlngtow Collese, Va. Publlab- , ad by aothnrlty of tbe Le family. aod of the Faculty of Waah- , i ,v , higtoo aad Lee Cnlvcnity. j , nmri nruimro roaniArr tao (mokav. Prlee, In Cloth, 13.50;' Sherr., 4.50; Ualf TurkcT.A5.K0: FullTurkev.l t.ev. .. Pnbl . . D. APPLETON m CO., Pnbliaheiv M0 and Ml Broad waT. hew Toi M0 and Ml Broadway, liew Toik Mb 8..M. WEVERK, Aoam. ' 4f de S-AA BUSBELB OF IWXET FOTA 0 V U toe for bale of the beat aeal.iy it, U.C.OUVE. t -7-dwTr,. !, B.C. J TpOB BALE. Un Baaarea ana ni ecru, n wn n mineral land mil' fren tanford ea the H. J. jl. l.liie n., nrauuwne; a nee pnaiteef ltaore,anrt about aewntr '" la orlrtnal erowUi. ' . Fr farther tnfornmlun lift I tf 111 11 1 1 I f - S S 2 E. !E PUCTICIL LESSOSI HBES The Code Dndlo, ' 1 - f ..... ,. a anaiiiva R. 1. UaU. Bob, PablUhar. Fr ll.W. extra cJotk bindtne. - TkL i . huitoi htook. fOBaded aa oa oteanueoee lototv wwoaplred Uwtrlead . I l . I -.lia Kiwi. .MM.lti.Uka. were prominent aeiore. i For tale at the Book Store of I (. AUKtU WILUABB. ( '( BMaLj ( k 1871 ; TBB lriarWebbRoatoeU by twataal coeMCt, either of at I aaloe- riaed to Mini ta liqawauoB. , t LEWIS Willi, octllMai KH-ROOMTBEX. v' U ' MOT . I ' f Orrtoa or Lawi W. : 14, reari street New Tor It. I SHALL eoaM.-t the eaeral CoeMahdea baeiaeae In ell it varioee braackea, Coa ltnMBU ot CoUua, Mavalttor, A., euU Ited. I Iberal advaaeoa aaadeoa akipaienu. a It order lor 20oa btooitmit biwi Wit WEBB. oetlO-ln Pott Ohio Bo , 0 Tba on'? know remedy frf i Qp- . AndapotiUve reaedy tga- OOUT, GRAVEL. STRICTUKE8, DiA- BKTRS. DYSrErslA. KUtVOUB Ki a0JtTT. ::DROPBf.'j Hoa-rateBttoa or bMoattaenee of Urtba, frrfl Bladaer 5c Kidneys, 4 J I SO iPERMiWRftllA; LaeorrbeM or Wbltoe; tike of thi Pro trata !aad. Bios, la tha Bladder, i OaJeolaa Urarel or Brlckdatlepoit aa Marti or Milky LHaebarxe. CEABXKT'S BXTKACT "BCCDt " i Pi-MoUr Cara all DlaeaMa of Iho ' h ' '- ' . j I'd ' BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSt- - rwutln. I. Van. Woniea and Chndrea' HT NO MATTER WHAT THE AG El .,K.nt4i, t . . t Prof. Maeteaay- "On bctU. oflfwir. aeye field RxUaet Bweha le worth aw tfa tbaa all other BaehaeomblBed,H " PrtWOBe Dollar per Bottle, or 81 Boftle for Five Dollar. i' Depot, 104 Doane St, New -Tork. A rbyatctad hr atumdau. to aaerorre BondeneeaBd (rive edtorrmUe ; j lof Sead etaap for Fampbleto fr tJH , m aanwn -i, j TO TPR Nervous and1 Militated Da I B Drorr, irradwat of Jenertun Md leaJCoUeaPhJladalpbia, aatbor of veral valuable work, eaa