! I'fi .".,t f Ia. 5 TUE'SENIINEL AM ACT 10 CALL ACOUVMTIO "6r tut WtoptR bt uoitTit Paj"- " WikbsaV Tbt present G-rfMi'otlnrist ' sjwefr'CepliBC Wt. P"-' " euditlod of our people; ai wisTenkj la hi tudcmeat of this General Amembly. Mr, eed U besides the meet Moaomlcir Of tk ftki!1 4ieeofBafct Sad M H JS, WfJhftMf l Itiii '.r:l gicnos t, J 0miI iAwfMNjr of 1 frtfJrttf$ frwmW b:fWpto nf. North 0mJU4m4 aad.ke. ts-nber, A. Dbvlfffccef 'he po-tees meptetoshd CilUi'HitbWiiij .u (a the mufctlowAoraMeltiN. pro vided v.'a ft ft a- it,.' ."Hoi 3. y Hbu. t. TIM Mid OobmUm abtll tUt ol oo hoodiod kad twenty delegates, -Jdes .. ii t tbe. UiMM.rltrpirftototit aader tbe pnwent spr.patn4 of,' aod j tjis iaid dkgat WU uU tb at f fDiit 6 ittiinWlof tb BvOM of RepMfWtotitify f bfc $MliJk tioss the ttovsatfosi (hall bt the 'adge. Bc" i Oe thslrt Thursday erAOn0! 1S75, khailir of b 8U hl opo nuiia if tbf fteetlM of dilute to the ' toft uUvewileVVrtaW f.forWpecfcivo . coaniir. ad tbe slectine aforesaid, bs,d held tad auadarteet ; hs tOcem thereof, Including jglttirkni, suit '(o.dgeli of, itee tioa. appolcled 5 Ibt Tote cuofild iad cuoipand Ihl Mali piocUWcd.jud rertinntM iatsed ia ta taaw utDD i aa 4 ol ia proTidad oj law lor that tltotloi v nembcta al laa Bnaat of R-aiaaflrtaHyea f tba Oaacfal AaaaUf., t! mil A r t$ic 4 Tba aald tWiti ahall ba . daAla$rdrrM ioabibt day fiitd Ibcrafiif, by thaCbiel Joailce oda . of iba AxcUl jeatVoea'ttf tba Sopfana ib aao ploa, a4, tma day (e-day. - Bli1 a qioBBi ahatl appear ard ai lh ' v apparaaa of a aaota, b ahall adnia Ulrf to awBh'of i beat tit tollowiag oalb t Ta, A. B. doaolamnly awaar (eaaf ' flrm; aa fM dUJlal aWt tball cbooae,l tbatyoa will faithfully maintain land . aapporl tba Ouaatiiatina of tba Uaited Mla aad tba aavaral aaaaadaicatabera tOtlacladiag tba IStb, 14th aad I9tb " aaMadaaeatr f nd that ton will aitbr diraetly w indirectly evade or dkrrgmrd tba datiaa Joined ar tba reatrtctioM faaooaad aooa ih UiMatla bt tba act -ol tba Oeoaral JliamtiWy aathorlin baat alactioa.' -8o help ya Ood. " ' m. i Aad datagato abail ba perraitted to art ar be eatitlcd ta a aaat ia uid fjia veotioa.X!ot ;aa ft detonate thervUs ' tratil ha abail M anbaaribad tha abova . oath of aArmattna ; aad aa aooa aa a aia kirittof tba deiegatea alect abail haaa tba appeared aad bet-a awora ta. tbey abairthea prooaaa to efafct tBalr awaiprai id lag oinoef.'BBtf qob ,hrr mra aad '' arrvao-a aa they, frm ' time1 tirriinr, f hall fi d avoaeert ; kad1 ' if f Vacancy tball vccar.thay ahaJrbd Bld-a,the.aaoia t j aaBBB)f aa.cna uae yauaauirs w uiruuj low ia tbt eaa of Tcuc.ea ia tha Oaa ral AawiWy.8id3 Cawraatfc i IbaJl .L. irfc.- - -J HIT , .. , bate ad powtf t c0M4r. tiebatf, Mopt , or pmpnaa aaf bawodoHitli, to thf.diiatr lag CoaatitaiMMi jo: atdtaeecei aparti tpa .jlWIowlof aaaetit4v -Vi5;.?t, sssvTbw Uoaaaai aad aad Paranoal Pwperty . Exenptinoa, the rarchaaio'a aad Atbmra' . liea, aad tbenghUof aurriad wotbea,M , aow aaoared by law, aor to blur nraajeod aectloa S or S, article of aM Cone' I U. tatioa, aor cbaoge tbax ratio batwaeai tba' - poll Md property UB aa tbtrela taiab tJahad; aor abail the said Oavratioa ibaa''powr:ito propoaeof aaVpt iaay aaaeadaeeat or ordiaaaor . vacatirg ) aay ,u,t wouaat terat ea nm aotv ra attfg aad Uled aa bald