be aoBaalted oa all dl e.aeaot the Bexaal or Urinary Orrana, Whier be be aad aa apoh-tady either h aaa' ar tanuUa. bo Butter from what caaa oriaii tin or of bow long eteadln;. A practice of StfyeanoBabletblBi to treat dieeeeea; with aceeaa. Care (rmarentMd. Charred re eoaable. Thee at a eUeUace eaa forward letter dawihln(r tyaiptoBMyaad encloataf rartaeflSi PrioilOc, J. B. OYOTT, at U ' o ROSADALIS; 101ood' Pfixcra ' Scrofula Inlte Tariove Forme, i' Kt hOOIAt'-1"' f BH brrwefafH, Utrgawciif t ltd UkmVmd tfta GUwlt, Mat, Bmi, et rtiuwjii iima vmme nnwjwauimt ; . artaTUM or wie ew vefOM - - !A Sen Cyet, Ar JWtoTil-.tWI5 5 tm MM. ITW r ow Bvl J MfMM,...-,. . i j.tltwMC. . rarJL T- J ' -Ic.rjrwvA.T. nan toem-" w 1 ft faTrorteWBaqbyttafV :OBAVALrflendtct.e kind artJBH aa .ni had tmtr.L an rmtl-tro the eatf-j ayMB to a heahhy eee""". . FfTIr PaevwoTLT HaawU. 4 aeww predeelatUeeUcbtoatioJary. t . i trF! t an . ftaerat waeek Kani. m Tttaaruciaaorwaiehnietwaaeare upabYab eraeaa eaea aoiuew. ylaeaBMaaM by Dm BoJIcal FcKy and RMy I DteiMitief erNaCrtlM-rr I rtt TaailwaalaB) ef rwartabW) ear aaa rTiriia 'ltnr"M ff. 'taaMawamarrrtrt DR. J.J. LAWREKCE h CO. i Jaa Baltimore Street, tlALTIMOnC, MD. Per 8ii! br Drurriit Xor)w MrxviaB Cabtib,' Aacnv L. Cabvib. OAIXTKXI f OAJCtTK It ATTORNEYS AT LAWt , I . AtaaYnxa, N. & ; - ' Prtettoe In the Saprena. Court at Ral tab, and m tb State ead Federal Court of W ea ter Nortfe Carotin. Clalmi eollecUd oa ay roiMty of tb Itata, 4 JlALrtnn KATioNAt"K,M.ftl . h.LKiutt, Dou, lab, 1S74.. TBE nnonlmc"!"H of 8'ot kholdera, ..I tiue hu b will be held at their Hank lit( Ilooae ia tbl lir, on Teeeday the lVt rfnarv Beat, at rit-, p.. .UCOIOX , ,Jyt.V.?f OOBO WOOD FOR IAUB.! nA-.T,. . lot Cord ot atoned pta at $ MT'eord dellvwed.'-lk- llV"4"!' A food -Hroeil ore..wafa.. yr eyre. thikv a VtVIkH WWA'Aai:! 4 i 1 will aell Oi V iarn, at mi ire irvm mm bity rtf .lel(rh. eootoioiog 16,acrna MAnn nwi-i f tarn r.i maam. ATI la MindMpairj 1 yiw mood 1 ENANT liOUSEA, four ol them oewv ''. i - A good 8TOKEHOU8B, ad tt itofc fcnt atfnl."; Doirjf a good buioer7Tt Tbt pkiotatfon i far wtwdi tirder-w f - - Tlit rM I " ' Bailor good nadiM ic- 'T fj ,.. ,Do,.18. i,,. i,j , t,., J DAYIS.- . , 'v f-f" f . ! iiAOVVAVS CEADy JelIET TOiizarca worm r aim In from On tfl Twenty tSteutt. mty KiruitR. oua- K . ant a,, j .jiiifW "i PAta. ' !;.M t ia a ,...oa nor one houa after rAla thi. edwibMMmt nrraa with mix, uWifc tatanr aitLiitr I -. rale. . , ;i , Hwa.ikalratanl Tito Only rtln' R-maMlr wt tnwanit t mm th me nenwbitl. wpitw .-irtwainalU'ti, .i can l'niirftMit.fi vbtibf . Lt. !... Btfwvl e UNO M waa,r yt )jiiiiHit't"ftii t fw.M0)tr5WTmi!trr:t.iv B'ni1 am v.nt k iHMt fh MKa M AiHM'Mttl. im,v1im .;:rtt.. ctbW. tam lu uemn, iifi.ru!flli.;iti it aMauf aaT, HA0WA'3 ,wC K! Nlrrt.l.'rrtnl-wT T.A$4nHi err,. UttM dxiat T..a.At. itr.!.:;rH..w?.rfc mB ftrrt.fctt'a,,ri:L'i'. i I ,! i r. I M . . .i t kiiL is rutzxiA MKtDAnr?.Trt-PT1i-J j- .' ti' ennii.Ti . rnrtx. .tsiTti'Bi4 ' . i'iinJ.tarfia.iMt, ). h t.rlK r lb. i.aI vr 44w, tfwptT enuMi mm. ... ........ . . j. . . ..niK(n l' . ' ' 'I JLtW" t It. wmMI!rritwrr. rti- - j 9 hi Xratraktf .IfitiM T" . I . '1. K V.eY lavae. CK-tavf l - a.n M w.t.r will .r rtil .H'tuH-in 2.rf Mn,fr enewlA. ' ,"'Tr " t .dwm rtvita or,rr ; t v.u J vr. M.MlWMKhMiiVmriWv4,lin. fn iMim, iil .it Mlivr Wwirt,.. NJhi WoaOvti t..l TII'W. n rtTTr A -'t.f'l V; Jit- Ltttk tuij i.t 1H..U. Wl 'fl. J Jit ..1 ualBfe.. m mumw Mbt v h . HEALTH I BEAUTY 1 1 teni Art ttfr.r rrrl ihK)Ivin -t or r MAaVAJtUlr 'AJUfkeXiOII I :tlBKil (ii ALU .JIIl. i I fill ti -4- DRADWAV'S HAi PREAT BLOOD. PUBIFIEB. ua Mria Ttrtwoer TAiniiiK( rWn,!, m Suioilm KArto Aft rniT chanoik. Tn uvYiiiiriuHM(,i'i4ftR rita isru;ks. i u .fi vaauilita I a-2 , TTMflA , , flnkw ami Tjlk Wmv M M 4Sk AABAABtXUAW aeotw VK.vTMeMiiinK.ir.uinHifauM etoaa.e. an arhw riaM. aii tue. eiM .vie lit. v Unr (4 lac R HHi um waHM-mweaay wilt ew ait Uludatar IM, Ulwra la lb. Uraat, Moatk. To. n.iraJiMMIaUMaiuiliaadatharMiMVikiMqri.tM, MM IM.MIWMrMI UMMM HWB fflM M tM aont forn Mkl n ' Krepiiy. rVn r -l.iM.KrM M ltf Worn. KtlllllHiani. BrHpfbt. Arti. Btac klHIi Wfna te at. riHh, nwn Can -m tli Wooih. and ail w.k.irtnf .n4 iwaral M. Sart-ra, Mhjht ewaua, umof l.tna .nd all wuln 11V arinriftto. .r wtihin 0e rur.ilf t ruera ot ttti. k iM. Bi.ir. ekawMrr. .Ml rear ' pt IH .ntiaef wrataa mm iiror atikre( IhM to m S . t. LxX.ht MW t. cur. tlkn. i I j i it,rMtrt. iUiit WwmtiHi ewiwe he ni waane . t J ironianilltMl laal anUHjU .ni in. m. A hr vrcatiiw Omm ewtM, ami rvr.tr. ia. m. Ilk m naurikl mate from tl.kj kin. ea Ikl. w.'Miuiin.ai i.s.1 a. win an. t .laawutai ukiil .onaoMia., m auocniH fcn tnl.HWn. ih. IimoT mim. lurriMlnwiU W rapid. a4 netir Mi. Mrt.ni Tin f l tiiMMtf wnfirrln. tirtttr th M ewawiiw kwmt arraaiei BaaraTlB, aa art tM l'r oM Ikaaii idial aneula tMerf Cam. i.kiM. OmMiai iiiar-ijale .aaajiJa I nilr roUUn ean Kidteyt A f ffaaTrend M,i.Ms4Wl i iWaTw'wt IHDCMa 