by virtad at aay ketina or appointiBeot aader tba exkutng Coaitl tatioa aod laws, aatil the aaaie hall ba vacated of txpuedi pa der fglatbigJawa; bat tba aaid Cjarentiea may raeomoead tha aboliahaiaat of. aay office wheaj tba preeeat tana therein ahall txpire ot ' eaaokS wear, aad. they aaay provldh for , Oiling .aoch Tacaaeica, otberwiea fhaa ;" ' m aow; aad 'limiting' tba tor ma' thereof. Mor abail aaid CoaVeMk' adopt or pn . - poaaaoy plaa or ameadmant oracheac ' of oompeaaatiut'to tb owaetf of tfcari- cipateq alavea, aor for tha piyraent of aoy liability or debt twearrad wholly or " la part aid of the laU war betweea tba Bthtan, oof lor tha; taatemtloa . of Imprbv " ' omant lor debt aor shall they require . ,f, or propoae aay adonatioaal or properly qoalifkatlua o pCJca or voting $ aor aoall aaid CoaTeatloa pam aay ordiaaaeee - iegialaitia ia iheJr character, etcept pech aa are acoeeaery to lubmit theaneaded Cooatltatioa to tha people, tor. their rail flcatloa or irtaH enart-aa ifei : ..tieaeral Awoaibly. i.fa - f5r.'-'.vi a-i TfT",JBIafc,aigg4lQ(JJg djbpjhddjagjely J . abail ba aa'MBittrd to the penple lor rati ' "t' flcatloa or rrjaetlon,' and shall: 'not be biadiag aatil tha same 'hail hiti been r:MUM.bf the qualified itert of, tka ' UUte, aad tba CuaTeattoa 'ahalt preaniba , tha moda whereby tba tenae of tbe pfopla , . ' tbereoa abail ba taken aod recorded.! . I J$? oe. Thwt sbair ba printed - WiftV diately ' tea copiee off Is sot for each , membtr of tba ' Oaaeral Aawmblyj aad ,'ooe hundred ' copies withiar thirty days after ha ratificattoa fnr each bnerd ' of eoaaty eoeaataaioaera, aad tba a4 of tba l ( "giatrars aad Jadges of etrctloa fa tbatt fPtJ countlea; aad tbht act shall ba .v la forca aad take tiTect Jroa aad aAar its v". ratlflojitioa. - At , 4 . - ,JR iWiiFlfMcb,1 a ' 1171 ..I i'fK.v . - ' (. -f .SL-1: , , :, Jj.A H: ' ' 1675. i a 1875 3JJ.'Tbo.MrwWI- Wmaerfl t ' 'i f . il!1-t- '" ' '" '"."'',-f fs ; 6 J utti tS.atM foid atary yaat.- s ..; pe ati'i if ')'"!" t fr'.l t.Al t ivris j nt n ' '1 vJ fiiw Taeolf Bxaulmi M CAliaaaa. Veae a greater deiuaad. Mew reedy for lala, tad iIim (mid v. -Tbe'tr Alouaae ta the btata.tha baa thy Coart earraeb ppaUa "kalfitroea, 4l . aoaaa. . in ItarehanlaaM hv tarfradvertJeasMtaoa waoleof oaUute voce bmlog by the 1M for aoe dollar extra. JAMES L k MM ISA, i ; dStawIa-wlaT J Baleih, N. it RALUQB, rSMAL BUCISABT, i , wujiu, a v. ,(, t " t. T. FoaaooD. A. M., rnaell At aaav A. M., lula jaki.Hai. Veiaao fas, Ae-raa, -i . : Mack Dapartaai, "Tba Spring TibVmJp;,JVirMT 1. i?7"1- jt'v.-iw i,.- iwara par oai. a ' Snt-Uaa TatUoa par Baaaloa r f r ft . Tha adoDtloa of a School Dnltota m xUarKija, ) lieaa. and atka tha eoat ol irmitiu aa aa II would t M koaM.; , k ApiiT lo t li lat '')tiW; v i . evs-aimwiaa i - Veniewh,arirtft Loflgat, a.Med laatraaMaU of all. kind, faaev Oe Colaa Oooda, Toy. Jiatkete, Ae Ae , at Sreaujveea frteea.. .vergaiee eaa ee aaa -jam T-"1-- -imMUOOSAOXBOMft KMTIKPRUC . Aa oiaatratM Hoataiy at Vow U" .tnr lUUba aaaertfcly at tT fZ It la a baaattfally maxtratwl Bapaattory of Literal are. 