9MBMV-, HMiaaDrkM, BrltM'ahvf a M wtef. that ar. aato AtaWaMiittMHAL. Mabel Lt. riok-4al- 'ioDlat, djr 5 fllr U UltOhw CnOtMljr, MtftcaJ i Hi. tka wan. aria mk. iknad. Uke vhiM Ml. k item tt a etottt. ant, kllknai iinr mi, wktWkita maMaat aaaaatu. e akM iuta B . artokiae, bweiBf anaatii kn euHmi waatr.aad Tumor oflTearo' CretPf X A BSOLUTRV MYORO0A OftTAtBEC Xi ftoaaCpaod ClflereBtSUtee for de aerltoa, U. . Mo paUlklty reQnlred, Jio therf knlil.dri'oree rrantnd. Addreaa, )o II wi.ua k I ft a IM Bread way j I., BtvtHd 1-! Ai T? tt ERR K f. A V . - Tb rotwa heleeea liw effico af Merer. Lewla dt Fleming and Benttnel office. i dtpply to- it i AH, WihdTON, n aee'y n. u.-MtaeaM Tpia Aaaocuuoo, , . Tba Ho aad Let oa Wett Street, oppo. ftta T. U. Brim' Saab and Blind Factory. The hoMaviUelaa Soar rod laA. rooma, poRhea, and all neceeearj oathoaaae, the lot b awltaara, aad beta awet oxoeUeot irudea. Tb realdeeee ba aadorgono thorough repair not rteraUy: ' Refer to Tho. H. BrVra, Reo..'Bt hlr-lk, a to real er .aaweelt a at Car. ,., . ..nr I 1 1. 'ditl.I-,'ltiJf i ':Wkt. ti PELL - Jl MAMBIO Moarroa t : . -. '-AJk-tf' - , jB R BJII HTNAIO MI -a i l.i uni, une tioiiir A letr, ; . ,jl. lOttO; 1 1 in, 1 1., , . The Coaeoadatlon of the MASONIC MOM 1TOR had the BklUHT MASON, BieJar 1 t One of the VerytatMaoole Joara Jk la tba tfoatbera A tUatlc i tate. It la Bare Bobllah ed te Majraawe Fortw, at tbe low price of One Dollei a lean v -,.. k j ,s 8UBSCKIBENOW. Ilaeon lb rood aUcd hit everywhere are rearoeakM to act aa Agent, Club of 1 a or more only 78 ctav. u , HTTm whei Clab aeed wot; eonae frot wP.'a,aMeaaf be added t aay tin at elab rate. . Addrea o-' j J. ii rr -.s v V cf ft t. RARrttaYirfT. f . tWftMdtaia-W-AdvrUeer I lb toatiu rlRtf 1 QRAIN CRADLES dy3RA SUXTHt deet reeetved napfof Blaelali Celebrated toother Cradle. Tea taev Taa hUaftav. Varraated tove aaUafaetloa. ";. JlHUH. TOVLE., Ami : tUOOD OPPORTUNITY. We ro dome aa extenelva baalnaaa f. Clots i no and t'veroa -TArLOimo. throh Local Agent, who are eappHed wib eaaiplee ahowlnr our Hoadytnade Bud Caatora Pico (auode 8 took, . Tbe phut t working well for Conramer, A tenia, aad creel re. W de Ire to TTeud nor baalnee la tbl Rnr.aad for that rnrpoe will eorreapnnd with boo Id ipplU ant for aionele. Read real aaa and raiarOBO a to character, .. DEVLIN A CO., 4 P. O. Box 2259. . - Naw York Citt.. teblMf iwn.r D ,RY GOODS ! DRY GOODS J -, ... .pi, . jfa r--. . Another Rtotlt ol TXtm UtnU 0 3VT RECEIVEIX The larreat