'deatlaedT to aeeoM tka Oreat HowMboM Macealae'et ae, oattt m ttoroaghly WeaUled with the peeple ia tteir Social aad ' Doexatle Life thaa aay othat MagaslBe ta tha eonatry, aad for the aeate price, tiltea More Kaaaiat. Ha'adraatage aegtaetea waica atuier laieu oraaptaueaa ea a eomnaad to reader each beae aa agree able aad laaliacUie omveadlaa of -aiioie raidtop ay popmtar wmrt, ooia aajaM Jwi y-wg ' tVCTOMM OlalLnT. ' VK laa iaoat attraetrre feature, the Jaaaary Baaaoor rOnUlna a lifel ka porVmlt of Xx !. Z H. Vance, and biographleal aketca, to be followed la each lumber with photo graphs of other praaaeat atateaniea, 4iaa !5OtT itA.Poataga haaj aad eaeh' tabacrlbsr eaa wait a aeboiea 4 tbrea aaoot beaatUaU lergaCrtrge,ieiae of ewk Mx30 locfaea7 tU : .Tba riadtog of the Sartor ra the Teatple, "Tba Madotaa," aad HXia X itofytag tba atoraa," for. warded oa receipt of the aabaerlptloa price. Cither of tba SnmTieis la worth doable taeprkeeakeA for the Magaelae.f AAyeae aandlag a alb of if will rteatre aa extra noeerlptloe tree, aiegia coplea sv aaata. Six tooDtba sabKrtpUoa wlthoat the Ka, gntTtag $1 OJ, giato Wanted STarywhcra. uiiva) A DvniiA, mnuaeer, . ja ttf--aolAieia; M. C otioi or pokccuoccu Qjr . unimint 'fillTta bfifefldd1 fTaad rfadttSPof Mrtrae aeeated by T. r. Me, to aaid UW ueneia on ine iota eayoi 4aaaary ist ana reriatarad la book ho. al, oa pace 80S H the omee orttegtater Of Deans for the ooaatr of Wake which aaid aeortgage was oa tha Mth day of January 1871 aaaiicaed ay aaid 14tUo Sold toeae Jaaaaa X, Sreea. by deed of tba data laet aforeaald, aad teglatered la book Me Slat page 608 ta aaid ifloe, who to wit, the said James JC Oreea aaabTMd the aaid atorfarage to the Ht Aagaetlne Normal achoo aaACefieglate laatttata by deed dated Mtb day of Jane 1874, and roWd la Bwek No. M at page m to aaid offloe, which said eorpe. ratloa aaaVroad tbe aaid aortftra to ma mm www wk)W wv mvhm w7 W. UVWINIi alee br trtnot a eaortgaaa exeeated by tha said Tf Ue So doaw i iiaatina),' dated the Slat day of J!, U7 aad icgiatareA to Book at at page ITS ta ealdoffiee, which said aaorV gaawhaabeea amlgnal by aaid i M Beating to bm : I will atardar the ISO. day of January 1KT5. expoae to pabUe aale foreaab, oa tha premleee, the lot In the dty of Baletgh, knows as the Btaadrd Offlee property, betas; part Of lot Mo. S m the ptea of aatd elM and tiwaail aafoUows t aWgiaalag at tha tenth Wee tarn earner of tbe lot new- eeeapled by tha aaid Jeba M Banting, titenes Boath, wit the Baatera Una of FayetteTUle Stnet flfty feet to tbe lot aow owned by Jaaaee Ueary) theaea Beat to Wflaiiagtoa Sareab I thenea North, irtf feet ta tha lot of the sabs Bnat lar thenea West to Bayetta? UlaS treat i , -v Tbeamoant dae .oa tbe grat aboTaaMa tloned aiortgage U aboat IS.OPO. i TaeauMraaldaeea tha aeMed abaeataaa tloeed aortiraaTe ia about JS.-- i j oetSHwUw. , BMBf MUBOSCAf. , EMy KHB a BOM B RlNBTITVTlOMP u.') utiJw vn - ' iff vd j . 8kCU HITY A GAINS? fJA HQHEItfSUUAXCE COMPACT , 1 u. t the Thai Ooeapany eoatlvsaa lto nrr-raUei at fair ratea, oa an dames af tasarabm praa All leases are prowvUuQwMed and paid. -,L TbeHHOMBMlarat)dlv rrowinrln mm. fa i in anilii'iicala wlih iiiull Inm In ImaiWl at pmpeny ta au pane or nrrta uatvUaav 1 agents m au jawta or sae outn, 4m do UiTliM. ayr.a B IVlUaJaXk 'v!U B. Boor, Vice fWlenr , Z ,n Bbatob Gum, Secretary. V , i 'PTLaaw Uwwraa, Buparrr.V;,';;; GITT BKU DBJiCB',1 BOB AUX-i ilWwaai EAlUsxstrasC LAai- ABabB sa S oa Newborn Avtane with loUwt traat 1 to J sores, A bmU dfelllag hoaaea with 4 rooeaa, aadoa ploaat etreeclot X acre, sean, MJpfOTS, FPU SALE. Oa St rayatUfflla straeU ISO to IS. 100 aa T acker road bead of Mewberr Aaeaaa I as to leu, la beaatual lotaoa lUlrax street tw taimuk.t Twoea Attoaat akrat to sou, ! If .' v t f,f;l.w w I. .i!.-v!tX i acrea ax anuea irom uumoi on tuiia- boro road. M acres W salla from Citrrm UUlaboro road. SM acres Jtf mile from (own oa laretteviiia aad Aarnia roada Ml acre farm whh good hoaae near 1 aula from rap 1U1.S1J to bf sold on e-T WsTT. j-' -mea, Ttttarswgb Hoajra.-'.. r iit uxiil U-.-IH Kow reeklvlng from Dfpot direct from the kllna, S car loa.ia of w l, mock uti. a ill ba at,. 1 r "r thaa the che t to dealore and e -i- stva la larre - J I, (u. i iock lime at IAA alia I ..la. ft Iwftat 111 Lha BUlkt Lwk Also kept roaeiau y oa head boaad' Hy draaltc Cr ntot, Caleioed Sad Oand llaatar sad dgrtealMral Lime at lowe-t eh Pfioas. . - . JAMBB M. ToWUua.1 T IL F L E U M I N O uCl?Atr6BMY.A1A,1,i; II 1110 1, M. C O0Ue"BoaU af tbe Court Hoaea aar jtbs Saatlaal udhw .tuael-tt. .'u.Jt-xJ1 '-i. jfcjl 'M'-ip ff 4- Six Reasons Why M CBBBTMX7T ITBXXT, - 1 -lst BaeaMbMs one of Uxcoliaat Oompaaias to tba Ooontry, aad past tba day orexponi kTorexponnaaata.- M' lad. Bcoaam ever Dollcy-bolder ls ssembat el tba Com Dur.en titled to sllii. sdTsntages aad pri-ilefes, banag a right to tou st sll titvtwpi lor.imaiees, ami thaa baa aa todueaoe U iumaBAgemeat. Ird. , Braanm it has as Isrgs a percent Sge of aateti liabllitks aa aay M5s Ia avaaot CoKaay-iac tboOoatrtTfH!'' v4Uk.' Baeaasa by aeooomioal maaage aaent, itarattoofoapaaam to total iacooa ia tar below tba average of' Llm Compaa lot. (8os Offlmal Insorssos Reports.) s eth., Beeansa it bss declared,. jor tttrldeada ia aambersnd of a Larger Image Fexoea Ugo, lbi an "rompaay ia tha Uaited Stotaa. ' - -- - Tor axsmplsi Pohky Km 10, for B,000 bss baaa paid to tba widow of a Pbiladal Shia Merchaat, apow which twvoty-threa irUleDds bad bam declared, p Averaging fifty-aeren par peat, IIa4 Umh diridead, been ased toporchaaa additioaa to this Polieyi M,Ma mora would bars baea rasncd,-a3kog tba Folic worth !!, i 6tb. BccABM It fa liberal ia its bmba. gamcat, prompt la itossttlsasaats, iafa be yond a contingency, sad its ratas Bra) as ww hs say "flnrt-claas Compsay a iths Oboatry: 1 " " ". , :""" rntOTAlirBATrkBa. cteaJlexpeaAas, absolnts recurity, largs return -premjama, prompt payment of Josses, and. liberality to tba Insured. ' " t"'-.L'i , BAMfJBL a BVBf . rrestdeat. (. ' cklM'L ntBTOKBA. VW-fraaiaaat, ,,, t(! a. A. BTKFHB(M4 Vbw PiasMart, , . .'A1; Jit WB1B MASON. AetaaryP ' IV, BBVBT AHST1B. SemwlarrL Z. Itii BOW. BABTbUUBMB, I . BDW. A. FAGB, Hsdioal tt risen. OeBeralXaa ,,J"--WM 'tttf' 1" SHfJCX9,IAT 1MD rODDEJL- 'jMjfij&M ;bnB:hcksb W fodder.' "a ; ...v, ,, i ,j. f ,v ljtiB Maads aofewtrywbaet brad, at ;.. V. KVKRAV8, i , I J feed more. K . a Depot. ' "!JsB'Mt'7!l ' J'"'W 1 I 'I' i.l I pi .;?T'0B5'B,-: D . Bssiertored his AvOee to tha Canaar'a Drag Store oa rsyetteriVe Street. koi-tf ..Bu-ioaBATfewui B-mtoa . O, 1 ! ... . BJ-irt. a ISM. A dlrldead of ma ran on has this day aesw declared en tha capital atoek of this Beak for tea lam ate asoeths, payable to tha Stockholders Monday the 4th day of Jaa sryaesu If- Q. LBWBTVt asbtar.T , iecW-U - . . , o . !" A kuui ta . -4 . --pi a i-L c m b s Rrrr, -mi ., . Araz. g. c i Ordera sent to tV A. BrtMiiw, Cary, M. C, or la care of Noaaia & Mtatt, Kalelgb, wOJ ne promptly nuett, ratroaage atroaara Bmpectfallf fcUctted. r The WUniington Ertaf, .yi -.i . i.