ajjmttnMat end beet variety, at the lowrat price, we have ever otJtred. Oar ttoek I bow bur end eoatpiew, ' a Miwe eortlow of our Uood hv bare pr ebaaed wltkla the la I two we. ey wanr realar Partner, ta tba Meytbara aaarketa. aad batn boBKbl abet. a. tMI, i I , . " i tH. UBVBUAU.T LOW FRlCR ' for Cwh ay feel (atUfled la eajfa that ao lioat. le er eat of uetuur will baaVmsil WbavtoyreeTVtdUM liUel ylof a y i 'r-i 1 j V' J FIFTIT AVKNITR filf.R! IIATA i ij j -,.-" f- jj ..'. '( - whIA Manof bettrpaated for beaaty of tyl FrtraoBtytSte. - ft... , we bete utrg tiora or rial, lueiaoaug ajpeaajaagMdp-)krji 4a1 BIAL"" t I'lVTr'r'.-i.H-Ht.ICK BMBWHT" ANbriTui, e ti av J ( t t.i 1 merle ia Ilia l.leet Hit Ice. WaJarlit fak pirnqryin aboelpg vbr good Id all who give a a cm i. "i i ' ewi i PETTY dk JOBE'i, . .) I'M ravtv1lto Baet. dea S tf - . ,. . IWelgh. M. C ija Atrt . ''1(0 0 0 ' f M A?iMr-- eff' . -a - j r " ' '"'It "' V; . llitk it liileft7i. .,-M 'i. vital " BLACET ALPACCAS. alODAWAND . 4 BltUXIANTB. i .' f taw. ., I " 1 Quality Pairpaad rt tb Pileea. ' . to'f i An (yV aai Lelrnt PatUr fru.. Bid ABU OU taMTaV t , did. 8i4,;10id aacT 1x4", tAtui ea Baaacbed ead flabieactitdl Doetrto ell --!'"' widtbf aad) tiaalitUt, at priea 'JS"' whktb auM uniinaell. I f,ttf',n t "" n ' I ,,v. A targe lot of Jfen't antt Ldi' ' 8hwl, fooq aaa prei'j, at aoiut aau iBiHr v:. y..r' 'fet-'' I Oarilield's , " tlaad BBd. BOOTS aad GAP fcNn tor Graiieatea, which aeed ealy a iri.l tn tit appreciated. Oar ttock b now very Urge, and! a er tell oat wpiilly. we ere ceaetaeiiy - eeiviog NtvW 7000., 1t tbao who plroriit! n get lb beaefltv of lit low- j ' 'it .t,at awieeaji I : ' n .t t- -i ' ( , ' A targe vry rf DRES GOOltet i i .t Raaatly ledocrcl prior. ' ' Oeata BpHl . CiHtoa, ' oorubtt. end color at towoa ar era. j . ;, PETTY A J0NE.i 20 Fajettevllle btrect. dec 8-tf . . . X.W ABH,TKW ; C ,. etwtto j " Vi BOOKBINDEU j'isrji v Blink Book HAnrirar'ui;- . ovaa a. e. aijaitwr r ' R A L B 1 ffct . N. , ' -OREAP ARTT STORE.1 Hk r4 V ... P, H A UK I ON Ooraer FyttvID aBdv',Mrtta',,Btroot, ANTTHINQ TOO WART. 1 S .'5'f 1 1; lie TTTTT RRRER A 818 . ; M mid. AA. --a on elst'al V1 T T ,H 4.11 R A A B BEEER A "j!' i 4 r V A . 888 , Ceflao.M Cofiee. flotr, ' Floar, i - Floar. ; Tea. .i fj ifotJoMee, - !V r-f Sir- ,f!5..'!t " B.iir'' m..:.