- ft..t ; rriABLisniD onlt six tiars i jdailtstar; i U'l SSS the larreat drea'atloa of say Dally ' Newapaper la the state, aad a elreala ta Wllmlngtoa nearly twice as large as ay other paper. 4 . i - au ue nawi oi ue aay wui aa loaaa ia it, padensed when unimportant, at lencth whea of moment, anb always preeented fat a clear IntelUgent and latereetini( manner. - i " TV 8UhWJKlrTlO(laAdanee)t ? Bhfpn"!'!!!j"'!lT'r.y.la m Three Moatha..,....,.. , i The W'tklf ttur la bow aombined with the Imniim IWmar, and M eaa of theeheapeat pars tat the eeaatry, at the follow lac n papera I ,. ; ' .jtmoCTPiuTtBi: . i i r it 0 fWenpyroe year1. Oaeeopy, six months i 1 at ;iubsorawia. one year, ft apereopy aaoiworiBjBre.oaanw.oaiy, ft W psdmea mat ot en arpUeatlonJ ; ''" hddr-aa, - .f wi . f ,t - WM. n. B1RNARD, f -Editor FtopruUl r.. HV J , WttKTMTr.K Cl , des-s '-' "v i TOnB AftklTgOSO, B O O K B I " W D i :vpm-' . . ; .". U r ABD ;.. BOOK MAaUBACTCKEH, . , i. ,. la.ajruniai. ' ' .. 'j you snoutD creuia nr 1 IPifti aeieei Lr- .IHA'B-I O f, N. d i:lH;.' TTAP'U: V lui (M l - i l 1 C 41. 'WAa-SCUvSlil. I ' I have one store loaaa and lot wblcb I fill Ml on rc)a.Ue terma, - lioeae WiAiJ, two aturire, with pertltioBa, BMmeut teiow. toi fioau 14 fe oa ttiniple street An Abe Wwa and la located iaiuuia for Dry i orUroceplea. f , TTMrrtBarrr Of TIKglMlAls j . Opcae October li aontteaaa. throaab nine oaths, it to )pranl-4 la schools oa the tlecUre itm, wiih f H cooraes In Claaalce, 4temte, hex itce (wlUi practice la tbeeaU Cal Sd tfliTakai A '' a, w w, wear tiau. Kniriuaarina'. TeacuitiC Bud AarlcnXaie. A only f JrUtstogam to JAMBS P. BAkHl SUN, Cbalnnae, T. O. li si malty of fir- p,jajiywawaonj-)h; , ,,B.lf -i $ OOd 11 1 w 1 r -.iC if - a i ' I- K.it. 'n.y ii n I THOMAS A. BABDY A SOSS, f ; Agoats,Horfolk, Vs. TJ1 B Tl B T Oltfilll III Bast fur i?rit7ibor Ae-a r ,w TO ARBIYXL V ' ! ' ' This aaorahHr B fat Beeewa and two rood Boreas, Black Morgans from D. W. Kerr of D. W. Kerr of r.B.JOgJtfC taov Abfyty ie TTUMT Of TBI BXA.BOM. , f' i ' 11' f?aarmtig!Bfw Ocats Early Spring Btyla Bilk Data, la, OoaU gprif etyla Soft Hals, . .:OanU'Bulf0altera, ' 8 Gents 1-1 Hose (English J m n.A ..a n.wiok.A rrlrl UVUH UHHH BUM MVW.UW UVM, ;aNsw: Btyla Patcbela, valises, 7rOBKi. A.il smm quality ana towew pmaj. Jea WHf ji W, ll B, gyTUCKEB. vTHB B B B JB A V B O Whi telaw tfc Orowder. fnwerMoratsndMortiltieto ' RAjxraH,'i''d:-'l'M?:' ""'I - V."; :;, ... , .1 :W) Are avspaiad to farniaa Tamottoaee or a' Uada, aUAar ptaia or oraaaMntal af both AAaricaa aad ltaliaa Marble as aheap aad neatly executed as eaa ba pwrchaeed at aay ether eaUbliabnaent North or Bontt tovlBg been at the baatoamat aaretog aad eagravlnt awrbla ferty-dTe yaaiawe coaalder earaarrm equal to any la tbeJnloa. We wiO sine furnish aranlta of the beat quality, from oar aew qnaniea, cither ta nadaartcd blocks or eat Bad to order, sack eat doe aad window aula, watermma, awps, poms, aawwaaaiimw yard earbetoee, die., all ordera will ba Uuak tally received aad paaotnatly attended toiaad Wt ptodga ouraclvea to give aatUfiatWai it all : JOHN WH1T1UW, ' . ' X.CBO-JfDBaV, 4$m "'' . v wunw f Tha isbeoHbcr bat removed bis Book Etora to tha bstlidls tww djoort aortb of T acker's BtorainnUer tTataoa! Photo grsfb Gally-wbers bo baa atora room, sad better acoosamodations fof eoad act io- a wholesala aad retail trade. lie ia no staking largo additioaa to stock of l .--sf - . BOOKS.'STATlONElt ' v t J "I ABD W1 '-.l-V! rOHOOl- -V.l , I- .t?,i?.iui'!.i-s-nj't'Hi X BOOKS, ihajJtb School sad &a Books, Bibles aVllWameiita; ,'.'' ' Prayaraad Hyrna Booka. ..,! , t Albtiauwad Chroma flotaret, Acaoaat aod SUdK BooM," ' FIm sad plals) Statkmaty nam sty lea, .v- Psffadmry, goepa, eVe aYc,. v. . a) I i nllli iiw " il "j: - -! - . . Ha ta aawat for tha aala of The . K. C , REPORTS, BATTLB . DIGEST ti ' ' - saa ' j . r WBCXLEBB N. tt MANUAL. 1 Special terms ta Merchaat and Tearh t .'I t'.' ALFRED WILLIAMDt if BoosasaxkB aad rVrATfiman. Oct.''' TsrireKff t . : oai; pipk axd roriJB, Sallvared aavwhem ta the ritf at the lee . sat rata. ., Order Iliad at ones. J ' ;. ., Oaa.twm. ; LAND PLAXTBR aad dgttranaral Lime. Jaat received a lanr -eapply o Liam at Depatat toweat potefble ratea. . awf . Ttmothy. Orchard and Bud Qmm Bard a rtore. s; : . j 7.Stft JSMB8 M. TOWLU 'fab Kim 4 BaVwaVU.W. ltAiiAM,.... , -.RiLIIOU, , H,v0. Praetlea Hmlted to the Bve.Baraad Thrvak Office over Peeead, Lee 9oV Drag Btora. ni..)i ;.,.. I,!. , t , Wau-WoaBa,-! . "jx AainsTBA Joiras. ufri8'foirkB. frf! ;4:"'l'',;'?;iBALM0rt;X.T0. .' ,K TIBAUTICB' ta the Baprema Coart of the A7r Bute, the Circuit and lMatitet tiemru of the United atatee sad tha eevaral Uoertoof the dtkJadielal Dlatrlct. ' Offlee on- Bayettevilie Btw wpooata Its CTtlnaai Mattoaal Saak.x Up stalia VT 71 7, JAB S-ltf J..-5;l, 1. , tM f ftC MADAM B ADBLB E. SLATER, TAKES mb method of iaforaUaf bar Mtrona, tlMtebewttbeciea Clabb in DaNLino la tbe BU ever Jalias Lewie Co.'a Btore, aa wrdayemas., Jaanaryatk. Claaefor Ladles, Misses aad Matters Vrom 4 till A Meaday. Wedaeeday aad atonmy. Claae tor Gentlemea. Monday. Wadaaada eeday sad Tbmsdav. tram Ti, till a. m. ; ' TBBJia a w ner neaainw oi ns 1 1 aenaa Ball tyab!e ta advtsea. ! ft. . I .T,r-f t htm (jo fi Vsti 'i'j ue ' U ' p'r! j w a i i.p. v' l.'h -li', rk' -i.V -,t 4 1 u I i-i i J r p II E i a. i i l. Js '. ... ' fx zip t a '" ' X I him xnn . .i 'p n .! ti n f't i ! f 111. 1 1, , 'C ......... . j .. Js'fpipii&.n . e4 ! ffiSHLH' 4.' M6 'j is i K'i.'T.ii tr.duiteb - p,. -,'let, pjj-mf r--yp'iFf TmrT7PJJ'5 r . t , vift ii ,jp', i 'jim u a. j.'juji s; i , MsfPit " fin )' . . l jviIi 1 'ra rU i ,, u. 4 k" .J "iil'V i ,' 4' rS t M'P'A v. i;tUiviof Vefltfedou ; ! fiip I io-.y 'j i t 5. ir yria4Fsp!m:MJJMMPa"S : t m? And secured , the, Bcrvioef of i b X,LA - -ivie: J-h-...,, We are nW prepared to execute .t, ...... ,, .-'y" ..v! v''"t 1 . all kind ol ., . , '"mi . . ";--. ' r j j . " Kiia --ri?i jv Knx'.itH i"J' ..t-THl .;' -: te-lt;K-i 'In '4iiy F aiij :!PLAlH,Ain) FA17C7 ' S -! vt , ' " - t '."j-n J J UU Vf UX'lk.. i -1 li '.pp iiip.'Vfiiili ft ! I Hi"' l a.u persona luvmg . 1 i' 1 1 j -. - i .51 V i Letter Heaa, I V lift, f I t ' i Baaiaaa Cards, ... fc 1 ' I" ' p ' - Ul j f. . r, i , , ... , , v cutting tjarua, , . f!j' ' . . I u i ' - - . r r ip-d . . , ' r. - i 7wi ,1 ' i s ' " . w Pottery 4-c. '. " ii .