- .. . , 1 'ffi';,f tnaw. ' Bn.au ? Oaioaa. Onloae. . . I Vi,:,.J new Mfcraa. OBioaa. . . i, j i .i .. "" Malaaaee? " ' : ' Mel. . , j ;- " tweet aad Iriah rotetoe, t- - rwaat an irkah rototoea. iftHimn av .,","!T j " . M,rr s Ul t j Apple, rrvJVCMfeeAloneriet bttri klat. AwseMaj jr, 17 r--r t . r TBS OtCBAT AMBUOAMOOM 0 S 'BtrtwTTtTB BXBitoi.' ' I , , . ,J fJ . i f 1 ' Coamnnlifiai L. MCVF l.n.lm - PTiclar aecore a ot thi feet. It ie tuttiv tacetatry to ha V the rlgbt eeeaed), ard tea ttrrlbleeaa boeaeeaaelady ored. , .V. , - r n a t i- ". -' A'i' w fv BAtXH BALAAM IS TUTS BIKEDY ft break ap th viVbtWaUiiei the inreealve tlatbtBeaa aeroee the la.na'a.it beat the lacemted aad exoorUted earlaeea wiuca we venom oi the dtoetee prodae4 . while Ufe lasts there is bqpb tt a awt be toe lata to 1 mmtdmnn leJ fior tha atoetor bavw gives yew ao. ' j BALL'A eULkUMaaaaid arrenwber. arid ar he had at wholaiale ot the PrsaaHciiiraL JOHN . HaMSRr. CilaUUN dk CO.. et (beh Great Medtetaa WaraliiiBis, 8 ead tOhtW .aaavi.aai.ar .aaraj. nw .1 par ajajtys itt .i ,t ill ill,.Wtii4 sl fasetlaK''" t:..Myr..,.y a.yiwiiai ita waauaa. avuruixtietn ranM. ... rVTfPt i f ?.' tpittln of Blood. lad -.t - ih. eaenajawira AIM VHatw4aAai.. a AbmiII a UtuJ u , . , - v. ".w. ... . v.vw w wr rtyrep, CerbolM telve. Rdey' Troches, UaTgeeAlad BtMatav Itott'a tdver Rde,? in.' ' ar B"-'w-f -! f. aAri-itt wwifi'i JOH T. HENRY. CTJRTtAN A Col aaa vttdMpriaovNewTtMk. UatH-le TOYSTOY8lJ.sTOY8tl;i " Tb lei gest ortiacnt at ' ' -- - ----- MAT. L. BROWNB, I1 FAJtOY GOODBI BAIKRTA Ac. The target aaeeriaaeit at . J AT, ia. BROWN'S.-. " 'Aetle LitoVf and laieirlri km. .I.k direct eoatraet f e he Pena Mate ; Iosirnrr Cb.nf PhUerUpbla. for N. . , AMu,. . v , ii, r INCH, t B.ey CS-tf ! -OeeT Meer -pEPPER'isALK.N A REeTAVKArt i. JLZ x" ' jf r ti . . .1 . V.W. Bt...4M Itf ur.MMUM U- i ana w a iii-"iuii rt. treeid Door AVyath t Hiirnt iinn n.i ' au Wd ataae new k autre . i,, . arolta Bitue',', , BAI.iIB..Mw I W. t. Par oer. tee ao4 dtetiuaLiwd terer ta lb beath, w 1 opea kl at-w Re o. i, iiawtBB, a BBOva, (n-aay. Tnared. (tctoher IK. ike iwlUbafo beat of eve f v jlb Pepper, tblaar is ibc iBOHWUlb el Ferper1 heat at ta. folk Osater,. ICeal at ail . -Oet 1 bat 1,,,,,.; .iJ,.pgpr,ai). Jldlaboro Riuardar and Durtuui T"1'! i pUnt eoyy I attratos. ia" JU EEERLE8J TEAM JWASUEk iM, . BIXdCBEll THB LAI EST, BEST AND CHI K1 , abiibi aauci BteaM Waebefl Ar haAttttMli ,4B. at bow raw rally eonceded, That tb ptrr lea M the brat of ttoua aabtin sin b. H rwdli. mmed iby er, one pho it , trie It wuh other. t . IU exmtrsetloa t (scb a to ma n,, lanrart qnnr titf of water Mirot;h tea