-it '1 -feVi. . To'print, wilt Itave thoir work it ecuted In tba very best style i by ending It to the ' " , , f t t - j ' - pwaBjanx.-PW--Si. -:vc.: pphpsV "jyJKp iWa'atj --j--fc. K 1 4 . M A ' a?' .- ' Dontinol Office. i il ii ji.Aw.a-:' :J au If; fl7 r 'r. ,l."i j We are also prepared to do all ,J.')i2-''.JHV:hv -'iitzi' if-?: J -; ' : s ' ' Binds of r . - i . .... i 7 Book W!6rk irt M ,j i n Up1 ' In Uie very best st-le, al n tr it'iTU n : ; f All worjc lenf ,9 ni will be don at qnickl v and eheaplj as at any .! A ' 1 '.' '"'Ul :i..l." MM'i.,.1 I ; . Otber .AliK.-;.s -li 14 p; 1 I ' ?(SP-W. U ft j..VP!P ' APiP:i i . J pIK f PRIilTINO HOUSf IN Tltti :" " " south VLlil ii fa pk i i" n :i V P wp s e' I T"t " j A N O V E L j LCUtsTlUU .1 9y i t j: p.-'-;! - .. . . BIIW1M W. fDLllK. Author of The A ami la The pUodt - -, , ; Al-fKED WILLI M ' taerraH',- '-. . Hooka . TinTaTrnTi ! ; 1 UMIill. i i tfj r,i ii.i hi , Pin 'I Ah umce tlUU WiXrs U jtAt a MrlZlas - BALS it'kjitoseU Narry SMck 1a various rertof the 3try. .e riousrersoi laevnniry. t. www appaa at fowl vaaracur, bapavaua naiiuam eajae ity, who eaa faraieh undoubted reXevearea sad aboad for, the fallsil, perforasaaea of baead apiiiy' wha eaAeot fam'sh. rs. Wraaaas aad bond . To sack we eea give eoaaUntemploymeat, with S rood ealary. s ApppHesaU wilt idcaee atsta ataatoaa oe- MABKt M DATBp? CO.',: !d t insit.t MpWMnmBtawrt, ,':;w:n!ft, : PATENT BflOflUta TAM. llOverTwo Bundred Mlllhms have 1 , JpwaaedwUiaattoaatMvars. a. J.w.t amplatat of torn by Tig aaeomlag aetacked. Taur abb "" Buam.a roa. aaaiHO COnow Balm vkaw abt Ta Boa, ' All Elm am Companies aaa them, aapiayraters aa amwooeii a i ay a nm a. .. TTTAKB COUXTT :IIa awa Bowamioa 1 ft ,V t,tr p-r,jfl,'-i' Oocwr. Thomas WmUiavapoon, Plaintiff, 1 . "' ayaiaa; -.-p fneaaena. Kacbaal WmUierspoim, Defeat. ) . t THE BTATE Of BOKTS CAKOLUfA, i L dlai BS4 W-to fhaa V" Urntlug t To are bereb aammaniWd to aaamsoa Bacheal WheaUampooa the defeadaat abova ed. tf she he f oand wlthla vonr eoaatv. to be aad appear before the Jadgeef oar Ha Derlor Court, at the Court la be held for the eeenty of Wake, at the Omrt Hoaee in Bal aty ex waae, at tae tnrs uoaee ia Kai i oa the Slh Monday after the Sd Moaday ratoaary, W and aaawer the Ownplalat ch will Va dapoalUd la the offlee at tha den of Fi which win be decioalted Clerk of the Bapertor Court of laid eoaaty. wunia tea arss tarea aaye as taa nexs term thereof, aad let the said dafeedaab-take aoUee tUt tf aha tail to aaawer the oak! nlalni witkla that tlate t tote tha plalBt ff will hf for the. relief de toke ludgaMni sgsmat aer atavaded ta the eoaaolalat' Uarata fail aot, oi this jSammoas make das return. - - T'.TTZ' ttlvea aader my head aad tka aaa of aaid Osart, this 18th iy of PebraarrtfW. A sKi fSsik at the Abfartor Omtrk Of .ol-foptir.Aiy THE E8TBT 0B4APB. TUX ABBA I). .,."1 - .- " Ts Silver Madala awarded at the MAC. tale fair, for the BEST CHURCH aad rAKjjQit UKUAfia, r eaa lor uiaasratea, .TlT , Oeaaral Agent, BsWgh, H. C J "Oood Baspd stuaigentsnraated."' ,deBllv)v. :; .iv; HABBIBOM A BASBPOBIPB ' - BAR ROOM 4 RESTAURANT, ..... ..ty Haaitt-Bwsr4 Toa wffl always Bad eabaad IhedeBeaelaa of the aeeaoa, ojatera, bird sad everything pertaining to a Brat else reataaraat. Tae tor towel stocked wMh VoNlga and Domes tie liquor. Berry Beater aad Tom Coop re aatlva Whisky always oa' band. John C. Imgara Beer always a draught. 1 .. aor lS-iw . , . ,u,-. -v, j .vfy.r -: r -rQjL..,. TMPOBTANT ADDITION. OCR aWRO DREt)OUl, Abb Abu vino bt . I" i tupV s ; All , new style,' bcsaiiful flnjatf ' a eraarksbly Cheap.' ' . ' marehW tf W. B. A B. TUCKEK. "MY h0irv1,ir'Tipl t-vQ..-: - E , , Notice ia hereby given thai application will be made to tbe G. aert I Amenably at Its present sejsloa.to pi's sn act lacorpo rating tha towa of X wngaviHe, ia the eoaaty of Fraahlia. - . drcl(l-dlni ppENara CltMLIC I1LII : ' i p i pf ' (!! 1; '.)! . TBE MOST POWEBPCL BEAUMO AGENT EVEB DliUOVEBED. The Wwaderfal esiertty with Which thi eomUnaUm of C-rbolta , add, Wtlh o her soothing sad earaUveemollento , i . "i ' , "iii i-J-X :' 'tl.i .f i' Xf'' ' :- ' ' 1 HEALS TBE MOST V1RTJLBNT BtltES , , . i AND ULCEBS i .A la somelhing akin to the marreloua. HU wlm pride Uattbe Propria tore call at toatton to IbagmMfytagliat fist m BT.CIAKBIVE IT. TBE BHQHEST -rJuioFr?sicj, 4 pracUce. l'01NTsi'taUin6HH IN MIND: i?it liii .las rm.pt . i'fwpitmpb tt1o I'll. !hl t '(.. 'pp. ' CtoboimSalvepaalBvely.iaiwlhewetoBores OarhoUe Satoa toatantl pallava. tha ada ut bnrev fw!V'is ppvm tip.t,.r Carbolic Salve emve all tataaaoea eawntlona. i .Okrbelhj Carte ranks sS the. head of all lalvmv Otetments or other Healing Com-. potuivU, and ba achieved a; greater repufa Won and has a larger aala tbin any atom ai tal ler premuatloa of tea teat port aeoa tavea- Hon. - .'' '( Bold everywhere. PrlcSSBaaato. ui: ' Jnniiw tirwnw miuirn ' - v MM . m . aa,, vwPfcMIP w VPaj, :.p-,. -. r-.-i.f', aonvi- Provrletoea. i n i S aad t CaDage Phms, New fork 'fane ls-m ...... ; t-t a?l JJOBNKB AND pfiEA V8' 8CHCOL, n'p a BnxsBoab' W. C. . , 'The best amaiea epans eoi.d Monday Jaanary. -. ra.b u,. ,.t tx,H .t.v . ,n J. H Boannn, A. M., and B. B. Ubavb dha JBmef aCBaBOpaVs'r'-'S' Irculsrs seat ua aptllcatioa. mm siaaua -p-.. QTATE Of K0stJAWt5l.tNl, - B. BBarratL aHaaii efThoutaa Bveretl. sgalnat Naithaf ItamV; wH of K. A. Bar tS : dbeper -Jarter-apt MHtor James T. Hlllsad w fetl sibetk T . B Per- sneoa and his wife Vlrr a. JeeeiB w II Ileal sad Thotaa OUltam, defendsats.' '-; ' ouamott to tb shove eaaae totrlipg been laswrd to tbe Bbertff of Hertford eon ty aad by him retnreed -eot to e found,' "as to Martha P Berrxtt wtf fpf B, A Barrett, Jaa. T HU ird hie wife Bllaabath' dearpk Onilam and Taomae QlllMm aad ' It aptear tagtoths mtiafactloa of the Ooart that tbe aaid defendants natte bl"ad the U.ltsof this Btste ; it to toeref ore. ordered that pnb tteatloa be made ta the Btleifk Beattoel for Ix weeks aacceaarvely, notlryiag the aaid d feadaaU of Ue Sling ol tbi petition and that , BBleee they m pear at the eOee t4 the i "lerk of tb Superior tfevjrt of rtid rowaty, witbln tbe time spaeUed aad answaa the LvttUoa the eame will be Ukea pro eoaiaaea sa hrard ex parte ss to them. . Wltnew; W J tiatling, Clerk of said Court, sl ofkca ta Wiatoa, thu ftth of March. 1871. J. OATLlkO. , nu t jPieaata Jadge, Bmtferd Conaty. t . r.. ' (. 1 r W ! i I f i' , r.-.r"4 t 4 s .'I! J v-.AyjjiaAA6.jm --itr-.Vij aV 'W'-.S'S'", - - ' n. , I ; ;