clou, tog ta the (hortect time, sad te eotapeli , tbe water to o where t M desired, and pr.. teat Ii ("fog- anywhera elee. It it. ., baagHng valve to tnaka the water toe i,, tu jd eeeee to tow ot ktarvale-bBt cauwa It to tow ateedUr puarlnf elzteeo unw oa the whole arfaeo of the eloU..ag I ta the water bee not to deeeesd to the erntr nr no lb end of tb fait bottom to ret hu-k he arUn eoiat batgoee etraijxkl dues iruu, waerv U htila. waabiLg all paru of tbeciotb. Ivr sow aaVoach.! y It aHtl4 ourra . u raabea throeeh the eioibitu nue; Uai m InuU aud eleea the to 18 to W nileui ' The eoet of tba aaachtae tnay be atved ii'i oua ia it creoee ta wear of ib ckMaee. It esay be aaved very oo la (be diderra. . ef labor rrqnired. . A aBaehiae atadeto fll, ese'eeaaed .1". aay tov boiler ar tea boiler fat the auv lm . stay be seed tor (By other paryai. Thi eikcliibe aatla fur lee thee an ul it. kled, aad wUl ao tbe work eBieawraud im.ir thoroarhly. Aa tta nain tatir.ie it la - . rEBBLEtia AMONG ALL. Tb are tatwe of beat tta I br t.i.r with gaivaBlatd Iroe bottom.' will lai u,.,,, yea ra ead are told at the foi.owiuy low i ' - rateaa: Forth Wether and boiler, nut; Fee the Weaker tlobe, (aaaal u .,. For the Waabertno Boiler (extra iantc) tee the Weaher aJooe, (.itrt ;ar, ) ,., Tha easel etae U tatlie. wide t, u - MHBdp ! - , - Tbe extra, lart. 11 tarhea wide V.j :tu 1.,. 18 M deep. teat aaywaere tar prtw on m rip t arte be .. j- -.. . ' i, k. Wtite, rV.M.1.... f T-tf kaMnh S . W- A ,if LAW OtriCK, . ., .. it i to- ' ' Vi 4 ,! i 9. Vonrt JJoutt A'y um 1 RALEIOB.! N. ti " ,,iji ? i h i 'i t ji; reteatesgrvveitnii.Mtif ;;, ataadi, hi etew nf the lete dt ft k. ..i i, pvoaaeCoart of the Unite 1 8H ui. u tart. v.''. -' i''1 an (,.).. 5 1 v QlBOLUTION OF CfA- .' Tbe Copertaerabip herelufi-na exIstltiK n, -der IheaUtaod Ataiar. d) He, i., '. C.ia Lkiadey aeaeivwt. by mniu.l run- ICtM UvataBW wmeaindii tb one n;.i v, i qobUub beati eea at tb a uv .lcv tere-tie eui tea ears t In . witb t - . Wlahre, hclieraBj kkaa tu r tU arorili, n.r UiiU'Te eiid cuuhdiiti e uf iue rebi i , oet t-iattt . V. AlK N ii-. XJOTICE. l r i ! ,.; iBt" ' By TlrteOf 8 judUaut of Ur t-H ri, r Court of Wake e- uat). li e um tr . ..1 CoMUiaeoBrnetllMioafharkaaf ibi aiti day of Januki t, 1875. et fbla mrtl n, t lb. Court hi ki dot r la, lha Ultyof hai l"' at It o'clock ai., the foilowiag tcr,i t-.i t.- I eetete: ' lt. TVftteete aboel nlk-a Wt . t the City of Raleieh. bsBadlate v oe tl r N. U R R at the lotfce tf lee AiilbKnni' and Cbtt Bin Rued, .adJaiBtsar tb bad f Janvea BaAhford, Beire of W. J. ttrewn .! other', known a the aloha ti. Moore i lan ," eoBtaiuiag aixtj-tU act , more or - Croa ihe p-operty aie ncod wtll erel lor dweUag Honne with T rooa, food ccw IWwe, mlaabta etore h.ia and necewaiy oet-boeaea, .,. . "d. TrakMtwataea Ftretter lle 8trct ta tbe City of Releiath, edjj airg the ktt or Mr, daa F. liayweoaw eaiaer Bart of Lot Mo. Win ttepiae el law My, aat foraaerly the law olSo of Am.Wib, ewid. , Taaat or 8 At a Oa. third mk. midn bayable la t BionUi wiU aaareete per cent, from dav of (ale. Noto aad aonrowwd tJ.ru y reqniraa ior aeicrrea peymeat. nrtHlfflTT friT.r.irn r Jrxaid awl in Tbm IprktHr 8eeloa H1 eouuirnn. Jan aery Uu, 18TS. Om.lt tVllMH"HMl 1. I.... .... taatoltWfw toewjonvi. n J dL. at At. S- it: i la M . -a.. et. OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD KA IK ut. ,.... WEEK. y . . ... at v, Mfta . - " ' The le.ftaiil ataMk.i:lae..MM3u.A tin, .... renew otieertptliia te 'CK LI VIN AMI OUR DEAD. Ooi. 8. D. Pool nd T M. RbrKbBry. ErqH wonld he plearu to tw tht-ir friend, at Ih Fair .Hrbsiida. at et tin: fJlBce one door Vontb of tbe Yai buro IIovm and receive nee tubeci lvtloB, or rxuea.l. . The object for which tha Majlttt f 1 m flah. ta add! loa to lt tntiliiair u .in abeeld eon mend 'hi pa rcaton to v. i North t 'trollBita. I rrait 83 er y. ar. set u at Y ASSETS f BASKET 1!J The targtwt eeeortSMal In the HiMti .i tu Ar MAT. L. BKOWN'r). Thtjl,iing star. .1.1 It te 'tl M-mm EST ABUSHED ONLY rilX VEAlli! , I wed it i. - . i t DAILY STAK. at t the etifeaf oirea'atloa of hy Dill; Newepaper ta the elate, and a rirt-uU Moa ta VVUiniiiirtoa. aearly tele, aa large af ear ether espar. i--n s -. , Ail tha sew of the day will be fouud la II, eoedanaed wbe aataapurtMil, at lecgth when ef aaoekeabeebetwwye piaeuid-s W'ttvaw---- tatrdlbrmt and tatereetlBar meaner. tUhwCaUPTION (la Advance) t Da Tear. iHtattaaiiiM... ........ .8T tfeMeeMtitt.1!...1;,'.' .nff;:;;i'";:ii';i:tz'".'Bri Tkree MoBtbe...... s et; at .i..t;i''tL' "j '' I rauww ewuvaii, Tk FfaM awl. Mv &,.Mi,l arlll. th. Ceeattiae rW.iaa . aad I owe of the lcim,i paper ta tb coaatry, at th toilowleat REDUCED RATF8: 2 PePf,OBtya.ia..wa,..l ODeeopy.eU atoatha. a . . 1 m t eClab of 8 to 10. eoe rear, d, at per v (eTClaoiel lb ur reore. one Kar, onlv 81 per eopy ..( , . ,r.J.iji. BsF"rpcLaB oopits taaei ob eppJacatkm. ' tewrre.;?' w . ' HM ET. EE11NARD Editor 4 PrtfrUUr, dUBS- r-, '